. Oki (Thailand) Co.,Ltd Environmental & Safety Report 2004 Oki (Thailand) Co.,Ltd. ENVIRONMENTAL & SAFETY REPORT 2004 CONTENT NO. Item Page 1 Message from the President 2 2 Environmental Policy 3 3 Company Profile 6 4 Certification of ISO 14001 6 5 Environment Management System Structure 7 6 Manufacturing Process Outline 8 7 Environmental Aspe ct Evaluation 9 8 OKI Environmental Action 10 Programs 2003 FY ❒ Energy Re duction 10 ❒ Che mical Reduction 11 ❒ Paper Reduction 13 ❒ Waste Reduction 14 ❒ Water Supply Reduction 16 ❒ Increase Plant Are a 16 ❒ Action Items for Each Program 17 9 Eme rge ncy Pre pare dne ss and Response 19 10 Environmental E ducation and Training 21 11 Occupational Health & Safety Risk Management 22 12 Environmental Audit 22 13 Legal and Other Requirement Compliance 23 ❒ Air emission 23 ❒ Waste wate r tre atme nt 24 ❒ Waste manage ment 25 14 Environmental Benefit 26 15 Publication Information 27 MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT “Oki (Thailand) Co.,Ltd. is a manufacturing plant with a environmental awareness. We integrate Oki Environmental vision into our management tasks. As we recognized that our earth is irreplaceable wealth for all human being, Oki (Thailand) Co.,Ltd. shall continuously improve our operation and behavior to preserve environment. Oki (Thailand) Co.,Ltd. aims to create a sustainable society through our waste minimization, energy and water conservation and hazardous substances elimination. We also optimize use of nature resources, promoting recycling, reuse of materials by adapting green procurement for supplier requirement. Regarding our continuous Environmental Management System with a very well support from EMS committee and Team leader, I believe that Oki (Thailand) Co.,Ltd.will continuously reduce environmental impact while offering best products and services which satisfy customer’s requirement. This site report 2003FY is representing our environmental activities and our effort to contribute to society. I hope that this site report will raise environmental awareness in our society and we look forward to the feedback for the continuous improvement of our environmental management. Katsumi Onaru President April, 2004. 2 3 Environmental policy Environmental slogan 'Let's conserve and maintain the environment, by getting developing knowledge and worthy use of resources' 1. Basic principle Oki (Thailand) Co.,Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as this company) recognized that the conservation of the Environmental on earth is one of the most important themes for human race, and operates business activities taking the conservation of environmental into consideration in every respects. 2. Guideline for activities Around Rojana Industrial Park where the riches of nature still abound, the residents of the area understand the real characteristics of the company with many interested parties, take environmental control activity based on the basic principle and continue the activity on the personal level. (1) To understand the effect of the business activities and the production and the services operated by the company, such as the production of various kind of Integrated Circuit Packages, Printers, Facsimiles and Light Emitting Diode against the environmental. To specify the environmental objective and the Environmental target by the whole company and each factory. (2) To specify the program or achieving the environmental objective and the environmental target and to prepare the necessary organization in order to improve the environmental management system and the environmental performance continuously. (3) To obey the related laws and regulations and to specify the voluntary standard in order to strive to conserve the environment. (4) To emphasize on the resource-saving, the energy-saving, the reduction of waste and the prevention of the pollution