DISCRETE AND CONTINUOUS DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS Supplement 2011 Website: www.aimSciences.org pp. 1467–1476 INVERSE PROBLEMS FOR LINEAR ILL-POSED DIFFERENTIAL-ALGEBRAIC EQUATIONS WITH UNCERTAIN PARAMETERS Sergiy Zhuk INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt Rocquencourt, B.P. 105 - 78153 Le Chesnay Cedex, France Abstract. This paper describes a minimax state estimation approach for linear differential-algebraic equations (DAEs) with uncertain parameters. The approach addresses continuous-time DAEs with non-stationary rectangular matrices and uncertain bounded deterministic input. An observation’s noise is supposed to be random with zero mean and unknown bounded correlation function. Main result is a Generalized Kalman Duality (GKD) principle, describing a dual control problem. Main consequence of the GKD is an optimal minimax state estimation algorithm for DAEs with non-stationary rectangular matrices. An algorithm is illustrated by a numerical example for 2D timevarying DAE with a singular matrix pencil. 1. Introduction. In this paper we focus on an inverse problem for a linear Differential-Algebraic Equation (DAE) in the form d(F x) = C(t)x(t) + f (t) (1) dt where F is a rectangular matrix. We note that the case det(sF − C) 6= 0 with C(t) ≡ C is well-understood: by a non-singular linear transformation the matrix pencil sF − C can be converted into a Kronecker canonical form. Accordingly, changing the basis in the state space of (1) and differentiating exactly d times (d is an index of the pencil sF − C), one can reduce (1) to an equivalent Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE), provided f (·) is sufficiently smooth and meets some algebraic constraints. The latter ODE has a unique solution, provided the initial condition belongs to some subspace. Details of the reduction process are presented in [7]. We will refer such DAEs as causal. One reason to study non-causal DAEs comes from the state estimation theory. Namely, applying the optimal linear proportional feedback f = Kx to (1) with a regular pencil (det(sF − C) 6= 0), one could arrive [19] to the system with a singular pencil det(sF − C − BK) ≡ 0. On the other hand, due to behavioral approach[10] dx = C(t)x(t) + f (t) as a part of the state one can treat an input f of the ODE dt so that the extended state (x, f ) verifies DAE (1) with F = [ I 0 ] and C(t) = [ C(t) I ]. Using such a point of view one can convert parameter estimation problem 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary: 34K32,49N45x; Secondary: 49N30 . Key words and phrases. Minimax, State estimation, Differential-algebraic equations, EulerLagrange equations, Descriptor systems. This work was carried out during the tenure of an ERCIM “Alain Bensoussan” Fellowship Programme. 1467 1468 SERGIY ZHUK for ODE into state estimation problem for non-causal DAE (see for instance [5] for the estimation of the unknown input). In addition, state estimation methods for ODE, based on the Kalman filtering approach, cannot be applied directly in the practical inverse problems due to the computational burden. For instance, state vector in meteorological applications usually has over 106 components, which makes it impossible to propagate a Riccati gain without appropriate reduction. A rigorous reduced-order state estimation (allowing to control the error, introduced by reduction) can be done by means of the state estimation