Freescale Semiconductor Advance Information Document Number: MPC18730 Rev. 4.0, 8/2006 Power Management IC with Five Regulated Outputs Programmed Through 3-Wire Serial Interface The MPC18730 Power Management IC (PMIC) regulates five independent output voltages from either a single cell Li-Ion (2.7 V to 4.2 V input range) or from a single cell Ni-MH or dry cell (0.9 V to 2.2 V input range). The PMIC includes 2 DC-DC converters and 3 low drop out (LDO) linear regulators. The output voltage for each of the 5 output voltages is set independently through a 3-wire serial interface. The serial interface also configures the PMIC's versatile start-up control system, which includes multiple wakeup, sleep, standby, and reset modes to minimize power consumption for portable equipment. In single cell Li-Ion applications two DC-DC converters are configured as buck (step-down) regulators. In single cell Ni-MH or dry cell applications, one DC-DC converter is configured as a boost (step-up) regulator, and the other as buck-boost regulator. The DCDC converters' output voltages have set ranges 1.613 V to 3.2 V at up to 120 mA, and 0.805 V to 1.5 V up to 100 mA. 18730 POWER MANAGEMENT IC EP SUFFIX (PB-FREE) 98ARL10571D 64-PIN QFN ORDERING INFORMATION Device Temperature Range (TA) Package MPC18730EP/R2 -10°C to 65°C 64 QFN Features • • • • • • • Operates from single cell Li-Ion, Ni-MH, or Alkaline 2 DC-DC Converters 3 Low Drop Regulators Serial Interface Sets Output Voltages 4 Wake Inputs Low Current Standby Mode Pb-Free Packaging Designated by Suffix Code EP MPC18730 VB VBATT VO SW1 VREF VO VO2_SENSE PGOOD2 MCU { Programmable 0.805 V to 1.5 V VOUT2 PGOOD1 VGATE_EXT Programmable 1.613 V to 3.2 V VOUT1 VO1_SENSE CONTROL LOGIC INPUTS GND GNDGATE SW2 SREGI1 SREGO1 SREGI2 SREGO2 SREGI3 SREGO3 VGATE Programmable 0.865 V to 2.8 V Programmable 0.011 V to 2.8 V Programmable 2.08 V to 2.8 V VB SWGATE Figure 1. MPC18730 Simplified Application Diagram * This document contains certain information on a new product. Specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. © Freescale Semiconductor, Inc., 2006. All rights reserved. INTERNAL BLOCK DIAGRAM INTERNAL BLOCK DIAGRAM VMODE HVB VBATT VBATT LVB Driver VREF VREF VMODE VO1_SENSE PGOOD1(Int) VO1_SENSE PGOOD1(Int) BANDGAP REFERENCE CLEAR VGATE LSWO VO1_SENSE LVB V_STDBY VOUT1 PGOOD1(Int) POWER PGOOD1(Int) VO1_SENSE SWITCH1 VO1_SENSE PGOOD1 RESET Block 1 VGATE REF1 VIN1 Step-UpDown DC/DC Converter CH1 PGOOD1_DELAY RESET1_TH EAIN1 SW1 PGND1 EAOUT1 VGATE DMAX1 VO1_SENSE VOUT2 POWER SWITCH2 PGOOD2(Int) VGATE VO2_SENSE_IN PGOOD2(Int) VO2_SENSE PGOOD2 RESET Block 2 HG REF2 LG Step-UpDown DC/DC Converter CH2 PGOOD2_DELAY EAOUT2 EAIN2 VIN2 SW2 DMAX2 PGND2 VGATE REF3 SREGC1 SREGI1 Series Pass Regulator1 SREGO1 VGATE SREGC2 SREGI2 Series Pass Regulator2 REF4 V_STDBY SREGO2 SREGC3 VGATE VO1_SENSE VBATT WAKE1B WAKE2B WAKE3B WAKE4B SEQ_SELECT DATA STRB SCKIN CLEAR SLEEP EXT_CLOCK GND VGATESEL1 REF5 SREGI3 VBATT EXT_CLOCK PGOOD1(Int) REF2 REF1 SREGO3 CH_PUMP CPoff PGOOD2 VBATT VGATE CONTROL (Int) SEQ_SELECT Control VO1_SENSE Logic Step-Up VG_SELECT DC/DC VGATE_DUTY Convertor REF4 REF3 REF DAC VGATE SWGATE GNDGATE VGATE REF5 On VGATESEL2 WATCHDOG SREG2G Series Pass Regulator3 VREF EXT gate On Buffer VGATE_EXT Figure 2. MPC18730 Simplified Internal Block Diagram 18730 2 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor PIN CONNECTIONS CLEAR SREG2G SREGO2 SREGI2 SREGC1 SREGO1 SREGI1 GND VREF DATA STRB SCKIN WATCHDOG SEQ_SELECT EXT_CLOCK SLEEP PIN CONNECTIONS 49 SREGC2 1 WAKE4B 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 2 48 SREGI3 WAKE3B 3 47 SREGO3 WAKE2B 4 46 SREGC3 WAKE1B 5 45 VGATE_EXT LSWO 6 44 LG LVB 7 43 HG HVB 8 42 VO2_SENSE V_STDBY 9 41 VO2_SENSE_IN 40 VOUT2 VO1_SENSE 10 VOUT1 11 39 VIN2 VIN1 12 38 SW2 SW1 13 37 SW2 SW1 14 36 PGND2 PGND1 15 35 PGND2 PGND1 16 34 PGOOD2 TOP VIEW 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 DMAX2 EAOUT2 EAIN2 VGATESEL1 VGATESEL2 VBATT GNDGATE VGATE SWGATE CH_PUMP EAIN1 EAOUT1 DMAX1 RESET1_TH 33 PGOOD2_DELAY PGOOD1_DELAY PGOOD1 17 Figure 3. MPC18730 Pin Connections Table 1. MPC18730 Pin Definitions A functional description of each pin can be found in the Functional Pin Description section beginning on page 14. Pin Number Pin Name Pin Function Formal Name 1 CLEAR Input Clear 2 WAKE4B Input Wake Signal 4 Start-up Signal Input 4 3 WAKE3B Input Wake Signal 3 Start-up Signal Input 3 4 WAKE2B Input Wake Signal 2 Start-up Signal Input 2 5 WAKE1B Input Wake Signal 1 Start-up Signal Input 1 6 LSWO Output Low-Side Switch Output Definition Start-up Signal Input Latch/Clear Low-Side Switch Output Pin 18730 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 3 PIN CONNECTIONS Table 1. MPC18730 Pin Definitions (continued) A functional description of each pin can be found in the Functional Pin Description section beginning on page 14. Pin Number Pin Name Pin Function Formal Name 7 LVB Input Low Voltage Battery VB Power Supply Connection for Ni_mh 8 HVB Input High Voltage Battery VB Power Supply Connection for Li_ion 9 V_STDBY Output Standby Voltage 10 VO1_SENSE Input Voltage Input 1 11 VOUT1 Output Voltage Output 1 Power Switch 1 Output 12 VIN1 Output Voltage Output 1 Switching Power Supply Circuit 1 Output 13 SW1 Power Switching 1 Switching Power Supply Circuit 1 Coil Connection 14 SW1 Power Switching 1 Switching Power Supply Circuit 1 Coil Connection 15 PGND1 Ground Power Ground 1 Switching Power Supply Circuit 1 Power GND 16 PGND1 Ground Power Ground 1 Switching Power Supply Circuit 1 Power GND 17 PGOOD1 Output Inverted Reset Definition V_STDBY Voltage Output Switching Power Supply Circuit 1, VO1_SENSE Voltage Input, VO1_SENSE Power Supply Reset Circuit 1 Reset Signal Output Output 1 18 PGOOD1_DELAY Input Reset Delay Reset Circuit 1 Reset Signal Delaying Capacitor Connection Capacitor 1 Switching Power Supply Circuit 1 Reset Voltage Reference Output 19 RESET1_TH Output Reset1 Adjustment 20 DMAX1 Power Duty Control 21 EAOUT1 Output Reference Feedback 1 22 EAIN1 Input Input Minus 1 Switching Power Supply Circuit 1 Error Amp Inverse Input 23 CH_PUMP Power Charge Pump Capacitor VGATE Power Supply Circuit Charge Pump Capacitor Connection 24 VGATE Output Gate Voltage VGATE Power Supply Circuit Voltage Output, Pre-Diver Circuit Power Supply 25 SWGATE Power Switching 26 GNDGATE Ground Power Ground 3 VGATE Power Supply Circuit Power GND 27 VBATT Power Battery Voltage VB Power Supply Connection 28 VGATESEL2 Output VGATE Select 2 VG Power Supply Circuit Output Voltage Setting 2 29 VGATESEL1 Output VGATE Select 1 VGATE Power Supply Circuit Output Voltage Setting 1 30 EAIN2 Input Input Minus 31 EAOUT2 Output Reference Feedback 2 32 DMAX2 Power Duty Control Switching Power Supply Circuit 2 Maximum Duty Setting 33 PGOOD2_DELAY Input Reset Delay Reset Circuit 2 Reset Signal Delay Capacitor Connection Switching Power Supply Circuit 1 