AVR273: USB Mass Storage Implementation Features • • • • • • Bulk-Only Transport Protocol Supported by all Microsoft O/S from Windows® 98SE and later Supported by Linux Kernel 2.4 or later and Mac OS 9/x or later. Complete solution based on DataFlash memory. Can support different memories with the suitable drivers (NF, SD, MMC...) Runs on any AVR USB microcontroller 8-bit Microcontrollers Application Note 1. Introduction The floppy disk is over, too slow, too fragile and small capacity. The CD-ROM is not convenient to exchange data (generally not rewritable) and it is not convenient for travelling. The USB key offers you the flexibility and the small size of the floppy disk and the big capacity of the CD-ROM. Atmel offers a complete solution based on Mass Storage class with an Atmel DataFlash as target. This ensures a full duplex file transfer between the device and the PC. The aim of this document is to describe how to start and implement a USB application based on the Mass Storage (Bulk only) class to transfer data between a PC and user equipment. A familiarity with the USB firmware architecture (Doc 7603, Included in the USB CDROM & Atmel website) and the Mass Storage specification (http://www.usb.org) is assumed. USB interface Rev. 7631A–USB–03/06 2. Hardware Requirements The Mass Storage application requires the following hardware: 1. AVR USB evaluation board (STK525) or AT90USBKey Demo board 2. AT90USB microcontroller with default factory configuration (including USB bootloader) 3. USB cable (Standard A to Mini B) 4. PC running on Windows (98SE, ME, 2000, XP) with USB 1.1 or 2.0 host 3. Software Requirement The software needed for this application includes: 1. FLIP software (Device Firmware Upgrade tool) 2. ms_df_stk525.a90 or ms_df_usbkey.a90 (included in USB CD-ROM) 4. Hardware Default Settings The applications are bus powered, no external power supply is required. The STK525 board must be configured as below: Figure 4-1. STK525 Board All the jumpers should be opened, only the Vcc Source jumper VBUS5 should be set as below: 2 AVR273 7631A–USB–03/06 AVR273 Figure 4-2. Vcc Jumpers Vcc Source Reg 5 Reg3.3 VBUS5 STK The microcontroller must be properly placed on its socket. Please refer to STK525 Hardware User’s Guide The AT90USBKey board does not required a specific configuration. Figure 4-3. AT90USBKey 5. Device Firmware Upgrade The first thing to do before starting the demo is to load the HEX file into the on-chip Flash memory of the microcontroller. The “Flip” software is the tool used to upgrade the firmware (available freely from the USB CD-ROM or Atmel website). The following steps should be completed to allow the device starting DFU (Device Firmware Upgrade )mode and load the HEX file: 1. Install Flip software (Flip version 3.0 or above is required). 2. Push the RST (Reset) button 3. Connect the board to the PC using the USB cable (Standard A to Mini B). 4. Push the HWB (Hardware Bootloader) button 5. Release the RST button 6. Release the HWB button 7. If your hardware conditions explained above are correct, a new device detection wizard will be displayed fi you are using Flip for the first time. Please follow the instructions (the INF file is located in the USB subdirectory from Flip installation: “install path:\ATMEL\FLIP\FLIPx.x.x\usb”). 3 7631A–USB–03/06 Figure 5-1. New Device Detection Wizard Figure 5-2. Driver Location 8. Check the Device Manager, and you should see the same icon (Jungo® icon) as shown in the figure below. If not start again from the step 2. 4 AVR273 7631A–USB–03/06 AVR273 Figure 5-3. Device Manager Once your device is in DFU mode, launch the Flip software and follow the instructions explained below, Figure 5-4. 1. Select AT90USB device Figure 5-4. Device Selection 5 7631A–USB–03/06 6 AVR273 7631A–USB–03/06 AVR273 2. Select the USB as communication mode a. USB Communication Mode 7 7631A–USB–03/06 3. Open the communication Figure 5-5. 8 Open the USB Communication AVR273 7631A–USB–03/06 AVR273 4. Choose the HEX file to load (the HEX file is including in USB CD-ROM: usb_hid_generic.hex Figure 5-6. HEX File to Load 9 7631A–USB–03/06 5. Load the HEX file (Check Erase, Program and Verify, then Push Run button) Figure 5-7. 