framework for DAEs (main idea and its application to an operational air quality model could be found in [17]). However, there are difficulties, connected with state estimation problems for DAEs. In particular, it is not clear when the seminal Kalman duality holds, that is the observation problem is equal to the dual control problem. In addition, for the case of variable C(t) there is a lack of optimality criteria for an LQ-control problems with DAE constraints. Sufficient optimality conditions in the form of the descriptor Euler-Lagrange equation were formulated in [13]. The latter can be solved numerically only for index-one causal DAEs. Existence of the optimal feedback solution was studied in [12]. The authors construct the feedback control by means of a Descriptor Riccati Equation. However, the authors point out that “numerically qualified versions of the Riccati DAE system” require further research. The research, presented in this paper, resolves the above problems for a class of non-causal DAEs. In what follows, we apply a minimax estimation approach, developed in[21] for abstract linear equations in a Hilbert space, for non-causal DAE (1) with F, C(t) ∈ Rm×n . We will be interested in the following inverse problem: given observations y(t), t ∈ [t0 , T ] of x(·), to reconstruct1 F x(T ), provided x(·) is a weak solution to (1), f (·) is some unknown squared-integrable function, which belongs to a given bounded set G. We will also assume that y(t) is corrupted by a random noise η(·) with zero mean Eη(t) = 0 and the correlation function (t, s) 7→ Rη (t, s) := EΨ(t)Ψ0 (s) belongs to a given bounded set W . Note that in order to reconstruct F x(T ) it is enough2 to reconstruct a linear function `(x) := h`, F x(T )i for any ` ∈ Rm . In what follows, we will be looking for the estimate of `(x) among all linear functions of observations u(y) by means of the minimax state estimation approach[2, 16, 15, 4, 18]. The main idea is to find the estimate u with minimal worst-case error. Namely, for the fixed u the estimation error is E[`(x) − u(y)]2 . Since E[`(x) − u(y)]2 depends on realizations of f and Rη , it follows that, for a fixed u, the worst-case estimation error is the maximum of E[`(x) − u(y)]2 over all possible realizations of f , Rη and3 x: σ(T, `, u) := supf ∈G,Rη ∈W,x {E[`(x) − u(y)]2 }. Finally, û is called a minimax meansquared estimate of `(x), iff û has a minimal worst-case error (so called minimax error), that is σ(T, `, û) = inf u σ(T, `, u). The minimax estimate for (1) was constructed in [18], provided F = I. The case of deterministic η(·) and F = I was addressed in [2, 16, 15, 4], where the minimax estimation of x(T ) is shown to be the Tchebysheff center of the ODEs reachable set, 1 Due to the definition given at the beginning of Section 2 just F x(·) is supposed to be absolutely continuous. Hence x(T ) is not necessary defined at the time T . Thus we are searching for the estimate of F x(T ). 2 Having the estimate of `(x) for any ` ∈ Rm , one can set ` := e = (0, . . . , 1, . . . 0)T in order to i reconstruct i-th component of F x(T ). 