Fact Book 2013 1Q 【連結 Consolidated】 (2013年3月期 第1四半期決算データ) For the First Quarter of Fiscal Year ending March 31, 2013 Page 1. 業績の概要 Results of Operations (1) 業績 Results of Operations 1 (2) 利益率 Income Ratio 1 2. 売上 Sales (1) セグメント別売上高 Sales by Segment 2 (2) 地域別売上高 Sales by Region 2 3. 売上原価・販管費・営業利益 Cost of Sales/S.G. & A. Expenses/Operating Income (1) 売上原価・販管費・営業利益 Cost of Sales/S.G.&A. Expenses/Operating Income 3 (2) 売上原価率・販管費比率 Cost of Sales as % of Net Sales/S.G.&A. Expenses as % of Net Sales 3 4. その他 Others (1) 為替レート Exchange Rate 4 (2) 棚卸資産 Inventories 4 (3) 自己資本・総資産 Shareholders' Equity/Total Assets 5 (4) 1株当たり当期純利益・1株当たり純資産 Earnings per Share/Book Value per Share 5 データ集 ※ 計算式 Data 6,7 Formula 7 貸借対照表・損益計算書及び包括利益計算書の推移 3-year Summary of B/S and P/L 8-10 (注) 1. 当資料は投資分析を目的として作成しておりますので、 投資分析にのみご使用ください。 (注) 2. 当資料の2Q,3Q及び4Qの期間損益と係る数値については、 当該四半期累計値から前四半期累計値を差し引いたものであり、 四半期報告書に記載している数値と若干異なる場合があります。 (注) 3. 2013年3月期の予想は、現時点で得られた情報にもとづいて 算定しております。従って、実際の業績は業況の変化などにより 記載の予想とは大きく異なる場合があります。 広報IR室 〒615-8585 京都市右京区西院溝崎町21 Tel: (075) 315-5729 Fax: (075) 311-1363 Note:1. This data is prepared for investors investigation. Please pay attention to use this data only for investment analysis. Note:2. Profit & loss and related figures of 2Q, 3Q and 4Q on this data might be different from those on the other Quartely report because the figures on this date were calculated by deducting the cumulative total at the last term from those at this term. Note:3. The forecasts for the fiscal year ending March 2013 are based upon assumptions which the company considers reasonable at this time. Actual results may differ considerably by the changes of environment and so forth. Public Relations and Investor Relations Dept. 21, Saiin Mizosaki-cho, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto 615-8585, Japan Tel: +81 (75) 315-5729 Fax: +81 (75) 311-1363 2012 8. 9 発行 Issued: August 9, 2012 1.業績 の概要 Results of Operations (1)業績 Results of Operations 【連結 Consolidated】 通期別推移 Annual Trend 売上高 Net Sales 営業利益 Operating Income 経常利益 Ordinary Income 当期純利益 Net Income (百万円/\million) 450,000 (百万円/\million) 120,000 400,000 100,000 350,000 83,870 80,860 315,000 304,652 80,000 74,330 70,535 69,386 300,000 250,000 60,000 200,000 40,000 150,000 20,000 100,000 4,974 4,026 2,143 4,962 2,619 0 1,357 1,431 227 10 14,500 7,286 -50 -4,301 14,000 50,000 6,352 -8,637 -3,534 -790 -5,310 0 -20,000 10,000 -16,106 '12/3. 1Q '12/3. 2Q '121/3. 3Q '12/3. 4Q '13/3. 1Q -50,000 2012/3 (2)利益率 Income Ratio 営業利益率 Operating Income Ratio 2013/3 [予/Est.] 