MPQ SERIES Up to 125 Watts, Quarter-Brick DC/DC Converters Rev D Wall Industries, Inc. FEATURES Size (with Case): 2.37 x 1.54 x 0.60 inches • Quarter-Brick Package • 24VDC and 48VDC Nominal Inputs • 100% Burned-in • Ultra High Efficiency 92% at 5VDC (20A) • Up to 125 Watts Output Power • Remote ON/OFF (Active High or Active Low) • Water Washable • Industry Standard Output Trim Adjust • Single Outputs • Short Circuit, Over Current, Over Voltage, and Over • No Minimum Load Required Temperature Protection • Superior Thermal Performance • Low Cost Open Convection, Single Board • Fast Transient Response • Fixed Switching Frequency Construction • Open Frame, Case, and Heatsink Options DESCRIPTION Size (Open Frame): 2.28 x 1.45 x 0.43 inches The MPQ series of single output DC/DC converters provides up to 125 watts in a quarter-brick package. The MPQ series is well suited for telecom and datacom applications where high efficiencies are required. Some features include active high or active low remote on/off, fixed switching frequency, low output ripple, and ±10% output trim. These converters also have over voltage, short circuit, over current, and over temperature protection. These high density, low voltage input, quarter-brick converters offer great performance and high reliability at a very competitive price. MODEL SELECTION TABLE Model Number (1) Nominal Input Voltage Input Voltage Range Output Voltage Output Current Ripple & Noise Output Power Efficiency MPQ24S3.3-50C 9 – 36 VDC 3.3 VDC 15.2 A 100mVp-p 50W 85% MPQ24S3.3-66C 10 – 36 VDC 3.3 VDC 20A 150mVp-p 66W 87% MPQ24S3.3-85C 18 – 36 VDC 3.3 VDC 25A 150mVp-p 83W 88% MPQ24S5-50C 10 – 36 VDC 5 VDC 10A 82mVp-p 50W 87% MPQ24S5-100C 24 VDC 10 – 24 VDC 5 VDC 20A 175mVp-p 100W 87% MPQ24S5-125C 18 – 36 VDC 5 VDC 25A 175mVp-p 125W 87% MPQ24S15-50C 10 – 36 VDC 15 VDC 4A 65mVp-p 60W 88% MPQ24S24-50C 10 – 36 VDC 24 VDC 2.5A 150mVp-p 60W 88% MPQ24S48-50C 10 – 36 VDC 48 VDC 1A 104mVp-p 48W 87% MPQ48S3.3-66 36 – 75 VDC 3.3 VDC 20A 150mVp-p 66W 90% MPQ48S3.3-85 36 – 75 VDC 3.3 VDC 25A 150mVpp 83W 88% 36 – 75 VDC 5 VDC 20A 175mVp-p 100W 92% 36 – 75 VDC 5 VDC 25A 175mVp-p 125W 90% MPQ48S12-120 36 – 75 VDC 12 VDC 10A 100mVp-p 120W 90% MPQ48S24-100 36 – 75 VDC 24 VDC 4.16A 100mVp-p 100W 91% MPQ48S5-100 MPQ48S5-125 48 VDC NOTES 1. All 24 VDC input models must have a case. 48 VDC input models can either be open frame (no suffix) or have a case (“C” suffix). Both 24Vin and 48Vin models are heatsink compatible. 2. A heatsink can be applied for an extended temperature range. For heatsink, add the suffix “HS” to the model number. 3. Remote ON/OFF is primary referenced. Active High is standard; for Active Low add the suffix “R” to the model number. 4 Al DC/DC converters should be externally fused on the input side. Please consult factory for more information. 02/15/2013 Wall Industries, Inc. • 5 Watson Brook Road, Exeter, NH 03833 • Tel: 603-778-2300 • Toll Free: 888-597-9255 • Fax 603-778-9797 website: • e-mail: Page 1 of 7 Rev D Wall Industries, Inc. MPQ SERIES Up to 125 Watts, Quarter-Brick DC/DC Converters SPECIFICATIONS: MPQ SERIES All specifications are based on 25°C, Nominal Input Voltage, and Maximum Output Current unless otherwise noted. We reserve the right to change specifications based on technological advances. SPECIFICATION TEST CONDITIONS Min Typ Max Unit INPUT SPECIFICATIONS Input Voltage Range UVLO Turn On at UVLO Turn Off at Input Surge Voltage External Filter Requirements 10-36 VDC Input Voltage Models 36-75 VDC Input