3 As DAE is non-causal, it could have more than one solution x, corresponding to the given f through (1). INVERSE PROBLEMS FOR DAES 1469 consistent with observations and uncertainty description. The same result can be proved by the method of this paper for F 6= I, provided η is deterministic and (η, f ) belongs to some ellipsoid. Main distinctive features of the problem, described above are: 1) as F ∈ Rm×n it follows that DAE (2) cannot be converted into ODE in the general case; the latter makes it impossible to directly apply classical minimax state estimation methods [18, 2, 16, 15, 4] as it was done in [8, 5] for causal DAEs; 2) we consider a quite general noise η, which can be a realization of any random process Ψ (not necessary Gaussian as in [8]) with bounded correlation function. The major contribution of this paper is a Generalized Kalman Duality (GKD) principle for non-causal time-dependent DAEs (Theorem 2.2). It states that the observation problem for DAEs is equal to some control problem with DAE constraints. The latter generalizes seminal Kalman duality for ODE and reflects the procedure of deriving the minimax estimate: to compute the minimax error inf u σ(T, `, u) one needs to solve a control problem for the “adjoint” DAE. GKD was previously applied in [22] in order to construct the minimax estimate for non-causal DAEs with discrete time. Following the GKD we derive a dual control problem for DAEs (Proposition 1) and we describe the minimum point as a solution of the Euler-Lagrange system, provided the matrices of DAE have ”some regularity” (Proposition 1). Finally, an ODE, describing the minimax estimate (Corollary 1), is derived. The dimension of the state space of this ODE is equal to the rank of F , providing a reduced order estimate. In fact, the minimax estimate gives a reconstruction of the projection of F x(T ) onto MOS L(T ) only. As dimL(T ) ≤ rankF , the minimax estimate introduces an additional degree of reduction. We finish with a numerical example. Notation: Eη denotes the mean of the random element η; int G denotes the interior of G; f (·) or f denotes a function (as an element of some functional space); f (t) denotes a value of function f at t; Rn denotes the n-dimensional Euclidean space over real field; L2 (t0 , T, Rm ) denotes a space of square-integrable functions with values in Rm ; H12 (t0 , T, Rm ) denotes a space of absolutely continuous functions with L2 -derivative and values in Rm ; the prime 0 denotes the operation of taking the adjoint: L0 denotes adjoint operator, F 0 denotes the transposed matrix; c(G, ·) denotes the support function of some set G; h·, ·i denotes the inner product in Hilbert space H; S > 0 means hSx, xi > 0 for all x; F + denotes the pseudoinverse matrix, tr(S) denotes the trace of the matrix S. 2. Main result. We proceed with a problem statement. Consider a pair of systems d(F x) = C(t)x(t) + f (t), dt y(t) = H(t)x(t) + η(t), F x(t0 ) = 0, (2) (3) where x(t) ∈ Rn , f (t) ∈ Rm , y(t) ∈ Rp , η(t) ∈ Rp represent the state, input, observation and observation’s noise respectively, F ∈ Rm×n , f (·) ∈ L2 (t0 , T, Rm ), C(t) and H(t) are continuous functions of t on [t0 , T ], t0 , T ∈ R. x(·) is said to be a weak solution to DAE (2), if F x(·) is an absolutely continuous d F x is a squared-integrable vector-function on (t0 , T ), x(·) verifies (2) function, dt a.e. on [t0 , T ] and4 F x(t0 ) = 0. 4 We have chosen the case with zero initial condition in order to simplify the presentation. The general case F x(t0 ) = x0 can be treated by means of the same approach. 