LTC6995-1 Demo Circuit Schematic for the TimerBlox® Sample Kit One Second Power-On Reset PSF + V R5, 0Ω OUT R6, NI* R4, 100k 1 2 R7, 191k 3 R3 NI* RS NI* LTC6995-1 RST OUT GND V+ SET DIV 6 5 4 R1 1M R2 280k VCO V+ C1 0.1µF C2 10µF GND *NI = COMPONENT NOT INSTALLED VCO GND OUT GND GND V+ PSF THIS BOARD CAN BE USED WITH OTHER SOT23 TimerBlox PARTS. SIMPLY REPLACE THE LTC6995 WITH ANOTHER TimerBlox PART AND ADD/REMOVE RESISTORS AS NECESSARY. STAMP BOARD CONTACTS (LOOKING AT COMPONENT SIDE) For the LTspice® model for this circuit, go to To order a TimerBlox sample kit, contact your local sales office or distributor.