osram.com ECG lifetime Expected lifetime is the calculation of the ECG lifetime according to IEC_60929_Edition_4_2011. As background for this estimation, are the MTTF values according to SN 29500 and the component- parameters used QUICKTRONIC® INTELLIGENT (DALI) DIM – ECG dimmable for T5/16 mm lamps .................................. 3 QTi (DALI) 1x14/24 DIM................................................................................................................... 3 QTi (DALI) 1x21/39 DIM................................................................................................................... 3 QTi (DALI) 1x28/54 DIM................................................................................................................... 3 QTi (DALI) 1x35/49/80 DIM ............................................................................................................. 3 QTi (DALI) 2x14/24 DIM................................................................................................................... 3 QTi (DALI) 2x21/39 DIM................................................................................................................... 3 QTi (DALI) 2x28/54 DIM................................................................................................................... 3 QTi (DALI) 2x35/49 DIM................................................................................................................... 4 QTi (DALI) 2x35/49/80 DIM ............................................................................................................. 4 QTi (DALI) 3x14/24 DIM................................................................................................................... 4 QTi (DALI) 4x14/24 DIM................................................................................................................... 4 QUICKTRONIC® INTELLIGENT DALI DIM – ECG dimmable for T8/26 mm lamps ..................................... 5 QTi (DALI) 1x18 DIM ........................................................................................................................ 5 QTi (DALI) 1x36 DIM ........................................................................................................................ 5 QTi (DALI) 1x58 DIM ........................................................................................................................ 5 QTi (DALI) 2x18 DIM ........................................................................................................................ 5 QTi (DALI) 2x36 DIM ........................................................................................................................ 5 QTi (DALI) 2x58 DIM ........................................................................................................................ 5 QTi (DALI) 3x18 DIM ........................................................................................................................ 5 QTi (DALI) 4x18 DIM ........................................................................................................................ 5 QUICKTRONIC® INTELLIGENT (DALI) DIM – ECG dimmable for CFL ........................................................ 5 QTi (DALI)-T/E 1x18-57 DIM ............................................................................................................ 5 QTi (DALI)-T/E 2x18-42 DIM ............................................................................................................ 6 QUICKTRONIC® DIM – ECG dimmable 1…10 V for T5/16 mm lamps ...................................................... 6 QT 1x28 DIM .................................................................................................................................... 6 QT 1x35 DIM .................................................................................................................................... 6 QT 1x49 DIM .................................................................................................................................... 