1470 SERGIY ZHUK We assume η(·) in (3) is a realization of a random process Ψ such that EΨ(t) = 0 on [t0 , T ] and Z T tr (R(t)Rη (t, t))dt ≤ 1} (4) Rη ∈ W = {Rη : t0 The input f (·) in (2) is supposed to be deterministic and Z T hQ(t)f (t), f (t)i ≤ 1}, f (·) ∈ G := {f (·) : (5) t0 where Q(t) ∈ Rm×m , Q = Q0 > 0, R(t) ∈ Rp×p , R0 = R > 0; Q(t), R(t), R−1 (t) and Q−1 (t) are continuous functions of t on [t0 , T ]. Definition 2.1. Given T < +∞, u(·) ∈ L2 (t0 , T, Rp ) and ` ∈ Rm define a meansquared worst-case estimation error σ(T, `, u) := sup x(·),f (·)∈G,Rη ∈W {E[h`, F x(T )i − u(y)]2 } RT A function û(y) = t0 hû(t), y(t)idt is called an a priori minimax mean-squared estimate in the direction ` (`-estimation) if inf u σ(T, `, u) = σ(T, `, û). The number σ̂(T, `) = inf u σ(T, `, u) is called a minimax mean-squared a priori error in the direction ` at time-instant T (`-error). The set L(T ) = {` ∈ Rm : σ̂(T, `) < +∞} is called a minimax observable subspace. 2.1. Generalized Kalman Duality Principle. Definition 2.1 generalizes the notion of the a priori minimax mean-squared estimation, introduced in [18]. Next theorem generalizes the celebrated Kalman duality principle [3] to non-causal DAEs. Theorem 2.2 (Generalized Kalman Duality). The `-error is finite iff d(F 0 z) = −C 0 (t)z(t) + H 0 (t)u(t), F 0 z(T ) = F 0 ` (6) dt for some z(·) and u(·). In this case the problem σ(T, `, u) → inf u is equal to the following optimal control problem Z T Z T −1 (7) hR−1 u, uidt → min, hQ (z − v), z − vidt} + σ(T, `, u) = min{ v t0 t0 u with constraint (6), provided v(·) obeys (6) with u(·) = 0 and ` = 0. Remark 1. An obvious corollary of the Theorem 2.2 is an expression for the minimax observable subspace d(F 0 z) + C 0 z − H 0 u = 0 for some z(·), u(·)} dt In the case of stationary C(t) and H(t) the minimax observable subspace may be calculated explicitly, using the canonical Kronecker form [7]. L(T ) = {` ∈ Rn : F 0 z(T ) = F 0 `, Proof of Theorem 2.2. Take ` ∈ Rm , u(·) ∈ L2 (t0 , T, Rp ) and suppose `-error is finite. The proof is based on a generalized integration-by-parts formula hF 0 w(T ), F + F x(T )i − hF 0 w(t0 ), F + F x(t0 )i Z T d(F 0 w) d(F x) , wi + h , xidt h = dt dt t0 (8) INVERSE PROBLEMS FOR DAES 1471 proved in [20] for F x(·) ∈ H12 (t0 , T, Rm ) and F 0 w(·) ∈ H12 (t0 , T, Rn ). There exists5 w(·) ∈ L2 (t0 , T, Rm ) such that F 0 w(·) ∈ H12 (t0 , T, Rn ) and F 0 w(T ) = F 0 `. Noting that [1] F = F F + F and combining (8) with (2) one derives h`, F x(T )i = hF 0 `, F + F x(T )i = hF 0 w(T ), F + F x(T )i Z T Z T d(F x) d(F 0 w) d(F 0 w) h = hf, wi + h , wi + h , xidt = + C 0 w, xidt dt dt dt t0 t0 Combining (9) with Eη(t) = 0 we have Z Z T hH 0 u, xidt]2 + E[ E[h`(x) − u(y)]2 = [h`, F x(T )i − t t (9) T hu(t), η(t)idt]2 0 0 (10) Z T d(F 0 w) 2 0 0 2 hf, wi + h hu(t), η(t)idt] =[ + C w − H u, xidt] + E[ dt t0 t0 RT RT RT Using Cauchy inequality one derives E( t0 hu, ηidt)2 ≤ t0 EhRη, ηidt t0 hR−1 u, uidt. As EhRη, ηi = tr (R(t)Rη (t, t)), it follows from (4) Z T Z T Z T Z T hR−1 u, uidt hR−1 u, uidt ≤ EhRη, ηidt hu, ηidt)2 ≤ E( Z T so that sup E[ Rη ∈W Z t0 t0 t0 t0 T t0 hu(t), η(t)idt]2 = Z T t0 hR−1 u, uidt This and σ̂(T, `) < +∞ imply the first term in the last line of (10) is bounded. RT t0 hf, widt does not depend on x(·) and is bounded due to (5). Therefore Z T d(F x) d(F 0 w) + C 0 w − H 0 u, xidt : = Cx + f, f (·) ∈ G} < +∞ (11) h sup{ dt dt x(·) t0 In fact, this observation allows us to prove that there exists z(·) such that (6) holds for the given ` and u(·). To do so we apply a general duality result6 of [21]: sup {hF , xi, Lx ∈ G} = x∈D(L) inf {c(G, b), L0 b = F } b∈D(L0 ) (12) provided (A1) L : D(L) ⊂ H1 → H2 is a closed dense defined linear mapping, (A2) G ⊂ H2 is a closed bounded convex set and H1,2 are abstract Hilbert spaces. Define d(F x) Lx = − Cx, x ∈ D(L) := {x(·) : F x ∈ H12 (t0 , T, Rn ), F x(t0 ) = 0} (13) dt It was proved in [20], that L is closed dense defined linear mapping and d(F 0 b) − C 0 b, b ∈ D(L0 ) := {b(·) : F 0 b ∈ H12 (t0 , T, Rm ), F 0 b(T ) = 0} (14) dt d(F 0 w) + C 0 w − H 0 u we see from (11) that the right-hand part of (12) Setting F := dt is finite. Using (14) one derives L0 b = − inf{c(G, b), − 5A d(F 0 b) d(F 0 w) − C 0 (t)b(t) = + C 0 w − H 0 u} < +∞ dt dt trivial example is w(t) ≡ `. was proved in [11] for bounded L and Banach space H1,2 6 (12) (15) 1472 SERGIY ZHUK d(F 0 z) +C 0 z = H 0 u, F 0 z = F 0 ` with z := (w+b) and some b(·) ∈ D(L0 ), dt verifying the equality in (15). This proves (6) has a solution z(·). On the contrary, let z(·) verify (6) for the given ` and u(·). Using (10) one derives Z T Z T 2 σ(T, `, u) = sup hR−1 u, uidt < ∞ (16) hz, f idt + (15) implies f ∈G1 t0 t0 provided G1 = G ∩ R(L), R(L) is the range of the linear mapping L defined by (13) (G1 is a set of all f (·) such that f (·) verifies (5) and (2) has a solution x(·)). To prove the rest of the theorem we will apply another duality result of [21, 11]: sup{hf, zi, f ∈ G ∩ R(L)} = inf{c(G, z − v), v ∈ N (L0 )} (17) provided L, G verify (A1), (A2) and int G ∩ R(L) 6= ∅. It is easy to see that the latter inclusion holds for L and G defined by (13) and (5) respectively. Recalling the definition of L0 (formula (14)) and noting that Z T hQ−1 (z − v), z − vidt c2 (G, z − v) = t0 we derive from (16)-(17) that σ(T, `, u) → minu is equal to (7). 3. Optimality conditions and estimation algorithm. Due to Theorem 2.2 the minimax state estimation problem is equal to the dual control problem (7) with DAE constrain (6), provided ` ∈ L(T ). This result holds for any F ∈ Rm×n and continuous t 7→ C(t) ∈ Rm×n . Therefore, in order to find the `-estimation û we need to solve (7). In what follows, we formulate optimality conditions for (7) in the form of a boundary value problem (BVP) for a descriptor Euler-Lagrange equation. We present a condition on the matrices C(t), H(t) and F , which allow one to convert the latter BVP for DAE into an equivalent BVP for ODE. Our approach is a modification of a splitting method, discussed in [6]. We will split DAE into differential and algebraic parts applying SVD decomposition [1] to F . Let D = diag(λ1 . . . λr ) where λi are positive eigen values of F F 0 , i ∈ {1, . . . , r := rangF }. Then there exist SL ∈ Rm×m , SR ∈ Rn×n such that i h 1 0 0r×n−r (18) F = SL ΛSR , SL SL0 = I, SR SR = I, Λ = 0 D 2 0 m−r×r m−r×n−r Transforming (2) according to (18) and changing the variables one can reduce the general case to the case F = [ I0 00 ]. Therefore, without loss of generality, we will 0 assume F = [ I0 h00 ]. We isplit `, C(t),hQ(t) and i H (t)R(t)H(t) accordingly: C(t) = C1 C2 Q1 Q2 S1 S2 0 C3 C4 , Q = S 0 S4 , ` = (`1 , `2 ). Define W (t) = (S4 + Q0 Q4 , H RH = 2 2 0 −1 0 0 −1 0 C40 Q−1 4 C4 ), A(t) = (C3 Q4 C4 + S2 ) and B(t) = (C2 − C4 Q4 Q2 ). Proposition 1 (optimality conditions). Let R(C20 (t)) ⊆ R(C40 (t)) and Z T kW + (t)B(t)g(t)k2 dt < ∞, ∀g(·) ∈ L2 (t0 , T, Rr ) t0 Then the Euler-Lagrange system d(F p) = C(t)p(t) + Q−1 (t)z(t), F p(t0 ) = 0, dt d(F 0 z) = −C 0 (t)z(t) + H 0 (t)R(t)H(t)p(t), F 0 z(T ) = F 0 ` dt (19) INVERSE PROBLEMS FOR DAES 