AN1200.23 SX1272 Settings for LoRaWAN WIRELESS, SENSING & TIMING APPLICATION NOTE AN1200.23 RecommendedSX1272Settingsfor EU868LoRaWANNetworkOperation Revision 1 – January 2015 ©2015 Semtech Corporation Page 1 of 16 AN1200.23 SX1272 Settings for LoRaWAN WIRELESS, SENSING & TIMING APPLICATION NOTE TableofContent 1 Introduction.....................................................................................................................................................3 2 UplinkTransmissions.................................................................................................................................3 3 2.1 LoRa Mode .............................................................................................................. 3 2.2 GFSK Mode .............................................................................................................. 4 DownlinkReceptionSlotsFollowinganUplink.............................................................................5 3.1 3.1.1 Register Settings............................................................................................... 6 3.1.2 RX Window Precise Timing ............................................................................... 7 3.2 4 LORA Mode ............................................................................................................. 6 GFSK Mode .............................................................................................................12 3.2.1 Register Settings..............................................................................................12 3.2.2 RX Window Precise Timing in GFSK Mode .......................................................14 RandomNumberGenerationforCryptography.........................................................................15 Revision 1 – January 2015 ©2015 Semtech Corporation Page 2 of 16 AN1200.23 SX1272 Settings for LoRaWAN WIRELESS, SENSING & TIMING APPLICATION NOTE 1 Introduction This application note presents the recommended setup of the SX1272 radio transceiver operating in a LoRaWAN network. 2 Uplink Transmissions 2.1 LoRa Mode Uplink transmissions can use the following LoRa settings: 1. LoRa modulation with 125 kHz bandwidth, SF7 to SF12. 2. LoRa modulation with 250 kHz bandwidth, SF7 only. Corresponding to the high speed channel The following radio settings should be used: SX1272 Register (address) Register bit field (bit #) Values Note RegOpMode (0x01) LongRangeMode[7] Mode[2:0] PaRamp[3:0] Bw[7:6] ‘1’ ‘011’ ‘1000’ ‘00’ or ‘01’ CodingRate[5:3] ImplicitHeaderModeOn[2] RxPayloadCrcOn[1] LowDataRateOptimize[0] ‘001’ ‘0’ ‘1’ ‘0’ or ‘1’ RegModemConfig2 (0x1E) SpreadingFactor[7:4] ‘0111’ to ‘1100’ Test39 (0x39) LoRa sync word 0x34 LoRa mode enabled Tx mode 50 us PA Ramp-up time ‘00’ for 125kHz modulation Bandwidth ‘01’ for 250kHz modulation Bandwidth 4/5 error coding rate Packets have up-front header CRC enable ‘0’ when Spreading Factor is <= 10 ‘1’ when Spreading Factor is >= 11 with 125kHz bandwidth : ‘0111’ (SF7) = 6kbit/s ‘1100’ (SF12) = 300 bit/s (only SF7 is supported with 250kHz bandwidth) Set sync word for LoRaWAN networks (default is 0x12 for other networks) RegPaRamp (0x0A) RegModemConfig1 (0x1D) All registers not explicitly mentioned can stay with their default value. Revision 1 – January 2015 ©2015 Semtech Corporation Page 3 of 16 AN1200.23 SX1272 Settings for LoRaWAN WIRELESS, SENSING & TIMING APPLICATION NOTE 2.2 GFSK Mode The LoRaWAN specification defines a high speed uplink channel using 50kbit/s GFSK modulation. The