6 Status: Jun-14 ECG lifetime V 1.0 LE MK-EM T-ECG / LMS Components; Edition: V 1.0. Subject to change without notice. Despite careful review, the possibility of mistakes cannot be excluded – no guaranty will be provided. ECG lifetime according to IEC 60929 osram.com QT 1x54 DIM .................................................................................................................................... 6 QT 1x80 DIM .................................................................................................................................... 7 QT 2x28 DIM .................................................................................................................................... 7 QT 2x35 DIM .................................................................................................................................... 7 QT 2x49 DIM .................................................................................................................................... 7 QT 2x54 DIM .................................................................................................................................... 7 QT 2x80 DIM .................................................................................................................................... 7 QUICKTRONIC® DIM – ECG, dimmable 1…10 V for T8/26 mm lamps and CFL ....................................... 8 QT 1x18 DIM .................................................................................................................................... 8 QT 1x36 DIM .................................................................................................................................... 8 QT 1x58 DIM .................................................................................................................................... 8 QT 2x18 DIM .................................................................................................................................... 8 QT 2x36 DIM .................................................................................................................................... 8 QT 2x58 DIM .................................................................................................................................... 8 Status: Jun-14 ECG lifetime V 1.0 LE MK-EM T-ECG / LMS Components; Edition: V 1.0. Subject to change without notice. Despite careful review, the possibility of mistakes cannot be excluded – no guaranty will be provided. ECG lifetime according to IEC 60929 osram.com QUICKTRONIC® INTELLIGENT (DALI) DIM – ECG dimmable for T5/16 mm lamps ECG 1xHE 14W (SLS) QTi (DALI) 1x14/24 DIM 1xHO 24W (Constant) 1xDULUX L 24W 1xHE 21W (SLS) QTi (DALI) 1x21/39 DIM 1xHO 39W (Constant, SLS) 1xDL 40W (Constant) 1xF 70W 1xHE 28W (SLS), 1xHE 25W ES 1xHO 50W ES QTi (DALI) 1x28/54 DIM 1xHO 54W (Constant, SLS, XT) 1xDULUX L 55W (Constant, XT) 1xHE 35W, 1xHE 32W ES 1xHO 45W ES QTi (DALI) 1x35/49/80 DIM 1xHO 49W (Constant) 1xHO 73W ES 1xHO 80W (Constant, XT) 2xHE 14W (SLS) QTi (DALI) 2x14/24 DIM 2xHO 24W (Constant) 2xDULUX L 24W 2xHE 21W (SLS) QTi (DALI) 2x21/39 DIM QTi (DALI) 2x21/39 DIM 2xHO 39W (Constant, SLS) 2xDL 40W (Constant) 2xF 70W 2xHE 28W (SLS), 2xHE 25W ES 2xHO 50W ES QTi (DALI) 2x28/54 DIM ECG ambient temperature (ta) 40°C 50°C 60°C Lamp 2xHO 54W (Constant, SLS, XT) 2xDULUX L 55W (Constant, XT) Status: Jun-14 lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] ECG lifetime V 1.0 LE MK-EM T-ECG / LMS Components; Edition: V 1.0. Subject to change without notice. Despite careful review, the possibility of mistakes cannot be excluded – no guaranty will be provided. >100.000 45 >100.000 45 >100.000 45 >100.000 50 >100.000 50 >100.000 50 >100.000 50 >100.000 50 >100.000 50 >100.000 50 >100.000 50 >100.000 50 >100.000 50 >100.000 50 >100.000 55 >100.000 55 >100.000 50 >100.000 50 >100.000 50 >100.000 50 >100.000 55 >100.000 55 >100.000 60 >100.000 50 >100.000 55 >100.000 55 >100.000 60 >100.000 55 >100.000 55 >100.000 55 >100.000 60 >100.000 60 >100.000 60 >100.000 60 >100.000 60 >100.000 60 >100.000 60 >100.000 60 >100.000 60 >100.000 60 >100.000 60 >100.000 65 >100.000 65 >100.000 60 >100.000 60 >100.000 60 >100.000 60 >100.000 65 >100.000 65 >100.000 70 >100.000 60 >100.000 65 >100.000 65 >100.000 70 >100.000 65 >100.000 65 >100.000 65 >100.000 70 >100.000 70 1 >100.000 1 70 1 >100.000 1 70 >100.000 70 >100.000 70 >100.000 70 >100.000 70 >100.000 70 1 >100.000 1 70 1 >100.000 1 70 1 90.000 1 75 1 90.000 1 75 >100.000 70 >100.000 70 >100.000 70 >100.000 70 1 90.000 1 70 1 90.000 1 70 1 80.000 1 75 >100.000 70 1 90.000 1 75 1 90.000 1 75 1 80.000 1 75 ECG lifetime according to IEC 60929 osram.com 2xHE 35W, QTi (DALI) 2x35/49 DIM 2xHO 49W (Constant) 2xHE 35W, 2xHE 32W ES 2xHO 45W ES QTi (DALI) 2x35/49/80 DIM 2xHO 49W (Constant) 2xHO 73W ES 2xHO 80W (Constant, XT) 3xHE 14W QTi (DALI) 3x14/24 DIM 3xHO 24W (Constant) 3xDULUX L 24W 4xHE 14W Qti (DALI) 4x14/24 DIM 4xHO 24W (Constant) 4xDULUX L 24W 1 lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] Thermal management regulation active Status: Jun-14 ECG lifetime V 1.0 LE MK-EM T-ECG / LMS Components; Edition: V 1.0. Subject to change without notice. Despite careful review, the possibility of mistakes cannot be excluded – no guaranty will be provided. >100.000 55 >100.000 55 >100.000 50 >100.000 50 >100.000 50 >100.000 60 >100.000 60 >100.000 50 >100.000 55 >100.000 55 >100.000 55 >100.000 60 >100.000 60 >100.000 65 >100.000 65 >100.000 60 >100.000 60 >100.000 60 >100.000 70 >100.000 70 >100.000 60 >100.000 65 >100.000 65 >100.000 65 >100.000 70 >100.000 70 1 90.000 1 75 1 90.000 1 75 1 >100.000 1 70 1 >100.000 1 70 1 >100.000 1 70 1 80.000 1 75 1 80.000 1 75 >100.000 70 90.000 75 90.000 75 90.000 75 1 80.000 1 75 1 80.000 1 75 ECG lifetime according to IEC 60929 osram.com QUICKTRONIC® INTELLIGENT DALI DIM – ECG dimmable for T8/26 mm lamps ECG 1xL 18W QTi (DALI) 1x18 DIM 1xDULUX L 18W 1xL 36W QTi (DALI) 1x36 DIM ECG ambient temperature (ta) 40°C 50°C 60°C Lamp 1xDULUX L 36W (XT) QTi (DALI) 1x58 DIM 1xL 58W QTi (DALI) 2x18 DIM 2xL 18W QTi (DALI) 2x36 DIM 2xL 36W QTi (DALI) 2x58 DIM 2xL 58W QTi (DALI) 3x18 DIM 3xL 18W QTi (DALI) 4x18 DIM 4xL 18W 2xDULUX L 18W 2xDULUX L 36W (XT) lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] >100.000 45 >100.000 45 >100.000 50 >100.000 50 >100.000 55 >100.000 55 >100.000 60 >100.000 60 >100.000 65 >100.000 65 >100.000 70 >100.000 70 lifetime [h] >100.000 >100.000 >100.000 temperature at tc-point [°C] 50 60 70 lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] >100.000 50 >100.000 50 >100.000 55 >100.000 55 >100.000 >100.000 60 >100.000 60 >100.000 65 >100.000 65 >100.000 >100.000 70 >100.000 70 1 90.000 1 75 1 90.000 1 75 1 90.000 temperature at tc-point [°C] 55 65 >100.000 >100.000 90.000 55 65 75 >100.000 >100.000 90.000 55 65 75 lifetime [h] 1 temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] 75 1 Thermal management regulation active QUICKTRONIC® INTELLIGENT (DALI) DIM – ECG dimmable for CFL ECG 1xDULUX T/E 18W QTi (DALI)-T/E 1x18-57 DIM ECG ambient temperature (ta) 40°C 50°C 60°C Lamp 1xDULUX D/E 26W (XT) 1xDULUX T/E 26W (Constant) 1xDULUX T/E 32W (Constant, XT) 1xDULUX T/E 42W (Constant, XT) 1xDULUX T/E 57W (Constant) 1xFC 22W 1xFC 40W 1xDULUX L 24W 1xDULUX L 40W Status: Jun-14 lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] ECG lifetime V 1.0 LE MK-EM T-ECG / LMS Components; Edition: V 1.0. Subject to change without notice. Despite careful review, the possibility of mistakes cannot be excluded – no guaranty will be provided. >100.000 50 >100.000 55 >100.000 55 >100.000 55 >100.000 55 >100.000 60 >100.000 55 >100.000 55 >100.000 55 >100.000 55 >100.000 60 >100.000 65 >100.000 65 >100.000 65 >100.000 65 >100.000 65 >100.000 65 >100.000 65 >100.000 65 >100.000 65 >100.000 70 90.000 75 90.000 75 90.000 75 90.000 75 90.000 75 90.000 75 90.000 75 90.000 75 90.000 75 ECG lifetime according to IEC 60929 osram.com 2xDULUX T/E 18W QTi (DALI)-T/E 2x18-42 DIM 2xDULUX D/E 26W (XT) 2xDULUX T/E 26W (Constant) 2xDULUX T/E 32W (Constant, XT) 2xDULUX T/E 42W (Constant, XT) 2xFC 22W 2xFC 40W 2xDL 24W 2xDL 40W 1 lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] >100.000 55 >100.000 60 >100.000 60 >100.000 60 >100.000 60 >100.000 60 >100.000 60 >100.000 60 >100.000 60 >100.000 65 >100.000 70 >100.000 70 >100.000 70 >100.000 70 >100.000 70 >100.000 70 >100.000 70 >100.000 70 >100.000 70 1 80.000 1 75 1 80.000 1 75 1 80.000 1 75 1 80.000 1 75 1 80.000 1 75 1 80.000 1 75 1 80.000 1 75 1 80.000 1 75 Thermal management regulation active QUICKTRONIC® DIM – ECG dimmable 1…10 V for T5/16 mm lamps ECG 1xHE 28W 1xHE 28W SLS QT 1x28 DIM 1xHE 25W ES 1xDULUX L 26W HE 1xDULUX L 28W HE 1xHE 35W QT 1x35 DIM 1xHE 32W ES 1xHO 49W 1xHO 49W XT QT 1x49 DIM 1xHO 49W Constant 1xHO 45W ES 1xHO 54W 1xHO 54W SLS QT 1x54 DIM ECG ambient temperature (ta) 40°C 50°C 60°C Lamp 1xHO 54W Constant 1xHO 54W XT 1xHO 50W ES Status: Jun-14 lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] ECG lifetime V 1.0 LE MK-EM T-ECG / LMS Components; Edition: V 1.0. Subject to change without notice. Despite careful review, the possibility of mistakes cannot be excluded – no guaranty will be provided. >100.000 50 >100.000 50 >100.000 50 >100.000 50 >100.000 50 >100.000 50 >100.000 50 >100.000 50 >100.000 50 >100.000 50 >100.000 50 >100.000 50 >100.000 50 >100.000 50 >100.000 50 >100.000 50 >100.000 60 >100.000 60 >100.000 60 >100.000 60 >100.000 60 >100.000 60 >100.000 60 >100.000 60 >100.000 60 >100.000 60 >100.000 60 >100.000 60 >100.000 60 >100.000 60 >100.000 60 >100.000 60 >100.000 70 >100.000 70 >100.000 70 >100.000 70 >100.000 70 >100.000 70 >100.000 70 >100.000 70 >100.000 70 >100.000 70 >100.000 70 >100.000 70 >100.000 70 >100.000 70 >100.000 70 >100.000 70 ECG lifetime according to IEC 60929 osram.com 1xHO 80W 1xHO 80W Constant 1xHO 80W XT QT 1x80 DIM 1xHO 73W ES 1xDULUX L 80W 1xDULUX L 80W Constant 2xHE 28W 2xHE 28W SLS QT 2x28 DIM 2xHE 25W ES 2xDULUX L 26W HE 2xDULUX L 28W HE 2xHE 35W QT 2x35 DIM 2xHE 32W ES 2xHO 49W 2xHO 49W Constant QT 2x49 DIM 2xHO 49W XT 2xHO 45W ES 2xHO 54W 2xHO 54W SLS QT 2x54 DIM 2xHO 54W Constant 2xHO 54W XT 2xHO 50W ES 2xHO 80W 2xHO 80W Constant 2xHO 80W XT QT 2x80 DIM 2xHO 73W ES 2xDULUX L 80 W 2xDULUX L 80W Constant Status: Jun-14 lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] ECG lifetime V 1.0 LE MK-EM T-ECG / LMS Components; Edition: V 1.0. Subject to change without notice. Despite careful review, the possibility of mistakes cannot be excluded – no guaranty will be provided. >100.000 55 >100.000 55 >100.000 55 >100.000 55 >100.000 55 >100.000 >100.000 65 >100.000 65 >100.000 65 >100.000 65 >100.000 65 >100.000 90.000 75 90.000 75 90.000 75 90.000 75 90.000 75 90.000 55 >100.000 50 >100.000 50 >100.000 50 >100.000 50 >100.000 50 >100.000 50 >100.000 50 >100.000 50 >100.000 50 >100.000 50 >100.000 50 >100.000 55 >100.000 55 >100.000 55 >100.000 55 >100.000 55 >100.000 60 >100.000 60 >100.000 60 >100.000 60 >100.000 60 >100.000 60 65 >100.000 60 >100.000 60 >100.000 60 >100.000 60 >100.000 60 >100.000 60 >100.000 60 >100.000 60 >100.000 60 >100.000 60 >100.000 60 >100.000 65 >100.000 65 >100.000 65 >100.000 65 >100.000 65 >100.000 70 >100.000 70 >100.000 70 >100.000 70 >100.000 70 >100.000 70 75 >100.000 70 >100.000 70 >100.000 70 >100.000 70 >100.000 70 >100.000 70 >100.000 70 >100.000 70 >100.000 70 >100.000 70 >100.000 70 90.000 75 90.000 75 90.000 75 90.000 75 90.000 75 80.000 75 80.000 75 80.000 75 80.000 75 80.000 75 80.000 75 ECG lifetime according to IEC 60929 osram.com QUICKTRONIC® DIM – ECG, dimmable 1…10 V for T8/26 mm lamps and CFL ECG 1xL 18W QT 1x18 DIM 1xDULUX L 18W 1xL 36W QT 1x36 DIM QT 1x58 DIM 1xDULUX L 36W 1xL 58W 2xL 18W QT 2x18 DIM 2xDULUX L 18W 2xL 36W QT 2x36 DIM QT 2x58 DIM ECG ambient temperature (ta) 40°C 50°C 60°C Lamp 2xDULUX L 36W 2xL 58W Status: Jun-14 lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] lifetime [h] temperature at tc-point [°C] ECG lifetime V 1.0 LE MK-EM T-ECG / LMS Components; Edition: V 1.0. Subject to change without notice. Despite careful review, the possibility of mistakes cannot be excluded – no guaranty will be provided. >100.000 50 >100.000 50 >100.000 50 >100.000 50 >100.000 55 >100.000 55 >100.000 55 >100.000 55 >100.000 55 >100.000 60 >100.000 60 >100.000 60 >100.000 60 >100.000 60 >100.000 65 >100.000 65 >100.000 65 >100.000 65 >100.000 65 >100.000 70 >100.000 70 >100.000 70 >100.000 70 >100.000 70 90.000 75 90.000 75 90.000 75 90.000 75 90.000 75 80.000 75