M AN923 Using the MCP2120 Developer’s Board for “IR Sniffing” Author: This application note will discuss the implementation of an “IR Sniffer” using the MCP2120 Developer’s Board connected to a PC running a program called “Listen32”. Mark Palmer Microchip Technology Inc. This application note will: INTRODUCTION When developing applications using a network protocol standard, it is helpful to “see” the data being transmitted between the devices. When the network protocol standard uses a physical medium, a logic analyzer can be used to view the data transmitted over the cable. A different method must be used during the development of an infrared application, however, since the medium being used for the transfer of information is light (IR), and not a physical medium that can be connected to a cable. • Discuss the requirements for capturing the IR data • Provide an introduction on how to read the captured data • Discuss some of the system’s limitations This implementation provides a low-cost method for “seeing” the IR data communication between a Primary Device and a Secondary Device. While there are thirdparty tools that can accomplish this, these tools tend to be quite expensive. Figure 1 shows an IrDA ® standard system where a Palm™ PDA device is communicating with an embedded system. In this example, the Palm PDA operates as the Primary Device and the embedded system operates as the Secondary Device. For the purposes of this Application Note, it is assumed that the reader has an understanding of the IrDA Standard Protocol (and its terminology) and the connection sequence between a Primary Device and a Secondary Device. An overview of this sequence can be found in Appendix A: “Overview of the IrDA® Standard Connection Sequence”, the MCP21XX device data sheets and the IrDA.org documentation (located at www.irda.org). The MCP2120 Developer’s Board is contained in the MCP2120/MCP2150 Developer’s Kit, Part Number DM163008. FIGURE 1: PALM™ PDA - EMBEDDED SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM Embedded System with IrDA® Standard Port (Secondary Device) Host Controller and Embedded Circuitry MCP215X or MCP2140 Optical Transceiver Circuitry PDA Handheld Device with IrDA® Standard Port (Primary Device) 2004 Microchip Technology Inc. DS00923A-page 1 AN923 THE HARDWARE SETUP To capture the data transmitted from the Primary Device and the Secondary Device, the MCP2120 Developer’s Board must be able to “see” the IR data from both devices. Since IR is directional, something must be done to ensure that the light from both devices can be detected by the MCP2120 Developer’s Board receiver. This is accomplished by using a little trick. Most IrDA standard devices will not receive when they are transmitting because they don’t want to pick up the data they just transmitted. Therefore, if a mirror or bright white paper is placed opposite the device, it would not see the reflected data (see Figure 2). Note: The MCP2120 Developer’s Board is actually stacked on top of the embedded system (Secondary Device), with the optical transceivers close to each other, while the mirror/white paper is just above the PDA IR window (see Figure 3). Figure A-1 shows an overview of the IrDA standard connection sequence and some common IrDA standard terminology. If the captured data does not follow the expectation for frame sequence, then you may need to: 1. Adjust your reflective surface 2. Use a better refective surface. The success of this method is also dependent on the strength of the transmitters and the sensitivity of the receiver circuit. FIGURE 2: IR SNIFFER SETUP USING THE MCP2120 DEVELOPER’S BOARD To PC Serial Port Mirror or Reflective Surface (such as bright white paper) MCP2120 Developer’s Board Host Controller and Embedded Circuitry MCP215X or MCP2140 Optical Transceiver Circuitry Embedded System with IrDA® Port (Secondary Device) FIGURE 3: FRONT VIEWS OF IR SNIFFER SETUP MCP2120 Developer’s Board (IR Sniffer) Embedded System with IrDA® Port (Secondary Device) DS00923A-page 2 PDA Handheld Device with IrDA® Standard Port (Primary Device) Mirror or Reflective Surface (white paper) IR Window PDA Handheld Device with IrDA ® Standard Port (Primary Device) 2004 Microchip Technology Inc. AN923 MCP2120 Developer’s Board Setup If the MCP2120 Developer’s Board was configured for 9600 Baud, only the first part of the IR communication would be captured until the Primary Device and Secondary Device switched baud rates. Likewise, if the MCP2120 Developer’s Board was configured