Voltage Models 10-36 VDC Input Voltage Models 36-75 VDC Input Voltage Models 100ms 9.8 ±Sense shorted to ±Vout -1 -10 -0.2 -0.2 See Table 10.0 10.3 35.0 9.7 9.9 34.0 50 none 9.4 VDC VDC VDC OUTPUT SPECIFICATIONS Output Voltage Output Voltage Set Point Trim Line Regulation Load Regulation Output Power Output Current Minimum Load Ripple & Noise Remote Sense Compensation Temperature Coefficient ±Sense shorted to ±Vout ±Sense shorted to ±Vout See Table +1 +10 +0.2 +0.2 See Table See Table 0 % % % % % See Table +10 +0.02 Measured at the converter output pins -0.02 MONOTONIC START-UP ACROSS ALL LOAD RANGES. CAPABLE OF STARTING INTO PRE-BIASED LOADS % %/°C PROTECTION Short Circuit Protection Over Voltage Protection Current Limit Inception Thermal Shutdown PCB Temperature Continuous pulse-to-pulse (low power dissipation, auto-recovery) 130 % Vo 130 % Vo +110 +125 °C REMOTE ON/OFF Active High (Standard) Active Low (“R” Suffix) Remote ON/OFF Pin Floating ION/OFF Sink to Pull Low Remote ON Remote OFF Remote ON Remote OFF Active High Active Low Active High Active Low ION/OFF Source to Drive High Min High to Enable Max Low to Disable Max Low to Disable Min High to Enable Over operating voltage range 1.5 0.3 0.8 2.1 1.6 2.3 5.2 6.2 0.15 0.6 VON/OFF =0V, Vin=75V Active High or Active Low VDC VDC VDC mA 0 mA 200 330 kHz GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Efficiency Switching frequency Isolation Voltage 24Vin Models 48Vin Models Input - Output Input – Chassis Output - Chassis Isolation Resistance Isolation Capacitance For 1 minute For 1 minute At 25°C 1000 1000 1000 20 VDC 0.01 GΩ µF ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Cooling MTBF Semiconductor junction temperature limit Calculated using Bellcore TR-332 Method 1 case 3 -40 -55 +25 +125 +125 Free air convection 1,250,300 hours min. °C °C PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS Weight Dimensions (L x W x H) 02/15/2013 Open Frame (for 48Vin models only) With Case (Add the suffix “C” to the model number) With Heatsink (Add the suffix “HS” to the model number) 2.15oz (61g) 2.28 x 1.45 x 0.43 in (57.9 x 36.8 x 10.8 mm) 2.37 x 1.54 x 0.60 in (60.2 x 39.1 x 15.1 mm) 2.37 x 1.54 x 0.85 in (60.2 x 39.1 x 21.5 mm) Wall Industries, Inc. • 5 Watson Brook Road, Exeter, NH 03833 • Tel: 603-778-2300 • Toll Free: 888-597-9255 • Fax 603-778-9797 website: • e-mail: Page 2 of 7 MPQ SERIES Up to 125 Watts, Quarter-Brick DC/DC Converters Rev D Wall Industries, Inc. MECHANICAL DRAWINGS Ø.062 [1.57] 4 +Vout Ø.062 [1.57] 5 +SENSE Ø.040 [1.02] 6 TRIM -SENSE Ø.040 [1.02] 7 8 -Vout Ø.062 [1.57] .42 [10.7] Ø.040 [1.02] .00 [0.0] .00 [0.0] 1 1 2 2 3 3 .11 [2.8] REF 4 5 6 7 8 WALL INDUSTRIES MODEL NAME XXXX EXETER, NH 03833 XXXX LABEL .43 [10.8] INTERFACE-PLANE 2. PIN DIAMETER TOLERANCE OF ±.005 [±0.13] MEASUREMENT READING APPLIES TO AREA FROM INTERFACE-PLANE SURFACE DATUM-B TO END OF PIN ONLY. .42 [10.7] 4 5 6 7 8 NOTES: 1. PIN TO PIN TOLERANCE: ±.010 [±0.25] MEASURED AT STANDOFF FEATURE ONLY, DATUM-B. .60 [15.2] Ø.040 [1.02] -Vin .30 [7.6] ON/OFF 3 .45 [11.4] 2 2.28 [57.9] .15 [3.8] Ø.062 [1.57] INTERFACE-PLANE +Vin 1.45 [36.8] PIN Ø 1 .30 [7.6] .60 [15.2] PIN DESIGNATION .00 [0.0] Unit: inches [mm] .00 [0.0] Open Frame (Only Available for 48Vin Models) .14 [3.6] UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED ALL DIMENSONS ARE IN INCHES [ XX ] ARE IN MILLIMETERS APPLIED TOLERANCES: .19 [4.7] 3. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. ANGLES= ±1° .XX=±.02[0.5] .XXX=±.010[0.25] .00 [0.0] DO NOT SCALE DRAWING INTERFACE-PLANE A .071±.005 [1.80±0.13] STANDOFF DIMENSION Ø.040 [1.02] PINS ONLY 4X RECOMMENDED FINISHED RECEIVING PCB STAND-OFF HOLE Ø.052±.003 [1.32±0.08] PIN-2 SHOWN FOR DIMENSIONS PIN END INTERPRET DIMENSION AND TOLERANCE PER ASME Y14.5M - 1994 B THIRD ANGLE PROJECTION .20 MIN [5.1 MIN] SEE NOTE-3 PIN LENGTH FROM INTERFACE-PLANE ONLY 2.00 [50.8] Cased Option (“C” Suffix) Unit: inches [mm] Ø.040 [1.02] 6 TRIM -SENSE Ø.040 [1.02] 7 8 -Vout Ø.062 [1.57] .00 [0.0] .00 [0.0] .60 [15.2] Ø.062 [1.57] +SENSE .45 [11.4] +Vout 5 .00 [0.0] .30 [7.6] 4 .15 [3.8] Ø.062 [1.57] .26 [6.5] 1 1 .47 [11.9] 2 2 3 3 Ø.040 [1.02] 4 5 6 7 8 1.030 [26.16] 1.54 [39.1] Ø.040 [1.02] -Vin XXXX ON/OFF 3 XXXX 2 .51 [13.0] 2.37 [60.2] MODEL NAME Ø.062 [1.57] DOT DENOTES PIN-1 WALL INDUSTRIES +Vin .00 [0.0] PIN Ø 1 .30 [7.6] .60 [15.2] PIN DESIGNATION .112(NO:4)-40UNC-2B 4X MAX SCREW DEPTH .100 FROM SURFACE-A 4X MAX APPLIED RECIEVING TORQUE: 6.0 lbf in [ 0.68 N m] .47 [11.9] 4 5 6 7 8 .19 [4.7] 3. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. 4. THERMAL TRANSFER PLATE MATERIAL: .040 [1.02] THICK, ALUMINUM ALLOY 3003-0, PER: QQA 250/2 WITH BLACK SOFT SULFURIC ANODIZE FINISH. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED ALL DIMENSONS ARE IN INCHES [ XX ] ARE IN MILLIMETERS APPLIED TOLERANCES: ANGLES= ±1° .XX=±.02[0.5] .XXX=±.010[0.25] .00 [0.0] DO NOT SCALE DRAWING INTERFACE-PLANE C .071±.005 [1.80±0.13] STANDOFF DIMENSION Ø.040 [1.02] PINS ONLY 4X RECOMMENDED FINISHED RECEIVING PCB STAND-OFF HOLE Ø.052±.003 [1.32±0.08] PIN-2 SHOWN FOR DIMENSIONS 02/15/2013 .19 [4.7] .005 INTERFACE-PLANE SEE NOTE-4 -A- .26 [6.5] .60 [15.1] 2. PIN DIAMETER TOLERANCE OF ±.005 [±0.13] MEASUREMENT READING APPLIES TO AREA FROM INTERFACE-PLANE SURFACE DATUM-C TO END OF PIN ONLY. 1.860 [47.24] .41 [10.4] 1. PIN TO PIN TOLERANCE: ±.010 [±0.25] MEASURED AT STANDOFF FEATURE ONLY, DATUM-B. INTERFACE-PLANE LABEL NOTES: PIN END 2.00 [50.8] B INTERPRET DIMENSION AND TOLERANCE PER ASME Y14.5M - 1994 THIRD ANGLE PROJECTION .20 MIN [5.1 MIN] SEE NOTE-3 PIN LENGTH FROM INTERFACE-PLANE ONLY Wall Industries, Inc. • 5 Watson Brook Road, Exeter, NH 03833 • Tel: 603-778-2300 • Toll Free: 888-597-9255 • Fax 603-778-9797 website: • e-mail: Page 3 of 7 MPQ SERIES Up to 125 Watts, Quarter-Brick DC/DC Converters Rev D Wall Industries, Inc. MECHANICAL DRAWINGS Heatsink Option (“HS” Suffix) .60 [15.2] .00 [0.0] .30 [7.6] .15 [3.8] .51 [13.0] 2.37 [60.2] .45 [11.4] DOT DENOTES PIN-1 .00 [0.0] .00 [0.0] .00 [0.0] .112(NO:4)-40UNC-2B 4X MAX SCREW DEPTH .100 FROM SURFACE-A 4X MAX APPLIED RECIEVING TORQUE: 6.0 lbf in [ 0.68 N m] .30 [7.6] .60 [15.2] Unit: inches [mm] XXXX 3 3 .60 [15.1] .85 +.04 21.5 +1.0 -.02 - 0.5 .26 [6.5] -A- .41 [10.4] .47 [11.9] 4 5 6 7 8 1.860 [47.24] LABEL INTERFACE-PLANE 4 5 6 7 8 2 INTERFACE-PLANE 1 1.030 [26.16] XXXX XXXXXXXXXXXHS WALL INDUSTRIES 2 1.54 [39.1] .26 [6.5] 1 .47 [11.9] 1 4 5 6 7 8 2 3 NOTES: 1. PIN TO PIN TOLERANCE: ±.010 [±0.25] MEASURED AT STANDOFF FEATURE ONLY, DATUM-B. 2. PIN DIAMETER TOLERANCE OF ±.005 [±0.13] MEASUREMENT READING APPLIES TO AREA FROM INTERFACE-PLANE SURFACE DATUM-C TO END OF PIN ONLY. 3. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. 