following radio settings should be used (all settings omitted should be left to their default value) General and Transmitter settings • Modulation = FSK • Fdev = +/-25kHz (modulation index = 1) • Bit rate setting = 50kbit/s • Gaussian filter ON • Filter setting : BT=0.5 • Output Power setting: hardware dependent • PA selection: hardware dependent SX1272 Register (address) Register bit field (bit #) Values Note RegOpMode (0x01) LongRangeMode[7] ModulationType[6:5] ModulationShaping[4:3] Mode[2:0] BitRate[15:8] BitRate[7:0] Fdev[13:8] Fdev[7:0] ‘0’ ‘00’ ‘10’ ‘011’ 0x02 0x80 0x01 0x99 FSK/OOK mode enable FSK Modulation scheme Gaussian filter BT = 0.5 Tx mode BitRate set to 50kbps RegBitrateMsb (0x02) RegBitrateLsb (0x03) RegFdevMsb (0x04) RegFdevLsb (0x05) Frequency deviation set to +/-25kHz Frame and Packet Handler settings Figure 1: Packet Handler Format • • • • • • Packet Mode : this mode inserts a PHY header to support variable payload length Preamble Length = 5 bytes Sync Word= 3 bytes : 0xC194C1 Variable Length frame format DC-free data encoding = Whitening CrcOn=1, CrcAutoclearOn=1 Revision 1 – January 2015 ©2015 Semtech Corporation Page 4 of 16 AN1200.23 SX1272 Settings for LoRaWAN WIRELESS, SENSING & TIMING APPLICATION NOTE SX1272 Register (address) Register bit field (bit #) Values Note RegPreambleMsb (0x25) RegPreambleLsb (0x26) RegSyncConfig (0x27) PreambleSize[15:8] PreambleSize[7:0] AutoRestartRxMode[7:6] PreamblePolarity[5] SyncOn[4] FifoFillCondition[3] SyncSize[2:0] PacketFormat[7] DcFree[6:5] CrcOn[4] CrcAutoClearOff[3] AddressFiltering[2:1] CrcWhiteningType[0] DataMode[6] SyncValue[63:56] SyncValue[55:48] SyncValue[47:40] 0x00 0x05 ‘00’ ‘0’ ‘1’ ‘0’ ‘002’ ‘1’ ‘10’ ‘1’ ‘0’ ‘00’ ‘0’ ‘1’ 0xC1 0x94 0xC1 5 Byte of preamble for each packet RegPacketConfig1 (0x30) RegPacketConfig2 (0x31) RegSyncValue1 (0x28) RegSyncValue2 (0x29) RegSyncValue2 (0x2A) AutoRestart OFF Preamble 0xAA Sync Address enable Fill FIFO when Sync Address is detected 3 Bytes of Sync Word Variable length packets Whitening encoding enable Enable CRC calculation Clear FIFO when CRC check fails No address filtering CCITT CRC and Whitening implementation Packet Mode Sync Address is 0xC194C1 3 Downlink Reception Slots Following an Uplink A LoRaWAN node opens two reception slots for potential downlink communications after each uplink transmissions. The delay between the end of a transmission (signaled by the TxDone IRQ) and the beginning of the reception slot is constant and defined extremely precisely to minimize the reception current overhead on the end-point side. Most of the time this reception slot will not be used by the gateways, id no frame will be received. Therefore, to minimize the current consumption the radio is programmed to listen to the channel for the minimum time required to detect with certainty the presence or absence of a preamble. In the absence of a preamble, the radio goes back to stand-by mode. Revision 1 – January 2015 ©2015 Semtech Corporation Page 5 of 16 AN1200.23 SX1272 Settings for LoRaWAN WIRELESS, SENSING & TIMING APPLICATION NOTE 3.1 LORA Mode 3.1.1 Register Settings In LoRa mode this is achieved simply by using the Receive Single mode. SX1272 Register (address) Register bit field (bit #) Values Note RegOpMode (0x01) LongRangeMode[7] Mode[2:0] LnaGain[7:5] LnaBoost[1:0] Bw[7:6] ‘1’ ‘110’ ‘001’ ‘11’ ‘00’ or ‘01’ CodingRate[5:3] ImplicitHeaderModeOn[2] RxPayloadCrcOn[1] LowDataRateOptimize[0] ‘001’ ‘0’ ‘1’ ‘0’ or ‘1’ LoRa mode enable Receive Single mode LNA gain set to the maximum value LNA