ICP Test Report Certification Packet Company name : Littelfuse, Inc. Product Series: GDT Product #: CG3 Series Issue Date: June 24, 2010 It is hereby certified by Littelfuse, Inc. that there is neither RoHS (EU Directive 2002/95/EC)-restricted substance nor such use, for materials to be used for unit parts, for packing/packaging materials, and for additives and the like in the manufacturing processes. In addition, it is hereby reported to you that the parts and sub-materials, the materials to be used for unit parts, the packing/packaging materials, and the additives and the like in the manufacturing processes, are all composed of the following components. Issued : <Global EHS Coordinator> (1) Parts, sub-materials and unit parts This document covers the CG3 GDT RoHS-Compliant series products manufactured by Littelfuse, Inc. < Raw Materials Used Please see Table 1 (2) The ICP data on all measurable substances Please see appropriate pages as identifed in Table 1 Remarks: Form 585-047 Rev. A 1 2/21/06 Table 1: List of Raw Materials covered by this report Total Parts 1 2 3 4 5 Raw Material Part Number NA NA NA NA NA Raw Material Description Ceramic Tube Copper Electrode Silver Ring Tin Plate Wire Black Ink 2 Page(s) 3-7 8-12 13-17 18-22 23-27 TestReport Date:1705/2010 No.LPCI/0830710 CTSRet.CTS/loi1650iLitt€ltuse Page:1 ol5 LITTELFUSEINC. HIGHWAY 8{NE.NORTHWEST DESPLAINES,IL 6{X}16, USA Thelollowingmelchandis€was(were)submittedand idertifiodby the clientas: SampleDescriptaon TestingPeriod DateCompieled Dat€ Reported Ceramic 27lo4/201o to 07l0g2o l 0 07to5t2010 17t05t2010 TestRequested andits 200295/EC' wilhlhe RoHSDirective ln accordance dir€ctives, amendmenl TestMethod to nexlpage(s). Pl€aser€16r TestResulls Pl€aser€lorto nextpag€(s). Analysis NgMeiKheng& Y€eSookWai (M)SDN.BHD SERVICES scs LABORATORY CHONGKIENLEN B.Sc.(HONS)AMIC LAB MANAGER mffiffifm$W*-.-** (munhg 40160S.hngorDarulEhen [&lavsia scs LatEEw s*i6 (M)sdn Bhd No.26JahnAnqgsikVanilla31/93Koit w8slscom 1.5t03)5lr 9082 No63972ri) l{6(03)51212320 _ {cm!6nv TestReport Datei 17n5/t2010 No.LPCU083071O CTSRet.CTS/loi1650iLittsltuse Page:2 ol5 Testr€sufts: Ics!!e4-8.e9e!ip!e!: SampleDescription : Ceramic RoHSDircciive 2002/95/EC Testltem(s): Tesl Method lJnit Cadmium(Cd) mg/kg Lead(Pb) mg4!g (Hg) Mercury mg/kg (CrVl) Hexavalenl Chrcmium mg/Kg Sun ol PBBS mg,&g mg/Kg ms4(s mg/Ks mg/kg mg/kS mg/Kg mg/Kg ms&s mg/Kg Decabrcmobiphenyl me&s Resulls with r€f€rence to lEc 62321:2008, andosdomedbv ICPOES wilh relerence to lEc 62321:2008, andoedomedbv ICP-OES ro lEc 62321:2008, with rclerence N.D. with refercnce to lEc 62321:2008, andoerform€dbv UV-VISSoectroDholomelry Withfelefence lo IEC62321:2008, andDerfomed bv GC-lvlS with rctercnce to 1Ec62321:2008, andoerlomedbv GC'MS with refer€nce to lEc 62321:2008, andDedormed by GC-MS Withrelerence lo IEC62321:2008. andoerfomedbv GC-lvlS Withreference to IEC62321:2008, andDe omed byGC'MS wirh reterence lo lEc 62321:2008, andD€rlomed bv GC-MS with rclerence ro lEc 62321:2008, andoedomedbvGC-MS with r€ference to lEc 62321:2008, andD€donned by GC-MS ro lEc 62321:2008, with reierence andDeformed bv GC-MS with reference to lEc 6232r:2008, andoerlomedbvGC'MS wirh retercnce 10lEc 62321:2008, bv GC-MS andDerlorm€d N,D, N.D. N.D. 2 N.D. N.D. 5 N.D, 5 N.D. 5 N.D. 5 N.D. 5 N.D, 5 N.D. 5 N.D. 5 N,D, 5 N.D. 5 (M)SON.BHD. SGSLABOMTORYSERVICES CHONGKIENLEN AMIC B.Sc.(HONS) LABMANAGER coffifld*c b6eEF sE4[!@uge ik;-;;iidh&;'d:ddfuoiic!