AND8376/D AMIS-30660/42000 Topology Aspects of a High-Speed CAN Bus APPLICATION NOTE Introduction Although these points are analyzed separately, all of them should be considered and the resulting conditions should be fulfilled simultaneously in order to achieve a correct bus topology. AMIS−30660, together with AMIS−42000, is a family of high speed CAN transceiver products intended for automotive and industrial applications. Although individual members of the product family differ in some aspects – operation modes, additional features, single−channel bus versus bus−repeater etc. – they all incorporate high−speed CAN transceiver(s) compliant with ISO11898 norm. The transceiver functional blocks throughout the product family share the same set of limitations which have to be considered when designing the topology of the CAN bus which they interface. A CAN bus topology is determined by the number of nodes, maximum allowed bus length and the maximum allowed length of unterminated stubs connected to the main bus line. These topology parameters are mainly defined by: 1. The delay of the line and the loop delay of the nodes (loop delay is the sum of the receiver delay, the transmitter delay and the delays of the interface lines between the transceiver and the CAN controller) 2. The signal amplitude drop due to the non−zero bus wire resistance and the finite input resistance of the nodes 3. Differences of oscillator frequency between nodes This application note deals with points 1 and 2, whereas point 3 – the oscillator frequency tolerance – is not considered. After a definition of CAN bit timing related terms and parameters in the “Definition of CAN Bit Timing” section, the application note addresses the following questions in individual chapters: 1. What is the maximum bus length if the bit timing parameters are known? 2. What is the maximum length of unterminated stubs if the bit timing parameters are known? 3. What is the maximum bus length for a given number of nodes which still guarantees sufficient signal amplitude? 4. What is the maximum number of nodes which can be driven by the given CAN transceiver? © Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC, 2009 January, 2009 − Rev. 2 DEFINITION OF CAN BIT TIMING Parameter Definition This paragraph gives an abbreviated definition of parameters related to the CAN bit timing which will be used later in relation with the bus topology aspects. A CAN bus system uses a nominal bit rate fnbr (in bits per second) which is uniform throughout the network. To each bit corresponds an interval of time: T bit + 1 f nbr As defined in detail in [1], each node in a CAN network has to perform frequent “hard synchronization” and “re−synchronization” in order to ensure correct data processing according the CAN protocol. For the purpose of the synchronization, the CAN controller regards each bit period as being split to several segments as shown in Figure 1. The time in a CAN node is referred to a CAN system clock, the period of which is called “time quantum” TQ. ISO CAN norm [1] requires that each bit period is split to 8−25 time quanta, i.e. that the CAN system clock is 8−25 times faster than the nominal bit rate. The CAN system clock controls the bit timing and sampling of the bus state. The CAN system clock is derived from the node local oscillator by means of a prescaler. The choice of the local oscillator frequency and of the time quantum value derived from the local oscillator is a task of the CAN system design. 1 Publication Order Number: AND8376/D AND8376/D Tbit TSEG1 node B SYNC_ SEG TSEG2 PROP_SEG PHASE_SEG1 PHASE_SEG2 Tprop(A,B) sample point Tprop(B,A) node A SYNC_ SEG PROP_SEG CAN system clock of node A PHASE_SEG1 PHASE_SEG2 PD20061016.1 TQ Figure 1. CAN Bit Timing Each bit period begins with a SYNC_SEG, the duration of which is fixed to one period of the CAN system clock. Transmitting node begins to drive the bus at the beginning of the SYNC_SEG, whereas a correctly synchronized receiving node expects every edge on the bus arriving during SYNC_SEG. The bit period continues with a PROP_SEG, a period fixed by the CAN system design to 1−8 time quanta. It’s the minimum time a receiver will wait before accepting a valid bus value sample. Following segments PHASE_SEG1 and PHASE_SEG2 are periods of time which are adapted during