Da ata a S he et AH3 351B B_W Partt Numbe er : SPHW WHTL3D D3A2 S SPHWHT TL3D3A2 2 Introd duction n Part Numberr : SPHW WHTL3D D3A2 omotive lighting g, Traffic c lighting etc. Exterrior auto Featu ures age : Cera amic Subs strate LED D Package Packa ‧ View w Angle : 135 ˚ ‧ Optiical Efficie ency : 110 lm/W at 350 mA ondition : JEDEC J Le evel 2a Preco nsion : 3.5 5 x 3.5 mm m Dimen nous Flux : Typ. 12 20 lm at 3 350 mA Lumin 8KV [HBM]] ESD withstand Voltage : up to ±8 ‧ Reliiability Tesst : AEC Q-101 Q qua alified Appliications s Trafficc lights L switc ches, keyss, displays s, illuminatted adverttising ) Backlighting ( LCD, or automotive lightin ng Interio andescentt lamps Substtitution of micro inca er lights ( e.g. steps s, exit wa ays, etc. ) Marke al and sym mbol lumin naire Signa Envirronmental Com mplianc ce Samssung ELEC CTRONICS is comp pliant to th he restrictions of haazardous substan nces in ele ectronic equipment, namely, the t RoHS, ELV, ISO O14001 an nd REACH H directive es. Samsung ELECT TRONICS will not in ntentionallyy supplem ment the 6+ restricte ed materia als to the LED prod duct : Cd,P Pb,Hg,PBB Bs,PBDEs and Cr 2015/08/277/Ver.00 - 1 - S SPHWHT TL3D3A2 2 Table T o of Co ontentts Part Numberr Descrip ption ----------------------- 3 ----------------------- 4 ----------------------- 5 pical Cha aracterist ic Typ ----------------------- 5 Lum minous Flux F Bin ----------------------- 5 Forrward Vo oltage Bin n ----------------------- 5 Collor Bin Definition D ----------------------- 6 Ord dering infformation n Characteristic cs Abso olute Maximum R Rating ----------------------- 7 Typical Charracteristicc Graph ----------------------- 8 Mecchanical Dimensio D on ----------------------- 12 1 Sold dering Co ondition ---------------------- 13 1 Packking Information ------------------------ 14 1 Prod duct Labe eling Info ormation ----------------------- 16 1 Relia ability Te est Cond ition ----------------------- 17 1 Preccaution fo or Use ----------------------- 18 1 Revision His story ----------------------- 20 2 Com mpany Infformation n ----------------------- 20 2 2015/08/277/Ver.00 - 2 - S SPHWHT TL3D3A2 2 Part Nu umber Descriptio on gnation is explained as follows : The Part number desig SP H W WH T L3 D 3 A 2 A B C D E F AB C DE F GH I J K L MN O OP QR Where: AB - desig gnates comp pany name and a Samsun ng LED PKG G (SP for Samsung S LE ED PKG) C - designa ates power variant (H for f automotivve High Pow wer) DE - designates color variant (WH H for automo otive White color) F - designa ates LED PKG version (T for initia l version) GH - desig gnates produ uct configura ation and ty pe (L3 for 3535 3 Ceram mic type) I - designates lens con nfiguration (D for lens) J - designa ates Max po ower (3 for 3 +0.5W) K - designa ates specificc property (A A for Revisi on