ISL6405 Dual LNB Controller with I2C Interface for Advanced Satellite Set-Top Box Designs ® Application Note PRELIMINARY October 2003 AN1008 Author: Manisha Pandya, Jason Houston Introduction Communication Satellite Frequency Allocation Communication satellites operate within two frequency bands for TV/Broadband service broadcast signals, C Band and Ku Band. The C Band overall frequency spectrum is 4.0GHz - 8.0GHz, while the Ku Band overall frequency spectrum is 11.7GHz -18.0GHz. Within these bands each satellite will have specific uplink and downlink frequency allocation. For example the North American DBS system has categories assigned as follows, Ku Band high power downlink is 12.2GHz –12.7GHz and 17.3GHz-17.8GHz as the uplink frequency, C Band downlink frequency is 3.7GHz to 4.2GHz and 5.925GHz-6.425GHz as uplink frequency. Also, to use the frequencies that are available for satellite broadcast as efficiently as possible, and to accommodate additional number of channels within a given frequency band, the transmission signal can be formatted to be either vertical and horizontal, or circular right-hand and circular lefthand simultaneously per frequency. What is a Low Noise Block (LNB)? An LNB is a low noise block module, placed on the focus of the dish antenna (parabola) that provides the following functions: • Down conversion of the incoming the signal from GHz range to 910MHz -2150MHz (for Europe) range called “first conversion signal.” This conversion allows the signal to be carried by an inexpensive co-axial cable towards the receiver. • Signal amplification with good noise factor. The LNB improves the first conversion signal level through the use of a built-in low noise amplifier. • Selects Vertical or Horizontal polarization. • Selects operating band by switching its internal oscillator from Low band to High band when it “receives” a 22kHz tone. Specifically the local oscillator (LO) frequency changes from 9.75GHz to 10.6GHz. C Band - LO frequency 9.75GHz Ku Band - LO frequency 10.6GHz • Miscellaneous functions based on 22kHz tone PPM encoding, as discussed later in the paper. The “universal” LNB switches the polarization by looking at the voltage that it receives from the receiver. 12V – Horizontal, 18V – Vertical 13V – Circular right-hand, 20V – Circular left-hand Generally, only two (12V and 18V or 13V and 20V) will be used with one type of Antenna. Also 1V can be added from a receiver to any of above voltages to compensate for the voltage drop in the co-axial cable, i.e., it could be 13V (12V), 14V (13V), 19V (18V) or 21V (20V) instead. 22kHz Tone and DiSEqC™ (Digital Satellite Equipment Control) Encoding In addition to selecting the polarization, the LNB needs to select the operating band. This is done with the use of a 22kHz tone frequency. A 22kHz pulse-position modulated signal of about 0.6V amplitude is superimposed on the LNB’s DC power rail. Its coding scheme allows the remote electronics to perform more complex functions like varying the down conversion frequency to select one of multiple LNB’s for dual-dish systems or physically rotating the antenna assembly. Traditionally, when other encoding functions do not require using 22kHz tone, simple presence or absence of this tone selects the operating band by changing the local oscillator frequency of the LNB. The complex encoding of 22kHz burst is done with a more sophisticated communication bus protocol named DiSEqC standard (Digital Satellite Equipment Control). The open DiSEqC standard developed by the European Telecommunication Satellite Organization is a well accepted worldwide standard for communication between satellite receivers and satellite peripheral equipment. The 22kHz oscillator has to be a tone generator with specific rise and fall time. The wave shape will be a quasi-square wave. (Sine with flat-top). The required frequency tolerance is ±2kHz over line and temperature variations. Burst coding of this signal is accomplished by input from the microcontroller at the DSQIN pin of the IC as detailed in the datasheet. 