Maximum Duty Setting Switching Power Supply Circuit 1 Error Amp Output VGATE Power Supply Circuit Coil Connection Switching Power Supply Circuit 2 Error Amp Inverting Input Switching Power Supply Circuit 2 Error Amp Output Capacitor 1 34 PGOOD2 Output Inverted Reset Reset Circuit 2 Reset Signal Output Output 2 35 PGND2 Ground Power Ground 2 Switching Power Supply Circuit 2 Power GND 36 PGND2 Ground Power Ground 2 Switching Power Supply Circuit 2 Power GND 18730 4 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor PIN CONNECTIONS Table 1. MPC18730 Pin Definitions (continued) A functional description of each pin can be found in the Functional Pin Description section beginning on page 14. Pin Number Pin Name Pin Function Formal Name 37 SW2 Power Switching Switching Power Supply Circuit 2 Coil Connection 38 SW2 Power Switching Switching Power Supply Circuit 2 Coil Connection 39 VIN2 Output Voltage Output Switching Power Supply Circuit 2 Output 40 VOUT2 Output Voltage Output Power Switch 2 Output 41 VO2_SENSE_IN Input Voltage Input Power Switch 2 Voltage Input 42 VO2_SENSE Input Voltage Input Switching Power Supply Circuit 2 VO2_SENSE Voltage Input 43 HG Output 44 LG Output Step Down Bottom FET 2 45 VGATE_EXT Output Gate Switch 46 SREGC3 Power 47 SREGO3 Output Regulator Output 3 48 SREGI3 Power Regulator Input 3 49 SREGC2 Power 50 SREG2G Output Regulator Gate Output 2 51 SREGO2 Output Regulator Output 2 52 SREGI2 Power Regulator Input 2 53 SREGC1 Power 54 SREGO1 Output Regulator Output 1 55 SREGI1 Power Regulator Input 1 56 GND Ground Ground 57 VREF Output Reference Voltage 58 DATA Input Data Signal 59 STRB Input Strobe Serial Interface Strobe Signal Input 60 SCKIN Input Serial Clock Serial Interface Clock Signal Input 61 WATCHDOG Input Watch Dog Timer 62 SEQ_SELECT Input Sequence Input 63 EXT_CLOCK Input Clock Input 64 SLEEP Input Sleep Signal Definition Step Down Top FET 2 Switching Power Supply Circuit 2 Step down Top side FET Gate Output for Ni_mh Switching Power Supply Circuit 2 Step down Bottom side FRT Gate Output for Ni_mh External Transistor Gate Signal Output Regulator Capacitor 3 Series Pass Power Supply Circuit 3 External Feedback Connection Series Pass Power Supply Circuit 3 Output Series Pass Power Supply Circuit 3 Power Supply Regulator Capacitor 2 Series Pass Power Supply Circuit 2 External Feedback Connection Series Pass Power Supply Circuit 2 External Transistor Gate Signal Output Series Pass Power Supply Circuit 2 Output Series Pass Power Supply Circuit 2 Power Supply Regulator Capacitor 1 Series Pass Power Supply Circuit 1 External Feedback Connection Series Pass Power Supply Circuit 1 Output Series Pass Power Supply Circuit 1 Power Supply GND Reference Voltage Output Serial Interface Data Signal Input Watchdog Timer Capacitor Connection Start-Up Sequence Setting Input External Synchronous Clock Signal Input Sleep Signal Input 18730 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 5 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS MAXIMUM RATINGS ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS MAXIMUM RATINGS Table 2. Maximum Ratings All voltages are with respect to ground unless otherwise noted. Exceeding these ratings may cause a malfunction or permanent damage to the device. Ratings Symbol Value Unit Power Supply Voltage VBATT -0.5 to 5.0 V (1) VINAN -0.5 to VO1+0.5 V ELECTRICAL RATINGS Analog Signal Input Logic Signal Input V WAKE1~4B VILRSTB -0.5 to V_STDBY+0.5 VILGC -0.5 to VO1_SENSE+0.5 VILGSEL -0.5 to VBATT+0.5 IOVO1 120 VOUT2 Power Supply Circuit IOVO2 100 SREG1 Power Supply Circuit IOREG1 80 SREG2 Power Supply Circuit IOREG2 100 SREG3 Power Supply Circuit IOREG3 80 VGATE Power Supply Circuit IOVG 8 IOPGOOD1 -20 VIODR -0.5 to 3.3 VIODV -0.5 to 3.3 CLEAR, SLEEP, EXT_CLOCK, SCKIN, DATA, STRB VGATESEL1,2 Output Power Current VOUT1 Power Supply Circuit mA (2) PGOOD1 Power Supply Circuit Open-Drain Output Apply Voltage PGOOD1 LSWO ESD Voltage V (3) V Human Body Model (HBM) VESD1 ± 1500 Machine Model (MM) VESD2 ± 200 Charge Device Model (CDM) VCDM ± 750 THERMAL RATINGS °C Operating Temperature Ambient TA -10 to 65 Junction TJ 150 TSTG -50 to 150 °C RθJA 69 °C/W TSOLDER 260 °C Storage Temperature Thermal Resistance (4) Junction to Ambient Lead Soldering Temperature(5) Notes 1. VREF, DMAX1, DMAX2, SREGC1, SREGC2, SREGC3 and RESET1_TH. 2. Includes the series pass power supply circuit output current 3. ESD testing is performed in accordance with the Human Body Model (HBM) (CZAP = 100 pF, RZAP = 1500 Ω), the Machine Model (MM) (CZAP = 200 pF, RZAP = 0 Ω), and the Charge Device Model (CDM), Robotic (CZAP = 4.0pF). 4. 5. Device mounted on a 2s2p test board, in accordance with JEDEC JESD51-6 and JESD51-7. Pin soldering temperature limit is for 10 seconds maximum duration. Not designed for immersion soldering. Exceeding these limits may cause malfunction or permanent damage to the device. 18730 6 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS STATIC STATIC Table 3. Static Electrical Characteristics Characteristics noted under conditions VBATT = 1.2 V, VO1_SENSE = 2.4 V, VGATE= 6.0 V, fCLK = 176.4 kHz unless otherwise noted. Typical values noted reflect the approximate parameter means at TA = 27°C under nominal conditions unless otherwise noted. Characteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit VLVB 0.9 1.2 2.2 VHVB 2.7 3.5 4.2 VSREG+0.3 VSREG+0.4 V GENERAL VB Power Supply Voltage V Power Supply Voltage 1 Power Supply Voltage 2 Series Regulator Input Voltage (6), (7) VSREGI VSREG+0.2 (8) Start-Up Voltage VBST 0.9 - - V Analog Signal Input (9) VIANA 0 - VO1_SENSE V VILRSTB 0 - V_STDBY Logic Signal Input WAKE1~4B CLEAR, SLEEP, EXT_CLOCK, DATA, STRB and SCKIN VGATESEL1, 2 V VILGC 0 - VO1_SENSE VILGSEL 0 - VBATT IOVOUT1 0 - 100 Output Power Current VOUT1 Power Supply Circuit (10) mA VOUT2 Power Supply Circuit (10) IOVOUT2 0 - 80 SREG1 Power Supply Circuit IOSREG1 5.0 - 60 SREG2 Power Supply Circuit IOSREG2 6.0 - 80 SREG3 Power Supply Circuit IOSREG3 5.0 - 60 VGATE Power Supply Circuit IOVG -5.0 - 6.0 IOPGOOD - - 0 VB Supply Current (VB = 1.2 V for Ni_MH) IBSNi - 5.0 10 (HVB = 3.5 V for Li-Ion) IBSLi - 8.0 12 PGOOD µA Supply Current in Stand-by mode Supply Current in Operating mode mA VB Supply Current (VB = 1.2 V for Ni_MH) IBNi - 9.0 18 (HVB = 3.5 V for Li-Ion) IBLi - 7.0 14 Output Voltage VREF 1.255 1.275 1.295 V Output Current IOREF -0.3 - 0.3 mA VOUT1 2.3 2.4 2.5 V Reference Power Supply Circuit Switching Power Supply 1 VOUT1 Output Voltage (Io = 0~100 mA) Notes 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. When applying voltage from an external source. 0.3 V when VGATE is 4.5 V. Provide 2 V or higher for the voltage difference (VGATE - VO1_SENSE). VREF, DMAX1, DMAX2, SREGC1, SREGC2, SREGC3 and RESET1_TH. Includes the series pass power supply circuit output current. 