2014/1/26 IBM Rational Application Developer stops abruptly after starting, or does not start at all - United States Rational Application Developer stops abruptly after starting, or does not start at all Technote (troubleshooting) Problem(Abstract) When attempting to open the workbench in IBM Rational Application Developer (*), it either closes immediately after starting, or does not start at all. Symptom An Eclipse window displays the following message: JVM terminated. Exit code=160 After you close the Eclipse message window, a javacore file (for example, javacore.20120613.102137.20388.0002.txt) is created in the installation directory. Cause Eclipse SWT is only compatible with a range of XULRunner library versions that are installed with Firefox. Rational Application Developer 7.5.x (*) is based on Eclipse 3.4.x and is compatible with: Eclipse 3.4.x: Mozilla 1.4 GTK2 - 1.7.x GTK2, XULRunner 1.8.x - 1.9.0.x. Rational Application Developer 8.0.x and 8.5.x (*) are based on Eclipse 3.6.x and are compatible with: Eclipse 3.6.x: Mozilla 1.4 GTK2 - 1.7.x GTK2, XULRunner 1.8.x - 1.9.x and 3.6.x (but not 2.x), WebKitGTK+ 1.2.x Environment IBM Rational Application Developer (*) installed on a Linux Operating System. Diagnosing the problem 1. Open the javacore file in the Rational Application Developer (*) Installation directory in a text editor. 2. Search for the Module that caused the Java Virtual Machine to crash. If you have this problem, it will report: /usr/lib/xulrunner-2/libxul.so. 0 S E CT IO N TI TL Esub compo nen tdum prou ti ne N U L L == == ===== ===== === == === == === == == 1 T I CH AR S ET UT F8 1 T I SI GI N FO Du mpEven t"gp f"(0 000 20 00)r ece iv ed 1 T I DA TE T IME Da te : 20 12/ 06 /13a t1 0: 21: 38 1 T I FI LE N AME Ja va corefilen ame : /o pt/ IB M/R AD 85/ 05 29_ GM /ja vac ore .2 012 06 13. 10 213 7. 203 88. 00 02. tx t 1 T I RE QF L AGS Re qu estF lags:0x 81(e xc lus iv e+p re emp t) 1 T I PR EP S TAT E Pr epStat e:0x 100( tra ce _di sa ble d) 1 T I PR EP I NFO Ex cl usiveVMa cce ssno ttak en :d at am ayno tbecon sis te ntac ros sjav ac orese ct ion s N U L L ---------------------------------------------0 S E CT IO N GP IN FOsu bcomp one ntdu mpro ut ine N U L L == == ===== ===== === == === == === == === 2 X H OS LE V EL OSL evel :Lin ux2. 6. 1830 8.4 .1 .el 5 2 X H CP US Pr oc essor s3 X H CP UA R CH Ar chite cture :x86 3 X H NU MC P US Ho wMan y :2 3 X H NU MA S UP NU MAiseith erno ts up por te do rhasb eend isa ble db yuse r N U L L 1 X H EX CP C ODE J9 Ge neric _Sign al_ Nu mbe r:00 00 000 4 1 X H EX CP C ODE Si gn al_Nu mber:00 00 000 B 1 X H EX CP C ODE Er ro r_Val ue:0 000 00 00 1 X H EX CP C ODE Si gn al_Co de:0 000 00 01 1 X H EX CP C ODE Ha nd ler1:0012 5A1 A 1 X H EX CP C ODE Ha nd ler2:001C CA6 7 1 X H EX CP C ODE In ac cessi bleAd dre ss :0 0D 5F0 00 N U L L 1XHEXCPMODULE Module: /usr/lib/xulrunner-2/libxul.so 3. Navigate to the directory that contains the library. 4. Using commands like those listed below to identify the version of XULRunner. 5. In this example the version is 10.0.3 which is incompatible with Eclipse SWT as it is outside the supported range - 3.6.x, and caused the Rational Application Developer (*) virtual machine to terminate. [ r o ot @r h el5~] #c d/usr/ lib/x ulr un ner -2 [ r o ot @r h el5 x u lr un ner-2 ]#xu lru nn er-v ers io n M o z il laXUL R un n er10.0.3 -2012 040 21 701 43 Resolving the problem 1. Download and install a 32 or 64 bit XULRunner in the supported range - 3.6.x (see Related URLs for download locations and make sure to select the appropriate download depending on whether you have install Rational Application Developer (*) using 32 or 64 bit Architecture). http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21598554 1/3 2014/1/26 IBM Rational Application Developer stops abruptly after starting, or does not start at all - United States 2. In the e cli p s e. in ifile that is included in the product installation, locate the vma rg ssection. Note that some IBM Worklight Studio installations use JRE arguments from the Wor kl igh t.s hscript instead of from the ecl ip se. in ifile. If aW o rk li g ht. s hfile is present in the same product directory as the ecl ips e. inifile, add your updates to the -vm ar gs sections of both files. 3. Locate the list of vm ar gsarguments and add java system propertyorg.eclipse.swt.browser.XULRunnerPathto point to the XULRunner's path. For example: v m ar gs D s dp .d r ive r =R A DO 85 -I201 20529 _23 48 . . . D o rg .e c lip s e. s wt .b rowse r.XUL Run ne rPa th =/h om e/f vt use r/ eri cd p/x ulr unn er /1. 8. 1.3 /x ulr un ner 4. Restart Rational Application Developer (*). For alternative mechanisms to specify which XULRunner installation gets used see also http://www.eclipse.org/swt/faq.php#specifyxulrunner (*) See below "Cross reference information" section for other affected products. Related information What do I need to run SWT Browser in Eclipse? Can I specify which XULRunner installation gets used? 64-bit xulrunner download 32-bit xulrunner download Cannot start RPT after upgrading Firefox Cross reference information Segment Product Component Platform Version Edition Software Development WebSphere Application Server Developer Toolkit for Eclipse Installation 8.0.4, 8.5, 8.5.1, 8.5.5 All Editions MobileSpeech and Enterprise Access IBM Worklight Installation 5.0.5,,, 5.0 Consumer, Enterprise MobileSpeech and Enterprise Access IBM Mobile Foundation Installation Linux 5.0.5,,,, 5.0 Software Development Rational Software Architect Installation Linux 8.0, 8.0.1, 8.0.2, 8.0.3, 8.0.4,,, 8.5, 8.5.1 Software Development Rational Software Architect for WebSphere Software Installation Linux 7.5, 7.5.1, 7.5.2, 7.5.3, 7.5.4, 7.5.5,,,,,, 8.0, 8.0.1, 8.0.2, 8.0.3, 8.0.4,,, 8.5, 8.5.1 Software Development Rational Software Architect Standard Edition Installation Linux 7.5, 7.5.1, 7.5.2, 7.5.3, 7.5.4, 7.5.5,,,,, Linux Product Alias/Synonym RAD Document information More support for: Rational Application Developer for WebSphere Software Eclipse Software version: 7.5, 7.5.1, 7.5.2, 7.5.3, 7.5.4, 7.5.5,,,,,, 8.0, 8.0.1, 8.0.2, 8.0.3, 8.0.4,,, 8.5, 8.5.1 Operating system(s): Linux Software edition: All Editions http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21598554 2/3 2014/1/26 IBM Rational Application Developer stops abruptly after starting, or does not start at all - United States Reference #: 1598554 Modified date: 2012-06-15 http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21598554 3/3