Application Note 1779 Author: Barry Kates Configuring Current Sharing on the ZL6105 and ZL8101 Introduction TABLE 2. COMPLETE ISHARE_CONFIG FIELD This application note describes the features and setup procedure for the ZL6105 and ZL8101 digital DC controllers configured in current sharing groups. These products employ an inter-device communication Bus called the Digital-DC bus (DDC Bus). The DDC Bus enables Intersil Zilker Labs IC’s to exchange critical real-time telemetry to any device connected to the Bus. The DDC Bus enables advanced power management, fault management, sequencing, and many other features. Overview A current sharing group is comprised of 2 or more parallel converters operating at the same frequency, but interleaved in such a way to multiply the input and output ripple frequency by the number of paralleled phases. Paralleling converters in this manner has the added benefits of reducing the input filter stress, distributing the converter thermal load, reducing volume and weight and many other advantages. Figure 1 is a typical example of a 2-phase current sharing group. Multiple current sharing groups and power rails can communicate and connect to the same DDC Bus. DDC Bus Zilker Labs (Digital-DC) products utilize a unique dedicated serial bus (DDC bus) to synchronize and communicate real-time events to other Zilker Labs devices connected to the bus. A 5-bit address is assigned to each DDC Bus controller based on the 5 LSB’s of its SMBus address and comprises the Rail DDC ID#. This Rail DDC ID# is used to specify which controllers on the same DDC Bus listen and respond to Fault Spreading and Sequencing. The Rail DDC ID# is automatically assigned as the IShare Rail ID in the ISHARE_CONFIG command. However, the IShare Rail ID number must be common to each controller in the current sharing group and not used to define any other output rail. Table 1 below serves as an example for the current sharing group in Figure 1. In this example the IShare Rail ID has been arbitrarily assigned a value of 5. BINARY 5 LSBs RAIL DDC ID 0x21 00100001 00001 1 0x22 00100010 00010 2 ISHARE RAIL ID 5 Table 2 illustrates the complete structure of the ISHARE_CONFIG field. A maximum of 7 devices or phases is allowed in a sharing group. Please ensure that the DDC signal integrity is maintained by adjusting the pull-up resistor value when using a large device count. December 23, 2013 AN1779.1 1 BITS PURPOSE 15:8 VALUE DESCRIPTION Sets the current share rail’s DDC ID for each controller within a current share rail. 0 to 31 IShare Rail ID (0x00 to 0x1F Each controller in the sharing group must have the same IShare Rail ID 7:5 Number of Devices 0 to 7 Number of devices in current share rail -1 4:2 Device Position 0 to 7 Position of device within current share rail 1 Reserved 0 Device is not a member of a current share rail 0 0 Current Share Control Device is not a member of a current share rail 1 Device is a member of a current share rail During DDC events, all devices will receive transmissions, however, only those devices configured to respond will do so. DDC devices can also transmit events if the configuration requires inter device communication. Some examples include fault spreading, sequencing, phase add/drop, broadcast margin, broadcast enable, and auto compensation. Vpull-up DDC SDA SCL ZL6105 0x21 VCC PH_1 GH SW DDC SDA SCL SY NC Rout Cout GL SEN+ SEN- ZL6105 0x22 VCC SY NC GH SW DDC SDA SCL TABLE 1. CONFIGURING ISHARE RAIL ID# PMBUS ADDRESS ISHARE_CONFIG PH_2 GL SEN+ SEN- FIGURE 1. TYPICAL CURRENT SHARING APPLICATION Active Droop Current Sharing Zilker Labs current sharing devices use a patented form of digitally controlled active droop, resulting in the highest degree of phase current balancing. The specific droop is configured based on the application and is set to the same value for each group member. CAUTION: These devices are sensitive to electrostatic discharge; follow proper IC Handling Procedures. 1-888-INTERSIL or 1-888-468-3774 | Copyright Intersil Americas LLC 2013. All Rights Reserved Intersil (and design), Zilker Labs (and design), and PowerNavigator™ are trademarks owned by Intersil Corporation or one of its subsidiaries. All other trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. Application Note 1779 Total Load Current = 114.5A / 3 = 38.16A 1.10 1.05 1.00 0.95 Ref Mem_1 Mem_2 38.16A / Ph 0.90 0.85 0.80 Figure 2 is an example of a current sharing application whose loadlines were all configured to 1mΩ. Due to differences in layout and component variances the actual member loadlines contain slope differences; they are exaggerated in this example. Each phase carries 38.16A Group Loadline is equal to configured loadline = 1 mOhm 0.65 0.60 0.55 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 Iout FIGURE 3. MEMBER(S) REFERENCE VOLTAGE IS TRIMMED UNTIL ALL DEVICE CURRENTS EQUALIZE The Current sharing equilibrium is shown in Figure 4 with a singular loadline being plotted that represents the actual static V-I characteristic for the sharing group. Since each group member in this example is configured to 1mΩ, the slope of the sharing group is equal to 1mΩ. Actual Current Share Loadline = 1 mOhm Vout Current Sharing Algorithm 1.20 1.15 Total Load Current = 114.5A / 3 = 38.16A 1.10 1.05 Unbalanced Phase Currents Vout 1.15 0.70 The controller with the lowest SMBus address in the current sharing group is designated as the Reference Device. The Reference Device continuously broadcasts its inductor current over the DDC bus, while each Member device receives the transmission and trims its output voltage up or down until all group members supply the same current to the load. The process of broadcasting the Reference’s load current and trimming each Member’s output voltage to achieve current balance continues unless a fault occurs or the Reference Phase is dropped. 1.00 1.20 1.10 1.20 0.75 Reference Device 1.15 Balanced Phase Currents Vout The droop function is implemented in both hardware (fast and local) and firmware (slow over DDC Bus). During turn-on/off a combination of droop and a unique ramping algorithm results in near perfect current sharing. The specific value of droop typically ranges between 0.15mΩ and 1mΩ. Each controller in the sharing group is assigned the same droop value. The droop value represents the output loadline. If phases are added or dropped the rail loadline remains constant. Droop is configured with the VOUT_DROOP command, units are in mV’s. Rail Loadline 0.95 Total Load Current = 27.5A + 35A + 52A = 114.5A 38.16A / Ph 0.90 0.85 1.05 0.80 1.00 0.75 0.95 27.5A 0.90 0.85 0.80 35A Ref 52A Mem_1 Mem_2 Programmed Loadline = 1 mOhm/Ph. Actual Loadlines = ; Master = 1.0 mOhm Slave_1 = 1.5 mOhm Slave_2 = 2.0 mOhm 0.75 0.70 0.65 0.60 0.55 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 Iout FIGURE 2. UNBALANCED PHASE CURRENTS DUE TO SLOPE ERROR The imbalance results in each phase contributing an unequal portion of the load current. Each controller will respond to the imbalance with its local hardware droop function and the output voltage will trim down proportionally to constrain the phase current. After the rail has reached the configured target voltage the DDC Bus will begin to dynamically equalize the phase currents. The Reference Phase controller with the lowest PMBus address periodically broadcasts its current. Each Member Phase(s) reference voltage is trimmed up or down until all devices in the group carry an equal portion of the load current. The current sharing algorithm uses the PMBus Trim command so the Trim command must not be configured by the designer when using current sharing. This effect is shown in Figure 3. Notice in this case the Reference-Phase initially sourced the majority of the load current. Each Member Controller’s reference voltage was trimmed in the positive