Application Note AN_395 User Guide for LibFT260 Version 1.0 Issue Date: 2016-03-08 The FT260 is a USB device which supports I²C and UART communication through the standard USB HID interface. This application note is a guide for LibFT260, which provides high-level and convenient APIs for FT260 application development. Use of FTDI devices in life support and/or safety applications is entirely at the user’s risk, and the user agrees to defend, indemnify and hold FTDI harmless from any and all damages, claims, suits or expense resulting from such use. Future Technology Devices International Limited (FTDI) Unit 1, 2 Seaward Place, Glasgow G41 1HH, United Kingdom Tel.: +44 (0) 141 429 2777 Fax: + 44 (0) 141 429 2758 Web Site: Copyright © Future Technology Devices International Limited Application Note AN_395 User Guide for LibFT260 V ers ion 1 .0 D oc ument Reference N o.: FT _001280 C learance N o.: FT DI# 4 8 9 Table of Contents 1 Introduction ............................................................ 5 1.1 Overview.......................................................................... 5 1.2 FT260 HID Interfaces and Endpoints ................................. 6 1.2.1 Interfaces ...................................................................................... 6 1.2.2 Endpoints....................................................................................... 6 1.3 Scope ............................................................................... 7 2 Wiring ..................................................................... 8 2.1 I²C ................................................................................... 8 2.2 UART................................................................................ 8 3 Getting Started........................................................ 9 4 Application Programming Interface (API) .............. 11 4.1 FT260 General Functions................................................. 11 4.1.1 FT260_CreateDeviceList .................................................................. 11 4.1.2 FT260_Get DevicePath ..................................................................... 12 4.1.3 FT260_Open .................................................................................. 12 4.1.4 FT260_OpenByVidPid ...................................................................... 13 4.1.5 FT260_OpenByDevicePath................................................................ 13 4.1.6 FT260_Close .................................................................................. 14 4.1.7 FT260_GetChipVersion .................................................................... 14 4.1.8 FT260_GetLibVersion ...................................................................... 14 4.1.9 FT260_SetClock ............................................................................. 15 4.1.10 FT260_SetWakeupInterrupt ............................................................. 15 4.1.11 FT260_SetInterruptTriggerType ........................................................ 16 4.1.12 FT260_SelectGpio2Function ............................................................. 17 4.1.13 FT260_SelectGpioAFunction ............................................................. 17 4.1.14 FT260_Selec tGpioGF unction ............................................................. 18 4.1.15 FT260_SetSuspendOutPolarity .......................................................... 19 4.1.16 FT260_SetUartToGPIOPin ................................................................ 19 4.1.17 FT260_EnableDcdRiPin .................................................................... 19 2 P roduc t Page D oc ument Feedback C opyright © Future T echnology D evices I nternational L imited Application Note AN_395 User Guide for LibFT260 V ers ion 1 .0 D oc ument Reference N o.: FT _001280 C learance N o.: FT DI# 4 8 9 4.2 I2C Master Functions....................................................... 20 4.2.1 FT260_I2CMaster_Init ..................................................................... 21 4.2.2 T260_I2CMaster_Reset ................................................................... 21 4.2.3 FT260_I2CMaster_Write .................................................................. 22 4.2.4 FT260_I2CMaster_Read ................................................................... 23 4.2.5 FT260_I2CMaster_GetStatus ............................................................ 23 4.3 UART Functions .............................................................. 24 4.3.1 FT260_UART_Init ........................................................................... 25 4.3.2 FT260_UART_Reset ........................................................................ 25 4.3.3 FT260_UART_SetBaudRate............................................................... 26 4.3.4 FT260_UART_SetFlowControl............................................................ 26 4.3.5 FT260_UART_SetDataCharacteristics ................................................. 27 4.3.6 FT260_UART_SetBreakOn ................................................................ 27 4.3.7 FT260_UART_SetBrea kOff ................................................................ 28 4.3.8 FT260_UART_SetBreakOff ................................................................ 28 4.3.9 FT260_UART_SetXonXoffChar........................................................... 29 4.3.10 FT260_UART_GetQueueStatus .......................................................... 29 4.3.11 FT260_UART_Write ......................................................................... 30 4.3.12 FT260_UART_Read ......................................................................... 30 4.3.13 FT260_UART_GetDcdRiStatus ........................................................... 31 4.3.14 FT260_UART_EnableRiWakeup .......................................................... 31 4.3.15 FT260_GetInterruptFlag .................................................................. 32 4.3.16 FT260_CleanInterruptFlag ................................................................ 32 4.4 GPIO Functions .............................................................. 