® 11 46 Oct. DEC Issue21/2005 26/2005 Issue w w w.edn.com Trendy phones incorporate sophisticated engineering High-stakes partnering: Who has the hole card? Bonnie Baker: The power of movingaverage digital filters VOICE OF THE ENGINEER Design Ideas PR OD THE UC HO TS OFT 100 20 PA 05 G E3 5 QUA N WHE TUM C N YO RYPT O U REA R LINK GRAPH LLY, Y REA HAS TO : LLY B SEC E U PAG RE E4 1 LIVING -ROO FOR C M CONS GOT GAME O ? ONSU MERS LES GRAPP ’ EYES LE , WALL ETS PAGE 51 HOT 1OO t’s a tough job, but somebody’s gotta do it. Every year, EDN ’s editors receive thousands of product announcements, and it’s their job to narrow these thousands of choices into the hundreds of newsworthy items that each year grace the pages of EDN. Now, at the end of the year and working with 15 product categories, our editors must even further narrow down these selections: EDN ’s hot 100 products of 2005. I PRODUCTS OF 2OO5 EDN S TA F F COMPONENTS ON Semiconductor ESD5Z voltage suppressors www.onsemi.com Voltage-suppression devices meet ESDprotection standard The ESD5Z series of voltage-suppression devices comprises the 2.5V ESD5Z2.5T1, 3.3V ESD5Z3.3T1, 5V ESD5Z5.0T, 6V ESD5Z6.0T1, and 7V ESD5Z7.0T1. Complying with the IEC61000-4-2 standard, the series will clamp a 30kV input signal to less than 7V in nanoseconds. The devices can dissipate as much as 200W with an 8X20-µsec pulse waveform and exhibit low leakage current of 5 nA, making them suited for applications in which power efficiency is paramount. The products come in an SOD-523 package, measure 1.6X0.8X0.7mm. Posted from EDN, December 2005 Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved. #1-14983803 Managed by Reprint Management Services, 717.399.1900. To request a quote online, visit www.reprintbuyer.com.