THIS SPEC IS OBSOLETE Spec No: 001-16833 Spec Title: SIGNAL MIXING WITH PSOC(R) SWITCHED CAPACITOR BLOCKS - AN16833 Sunset Owner: Kannan Sadasivam (QVS) Replaced by: None AN16833 Signal Mixing with PSoC® Switched Capacitor Blocks Author: Sampath Selvaraj Associated Project: Yes Associated Part Family: CY8C27443 (Project), CY8C27x43, CY8C29x66 Software Version: PSoC ® Designer™ 4.4 Related Application Notes: AN2041, AN2223 If you have a question, or need help with this application note, contact the author at [email protected]. Routing analog signals inside a PSoC® device can be tricky because the desired connections are often not directly available. This application note describes some useful methods to allow configurations that seem impossible, such as the developed example of an eight channel (four channel stereo) audio mixer with adjustment potentiometers. Contents Introduction Introduction ....................................................................... 1 All Blocks are not created equal ................................... 2 A Switched Capacitor PGA ............................................... 2 Creating an Eight Channel Mixer .................................. 4 Reading Potentiometers without an ADC ..................... 4 Noise ................................................................................. 5 Possibilities and Improvements .................................... 5 Summary ......................................................................... 22 Worldwide Sales and Design Support ............................. 24 A PSoC analog user module’s input choices are determined by its location. Certain locations have access to Port 0 input multiplexers; others have direct access to the Port 2 inputs. Some only have access to certain adjacent blocks and their column’s analog output bus. Placement of an analog user module requires the correct type of target analog blocks: Continuous Time or Switched Capacitor. Therefore, not all analog user modules have access to a desired signal without another analog module to route it. In some cases – such as routing a Port 0 signal through a PGA to feed it to an ADC – this is a straightforward process. However, after all four possible PGAs are used and additional simultaneous analog input signals are required, it is confusing to route these signals in, especially to where they are needed. Some inputs that are typically read with an analog-todigital converter, such as adjustment potentiometers, can be set up to be read by a timer user module. This frees up valuable analog resources. Some tricks are shown to convert a voltage into a charge time using a single digital pin for discharge and input (one pin per potentiometer). Here is a method to multiplex as many potentiometers as desired sequentially with a single-timer user module. By configuring generic switched capacitor user modules to act as PGA buffers, an eight channel mixer with both stereo and mono outputs can be completely implemented within a single PSoC device with no external routing. This mixer includes 15 adjustment potentiometers. There are potentiometers to adjust levels of each of the eight inputs and master adjustments for the left, right, and mono channels. Four more potentiometer inputs control the preamp levels of the PGAs in line with some inputs. This Document No. 001-16833 Rev. *C 1 ® Signal Mixing with PSoC Switched Capacitor Blocks allows the large range adjustment needed for microphones (or other small signal sources) on half of the inputs (specifically, inputs C and D on each side). The current design allows for a sixteenth adjustment potentiometer, but it does not yet have a use. Figure 1. Analog Block Arrangement A serial TX user module is also included and is configured to output a formatted single-line output of all 15 gains. It outputs every couple sets of readings while adjustments are made, at a rate of 57,600 bps. This status display may be viewed with any standard serial terminal. All Blocks are not created equal Continuous Time (CT) analog blocks are easy to use: simple analog modules such as PGAs and Comparators go here. All four CT blocks have access to at least four Port 0 input pins (the two center blocks have extra multiplexers allowing connection to any of the eight Port 0 input pins), and the analog column clock has very little effect (if any) on operation. All four CT blocks are the same and have similar designations; “ACBxy,” where x is the analog row (always 0) and y is the analog column number (0 to 3). These four blocks are along the top row of the analog section, shown in Figure 1. Switched Capacitor (SC) analog blocks can give the PSoC many capabilities. These blocks can perform such a variety of real time functions that they were given a completely customizable user module, instead of separate modules for each function. This “Generic SCBlock” user module is found as the only entry under the “Generic” category. SC blocks come in two varieties – Type C and