33 4.4.1 FT260_GPIO_Set ............................................................................ 33 4.4.2 FT260_GPIO_Get............................................................................ 34 4.4.3 FT260_GPIO_SetDir ........................................................................ 34 4.4.4 FT260_GPIO_Read.......................................................................... 35 4.4.5 FT260_GPIO_Write ......................................................................... 35 5 Contact Information .............................................. 36 Appendix A – References ........................................... 37 3 P roduc t Page D oc ument Feedback C opyright © Future T echnology D evices I nternational L imited Application Note AN_395 User Guide for LibFT260 V ers ion 1 .0 D oc ument Reference N o.: FT _001280 C learance N o.: FT DI# 4 8 9 Document References ............................................................ 37 Acronyms and Abbreviations .................................................. 37 Appendix B – List of Tables & Figures ......................... 38 List of Tables ......................................................................... 38 List of Figures ........................................................................ 38 Appendix C – FT260_STATUS ..................................... 39 Appendix D – Revision History ................................... 40 4 P roduc t Page D oc ument Feedback C opyright © Future T echnology D evices I nternational L imited Application Note AN_395 User Guide for LibFT260 V ers ion 1 .0 D oc ument Reference N o.: FT _001280 C learance N o.: FT DI# 4 8 9 1 Introduction 1.1 Overview The FT260 is a full speed USB device which supports I²C and UART communication through standard USB HID interfaces. The USB HID class is natively supported by most operating systems. A custom driver is not required to be installed for the FT260. By default, the FT260 has two HID interfaces: The first HID interface sends and receives data via the I²C connection. The second HID interface sends and receives data via the UART connection. The HID interface can be configured by the DCNF0 and DCNF1 pins. The USB HID class exchanges data between a host and a device by reports . There are three types of reports in USB HID: 1. Feature report: Configuration data are exchanged between the host and the HID device through a control pipe. The feature report is usually used to turn on/off a device function. 2. Input report: Data content that is sent from the HID device to the host. 3. Output report: Data content that is sent from the host to the HID device . The FT260 device receives output reports from the HID application, decodes the requests, and passes the data to the connected I²C or UART device. Data received from the I²C or UART device is sent to the host by input reports. Figure 1.1 The FT260 System Block Diagram 5 P roduc t Page D oc ument Feedback C opyright © Future T echnology D evices I nternational L imited Application Note AN_395 User Guide for LibFT260 V ers ion 1 .0 D oc ument Reference N o.: FT _001280 C learance N o.: FT DI# 4 8 9 1.2 FT260 HID Interfaces and Endpoints 1.2.1 Interfaces The FT260 interfaces can be configured as: I²C and UART I²C only UART only The interfaces can be configured by mode pins: DCNF0 and DCNF1. DCNF1 DCNF0 HID Interfaces 0 0 0 1 The FT260 will create a HID interface which s ends and receives data via the I²C connection. 1 0 The FT260 will create a HID interface which sends and receives data via the UART connection. The default mode. The FT260 will create two HID interfaces: I²C and UART. This mode is the same as mode (1,1). The FT260 will create two HID interfaces: 1 1 The first HID interface sends and receives data via the I²C connection. The second HID interface sends and receives data via the UART connection. Table 1.1 FT260 interface configuration 1.2.2 Endpoints An interface of the FT260 is composed of the following endpoints: Endpoint Usage Control In Input reports, Feature reports sent to the host with a GET_REPORT request Control Out Output reports, Feature reports received from the host with a SET_REPORT request Interrupt In Input reports Interrupt Out Output reports Table 1.2 FT260 endpoints 6 P roduc t Page D oc ument Feedback C opyright © Future T echnology D evices I nternational L imited Application Note AN_395 User Guide for LibFT260 V ers ion 1 .0 D oc ument Reference N o.: FT _001280 C learance N o.: FT DI# 4 8 9 1.3 Scope The guide is intended for developers who are creating applications, extending FTDI provided applications or implementing FTDI’s applications for the FT260. The support library, LibFT260, hides the detail of communicating by HID protocol and provides simple APIs for developers to create their own applications. The sample source code contained in this application note is provided as an example and is neither guaranteed nor supported by FTDI. 7 P roduc t Page D oc ument Feedback C opyright © Future T echnology D evices I nternational L imited Application Note AN_395 User Guide for LibFT260 V ers ion 1 .0 D oc ument Reference N o.: FT _001280 C learance N o.: FT DI# 4 8 9 2 Wiring 2.1 I²C The FT260 I²C is open-drain architecture. It requires a suitable pull-high resistor on the I²C bus. Figure 2.1 The FT260 connects with I²C bus 2.2 UART The FT260 UART supports 3 flow control modes: Software flow control (default) Hardware flow control by CTS and RTS Hardware flow control by DTR and DSR Software flow control mode is the default flow control mode of the FT260 and it has the simplest wiring. It only requires connecting TXD, RXD and GND. CTS, RTS, and DTR, DSR are optional for hardware flow control. Figure 2.2 The FT260 connects to an UART device 8 P roduc t Page D oc ument Feedback C opyright © Future T echnology D evices I nternational L imited Application Note AN_395 User Guide for LibFT260 V ers ion 1 .0 D oc ument Reference N o.: FT _001280 C learance N o.: FT DI# 4 8 9 3 Getting Started This is an example which shows how to open the device with the LibFT260 support library. After opening the device, developers need to initialize the FT260 device as either an I2C master or a UART. Different device types require different configurations. For