of environment and improve continuously. (a) To try to reduce the electric energy related to the incidental facilities, the production factilities, etc. (b) To try to reduce the consumption of the chemicals, etc. (c) To try to reduce and give appropriate treatment to the industrial waste, the drainage, etc. (d) To try to increase planed area in order to contribute to environment. (e) To try to reduce the water consumption at related to the incidental machine and facilities. (5) To perform the activities such as the environmental education and the publicity activities in the company in order to promote the understanding of the environmental policy in order to request them for understanding and cooperation. This environmental policy is to be announced officially inside and outside of the company. The President Oki (Thailand) Co.,Ltd. 1st December 2003 4 Environmental Policy 環境方針 資源に関する知識を深め、その資源を有効に使いきることによって環境を保護し維持していきます。 1) 基本原則 沖タイランド(今後は、「わが社」と呼ぶ)は、人類にとってもっとも畏敬するべく事のひとつとして地球環境保護が あると認識し、わが社の業務活動が、すべての面において環境保護の配慮が取られているように致します。 2) 活動指針 わが社の所在するロジャナ工業団地は、豊な自然と人々が生活している環境に面している事を理解し、基本原 則に則って、わが社の業務活動に関与するすべての会社、グループの個人レベルまでに下記の事を十分に理 解してもらい、地球環境保護を徹底いたします。 A) 環境を保護する為に、わが社の業務活動、生産活動、その他の活動がどのように作用するか確理解する。 例えば種々の半導体製品製造、同じ敷地で行われているプリンター製造、FAX製造、LEDヘッド製造、そして それらの生産活動を補佐する為に行われる活動を含み、環境管理項目を定め、環境管理目標を達成するべく 活動いたします。 B) 環境を保護する為に、環境管理項目、環境管理目標を達成する為のアクションプランを構築し、環境管理シ ステムを維持向上させる為の組織を創設し、継続して活動を行います。 C) 環境を保護する為に、環境を保護する目的で施行されている関連法令、条例、そして自主的に定めた環境 関連ルールに従います。 D) 環境を保護する為に、資源の有効利用、電力使用削減、エネルギー省力、廃棄物削減、環境汚染の削減 を継続的に行います。 I) 生産活動、工場操業ユーティリティーに関連する電力使用量を相対的に低減することに努めます II) 化学薬品の使用量を相対的に低減することに努めます III) 産業廃棄物、排水等々の相対的削減に努めます VI) 工場敷地ないにおいて「環境にやさしい面積」の増大に勤めます V) 生産活動、工場操業ユーティリティーに関連する水使用量を相対的に削減することに努めます 5) 環境を保護する活動の効果を高める為に、全従業員とわが社の活動に関係する人々へ、わが社の環境管 理システムの教育と、広報活動をおこないます。 この環境方針は、公式に社外的、又は社内的に発表されている事をここに宣言します。 沖タイランド 代表取締役 大成 克己 5 COMPANY PROFILE Company name : Oki (Thailand) Co.,Ltd. Establishment : January 31st , 1990 President : Mr.Katsumi Onaru Type of Business : Asse mbly,Test and Final Inspe ction of IC Capital : 500,000,000 Baht. (OTH) No. of Employee : 1,332 persons (April, 2004) Location : 1/39 M.5 Tambol Kanham ,Amphur U-thai : Ayutthaya Land Area : 124,320 m2 Building : 32,898 m2 13210 , Thailand. CERTIFICATION OF ISO 14001 Company has acquired the environmental management system from Thailand Environment Institute (TEI) and Japan Audit and Certification Organization for Environment and Quality (JACO) Now TEI changed to Management System Certification Institute (MASCI) August 5, 1998 : ISO 14001 Certify (OTH & ODM T) 6 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM STRUCTURE Environmental Committee OTH Mr. Rattaphan P. Ms.Anchana (GA Dept.) Environment Supporting Environment Engineering Committee Committee Environment Planning Committee Mr. Kowit Mr. Honda Mr. Mukai Mr. Kawata Mr. Pramotch Mr. Saroj Ms. Jeerawan ODMT Ms. Napaporn Mr. Chatri Mr. Preecha Ms.Pasana Mr. Narong Mr.Thongchai Ms. Ratchanee Ms. Prakaipruk ISO 14001 Sub-Committee Member Factory Sub-committee Chairman Member Ms. Lawan (AE.3) Chemical Electric Ms. Pasana (GA) Mr. Narong B. (EV1) Ms. Ratree (AP 3) Ms. Patumpit (QC 2) Mr. Seaksarn P. (AE 3) Mr. Anucha H. (TE.2) Mr.Seaksarn P.(AE.3) Ms.Chonticha (EV.1) Mr.Chockchai (AP.1) Mr.Surachai (TE.1) Mr. Chalermporn(EV1) Mr. Kowit EV1) Mr.Wanchai P.