22kHz WAVE SHAPE AND DETAILS (See Figures 1 and 2) Polarization Selection Polarization is a way to give a transmission signal specific direction. It increases the beam concentration. The signal transmitted by satellite can be polarized in one of four different ways: Linear (horizontal or vertical) or Circular 1 (right-hand or left-hand). Consequently, the satellite can broadcast both H and V or LH and RH polarized signals via one frequency. Carrier frequency: 22kHz ±2kHz over line and temperature Carrier amplitude: 650mVpp ±250mV Modulation mark period: 500µs ±100µs Modulation space period: 1ms ±200µs CAUTION: These devices are sensitive to electrostatic discharge; follow proper IC Handling Procedures. 1-888-INTERSIL or 321-724-7143 | Intersil (and design) is a registered trademark of Intersil Americas Inc. Copyright © Intersil Americas Inc. 2003. All Rights Reserved Application Note 1008 Quick Start Evaluation Methods of Modulation ‘0’ DATA BIT 1.0ms ‘1’ DATA BIT 0.5ms 0.5ms 1.0ms FIGURE 1. DiSEqC™ MODULATION SCHEME ‘0’ TONE BURST (SATELLITE A) Out Of The Box The ISL6405 evaluation board is shipped in a “ready-to-test” state. The board requires an input voltage ranging from 8V to 14V and a 3.3V/5V supply. The use of an electronic load enables evaluation over a wide range of operating conditions. The evaluation kit also includes 5 samples of ISL6405EEB and ISL6405ER, a PC to I2C bus interface board (USB-I2CIO), PC to I2C bus software, a USB cable, and a connector cable to connect the USB-I2CIO board and the ISL6405EVAL board. TABLE 1. ISL6405 EVALUATION BOARDS ‘1’ DATA BURST (SATELLITE B) BOARD NAME IC PACKAGE ISL6405EVAL1C ISL6405EEB 28-Ld SOIC ISL6405EVAL2C ISL6405ER 32-Ld QFN 12.5ms FIGURE 2. TIMING DIAGRAM FOR TONE BURST CONTROL SIGNAL ISL6405 - Provides a Complete Power Solution for Dual LNB Control The ISL6405 is a highly integrated solution for supplying power and control signals from advanced satellite set-top box (STB) modules to the low noise blocks (LNBs) of two antenna ports. This dual output device is comprised of two independent current-mode boost PWMs and two low-noise linear regulators along with the circuitry required for I2C device interfacing and for providing DiSEqC standard control signals to the LNB. Regulator output voltages are available at two output terminals (VO1, VO2) to support simultaneous operation of two antenna ports in advanced satellite STBs. The regulator outputs for each PWM are set to 13V or 18V by independent voltage select commands (VSEL1, VSEL2) through the I2C bus. Additionally, to compensate for the voltage drop in the coaxial cable, the selected voltage may be increased by 1V with the line length compensation (LLC) feature. Separate enable commands sent on the I2C bus provide independent standby mode control for each PWM and linear combination, disabling the output to conserve power. Both independent tracking current-mode boost converters provide the linear regulators with input voltages that are set to the output voltages, plus typically 1.2V dropout to insure minimum power dissipation across each linear regulator. This maintains constant voltage drops across each linear pass element while permitting adequate voltage range for tone injection. Please refer to the ISL6405 datasheet, FN9026, for more information. 2 Required Test Equipment To fully test the ISL6405 chip functionality, the follow equipment is needed: • 4 channel oscilloscope with probes • 2 electronic loads • 2 bench power supplies • Precision digital multi-meters • I2C bus read/write capability Power and Load Connections Refer to the ISL6405EVAL1 and 2 schematics, the reference designators will differ. The ISL6405EVAL1 evaluation board has four sets of terminal posts and three jumpers that are used to supply the input voltages and to monitor and load the outputs. Jumper and Switch Settings - JP1, JP2, and JP3 will be shorted with shunt jumpers for quick start evaluation. These jumpers can be removed to monitor the input current for each boost regulator or the input bias current of the IC. The DIP switch, SW1, controls the voltage level at the DSQIN1, DSQIN2, and ADDR pins. The switches are by default in the on position toward the numbers which pull the voltages at these pins to ground. Input Voltage - Adjust two power