direction until all phase’s are sourcing equal current to the load. 2 0.70 Each phase carries 38.16A Group Loadline is equal to configured loadline = 1 mOhm 0.65 0.60 0.55 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 Iout FIGURE 4. CURRENT SHARING PHASE BALANCE IS ACHIEVED Phase Add/Drop When Zilker Labs Digital-DC power conversion devices are configured in a current sharing group, individual group members are capable of (dynamically) dropping and adding back to the group. Group members are typically dropped or added to improve efficiency or to process a fault. Group members can be added or dropped on the fly by using a separate power management host controller invoking the Phase Control command, actively driving the Phase Enable pin PH_EN, or by using the GUI. Adding and dropping phases may cause a slight output voltage perturbation. If a phase was dropped due to a fault, the standing phase(s) continue to operate. They will autonomously redistribute their phase relationship and maintain the configured load line. This family of controllers don’t provide a protocol to fault the entire sharing group. Each controller must detect the fault and then respond as configured. AN1779.1 December 23, 2013 Application Note 1779 Dropped Phase/SYNC CLOCK Vpull-up If the dropped group member was supplying the SYNC clock, it will continue to do so even though it has become inactive. If the device supplying the SYNC clock dropped from the group and is no longer capable of supplying the clock, the remaining members will detect the absence of SYNC and respond according to their fault spreading configuration. If a host or power system manager is monitoring the group, then SALRT will assert, and the PMBus can be read and will respond with the appropriate fault management alarm as described in the PMBus™ Power System Management Protocol Specification – Part II. ZL6105 0x20 Inactive DDC SDA SCL DDC SDA SCL ZL6105 0x21 REF. DDC SDA SCL VCC PH_3 GL SEN+ SEN- FIGURE 6. 3-PHASE CONVERTER AFTER REFERENCE PHASE IS DROPPED Phase Add GL SEN+ SEN- VCC PH_3 GL SEN+ SEN- FIGURE 5. 3-PHASE CONVERTER SHOWING REFERENCE, MEMBER, AND POSITION NUMBER Figure 5 shows an example of a functional 3-phase current sharing group prior to asserting a Phase Control command to drop the Reference Phase (0x20). Figure 6 illustrates the new 2-phase configuration after the reference phase (0x20) is dropped. Address 0x21 is now the new designated reference. Address 0x20 continues supplying the SYNC clock even though it has been dropped. The timing diagram is shown in Figure 7. After the reference phase is dropped the remaining two phases are redistributed and the phase displacement changes from 120° to 180°. 3 The phase that was previously dropped may be added back into the group as determined by the power management host or the Phase Control command. When the command is given to add the phase, the event is coordinated with the active member devices over the DDC Bus, and the previously inactive device is seamlessly added back into the group. In this example, position 1 was made active and resumed the role of reference device, see Figure 5. The phase offset of each member was automatically redistributed from 180° to 120° as shown in the top section of Figure 7. SYNC CLK REF PH_1 0x20 MEM_1 PH_2 0x21 0x22 PH_2 0x21 VCC GH SW SY NC IN Cout Rout SEN+ SEN- ZL6105 0x22 MEM_2 DDC SDA SCL DDC SDA SCL SYNC IN GH SW SY NC IN ZL6105 0x22 MEM_1 GL ZL6105 0x21 MEM_1 DDC SDA SCL SEN+ SEN- MEM_2 PH_3 o o 0 REF PH_1 MEM_1 PH_2 0x22 o 0 o 120 240 0x22 o 360 o o 480 600 o 720 o o 840 960 0x21 0x22 SY NC OUT GL SYNC IN 0x20 DDC SDA SCL PH_2 GH SW PH_1 GH SW VCC GH SW 0x21 DDC SDA SCL SEN+ SEN- VCC REF. Cout Rout GL SYNC OUT The phase position is defined by the angular offset relative to the rising edge of the SYNC clock and will autonomously redistribute based on the number of standing phases. ZL6105 0x20 PH_1 GH SW If the dropped phase was the group reference, a new reference will be reassigned based on the lowest SMBus address of the remaining operational members. However, if the dropped reference was supplying the SYNC clock it will continue to do so. Vpull-up VCC o 180 o 360 o 540 o 720 o 900 FIGURE 7. 3-PHASE CONVERTER TIMING DIAGRAM BEFORE AND AFTER PHASE_1 (REFERENCE PHASE) IS DROPPED AN1779.1 December 23, 2013 Application Note 1779 NLR Threshold Scaling Vpull-up When multiple devices are configured in a current sharing group, the effective output ripple is divided by the number of active members. When all members of the group are operating, the NLR (Non Linear Response) thresholds can be set to a small value just above the minimum ripple amplitude. When a group member is dropped, the ripple amplitude will increase. Nall Nactive PH_1 GH SW DDC SDA SCL DDC SDA SCL SYNC OUT SEN+ SEN- SYNC VCC PH_2 GH SW DDC SDA SCL SYNC IN Where: GL SEN+ SEN- ZL6105 0x22 MEM_2 Vt_part is the NLR inner threshold setting used with some group members deactivated VCC PH_3 GH SW Vt_all is the NLR inner threshold setting configured for the group with all members operating DDC SDA SCL Nall is the total number of members in the group SYNC IN Nactive is the number of members active in the group (that is, the number of members not faulted or intentionally deactivated) Rail_1 GL SEN+ SEN- ZL6105 0x23 Rail_2 Nall and Nactive are determined automatically from the group configuration parameters. No additional programming or configuration is required. Cout Rout GL ZL6105 0x21 MEM_1 (EQ. 1) Since the available thresholds are quantized to multiples of 0.5% of the configured output voltage, the next higher available threshold is used if the result of the above formula is fractional. For additional information about NLR, please reference AN2032 “NLR Configuration DDC Products”. VCC REF. In order to avoid spurious NLR activity, the Digital-DC features automatically adjust the NLR thresholds according to the ratio of active group members to total members of the group (see Equation 1). Vt _ part = Vt _ all * ZL6105 0x20 VCC Cout Rout GH SW DDC SDA SCL SYNC IN GL Rail_2 SEN+ SEN- FIGURE 8. EXAMPLE OF SHARING GROUP AND AUXILIARY OUTPUT RAIL WITH A COMMON SYNC CLOCK Phase Offset SYNC Clock To configure a current sharing group, a common SYNC clock must be provided to each group member. This SYNC clock can be provided by any Zilker Labs Digital DC device, or the SYNC can be provided by an external source that satisfies the electrical specifications of the SYNC pin. Note: the switching frequency of each ZL Controller must be configured to the same value. Once the SYNC source has been designated, the SYNC pins of all group members and any other Zilker Labs device requiring synchronization and interleaving must be connected together as shown in Figure 8. Note that any of the devices whose SYNC pins are physically connected together can be configured to output the SYNC clock. The SYNC output can be configured as push-pull or open-drain. All other devices connected to the SYNC source must be configured as SYNC inputs. If the SYNC source becomes disabled while the current sharing rail is enabled, each sharing device will reconfigure to use its internal clock. During the transition small output voltage perturbations might occur. SALRT will assert and the loss of SYNC status register will set. If the output voltage perturbation does not cause a UV fault the current sharing rail will continue to operate. The loss of intra-controller synchronization will cause a small modulated envelope. 