FT2232H Used In An FT245 Style Synchronous FIFO Mode

Application Note
FT2232H Used in an FT245 Style
Synchronous FIFO Mode
Version 1.3
Issue Date: 2015-11-17
This application note describes how to use the FT2232H device in FT245 Style Synchronous FIFO mode
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Copyright © 2015 Future Technology Devices International Limited
Application Note
AN_130 FT2232H Used in an FT245 Style Synchronous FIFO Mode
V ers ion 1 .3
D oc ument Reference N o.: FT _000186
C learance N o.: FT DI# 1 1 7
Table of Contents
1 Introduction ................................................................. 2
2 Hardware Configuration ................................................ 3
Pin Assignment under Synchronous FIFO Interface ................. 4
IO Timing .............................................................................. 5
3 Software Configuration ................................................. 7
EEPROM Setting ..................................................................... 8
4 Application Development............................................... 9
Code example .......................................................................10
Getting The Best Performance ...............................................11
Write Data Mode ...................................................................14
Read Data Mode ....................................................................15
5 Contact Information .................................................... 16
Appendix A – References ................................................. 17
Document References ...................................................................17
Acronyms and Abbreviations .........................................................17
Appendix B – List of Tables & Figures ............................... 18
List of Tables ................................................................................18
List of Figures ...............................................................................18
Appendix C– Revision History........................................... 19
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C opyright © 2 0 15 Future T echnology D evices I nternational L imited
Application Note
AN_130 FT2232H Used in an FT245 Style Synchronous FIFO Mode
V ers ion 1 .3
D oc ument Reference N o.: FT _000186
C learance N o.: FT DI# 1 1 7
1 Introduction
This application note illustrates how to set the FT2232H into an FT245 Style Synchronous FIFO mode. If
the requirement is to transfer data at 60MHz, and the data rate must greater than 8MB per second, then
the FT245 Style Synchronous FIFO mode is the best solution.
The FT2232H only channel A can be configured as a FT245 style synchronous FIFO interface . When
Configured in this mode, channel B is not available as all resources have been switched onto channel A.
Note: This mode is only available with port A of FT2232H device.
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Application Note
AN_130 FT2232H Used in an FT245 Style Synchronous FIFO Mode
V ers ion 1 .3
D oc ument Reference N o.: FT _000186
C learance N o.: FT DI# 1 1 7
2 Hardware Configuration
EEPROM Configuration:
The FT2232H device requires an external 93C46 EEPROM organized in 16-bit words. It also supports the
93C56 and 93C66 EEPROMs organized in 16-bit words.
Device connection setting:
Use a USB cable to connect an FT2232H device to a PC - the pin assignment in Table 1 - Channel A
FT245 Style Synchronous FIFO Configured Pin Descriptions
give details of the required connection between the system and FT2232H.
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Application Note
AN_130 FT2232H Used in an FT245 Style Synchronous FIFO Mode
V ers ion 1 .3
D oc ument Reference N o.: FT _000186
C learance N o.: FT DI# 1 1 7
2.1 Pin Assignment under Synchronous FIFO Interface
Only channel A of FT2232H device can be configured as a FT245 style synchronous FIFO interface. When
it is configured in this mode, the pins used and the descriptions of the signals are shown as Table 1 Channel A FT245 Style Synchronous FIFO Configured Pin Descriptions
Channel A
RS245 Configuration Description
D7 to D0 bidirectional FIFO data. This bus is normally input
unless OE# is low.
When high, do not read data from the FIFO. When low, there is
data available in the FIFO which can be read by driving RD#
low. When in synchronous mode, data is transferred on every
clock that RXF# and RD# are both low. Note that the OE# pin
must be driven low at least 1 clock period before asserting
RD# low.
When high, do not write data into the FIFO. When low, data
can be written into the FIFO by driving WR# low. When in
synchronous mode, data is transferred on every clock that
TXE# and WR# are both low.