&ful[u4*bftds'dikliF^bb!d*[email protected] ':v..bdr.c@-!a-,-,.k I /r r Nco_Fd'!a,@d,.b -,.d6;D,'-.dodt.re! sGStlboEtory Sdvic€s(rr) Sdn.Bhd. {tuipriy No.64972{) MDL No?6Jdai AnggeikV.nilla3lA3 KoiaKoruning40460S€langdD6rulEhsn lrelavsia wN.eqsm t '6(03)512i2320r+6(03)s1219082 Test Report Date: 1705/m10 No.LPCliO8307i10 use 650/Litt.lf CTSRet. CTS/10/1 T€sthem(s): Page:3ol5 M9t Unit Sumol PBDES mg/Kg ether Monobromodiphenyl mg/Kg eth€r Dibromodiphenyl mg/Kg elhet Tribromodiph€nyl mS/kS ether Tslrabrcmodiphenyl mg/Kg ether Penlabrcmodiph€nyl mg/kg elher Hexabromodiph€nyl mS/kS elh€r Heptabromodiphenyl mgKg elhel Oclabromodiphenyl mdks ether Nonabromodiphenyl mg/Kg ether## Decabrornodiphenyl ms'es to lEc 62321:2008, with rcferenc€ bYGC-MS andDertormed lo IEC62321:2008, Withrelerence ando€rlormedby GC'MS wilh rel€rence to lEc 62321:2008, andoerformed bv GC-MS ro lEc 62321:2008, with rcferenc€ bv GC-MS andoedormed to IEC62321:2008, Withrelerence andDerlomedbv GC-MS to IEC62321:2008, Wilhreterence andoedomedbvGC_MS to lEc 62321:2008, with relerenc€ bv GC-MS andoedorm€d to IEC62321:2008, Withrclerence andoerlomedbYGC'MS lo IEC62321:2008, Withrelerence andDedomedbvGC-MS to IEC62321:2008, wilh felsrence bYGC_MS andDerfomed to lEc 62321:2008, with refersnce bv GC_MS andoedormed N.D. N.D, 5 N.D, 5 N.D. 5 N.D. 5 N.D. 5 N.D. 5 N.D. 5 N.D, 5 N,D. 5 N.D. 5 Note: {a) mg/kg= ppm i (0.1M%= 1000ppm) (b) N.D.= Nol D€iected {c) MDL= MsthodDe!€ctionLimit bv 2oo5[17lEcwas^overruled according in polvmec application DecaBDE iif = rn" iii is " DecaBDE "t "*".ptlo" Subsequ€ntlv 04 2008 ol01 by itsdecison CoudolJustice lhe European included in thesumol PBDEalter01.07.2008 (e)_=Notregulaled (M)SDN'BHD' SGSLABOMTORYSERVICES CHONGKIENLEN AMIC B.Sc.(HONS) LABMANAGER tr#ffi$tffi oatr Enen l'lalavsia vai a 1183KotaKo''u.,140|toS€largor 6fliG (14sdn.Bhd No26JalarAnsgedl scs Labq.tory {sqI9]].r.6(03)51219012 2320 r2r (c.moav No63972lr) t.6(0r) TestReport No.LPCI/0830710 Dalo:1705/2010 CTSRef. CTgl 0/1650/Littelluse Page:4ol5 Iesl-esl_0csqjplle!: Sampl€Desc ption Ceramic SGS LABOMTORY SERVICES(M) SDN.BHD. CHONGKIENLEN B.Sc.(HONS) AMIC LAB MANAGER SGSLabdaio'ySdic€s (t, Sdn.Bhd. {cmpaiyNo5392.M) \o 26Jala Angqedtvanitta31/93KoEhe-urO 4Cd6O SetrgorOaturFhen Matayea l{6(03)51212320 r +6(03)5t 21908?rws0s6n TestReport No.LPCUO830710 D.t€: 17105/2010 CTSR.f , CTs/10/1650/Littelf ue€ 1.qcIEBU!!A!!9!-qE-eA9!!U !Ee_€2!!a12S0C Page:5 of 5 2.9g!EBU!!AII9!9E!EA9!ONIEEE! !E9_044!.2999 Sampl€Flec€iving and RogislEtion J Cutsamp!6 ir smallptec€s J (0.20.5OinlodigBtionvessel Weighlsample Sampl€Bec€ivingand Regisilalion J Cd sampleinsmallpi@B ! Weighlsample(0.2-0.5!)iilo digBlion vssel ! Aciddigestion + Wet digestlon/ Mjcrcwav€ digeslion J "TorallyDb6o[ed" ! FiltEtion "TorallyDl$olv€d' t Fihralion J AnalFssby ICP Analys€s by ICP 3. DEIEEUINA]IS-OE-UEESI !E9.0?!t4!.2@ 4.@ .EI E!!E9_044!.2@ SampleReeiving and Fegislralion J Cutsampl€ ln small!i@es J Weighlsample(0,1-0.59) intodigeslion vessel J Aciddigeslion(Mtcrcwave) smde PrepaEri@ J Addcoiourdev€loping r€ag€rn \, Acidily with H,SO. J J Lelslandlor t1 o min Sotally Ol€solved' J Fllllatlon J Analys€sby ICP Analyss by UV-Speclrophotmot€r(540nm) 5. DETERMINATION OF PBB/PADE WITHGC.MS EY.!99-C2:!Z!299C Cutsamplo in smallpiec4 J weiqhl$nd€ (0.5-2gl l.lo €itr&li@ lhimble * Soxhl€tExlractionwilhTolu€no J Flllerlhrouoh litet - 0,45Jummembrane AnalysBby Gc-Ms (w h appbpriaredilurid) '"' Endot Rep61"* (M) SDN.BHD. scs LABORATORYSERVTCES CHONGKIENLEN B.Sc.{HONS) AMIC LABMANAGER SGSL.boEtorySdi6 (M)Sd..Bhd. {conaaiyNo.6a97,{) No.26Jabn Anggedk Vanilla3183&ia K€mning,10460 SehngdoarulEh$n,[&].]sia t +6(03) 51212320f$(03)51219cs2ww.s$.con TestReport No.LPCtiO8308/10 Dare: 1705/2010 cTS Ref.CTS/Ioi1650iLittetfuse Page:1 ot 5 LITTELFUSE INC. 8IX}E.NORTHWEST HIGHWAY DESPLAINES,IL 60016,USA Thelollowlngmerchandis€ was(were)submittd and ldentltledbythe clientas: SampleDesc ption ToslingPeriod Dalecompleted Dale Reported CopperEloctrod€ 27lO4/201 0 lo 07lO5l201O 07/0512010 1710512010 TestRequested In accordance withtheRoHSDirective 200295/EC, andits amgndm€nt directiv€s. TestM€thod Pl€as€r€lerto nexlpage(s). Test Results Pleaserel€rto nextpagg(s). Analysts NgMeiKheng& YeeSookWd (M)SDN,BHD. SERVICES SGSLABORATORY CHONGKIEN LEN AIMIC B.Sc.(HONS) LAB MANAGER SGsLab.EtlryS.tri6 (M)sdn Bhd. (conPa'Y No63e72 M) No.26Jabi ruqgdikVaiilla31/93(oia Kemuiing10160S.langoroarulEh54, rbravsh | rO(03)5121 9082twsgs@m t16(03)51212320 Test Report No, LPcUoS:]08i10 Dare: 17l05m10 CTSRef, CTS/I0/l650/Liitefus€ Page:2 ol5 T6stresultsi : Ies!