MLX90609 AN4 Digital output of the MLX90609 Digital output of the MLX90609 Application Note 4 MLX90609 AN4 Rev 1.0 Page 1 of 13 October 2008 MLX90609 AN4 Digital output of the MLX90609 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction ............................................................................................................... 3 2. MLX90609 digital output: principle of operation .................................................... 3 3. SPI commands of the ADC control.......................................................................... 5 • Command of the Status Reading (STATR)................................................................6 • Command of the ADC Control (ADCC)......................................................................6 • Command of the ADC Reading (ADCR) ....................................................................6 • Refusal answer ...........................................................................................................6 4. How to work with the ADC ....................................................................................... 7 • Digital data acquisition based on polling..................................................................7 • Digital data acquisition based on delays ................................................................11 5. Disclaimer................................................................................................................ 13 GLOSSARY OF TERMS ADC – Analog-to-Digital Converter; CLK – Clock; DSP – Digital Signal Processor; GPIO – General Purpose I/O port; I/O – Input/Output; LSB – Least Significant Bit; MISO – Master In, Slave Out; MOSI – Master Out, Slave In; MSB – Most Significant Bit; NSS – Not Slave Select; SCK – Serial Clock; SPI – Serial Peripheral Interface; SYSCLK – System Clock; µC – Microcontroller. MLX90609 AN4 Rev 1.0 Page 2 of 13 October 2008 MLX90609 AN4 Digital output of the MLX90609 1. Introduction This Application note explains an operation principle of the MLX90609 internal ADC controlled by the SPI logic. It includes some hints and SW examples written in ‘C’ easing the use of the MLX90609 digital output. All examples are compatible with the Keil Cx51TM compiler. 2. MLX90609 digital output: principle of operation The MLX90609 digital output is based on the 2 channel 11-bit successive-approximation analog-todigital converter (ADC). The main channel 0 is used to digitize the voltage on the angular rate output (OUTAR-pin). The channel 1 can be used to digitize the output of the internal temperature sensor (OUTTEMP-pin). Figure 1: Block diagram of the MLX90609 ADC. MLX90609 AN4 Rev 1.0 Page 3 of 13 October 2008 MLX90609 AN4 Digital output of the MLX90609 The ADC includes a 2-channel multiplexer, sample-and-hold circuit (S/H), an 11-bit successiveapproximation register (SAR), digital-to-analog converter (DAC), and an analog comparator (COMP). The SAR generates a sequence of the 11-bit codes that supply the DAC to approach the input signal stored in the S/H-capacitor. The SAR also includes logic that controls the S/H-circuit and generates End of Conversion signal (EOC). The multiplexer is controlled by the bit CHAN defined by the ADCC-command of the SPI. It connects the 3/4 of the OUTAR-voltage (CHAN=0) or the whole OUTTEMP-voltage (CHAN=1) to the S/H circuit. The COMP provides a feedback that is used by the SAR to define an approximation direction during conversion. The 11-bit code generated at the last approximation stage is a conversion result that can be read as as a serial data stream of the SPI. A conversion is initiated by the ADCC SPI command. This command turns the ADC on (bit ADEN=1), sets a necessary channel (bit CHAN) and starts a conversion. To read a status of the conversion the ADCR or STATR commands can be used. The result can be read in the answer of the command ADCR, as soon as the conversion is completed. The conversion formulas below reflect the typical ADC behaviour and can be used to evaluate the voltage on the OUTAR and OUTTEMP pins: VOUTAR ( mV ) = 25 ADCcode + 400 (1) 12 VOUTTEMP (mV ) = 25 ADCcode + 300 (2) 16 The ADCcode represents the 11-bit result of the AD-conversion. NOTE: 1. After