for 115.2 Kbaud, then only the second part of the IR communication would be captured (i.e., from the point that the Primary Device and Secondary Device switched from 9600 Baud to the new baud rate 115.2 Kbaud). Appendix C: “MCP215x IR Communication Capture” shows two captures of IR communication between the MCP2150 and a PDA. The first at 9600 baud and the second at 115.2 Kbaud. The MCP2120 is an encoder/decoder device. That is, it converts between the UART (at a specified baud rate) and IrDA standard data formats. For this application (IR sniffer), we are only using the decoding capabilities (i.e., converting from the IrDA standard data format to the UART data format). When “sniffing” IrDA standard IR data, the protocol used determines how the IR baud rate will behave. For the IrCOMM protocol, the capabilities of the Primary Device and the Secondary Device will determine the negotiated IR baud rate. All communication starts at 9600 Baud. Most Primary Devices support communication up to 115.2 Kbaud. The MCP215X devices support communication up to 115.2 Kbaud, while the MCP2140 is fixed at 9600 Baud. Figure 4 shows the jumper configuration for the general setup of the MCP2120 Developer’s Board, while Figure 5 shows how to configure the jumpers for the two main baud rates (9600 baud and 115200 baud). The baud rate is dependent on the MCP2120’s operational frequency. These baud rate jumper settings are based on the MCP2120 having a crystal frequency of 7.3728 MHz. For additional information on the operation of the MCP2120 Developer’s Board, please refer to the MCP2120/MCP2150 Developer’s Board User Guide (DS51246). What does this mean? Well, for the MCP2140, the MCP2120 Developer’s Board can be configured for 9600 baud, and the entire IR communication would be captured. Appendix B: “MCP2140 IR Communication Capture” shows the capture of IR communication between the MCP2140 and a Palm PDA. However, with the MCP215X devices, the baud rate can be negotiated to one of the available selections between 9600 Baud and 115.2 Kbaud. In most cases, the Primary Device will support 115.2 Kbaud. FIGURE 4: MCP2120 DEVELOPER’S BOARD JUMPER SETUP C11 D3 D6 D2 R15 U2 C17 R9 C18 U5 C6 Enabled R3 CR1 (MCP2120) Open = Enabled C7 C12 C13 C8 R8 These two jumpers select the optical transceiver logic. Both jumpers should connect the same pin positions. J6 and J7 U4 JP4 R4 C4 C15 D4 C10 Y1 J5 R7 R6 C14 R5 R11 R10 Component Transceiver J7 J6 D1 D5 R12 JP5 R1 Integrated Transceiver Q1 C2 C3 MCP2120 Developer’s Board 02-01608 Rev. 1 DB9 U1 J4 J1 Header C1 JP3:JP1 000 = Fosc/768 001 = Fosc/384 010 = Fosc/192 011 = Fosc/128 100 = Fosc/64 111 = S/W Baud Open = 0 Integrated J3 U6 Transceiver R13 C16 RTS C5 R2 MODE C9 TX R14 RX U3 J2 MCP2120 Enable/Disable +5V GND These two jumpers select the source of the Host signals. J1 and J4 DB9 is source. PC UART configuration for Hardware/Software Baud mode Hardware Baud Selection 2004 Microchip Technology Inc. DS00923A-page 3 AN923 FIGURE 5: SELECTING THE BAUD RATE FOR THE MCP2120 DEVELOPER’S BOARD C11 D3 D6 D2 R15 U2 C17 R9 C18 U5 C6 These three jumpers select the baud rate. R3 CR1 C4 C15 D4 C10 Y1 J5 (MCP2120) Open = Enabled C7 C12 C13 C8 R8 U4 JP3:JP2:JP1 JP4 R4 R7 R6 C14 R5 R11 R10 FOSC/768 (9600 Baud) Component D1 Transceiver D5 J6 J7 R12 JP5 R1 JP3:JP2:JP1 Q1 C3 MCP2120 Developer’s Board 02-01608 Rev. 1 DS00923A-page 4 DB9 U1 J2 J4 J1 Header C1 JP3:JP1 000 = Fosc/768 001 = Fosc/384 010 = Fosc/192 011 = Fosc/128 100 = Fosc/64 111 = S/W Baud Open = 0 Integrated Transceiver J3 FOSC/64 (115200 Baud) R13 C16 RTS C2 MODE C5 R2 TX C9 RX U3 R14 U6 +5V Baud rates assumes MCP2120 crystal frequency of 7.3728 MHz. GND 2004 Microchip Technology Inc. AN923 THE SOFTWARE To capture the data on the PC from the MCP2120 Developer’s Board, a third-party program called “Listen32” was used. Listen32 was chosen due to its capability to display the data that is received in several formats, including hexadecimal. This is required because numerous hex values are not displayable when using many terminal programs since they only display the ASCII character (many hex values are nonprinting characters). Listen32 was developed by Win-Tech Software Design. Their web site is: http://www.win-tech.com To use the program, you will need to select the Setup → Hardware menu. Here you will select the characteristics of the UART port that the MCP2120 Developer’s Board is connected to. For both the MCP2140 and MCP215X devices, the port should be configured for “No parity”, 8 data