Boost enable ‘00’ for 125kHz modulation Bandwidth ‘01’ for 250kHz modulation Bandwidth 4/5 error coding rate Packet have up-front header CRC enable ‘0’ when Spreading Factor is <= 10 ‘1’ when Spreading Factor is >= 11 RegModemConfig2 (0x1E) SpreadingFactor[7:4] ‘0111’ to ‘1100’ RegSymbTimeoutLsb (0x1F) AgcAutoOn[2] SymbTimeout[1:0] SymbTimeout[7:0] ‘1’ ‘00’ 0x05 or 0x08 RegMaxPayloadLength (0x23) PayloadMaxLength[7:0] 0x40 RegInvertIQ (0x33) Test39 (0x39) InvertIQ[6] LoRa sync word ‘1’ 0x34 RegLna (0x0C) RegModemConfig1 (0x1D) Revision 1 – January 2015 ©2015 Semtech Corporation Page 6 of 16 with 125kHz bandwidth: ‘0111’ (SF7) = 6kbit/s ‘1100’ (SF12) = 300 bit/s (only SF7 is supported with 250kHz bw) LNA gain set by internal AGC loop 0x05 when Spreading Factor is >= 10 0x08 when Spreading Factor is <= 9 Length of the receiver window in symbols. If no preamble is detected during this time , the receiver goes back to stand-by Sets the maximum possible downlink payload size to 64 bytes. Packets with payload greater than this threshold will not be demodulated, receiver will immediately go back to “stand-by” low power mode I and Q signals are inverted Set sync word for LoRaWAN networks (default is 0x12 for other networks) AN1200.23 SX1272 Settings for LoRaWAN WIRELESS, SENSING & TIMING APPLICATION NOTE 3.1.2 RX Window Precise Timing This paragraph explains the optimal RX start-up time and RX slot duration for the given timing precision reachable by the end-device. The downlink preamble transmitted by the gateways contains 8 symbols. The receiver requires 5 symbols to detect the preamble and synchronize. Therefore there must be a 5 symbols overlap between the receive window and the transmitted preamble. The gateway always initiates the transmission of the preamble 1 sec +/- 20uSec after the end of the uplink. Therefore the beginning of the downlink preamble can be considered as a perfectly precise reference for the rest of this calculation. Notation: BW SF Tsymb RXwindow RXoffset RXerror T_RX_early T_RX_late Signal modulation bandwidth in Hz LORA spreading factor : 7 to 12 Duration of a LORA symbol = sec Length of the receive window Offset in sec between the optimal receiver turn-on time and the actual start of the gateway transmission Maximum timing error of the receiver. The receiver will turn-on in a [-RXerror : +Rxerror] sec interval around RXoffset Earliest time at which the receiver can start and synchronize on the downlink preamble Latest time at which the receiver can start and synchronize on the downlink preamble Those variables are illustrated in the following diagram: Revision 1 – January 2015 ©2015 Semtech Corporation Page 7 of 16 AN1200.23 SX1272 Settings for LoRaWAN WIRELESS, SENSING & TIMING APPLICATION NOTE Downlink start: T = end_uplink + 1 second (+/- 20uSec) Desired RX start (without timing error) Actual RX start RXwindow actual RX window RXerror (positive) RXoffset (negative) Tsymb Downlink preamble 8 symbols Time Figure 2: Typical Rx Window Timing The following diagram illustrates the positioning of the earliest and latest possible receive windows to achieve 5 overlapping symbols with the downlink preamble: Revision 1 – January 2015 ©2015 Semtech Corporation Page 8 of 16 AN1200.23 SX1272 Settings for LoRaWAN WIRELESS, SENSING & TIMING APPLICATION NOTE Downlink start: T = Rx + 1 second (+/- 20uSec) T_RX_late T_RX_early Latest possible RX window start Earliest possible RX window start Latest RX window Earliest RX window Downlink preamble 8 symbols Figure 3: Worst Case Rx Window Timings From