EngineeringProperties U.S.andMetricEquivalent Typical Engineering Properties Composite-designed Reynobond® panels consist of a thermoplastic compound core faced with two sheets of aluminum. There are two varieties, a Polyethylene (PE) core and a Fire Resistant (FR) core. Property Units Weight BOND INTEGRITY RB160PE‐4mm RB240PE‐6mm RB160FR‐4mm RB240FR‐6mm SolidAl(1) 0.118 3.0 0.94 4.59 0.157 4.0 1.12 5.47 0.236 6.0 1.49 7.28 0.157 4.0 1.53 7.48 0.236 4.0 2.10 10.25 0.197 5.0 2.78 13.57 40 178 40 178 40 178 22.5 100 22.5 100 1,297 8.94 11,500 79.3 1.31x10‐5 2.36x10‐5 807 9.1x103 8.3x106 5.7x104 0.97x104 0.159 1.65x10‐3 1.065 8,300 57.23 1,483 10.22 0.034 6.0x10‐3 62 1,575 243 6,172 1,221 8.42 11,500 79.3 1.31x10‐5 2.36x10‐5 1,140 1.3x104 6.0x106 4.1x104 1.89x104 0.310 2.41x10‐3 1.555 6,405 44.16 1,371 9.45 0.051 9.0x10‐3 62 1,575 243 6,172 2,055 14.7 11,500 79.3 1.31x10‐5 2.36x10‐5 1,896 2.1x104 4.0x106 2.8x104 4.58x104 0.751 3.88x10‐3 2.503 5,314 36.64 1,099 7.58 0.086 1.5x10‐2 62 1,575 243 6,172 92.8 6.4 11,500 79.3 1.31x10‐5 2.36x10‐5 1,262 1.4x104 6.7x106 4.6x104 1.89x104 0.310 2.41x10‐3 1.555 6,367 43.90 961 6.62 0.026 4.5x10‐3 62 1,575 243 6,172 70.8 4.8 11,500 79.3 1.31x10‐5 2.36x10‐5 11,500 79.3 1.31x10‐5 2.36x10‐5 6,434 7.4x104 10x106 6.9x104 6.37x104 1.042 6.47x10‐3 4.167 19,000 130.0 in mm lb/ft2 kg/m2 in‐lb/in Nm/m Thickness Min.BondStrength ASTMD1781 FlatwiseShear ASTMD1002 AllowableBending Stress Coeff.ofExpansion ASTME228 Stiffness(EI) ASTMD393 FlexuralModulus ASTMC393 MomentofInertia SectionModulus TensileYield FlatwiseTensile ASTMC297 “R”Thermal Resistance MaximumWidth MaximumLength SoundTransmission CoefficientASTME90 FirePerformance(2) ASTME84&NFPA285 RB120PE‐3mm lb/in2 MPa lb/in2 MPa in/in/°F mm/mm/°C lb‐in2/in MPa‐cm4/m lb/in2 MPa in4/in cm4/m in3/in cm3/m lb/in2 MPa lb/in2 MPa ft2hr°F/BTU m2K/w in mm in mm ASTME84 NFPA285 (1) Solidaluminumpropertiesarebasedonalloy3105‐H25 (2) ForacompletelistofFireTestsandresults,contactmanufacturer 26 ClassA Untested ClassA Untested ClassA Untested 2,450 3.0x107 2.6x105 4.58x104 0.751 3.88x10‐3 2.503 6,010 41.44 0.04 7.0x10‐3 62 1,575 243 6,172 ClassA Pass ClassA Pass Information contained herein or related hereto is intended only for evaluation by technically skilled persons, with any use thereof to be at their independent discretion and risk. Such information is believed to be reliable, but Alcoa Architectural Products (“Alcoa”) shall have no responsibility or liability for results obtained or damages resulting from such use. Alcoa grants no license under, and shall have no responsibility or liability for infringement of, any patent or other proprietary right. Nothing in this document should be construed as a warranty or guarantee by Alcoa, and the only applicable warranties will be those set forth in Alcoa acknowledgment or in any printed warranty documents issued by Alcoa. The foregoing may be waived or modified only in writing by an Alcoa officer. ForacompletetechnicaloverviewofallReynobondproducts, Alcoa Architectural Products • 50 Industrial Boulevard, Eastman, GA 31023-4129 • Tel. 800.841.7774 • • ©2011 Alcoa Architectural Products. Reynobond® is a registered trademark of Alcoa Inc.