Using 1 In-Circuit DeBugger Install the Latest Software ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Install the MPLAB® IDE software onto your PC using the MPLAB IDE CD-ROM or download the software from the MPLAB IDE page of the Microchip web site ( Check the latest Release Notes for additional information. 2 Configure PC USB Communications Circuitry and Connector Pinouts Connect the PICkit™ 3 in-circuit development debugger/programmer to a PC USB port via a USB cable. PICkit 3 uses the standard HID USB Windows® driver. Note: If a USB hub is used, the hub must be powered with its own power supply. USB PICkit 3 Connector Pinout Target Connector Pinout Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 PC Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 Signal MCLR/VPP VDD Target VSS Ground PGD (ICSPDAT) PGC (ICSPCLK) PGM (LVP) Pin 1 Indicator (Not to scale.) 3 Build Your Project Launch MPLAB IDE. Load your project or use the Project Wizard to create a new one. Build your project based on your configurations and options. Select the PICkit 3 as either a debugger (Debugger>Select Tool>PICkit 3) or as a programmer (Programmer>Select Programmer>PICkit 3). Correct Target VDD (tVDD) VDD XTAL* VPP/MCLR Target Application Device 1. 2. 3. 4. Signal MCLR/VPP VDD Target VSS Ground PGD (ICSPDAT) PGC (ICSPCLK) PGM (LVP) 4 Connect to Target and Power 1. Attach the PICkit 3 to the PC using the USB cable, if not already. 2. Attach the communications cable between the debugger and target board. 3. Connect power to the target board. PICkit 3 Internal Circuitry (simplified) 4.7 10 kΩ Typical PGC PGD tVDD 2 1 5 4 3 VPP tVDD 4.7 kΩ tVDD Target VDD (tVDD) is used to power the Input/Output drivers in PICkit 3 programmer/ debugger AVDD** AVSS** tVDD VSS 4.7 kΩ Typical Debugger System – Device With On-Board ICE Circuitry: tVDD Target Application PC Board Target Device *Target device must be running with an oscillator for the debugger to function as a debugger. **If the device has AVDD and AVSS lines, they must be connected for the debugger to operate. Power mini-USB from PC Target Board Incorrect Alternate Debugger System – ICE Device: Target VDD (tVDD) VDD Standard Adapter Header Target Circuit Design Precautions VPP/MCLR XTAL* mini-USB from PC Target Application Device V DD Device-ICE PGC PGD 2 1 5 4 3 AVDD** AVSS** Transition Socket VSS Power Target Board 5 Program and Debug Target Application PC Board • Do not use greater than 100 µF capacitance on VDD – depending on the overall load, it will prevent the target from powering quickly when PICkit 3 is the source of power. • Do not use capacitors on MCLR – they will prevent fast transitions of VPP. • Do not use pull-ups on PGC/PGD – they will divide the voltage levels since these lines have 4.7 kΩ pull-down resistors in PICkit 3. • Do not use multiplexing on PGC/PGD – they are dedicated for communications to PICkit 3. • Do not use capacitors on PGC/PGD – they will prevent fast transitions on data and clock lines during programming and debug communications. • Do not use diodes on PGC/PGD – they will prevent bidirectional communication between PICkit 3 and the target PIC® MCU. Recommended Settings COMPONENT Oscillator SETTING • OSC bits set properly • Running Power Supplied by target WDT Disabled (device dependent) Code Protect Disabled Table Read Protect Disabled LVP Disabled BOD VDD > BOD VDD min JTAG Disabled AVDD and AVSS Must be connected PGCx/PGDx Proper channel selected, if applicable Programming VDD voltage levels meet programming specs Note: See the PICkit 3 User’s Guide for more component and setting information. 1. Program your device. 2. As a programmer, PICkit 3 will automatically run your code. As a debugger, you can run, halt, single step and set breakpoints in your code. The Microchip name and logo, the Microchip logo, MPLAB and PIC are registered trademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. and other countries. PICkit is a trademark of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. and other countries. © 2010 Microchip Technology Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. 4/10 Note: For information on reserved resouces used by the debugger, see the PICkit 3 online help. DS51792B