Type D. Originally, in the CY8C25xxx/26xxx PSoC families, these were Type A and Type B. This is detailed in AN2041, “Understanding Analog Switched Capacitor Blocks.” Most, if not all of it, still applies to the newer CY8C27x43 and CY8C29x66 devices. The old Type A blocks have evolved into the new Type C blocks and the old Type B blocks have evolved into the new type D blocks. A Switched Capacitor PGA A Generic SC user module is configured to act as a PGA and amplify audio signals. The SC PGA does not have as large a range of gains as the standard CT PGA, but it is perfect for low and unity gain applications. The standard CT PGA user module provides gains from 0.062x to 48x, whereas the SC PGA created here has a range of 0.062x to only 1.938x (with an FCap value of 16; this range gets smaller and finer when FCap is set to 32). See Table 1 and Table 2 for details. However, an SC PGA has the unique capability to mix two inputs and control their gains independently. An SC PGA can also invert its non-inverting input. The ratio between FCap and either ACap or BCap controls the gain applied to either the A or B inputs. Empirically, an analog column clock of 4 MHz is optimum for an audio SC PGA. Faster clocks result in distortion, as the SC blocks do not perform quite as well near their upper limits. The parameters necessary to create an SC PGA intended for use with AC signals (or audio) from a Generic SC user module are shown for the two types of SC blocks in Figure 2 and Figure 3. Figure 2. SC Type C as a 2 Channel Audio PGA, 1.00x Gain Type C SC blocks are designated “ASCxy,” where x is the analog row (1 or 2) and y is the analog column (0 to 3). Type D SC blocks are designated “ASDxy,” where x is the analog row (1 or 2) and y is the analog column (0 to 3). Type D blocks include an additional option to allow BCap to function as a regular capacitor instead of a switched capacitor – set this BSW to “On” for normal operation. Type C and D SC blocks are arranged in a checkerboard pattern, beginning with ASC10 as shown in Figure 1. Document No. 001-16833 Rev. *C 2 ® Signal Mixing with PSoC Switched Capacitor Blocks Figure 3. SC Type D as a 2 Channel Audio PGA, 1.00x Gain Table 1. SC PGA Gain Settings, FCap = 16 ACap or BCap Gain 0 0 1 0.0625 2 0.125 3 0.1875 4 0.25 5 0.3125 6 0.375 7 0.4375 8 0.5 9 0.5625 10 0.625 11 0.6875 12 0.75 13 0.8125 14 0.875 15 0.9375 16 1 17 1.0625 18 1.125 19 1.1875 20 1.25 21 1.3125 22 1.375 23 1.4375 24 1.5 25 1.5625 26 1.625 27 1.6875 28 1.75 29 1.8125 30 1.875 31 1.9375 Document No. 001-16833 Rev. *C 3 ® Signal Mixing with PSoC Switched Capacitor Blocks Table 2. SC PGA Gain Settings, FCap = 32 Port 2) are mixed into three outputs — Left, Right, and Mono. The basic mixer schematic and internal routing is shown in Figure 5. ACap or BCap Gain 0 0 1 0.03125 2 0.06250 3 0.09375 4 0.12500 5 0.15625 6 0.18750 7 0.21875 8 0.25000 9 0.28125 10 0.31250 11 0.34375 If you can preset all your gain settings, then you are done. However, most applications require some real time control over these gains. 12 0.37500 Reading Potentiometers without an ADC 13 0.40625 14 0.43750 15 0.46875 Potentiometers are arranged into four banks of four inputs, requiring eight PSoC pins and one timer. Fifteen of the 16 possible potentiometer inputs from this configuration are used in the mixer design, as shown in Figure 6. 16 0.50000 17 0.53125 18 0.56250 19 0.59375 20 0.62500 21 0.65625 22 0.68750 23 0.71875 24 0.75000 25 0.78125 26 0.81250 27 0.84375 28 0.87500 29 0.90625 30 0.93750 31 0.96875 The Left output consists of a mix of input channels La, Lb, Lc, and Ld. The Right output consists of a mix of input channels Ra, Rb, Rc, and Rd. Mono output is a mix of all eight inputs. Lc, Ld, Rc, and Rd are routed through CT PGAs before entering the mix and can have a pre-amp gain applied to them. This makes these channels ideal for use as microphone inputs. The mixer portion of this project operates without logic. The only code required is to initialize the CT PGA modules; the SC PGA modules do not need start commands when their power level is set in the Device Editor to Low, Medium, or High. The four inputs to the PSoC are on P1[0], P1[1], P1[2], and P1[3]. The four bank control outputs are on P1[4], P1[5], P1[6], and P2[6]. The logic to read all 15 potentiometers sequentially is shown in the flowchart in Figure 7. First, the potentiometer controlling the gain of La is serviced. P1[4] is raised to activate the first bank of inputs and the timer is set to capture the signal on P1[0]. Then, all four input pins are disconnected from their global input buses and changed to drive Open Drain Low outputs. These outputs are driven low for a brief period to discharge the capacitors. They are then released, set back to High Z digital input drives, and reconnected to their global input busses. Then the timer is started. A High Z digital input, whether connected to the global input bus or not, acts as an analog comparator referenced to