more details refer to chapter 4. Example #include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "LibFT260.h" #define MASK_1 0x0f void ListAllDevicePaths() { DWORD devNum = 0; WCHAR pathBuf[128]; FT260_CreateDeviceList(&devNum); for(int i = 0; i < devNum; i++) { FT260_GetDevicePath(pathBuf, 128, i); wprintf(L"Index:%d\nPath:%s\n\n", i, pathBuf); } } int main(int argc, char const* argv[]) { FT260_STATUS ftStatus = FT260_OTHER_ERROR; FT260_HANDLE ft260Handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; DWORD devNum = 0; // Show all HID device path ListAllDevicePaths(); FT260_GetNumberOfHIDDevice(&devNum); if(devNum < 1) { return 0; 9 P roduc t Page D oc ument Feedback C opyright © Future T echnology D evices I nternational L imited Application Note AN_395 User Guide for LibFT260 V ers ion 1 .0 D oc ument Reference N o.: FT _001280 C learance N o.: FT DI# 4 8 9 } // Open device by index ftStatus = FT260_Open(0, &handle); if (FT260_OK != ftStatus) { printf("Open device Failed, status: %d\n", ftStatus); return 0; } else { printf("Open device OK\n"); } // Show version information DWORD dwChipVersion = 0; ftStatus = FT260_GetChipVersion(handle, &dwChipVersion); if (FT260_OK != ftStatus) { printf("Get chip version Failed, status: %d\n", ftStatus); } else { printf("Get chip version OK\n"); printf("Chip version : %d.%d.%d.%d\n", ((dwChipVersion >> 24) & MASK_1), ((dwChipVersion >> 16) & MASK_1), ((dwChipVersion >> 8) & MASK_1), (dwChipVersion & MASK_1) ); } // Initialize as an I2C master, and read/write data to an I2C slave // FT260_I2CMaster_Init // FT260_I2CMaster_Read // FT260_I2CMaster_Write // Close device FT260_Close(handle); return 0; } 10 P roduc t Page D oc ument Feedback C opyright © Future T echnology D evices I nternational L imited Application Note AN_395 User Guide for LibFT260 V ers ion 1 .0 D oc ument Reference N o.: FT _001280 C learance N o.: FT DI# 4 8 9 4 Application Programming Interface (API) LibFT260 supports I2C, UART and GPIO communication by using high-level APIs. In addition, it provides chip configuration APIs, such as FT260_SetClock. After opening the FT260 device, the FT260 could be initialized by one of the following initial functions: FT260_I2CMaster_Init FT260_UART_Init The initialization functions set up the FT260 for the subsequent operations. Refer to “Appendix C – FT260_STATUS” for the definitions of the error code of following functions. 4.1 FT260 General Functions The functions listed in this section are configuration functions for the FT260. 4.1.1 FT260_CreateDeviceList FT260_STATUS FT260_CreateDeviceList (LPDWORD lpdwNumDevs) Summary: Create device list and get the number of HID devices. Note: The call creates a list for all HID devices, not only FT260 devices. Parameters: lpdwNumDevs Pointer to a variable for retrieving the number of HID devices. Return Value: FT260_OK if successful, otherwise the return value is an error code. 11 P roduc t Page D oc ument Feedback C opyright © Future T echnology D evices I nternational L imited Application Note AN_395 User Guide for LibFT260 V ers ion 1 .0 D oc ument Reference N o.: FT _001280 C learance N o.: FT DI# 4 8 9 4.1.2 FT260_GetDevicePath FT260_STATUS FT260_GetDevicePath(WCHAR* pDevicePath, DWORD bufferLength, DWORD deviceIndex) Summary: Get device path by index. The device path data would be of a format such as shown below: \\?\hid#vid_0403&pid_6030&mi_00#8&1d5b3f5a&0&0000#{4d1e55b2 -f16f-11cf88cb-001111000030} Parameters: pDevicePath Pointer to the buffer for getting data. bufferLength The maximum number of characters to store . Note that the device path is WCHAR. deviceIndex The index of the device, which is 0 based. Return Value: FT260_OK if successful, otherwise the return value is an error code. 4.1.3 FT260_Open FT260_STATUS FT260_Open(int iDevice, FT260_HANDLE* pFt260Handle) Summary: Open device by index. Parameters: iDevice The index of the device, which is 0 based. pFt260Handle Pointer to a variable of type FT260_HANDLE where the handle will be stored. This handle must be used to access the device. Return Value: FT260_OK if successful, otherwise the return value is an error code. 12 P roduc t Page D oc ument Feedback C opyright © Future T echnology D evices I nternational L imited Application Note AN_395 User Guide for LibFT260 V ers ion 1 .0 D oc ument Reference N o.: FT _001280 C learance N o.: FT DI# 4 8 9 4.1.4 FT260_OpenByVidPid FT260_STATUS FT260_OpenByVidPid(WORD FT260_HANDLE* pFt260Handle) vid, WORD pid, DWORD deviceIndex, Summary: Open device by the given VID, PID and index. For example, call this function with VID, PID and index:0, 1 and 2 when there are three devices with the same VID and PID. Parameters: vid USB vendor ID. pid USB product ID deviceIndex The index of the device, which is 0 based. There might be several devices with the same VID/PID. Use the index to select the device. pHandle Pointer to a variable of type FT260_HANDLEwhere the handle will be stored. This handle must be used to access the device. Return Value: FT260_OK if successful, otherwise the return value is an error code. 4.1.5 FT260_OpenByDevicePath FT260_STATUS FT260_OpenByDevicePath(WCHAR* pDevicePath, FT260_HANDLE* pFt260Handle) Summary: Open device by path. Parameters: pDevicePath the device path to be opened pFt260Handle Pointer to a variable of type FT260_HANDLEwhere the handle will be stored. This handle must be used to access the device. Return Value: FT260_OK if successful, otherwise the return value is an error code. 13 P roduc t Page D oc ument Feedback C opyright © Future T echnology D evices I nternational L imited Application Note AN_395 User Guide for LibFT260 V ers ion 1 .0 D oc ument Reference N o.: FT _001280 C learance N o.: FT DI# 4 8 9 4.1.6 FT260_Close FT260_STATUS FT260_Close(FT260_HANDLE ft260Handle) Summary: Close the device. Parameters: ft260Handle Handle of the device. Return Value: FT260_OK if successful, otherwise the return value is an error code. 4.1.7 FT260_GetChipVersion FT260_STATUS FT260_GetChipVersion(FT260_HANDLEft260Handle, LPDWORD lpdwChipVersion ) Summary: Get the chip version of the FT260 device. Version is shows as 16777216 in decimal. Parameters: ft260Handle lpdwChipVersion Handle of the device. Pointer to a variable for retrieving the chip version. Return Value: FT260_OK if successful, otherwise the return value is an error code. 4.1.8 FT260_GetLibVersion FT260_STATUS FT260_GetLibVersion(LPDWORD lpdwLibVersion) Summary: Get the library version of the FT260 support library. 