XO5184-1588-R Series Synchronous Ethernet HCMOS SMT or Through Hole OCXO 2(2 !('2(2 "(''2 "2 +(2 "2'2)'(2 • Ideal for IEEE-1588 Synchronized Ethernet Applications Specifically designed for 10 MHz, 12.8 MHz and 20 MHz Frequencies 2 9757772 2 ;757772 !2 475A2 2 175A2 2 4?5C2 2 1?5C2 62 4972 2 1972 )62 4;2 2 1;2 499 2 2 @2;AF2(2+22 +2 +2 +2 "2;72(2 "2(2 ,2 +(2(2 ,2 A82(22"'(2 ''(2"(22K292 252 52 (2"'(2( 2'( I2 JH=8F2(22;?2 ,2 2(2=72 (22 2(2 2 2 2 2 82 @2A7822&("+2 2 +297822G782)$ 2 2 +2(,'2 2 2 92*297 2 2 ' "6(2 2 492 2 192 2 2 2( 2 ++2/ 2'02 6(''2 +2 2 2 2 9A2 A72 2 2 C72 972 2 2 )2 2( 2 2 9782 )2 )2 2( 2 2 6 2 2<9B2"'2 )2 2<7B2"'2 )2 2 ?72 2 G782 )2 2 (('2#2 ),(2 +2 ' (,'2 ' 2 2 2+(2(2 (2("('(,'32'(2 (22(22 4?A22 2 1EA2 F2 2 2 )2 =59=A2 =5=2 =5?CA2 )2 2 ( 2(2@2;AF22 2 2 2 95;A2 -(2 ''2(2 2 2 2 =5A2 -(2 @2&(+42 +22,2&2H7592 +2222(2 2 2 2 =2 2 9222(2@2 ;AF2 2 2 49=72 2 62 97722 2 2 49?A2 2 62 92#2 2 2 49A72 2 62 972#2 2 2 49A72 2 62 9772#2 2!4 4;7;32 2;9=32/;7772.3275=2+2 (32>2&("02 2!4 4;7;32 2;792:2;7?2/972.2+2;74;777202 2!4 4;7;32 299;32 2 22 2!%4 477;2 2' 2'2 2 ''22C2+'(2 (2 +(2 (2 +(2 (2)'(2 &2+2 -(+42 +2 /(,'(02 (22/('02 • 2 4972 2 1D72 F2 MtronPTI reserves the right to make changes to the product(s) and service(s) described herein without notice. No liability is assumed as a result of their use or application. 2 2 see www.mtronpti.com for our complete offering and detailed datasheets. Contact us for your application specific requirements: MtronPTI 1-800-762-8800. Please Revision: 1-5-11 XO5184-1588-R Series Synchronous Ethernet HCMOS SMT or Through Hole OCXO SMT Package Please contact the factory for other surface mount configurations. Pin Part Marking Line 1 1 N/C Legend 2 N/C Year 3 Supply Voltage Work Week 4 RF Output 5 N/C MtronPTI Line 2 XO5184-1588 Line 3 Frequency yy Line 4 Serial Number ww Line 5 Date Code Function 6 N/C 7 Case Ground Through Hole Package Pin Part Marking Line 1 MtronPTI Line 2 XO5184-1588 Line 3 Frequency yy Year Line 4 Serial Number ww Work Week Line 5 Date Code Legend Function 1 Vtune 2 N/C 3 N/C 7 Vref 8 Ground 9 Ground 10 RF Output 16 Supply MtronPTI reserves the right to make changes to the product(s) and service(s) described herein without notice. No liability is assumed as a result of their use or application. Please see www.mtronpti.com for our complete offering and detailed datasheets. Contact us for your application specific requirements: MtronPTI 1-800-762-8800. MtronPTI Lead Free Solder Profile MtronPTI reserves the right to make changes to the product(s) and service(s) described herein without notice. No liability is assumed as a result of their use or application. Please see www.mtronpti.com for our complete offering and detailed datasheets. Contact us for your application specific requirements: MtronPTI 1-800-762-8800.