bits and 1 Stop bit. The baud rate MUST match the baud rate of the MCP2120 Developer’s Board and should match the IR baud rate that you wish to monitor. Table 1 shows how the baud rates will work with the MCP21XX devices. Then select OK. TABLE 1: Ensure that the program displays the information in the correct numerical base (Num Base). Navigate to the Setup → Preferences → Num Base menu and select Hex. Then select OK. This will ensure that you see the hex value of the data that is received. Before you start the capture, you should clear the Listen32 receive buffer. This is done by selecting Clear Buffer from the Edit pull-down menu (Edit → Clear Buffer). Now you are ready to use Listen32 for capturing data. You can do this by either clicking on the “green light” icon (in the tool bar), or by selecting File → New/ Collect. Once this is done, Listen32 will prompt you to specify the serial port, for which you will select the port that is connected to the MCP2120 Developer’s Board. Once the IR communication is complete, clicking on the “red light” icon (in the tool bar) ends the data-capture process. You can then save the file by selecting Save As from the File pull-down menu (File → Save As). It is suggested that you select the .TXT format (not the .LSN) so that you can format the captured information in your favorite text editor. LISTEN32 BAUD RATE SELECTION (2) Baud Rate MCP2140 MCP215x 9600 Entire IR Communication (NDM, Discovery and NRM) NDM and Discovery up to when baud rate changes (1) 115200 N.A. Discovery after baud rate changes and NRM Note 1: Entire IR Communication (NDM, Discovery and NRM) if Primary Device specifies 9600 baud rate in Discovery mode. 2: To better understand what the terms “NDM”, “Discovery” and “NRM” represent, please refer to Appendix A: “Overview of the IrDA® Standard Connection Sequence”. 2004 Microchip Technology Inc. DS00923A-page 5 AN923 LIMITATIONS Some of the limitations of this technique are discussed below, and depend on the MCP21XX protocol handling device used. The beginning of a frame (BOF) will start with a C0h character, but may have preceding FFh characters. (See Figure B-1, Frame 1). The end of the frame is signified with a C1h character. Figure 6 shows the structure of the IrLAP frame. For a System using an MCP2140 Device FIGURE 6: This technique will capture the entire IR communication since the IR data remains at 9600 Baud for all states (NDM, Discovery and NRM). You will need to parse the saved text file from the Listen32 program. For a System using an MCP215X Device If the Primary Device (such as a PC or PDA) will negotiate a communication baud rate greater then 9600 Baud, then either: 1. 2. the MCP2120 Developer’s Board can be configured to capture the first portion of the IR communication, when IR data is transmitted at 9600 Baud. This occurs during the NDM and Discovery states, up to where the IR Baud rate is changed, or the MCP2120 Developer’s Board can be configured to capture the second portion of the IR communication, when IR data is transmitted at faster than 9600 Baud (such as 115.2 Kbaud). This occurs during the Discovery state once the IR baud rate is changed, and the NRM state. In these cases, you are not able to see the entire IR communication in a single capture. If the Primary Device’s baud rate will remain at 9600 Baud, the entire IR communication can be captured. IRLAP FRAME N BOF BOF A C I FCS EOF 2 N•C0h + C0h payload bytes C1h or N•FFh + C0h The address byte (A field) is odd for the Primary Device, as well as the Secondary Device (See Figure B-1, Frames 1 and 2). The control byte (C field) differentiates between different types of frames. The information field (I field) carries the data. If the first 4 characters of the I field are xxh:04h:00h:00h, the following information in the I field is data payload. That is, this is the data that the host controller is sending to the Primary Device (See Figure B-1, Frame 30). SUMMARY It is sometimes useful in the debugging process of an IrDA standard system to monitor the IR communications. The MCP2120 Developer’s Board allows the implementation of a low-cost IR sniffer, which will assist in the system development of your application from both the Primary Device application program to the embedded system (Secondary Device) hardware and firmware. You will also need to parse the saved text file from the Listen32 program. IR CAPTURE EXAMPLES An embedded system that transmits a 250 byte table to a PDA was implemented. The embedded system’s host