-ee4-Descridie! SampleDescriplion : CopperElectrode RoHSDlrectlvei,001/9tEC Testltem(s): Cadmium(Cd) mg/Kg Lead(Pb) mg/Kg Mefcury(Hg) mg/Kg (CrVl) Hexavalent Chromium by Spottesl/ boilingwaler odraction{ootional) # Sum ol PBB3 Tesl Method Unit mg/Kq mg/Kg Dibromobiph€nyl mg&0 Tribrcmobiph€nyl mg/kg mg/Kg ms4!s mg/Kg mg/Kg Octabromobiphenyl mg/Kg Nonabromobiphenyl mg/Kg Decabromobiphenyl ms/ks wirh r€f€r€nc€ ro lEc 62321:2008, ando€rfomedbv ICP-OES with retercnce to lEc 62321:2008, andoerformed bv ICPOES with reference to lEc 62321:2008, ,nd ben^rmr.l hv ICP-OFS MDt N.D. 2 N.D. 2 N,D, 2 wilh relerenc€ to lEc 62321:2008, andpedormod by UV-VIS Spectrcpholomelry Negative (boilino warerextraction onlv) Withrelerence lo IEC62321:2008, N.D. andoedomedbv GGMS with rcfercnce to lEc 62321:2008. N.DandDerlormed bvGC-MS wirh refercnce to lEc 62321:2008, N.D. andD€rlormed bv GC-MS Withreterence lo IEC62321:2008, N,D. andoerfomedbv GC-MS with refer€nc€ to lEc 62321:2008, N.D. andDerlorm€dbv GC-MS wilh relerence to lEc 62321:2008, N.D, andoedomedby GC-MS wirh r€lercnce lo lEc 62321:2008, N.D. andoedohedbvGC-NIS with rcfercnce to lEo 62321i2008, N.D. andD€dormed byGC-MS wirh relerence lo lEc 62321:2008, N.D. andDerform€d bv GGlvlS with referenc€ to lEc 62321:2008. N.D, andoerlomedbv GC'MS Withrelerencs lo IEC62321:2008, N.D. andoedorrned bv GC-MS (M)SDN.BHD. SERVICES SGSLABORATORY CHONGKIENLEN AMIC B.Sc.(HONS) LABMANAGER sdM6 (M)sdn.Bhd. No.26Jdlanaiggeik Vaiilla31Al KctaK{unr1q 40l|60S.langorDatulEisn. l'lalavlla scs Lrb@rory {ds!s.@m 512i2320r+6(03)51219082 {c.rtsy No.63e72.u) t 16(03) 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 TestReport Tesl ltem(s): No.LPCV08308/10 Daie:17l05/2010 CTSRel.CT910/1650/Litlelf use Pag€:3ol5 uD! lJnit Sum ot PBDEg rns/.ks Monobromodiphenyl ether ms4(9 Dibromodiphenyl eiher msnls Tribromodiphenyl ether mg/Kg Tetabromodiphenyl erher ms4(s Pentabromodiphenyl ether msn(s H€xabromodiphenyl elher mslks Heplabromodiphenyl ether mg/Kg Oclabromodiphenyl ether mg/kg Nonabromodiphenyl slher ndks Decabromodiohenvl elheritf msn(s Withrelerence to IEC62321:2008, andoedomedbvGC-MS with relerence to lEc 6232112008, andDedormed by GC-MS Withrcfer€nc€ to IEC62321:2008, andDedormed bv GC'MS with relerence to lEc 62321:2008, andoedomedbvGC'MS Withref€r€nc€ to IEC62321:2008, andoerlonned bv GC-MS with relerence to lEc 62321:2008, andDedormed bv GC-MS wilh relefence to lEc 62321:2008, andDerformed bv GC-MS wilh reierence lo lEc 62321:2008, andDedomedbvGC-MS with rcleGnceto lEc 62321:2008, ,n.i n.rl^rm..l hv GC-MS with reference to IEC62321:2008, andoerlomedbvGC-MS with reference to lEc 62321:2008. andoerlofined bv GC-MS N.D. N,D, 5 N.D. 5 N.D, 5 N.D. 5 N.D. 5 N.D. 5 N.D, 5 N.D. N,D, 5 N.O. 5 Nole : {a) mg/kg= ppm i (0.1wt%= 1000ppm) (b) N.D.= Nol Detected (c) MDL= MelhodDetectionLimit wasoverruled (d) ## = Theexemplion in polymeric according 2005/717lEC by oJDecaBDE application is Subsequently OecaBDE Courtof Justiceby itsdecision of01.04.2008. the Europ€an included in lhesumof PBDEafter01.07.2008 (e)* = a. Positivemeanslhe presenceof C(vl) on the tesledar€as b. Negalivemeansthe abs€nceol C(vl) on the testedareas on storagecondilionsandproduction coatingson metals:Inlofmation For corrosionprotection slalusor lhe andthusr€suhsol C(Vl) repreE€nt dateot the t€stedsampleis unavailable sampleal lhe timeol testing. (f)'= NotreSulaled SGS LABORATORYSERVICESff) SDN.BHD CHONGKIENLEN AMIC B.Sc.(HONS) LABMANAGER MaLvsia oarulEhsan, 40160 Sehngor (fI)sdn.Bhd. N0.26 JdbnAlgSsikVa ua3143(ota(smuning S€fvices SGSLaboabry 9w.s!'@m 2320f{6(03)51219082 (companY 5121 ro B972ri) r {6(03) TestReport No,LPCliO8308/10 Date'| 17t05t2010 cTsRel. CTS/I0/1650/Lilteffus€ Pago:4 ol5 TestPartDescriotion : Sampl€Description CopperElechode LITTELFUSEINC LPCv083o8/10 SGS LABOMTORY SERVICES([J) SDN,BHD. CHONGKIENLEN AMlc B.Sc.(HONS) LABMANAGER -k",-'ffi jt**$"'ffi#ffi ' jitrffi f *ii,tsj"s ffi ffiffi ;ffia"*# !0460 06al$sr' i'aavs' Serices(ll) sdn Bhd No26JahnA.ggs( vanla 31,!3rcb ksnuning seaigd sGSLabdsiory |ws$@m _ 2320t{6t03l512i9082 (compaiY No63972ri) t.6(03)5121 TestReport No.LPCUOSi )&10 Date: 17l05/m10 CTSRef, CTS/10/1 65o/Lltteffuse Page:5 ol5 r.9EIEEUIXAII0N_0ECADUIIJILC0{IEILS! 