symbol) L - designa ates CRI va ariant (2 for CRI Max.70 0) MN - desig gnates forwa ard voltage property property OP - desig gnates CIE coordination c QR - desig gnates lumin nous flux pro operty 2015/08/277/Ver.00 - 3 - S SPHWHT TL3D3A2 2 Charac cteristic cs ‧ Typiccal Chara acteristics s [T Ts = 25℃][1] Parrameter Sym mbol Valu ue Unit Luminouss Flux (IF = 350 mA A) ΦV Typ. 1120 lm Forward Voltage (IIF = 350 mA) m Vf Typ. 3.1 V Reverse Voltage(IR = 5 mA)) VR Typ. 00.9 V Viewing A Angle φ Typ. 1135 Deg. Rthh_J-S Typ. 7 K/W Thermal Resistancce (Junction n to Solder Point) ous Flux Bin[2] Lumino Symbo ol ΦV C Condition IF = 350 ㎃ [Ts = 25℃][1] Bin Code Min. Typ Max. G G2 100 - 120 JJ2 120 - 140 M M2 140 - 160 P P2 160 - 180 ge Bin[2] Forwarrd Voltag Symbo ol Condition Vf IF = 350 mA A 2015/08/277/Ver.00 Unit lm [T Ts = 25℃][1] Bin Code Min. Typ. Max. F F3 2.8 - 3.1 JJ3 3.1 - 3.4 - 4 - Unit V S SPHWHT TL3D3A2 2 ‧ Colorr Bin De efinition Symbol Cx,Cy [3 3] [C Condition : IFF=350 ㎃] [Ts = 25℃][1] Bin Code Cx Cy H1 0.3201 0.3 3192 0.3 3283 0.32 284 0.304 44 0.32544 0.3405 0.3169 H2 0.3284 0.3 3283 0.3 3381 0.33 382 0.3169 0.34055 0.3549 0.3323 H3 0.3382 0.3 3381 0.3 3479 0.34 480 0.3323 0.35499 0.3694 0.3476 H4 0.3 3480 0.3479 9 0.3515 0.3577 0.3 3578 0.3476 0.3694 0.3747 0.37 787 0.3635 *Notes easurement condition me eans that te emperature dependence d is excludedd by applyin ng pulse [1] The me current for under 25 5 ms. us flux measuring equip pment : CAS S140CT [2] Luminou Tolerancce : VF : ±0 0.1V, ΦV : ±7 ± % [3] Chroma aticity coordinates : Cx, Cy accordin ng to CIE 1931. Cx and Cy tolerannces are ±0 0.01, respectivvely. 2015/08/277/Ver.00 - 5 - S SPHWHT TL3D3A2 2 aximum Rating gs Absolute Ma Param meter Symbo ol Value e Unit Operating g tempera ature range e Top -45 ~ +1 25 ℃ Storage temperature range Tstg -45 ~ +1 25 ℃ Junction temperatu ure Tjmax +150 ℃ IF 1000 mA IF 100 mA Maximum m Forward current[4] (Ts : 25 ℃)[5] Minimum m Forward current[4] (Ts : 25 ℃)[5] Do o not appply for Maximum m Reverse e current re everse currrent Maximum m Transien nt Peaked current[6] (Ts : 25 5 ℃)[5] ESD Sen nsitivity[7] mA 1000 mA for ≤ 10 ms - ± 8.0 KV H HBM mA *Note [4] Unpredictable perfo ormance may y be resulte ed by driving g the produc ct at below Min. IF or above a Max. IF. But tthere will be e no damag ge to the pro oduct. is excludedd by applyin [5] The me easurement condition me eans that te emperature dependence d ng pulse current for under 25 2 ms. [6] Duty 1/10 pulse with 10 ms. [7] It is inccluded the device d to pro otect the pro oduct from ESD. 2015/08/277/Ver.00 - 6 - S SPHWHT TL3D3A2 2 Typica al Charracteristtics Grraph um Typical Spectru [ IF = 3 350 mA, Ts = 25 °C C ][8] ‧ Typiccal Chrom maticity Coordina C ate Shift vs Forwa ard Currrent [ IF = 350 mA, Ts = 25 °C ° ][8] *Notes