supplies to provide the 5V/3.3V and 12V input voltages of the evaluation board. With the power supplies turned off, connect the positive lead of the 12V supply to the VIN post (P1) and the ground lead to the GND post (P2). The second supply set for either 5V or 3.3V provides the pull-up voltage for the I2C bus clock and data line. Connect the positive lead of the second supply to the +5V/+3.3V post (P7) and the ground lead to the SGND post (P9). Application Note 1008 Output Voltage Loading and Monitoring - To exercise and monitor VOUT1, connect the positive lead of one of the electronic loads and the positive lead of a digital multimeter to the VOUT1 post (P3) and the ground lead to the GND post (P4). To exercise and monitor VOUT2, connect the positive lead of one of the electronic loads and the positive lead of a digital multimeter to the VOUT2 post (P8) and the ground leads of both to the GND post (P10). I2C Bus Communication Setup To control and exercise the ISL6405 requires communication through the I2C bus clock (SCL) and data (SDA) pins. Refer to the ISL6405 datasheet for more information about the I2C bus specification. You can use existing I2C hardware/software, a word generator, or you the PC to I2C hardware/software included in the ISL6405 evaluation kit to produce the necessary I2C waveforms. USB-I2CIO board driver installation - To use a PC to control the I2C bus to communicate with the ISL6405 you will have to install the drivers of the USB-I2CIO board included in the kit. You will need a Windows 98/XP/2000 machine with a standard USB port. 1. The evaluation kit comes with a CD containing the software and drivers to control the I2C bus. Copy the contents of the CD to some directory, e.g., C:\’some directory’. 2. Applying power to the USB-I2CIO board: The USB-I2CIO board has the option of being powered with 3.3V through the USB bus of the PC or externally with 5V connected to the +5 test point and GND test point. The I2C bus can operate at 3.3V or 5V logic. If you use external 5V then place a shunt jumper shorting pins 2 and 3 of JP3. If you are using an external 5V to power the USB-I2CIO board place a shunt jumper shorting pins 1 and 2 of JP3. 3. After the USB-I2CIO board is powered up, connect the USB cable to the USB port of a PC. 4. Windows should detect the new USB device and the ‘Found New Hardware Wizard’ should begin. This will help you install the drivers. Follow the directions on the screen until it asks you where to search for the drivers. At this point, you should select the ‘choose location’ option and browse to the C:\’some directory’ created in step one and select the drivers folder. 5. Follow the remaining directions and the driver should be installed and the USB-I2CIO detected by your PC. 6. If this is successful, another ‘Found New Hardware Wizard’ window will appear. Repeat steps 4 and 5. At this point, the USB-I2CIO board should be ready to use. 7. To connect the USB-I2CIO board to the ISL6405 evaluation board, use the 5-pin to 4-pin connector cable. Connect the 5-pin connector to J4 on the USB-I2CIO board and the 4-pin connector to J3 on the ISL6405 evaluation board. Figure 3 shows the test setup configuration to evaluate the ISL6405 evaluation board. 3 FIGURE 3. ISL6405 TEST SETUP 8. Turn on the power supplies to power up the ISL6405 evaluation board. 9. Run the ISL6405i2crevb.exe program copied to C:\’some directory’. Figure 4 shows the PC to I2C software application window. Click the ‘Open Device’ button. 10. If you receive a ‘No USB Device Detected’ error: • Make sure the drivers were installed correctly. If Windows did not detect your USB device, try running the Add/Remove Hardware Wizard in the control panel. • Make sure the USB board is powered up (internally or externally, not both). 