4 The current sharing group in Figure 8 will autonomously distribute each member’s phase with respect to the SYNC clock. Since the sharing group contains 3 members, each member will be ideally offset in phase by 120°. The actual phase offset is represented by a 4 bit binary number resulting in 16 possible offset values in 22.5° steps. The real phase displacement will be rounded to the closest 22.5° increment. All possible phase displacements are shown in Figure 9. For the 3-phase example shown in Figure 8. the actual sharing group phase offset will be rounded as shown in Table 3. TABLE 3. IDEAL vs ACTUAL PHASE OFFSET PHASE POSITION IDEAL OFFSET ACTUAL OFFSET 1 0° 0° 2 120° 112.5° 3 240° 247.5° AN1779.1 December 23, 2013 Application Note 1779 Although Rail_2 is connected to the same SYNC clock, it will not be autonomously offset in phase with respect to the current sharing group. Rail_2 will assume an offset of 67.5 degrees from the rising edge of the sync clock based on the configured PMBus address 0x23. Rail_2 can be offset in phase to one of the 16 possible offset values by using the INTERLEAVE command. Vpull-up ZL6105 0x20 VCC Sharing Group_1 PH_1 GH SW DDC SDA SCL DDC SDA SCL SY NC OUT SEN+ SEN- VCC PH_2 GH SW SY NC IN GL SEN+ SEN- ZL6105 0x22 VCC Sharing Group_2 PH_1 GH SW DDC SDA SCL SY NC IN After the ISHARE_CONFIG command is configured, each sharing group will autonomously phase spread within the group, but not between the 2 groups. The resulting timing waveform is shown in Figure 11. SY NC IN Rail_2 VCC PH_2 GH SW Current sharing groups are autonomously offset in phase with respect to each group member, however, when there are multiple sharing groups connected to the same SYNC clock the 2 groups will not autonomously offset from each other. Consider the 2 current sharing groups shown in Figure 10. This configuration consists of 2 output rails with each rail containing a 2-phase sharing group and a common SYNC clock. Cout SEN+ SEN- FIGURE 9. PHASE OFFSET RESOLUTION WHEEL DDC SDA SCL Rout GL ZL6105 0x23 INTERLEAVE Command Cout GL ZL6105 0x21 DDC SDA SCL Rout GL SEN+ SEN- FIGURE 10. EXAMPLE OF 2x2-PHASE CURRENT SHARING GROUPS USING THE SAME SYNC CLOCK SYNC CLK 0x20 Rail_1 0x21 Rail_1 0x22 Rail_2 0x23 Rail_2 o 0 o 90 o 180 o 270 o 360 o 450 o 540 o 630 o 720 o 810 o 900 o 990 FIGURE 11. TIMING DIAGRAM FOR A 2 RAILx2-PHASE CURRENT SHARING EXAMPLE 5 AN1779.1 December 23, 2013 Application Note 1779 Ramp Synchronization Notice that the positional phase equivalents in each sharing group are not offset from each other. If desired, Sharing Group_2 can be offset in phase from Group_1 by using the INTERLEAVE command field in the GUI or creating an equivalent interleave command line in a configuration file. The simplest way to achieve equal phase offset for the 4 devices in Figure 10 is to offset Sharing Group_2 by 90°. This is easily done in the GUI by declaring 2 Devices in Sharing Group_2 and assigning the Position in Interleave Group as 4. The INTERLEAVE command would be placed in each config file for Sharing Group_2 with a value of 0x0024. During turn-on and turn-off, the voltage ramps of each phase are synchronized to start at the same time. This ensures that inter-phase circulating currents are minimized. Each current sharing device contains a separate digital controller that executes firmware. The individual controller firmware requires synchronization prior to ramp events to ensure that intra-phase circulating currents are minimized. This is accomplished by forcing the reference phase to wait at least two additional firmware cycles during ramping events by configuring it to have additional Time On and Time Off Delay relative to the other group members. When the sharing group receives a hardware or PMBus enable, the member devices initialize their registers and freeze the state of their firmware, once the reference phase completes its extra timing delay it transmits a DDC Ramp Flag and all members of the group produce a sequenced PWM and begin their soft-start routine. SYNC CLK PH_1 FIGURE 12. INTERLEAVE CONFIGURATION TO OFFSET SHARING GROUP_2 BY 90° PH_2 Referencing Figure 9, the value 4 represents an offset of 90°. The same entries are made for both devices in Sharing Group_2’s configuration files. PH_3 o 0 The interleave value for Sharing Group_1 is simply INTERLEAVE = 0000, so the INTERLEAVE command is not used in the configuration files for Sharing Group_1. The Interleave function for Sharing Group 1 is handled by the ISHARE_CONFIG command. The timing diagram shown in Figure 13 illustrates that each Phase in Sharing Group_2 is now equally offset from Sharing Group_1. o 120 o 240 o 360 o 480 o 600 o 720 o 840 o 960 FIGURE 14. START-UP SYNCHRONIZATION Ensure that the Time On Delay and Time Off Delay parameters for the reference phase are at least 10ms greater than the delay parameters of each member device as shown in Figure 15. Alternate Ramp Control Alternate Ramp Control is not supported. SYNC CLK 0x20 Rail_1 0x21 Rail_1 0x22 Rail_2 0x23 Rail_2 o 0 o 90 o 180 o 270 o 360 o 450 o 540 o 630 o 720 o 810 o 900 o 990 FIGURE 13. 2x2-PHASE CURRENT SHARING GROUPS NOW EQUALLY OFFSET USING INTERLEAVE COMMAND 6 AN1779.1 December 23, 2013 Application Note 1779 FIGURE 15. SETTING THE REFERENCE TIME ON/OFF DELAYS 10ms GREATER THAN MEMBER DELAYS Minimum Duty Cycle Current sharing groups can be comprised of 2 to 7 phases (controllers). Each phase contains its own digital PID controller. The Minimum Duty Cycle parameter is required when configuring current sharing, enabling a minimum duty cycle ensures that each controller produces an identical initial pulse which helps balance intra-phase currents during ramps. Configure the minimum duty cycle to be slightly above the value specified in the driver data sheet. . TABLE 4. BROADCAST MARGIN/ENABLE SETUP ZL Controller Address Rail # Assigned Broadcast Group ON_OFF_CONFIG MISC_CONFIG Broadcast Margin/Enable 0x20 0x21 0x22 0x24 0x25 0x26 1 2 3 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 PMBus Enable PMBus Enable PMBus Enable PMBus Enable PMBus Enable PMBus Enable Enable Enable Enable Enable Enable Enable The Min Duty Cycle command is located in the USER_CONFIG field on the PMBus Advanced section of the GUI. The ZL8101 contains extra Minimum Duty Cycle options to enable the use of DrMos devices. Reference the ZL8101 data sheet for additional information. Broadcast Enable/Margin Broadcast Margin/Enable allows all controllers in a pre-defined group to respond to a single PMBus margin or enable command. The commands can be sent to any SMBus address in the group and all group members will respond relative to their configuration. PMBus enable and margining commands can be configured with current sharing groups just like single phase converters. The broadcast group can be comprised of current sharing and Single Phase devices. An example is shown in Figure 17. This configuration contains 3 Single Phase converters (Rails_1-3) and a 3-phase current sharing group (Rail_4). Table 4 shows the DDC_CONFIG and ON_OFF_CONFIG requirements to Enable Broadcast PMBus commands. To configure a broadcast group, assign each group member the same Broadcast Group Number. The Broadcast Group Number is Part of the DDC_CONFIG command. The ON_OFF_CONFIG parameter has to be set to PMBus Enable. 7 FIGURE 16. SETTING BROADCAST ENABLE AND MARGIN IN THE MISC_CONFIG FIELD Broadcast Checklist 1. ON_OFF_CONFIG set to PMBus Enable 2. MISC_CONFIG enable broadcast 3. DDC_CONFIG assign Broadcast Group number After the broadcast group is configured, every member in the group will respond to a PMBus margin or enable command. AN1779.1 December 23, 2013 Application Note 1779 Vpull-up ZL6105 0x20 VCC REF. Rail DDC ID = 0 Broadcast Group = 2 Rail_1 GH SW DDC SDA SCL DDC SDA SCL SYNC SY NC OUT VCC Rail DDC ID = 1 Broadcast Group = 2 Rail_2 GH SW DDC SDA SCL SY NC IN SEN+ SEN- VCC Rail DDC ID = 2 Broadcast Group = 2 GH SW DDC SDA SCL SY NC IN Rail_3 GL SEN+ SEN- SEN+ SEN- VCC PH_2 GH SW SY NC IN GL SEN+ SEN- ZL6105 0x26 MEM_3 GH SW DDC SDA SCL SY NC IN Rail DDC ID = 5 Broadcast Group = 2 PH_1 Rail_4 Rail_4 GL ZL6105 0x25 MEM_2 DDC SDA SCL GL ZL6105 0x22 MEM_2 GH SW SY NC IN SEN+ SEN- VCC REF. DDC SDA SCL GL ZL6105 0x21 MEM_1 ZL6105 0x24 VCC PH_3 GL SEN+ SEN- FIGURE 17. 