IBM® Netezza® Analytics Release 3.0.1 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide Part Number 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Note: Before using this information and the product that it supports, read the information in "Notices and Trademarks" on page 272. © Copyright IBM Corporation 2011, 2012, 2013. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. Contents Preface Audience for This Guide........................................................................................................................xxi Purpose of This Guide............................................................................................................................xxi Conventions...........................................................................................................................................xxi If You Need Help....................................................................................................................................xxi Comments on the Documentation.......................................................................................................xxii 1 List of functions by category analytic utilities...............................................................................................................................23 matrix operations............................................................................................................................23 2 Reference Documentation: analytic utilities APPLY_SIMPLE2RCV_ADV - Transforms a Table to row/column/value Representation Based on Previous Decomposition .................................................................................................................29 3 Reference Documentation: matrix operations ABS_ELEMENTS - Elementwise ABS ...............................................................................................33 ABS_ELEMENTS - Elementwise ABS (entire matrix operation) ......................................................35 ADD - Matrix Addition ....................................................................................................................37 ALL_NONZERO - Test Whether all Matrix Element Values are Non-Zero .......................................39 ANY_NONZERO - Test Whether any Matrix Element Values are Non-zero ....................................40 BLOCK - Copy a Rectangular Block of a Matrix ...............................................................................42 CEIL_ELEMENTS - Elementwise Ceiling Function ...........................................................................44 CEIL_ELEMENTS - Elementwise Ceiling Function (entire matrix operation) ..................................46 CHOOSE - Choose Operation ..........................................................................................................48 CONCAT - Concatenation ................................................................................................................53 COPY_MATRIX - Copy a Matrix .......................................................................................................56 COPY_SUBMATRIX - Copy a Rectangular Block of a Matrix ............................................................57 COVARIANCE - Matrix covariance calculation ................................................................................59 CREATE_IDENTITY_MATRIX - Create an Identity Matrix .................................................................62 CREATE_MATRIX_FROM_TABLE - Create a Matrix from a row/column/value Table ......................63 CREATE_ONES_MATRIX - Create a Matrix of Ones .........................................................................65 CREATE_RANDOM_CAUCHY_MATRIX - Create a random Matrix using Cauchy distributed random values ..............................................................................................................................................66 iii CREATE_RANDOM_EXPONENT_MATRIX - Create a random matrix using Exponential distributed random values ................................................................................................................................68 CREATE_RANDOM_GAMMA_MATRIX - Create a matrix of pseudorandom variables following the Gamma distribution .......................................................................................................................70 CREATE_RANDOM_LAPLACE_MATRIX - Create a matrix of pseudo-random variables following the Laplace distribution ........................................................................................................................72 CREATE_RANDOM_MATRIX - Matrix of Random, Uniformly Distributed Values ...........................73 CREATE_RANDOM_NORMAL_MATRIX - Create a matrix of pseudorandom variables following the normal distribution .........................................................................................................................75 CREATE_RANDOM_POISSON_MATRIX - Create a matrix of pseudorandom variables following the Poisson distribution ........................................................................................................................77 CREATE_RANDOM_RAYLEIGH_MATRIX - Create a Matrix of random using a Rayleigh distributed random values generator ...............................................................................................................78 CREATE_RANDOM_UNIFORM_MATRIX - Create a matrix of pseudo-random variables following the uniform distribution .................................................................................................................80 CREATE_RANDOM_WEIBULL_MATRIX - Create a matrix of pseudo-random variables following the Weibull distribution ........................................................................................................................82 CREATE_TABLE_FROM_MATRIX - Create a User-visible Table from a Matrix .................................84 CREATE_TABLE_FROM_MATRIX - Create a User-visible Table from a Matrix and export only nonempty cells ......................................................................................................................................86 DEGREES_ELEMENTS - Elementwise Radians to Degrees Function ...............................................88 DEGREES_ELEMENTS - Elementwise Radians to Degrees Function (entire matrix operation) ......90 DELETE_ALL_MATRICES - Deletes All Matrices ...............................................................................91 DELETE_MATRIX - Delete Matrix ....................................................................................................92 DIAG - Diagonal ..............................................................................................................................94 DIVIDE_ELEMENTS - Divide Matrices Element-by-element ...........................................................96 EIGEN - Eigendecomposition ..........................................................................................................98 EQ - Elementwise Equal ................................................................................................................100 EXP_ELEMENTS - Elementwise EXP Function ...............................................................................102 EXP_ELEMENTS - Elementwise EXP Function (entire matrix operation) ......................................104 FLOOR_ELEMENTS - Elementwise Floor Function ........................................................................106 