Featured Products Low Noise Low ON Resistance 2nd Generation High Voltage SJ-MOSFETs R60xxENx Series Noise reduced 50% 50 0% 80% lowerr ON ON e resistance Compared to 1 1st Generation AN Series Vs. standard structur Vs structure re Optimized for consumer electronics with h st strict ttrict rictt n no noise oiise se rreq requirements equ uir ire re emen men nts n ts s G L Ɣ/RZQRLVHUHGXFHVQRLVHFRXQWHUPHDVXUHVIDFLOLWDWLQJGHVLJQ LGHDOUHSODFHPHQWIRUSODQDUGHYLFHV Ɣ/RZ21UHVLVWDQFHHQVXUHVFRPSDWLELOLW\ZLWKlarge currents Applications ƔLighting devices ƔSwitching power supplies · TVs · Gaming systems ·5HIULJHUDWRUV ā3RZHUFRQGLWLRQHUV and more Increased Efficiency Significantly Lower ON Resistance [%] 100 Lower noise vs. conventional types 5DGLDWHG(PLVVLRQ&RPSDULVRQ+G%ȝ9 70.0 80 60 65% 80% Less Less 60.0 50% lower Conventional (Planar) than the AN series 2nd Gen (EN Series) 1st Gen (AN Series) 50.0 Original structure suppresses noise compared 100 40.0 with conventional 40 SJ-MOSFETs. Even lower 30.0 20 noise than planar types. 35 20.0 20 0 Low radiation noise Conventional (Planar Type) 1st Generation (AN Series) 2nd Generation (EN Series) *40% less than the 1st generation AN series 10.0 10 100 MHz 1000 Power MOSFET Family EN Series (Low noise/Low ON resistance) 2nd Generation Mass Production 600V Type Under Release Development 650V Type Super Junction Power MOSFETs 800V Type High-Speed Switching Type 2nd Generation PrestoMOS High-speed trr 1st Generation Soon Under Development Under Development Release Soon Under Development AN Series High Voltage (400 to 800V) FN Series PrestoMOS High-speed trr *16HULHV+\EULG026 /DUJHFXUUHQWFRPSDWLELOLW\ Under Development Lineup Part No. R6002END R6004END R6007END3 R6009END3 R6011END3 R6004ENJ R6007ENJ R6009ENJ R6011ENJ R6015ENJ R6020ENJ R6024ENJ R6004ENX R6007ENX R6009ENX R6011ENX R6015ENX R6020ENX R6024ENX R6030ENX R6015ENZ R6020ENZ R6024ENZ R6030ENZ R6035ENZ R6020ENZ1 R6024ENZ1 R6030ENZ1 R6035ENZ1 R6047ENZ1 R6076ENZ1 Under Development Package Polarity (ch) VDSS (V) ID (A) RDS(on) 7\Sȍ VGS=10V N 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 1.7 4 7 9 11 4 7 9 11 15 20 24 4 7 9 11 15 20 24 30 15 20 24 30 35 20 24 30 35 47 76 2.8 0.9 0.57 0.5 0.34 0.9 0.57 0.5 0.34 0.26 0.17 0.15 0.9 0.57 0.5 0.34 0.26 0.17 0.15 0.115 0.26 0.17 0.15 0.115 0.095 0.17 0.15 0.115 0.095 0.07 0.04 CPT3 TO-252 / D-Pak LPT / D2-Pak TO-220FM TO-3PF TO-247 Qg Typ. (nC) VGS=10V 6.5 15 20 23 32 15 20 23 32 40 60 70 15 20 23 32 40 60 70 85 40 60 70 85 200 60 70 85 200 270 460 Drive Applications Voltage (V) 10 Switching 7KHFRQWHQWVSHFLILHGLQWKLVGRFXPHQWLVFRUUHFWDVRI2FWREHUVW [O_029] Catalog No.56O6755E-B 10.2014 ROHM © ROHM