a power-up the ADC is in a sleep mode. It's recommended to use an initial dummy conversion first, before using the ADC for data acquisition. After conversions the ADC can be put in the sleep mode again. As the ADC consumes about 0.25 mA, this value can be saved in the sleep mode. 2. In order to minimize a current through the input resistors one can keep inputs SCLK and SS in the high level and MOSI in the low level while SPI is not used. By this way approximately 0.25 mA of the total current consumption can be saved. WARNING: Do not overload output OUTAR. According to the MLX90609 Data Sheet the OUTAR load has to be more than 200 kΩ. The OUTAR overload causes additional output nonlinearity. MLX90609 AN4 Rev 1.0 Page 4 of 13 October 2008 MLX90609 AN4 Digital output of the MLX90609 3. SPI commands of the ADC control The MLX90609 communication interface is compatible with a standard SPI based on the four lines: MOSI, MISO, SS (or NSS) and SCLK (or SCK). It always operates in a slave mode. A mode of the SPI clock polarity and phase is fixed: CPHA=1, CPOL=1. Please see the MLX90609 Data Sheet for the SPI timing characteristics and other details. There are three SPI commands that are used to control the MLX90609 ADC: STATR, ADCC and ADCR. Each of these commands includes 8-bit instruction and 16-bit answer. The instruction is serially transmitted to the MLX90609 via MOSI-line. Afterwards the answer can be serially received via MISO-line. Most Significant Bit (MSB) is the first bit transmitted and received. Signal SCLK is a serial clock generated by master device. It initializes any transmission and receiving and provides data synchronization. SS -line has to be in zero state while SPI is active. The answer can be truncated or completely cancelled by applying a high level to the SS -line. The table below gives a description of the bits used for the ADC handling: ADEN The ADEN bit selects the power management mode of the ADC: ADEN=0: ADC is switched to the sleep mode, no AD-conversion is allowed. ADEN=1: AD-conversion is allowed. This bit is set by the ADCC-command. After power-up bit ADEN is cleared. BUSY This bit is set after reset during an initialization procedure of the MLX90609. It goes down after a successful completion of the procedure. While BUSY=1, only refusal answers will be sent. CHAN The CHAN bit is used to select the input source for the ADC. CHAN=0: the angular rate channel. CHAN=1: the temperature sensor channel. This bit is set by the ADCC-command. After power-up bit CHAN is cleared. EOC End of AD-conversion bit. EOC bit indicates an ADC state. EOC=0 : ADC in progress and can not be restarted, result is not still valid. EOC=1 : AD-conversion has been completed and can be restarted. Any attempt of starting the ADC will be rejected by a refusal answer if EOC=0. OPC Unknown Operation Code. This bit is set when a received operation code was not recognized. X These bits are reserved or have an undefined state. MLX90609 AN4 Rev 1.0 Page 5 of 13 October 2008 MLX90609 AN4 Digital output of the MLX90609 Command of the Status Reading (STATR) • STATR instruction: Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 STATR answer: Bit15 Bit14 Bit13 Bit12 Bit11 Bit10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 0 X EOC X X X X X X X X X CHAN ADEN X X Command of the ADC Control (ADCC) • ADCC instruction: Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 1 0 0 1 CHAN ADEN 0 0 ADCC answer: Bit15 Bit14 Bit13 Bit12 Bit11 Bit10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 0 X EOC X X X X X X X X X CHAN ADEN X X Command of the ADC Reading (ADCR) • ADCR instruction: Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ADCR answer: Bit15 Bit14 Bit13 Bit12 Bit11 Bit10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 0 X EOC X AD10 AD9 AD8 AD7 AD6 AD5 AD4 AD3 AD2 AD1 AD0 0 A result of the AD-conversion. These bits are valid only when EOC bit is set. AD10…AD0 Refusal answer • If the MLX90609 is not able to accept the instruction a refusal answer will be transmitted out. This answer has a unique format: the MSB is set. The other bits help to determine a possible reason for the instruction rejection: Refusal answer: Bit15 Bit14 Bit13 Bit12 Bit11 