Process Change Notice #1105311 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ User Registration Register today to create your account on Your personalized profile allows you to receive technical document updates, new product announcements, “how-to” and design documents, product change notices (PCN) and other valuable content available only to registered users. PCN Date: 31May11 Effective Date: 07Sep11 Title: Si4706-C30 minimum VIO input level change from 1.62V to 2.0V Originator: Vivek Sarda Phone: +15124281561 Dept: Broadcast Audio Customer Contact: Kathy Haggar Phone: Dept: PCN Type: Assembly Discontinuance Package Datasheet Fabrication Product Revision Packing Labeling Location Test Other Last Order Date: N/A PCN Details Description of Change: Datasheet update from 1.0 to 1.1: Minimum VIO input level changed from 1.62V to 2.0V. Reason for Change: Part operates at 2.0V VIO. Impact on Form, Fit, Function, Quality, and Reliability: Minimum VIO input level changed from 1.62V to 2.0V. No change to form, fit, quality or reliability. Product Identification: Si4706-C30-GM(R) Last Date of Unchanged Product: N/A Qualification Samples: N/A Qualification Data: N/A W7206F1 Process Change Notice Form rev AA The information contained in this document is PROPRIETARY to Silicon Laboratories, Inc. and shall not be reproduced or used in part or whole without Silicon Laboratories’ written consent. The document is uncontrolled if printed or electronically saved. Pg 1