this diagram the following equation can be deduced: • T_RX_late = 3 x Tsymb • T_RX_early = 5 x Tsymb – RXwindow Additionnaly the difference between T_RX_late and T_RX_early corresponds to the maximum timing error range of the receiver therefore: • T_RX_late – T_RX_early = 2 x RXerror To allow this maximum timing error range the receiver should be programmed to ideally turn-on at the mid-point between T_RX_late and T_RX_early , therefore: • RXoffset = (T_RX_late + T_RX_early)/2 So assuming the RXerror parameter is set (RXerror is a direct consequence of a given design, it depends on the oscillator precision, temperature drift, …) We can deduce: • RXwindow = 2 x Tsymb + 2 x RXerror • RXoffset = 4 x Tsymb – Rxwindow/2 Because the minimum RXwindow must be at least 5 symbols long, the system always tolerates at least an RXerror of at least 1.5 x Tsymb Numerical application: Revision 1 – January 2015 ©2015 Semtech Corporation Page 9 of 16 AN1200.23 SX1272 Settings for LoRaWAN WIRELESS, SENSING & TIMING APPLICATION NOTE The sensor can achieve a +/- 1.5mSec timing drift after a 1sec sleep period and is using SF7/125kHz At SF7/125kHz Tsymb = 1mSec So we set RXerror = 1.5mSec We deduce RXwindow = 2 x Tsymb + 2 x RXerror = 2 x 128 / 125e3 + 3e-3 = 5mSec The RXwindow is expressed in symbol unit in the SX1272 transceiver, at SF7 a symbol is 1mSec long therefore the RWwindow corresponds to 5 symbols. The sensor will programmed to start with RXoffset = 4 x Tsymb – RXwindow/2 = 4e-3 – 2.5e-3 = 1.5e3. Without timing error, the receiver should turn on exactly 1.5mSec after the beginning of the downlink preamble. The sensor can achieve a +/- 20mSec timing drift after a 1sec sleep period and is using SF7/125kHz RXwindow = 2 x Tsymb + 2x RXerror = 42mSec , this is larger than 5 symbols , therefore we set RXwindow to the immediatemy greater or equal length which is an integer multiple of Tsymb • RXwindow = 42 x Tsymb = 42mSec Then: • RXoffset = 4 x Tsymb – RXwindow/2 = -17mSec The receiver should be programmed to start 17mSec before the start of the downlink preamble The same sensor but now using SF10/125kHz instead of SF7 At SF10/125kHz Tsymb = 8.2mSec RXwindow = 2 x Tsymb + 2x RXerror = 56.4mSec , this is larger than 5 symbols , therefore we set RXwindow to the immediately greater or equal length which is an integer multiple of Tsymb • RXwindow = 7 x Tsymb = 57.4mSec Then: • RXoffset = 4 x Tsymb – RXwindow/2 = 4.1mSec The receiver should be programmed to start 4.1mSec after the start of the downlink preamble Revision 1 – January 2015 ©2015 Semtech Corporation Page 10 of 16 AN1200.23 SX1272 Settings for LoRaWAN WIRELESS, SENSING & TIMING APPLICATION NOTE The following tables give a few numerical examples for various SF / BW/ timing error sets: Rxerror +/- 1.5 mSec BW 125 kHz SF 7 8 9 10 11 12 Tsymb RXoffset (mSec) 1.0 2.0 4.1 8.2 16.4 32.8 (mSec) 1.5 3.1 6.1 12.3 24.6 49.2 RX window Symb 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 mSec 5.1 10.2 20.5 41.0 81.9 163.8 Rxerror +/- 20 mSec BW 250 kHz SF 7 8 9 10 11 12 Tsymb RXoffset (mSec) 0.5 1.0 2.0 4.1 8.2 16.4 (mSec) -18.7 -17.4 -14.3 -8.2 4.1 24.6 RX window Symb 81.0 42.0 22.0 12.0 7.0 5.0 mSec 41.5 43.0 45.1 49.2 57.3 81.9 Rxerror +/- 20 mSec BW 250 kHz SF 7 8 9 10 11 12 Tsymb RXoffset (mSec) 0.5 1.0 2.0 4.1 8.2 16.4 (mSec) -18.7 -17.4 -14.3 -8.2 4.1 24.6 Revision 1 – January 2015 ©2015 Semtech Corporation RX window Symb 81.0 42.0 22.0 12.0 7.0 5.0 Page 11 of 16 mSec 41.5 43.0 45.1 49.2 57.3 81.9 AN1200.23 SX1272 Settings for LoRaWAN WIRELESS, SENSING & TIMING