Siam Kolkarn Popular Music Grade Examination 2011 Saxophone Grade Free Selection Sight Reading Scale Grade 10 1. Aura Lee (Book 1 page 9) 2. Au Clair De La Lune (Book 1 page 6) 3. A Week ( Book 1 page 9) 4 Bars Key C ,G, F Major Note D4 – C5 1. C Major Grade 9 1. In Der Tanzstunde (Book 1 page 25) 2. Die Larelei (Book 1 page 26) 3. The Covered Wagon Is Coming (Book 1 page 27) 4 - 6 Bars Key C, G, F Note C4 – A5 1. A Major 2. D Major Grade 8 1. Believe Me If All Those Endearing Young Charms (Book 1 page 34) 2. Rhythm & Chord(Book 1 pagr 37) 3. Jazz Etude (Book 1 page 41) 8 Bars Key C ,G , F ,Dm, Em Note C4 – C6 1. F Major 2. A Melodic Minor 3. E Melodic Minor 4. D Melodic Minor Grade 7 1. Jazz Etude 3 (Book 2 page 21) 2. Jazz Etude 4 (Book 2 page 26) 3. Jazz Etude (Book 2 page 32) 12 Bars Key D, Bm , B flat ,Gm Note C4 – D6 1. A flat Major 2. C Harmonic Minor 3. F sharp Melodic Minor 4. Bb Major Grade 6 1. Jazz Etude 3 (Book 3 page 21) 2. Jazz Etude 4 (Book 3 page 27) 3. Jazz Etude 6 (Book 3 page 42) 12 Bars Key A,F sharp Minor, E flat, Cm Note C4 – E6 1. E Major 2. B flat Harmonic Minor 3. C sharp Melodic Minor 4. B flat Natural Minor Examination Procedure Free selection 1. Candidate must play the selected score along with the given accompaniment from Floppy Disk. 2. Examiner will select 2 songs for candidate to perform. Sight Reading 1. Sight Reading paper will be given to candidate 30 seconds for preview before the test 2. After preview, candidate must perform follow the sight reading paper correctly in term of melody, rhythm and expression withount any accompaniment or backing track music. Scales Candidate must perform the given Scales with the proper tempo. Siam Kolkarn Popular Music Grade Examination 2011 Saxophone Grading scheme A = 2, B = 1, C = 0, D = -1 PASS, when the overall score is not lower than 0