18730 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 7 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS STATIC Table 3. Static Electrical Characteristics (continued) Characteristics noted under conditions VBATT = 1.2 V, VO1_SENSE = 2.4 V, VGATE= 6.0 V, fCLK = 176.4 kHz unless otherwise noted. Typical values noted reflect the approximate parameter means at TA = 27°C under nominal conditions unless otherwise noted. Characteristic Symbol Min Typ Max VOUT2 1.05 1.15 1.25 HG Output Voltage (11) (Isource = 400 µA) VDW2TH 5.2 - VGATE (Isink = 400 µA) VDW2TL 0 - 0.3 LG Output Voltage (11) (Isource = 400 µA) VDW2BH 5.2 - VGATE VDW2BL 0 - 0.3 VSREG1 2.7 2.8 2.9 V SR1OFST -13.5 - 24.5 mV VSREG2 2.7 2.8 2.9 V SR2OFST -17 - 17 mV Switching Power Supply 2 Unit V VOUT2 Output Voltage (Io = 0~80 mA) (Isink = 400 µA) Series Pass Power Supply Circuit SREG1 Control Voltage (Io = 5~60 mA) (12) SREG1-Error AMP Input offset voltage (13) SREG2 Control Voltage (Io = 6~80 mA) (12) SREG2-Error AMP Input offset voltage (14) SREG3 Control Voltage (Io = 5~60 mA) (12) VSREG3 2.7 2.8 2.9 V SR3OFST -11 - 23 mV SREG3-Error AMP Input offset voltage (15) SREG2GH 5.0 - VGATE V SREG2G Output Voltage (16) (Isource = 2.5 µA) SREG2GL 0 - 0.5 V VOUT1 Circuit RVOUT1 - 0.4 0.6 VOUT2 Circuit RVOUT2 - 0.4 0.6 (Isink = 2.5 µA) Power Switch On Resistance W VGATE Power Supply Circuit V (Io = 0~6 mA) (17) VGATE_00 5.5 6.0 6.5 (Io = 0~6 mA) (18) VGATE_10 4.6 5.0 5.4 VO1_SENSE1LH VB x 0.85 - VB VO1_SENSE_1LL 0 - 0.4 VGH - - 10.5 VLVB 1.75 - 2.45 CH_PUMP Output Voltage (Isource = 2.5 mA) (Isink = 2.5 mA) VGH Voltage (Certified value) V_STDBY Output Voltage for Li_ion (Io = 300 µA) (19) V Notes 11. Connect a transistor with gate capacity of 200 pF or smaller to HG and LG 12. If a capacitor with capacitance of 22 µF is connected to SREGO, use a phase compensation capacitor between SREGO and SREGC when the load is 5 mA (6 mA for SREG2) or lower. The output voltage values shown in the table assume that external resistance is connected as follows: SREGI1 = 3.0 V to 3.3 V, 65.14KΩ between SREGO1 and SREGC1, 34.86KΩ between SREGC1 and GND. SREGI2 = 3.0 V to 3.3 V, 54.46KΩ between SREGO2 and SREGC2, 45.54KΩ between SREGC2 and GND. SREGI3 = 3.0 V to 3.3 V, 73.84KΩ between SREGO3 and SREGC3, 26.16KΩ between SREGC3 and GND. 13. Calculated by the right formula for input offset: SR1OFST = (Vref x 0.77) - (SREGO1 ÷ (100k ÷ 34.86k)) 14. Calculated by the right formula for input offset: SR2OFST = (Vref x 1) - (SREGO1 ÷ (100k ÷ 45.54k)) 15. Calculated by the right formula for input offset: SR3OFST = (Vref x 0.58) - (SREGO1 ÷ (100k ÷ 26.16k)) 16. Connect a transistor with gate capacity of 300 pF or smaller to REG2G. 17. When VGATESEL1 is Low and VGATESEL2 is Low, I/O = 3 mA or higher is certified by specification. 18. When VGATESEL1 is High and VGATESEL2 is Low, I/O = 3 mA or higher is certified by specification. 19. When HVB is 4.2 V and the load from V_STDBY is 0.5 µA or higher. 18730 8 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS STATIC Table 3. Static Electrical Characteristics (continued) Characteristics noted under conditions VBATT = 1.2 V, VO1_SENSE = 2.4 V, VGATE= 6.0 V, fCLK = 176.4 kHz unless otherwise noted. Typical values noted reflect the approximate parameter means at TA = 27°C under nominal conditions unless otherwise noted. Characteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Reset Voltage 1 VRST1 0.85 x VO1_SENSE 0.88 x 0.91 x VO1_SENSE VO1_SENSE V Reset Voltage 2 VRST2 0.80 x VO1_SENSE 0.85 x 0.90 x VO1_SENSE VO1_SENSE V VHYRS1 40 78 115 mV VHYRS2 50 75 100 mV IPGOOD1,2 0 - 10 µA VPGOOD1,2 0 - 0.5 V VOLCR1,2 0 - 0.7 V High Level Threshold Voltage VIHCR1,2 1.25 1.42 1.65 V Low Level Threshold Voltage VILCR1,2 0.75 1.00 1.15 V RPUPRC1,2 50 100 150 KΩ Reset Circuit Hysteresis Voltage 1 (@RST1) Hysteresis Voltage 2 (@RST2) PGOOD (VPGOOD = 2.4 V) (Isink = 2 mA) PGOOD_DELAY (Isink = 100 µA) PGOOD_DELAY Pull-Up Resistance V_STDBY Output Resistance Output Resistance (VO1_SENSE) W RVO1_SENSE - 30 45 RVB - 200 400 RLSWO - 42 50 VGATE_EXT Output Voltage (Isource = 100 µA) VOHEXTG VGATE x 0.9 - VGATE (Isink = 100 µA) VOLEXTG 0 - VGATE x 0.1 "H" Level Input Voltage (20) VIHVS V_STDBY - 0.2 - - V "L" Level Input Voltage (20) VILVS - - 0.2 V "H" Level Input Voltage (21) VIH 1.5 - - V VIL - - 0.4 V VIHVB VB - 0.2 - - V VILVB - - 0.2 V IIH -1.0 - 1.0 µA Output Resistance (VBATT) LSWO Output Resistance W Output Resistance VGATE_EXT V Logic Input "L" Level Input Voltage (21) "H" Level Input Voltage (22) "L" Level Input Voltage (22) "H" Level Input Current (20), (22) IIL -1.0 - 1.0 µA "L" Level Input Current (22), (23) RPUP 410 590 770 KΩ Pull Up Resistance (24) RPDW 330 480 625 KΩ Pull Down Resistance (25) Notes 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Applied to WAKEB1 ~ 4 and SEQ_SELECT. Applied to CLEAR, SLEEP, EXT_CLOCK, DATA, STRB and SCKIN. Applied to VGATESEL1 and 2. Applied to WAKEB1 ~ 3, CLEAR, SLEEP, EXT_CLOCK, DATA, STRB, SCKIN and SEQ_SELECT. Applied to WAKEB4. Applied to CLEAR, SLEEP, EXT_CLOCK, DATA, STRB and SCKIN. 18730 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 9 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS DYNAMIC DYNAMIC Table 4. Dynamic Electrical Characteristics Characteristics noted under conditions VBATT = 1.2 V, VO1_SENSE = 2.4 V, VGATE = 6.0 V, fCLK = 176.4 kHz unless otherwise noted. Typical values noted reflect the approximate parameter means at TA = 27°C under nominal conditions unless otherwise noted. Characteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit fICK 150 200 250 kHz fCLK - 176.4 - kHz DATA Set Up Time ts 20 - - nsec DATA Hold Time th 20 - - nsec OSCILLATOR Internal Oscillation Frequency MICRO CONTROLLER INTERFACE Clock Signal Input (26) Serial Interface (Refer to Figure 5, Serial Interface Timing Diagrams) SCKIN Clock Frequency SCKIN 'H' Pulse Width SCKIN 'L' Pulse Width SCKIN Hold Time STRB Set Up Time STRB Pulse Width fsck - 6.0 - MHz twckh 50 - - nsec twckl 50 - - nsec thck 50 - - nsec tssb 50 - - nsec twsb 50 - - nsec Notes 26. Duty 50%. 