AN58304 PSoC® 3 and PSoC 5LP – Pin Selection for Analog Designs Author: Mark Hastings Associated Project: No Associated Part Family: All PSoC 3 and PSoC 5LP parts Software Version: NA Related Application Notes: None ® AN58304 provides an overview of the analog routing matrix in PSoC 3 and PSoC 5LP. This matrix is used to interconnect analog blocks and GPIO pins. A good understanding of the analog routing and pin connections can help the designer make selections to achieve the best possible analog performance. Topics such as LCD and CapSense routing are not covered in this application note. Contents PSoC 3 and PSoC 5LP Internal Analog Routing ...............1 Best Analog Ports .........................................................2 Analog Mux Bus (AMUXBUS) ......................................4 Analog Globals (AGs) ...................................................4 GPIO Connection to Analog Busses ............................5 Optimizing Routing Resources .....................................5 Analog Local Bus (abus) ..............................................6 Routing Example ..........................................................6 Direct Routes to GPIO Pins ..........................................6 IDAC Pin Selection .......................................................6 Opamp Pin Selection ....................................................7 Reference Voltage Pins ................................................7 Separating Analog and Digital Signals .........................8 Analog Device Editor .........................................................9 Summary ......................................................................... 10 About the Author ............................................................. 10 Worldwide Sales and Design Support ............................. 12 PSoC 3 and PSoC 5LP Internal Analog Routing Prior to discussing which pins are better than others for a particular operation or application, it is best to understand the underlying analog structure of the PSoC 3 and PSoC 5LP parts. This application note will help the reader understand how the basic analog structure works when adding a signal path between two points or placing an analog mux. PSoC Creator™ will do a good job routing most designs, but with some assistance from the designer, better performance can be achieved. Tools are provided in PSoC Creator to allow the user to validate and to make changes to the internal analog routing of a design if needed. This application note focuses on connections between the analog blocks and GPIO pins. Digital routing, SIO, USB, and pins used for connecting the external crystals are not discussed. PSoC 3 and PSoC 5LP can be divided into an analog and digital section. The top section of the silicon is mostly analog and the bottom section is digital. The analog section consists of several analog blocks such as a Delta-Sigma ADC (DSM), comparators, DACs, and SC/CT blocks. The digital section contains the CPU, RAM, ROM, DMA, UDBs, Clocks, and so on. The entire chip is surrounded by pins. Most of these pins are general purpose I/O or GPIO pins. The GPIO pins can be configured for eight different modes: seven digital and one analog input/output mode. This application note concentrates only on the analog mode for these pins. Document No. 001-58304 Rev. *G 1 PSoC® 3 and PSoC 5LP – Pin Selection for Analog Designs Upper Left Quadrant AGL[7:4] AGR[7:4] Vddio3 GPIO P3[7:0] GPIO P0[7:0] GPIO P4[7:0] SIO P12[1:0] Analog Section SIO P12[3:2] GPXT P15[1:0] GPIO P6[7:0] GPIO P2[7:0] GPIO P15[5:4] Digital Section AMUXBUSR Lower Left Quadrant GPIO P15[3:2] SIO P12[5:4] Vddio2 Document No. 001-58304 Rev. *G GPIO P1[7:0] GPIO P5[7:0] SIO P12[7:6] USB IO P15[7:6] AGL[3:0] AGR[3:0] Lower Right Quadrant The largest parts of the PSoC 3 and PSoC 5LP families have more than seven full 8-pin ports or 56 GPIOs that can be used for analog input and output. Of these seven ports, three have a slight analog performance advantage P0[7:0], P3[7:0], and P4[7:0]. These ports reside in the analog upper portion of the chip. The analog globals, AGL[7:4] and