±1LSB 18-Bit DAC 1.0 ±10V Range 0.8 0.6 VOUT ±10V 2.1µs Settling LTC2757 INL (LSB) 0.4 Parallel I/O 0.2 0 –0.2 –0.4 –0.6 90°C 25°C –45°C –0.8 –1.0 0 65536 131072 196608 262143 CODE Guaranteed ±1LSB INL & DNL Over Temperature The LTC®2757 is the first monolithic 18-bit DAC to offer precision DC specifications of ±1LSB INL (max) and ±1LSB DNL (max). The LTC2757 provides better than ±4ppm accuracy over four bipolar and two unipolar output ranges for precision adjustment in open loop applications. Excellent temperature drift and power supply rejection simplify system design. SoftSpan™ Selectable Output Spans Features Program or Pin-Strap Six Output Ranges: 0V to 5V, 0V to 10V, –2.5V to 7.5V, ±2.5V, ±5V, ±10V 18-Bit Settling Time: 2.1μs Glitch Impulse: 1.4nV•s (3V), 3nV•s (5V) Output Noise: 14nV/√Hz with LT®1468 Output Amp 1MHz Reference Multiplying Bandwidth Temperature Drift: ±0.2 LSB INL Drift from –40°C to 85°C ±0.25 ppm/°C Gain Drift ±0.15 ppm/°C Bipolar Zero Drift Power Supply Rejection: ±0.8 LSB/V Voltage-Controlled Offset and Gain Trims Parallel Interface with Readback of All Registers Reset to 0V Regardless of Output Range 2.7V to 5.5V Single Supply Operation Maximum Supply Current: 1µA 48-Pin 7mm × 7mm LQFP Package n 10V n n n 5V n n n 0 n n –5V n n n –10V n n n n Applications ATE Precision Instrumentation Galvanometer Scanners DAQ Modules Calibration Equipment n n n n n L, LT, LTC, LTM, Linear Technology and the Linear logo are registered trademarks and SoftSpan is a trademark of Linear Technology Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. REF 5V DAC Architecture The LTC2757 uses a current output R-2R or 4-quadrant multiplying DAC architecture. This architecture offers many advantages for high precision applications. The reference load impedance is constant and can be driven with an unbuffered reference or a slow low precision op amp with no impact on static or dynamic performance. Internal feedback and level-shift resistors simplify the output loop design and eliminate the need for external precision resistors. The unbuffered output and selectable voltage range give designers maximum flexibility to choose the best amplifier for their applications. 150pF RIN RCOM REF ROFS RFB 27pF IOUT1 WR UPD VOUT IOUT2 READ GND D/S CLR VDD M-SPAN 5V 0.1µF VOSADJ GEADJ GAIN ADJUST SPAN I/O S2-S0 DATA I/O D17-D0 OFFSET ADJUST Fast Settling, Low Noise Output Waveforms UPD 5V/DIV The LTC2757 also offers excellent AC specifications. When combined with an LT1468 amplifier, the DAC output settles from a 10V step to within 1LSB in less than 2.1µs. The glitch impulse at major carry transitions is limited to 1.4nV•s, and the output noise density is 14nV/√Hz. Fast settling and low glitch reduce harmonic distortion, making it possible to produce higher frequency, lower noise output waveforms. Final 300µV Settling Gated Settling Waveform 100µV/DIV (Averaged) 500ns/DIV t SETTLE = 1.8µs to 0.0004% (18 Bits) Single/Dual/Quad, IOUT R-2R Multiplying DACs Single Serial I/O Single Parallel I/O Dual Serial I/O 18-Bit 2756 2757 2758 16-Bit 1592 2751-16 2752 14-Bit 1589 2751-14 12-Bit 1588 2751-12 Dual Parallel I/O Quad Serial I/O Quad Parallel I/O 2753-16 2754-16 2755-16 2753-14 1590 2753-12 2755-14 2754-12 2755-12 www.linear.com/2757 n 1-800-4-LINEAR 0312D