FINAL PRODUCT/PROCESS CHANGE NOTIFICATION #16756 Generic Copy Issue Date: 4-Nov-2011 TITLE: Qualification of ON Semiconductor’s Seremban assembly site as 2nd source for Hana Thailand for SC-88 & TSOP6 packaged devices PROPOSED FIRST SHIP DATE: 4-Feb-2012 or earlier with customer approval AFFECTED CHANGE CATEGORY(S): Assembly Site FOR ANY QUESTIONS CONCERNING THIS NOTIFICATION: Contact your local ON Semiconductor Sales Office or Wong Suei Huey <> SAMPLES: Contact your local ON Semiconductor Sales Office or Eben Lim <> ADDITIONAL RELIABILITY DATA: Available Contact your local ON Semiconductor Sales Office or Laura Rivers <> NOTIFICATION TYPE: Final Product/Process Change Notification (FPCN) Final change notification sent to customers. FPCNs are issued at least 90 days prior to the implementation of the change. ON Semiconductor will consider this change approved unless specific conditions of acceptance are provided in writing within 30 days of receipt of this notice. To do so, contact <>. DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE: ON Semiconductor is notifying customers of the qualification of ON Semiconductor’s Seremban assembly site as the 2nd source for Hana Thailand for SC-88 & TSOP-6 packaged devices. Upon expiration or approval of the Final PCN, devices may be supplied from Seremban. The devices have previously been manufactured at Hana Thailand. Devices are now qualified to run at Seremban for assembly and test. Issue Date: 4-Nov-2011 Rev. 06-Jan-2010 Page 1 of 2 FINAL PRODUCT/PROCESS CHANGE NOTIFICATION #16756 RELIABILITY DATA SUMMARY: Package: SC88 Qual Vehicles: NUP4202W1T2G Test: HTRB Precondition Autoclave+PC HAST+PC IOL+PC TC+PC HTSL RSH Conditions: TA=150C, 80% Rated Voltage MSL1@ 260C, 3 X IR at 260 C Ta=121C RH=100% ~15 psig Ta=130C RH=85%, psig ~18.8 bias=80% rated V or100V Max Ta=25C, Delta TJ = 100 C, Ton/off = 2 min. Ta= -65 C to 150 C Ta=150 C Ta=260C, 10 sec dwell Interval: 1008 hrs 96 hrs 96 hrs Results 0/240 0/960 0/240 0/240 15000 cyc 0/240 1000 cyc 1008 hrs 0/239 0/240 0/90 Interval: 1008 hrs 96 hrs 1008 hrs Results 0/240 0/960 0/240 0/240 15000 cyc 0/240 1000 cyc 1008 hrs 0/240 0/240 0/90 Package: TSOP6 Qual Vehicles: NUP4302MR6T1G Test: HTRB Precondition Autoclave+PC H3TRB+PC IOL+PC TC+PC HTSL RSH Conditions: TA=150C, 80% Rated Voltage MSL1@ 260C, 3 X IR at 260 C Ta=121C RH=100% ~15 psig Ta=85C RH=85%, bias=80% rated V or100V Max Ta=25C, Delta TJ = 100 C, Ton/off = 2 min. Ta= -65 C to 150 C Ta=150 C Ta=260C, 10 sec dwell ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTIC SUMMARY: Available upon request CHANGED PART IDENTIFICATION: Affected products from ON Semiconductor with date code F representing Feb, 2012 and greater may be sourced from Seremban (Malaysia) factory. List of affected General Parts: NUP2202W1T2G NUP4202W1T2G SRV05-4MR6T1G NUP2201MR6T1G NUP4201MR6T1G NUP4302MR6T1G Issue Date: 4-Nov-2011 Rev. 06-Jan-2010 Page 2 of 2