AGR[7:4] that connect to these ports, also reside only in the upper analog section of the part, which give these ports a slight signal-to-noise ratio advantage. Vddio0 Upper Right Quadrant Best Analog Ports Figure 1. PSoC 3 and PSoC 5LP Analog/Digital Layout AMUXBUSL Analog globals (AG) and analog mux buses (AMUXBUS) provide analog connectivity between GPIOs and the various analog blocks. As shown in Figure 1, there are 16 AGs that are divided between four quadrants. Each quadrant contains four analog globals: (AGR[7:4], AGR[3:0], AGL[7:4], and AGL[3:0]). The analog mux bus may be connected to any of the GPIO pins and most of the analog block inputs and outputs. It may be divided between the left and right half of the chip or configured as a single bus that wraps around the entire chip. Together, the analog mux bus and analog globals provide up to 18 paths between the analog blocks and GPIO pins. Additionally, there are about 20 dedicated paths between GPIOs and analog blocks. The dedicated routes provide low resistive paths between GPIOs and devices such as current DACs and uncommitted opamps (operational amplifiers). Vddio1 2 PSoC® 3 and PSoC 5LP – Pin Selection for Analog Designs Figure 2. PSoC 3 and PSoC 5LP Analog Diagram Vssd Vcca * Vssa Vdda * * * AGR[5] AGL[6] AGR[6] AGR[7] * AGL[6] AGL[7] * opamp1 swfol swfol GPIO P3[5] GPIO swinp P3[4] GPIO swinn P3[3] GPIO P3[2] GPIO P3[1] GPIO P3[0] GPXT *P15[1] GPXT *P15[0] swinn swfol swfol opamp3 3210 76543210 swinn * cmp0_vref (1.024V) i1 sc1_bgref (1.024V) sc3_bgref (1.024V) Vin Vref out sc3 ABUSL0 ABUSL1 ABUSL2 ABUSL3 AGR[7] AGR[6] AGR[5] Vssa AGR[4] AMUXBUSR refbuf_vref1 (1.024V) refbuf_vref2 (1.2V) refsel[1:0] sc1 Vin Vref out SC/CT Vin Vref out sc2 out ref in v0 DAC0 i0 DAC1 v1 i1 v2 DAC2 i2 + DSM0 - vssa DAC3 v3 i3 USB IO * P15[6] GPIO P5[7] GPIO P5[6] GPIO P5[5] GPIO P5[4] SIO P12[7] SIO P12[6] GPIO *P1[7] GPIO *P1[6] DSM vcm refs qtz_ref vref_vss_ext dsm0_qtz_vref2 (1.2V) dsm0_qtz_vref1 (1.024V) Vdda/3 Vdda/4 ExVrefL ExVrefR refmux[2:0] PSoC 5LP Only Vp (+) Vn (-) SAR0 Vrefhi_out refs SAR_vref1 (1.024V) SAR_vref2 (1.2V) (+) Vp SAR1 (-) Vn Vrefhi_out refs SAR_vref1 (1.024V) SAR_vref2 (1.2V) SAR ADC Vdda Vdda/2 ExVrefL2 ExVrefL1 en_resvda refmux[2:0] 01 23456 7 0123 3210 76543210 Vbat Vssd Vssb Vboost * * Ind * * * Switch Resistance Small ( ~500 to 700 Ohms ) Large ( ~200 - 350 Ohms) X- Large ( ~50 Ohms) Vddio1 * GPIO P2[5] GPIO P2[6] GPIO P2[7] SIO P12[4] SIO P12[5] GPIO P6[4] GPIO P6[5] GPIO P6[6] GPIO P6[7] * * * * * Connection Notes: * Denotes pins on all packages LCD signals are not shown. Document No. 001-58304 Rev. *G * * AMUXBUSL Mux Group Switch Group XRES * AGL[1] AGL[0] AGR[3] AGR[2] AGR[1] AGR[0] AMUXBUSR GPIO P5[0] GPIO P5[1] GPIO P5[2] GPIO P5[3] GPIO P1[0] GPIO P1[1] GPIO P1[2] GPIO P1[3] GPIO P1[4] GPIO P1[5] AGL[3] AGL[2] AGR[0] AMUXBUSR AGR[3] AGR[2] AGR[1] LPF * AGL[1] AGL[2] AGL[3] VBE Vss ref * TS ADC AMUXBUSR ANALOG ANALOG BUS GLOBALS * AMUXBUSL AGL[0] ANALOG ANALOG GLOBALS BUS : Vdda Vdda/2 en_resvda refmux[2:0] AMUXBUSL Vddd USB IO dac_vref (0.256V) vssd dsm0_vcm_vref1 (0.8V) dsm0_vcm_vref2 (0.7V) Vssd * P15[7] VIDAC vcmsel[1:0] Vccd ABUSR0 ABUSR1 ABUSR2 ABUSR3 * * Vddio2 refbufr sc0 Vin Vref out vssa sc0_bgref (1.024V) sc2_bgref (1.024V) Vddd refbufr_ cmp refbufl_ cmp CAPSENSE out ref in refbufl refsel[1:0] GPIO P6[0] GPIO P6[1] GPIO P6[2] GPIO P6[3] GPIO P15[4] GPIO P15[5] GPIO P2[0] GPIO P2[1] GPIO P2[2] GPIO P2[3] * GPIO P2[4] * + - i3 bg_vda_swabusl0 refbuf_vref1 (1.024V) refbuf_vref2 (1.2V) Vssd comp3 ExVrefR cmp1_vref Vdda Vdda/2 Vccd comp1 + - + - comp2 abuf_vref_int (1.024V) swin COMPARATOR cmp_muxvn[1:0] vref_cmp1 (0.256V) bg_vda_res_en swout out1 comp0 + - cmp1_vref cmp0_vref (1.024V) GPIO P4[2] GPIO P4[3] GPIO P4[4] GPIO P4[5] GPIO P4[6] GPIO P4[7] in1 out0 swin i2 * LPF in0 swout abuf_vref_int (1.024V) cmp1_vref i0 * * * AGL[4] AGL[5] swinp 01 2 3 4 56 7 0123 * opamp2 * * * * AMUXBUSL * AGL[5] ExVrefL2 opamp0 swinp GPIO P0[4] GPIO P0[5] GPIO P0[6] GPIO P0[7] * AGR[4] AGL[7] ExVrefL ExVrefL1 * * AMUXBUSR AMUXBUSL AGL[4] * swinp Vddio3 GPIO P3[6] GPIO P3[7] SIO P12[0] SIO