14 P roduc t Page D oc ument Feedback C opyright © Future T echnology D evices I nternational L imited Application Note AN_395 User Guide for LibFT260 V ers ion 1 .0 D oc ument Reference N o.: FT _001280 C learance N o.: FT DI# 4 8 9 Parameters: lpdwLibVersion Pointer to a variable for retrieving the library version. Return Value: FT260_OK if successful, otherwise the return value is an error code. 4.1.9 FT260_SetClock FT260_STATUS FT260_SetClock FT260_SetClock(FT260_HANDLEft260Handle, FT260_Clock_Rate clk) Summary: Set system clock rate. The default clock rate of the FT260 is 48 MHz. A lower system clock rate will have lower power consumption, and it may also affect maximum transfer rates. Parameters: ft260Handle Handle of the device. Clk System clock rate: FT260_SYS_CLK_12M FT260_SYS_CLK_24M FT260_SYS_CLK_48M Return Value: FT260_OK if successful, otherwise the return value is an error code. 4.1.10 FT260_SetWakeupInterrupt FT260_STATUS FT260_SetWakeupInterrupt(FT260_HANDLEft260Handle, BOOL enable) Summary: Enable/Disable wakeup interrupt. Parameters: ft260Handle Handle of the device. enable TRUE to enable and switch the pin mode to wakeup/interrupt FALSE to disable and switch the pin mode to GPIO3 15 P roduc t Page D oc ument Feedback C opyright © Future T echnology D evices I nternational L imited Application Note AN_395 User Guide for LibFT260 V ers ion 1 .0 D oc ument Reference N o.: FT _001280 C learance N o.: FT DI# 4 8 9 Return Value: FT260_OK if successful, otherwise the return value is an error code. 4.1.11 FT260_SetInterruptTriggerType FT260_STATUS FT260_SetInterruptTriggerType(FT260_HANDLEft260Handle, FT260_Interrupt_Trigger_Type type, FT260_Interrupt_Level_Time_Delay delay) Summary: Specify edge, level and duration of signals to generate interrupt. Parameters: ft260Handle Handle of the device. type Trigger type: delay FT260_INTR_RISING_EDGE FT260_INTR_LEVEL_HIGH FT260_INTR_FALLING_EDGE FT260_INTR_LEVEL_LOW Specifies the minimum pulse width for level-based interrupts. When the voltage at the interrupt pin exceeds the level for the specified duration , the interrupt signal will be generated. This setting only affects trigger types that are level high or level low. FT260_INTR_DELAY_1MS FT260_INTR_DELAY_5MS FT260_INTR_DELAY_30MS Return Value: FT260_OK if successful, otherwise the return value is an error code. 16 P roduc t Page D oc ument Feedback C opyright © Future T echnology D evices I nternational L imited Application Note AN_395 User Guide for LibFT260 V ers ion 1 .0 D oc ument Reference N o.: FT _001280 4.1.12 C learance N o.: FT DI# 4 8 9 FT260_SelectGpio2Function FT260_STATUS FT260_SelectGpio2Function(FT260_HANDLE ft260Handle, FT260_GPIO2_Pin gpio2Function) Summary: Select the function of GPIO 2. Parameters: ft260Handle Handle of the device. gpio2Function Set the active function of the pin GPIO2: FT260_GPIO2_GPIO GPIO 2, General Purpose I/O. FT260_GPIO2_SUSPOUT SUSPOUT_N is the default functions to indicate entering the USB suspend state. Active Low. It can be configured as active high. FT260_GPIO2_PWREN PWREN_N is as the power enable indicator when the FT260 is USB enumerated. Active Low. FT260_GPIO2_TX_LED TX_LED is the LED driving source when data is transmitted on the UART TX port. Return Value: FT260_OK if successful, otherwise the return value is an error code. 4.1.13 FT260_SelectGpioAFunction FT260_STATUS FT260_SelectGpioAFunction(FT260_HANDLE ft260Handle, FT260_GPIOA_Pin gpioAFunction) Summary: Select the function of GPIO A. Parameters: ft260Handle Handle of the device. gpioAFunction Set the active function of the pin GPIOA: FT260_GPIOA_GPIO 17 P roduc t Page D oc ument Feedback C opyright © Future T echnology D evices I nternational L imited Application Note AN_395 User Guide for LibFT260 V ers ion 1 .0 D oc ument Reference N o.: FT _001280 C learance N o.: FT DI# 4 8 9 GPIO A, General Purpose I/O. FT260_GPIOA_TX_ACTIVE TX_ACTIVE is the default function to indicate the UART transmitting is active. FT260_GPIOA_TX_LED TX_LED is the LED driving source when data is transmitted on the UART TX port. Return Value: FT260_OK if successful, otherwise the return value is an error code. 4.1.14 FT260_SelectGpioGFunction FT260_STATUS FT260_SelectGpioGFunction(FT260_HANDLE ft260Handle, FT260_GPIOG_Pin gpioGFunction) Summary: Select the function of GPIO G. Parameters: ft260Handle Handle of the device. gpioGFunction Set the active function of the pin GPIOG: FT260_GPIOG_GPIO GPIO G, General Purpose I/O. FT260_GPIOG_PWREN PWREN_N is the power enable indicator when the FT260 is USB enumerated. Active low. FT260_GPIOG_RX_LED RX_LED is the LED driving source when data is received on the UART RX port. FT260_GPIOG_BCD_DET BCD_DET is the default function. A battery charger detection indicator output when the device is connected to a dedicated battery charger port. Polarity can be defined. Return Value: FT260_OK if successful, otherwise the return value is an error code. 18 P roduc t Page D oc ument Feedback C opyright © Future T echnology D evices I nternational L imited Application Note AN_395 User Guide for LibFT260 V ers ion 1 .0 D oc ument Reference N o.: FT _001280 4.1.15 C learance N o.: FT DI# 4 8 9 FT260_SetSuspendOutPolarity FT260_STATUS FT260_SetSuspendOutPolarity(FT260_HANDLE FT260_Suspend_Out_Polarity polarity) ft260Handle, Summary: Set suspend out polarity. Parameters: ft260Handle Handle of the device. polarity Suspend out level: FT260_SUSPEND_OUT_LEVEL_HIGH FT260_SUSPEND_OUT_LEVEL_LOW Return Value: FT260_OK if successful, otherwise the return value is an error code. 4.1.16 FT260_SetUartToGPIOPin FT260_STATUS FT260_SetUartToGPIOPin(FT260_HANDLE ft260Handle) Summary: Disable UART mode and switch pins to GPIO B, GPIO C, GPIO D, GPIO E, GPIO F and GPIO H. Parameters: ft260Handle Handle of the device. Return Value: FT260_OK if successful, otherwise the return value is an error code. 4.1.17 FT260_EnableDcdRiPin FT260_STATUS FT260_EnableDcdRiPin(FT260_HANDLE ft260Handle, BOOL enable) Summary: Set UART DCD, RI function and switch pin function. 