4. THERMAL TRANSFER PLATE MATERIAL: .040 [1.02] THICK, ALUMINUM ALLOY 3003-0, PER: QQA 250/2 WITH BLACK SOFT SULFURIC ANODIZE FINISH. SEE NOTE-4 .005 PIN DESIGNATION .19 [4.7] A .00 [0.0] INTERFACE-PLANE C .071±.005 [1.80±0.13] STANDOFF DIMENSION Ø.040 [1.02] PINS ONLY 6X RECOMMENDED FINISHED RECEIVING PCB STAND-OFF HOLE Ø.052±.003 [1.32±0.08] PIN END B .20 MIN [5.1 MIN] SEE NOTE-3 PIN LENGTH FROM INTERFACE-PLANE ONLY 2.00 [50.8] .19 [4.7] PIN Ø UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED 1 +Vin Ø.062 [1.57] ALL DIMENSONS ARE IN INCHES [ XX ] ARE IN MILLIMETERS APPLIED TOLERANCES: 2 ON/OFF Ø.040 [1.02] 3 -Vin Ø.062 [1.57] ANGLES= ±1° .XX=±.02[0.5] .XXX=±.010[0.25] 4 +Vout Ø.062 [1.57] 5 +SENSE Ø.040 [1.02] 6 TRIM Ø.040 [1.02] 7 -SENSE Ø.040 [1.02] 8 -Vout Ø.062 [1.57] DO NOT SCALE DRAWING INTERPRET DIMENSION AND TOLERANCE PER ASME Y14.5M - 1994 THIRD ANGLE PROJECTION FUNCTION DESCRIPTION Pin Pin Name Function Comments 1 +Vin Positive Input 2 Enable Remote ON/OFF 3 -Vin Negative Input 4 +Vout Positive Output 5 +Sense Positive Remote Sense If not used short to +Vo 6 Trim Output Voltage Trim If not used leave open 7 -Sense Negative Remote Sense If not used short to -Vo 8 -Vout Negative Output 02/15/2013 If not used leave open for standard (Active High)units; short to –Vin on Active Low units (suffix “R”) Wall Industries, Inc. • 5 Watson Brook Road, Exeter, NH 03833 • Tel: 603-778-2300 • Toll Free: 888-597-9255 • Fax 603-778-9797 website: • e-mail: Page 4 of 7 Wall Industries, Inc. Rev D MPQ SERIES Up to 125 Watts, Quarter-Brick DC/DC Converters DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Under Voltage Lock Out (UVLO) The converter output is disabled until the input voltage exceeds the UVLO turn-on limit. The converter will remain ON until the input voltage falls below the UVLO turn-off limit. Over Current Protection The converter is protected from short circuit and over current conditions. Upon sensing an over current, the output will begin to drop (or ‘foldback’) limiting the output power. Further increasing the output current will cause the converter to shut off and then restart (or ‘hiccup’) until the over current condition is removed. Shorting the output will cause the converter to immediately enter the ‘hiccup’ mode. Over Temperature Protection The converter is protected from over temperature conditions. Upon exceeding this temperature, the converter will shut down. The converter will automatically recover once the over temperature condition is removed. Input Filter No additional input capacitor is needed for the power supply to operate. However, due to the low voltage, high input current nature of the power supply; it is highly recommended that a minimum 100µF/50 V electrolytic type input bulk capacitor be added to reduce input ripple voltage and current. Refer to Photos 1 and 2 for an example. For an even further reduction of input ripple, an inductor may be placed between the source and the previously mentioned capacitor. Additionally, a 1-10µF ceramic capacitor may be added in front of the inductor to form pi-filter. No inductor should be placed between the capacitor and the input to the converter. Output Filter No additional output capacitor is needed for the power supply to operate. However, to reduce the ripple and noise on the output, additional capacitance may be added. Usually, a ceramic capacitor between 1 and 100µF works best for reducing ripple and spike noise. Also, capacitance in the form of a low-ESR, surge robust tantalum capacitor (ie: Kemet T495 Series) may also be placed across the output in order reduce ripple, and improve the transient peak-to-peak voltage deviation. Due to the low-ESR nature of the output of the power supply, adding typical aluminum electrolytic capacitors to the output will not