P12[1] GPIO P15[2] GPIO P15[3] SIO P12[2] SIO P12[3] GPIO P4[0] GPIO P4[1] GPIO P0[0] GPIO P0[1] GPIO P0[2] GPIO P0[3] Vddio0 swinn Rev #62 26-Mar-2013 3 PSoC® 3 and PSoC 5LP – Pin Selection for Analog Designs Table 1. GPIOs per package Ports Port 0 Port 1 Port 2 Port 3 Port 4 Port 5 Port 6 Port 12 Port 15 100-pin TQFP P0[7:0] P1[7:0] P2[7:0] P3[7:0] P4[7:0] P5[7:0] P6[7:0] P12[7:0] P15[7:0] 68-pin QFN P0[7:0] P1[7:0] P2[7:0] P3[7:0] NA NA NA P12[7:0] P15[7:0] 48-pin QFN P0[7:0] P1[7:0] P2[7:3] NA NA NA NA P12[3:0] P15[7:6], [3:0] 48-pin SSOP P0[7:0] P1[7:0] P2[7:3] NA NA NA NA P12[3:0] P15[7:6], [3:0] Analog Mux Bus (AMUXBUS) There are two AMUXBUS routes in PSoC 3 and PSoC 5LP devices. The AMUXBUSL may be connected to any of the GPIOs on the left side. The AMUXBUSR can connect to all GPIOs on the right side of the device. The left and right AMUXBUS may be shorted together with an analog switch to create a single bus that can be connected to all GPIO pins. It is possible to use the AMUXBUS to connect all GPIOs to a single analog block such as the Delta-Sigma ADC. Analog Globals (AGs) Most of the switches can be addressed individually, which means that any combination of switches can be connected at any time. Not all analog block connections are connected to every analog bus. Although this would provide the most routing flexibility, it would significantly impact both the performance, due to added capacitance, and the cost because of the additional size. To achieve a good tradeoff between cost, performance and routing, analog global bus connections between GPIOs and some analog block terminals are not fully populated. The connection patterns to the analog buses often alternate between adjacent blocks and GPIOs. For example, in Figure 3, the negative input to the two comparators connects to a different set of analog globals. The negative input to comparator 0 connects to the odd analog globals and comparator 2 connects to the even analog globals. Figure 3. Comparator Connections Analog Globals 01 2 3 4 56 7 abus2 abus3 Each package has a different combination of GPIO pins available to the user. Table 1 below lists the available pin for each of the packages available for PSoC 3 and PSoC 5LP. The globals on the left and right half may operate independently or they may be joined through the switches that are shown at the top and bottom. The analog globals AGL[3:0] and AGR[3:0] are routed down and around the digital blocks. The other busses AGL[7:4] and AGR[7:4] stay up in the analog section where there is likely to be less digital switching noise and the paths are shorter (less resistive). In the Analog Diagram, each analog block is capable of connecting to various analog busses. These connections form an analog connection matrix between analog blocks and GPIO pins. Analog blocks may be interconnected to each other or to GPIOs. The small circles indicate switches that connect the paths that intersect. The On resistance of the switches colored red is about 200 to 350 ohms. The On resistance of the white switches is about 500 to 700 ohms. Note that the connection between the pins and analog globals or AMUXBUS is with the lower resistance switches. abus0 abus1 The PSoC 3 and PSoC 5LP Analog Diagram in Figure 2 is a detailed view of the analog section. This diagram shows all possible analog routes and switches between analog blocks and GPIOs. It is important to take the time to understand the basic interconnection between the GPIO pins and the internal analog blocks to be able to get the most out of your design. on the same side. Analog globals can be used as single ended or differential signal paths. + - AMUXBUSL PSoC Creator routes the analog signals for the user. However, the designer can dictate a preferred route by selecting a preferred GPIO for a given signal manually. This can be accomplished in the Pins section of the Design Wide Resource Editor in PSoC Creator. comp0 comp1 + - COMPARATOR + - comp2 90 comp3 + - The PSoC 3 and PSoC 5LP devices are divided into four quadrants as shown in Figure 1. The analog global bus has eight routes on each side: AGL[7:0] on the