11. If you receive the ‘Incorrect Return Value’ error: • The ISL6405 evaluation board may not be powered up. Check the power connections. • Make sure SCL and SDA are connected correctly. The 5-pin connector to the USB-I2CIO board only fits one way. Try reversing the 4-pin connector at J3 of the ISL6405 evaluation board. Application Note 1008 VOUT1 5V/DIV VOUT2 5V/DIV 100µs/DIV FIGURE 5. SOFT START Shutdown Both LNB outputs of ISL6405 can be independently shutdown using ENx bits via I2C. Figure 6 shows typical shutdown waveforms. VO1 5V/DIV FIGURE 4. PC TO I2C APPLICATION WINDOW Using the PC to I2C Application The switch, SW1, allows you to change the I2C address of the ISL6405 by toggling the ADDR pin high or low. With the switch in its default position the ADDR pin is low. The application software will not be able to communicate with the ISL6405 if the ADDR pin is high. Performance Characterization Startup The ISL6405 features internal soft start to reduce external number of components. Figure 5 shows typical soft-start waveform. Typical soft-start time is 4.6ms. VO2 5V/DIV 100µs/DIV FIGURE 6. SHUTDOWN USING I2C ENABLE Boost PWM Efficiency The Boost PWM architecture allows close to 90% efficiency at full load as shown in Figure 7. 100 95 PWM2 90 EFFICIENCY (%) After opening the application window and clicking on the ‘Open Device’ button, the program will detect the USB-I2CIO board and initialize the I2C system registers of the ISL6405. To evaluate the ISL6405 functionality, toggle the system register bits as needed and then click on the ‘Write I2C’ button to write to the system registers. The lower portion of the application window shows the current values of the system register bits. They are read and updated continuously. The OLF1/2 and OTF flag in system register 1 and 2 are read only bits and they provide diagnostic status of the ISL6405. PWM1 85 80 75 70 65 60 50 150 250 350 450 550 650 750 IOUT (mA) FIGURE 7. BOOST PWM1 AND PWM2 EFFICIENCY vs LOAD 4 Application Note 1008 DiSEqC Implementation The ISL6405 has a built-in 22kHz tone generator that can be controlled either by the I2C interface or by a dedicated pin (DSQIN) that allows immediate DiSEqC data encoding for the DiSEqC compliance. When the I2C tone enable bit (ENT) is set to HIGH, a continuous 22kHz tone is generated regardless the status of the DSQIN pin. The ENT pin must be LOW when DSQINx pins are being used for DiSEqC encoding. Figure 8 shows the 22kHz tone waveform with 350mA load. IO1 200mA/DIV VO1 10V/DIV 200mV/DIV 500ms/DIV FIGURE 10. OVERCURRENT HICCUP MODE Output Ripple Figure 11 shows the typical output ripple waveforms. VO1 is set to 19V and 750mA load. VO2 is set to 13V and 350mA load. 22kHz TONE tRISE = 8µs tFALL = 7.4µs 20µs/DIV FIGURE 8. 22kHz TONE OPERATION VO1 20mV/DIV Overcurrent Hiccup Mode Figure 9 shows a typical over current trip. VO2 20mV/DIV IO1 200mA/DIV 200µs/DIV FIGURE 11. OUTPUT RIPPLE External Back-Bias Protection VO1 10V/DIV 50µs/DIV FIGURE 9. OVERCURRENT TRIP When the DCL (dynamic current limiting) bit is set LOW, the over current protection circuit works dynamically; as soon as an overload is detected, the output is shutdown for a time tOFF, typically 900ms. The output is resumed for a time tON = 20ms. At the end of tON, if the overload condition is still detected, the protection circuit will cycle again through tOFF and tON. Figure 11 shows the typical waveforms for the overcurrent hiccup mode. Some applications may need to be able to protect the ISL6405 from an inadvertent back-bias voltage condition. For the case where a 24V supply is connected to the output of the ISL6405, a series connected diode as shown in Figure 12 will protect the IC. The LLC bit can be set high through the I2C bus to increase the output voltage by 1V to compensate for the diode voltage drop. D1 STPS2L40U ISL6405 (LLC = HIGH) LNB VD CLOAD X DEVICE FIGURE 12. DC BACK-BIAS PROTECTION CIRCUIT 5 Application Note 1008 The DiSEqC standard recommends a maximum bus load of 0.25µF. For the circuit in Figure 12 to provide proper 22kHz tone operation, the bus would have to have a minimum loading of 12mA. If tone operation is required at zero load conditions, a resistor can be placed from the cathode of the protection diode to ground, scaled to provide the minimum 12mA. To avoid the added dissipation of this method, a capacitor can be placed in parallel with the back-bias protection diode as shown in Figure 13. This capacitor should be scaled with the capacitive load present on the DiSEqC bus line. For a load of 0.25µF, use a 10µF