4-RAIL POWER SUPPLY WITH PMBUS BROADCAST MARGIN AND ENABLE Configuring Current Sharing Consider the 3-phase current sharing group shown in Figure 18. Ensure that each Zilker Labs device in the group is connected to the same DDC and SMBus. The device with the lowest SMBus address is the designated Reference Phase. The Reference phase is used to provide the load current information to each member device by periodically broadcasting its load current over the DDC Bus. Each member device will trim its reference up or down until the member currents equal the reference current. If the Reference Device is dropped or faults the device with the next lowest PMBus address becomes the new Reference Device. Rail DDC ID#/ISHARE Rail ID The Rail DDC ID# is automatically assigned by each controllers firmware and cannot be changed. The Rail DDC ID# is used to configure Fault Spreading and Sequencing for single phase rails. The ISHARE Rail ID is used to configure Fault Spreading and Sequencing for current sharing groups. The Rail DDC ID is set by the 5 LSB’s of the SMBus address. Table 16 (Appendix) maps the Rail DDC ID with the SMBus address. Care must be taken to ensure that duplicate Rail DDC ID’s are not created by choosing SMBus address’s whose 5 LSB’s are identical. 8 The Rail DDC ID# is not used for current sharing, the ISHARE Rail ID number is used instead, however, versions of the GUI lower than version 4.0 will automatically copy the Rail DDC ID# into the ISHARE Rail ID dialog box, this results in each current sharing controller with a unique ISHARE Rail ID. In order for current sharing to function the ISHARE Rail ID must be the same value for each controller in the sharing group. The ISHARE Rail ID tells the member devices to listen and respond to the load current and DDC events emanating from the reference controller. The ISHARE Rail ID is part of the ISHARE_CONFIG command. Damage to the controller may result if the current sharing rail is enabled without a common ISHARE Rail ID. The ISHARE_CONFIG command is outlined in Table 2 on page 1. DDC_CONFIG The DDC config Field is not used as part of the current sharing algorithm. However, if the current sharing group is part of a broadcast group the Broadcast Group number is assigned in the DDC_CONFIG command. Table 5 on page 9 shows the format of the DDC_CONFIG command, The Rail DDC ID# field is used to identify the ZL Controller for single phase sequencing and fault spreading. The Rail DDC ID # is described on Page 1 and Table 16 on page 23 AN1779.1 December 23, 2013 Application Note 1779 TABLE 5. TABLE 6. ISHARE_CONFIG COMMAND CONFIGURATION FOR 3-PHASE CURRENT SHARE EXAMPLE DDC_CONFIG Bits Purpose Value Description 15:13 Reserved 0 12:8 Broadcast Group 0 to 31 7:6 Reserved 0 Reserved 5 DDC TX Inhibit 1 DDC Tranmisson Inhibited 0 DDC Transmission Enabled 4:0 Rail DDC ID# Vpull-up 0 to 31 ZL6105 0x20 VCC REF. DDC SDA SCL GH SW DDC SDA SCL SYNC IN Number of Devices Device Position 0x20 0x21 0x22 5 5 5 3 3 3 1 2 3 Phase Displacem ent Degrees 0 120 240 Current Share Control ISHARE_CONFIG Hex Enabled Enabled Enabled 0x541 0x545 0x549 USER_CONFIG The following parameters related to current sharing is located in the USER_CONFIG field and must be set to properly configure current sharing. Min Duty Cycle The minimum allowable duty cycle must be set to Enable, to ensure that each phase starts the turn-on ramp with the same pulse width, without missing pulses. The Min Duty Cycle function is equal to: (EQ. 2) VCC PH_2 TSW = Switching Frequency Period TABLE 7. GL MIN DUTY CYCLE N OPTIONS SEN+ SEN- VCC PH_3 GH SW SYNC IN ISHARE Rail ID = 5 Broadcast Group = 2 PH_1 Rail_1 ISHARE Rail ID TSW inDutyCycle = N × -----------256 ZL6105 0x22 MEM_3 DDC SDA SCL DDC ID SEN+ SEN- GH SW SYNC IN Group number GL ZL6105 0x21 MEM_2 DDC SDA SCL Reserved SMBus Address GL SEN+ SEN- FIGURE 18. 3-PHASE CURRENT SHARING EXAMPLE ISHARE_CONFIG The ISHARE_CONFIG field contains 4 fields: 1. ISHARE Rail ID Assigns the Rail Number for the Current Sharing Group. Must be the same for every controller in a current sharing group. The IShare Rail ID must be configured manually in the configuration file for each sharing group member. Pin-strap current sharing is not supported. The IShare Rail ID is also used to configure Fault Spreading and Sequencing for current sharing groups. 2. Number of Devices number of devices or phases in current sharing group, this entry is used to calculate phase offset relative to the rising edge of the SYNC Clock. 3. Device Position This entry is used to calculate phase offset relative to the rising edge of the SYNC Clock. 4. Current Share Control Enables current sharing, for this example the specific entries for each address is shown in Table 6. 9 DEVICE N ZL6105 1-4 ZL8101 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 The Min Duty Cycle function is also used to ensure that PWM pulses below the minimum are not presented to an external driver or DrMos device. The Minimum Duty Cycle value should be set equal to or slightly above the driver requirement. SYNC Time-out Enable The SYNC Time-out Enable function is used to configure the state of the SYNC output when the controller is disabled. If the controller is supplying the SYNC signal in a current sharing group, SYNC Time-out must be set to SYNC always On. This will ensure that the SYNC source is ready prior to rail enable. Always on also ensures that if the SYNC source is dropped from the current sharing group that the SYNC clock will remain present to the standing group members. The Reference Controller is typically used to provide the SYNC Clock. However any device internal or external to the sharing group can provide the SYNC Clock. SYNC Input Mode/SYNC Pin Configuration The SYNC Input Mode is used along with the SYNC Pin Configure parameter to specify whether the device will output the SYNC clock or use the SYNC clock as an input. SYNC Clock Source Mode (device is outputting Sync): Set SYNC Input Mode to Pinstrap Input and set SYNC Pin Configure to Output Int. Signal. The controller will now operate as a clock source. AN1779.1 December 23, 2013 Application Note 1779 SYNC Clock Input Mode (device is using an external Sync): Configure SYNC Input Mode to External Sync now the controller will use the SYNC signal present on its Sync Pin. Configure the SYNC Output Mode command in the MFR_CONFIG field to be Push-Pull or Open Drain to satisfy your system design requirements. Reference the device data sheet for additional information. Standby Mode Standby Mode is used to select whether the controller is in Low Power mode or Monitor Mode. Low Power Mode is not available with current sharing groups. All current sharing controllers must me configured as monitor mode. Standby mode must be set to Monitor Enabled for both Reference and Member Devices. Setting this parameter to monitor mode ensures that the firmware is initialized prior to enabling the output rail. The other entries in the USER_CONFIG field do not affect current sharing groups, and should be configured to meet the designer’s system requirements. For additional information about these parameters please reference. Lowside FET Mode The Lowside FET Mode is used to configure the state of the lowside FET when the Rail or controller is disabled. The default mode is Off when Disabled. This means that the lowside gate is held low (FET off) when the controller is disabled. The FET on mode is used to mimic an active crowbar during an over-voltage condition, or to discharge a pre-bias leakage. The USER_CONFIG GUI entries for this example are shown in Figure 19, illustrating the configuration for the Reference device. Figure 20 illustrates the configuration for