1473 has a solution for any ` ∈ Rn . If p(·) and z(·) are some solution of (19) then, the `-estimation is given by û = RHp and the `-error σ̂(T, `) = hF 0+ `, F p(T )i. For instance, condition on W and B of the theorem is satisfied, if C(t) meets the conditions of [9]. Proof. Taking into account the above splitting we rewrite (19) in the following form dp1 = C1 p1 + Q1 z1 + C2 p2 + Q2 z2 , p1 (t0 ) = 0, dt dz1 = −C10 z1 + S1 p1 − C30 z2 + S2 p2 , z1 (T ) = `1 , dt 0 = C3 p1 + C4 p2 + Q02 z1 + Q4 z2 , (20) 0 = −C20 z1 − C40 z2 + S20 p1 + S4 p2 . As Q−1 > 0, it follows that Q4 > 0. Hence z2 = −Q4−1 (C3 p1 + C4 p2 + Q02 z1 ) and W (t)p2 = B(t)z1 − A0 (t)p1 R(C20 ) (21) R(C40 ) where A, B, W were defined above. Since ⊂ it follows that (21) is point-vise solvable (in the algebraic sense) and one solution has the form p2 = W + (t, 0)(B(t)z1 − A0 (t)p1 ) The second assumption imply p2 ∈ L2 (t0 , T, Rn−r ). Substituting p2 into (20) and noting that C4 (I − W + (t)W (t)) = 0 we obtain dp1 = C+ (t)p1 + S+ (t)z1 , p1 (t0 ) = 0 dt dz1 0 = −C+ (t)z1 + Q+ (t)p1 , z1 (T ) = `1 dt (22) −1 0 + 0 0 + with C+ (t) := C1 − Q2 Q−1 4 C3 − B W (t)A , S+ (t) := Q1 − Q2 Q1 Q3 + B W (t)B, 0 −1 + 0 Q+ (t) := S1 + C3 Q4 C3 − AW (t)A . Applying simple matrix manipulations one can prove that S+ ≥ 0, Q+ ≥ 0 so that (22) is a non-negative Euler-Lagrange system in the Hamilton’s form. Therefore it is always solvable [14]. We continue with the second part of the proposition. Due to GKD (Theorem 2.2), it is sufficient to show that û, defined in the statement of Proposition, solves (7). We note that (7) is equal to Z T Z T −1 (23) hR−1 u, uidt → min hQ z, zidt + N (z, u) := t0 t0 (z,u) verify (6) Therefore, to conclude it is sufficient to show that N (z, u) − N (û, ẑ) ≥ 0, where û = RHp, (p̂, ẑ) denote some solution of (19) and (z, u) verifies (6). We have 1 1 (N (z, u) − N (û, ẑ)) = (hF 0 ẑ(T ), F + F p̂(T )i − N (ẑ, û)) 2 2 Z T 1 d(F 0 ẑ) d(F p̂) 1 − (hF 0 z(T ), F +F p̂(T )i − N (z, u)) = h , p̂i + h , ẑidt − N (ẑ, û) 2 dt dt 2 t0 Z T Z T 0 1 d(F p̂) 1 d(F z) hH 0 û, p̂i + kẑk2 dt − N (ẑ, û) , p̂i + h , zidt − N (z, u)) = h −( dt dt 2 2 t0 t0 Z T Z T 1 1 ku − ûk2 + kz − ẑk2 dt ≥ 0 hH 0 u, p̂i + hz, ẑidt − N (z, u)) = −( 2 2 t0 t0 1474 SERGIY ZHUK Corollary 1 (sequential `-estimation). Define C+ , Q+ and S+ as in (22) and let dK = C+ (t)K + KC+ (t)0 − KQ+ (t)K + S+ (t), K(t0 ) = 0, dt (24) dx̂ 0 + = (C+ (t) − KQ+ (t))x̂ + K (B −KA)W (t) HRy(t), x̂(t0 ) = 0 dt If û is defined as in Proposition 1 and ` = (`1 , `2 ) (as in (22)) then Z T hû, yi = h`1 , x̂(T )i, σ̂(T, `) = hK(T )`1 , `1 i (25) t0 Proof. The proof uses the standard reduction procedure, that is a reduction of the Euler-Lagrange system (22) for (p1 , z1 ) to some Cauchy problem for z1 , introducing a Riccati matrix K. dz1 0 = −C+ (t)z1 + Q+ (t)Kz1 , z1 (T ) = `1 . Define p1 := Kz1 . Assume z1 solves dt By direct calculation one finds that (p1 , z1 ) verify (22). As (22) is always uniquely solvable, it follows that the Riccati equation in (24) has a unique solution. Let p2 solves (21). Let us find z2 from the third equation of (20) and set p̂ = (p1 , p2 )T , ẑ = (z1 , z2 )T . Then (ẑ, p̂) solves (19) with F = [ I0 00 ]. Proposition 1 implies that the minimax estimation is given by û = RH p̂ and the minimax error is RT σ̂(T, `) = hF 0+ `, F p(T )i. Now, integrating by parts t0 hû, yi and taking into account definitions of p1 , p2 , z1 and x̂ we arrive to the first equality in (25). Again, using integration by parts in hF 0+ `, F p(T )i one obtains the second equality in (25). 