18730 10 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS TIMING DIAGRAMS TIMING DIAGRAMS WAKE1~4(int) INT EXT_CLOCK EXT (Serial setting) VO1_SENSE V_STDBY VBATT VBATT VBATT VBATT VGATE VGATE VBATT VBATT VO1_SENSE PGOOD1(Int) PGOOD_DELAY set value VO1_SENSE PGOOD1 VO1_SENSE VO1_SENSE VBATT VBATT VO1_SENSE VOUT1 VO2_SENSE VO2_SENSE VO2_SENSE VOUT2 VO1_SENSE PGOOD2(Int) PGOOD_DELAY set value VO1_SENSE PGOOD1 SEQ_SELECT setting SREG1~3 DATA DATA STRB SEQ_SELECT setting CLEAR SLEEP Standby Mode Start-Up *1: When using Ni_mh. High-Z when using Li_ion. Operation Mode Standby Mode Figure 4. Power Supply Start-Up Timing Diagram 18730 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 11 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS TIMING DIAGRAMS tSSB tWCKH tWCKL tHCK SCKIN tH tS DATA A2 A3 D0 tWSB STRB Figure 5. Serial Interface Timing Diagrams Table 5. Serial Interface Functions Register Name Address DATA1 DATA2 0 CLEAR, SLEEP 1000 CLEAR SLEEP Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved 1 Power Mode 0001 PSW1 PSW2 PGOOD1 VOUT2 SREG1 SREG2 SREG3 PGOOD2 2 Clock Select 0010 Ext / Int 3 VO1_SENSE 0011 MSB VO1_SENSE Output Voltage LSB S_Off_VO1_SENSE 4 VO2_SENSE 0100 MSB VO2_SENSE Output Voltage LSB S_Off_VO2_SENSE 5 SREG1 0101 MSB SREG1 Output Voltage LSB Reserved 6 SREG2 0110 MSB 7 SREG3 0111 MSB Half Freq RSTB sleep S_Off_VGATE VG_Duty[3] VG_Duty[2] VG_Duty[1] VG_Duty[0] SREG2 Output Voltage LSB SREG3 Output Voltage Twelve bits immediately before start-up of STRB are always effective. Upon power on, the internal power on reset works to initialize the registers. Serial data is fetched in the LSB CP Off EXTG On order of Add_[3], Add_[2], ..., Add_[0], DATA1_[3], DATA1_[2], ...., DATA2_[0]. Table 6. Block Operation INPUT OUTPUT WAKE (Int) PGOOD1 (Int) PGOOD1 PGOOD2(Int) SEQ_SELECT VGATE VO1_SENSE VO2_SENSE VOUT1,2 REG 1,2,3 L X X X X - - - - - H L L L L O O - - - H H L L L O O - - O H H L L H O O - - - H H H H L O O O O O H H H H H O O O O O O : Operation, - : Stop, X : Don’t care 18730 12 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS TIMING DIAGRAMS Table 7. Start-Up Sequence Settings SEQ_SELE CT CLEAR/ SLEEP Series Regulators V_STDBY PGOOD2(Ext) PGOOD2(Int) GND PGOOD1(Ext) PGOOD1(Int) 18730 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 13 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION INTRODUCTION FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION INTRODUCTION The 18730 power management integrated circuit provides five independent output voltages for the micro controller from either a single cell Li-Ion or from a single cell Ni-MH or dry cell. The PMIC includes two DC to DC converters and three low drop out linear regulators. The output voltage for each of the five output voltages is set independently through a 3-wire serial interface. The PMIC has multiple wakeup, sleep, and reset modes to minimize power consumption for portable equipment. In single cell Li-Ion applications two DC-DC converters are configured as buck regulators. In single cell Ni-MH or dry cell applications, one DC-DC converter is configured as a boost regulator, and the other as buck-boost regulator. FUNCTIONAL PIN DESCRIPTION CLEAR PIN (CLEAR) This Clear input signal makes clear internal latches for WAKE signal holding. The WAKE control circuit can not receive another WAKE input until the latch is cleared by this Clear input. Channel-1 or Channel-2 DC/DC converter as ‘VO1_SENSEor VO2_SENSE. VOLTAGE OUTPUT PINS (VOUT1, VOUT2) Output ‘VO1_SENSE or ‘VO2_SENSE’ voltage controlled internal power switch. WAKE SIGNAL PINS (WAKE1B, WAKE2B, WAKE3B, WAKE4B) ... ACTIVE LOW POWER INPUT PINS (VIN1, VIN2) Any one WAKE input signal of these four WAKE inputs awakes this device from sleep mode. The WAKE signals can be made with external low side mechanical switch and resistance that is pulled up to VSTB rail. The power input pins (VIN1, VIN2) are drain pins on the top side FET of the DC/DC converter switcher. They are the power input for the buck converter and output for the boost converter. LOW-SIDE SWITCH OUTPUT PIN (LSWO) SWITCHING PINS (SW1, SW2) Low-Side switch output that is turned on with ‘CLEAR’ signal. It can be used for external key input latches clear. Switching Pins (SW1, SW2) are the output of the half bridge and connect to the external inductance. LOW VOLTAGE BATTERY PIN (LVB) POWER GROUND PINS (PGND1, PGND2, GNDGATE) This input pin is used for temporarily power supply while wake up for 1cell Ni-MH battery or 1 cell dry cell battery (= Low Voltage Battery) use. It has to be connected to VB rail. When Li-Ion battery is used, the pin has to be open. Ground level node for DC/DC converter and Charge Pump portion. HIGH VOLTAGE BATTERY PIN (HVB) INVERTED RESET OUTPUT PINS (PGOOD1, PGOOD2) This input pin is used for temporarily power supply while wake up for Li-Ion battery (= High Voltage Battery) use. It has to be connected to the VB rail. When a Ni-MH battery is used, the pin has to be connected to ground level. Reset signal output for external MPU or the something controller. PGOOD1 keeps ‘Low’ level while the VO1_SENSE voltage is less than internal reference voltage. PGOOD2 follows to VO2_SENSE voltage. STANDBY VOLTAGE PIN (V_STDBY) RESET DELAY CAPACITOR PINS (PGOOD1_DELAY, PGOOD2_DELAY) Standby Voltage is made from LVB or HVB that depends on which battery is used. This voltage is used for internal logic and analog circuit at standby (sleep) mode temporarily before ‘VO1_SENSE’ voltage is established. The capacitor connected to this pin decides delay time to negate the Reset signal from exceeding the reference voltage level. VOLTAGE INPUT PINS (VO1_SENSE, VO2_SENSE) RESET 1 ADJUSTMENT PIN (RESET1_TH) This power supply input pin named ‘VO1_SENS or VO2_SENSE’ is for internal logic and analog circuits and for input of ‘VOUT1’ output via power switch. Input for ‘VOUT2’ is ‘VO2_SENSE_IN’ pin. It is supplied from the output of Used to adjust the reset level with external resistance which is connected to VO1_SENSE for PGOOD1. 18730 14 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION FUNCTIONAL PIN DESCRIPTION DUTY CONTROL PINS (DMAX1, DMAX2) Connected external voltage to this pin via capacitance can control the duty of DC/DC converter switching. Use of the pin for this is not recommended. REGULATOR CONTROL PINS (SREGC1, SREGC2, SREGC3) Feed back pin for each series regulators. This pin voltage is compared with internal reference voltage. Input the feed back voltage that divided SREGO voltage by resistances. REFERENCE FEEDBACK PINS (EAOUT1, EAOUT2) Output node of internal error amp. for DC/DC converter 1 and 2. Used for phase compensation. REGULATOR OUTPUT PINS (SREGO1, SREGO2, SREGO3) INPUT MINUS PINS (EAIN1, EAIN2) Series regulator output pins. All output voltages can be variable with internal DAC via serial I/F. Minus input of internal error amp. for DC/DC converter 1 and 2. Used for phase compensation. CHARGE PUMP CAPACITOR PIN (CH_PUMP) In case of use higher voltage than VGATE externally, connect capacitance and diodes between VGATE. The charge pump structure can output VGATE + VB - 2 x VF voltage. There is no meaning for Ni-MH or dry cell battery, because the VB voltage is almost same as 2 x VF voltage. Recommend to use for Li-Ion battery use. REGULATOR INPUT PINS (SREGI1, SREGI2, SREGI3) Series regulator power input pins. To be connected to battery voltage in general. GROUND PIN (GND) Ground pin for logic and analog circuit portion (not power portion). Recommend to connect to clean ground which separated with power ground line. GATE VOLTAGE PIN (VGATE) REFERENCE VOLTAGE PIN (VREF) Output pin of boost converter for gate drive voltage. The output voltage is decided by VGSEL input. Output of internal reference