REVISION HISTORY ECO REV DESCRIPTION 0 - DATE D1 (CMSH5-60 to SBM540) D5 (CMSH5-60 to B220A) 1 APPROVED <DATE> 1st PROTOTYPE <APPROVED> 10/08/07 Dilian Reyes 12V_AUX To PHY E8 12V_AUX J3 TD+ 1 2 CT 3 4 RD+ 5 6 TD- D5 1 RD- 3 2 L1 3.3uH (Opt) C3 0.1uF 100V D9 SMAJ58A-13-F + DO2010-332ML C1 COILCRAFT 4.7uF 63V R2 220K 0805 C9 1uF 100V R3 220K 0805 D4 8.2V MMSZ5237BS J1 TD+ CT TDRD+ RD- VC1- 2 2 D2 HD01-T + 5 10 11 9 10 47pF 3 D6 HD01-T + - 2 ITH/RUN VFB PGND PGND NGATE SENSE 45.3 1% + C5 100uF 20V R17 2K D10 PD On GRN 16 15 R5 14 10K 4 4.7uF C4 100uF 20V 4 C8 R7 + 2.2nF 250VAC U1 LTC4267CDHC 1 C6 10uF 16V C14 3 - E1 VOUT 12V @ 0.9A 3 2 SBM540-13-F 4 Q2 SI3440DV 1 2 5 6 9 VC2- 5 PVCC VPORTP RCLASS SIGDISA NC PWRGD 13 R9 3.3K R6 0.06 12 R8 1K 6 C10 0.068uF 11 12V_AUX 7 E6 PoE- 150 470pF D1 1 7 8 3 8 6 E5 PoE+ BAS516 7 VC2+ JK0-0044NL PowerJack T12 R4 47 1 1 C7 VC1+ D3 C2 R1 T1 PA1138NL Q1 MMBTA42LT1G In From PSE B220A-13-F PJ-002AH CUI Inc. J2 8 POUT VPORTN NC NC 17 10 R10 402 1% 9 E7 PGND 4 R11 6.8K C11 ISO1 PS2911-1-K-A D8 8.2V MMSZ5237BS R13 4 100K 3 ISO2 PS2913-1-K-A 3 1uF 16V 2 1 E2 PWRGD E3 SIGDISA 1 D7 BAS516 1 2 V+ COMP REF 8 RTOP 4 RMID 7 COLLECTOR R16 100K 0.033uF 3 2 GND-F R12 107K 1% C13 C12 (Opt) R14 61.9K 1% R15 28.0K 1% GND-S 6 5 U2 LT1431CS8 E4 ISO_GND APPROVALS This circuit is proprietary to Linear Technology and supplied for use with Linear Technology parts. Customer Notice: Linear Technology has made a best effort to design a circuit that meets customer-supplied specifications; however, it remains the customers responsibility to verify proper and reliable operation in the actual application. Component substitution and printed circuit board layout may significantly affect circuit performance or reliability. Contact Linear Applications Engineering for assistance. LINEAR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION APPROVED: 1630 McCARTHY BLVD MILPITAS, CA. 95035 LTC Confidential (408)432-1900 For Customer Use Only (408)434-0507 (FAX) Title: LTC4267CDHC PoE Powered Device w/12V Isolated Auxiliary CHECKED: SD DRAWN: Rudy Bautista ENGINEER: Date: Dilian Reyes Tuesday, August 26, 2008 Document Number Rev Demo Circuit 1145A C:\ORCADWIN\CAPTURE\1145A\1145A_REV2.DSN Sheet 2 1 of 1