ground with a threshold of approximately 0.500, or ½ of VCC. This allows a timer to measure a potentiometer’s position based on how long it takes its capacitor to charge up to this threshold level. Creating an Eight Channel Mixer Using CT and SC PGA user modules, all eight simultaneously routable analog input signals (four CT inputs from Port 0 and four end-column SC inputs from Now that the capacitor is discharged and the timer is started immediately afterwards (when the timer obtains a Capture event), its count is a direct ADC-style reading of the potentiometer. This is accessed after the interrupt through the timer’s Compare register. However, in some cases, the input threshold is reached before the command to start the timer is supplied. This is Document No. 001-16833 Rev. *C 4 ® Signal Mixing with PSoC Switched Capacitor Blocks not good, as timer user modules do not operate very well with a steady high capture signal. This situation incorrectly results in a minimum reading (zero). Special “Fast Charge” logic is implemented to catch this situation and handle it separately. The timer is set up to produce a value from 0 to 127 for seven bits of resolution. These seven bits are shifted down to five bits, directly translating into ACap or BCap values for SC PGA gains. In the case of the CT PGA gain adjustments, these five bits allow access to 32 of the available 33 gains. Because the top gain is so much more significant than the bottom gain, adding one to the CT PGA gain sets the top at 48x (and sets the bottom at 0.12x, excluding 0.06x). This is done for simplicity and speed, as access to the bottom CT PGA gain is seldom required in this particular application. A separate algorithm (shifting the timer reading down to six bits to interpret the CT PGA gain) could be written if access to all 33 gains is required. After the potentiometer for La is read (and the gain for La adjusted if there is a change), all bank select outputs are released. A short delay then creates a brief dead band. This process is then repeated for the other seven input controls, three master controls, and four CT PGA pre-amp controls – each time activating the proper bank and reading the appropriate input to access the desired potentiometer. Every three sets of readings, the applied gains of each of the 15 adjustments are sent out the serial TX port for display on a standard terminal. This allows the user to see exactly what gains are applied, and where. Example output is shown in Figure 4. Configuration of the PSoC eight channel mixer is shown in Figure 8, Figure 9, Figure 10, and Figure 11 on page 14, 15, 16, and 19 respectively. Figure 4. Example Serial Mixer Gain Display Output Noise The PSoC does not create isolated environments for all its modules and blocks. It also does not completely isolate the analog section from the digital section. As a result, many digital functions inject a small amount of audible noise into analog audio streams. When the TX user module was initially set up to output on P2[7], starting the module (no transmissions) added audible noise into the otherwise quiet inputs on P2[0]–P2[3]. For this reason, the TX uses P1[7] as its output. The scanning of the potentiometers also injects some unpleasant audible noise into the mix. This noise is much louder when any of the input signals are floating. If all eight inputs are connected, this noise is less noticeable. The enable button or switch on P2[7] is implemented for this reason. The scanning of the potentiometers is only performed when P2[7] is high; it ceases when P2[7] is low. A button might be labeled “Hold to adjust or Push to update.” A switch might be labeled “Down to lock out changes and Up to adjust.” There is another situation caused by leakage in this application. The bank select outputs were originally driven as Open Drain High, which should theoretically mix without diodes in the potentiometer scanning circuitry. The bank selects were driven high to select a particular bank, and released to float otherwise. Unfortunately, when floating, the bank outputs sharing Port 1 with the inputs were affected by the various charging capacitors. This resulted in multiple gains being adjusted unintentionally. For this reason, the bank selects are now strong outputs. They are driven high to select a bank, and low otherwise. To ensure that low drives do not affect the potentiometer readings, blocking diodes (D1, D2, D3, and D4) are now required on these lines. Notes A simple resistor divider provides the VCC/2 AGND, used to bias the AC-coupled inputs. The two 100 μF bypass caps (C14, C15) are arranged in series with the supply to facilitate a quick initial charge-up. The ACap and BCap settings in the Device Editor have no effect because they are set in the software. Possibilities and Improvements The current design requires two programming jumpers to be removed to burn the PSoC in-circuit. This is because P1[0] and P1[1], which are the pins used for programming, have