left and AGR[7:0] on the right. Within each side, the bus is divided into two groups: AGR[3:0] and AGR[7:4] for the right side and AGL[3:0] and AGL[7:4] for the left side. The lower four globals on each side are routed to the GPIO in the lower half of the part and the upper four globals on each side are routed to the GPIO in the upper half of the device. All eight analog globals on each side get routed to analog blocks Document No. 001-58304 Rev. *G 4 PSoC® 3 and PSoC 5LP – Pin Selection for Analog Designs Each GPIO pin may be connected to an analog global, the AMUXBUS, or both simultaneously. Two pins of each port share the same analog global connection. Figure 4 illustrates in two examples how the GPIOs are actually connected to the analog global busses. PSoC Creator makes these connections for the user when analog wires and muxes are placed between analog blocks and GPIOs. Figure 4. GPIO Connection to AG[n] and AMUXBUS Lower Quad GPIO P4[4] GPIO P4[5] GPIO P4[6] GPIO P0[0] GPIO P0[1] GPIO P0[2] GPIO P0[3] GPIO P0[4] GPIO P0[5] GPIO P0[6] GPIO P0[7] GPIO P4[7] ADC If the same schematic is used, but a different combination of pins (P0[2], P0[6], P4[2], P4[6]) selected we get a different result. See Figure 7. Figure 7. Example 2 Schematic Optimizing Routing Resources This time a much more efficient use of internal routing resources are used as shown in Figure 8. Notice that only one analog global, AGL[6] is used, leaving three analog globals to route other signals. This relatively small change in pin selection could easily make the difference between a design fitting in the part or running out of routing resources. Figure 8. Example 2 Internal Routing AMUXBUSL AGL[4] AGL[5] AGL[6] AGL[7] Although PSoC 3 and PSoC 5LP contain much more analog routing resources than previous families, there is still a finite set of analog routes. Making the right pin assignments can mean the difference between a design fitting into a particular part and not having sufficient routing resources. Take the following example in Figure 5 where an analog mux is used to connect four signals to the ADC. Figure 5. Example 1 Schematic AMux ADC AGL[5] AGL[6] AGL[7] AMux AMUXBUS AGL[4] AGL[1] AGL[2] AGL[3] AMUXBUS AGL[0] GPIO P2[0] GPIO P2[1] GPIO P2[2] GPIO P2[3] GPIO P2[4] GPIO P2[5] GPIO P2[6] GPIO P2[7] Upper Quad AMUXBUSL AGL[4] AGL[5] AGL[6] AGL[7] Figure 6. Example 1 Internal Routing GPIO Connection to Analog Busses ADC GPIO P0[2] GPIO P0[6] With the pins P4[3:0] selected, Figure 6 is an example of how the signals may be routed. Notice that all four of the analog globals AGL[7:4] are used. No other signals can be routed in that section using these globals. GPIO P4[2] GPIO P4[6] ADC These two simple examples demonstrate the power of understanding the internal routing diagram. Document No. 001-58304 Rev. *G 5 PSoC® 3 and PSoC 5LP – Pin Selection for Analog Designs Analog Local Bus (abus) Direct Routes to GPIO Pins Internal to the analog section, there are eight additional analog local bus (abus) routes, four in the left half abusl[3:0] and four in the right half abusr[3:0] as shown in the Analog Diagram. These are local routes for interconnecting analog blocks but not to GPIOs. They help to save the analog globals to route to GPIOs. The left and right sides may be shorted together with four analog switches, as see in Figure 9. Several direct routes bypass the amuxbus, analog globals, and the analog local bus to connect analog blocks directly to GPIOs. The opamps and VIDACs both have direct connections that are used to maximize performance. Figure 12 is a simplified section of the analog routing diagram that shows some of these direct connections. Figure 12. Dedicated GPIO Connections GPIO P0[0] GPIO P0[1] GPIO P0[2] GPIO P0[3] Figure 9. Left and Right abus Interconnect AMUXBUSL AGL[4] Routing Example Figure 10 and Figure 11 illustrate a PSoC Creator Schematic and one possible route. Analog Global AGL[7] is used to connect GPIO P4[3] to the input of TIA_1 and the negative input to the ADC_DelSig_1. Analog bus abusl0 connects the output of TIA_1 to the positive input to ADC_DelSig_1. One of