(AE.3) Mr.Pichit S. (TE.3) Mr. Thongchai (EV2) Ms. Mathurot (GA) Mr. Porn (DC) Ms. Wanwilai (Pur) Mr. Pairoj S. (EV) Mr. Somchai (AP 2) Ms. Pattanee (Ins) Mr. Anuwat (DC) Mr. Koson (AE 3) Ms. Nungnuch (TE 3) Ms. Kannika (MP) Ms. Sopa (AE 2) Ms. Montathip (EV) Mr. Sommai (EV) Mr. Ronnachai (GA) Mr. Nurut (AP.3) Ms. Supattra (PD) Ms. Kanjana (GA) Safety Mr. Thanachart (GA) Water Mr.Thongchai Consumption (EV.2) Mr.Kosol (AE.3) Ms. Yaowares Ms. Kajana (MP) Ms. Jantira (AP 1) Ms. Somkid (QC 1) Ms. Supaporn (AC) Ms. Natthiya (QC3) Ms. Mathurot (GA) IC Waste Paper (AP<DCT>) Mr. Pramote (QC 1) Ms. Kongkaew (Logic) Ms. Wilailak (Pur) 7 MANUFACTURING PROCESS OUTLINE : OTH Receiving integrated circuits in form of wafer sheet from Japan and Taiwan, OTH starts its assembling and test operations, Wafer sheet is sawed into pieces-chips. The chips is attached on lead frame with 42 alloy, Copper paste. Mold resin is injected to cover chips. Forming IC’s pins, solder plating, and marking product name are done before testing its function. Flow chart shows our manufacturing process. Wire Bonding Die Bonding Premold Inspection Molding Molding (L)(T)QFP 44/56/60/ 68/80/100 /120/144/ TSOP Solder Plating 44/50/54/ 70 176 Die Inspection (S)DIP SOJ 8/16/18/2 0/28/30/4 0/42 Lead Forming 26/28/40/ 42 Dicing (S)SOP Marking 24/28/30/ 32/44/60/ Incoming Inspection IC Card Packing Electrical Testing COB Final Inspection Appearance Inspection 8 Burn-In ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECT EVALUATION Environmental aspect evaluation has help us to know the environmental situation of the company such as law and other requirement compliance and aspect of activity that impact to efficiency of environmental management system. Environmental aspect consideration Out waste - Air Emission Input Output - Electric - Community impact - Raw material - Raw water - Product - Chemical - Machine/equipment Out waste - Waste water - Soil contaminate Utilize national resources Minimize natural resource Release properly according to the law Significant environmental aspects are first priority for improvement. They are analyzed to fine out the appropriate treatment and improvement from Safety and Environmental committee with the team leader according to the following information ; ♫ The existing management system of its own. ♫ The present available technology. ♫ View of interested parties. ♫ Operation and business requirement. ♫ Financial requirement. ♫ Opportunity for improvement. 9 OKI ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION PROGRAMS 2003 FY Environmental action programs were implemented to respond to significant aspect and continuously as follow; Energy reduction Chemicals reduction Paper reduction Waste reduction Water supply reduction Increase plant area Summary of ISO 14001 Activity Progress IC Factory 2003FY Paper Reduction Waste Separate Wet waste 16.63% 0.16 pcs./K(pin) Separate activity 4.5 kg/person ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 1.059 l/pcs 44.63% 0.16 pcs./K(pin) Separate activity 2.88 kg/person Item Electric Chemical Solder Plating Chemicals WWT Chemical Pure water Target 3.94 w/pin 0.28 g/unit 2.35 g/litre 0.02 g/litre 1.230 l/P 2003 FY ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Result 3.14 w/pin 0.18 g/unit 1.38 g/litre 0.01 g/litre Remark : Water supply % Recycle of Industrial waste condition ✓ : Achieve target ✖ : Not achieve target 1. Energy Reduction W/pin Target 3.94 w/pin 4 3.16 3.14 3.5 2002FY 3 2003FY 2.5 2 Year 2002FY 2003FY W/pin 3.16 3.14 Target 3.94 3.94 % Reduction 0.00 0.63 1.5 1 0.5 0 2002FY 2003FY 10 OKI ENVIRONMENTAL Target 2003FY ACTION PROGRAMS 2003 FY : To reduce energy consumption 5% compare with 2002FY by w/pin (3.94 w/pin). Indicator : Energy consumption of 2003 was 3.14 w/pin. Result : We can achieve target by reduce 20.30% of energy consumption compare with 2002FY. 2. Chemical Reduction 2.1 Chemical for Solder Plating 2.2 Chemical for Waste water 2.3 Chemical for Pure water 2.1 Chemical for Solder Plating Chemicals for Solder Plating g/unit Target 0.28 g/unit 0.3 2002FY 0.20 0.18 2003FY 0.2 Year 2002FY 2003FY g/unit 0.20 0.18 Target 0.28 0.28 % Reduction 0.00 10.00 0.1 0 2002FY Target 2003FY 2003FY : To reduce chemical consumption < 0.28 g/unit compare with 2002FY Indicator : Chemical consumption of 2003 was 0.18 g/unit. Result : We can achieve target by reduce 35.71% of chemical consumption compare