2.pErEEU!!4!.!8N_0E_tEA9!!tNIEtt9! !E9_044!..e9ee !Ee.04e!2@ SampleFeoeivingand Regisl€tion SampleRecelvtngandFegislfaiion + + Culsample in €nallp€c€s Culsamplein smallpi€ces J + v€ss€l Weighlsample(0.2-0.s€)iilo digostionv€ssel Welghlsampl€(0.2-0.5q) inlodig€slion .t + wet digesrion/ MicrsEve digeslion Aciddlgesllon ! ''rotally Dissolved 'TotallyOissolv€d" J FiltEtion .l. Analy6€s by ICP J Fihralion + AnarysabyICP 3. !ETEEU!!A!]9!-9EI!EB9UB!C9$IE!LSI !Ee-€z]Etg4C Sample R@iving and F€qi.l€tlon 4.@ E!Ee-04p!40c sdple Rsceiviyand Fesislration Cut samplein smallpi€ces J W€ightsample(0.1-0,59)inlo dlgeslionvessel SamplePepaElion Spofiesr Suaritativ€) Boilingwat+ext€clron Acid digoslion (MicNw) "Totally Dissolv€d" Analyss by Uv yeclrcdolometq F.h;ion J Analysesby ICP Tesl Fl€Port WITHGC.MS OFPBB/PBDE 5. DETERIIIT{ATION BY IEC62321AX)8 insmall Cuisamplo Piec€s lhimble weistnsample(o.$2tinb emactjon SoxhlelEn€dionwithToluene t Fillsrlhrough0 45 w membEnetilt€r Analysssby GC_tlS(witharyoPdal€dilulion) (M)SDN'BHD SGSLABOMTORYSERVICES CHONGKIENLEN AMlc B.Sc.(HONS) LABMANAGER lffiffi SNi6 (M)SdnBhd. 6GSLaboEiory (compary No&92ri) s€hgor DatuLEheni'lalavsia Anqseikvanilla31/93KolaK€tuning4c"160 No.26Jabn wwqgl--_-'-_(03) 9082 t.6 t12l tr6(03)51212320 TestReport Date: 17l0t2010 No.LPcUt)Bi'lgi1o CTSRef. CT910/1650/Llttellu.e Page:1 of 5 INC. LTTTELFUSE HIGHWAY NORTHWEST 8OOE. DESPLAINES,IL 6(x,16, USA was (wer.)submittedand identlfledby the clientas: Thelollowingmerchandise Sampl€Description TestingP€riod DateCompleted DateReport€d Silc€rRing Io 0710512010 27/O41201O 07to5t2010 17t05t2010 Test Requested andits 2002/95/EC, wrththe RoHSDireclive ln accordance directives. amendm€nt Tost lrethod Pleaserefer10nextPago(s) Tqst Rosults Pleasereierto nextPag€(s) Analysts Ng MeiKheng& YeeSookWai SGS LABORATORYSERVICES(M) SDN.BHD' CHONGKIENLEN AMIC B.Sc.(HONS) LAB MANAGER *'i**g":"-":**:ri .*!:1;ixri:.;:f:;:1i.:!{-tr&5fi !fi ::ffiffi****p-;*ffi #i-xl'-x::'"n-"*sr::t*ru:*:;:9,:':i#l'*:t:"""r:*::l' Ehen' l'lalavsia Darul 41n60 s€lanqor KotaKenunn8 Vanilla 31/93 Angg€dk s{vies (l,i)sd..Bhd No26Jalan scs |-3bditory f +6(03)51219032msls@ No.63e72.[r) r.6(03)51212320 {c.ipany TestReport Daler lTl05/2010 No.LPCl/08319/lO use CTSRel. CT910/1650/Lhelf Page:2 of 5 Testresultsl : TestPad Descriotion SiberRing Samd6Description &HS-Ectlve2Sge4lEg Testltem(s): TestMethod LJnit Cadmium(Cd) mg/kg LeadiPb) mg/kg (Hg) Mercury mg,4g (CrVl) Chromium H€xavalenl by Spottesl/ boilingwatef extraction{optional)# Sumof PBBS mg/Kg mg/rg Dlbromobiphenyl mgn(g mg/Kg rns/kg mg/Kg mg/Kg mgn(g mg/Kg ms/ks mg/Kg Results to lEc 62321:2008, with ref€rence N,D. andoeiormedby ICP-OES lo lEc 623212008, with rcler€nce N-D. andoerformed bv ICPOES to lEc 62321:2008, wilh felerence N.O. bv ICP-OES andDedormed to IEC62321:2008, with ref€rence Spectropholomelry Negalive andoedomedby UV-VIS only) lboilinowalerexraction Withrclerenc€ to IEC62321:2008, N.D. andoerlomedbvGC-MS ro lEc 62321i2008, with relerence N.D. andoedormed bvGC'MS to lEc 62321:2008, wilh relerence N.D. bv GC-MS andoedorm€d to lEc 62321:2008, with rctercnc€ N,D, andoerlormedbv GC-MS lo IEC62321:2008, Wfihreierence N.Dbv GGMS andDerformed to IEC62321:2008, Withreference N.Dandoedomedby GC-MS lo lEc 62321:2008, wirh rclerence N.O. andDerfomedbv Gc-Ms Wilhrel€rsnce to IEC62321:2008, N,D. bYGC-MS andD€rtomed wirh r€t€rence to lEc 62321:2008, N,D, andoerlomedbvGc-MS lo IEC62321:2008, Withrelerence N.D. bv GC-MS andoedormed to lEc 62321i200E, with relerenc€ N.D. by GC-MS andDedormed (M)SDN.BHD. SERVICES SGSLABORATORY CHONGKIENLEN AMIC B.Sc.