voltage. It can be used externally. Output current capacity is less than 300 µA. SWITCHING FOR GATE VOLTAGE PIN (SWGATE) DATA INPUT PIN (DATA) Switching pin for VGATE boost converter. Connect to external inductance. Serial data input pin for the serial interface. The last 12 bits received before the strobe signal’s low to high transition are latched. BATTERY VOLTAGE PIN (VBATT) Power supply input that connects to Ni-MH or Dry cell or Li-Ion battery. STROBE PIN (STRB) Strobe signal input pin for serial interface. It latches the 12 bits of data input to the internal control registers. VGATE SELECT PINS (VGATESEL1, VGATESEL2) VGATE output voltage is decided with these two bits input. VOLTAGE INPUT FOR POWER SWITCH 2 PIN (VO2_SENSE_IN) Input of VOUT2 output via power switch. Connect to VO2_SENSE pin externally. SERIAL CLOCK PIN (SCKIN) Clock input pin for serial interface. Input data are taken in to I/F with this clock. WATCH DOG TIMER PIN (WATCHDOG) Gate drive output pins for external FETs to use DC/DC converter 2 as Buck / Boost converter. Watch dog timer prevent unstable wake up (flips between wake-up and failure). If there is no ‘CLEAR’ input after any WAKEnB input before this WATCHDOG is expired, this device moves to ‘SLEEP’ mode to prevent wake failure hanging-up situation. GATE SWITCH PIN (VGATE_EXT) SEQUENCE SELECT PIN (SEQ_SELECT) Gate drive output pin for external low side switch. It can be used for power switch turning On/OFF for remote controller part. Select judgement Reset channel for wake-up complete with this input. If this input level is V_STDBY voltage, this device judges the wake-up completion with Reset2 (DC/ DC2). If it is Ground, judge with Reset1 (DC/DC1). See Table 7, on page 13. STEP DOWN FET GATE DRIVE PINS (HG, LG) 18730 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 15 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION FUNCTIONAL PIN DESCRIPTION CLOCK INPUT PIN (EXT_CLOCK) SLEEP MODE PIN (SLEEP) Clock input pin for internal switching part. This device has a oscillator internally, but can use this input clock for internal switching frequency. It is selected by Clock select bit. See Table 19, on page 25. The sleep input signal puts the device in sleep mode. All output voltages are down, and internal current consumption will be minimum. 18730 16 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor FUNCTIONAL DEVICE OPERATION OPERATIONAL MODES FUNCTIONAL DEVICE OPERATION OPERATIONAL MODES START-UP CONTROL INPUT (SYSTEM CONTROL) The latch is set at the rising edge of any WAKE1B-4B input pin, and WAKE(int) goes High. WAKE1~4B inputs consist of OR logic. At this time, the input pin which went Low keeps latched until CLEAR goes High. After the latch is reset by CLEAR, WAKE(int) goes Low when SLEEP goes High. The latch is also cleared and WAKE(int) goes Low when SLEEP goes High before the latch is cleared by CLEAR. In this case, CLEAR keeps negated while PGOOD1, 2(Ext) is Low. SLEEP keeps negated while PGOOD1, 2(Ext) is Low or CLEAR is High. The period of time for which CLEAR and SLEEP are negated can be set by the SEQ_SELECT pin. Refer to Truth Table 5, on page 12 for the correspondence between the SEQ_SELECT pin settings and negation period. If SLEEP goes High to place the chip into the standby mode while any of the WAKEB pins is Low, the chip can be awakened again. This may happen if, when an WAKEB pin and LSWO are connected, SLEEP goes High earlier than the period of time (*1) specified by the external component of the WAKEB pin. Also, if the period of time after WAKE(int) goes High until CLEAR goes High from Low is longer than the time specified by WATCHDOG, internal sleep will start up to place the chip into the standby mode. (*1: It is 30 µsec when a capacitor is not connected as the external component.) WAKEB CLEAR Time specified by WATCHDOG WATCHDOG WAKE(Int) Figure 6. Start-Up Timing Diagram STANDBY POWER SUPPLY CIRCUIT LSWO Short-circuit VBATT and LVB, and connect a Schottky diode between VBATT and V_STDBY only when using Ni_mh. CLEAR VBATT VBATT HVB VO1_SENSE Standby Power PGOOD1(Int) Supply Control LVB PGOOD1 V_STDBY V_STDBY When using Li_ion, leave LVB open, and shortcircuit HVB and VBATT. Figure 7. Standby Power Supply Circuit Diagram When PGOOD1(int) is Low, output LVB voltage to LSWO is open. When PGOOD1(int) is High and CLEAR is V_STDBY pin. When PGOOD1(int) is High, output High, LSWO output voltage turns GND. When PGOOD1(int) VO1_SENSE voltage to V_STDBY pin. When CLEAR is Low, is Low and PGOOD1 is High, discharge the external 18730 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 17 FUNCTIONAL DEVICE OPERATION OPERATIONAL MODES capacitor which is connected to V_STDBY. When using Ni_mh, short-circuit VBATT and LVB to external components and HVB to GND. When using Li_ion, short-circuit HVB to VBATT, and leave LVB open. When using Ni_MH, the VB voltage is output from V_STDBY in Standby mode. When using Li-Ion, 50% of the VBATT voltage is output to V_STDBY pin in Standby Mode. Table 8. HVB and LVB Connection MODE HVB LVB Li_ion VBATT(27) open Ni_mh GND VBATT(27) Notes 27. Externally connect to VBATT. Table 9. V_STDBY and LSWO Operation INPUT OUTPUT WAKE(Int) PGOOD2(Int) CLEAR V_STDBY LSWO L X X VBATT Z H L X VBATT Z H H L VO1_SENSE Z H H H VO1_SENSE L Z : High Impedance, X : Don’t care RESET CIRCUIT PGOOD1_DELAY, PGOOD2_DELAY VO1_SENSE VO1_SENSE, VO2_SENSE RESET1_TH VO1_SENSE (PGOOD1 side only) BANDGAP VGATE PGOOD1, 2 Reset Control PGOOD1_DELAY, PGOOD2_DELAY PGOOD1, 2B(Int) REFERENCE Figure 8. Reset Circuit Block Diagram When the VO1_SENSE or VO2_SENSE voltage is higher than the reference value, PGOOD1 or 2B goes High. When PGOOD1(int) is Low and PGOOD1 is High, SLEEP(int) is forced to place the chip into the standby mode. Connect a capacitor between RESET1_TH and PGOOD_DELAY. The capacitor is not necessary if a resistor of 330KΩ or less is inserted between RESET1_TH and VO1_SENSE for reset adjustment Connect the capacitor between RESET1_TH and PGOOD as directed below. When SEQ_SELECT is Low:Between RESET1_TH and PGOOD1_DELAY When SEQ_SELECT is High:Between RESET1_TH and PGOOD2_DELAY Use a capacitor with approximately half of the capacitance between PGOOD_DELAY and GND 18730 18 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor FUNCTIONAL DEVICE OPERATION OPERATIONAL MODES PGOOD1(Int) PGOOD1 SLEEP(Int) Figure 9. Reset Timing Diagram POWER SUPPLY VO1_SENSE, VO2_SENSE: NI_MH The VBATT voltage rises or falls and is output to VIN2. When PGOOD2(int) is High, the power switch turns ON to output the VO2_SENSE_IN voltage to VOUT2. If you turn DDC2 OFF using the register, the power switch 2 also turns OFF. Capacitance value which is connected to VO2_SENSE_IN should be higher than the capacitor connected to VOUT2. The VBATT voltage rises and is output to VIN1. When PGOOD2(int) is High, the power switch turns ON to output the VO1_SENSE voltage to VOUT1. Capacitance value which is connected to VO1_SENSE should be higher than the capacitor connected to VOUT1. Table 10. Output Voltage of VO1_SENSE Address: 0011(28) B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 S_Off_VO1_SENSE VO1_SENSE [V](29) L L L L L L L X 1.613 L L L L L L H X 1.625 L L L L L H L X 1.638 L L L L H L L X 1.663 L L L H L L L X 1.713 L L H L L L L X 1.813 L H L L L L L X 2.013 H L L L L L L X 2.413 H L L L L L H X 2.425 H L L L L H L X 2.438 H L L L H L L X 2.463 H L L H L L L X 2.513 H L H L L L L X 2.613 H H L L L L L X 2.813 H H H H H H H X 3.200 Notes 28. All combinations of input are not included. 