通期別推移 Annual Trend 経常利益率 Ordinary Income Ratio 当期純利益率 Net Income Ratio (%) (%) 10.0 10.0 5.9 6.2 5.0 3.1 2.7 2.1 1.8 -1.1 0.0 0.3 -5.0 4.4 2.4 0.0 -0.1 4.6 5.0 3.2 2.1 0.0 -5.1 -7.5 -10.0 -5.0 -5.3 -12.4 -10.0 -20.0 '12/3. 1Q '12/3. 2Q '121/3. 3Q '12/3. 4Q -1- '13/3. 1Q 2012/3 2013/3 [予/Est.] 2.売上 Sales 【連結 Consolidated】 (1)セグメント別売上高 Sales by Segment 通期別推移 Annual Trend (百万円/\million) (百万円/\million) 120,000 450,000 合計 Total 400,000 100,000 LSI ICs 83,870 80,860 304,652 80,000 300,000 74,330 41,167 39,784 35,399 32,783 35,770 40,000 28,613 27,519 315,000 70,535 69,386 60,000 350,000 24,194 23,534 半導体素子 Discrete Semiconductor Devices 250,000 その他 Others 150,000 149,134 200,000 100,000 25,242 149,232 103,861 106,751 20,000 50,000 13,556 14,089 12,408 11,602 13,317 '12/3. 1Q '12/3. 2Q '121/3. 3Q '12/3. 4Q '13/3. 1Q 51,656 59,016 2012/3 2013/3 [予/Est.] 0 0 通期別推移 Annual Trend (2) 地域別売上高 Sales by Region (百万円/¥million) (%) 120,000 70.0 70.0 450,000 62.5 60.2 62.2 63.0 (%) (百万円/\million) 合計 Total 59.8 60.0 100,000 400,000 63.6 60.0 61.4 83,870 80,860 50.0 80,000 国内 Domestic 304,652 70,535 69,386 29,907 40.0 アジア Asia 250,000 27,896 60,000 50.0 114,603 40.0 117,618 28,105 27,925 315,000 300,000 74,330 31,680 350,000 30.0 アメリカ N.&S. America 40,000 200,000 30.0 150,000 20.0 46,217 44,677 40,793 36,649 36,589 20,000 3,316 3,495 2,681 3,113 3,220 2,959 2,477 2,190 2,666 2,419 0 '12/3. 2Q '121/3. 3Q '12/3. 4Q '13/3. 1Q -2- 164,133 178,326 20.0 100,000 10.0 '12/3. 1Q ヨーロッパ Europe 0.0 海外売上比 率 Overseas Sales Ratio 10.0 50,000 12,606 10,294 0 2012/3 12,154 9,915 2013/3 [予/Est.] 0.0 3.売上原価・販管費・営業利益 Cost of Sales/S.G. & A. Expenses/Operating Income (1) 売上原価・販管費・営業利益 Cost of Sales/S.G. & A. Expenses/Operating Income 【連結 Consolidated】 通期別推移 Annual Trend (百万円/\million) (百万円/\million) 120,000 450,000 売上高 Net Sales 400,000 100,000 350,000 83,870 80,860 80,000 69,386 60,000 315,000 74,330 70,535 売上原価 Cost of Sales 250,000 56,465 53,466 48,147 50,967 52,728 200,000 40,000 20,000 22,419 販売費・一般 管理費 S.G. & A. Expenses 22,442 21,289 23,102 0 -3,534 -50 1,357 -20,000 '12/3. 1Q '12/3. 2Q '12/3. 3Q '12/3. 4Q 217,400 209,046 150,000 100,000 20,244 4,962 4,974 300,000 304,652 営業利益 Operating Income 50,000 83,600 89,253 6,352 14,000 0 '13/3. 1Q 2012/3 2013/3 [予/Est.] 通期別推移 Annual Trend (2)売上原価率・販管費比率 Cost of Sales as % of Net Sales / S.G. & A. Expenses as % of Net Sales (%) (%) 100.0 100.0 80.0 72.3 66.1 67.3 69.4 80.0 70.9 68.6 原価率 Cost of Sales Ratio 60.0 69.0 60.0 40.0 27.7 30.7 40.0 32.8 26.8 29.3 27.2 26.5 20.0 20.0 販管費比率 S.G. & A. Expenses Ratio 0.0 '12/3. 1Q '12/3. 2Q '121/3. 3Q '12/3. 4Q '13/3. 1Q -3- 0.0 2012/3 2013/3 [予/Est.] 【連結 Consolidated】 4.