TB3102 Boost Converter Using the PIC12F1501 NCO Peripheral Author: PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Mihnea Rosu Microchip Technology Inc. Electrical specifications over operating range: 3V ≤ VDD ≤ 5V. INTRODUCTION TABLE 1: ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS This technical brief describes a digitally-controlled boost power supply based on the PIC12F1501. The implementation has very good efficiency at light loads, hardware overvoltage protection and uses a very small number of components. Input Voltage Range The peripherals needed for the application are: • • • • • Two 10-bit ADC channels One Fixed Voltage Reference (FVR) One Comparator (COMP) One Numerically Controlled Oscillator (NCO) One Complementary Waveform Generator (CWG) The peripherals are internally connected through firmware, reducing the number of external pins to just three. FIGURE 1: 3-5 Volts DC 5 Volts DC Output Current 2 Amperes Output Power 10 Watts Code Size 452 Words Ram Size 31 Bytes Efficiency 86.8% Output Voltage Measured at 2A Available Code Size 572 Words Available RAM Size 33 Bytes BLOCK DIAGRAM The output voltage and current are regulated using a proportional control loop. Output values are read using two ADC channels and the control signal is adjusted accordingly. The NCO uses fixed-on-time pulses with variable frequency to adjust the duty cycle Pulse Frequency Modulation (PFM). Figure 1 illustrates the block diagram of SMPS. BLOCK DIAGRAM VBAT Load CWG CWG1A PIC12F1501 OV prot VOUT-div COMP NCO FVR ADC Isense SW Control Button 2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS90003102A-page 1 TB3102 The NCO control signal is routed through the CWG, so that the auto-shutdown feature can be used together with the comparator to provide hardware overvoltage protection. The control loop update rate is limited because of the ADC conversion speed and computational power. FIGURE 2: EFFICIENCY 94.00 % 92.00 % 90.00 % 88.00 % 4V Input 86.00 % 3V Input 84.00 % 82.00 % 80.00 % 50 100 250 500 750 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 mA mA mA mA mA mA mA mA mA mA mA FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION The power supply uses the PIC12F1501 NCO and ADC to implement a proportional control loop. For each of the two ADC channels (voltage and current), four samples are taken on each measurement. The values are used to adjust the NCO frequency in order to adjust the converter output. The NCO functions in Pulse Frequency mode, having a “fixed-on-time” of 2 us. The operating frequency is limited in firmware to about 275 kHz, resulting in a maximum duty cycle of 55%. For a 16 MHz clock source and a 2 us pulse length, the NCO offers 15 bits of duty cycle resolution with a 16 Hz frequency step. Since only one control loop is running for both voltage and current regulation, a special function decides on each update which of the two needs to be regulated. In normal operating conditions, the control loop tries to match the output voltage to the reference value. If the output current goes over the limit, the loop tries to match the output current to the maximum allowed value by reducing the output voltage. A special counter prevents erratic behavior when transitioning from one mode to the other. The input voltage is connected to the microcontroller using a small diode and is bootstrapped to the output. This way, when the output voltage rises, it will power the microcontroller and MOSFET driver. This is more efficient because a higher VGS improves RDS(ON) and the interval below 4.5V is problematic for most power transistors. This also makes the FVR the only stable reference available, and requires a few changes in the way the output regulation is achieved. Instead of reading the output voltage through the divider, the FVR is read internally with the output voltage as a reference (connected to VDD). The divider is still used for hardware overvoltage protection and is calculated to trip the comparator just above the desired output voltage. The FVR voltage is used as a reference for the comparator. It is important to mention that the boost topology has a clear DC path from the power source to the output, through the rectifier diode, even if the switching transistor is blocked. The current limiting loop can only prevent overcurrent until the switching frequency becomes zero. From this point on, catastrophic shortcircuit events can occur without an additional protection switch. A second transistor can be placed on the output low side to cut off the load if a short circuit occurs. DS90003102A-page 2 2013 Microchip Technology Inc. TB3102 FIGURE 3: DUTY CYCLE vs. FREQUENCY USING FIXED ON TIME )UHT N+] 'XW\&\FOH )L[HGRQWLPH XV XV 3XOVH)UHTXHQF\PRGH 1&22XWSXW APPLICATIONS The proportional control loop regulating the output has an update rate of only 4 kHz, which makes it slow to respond to sudden load variations and input voltage changes. For this reason, the output voltage is clamped by a very fast comparator-based, overvoltage protection mechanism. On the other hand, this is a digitally-controlled power supply which offers huge advantages. Output voltage and current can be modified during run-time by the application and complex algorithms, like multi-step battery charging, it can be easily implemented. The NCO peripheral allows 15 bits of duty cycle resolution for the transistor control signal, which in turn allows very fine control of output voltage and current. The main application areas of this type of power supply are battery chargers, LED drivers with current mode dimming, thermoelectric cell drivers, programmable bias generators and others. With an accurate voltage reference, the circuit is more than adequate for charging sensitive Li-Ion batteries. 