the analog globals AGL[6,4,2,0] could have been used instead of abusl0, but these are most valuable routing signals to and from GPIOs. Figure 10. Example Signal Path Schematic TIA_1 ADC_DelSig_1 Vin Figure 11. Example of Signal Path Route GPIO P4[3] abusl1 abusl2 abusl3 Vin abusl0 AGL[7] sc0 Vin Vref out sc0_bgref (1.024V) sc2_bgref (1.024V) Vin Vref out sc2 Vref SC/CT TIA_1 AMUXBUSL + DSM0 - DSM ADC_DelSig_1 01234567 AGL[7:0] sc1 Vin Vref out Vin Vref out sc3 AGL[6] AGL[6] AGL[7] AGL[7] AGL[4] AGL[5] AMUXBUSL AGL[5] opamp0 1.024V opamp2 abusl GPIO P0[4] GPIO P0[5] 01 2 3 i0 GPIO P0[6] GPIO P0[7] v0 DAC0 i0 DAC1 v1 i1 DAC3 v3 i3 VIDAC i2 v2 DAC2 i2 IDAC Pin Selection Each IDAC (current DAC) output may be routed to a GPIO in several ways. Using the analog globals or the analog mux bus works fine as long as the maximum current is limited to the two lower ranges of 32 µA or 255 µA. When using the high current range of 2 mA, the resistance in the path and analog switches may cause an excessive voltage drop and limit the compliance voltage of the current source at the pin. A path through the analog globals can be 500 ohms or more. To minimize the voltage drop, make sure that one of the pins listed in Table 2 is used to connect the output of the IDAC. This dedicated route is less than 100 ohms from IDAC to GPIO. PSoC Creator selects the appropriate IDAC to make sure that connection is made. Using these dedicated pins also frees up routing resources that can be used for other parts of the design. These dedicated pins can be used no matter what IDAC range is used. Therefore, you can use the dedicated pins any time an IDAC is used to maximize routing resources. Figure 12 shows these dedicated routes for DAC0 and DAC2. Table 2. Dedicated IDAC Connections IDAC GPIO Pin DAC0 P0[6] DAC1 P3[0] DAC2 P0[7] DAC3 P3[1] Document No. 001-58304 Rev. *G 6 PSoC® 3 and PSoC 5LP – Pin Selection for Analog Designs Opamp Pin Selection The opamps are connected to the GPIOs in such a way that they can be used without any internal analog global busses, See Figure 12. If all connections to the opamp are external through the GPIOs, it is a good idea to use the dedicated pins. In many cases, the opamp may be used as a buffer to an internally generated signal, such as a buffer to a VDAC output. In this case the dedicated opamp input pins may be ignored and used for another purpose. After the opamp is enabled, the dedicated output GPIO will always be driven by the output of the opamp. This GPIO is now dedicated to the opamp output and cannot be used for another signal. Even if this signal is only used internally, the dedicated output pin will be driven by the opamp. This guarantees that the resistance between the opamp and GPIO pin is low, about 5 ohms. If you must use a different pin for the output, the dedicated output pin still outputs the signal. If the opamp is not used, it has no affect on the GPIOs directly connected to it. These GPIO pins operate as any of the other GPIOs when the opamp is disabled. The dedicated GPIO connections to the opamps are summarized in Table 3. Pins P0[2] and P0[4] are used to attach these capacitors to the SAR ADCs references. Table 4 is a summary of all the dedicated routes to GPIO pins on ports 0 and 3. It is a good idea to keep this list in mind when selecting GPIO connections to an IDAC and opamp, or when required to connect a bypass capacitor to an ADC reference. If you look close, the analog diagram in Figure 2 details each of these connections. Table 4. GPIO Direct Routes Port P0[0] Opamp2 output P0[1] Opamp0 output P0[2] Opamp0 non-inverting input ExVrefL2 SAR ADC reference input P0[3] Opamp0 inverting input ExVrefL DCM (DelSig ADC) reference input Internal Reference bypass capacitor P0[4] Table 3. Dedicated Opamp Connections OPAMP Description Opamp2 non-inverting input ExVrefL1 SAR ADC reference input GPIO Pin GPIO Pin GPIO Pin P0[5] Opamp2 inverting input (Non-inverting) (Inverting) (Output) P0[6] VIDAC0 current sink/source connection Opamp0 P0[2] P0[3] P0[1] P0[7] VIDAC2 current sink/source connection Opamp1 P3[5] P3[4] P3[6] P3[0] VIDAC1 current