その他 Others (1)為替レート Exchange Rate 期中平均レート(\/US$) Average Rate(\/US$) (円/\) 150 100 81.71 78.02 77.57 79.25 80.40 '12/3. 1Q '12/3. 2Q '12/3. 3Q '12/3. 4Q '13/3. 1Q 50 0 (2)棚卸資産 Inventories (月/months) (百万円/\million) 100,000 5.00 90,000 4.50 80,000 3.60 70,000 3.80 2.94 92,893 93,528 50,000 82,909 4.00 3.50 3.10 60,000 40,000 3.76 81,273 3.00 2.50 2.00 85,070 30,000 1.50 20,000 1.00 10,000 0.50 0 0.00 '12/3. 1Q '12/3. 2Q '12/3. 3Q -4- '12/3. 4Q 棚卸資産 '13/3. 1Q 棚卸資産回転 月数 【連結 Consolidated】 (3)自己資本・総資産 Shareholders' Equity/Total Assets (百万円/\million) (%) 1,200,000 90 88.6 89.1 88.5 86.0 87.3 80 1,000,000 70 800,000 740,399 655,707 710,857 633,079 737,326 703,520 60 705,187 633,982 622,505 総資産 Total Assets 615,797 50 600,000 自己資本 Total Shareholders' Equity 40 400,000 30 20 自己資本比率 Shareholders' Equity to Total Assets 200,000 10 0 0 '12/3. 1Q '12/3. 2Q '12/3. 3Q '12/3. 4Q '13/3. 1Q (4)1株当たり当期純利益・1株当たり純資産 Earnings per Share/Book Value per Share (円/\) 8,000 7,000 6,000 6,081.76 5,871.89 5,000 5,880.27 5,773.83 5,711.63 4,000 1株当たり当期純利益 Earnings per Share 1株当たり純資産 Book-value per Share 3,000 2,000 1,000 19.88 0.10 0 -39.90 -80.12 -49.27 '12/3. 2Q '12/3. 3Q '12/3. 4Q -1,000 '12/3. 1Q -5- '13/3. 1Q 【連結 Consolidated】 データ集 Data 1-(1) 業績 Results of Operations (百万円/\million) 2011/3 年度 Fiscal Year Ended 1Q 売上高 Net Sales 2Q 2012/3 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 2013/3 3Q 4Q 1Q 89,961 91,393 81,294 79,236 80,860 83,870 69,386 70,535 74,330 営業利益 Operating Income 9,968 13,398 7,208 2,161 4,974 4,962 -50 -3,534 1,357 経常利益 Ordinary Income 8,031 9,415 5,632 3,725 4,026 2,619 1,431 -790 227 当期利益 Net Income 4,189 5,673 1,752 -1,981 2,143 -4,301 -8,637 -5,310 10 1-(2) 利益率 Income Ratio (%) 2011/3 年度 Fiscal Year Ended 1Q 2Q 2012/3 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 2013/3 3Q 4Q 営業利益率 Operating Income Ratio 11.1 14.7 8.9 2.7 6.2 5.9 -0.1 -5.0 経常利益率 Ordinary Income Ratio 8.9 10.3 6.9 4.7 5.0 3.1 2.1 -1.1 当期純利益率 Net Income Ratio 4.7 6.2 2.2 -2.5 2.7 -5.1 -12.4 -7.5 2-(1) セグメント別売上高 Sales by Segment 1Q 1.8 0.3 0.0 (百万円/\million) 2011/3 年度 Fiscal Year Ended 1Q 2Q 2012/3 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 2013/3 3Q 4Q 1Q 合計 Total 89,961 91,393 81,294 79,236 80,860 83,870 69,386 70,535 74,330 LSI ICs 47,657 47,652 41,377 39,985 39,784 41,167 32,783 35,399 35,770 半導体素子 Discrete Semiconductor Devices 29,652 30,456 26,999 26,435 27,519 28,613 24,194 23,534 25,242 その他 Others 12,651 13,284 12,917 12,816 13,556 14,089 12,408 11,602 13,317 2-(2) 地域別売上高 Sales by Region (百万円/\million) 2011/3 年度 Fiscal Year Ended 1Q 海外売上比率 Overseas Sales Ratio(%) 2Q 2012/3 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 2013/3 3Q 4Q 1Q 65.6 65.7 63.1 61.8 63.0 62.2 59.8 60.2 62.5 国内 Domestic 30,910 31,389 30,035 30,297 29,907 31,680 27,925 28,105 27,896 アジア Asia 50,921 52,183 44,958 42,855 44,677 46,217 36,589 36,649 40,793 アメリカ N.