with 2002FY. 11 OKI ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION PROGRAMS 2003 FY 2.2 Chemical for Waste water treatment Chemicals for Waste water treatment result g/l. Target 2.35 g/l. 1.99 2 2002FY 1.38 2003FY 1.5 1 0.5 0 2002FY 2003FY Target 2003FY Year 2002FY 2003FY g/l. 1.99 1.38 Target 2.35 2.35 % Reduction 0.00 30.65 : To reduce chemical consumption < 2.35 g/l compare with 2002FY Indicator : Chemical consumption of 2003 was 1.38 g/l. Result : We can achieve target by reduce 41.28% of chemical consumption compare with 2002FY. 2.3 Chemical for Pure water Chemicals for Pure Water treatment system g/unit Target 0.02 g/unit 0.020 2002FY 0.015 0.01 0.01 2003FY 0.010 0.005 0.000 2002FY Year 2002FY 2003FY g/unit 0.01 0.01 Target 0.02 0.02 % Reduction 0.00 50.00 2003FY 12 OKI ENVIRONMENTAL Target 2003FY ACTION PROGRAMS 2003 FY : To reduce chemical consumption < 0.02 g/l compare with 2002FY Indicator : Chemical consumption of 2003 was 0.01 g/l. Result : We can achieve target by reduce 50% of chemical consumption compare with 2002FY. 3. Paper Reduction Paper reduction Activity Result Used of backside of paper pcs./K(pin) 0.2 0.16 0.16 Target 0.16 g/unit Used of backside of paper 2002FY 2003FY 0.1 0.0 2002FY Target 2003FY 2003FY Year 2002FY 2003FY pcs./K(pin) 0.16 0.16 Target 0.16 0.16 % Reduction 0.00 0.00 : To reduce paper consumption < 0.16 pcs/Kpin compare with 2002FY Indicator : Paper consumption of 2003 was 0.16 pcs/Kpin. Result : We can achieve target but do not reduce because of we used Clean room paper increase form Assembly process flow chart manufacturing attach run sheet every lot of product. 13 OKI ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION PROGRAMS 2003 FY 4. Waste Reduction 4.1 Waste separate 4.2 Wet waste reduction 4.3 %Recycle of Industrial waste 4.1 Waste separate Waste Separate Activity Result Kg 30000.0 24,318.20 25,259.17 25000.0 2002FY 2003FY 20000.0 15000.0 Year 2002FY 2003FY 10000.0 Kg 5000.0 Target - - % Reduction - - 0.0 2002FY Target 2003FY 24,318.20 25,259.17 2003FY : Waste separate do not set the target, the purpose of activities used for separate waste in Oki (Thailand) Co., and awaredness for waste management. Indicator : Can separated befor to drop in a bucket. 4.2 Wet waste reduction Wet Waste Reduction Activity Result Kg/persons 5.0 4.0 Target 4.5 Kg/person 2.97 2.88 2002FY 2003FY 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 2002FY 2003FY 14 Year 2002FY 2003FY Kg/persons 2.97 2.88 Target 4.5 4.5 % Reduction - 3.03 OKI ENVIRONMENTAL Target 2003FY ACTION PROGRAMS 2003 FY : To reduce Wet waste < 4.5 Kg/person compare with 2002FY Indicator : Wet waste reduction of 2003 was 4.50 Kg/person Result : We can achieve target by reduce 13.56% of wet waste compare with 2002FY. 4.3 %Recycle of Industrial waste % Recycle of Industrial waste %Recycle 44.63 50 40 2002FY 2003FY 30 16.63 Target 16.63 %Recycle 20 10 0 2002FY Target 2003FY 2003FY Year 2002FY 2003FY %Recycle 16.63 44.63 Target 16.63 16.63 % Recycle - 43.48 : To increase %Recycle of Industrial waste > 16.63 % compare with 2002FY Indicator : %Recycle of Industrial waste of 2003 was 44.63% Result : We can achieve target by increase 43.48% of total Industrial waste compare with 2002FY. 15 OKI ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION PROGRAMS 2003 FY 5. Water Supply Reduction Water Supply Consumption l/pcs. 1.40 Target 1.23 g/unit 1.03 1.20 1.06 2002FY 1.00 2003FY 0.80 0.60 0.40 Year 2002FY 2003FY l/pcs. 1.03 1.06 Target 1.23 1.23 % Reduction - 13.90 0.20 0.00 2002FY Target 2003FY 2003FY : To reduce Water supply consumption < 1.230 l/pcs. compare with 2002FY Indicator : Water supply consumption of 2003 was 1.059 l/pcs. Result : We can achieve target by decrease 13.90% of total Water supply consumption compare with 2002FY. 6. Increase Plant Area 16 OKI ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION PROGRAMS 2003 FY 7. Action Items for Each Program Action for Energy Reduction • Cut off power for unnecessary equipment. • Stop unnecessary air condition o • Room temperature up 1 C • Save electricity for lighting and O/A • Maximization space & machine utilization by lay-out change • Cut off unnecessary lighting and O/A Action for Chemicals Reduction • Review usage of chemicals • SP-04 Introduction • Review thickness of plating • Plating Lead free process • Production quantity increase per chemical consumption Action for Paper Reduction • Used backside of paper • Review necessary • Reduction of distribution • Used electric media Action for Waste Reduction • Reduce defective production • Recycle & reuse of Industrial waste (Electronic scrap, Resin, Sludge, General waste) • Waste Separate activities. • Wet waste reduction 17 OKI ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION PROGRAMS 2003 FY Action for Increase planted area • Promotion of planting tree Action for Water supply Reduction • Survey used point • Make standard for water supply controlling • Used point controlling • Promotion water consumption awareness • Reuse water brine to toilet canteen and to sprinkle grass Action for ISO 14001 & Safety 18 OKI ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION PROGRAMS 2003 FY Activities for ISO 14001 & Safety EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE Fire emergency drill and Emergency Response Practice were conducted to minimize the severe environmental and health impact including property damaged. The practice included : Emergency Response Team Communication Fire prevention and fire fighting Evacuation practice day on December, 2003 19 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE An abnormal chemical handling or spill that may leak to the environment can cause severe environment impact. We also prepare the ; Chemicals spillage Practice Stop chemical leakage within area Recovered chemical plan Chemicals Leakage Training 20 ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING Education and training is a key factor to the environmental improvement. Environmental education and training are place as needed. Education/Training Purpose Topic Target group Orientation of new employee To understand general environment management - ISO 14001 Requirements - Environment policy - Environmental conservation activity All new employees Environmental awareness To encourage awareness - Environmental and safety exhibition - Monthly meeting All employees Top management and Environment Committee General environmental training To educate employees in environmental subject - Operation of Waste controlling, Emergency case - Common standard of Environment and Safety - Chemicals controlling Specific employee and contractors Significant Environment Aspect & Impact training To qualify ones who work on environment impact - A person who works which concern to intolerable risk or significant impact Chemicals spillage practice Chemical handling Control of Boiler Pollution controller 21 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY RISK MANAGEMENT Company’s Occupation Health & Safety risk management is conducted according to summary of Accidents report 2003 year. The progressive of safety to continuously reduce incident rate for 4 year consecutively and achieve zero lost time accident in 2001FY. For 2003FY IFR = 14.2 case/day per 1 million hours and ISR = 5.4 case/day per 1 million hours. Incident Statistic from 2000 – 2003FY Case/day per 1 million hours Total IFR and ISR 2000 - 2003 18 16 14 12 10 16.2 14.3 13.09 IFR 9.53 8.1 8 6 4 2 0 5.56 ISR 5.1 0 2000FY 2001FY 2002FY 2003FY IFR (Injury Frequency Rate) means number of accidents per one million working hour ISR (Injury Severity Rate) means Number of lost working day per one million working hour ENVIRONMENTAL AUDIT The environmental