19 P roduc t Page D oc ument Feedback C opyright © Future T echnology D evices I nternational L imited Application Note AN_395 User Guide for LibFT260 V ers ion 1 .0 D oc ument Reference N o.: FT _001280 C learance N o.: FT DI# 4 8 9 Parameters: ft260Handle Handle of the device. enable FALSE to disable UART DCD, UART RI, and switch the pins modes to GPIO4, GPIO5 TRUE to enable and switch the pins modes to UART DCD, UART RI Return Value: FT260_OK if successful, otherwise the return value is an error code. 4.2 I2C Master Functions I2C (Inter Integrated Circuit) is a multi-master serial bus invented by Philips. I 2C uses two bidirectional open-drain wires called serial data (SDA) and serial clock (SCL). Common I²C bus speeds are the 100 kbit/s standard mode (SM), 400 kbit/s fast mode (FM), 1 Mbit/s Fast mode plus (FM+), and 3.4 Mbit/s High Speed mode (HS). I²C transaction All I²C transactions begin with a START condition, a slave address, a single bit representing write (0) or read (1), and are terminated by a STOP condition. All of them are always generated by the master. STOP 8 bit data ACK 8 bit data ACK 8 bit data ACK ACK Read/ Write Start 7 bit slave address I²C defines three basic types of message: Single message where a master writes data to a slave; Single message where a master reads data from a slave; Combined messages, where a master issues at least two reads and/or writes to one or more slaves For more information on the protocol, refer to the I²C specification. The FT260 provides flexibility to allow users to decide when to send START and STOP conditions. Here are some examples. The following scenarios are supported by the FT260. Send data with START_AND_STOP conditions ACK 8 bit data STOP 8 bit data ACK 8 bit data ACK ACK write Start 7 bit slave address Send the first packet with a START condition, and then send remaining data in the other packet with a STOP condition. 20 P roduc t Page D oc ument Feedback C opyright © Future T echnology D evices I nternational L imited Application Note AN_395 User Guide for LibFT260 V ers ion 1 .0 D oc ument Reference N o.: FT _001280 ACK 8 bit data ACK STOP 8 bit data ACK 8 bit data ACK 8 bit data ACK 8 bit data ACK ACK write Start 7 bit slave address C learance N o.: FT DI# 4 8 9 Separate data into three packets. 8 bit data STOP 8 bit data ACK ACK write Start 7 bit slave address I²C combined message In a combined message, each read or write begins with a START and the slave address. After the first START, these are called repeated START bits; repeated START bits are not preceded by STOP bits, which is how slaves know the next transfer is part of the same message. STOP 8 bit data ACK 8 bit data ACK ACK 7 bit slave address read SR 8 bit data ACK ACK write Start 7 bit slave address SR = repeated START condition 4.2.1 FT260_I2CMaster_Init FT260_STATUS FT260_I2CMaster_Init(FT260_HANDLE ft260Handle, uint32 kbps) Summary: Initialize the FT260 as an I2C master with the requested I2C clock speed. Parameters: ft260Handle Handle of the device. kbps The speed of the I2C clock, whose range is from 100K bps to 4000K bps. Return Value: FT260_OK if successful, otherwise the return value is an error code. 4.2.2 T260_I2CMaster_Reset FT260_STATUS T260_I2CMaster_Reset(FT260_HANDLE ft260Handle) Summary: Reset the FT260 I2C Master controller. 21 P roduc t Page D oc ument Feedback C opyright © Future T echnology D evices I nternational L imited Application Note AN_395 User Guide for LibFT260 V ers ion 1 .0 D oc ument Reference N o.: FT _001280 C learance N o.: FT DI# 4 8 9 Parameters: ft260Handle Handle of the device. Return Value: FT260_OK if successful, otherwise the return value is an error code. 4.2.3 FT260_I2CMaster_Write FT260_STATUS FT260_I2CMaster_Write(FT260_HANDLE ft260Handle, uint8 deviceAddress, FT260_I2C_FLAG flag, LPVOID lpBuffer, DWORD dwBytesToWrite, LPDWORD lpdwBytesWritten); Summary: Write data to the specified I2C slave device with the given I2C condition. Parameters: ft260Handle Handle of the device. deviceAddress Address of the target I2C slave. flag I2C condition: FT260_I2C_NONE FT260_I2C_START FT260_I2C_REPEATED_START FT260_I2C_STOP FT260_I2C_START_AND_STOP lpBuffer Pointer to the buffer that contains the data to be written to the device . dwBytesToRead Number of bytes to write to the device. lpdwBytesReturned Pointer to a variable of type DWORD which receives the number of bytes read and written to the device. Return Value: FT260_OK if successful, otherwise the return value is an error code. 22 P roduc t Page D oc ument Feedback C opyright © Future T echnology D evices I nternational L imited Application Note AN_395 User Guide for LibFT260 V ers ion 1 .0 D oc ument Reference N o.: FT _001280 C learance N o.: FT DI# 4 8 9 4.2.4 FT260_I2CMaster_Read FT260_STATUS FT260_I2CMaster_Read(FT260_HANDLE ft260Handle, uint8 deviceAddress, FT260_I2C_FLAG flag, LPVOID lpBuffer, DWORD dwBytesToRead, LPDWORD lpdwByt esReturned) Summary: Read data from the specified I2C slave device with the given I2C condition. Parameters: ft260Handle Handle of the device. deviceAddress Address of the target I2C slave device. Flag I2C condition: FT260_I2C_NONE FT260_I2C_START FT260_I2C_REPEATED_START FT260_I2C_STOP FT260_I2C_START_AND_STOP lpBuffer Pointer to the buffer that receives the data from the device. dwBytesToRead Number of bytes to read from the device. lpdwBytesReturned Pointer to a variable of type DWORD which receives the number of bytes read from the device. Return Value: FT260_OK if successful, otherwise the return value is an error code. 4.2.5 FT260_I2CMaster_GetStatus FT260_STATUS FT260_I2CMaster_GetStatus(FT260_HANDLE ft260Handle, uint8* status) Summary: Read the status of the I2C master controller. Parameters: ft260Handle Handle of the device. status Point to a variable of type uint8 which saves the status value. Status: bit 0 = controller busy: all other status bits invalid bit 1 = error condition bit 2 = slave address was not acknowledged during last operation 23 P roduc t Page D oc ument Feedback C opyright © Future T echnology D evices I nternational