capacitor. Consider the maximum load of 0.25µF and the highest output voltage of 19V and a 0.5V drop across the Schottky diode. After the tone rise time, Qd(rise)~0, Qload(rise) = 19V*0.25µF = 4750nC LNB Component Selection Guidelines The ISL6405EVAL application schematics show the configuration for a dual LNB power supply. CLOAD CD VO1 200mV/DIV FIGURE 14. ZERO LOAD 22kHz TONE AT CATHODE OF DIODE AND DRIVING CURRENT CHARGING AND DISCHARGING CLOAD D1 STPS2L40U ISL6405 (LLC = HIGH) ICLOAD 20mA/DIV TCAP Capacitor X DEVICE FIGURE 13. DC BACK-BIAS PROTECTION CIRCUIT FOR ZERO LOAD CONDITION A capacitor connected to the TCAP pin sets the transition time from 13V to 18V. A minimum 1µF capacitor is required for smooth transition with reduced peak currents. Figure 15 shows the transition time versus capacitor value. 3.8 Figure 14 shows the tone mode operation at the cathode of the protection diode in a zero load condition and the charging current between Cd and Cload. Excessive current transients may occur from a fast dV/dt created if a 24V supply were connected to the output of the ISL6405, therefore, to use the circuit in Figure 13, the 24V supply would have to be limited to 1A maximum current considering the dV/dt voltage transient, to fully protect the IC. 6 3.3 RISE/FALL TIME (ms) During the tone fall time, the capacitors are essentially in series so the charge will try to equally distribute between Cd and Cload. Cload will discharge allowing current to flow to Cd to match the falling voltage at the anode of the diode. You will have to choose a capacitor, Cd, that is large enough to absorb the Cload discharging current and to minimize the voltage drop created during the minimum tone fall time specification, 5µs. A good choice would be to use a capacitor for Cd that is 4 times the value of Cload. 2.8 2.3 1.8 1.3 0.8 0.3 0.15 0.65 1.15 TCAP (µF) 1.65 2.15 FIGURE 15. TCAP CAPACITOR VALUE vs OUTPUT TRANSITION TIME The programmed output voltage rise and fall times can be set by an external capacitor. The output rise and fall times will be approximately 3400 times the TCAP value. For the recommended range of 0.47µF to 2.2µF, the rise and fall time would be 1.6ms to 7.6ms. Use of a 0.47µF capacitor insures the PWM will stay below its overcurrent threshold when charging a 120µF VSW filter cap during the worst case 13V to 19V transition. This feature only affects the turn-on and programmed voltage rise and fall times. Figure 16 shows the 13V to 18V transition with TCAP=1uF. Application Note 1008 A high output capacitance and low ESR will strongly reduce the output ripple voltage, output switching noise and improve efficiency. Use the lowest possible ESR capacitor for best performance. The maximum value output capacitor is restricted by transition time specifications between 13V to 18V. With a high output capacitor the boost circuit will need higher peak current from input supply to make transition from 13V to 18V in an given transition time as set by TCAP value. The Figure 15 shows the TCAP capacitor value versus transition time. Use high TCAP capacitor value for high output capacitors to allow sufficient time to charge the output capacitors in maximum load conditions. VO1 2V/DIV VO2 2V/DIV 5ms/DIV The capacitor’s voltage rating should be at least 35V, but higher voltage electrolytic capacitors generally have lower ESR numbers, and for this reason, to improve efficiency and output ripple, select a capacitor with higher voltage ratings. FIGURE 16. 13V TO 18V TRANSITION Inductor The ISL6405 operates with a 33µH standard inductor over the entire range of supply voltages and load currents. Choose an inductor that can handle at least the peak switch current without saturating, and ensure that the inductor has a low DCR (series resistance) to maximize efficiency. The inductor saturation current must be greater then the switch peak current, V SW ( max ) ⋅ I OUT V IN ( min ) V IN ( min ) - + ----------------------- 1 – ---------------------------- PEAK = --------------------------------------------2L ⋅ f SW V SW ( max ) N ⋅ V IN ( min ) (EQ. 1) TABLE 3. VENDOR Sanyo SERIES PACKAGE OS-CON Electrolytic SMD / Through hole Rubycon Nichicon PL