3.1. Numerical example: non-causal non-stationary DAE. Let i h 1 , H(t) = [ 0 1 ] . F = [ 10 00 ] , C(t) = c−1 3 (t) 0 Then det(F − λC(t)) ≡ 0 if c3 (t) = 0. Note that the pencil sF 0 − C 0 − H 0 H is regular. The corresponding DAE reads dx1 = −x1 + x2 + f1 (t), dt (26) 0 = c3 (t)x1 (t) + f2 (t), x1 (0) = 0 Rt Rt Set f1 = 0 for simplicity. We have x1 (t) = 0 exp(s − t)x2 (s)ds and c3 (t) 0 exp(s − t)x2 (s)ds = −f2 (t). From the latter formulae we see that the DAE (26) is ill-posed: x1 is non-unique and is not continuous with respect to the input data7 . Let us estimate x1 (t), provided y(t) = x2 (t)+η(t) is measured, (x1 , x2 ) obeys (26) and (f1 , f2 , η) verify √ Z T Z T 6 2 exp( t) 2 2 f2 dt ≤ 1, E η (t)dt ≤ 1, Eη(·) = 0 (27) f1 + 2 0 T 0 As (19) is solvable, we can apply Corollary 1. The minimax error is given by σ̂(t, `) := K(t)`21 and minimax estimate has the following form 2c23 (t) dx̂ √ ) x̂ + y(t), x̂(0) = 0, = − 1 − K(t) dt exp( t) T dK 2c23 (t) √ K 2 + (1 + ), = −2K − dt 6 exp( t) K(0) = 0, 7 Since x depends on derivative of f , it follows that x is not L -continuous with respect to 2 2 2 2 f2 , implying ill-posedness. As x2 depends on an arbitrary function v from some linear subspace we have non-uniqueness. INVERSE PROBLEMS FOR DAES 1475 1.5 1.0 0.5 x1 1 2 3 4 5 t x` Σ -0.5 Figure 1. Minimax estimate x̂(t), error σ(`1 , t) and the simulated x1 (t) for t ∈ [0, 5]. Figure 1 reflects the result of numerical simulations with particular f2 and η, verifying (27). 4. Conclusion. The paper describes the minimax state estimation approach for linear non-causal DAEs, that is to find an estimate u(y) of the linear function h`, F x(T )i, minimizing the worst-case error. The case of unknown but bounded input f and random observation error η with uncertain bounded correlation function is considered. The background of the approach is a Generalized Kalman Duality (GKD) principle. The GKD is used to calculate minimal worst-case (minimax) error. In contrast to causal DAEs, the minimax error could be infinite for some directions ` if the DAE is non-causal. In this case the observations y(t) along with state equation (1) do not provide sufficient information for reconstructing F x(T ). In fact, only a projection of F x(T ) onto some subspace L(T ), so called Minimax Observable Subspace (MOS), can be reconstructed. L(T ) describes an ”observable” (in the minimax sense) part of F x(T ): MOS consists of all `, for which minimax error is finite. As a consequence, for any linear estimate u(y) of h`, F x(T )i the estimation error varies8 in [0, +∞] if ` 6∈ L(T ). For the case of constant C(t) the MOS can be efficiently calculated (Remark 1). Restricting the matrices of DAE we present sufficient solvability conditions for the Euler-Lagrange system, describing points of minimum of the dual control problem. This, in turn, allows to derive a reduced-order minimax estimate in the form of the minimax filter. The results are illustrated by a synthetic example of non-causal ill-posed 2D DAE. 8 So that, for any natural N there is a realization of uncertain parameters f (·) and η(·) such that the estimation error will be greater than N 1476 SERGIY ZHUK It would be interesting to derive a sub-optimal minimax estimate for DAEs without restrictions of Proposition 1. 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