the “re−synchronization” in order to move the “sample point”. The maximum allowed one−time modification of the PHASE_SEG1 or PHASE_SEG2 is referred to as SJW, or “synchronization jump width”. Some definitions or software packages might use an alternative set of terms, splitting the bit period to SYNC_SEG, SEG1 and SEG2 (see Figure 1), where: bit period. Under the worst case conditions, by modifying the duration of PHASE_SEG1 and PHASE_SEG2, the sample point might arrive as early as immediately after the PROP_SEG part of the bit period. Maximum Bus Length in Function of Maximum Bus Line Delay To identify the permissible maximum line delay, the node relation in Figure 1 has to be considered. During an “acknowledge” field, the transmitting node (node A) transmits a recessive bit but expects a dominant bit being transmitted by other nodes (node B in the figure). For the “acknowledge” field to be correctly received, node A has to sample “dominant” at his sample point. As explained in “Definition of CAN Bit Timing” section, the sample point might arrive as early as immediately after the PROP_SEG period, which must thus accommodate for all propagation delays between node A and node B: T PROP_SEG w T PROP(A,B) ) T PROP(B,A) T SEG1 + T PROP_SEG ) T PHASE_SEG1 T SEG2 + T PHASE_SEG2 The propagation delays are the total delays between the CAN controller interface of node A (pins TxDA and RxDA) and the CAN controller interface of node B (pins TxDB and RxDB) and their components are shown in Figure 2. However, the CAN timing remains identical, as these definitions are purely formal. The bus state detected at the “sample point” is accepted by the receiving node as the logical value valid for the current node A node B T TRANS(A) T TRANS(B) CANH CANH TxDA TxDB CANL CANL T RxDA BUS(A,B) RxDB T BUS(B,A) T T REC(A) REC(B) T PROP(A,B) T PROP(B,A) PD20061016.2 Figure 2. Components of the CAN Bus Delay 2 AND8376/D The bus line is then limited by the following formula: The delays can be expressed as follows: ǒ T PROP(A,B) + T TRANS(A) ) T BUS(A,B) ) T REC(B) T PROP(B,A) + T TRANS(B) ) T BUS(B,A) ) T REC(A) T PROP_SEG L BUS_MAX_DEL + Where: TBUS(X,Y) is the proper bus line delay from node X to node Y. TTRANS(X) and TREC(X) are delays of node X transmitter and receiver parts, respectively. The sum of TTRANS(X) and TREC(X) can be found in specifications of CAN transceivers as “propagation delay TxD to RxD”. 2 * T PROP(RxD,TxD) Ǔ T PROP(BUS) Where: LBUS_MAX_DEL is the biggest allowed distance between any two nodes. TPROP_SEG is the length of PROP_SEG part of one bit period. TPROP(RxD,TxD) is the propagation delay TxD to RxD of the used CAN transceiver. TPROP(BUS) is the bus line delay per unit length. Example Given: AMIS−42665 transceivers will be used with the following relevant parameters (extract from the datasheet): Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Max Unit tpd(rec−dom) Propagation Delay TxD to RxD 70 230 ns tpd(dom−rec) Propagation Delay TxD to RxD 100 245 ns Maximum Unterminated Stub Length The transceiver delay is slightly different for opposite edges (recessive to dominant vs. dominant to recessive). To analyze the worst case, we will take 245 ns. The bus line has a delay of 5 ns per 1 m length The bit rate of 500 kbps is required, resulting in 1 bit period of 2 ms The CAN controller is setup to have PROP_SEG equal to 1100 ns Then: The maximum permissible bus line delay is (1100 ns / 2 – 245 ns) = 305 ns. The maximum allowed distance between any two nodes LBUS_MAX_DEL is 61 m (= 305 ns / 5 ns). A CAN bus is intended to be as close as possible to a single line structure. However, deviations from this basic topology must be taken into account – e.g. for temporary connection of diagnostic equipment or for connection of nodes by short unterminated cables. In all these case, signal reflections will occur in the bus due to the existence of unterminated stubs. An example of a CAN bus with unterminated stubs can be seen in Figure 3. node 3 Ri(dif) node 2 Ri(dif) RT RT node 4 CANH Ri(dif) node 1 L L STUB1 STUB2 Ri(dif) CANL L PD20061016.3 BUS_LINE Figure 3. CAN Bus with Unterminated Stubs 3 AND8376/D Although the reflected signals will disappear once they arrive at a bus termination, and although the CAN protocol is robust, an upper limit must be set to the allowed unterminated