&S. America 4,971 4,659 3,650 2,774 3,316 3,495 2,681 3,113 3,220 ヨーロッパ Europe 3,157 3,161 2,650 3,309 2,959 2,477 2,190 2,666 2,419 3-(1) 売上原価・販管費・営業利益 Cost of Sales/S.G. & A. Expenses/Operating Income (百万円/\million) 2011/3 年度 Fiscal Year Ended 1Q 2Q 2012/3 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 2013/3 3Q 4Q 1Q 売上高 Net Sales 89,961 91,393 81,294 79,236 80,860 83,870 69,386 70,535 74,330 売上原価 Cost of Sales 57,343 56,598 50,801 54,405 53,466 56,465 48,147 50,967 52,728 販売費・一般管理費 S.G. & A. Expenses 22,649 21,397 23,283 22,668 22,419 22,442 21,289 23,102 20,244 9,968 13,398 7,208 2,161 4,974 4,962 -50 -3,534 1,357 営業利益 Operating Income 3-(2) 売上原価率・販管費比率 Cost of Sales as % of Net Sales/S.G & A. Expenses as % of Net Sales 2011/3 年度 Fiscal Year Ended 1Q 2Q (%) 2012/3 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 2013/3 3Q 4Q 1Q 原価率 Cost of Sales Ratio 63.7 61.9 62.5 68.7 66.1 67.3 69.4 72.3 70.9 販管費比率 S.G. & A. Expenses Ratio 25.2 23.4 28.6 28.6 27.7 26.8 30.7 32.8 27.2 4-(1) 為替レート Exchange Rate (円/\) 2011/3 年度 Fiscal Year Ended 期中平均レート(\/US$) Average Rate 2012/3 2013/3 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 91.73 85.89 82.62 82.12 81.71 78.02 77.57 79.25 80.40 4-(2) 棚卸資産 Inventories (百万円/\million) 2011/3 年度 Fiscal Year Ended 棚卸資産Inventories 棚卸資産回転率Inventory turnover(月/months) 2012/3 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 81,033 81,174 84,654 83,953 2.77 2.66 3.06 3.19 -6- 1Q 2Q 82,909 81,273 3.10 2.94 2013/3 3Q 4Q 85,070 93,528 3.60 3.80 1Q 92,893 3.76 【連結 Consolidated】 データ集 Data 4-(3) 自己資本・総資産 Shareholders’ Equity/Total Assets (百万円/\million) 2011/3 年度 Fiscal Year Ended 1Q 2Q 2012/3 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 2013/3 3Q 4Q 1Q 総資産 Total Assets 777,279 774,958 766,803 759,988 740,399 710,857 703,520 737,326 705,187 自己資本 Total Shareholders' Equity 682,402 682,345 673,031 666,831 655,707 633,079 622,505 633,982 615,797 87.8 自己資本比率 Shareholders' Equity to Total Assets(%) 88.0 87.8 87.7 88.6 89.1 88.5 86.0 4-(4) 1株当たり当期純利益 ・1株当たり純資産 Earnings per Share/Book Value per Share 1株当たり当期純利益 Earnings per Share 1株当たり純資産 Book Value per Share (円/\) 2011/3 年度 Fiscal Year Ended 2012/3 1Q 2Q 3Q 38.23 51.78 15.99 4Q -17.93 1Q 19.88 87.3 2Q -39.90 2013/3 3Q -80.12 4Q -49.27 1Q 0.10 6,228.17 6,227.66 6,142.71 6,184.91 6,081.76 5,871.89 5,773.83 5,880.27 5,711.63 <御参考> Reference セグメントの名称 