________________________________________________________________________ DATE: 30th September, 2014 PCN #: 2143 – Rev01 PCN Title: Adding Qualified BOM Sets and Die Design Improvements Dear Customer: This is an announcement of change(s) to products that are currently being offered by Diodes Incorporated. We request that you acknowledge receipt of this notification within 30 days of the date of this PCN. If you require samples for evaluation purposes, please make a request within 30 days as well. Otherwise, samples may not be built prior to this change. Please refer to the implementation date of this change as it is stated in the attached PCN form. Please contact your local Diodes sales representative to acknowledge receipt of this PCN and for any sample requests. The changes announced in this PCN will not be implemented earlier than 90 days from the notification date stated in the attached PCN form. Previously agreed upon customer specific change process requirements or device specific requirements will be addressed separately. For questions or clarification regarding this PCN, please contact your local Diodes sales representative. Sincerely, Diodes Incorporated PCN Team DIC-034 R2 Page 1 of 3 Diodes Incorporated www.diodes.com Rel Date: 5/29/2013 ________________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT CHANGE NOTICE PCN-2143 REV 01 Notification Date: Implementation Date: Product Family: Change Type: PCN #: 30th September, 2014 29th December, 2014 Analog Adding Qualified BOM Sets and Die Design Improvements 2143 TITLE Adding Qualified BOM Sets and Die Design Improvements on select Analog Products DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE This PCN is being issued to notify customers that Diodes has qualified additional bill of material (BOM) sets and die design improvements for the devices listed in Products Affected Section. Full electrical characterization and high reliability testing has been completed to ensure there are no changes in product Reliability. AL9910A has improved electrical performance; those changes are noted in the data sheet change Table 4. There is no change to the Form, Fit, or Function of other affected products in Table 1 and 2. Rev01 – Part numbers listed in red text have been corrected. IMPACT Table 1 - Additional Qualified BOM Table 2 - Additional Qualified BOM Table 3 - Additional Qualified BOM and Die Design Improvements PRODUCTS AFFECTED Please see Tables 1 – 3. WEB LINKS Manufacturer’s Notice: http://www.diodes.com/quality/pcns For More Information Contact: http://www.diodes.com/contacts Data Sheet: http://www.diodes.com/products DISCLAIMER Unless a Diodes Incorporated Sales representative is contacted in writing within 30 days of the posting of this notice, all changes described in this announcement are considered approved. DIC-034 R2 Page 2 of 3 Diodes Incorporated www.diodes.com Rel Date: 5/29/2013 ________________________________________________________________________ Table 1 - Additional Qualified BOM Addition of Cu wire, die attach and mold compound AH173-WG-7-A TL431BSA-7 ZTL431AFTA ZXRE250BSA-7 74LVC1G00W5-7 74LVC1G125W5-7 AP7361-15FGE-7 AH173-WG-7-B TL432ASA-7 ZTL431BFTA ZXRE252ASA-7 AH175-WG-7-A TL432BSA-7 ZTL432AF-7 ZXRE252BSA-7 AH175-WG-7-B TLV431AFTA ZTL432AFTA AL8808WT-7 TLV431BFTA ZTL432BFTA Table 2 - Additional Qualified BOM Addition of Cu wire, die attach, mold compound and die shrink 74LVC1GXXW5-7 has no BOM Changes 74LVC1G02W5-7 74LVC1G04W5-7 74LVC1G06W5-7 74LVC1G07W5-7 74LVC1G126W5-7 74LVC1G32W5-7 74LVC1G86W5-7 AP7361-10FGE-7 AP7361-18FGE-7 AP7361-25FGE-7 AP7361-28FGE-7 AP7361-33FGE-7 TL431ASA-7 TLV431TFTA ZXRE250ASA-7 74LVC1G08W5-7 AP7361-12FGE-7 AP7361-FGE-7 Table 3 - Additional Qualified BOM and Die Design Improvements Addition of Cu wire, die attach and die design See Data Sheet Change Table 4. Below AL9910AS-13 AL9910ASP-13 AL9910ASP-13-01 Data Sheet Change Table 4. Old Data Sheet Limits for AL9910A Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit VDD Internally Regulated Voltage VIN = VIN(MIN) ~500V, (Note 8) lDD(ext) = 0, Gate pin open 9.5 10 11 V UVLO VDD Under Voltage Lockout Threshold VDD rising 8.4 9 9.8 V Vcs(h) Current Sense Threshold Voltage Full ambient temperature range 225 255 275 mV Min Typ Max Unit New Data Sheet Limits for AL9910A Symbol Parameter Conditions VDD Internally Regulated Voltage VIN = VIN(MIN) ~500V, (Note 8) lDD(ext) = 0, Gate pin open 9 10 11 V UVLO VDD Under Voltage Lockout Threshold VDD rising 8 9 10 V Vcs(h) Current Sense Threshold Voltage Full ambient temperature range 230 255 280 mV DIC-034 R2 Page 3 of 3 Diodes Incorporated www.diodes.com Rel Date: 5/29/2013