sink/source connection Opamp2 P0[4] P0[5] P0[0] P3[1] VIDAC3 current sink/source connection Opamp3 P3[3] P3[2] P3[7] P3[2] Opamp3 inverting input ExVrefL DCM (DelSig ADC) reference input Internal Reference bypass capacitor Reference Voltage Pins External references can be used to enhance the accuracy or change the range of the ADCs. There are connections for external references for both the Delta-Sigma and SAR ADCs. The SAR ADC is only available in the PSoC 5LP families. The internal reference is accurate up to 0.1% over the operating temperature range depending on the device selected. An external reference can increase the accuracy beyond 0.1%. For the Delta-Sigma ADC, either pins P0[3] or P3[2] may be used for an external reference. Pins P0[2] and P0[4] can be used to used to provide an external reference for the two SAR ADCs found in the PSoC 5 and PSoC 5LP parts. P3[3] Opamp3 non-inverting input P3[4] Opamp1 inverting input P3[5] Opamp1 non-inverting input P3[6] Opamp1 output P3[7] Opamp3 output Pin P0[3] or P3[2] can also be used to attach an external bypass capacitor to the internal Delta-Sigma ADC reference to help filter out any internal low frequency noise. This capacitor value should be in the range of 1 µF to 10 µF. When using a SAR ADCs in PSoC 5LP with a sample rate above 100 Ksps or at the same time as the Delta-Sigma ADC is used, external bypass capacitors should be used. Document No. 001-58304 Rev. *G 7 PSoC® 3 and PSoC 5LP – Pin Selection for Analog Designs Depending on the sensor or source, many if not most analog signals tend to be relatively high impedance, at times as high as several megaohms. Digital signals on the other hand are usually low impedance on the order of 10 to 50 ohms with fast edge times of tens of nanoseconds or faster. A few easy steps can be used to plan a pinout for optimal analog performance. Design Steps 1. Determine how many analog pins/ports are required for a given design. 2. Determine which signals can or should use the dedicated routes between the analog block and the GPIO pin. Make these pin assignments first. 3. Start with port 0 and work out in both directions to port 4 and port 3 and select the analog GPIO pins needed for the design. 4. Draw a line between the analog GPIO pins selected and the rest of the pins required for the design. 5. Keep all analog GPIOs on one side of the line and all digital GPIOs on the other. Follow these simple steps to isolate the analog and digital signals on both the chip and your circuit board. Figure 13 shows an ideal separation between analog and digital ports. Analog Pins AGL[7:4] AGR[7:4] GPIO P3[7:0] GPIO P0[7:0] GPIO P4[7:0] SIO P12[1:0] Analog Section SIO P12[3:2] GPXT P15[1:0] GPIO P15[3:2] GPIO P6[7:0] GPIO P2[7:0] GPIO P15[5:4] AMUXBUSL When these two signals are placed in close proximity on a circuit board, or are on adjacent pins, the fast rise and fall times of the digital signal can easily be capacitively coupled to the analog signal. Therefore, when selecting pins for analog and digital functions, it is recommended that analog and high speed digital signals be kept away from each other when possible. This coupling can occur both internal to the chip at the I/O pads and on the circuit board traces. Isolating these signals by at least one pin reduces this coupling both internally and externally. If possible it is good design practice to keep analog and digital signals on opposite sides of the chip. This also helps when it is time to lay out the circuit board. Figure 13. Ideal Analog and Digital Separation Digital Section AMUXBUSR Separating Analog and Digital Signals SIO P12[5:4] GPIO P1[7:0] GPIO P5[7:0] SIO P12[7:6] USB IO P15[7:6] AGL[3:0] AGR[3:0] Digital Pins Sometimes a design may have a mix of precision analog, low resolution analog, low speed digital, and high speed digital. The low precision and low speed digital can be used to isolate the precision analog and high speed digital. See Figure 14 for an example. Connecting to the Sigma_Delta ADC The analog blocks are equally distributed between the left and right sides of the chip. Currently, there is just one