Segment 主な製品及び事業の名称 Main Products and Business LSI アナログ ロジック メモリ ASIC ファンダリ ICs 半導体素子 Analog ダイオード Logic トランジスタ Memory 発光ダイオード ASIC 半導体レーザ Foundry Laser Diodes Discrete Semiconductor Devices Diodes Transistors Light Emitting Diodes その他 抵抗器 プリントヘッド オプティカル・モジュール タンタルコンデンサ Others Resistors パワーモジュール Printheads ライティング(照明) Optical Modules Power Modules Lightings Tantalum Capacitors ※計算式 Formula (期初棚卸資産+期末棚卸資産) ■棚卸資産回転月数= Inventory turnover ■1株当たり当期純利益= EPS ■1株当たり純資産= Book Value per Share (Inventories at the beginning of the nearest quarter + Inventories at the term end) 2 直近3ヶ月の月平均売上 Average of the nearest 3months sales of the term 当期純利益 Net Income 期中平均発行済株式数 Average number of Issued common stock 純資産の部合計-少数株主持分 Total Net Assets-Minority Interests 期末発行済株式数 Issued Common Stock at the term end -7- 貸借対照表・損益計算書の推移 3-Year Summary 【連結 Consolidated】 連結貸借対照表 Consolidated Balance Sheets 年度 Fiscal Year Ended '11/3 '12/3 2Q 3Q (百万円/\million) '13/3 4Q 1Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 446,706 446,650 440,421 436,247 422,680 409,891 399,606 434,457 412,499 259,563 251,611 230,498 230,286 217,677 205,442 197,687 211,199 225,138 79,917 80,932 75,922 73,297 73,489 76,925 66,365 67,393 67,877 8,840 14,433 30,375 28,094 25,802 21,464 29,628 15,618 9,247 81,033 81,174 84,654 83,953 82,909 81,273 85,070 93,528 92,893 2,448 2,419 2,337 2,263 2,258 2,258 2,239 2,250 2,234 9,206 8,998 8,888 8,475 8,830 6,764 6,181 1,369 1,132 684 868 952 397 275 2,428 3,135 2,887 3,834 5,343 6,533 7,082 9,765 11,729 13,619 9,552 40,474 10,388 -332 -320 -291 -286 -293 -284 -253 -265 -247 330,572 328,307 326,381 323,741 317,718 300,965 303,913 302,869 292,688 255,582 254,506 251,877 252,216 249,339 244,562 244,573 245,386 242,992 211,681 212,124 210,475 211,806 210,592 209,453 211,590 208,252 207,025 468,487 473,444 471,545 476,651 472,652 465,027 470,033 460,311 456,542 42,223 42,225 41,469 42,672 42,551 41,639 42,032 40,600 41,598 85,242 85,315 85,334 85,903 85,760 85,088 85,119 79,791 79,756 14,426 14,087 13,183 15,026 15,472 15,748 16,840 20,015 18,781 -566,480 -572,692 -570,130 -579,844 -577,690 -572,395 -581,043 -563,585 -560,711 35,273 32,214 30,124 28,225 25,814 14,417 17,775 11,610 10,504 39,717 41,586 44,379 43,299 42,564 41,985 41,564 45,872 39,190 32,896 35,900 38,903 37,159 36,981 37,164 36,335 39,886 32,618 2,185 2,096 1,832 1,597 1,239 1,083 811 1,735 1,594 5,243 4,195 4,244 5,088 4,888 4,277 4,963 4,784 5,510 -608 -604 -600 -545 -544 -540 -546 -533 -532 777,279 774,958 766,803 759,988 740,399 710,857 703,520 737,326 705,187 《資産の部》 《Assets》 流動資産 Current assets 現金及び預金 Cash and