29. Operation is not guaranteed when VO1_SENSE input voltage is 1.8 V or lower. By connecting a diode between VIN1 and VO1_SENSE, VIN1 can output voltage higher (with the voltage difference Vf) than VO1_SENSE. 18730 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 19 FUNCTIONAL DEVICE OPERATION OPERATIONAL MODES Table 11. Output Voltage of VO2_SENSE Address: 0100(33) B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 S_Off_VO2_SENSE VO2_SENSE [V] L L L L L L L X 0.805 L L L L L L H X 0.811 L L L L L H L X 0.816 L L L L H L L X 0.827 L L L H L L L X 0.849 L L H L L L L X 0.893 L H L L L L L X 0.980 H L L L L L L X 1.155 H L L L L L H X 1.161 H L L L L H L X 1.166 H L L L H L L X 1.177 H L L H L L L X 1.199 H L H L L L L X 1.243 H H L L L L L X 1.330 H H H H H H H X 1.500 Notes 30. All combinations of input are not included POWER SUPPLY VO1_SENSE, VO2_SENSE: LI-ION The VBATT voltage falls and is output to VO1_SENSE. When using Li_ion, duty limit due to DMAX1 is not applied to the switch. When PGOOD2(int) is High, the power switch turns ON to output the VO1_SENSE voltage to VOUT1. Capacitance value which is connected to VO1_SENSE should be higher than the capacitor connected to VOUT1. The VBATT voltage falls using only the internal transistor and is output to VO2_SENSE. When using Li_ion, duty limit due to DMAX2 is not applied to the switch, and HG and LG are Low. When PGOOD2(int) is High, the power switch turns ON to output the VO2_SENSE_IN voltage to VOUT2. If you turn DDC2 OFF using the register, the power switch 2 also turns OFF. Capacitance value which is connected to VO2_SENSE_IN should be higher than the capacitor connected to VOUT2. SERIES PASS POWER SUPPLY The series pass outputs the SREGI1 voltage to SREGO1, the SREGI2 voltage to SREGO2, and the SREGI3 voltage to SREGO3. If you use MOSFET as the external component in this case, connect the gate to SREG2G. Table 12. Output Voltage of SREG1 Address: 0101(31) B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 Reserved SREG1 [V](33) L L L L L L L H 0.865 L L L L L L H H 0.880 L L L L L H L H 0.895 L L L L H L L H 0.926 L L L H L L L H 0.986 L L H L L L L H 1.107 18730 20 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor FUNCTIONAL DEVICE OPERATION OPERATIONAL MODES Table 12. Output Voltage of SREG1 Address: 0101(31) B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 Reserved SREG1 [V](33) L H L L L L L H 1.349 H L L L L L L H 1.833 H L L L L L H H 1.848 H L L L L H L H 1.863 H L L L H L L H 1.893 H L L H L L L H 1.954 H L H L L L L H 2.075 H H L L L L L H 2.317 H H H H H H H H 2.800 Notes 31. All combinations of input are not included. 32. The SREG1 and 3 output voltages are determined by the combination of external resistances connected to SREGC1 and 3 (65.14KΩ between SREGO1 and SREGC1, 34.86KΩ between SREGC1 and GND, 73.84KΩ between SREGO3 and SREGC3, and 26.16KΩ between SREGC3 and GND). Table 13. Output Voltage of SREG2 Address: 0110(33) B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 SREG2 [V] L L L L L L L L 0.011 L L L L L L L H 0.022 L L L L L L H L 0.033 L L L L L H L L 0.055 L L L L H L L L 0.098 L L L H L L L L 0.186 L L H L L L L L 0.361 L H L L L L L L 0.711 H L L L L L L L 1.411 H L L L L L L H 1.422 H L L L L L H L 1.433 H L L L L H L L 1.455 H L L L H L L L 1.498 H L L H L L L L 1.586 H L H L L L L L 1.761 H H L L L L L L 2.111 H H H H H H H H 2.800 Notes 33. All combinations of input are not included. Table 14. Output Voltage of SREG3 Address: 0111(34) B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 CP Off EXTG On SREG3 [V](35) L L L L L L X X 2.080 18730 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 21 FUNCTIONAL DEVICE OPERATION OPERATIONAL MODES Table 14. Output Voltage of SREG3 Address: 0111(34) B3 B2 CP Off EXTG On SREG3 [V](35) L L H X X 2.091 L H L X X 2.102 L H L L X X 2.125 H L L L X X 2.170 B7 B6 B5 B4 L L L L L L L L L L L H L L L L X X 2.260 H L L L L L X X 2.440 H L L L L H X X 2.451 H L L L H L X X 2.462 H L L H L L X X 2.485 H L H L L L X X 2.530 H H L L L L X X 2.620 H H H H H H X X 2.800 Notes 34. All combinations of input are not included. 35. The SREG1 and 3 output voltages are determined by the combination of external resistances connected to SREGC1 and 3 (65.14KΩ between SREGO1 and SREGC1, 34.86KΩ between SREGC1 and GND, 73.84KΩ between SREGO3 and SREGC3, and 26.16KΩ between SREGC3 and GND). VG GENERATOR VBATT VGATE VGATE Start Up VGATE VBATT VGATE Step-Up Pre Driver SWGATE GNDGATE VG_select VG_duty Figure 10. Circuit when using a Step-Up Converter When WAKE (int) goes High from Low, the start-up circuit raises the VB voltage and outputs it to VGATE, then outputs the VGATE voltage when PGOOD1 (int) goes High. The charge pump circuit can be used for both Ni_mh and Li_ion by setting the necessary registers. The charge pump circuit is disabled by default. The VGATE voltage can be set in the range of 6 V to 4.5 V according to the combination of VGATESEL1 and 2 pin connections. Refer to Table 16, VGATE Voltage Settings and VGATESEL1 and 2 Pin Connection on page 23 for the VG voltage settings. When using a charge pump, please refer to Figure 11. 18730 22 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor FUNCTIONAL DEVICE OPERATION OPERATIONAL MODES VBATT CH_PUMP VGH VBATT VGATE CPoff VGATE VGATE Start Up VGATE VBATT VGATE SWGATE Step-Up Pre Driver GNDGATE VGATE_SELECT VG_duty Figure 11. Circuit When Using a Charge Pump Table 15. VGATE Duty Settings Address : 0010 Ext/Int Half Freq RSTB sleep S_Off_VG VG_Duty[3] VG_Duty[2] VG_Duty[1] VG_Duty[0] Duty X X X X L L L L 90 % X X X X L L L H 86 % X X X X L L H L 82 % X X X X L H L L 74 % X X X X H L L L 58 % X X X X H L L H 54 % X X X X H L H L 50 % X X X X H H L L 42 % X X X X H H H H 30 % Table 16. VGATE Voltage Settings and VGATESEL1 and 2 Pin Connection VGATESEL1 VGATESEL2 VGATE [V] GND GND 6.0 GND VBATT 5.5 VBATT GND 5.0 VBATT VBATT 4.5 18730 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 23 FUNCTIONAL DEVICE OPERATION LOGIC COMMANDS AND REGISTERS LOGIC COMMANDS AND REGISTERS REGISTER MAPPINGS Table 17. CLEAR and SLEEP Control Register 1000 Data1 Data2 Bit 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0 Name CLEAR