Delta-Sigma ADC, which is placed on the left side and only has direct connections to the routing resources on the left side. Signals may be routed from the right side of the part, but only by connecting the left and right analog globals together. When pins from the right side of the part must connect to the ADC, the analog globals on the right side must be connected to the corresponding analog globals on the left side. For example, if pin P3[7] needs to be routed to the ADC, the pin is first connected to AGR[7]. Then AGL[7] must then be connected to AGR[7] to route to the ADC. However, if pin P0[7] is selected, then only analog global AGL[7] is used instead of both AGR[7] and AGL[7]. (See the top section Analog Diagram for clarity). All of the left analog globals (AGL[7:0]) may be connected to the corresponding right analog globals (AGR[7:0]). See Figure 15. Document No. 001-58304 Rev. *G 8 PSoC® 3 and PSoC 5LP – Pin Selection for Analog Designs Figure 14. Three Signal Sections Analog Device Editor Precision Analog Pins AGL[7:4] AGR[7:4] GPIO P0[7:0] GPIO P3[7:0] GPIO P4[7:0] SIO P12[1:0] Analog Section SIO P12[3:2] PSoC Designer 2.0 and higher added a new feature that allows the user to validate the actual routing paths for all signals in the schematic. This tool not only allows the user to view the routes, but also change the routes as well. This Analog Device Editor tool can be found in the Design Wide Resource section in the “Analog” tab. Figure 16 shows an example of the Analog Device Editor window. Figure 16. Example view of Analog Device Editor GPXT P15[1:0] AMUXBUSL GPIO P6[7:0] GPIO P2[7:0] Digital Section GPIO P15[5:4] AMUXBUSR Mixed low speed Digital GPIO P15[3:2] and low resolution Analog SIO P12[5:4] GPIO P1[7:0] GPIO P5[7:0] SIO P12[7:6] USB IO P15[7:6] AGL[3:0] AGR[3:0] Digital Pins Figure 15. DelSig ADC Analog Connections AMUXBUSL GPIO P0[7:0] AGL[7:4] GPIO P4[7:0] DSM0 GPIO P6[7:0] GPIO P2[7:0] AGL[3:0] AMUXBUSR AGR[7:4] DelSig ADC AGR[3:0] GPIO P3[7:0] GPIO P5[7:0] GPIO P1[7:0] A full description of the Analog Device Editor and how to use it can be found in the PSoC Creator Document Manager. To find this document, click on the “Help” menu and select “Document Manager”. See Figure 17. Figure 17. Document Manager location Document No. 001-58304 Rev. *G 9 PSoC® 3 and PSoC 5LP – Pin Selection for Analog Designs In the Document Manager, select “PSoC Creator Help” under the “Contents” tab and navigate down to “Using Design Entry Tools/Design-Wide Resources/Analog Device Editor”. This section of the help manual will show you how to examine and to edit your circuit’s analog. See Figure 18. Figure 18. Analog Device Editor Documentation Summary Because there are sufficient analog routing resources for most applications, designers should not be concerned with getting the most efficient hardware usage. For those cases where most analog resources are used or maximum analog performance is required, the topics discussed in this application note will help to optimize the design. The single most important thing that will help to improve your design, is to understand the PSoC 3 and PSoC 5LP analog architecture shown in Figure 2, and make pin selections based on this knowledge. Take advantage of the Analog Device Editor and review your analog routes to verify that they have been routed as expected and make changes if needed. All GPIO pins work fine for analog input, but ports P0[7:0], P3[7:0], and P4[7:0] may provide a measurable advantage in signal-to-noise performance than the remaining ports. Care should always be taken to keep digital signals away from sensitive analog signals, both on the PSoC and on the PCB. About the Author Some Analog Device Editor features include: View actual signal paths Examine Analog Mux routing and configuration Measure the resistance of a signal path Locking components to a specific analog block Change which analog blocks are used for a given component Re-routing signal paths and analog mux routes View individual switch resistance Display individual switch control register address and mask value Name: Mark Hastings Title: Applications