Cleveland Browns Football Stadium

Alcoa Architectural Products
Cleveland Browns
Football Stadium
Cleveland, Ohio
HOK Sport
Kansas City, Missouri
Robert P. Madison
Cleveland, Ohio
Panel Type:
Reynobond® ACM RB240 PE
100,000 square feet
A l c o a
A r c h i t e c t u r a l
Cleveland Browns Football Stadium
P r o d u c t s
Cleveland, Ohio
The design of Cleveland Browns Stadium began with a single directive: create an
extraordinary facility that captures the spirit of the city and its people while reacting
and interacting with its context.
Taking cues from the functional simplicity of huge cranes used to empty ships at
nearby ports, HOK Sport created a steel perimeter with whole pieces cut away to create a
feeling of openness. More than 100,000 square feet of 6mm Reynobond® Aluminum
Composite Material panels were used to clad the structure, providing incredible strength
and durability. When combined with the structural steel, concrete, glass, precast
concrete and granite accents also used in the stadium, the bright silver panels created a
stunning visual effect.
Construction Manager: Huber, Hunt and Nichols Cleveland, Ohio
Panel Installer: R.E. Krug Corporation Buffalo, New York
Color: Colorweld 300XL Bright Silver Metallic
Alcoa Architectural Products
Manufacturing Plant
P.O. Box 4129 • 50 Industrial Blvd.
Eastman, GA 31023-4129
478.374.4746 phone • 478.374.7041 fax
w w w. a l c o a a rch i t e c t u r a l p ro d u c t s . c o m