SSPA datasheet

NF v1
Ka‐Baand (29‐31GHz) Long SSSPA (TSA
A‐2141455) Summa
This is a GaN based Hermeticallyy Sealed SSP
PA which prooduces 41dB
Bm minimum Linear Po
(42dBm ttypical) over the entire 29‐31GHz b
bandwidth aand operatin
ng temperature range. W
When coupled with Teledyyne’s Dual Band B
BUC with w Integratted IF Linearizer it can produce 42
2dBm minimum
m Linear Pow
wer (43dBm
m typical – se
ee Figure 1). Figure 1
1. Performance
e enhancemen
nt gained throu
ugh the use of the adaptive IF linearizer fun
nction in the TSSA‐
45 BUC with If linearizer (mod
dulation param
meters as described in note 1). 1
When a QPSK
signal with
w a data rate of 10Msps and
d a root raised cosine filter w
with a roll-off faactor (α) of 0.22 is
injected intto the SSPA, th
he power levell at which the spectral
wth 1 symbol raate offset from
m the carrier (100MHz
in this casee) is 30dBc relaative to the carrrier is defined as the Linear Power. Note: The input moddulated signal
should hav
ve a spectral reg
growth of at leeast 55dBc.
The unit has an integrated waveguide dual directional coupler at the output enabling both the detection and reporting of the output power, as well as providing an RF feedback signal to the adaptive IF linearizer when used with the Teledyne Dual Band BUC (TSA‐214144). If the linearizer is not used, the feedback port should be terminated in 50 Ω, or it can be used to monitor the RF output of the amplifier. The reverse coupler senses reflected power from a short and self protects the unit by disabling it. Included features are 20dB gain control, true output power monitoring, high reflected power shutdown capability, internal temperature monitoring, enable/disable control, and fault indication. Most of this is done through the RS‐422 interface. The unit also includes a hard wired, TTL controlled pin for disabling the unit should the RS‐422 communications link fail. The total weight is 2.0 lbs max and the size is 6.6” L x 3.7” W x 1” H. See the outline drawing attached. The unit has a wide operating voltage of +20.5V to +32.5V. 2
Specifications Table 1: SSPA Specifications Parameter
Operating Frequency Range
Operating Temperature Range
Small-Signal Gain Range
(Controlled Via RS-422)
Forward Gain Flatness (29-31GHz)
Feedback Gain Flatness (29-31GHz)
Gain Variation Over Temperature
Gain Step
Input Return Loss
Feedback Return Loss
Output Return Loss
Spurious @ Pout = 42dBm
(29-31GHz) In Band
Spurious @ Pout = 42dBm
(18.3-21.2GHz) Receive Band
Noise Power Density
(29-31GHz) In Band @ Maximum Gain
Linear Power (see def. on pg. 1)
Power at Feedback Port @ POUT=42dBm
Detected Power Accuracy
(Read Via RS-422)
Max RF Input Power
Reflected Power when Unit Shuts Down
RF Enable/Disable Time
Via RS422
Via Pin 10
DC Power
(RF disabled)
DC Power
(RF enabled, POUT=42dBm))
DC Voltage Range
RF Input Connector
RF Feedback Connector
RF Output Interface
DC Supply/Command/Monitor Interface
29 to 31 GHz
-55 to +70 ˚C
35 dB to 55 dB
2 dBpk-pk max
2 dBpk-pk max
3 dBpk-pk max
0.1dB steps 14dB min
12dB min
12dB min
-90dBm/Hz max
41dBm min (42dBm min w/ Adaptive IF Linearizer)
-15dBm typ.2
±0.75dB typ
36 to 37dBm typ.
1ms typ.
100µs max
3W max
125W max
+20.5 to +32.5V
2.92mm (female)
2.92mm (female)
WR-28 Cover Flange with O-Ring Groove
25 pin Micro-D Connector (MIL-DTL-83513/2)
6.6” L x 3.7” W x 1” H
2 lbs max
Micro D Connector Pinout Descriptions 2
Can be specified differently depending upon length of cable used from SSPA to BUC.
The Micrro D Connecttor on the SSSPA consistss of 25 pins w
with the pino
outs as desccribed by Tab
ble 2. Tie all +V
VDC pins to
ogether. Sim
milarly tie all GND (grouund) pins to
ogether. Thee RS‐422 GN
ND is internallyy connected
d to the GND
D pins but is provided ass a separatee output to cconnect with the source RS‐422 R
ection. Please see Figurre 2 on how
w to interfacce the SSPA RS‐422 with the system o
or source RS‐‐422. Table 2: 25 Pin Micro
o D Connector Pinout De
escription Figure 1: RS‐422 connection with
h system Digital Protocols
Communication with the SSPA is done through RS‐422. However, there are two discrete pins: RFTXEN and SUMFLT. RFTXEN is a hardwired TTL controlled pin for disabling RF power in case of emergency. This pin is high through an internal pull‐up. To disable the unit, simply ground this pin. SUMFLT is a hardwired TTL level (+3.3V high) signal that indicates a fault when HIGH and no fault when LOW. The fault status can be read through the RS‐422. The serial format is shown in Table 3. As standard, a high‐to‐low transition indicates the start of the data. A newline (“\n”) following the command indicates the end of the command. In terms of defaults, at power the gain is set to the minimum gain of 35dB. In order to adjust this, use the gain control command from Table 4. See Example 5, for a sample command to set the gain control to +10.7dB. See command examples on the following page. The command part is bolded and the response is un‐bolded. Table 3: Serial Format Baud Rate
Data Bits
Stop Bits
Flow Control
115200 bps
Table 4: RS‐422 Command List Indicates Firmware Version
Indicates Unit Serial Number
Turns Command Echo OFF (command sent is not repeated back)
“ECHO 0”
Turns Command Echo ON (command send is repeated back)
“ECHO 1”
Turns RF Power OFF
Turns RF Power ON
Reports Fault Status
Reports Forward Output Power (dBm)
Reports Approx. Reverse Output Power (dBm)
Gain Control (+0dB to +20dB), 4 digit HEX value (HHHH)
represents the gain control value 0 to 200 where the right most
digit represents the tenths decimal place.
Reports PA Temperature (˚C)
Example 1: Turn on RF Power, Echo disabled RF1\n 5
PA ON Example 2: Turn on RF Power, Echo enabled RF1\n RF1 PA ON Example 3: Fault Status (No Fault), Echo disabled STA\n FAULT = 0 Example 4: Temperature, Echo disabled TEMP\n TEMPERATURE = 25.1 Example 5: Set Gain control to +10.7dB, Echo disabled GC WORD 006B\n DAC VALUE = XXXX The response from this command will be changed in future revisions. This was used for DEBUG purposes. Example 6: Read Power POUTF\n FWD POUT = 40.5 Example 7: Turn off RF Power, Echo disabled RF0\n PA OFF 6
NF v1