SLEEP Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Default 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CLEAR: CLEAR Control 1 = CLEAR is high 0 = CLEAR is low SLEEP: SLEEP Control 1 = SLEEP is high 0 = SLEEP is low Reserved: Freescale defined register *1 1 = Forbidden 0 = Required Reserved: Freescale defined register *1 1 = Forbidden 0 = Required Reserved: Freescale defined register *1 1 = Forbidden 0 = Required Reserved : Freescale defined register *1 1 = Forbidden 0 = Required Reserved : Freescale defined register *1 1 = Forbidden 0 = Required Reserved: Freescale defined register *1 1 = Forbidden 0 = Required Note: Do NOT change Reserved Register from default value. *1: Data write to this address (1000) is allowed for the most significant two bits only. The least significant 6 bits are only used for the factory test. When writing data, always write 0 to these six bits. Table 18. Power Mode Register 0001 Data1 Data2 Bit 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0 Name PSW1 PSW2 PGOOD1 VOUT2 SREG1 SREG2 SREG3 PGOOD2 Default 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 PSW1: VOUT1 Power Switch control 1 = Power Switch on 0 = Power Switch off PSW2: VOUT2 Power Switch control 1 = Power Switch on 0 = Power Switch off PGOOD1: PGOOD1 Mask *1 1 = PGOOD1 mask on 0 = PGOOD1 mask off VO2_SENSE: DC/DC Converter Channel 2 output Control *2 1 = DDC2 on 0 = DDC2 off SREG1: Series Pass Regulator Channel1 output Control 1 = Regulator on 0 = Regulator off SREG2: Series Pass Regulator Channel2 output Control *3 1 = Regulator off 0 = Regulator on SREG3: Series Pass Regulator Channel3 output Control 1 = Regulator on 0 = Regulator off PGOOD2: PGOOD2 Mask *1 1 = PGOOD2 mask on 0 = PGOOD2 mask off *1: When switching the output voltage of VO1_SENSE (2), write 1 to the PGOOD1 (2) Mask bit in advance to fix the rest output to High for preventing erroneous operation. *2: When turning DDC2 OFF, set the PGOOD2 bit to High to Mask PGOOD2. If you turn DDC2 OFF, the power switch 2 also turns OFF. 18730 24 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor FUNCTIONAL DEVICE OPERATION LOGIC COMMANDS AND REGISTERS Table 19. Clock Select Register 0010 Data1 Data2 Bit 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0 Name Ext/Int Half Freq RSTB sleep S_Off_VG VG_Duty [3] VG_Duty[2] VG_Duty[1] VG_Duty[0] Default 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Ext / Int: Clock Select control 1 1 = External Clock 0 = Internal Clock 2FS: Clock Select control 2 1 = 2FS on 0 = 2FS off RSTB Sleep: RSTB Sleep Monitor *1 1 = RSTB SLEEP Monitor off 0 = RSTB SLEEP Monitor on S_Off_VG: VG Top side transistor off 1 = Synchronous Rectification Off 0 = Synchronous Rectification On VG_Duty[3]: VG Duty Control MSB 1 = VG Duty[3] is high 0 = VG Duty[3] is low VG_Duty[2]: VG Duty Control Bit 2 1 = VG Duty[2] is high 0 = VG Duty[2] is low VG_Duty[1]: VG Duty Control Bit1 1 = VG Duty[1] is high 0 = VG Duty[1] is low VG_Duty[0]: VG Duty Control LSB 1 = VG Duty[0] is high 0 = VG Duty[0] is low VG is controlled by PFM method. This register can change the duty by 16 steps. Refer to Table 15, VGATE Duty Settings on page 23 for the correspondence between the VG Duty maximum values and register settings. Table 20. VO1_SENSE Output Voltage Register 0011 Data1 Data2 Bit 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0 Name VO1_SENSE [6] VO1_SENSE [5] VO1_SENSE [4] VO1_SENSE [3] VO1_SENSE [2] VO1_SENSE [1] VO1_SENSE [0] S_Off_VO1_SENSE Default 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 VO1_SENSE[6]: Reference DAC MSB 1 = VO1_SENSE[6] on 0 = VO1_SENSE[6] off VO1_SENSE[5]: Reference DAC Bit5 1 = VO1_SENSE5] on 0 = VO1_SENSE[5] off VO1_SENSE[4]: Reference DAC Bit4 1 = VO1_SENSE[4] on 0 = VO1_SENSE[4] off VO1_SENSE[3]: Reference DAC Bit3 1 = VO1_SENSE[3] on 0 = VO1_SENSE[3] off VO1_SENSE[2]: Reference DAC Bit2 1 = VO1_SENSE[2] on 0 = VO1_SENSE[2] off VO1_SENSE[1]: Reference DAC Bit1 1 = VO1_SENSE[1] on 0 = VO1_SENSE[1] off VO1_SENSE[0] on 0 = VO1_SENSE[0] off S_Off_VO1_SENSE: DDC1 Top side (Ni_mh) / Bottom side (Li_ion) transistor off 1 = Synchronous Rectification Off 0 = Synchronous Rectification On Refer to Table 10, Output Voltage of VO1_SENSE on page 19 for the correspondence between the output voltage and register settings. 18730 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 25 FUNCTIONAL DEVICE OPERATION LOGIC COMMANDS AND REGISTERS Table 21. VO2_SENSE Output Voltage Register 0100 Data1 Data2 Bit 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0 Name VO2_SENSE [6] VO2_SENSE [5] VO2_SENSE [4] VO2_SENSE [3] VO2_SENSE [2] VO2_SENSE [1] VO2_SENSE [0] S_Off_VO2_SENSE Default 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 VO2_SENSE[6]: Reference DAC MSB 1 = VO2_SENSE[6] on 0 = VO2_SENSE[6] off VO2_SENSE[5]: Reference DAC Bit5 1 = VO2_SENSE[5] on 0 = VO2_SENSE[5] off VO2_SENSE[4]: Reference DAC Bit4 1 = VO2_SENSE[4] on 0 = VO2_SENSE[4] off VO2_SENSE[3]: Reference DAC Bit3 1 = VO2_SENSE[3] on 0 = VO2_SENSE[3] off VO2_SENSE[2]: Reference DAC Bit2 1 = VO2_SENSE[2] on 0 = VO2_SENSE[2] off VO2_SENSE[1]: Reference DAC Bit1 1 = VO2_SENSE[1] on 0 = VO2_SENSE[1] off VO2_SENSE [0]: Reference DAC LSB 1 = VO2_SENSE [0] on 0 = VO2_SENSE [0] off S_Off_VO2_SENSE: DDC2 Top side & LG (Ni_mh) / Bottom side (Li_ion) transistor off 1 = Synchronous Rectification Off 0 = Synchronous Rectification On Refer to Table 11, Output Voltage of VO2_SENSE on page 20 for the correspondence between the output voltage and register settings. Table 22. Regulator1 Output Voltage Register 0101 Data1 Data2 Bit 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0 Name SREG1_V[6] SREG1_V[5] SREG1_V[4] SREG1_V[3] SREG1_V[2] SREG1_V[1] SREG1_V[0] Reserved Default 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SREG1_V[6]: Reference DAC MSB 1 = SREG1_V[6] on 0 = SREG1_V[6] off SREG1_V[5]: Reference DAC Bit5 1 = SREG1_V[5] on 0 = SREG1_V[5] off SREG1_V[4]: Reference DAC Bit4 1 = SREG1_V[4] on 0 = SREG1_V[4] off SREG1_V[3]: Reference DAC Bit3 1 = SREG1_V[3] on 0 = SREG1_V[3] off SREG1_V[2] : Reference DAC Bit2 1 = SREG1_V[2] on 0 = SREG1_V[2] off SREG1 [1]: Reference DAC Bit1 1 = SREG1_V[1] on 0 = SREG1_V[1] off SREG1_V[0]: Reference DAC LSB 1 = SREG1_V[0] on 0 = SREG1_V[0] off Reserved : Blank register bit (Freescale Pre-Defined Register) 1 = Preferred 0 = Forbidden Note: Do NOT change Reserved Register from default value. Refer to Table 12, Output Voltage of SREG1 on page 20 for the correspondence between the output voltage and register settings. 