(HONS) LABI\4ANAGER SGSL.bd-dlorySsvioes([l) Sdi. Bhd. 1tur'p6irNo.6.ez- ) D6rul Eh$n Malavda 4C'460 s€langor Vanilh 3143rctaKeruning Angg€nk No,2O Jalan r +6(03)51219C{2ww.sqs@m tr6(03)51212320 M9t 2 2 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 TestReport Testllem(s): Date:17105/2010 No.LPcu08319/10 CTSRef.CT910/1650iLitteffus€ u9! Unn Sumot PaDEs mg,4g elher Monobromodiphenyl mg/Kg elher Dibrcmodiph€nyl msfts elher Tribromodiphenyl mg/Kg Tetrabromodiphenyl ether mdks ether Penrabrcmodiph€nyl mg/Kg ether Hexabromodiphenyl mgKs ether Heplabromodiphenyl mg/kg elher Octabromodiphenyl msrkS ether Nonabromodiphenyl mgKs elhert# Decabromodiphenyl msks Nole Page:3 of5 to lEc 62321:2008, with refercnce bv GC-MS andoedormed ro lEc 62321:2008, with reierencs andoedom€dbvGC-MS to lEc 6232112008, with rcfercnc€ bv GC-MS ando€dormed Wilhfelerence lo IEC62321:2008, byGC-MS andDerformed !o lEc 62321:2008, with rcfercnce ando€domedbv GC-MS wiih relerence lo lEc 62321:2008, andoerformedbv GC-MS to IEC52321:2008, Withreferenco andoedornedbv GC-MS lo IEC62321:2008, Wilhreierence andoedomedbvGC'MS with rcference to lEc 62321:2008, andD€rlormed bv GC-MS Withrelerence lo IEC62321:2008, andoedomedbyGC_MS to lEc62321:2008, withrcferenc€ ando€domed bvGC-MS N.D. N.D, 5 N.D. 5 N.D. 5 N.D. 5 N-D. 5 N.D. 5 N.D, 5 N.D. 5 N,D, 5 N.D. 5 = 1000PPm) (a) mg/kg= ppmi {0.1w1% (b) N.D.= Nol Delected Limit {c} MDL= MelhodDet€ction 7/ECwasoveruledbv 2005t71 application according in polymeric of DecaBDE idi ## = Theexemplion is DecaBDE Subsequenlly o101.04.2008. Courtoi Juslicsby itsdecision theEuropsan 07.200E in of PBOE atler 01 included thesum (e)* = a. Posilivemeansthe presenc€ot C(vl) on lhe lestedareas b. N€gativemeansth€ absenceof C(Vl) on the tesl€dareas andproduction on slofag€conditions coalin0son m€tals:Inlormalion For coffosionprotection status oi the represenl lhus results of C(Vl) is and dateol lhe l€stedsample unavailable sampleat the timeof testing. O-=Nolrcgulated SGS LABOMTORY SERVICES(II) SDN.BHD. CHONGKIENLEN B.Sc.(HONS) AMIC LABMANAGER [hlaFa Darul Ehsan, 10160 S€lang$ 3143KotaKonu.ing No26J.lft Angqedk Vanilh s6.vic$(rr)sdn.thd scs Labd?tory 9082wssls.cdn (Compait 2320r+6(03)5121 No.6372{r) r{6{03)5121 TestReport Date: 1705/m10 No.LPCUO8319/10 'l0/1650/Llttelluse CTSRef. CTSi Pagel4ot 5 : TestPartDescriDtion SilcerRing SampleDesc.iption (lr) SDN.BHD scs LABOMTORYSERVICES CHONGKIENLEN B.Sc.(HONS) AtullC LABMANAGER cir trirt'rdcd!.idftn 'r;-- ! ,nqry4F e n" f1'.d ry 99::i:r 9a-a 1.-_-.:t S€langdDdrulEh$n [lalavda vanill.31/93KobK€runing40.460 (M)Sdi. Bhd, N0.26Jd.n Angg€rik SGSLaboEldyS6,vLc3. ws.{s.cdtl (c.irpdtyiio 6n972rr) I {(03) 512123201.6 (03)51219002 TestReport Date : 17/0ft20',10 No. LPCI/08319/10 cTS Ret. CTg10/1650/Llttelluse Page: 5 of 5 2.9EIEBS!!AI!9!.9E!EA lEN !Ee.g2!121_?@S 1.pE!E8S!!4!j9S-0ECA!E!!U-@!rENLEI !Ee_02!!a!!0!9 SampleRecoivingard Begbtralion sdple F€c€ivingand Regist6lion ! cut samPlein smallpi€ces + Cutsampleii smallPieces + + weighrsample(0.2-0.59)inlo digestionvessel (0-2-0.5{) inlodigestioivesssl Welghr sample .t ,daiddig4rion t ''tolally Dis$lved ! Fihralion wer digosllon/ MicMve dig€slion J "Totallyoissolved" J Fihalion -l Analysesby ICP + + Analysesby ICP 3. qEIEET!!A!!9I9E4E89!JE!@!IE!I9I !ge-€2:412!Ee 4.@ BYtEC52911An8 SampleFeeting and Registaton .t Cutsamplein smallpie6 J intodigeslior vesel weightshde (0,1-0.59) FesislElion smd€ RecelvinSand Samds Pr€Pdalion + spot-l4li4ualllative) Acid digelion (Mic@ve) Soiling'wald-exlEclion 'lolally Dlssolv€d" .t Analys€sby Uv- FihErion J Andtsd by ICP FcrDphorom€lor T6l R€pon 5.DE!EE!!!4Ip!-9E89e/E9qEl!!I!..994s BY tEC 62321 2008 Cl)tsamPlein smallPieces Wslghl€ampl€(o.s-2gJinloenraclionlhimble SoxhletEnEctionRilh Tolu€no J Flllgrlhrough0.rt5um mombtanelilts AnalysesbyGqMs (wilhapprcpna|e dilutlon) (fuI)SDN.BHD. SGSLABOMTORYSERVICES CHONGKIENLEN AMlc B.Sc.(HONs) LABIVANAGER @e@th!r!s4drg ne@te!/t!!!rdio!! scs Lrbo€tory sdvles (lr)sdn.Bhd (conpaiy No.63e72. ) tu,ee vanilla31/93KohKeruni4g40,160 S€lanqfiDarulEhen, [,ldlatda No.26JalanAnooedk 1.6(03)5121 2320f +6(03)5121 9082wdsls.com SGq TestReport Date: 17{}t2010 No,LPCUO8il22i10 cTs Rel.CTsi/10/1650/Lltlelluse Page:1 of 5 INC. LITTELFUSE HIGHWAY NORTHWEST 8OOE. IL 6, USA 6001 DESPLAINES, wae(were)slbmittedand identitledby the clientas: Thelollowingmerchandlse SampleDescription T€stingPeriod Oat€Completed DateReporled Tin PlatedWire to 07/o5l20tO 27lO4l2O1O 07/05/2010 17t05t2010 TestRsquested andits 200295/EC' withth€RoHSDirective ln accordance dkectiv€s. amendm€nt Test Method Pleasereterto nextpage(s). TestResults Pleaser€lerto nextpag€(s). Analysls Ng MeiKh€ng& YeeSookWd (M)SON.BHD. SERVICES SGSLABORATORY CHONGKIEN LEN AMIC B.Sc.