capacitance attached to them. If these capacitors are not removed when attempting in-circuit programming, it Document No. 001-16833 Rev. *C 5 ® Signal Mixing with PSoC Switched Capacitor Blocks fails. By exchanging these inputs with bank control signals and making the necessary changes to the software, incircuit programming no longer requires jumpers. Even with all the analog functionality present in this eight channel mixer, there is still a single SC block left open. Another analog feature can also be added to this project. A serial RX user module could be added to allow remote control of the gains. This may be useful in studio situations where multiple users in multiple locations might want to adjust the gains of a single mixer. As shown in AN2412, “Reverb and Echo with a PSoCStyle FIFO,” a DelSig ADC user module may be used to sample a stream of audio. The single-order DelSig only requires a single SC block (and a digital block), and has its choice of input signals. A slightly altered version of the eight channel mixer can act as a studio headphone amp, where the artist can select his or her own personal mix of seven line feeds along with an intercom channel back to the control room. PGA_Rd is configured as an intercom with its own output (P0[2]) and can easily be disconnected from SC_Rcd, if necessary. With the PSoC adding a bit of reverb and a PRS8 user module representing this altered stream, there may be use for the 16th potentiometer input – adjusting the amount of reverb or echo. This creates another studio application. A singer can control his or her own “scratch mix wetness,” as personal unrecorded reverb adjustments are referred to in the musicians’ world. Figure 5. Audio Mixer Schematic Document No. 001-16833 Rev. *C 6 ® Signal Mixing with PSoC Switched Capacitor Blocks Figure 6. Potentiometer/Knob Interface Schematic Document No. 001-16833 Rev. *C 7 ® Signal Mixing with PSoC Switched Capacitor Blocks Figure 7. Eight Channel Mixer Flowchart Note: Preparation to read a potentiometer in this case means: 1) Driving all bank selects low 2) Waiting a short delay to create a deadband 3) Driving the appropriate bank select high 4) Connecting the timer module's capture input to the appropriate global input bus Start Initialize variables, modules, interrupt. Output serial titles. Is enable button pressed? Yes Timer interrupt Stop self (timer module). Set flag indicating current potentiomter has been measured. Return Prepare to read potentiometer "La" Prepare to read potentiometer "Ra" Prepare to read potentiometer "L" Prepare to read pot "MLc" Time Pot Time Pot Time Pot Time Pot Prepare to read potentiometer "Lb" Prepare to read potentiometer "Rb" Prepare to read potentiometer "R" Prepare to read pot "MLd" Time Pot Time Pot Time Pot Time Pot Prepare to read potentiometer "Lc" Prepare to read potentiometer "Rc" Prepare to read potentiometer "LR" Prepare to read pot "MRc" Time Pot Time Pot Time Pot Time Pot Prepare to read potentiometer "Ld" Prepare to read potentiometer "Rd" Time Pot Have 3 sets of readings been taken? Time Pot Set all 4 input lines to Open Drain Low and discharge the capacitors. Reconnect all 4 input lines to their Global Input busses; set all to High Z input drive Has pot charge exceeded threshold already? Yes Set incoming gain to maximum value Yes Time Pot Transmit serial, reset # readings Increase # readings Time Pot Prepare to read pot "MRd" No No Start timer module. Wait for timer interrupt. Is current gain = incoming gain? Read timer module's Compare register, shift out the lower two bits, and write to the incoming gain Document No. 001-16833 Rev. *C No Update current gain with incoming gain; set flag indicating a gain change was made Yes Return 8 ® Signal Mixing with PSoC Switched Capacitor Blocks Code 1. Eight Channel Mixer Source Code //----------main.c: //---------------------------------------------------------------------------#define CyclesToDischargeKnob 50 //0-4million: number of cycles to wait whilst discharging each knob #define CyclesOfDeadbandBetweenReadings 100 //0-4million: number of cycles to wait in between readings to enable settling #define SerialOutputEnabled 1 //Comment out this line to disable the serial output function #define ReadingSetsBetweenSerialBursts 3 //0-255 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------#include <m8c.h> // part specific constants and macros #include "PSoCAPI.h" // PSoC API definitions for all User Modules #include <stdlib.h> //--------------------------------------------------------------------#define Bit(bitNumber) ( 1 << (bitNumber) ) unsigned long int Counter = 0; void Wait(unsigned long int); void Wait(unsigned long int ToWait){ for (Counter = 0; Counter < ToWait; Counter++); } //------------------------------------------------------------#define OutputSerialTitles TX_CPutString( " La | Lb | Lc | Ld | Ra | Rb | Rc | Rd | L | R | LR | MLc | MLd | MRc | MRd ") // "1.00|1.00|1.00|1.00|1.00|1.00|1.00|1.00|1.00|1.00|1.00|48.00|48.00|48.00|48.00" #define