APPLICATION NOTE 3.2 GFSK Mode 3.2.1 Register Settings Receiver-specific settings • RxBw=50kHz // single side Carson BW=50kHz • AfcBw=83.3kHz // assuming +/-30ppm of LO misalignment at 869.525 MHz • AgcAuto=On • Preamble Detection On, over 2 Bytes, Number of samples in error = 10 • AfcAutoOn • AfcAutoClearOn • RxTrigger=Preamble • LnaBoost=On SX1272 Register (address) Register bit field (bit #) Values Note RegLna (0x0C) LnaGain[7:5] LnaBoost[1:0] RestartRxOnCollision[7] RestartRxWithoutPllLock[6] RestartRxWithPllLock[5] AfcAutoOn[4] AgcAutoOn[3] RxTrigger[2:0] RxBwMant[4:3] RxBwExp[2:0] RxBwMantAfc[4:3] RxBwExpAfc[2:0] ‘001’ ‘11’ ’0’ ‘0’ ‘0’ ‘1’ ‘1’ ‘110’ ‘01’ ‘011’ ‘10’ ‘010’ LNA gain set to the highest gain LNA Boost enable No restart on collision PreambleDetectorOn[7] PreambleDetectorSize[6:5] PreambleDetectorTol[4:0] AutoRestartRxMode[7:6] PreamblePolarity[5] SyncOn[4] FifoFillCondition[3] SyncSize[2:0] ‘1’ ‘01’ ‘01010’ ‘00’ ‘0’ ‘1’ ‘0’ ‘002’ Preamble detector enable Preamble detection over 2 bytes 10 chip errors tolerated over detection AutoRestart OFF Preamble 0xAA Sync Address enable Fill FIFO when Sync Address is detected 3 Bytes of Sync Word PacketFormat[7] DcFree[6:5] CrcOn[4] CrcAutoClearOff[3] ‘1’ ‘10’ ‘1’ ‘1’ AddressFiltering[2:1] CrcWhiteningType[0] ‘00’ ‘0’ RegPacketConfig2 (0x31) RegSyncValue1 (0x28) RegSyncValue2 (0x29) DataMode[6] SyncValue[63:56] SyncValue[55:48] ‘1’ 0xC1 0x94 Variable length packets Whitening encoding enable Enable CRC calculation PayloadReady IRQ will always be generated at the end of the frame, CRC must be checked through dedicated flag No address filtering CCITT CRC and Whitening implementation Packet Mode Sync Address is 0xC194C1 RegSyncValue2 (0x2A) SyncValue[47:40] 0xC1 RegRxConfig (0x0D) RegRxBw (0x12) RegAfcBw (0x13) RegPreambleDetect (0x1F) RegSyncConfig (0x27) RegPacketConfig1 (0x30) Revision 1 – January 2015 ©2015 Semtech Corporation Page 12 of 16 Corrects frequency offset Automatic gain control Trigs on preamble only Receiver Bandwidth =50kHz SSB Receiver Bandwidth =83.3kHz SSB for AFC AN1200.23 SX1272 Settings for LoRaWAN WIRELESS, SENSING & TIMING APPLICATION NOTE Expected performance: @ BER=0.1% = -109dBm (confirmed with PER on a short packet) Operation Flowchart for Receiver The following flowchart shows how the receiver should be operated for each reception slot in GFSK mode. Figure 4: FSK Rx Operation Flowchart Revision 1 – January 2015 ©2015 Semtech Corporation Page 13 of 16 AN1200.23 SX1272 Settings for LoRaWAN WIRELESS, SENSING & TIMING APPLICATION NOTE DownlinkPresent timeout : timer started when the device is set to Rx mode. Sized to only leave the receiver open for a short amount of time when the downlink command is expected. It is meant to capture 5 bytes of Preamble + 3 Bytes of Sync Word + margin, so should be set to 1.3ms. The “SyncAddress” interupt can be mapped to the DIO2 line of the SX1272 or can alternatively be polled through the SPI interface. The “PayloadReady” interrupt can be mapped to the DIO0 line of the SX1272 or polled through the SPI interface. 