stub length as well as to the cumulative stubs length. Some rules of thumb can be used: L STUB_MAX t Where: LSTUB_MAX is the maximum length of one unterminated stub. LSTUB_TOT_MAX is the cumulative length of all unterminated stubs in the bus. TPROP_SEG is the duration of the PROP_SEG part of the bit time (see the “Definition of CAN Bit Timing” section and Figure 1). TPROP(BUS) is the propagation delay of the bus line per unit length. Furthermore, the sum of all stub length must be subtracted from the maximum bus length LBUS_MAX_DEL calculated from the maximum permissible propagation delay (as per the “Definition of CAN Bit Timing” section). In the example depicted in Figure 3, the sum (LSTUB1 + LSTUB2 + LBUS_LINE) must be less than LBUS_MAX_DEL. T PROP_SEG 50 @ T PROP(BUS) AND L STUB_TOT_MAX t TPROP_SEG 10 @ TPROP(BUS) Example Given: AMIS−42665 transceivers will be used with the following relevant parameters (extract from the datasheet): Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Max Unit tpd(rec−dom) Propagation delay TxD to RxD 70 230 ns tpd(dom−rec) Propagation delay TxD to RxD 100 245 ns Maximum Bus Line Length in Function of the Required Signal Amplitude The transceiver delay is slightly different for opposite edges (recessive to dominant vs. dominant to recessive). To analyze the worst case, we will take 245 ns. Other parameters are: The bus line has a delay of 5 ns per 1 m length The bit rate of 500 kbps is required, resulting in 1 bit period of 2 ms The CAN controller is setup to have PROP_SEG equal to 1100 ns Then: Maximum permissible stub length LSTUB_MAX is 4.4 m (1100 ns / 5 ns / 50) Maximum permissible cumulative stub length LSTUB_TOT_MAX is 22 m (1100 ns / 5 ns / 10) If the full total length of stubs is used, the main bus line may be max. 39 m long (61 m – 22 m, see example in the “Maximum Unterminated Stub Length” section for LBUS_TOT_MAX calculation) Another limitation on the CAN bus topology is defined by the amplitude of the bus voltage required for correct reception of the bus state. Dominant bit signaled by any single node of the bus must be correctly detected as dominant at all other nodes. The signal amplitude is decreased by voltage drops along the bus line, as the bus is loaded by the bus terminations and the finite input resistances of the nodes. Signal integrity of a recessive state is not influenced by these drops, as it’s defined by the termination resistors as typically zero differential voltage. To analyze the effect of voltage drops, bus topology with n nodes shown in Figure 4 will be considered. A representation of the worst case is shown in Figure 5. The transmitting node, together with its termination resistor RT, is placed on one side of the bus, whereas all other nodes and the second termination resistor are situated on the opposite side of the bus line. Each node loads the bus with its differential mode input resistance Ri(diff), the non−zero resistance of the wires is represented by resistors RW. The differential voltage driven by the transmitting node is denoted Vo(diff), the receiving node can see differential voltage Vi(diff) on its input. 4 AND8376/D node 1 node 2 Ri(dif) Ri(dif) ........ node n Ri(dif) CANH R R T T CANL PD20060927.1 Figure 4. Basic CAN Bus Topology R W i(dif) V R T R i(dif) /(n−2) o(dif) i(dif) R V R T R W PD20060927.2 Figure 5. Electric Representation of the CAN bus from Figure 4 For proper detection of the dominant state, a minimum differential voltage Vi(diff)_MIN_REQ is required at the input of the receiving node. This minimum is given by the receiver threshold and a user−defined safety margin: Minimum differential voltage Vo(diff)_MIN is driven by the transmitting node. Maximum receiver threshold Vi(diff)_MAX. Maximum value of the bus resistance RW_MAX is encountered. Minimum termination resistors RT_MIN are placed on the bus. The nodes are loading the bus with their minimum differential input resistance Ri(diff)_MIN. Number of nodes connected to the bus is nNODES. Under the above conditions, the differential input voltage will reach its minimum: V i(diff)_MIN_REQ + V i(diff)_TH ) k @ ǒV o(diff) * V i(diff)_THǓ Where: Vi(diff)_MIN_REQ is the minimum required dominant differential voltage at any receiving node Vi(diff)_TH is the receiver threshold level Vo(diff) is the dominant differential voltage driven by the transmitting node k is an optional “safety margin” coefficient, its value ranging from 0 to 1. The maximum wire length with respect to the voltage drop can be then found out with the help of Figure 5 and considering following worst−case situation: LBUS_MAX_DROP + 1 2.