口 MANA臼 〓 M=N丁 C〓 R丁 :F】 C∧下 〓 Cert丨 f丨 cate"o。 :169850¨ 20⊥ 4¨ AQ¨ RCC¨ IATF NV口 ∈ L 〓Y〓 丁 〓 M Va丨 :d: o4February2015… 03February2o18 IATF Cert丨 f丨 cate"o:0202929 This is to cert丨 fy that the management system of 臼han臼 ha:臼 IH■ 日C0臼 ●m∶ c● Ha"ufactur:"臼 C● ■ 〃L!d■ "duct● No■ 800Yishan ROad`Xuhu∶ D∶ strict`shan9hal`P■ R.China and the remote support丨 ocations as mentloned in the Append∶ Cert∶ Πcate x accomp{::丨 r nying this has been found to conform to qua"ty rnana臼 ement systern standard: 〓s● r丁 s工 6● 4● :2● ●● D● o∶ 臼 "曰 "d Hanufacture● 叵Xc:u臼 :● no: "● f=C "e P!ace and date∶ κatr「 Te丫 a臼 、Vs▲ For the issuin9ofFice∶ D"V CLB"臼 :ne臼 臼▲臼ouramc● ●〓 Fe△ r"arr2● 工Ξ sham臼 ha1Ch:ma Robert Kozak Mana臼 ement Representative LaCk of fu!fi!ment of conditions as set out∶ n the Certification A。 reement may render this Certincate inva"d, ACCREDI丁 ED UNI丁 :DN∨ GL-Business Assurance`1400RaVello Drlve`Katy`TX77449.Te!.:281-396-1000.wwW,dnV° 丨 cert.com Pa0e1of2 口 Cert丨 f丨 cate"o,: :∶ :∶ I69850¨ 20⊥ 4¨ AQ¨ RCC… IATF Rev。 o 1ATF Cert丨 cate"o。 f丨 P丨 NV■ 刂 L : 0202929 ace and date: κaty夕 取 。o5February2o】 5 x=t● Ceruf:ca!e ▲pp● "d∶ 臼ha"臼 ha:臼 IH■ 日co臼 ●m:c● nduct● r Hanufoc!ur:"臼 C● ■ 〃L!d■ Remote support LOcations inc丨 uded丨 n the certiΠ cation are as fo"ows: Ham● BCD(shangha丨 e丨 )M∶ cro¨ ectronics Lirnited Lack of fu】 f∶ RsL▲ Ct:V:t:eo Addr● oo !rnent of cond∶ ∧CCR【 DI丁 ED UNI丁 :DN∨ t∶ No口 ⒒600Zixln9ROad` Design、 shangha∶ zizhu sc:ence Park`Minhang Distr丨 ct` shan9hai`P口 R。 China ons as set out in the Certificat∶ Human Cerl:f∶ ca!:om DN∨ BOdv CL Resources`Laboratory、 Purchasin臼 丁est丨 n臼 esr ` sa丨 〃arehousin臼 、、 on Agreement may render th丨 CL-Business∧ ssurance UsA`Ⅱ nc,`1400RaVe!!o DHve、 s Cert∶ ncate∶ nva"d, κaty`丁 × 77449,Te丨 281-396¨ ⊥000,www,dnv9!Cert.co m ,∶ pa° e2of2