Member device(s). FIGURE 20. USER_CONFIG FIELD (MEMBER) MFR_CONFIG The following parameters related to current sharing is located in the MFR_CONFIG field and must be set to properly configure current sharing. I Sense Delay The I Sense Delay parameter is used to configure the time that current samples are ignored after FET switch transitions. The delay parameter is configured to be greater than the worst case switch node ring out time. Ensure that the same blanking value is used for the Reference and Member device(s). I Sense Control I Sense Control is used to configure the current sensing method. Various modes of current sensing are available depending on duty cycle and switching frequency. Current sensing options are shown below in Table 8. A lumped or distributed resistor can be substituted for rDS(ON) and DCR sensing. Ensure that the same I Sense Control is used for the Reference and Member device(s). TABLE 8. CURRENT SENSING METHOD SELECTION CURRENT SENSE CONTROL USAGE Ground referenced, down-slope (rDS(ON)) Low duty cycle and low FSW Not supported on the ZL8101 VOUT referenced, down-slope (Inductor DCR Sensing) Low duty cycle and high FSW VOUT referenced, up-slope (Inductor DCR sensing) High duty cycle FIGURE 19. USER_CONFIG FIELD (REFERENCE) Reference AN2026 “PowerNavigator™ Users Manual” and AN2033 “Zilker Labs PMBus Command Set for DDC Products” for additional information. 10 AN1779.1 December 23, 2013 Application Note 1779 NLR During Ramp TABLE 9. TEMPO_CONFIG Determines if NLR is active during ramps or waits until Power-Good is asserted. This should always be set to Wait for PG for both Reference and Member device(s) when configuring current sharing groups. FIELD PURPOSE VALUE 7 Selects the temperature sensor source for tempco correction 0 Selects the internal temperature sensor 1 Selects the XTEMP pin for temperature measurements Sets Tempco correction in units of 100ppm/°C TC RSEN(EXT) Alternate Ramp Control Set to disable for Reference and Member device(s). Alternate Ramp control is not supported for the controllers referenced in this document. 6:0 SYNC Output Mode DESCRIPTION RSEN(INT) Configures the SYNC pin as Open Drain or Push-Pull. SYNC Output Mode is typically set to Push-Pull for the SYNC clock source and Open Drain for devices that receive the SYNC clock as an input. Equation 3 can be used to fine tune the temperature correction for internal and external sense elements. The MFR_CONFIG GUI entries are shown below. The comments refer to current sharing groups. Reference AN2026 “PowerNavigator™ Users Manual” for additional information. RSEN ( INT ) = IOUT _ CAL _ OFFSET × (1 + TC × 10 −4 × (T − 25)) RSEN ( EXT ) = IOUT _ CAL _ GAIN × (1 + TC × 10 −4 × (T − 25)) (EQ. 3) Where: IOUT_CAL_GAIN = the impedance of the current sense element at +25°C IOUT_CAL_OFFSET = offset added to IOUT readings, this offset is used to compensate for current measurement error due to blanking. RSEN(EXT) = DCR inductor resistance RSEN(INT) = Internal silicon temp diode rDS(ON) = Low-side FET channel resistance T = Temperature measured by sensing device TC = Temperature correction factor The hex values in Table 10 can be used to accurately compensate most designs if the measurement element is tightly (thermally) coupled to the sense element. TABLE 10. TYPICAL TEMPCO_CONFIG VALUES BY ZL PART NUMBER FIGURE 21. MFR_CONFIG FIELD TEMPCO_CONFIG The TEMPCO_CONFIG command is used to configure the temperature correction factor and temperature measurement source (internal or external) when performing temperature coefficient correction for the current sensing element. TEMPCO_CONFIG values are applied as a negative correction to a positive temperature coefficient. The TEMPCO_CONFIG command is defined in Table 9. The TEMPCO_CONFIG parameter must be configured to the same value for the Reference and Member(s). ZL DEVICE EXTERNAL TEMP DIODE INTERNAL SILICON DIODE ZL6105 A8 2C ZL8101 A8 2C AUTOCOMP_CONFIG The ZL6105 and ZL8101 have an auto compensation feature that measures the characteristics of the power train and calculates the proper compensator PID coefficients. Auto compensation is configured using the FC0 and FC1 pins, GUI, or config files, reference the specific product data sheets for additional information. When configuring current sharing groups to use autocomp, every device in the sharing group must have the same AUTOCOMP_CONFIG value. 11 AN1779.1 December 23, 2013 Application Note 1779 When the Auto Compensation algorithm is enabled, the configured soft-start values (Rise/Fall times) are used to calculate the loop gain that's used during the turn-on/turn-off ramps to ensure current sharing while ramping. If the rise/fall time is set too large the gain term cannot be optimized to ensure current balance during ramping. To ensure current balance constrain current sharing groups to rise/fall times between 5ms and 20ms. While ramping, the loop bandwidth is intentionally set to a very low value so transient compliance will be very poor. The designer should limit dynamic loading while ramping. Even if autocomp is disabled and the sharing group employs a user defined compensator, transient response will be poor during ramps. Once the ramp has completed, the autocomp algorithm will begin and a new optimized compensator solution will be found and the compensator solution will transmit over the DDC Bus such that each controller has the same PID compensator values. If Autocomp is disabled the controllers will switch to the configured compensator by using the PID Taps defined in the configuration files. If Auto Comp is enabled, VIN must be stable before the autocomp algorithm begins, as shown in Equation 4. ΔVin 100% -------------------- % ≤ --------------------------------------Vin NOM 256 × Vout 1 + ----------------------------Vin NOM (EQ. 4) AUTO_COMP_CONFIG The AUTO_COMP_CONFIG command is used to configure auto compensation. AUTO COMP ENABLE Used to enable/disable autocomp and determine how often the rail runs the autocomp algorithm. The choices are: before the ramp is finished. If PG Assert is set to “IMM After AC”, PG will be asserted immediately after the first Auto Comp cycle completes and the configured POWER_GOOD_DELAY parameter will be ignored. Since the Autocomp algorithm typically takes between 50ms and 200ms to complete the option “IMM After AC” is suggested. AUTO COMP GAIN The Auto Comp Gain control scales the Auto Comp results to allow a trade-off between transient response and steady-state duty cycle jitter. A setting of 100% will provide the fastest transient response while a setting of 10% will produce the lowest jitter. The optimal gain value will need to be determined empirically based on the system requirements. PMBus Basic Commands VOUT_COMMAND Set each current sharing phase to the same output voltage value. The VOUT_COMMAND can be stated in each configuration file, or VOUT_COMMAND can be defined by pinstrap. If using pinstraps to configure the current sharing rail voltage, don’t use the VOUT_COMMAND statement in the configuration files. VOUT_TRIM Typically set to 0 (default value) for each current sharing phase. The reference phase will always retain a zero value. Member phases will adjust the trim value until all phases carry equal load current. If an offset voltage is desirable to overcome the effects of droop use the VOUT_CAL_OFFSET command to add an offset. See “(VOUT_CAL_OFFSET)”. The VOUT_TRIM command is not available when current sharing. VOUT_CAL_OFFSET • Autocomp once, will run autocomp algorithm each time the rail is enabled The VOUT_CAL_OFFSET command is used to apply an offset voltage that can compensate for the load-line droop. While positive and negative offset values are valid, a positive offset value is typically used with a magnitude of Equation 5. • Autocomp every second will initiate a new