deposits 受取手形及び売掛金 Notes and accounts receivable-trade 有価証券 Short-term investment securities 棚卸資産 Inventories 前払年金費用 Prepaid pension cost 繰延税金資産 Deferred tax assets 未収還付法人税等 Income taxes receivable その他 Other 貸倒引当金 Allowance for doubtful accounts 固定資産 Noncurrent Assets 有形固定資産 Property,plant and equipment 建物及び構築物 Buildings and structures 機械装置及び運搬具 Machinery, equipment and vehicles 工具、器具及び備品 Tools, furniture and fixtures 土地 Land 建設仮勘定 Construction in progress 減価償却累計額 Accumulated depreciation 無形固定資産 Intangible assets 投資その他の資産 Investments and other assets 投資有価証券 Investment securities 繰延税金資産 Deferred tax assets その他 Other 貸倒引当金 Allowance for doubtful accounts 資産合計 Total assets -8- 【連結 Consolidated】 連結貸借対照表 Consolidated Balance Sheets (百万円/\million) 年度 Fiscal Year Ended '11/3 '12/3 '13/3 1Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 64,229 62,068 64,245 64,333 56,571 57,334 63,054 74,337 63,547 22,840 22,797 23,594 21,904 21,101 22,567 24,037 23,979 20,998 23,738 19,756 11,370 22,486 17,792 16,439 22,491 29,168 23,624 2,717 3,855 2,915 3,180 2,002 2,029 1,695 1,551 1,837 1,136 972 1,416 1,053 656 693 906 1,227 959 13,795 14,686 24,948 15,709 15,018 15,604 13,924 18,410 16,126 28,869 28,722 27,769 26,876 26,235 18,511 17,652 28,709 25,547 16,315 16,404 17,108 16,554 16,369 8,833 7,580 18,899 16,504 10,244 10,346 8,490 8,344 8,180 8,043 7,918 7,700 7,362 2,309 1,971 2,169 1,976 1,685 1,634 2,152 2,109 1,681 93,098 90,791 92,015 91,209 82,806 75,846 80,706 103,046 89,095 767,329 773,001 767,626 755,641 750,775 746,472 734,599 729,288 726,064 86,969 86,969 86,969 86,969 86,969 86,969 86,969 86,969 86,969 102,403 102,403 102,403 102,403 102,403 102,403 102,403 102,403 102,403 635,066 640,739 635,370 633,388 611,484 607,182 595,310 589,999 586,776 -57,110 -57,111 -57,116 -67,120 -50,082 -50,082 -50,083 -50,084 -50,085 その他の包括利益累計額 -84,928 -90,656 Accumulated other comprehensive income -94,595 -88,810 -95,067 -113,393 -112,093 -95,306 -110,266 その他有価証券評価差額金 4,059 4,485 6,372 Valuation difference on available-for-sales securities 為替換算調整勘定 -88,987 -95,141 -100,967 Foreign currency translation adjustment 5,859 5,466 1,527 3,780 1,517 -94,669 -100,534 -115,270 -113,620 -99,086 -111,784 《負債の部》 《Liabilities》 流動負債 Current liabilities 支払手形及び買掛金 Notes and accounts payable-trade 未払金 Accounts payable-other 未払法人税等 Income taxes payable 繰延税金負債 Deferred tax liabilities その他 Other 固定負債 Noncurrent liabilities 繰延税金負債 Deferred tax liabilities 退職給付(与)引当金 Provision for retirement benefits その他 Other 負債合計 Total liabilities 《純資産の部》 《Net assets》 株主資本 Shareholders' equity 資本金 Capital stock 資本剰余金 Capital