10 HEX File Loading AVR273 7631A–USB–03/06 AVR273 6. Start the application Figure 5-8. Note: Start Application The AT90USB bootloader will detach and jump into the user application when “Start Application” button is pressed. 11 7631A–USB–03/06 6. Quick Start Once your device is programmed with ms_df_stk525.a90 (for the STK525) or ms_df_usbkey.a90 (for the AT90USBKey) file, you can start using your kit as an USB key. Check that your device has enumerated as Mass Storage device (see Figure 6-1.), then launch the PC explorer, a new removable disk has appeared. Now you can start transferring files between the PC and your board. Note: Figure 6-1. 12 For the first use, the PC will ask you to format the removable disk. Mass Storage Enumeration AVR273 7631A–USB–03/06 AVR273 7. Application Overview The Mass Storage application is a simple file transfer application between the USB host and the starter kit or demonstartion board. The USB data exchange for this application is based on the SCSI (Small Computer System Interface) commands which use two bulk endpoints (one IN and one OUT) to perform the status and data transfer. The endpoint 0 (control endpoint) is used only to perform the enumeration process, the errors management and to determine the LUN value. In other words, the Mass Storage application is a set of SCSI commands send by the host to manage the file transfer. The Mass Storage class allows one device to manage several storage units at the same time thanks to the LUN (Logic Unit Number). Figure 7-1. Mass Storage Application Overview The standard enumeration process (USB chapter 9 support) is performed through the default control endpoint. This process consists of a set of parameters sent by the device to the host to identify the device class and load the appropriate drivers. These parameters are called the descriptors. The SCSI commands are performed through both endpoints (IN or OUT). Each SCSI command is decoded and transmitted to the appropriate Storage Unit through a command set (Read, Write, is memory present, is memory write protected,...). The memory answers are converted in SCSI status before being wrapped in USB CSW (Command Status Wrapper) and sent to the USB Host controller. 13 7631A–USB–03/06 As the USB bus is a single master bus (the USB Host), each data transfer is initiated by the USB Host, following a specific Command-Data-Status flow (see figure below) Figure 7-2. Command/Data/Status Flow The CBW (Command Block Wrapper) contains some USB information such as the addressed LUN , the length of the SCSI command, and of course, it also contains the SCSI command for the memory. The CSW (Command Status Wrapper) contains the SCSI status. If the status is GOOD, the Host will send the next following command. If the status is different from GOOD (FAILED, PHASE ERROR,...), the Host will ask for more information regarding the error by sending a REQUEST SENSE command. The figure below showns an overview of the solution provided by Atmel which targets DataFlash memories: one for STK525 and two for the AT90USBKey. Physical memories can be mapped on the same logical unit and interleaved to reduce the apparent write access time. The maximum size per logical unit is limited to... Figure 7-3. 14 Atmel Mass Storage Solution AVR273 7631A–USB–03/06 AVR273 PC PC Application (e.g., File explorer) DataFlash memories SPI BUS Win32 API Calls Win32 Subsystem Disk Drivers (disk.sys, PartMgr.sys) Storage Volume Driver (VolSnap.sys) AVR USB MCU Function Drivers (usbstor.sys) USB Hub Drivers (usbhub.sys) USB Endpoint 0 Control Transfer (Enumeration Process, Error Management, LUN command) USB Endpoint IN Bulk Transfer USB Endpoint OUT Bulk Transfer (Data, Command) (Data, Status) USB Serial Interface Engine (SIE) Bus Drivers (usbd.sys) Hardware (Root Hub) USB PORT USB BUS 15 7631A–USB–03/06 8. Firmware As explained in the USB Firmware Architecture document (Doc 7603, included in the USB CDROM) all USB firmware packages are based on the same architecture (please refer to this document for more