3.2.2 RX Window Precise Timing in GFSK Mode We note FSKbitrate the bit rate of the GFSK modulation in bit per sec The GFSK frame preamble is 8 bytes long (5 bytes preamble + 3 bytes sync word), therefore the RX window and the beginning of the TX preamble must overlap on 8*8/FSKbitrate sec The LoRaWAN v3 only supports a single GFSK bit rate = 50kbits/sec Therefore the overlap must be equal or greater than 1.3mSec So using the same notation than in the LORA section we have: • T_RX_late = 0 • T_RX_early = 1.3mSec – RXwindow Similarly we can deduce that for 50kbit/sec GFSK the minimal RXwindow is: • RXwindow = 1.3mSec + 2 x RXerror and • RXoffset = – Rxwindow/2 Revision 1 – January 2015 ©2015 Semtech Corporation Page 14 of 16 AN1200.23 SX1272 Settings for LoRaWAN WIRELESS, SENSING & TIMING APPLICATION NOTE 4 Random Number Generation for Cryptography The LoRaWAN MAC software layer requires the generation of truly random numbers for cryptography purposes. This can be achieved using the naturally random noise of the radio channel. The recommended way to generate a random binary number is the following: Radio receiver settings: SX1272 Register (address) Register bit field (bit #) Values Note RegOpMode (0x01) LongRangeMode[7] Mode[2:0] Bw[7:6] CodingRate[5:3] ImplicitHeaderModeOn[2] RxPayloadCrcOn[1] LowDataRateOptimize[0] ‘1’ ‘101’ ‘00’ ‘001’ ‘0’ ‘1’ ‘0’ LoRa mode enable Receive Continuous mode ‘00’ for 125kHz modulation Bandwidth 4/5 error coding rate Packet have up-front header CRC enable ‘0’ when Spreading Factor is <= 10 SpreadingFactor[7:4] AgcAutoOn[2] SymbTimeout[1:0] ‘0111’ ‘1’ ‘00’ ‘0111’ (SF7) = 6kbit/s RegModemConfig1 (0x1D) RegModemConfig2 (0x1E) To generate an N bit random number, perform N read operation of the register RegRssiWideband (address 0x2c) and use the LSB of the fetched value. The value from RegRssiWideband is derived from a wideband (4MHz) signal strength at the receiver input and the LSB of this value constantly and randomly changes. The RegRssiValue register (at address 0x1b) should not be used for random number generation. It has been experimentally measured that if a constant CW input power is applied at the receiver input inside the current receiver channel the LSB of the RegRssiValue register may be constant or strongly biased. Revision 1 – January 2015 ©2015 Semtech Corporation Page 15 of 16 AN1200.23 SX1272 Settings for LoRaWAN WIRELESS, SENSING & TIMING APPLICATION NOTE © Semtech 2015 All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. The information presented in this document does not form part of any quotation or contract, is believed to be accurate and reliable and may be changed without notice. No liability will be accepted by the publisher for any consequence of its use. Publication thereof does not convey nor imply any license under patent or other industrial or intellectual property rights. Semtech assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any failure or unexpected operation resulting from misuse, neglect improper installation, repair or improper handling or unusual physical or electrical stress including, but not limited to, exposure to parameters beyond the specified maximum ratings or operation outside the specified range. SEMTECH PRODUCTS ARE NOT DESIGNED, INTENDED, AUTHORIZED OR WARRANTED TO BE SUITABLE FOR USE IN LIFESUPPORT APPLICATIONS, DEVICES OR SYSTEMS OR OTHER CRITICAL APPLICATIONS. INCLUSION OF SEMTECH PRODUCTS IN SUCH APPLICATIONS IS UNDERSTOOD TO BE UNDERTAKEN SOLELY AT THE CUSTOMER’S OWN RISK. Should a customer purchase or use Semtech products for any such unauthorized application, the customer shall indemnify and hold Semtech and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs damages and attorney fees which could arise. Contact Information Semtech Corporation Wireless Sensing and Timing Products Division 200 Flynn Road, Camarillo, CA 93012 Phone: (805) 498-2111 Fax: (805) 498-3804 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: Revision 1 – January 2015 ©2015 Semtech Corporation Page 16 of 16