Enables the current FIFO data byte to be driven onto D0...D7
when RD# goes low. The next FIFO data byte (if available) is
fetched from the receive FIFO buffer each CLKOUT cycle until
RD# goes high.
Enables the data byte on the D0...D7 pins to be written into
the transmit FIFO buffer when WR# is low. The next FIFO data
byte is written to the transmit FIFO buffer each CLKOUT cycle
until WR# goes high.
60 MHz Clock driven from the chip. All signals should be
synchronized to this clock.
Output enable when low to drive data onto D0-7. This should
be driven low at least 1 clock period before driving RD# low to
allow for data buffer turn-around.
The Send Immediate / WakeUp signal combines two functions
on a single pin. If USB is in suspend mode (PWREN# = 1) and
remote wakeup is enabled in the EEPROM, strobing this pin low
will cause the device to request a resume on the USB Bus.
Normally, this can be used to wake up the Host PC.
Pin No.
During normal operation (PWREN# = 0), if this pin is strobed
low any data in the device TX buffer will be sent out over USB
on the next Bulk-IN request from the drivers regardless of the
pending packet size. This can be used to optimize USB transfer
speed for some applications. Tie this pin to VCCIO if not used.
Table 1 - Channel A FT245 Style Synchronous FIFO Configured Pin Descriptions
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Application Note
AN_130 FT2232H Used in an FT245 Style Synchronous FIFO Mode
V ers ion 1 .3
D oc ument Reference N o.: FT _000186
C learance N o.: FT DI# 1 1 7
2.2 IO Timing
It’s necessary to follow the IO timing as shown in Figure 1 - Read Timing
and Figure 2 - Write Timing
to access the data. Note that only a read or a write cycle can be performed at any one time. Data is read
or written on the rising edge of the CLKOUT clock.
Table 2 - Timing Table
shows the detail information for the timing.
Figure 1 - Read Timing
Figure 2 - Write Timing
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Application Note
AN_130 FT2232H Used in an FT245 Style Synchronous FIFO Mode
V ers ion 1 .3
D oc ument Reference N o.: FT _000186
C learance N o.: FT DI# 1 1 7
C LKOUT period
C LKOUT high period
C LKOUT low period
C LKOUT to read DATA valid
OE# to read DATA valid
OE# setup time
OE# hold time
RD# setup time to C LKOUT (RD# low afterOE#
RD# hold time
Write DATA setup time
Write DATA hold time
WR# setup time to C LKOUT (WR# low after
TXE# low)
WR# hold time
Table 2 - Timing Table
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Application Note
AN_130 FT2232H Used in an FT245 Style Synchronous FIFO Mode
V ers ion 1 .3
D oc ument Reference N o.: FT _000186
C learance N o.: FT DI# 1 1 7
3 Software Configuration
With the FT2232H device, it is necessary to install the FTDI D2XX driver on the PC. Please visit the FTDI
Drivers page to download and install the necessary driver which matches the PC.
The table below is taken from the FT2232H datasheet. It indicates that it is necessary to set the FT245
mode by configuring the EEPROM to 245 FIFO modes before developing a software application to access
data under FT245 style Sync FIFO mode. Configuring the EEPROM is illustrated in chapter 3.1 Developing
software application is illustrated in chapter4.
EEPROM configured
Application Software
Table 3 - Configuration using EEPROM and Application Software
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C opyright © 2 0 15 Future T echnology D evices I nternational L imited
Application Note
AN_130 FT2232H Used in an FT245 Style Synchronous FIFO Mode
V ers ion 1 .3
D oc ument Reference N o.: FT _000186
C learance N o.: FT DI# 1 1 7
3.1 EEPROM Setting
Connect the FT2232H to a PC via USB cable, if the driver is installed already, the EEPROM settings can be
programmed using either FTDIs MPROG or FT_PROG utilities (downloadable from FTDI website). Any one
of these utilities can be used to set port A to “245 FIFO” mode in EEPROM. Figure 3 for the setting
illustrates this using MPROG.