ò W_MAX ȡ ȧV Ȣ V o(diff)_MIN V i(diff)_MIN + 1 ) 2.R W_MAX @ ǒ 1 R T_MIN ) n Ǔ NODES*1 R i(diff)_MIN This worst case differential voltage must be higher than the required minimum Vi(diff)_MIN_REQ defined above. Knowing that the cable resistance RW is proportional to its length L with ratio òW representing the specific resistance, both equations can be combined to yield: V o(diff)_MIN ǒ i(diff)_MAX ) k @ V o(diff)_MIN * V i(diff)_TH_MAX 5 Ǔ ȣ ȧ Ȥ *1 R T_MIN @ Ri(diff)_MIN R i(diff)_MIN ) ǒn NODES * 1Ǔ @ R T_MIN AND8376/D Example Given: AMIS−42665 transceivers will be used with the following relevant parameters (extract from the datasheet): Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Differential bus output voltage (VCANH − VCANL) VTxD = 0V; dominant; 42.5W < RLT < 60W Conditions 1.5 2.25 3.0 V Vihcm(dif) (th) Differential receiver threshold voltage for high common−mode (see Figure 5) −35V <VCANL < +35V; −35V <VCANH < +35V; 0.40 0.7 1.00 V Ri(dif) Differential input resistance 25 50 75 W From the above table, the following inputs for the calculations will be extracted: Minimum differential output voltage Vo(diff)_MIN: 1.5 V Maximum dominant threshold of the receiver Vi(diff)_MAX: 1.00 V Minimum differential input resistance of a receiver Ri(diff)_MIN: 25000 W Remaining inputs for the calculations are: Maximum specific bus line resistance QW_MAX: 0.0346 W /m Minimum termination resistor value RT_MIN: 95 W Number of nodes nNODES: 60 Safety margin coefficient k: 0 Then: Maximum bus line length with respect to the voltage drop is LBUS_MAX_DROP: 560 m. Maximum Number of Nodes in Function of the Transmitter Driving Capability The maximum number of nodes is limited by the driving capability of a CAN transmitter. It’s usually specified by the minimum allowed load resistance RL_MIN. The load of a transmitter in the CAN bus is composed of the termination resistors and the parallel combination of differential input resistances of all nodes – see Figure 6. T nodes R o(dif) MAX R i(dif) V R i(dif) R T n R i(dif) Symbol Vo(dif) (bus_dom) PD20061017.1 Figure 6. Electric Representation of a CAN Bus for Calculation of the Maximum Number of Nodes The transmitter is then loaded with resistance RL, calculated as: RL + R T_MIN ǒnMAX * 1Ǔ one node. nMAX is the number of nodes connected to the bus. The resulting resistance RL must stay above the specified minimum value RL_MIN, leading to the following limit for the number of nodes: R i(diff)_MIN R T_MIN ) 2 @ R i(diff)_MIN Where: RT_MIN is the minimum termination resistance. Ri(diff)_MIN is the minimum differential input resistance of n MAX + 1 ) R i(diff)_MIN ǒ Ǔ 1 2 * R L_MIN R T_MIN Example Given: AMIS42665 transceivers will be used with the following relevant parameters (extract from the datasheet): Symbol Parameter Vo(dif) (bus_dom) Differential bus output voltage (VCANH − VCANL) Ri(dif) Differential input resistance Conditions VTxD = 0V; dominant; 42.5 W < RLT < 60 W 6 Min Typ Max Unit 1.5 2.25 3.0 V 25 50 75 W AND8376/D Then: The maximum allowed number of nodes nMAX connected to the CAN bus is 62. From the above table, the following inputs for the calculations will be extracted: Minimum differential input resistance of a receiver Ri(diff)_MIN: 25000 W. Minimum allowed load to be driven by the transmitter RL_MIN: 42.5 W (see the “Conditions” column of the above table). Remaining input for the calculations is: Minimum termination resistor RT_MIN: 95 W References [1] ISO11898/1 − Road vehicles – Controller area network (CAN) – Part 1: Data link layer and physical signaling ON Semiconductor and are registered trademarks of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC (SCILLC). SCILLC reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. SCILLC makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does SCILLC assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages. “Typical” parameters which may be provided in SCILLC data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. 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