easurement condition me eans that te emperature dependence d is excludedd by applyin ng pulse [8] The me current for under 25 5 ms. 2015/08/277/Ver.00 - 7 - S SPHWHT TL3D3A2 2 e Lumino ous Fluxx & Forw ward Volta age vs F Forward Current Typical Relative [ IF = 3 350 mA, Ts = 25 °C C ][9] 2015/08/277/Ver.00 - 8 - S SPHWHT TL3D3A2 2 ‧ Typiccal Relative Lumiinous Flu ux & Forrward Vo oltage vs Tempera ature[9] Solder Pad d Temperature (℃) Solder Pad Tempeerature (℃) aticity Co oordinate e Shift vs s Temperature Typical Chroma [ IF = 3350 mA, Ts = 25 °C C ][9] Solder P ad Tempera ature (℃) * Notes [9] The me easurement condition me eans that te emperature dependence d ng pulse is excludedd by applyin current for under 25 5 ms. 2015/08/277/Ver.00 - 9 - S SPHWHT TL3D3A2 2 ‧ Typiccal Radia ant Patte ern X ‧ Max. Permisssible Forrward Cu urrent[10] * Notes measurementt condition means m that ttemperature dependence is excludeed by applying pulse [10] The m currentt for under 25 2 ms. 2015/08/277/Ver.00 - 10 - S SPHWHT TL3D3A2 2 Mechan nical Dim mension Tolerance : ±0.1mm [Top View]] [[Side View]] Therma al Pad [Bottom View] [Front View w] * Note : Th he thermal pad p is electrically isolatted from the e anode and d cathode coontact pads.. ‧ Pick and Place Do not place pre essure on the resin lens ("A") It is reccommende ed to use a pick&p lace nozzle with ins side diameeter at 3.1 1 mm ‧ Electtric Sche ematic Diagram e Cathode ESD Protection e Diode [ Circuit ] ‧ Mate erial Inforrmation LED Pacckage = Silicon S resin covered d White GaN G LED on Ceram mic Sub. Electrode e PAD = Au Plated d PAD This LED D has built--in ESD prrotection de evice(s) connected in parallel too LED Chip p(s). 2015/08/277/Ver.00 - 11 - S SPHWHT TL3D3A2 2 Solde ering Co ondition ns Configura ation & Solder P Pad Lay yout Pad C Tolerancee : ±0.1mm Baree copper pattern p Recomm mended So older Pad w Solderring Con ndition ( Pb Free) Reflow Refflow Freque ency : 2 times max. al Solderring Con ndition Manua Not more than 5 seconds s @MAX30 00℃, underr soldering iron.(one ttime only) 2015/08/277/Ver.00 - 12 - S SPHWHT TL3D3A2 2 Packin ng Info ormation n ‧ Tapin ng[11] Use er feed dire ction → * Note aping quantiity : 800EA / Reel. [11] Unit : mm, LED ta Reel [Unit [ : mm] A 180.0 0 B -3.0 2015/08/277/Ver.00 60.0 C +1.0 13.0 W1 ±0.3 - 13 - 13.0 ±0.5 W2 W 15.4 ±1.0 S PHWHT TL3D3A2 2 ng Proce ess Packin Dimensio on of Tran nsportation n Box in m mm W Width Length Height Rema ark 2 245 220 182 8 inch 2015/08/277/Ver.00 - 14 - S SPHWHT TL3D3A2 2 Produ uct Labeling In nformattion ABCDEF F3HH3J2 SPHWHTL33D3A2F6HBG4 F33H3G2 Bin code 01 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII SLAT940001 / 1001 / 800 pcs IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ber Lot Numb oted rank is the only ex xample. N.B) Deno