Figure 3 - MProg Tool Setting
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Application Note
AN_130 FT2232H Used in an FT245 Style Synchronous FIFO Mode
V ers ion 1 .3
D oc ument Reference N o.: FT _000186
C learance N o.: FT DI# 1 1 7
4 Application Development
As shown in Table 3 - Configuration using EEPROM and Application Software, it is necessary to develop
an application to access data under FT245 style Sync FIFO mode. In following section describes how to do
In the application code, it is firstly necessary to open Port A of the FT2232H.
Next send command FT_SetBitMode(Mask, 0x40) to the FTDI driver to switch the FT2232H to FT245
Synchronous FIFO mode (this mode uses the RX & TX buffer of port B, so port B cannot be used for any
other purpose in this mode).
Then we can send command FT_SetLatencyTimer(ftHandle, latencytime) to the FTDI driver to configure
latency time, which is the receive buffer timeout that is used to flush remaining data from the receive
buffer. If you don’t call this command, the default setting is 16ms; it can be set at 1 ms intervals
between 2ms and 255 ms.
The command FT_SetUSBParameters() can then be used to set the USB buffer size for the required data
transfer. The buffer sizes must be set to a multiple of 64 bytes between 64 bytes and 64k bytes . The
default size is 4KB. It is recommended changing this to 64KB.
Next the command, FT_SetFlowControl(), should to be called and parameter usFlowControl used to set
FT_FLOW_RTS_CTS. This is configures the device driver to avoid data loss.
When the FT2232H has been set to FT245 Synchronous FIFO mode, the CLKOUT pin will output 60MHz a
clock. Observing this with an oscilloscope is a good check to make sure the interface has entered FT245
Synchronous FIFO mode. If the waveform edges do not appear sharp enough, then the drive strength of
the IO can be increased by altering the EEPROM values using MPROG or FT_PROG.
Although the RX and TX buffers are 4KB, they only use 2x 512 bytes for each buffer under FT245
Synchronous FIFO mode (maximum USB2.0 packet size under BULK mode is 512 bytes). The two buffers
continually swap between each other to increase the performance.
To use the software commands, it is necessary to download the ftd2xx.dll, ftd2xx.lib, ftd2xx.h from the
FTDI CDM driver. Details on how to use the software commands are available in the D2XX Programmers
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C opyright © 2 0 15 Future T echnology D evices I nternational L imited
Application Note
AN_130 FT2232H Used in an FT245 Style Synchronous FIFO Mode
V ers ion 1 .3
D oc ument Reference N o.: FT _000186
C learance N o.: FT DI# 1 1 7
4.1 Code example
The following section gives an application example. This code is not guaranteed and is provided for
illustration only. It is not supported by FTDI.
Example code
FT_HANDLE ftHandle;
FT_STATUS ftStatus;
UCHAR Mask = 0xff;
UCHAR LatencyTimer = 16; //our default setting is 16
ftStatus = FT_Open(0, &ftHandle);
if(ftStatus != FT_OK)
// FT_Open failed return;
Mode = 0x00; //reset mode
ftStatus = FT_SetBitMode(ftHandle, Mask, Mode);
Mode = 0x40; //Sync FIFO mode
ftStatus = FT_SetBitMode(ftHandle, Mask, Mode);
if (ftStatus == FT_OK)
ftStatus = FT_SetLatencyTimer(ftHandle, LatencyTimer);
ftStatus =
ftStatus = FT_SetFlowControl(ftHandle,FT_FLOW_RTS_CTS,0,0);
//access data from here
// FT_SetBitMode FAILED!
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C opyright © 2 0 15 Future T echnology D evices I nternational L imited
Application Note
AN_130 FT2232H Used in an FT245 Style Synchronous FIFO Mode
V ers ion 1 .3
D oc ument Reference N o.: FT _000186
C learance N o.: FT DI# 1 1 7
4.2 Getting The Best Performance
Performance depends on the interaction between the FTDI device and external system. If the external
system uses a polling method to check the detect pins (RXF#, TXE#) then this may delay the data
transfer speed. To get the better performance connect the RXF# and TXE# pins to the external system
interrupt pins.
