Wire Counting & Flat Cable Specification Attachment & Connector Orientation 1:1 connection type Connector #1 1:2 Crossed connection type X I Connector #2 Connector #2 will be 180° rotated AU I AU AUX length + tol. a1 a1 wire #1 a1 Tolerances depends on cable length: <= 1000mm Tol. 0/+5mm <= 3000mm Tol. 0/+10mm > 3000mm Tol. 0/+20mm a1 Available wire count a1 12 AU I AD a1 ADX 16 20 26 32 40 50 68 80 Available cable type code cable type AWG PV PVC 34/1 wire #1 colour red temp range (static) -20°/+105°C a1 NC AD I AU Product Code (not connected) MicroCon 0,80 wire count connector #1 a1 length connector #2 C cable type B A No. of Pin 12 16 20 26 32 40 50 68 80 Dim A Dim B Dim C 11,70 13,30 14,90 17,30 19,70 22,90 26,90 34,10 38,90 7,40 9,00 10,60 13,00 15,40 18,60 22,60 29,80 34,60 5,30 6,90 8,50 10,90 13,30 16,50 20,50 27,70 32,50 Example for a 1:2 connection cable assembly: MicroCon 0.80_ 80 _ AU _ AUX _ 1250 _ PV Example for a 1:1 connection cable assembly: MicroCon 0.80_ 80 _ AU _ AUI _ 1250 _ PV Copyright by ERNI Production GmbH & Co. KG Proprietary notice pursuant to ISO 16016 to be observed. 4,2 connection type Tolerances Information: Scale 2:1 All Dimensions in mm All rights reserved. Only for Information. To ensure that this is the latest version of this drawing, please contact one of the ERNI companies before using. Designation Subject to modification without prior notice. Drawing will not be updated. MicroCon Kabelkonfektion 845000 www.ERNI.com a 20.02.2015 Index Date Class I A3