audit of Oki (Thailand) consists of the following ; Internal Environmental Audit (IEA) Means the method to verify that the EMS satisfies the ISO 14001 Standard requirements and to ensure the effectiveness of EMS. Total number of internal environmental auditors is 13 auditors. Certification audit Means the audit conducted by certified body. This includes surveillance and recertification audit. Follow up surveillance audit once a year Re-certification audit every three years 22 LEGAL AND OTHER REQUIREMENT COMPLIANCE Air Emission The monitoring follow the standard method of US Environmental Protection Agency (US.EPA) and National Institute of Occupational Safety Health (NIOHS). The standard method applied for air sampling is accepted by Industrial Environmental Department and Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment. The below describes the air emission control legal compliance. Atmosphere Monitoring once/year Stack Stack Wet scrubber Bag Filter Boiler Generator Solder Plating Lead Forming Air Emission monitoring Parameter Unit Legal Std. Value TSP mg/m 400 26.95 SO2 ppm 1250 56 NOx ppm 250 218 CO ppm 870 612 3 23 LEGAL AND OTHER REQUIREMENT COMPLIANCE Waste Water Treatment The monitoring follow the standard method of US Environmental Protection Agency (US.EPA) and National Institute of Occupational Safety Health (NIOHS). The standard method applied for air sampling is accepted by Industrial Environmental Department and Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment. The below describes the waste water treatment facility legal compliance. Waste Water Treatment System Dicing Solder Plating Rinse Water storage tank Waste water treatment system Waste water treatment facility Efficiency of WWT 2003 Year pH SS COD BOD Zn Cr Pb Sn F (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) Parameter Standard 5.5 - 9.0 200 1,250 1,000 5.00 0.75 0.20 1.00 5.00 Raw waste water 10.10 <10.0 21.00 8.70 0.79 0.06 8.50 6.48 3.99 Check tank 7.10 <10.0 22.00 10.00 <0.10 <0.03 0.07 0.52 5.57 Drain pit 7.60 25.00 60.00 54.00 <0.10 <0.03 0.04 0.13 2.32 24 LEGAL AND OTHER REQUIREMENT COMPLIANCE Waste Management The waste management follow standard method of Department Industrial Works of Ministry of Industry. And used principle management of Waste minimization and 3R principle as “Reuse, Recycle and Recovery”. The below describes the waste management legal compliance. Kind of Waste Method of Disposal Waste Processing Plastic waste Recycle SKJ Enterprise Paper waste Recycle SKJ Enterprise Landfill ==> Incineration BWG ==> SCCC OA equipment expired Recycle SKJ Enterprise Electronic scrap Recycle Ohgitani Kogyo (Thailand) Matsuda Sangyo (Thailand) Landfill ==> Incineration ECO/TPI Treatment GENCO Runner Resin Sludge Waste chemcals Kind of waste Waste Chemicals Sludge Adsorbate (Air) Weight (Ton) 143.4 70.67 2.47 Contaminate Residue form tank SP chemicals 0.69 0.63 Elcetronic scrap Runner Resin 116.59 132.38 Summary Waste Management (Industrial waste 2003 Year) Industrial waste 2003 Year 28% 31% Waste Chemicals Sludge Adsorbate (Air) Contaminate tank 25% 0% 1% 0% 25 15% Residue form SP chemicals Elcetronic scrap Runner Resin ENVIRONMENTAL BENEFIT 26 PUBLICATION INFORMATION Declaration : The information published in this environmental report is the environmental performance from April 2003 to March 2004. Date of publication : April 2004. Contact person : Environment & Safety Management System General Affairs Department Oki (Thailand) Co.,Ltd. 1/39 Moo. 5, Tambol Kanham, Amphur U-Thai, Ayutthaya 13210, Thailand. Telephone : 035-330171-8 Fax : 035-330179-180 Person-in-charge : e-mail address : Mr. Katsumi Onaru (President) [email protected] Mr. Kazumasa Wakuno (Plant Manager : RPI) [email protected] Mr. Rattaphan Phantachart (Director : RPE/EMR) [email protected] O K I ( T H A I L A N D ) C O . , L T D. I S O 1 4 0 0 1 27