surplus 利益剰余金 Retained earnings 自己株式 Treasury stock 少数株主持分 1,877 1,778 1,821 1,757 1,947 1,884 1,931 308 297 294 684,180 684,166 674,788 668,778 657,592 635,011 622,814 634,280 616,092 777,279 774,958 766,803 759,988 740,399 710,857 703,520 737,326 705,187 Minority interests 純資産合計 Total net assets 負債・純資産合計 Total liabilities and net assets -9- 【連結 Consolidated】 連結損益計算書 Consolidated Statements of Income 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q (百万円/\million) '13/3 4Q 1Q 89,961 91,393 81,294 79,236 80,860 83,870 69,386 70,535 74,330 57,343 56,598 50,801 54,405 53,466 56,465 48,147 50,967 52,728 22,649 21,397 23,283 22,668 22,419 22,442 21,289 23,102 20,244 9,968 13,398 7,208 2,161 4,974 4,962 -50 -3,534 1,357 596 348 584 441 732 464 677 907 984 2,532 4,330 2,160 -1,121 1,681 2,807 -804 -1,836 2,114 8,031 9,415 5,632 3,725 4,026 2,619 1,431 -790 227 16 4 1,890 8 255 606 -62 17,796 551 619 46 3,797 4,860 773 9,017 10,457 8,329 1,024 税金等調整前当期純利益(-損失) 7,428 Income (loss) before income taxes and minority interests 9,373 3,725 -1,126 3,508 -5,791 -9,089 8,675 -245 法人税、住民税及び事業税 2,906 1,411 1,134 1,416 1,595 633 79 年度 Fiscal Year Ended '11/3 '12/3 《営業損益の部》 《Operating revenues and expenses》 売上高 Net sales 売上原価 Cost of sales 販売費及び一般管理費 Selling, general and administrative expenses 営業利益(-損失) Operating Income(loss) 《営業外損益の部》 《Non-operating income and expenses》 営業外収益 Non-operating income 営業外費用 Non-operating expenses 経常利益(-損失) Ordinary income(loss) 《特別損益の部》 《Extraordinary income and loss》 特別利益 Extraordinary income 特別損失 Extraordinary loss 1,920 Income taxes-current 991 法人税等調整額 1,388 778 427 -442 18 -3,157 -1,093 13,881 -1,250 -69 15 134 162 -70 72 8 25 2 4,189 5,673 1,752 -1,981 2,143 -4,301 -8,637 -5,310 10 Income taxes-deferred 少数株主利益(-損失) Minority interests (loss) 当期純利益(-損失) Net income (loss) 連結包括利益計算書 Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income 少数株主損益調整前当期純利益 (-損失) Income (loss) before minority interests 4,119 5,688 - - 2,072 -4,229 -8,629 -5,284 13 -4,061 425 - - -393 -3,589 -350 2,253 -2,262 -16,168 -6,147 - - -5,878 -14,760 1,652 14,551 -12,701 -20,229 -5,721 - - -6,271 -18,349 1,302 16,804 -14,964 親会社株主に係る包括利益 -15,999 Comprehensive income attributable to owners of the parent -55 - - -4,114 -22,627 -7,338 11,476 -14,949 少数株主に係る包括利益 -110 Comprehensive income attributable to minority interests 22 - - -84 48 11 42 -1 -33 - - -4,198 -22,579 -7,326 11,519 -14,950 その他有価証券評価差額金 Valuation difference on available-for-sale securities 為替換算調整勘定 Foreign currency translation adjustment その他の包括利益合計 Total other comprehensive income 包括利益 -16,110 Comprehensive income -10-