L imited Application Note AN_395 User Guide for LibFT260 V ers ion 1 .0 D oc ument Reference N o.: FT _001280 bit 3 = data not acknowledged during last operation bit 4 = arbitration lost during last operation bit 5 = controller idle bit 6 = bus busy C learance N o.: FT DI# 4 8 9 Return Value: FT260_OK if successful, otherwise the return value is an error code. 4.3 UART Functions UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter) is a commonly used interface to transfer serial data. Being asynchronous there is no clock signal but the structure of the transmitted data provides for a start and an end to a message. It is also important that both ends of the link decide to operate with the same pulse width defined as the baud rate. The UART of a micro -controller will normally operate at 3V3 or 5V TTL levels. The UART will only connect to one other device in the chain. The FT260 device can be initialized as a UART. Here is a brief overview of FT260 UART features: The UART can support baud rates from 1.2KBaud to 12MBaud. UART data signals: TxD, RxD, RTS, CTS, DSR, DTR, DCD, RI, GND Serial Communication Parameters o Parity: None, Odd, Even, Mark, Space o Data bits: 7, 8 o Flow control: RTS/CTS , DSR/DTR, X-ON/X-OFF, None o Stop bits 1,2 Please refer to DS_FT260 for more information. 24 P roduc t Page D oc ument Feedback C opyright © Future T echnology D evices I nternational L imited Application Note AN_395 User Guide for LibFT260 V ers ion 1 .0 D oc ument Reference N o.: FT _001280 C learance N o.: FT DI# 4 8 9 4.3.1 FT260_UART_Init FT260_STATUS FT260_UART_Init(FT260_HANDLE ft260Handle); Summary: Initialize the FT260 as a UART device. Parameters: ft260Handle Handle of the device. Return Value: FT260_OK if successful, otherwise the return value is an error code. 4.3.2 FT260_UART_Reset FT260_STATUS FT260_UART_Reset(FT260_HANDLE ft260Handle) Summary: Reset UART controller. Parameters: ft260Handle Handle of the device. Return Value: FT260_OK if successful, otherwise the return value is an error code. 25 P roduc t Page D oc ument Feedback C opyright © Future T echnology D evices I nternational L imited Application Note AN_395 User Guide for LibFT260 V ers ion 1 .0 D oc ument Reference N o.: FT _001280 C learance N o.: FT DI# 4 8 9 4.3.3 FT260_UART_SetBaudRate FT260_STATUS FT260_UART_SetBaudRate(FT260_HANDLE ft260Handle, ULONG baudRate) Summary: Set the baud rate for the device . Parameters: ft260Handle Handle of the device. baudRate The speed of UART transmission. It ranges from 1,200 to 12,000,000 bps. Return Value: FT260_OK if successful, otherwise the return value is an error code. 4.3.4 FT260_UART_SetFlowControl FT260_STATUS FT260_UART_SetFlowControl(FT260_HANDLE ft260Handle, FT260_UART_Mode flowControl) Summary: Set UART flow control for the device. Parameters: ft260Handle Handle of the device. flowControl Flow control: FT260_UART_OFF: Disable UART and switch UART pins to GPIO. FT260_UART_RTS_CTS_MODE FT260_UART_DTR_DSR_MODE FT260_UART_XON_XOFF_MODE FT260_UART_NO_FLOW_CTRL_MODE Return Value: FT260_OK if successful, otherwise the return value is an error code. 26 P roduc t Page D oc ument Feedback C opyright © Future T echnology D evices I nternational L imited Application Note AN_395 User Guide for LibFT260 V ers ion 1 .0 D oc ument Reference N o.: FT _001280 C learance N o.: FT DI# 4 8 9 4.3.5 FT260_UART_SetDataCharacteristics FT260_STATUS FT260_UART_SetDataCharacteristics (FT260_HANDLE FT260_Data_Bit dataBits, FT260_Stop_Bit stopBits, FT260_Parity parity); ft260Handle, Summary: Set UART data characteristics for the device. Parameters: ft260Handle Handle of the device. dataBits Data bits: stopBits parity FT260_DATA_BIT_7 FT260_DATA_BIT_8 Stop bits: FT260_STOP_BITS_1 FT260_STOP_BITS_2 Parity: FT260_PARITY_NONE FT260_PARITY_ODD FT260_PARITY_EVEN FT260_PARITY_MARK FT260_PARITY_SPACE Return Value: FT260_OK if successful, otherwise the return value is an error code. 4.3.6 FT260_UART_SetBreakOn FT260_STATUS FT260_UART_SetBreakOn(FT260_HANDLE ft260Handle) Summary: Set the BREAK condition ON for the device. Parameters: ft260Handle Handle of the device. Return Value: FT260_OK if successful, otherwise the return value is an error code. 27 P roduc t Page D oc ument Feedback C opyright © Future T echnology D evices I nternational L imited Application Note AN_395 User Guide for LibFT260 V ers ion 1 .0 D oc ument Reference N o.: FT _001280 C learance N o.: FT DI# 4 8 9 4.3.7 FT260_UART_SetBreakOff FT260_STATUS FT260_UART_SetBreakOff(FT260_HANDLE ft260Handle) Summary: Reset the BREAK condition OFF for the device. Parameters: ft260Handle Handle of the device. Return Value: FT260_OK if successful, otherwise the return value is an error code. 4.3.8 FT260_UART_SetBreakOff FT260_STATUS FT260_UART_GetConfig(FT260_HANDLE ft260Handle, UartConfig* pUartConfig) Summary: UART get configuration which includes baud rate, data characteristics and break condition. Parameters: ft260Handle Handle of the device. pUartConfig Pointer to a variable of type UartConfig where the value will be stored. Type UartConfig is defined as following: struct UartConfig { u8 flow_ctrl; u32 baud_rate; u8 data_bit; u8 parity; u8 stop_bit; u8 breaking; } Please refer to the previous UART setting functions for a description of the fields. Return Value: FT260_OK if successful, otherwise the return value is an error code. 28 P roduc t Page D oc ument Feedback C opyright © Future T echnology D evices I nternational L imited Application Note AN_395 User Guide for LibFT260 V ers ion 1 .0 D oc ument Reference N o.: FT _001280 C learance N o.: FT DI# 4 8 9 4.3.9 FT260_UART_SetXonXoffChar FT260_STATUS UCHAR Xoff) FT260_UART_SetXonXoffChar(FT260_HANDLE ft260Handle, UCHAR Xon, Summary: Set Xon/Xoff characters for software flow control. Software flow control (XON_XOFF) This setting uses special characters to start and stop data flow. These are termed XON and XOFF (from "transmit on" and "transmit off", respectively). The XON character tells the downstream device to start sending data. The XOFF character tells the downstream device to stop sending data. Usually it is possible to define these characters in an application. Typical default for XON is 0x11 and for XOFF is 