details). Figure 8-1. Mass Storage Firmware Architecture config.h Mass Storage application m anagem ent Start up m ain.c Enum eration m anagem ent conf_scheduler.h HID application scheduler.c usb_task.h storage_task.h storage_task.c usb_task.c usb_standard_ request.c usb_specific_ request.c usb_standard_request.h usb_specific_request.h usb_descriptors.c usb_descriptors.h conf_usb.h usb_drv.h Hardware ctrl_access.h ctrl_access.c stk_525.c usbkey.c usb_drv.c Drivers API scsi_decoder.h scsi_decoder.c stk_525.h df_m em .c df_m em .h USB hardw are interface Should not be m odified by user Can be m odified by user Added by user This section is dedicated to the Mass Storage module only.To customize this firmware, you have just to modify the memories drivers, the rest can be used as is. Find hereunder the explanation of the files related to the Mass Storage module: 16 AVR273 7631A–USB–03/06 AVR273 8.1 storage_task.c This file contains the functions to initialize the prameters of the hardware used by the application (spi, DataFlash, Leds) and to manage the commands sent by the host (Command Block Wrapper, Command Status Wrapper). Figure 8-2. Mass Storage task CSW ?? Send the Status of the latest CBW usb_mass_storage_csw() storage_task_init() CBW ?? Endpoint OUT Endpoint IN Initialization Decode CBW Command and set SCSI Command usb_mass_storage_cbw() 8.1.1 storage_task_init This function performs the initialization of the device parameters and hardware resources. 8.1.2 usb_mass_storage_cbw This function decodes the CBW (Command Block Wrapper) and store the SCSI command. 8.1.3 usb_mass_storage_csw This function sends the status (CSW: Command Status Wrapper) of the last CBW. 17 7631A–USB–03/06 8.2 stk_525.c/usbkey.c This file contains all the routines to manage the board resources (Joystick, potentiometer, Temperature sensor, LEDs...). The user should not modify this file when using the STK525 or the AT90USBKey board. Otherwise he has to build his own hadware management file. 18 AVR273 7631A–USB–03/06 AVR273 8.3 Memory management Each memory is interfaced to the Atmel firmware by a specific memory driver. The following functions have to be implemented in order to support a memory with the USB Mass Storage Device firmware. In order to support a new memory, the developper has to write the memory driver according to this memory interface. Some functions only return the status of the memory (present, write protected, total capacity and if the memory can be removed). The other functions are used to read or write into the memory. The functions read_10 and write_10 open the memory at a specific location. The functions usb_read and usb_write manage the data transfer between the USB Controller and the memory. Most of these functions returns a Ctrl_status byte that could be: • CTRL_GOOD: function is PASS and another command can be sent • CTRL_FAIL: there is a FAIL in the command execution • CTRL_NO_PRESENT: the memory is not present • CTRL_BUSY: the current memory is not initialized or its status has changed 8.3.1 sbc_test_unit_ready This function returns the memory state. Figure 8-3. sbc_test_unit_ready sbc_test_unit_ready Is memory present ? NO return CTRL_NO_PRESENT YES Has memory changed ? YES return CTRL_BUSY NO return CTRL_GOOD 19 7631A–USB–03/06 8.3.2 sbc_read_capacity This function returns the address of the last valid sector, stored in u32_nb_sector. The sector size is fixed to 512 Bytes for OS compatibility. For example, a memory of 16KBytes returns ((16 x 1024)/512) -1) = 31 Figure 8-4. sbc_read_capacity sb c_rea d _cap a city Is m em ory p resen t ? NO retu rn C T R L _N O _P R E S E N T YES H as m em ory ch an ged ? YES retu rn C TR L _B U S Y NO w rite la st secto r a d ress retu rn C T R L _ G O O D 20 AVR273 7631A–USB–03/06 AVR273 8.3.3 sbc_read_10 This function sets the sector address (addr) and the number of consecutive sector (512Bytes each) to read. Figure 8-5. sbc_read_10 sb c_ read _10 Is m em ory p r o te c t e d ? NO r e tu r n C T R L _ N O _ P R E S E N T YES H as m em ory ch an ged ? NO re tu rn C T R L _ B U S Y YES sto re a d ress a n d se cto rs n u m b e r to re a d