600V/650V Silicon Carbide thinQ!™ Diodes Selection Guide Improved Efficiency and Price Performance www.infineon.com/sic thinQ™ SiC 600V/650V Advantages of Silicon Carbide over Silicon Devices The wider band gap (3 × Si), higher breakdown field (10 × Si), and higher thermal conductivity (3 × Si) of SiC enable the fabrication of SiC-based high voltage Schottky diodes which outperform by far the corresponding Si-based devices, and enable the achievement of highest efficiency. Key Features Key Benefits Applications Benchmark switching behavior System efficiency improvement compared to Si diodes Server No reverse recovery charge Enabling higher frequency/increased power density Telecom Smooth recovery curve Reduced EMI Solar Temperature independent switching behavior Highly stable switching performance UPS High operating temperature (Tj max = 175°C) Reduced cooling requirements thus system cost/ PC Power increased system reliability Motor Drives Lighting G3 G5 Si Performance (efficiency, density) Performance comparisonComparison 8A Devices @ f =100kHz sw G2 offers better efficiency at high load conditions 98.4 due to its low VF 98.2 G3 offers better efficiency at low load conditions 98.0 due to its 97.8 low Qc G5 combines 97.6 the advantages of previous generations thus offers97.4 the best efficiency over all load conditions Comparison of 8A devices 98.4 Efficiency Difference [%] Efficiency [%] 98.2 98.0 97.8 97.6 Gen3 97.4 Gen2 97.2 97.0 10 Gen5 20 30 40 50 60 70 Output Power [% Nominal] Comparison of 8A devices 80 90 100 97.2 Test condition: 97.0 = 230Vac, CCM Mode PFC, High 10 line, Vin20 30 Vout40= 400Vdc, 50 Pout 60max = 701800W 80 fsw=65kHz, Theat sink = 60°C, Switch = IPW60R075CP Output Power [% Nominal] 90 Comparison of 8A devices 98.4 QC 98.2 Efficiency [%] G2 Features Best efficiency compared to the previous generations Best price/performance ratio Best combination with CoolMOS™ for PFC Improved surge current capability Improved thermal performance Best figure of merit: VF × Qc Increased VBR to 650V for extra safety margin Widest portfolio on the market New packages G2 98.0 Decrease Switching Loss 97.8 97.6 97.4 97.2 97.0 10 G5 20 Decrease Conduction Loss 30 40 50 60 70 VF [% Nominal] Output Power G3 80 90 100 90 100 Comparison of 8A devices 0.15 Efficiency Difference [%] Price Infineon Generation 5 thinQ!™ SiC Diodes: Best Price/Performance 100 Gen3 0.10 Gen2 0.05 Gen5 0.00 -0.05 -0.10 -0.15 -0,20 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Output Power [% Nominal] 80 thinQ!™ SiC Diodes Portfolio Generation 5 650V TO-220 R2L TO-247 DPAK DML D2PAK R2L ThinPAK 8x8 IF [A] 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 12 16 20 30 40 IDH02G65C5 IDH03G65C5 IDH04G65C5 IDH05G65C5 IDH06G65C5 IDH08G65C5 IDH09G65C5 IDH10G65C5 IDH12G65C5 IDH16G65C5 IDH20G65C5 IDK02G65C5 IDK03G65C5 IDK04G65C5 IDK05G65C5 IDK06G65C5 IDK08G65C5 IDK09G65C5 IDK10G65C5 IDK12G65C5 IDW10G65C5 IDW12G65C5 IDW16G65C5 IDW20G65C5 IDW30G65C5 IDW40G65C5 IDL02G65C5 IDL04G65C5 IDL06G65C5 IDL08G65C5 IDL10G65C5 IDL12G65C5 Generation 3 600V TO-220 R2L IF [A] 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 12 TO-247 IDH03SG60C IDH04SG60C IDH05SG60C IDH06SG60C IDH08SG60C IDH09SG60C IDH10SG60C IDH12SG60C DPAK DML D2PAK R2L ThinPAK 8x8 DPAK DML D2PAK DML ThinPAK 8x8 IDD03SG60C IDD04SG60C IDD05SG60C IDD06SG60C IDD08SG60C IDD09SG60C IDD10SG60C IDD12SG60C Generation 2 600V 1) TO-220 R2L IF [A] 4 5 6 8 10 12 16 12 IDH04S60C IDH05S60C IDH06S60C IDH08S60C IDH10S60C IDH12S60C IDH16S60C 1) Not recommended for new design R2L = Real two leg TO-247 IDD04S60C IDB06S60C IDB10S60C Co Co thinQ™ SiC 600V/650V Common SiC Diodes Applications and Topologies Interleaved PFC IGBT IGBT SiC Diode 400V CoolMOS™ CoolMOS™ 400V CoolMOS™ CoolMOS™ SiC Diode 400V OptiMOS™ SiC Diode IGBT IGBT CoolMOS™ 230V AC CoolMOS™ SiC Diode SiC Diode OptiMOS™ OptiMOS™ CoolMOS™ CoolMOS™ OptiMOS™ OptiMOS™ IGBT IGBT IGBT CoolMOS™ 25..55V DC OptiMOS™ 400V CoolMOS™ 400V CoolMOS™ 400V SiC Diode CoolMOS™ SiC Diode CoolMOS™ L2 IGBT IGBT L1 SiC Diode CoolMOS™ L2 CoolMOS™ 85-285 VAC CoolMOS™ L2 CoolMOS™ CoolMOS™ L1 IGBT SiC Diode L1 VAC 400V Solar Micro Inverter SiC Diode 85-285 VAC 85-285 L2 CoolMOS™ L2 L1 CoolMOS™ CoolMOS™ 85-285 VACL2 400V CoolMOS™ 400V L2 L1 AC CoolMOS™ AC CoolMOS™ 85-285 VAC L1 L1 AC CoolMOS™ VAC SiC Diode 400V CoolMOS™ 85-285 VAC 85-285 CoolMOS™ SiC Diode SiC Diode SiC Diode SiC Diode SiC Diode SiC Diode Inverter: Anti-parallel/freewheeling diode SiC Diode Bridgless PFC SiC Diode Classic PFC Solar string Inverter SiC Diode SiC Diode IGBT IGBT SiC Diode SiC Diode CoolMOS™ CoolMOS™ CoolMOS™ CoolMOS™ CoolMOS™ CoolMOS™ 150..450V DC CoolMOS™ SiC Diode 230V AC For further information please visit our website: www.infineon.com/sic Order Number: B152-H9740-G2-X-7600-DB2014-0005 Date: 03/2014 All rights reserved. © 2014 Infineon Technologies AG