0x13. Parameters: ft260Handle Handle of the device. Xon Setting character for transmit on. Xoff Setting character for transmit off. Return Value: FT260_OK if successful, otherwise the return value is an error code. 4.3.10 FT260_UART_GetQueueStatus FT260_STATUS FT260_UART_GetQueueStatus(FT260_HANDLE ft260Handle, LPDWORD lpdwAmountInRxQueue) Summary: Gets the number of bytes in the receive queue. Parameters: ft260Handle Handle of the device. lpdwAmountInRxQueue Pointer to a variable of type DWORD which save the amount of data. Return Value: FT260_OK if successful, otherwise the return value is an error code. 29 P roduc t Page D oc ument Feedback C opyright © Future T echnology D evices I nternational L imited Application Note AN_395 User Guide for LibFT260 V ers ion 1 .0 D oc ument Reference N o.: FT _001280 4.3.11 C learance N o.: FT DI# 4 8 9 FT260_UART_Write FT260_STATUS FT260_UART_Write(FT260_HANDLE ft260Handle, LPVOID lpBuffer, DWORD dwBufferLength, DWORD dwBytesToWrite, LPDWORD lpdwBytesWritten) Summary: UART write data to the device. Parameters: ft260Handle Handle of the device. lpBuffer Pointer to the buffer that contains the data to be written. dwBufferLength The length of the buffer. dwBytesToWrite Number of bytes to write. lpdwBytesWritten Pointer to a variable of type DWORD which receives the number of bytes written. Return Value: FT260_OK if successful, otherwise the return value is an error code. 4.3.12 FT260_UART_Read FT260_STATUS FT260_UART_Read(FT260_HANDLE ft260Handle, LPVOID lpBuffer, DWORD dwBufferLength, DWORD dwBytesToRead, LPDWORD lpdwBytesReturned) Summary: UART read data from the device. Parameters: ft260Handle Handle of the device. lpBuffer Pointer to the buffer that contains the data to be read. dwBufferLength The length of the buffer. dwBytesToWrite Number of bytes to read. lpdwBytesWritten Pointer to a variable of type DWORD which receives the number of bytes read. Return Value: FT260_OK if successful, otherwise the return value is an error code. 30 P roduc t Page D oc ument Feedback C opyright © Future T echnology D evices I nternational L imited Application Note AN_395 User Guide for LibFT260 V ers ion 1 .0 D oc ument Reference N o.: FT _001280 4.3.13 C learance N o.: FT DI# 4 8 9 FT260_UART_GetDcdRiStatus FT260_STATUS FT260_UART_GetDcdRiStatus(FT260_HANDLE ft260Handle, uint8* value) Summary: Get DCD, RI status. Parameters: ft260Handle Handle of the device. Value Pointer to a variable of type uint8 which saves the status value. BIT 0: DCD status BIT 1: RI status Return Value: FT260_OK if successful, otherwise the return value is an error code. 4.3.14 FT260_UART_EnableRiWakeup FT260_STATUS FT260_UART_EnableRiWakeup(FT260_HANDLE ft260Handle, BOOL enable) Summary: UART enable RI wakeup. Parameters: ft260Handle Handle of the device. Enable FALSE to disable. TRUE to enable. Return Value: FT260_OK if successful, otherwise the return value is an error code. 31 P roduc t Page D oc ument Feedback C opyright © Future T echnology D evices I nternational L imited Application Note AN_395 User Guide for LibFT260 V ers ion 1 .0 D oc ument Reference N o.: FT _001280 4.3.15 C learance N o.: FT DI# 4 8 9 FT260_GetInterruptFlag FT260_STATUS FT260_GetInterruptFlag(FT260_HANDLE ft260Handle, BOOL* pbFlag); Summary: Get interrupt flag. Parameters: ft260Handle Handle of the device. pbFlag Pointer to a variable of type BOOL which saves the flag value. Return Value: FT260_OK if successful, otherwise the return value is an error code. 4.3.16 FT260_CleanInterruptFlag FT260_STATUS FT260_CleanInterruptFlag(FT260_HANDLE ft260Handle, BOOL* pbFlag); Summary: Clean the interrupt flag. Parameters: ft260Handle Handle of the device. pbFlag Pointer to a variable of type BOOL which saves the flag value. Return Value: FT260_OK if successful, otherwise the return value is an error code. 32 P roduc t Page D oc ument Feedback C opyright © Future T echnology D evices I nternational L imited Application Note AN_395 User Guide for LibFT260 V ers ion 1 .0 D oc ument Reference N o.: FT _001280 C learance N o.: FT DI# 4 8 9 4.4 GPIO Functions The FT260 contains 14 GPIO pins. Each GPIO pin is multiplexed with other functions as listed below: GPIO0 / SCL GPIO1 / SDA GPIO2 / SUSPEND OUT / TX_LED / PWREN GPIO3 / WAKEUP / INTR GPIO4 / UART DCD GPIO5 / UART RI GPIOA / TX_ACTIVE / TX_LED / PWREN GPIOB / UART_RTS_N GPIOC / UART_RXD GPIOD / UART_TXD GPIOE / UART_CTS_N GPIOF / UART_DTR_N GPIOG / BCD_DET / RX_LED GPIOH / UART_DST_N The LibFT260 support library provides several APIs to set the function of these GPIOs and the GPIO example application shows how to use them. Please refer to DS_FT260 for more information. 4.4.1 FT260_GPIO_Set FT260_STATUS FT260_GPIO_Set(FT260_HANDLE ft260Handle, FT260_GPIO_Report report) Summary: Set directions and values for all GPIO pins with the FT260_GPIO_Report parameter. Parameters: ft260Handle Handle of the device. report The setting values which is a variable of type FT260_GPIO_Report. Type FT260_GPIO_Report is defined as follows: struct FT260_GPIO_Report { WORD value; // bit0~5: GPIO0~5 values WORD dir; // bit0~5: GPIO0~5 directions WORD gpioN_value; // bit0~7: GPIOA~H values 33 P roduc t Page D oc ument Feedback C opyright © Future T echnology D evices I nternational L imited Application Note AN_395 User Guide for LibFT260 V ers ion 1 .0 D oc ument Reference N o.: FT _001280 WORD gpioN_dir; C learance N o.: FT DI# 4 8 9 // bit0~7: GPIOA~H directions } Return Value: FT260_OK if successful, otherwise the return value is an error code. 4.4.2 FT260_GPIO_Get FT260_STATUS FT260_GPIO_Get(FT260_HANDLE ft260Handle, FT260_GPIO_Report *report) Summary: Get directions and values for all GPIO pins with the FT260_GPIO_Report parameter. Parameters: ft260Handle Handle of the device. report Pointer to a variable of type FT260_GPIO_Report where the value will be stored. Type FT260_GPIO_Report is defined as follows: struct FT260_GPIO_Report { WORD value; // bit0~5: GPIO0~5 values WORD dir; // bit0~5: GPIO0~5 directions WORD gpioN_value; // bit0~7: GPIOA~H values WORD gpioN_dir; // bit0~7: GPIOA~H directions } Return Value: FT260_OK if successful, otherwise the return value is an error code. 4.4.3 FT260_GPIO_SetDir FT260_STATUS FT260_GPIO_SetDir(FT260_HANDLE ft260Handle, WORD pinNum, BYTE dir) Summary: Set direction for the specified GPIO pin. Parameters: ft260Handle Handle of the device. pinNum Target GPIO pin number. 