3URGXFW%ULHI 0X%,& 3(%9 0XOWL%LW5DWH,QWHJUDWHG&LUFXLW SDSL MDSL (Medium bit rate Digital Subscriber Line) covers the sub SDSL (Symmetric/Single Pair bit rate DSL) rates at a granularity of 8 kbit/s. The MuBIC 2 is the 2nd generation of the Infineon MDSL product family which fills the gap between ISDN and SDSL. Using the TC-PAM coding scheme the MuBIC 2 offers an excellent transmission performance in combination with a very low interference with other services like POTS, ISDN, HDSL, ADSL, ADSL Lite and VDSL in the same bundle. The exceptional low power consumption of less than 500 mW at 1 Mbit/s meets manufacturers requirements for remote fed equipment e.g. for life line service. The tiny TQFP-100 package contains a lot of additional functionality like framer and microcontroller. Potential Applications Features ■ Inputs and Outputs TTL level ■ N-channel DAML systems ■ Fractional T1/E1 systems ■ Broadband subscriber access ■ Single chip MDSL transceiver ■ Software access to D-Bits ■ Plastic TQFP-100 package ■ Central office (COT) and remote ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ for voice and data Line cards for central office and loop carriers Network terminators (NTs) DSLAMs ISDN H0 transport Remote LAN Access (Home office) Videoconferencing Access to cellular base stations RITL and WLL systems SDH and SONET termination Leased line services Frame Relay services PBX trunk lines ■ Typical 450 mW power con■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 1) sumption at 1 Mbit/s TC-PAM linecode with 2,3 or 4 Bits/symbol Transmission of any bit rate between 512 kbit/s and 1040 kbit/s1) Same hardware for all bit rates Meets ETSI/ANSI HDSL and ISDN performance Embedded µC for easy start-up Universal 8-Bit µC interface Transparent transmission or built-in Framer ■ Bit rates below 512 kbit/s on request ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ (RT) operation (master/slave) Warmstart capability Power down mode 1.544 Mbit/s, 2 Mbit/s and 4 Mbit/s TDM interface Tolerates input jitter according to I.431 jitter transfer function Easy software download Diagnostic loop backs DECT base station synchronization and delay measurement 2B1Q mode Operation speed selectable by software only JTAG boundary scan http://www.infineon.com MuBIC 2 Block Diagram 7LPLQJ 26& 3// 'LJLWDOSDUW 5HFRYHU\ 0+] %4 HQFRGHU 6FUDP )LOWHU '$& )LOWHU /' EOHU 7RP 3&0 /LQH 7UHOOLV OLQVRQ LI )UDPHU (& +\EULG 60'6/ %4 'HVFUDP GHFRGHU EOHU 9LWHUE\ (TXD GHFRGHU OL]HU )LOWHU $'& $*& )LOWHU & 5$0 $QDORJ SDUW 520 A :LHQ ☎ &LI AUS HK 5LFKPRQG0HOERXUQH I B BR 0LVVLVVDXJD ☎ Type ☎ =ULFK ☎ Date of Issue/Version ☎ 'VVHOGRUI ☎ PEB 22521/2 V2.1 Preliminary Data Sheet 10.99 ☎ ☎ Ordering Code Package Availability PEB 22522F V2.1 Q67233-H1151 P-TQFP-100 ES PL :DUV]DZD ☎ RC 7DLSHL ☎ 1UQEHUJ Type ☎ 0QFKHQ Ordering information $PDGRUD /DDW]HQ+DQQRYHU ☎ 'HQ+DDJ P D 2VOR NL CH 7RN\R ☎ N 2QWDULR/73 Documentation 'XEOLQ ☎ J CDN 1HZ'HOKL ☎ IRL 6mR3DXOR63 ☎ ■ Evaluation board IND %UXVVHO%UX[HOOHV ☎ Development and Support Tools 0LODQR ☎ 9LF ☎ +RQJ.RQJ ☎ ROK 6HRXO ☎ 6WXWWJDUW ☎ RUS 0RVNYD ☎ DK %DOOHUXS ☎ E 7UHV&DQWRV0DGULG F 6DLQW'HQLV&('(; ☎ ☎ Application Example DAML FIN WU 6/,&3 36% WU 6/,&3 0X%,& $1,&' $1,&$ 0X%,& 36% 6/,&2), $1,&' $1,&$ WU '& 6/,&3 6/,&3 36% 36% 6/,&3 36% 36% WU 6/,&3 3RZHU 0 & 3 6/,&2), +6&; +6&; 6$% 6$% 36% 36% V X % & 6/,&3 6/,&3 36% 36% 6/,&3 6/,&2), 36% 36% 6&, & & & & 36% 36% $1,&' $1,&$ 36% 36% 36% WU WU 36% $1,&' $1,&$ 6&, $PDURXVVLR$WKHQ ☎ )LQGLNOL,VWDQEXO ☎ USA &XSHUWLQR&$ ☎ ZA +DOIZD\+RXVH ☎ 36% WU WU WU © Infineon Technologies AG 1999. All Rights Reserved. Please note that any information contained in this publication may be subject to change. Infineon Technologies reserves the right to make changes to or to discontinue any product or service identified in this publication without notice. Please contact our regional offices to receive the latest version of the relevant information to verify, before placing orders, that the information being relied upon is current. All brand or product names, hardware or software names are trademarks of their respective companies or organizations. Published by Infineon Technologies AG WU 36% $1,&' $1,&$ V X % & WU $1,&' $1,&$ 36% ☎ TR How to reach us: http://www.infineon.com 36% $1,&' $1,&$ 36% WU 36% 6LQJDSRUH WU 36% $1,&' $1,&$ )HHGHU 0 & 3 6/,&3 6/,&3 36% 36% WU '& 6/,&2), 36% GR ☎ SGP %HUNVKLUH5*)= ☎ WU .LVWD 36% 36% 36% WU GB &HQWUDO2IILFH7HUPLQDO S (VSRR+HOVLQNL ☎ 5HPRWH7HUPLQDO Ordering No. B115-H7325-X-X-7600 Printed in Germany PS 10985.