controller will send the data to the MCP21XX device, which will then format the data for the IrCOMM frame and transmit to the PDA. Each appendix will show the data as it was saved by the Listen32 program (in .TXT format), and then that data formatted into the IR frames. Appendix B: “MCP2140 IR Communication Capture” shows the capture of IR communication between the MCP2140 and a PDA. Appendix C: “MCP215x IR Communication Capture” shows two captures of IR communication between the MCP2150 and a PDA. The first at 9600 Baud and the second at 115.2 Kbaud. DS00923A-page 6 2004 Microchip Technology Inc. AN923 APPENDIX A: FIGURE A-1: OVERVIEW OF THE IRDA® STANDARD CONNECTION SEQUENCE CONNECTION SEQUENCE Primary Device Normal Disconnect Mode (NDM) Secondary Device (ex. MCP215X or MCP2140) Send XID Commands (timeslots n, n+1, ...) No Response Finish sending XIDs (max timeslots - y frames) Broadcast ID XID Response in timeslot y, claiming this timeslot — MCP215X claims timeslot 2 — MCP2140 claims timeslot 0 No Response to these XIDs No Response to Broadcast ID Discovery Send SNRM Command (w/ parameters and connection address) UA response with parameters using connect address Open channel for IAS Queries Confirm channel open for IAS Send IAS Queries Provide IAS responses Open channel for data Confirm channel open for data Normal Response Mode (NRM) Send Data or Status — MCP2150 CD pin driven low, — MCP2155 and MCP2140 DSR pin is driven low Send Data or Status Send Data or Status Send Data or Status Shutdown link Confirm shutdown (back to NDM state) 2004 Microchip Technology Inc. DS00923A-page 7 AN923 APPENDIX B: FIGURE B-1: DS00923A-page 8 MCP2140 IR COMMUNICATION CAPTURE MCP2140 RAW CAPTURE @ 9600 BAUD 2004 Microchip Technology Inc. AN923 FIGURE B-1: MCP2140 FORMATTED CAPTURE @ 9600 BAUD - PAGE 1 Frame Frame # Sent By Frame Data 1 P [ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][c0][ff][3f][01][68][ac][38][48] [ff][ff][ff][ff][01][00][00][7b][bd][c1] [c0][fe][bf][01][b5][b5][b5][b5][68][ac][38][48][01][00][00][90][04][00] [4d][43][50][32][31][34][30][20][41][35][f0][6f][c1] 2 S 3 P 4 P 5 P 6 P 7 P 8 P 9 P 10 S 11 12 13 14 15 16 P S P S P S [ff][c0][3f][11][25][3b][c1] [c0][3e][11][fd][22][c1] [c0][3f][10][80][01][01][00][fc][d7][c1] [c0][3e][31][ff][03][c1] [c0][3f][11][25][3b][c1] [c0][3e][30][81][00][81][00][ed][79][c1] 17 P 18 19 20 21 22 S P S P S [c0][3f][32][00][01][84][0b][49][72][44][41][3a][49][72][43][4f][4d][4d] [13][49][72][44][41][3a][54][69][6e][79][54][50][3a][4c][73][61][70] [53][65][6c][64][f6][c1] [c0][3e][52][01][00][84][00][00][01][00][04][01][00][00][00][04][d3][47][c1] [c0][3f][54][84][02][01][00][01][03][00][01][04][1f][ad][c1] [c0][3e][74][82][04][81][00][05][1a][e6][c1] [c0][3f][71][23][58][c1] [c0][3e][71][fb][41][c1] 23 P 24 25 26 27 28 S P S P S 29 30 P S [ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][c0][ff][3f][01][68][ac][38][48] [ff][ff][ff][ff][01][01][00][a3][a4][c1] [ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][c0][ff][3f][01][68][ac][38][48] [ff][ff][ff][ff][01][02][00][cb][8e][c1] [ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][c0][ff][3f][01][68][ac][38][48] [ff][ff][ff][ff][01][03][00][13][97][c1] [ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][c0][ff][3f][01][68][ac][38][48] [ff][ff][ff][ff][01][04][00][1b][da][c1] [ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][c0][ff][3f][01][68][ac][38][48] [ff][ff][ff][ff][01][05][00][c3][c3][c1] [ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][c0][ff][3f][01][68][ac][38][48] [ff][ff][ff][ff][01][ff][00][82][04][00][49][72][43][4f][4d][4d][d0][c7][c1] [ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][c0][ff][93][68][ac][38][48][b5] [b5][b5][b5][3e][01][01][3f][82][01][01][83][01][0f][84][01][01][85] [01][08][86][01][07][08][01][ff][83][7d][e0][c1] [c0][3e][73][b5][b5][b5][b5][68][ac][38][48][01][01][02][82][01][01][83] [01][01][84][01][01][85][01][80][86][01][07][08][01][ff][b9][15][c1] [c0][3f][76][04][02][00][17][10][04][00][00][c2][00][11][01][03][12][01] [00][13][02][11][13][14][02][13][11][20][01][0c][af][a8][c1] [c0][3e][96][02][04][01][1a][1c][c1] [c0][3f][91][2d][bf][c1] [c0][3e][91][f5][a6][c1] [c0][3f][98][04][02][00][00][35][cc][57][c1] [c0][3e][b8][02][04][01][0b][3d][c1] [c0][3f][b1][2f][9e][c1] [c0][3e][ba][02][04][00][00] ------------------------------------------------------[31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][0d][0a] [32][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][0d][0a] Data