(HONS) LAB MANAGER ,;,;;";;;i;i ii;;Gi-; ;;;t;.;;-;.;.,i;; ;-.-i;.i,;dd (lr)sdn.shd scs Labqltory sdMces (company xo,63372 14 *-*."d [lalavsia Selangor DadLEhs€n, N0.2$JalmAngge'ik VanilLa 3183KotaK4un.E40,160 r+6(03) ,asgs.com t.6{a)51212320 51219082 TestReport Date| 17t05,12010 No, LPCI/08i122i10 CTSRef. CTsvl0/1650/Litielluse Page:2 ot 5 T€stresults: Ics!!erl!.csglip!9! : TinPlatedwire SampleDescdption RoHSDheciive m0295/EC Teslllem(s): u9! Unit Cadmium(Cd) mryKg Lead(Pb) mg/Kg (Hg) Mercury ms/ks (CrVl) Chromium Hexavalent by Spottest/ boilingwatsr # dnraction{oDtional) Sumol PBBS mg/Kg mg/kg Dibromobiphenyl mgKg mg/Kg mo/kg mg/Kg ms&s mg/Kg Octabromobiphenyl msfts Nonabrcmobiph€nyl mg/Kg Decabromobiphenyl mg/Kg to lEc 62321:2008, with reference N.D. ando€rlomedbv ICP-OES to lEc 62321:2008, with rclerenc€ N.D. by ICP'OES andoedormed lo lEc 62321:2008, wilh felerence N.D, bv ICP_OES andD€rlomed with ref€rence to lEc 62321:2008, Spectropholomelry Negave by UV-VIS andpedormed only) lboilinowalerextraction with r€fercnce to lEc 62321:2008, N,D. andDerlomsdbYGC-MS wirh relefence lo lEc 62321:2008, N.D. andoerformed bv GGMS to lEc 62321:2008, with rcferenc€ N.D, andoedomedbv GC-MS Withr€l€rence lo IEC62321:2008, N-D. bvGC_MS andDerfomed wilh rslerence to IEC62321:2008, N.D. ando€domedbv GC-MS to lEc 62321:2008, with rcfer€nc€ N,D, bvGC'MS andoerlormed to lEc 62321:2008, with felerence N.O. by GC-MS andDerfomed with ref€rence to lEc 62321:2008. N.D. ando€dormed bvGC'MS with relerence lo lEc 62321:2008, N.D. andoeformedby GGMS to IEC62321:2008, Withrefer€nce N.D. endoedomedbv GC-MS with rclerence to lEc 62321:2008, N.D. andoeform€dbvGC-MS (M)SDN.BHD. SGSLABOMTORYSERVICES (lr) Sdn,Bhd. SGSLabddoryS6.vic€s No.639/2{4 {CorDmY DatulEhen[,|alav!a 4C,460 S€langor Vanilla 3183(olaKemuning No26JalaAngqedk r+6(03) 5121 9082ws.slscdi t'6(03)51212320 2 2 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 TestReport Date:1205/2010 No.LPCU0832Z10 use CTSFef, CTS/10/1650/Littef Page:3 ol 5 MDt Unil Test llem(s)i Sumol PBDE3 mS/kg Monobromodiphenyl elher mg/kg elher Dibromodiphenyl mS/kS elher Tribromodiphenyl mg/Kg ether Tet€brcmodiphenyl mg/Kg ether Pentabromodiphenyl mS/kg €ther Hexabromodiphenyl mgKs ether Heptabromodiphenyl mg4(g ethet Oclabromodiphenyl msng elhsr Nonabromodiphenyl ng/kg Decabromodiphenyl ether## mg/kg with refer€nc€ to lEc 62321:2008, bv GC-MS andD€rlormed to lEc 62321:2008, with feierence andDedomedbyGC'MS with ref€r€nce to lEc 62321:2008, andDerlormed bv GC-MS to IEC62321:2008, Wilhrelerence bvGGNIS andDerformed Withr€lerence to IEC62321:2008, andDedomedbyGC'MS to lEc 62321:2008, with relerence andDerform€d bv GGlvlS With relerencelo IEC62321i2008, and oerlomed bv GC-MS with r€f€r€nce to lEc 62321:2008, andoeformedbv GC-MS WithreJerence lo IEC62321:2008. andoenomsdbvGC-MS to lEc 62321:2008, with referenc€ andoedormed bv GC-MS wilh rstsrence to lEc 62321:2008, andoeformedbv GC-l\rS N,D. N-D. 5 N,D, 5 N.D. 5 N.D. 5 N.D. 5 N.D. 5 N.D. N.D. 5 N,D. 5 N.D- 5 = 1000ppm) Note: (a) mg/kq= ppm; {0.1w1% {b) N.D.= Not Detecled {cl MDL= MethodDetectionLimit accodinq2005t17/ECwasoveruledby in polymeicapplication ot DecaBDE {d) if# = fte exemplion DecaBDE is of 01.04.2008Subsequently Courtot Justicebv itsdecision theEurooean in thesumof PBDEatler01.07.2008 included (e)# = a. Positlvemeanslhe prssenceof C(vl) on th€ tesledareas b. Negativemeansthe absenceol C(Vl) on lhe testedareas on storag€condilionsandproduction Forcorrosionprolectioncoatingson metals:Intormation andthusresullsot C(Vl) represenlstatusof the dale ol the testedsarnpleis unavailable sampleal the lime oi lesting. (l)-=Notr€sulated SGS LABORATORYSERVICES(M) SDN.BHD CHONGKIENLEN AMlc B.Sc.