Electrolytic TH Panasonic HFQ Electrolytic TH Sprague 594D Electrolytic SMD where, Sense Resistor L = Inductance 33uH The current sense resistor provides current loop feedback and sets over current limit for static current mode. This resistor value is calculated based on peak switch current per Equation 2, fSW = PWM switching frequency, 220kHz Typical N = Efficiency, 92% at maximum load V SENSE R SC < ----------------------I PEAK TABLE 2. RECOMMENDED INDUCTORS VENDOR PART NUMBER ISAT (A) DCR (mΩ) PACKAGE Coilcraft DS3316P-333 1.4 300 SMD Toko A671HN-330L 1.8 21 TH Coiltronics DR74-330 1.73 143 SMD Output Capacitors The most important parameter for the output capacitors is effective series resistance (ESR). The output ripple is directly proportional to output capacitor ESR value. A 68µF or less aluminum output filter capacitor with ESR lower than 80mΩ in parallel with a 470nF ceramic capacitor is a good choice in most application conditions. A ceramic capacitor is necessary to reduce the high frequency switching noise. 7 (EQ. 2) Where Vsense is 200mV typ. (see datasheet specification table) and Ipeak is calculated from Equation 1. Make sure the Rsc value is always lower than the Vsense/Ipeak ratio. In the typical application conditions (VCC = 12V, IOUT (max) = 500mA) a 100mΩ Rsc value is a good choice. If VIN < 10.5V the inductor peak current can be close to 2A, then, it is necessary to decrease the Rsc value. In the worst case with VIN = 8V, and IOUT = 500mA, low cost axial through-hole resistors could also be used, however, these are usually bigger and need a larger area on the PCB. See Table 4 for some suggested SMD resistor part numbers. Application Note 1008 TABLE 4. VENDOR SERIES Meggitt RL73 SEI Electronics RMC1 Panasonic Layout Guidelines Just like all switching power supplies, a proper PC board layout is very important for a dual channel ISL6405 based power supply implementation. Protect sensitive analog grounds by using a star ground configuration. Also, minimize lead lengths to reduce stray capacitance, trace resistance, and radiated noise. Minimize ground noise by connecting PGND1/2, the input bypass capacitor ground lead, and the output filter capacitor ground lead to a single point. Place bypass capacitors as close as possible to BYP pin and PGND1/2 and the DC/DC output capacitors as close as possible to VSW1/2. Place TCAP1/2 capacitors very close to the IC pins and have shortest possible ground return path. Thermal Design During normal operation, the ISL6405 dissipates some power. The power dissipation of the output linear regulator dominates the total power dissipated in the ISL6405. At the maximum rated output current, the voltage drop on the linear regulator leads to a total dissipated power that is about 1.2V*750mA*2 = 1.8W. At 350mA maximum current, this power will be 1.2V*350mA*2 = 0.84W. The heat needs to me removed with a heatsink to keep the junction temperature below the over-temperature threshold. 8 The simplest solution is to use a large, continuous copper area of the ground layer to dissipate the heat. This area can be the inner ground of multi-layered pcbs, or in a dual layer pcb, or an unbroken ground area on the opposite side of the board where the IC is placed. In both cases, the thermal path between the IC ground pins and the dissipating copper area must exhibit a low thermal resistance. The EPAD SOIC package of the ISL6405 has Rja = 29C/W and Rjc = 4C/W. The QFN package has Rja = 34C/W and Rjc = 6C/W. Due to the presence of exposed pad connected to ground below the IC body on both the EPAD SOIC and the QFN packages, the Rjc is much lower. As a result, a much smaller copper area is required to dissipate heat than standard SOIC packages. Conclusion The ISL6405 dual output voltage regulator makes an ideal choice for advanced satellite set-top box and personal video recorder applications. The ISL6405EVAL1 and ISL6405EVAL2 are complete reference designs for providing power and control functions to the LNB in advanced satellite set-top box applications. References Intersil documents are available on the web at [1] ISL6405 Data Sheet, Intersil Corporation, File No. FN9026 [2] DiSEqC