help much in reducing ripple or transient deviations, unless the load is some distance from the power supply output. Then, these capacitors should be placed at the load. Remote Sense To improve regulation at the load, route the connections from the -Sense and the +Sense pins to the –Vout and +Vout connections at the load. This will force the converter to regulate the voltage at the load and not at the pins of the converter. If it is not desired to use the Remotes Sense feature, the –Sense and +Sense pins should be shorted to the -Vout and +Vout pins respectively. However, no damage to the converter will occur if the Sense pins are left open. Fusing It is required that the input to the converter be supplied with a maximum 10 A, 250 V rated fuse UL Listed or R/C fuse. Safety The MPQ series is designed to meet EN60950 Safety of Information Technology Equipment. The isolation provided by the MPQ series is a basic insulation in accordance with EN60950. SELV output reliability is maintained only if the input to the converter is a SELV source. To maintain SELV reliability, if either +Vin or –Vin is connected to chassis, either +Vout or –Vout must also be connected to chassis. Otherwise, both the input and the output must not be connected to chassis. PCB Layout Considerations Due to the basic isolation provided by the converter, caution must be observed in routing traces more than 2mm inward of any input or output pins on the top layer of the PCB board underneath the converter. Also, due to noise coupling and isolation requirements, no power or ground planes or any signal traces should be routed on the top layer of the PCB underneath the converter. Due to common noise coupling, input or output power and ground planes should not be poured across the input to output on any layers underneath the converter. Instead, it is best to provide separate input and output power and ground traces on the bottom or an inner layer with a minimum of 1mm separation between traces on the same layer. Lastly, as the case/heatsink is floating metal, caution must also be observed to provide appropriate spacing (minimum 1.4mm for Pollution degree 2 Material Group IIIa + IIIb) around the case/heatsink or risk reducing the input to output spacing and violating basic insulation requirements. 02/15/2013 Wall Industries, Inc. • 5 Watson Brook Road, Exeter, NH 03833 • Tel: 603-778-2300 • Toll Free: 888-597-9255 • Fax 603-778-9797 website: • e-mail: Page 5 of 7 Rev D Wall Industries, Inc. MPQ SERIES Up to 125 Watts, Quarter-Brick DC/DC Converters Remote ON/OFF These converters have the ability to be remotely turned ON or OFF. The series may be ordered Active-High or Active-Low (place the suffix “R” at the end of the part number). Active-High means that a logic high at the ENABLE pin will turn ON the supply (Figure 1). With Active-High, if the ENABLE pin is left floating, the supply will be enabled. Active-Low means that a logic low at the ENABLE pin will turn ON the supply (Figure 2). With ActiveLow, if the ENABLE pin is left floating, the supply will be disabled. If remote On/Off is not used on an Active-Low supply, short the Enable pin to –Vin. Figure 1: Active High Figure 2: Active Low Output Voltage Trim The output is adjustable from ±10% of the output voltage. To adjust the output voltage low, place a resistor between the TRIM and -SENSE pins (Figure 3). To adjust the output voltage high, place a resistor between the +SENSE and TRIM pins (Figure 4). The value of the TRIM resistor with respect