(HONS) LABMANAGER jwg.@tdd]@&'i* r;;;hydii'i;.;;;;yEdi;nwsd@4!!dr@ d byhkdhNd'n rddturftdd-b fti!cDffi'!4EFdry.bdc o€tulEhen,Nlala'€ia (M)sdi. Bhd. No.26Jabn KotaKemning 40460 Sdangor Angg€dk Vanilla 31/93 scs Labomloq ssvic36 (c.mp$y 2320li6 (03)51219082 ww3$.com No.6397l]U) t 16(03) 5121 TestReport Date: 1705/2010 No.LPCUo832Z10 cTs Rel. CT910/16stylittelluse tage:4ot5 feslfarl9sclipls!. : Sampl€Description TinPlatodWire SGS LABORATORYSERVICES(M) SDN,BHD, CHONGKIENLEN AMIC B.Sc.(HONS) LABMAMGER oa.rlEh*i, r'rdavs€ Sdangd Vanilla 3193KolaK3mnin!40460 Jalan Anqq€dk scs kbordorys4ia (M)sdn.Bhd. No.26 ww.sgs.com (C.nPt'Y 2320t{6(03)51219002 No.63sr2{) 1.6(03) 5121 TestReport Dater 1705/2010 0 No.LPCI/083221 use Rel. CTS/1 0/1650/Litt€lf CTS Page:5 ot 5 OF LEADCONTENTBY 2. DETERMINATION lEc 623212008 sampleR@ivingandFegistalion 1.9E!EB[!!A!!8!-9E!A9U!US-9Q$IEII-Ey !EC-€441-SES andF€gislralior SampleR€c6tuing J Cultampl6in smallPi46 J Cul samplein smallPi€cos + t weighl sampl€(0.2-0.5s)inlo digBtion v€ss€l I dig€slion Wetdigsslion/ Microwave J 'TotallyDissolved' WolghtsamPle(0.24.59)intodlg€6tionv*d J lcld dig€6tion + ''rolally Dissolved' .t Filtration J AnalysesbYICP Fi[;ion + Aialysesby ICP 4. DETERIIIINATIONOF HEXAVALENT CTIROMIUII 3. 9E!EEUI!4II9N-9E !!E89gB!-98!!EgI-e! !E9-048i"200C aY rEc623212008 Sampl€Fl.@ivingand R€gislElion J cul samploInsmallPie6 Sampl€ReceiviYandFesist6llon SamplsPepa6lion J @ssel inlodlg€slion weighlsample(0.1.o.ss) J ,cid djsoslon(Mic@aw) spot-l€sr $ualitariw) Boilins-wal€rsrtEction + ''rolally Dissolv€d" J FiltElion ! Andys by ICP AnalysesbYuv- y€clrophorom€ter T$l Ropon 5.9ErEB!!!4!19!-AEEE9/P999!!I@US tuE9-044!-?sgc Cul samploin smallPi€c€s weisht samplo(o.s-2gliJnoexlBclionthimbrs Soxitet Ertraclionwilh Tolueng J Fillerthrouoh ' 0.115 Jum membran€lilter Analysesby GGMS(Bilhapprcpdaledilution) "" Endol Hepod"" (M)SDN,BHD. SGSLABOMTORYSERVICES 6GSLrbdabrySdi6 (l'DSdn.Bhd (C@PanY rlo d3072tl) DaruEhsi lialavsia S€langor vanilla31/93KoLKanu.q '10460 r,to.26 JardnAnggedk wHsgs.com 116(03)51219082 t{0(03)51212320 TestReport o. LPCI/@:!0{/10 D.tc : 17rc5t2010 CTSRef.CTgI0/165ryLi .|ture PaCe:I ot 5 UTTEI.fUSE INC. gX,E NORTTflTIEST HIGHWAY DESPLANES, IL6016,USA ll|. trollorir,|gmeLftdrdx r.r (wre) tubmitted.id kt$tii.d by th. cfi.nt ..: Sampl.D.acription T.6lir€ P.riod Dat Compl.t€d Dat Rrgo^d Bhck hk 271041201 0 to 071s,120 10 07t0512010 17/06,t2010 Te6t Ra$.r.6td In accodancewih th. RoHSDirectivem02/95/EC,and it6 amardmertdir€ctlvG. Telt Method Pl.as. referto nextp€e(6). Te6l Rasu[3 Pleaoereferto n.xt p€e(s). AnalFtt t'lg M.i KherE& Y.. SookWai (M)SDN.BHD. scs TABoRATORY SERVTCES CHONGKIENLEN B.Sc.(HONS)AMC LABMANAGER SGSL.bq.lory S.M6 {109d. Ed. (c.@rt r$ i!7}trt No28J.l.nAn$.nkV.nill.3lF0Xol.X@ i!aol60 €drigdDtrurBren, llhhltb t€(A)512123?0t€(B)5121 m m.3gF.cm Test Repoft llo- LPcl/0erc4/10 D.te: 1705/2010 CTSReLCTSlo/l6s(ylilLlture F.gF: 2 of 5 Teatrc8ults: T.6t Pad De6cription : S.mde D..cription : Blackhk RoHgDlr.ctive 2(E:Y05/EC Testllem(s): Resulls eat mgrkg Wihreference to IEC62321:2009, andoerformod bvICP-OFS ND 2 Lead(Pb) mglkg Wrn relerence lo IEC62321:2008, andDgrformgd bv ICP-OES ND 2 (Hg) [4ercury mg/kg witt roloronce lo lEc6232i:2008, andperformed bvICP,OES NO 2 Hexavalenl Chomium {CrVl) mg/kg NO 2 S{m ol PBB. ms/kg Monobromobiphenyl mgftg Dbro.nobiphenyl mg/kg TriL|.omobiphenyl mg/kg Telratromobiphenyl ms/ks Hexabromotiphenyl msl(s Penlabromobipheny msl(s HeplabromobiphenY mg/kg OctabromobiphenY mg/kg lboabromobiphony msiks oacabromobiphenyl msiks Wh rolorence lo IEC8232i:2009, andpe omed bv UV-VISSooclroohotometrv wih relerence lo lEc 62321m08l andDe ormedbvGC-MS wih relerence ro IEC6232120081 andDerformad bvGO-|rls wih roference to IEC623212008, andoedormedbv GC-MS Wh referenoelo IEC623212009, andDerformed bvGC-MS wih retsrence to lEc 623212008, andoedomedbv GC-MS wih reference to IEC623212008, andoedormed bvGC.MS wih reference to IEC6232i:2008, andoodomedbvGC,MS Wh reference to IEC62321:2008, andoedormod bvGC,MS Wh reference to IEC62321:2008, ando€rformed bvGC-MS wih reference ro lEc 62321:2008, ando6rlom6dbvGC-MS Wtr reference lo IEC62321:2008, andoerformed bvGC-MS CadmiumlCd) TesrMelhod NO ND. 5 ND. 5 N.D, 5 ND 5 ND 5 N,D 5 ND 5 NO 5 NO 5 ND 5 (M)SDN.BHD. scs TABoRATORY SERVTCES CHONG KIENLEN B.Sc.