Bus Functional Specification, EUTELSAT [3] More information on the USB-I2CIO PC to I2C interface board available at ISL6405 EVAL1 Schematic P1 VIN GND GND VIN GND J1 1 2 3 4 1x4 JP1 C1B 10µF P2 E E 9 L3 C25 1µF 100nH C4 1µF C27A 10µF L1 33µH C27B 10µF R1 C3 5.1 1500pF D1 C5 +STPS2L40U 56µF R2 E 0.10 E GND Q1 FDS6612A 8 7 6 5 C23 100pF 1 2 3 4 D R9 100 C7 R3 68K 1500pF E E VL +5V/+3.3V SGND P7 P9 C29 0.1µF SW1 R13 100K R14 100K R15 100K TCAP2 24 VCC BYPASS 8 SGND GATE2 4 GATE1 CS2 6 CS1 PGND2 5 PGND1 COMP2 2 COMP1 FB2 3 FB1 1 VSW2 VSW1 22 VO2 VO1 17 SCL DSQIN1 15 SDA DSQIN2 26 CPSWIN ADDR 25 TCAP1 CPSWOUT CPVOUT 27 AGND EP ISL6405EEB C9 0.047µF RX 0 C8 28 7 10 11 9 13 12 14 20 19 23 16 18 21 1µF E C13 1234 C14 33pF VOUT2 P8 VOUT2 D4 STPS2L40V P10 C10 E R8 100 VOUT2 E E J3 1 2 3 4 R7 1000pF C18 1µF 100nH C26 1µF E 0.10 C19 0.1µF E C28B 10µF R4 SP2 E C28A 10µF 56µF E R5 68K 1500pF D VOUT1 L4 + C17 C24 100pF R10 100 1µF D D D C11 U1 D2 STPS2L40V Q2 1 FDS6612A 8 2 7 3 6 4 5 1µF E R6 1500pF 5.1 C12 1µF C21 0.1µF E C16 E C2 SP1 P4 L2 33µH JP3 P3 D3 STPS2L40U C15B 10µF 56µF 25V 100 R11 10K R12 10K D VL SCL GND GND SDA GND Application Note 1008 VOUT1 + C15A E C6 33pF VOUT1 JP2 C1A 56µF 25V J2 VOUT1 GND GND VOUT2 1x4 VIN Application Note 1008 ISL6405 EVAL1 Bill of Materials REFERENCE QTY PART NUMBER PART TYPE DESCRIPTION PACKAGE VENDOR U1 1 ISL6405EEB IC, Linear Current mode PWM Controller 28LD EPSOIC Intersil Q1, Q2 2 FDS6612A MOSFET Single N-channel, 30v, 0.022 ohms, 8.4A SOIC8 Fairchild D1, D2, D3, D4 4 STPS2L40U Diode, Schottky, Low Drop Schottky, 30V, 2A Power DO-214AA STMicroelectro nics L1, L2 2 DS3316P-333 Inductor 33uh, 20%, 0.334Ω, 1.4A DO3316 CoilCraft L3, L4 2 DN1050CT-ND Inductor 100nh, 10%, 1175mw SM_1210 API/Digikey C1A, C5, C15A, C17 4 25SP56M Capacitor, Aluminum 56µF, 20%, 25V CASE-CC SANYO C1B, C15B 2 12103G106ZAT2A Capacitor, Ceramic, Y5V 10µF, 20%, 25v SM_1210 AVX/Panasonic C2, C4, C18, C25, C26 5 18125C105MAT2A Capacitor, Ceramic, X7R 1µF, 20%, 50V SM_1812 AVX/Panasonic C3, C16 2 12063C152MAT2A Capacitor, Ceramic, X7R 1500pF, 20% , 50V SM_1206 AVX/Panasonic C6, C14 2 08055A033KAT2A Capacitor, Ceramic, NPO 33pF, 10%, 50V SM_0805 AVX/Panasonic C7, C13 2 08055C152MAT2A Capacitor, Ceramic, X7R 1500pF, 10% , 50V SM_0805 AVX/Panasonic C8, C11, C12 3 0805YC105MAT2A Capacitor, Ceramic, X7R 1µF, 20%, 16V SM_0805 AVX/Panasonic C9 1 08055C473MAT2A Capacitor, Ceramic, X7R 0.047µF, 20%, 50V SM_0805 AVX/Panasonic C10 1 08055C102MAT2A Capacitor, Ceramic, X7R 1000pF, 20% , 50V SM_0805 AVX/Panasonic C19, C21, C29 3 08055C104MAT2A Capacitor, Ceramic, X7R 0.1µF, 20%, 50V SM_0805 AVX/Panasonic C23, C24 2 08055C101MAT2A Capacitor, Ceramic, X7R 100pF, 20% , 50V SM_0805 AVX/Panasonic C27A, C27B, C28A, C28B 4 CE GMK325 F106ZH-T Capacitor, Ceramic, Y5V 10µFf, 20%, 35v SM_1210 Taiyo-Yuden 5.1Ω, 5%, 0.25W SM_1210 Panasonic CAPACITORS RESISTORS R1, R6 2 Resistor, Film R2, R4 2 Resistor, Power metal strip 0.1Ω, 1%, 1W SM_2512 Panasonic R3, R5 2 Resistor, Film 68KΩ, 1%, 0.1W SM_0805 Panasonic R7, R8, R9, R10 4 Resistor, Film 100Ω, 1%, 0.1W SM_0805 Panasonic R11, R12 2 Resistor, Film 10KΩ, 5%, 0.1W SM_0805 Panasonic R13, R14, R15 3 Resistor, Film 100KΩ, 5%, 0.1W SM_0805 Panasonic Rx - (Do not Populate) 1 Resistor shorted internally Shorts two grounds paths together. SM_0805 NA OTHERS SW1 1 78B04S Switch, Dip Dip Switch, 4SPST J1, J2, J3 3 22-03-2041 Connector Header Strip, 1X4 SP1, SP2 2 TEK131-4353-00 Terminal, Scope Probe Terminal, Scope Probe P1-P4, P7-P10 8 1514-2 Turrett Post Terminal post,through hole,1/4 inch tall JP1, JP2, JP3 3 68000-236-1X2 Header 1X2 Break Strip GOLD JP1, JP2, JP3 3 S9001-ND Jumper 2 pin jumper 4 Bumpers 10 Grayhill 1X4@.1" Molex Tektronix PTH Keystone Digikey Application Note 1008 ISL6405EVAL1 Layout FIGURE 17. TOP SILKSCREEN FIGURE 18. LAYER 1 11 Application Note 1008 ISL6405EVAL1 Layout (Continued) FIGURE 19. LAYER 2 FIGURE 20. LAYER 3 12 Application Note 1008 ISL6405EVAL1 Layout (Continued) FIGURE 21. LAYER 4 FIGURE 22. BOTTOM SILKSCREEN 13 ISL6405 EVAL2 Schematic Diagram P2 C1B 10µF E + C1A 56µF E 5.1 1500pF Q1 C27A 10µF C27B 10µF E L2 33µH C7 P4 GND C21 0.1µF 1µF 17 27 28 26 25 24 6 23 8 9 7 11 10 