ode Stru ucture Bin Co AB : Forward Voltage(VF) Bin (reffer to page e. 5 ) CD : Color bin n (Cx,Cy) (refer to p page. 6) EF : Luminouss Intensity((IV) Bin (re efer to pa age. 5 ) umber Structure S e Lot Nu The Lot numb ber is com mposed off the follow wing chara acters 1234 456789 / 1abc / 80 00 PCS No. Inforrmation 1 Production Site : S:SAMS SUNG LED, G:GOS SIN CHINA A 2 LED 3 Product State A :Normality, B :Bulk, C :First Prod duction, R :Reproduuction, S :Sample : 4 Year : X:2013, Y:2014, Z Z:2015 ... 5 Month h : 1 ~ 9, A, B 6 Day : 1 ~ 9, A, A B ~ V 789 Product numberr : 1 ~ 99 99 abc Reel Number : 1 ~ 999 2015/08/277/Ver.00 - 15 - S SPHWHT TL3D3A2 2 Reliab bility Te est Cond ditions Fo or dettailed Inforrmatio on ple ease conta act your SA AMSU UNG S Sales partn ner 2015/08/277/Ver.00-0 0 - 17 - S SPHWHT TL3D3A2 2 Preca aution for Use er-current-p proof functio on, custom mers are recommended to apply resistors to t 1) For ove preven nt sudden change of the curren nt caused by b slight sh hift of the vvoltage. 과전류 류 방지를 위해 위 전압의 미세한 이 이동에 의해 야기되는 전류의 순간 간 변화를 방지하기 방 위해 저 저항 등의 설치를 권장 장함. device shou uld not be used in an ny type of fluid such as water, oil, organiic 2) This d solve ent, etc. When W wash hing is requ uired, IPA is recomme ended to u se. 제품은 은 물, 오일, 유기물과 같은 액체 타입에서의 의 사용은 제한되며, 제 세 세정이 필요할 시에는 IPA 사 사용을 권장함. ecided afterr considerin ng the 3) When the LEDs illuminate, operating current should be de ent maximum tempera ature. ambie LED의 의 발광 시, 동작 전류는 는 주변 최 고온도를 고려하여 고 결정되어야 함 함. s in a clean env ironment. 4) LEDs must be stored months or more m after being shippped from If the LEDs are to be storred for 3 m onics, they should be e packed by a sealed container with nitrog gen gas ung Electro Samsu injecte ed.(Shelf liffe of sealed d bags: 12 2 months, te emp. ~40 ℃, ℃ ~90 % R RH) LED의 의 보관은 청정한 청 환경에서 보존되 되어져야 하며, 하 만약 삼성전자로부 삼 부터 공급받 받는 후 3개월 또는 그 이상 이 보관이 필요하다면 면 질소 가스를 동봉한 한 보존용기 에 보관되어 어야 함. 명 : 12 개월 월, 보존 온도 도 ~40 ℃, 습도 ~90 % RH) (보존 bag의 수명 5) After sstorage bag g is open, device sub bjected to soldering, solder refloow, or othe er high ttemperature e processes s must be:: 보존 B Bag이 개봉 봉된 후에, 납땜이나 납 re eflow등의 높은 높 온도에 노출되는 제품은 다음의 사항에 에 부합되어야 함. a. Mo ounted within 672 hours (28 dayss) at an as ssembly line with a coondition of no morre than 30 ℃/60 %RH H, a. 제품 품은 30 ℃/60 %RH보다 다 같거나 낮은 조립조 조건에서 67 72시간 (28일 일)이내에 조립 립해야 함. b. Sto ored at <10 0 %RH. b. 10 % 이하의 상대습도에 에서 보관되어 어야 함. w anti-mo oisture pac cking, fold to t close anny opening and 6) Repacck unused Products with then sstore in a dry place. 사용하 하지 않은 제품은 제 방습팩에 넣어 개봉 부위를 를 닫아서 다시 포장한 한 후, 건조한 장소에 에서 보관할 것을 권장 장함. 2015/08/277/Ver.00-0 0 - 18 - S SPHWHT TL3D3A2 2 7) Device es require baking beffore mountiing, if humidity card reading r is >60 % at 23± ±5 ℃. 