r etu rn C T R L _ G O O D 21 7631A–USB–03/06 8.3.4 sbc_write_10 This function sets the sector address (addr) and the number of consecutive sector (512Bytes each) to write. Figure 8-6. sbc_write_10 s b c _ w r ite _ 1 0 Is m em ory p r o te c te d ? NO r e tu r n C T R L _ N O _ P R E S E N T YES H as m em ory ch an ged ? NO r e tu r n C T R L _ B U S Y YES s to r e a d r e s s a n d s e c to r s n u m b e r to w r ite r e tu r n C T R L _ G O O D 22 AVR273 7631A–USB–03/06 AVR273 8.3.5 mem_wr_protect This function returns FALSE if the memory is not write protected and TRUE if the memory is write protected. Figure 8-7. mem_wr_protect removed. mem_wr_protect Is memory protected ? NO return FALSE YES return TRUE Figure 8-8. mem_removal mem_removal Is memory removable ? NO return FALSE YES return TRUE 23 7631A–USB–03/06 8.4 Integration of new memory The integration of a memory on the USB Mass Storage stack is performed in conf_access.h. The corresponding LUN has to be first set to ENABLE and the corresponding functions have to be defined. The USB Mass Storage stack supports up to 8 different LUN. Here is an example with the DataFlash memory sets as LUN_3: // Active the Logical Unit #define LUN_0 DISABLE // On-Chip flash vitual memory #define LUN_1 DISABLE // NF 2KB #define LUN_2 DISABLE // NF 512B #define LUN_3 ENABLE // Data Flash #define LUN_4 DISABLE #define LUN_5 DISABLE #define LUN_6 DISABLE #define LUN_7 DISABLE // LUN 3 DEFINE #if (LUN_3 == ENABLE) #define DF_MEM ENABLE #else #defineDF_MEM DISABLE #endif #define LUN_3_INCLUDE "lib_mem\df\df_mem.h" #define Lun_3_test_unit_ready() df_test_unit_ready() #define Lun_3_read_capacity(nb_sect) df_read_capacity(nb_sect) #define Lun_3_wr_protect() df_wr_protect() #define Lun_3_removal() df_removal() #define Lun_3_read_10(ad, sec) df_read_10(ad, sec) #define Lun_3_usb_read() df_usb_read() #define Lun_3_write_10(ad, sec) df_write_10(ad, sec) #define Lun_3_usb_write() df_usb_write() 9. PC Software .The Mass Storage device does not require a PC software. However a PC drivers are needed for Windows 98SE, this drivers are delivered by Atmel with the Mass Storage package. 10. Limitation 11. Related Documents AVR USB Datasheet (doc 7593) USB Firmware Architecture (doc 7603) USB Mass Storage class specification 24 AVR273 7631A–USB–03/06 Atmel Corporation 2325 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95131, USA Tel: 1(408) 441-0311 Fax: 1(408) 487-2600 Regional Headquarters Europe Atmel Sarl Route des Arsenaux 41 Case Postale 80 CH-1705 Fribourg Switzerland Tel: (41) 26-426-5555 Fax: (41) 26-426-5500 Asia Room 1219 Chinachem Golden Plaza 77 Mody Road Tsimshatsui East Kowloon Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2721-9778 Fax: (852) 2722-1369 Japan 9F, Tonetsu Shinkawa Bldg. 1-24-8 Shinkawa Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0033 Japan Tel: (81) 3-3523-3551 Fax: (81) 3-3523-7581 Atmel Operations Memory 2325 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95131, USA Tel: 1(408) 441-0311 Fax: 1(408) 436-4314 RF/Automotive Theresienstrasse 2 Postfach 3535 74025 Heilbronn, Germany Tel: (49) 71-31-67-0 Fax: (49) 71-31-67-2340 Microcontrollers 2325 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95131, USA Tel: 1(408) 441-0311 Fax: 1(408) 436-4314 La Chantrerie BP 70602 44306 Nantes Cedex 3, France Tel: (33) 2-40-18-18-18 Fax: (33) 2-40-18-19-60 ASIC/ASSP/Smart Cards Zone Industrielle 13106 Rousset Cedex, France Tel: (33) 4-42-53-60-00 Fax: (33) 4-42-53-60-01 1150 East Cheyenne Mtn. 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Unless specifically providedotherwise, Atmel products are not suitable for, and shall not be used in, automotive applications. Atmel’s products are not intended, authorized, or warranted for use as components in applications intended to support or sustain life. © Atmel Corporation 2006. All rights reserved. Atmel ®, logo and combinations thereof, are registered trademarks, and Everywhere You Are ® are the trademarks of Atmel Corporation or its subsidiaries. Other terms and product names may be trademarks of others. Printed on recycled paper. 7631A–USB–03/06