autocomp algorithm each 1 second VOUT _ CAL _ OFFSET = 0.5 × I MAX × RDROOP • Autocomp every minute will initiate a new autocomp algorithm every minute. If the VOUT_CAL_OFFSET command is used, ensure that each group member is assigned the same VOUT_CAL_OFFSET value. It is recommended that current sharing groups use only the Autocomp Once option. VOUT_DROOP AUTO COMP STORE controls whether or not the autocomp result is stored in ram. If autocomp store is enabled, the autocomp result found on the first ramp will be used on all subsequent ramps, as long as input power to the controller is present. If input power is cycled, the result will be lost. Autocomp Store disabled will run a new autocomp algorithm the first time the rail is enabled. POWER-GOOD ASSERT If the PG Assert parameter is set to “Use PG Delay”, PG will be asserted according to the POWER_GOOD_DELAY command, after which Auto Comp will begin. When Auto Comp is enabled, the user must not program a Power-Good Delay that will expire 12 (EQ. 5) Droop resistance is used as part of the current sharing algorithm. The recommended droop or loadline resistance for current sharing groups is between 0.15mΩ and 1.0mΩ. Each group member is assigned the same droop value. MAX_DUTY The maximum duty cycle must be constrained as the switching frequency increases. Configure the MAX_DUTY cycle to a maximum value for each group member per Equation 6, round the result down to the closest integer value. Table 11 lists MAX_DUTY values for a few common switching frequencies. δ max(%) = [1 − (150ns × Fsw)] ×100 (EQ. 6) AN1779.1 December 23, 2013 Application Note 1779 TABLE 11. MAX_DUTY VALUES FOR COMMON SWITCHING FREQUENCIES FSW (kHz) MAX DUTY (%) 200 97 400 94 600 91 800 88 1000 85 1400 80 FIGURE 22. RECOMMENDED DEADTIME CONFIGURATION TON_DELAY, TOFF_DELAY Voltage Tracking Time On Delay and Time Off Delay parameters for the reference phase must be set at least 10ms greater than the delay parameters of each member device, reference Figure 15. The ZL8101 integrates a lossless tracking scheme that allows its output to track a voltage that is applied to the VTRK pin with no extra components required. The VTRK pin is an analog input that, when tracking mode is enabled, configures the voltage applied to the VTRK pin to act as a reference for the member device’s output regulation. The ZL6105 and ZL8101 offer two modes of tracking: coincident and ratiometric. Figures 23 and 24 illustrate the output voltages for the two tracking modes. 1. Coincident. This mode configures the controller to ramp its output voltage at the same rate as the voltage applied to the VTRK pin. Two options are available for this mode; - Track at 100% VOUT limited. Member rail tracks the reference rail and stops when the member reaches its configured target voltage. Figure 23A and 23B. - Track at 100% VTRK limited. Member rail tracks the reference at the instantaneous voltage value applied to the VTRK pin. Figure 23C. To configure the deadtimes for current sharing use the DEADTIME_CONFIG command. The DEADTIME _CONFIG command structure is shown Table 12. TABLE 12. DEADTIME_CONFIG BITS 15 PURPOSE VALUE Sets high to low deadtime mode DESCRIPTION 0 Adaptive H-to-L control 1 Freeze H-to-L deadtime 14:8 Sets H-to-L deadtime H H X 2ns (signed) 7 Sets L-to-H deadtime mode 0 Adaptive L-to-H control 1 Freeze L-to-H deadtime 6:0 Sets H-to-L deadtime L H X 2ns (signed) Coincident Tracking Track @ 100% Vout Limited Vref > Vmem VRef Ton Dly 0 Vmem Toff Dly Vref=1.5V Vmem=0.75V EN A. Track @ 100% Vout Limited Vref = Vmem VRef Vmem Toff Dly Ton Dly 0 There are 2 other commands associated with deadtimes, DEADTIME_MAX and DEADTIME. When the deadtimes are set to Freeze mode these commands are not needed, simply omit them from the configuration file. ~~ When current sharing several other algorithms are also running I.E. local droop, rail droop, voltage regulation, and current balance algorithms. In order to avoid the possibility of these algorithms interacting with each other, the adaptive deadtime algorithm must be disabled while current sharing, set deadtimes to Freeze and then configure fixed deadtimes to optimize the selected drive train. Voltage tracking for current sharing groups is the same for single rail designs with the exception that a configuration file or PMBus operation is required. Pin-strapped current share tracking is not supported. ~ The ZL6105 and ZL8101 controllers utilize a closed loop algorithm to optimize the dead-time applied between the gate drive signals for the top and bottom FETs. When enabled the algorithm continuously adjusts the deadtimes until the duty cycle reaches a minimum. Vref=1.5V Vmem=1.5V EN B. Track @ 100% Vtrk Limited Vref = Vmem VRef Ton Dly 0 ~ ADAPTIVE DEADTIME Vmem Toff Dly Vref=1.5V Vmem=1.5V EN C. FIGURE 23. COINCIDENT TRACKING 13 AN1779.1 December 23, 2013 Application Note 1779 2. Ratiometric. This mode configures the controller to ramp its output voltage as a percentage of the voltage applied to the VTRK pin. The default setting is 50%, but an external resistor maybe used to configure a different tracking ratio. - Track at 50% VOUT limited. Member rail tracks the reference rail and stops when the member reaches 50% of the reference’s target voltage - Track at 50% VTRK limited. Member rail tracks the reference at the instantaneous voltage value applied to the VTRK pin until the member rail reaches 50% of the reference rail voltage, or if the member is configured to less than 50% of the reference the member will achieve its configured target Vpull-up ZL6105 0x20 DDC SDA SCL ENABLE DDC SDA SCL ~~ Ton Dly DDC SDA SCL Vmem DDC SDA SCL ~~ Ton Dly 0 SY NC IN Vmem Toff Dly Vref=1.5V Vmem=0.75V EN Cout SEN+ SEN- Rail_2 VCC PH_2 GH SW ENABLE Track @ 50% Vtrk Limited Vref = 1.5V VRef Vmem = 0.75V Rout GL VTRK EN A. Tracking Member PH_1 GH SW ZL6105 0x23 Vref=1.5V Vmem=0.75V Rail_1 VCC VTRK SY NC IN Toff Dly GL ZL6105 0x22 Ratiometric Tracking Cout SEN+ SEN- ENABLE 0 Rout Lout VOUT_REFERENCE . Track @ 50% Vout Limited Vref = 1.5V VRef Vmem = 0.75V Tracking Reference GH SW ENABLE SY NC OUT VCC GL SEN+ SEN- FIGURE 25. CURRENT SHARING GROUP TRACKING A SINGLE RAIL Configuring Tracking with Current Sharing B. FIGURE 24. RATIOMETRIC TRACKING Vpull-up ZL6105 0x20 Tracking with Autocomp The ZL6105 and ZL8101 uses a unique ramping algorithm that results in near perfect tracking while ramping. This is accomplished by deriving different compensator coefficients for ramping than those used for steady-state operation. The ramp compensation is derived from the configured rise/fall time, VIN, and VOUT. While ramping the loop bandwidth is intentionally set to a very low value so to ensure that inter-phase current balance is maintained. Since the loop bandwidth is low response to transients will be limited. The user should limit dynamic loading while ramping. Once the ramp has completed the autocomp algorithm will begin and a new optimized compensator solution will be found. If Autocomp is disabled the controllers will switch to the configured compensator by using the PID Taps defined in the configuration files. If Autocomp is enabled the tracking member Rise/Fall times might need to be adjusted slightly until the desired tracking accuracy is achieved. For the best possible tracking accuracy disable autocomp and manually assign PID coefficients in the configuration file. Even though Autocomp is disabled current sharing groups will still us a calculated ramping compensator that ensures current balance. Current Sharing and Tracking When the ZL6105 and ZL8101 is configured in a current sharing group and voltage tracking is desired, the VTRK pin of each sharing group member must be tied together, and connected to the reference rails output voltage. Figures 25 and 26 show tracking connections for current sharing groups. Two current sharing groups can also be configured to track each other. 