12 19 18 R3 68K 1500pF 33 P3 D3 STP82L40U R6 5.1 SP1 E GATE1 CS1 PGND1 COMP1 FB1 VSW1 VO1 DSQIN1 EP U1 ISL6405ER GATE2 CS2 PGND2 COMP2 FB2 VSW2 VO2 DSQIN2 E 1 2 3 4 8 7 6 5 16 14 15 3 13 20 4 + C17 32 2 1 30 31 29 21 22 C13 C28A 10µF 56µF C28B 10µF C24 100pF R5 68K 1500pF E C14 33pF P5 SP2 5 VOUT2 D4 STPS2L40V C19 0.1µF P6 E GND E E VL R13 100K +5V/+3.3V P7 SCL GND GND SDA C29 0.1µF J1 1 2 3 4 R14 100K R16 100K R17 100K R15 100K VL R12 10K R11 10K R7 P9 100 P8 R8 D 100 SW1 D 1 12 DISQ1 2 11 DISQ2 3 10 SEL18V1 4 9 SEL18V2 5 8 ADDR 6 7 DIP_SW6_SPST C26 1µF E E 0.10 D D E 100nH C18 1µF R4 D R10 100 L4 SEL18V1 SEL18V2 Application Note 1008 C6 33pF 1µF TCAP1 R9 100 C23 100pF E C8 4.7µF C12 D 0.10 E C16 1500pF D2 STPS2L40V Q2 C11 1µF R2 C5 + 56µF E VOUT1 1000pF BYP C4 1µF 0.047µF C2 TCAP2 14 L3 1 2 3 4 C10 CPSWOUT 8 7 6 5 D1 STPS2L40U 100nH C15B 10µF E C9 NC C3 CPVOUT CPSWIN R1 C25 1µF C15A 56µF L1 33µH VCC GND P1 SCL SDA ADDR SGND NC AGND SEL18V1 SEL18V2 VIN Application Note 1008 ISL6405 EVAL2 Bill of Materials REFERENCE QTY PART NUMBER PART TYPE DESCRIPTION PACKAGE VENDOR U1 1 ISL6405ER IC, Linear Current mode PWM Controller 32LD QFN (5x5) Intersil Q1, Q2 2 FDS6612A MOSFET Single N-channel, 30V, 0.022Ω, 8.4A SOIC8 Fairchild D1, D2, D3, D4 4 STPS2L40U Diode, Schottky, Low Drop Power Schottky, 30V, 2A DO-214AA STMicroelectronics L1, L2 2 DS3316P-333 Inductor 33µH, 20%, 0.334Ω, 1.4A DO3316 CoilCraft L3, L4 2 DN1050CT-ND Inductor 100nH, 10%, 1175mW SM_1210 API/Digikey C1A, C5, C15A, C17 4 25SP56M Capacitor, Aluminum 56µF, 20%, 25V CASE-CC SAYNO C1B, C15B 2 TMK325BJ106M Capacitor, Ceramic, X5R 10µF, 20%, 25V SM_1210 Taiyo-Yuden C2, C4, C18, C25, C26, C8, C12 7 12105C105MAT2A Capacitor, Ceramic, X7R 1µF, 20%, 50V SM_1210 AVX/Panasonic C6, C14 2 08055A033KAT2A Capacitor, Ceramic, NPO 33pF, 10%, 50V SM_0805 AVX/Panasonic C3, C7, C13, C16 4 08055C152MAT2A Capacitor, Ceramic, X7R 1500pF, 10% , 50V SM_0805 AVX/Panasonic C19, C21, C29 3 08055C104MAT2A Capacitor, Ceramic, X7R 0.1µF, 20%, 50V SM_0805 AVX/Panasonic C9 1 08055C473MAT2A Capacitor, Ceramic, X7R 0.047µF, 20%, 50V SM_0805 AVX/Panasonic C10 1 08055C102MAT2A Capacitor, Ceramic, X7R 1000pF, 10% , 50V SM_0805 AVX/Panasonic C23, C24 2 08055C101MAT2A Capacitor, Ceramic, X7R 100pF, 20% , 50V SM_0805 AVX/Panasonic C11 1 1210YC475MAT2A Capacitor, Ceramic, X7R 4.7µF, 20%, 16V SM_1210 AVX/Panasonic C27A, C27B, C28A, C28B 4 GMK325 F106ZH-T Capacitor, Ceramic, Y5V 10µF, +80-20%, 35V SM_1210 Taiyo-Yuden CAPACITORS RESISTORS R1, R6 2 Resistor, Film 5.1Ω, 5%, 0.1W SM_0805 Panasonic R2, R4 2 Resistor, Power metal strip 0.1Ω, 1%, 1W SM_2512 Panasonic R3, R5 2 Resistor, Film 68KΩ, 1%, 0.1W SM_0805 Panasonic R7, R8, R9, R10 4 Resistor, Film 100Ω, 1%, 0.1W SM_0805 Panasonic R11, R12 2 Resistor, Film 10KΩ, 5%, 0.1W SM_0805 Panasonic R13, R14, R15, R16, R17 5 Resistor, Film 100KΩ, 5%, 0.1W SM_0805 Panasonic OTHERS SW1 1 78B06S Switch, Dip Dip Switch, 6SPST J1 1 22-03-2041 Connector Header Strip, 1X4 SP1, SP2 2 129 0701 202 Terminal, Scope Probe Terminal, Scope Probe P1 - P9 9 1514-2 Turrett Post Terminal post,through hole,1/4 inch tall 4 Bumpers 15 Grayhill 1X4@.1" Molex Johnson PTH Keystone Application Note 1008 ISL6405EVAL2 Layout FIGURE 23. TOP SILKSCREEN FIGURE 24. LAYER 1 16 Application Note 1008 ISL6405EVAL2 Layout (Continued) FIGURE 25. LAYER 2 FIGURE 26. LAYER 3 17 Application Note 1008 ISL6405EVAL2 Layout (Continued) FIGURE 27. LAYER 4 FIGURE 28. BOTTOM SILKSCREEN All Intersil U.S. products are manufactured, assembled and tested utilizing ISO9000 quality systems. Intersil Corporation’s quality certifications can be viewed at Intersil products are sold by description only. Intersil Corporation reserves the right to make changes in circuit design, software and/or specifications at any time without notice. Accordingly, the reader is cautioned to verify that data sheets are current before placing orders. Information furnished by Intersil is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Intersil or its subsidiaries for its use; nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Intersil or its subsidiaries. For information regarding Intersil Corporation and its products, see 18