to the desired output voltage can be found in Table 1 or derived from the following equations: RTrim − Low = 5.11⋅ Vonom ⋅ (∆% + 100) 511 − − 5.11 (in kΩ) 2.5 ⋅ ∆% ∆% Vo + / − − Vonom where ∆% = Percent Trim = ⋅100 Vo + / − 511 − 5.11 (in kΩ) ∆% RTrim − High = Figure 3: Trim Low Percent Trim 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10% 02/15/2013 Table 1: Trim Resistor Values (in kΩ) TRIM Low TRIM High Vout RLow Vout RHigh 4.950 500.78 5.050 511.00 4.900 245.28 5.100 255.50 4.850 160.11 5.150 170.33 4.800 117.53 5.200 127.75 4.750 91.98 5.250 102.20 4.700 74.95 5.300 85.17 4.650 62.78 5.350 73.00 4.600 53.66 5.400 63.88 4.550 46.56 5.450 56.78 4.500 40.88 5.500 51.10 Figure 4: Trim High Note: While decreasing the output voltage, the maximum output current remains the same, and while increasing the output voltage, the output current is reduced to maintain the total output power. Wall Industries, Inc. • 5 Watson Brook Road, Exeter, NH 03833 • Tel: 603-778-2300 • Toll Free: 888-597-9255 • Fax 603-778-9797 website: • e-mail: Page 6 of 7 MPQ SERIES Up to 125 Watts, Quarter-Brick DC/DC Converters Rev D Wall Industries, Inc. CHARACTERISTIC CURVES Graph 1: MPQ24S5-50C Efficiency vs. Output Current Graph 2: MPQ24S5-50c Max Ambient vs. Io 92% 12.0 90% 10.0 88% Io (A) Efficiency (%) 8.0 200LFM 100LFM No Air 86% 84% Vin=12V Vin=20V Vin=28V Vin=36V 82% 6.0 4.0 2.0 80% 78% 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0.0 -40 -30 -20 -10 Io (A) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Ambient (°C) Note: When trimming output high, Io vs. Ambient is derated by power. i.e.: from Graph 2, find the maximum current at the desired ambient and airflow, and multiply this current by the nominal voltage to get the maximum power. Divide this power by the desired trimmed high voltage to get the maximum current at that ambient. When trimming low, the maximum current stays the same as shown in Graph 2. PART NUMBER SETUP MPQ 24 Series Name Input Voltage 50 C R HS Output Power Case Options (1) Remote ON/OFF Heatsink 3.3: 3.3 VDC 50: 50 Watts None: Open frame (1) None: Active High Enable None: No Heatsink 10-24 VDC 5: 5 VDC 66: 66 Watts 10-36 VDC 12: 12 VDC 85: 85 Watts 18-36 VDC 15: 15 VDC 100: 100 Watts 48: 36-75 VDC 24: 24 VDC 120: 120 Watts 48: 48 VDC 125: 125 Watts 24: 9-36 VDC S 3.3 Single Output Output Voltage S: single - C: Case R: Active Low Enable HS: Heatsink COMPANY INFORMATION Wall Industries, Inc. has created custom and modified units for over 50 years. Our in-house research and development engineers will provide a solution that exceeds your performance requirements on-time and on budget. Our ISO9001-2008 certification is just one example of our commitment to producing a high quality, well-documented product for our customers. Our past projects demonstrate our commitment to you, our customer. Wall Industries, Inc. has a reputation for working closely with its customers to ensure each solution meets or exceeds form, fit and function requirements. We will continue to provide ongoing support for your project above and beyond the design and production phases. Give us a call today to discuss your future projects. Contact Wall Industries for further information: Phone: Toll Free: Fax: E-mail: Web: Address: 02/15/2013 (603)778-2300 (888)597-9255 (603)778-9797 5 Watson Brook Rd. Exeter, NH 03833 Wall Industries, Inc. • 5 Watson Brook Road, Exeter, NH 03833 • Tel: 603-778-2300 • Toll Free: 888-597-9255 • Fax 603-778-9797 website: • e-mail: Page 7 of 7