Payload [33][32][33] ------------------------------------------------------[15][34][c1] Legend: P = Primary Device 2004 Microchip Technology Inc. S = Secondary Device DS00923A-page 9 AN923 FIGURE B-2: MCP2140 FORMATTED CAPTURE @ 9600 BAUD - PAGE 2 Frame Frame # Sent By Frame Data 31 32 33 34 P S P S [c0][3f][da][04][02][05][f0][52][c1] [c0][3e][d1][f1][e4][c1] [c0][3f][d1][29][fd][c1] [c0][3e][dc][02][04][00][00] ------------------------------------------------------[34][35][36][37][38][0d][0a] [34][62][63][64][65][66][67][68][0d][0a] Data Payload [35][32][33][34][35][36] ------------------------------------------------------[25][cd][c1] 35 36 37 38 P S P S [c0][3f][fc][04][02][01][1d][d0][c1] [c0][3e][f1][f3][c5][c1] [c0][3f][f1][2b][dc][c1] [c0][3e][fe][02][04][00][00] ------------------------------------------------------[37][38][0d][0a] [36][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][0d][0a] Data Payload [37][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][0d] ------------------------------------------------------[1c][dd][c1] 39 40 41 42 P S P S [c0][3f][1e][04][02][01][e1][5d][c1] [c0][3e][11][fd][22][c1] [c0][3f][11][25][3b][c1] [c0][3e][10][02][04][00][00] ------------------------------------------------------[0a] [38][62][63][64][65][66][67][68][0d][0a] Data Payload [39][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][0d][0a] [41][42] ------------------------------------------------------[cb][6a][c1] 43 44 45 46 P S P S [c0][3f][30][04][02][01][f0][7c][c1] [c0][3e][31][ff][03][c1] [c0][3f][31][27][1a][c1] [c0][3e][32][02][04][00][00] ------------------------------------------------------[43][44][45][46][47][48][0d][0a] [42][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][0d][0a] Data Payload [43][62][63][64][65] ------------------------------------------------------[46][04][c1] 47 48 49 50 P S P S [c0][3f][52][04][02][01][62][dc][c1] [c0][3e][51][f9][60][c1] [c0][3f][51][21][79][c1] [c0][3e][54][02][04][00][00] ------------------------------------------------------[66][67][68][0d][0a] [44][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][0d][0a] Data Payload [45][42][43][44][45][46][47][48] ------------------------------------------------------[df][d6][c1] Legend: P = Primary Device DS00923A-page 10 S = Secondary Device 2004 Microchip Technology Inc. AN923 FIGURE B-3: MCP2140 FORMATTED CAPTURE @ 9600 BAUD - PAGE 3 Frame Frame # Sent By Frame Data 51 52 P S [c0][3f][71][23][58][c1] [c0][3e][56][02][04][00][00] ------------------------------------------------------[0d][0a] [46][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][0d][0a] Data Payload [31][62][63][64][65][66][67][68][0d][0a] [32] ------------------------------------------------------[5c][ae][c1] 53 54 55 56 P S P S [c0][3f][94][04][02][01][21][ac][c1] [c0][3e][71][fb][41][c1] [c0][3f][91][2d][bf][c1] [c0][3e][78][02][04][00][00] ------------------------------------------------------[32][33][34][35][36][37][38][0d][0a] [33][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][0d][0a] Data Payload [34][32][33][34] ------------------------------------------------------[16][2e][c1] 57 58 59 60 P S P S [c0][3f][b6][04][02][02][9f][28][c1] [c0][3e][91][f5][a6][c1] [c0][3f][b1][2f][9e][c1] [c0][3e][9a][02][04][00][00] ------------------------------------------------------[35][36][37][38][0d][0a] [35][62][63][64][65][66][67][68][0d][0a] Data Payload [36][32][33][34][35][36][37] ------------------------------------------------------[0e][4f][c1] 61 62 63 64 P S P S [c0][3f][d8][04][02][01][a2][2d][c1] [c0][3e][b1][f7][87][c1] [c0][3f][d1][29][fd][c1] [c0][3e][bc][02][04][00][00] ------------------------------------------------------[38][0d][0a] [37][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][0d][0a] Data Payload [38][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][0d] ------------------------------------------------------[3d][ca][c1] 65 66 67 68 P S P S [c0][3f][fa][04][02][01][87][9b][c1] [c0][3e][d1][f1][e4][c1] [c0][3f][f1][2b][dc][c1] [c0][3e][de][02][04][00][00] ------------------------------------------------------[0a] Data Payload [39][62][63][64][65][66][67][68][0d] ------------------------------------------------------[af][c9][c1] Legend: P = Primary Device 2004 Microchip Technology Inc. S = Secondary Device DS00923A-page 11 AN923 FIGURE B-4: MCP2140 FORMATTED CAPTURE @ 9600 BAUD - PAGE 4 Frame Frame # Sent By Frame Data 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 P S P S P S P S P S P S P S P S P S