(HONS)AMIC tA3 MANAGER SGsL.bddorys.M6 {r,l sd. B'd (coerr r$ crl72.i'l No26J.rrnAnclrikV.nirl.3l4B(dr K.fldig,10160&higrcioei $en, lbl.yri tra(@)5121 8A t€(00)5121 9@ ff .s.cm TestReport Teslllem(s) Paga:3 ot 5 [t6|- : 17105/2010 No.LPcl&ttoa/lo CTSR.f. CTgl0/165(vlilt ltut M9! Unil 3||mol PADE. msfis eftet MonobrcmodphenY mgn(s elher Dbromodiphenyl mg/<s Trib.omodiphen)4 elher ms/kg elher Telrabromodiphenyl mgr(s elhsr Pentabromodiphenyl mg/19 eher Hexabromodiphenyl mg/tg to lEc 8232i2004, wirh reference bv GC-MS andoerformed lo IEC62321:2008, Wilhref€r€nce andDerlormod bv GC-MS lo IEC82321:20tla, with reference .ad.mA.l bv GC-MS "n.l lo IEC62321:2008, Wirhrei€r€nce bYGC-MS andDerlormed to lEc 8232i12008, Wilhreference andoerformed bv GC-MS with reter*lcolo lEc 62321:2008, andDedomedbYGC-MS lo IEC6232i:2008, Wih referenca andoerfomedbv GC-MS elher Heptabromodiphenyl mg/kg lo lEC62321::!08, Wirhrolerenca andoerfomed bvGC-MS ND, other Octabromodiphenyl mgftg lo lEc 6232i:2008, Wilhfeferenoe bYGC-MS andDerJormed N.D 5 elher Nonabrofi odiphenyl msiks N,D 5 glherrt Decabromodphenyl mg/kg 2008, lo IEC62321 Withreforence bYGC-MS andoorformed lEc62321:2008, Withrel€renoolo andoedomed bvGC"MS N.D 5 Nole ND N.D 5 ND 5 N.D 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND (a)mg/kg* ppmi (0.1 %-1000PPm) (b)ND -Nol Delecled (c) M0L= Melhod0el6clionLimil was-overruled by accdding2o05ti7JE-c aporication ioi x = rle e"empr,u'ot D.caBDEIn poryner'c ue(aBuhls oi 01 04 2008 subseque4ly lhe Euroosan counol Juslicew ils declslon indudedin lh€sumof PBDEafl6r01.072008 (o)--Notregulaled (0 Testngbasedon o ginalbasis (rl) SDN.8H0. SERVCES scs LABORATORY CiIONGKIENLEI.I r\irlC B.Sc.(HONS) LAAMANAGER ..".-.,@-1!"ITJl'iif fiHd*H#l##ffi ;;;.;--H-tui& ffi ffi iEffi X*i";iltJiSfi #fi fr#3--!'.""'ee--" fi :'srFll*.!'li$rr*r r31&KolrK6mnhtl'$0S.l.iF.0&lEnen,fthvlb sos !.b..dory3.Mc.5(O sd. Ed. No26J.l.nAne!pdk\,!n l+6(G)tl2lw tt!v*.3F.edtr (6ntrt rs.6F72-rtl 116(Co)51212320 TestReport Dttc :17105/2010 No.LPCI/(Btxr{/10 Rel CTgl(v165(ylitteltu3. CTS Pag€:il ots f3el.e3tQesclllie!: BlackInk Sampl€ oe.cription (M)SDN.BHD. SGSLABOMTORYSERVICES CHONGKIENLEN B.Sc.(HoNslAMlc LAEMANAGER d !!t H-d-m L .- rs. r'd'. h:;;-Ji.ii.-6l..na;idew....-.."..!rd*,!.'. -. /.&-r r". dr;n-$:ii-E;;i o;ri.dsr&cn,ir Fffi fr rMffib i r,;-irldnl|r3turd scs Lrbd.iory s.M6 (i0 9(h &d (corlry ib 63e71i! No26J.l.nAnog.tik\ iill.3l/s Kd. K.tu i i! 40460!.liigs 116(@)51212@ l+6 (@)5121@ fi* q. c6 D.ru Ehen, lLl'Fb TestReport No. LPCUASOiV1O cls R.t cTglol650lilLltu.. P.g.: 5 of 5 D.te: 120512010 2.EIEE!I!A!!9!.9E!EAp.S!IE!LEI EC.e32Il!01 Saido R€.€Mnqatn Begbl€ton + Ssmde PrQaradon SemplsP€P€nton t Wsldrlsamde(0 24 59)Inb dq$tonvesd v€ssel Weiohlsample(02{.59) Intodlg€slon 9 Adddl9€6tfi + + 'TolallY W€l dg€ston/ MldoYt6!€dlg$fon + + 'Toblly 013!olved Dlssdved Flltraton Fll;ion Analy3o8bYICP Analyt6 bYlcP + samDl€Prepatalldt + samd€Pr€pE.adon + Add coloJFdevelopiQ feag6nl wolghr san'pl6(0.1-0.5dinio dig6llon Essd Addlt wlh H,so. Aqd digotton {'9{€.oliavs) Ld rland lor 5-10 mln + 'tolally obsolv€d Analysesby w- spectophoiom€i* (54onm) Flll€don + Analys$ bYICP 5,DEfE O|^NOI{ OFPBBi9Br WTTHGCIS EuEc-sLi4lg Samde Pr€oarallon wdd samde(0 5-29)intoextaclin hlmble Solhld Anradlon$th Toluens Flllerhrou0h0 45u.nmsnbran€lller Anavs€sby GC-!1S(wllhappredalo dlulon) (M)SDN.BIIO, SERVICES SGSLABORATORY CIIoi.IGKIENLEN B.Sc.fiON$At E LABII,ANAGER Jr'iff;:A--udrdd d x.--'-JuL H.'*,;tr";;rb.,ii-"; *g*ji*j?Slgig1;+l-'--'--.".-:;';iiii;,.:...-d.-"d-.d'tb't""or@dn'r ,r, ;;;d;r H-;-erdtid*;bd'trIFtfr 6GsL.b.r.brys.di6 ([t sdr lhd d;;6,ffi b ' hd- ' "'!"b l:A:t i."f.:.lBg'3-" ''rn' iE ''o'F lss'n:!-v$ill'311s l<olilcdning'(!160s'lsso' 0tru1Ehsi'rar"i' No2o'Jdm t+6(@)51219@ffi4Ecm tr6(@)51212320