만약 습 습도표시카드의 수치가 가 23±5 ℃에 에서 60 % 이상이라면, 제품 실장 장 전에 baking g하여야 함. 8) Device es must be e baked forr 1 hour at 65±5 ℃, if baking is s required. 만약 b baking이 필요하다면, 필 5±5 ℃에서 1시간 정도 도 baking 되 되어야 함. 제품은 65 LEDs are sensitive to the static electricity and a surge. It is recoommended to 9) The L d or anti-electrostatic glove whe en handling g the LEDss. use a wrist band LED는 는 정전기 및 서지에 민감한 민 제품 품이므로, LE ED 제품을 다룰 시에는 는 정전기 방지장 장갑이나 손목밴드를 사용하기를 사 권장함. ding the ab bsolute ma aximum ratiing is appliied to LED Ds, it may cause c If voltage exceed ge or even n destructio on to LED devices. damag 만약 절 절대 허용치 치를 초과하 하는 전압이 LED에 가해 해지면, LED D 소자는 파 파괴되거나 손상될 될 수 있음. aged LEDs may show w some unu usual chara acteristics such s as inccrease in leak Dama nt, lowered turn-on vo oltage, or a abnormal lig ghting of LEDs L at low w current. curren 손상된 된 제품은 누설전류의 누 증가, Turn on 전압의 의 저하, 저 전류에서의 의 점등불량 등의 이상 거 거동을 보일 일 수 있음. 10) VOCs (volatile organic compounds) may be oc ccurred by adhesives,, flux, hard dener or organ nic additive es which is s used in lu uminaires (fixture) ( and LED siliccone bags are perm meable to itt. It may le ead a disco oloration wh hen LED expose e to hheat or ligh ht. VOC Cs (휘발성 유기 화합물 물) 는 등기 구에 사용되 되는 접착제 제, Flux, 경화 화제, 유기물 물 첨가제에 에서 발생하 하여 LED 실 실리콘 봉지제 제를 투과하 하고, 때 변색이 발생 할 수 있음. 빛 또 또는 열에 노출되었을 노 This phenomen non can giv ve a signifi cant loss of o light emitted (outpuut) from the e lumin naires (fixtu ures). 이러한 한 현상은 등기구로부터 나오는 빛의 중대한 한 손실을 줄 수 있음 음. In orrder to prevvent these problems, we recom mmend you to know thhe physical prope erties for th he materials used in luminaires, It requires to selectt carefully. 이러한 한 문제 발생 방지를 위해서, 등 기구에 사용 용되는 자재 재에 대한 물 물성을 알고 주의하 하여 선택 되어야함. 2015/08/277/Ver.00-0 0 - 19 - S SPHWHT TL3D3A2 2 Revision His story Date Revision R H History 2013.02.25 2015.09.07 Author Draw wn Ap pproved Initial Ed ition H.J Paark Y.T Y Kim Revise e of Lumino ous Flux bin S.Y Hoong J..G Son Comp pany In nformation US Sa amsung Sem miconductorr Inc., 3655 N. First Street, San Jose CA A 95134, USA A TEL. +1 1-408-544-400 00 Europe e Samsun ng Electronics s Germany Gm mbH, Samsun ng House, Am Kro onberger Hang g 6, Schwalbaach/Ts,German ny TEL. +4 49-6196-66-0 0 Japan Copyright @1995-2015 All rights re eserved Samsung g Electron nics Samsun ng Japan Corporation SLED D Team 10F, Shinagawa Grand Central C Towerr 2-16-4, Kouunan, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-824 40, Japan TEL. +8 81-3-6369-63 327 95, Samsun ng 2-ro, Giheung-Gu,, Yongin-Cityy, Gyeonggi--Do 446-711 1 Korea http://www w.samsung g.com/sec/b business/# # China (Tianjin Offfice in Chin na) Tianjin Samsung LED D Co., LTD. Weisi (6 6th) Rd., Micrro-Electronics Industrial Pa ark, Xiqing District, Tianjin 30038 85, China TEL. +8 86-755-8608-5 5550 Sales Conttact : em.yeon@samsu ung.com 2015/08/277/Ver.00-0 0 - 20 -