P S P S P S P S P S P S P S P S P S [c0][3f][11][25][3b][c1] [c0][3e][d1][f1][e4][c1] [c0][3f][11][25][3b][c1] [c0][3e][d1][f1][e4][c1] [c0][3f][11][25][3b][c1] [c0][3e][d1][f1][e4][c1] [c0][3f][1c][04][02][01][97][64][c1] [c0][3e][f1][f3][c5][c1] [c0][3f][11][25][3b][c1] [c0][3e][f1][f3][c5][c1] [c0][3f][11][25][3b][c1] [c0][3e][f1][f3][c5][c1] [c0][3f][11][25][3b][c1] [c0][3e][f1][f3][c5][c1] [c0][3f][11][25][3b][c1] [c0][3e][f1][f3][c5][c1] [c0][3f][11][25][3b][c1] [c0][3e][f1][f3][c5][c1] [c0][3f][11][25][3b][c1] [c0][3e][f1][f3][c5][c1] [c0][3f][11][25][3b][c1] [c0][3e][f1][f3][c5][c1] [c0][3f][11][25][3b][c1] [c0][3e][f1][f3][c5][c1] [c0][3f][11][25][3b][c1] [c0][3e][f1][f3][c5][c1] [c0][3f][11][25][3b][c1] [c0][3e][f1][f3][c5][c1] [c0][3f][11][25][3b][c1] [c0][3e][f1][f3][c5][c1] [c0][3f][11][25][3b][c1] [c0][3e][f1][f3][c5][c1] [c0][3f][11][25][3b][c1] [c0][3e][f1][f3][c5][c1] [c0][3f][11][25][3b][c1] [c0][3e][f1][f3][c5][c1] 105 106 107 108 109 110 P S P P P P [c0][3f][53][33][5a][c1] [c0][3e][53][eb][43][c1] [c0][3f][53][33][5a][c1] [c0][3f][53][33][5a][c1] [c0][3f][53][33][5a][c1] [c0][3f][53][33][5a][c1][ff][ff] Legend: P = Primary Device DS00923A-page 12 S = Secondary Device 2004 Microchip Technology Inc. AN923 APPENDIX C: FIGURE C-1: MCP215X IR COMMUNICATION CAPTURE MCP2150 RAW CAPTURE @ 9600 BAUD 2004 Microchip Technology Inc. DS00923A-page 13 AN923 FIGURE C-1: MCP2150 FORMATTED CAPTURE @ 9600 BAUD - PAGE 1 Frame Frame # Sent By 1 P 2 P 3 P 4 S 5 P 6 P 7 P 8 P 9 P 10 S 11 Note 1 Frame Data [ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][c0][ff][3f][01][02][3c][00][43] [ff][ff][ff][ff][01][00][00][d3][25][c1] [ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][c0][ff][3f][01][02][3c][00][43] [ff][ff][ff][ff][01][01][00][0b][3c][c1] [ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][c0][ff][3f][01][02][3c][00][43] [ff][ff][ff][ff][01][02][00][63][16][c1] [c0][c0][c0][c0][c0][c0][c0][c0][c0][c0][c0][fe][bf][01][b5][b5][b5][b5] [02][3c][00][43][01][02][00][90][04][00][47][65][6e][65][72][69][63] [20][49][72][44][41][28][ef][c1] [ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][c0][ff][3f][01][02][3c][00][43] [ff][ff][ff][ff][01][03][00][bb][0f][c1] [ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][c0][ff][3f][01][02][3c][00][43] [ff][ff][ff][ff][01][04][00][b3][42][c1] [ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][c0][ff][3f][01][02][3c][00][43] [ff][ff][ff][ff][01][05][00][6b][5b][c1] [ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][c0][ff][3f][01][02][3c][00][43] [ff][ff][ff][ff][01][ff][00][82][04][00][49][72][43][4f][4d][4d][d2] [36][c1] [ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][c0][ff][93][02][3c][00][43][b5] [b5][b5][b5][84][01][01][3f][82][01][01][83][01][0f][84][01][01][85] [01][08][86][01][07][08][01][ff][16][9b][c1] [c0][c0][c0][c0][c0][c0][c0][c0][c0][c0][c0][84][73][b5][b5][b5][b5][02] [3c][00][43][01][01][3e][82][01][01][83][01][01][84][01][01][85][01] [80][86][01][01][08][01][ff][70][1b][c1] [ff][80][e0][02][ff][e0][01][00][fc][c2][00][00][00][ff][00][00][02][e0] [00][fe][80][e0][c0][00][00][f8][00][f0][00][e0][02][fe][00][81][00] [00][00][00][00][00][00][c0][81][00][00][00][00][00][00][00][c0][02] [00][00][00][00][00][00][00][c0][00][00][00][00][00][00][00][00][ff] [03][e0][81][e0][80][e0][80][e0][80][e0][00][e0][80][e0][80][e0][80] [e0][81][e0][81][e0][81][e0][80][e0][80][e0][80][e0][81][80][80][81] [ff][ff] Legend: P = Primary Device S = Secondary Device Note 1: The information captured here is “garbage data”. That is, the data that was communicated between the Primary Device and Secondary Device at 115200 baud, but captured by the MCP2120 Developer’s Board at 9600 baud. DS00923A-page 14 2004 Microchip Technology Inc. AN923 FIGURE C-2: MCP2150 RAW CAPTURE @ 115200 BAUD 2004 Microchip Technology Inc. DS00923A-page 15 AN923 FIGURE C-3: MCP2150 FORMATTED CAPTURE @ 115200 BAUD - PAGE 1 Frame Frame # Sent By Frame Data Note 1 [ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff] ................[ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff][ff] P S P S P S P [c0][db][11][dc][b5][c1] [c0][da][11][04][ac][c1] [c0][db][10][80][01][01][00][43][45][c1] [c0][da][31][06][8d][c1] [c0][db][11][dc][b5][c1] [c0][da][30][81][00][81][00][47][d9][ff][f6][c1] [c0][db][32][00][01][84][0b][49][72][44][41][3a][49][72][43][4f][4d][4d] [13][49][72][44][41][3a][54][69][6e][79][54][50][3a][4c][73][61][70] [53][65][6c][8d][c2][c1] [c0][da][52][01][00][84][00][00][01][00][04][01][00][00][00][04][74][86][c1] S P S P S P S P S P S [c0][db][54][84][02][01][00][01][03][00][01][04][de][4e][c1] [c0][da][74][82][04][81][00][05][f4][ab][c1] [c0][db][71][da][d6][c1] [c0][da][71][02][cf][c1] [c0][db][76][04][02][00][17][10][04][00][00][c2][00][11][01][03][12][01] [00][13][02][11][13][14][02][13][11][20][01][0c][17][5b][c1] [c0][da][96][02][04][00][03][21][01][7d][e0][35][81][c1] [c0][db][98][04][02][04][4e][6a][c1] [c0][da][b1][0e][09][c1] [c0][db][9a][04][02][00][00][35][74][12][c1] [c0][da][d8][02][04][01][19][a2][c1] P S [c0][db][b1][d6][10][c1] [c0][da][da][02][04][00][00] ------------------------------------------------------[31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][0d][0a] [32][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][0d][0a] [33][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][0d][0a] [34][62][63][64][65][66][67][68][0d][0a] Data Payload [35][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][0d][0a] [36][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][0d][0a] [37][32][33][34] ------------------------------------------------------[b3][7f][c1] P S [c0][db][d1][d0][73][c1] [c0][da][dc][02][04][00][00] ------------------------------------------------------[35][36][37][38][0d][0a] [38][62][63][64][65][66][67][68][0d][0a] [39][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][0d][0a] [41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][0d][0a] Data Payload [42][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][0d][0a] [43][62][63][64][65][66][67][68][0d][0a] [44][32][33][34][35][36][37][38] ------------------------------------------------------[65][62][c1] Legend: P = Primary Device S = Secondary Device Note 1: The information captured here is “garbage data”. That is, the data that was communicated between the Primary Device and Secondary Device at 9600 baud, but captured by the MCP2120 Developer’s Board at 115200 baud. Only a portion of this “garbage data” is shown due to space limitations (indicated by .......). DS00923A-page 16 2004 Microchip Technology Inc. AN923 FIGURE C-4: MCP2150 FORMATTED CAPTURE @ 115200 BAUD - PAGE 2 Frame Frame # Sent By Frame Data P S [c0][db][fc][04][02][01][eb][d6][c1] [c0][da][fe][02][04][00][00] ------------------------------------------------------[0d][0a] [45][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][0d][0a] [46][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][0d][0a] [31][62][63][64][65][66][67][68][0d][0a] Data Payload [32][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][0d][0a] [33][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][0d][0a] [34][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][0d][0a] [35][62] ------------------------------------------------------[2d][c7][c1] P S [c0][db][1e][04][02][01][17][5b][c1] [c0][da][10][02][04][00][00] ------------------------------------------------------[63][64][65][66][67][68][0d][0a] [36][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][0d][0a] [37][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][0d][0a] Data Payload [38][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][0d][0a] [39][62][63][64][65][66][67][68][0d][0a] [61][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][0d][0a] ------------------------------------------------------[11][7d][e1][c1] P S P S P S P S P S P S P S P S P S P S P S [c0][db][30][04][02][01][06][7a][c1] [c0][da][31][06][8d][c1] [c0][db][31][de][94][c1] [c0][da][31][06][8d][c1] [c0][db][31][de][94][c1] [c0][da][31][06][8d][c1] [c0][db][31][de][94][c1] [c0][da][31][06][8d][c1] [c0][db][31][de][94][c1] [c0][da][31][06][8d][c1] [c0][db][32][04][02][01][70][43][c1] [c0][da][51][00][ee][c1] [c0][db][31][de][94][c1] [c0][da][51][00][ee][c1] [c0][db][31][de][94][c1] [c0][da][51][00][ee][c1] [c0][db][31][de][94][c1] [c0][da][51][00][ee][c1] [c0][db][31][de][94][c1] [c0][da][51][00][ee][c1] [c0][db][31][de][94][c1] [c0][da][51][00][ee][c1] Legend: P = Primary Device 2004 Microchip Technology Inc. S = Secondary Device DS00923A-page 17 AN923 FIGURE C-5: MCP2150 FORMATTED CAPTURE @ 115200 BAUD - PAGE 3 Frame Frame # Sent By P S P S P S P S P S P S P S P S P S P P P P Frame Data [c0][db][31][de][94][c1] [c0][da][51][00][ee][c1] [c0][db][31][de][94][c1] [c0][da][51][00][ee][c1] [c0][db][31][de][94][c1] [c0][da][51][00][ee][c1] [c0][db][31][de][94][c1] [c0][da][51][00][ee][c1] [c0][db][31][de][94][c1] [c0][da][51][00][ee][c1] [c0][db][31][de][94][c1] [c0][da][51][00][ee][c1] [c0][db][31][de][94][c1] [c0][da][51][00][ee][c1] [c0][db][31][de][94][c1] [c0][da][51][00][ee][c1] [c0][db][53][ca][d4][c1] [c0][da][53][12][cd][c1] [c0][db][53][ca][d4][c1] [c0][db][53][ca][d4][c1] [c0][db][53][ca][d4][c1] [c0][db][53][ca][d4][c1][ff][ff] Legend: P = Primary Device DS00923A-page 18 S = Secondary Device 2004 Microchip Technology Inc. Note the following details of the code protection feature on Microchip devices: • Microchip products meet the specification contained in their particular Microchip Data Sheet. • Microchip believes that its family of products is one of the most secure families of its kind on the market today, when used in the intended manner and under normal conditions. • There are dishonest and possibly illegal methods used to breach the code protection feature. All of these methods, to our knowledge, require using the Microchip products in a manner outside the operating specifications contained in Microchip's Data Sheets. Most likely, the person doing so is engaged in theft of intellectual property. • Microchip is willing to work with the customer who is concerned about the integrity of their code. • Neither Microchip nor any other semiconductor manufacturer can guarantee the security of their code. Code protection does not mean that we are guaranteeing the product as “unbreakable.” Code protection is constantly evolving. We at Microchip are committed to continuously improving the code protection features of our products. Attempts to break Microchip’s code protection feature may be a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. If such acts allow unauthorized access to your software or other copyrighted work, you may have a right to sue for relief under that Act. Information contained in this publication regarding device applications and the like is intended through suggestion only and may be superseded by updates. It is your responsibility to ensure that your application meets with your specifications. No representation or warranty is given and no liability is assumed by Microchip Technology Incorporated with respect to the accuracy or use of such information, or infringement of patents or other intellectual property rights arising from such use or otherwise. Use of Microchip’s products as critical components in life support systems is not authorized except with express written approval by Microchip. No licenses are conveyed, implicitly or otherwise, under any intellectual property rights. Trademarks The Microchip name and logo, the Microchip logo, Accuron, dsPIC, KEELOQ, MPLAB, PIC, PICmicro, PICSTART, PRO MATE, PowerSmart and rfPIC are registered trademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. and other countries. AmpLab, FilterLab, microID, MXDEV, MXLAB, PICMASTER, SEEVAL, SmartShunt and The Embedded Control Solutions Company are registered trademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. Application Maestro, dsPICDEM, dsPICDEM.net, dsPICworks, ECAN, ECONOMONITOR, FanSense, FlexROM, fuzzyLAB, In-Circuit Serial Programming, ICSP, ICEPIC, Migratable Memory, MPASM, MPLIB, MPLINK, MPSIM, PICkit, PICDEM, PICDEM.net, PICtail, PowerCal, PowerInfo, PowerMate, PowerTool, rfLAB, Select Mode, SmartSensor, SmartTel and Total Endurance are trademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. and other countries. Serialized Quick Turn Programming (SQTP) is a service mark of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. All other trademarks mentioned herein are property of their respective companies. © 2004, Microchip Technology Incorporated, Printed in the U.S.A., All Rights Reserved. Printed on recycled paper. Microchip received ISO/TS-16949:2002 quality system certification for its worldwide headquarters, design and wafer fabrication facilities in Chandler and Tempe, Arizona and Mountain View, California in October 2003. The Company’s quality system processes and procedures are for its PICmicro® 8-bit MCUs, KEELOQ® code hopping devices, Serial EEPROMs, microperipherals, nonvolatile memory and analog products. In addition, Microchip’s quality system for the design and manufacture of development systems is ISO 9001:2000 certified. 2004 Microchip Technology Inc. DS00923A-page 19 M WORLDWIDE SALES AND SERVICE AMERICAS Corporate Office 2355 West Chandler Blvd. Chandler, AZ 85224-6199 Tel: 480-792-7200 Fax: 480-792-7277 Technical Support: 480-792-7627 Web Address: http://www.microchip.com China - Beijing Korea Unit 706B Wan Tai Bei Hai Bldg. No. 6 Chaoyangmen Bei Str. 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