Bit10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 1 OPC EOC X X BUSY X X X X X X X X X X MLX90609 AN4 Rev 1.0 Page 6 of 13 October 2008 MLX90609 AN4 Digital output of the MLX90609 4. How to work with the ADC The general sequence of the ADC handling is like follows: Step A: Put the ADC to the active mode if it is not Step B: Start a new conversion Step C: Wait the end of the conversion Step D: Result reading Step E: Go to the Step B or put the ADC to the sleep mode if it is necessary This section describes two ways to implement the above sequence. The first one is based on polling while the second way uses delays. The polling or/and delays are needed to ensure a previous conversion is finished before a new conversion (ADCC-command) and before reading the result (ADCR-command). • Digital data acquisition based on polling This approach doesn’t require using of an external timer and a crystal oscillator because the end of conversion is defined by the polling of the MLX90609. On the other hand the polling needs a high use of the MLX90609 SPI and hence additional output noise can be created by the digital signals on the SPI-lines. Also polling doesn't provide periodicity of the data acquisition that can be desired for the next processing of data. The digital data acquisition algorithm includes three polling procedures. This is shown on the right flow chart in figure 2, stages 2, 4 and 5. The two polling procedures based either on the ADCC or on the ADCR command are shown in the two left flow charts on the left of figure . Both include a loop that is built on the checking of the 15th and 13th (EOC) bits of the answers. During the ADCC polling other bits are not needed. Thus the ADCC answer can be truncated everywhere after the 3rd received bit. In case of ADCR command a full 16-bit answer must be received as it includes an 11bit result of conversion. The ADCC command in the Stage 2 of the full flow sets the active mode of the ADC. The next ADCC command (Stage 4) starts a conversion to measure a signal on the channel specified by the bit CHAN (Stage 3). The polling is used here to ensure the previous ADC-cycle is finished. The polling procedure with ADCR command (Stage 5) provides a valid data output after the end of conversion. Eventually the ADC can be turned off (Stages 9, 10 and 11) without the polling, as by this time the conversion is already finished. MLX90609 AN4 Rev 1.0 Page 7 of 13 October 2008 MLX90609 AN4 Digital output of the MLX90609 Chart flow of the full polling procedure Polling procedure with ADCC command Input bits: ADEN and CHAN START 1. Set SS=0 1. Is ADC in sleep mode? 2. Send 8-bit instruction ADCC (MOSI) Ignore MISO “No" “Yes" 2. In order to activate the ADC implement the polling procedure with ADCC command: bit ADEN = 1, bit CHAN = any Ignore the answer 3. Send 8-bit zero data (MOSI) Note: any 3 bits can be enough In parallel accept 3 first bits of the answer: 15th, 14th and 13th (MISO) “Error” 4. Truncate the answer by setting SS=1 3. Define CHAN bit: “0” - to measure OUTAR; “1” - to measure OUTTEMP 5. Check 15th bit of the answer 4. Polling procedure with ADCC command (ADEN=1) Ignore the answer “Error” 5. Polling procedure with ADCR command “Error” “1” “0” “0” 6. Check 13th bit of the answer “1” Output: Hardware ERROR! Output: ADCC has been successfully sent 6. Store 11-bit digital output “No” 7. Was it the last measurement Polling procedure with ADCR command Input: void Output: Hardware ERROR! “Yes” 1. Set SS=0 8. Should ADC go to sleep mode 2. Send 8-bit instruction ADCR=0x80 (MOSI) Ignore MISO “No” 9. Set SS=0 10. Send 8-bit instruction ADCC with ADEN = 0 (MOSI) Ignore MISO 11. Set SS=1 3. Send 16-bit zero data (MOSI) In parallel accept 16-bit answer (MISO) 4. Set SS=1 “1” 5. Check 15th bit of the answer “Yes” END “0” “0” 6. Check 13th bit of the answer “1” 7. Extract 11-bit digital output AD[10:0] from the answer Output: Hardware ERROR! Output: 11-bit digital output Figure 2: Digital data acquisition based on polling MLX90609 AN4 Rev 1.0 Page 8 of 13 October 2008 MLX90609 AN4 Digital output of the MLX90609 Below you can find examples of the two polling procedures written in “C”: ADCC_polling and ADCR_polling. The function ADCC_polling returns “0” if the ADCC command is accepted by the MLX90609. Otherwise it returns an error code “1”. The function ADCC_polling returns 11-bit result of the last digital conversion. Otherwise it returns an error code “0xFFFF”. Both functions use a function SPI_EXCH, which is a simplest 8-bit SPI exchange procedure: unsigned char SPI_EXCH(unsigned char out); The input parameter out is a byte transmitted by the master to the MLX90609. The function returns a byte received bit by bit from the MISO-line in parallel with the transmission. Before return the function recovers the default MOSI-stale (zero level). Depending on the structure of the used master device the SPI_EXCH function can be implemented in different ways. Use of an embedded hardware SPI can save handling time of the master. If the master does not have a hardware SPI, a software implementation can be used instead. The code below gives an example of the SPI software implementation written for the 8051-core microcontrollers: /* The example code assumes that the part specific header file is included */ sbit sbit sbit sbit SCLK MISO MOSI NSS = = = = P1^0; P1^1; P1^2; P1^3; /* /* /* /* Any available 8051-ports */ can be used to emulate */ SPI signals: */ SCLK, MISO, MOSI and NSS */ /* Macros NSS_Low and NSS_High are needed for ADCC_polling and ADCC_polling */ #define NSS_Low NSS = 0 #define NSS_High NSS = 1 unsigned char SPI_EXCH(unsigned char out) { unsigned char support, inp; for (inp = 0, support = 0x80; support != 0; support >>= 1) { MOSI = out & support; SCLK = 0; SCLK = 1; if(MISO) inp |= support; } MOSI = 0; return inp; } The bit addressable input-output ports of the 8051 are assigned there to emulate SPI-signals. The example includes also the definition of two macros (NSS_Low and NSS_High) used in the functions ADCC_polling and ADCR_polling. MLX90609 AN4 Rev 1.0 Page 9 of 13 October 2008 MLX90609 AN4 Digital output of the MLX90609 /* The example code assumes that the part specific header file is included */ /* Function SPI_EXCH() and macros NSS_Low and NSS_High must be defined above */ #define EOC_COUNT 100 /* Polling procedure with ADCC command */ bit ADCC_polling(bit chan, bit aden) { unsigned char counter = 0; unsigned char tmp, adcc; /* counter to avoid endless polling */ adcc = (aden) ? 0x94:0x90; /* NSS = 0; */ if(chan) adcc |= 0x08; Start: NSS_Low; /* NSS = 0; */ SPI_EXCH(adcc); /* Send ADCC-instruction */ tmp = SPI_EXCH(0x00); /* Read the first byte of the answer */ NSS_High; /* NSS = 1; */ if((tmp & 0x80) == 0) return 0; /* ADCC has been successfully sent */ else if(tmp & 0x20) return 1; /* HW Error! */ else if((++counter) < EOC_COUNT) goto Start; /* Continue polling */ else return 1; /* HW Error: long polling */ } /* Polling procedure with ADCR command */ unsigned int ADCR_polling(void) { union intData {unsigned int dd; unsigned char d[2]; }inp; #define Dat_H inp.d[0] #define Dat_L inp.d[1] #define Dat_HL inp.dd unsigned char counter = 0; /* counter to avoid endless polling */ Start: NSS_Low; /* NSS = 0; */ SPI_EXCH(0x80); /* Send ADCR-instruction */ Dat_H = SPI_EXCH(0); /* Read the first byte of the answer */ Dat_L = SPI_EXCH(0); /* Read the last byte of the answer */ NSS_High; /* NSS = 1; */ if(Dat_H & 0x80) return 0xFFFF; /* HW Error! */ else if(Dat_H & 0x20) return (Dat_HL & 0xFFF)>>1; /* Result is valid */ else if((++counter) < EOC_COUNT) goto Start; /* Continue polling */ else return 0xFFFF; /* HW Error: too long polling */ } MLX90609 AN4 Rev 1.0 Page 10 of 13 October 2008 MLX90609 AN4 Digital output of the MLX90609 • Digital data acquisition based on delays According to the MLX90609 Data Sheet the conversion time of the internal ADC is always less than 115 µs. Thus after 115 µs the conversion will always be finished. The result of the conversion will be valid and the next ADCC command can be sent to start a new conversion even without checking the EOC bit. The Figure 3 shows a time diagram of the ADC-cycle using a delay instead of poling. We assume that before the first rising SCLK edge of the ADCC command the EOC bit was already set (the ADC was not in progress). This condition can be ensured by respecting a delay of more then 115 µs before the sending ADCC command (it’s not shown on the