5 3 C1 2.2uF 50V C7 10uF 50CE10BJ OPT VISHAY IHLP-2525BD-01 C6 4.7uF 50V C3 4.7uF 50V 23 LT3598EUF LED1LED2LED3LED4LED5LED6E8 E10 E12 E14 E16 E18 VOUT E2 R1 100K 1% 22 C2 1uF 6.3V VIN VO_SW 24 R2 2.4M 1% E3 7 ON 20 SHDN FB 11 15 PWM NC 13 14 SYNC LED1 1 16 RT LED2 2 LED3 3 18 VREF LED4 4 LED5 5 LED6 6 C8 0.1uF E20 9 12 TSET R12 107K 1% B CTRL R9 178K 1% C10 47pF SS 100K 1% R6 10K 1% 17 E7 GND R5 51.1K 1% B VC E4 25 100K 1% 10 2 R7 100K 1% R11 C R4 76.8K 1% 1 JP1 R3 OPENLED 19 OFF CTRL APPROVED U1 3 SYNC 09/03/08 40V 1A VIN VIN PWM DATE PROD E9 E11 E13 E15 E17 E19 LED1+ LED2+ LED3+ LED4+ LED5+ LED6+ 21 OPENLED DESCRIPTION A VOUT 1 E1 3.2V - 5.5V GND + REV D1 SW VIN 10uH 2 E5 1 D L1 E6 3V - 40V GND ECO ISET PVIN C 2 REVISION HISTORY 8 D 4 This circuit is proprietary to Linear Technology and supplied for use with Linear Technology parts. Customer Notice: Linear Technology has made a best effort to design a circuit that meets customer-supplied specifications; however, it remains the customer's responsibility to verify proper and reliable operation in the actual application, Component substitution and printed circuit board layout may significantly affect circuit performance or reliability. Contact Linear Applications Engineering for assistance. R10 C4 C9 0.1uF 100pF 3K 1% C5 10nF R8 14.7K 1% CONTRACT NO. APPROVALS DRAWN MEI DATE 05/25/07 TECHNOLOGY TITLE CHECKED A APPROVED 1630 McCarthy Blvd. Milpitas, CA 95035 Phone: (408)432-1900 Fax: (408)434-0507 SCH, LT3598EUF, 6-STRING 30mA LED DRIVER WITH 1.5% CURRENT MATCHING ENGINEER DESIGNER Friday, September 12, 2008 5 4 3 SIZE CAGE CODE DWG NO REV DC1285A SCALE: FILENAME: 2 1285A-3.DSN SHEET A 1 1 OF 1 A