14 DDC SDA SCL ENABLE DDC SDA SCL ENABLE SY NC OUT ENABLE SY NC IN Tracking Reference Sharing Group PH_1 GH SW Rout Cout GL SEN+ SEN- ZL6105 0x21 DDC SDA SCL VCC Rail_1 VCC PH_2 GH SW GL SEN+ SEN- VOUT_REFERENCE ZL6105 0x22 VTRK DDC SDA SCL ENABLE SY NC IN GH SW VCC Tracking Member Lout Rout Cout GL SEN+ SEN- Rail_2 FIGURE 26. SINGLE RAIL TRACKING A CURRENT SHARING GROUP In a tracking group, the rail output with highest voltage is defined as the reference device. The device(s) that track the reference is called member device(s). The reference device will control the ramp delay and ramp rate of all tracking devices and is not placed in the tracking mode. The reference device is configured to the highest output voltage for the group and all other device(s) AN1779.1 December 23, 2013 Application Note 1779 output voltages are meant to track and never exceed the reference device output voltage. The reference device must be configured to have a minimum Time-On Delay as shown in Equation 7. (EQ. 7) t OnDly ( REF ) ≥ t OnDly ( MEM ) + t OnRise ( REF ) + 5ms The member device(s) must be configured to have a minimum Time-Off Delay as shown in Equation 8. (EQ. 8) t OffDly ( MEM ) ≥ t OffDly ( REF ) + t OffFall ( REF ) + 5ms When the Tracking Reference is comprised of a current sharing group the delay time must me added to the standing current sharing tOnDly . Using Figure 26 as an example the non-Tracking timing configuration is shown below in Table 13. TABLE 13. NON-TRACKING DELAY TIMING FOR FIGURE 26 RAIL # VOUT tON_DLY tON_RISE tOFF_DLY tOFF_FALL (v) (ms) (ms) (ms) (ms) MODE Rail_1 1.5 Tracking Reference 5 5 5 5 Tracking Disabled Rail_2 0.75 Sharing Reference Tracking Member 15 5 5 5 Tracking Disabled Rail_2 0.75 Sharing Member Tracking Member 15 5 15 5 Tracking Disabled Compensation The ZL6105 and ZL8101 Digital DC/DC PWM Controllers include an auto compensation algorithm. The auto compensation function can be used to find a compensator each time the current sharing rail is enabled or the algorithm can be used to find a suitable compensator which can be inserted in each configuration file. Autocomp every second and autocomp every minute should not be selected with current sharing groups. The Zilker Labs CompZL program can be used to obtain PID taps that ensure stability and result in moderate to optimal transient response. Filter Design The design of the output filter is based on the system requirements for ripple, noise, transient response, and phase-count. After the filter design is complete, consider any one of the phases for the compensation analysis and divide the total capacitance by the number of phases. The resultant filter consists of the phase output inductor and the equivalent phase capacitance. Consider the 3-Phase example shown in Figure 27. This schematic is drawn symmetrically with identical phase filters; consider any one of the phases plus any common output capacitance divided by the number of phases, in this case 3. To obtain the tracking timing we get the following t OnDly ( Ref ) = 15ms + 5ms + 5ms = 25ms L1 L_esr_1 0.33uH 0.4m Cout10 Cout11 Cout12 (EQ. 9) t OffDly ( Mem ) = 5ms + 5ms + 5ms + 15ms = 30ms (EQ. 10) ZL6105 ZL8101 Phase_1 The Tracking Timing is shown below in Table 14. TABLE 14. TRACKING TIMING FOR FIGURE 26 RAIL # VOUT tON_DLY tON_RISE tOFF_DLY tOFF_FALL (v) (ms) (ms) (ms) (ms) Rail_1 1.5 Tracking Reference 25 5 Rail_2 0.75 Sharing Reference Tracking Member 15 5 Rail_2 0.75 Sharing Member Tracking Member 5 5 30 Tracking Disabled 5 Track at 100% VOUT or V TRAK Limited 5 Track at 100% VOUT or V TRAK Limited All of the ENABLE pins must be connected together and driven by a single logic source. If PMBus ENABLE is going to be used ensure that the tracking and sharing devices are configured to be in the same Broadcast Group with the DDC_CONFIG command. Ensure that Broadcast Enable is active for each controller in the tracking and sharing group, Broadcast Enable is part of the MISC_CONFIG command. C11 5X 100uF C12 470uF esr10 3.5m/3 esr11 2.5m/5 esr12 8m esl10 3X 1nH esl11 5X 1nH esl12 6nH 20% L2 L_esr_2 0.33uH 0.4m Cout20 Cout21 Cout22 MODE 5 C10 3X 47uF ZL6105 ZL8101 Phase_2 C20 3X 47uF C21 5X 100uF esr20 3.5m/3 esr21 2.5m/5 esl20 3X 1nH esl21 5X 1nH VOUT C22 470uF esr22 8m esl22 6nH 20% GND L3 0.33uH ZL6105 ZL8101 Phase_3 L_esr_3 0.4m Cout30 Cout31 Cout32 C30 3X 47uF esr30 3.5m/3 esl30 3X 1nH C31 5X 100uF esr31 2.5m/5 esl31 5X 1nH C32 470uF esr32 8m esl32 6nH 20% FIGURE 27. 3-PHASE CURRENT SHARING EXAMPLE 15 AN1779.1 December 23, 2013 Application Note 1779 The resultant 3-Phase compensation model reduces to the configuration shown in Figure 28. L_n 0.33uH ZL6105 ZL8101 Phase_N L_n_esr 0.4m 1V C_n0 3X 47uF C_n1 5X 100uF esl_n1 5X 1nH (EQ. 15) POUT = VOUT ∗ I OUT (EQ. 16) C_n2 470uF esr_n0 esr_n1 esr_n2 3.5m/3 2.5m/5 8m esl_n0 3X 1nH 2 PLOUT = I LOUT ∗ RDCR Iout 25A esr_n2 6nH 20% GND 2 I LOUT = I OUT + ⎡ ⎛ VOUT ⎞ ⎟×VOUT ⎢ ⎜⎜ 1− V IN ⎟⎠ ⎢⎝ ⎢ LOUT × FSW ⎢ ⎢⎣ ⎤ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥⎦ 2 (EQ. 17) 12 Where: FIGURE 28. CURRENT SHARING COMPENSATION MODEL (USING COMPZL TO CALCULATE TAPS) RDCR’ = Total resistive conversion loss minus CompZL calculated losses PIN = Total input power Using CompAZL to Calculate Taps PHI_Cond = High-side FET Conduction loss In order to calculate accurate taps for the sharing group, all of the conversion losses need to be identified and entered into the CompZL power stage model. These losses include inductor AC loss, routing loss, and FET switching loss. PLO_Cond = Low-side FET Conduction loss It is particularly important to identify and estimate these losses with low impedance (hi Q) output filters. These previously unaccounted losses in the CompZL program increase the filter damping and usually enable the use of real zeros in the compensator. Real zeros can be strategically placed above and below the filter resonant frequency and result in increased midband frequency gain. Please reference AN2035 for additional information on using CompZL. Equations 11 through 17 can be used to estimate the conversion losses that are not included in CompZL, including these losses in the analysis increases circuit damping and the effectiveness of using real zeros. Once the analysis is complete, simply substitute the calculated value RDCR’ into the CompZL model for DCR. ’ is calculated by subtracting the losses known by CompZL RDCR from the total circuit losses. The total losses are known by measuring, calculating, or estimating the conversion efficiency at the operating point of interest. Once the efficiency is known, these equations (Equations 11 through 17) can be used to obtain the losses not considered in the CompZL program at the operating point of interest. ' DCR R = PIN − PHI _ Cond − PLO _ Cond − PLOUT − POUT 2 I OUT IOUT2 = Output current RDS_LO = Low-Side FET rDS(ON) RDS_HI = High-Side FET rDS(ON) η = Converter efficiency VIN = Converter input voltage VOUT = Converter output voltage IQC = Controller quiescent current IOUT = Converter output current ILOUT = Output inductor RMS current Compensation Example The 3-Phase converter shown in Figure 28 has the following component values: VOUT = 1.0V VIN = 12V IOUT = 25A/Phase FSW = 615kHz/Phase COUT_n0 = 3 X 47µF, 3.5mΩ, 1nH (EQ. 11) COUT_n1 = 5 X 100µF, 2.5mΩ, 6nH COUT_n2 = 470µF, 8mΩ, 6nH ⎛P ⎞ PIN = ⎜⎜ OUT −V IN∗I QC ⎟⎟ ⎝ η ⎠ (EQ. 12) LOUT = 0.33µH DCR = 0.4mΩ 2 PHI _ Cond = I OUT ∗ RDS _ HI ∗ VOUT VIN ⎛ V 2 ∗ RDS _ LO ∗ ⎜⎜1 − OUT PLO _ Cond = I OUT VIN ⎝ ( PLOUT = Output inductor DCR loss ) 16 (EQ. 13) RDS_HI = 4mΩ RDS_LO = 2mΩ ⎞ ⎟⎟ ⎠ ç = 85% (EQ. 14) IQC = 35mA AN1779.1 December 23, 2013 Application Note 1779 The individual power losses are calculated in Equations 18 through 23. The losses already accounted for in CompZL are then subtracted from the input power. This new adjusted value yields a more accurate compensation model and increases the filter dampening. As a result, the possibility of using real zeros increases with low impedance output filters. ⎛ 1V ∗ 25 A ⎞ − 12V * 35mA ⎟ = 28.99W PIN = ⎜ 0 . 