When transferring large amounts of data, in order to get best performance, it is recommended to send
the following commands to the FTDI driver at the initial setup stage.
ftStatus = FT_SetLatencyTimer(ftHandle, 2);
ftStatus = FT_SetUSBParameters(ftHandle,0x10000, 0x10000);
The following example code gives an example of how to calculate performance of “write data mode”. This
code is provided for illustration only and is not supported by FTDI.
#define OneSector 64*1024
#define SectorNum 2000
FT_HANDLE ftHandle;
FT_STATUS ftStatus;
UCHAR Mask = 0xff;
ftStatus = FT_Open(0, &ftHandle);
if(ftStatus != FT_OK)
// FT_Open failed return;
printf(“FT_Open FAILED! \r\n”);
//set interface into FT245 Synchronous FIFO mode
Mode = 0x00; //reset mode
ftStatus = FT_SetBitMode(ftHandle, Mask, Mode);
Mode = 0x40; //Sync FIFO mode
ftStatus = FT_SetBitMode(ftHandle, Mask, Mode);
if (ftStatus != FT_OK)
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Application Note
AN_130 FT2232H Used in an FT245 Style Synchronous FIFO Mode
V ers ion 1 .3
D oc ument Reference N o.: FT _000186
C learance N o.: FT DI# 1 1 7
// FT_SetBitMode FAILED!
Printf(“FT_SetBitMode FAILED! \r\n”);
FT_SetLatencyTimer(ftHandle, 2);
FT_SetUSBParameters(ftHandle,0x10000, 0x10000);
FT_SetFlowControl(ftHandle, FT_FLOW_RTS_CTS, 0x0, 0x0);
FT_Purge(ftHandle, FT_PURGE_RX);
DWORD EventDWord;
DWORD RxBytes;
DWORD TxBytes;
DWORD BytesReceived;
char RxBuffer[OneSector];
LARGE_INTEGER lPreTime, lPostTime,lFrequency;
DWORD dwSum = 0;
for(int i=0; i< SectorNum;i++)
//ftStatus = FT_GetStatus(ftHandle,&RxBytes,&TxBytes,&EventDWord);
// if((ftStatus == FT_OK) && (RxBytes >= OneSector))
ftStatus = FT_Read(ftHandle,RxBuffer,OneSector,&BytesReceived);
if (ftStatus == FT_OK)
// FT_Read OK
//printf(“Read one sector bytes!\r\n”);
dwSum += BytesReceived;
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AN_130 FT2232H Used in an FT245 Style Synchronous FIFO Mode
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D oc ument Reference N o.: FT _000186
C learance N o.: FT DI# 1 1 7
// FT_Read Failed
//check the end condition and quit
float lPassTick = lPostTime.QuadPart – lPreTime.QuadPart;
float lPassTime = lPassTick/(float)lFrequency.QuadPart;
printf(“Received data bytes:%d \r\n”, dwSum);
printf(“Time passed:%f \r\n”, lPassTime);
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Application Note
AN_130 FT2232H Used in an FT245 Style Synchronous FIFO Mode
V ers ion 1 .3
D oc ument Reference N o.: FT _000186
C learance N o.: FT DI# 1 1 7
4.3 Write Data Mode
When an external system writes data to a PC via FT2232H, it is referred to as write data mode.
External system – When the external system is ready to transmit data, the external system should first
check the TXE#. The external system must wait until TXE# goes low , it should then pull WR# signal low,
before sending data bytes to D0~D7 at the CLKOUT frequency. If the external system detects
TXE#=high, then it should stop data transferring and pull WR# signal high. The external system must
then continue to poll the TXE# signal.
PC application – The application in PC side should poll the RX buffer to read data which has been
transferred by the external system until the data transfer task is done.