OutputSerialSeparator TX_PutChar('|') //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------char ZTS[9]; //void CharToZTS(unsigned char); //void CharToZTS(unsigned char ToConvert) //{ // if (ToConvert >= 100) itoa(&ZTS[0], ToConvert, 10); // else if (ToConvert >= 10){ZTS[0]='0'; itoa(&ZTS[1], ToConvert, 10);} // else{ZTS[0]='0'; ZTS[1]='0'; itoa(&ZTS[2], ToConvert, 10);} // ZTS[3] = 0; //for ZTS //} unsigned char Index=0; unsigned char Target=0; void IntToFloatZTS(unsigned int, unsigned char); void IntToFloatZTS(unsigned int ToConvert, unsigned char NumDecimalPlaces) { if (ToConvert >= 10000) itoa(&ZTS[0], ToConvert, 10); else if (ToConvert >= 1000){ZTS[0]='0'; itoa(&ZTS[1], ToConvert, 10);} else if (ToConvert >= 100){ZTS[0]='0'; ZTS[1]='0'; itoa(&ZTS[2], ToConvert, 10);} else if (ToConvert >= 10){ZTS[0]='0'; ZTS[1]='0'; ZTS[2]='0'; itoa(&ZTS[3], ToConvert, 10);} else{ZTS[0]='0'; ZTS[1]='0'; ZTS[2]='0'; ZTS[3]='0'; itoa(&ZTS[4], ToConvert, 10);} ZTS[5] = 0; //for ZTS if (NumDecimalPlaces) { Target=5-NumDecimalPlaces; //init target to where decimal point should be Index=6; while (Index>Target) { ZTS[Index]=ZTS[Index-1]; Index--; } //shift char right Document No. 001-16833 Rev. *C 9 ® Signal Mixing with PSoC Switched Capacitor Blocks ZTS[Index]='.'; //insert decimal point } } void TransmitSerial(void); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//-----CT PGA #define NumGains 33 const BYTE CtPgaGains[NumGains]={PGA_Lc_G0_06,PGA_Lc_G0_12,PGA_Lc_G0_18,PGA_Lc_G0_25, //0-3 PGA_Lc_G0_31,PGA_Lc_G0_37,PGA_Lc_G0_43,PGA_Lc_G0_50,PGA_Lc_G0_56,PGA_Lc_G0_62, //4-9 PGA_Lc_G0_68,PGA_Lc_G0_75,PGA_Lc_G0_81,PGA_Lc_G0_87,PGA_Lc_G0_93,PGA_Lc_G1_00, //10-15 PGA_Lc_G1_06,PGA_Lc_G1_14,PGA_Lc_G1_23,PGA_Lc_G1_33,PGA_Lc_G1_46,PGA_Lc_G1_60, //16-21 PGA_Lc_G1_78,PGA_Lc_G2_00,PGA_Lc_G2_27,PGA_Lc_G2_67,PGA_Lc_G3_20,PGA_Lc_G4_00, //22-27 PGA_Lc_G5_33,PGA_Lc_G8_00,PGA_Lc_G16_0,PGA_Lc_G24_0,PGA_Lc_G48_0}; //28-32 const unsigned int CtPgaGainValues[NumGains]={6,12,18,25,31,37,43,50,56,62,68,75,81,87,93,100,106,114,123, \ 133,146,160,178,200,227,267,320,400,533,800,1600,2400,4800}; //index 15 = 1.00x #define CtPgaGainOffset 1 //shift incoming gain value this far up (add this) to ensure access //to 24x and 48x gains (skips 0.06x and 0.12x though) #define DefaultCtPgaGain 15 //-----SC PGA #define NumScPgaGains 32 //The below constant contains the SC PGA gain values in fixed-point decimal (to avoid float values) - //move decimal point two digits left for real value and display //Below constant only needed for displaying gain values on an LCD (for example) //For reference, the below values represent gains 0.00x - 1.94x, varying ACap and BCap equally while //holding FCap constant at 16 const unsigned int ScPgaGainValuesFCap16[NumScPgaGains]={0,6,13,19,25,31,38,44,50,56,62,69,75,81,88,94,100,106,1 13,119,125,131,138,144,150,156,162,169,175,181,188,194}; #define DefaultScPgaGain 0 #define MaxScPgaGain NumScPgaGains-1 #define MinScPgaGain 0 /* CR0 [43210] = ACap i.e. SC_Lab_cr0 CR1 [43210] = BCap i.e. SC_Lab_cr1 */ unsigned char TempCr; unsigned char TempCr1; #define ResetAorBCap 0b11100000 unsigned char IncomingGain; //Bank0 unsigned char GainLab_A=DefaultScPgaGain; unsigned char GainLab_B=DefaultScPgaGain; unsigned char GainLcd_C=DefaultScPgaGain; unsigned char GainLcd_D=DefaultScPgaGain; #define UpdateLab_AGain TempCr=(SC_Lab_cr0 #define UpdateLab_BGain TempCr=(SC_Lab_cr1 #define UpdateLcd_CGain TempCr=(SC_Lcd_cr0 #define UpdateLcd_DGain TempCr=(SC_Lcd_cr1 //Bank1 unsigned char GainRab_A=DefaultScPgaGain; unsigned char GainRab_B=DefaultScPgaGain; & & & & ResetAorBCap) ResetAorBCap) ResetAorBCap) ResetAorBCap) Document No. 001-16833 Rev. *C | | | | GainLab_A; GainLab_B; GainLcd_C; GainLcd_D; SC_Lab_cr0=TempCr SC_Lab_cr1=TempCr SC_Lcd_cr0=TempCr SC_Lcd_cr1=TempCr 10 ® Signal Mixing with PSoC Switched Capacitor Blocks unsigned char GainRcd_C=DefaultScPgaGain; unsigned char GainRcd_D=DefaultScPgaGain; #define UpdateRab_AGain TempCr=(SC_Rab_cr0 & ResetAorBCap) | GainRab_A; SC_Rab_cr0=TempCr #define UpdateRab_BGain TempCr=(SC_Rab_cr1 & ResetAorBCap) | GainRab_B; SC_Rab_cr1=TempCr #define UpdateRcd_CGain TempCr=(SC_Rcd_cr0 & ResetAorBCap) | GainRcd_C; SC_Rcd_cr0=TempCr #define UpdateRcd_DGain TempCr=(SC_Rcd_cr1 & ResetAorBCap) | GainRcd_D; SC_Rcd_cr1=TempCr //Bank2 unsigned char GainL=DefaultScPgaGain; unsigned char GainR=DefaultScPgaGain; unsigned char GainLR=DefaultScPgaGain; #define UpdateLGain TempCr=(SC_Labcd_cr0 & ResetAorBCap) | GainL; TempCr1=(SC_Labcd_cr1 & ResetAorBCap) | GainL; SC_Labcd_cr0=TempCr; SC_Labcd_cr1=TempCr1 #define UpdateRGain TempCr=(SC_Rabcd_cr0 & ResetAorBCap) | GainR; TempCr1=(SC_Rabcd_cr1 & ResetAorBCap) | GainR; SC_Rabcd_cr0=TempCr; SC_Rabcd_cr1=TempCr1 #define UpdateLRGain TempCr=(SC_LR_cr0 & ResetAorBCap) | GainLR; TempCr1=(SC_LR_cr1 & ResetAorBCap) | GainLR; SC_LR_cr0=TempCr; SC_LR_cr1=TempCr1 //Mic gains are CT PGA gains, Bank3 unsigned char GainMicLc=DefaultCtPgaGain; unsigned char