Figure 3). In this case, the MLX90609 AD-conversion will start at the 8th rising SCLK edge of the ADCC command. The ADCC answer is predefined and can be skipped. After the next delay of more then 115 µs the started conversion is finished and the ADCR command can be used to read the 11-bit conversion result AD10…AD0. The EOC bit will always be set in the ADCR answer. Figure 3: Time diagram of the ADC handling based on delay Observation : there is no SPI activity while an AD-conversion is in progress. This approach based on the delays minimizes SPI activity and hence the additional output noise. It usually requires using a timer of the external microcontroller. The acquisition procedure can be built on the timer interruptions with a period bigger then 115 µs. In this case a service routine can start from forming a positive SS pulse. After that the ADCR command can read result of the previous AD-conversion. And at the end of the routine 8 bits of the ADCC instruction should be sent to start a new conversion. NOTE: The positive SS pulse truncates SPI commands, but it affects the ADC in no way. Thus the rising edge of the signal SS can be generated exactly after sending of the ADCC instruction when AD-conversion is in progress. It can be suitable for instance in case of the multi-slave SPI. Figure 4 shows a generic data acquisition algorithm free of polling. MLX90609 AN4 Rev 1.0 Page 11 of 13 October 2008 MLX90609 AN4 Digital output of the MLX90609 START 1. Delay > 115 us to ensure the ADC is stopped and the next ADCC instruction will be accepted “No" “Yes" 2. Is ADC in the sleep mode? 3. Set SS=0 4. In order to activate the ADC send 8-bit ADCC instruction (MOSI): bit ADEN = 1, bit CHAN = 0/1 Ignore MISO 5. Set SS=1 6. Delay > 115 us 7. Define CHAN bit: “0” - to measure OUTAR; “1” - to measure OUTTEMP 8. Set SS=0 9. Send 8-bit instruction ADCC with ADEN = 1 (MOSI) Ignore MISO 10. Delay > 115 us 11. Set SS=1 12. Delay > 50 ns 13. Set SS=0 14. Send 8-bit instruction ADCR (MOSI) Ignore MISO 15. Send 16-bit zero data (MOSI) Accept 16-bit answer in parallel (MISO) Extract and store 11-bit digital output AD[10:0] from the answer 16. Set SS=1 “No” 17. Was it the last measurement “No” “Yes” 18. Should ADC go to sleep mode “Yes” 19. Set SS=0 20. Send 8-bit instruction ADCC with ADEN = 0 (MOSI) Ignore MISO 21. Set SS=1 END Figure 4: Digital data acquisition based on delays MLX90609 AN4 Rev 1.0 Page 12 of 13 October 2008 MLX90609 AN4 Digital output of the MLX90609 5. Disclaimer Devices sold by Melexis are covered by the warranty and patent indemnification provisions appearing in the Terms of Sale. Melexis makes no warranty, express, statutory, implied, or by description regarding the information set forth herein or regarding the freedom of the described devices from patent infringement. Melexis reserves the right to change specifications and pricing at any time and without notice. Therefore, prior to designing this product into a system, it is necessary to check with Melexis for current information. This product is intended for use in normal commercial applications. Applications requiring extended temperature range, unusual environmental requirements, or high reliability applications, such as military, medical life-support or life-sustaining equipment are specifically not recommended without additional processing by Melexis for each application. The information furnished by Melexis is believed to be correct and accurate. However, Melexis shall not be liable to recipient or any third party for any damages, including but not limited to personal injury, property damage, loss of profits, loss of use, interruption of business or indirect, incidental or consequential damages, of any kind, in connection with or arising out of the furnishing, performance or use of the technical data herein. No obligation or liability to recipient or any third party shall arise or flow out of Melexis’ rendering of technical or other services. Copyright© 2008 Melexis Microelectronic Systems. All Rights Reserved Certified ISO/ TS 16949, ISO 14001 For the latest version of this document, visit our website at: For additional information contact Melexis Direct: MLX90609 AN4 Rev 1.0 Page 13 of 13 October 2008