18730 26 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor FUNCTIONAL DEVICE OPERATION LOGIC COMMANDS AND REGISTERS Table 23. Regulator2 Output Voltage Register 0110 Data1 Data2 Bit 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0 Name SREG2_V[7] SREG2_V[6] SREG2_V[5] SREG2_V[4] SREG2_V[3] SREG2_V[2] SREG2_V[1] SREG2_V[0] Default 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SREG2_V[7]: Reference DAC MSB 1 = SREG2_V[7] on 0 = SREG2_V[7] off SREG2_V[6]: Reference DAC Bit6 1 = SREG2_V[6] on 0 = SREG2_V[6] off SREG2_V[5]: Reference DAC Bit5 1 = SREG2_V[5] on 0 = SREG2_V[5] off SREG2_V[4]: Reference DAC Bit4 1 = SREG2_V[4] on 0 = SREG2_V[4] off SREG2_V[3]: Reference DAC Bit3 1 = SREG2_V[3] on 0 = SREG2_V[3] off SREG2_V[2]: Reference DAC Bit2 1 = SREG2_V[2] on 0 = SREG2_V[2] off SREG2_V[1]: Reference DAC Bit1 1 = SREG2_V[1] on 0 = SREG2_V[1] off SREG2_V[0]: Reference DAC LSB 1 = SREG2_V[0] on 0 = SREG2_V[0] off Refer to Table 13, Output Voltage of SREG2 on page 21 for the correspondence between the output voltage and register settings. Table 24. Regulator3 Output Voltage Register 0111 Data1 Data2 Bit 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0 Name SREG3_V[5] SREG3_V[4] SREG3_V[3] SREG3_V[2] SREG3_V[1] SREG3_V[0] CP Off EXTG On Default 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SREG3_V[5]: Reference DAC MSB 1 = SREG3_V[5] on 0 = SREG3_V[5] off SREG3_V[4]: Reference DAC Bit4 1 = SREG3_V[4] on 0 = SREG3_V[4] off SREG3_V[3]: Reference DAC Bit3 1 = SREG3_V[3] on 0 = SREG3_V[3] off SREG3_V[2] : Reference DAC Bit2 1 = SREG3_V[2] on 0 = SREG3_V[2] off SREG3_V[1] : Reference DAC Bit1 1 = SREG3_V[1] on 0 = SREG3_V[1] off SREG3_V[0]: Reference DAC LSB 1 = SREG3_V[0] on 0 = SREG3_V[0] off CP Off: Charge Pump Control 1 = Charge Pump off 0 = Charge Pump on EXTG On: VGATE_EXT Control * 1 = VGATE_EXT is low (GND level) 0 = VGATE_EXT is high (VG level) EXTG On Register is assumed to use Pch FET as external MOSFET. If Nch FET will be used, Control logic should be inverted. Refer to Table 14, Output Voltage of SREG3 on page 21 for the correspondence between the output voltage and register settings. 18730 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 27 TYPICAL APPLICATIONS TYPICAL APPLICATIONS HVB VMODE LVB Driver VREF VREF PGOOD1(Int) CLEAR LSWO VO1_SENSE VBATT VBATT VBATT LVB VMODE PGOOD1(Int) VO1_SENSE VO1_SENSE BANDGAP REFERENCE VGATE V_STDBY VOUT1 PGOOD1(Int) POWER VO1_SENSE VGATE SWITCH1 VO1_SENSE PGOOD1 RESET Block 1 PGOOD1_DELAY VO1_SENSE VO1_SENSE VIN1 PGOOD1(Int) Step-UpDown DC/DC Converter CH1 REF1 RESET1_TH EAIN1 VBATT SW1 PGND1 EAOUT1 PGOOD1_DELAY or PGOOD2_DELAY VREF DMAX1 VGATE VOUT2 POWER VO1_SENSE VO1_SENSE PGOOD2(Int) VGATE SWITCH2 VO2_SENSE_IN VO2_SENSE PGOOD2(Int) VBATT PGOOD2 RESET Block 2 PGOOD2_DELAY HG LG REF2 EAOUT2 Step-UpDown DC/DC Converter VIN2 CH2 SW2 EAIN2 VREF DMAX2 PGND2 VGATE SREGI1 SREGO1 REF3 SREGC1 Series Pass Regulator1 SREGO1 SREGO2 VGATE SREG12 SREGC2 SREGO3 REF4 Series Pass Regulator2 SREGO2 SREGC3 V_STDBY WAKE1B WAKE2B WAKE3B SREG2G VGATE VO1_SENSE VBATT SREGI3 Series Pass REF5 Regulator3 SREGO3 VBATT WAKE4B EXT_CLOCK PGOOD1(Int) SEQ_SELECT DATA STRB CONTROL SCKIN CLEAR SLEEP Control Logic EXT_CLOCK CH_PUMP PGOOD2 CPoff VO1_SENSE VBATT (Int) VGATE VGATE SEQ_SELECT VBATT Step-Up SWGATE DC/DC Convertor GNDGATE VG_select VG_duty GND VGATE REF2 REF4 REF1 REF3 REF5 VGATESEL1 VGATESEL2 WATCHDOG On REF DAC VREF EXT gate On Buffer VGATE_EXT Figure 12. MPC18730 Typical Application Diagram (Ni-MH Battery) 18730 28 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor TYPICAL APPLICATIONS VBATT HVB VMODE VREF PGOOD1(Int) VREF CLEAR LVB VMODE PGOOD1(Int) VO1_SENSE VO1_SENSE BANDGAP REFERENCE V_STDBY VGATE LSWO VO1_SENSE PGOOD1(Int) VO1_SENSE PGOOD1(Int) VO1_SENSE VOUT1 POWER SWITCH1 VO1_SENSE VGATE PGOOD1 RESET Block 1 PGOOD1_DELAY VO1_SENSE VBATT VBATT VBATT LVB Driver REF1 VBATT VIN1 Step-UpDown DC/DC Converter CH1 RESET1_TH EAIN1 SW1 PGND1 EAOUT1 VGATE PGOOD1_DELAY or PGOOD2_DELAY DMAX1 VO1_SENSE VO1_SENSE VOUT2 POWER PGOOD2(Int) VGATE SWITCH2 VO2_SENSE_IN VO2_SENSE PGOOD2(Int) PGOOD2 RESET Block 2 PGOOD2_DELAY HG LG REF2 EAOUT2 Step-UpDown DC/DC Converter VIN2 CH2 SW2 EAIN2 VBATT PGND2 DMAX2 VGATE SREGI1 SREGO1 REF3 SREGC1 Series Pass Regulator1 SREGO1 SREGO2 VGATE SREGC2 SREGO3 REF4 SREG12 Series Pass Regulator2 SREGO2 SREGC3 V_STDBY WAKE1B WAKE2B WAKE3B SREG2G VGATE VO1_SENSE VBATT SREGI3 Series Pass REF5 Regulator3 SREGO3 WAKE4B EXT_CLOCK PGOOD1(Int) SEQ_SELECT DATA STRB CONTROL SCKIN CLEAR SLEEP Control Logic EXT_CLOCK VBATT CH_PUMP PGOOD2 CPoff VGATE VBATT (Int) SEQ_SELECT VO1_SENSE VG_select VG_duty Step-Up DC/DC Convertor VGH VGATE VBATT SWGATE GND VGATE REF2 REF4 REF3 REF5 REF1 VGATESEL1 VGATESEL2 WATCHDOG On REF DAC VREF EXT gate On Buffer GNDGATE VGATE_EXT Figure 13. MPC18730 Typical Application Diagram (Li-Ion Battery) 18730 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 29 PACKAGING PACKAGE DIMENSIONS PACKAGING PACKAGE DIMENSIONS For the most current package revision, visit and perform a keyword search using the “98A” listed below. EP (Pb-FREE) SUFFIX 64-PIN 0.5 mm pitch PLASTIC PACKAGE 98ARL10571D ISSUE B 18730 30 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor PACKAGING PACKAGE DIMENSIONS EP (Pb-FREE) SUFFIX 64-PIN 0.5 mm pitch PLASTIC PACKAGE 98ARL10571D ISSUE B 18730 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 31 PACKAGING PACKAGE DIMENSIONS EP (Pb-FREE) SUFFIX 64-PIN 0.5 mm pitch PLASTIC PACKAGE 98ARL10571D ISSUE B 18730 32 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor PACKAGING PACKAGE DIMENSIONS EP (Pb-FREE) SUFFIX 64-PIN 0.5 mm pitch PLASTIC PACKAGE 98ARL10571D ISSUE B 18730 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 33 REVISION HISTORY REVISION HISTORY REVISION DATE DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES 3.0 04/2006 • Changed 34 of 64 Pin names to align with Application Note, AN3247 Rev 1.0. 4.0 8/2006 • Minor changes to correct errors and inconsistencies. • Updated form and style. 18730 34 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor How to Reach Us: Home Page: E-mail: USA/Europe or Locations Not Listed: Freescale Semiconductor Technical Information Center, CH370 1300 N. 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There are no express or implied copyright licenses granted hereunder to design or fabricate any integrated circuits or integrated circuits based on the information in this document. Freescale Semiconductor reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. Freescale Semiconductor makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does Freescale Semiconductor assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation consequential or incidental damages. “Typical” parameters that may be provided in Freescale Semiconductor data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “Typicals”, must be validated for each customer application by customer’s technical experts. Freescale Semiconductor does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. Freescale Semiconductor products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the Freescale Semiconductor product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. 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