GainMicLd=DefaultCtPgaGain; unsigned char GainMicRc=DefaultCtPgaGain; unsigned char GainMicRd=DefaultCtPgaGain; #define UpdateMicLcGain PGA_Lc_SetGain(CtPgaGains[GainMicLc+CtPgaGainOffset]) #define UpdateMicLdGain PGA_Ld_SetGain(CtPgaGains[GainMicLd+CtPgaGainOffset]) #define UpdateMicRcGain PGA_Rc_SetGain(CtPgaGains[GainMicRc+CtPgaGainOffset]) #define UpdateMicRdGain PGA_Rd_SetGain(CtPgaGains[GainMicRd+CtPgaGainOffset]) unsigned char KnobReading=0; //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#define ScaleReadingOfKnob KnobReading>>=2; if(KnobReading>MaxScPgaGain){ KnobReading=MaxScPgaGain; } #define KNOB_FASTCHARGE 3 #define KNOB_SERVICED 2 #define KNOB_TIMED 1 #define KNOB_TIMING 0 unsigned char KnobStatus=0; //Target charge rate of ~188Hz -- ok, adjusted to 178Hz to match 7 bits of resolution to shift directly down to 5 for ACap/BCap control #define IsKnobTimed (KnobStatus==KNOB_TIMED) #define IsKnobServiced (KnobStatus==KNOB_SERVICED) #define IsKnobFastCharge (KnobStatus==KNOB_FASTCHARGE) #define SetKnobAsServiced KnobStatus=KNOB_SERVICED #define SetKnobAsTimed KnobStatus=KNOB_TIMED #define SetKnobAsFastCharge KnobStatus=KNOB_FASTCHARGE #define ResetKnobStatus KnobStatus=KNOB_TIMING #define ResetKnobTmr TMR_Knob_WritePeriod(TMR_Knob_PERIOD); TMR_Knob_WriteCompareValue(0) #define ReadKnobTmr KnobReading=TMR_Knob_COMPARE_REG; \ ScaleReadingOfKnob; IncomingGain=KnobReading #define ServiceKnob if(IsKnobTimed) \ { \ ReadKnobTmr; \ ResetKnobTmr; \ SetKnobAsServiced; \ } \ else if(IsKnobFastCharge) \ { \ IncomingGain=MaxScPgaGain; \ ResetKnobTmr; \ SetKnobAsServiced; \ } #define CheckChargeStatusRowIn0 (Bit(0)) Document No. 001-16833 Rev. *C 11 ® Signal Mixing with PSoC Switched Capacitor Blocks #define CheckChargeStatusRowIn1 (Bit(1)) #define CheckChargeStatusRowIn2 (Bit(2)) #define CheckChargeStatusRowIn3 (Bit(3)) unsigned char CurrentInputMask=CheckChargeStatusRowIn1; #define CheckCurrentChargeStatus (PRT1DR&CurrentInputMask) #define AllInputsMask (CheckChargeStatusRowIn0 | CheckChargeStatusRowIn1 | CheckChargeStatusRowIn2 | CheckChargeStatusRowIn3) #define AllInputsToOpenDrainLow PRT1DM2|=AllInputsMask; PRT1DM1|=AllInputsMask; PRT1DM0|=AllInputsMask #define AllInputsToHiZ PRT1DM2&=~AllInputsMask; PRT1DM1|=AllInputsMask; PRT1DM0&=~AllInputsMask #define AllInputsToStdCpu PRT1GS&=~AllInputsMask #define AllInputsToGlobalIO PRT1GS|=AllInputsMask #define DischargeKnobInput PRT1DR&=~AllInputsMask #define ReleaseKnobInput PRT1DR|=AllInputsMask #define DrainAndStartKnob AllInputsToStdCpu; AllInputsToOpenDrainLow; DischargeKnobInput; Wait(CyclesToDischargeKnob); \ ResetKnobStatus; ReleaseKnobInput; AllInputsToHiZ; \ if(CheckCurrentChargeStatus) { SetKnobAsFastCharge; } \ else { TMR_Knob_Start(); ResetKnobStatus; } \ AllInputsToGlobalIO #define CheckKnobEnableButton (PRT2DR&Bit(7)) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------//P1_4, P1_5, P1_6 = KnobBank0, 1, 2 //P2_6=KnobBank3 #define AllBanksOff PRT1DR&=~(Bit(4) | Bit(5) | Bit(6)); PRT2DR&=~(Bit(6)); Wait(CyclesOfDeadbandBetweenReadings) #define KnobToBank0 AllBanksOff; PRT1DR|=Bit(4) #define KnobToBank1 AllBanksOff; PRT1DR|=Bit(5) #define KnobToBank2 AllBanksOff; PRT1DR|=Bit(6) #define KnobToBank3 AllBanksOff; PRT2DR|=Bit(6) #define #define #define #define KnobInputToRow0In KnobInputToRow1In KnobInputToRow2In KnobInputToRow3In TMR_Knob_INPUT_REG=0xc1; TMR_Knob_INPUT_REG=0xd1; TMR_Knob_INPUT_REG=0xe1; TMR_Knob_INPUT_REG=0xf1; CurrentInputMask=CheckChargeStatusRowIn0 CurrentInputMask=CheckChargeStatusRowIn1 CurrentInputMask=CheckChargeStatusRowIn2 CurrentInputMask=CheckChargeStatusRowIn3 //Left A,B,C,D input adjustments on Bank0 #define PrepareToReadKnobLab_A KnobToBank0; #define PrepareToReadKnobLab_B KnobToBank0; #define PrepareToReadKnobLcd_C KnobToBank0; #define PrepareToReadKnobLcd_D KnobToBank0; KnobInputToRow0In KnobInputToRow1In KnobInputToRow2In KnobInputToRow3In //Right #define #define #define #define KnobInputToRow0In KnobInputToRow1In KnobInputToRow2In KnobInputToRow3In A,B,C,D input adjustments on Bank1 PrepareToReadKnobRab_A KnobToBank1; PrepareToReadKnobRab_B KnobToBank1; PrepareToReadKnobRcd_C KnobToBank1; PrepareToReadKnobRcd_D KnobToBank1; //Master L, R, LR input adjustments on Bank2 #define PrepareToReadKnobL KnobToBank2; KnobInputToRow0In #define PrepareToReadKnobR KnobToBank2; KnobInputToRow1In #define PrepareToReadKnobLR KnobToBank2; KnobInputToRow2In //Mic Preamp input adjustments #define PrepareToReadKnobMicLc #define PrepareToReadKnobMicLd #define PrepareToReadKnobMicRc #define PrepareToReadKnobMicRd on Bank3 KnobToBank3; KnobToBank3; KnobToBank3; KnobToBank3; KnobInputToRow0In KnobInputToRow1In KnobInputToRow2In KnobInputToRow3In Document No. 001-16833 Rev. *C 12 ® Signal Mixing with PSoC Switched Capacitor Blocks BOOL GainChangeThisCycle=0; #define CycleThroughAndReadTheInputs PrepareToReadKnobLab_A; DrainAndStartKnob; while(!IsKnobServiced){ ServiceKnob; } \ if(IncomingGain!