2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS90003102A-page 3 TB3102 MCU PERIPHERAL CONFIGURATION DRAWING The application needs only two analog channels. One is for the output current and one is for the hardware overvoltage protection. The output voltage ADC channel is read internally from the FVR. The input-only digital pin, MCLR, can be used for a button or a similar purpose. During run-time, the programming clock and data I/O pins (PGC and PGD) are free for user-specific functionality (see Table 2): TABLE 2: Pin No. PIC12F1501 PERIPHERAL CONFIGURATION Name Function 1 VDD Supply voltage 2 RA5 CWG output – transistor control signal 3 AN3 Analog input (COMP) used for clamping output voltage 4 RA3 Digital input (BUTTON) – can be used to turn output on or off 5 AN2 Analog input (ADC) used for reading the current value on the shunt 6 PGC Programming clock 7 PGD Program data 8 VSS Ground reference FIGURE 4: PERIPHERAL CONFIGURATION CWG RA5 CWG1A PFM AUTO SHUTDOWN NCO COMP (PFM) RA4 2.048V OV PROTECTION FVR FIRMWARE FVR 2.048V ADC AN2 DS90003102A-page 4 RA2 ISENSE 2013 Microchip Technology Inc. TB3102 SCOPE PLOTS OF KEY PARAMETERS FIGURE 5: Table 3 contains some characteristics of the charger obtained with an input of 3V and an output of 5V. OPERATING FREQUENCY vs. LOAD CURRENT 300 kHz 250 kHz 200 kHz TABLE 3: POWER SUPPLY CHARACTERISTICS 150 kHz 4V Input 3V Input 100 kHz Output Current (mA)(2) Sw. Frequency (kHz)(3) 0 0.1-0.5 50 80.7 85.7 100 157.4 88.1 250 229.1 90.7 500 233.0 91 750 236.5 90.4 1000 239.3 89.5 1200 241.1 89.1 1400 244.5 88.5 1600 247.3 87.8 1800 250.6 87.3 2000 243.8 86.8 Efficiency (%)(1) 50 kHz 0 kHz 50 mA 100 mA 250 mA 500 mA 750 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 mA mA mA mA mA mA mA Figure 5 shows the converter operating frequency for 3V and 4V input at different output currents. Once the inductor current becomes continuous, the frequency/ duty cycle changes very little, only to compensate for component power losses. The power loss becomes very easy to see on the efficiency graph (see Figure 2). Note 1: Efficiency is calculated including power loss on current shunt. 2: At 2A, the converter is running in Current Limiting mode. 3: PWM is fixed-on-time (2 µs) with variable frequency. 2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS90003102A-page 5 TB3102 This algorithm is run 3906 times per second (TIMER0 overflow period) to regulate the power supply output voltage and current. For each step, a decision is made to regulate either current or voltage, since the values cannot be over the set point, at the same time. In this way, only one proportional control loop is used, reducing the computational requirements. For seamless transition between voltage limiting and current limiting, a debouncing counter has to go down FIGURE 6: to zero in order to change from voltage to current limiting. Overvoltage changes the working mode to voltage limiting immediately. For a better understanding of the implemented algorithm, please see the following flowchart diagram (Figure 6). REGULATION ALGORITHM START Read ADC iout vout iout > iref cmode = 1 iout > iref (de-bouncing) OR vout > vref Regulate Current pid(iout, iref) vout > vref cmode = 0 Regulate Voltage pid(vout, vref) STOP GLOSSARY TABLE 4: PWM ACRONYMS Pulse-Width Modulation ADC Analog-to-Digital Converter DAC Digital-to-Analog Converter NCO Numerically Controlled Oscillator PID Proportional Integral Derivative CWG Complementary Waveform Generator FVR Fixed Voltage Reference DS90003102A-page 6 2013 Microchip Technology Inc. TB3102 APPENDIX A: FIGURE A-1: SCHEMATIC 2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS90003102A-page 7 Note the following details of the code protection feature on Microchip devices: • Microchip products meet the specification contained in their particular Microchip Data Sheet. • Microchip believes that its family of products is one of the most secure families of its kind on the market today, when used in the intended manner and under normal conditions. • There are dishonest and possibly illegal methods used to breach the code protection feature. All of these methods, to our knowledge, require using the Microchip products in a manner outside the operating specifications contained in Microchip’s Data Sheets. Most likely, the person doing so is engaged in theft of intellectual property. • Microchip is willing to work with the customer who is concerned about the integrity of their code. • Neither Microchip nor any other semiconductor manufacturer can guarantee the security of their code. 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