Engineer MTS Background: Mark Hastings graduated from Washington State University in 1984. For most of the last twenty five years, he has been involved in embedded and mixed signal designs. During his free time he can be found hiking and climbing in the Cascade Mountains of Washington State. Contact: [email protected] Document No. 001-58304 Rev. *G 10 PSoC® 3 and PSoC 5LP – Pin Selection for Analog Designs Document History Document Title: PSoC® 3 and PSoC 5LP – Pin Selection for Analog Designs - AN58304 Document Number: 001-58304 Revision ECN Orig. of Change Submission Date Description of Change New application note. Fixed branding discrepancies Rewrite of several paragraphs and added or updated Figures, 2, 5,6,7,8,13 Updated PSoC 3 and PSoC 5 Internal Analog Routing. Updated Summary. Updated in new template. Updated Associated Part Family as “All PSoC 3 and PSoC 5LP parts”. Replaced PSoC 5 with PSoC 5LP in all instances across the document. Update of the analog diagram. Several minor changes. Added reference to PSoC Creator Analog Editor. Fixed error in Figures 1, 13 and 14 that labeled USB pins incorrectly Sunset Update ** *A *B 2828695 2991540 3371422 MEH SRIH MEH 12/15/2009 07/22/2010 09/14/2011 *C 3655552 MEH 06/26/2012 *D 3812768 MEH 11/15/2012 *E 3941625 MEH 04/01/2013 *F *G 4391233 4573140 MEH MEH 05/28/2014 11/18/2014 Document No. 001-58304 Rev. *G 11 PSoC® 3 and PSoC 5LP – Pin Selection for Analog Designs Worldwide Sales and Design Support Cypress maintains a worldwide network of offices, solution centers, manufacturer’s representatives, and distributors. To find the office closest to you, visit us at Cypress Locations. PSoC® Solutions Products Automotive Clocks & Buffers PSoC 1 | PSoC 3 | PSoC 5LP Interface Lighting & Power Control Memory PSoC Touch Sensing USB Controllers Wireless/RF Cypress Developer Community Community | Forums | Blogs | Video | Training Technical Support PSoC is a registered trademark of Cypress Semiconductor Corp. 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Furthermore, Cypress does not authorize its products for use as critical components in life-support systems where a malfunction or failure may reasonably be expected to result in significant injury to the user. The inclusion of Cypress products in life-support systems application implies that the manufacturer assumes all risk of such use and in doing so indemnifies Cypress against all charges. This Source Code (software and/or firmware) is owned by Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (Cypress) and is protected by and subject to worldwide patent protection (United States and foreign), United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions. Cypress hereby grants to licensee a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to copy, use, modify, create derivative works of, and compile the Cypress Source Code and derivative works for the sole purpose of creating custom software and or firmware in support of licensee product to be used only in conjunction with a Cypress integrated circuit as specified in the applicable agreement. Any reproduction, modification, translation, compilation, or representation of this Source Code except as specified above is prohibited without the express written permission of Cypress. Disclaimer: CYPRESS MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH REGARD TO THIS MATERIAL, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Cypress reserves the right to make changes without further notice to the materials described herein. Cypress does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit described herein. Cypress does not authorize its products for use as critical components in life-support systems where a malfunction or failure may reasonably be expected to result in significant injury to the user. The inclusion of Cypress’ product in a life-support systems application implies that the manufacturer assumes all risk of such use and in doing so indemnifies Cypress against all charges. Use may be limited by and subject to the applicable Cypress software license agreement. Document No. 001-58304 Rev. *G 12