=GainLab_A){ GainLab_A=IncomingGain; UpdateLab_AGain; GainChangeThisCycle=1; } \ PrepareToReadKnobLab_B; DrainAndStartKnob; while(!IsKnobServiced){ ServiceKnob; } \ if(IncomingGain!=GainLab_B){ GainLab_B=IncomingGain; UpdateLab_BGain; GainChangeThisCycle=1; } \ PrepareToReadKnobLcd_C; DrainAndStartKnob; while(!IsKnobServiced){ ServiceKnob; } \ if(IncomingGain!=GainLcd_C){ GainLcd_C=IncomingGain; UpdateLcd_CGain; GainChangeThisCycle=1; } \ PrepareToReadKnobLcd_D; DrainAndStartKnob; while(!IsKnobServiced){ ServiceKnob; } \ if(IncomingGain!=GainLcd_D){ GainLcd_D=IncomingGain; UpdateLcd_DGain; GainChangeThisCycle=1; } \ PrepareToReadKnobRab_A; DrainAndStartKnob; while(!IsKnobServiced){ ServiceKnob; } \ if(IncomingGain!=GainRab_A){ GainRab_A=IncomingGain; UpdateRab_AGain; GainChangeThisCycle=1; } \ PrepareToReadKnobRab_B; DrainAndStartKnob; while(!IsKnobServiced){ ServiceKnob; } \ if(IncomingGain!=GainRab_B){ GainRab_B=IncomingGain; UpdateRab_BGain; GainChangeThisCycle=1; } \ PrepareToReadKnobRcd_C; DrainAndStartKnob; while(!IsKnobServiced){ ServiceKnob; } \ if(IncomingGain!=GainRcd_C){ GainRcd_C=IncomingGain; UpdateRcd_CGain; GainChangeThisCycle=1; } \ PrepareToReadKnobRcd_D; DrainAndStartKnob; while(!IsKnobServiced){ ServiceKnob; } \ if(IncomingGain!=GainRcd_D){ GainRcd_D=IncomingGain; UpdateRcd_DGain; GainChangeThisCycle=1; } \ PrepareToReadKnobL; DrainAndStartKnob; while(!IsKnobServiced){ ServiceKnob; } \ if(IncomingGain!=GainL){ GainL=IncomingGain; UpdateLGain; GainChangeThisCycle=1; } \ PrepareToReadKnobR; DrainAndStartKnob; while(!IsKnobServiced){ ServiceKnob; } \ if(IncomingGain!=GainR){ GainR=IncomingGain; UpdateRGain; GainChangeThisCycle=1; } \ PrepareToReadKnobLR; DrainAndStartKnob; while(!IsKnobServiced){ ServiceKnob; } \ if(IncomingGain!=GainLR){ GainLR=IncomingGain; UpdateLRGain; GainChangeThisCycle=1; } \ PrepareToReadKnobMicLc; DrainAndStartKnob; while(!IsKnobServiced){ ServiceKnob; } \ if(IncomingGain!=GainMicLc){ GainMicLc=IncomingGain; UpdateMicLcGain; GainChangeThisCycle=1; } \ PrepareToReadKnobMicLd; DrainAndStartKnob; while(!IsKnobServiced){ ServiceKnob; } \ if(IncomingGain!=GainMicLd){ GainMicLd=IncomingGain; UpdateMicLdGain; GainChangeThisCycle=1; } \ PrepareToReadKnobMicRc; DrainAndStartKnob; while(!IsKnobServiced){ ServiceKnob; } \ if(IncomingGain!=GainMicRc){ GainMicRc=IncomingGain; UpdateMicRcGain; GainChangeThisCycle=1; } \ PrepareToReadKnobMicRd; DrainAndStartKnob; while(!IsKnobServiced){ ServiceKnob; } \ if(IncomingGain!=GainMicRd){ GainMicRd=IncomingGain; UpdateMicRdGain; GainChangeThisCycle=1; } \ AllBanksOff //-unsigned char SerialOutputCounter=0; //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------void main() { UpdateLab_AGain; UpdateLab_BGain; UpdateLcd_CGain; UpdateLcd_DGain; UpdateRab_AGain; UpdateRab_BGain; UpdateRcd_CGain; Document No. 001-16833 Rev. *C 13 ® Signal Mixing with PSoC Switched Capacitor Blocks UpdateRcd_DGain; UpdateLGain; UpdateRGain; UpdateLRGain; UpdateMicLcGain; UpdateMicLdGain; UpdateMicRcGain; UpdateMicRdGain; PGA_Lc_Start(PGA_Lc_HIGHPOWER); PGA_Ld_Start(PGA_Ld_HIGHPOWER); PGA_Rc_Start(PGA_Rc_HIGHPOWER); PGA_Rd_Start(PGA_Rd_HIGHPOWER); Clk_Tx_Start(); TX_Start(TX_PARITY_NONE); TMR_Knob_EnableInt(); M8C_EnableGInt; TX_PutCRLF(); TX_PutCRLF(); OutputSerialTitles; TX_PutCRLF(); while(1) { if(CheckKnobEnableButton) { CycleThroughAndReadTheInputs; if(++SerialOutputCounter>ReadingSetsBetweenSerialBursts) { if(GainChangeThisCycle){ TransmitSerial(); GainChangeThisCycle=0; } SerialOutputCounter=0; } } } } void TransmitSerial(void) { #ifdef SerialOutputEnabled IntToFloatZTS(ScPgaGainValuesFCap16[GainLab_A],2); TX_PutString(&ZTS[2]); OutputSerialSeparator; IntToFloatZTS(ScPgaGainValuesFCap16[GainLab_B],2); TX_PutString(&ZTS[2]); OutputSerialSeparator; IntToFloatZTS(ScPgaGainValuesFCap16[GainLcd_C],2); TX_PutString(&ZTS[2]); OutputSerialSeparator; IntToFloatZTS(ScPgaGainValuesFCap16[GainLcd_D],2); TX_PutString(&ZTS[2]); OutputSerialSeparator; IntToFloatZTS(ScPgaGainValuesFCap16[GainRab_A],2); TX_PutString(&ZTS[2]); OutputSerialSeparator; IntToFloatZTS(ScPgaGainValuesFCap16[GainRab_B],2); TX_PutString(&ZTS[2]); OutputSerialSeparator; IntToFloatZTS(ScPgaGainValuesFCap16[GainRcd_C],2); TX_PutString(&ZTS[2]); Document No. 001-16833 Rev. *C 14 ® Signal Mixing with PSoC Switched Capacitor Blocks OutputSerialSeparator; IntToFloatZTS(ScPgaGainValuesFCap16[GainRcd_D],2); TX_PutString(&ZTS[2]); OutputSerialSeparator; IntToFloatZTS(ScPgaGainValuesFCap16[GainL],2); TX_PutString(&ZTS[2]); OutputSerialSeparator; IntToFloatZTS(ScPgaGainValuesFCap16[GainR],2); TX_PutString(&ZTS[2]); OutputSerialSeparator; IntToFloatZTS(ScPgaGainValuesFCap16[GainLR],2); TX_PutString(&ZTS[2]); OutputSerialSeparator; IntToFloatZTS(CtPgaGainValues[GainMicLc+CtPgaGainOffset],2); TX_PutString(&ZTS[1]); OutputSerialSeparator; IntToFloatZTS(CtPgaGainValues[GainMicLd+CtPgaGainOffset],2); TX_PutString(&ZTS[1]); OutputSerialSeparator; IntToFloatZTS(CtPgaGainValues[GainMicRc+CtPgaGainOffset],2); TX_PutString(&ZTS[1]); OutputSerialSeparator; IntToFloatZTS(CtPgaGainValues[GainMicRd+CtPgaGainOffset],2); TX_PutString(&ZTS[1]); TX_PutChar(13); #endif } //----------TMR_KnobINT.asm: _TMR_Knob_ISR: ;@PSoC_UserCode_BODY@ (Do not change this line.) ;--------------------------------------------------; Insert your custom code below this banner ;--------------------------------------------------; NOTE: interrupt service routines must preserve ; the values of the A and X CPU registers. push A TMR_Knob_Stop_M mov [_KnobStatus], 1 pop A Document No. 001-16833 Rev. *C 15 ® Signal Mixing with PSoC Switched Capacitor Blocks Figure 8. Eight Channel Mixer PSoC Pinout Configuration Document No. 001-16833 Rev. *C 16 ® Signal Mixing with PSoC Switched Capacitor Blocks Figure 9. Eight Channel Mixer PSoC User Module Placement GUI Document No. 001-16833 Rev. *C 17 ® Signal Mixing with PSoC Switched Capacitor Blocks Figure 10. Eight Channel Mixer User Module Parameter Configuration Document No. 001-16833 Rev. *C 18 ® Signal Mixing with PSoC Switched Capacitor Blocks Document No. 001-16833 Rev. *C 19 ® Signal Mixing with PSoC Switched Capacitor Blocks Document No. 001-16833 Rev. *C 20 ® Signal Mixing with PSoC Switched Capacitor Blocks Document No. 001-16833 Rev. *C 21 ® Signal Mixing with PSoC Switched Capacitor Blocks Figure 11. Eight Channel Mixer Global Resource Configuration Summary PSoC 1 has routing schemes that seems to have limitations. But we have seen here, how the switched capacitor blocks and the continuous time blocks can be made to simulate the other and thereby achieve the routing we require. About the Author Name: Sampath Selvaraj Title: Applications Engr Sr Staff Contact: [email protected] Document No. 001-16833 Rev. *C 22 ® Signal Mixing with PSoC Switched Capacitor Blocks Document History Document Title: Signal Mixing with PSoC® Switched Capacitor Blocks - AN16833 Document Number: 001-16833 Revision ECN Orig. of Change Submission Date Description of Change ** 2540267 Chris Paiano 07/23/08 New Application Note *A 2754641 JVY 08/21/09 Changed the document title from “Advanced Internal Analog Routing without Output Buffers” to “Signal Mixing with PSoC Switched Capacitor Blocks”. *B 3739098 SAMP 09/10/2012 Added Summary. Updated in new template. *C 4822035 ASRI 07/03/2015 Obsolete document. Completing Sunset Review. Document No. 001-16833 Rev. *C 23 ® Signal Mixing with PSoC Switched Capacitor Blocks Worldwide Sales and Design Support Cypress maintains a worldwide network of offices, solution centers, manufacturer’s representatives, and distributors. To find the office closest to you, visit us at Cypress Locations. PSoC® Solutions Products Automotive Clocks & Buffers PSoC 1 | PSoC 3 | PSoC 5 Interface Lighting & Power Control Memory Optical Navigation Sensors PSoC Touch Sensing USB Controllers Wireless/RF Cypress Developer Community Community | Forums | Blogs | Video | Training Technical Support PSoC® is a registered trademark of Cypress Semiconductor Corp. "Programmable System-on-Chip," PSoC Designer is a trademark of Cypress Semiconductor Corp. All other trademarks or registered trademarks referenced herein are the property of their respective owners. Cypress Semiconductor 198 Champion Court San Jose, CA 95134-1709 Phone Fax Website : 408-943-2600 : 408-943-4730 : © Cypress Semiconductor Corporation, 2008-2015. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. Cypress Semiconductor Corporation assumes no responsibility for the use of any circuitry other than circuitry embodied in a Cypress product. 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Cypress hereby grants to licensee a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to copy, use, modify, create derivative works of, and compile the Cypress Source Code and derivative works for the sole purpose of creating custom software and or firmware in support of licensee product to be used only in conjunction with a Cypress integrated circuit as specified in the applicable agreement. Any reproduction, modification, translation, compilation, or representation of this Source Code except as specified above is prohibited without the express written permission of Cypress. Disclaimer: CYPRESS MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH REGARD TO THIS MATERIAL, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Cypress reserves the right to make changes without further notice to the materials described herein. Cypress does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit described herein. Cypress does not authorize its products for use as critical components in life-support systems where a malfunction or failure may reasonably be expected to result in significant injury to the user. The inclusion of Cypress’ product in a life-support systems application implies that the manufacturer assumes all risk of such use and in doing so indemnifies Cypress against all charges. Use may be limited by and subject to the applicable Cypress software license agreement. Document No. 001-16833 Rev. *C 24