84 ⎝ ⎠ (EQ. 18) Suggested Guidelines 1V = 0.208W 12V (EQ. 19) PHI _ COND = 252 A ∗ 4mΩ ∗ 1V ⎞ ⎛ PLO _ COND = 25 2 A ∗ 2mΩ ∗ ⎜1 − ⎟ = 1.15W ⎝ 12V ⎠ (EQ. 20) 2 ⎡ ⎛ 1V ⎞ ⎤ ⎢ ⎜1 − 12V ⎟ ∗1V ⎥ ⎠ ⎢ ⎝ ⎥ 0 . 33 uH 615 KHz⎥ ∗ ⎢ ⎢ ⎥⎦ I LOUT = 252 A + ⎣ = 25.03A 12 (EQ. 21) PLOUT = 25.032 A * 0.4mΩ = 0.25W (EQ. 22) POUT = 1V * 25 A = 25W (EQ. 23) ' RDCR = 29.34W − 0.204W − 1.145W − 0.25W − 25W = 3.82 mΩ 25 2 A (EQ. 24) The adjusted value of R’DCR is 3.82mΩ. Type this value into the CompZL location for the inductor DCR. This adjusted value now contains all of the frequency dependent losses at the operating point of interest, these losses were previously unaccounted for in the CompZL model. 17 To ensure that the digital PID controller constrains internal noise and minimizes PWM jitter, the low frequency gain Gc should be constrained to 30dB if possible. Q should be initially set between 0.1 to 0.4. The compensator should be set to Overdamped (real zeros). If the Q of the output filter is extremely low, (very small parasitic resistance) an overdamped compensator will not be possible. In that case switch to the underdamped mode. The compensator natural frequency Fn is adjusted below the calculated output filter natural frequency (see Equation 25), by moving the zeros until the phase margin, gain margin, and crossover criteria is met. The compensation results are shown in Figure 29. the compensator is set to overdamped (real zeros). The gain term was set to initially 25dB, and Q was set to 0.35. Fn = 1 2 * π * Lout * Cout Fn = 1 = 8.31kHz 2 * π * 0.33uH *1111uF (EQ. 25) While moving each zero in turn, observe the actual phase and gain margin values and ensure that the phase and gain margin goals are met. Notice how the gain levels off at approximately 2.5kHz. This is due to the careful placement of the zeros and results in a flattened midband gain characteristic with improved damping and transient response. Once the PID coefficients have been calculated, enter the same values for each phase in their respective configuration files. AN1779.1 December 23, 2013 Application Note 1779 FIGURE 29. USING COMPZL IN THE MANUAL MODE Configuration Files Once the hardware design is completed and verified, a configuration file is created for each sharing group controller. The configuration file is composed by using a text editor such as Microsoft Notepad. Other editors can be used as long as the filename has a .txt extension. The configuration file data can utilize both decimal and hexadecimal data. Hexadecimal data is always preceded by 0x. Comments can be added to the configuration file if preceded with a # sign. Consider the 3-phase sharing group shown in Figure 30. The operating requirements are shown in Table 15. Configuration files were composed for each phase and are shown in Figure 31. Reference AN2031 “Writing Configuration Files for Zilker” for additional information on composing configuration files. 2.5V - 5.0V VCC DEV_1 0x20 REF. POS_1 Rail_1 ISHARE Rail ID = 5 Rout Cout PH_1 DDC SDA SCL SYNC SYNC_Out VCC DEV_2 0x21 MEM_1 POS_2 PH_2 SYNC_In VCC DEV_3 0x22 MEM_2 POS_3 PH_3 SYNC_In FIGURE 30. 3-PHASE SHARING GROUP EXAMPLE 18 AN1779.1 December 23, 2013 Application Note 1779 TABLE 15. 3-PHASE SHARING GROUP REQUIREMENTS DEVICE (PHASE) PH_1Ref ADDRESS (HEX) Rail DDC ID ISHARE Rail ID SYNC VIN (V) VOUT (A) IOUT (A) FSW (kHz) 0x20 0 5 Source 12 1.0V 25 615 PH_2Mem_1 0x21 1 5 Input 12 1.0V 25 615 PH_2Mem_2 0x22 2 5 Input 12 1.0V 25 615 Configuration File Checklist Use the following checklist as a guideline when creating configuration files for current sharing rails. 1. Follow memory restore guidelines • RESTORE_FACTORY • STORE_USER_ALL • STORE_DEFAULT_ALL • RESTORE_DEFAULT_ALL • STORE_DEFAULT_ALL • RESTORE_DEFAULT_ALL 2. Assign the same VOUT_DROOP value to all ZL devices in the current sharing group with a value typically between 0.15Ω and 1.0Ω. 3. Ensure that the Time On Delay and Time Off Delay parameters for the reference phase are at least 10ms greater than the delay parameters of each member device. 4. Ensure that each controller in the sharing group has equally configured Time On/Off, Rise/Fall times. Assign the same fault responses for each device. 5. Designate and configure the SYNC source for the group, if the source is one of the group devices all other device(s) in the group are configured as SYNC inputs. 6. Assign the same ISHARE Rail ID to each device in the group using ISHARE_CONFIG. 19 7. Configure the High to Low and Low to High deadtimes to Freeze using the DEADTIME_CONFIG command. 8. Ensure that each phase of the sharing group has been calibrated for measuring current by using the IOUT_CAL_GAIN and IOUT_CAL_OFFSET commands 9. Each sharing group controller has the same configured switching frequency 10. Each sharing group controller has the same current limit configuration. 11. Each sharing group controller has the same fault response configuration.Assign a unique phase position to each group device using ISHARE_CONFIG. 12. Configure Standby Mode to Monitor Enabled for each group member. 13. Set the TEMPCO_CONFIG value for each group member to the same value. 14. Assign the maximum duty cycle to each group device per Equation 6. 15. Configure the Min Duty Cycle command to Enabled. 16. Configure SYNC Time-out EN to SYNC always On. 17. Diode Emulation, Adaptive Frequency Compensation is not supported with current sharing and must be disabled. AN1779.1 December 23, 2013 Application Note 1779 FIGURE 31. CONFIGURATION FILE FOR 3-PHASE CURRENT SHARING GROUP (REF_PHASE) 20 AN1779.1 December 23, 2013 Application Note 1779 FIGURE 32. CONFIGURATION FILE FOR 3-PHASE CURRENT SHARING GROUP (MEM_1) 21 AN1779.1 December 23, 2013 Application Note 1779 FIGURE 33. CONFIGURATION FILE FOR 3-PHASE CURRENT SHARING GROUP (MEM_2) 22 AN1779.1 December 23, 2013 Application Note 1779 Appendix TABLE 17. ISHARE_CONFIG TABLE 16. DDC RAIL ID# vs SMBus ADDRESS PMBus Address 0x20 0x21 0x22 0x23 0x24 0x25 0x26 0x27 0x28 0x29 0x2A 0x2B 0x2C 0x2D 0x2E 0x2F 0x30 0x31 0x32 0x33 0x34 0x35 0x36 0x37 0x38 0x39 0x3A 0x3B 0x3C 0x3D 0x3E 0x3F Binary 00100000 00100001 00100010 00100011 00100100 00100101 00100110 00100111 00101000 00101001 00101010 00101011 00101100 00101101 00101110 00101111 00110000 00110001 00110010 00110011 00110100 00110101 00110110 00110111 00111000 00111001 00111010 00111011 00111100 00111101 00111110 00111111 5 LSB's 00000 00001 00010 00011 00100 00101 00110 00111 01000 01001 01010 01011 01100 01101 01110 01111 10000 10001 10010 10011 10100 10101 10110 10111 11000 11001 11010 11011 11100 11101 11110 11111 Rail DDC ID 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 BITS PURPOSE VALUE 15:8 IShare Rail ID 0 7:5 Number of Devices 1 4:2 Device Position 1 1 Reserved 0 0 Current Share Control 0 DESCRIPTION Sets the current share rail’s DDC ID for each device within a current share rail. Set to the same DDC ID as in DDC_CONFIG. This DDC ID is used for sequencing and fault spreading when used in a current share rail. Number of devices in current share rail -1 Position of device within current share rail Reserved. 0 = Device is not a member of a current share rail 1 = Device is a member of a current share rail Intersil Corporation reserves the right to make changes in circuit design, software and/or specifications at any time without notice. Accordingly, the reader is cautioned to verify that the Application Note or Technical Brief is current before proceeding. For information regarding Intersil Corporation and its products, see 23 AN1779.1 December 23, 2013