Example code
#define OneSector 1024
FT_HANDLE ftHandle;
FT_STATUS ftStatus;
DWORD EventDWord;
DWORD RxBytes;
DWORD TxBytes;
DWORD BytesReceived;
char RxBuffer[OneSector];
//set interface into FT245 Synchronous FIFO mode
ftStatus = FT_GetStatus(ftHandle,&RxBytes,&TxBytes,&EventDWord);
if((ftStatus == FT_OK) && (RxBytes >= OneSector))
ftStatus = FT_Read(ftHandle,RxBuffer,RxBytes,&BytesReceived);
if (ftStatus == FT_OK)
// FT_Read OK
// FT_Read Failed
//check the end condition and quit
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Application Note
AN_130 FT2232H Used in an FT245 Style Synchronous FIFO Mode
V ers ion 1 .3
D oc ument Reference N o.: FT _000186
C learance N o.: FT DI# 1 1 7
4.4 Read Data Mode
When an external system wants to read data from PC via FT2232H, it is referred to as read data mode.
PC application – The application at the PC side sends data to FT2232H using the call FT_Write()
command. This step is repeated until the data transfer is complete.
External system – The external system must poll until RXF# = low . It should then pull OE# = low then
RD#=low after one clock delay, and read data bytes from D0~D7 at the CLKOUT frequency. When the
external system detects RXF#=high, then it should stop reading data and pull OE# = high and RD#=
high. The external system should then continue to poll the RXF # signal until data transfer task is
Example code
#define OneSector 1024
FT_HANDLE ftHandle;
FT_STATUS ftStatus;
DWORD EventDWord;
DWORD RxBytes;
DWORD TxBytes;
DWORD BytesWritten;
char TxBuffer[OneSector];
//set interface into FT245 Synchronous FIFO mode
ftStatus = FT_GetStatus(ftHandle,&RxBytes,&TxBytes,&EventDWord);
if((ftStatus == FT_OK) && (TxBytes == 0))
ftStatus = FT_Write(ftHandle, TxBuffer, sizeof(TxBuffer), &BytesWritten);
if (ftStatus == FT_OK)
// FT_Write OK
// FT_Write Failed
//check the end condition and quit
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Application Note
AN_130 FT2232H Used in an FT245 Style Synchronous FIFO Mode
V ers ion 1 .3
D oc ument Reference N o.: FT _000186
C learance N o.: FT DI# 1 1 7
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Application Note
AN_130 FT2232H Used in an FT245 Style Synchronous FIFO Mode
V ers ion 1 .3
D oc ument Reference N o.: FT _000186
C learance N o.: FT DI# 1 1 7
Appendix A – References
Document References
D2XX Programmers Guide
Acronyms and Abbreviations
Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
First-In First-Out
Personal Computer
Universal Serial Bus
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C opyright © 2 0 15 Future T echnology D evices I nternational L imited
Application Note
AN_130 FT2232H Used in an FT245 Style Synchronous FIFO Mode
V ers ion 1 .3
D oc ument Reference N o.: FT _000186
C learance N o.: FT DI# 1 1 7
Appendix B – List of Tables & Figures
List of Tables
Table 1 - Channel A FT245 Style Synchronous FIFO Configured Pin Descriptions ..................................... 4
Table 2 - Timing Table............................................................................................................................ 6
Table 3 - Configuration using EEPROM and Application Software ............................................................. 7
List of Figures
Figure 1 - Read Timing ........................................................................................................................... 5
Figure 2 - Write Timing........................................................................................................................... 5
Figure 3 - MProg Tool Setting ................................................................................................................. 8
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Application Note
AN_130 FT2232H Used in an FT245 Style Synchronous FIFO Mode
V ers ion 1 .3
D oc ument Reference N o.: FT _000186
C learance N o.: FT DI# 1 1 7
Appendix C– Revision History
Document Title:
AN_130 FT2232H Used in an FT245 Style Synchronous FIFO Mode
Document Reference No.:
Clearance No.:
FTDI# 117
Product Page:
Document Feedback:
Send Feedback
Initial release
Added Chapter 4.2 Getting the Best Performance
Edited Figure 3.1 MProg tool setting
Updated Table 2 – Timing Table
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