34 P roduc t Page D oc ument Feedback C opyright © Future T echnology D evices I nternational L imited Application Note AN_395 User Guide for LibFT260 V ers ion 1 .0 D oc ument Reference N o.: FT _001280 dir C learance N o.: FT DI# 4 8 9 0 for input. 1 for output. Return Value: FT260_OK if successful, otherwise the return value is an error code. 4.4.4 FT260_GPIO_Read FT260_STATUS FT260_GPIO_Read(FT260_HANDLE ft260Handle, WORD pinNum, BYTE* pValue) Summary: Read the value from the specified GPIO pin. Parameters: ft260Handle Handle of the device. pinNum Target GPIO pin number. pValue Pointer to a variable of BYTE which receives the value of the GPIO pin. Return Value: FT260_OK if successful, otherwise the return value is an error code. 4.4.5 FT260_GPIO_Write FT260_STATUS FT260_GPIO_Write(FT260_HANDLE ft260Handle, WORD pinNum, BYTE value) Summary: Write value to the specified GPIO pin. Parameters: ft260Handle Handle of the device. pinNum Target GPIO pin number. value The output value. Return Value: FT260_OK if successful, otherwise the return value is an error code. 35 P roduc t Page D oc ument Feedback C opyright © Future T echnology D evices I nternational L imited Application Note AN_395 User Guide for LibFT260 V ers ion 1 .0 D oc ument Reference N o.: FT _001280 C learance N o.: FT DI# 4 8 9 5 Contact Information Head Office – Glasgow, UK Future Technology Devices International Limited Unit 1, 2 Seaward Place, Centurion Business Park Glasgow G41 1HH United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 141 429 2777 Fax: +44 (0) 141 429 2758 E-mail (Sales) E-mail (Support) E-mail (General Enquiries) Branch Office – Tigard, Oregon, USA Future Technology Devices International Limited (USA) 7130 SW Fir Loop Tigard, OR 97223-8160 USA Tel: +1 (503) 547 0988 Fax: +1 (503) 547 0987 E-Mail (Sales) E-Mail (Support) E-Mail (General Enquiries) Branch Office – Taipei, Taiwan Future Technology Devices International Limited (Taiwan) 2F, No. 516, Sec. 1, NeiHu Road Taipei 114 Taiwan , R.O.C. 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A ll applic ation- related information in this doc ument (inc luding application descriptions , s ugges ted FTDI devices and other materials ) is provided for reference only. While FTDI has taken c are to ass ure it is acc urate, this information is s ubjec t to c us tomer confirmation, and FTDI disclaims all liability for s ys tem des igns and for any applications ass istance provided by FTDI . Use of FTDI devices in life s upport and/or s afety applications is entirely at the us er ’s risk, and the user agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless FTDI from any and all damages , c laims , s uits or expens e resulting from s uc h use. T his document is s ubject to change without notic e. N o freedom to us e patents or other intellec tual property rights is implied by the publication of this doc ument. Neither the whole nor any part of the information c ontained in, or the produc t desc ribed in this doc ument, may be adapted or reproduc ed in any material or electronic form without the prior written c onsent of the c opyright holder. Future T echnology D evices I nternational L td, U nit 1 , 2 Seaward P lace, Centurion Business Park, G las gow G 4 1 1 HH, U nited Kingdom. Sc otland Registered C ompany N umber: SC136640 36 P roduc t Page D oc ument Feedback C opyright © Future T echnology D evices I nternational L imited Appendix A – References Document References DS_FT260 Acronyms and Abbreviations Terms GPIO Description General-purpose input/output HID Humber Interface Device I2C Inter-Integrated Circuit UART USB USB-IF P roduc t Page D oc ument Feedback Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter Universal Serial Bus USB Implementers Forum 37 C opyright © Future T echnology D evices I nternational L imited Application Note AN_395 User Guide for LibFT260 V ers ion 1 .0 D oc ument Reference N o.: FT _001280 C learance N o.: FT DI# 4 8 9 Appendix B – List of Tables & Figures List of Tables Table 1.1 FT260 interface configuration ........................................................................................ 6 Table 1.2 FT260 endpoints ........................................................................................................... 6 List of Figures Figure 1.1 The FT260 System Block Diagram ................................................................................ 5 Figure 2.1 The FT260 connects with I²C bus ................................................................................. 8 Figure 2.2 The FT260 connects to an UART device ........................................................................ 8 38 P roduc t Page D oc ument Feedback C opyright © Future T echnology D evices I nternational L imited Application Note AN_395 User Guide for LibFT260 V ers ion 1 .0 D oc ument Reference N o.: FT _001280 C learance N o.: FT DI# 4 8 9 Appendix C – FT260_STATUS FT260_STATUS FT260_OK = 0 FT260_INVALID_HANDLE = 1 FT260_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND = 2 FT260_DEVICE_NOT_OPENED = 3 FT260_DEVICE_OPEN_FAIL = 4 FT260_DEVICE_CLOSE_FAIL = 5 FT260_INCORRECT_INTERFACE = 6 FT260_INCORRECT_CHIP_MODE = 7 FT260_DEVICE_MANAGER_ERROR = 8 FT260_IO_ERROR = 9 FT260_INVALID_PARAMETER = 10 FT260_NULL_BUFFER_POINTER = 11 FT260_BUFFER_SIZE_ERROR = 12 FT260_UART_SET_FAIL = 13 FT260_RX_NO_DATA = 14 FT260_GPIO_WRONG_DIRECTION = 15 FT260_INVALID_DEVICE = 16 FT260_OTHER_ERROR = 17 39 P roduc t Page D oc ument Feedback C opyright © Future T echnology D evices I nternational L imited Application Note AN_395 User Guide for LibFT260 V ers ion 1 .0 D oc ument Reference N o.: FT _001280 C learance N o.: FT DI# 4 8 9 Appendix D – Revision History Document Title: AN_395 User Guide for LibFT260 Document Reference No.: FT_001280 Clearance No.: FTDI# 489 Product Page: Document Feedback: Send Feedback Revision 1.0 Changes Initial Release Date 2016-03-08 40 P roduc t Page D oc ument Feedback C opyright © Future T echnology D evices I nternational L imited