FLOOR_ELEMENTS - Elementwise Floor Function (entire matrix operation) ...............................108 GE - Elementwise Greater Than or Equal .....................................................................................110 GEMM - General Matrix Multiplication ........................................................................................112 GEMM - General Matrix Multiplication - simplified version ........................................................114 GET_NUM_COLS - Return the Number of Columns of a Matrix ..................................................116 GET_NUM_ROWS - Return the Number of Rows of a Matrix ......................................................117 GET_VALUE - Return the Value of a Matrix Element ....................................................................118 GT - Elementwise Greater Than ...................................................................................................119 INITIALIZE - Initializes nzMatrix ....................................................................................................121 INSERT - Insert One Matrix into Another .....................................................................................122 iv INT_ELEMENTS - Elementwise Truncate Function .......................................................................124 INT_ELEMENTS - Elementwise Truncate Function (entire matrix operation) ..............................126 INVERSE - Matrix Inversion ...........................................................................................................128 IS_INITIALIZED - Is Initialized ........................................................................................................132 KILL_ENGINE - Kill the Matrix Engine ...........................................................................................132 KRONECKER - Kronecker Product .................................................................................................133 LE - Elementwise less than or equal .............................................................................................135 LINEAR_COMBINATION - Linear Combination of Matrix Components ........................................137 LIST_MATRICES - Lists all Matrices in the Connected Database ...................................................143 LN_ELEMENTS - Elementwise LN Function ..................................................................................144 LN_ELEMENTS - Elementwise LN Function (entire matrix operation) .........................................146 LOC - Locate Non-zero Elements ..................................................................................................148 LOG_ELEMENTS - Elementwise log Function of any base ............................................................149 LOG_ELEMENTS - Elementwise log Function of any base for the specified block of elements ...151 LOG_ELEMENTS - Elementwise log Function of base 10 ..............................................................153 LT - Elementwise Less Than ..........................................................................................................155 MATRIX_EXISTS - Check if a Matrix Exists .....................................................................................157 MATRIX_VECTOR_OPERATION - Elementwise Matrix-vector Operation .....................................158 MAX - Elementwise Maximum, Elementwise Logical OR .............................................................161 MIN - Elementwise Minimum, Elementwise Logical AND ............................................................163 MOD_ELEMENTS - Elementwise MOD Function ..........................................................................165 MOD_ELEMENTS - Elementwise MOD Function (entire matrix operation) .................................167 MTX_LINEAR_REGRESSION - Linear Regression ...........................................................................168 MTX_LINEAR_REGRESSION_APPLY - Linear Regression Model Applier .......................................171 MTX_PCA - Principal Component Analysis (PCA) .........................................................................173 MTX_PCA - Principal Component Analysis (PCA) - Non-storing Individual Observations Version .......................................................................................................................................................178 MTX_PCA - Principal Component Analysis (PCA) - Simplified Version .........................................181 MTX_PCA_APPLY - PCA Model Applier .........................................................................................184 MTX_POW - nth Power of a Matrix ..............................................................................................186 MTX_POW2 - nth Power of a Matrix ............................................................................................188 MULTIPLY_ELEMENTS - Multiply Matrices Element-by-element .................................................189 NE - Elementwise Not Equal .........................................................................................................191 NORMAL - Matrix of Random, Normally Distributed Values ........................................................194 NORMAL - Matrix of Random, Normally Distributed Values - Simplified Version .......................195 POWER_ELEMENTS - Elementwise POWER Function ..................................................................197 POWER_ELEMENTS - Elementwise POWER Function (entire matrix operation) .........................199 PRINT - Print a Matrix ...................................................................................................................201 PRINT - Print a Matrix - Simplified Version ...................................................................................202 RADIANS_ELEMENTS - Elementwise RADIANS Function .............................................................203 v RADIANS_ELEMENTS - Elementwise RADIANS Function (entire matrix operation) ....................206 RCV2SIMPLE - Transforms a row/column/value table to a "Simple" Matrix Table ......................208 RCV2SIMPLE_NUM - Transforms a row/column/value Table to a "Simple" Matrix Table ............214 RED_MAX - Maximum Value of a Matrix ......................................................................................218 RED_MAX_ABS - Maximum Absolute Value of a Matrix ..............................................................219 RED_MIN - Minimum Value of a Matrix .......................................................................................220 RED_MIN_ABS - Minimum Absolute Value of a Matrix ...............................................................221 RED_SSQ - Sum of Squares of Values of a Matrix .........................................................................222 RED_SUM - Sum Values of a Matrix .............................................................................................223 RED_TRACE - Trace .......................................................................................................................224 REDUCE_TO_VECT - Reduce to vector ..........................................................................................225 REDUCTION - Reductions MAX MIN SSQ SUM TRACE .................................................................226 REMOVE - Remove Operation ......................................................................................................227 REPEAT - Matrix Repeat ................................................................................................................230 ROUND_ELEMENTS - Elementwise ROUND Function ..................................................................232 ROUND_ELEMENTS - Elementwise ROUND Function (entire matrix operation) .........................234 SCALAR_OPERATION - Elementwise Scalar Operation .................................................................236 SCALAR_OPERATION - Elementwise Scalar Operation (entire matrix operation) ........................238 SCALE - Scale the Elements of a Matrix ........................................................................................240 SET_BLOCK_SIZE - Set the Block Size for the Data Distribution ...................................................242 SET_GRID_SIZE - Set the Process Grid Size for the Matrix Engine. ..............................................243 SET_GRID_SIZE_WITH_REDISTRIBUTE - Set the Process Grid Size for the Matrix Engine with Redistribution ...............................................................................................................................244 SET_VALUE - Set the Value of a Matrix Element ..........................................................................245 SHAPE - Cyclically Fill a Matrix with Elements from a List ............................................................246 SHAPEMTX - Cyclically Fill a Matrix with Elements from a Row Vector .......................................248 SIGN_REVERSE - Elementwise Sign Reversal ................................................................................249 SIGN_REVERSE - Elementwise Sign Reversal (entire matrix operation) .......................................252 SIMPLE2RCV - Transforms a "Simple" Matrix Table to row/column/value Representation .........253 SIMPLE2RCV_ADV - Transforms a Table to row/column/value Representation ..........................255 SOLVE - Solve the Matrix Equation A X = B ...................................................................................263 SOLVE_LINEAR_LEAST_SQUARES - Solve Linear Least Squares Problem .....................................266 SQRT_ELEMENTS - Elementwise SQRT .........................................................................................268 SQRT_ELEMENTS - Elementwise SQRT (entire matrix operation) ................................................270 SUBTRACT - Matrix Subtraction ....................................................................................................271 SVD - Singular Value Decomposition ............................................................................................273 TRANSPOSE - Matrix Transpose ....................................................................................................277 UNIFORM - Matrix of Random, Uniformly Distributed Values. ....................................................278 VEC_TO_DIAG - Create a Diagonal Matrix from a One-column Matrix ........................................280 VECDIAG - Diagonal of a Matrix ...................................................................................................281 vi Notices and Trademarks Notices.................................................................................................................................................284 Trademarks ..........................................................................................................................................285 Regulatory and Compliance ................................................................................................................286 Regulatory Notices........................................................................................................................286 Homologation Statement..............................................................................................................286 FCC - Industry Canada Statement..................................................................................................286 WEEE.............................................................................................................................................286 CE Statement (Europe)..................................................................................................................286 VCCI Statement..............................................................................................................................287 Index vii Preface This guide describes the IBM Netezza Analytics Matrix Engine Package. Audience for This Guide This guide is written for developers who intend to use the IBM Netezza Analytics Matrix Engine Package with their IBM Netezza systems. It does not provide a tutorial on matrix concepts, linear algebra, or statistics, which you should be familiar with, depending on your needs. You should also have a basic understanding of the IBM Netezza system. For more information, see the Netezza Matrix Engine Developer's Guide. Purpose of This Guide This guide describes the stored procedures of the IBM Netezza Analytics Matrix Engine Package. The package provides matrix functions that can be used on the IBM Netezza database warehouse appliance. Conventions Note on Terminology: The terms User-Defined Analytic Process (UDAP) and Analytic Executable (AE) are synonymous. The following conventions apply: Italics for emphasis on terms and user-defined values, such as user input. Upper case for SQL commands, for example, INSERT or DELETE. Bold for command line input, for example, nzsystem stop. Bold to denote parameter names, argument names, or other named references. Angle brackets ( < > ) to indicate a placeholder (variable) that should be replaced with actual text, for example, nzmat <- nz.matrix("<matrix_name>"). ► A single backslash ("\") at the end of a line of code to denote a line continuation. Omit the backslash when using the code at the command line, in a SQL command, or in a file. ► When referencing a sequence of menu and submenu selections, the ">" character denotes the different menu options, for example Menu Name > Submenu Name > Selection. ► ► ► ► ► If You Need Help If you are having trouble using the IBM Netezza appliance, IBM Netezza Analytics or any of its components: 1. Retry the action, carefully following the instructions in the documentation. 2. Go to the IBM Support Portal at Log in using your IBM ID and password. You can search the Support Portal for solutions. To submit a support request, click the 'Service Requests & PMRs' tab. 3. If you have an active service contract maintenance agreement with IBM, you can contact ix customer support teams via telephone. For individual countries, please visit the Technical Support section of the IBM Directory of worldwide contacts: Comments on the Documentation We welcome any questions, comments, or suggestions that you have for the IBM Netezza documentation. Please send us an e-mail message at and include the following information: The name and version of the manual that you are using Any comments that you have about the manual Your name, address, and phone number We appreciate your comments. ► ► ► x C H A PT E R 1 List of functions by category analytic utilities APPLY_SIMPLE2RCV_ADV - Transforms a Table to row/column/value Representation Based on Previous Decomposition matrix operations ABS_ELEMENTS - Elementwise ABS ABS_ELEMENTS - Elementwise ABS (entire matrix operation) ADD - Matrix Addition ALL_NONZERO - Test Whether all Matrix Element Values are Non-Zero ANY_NONZERO - Test Whether any Matrix Element Values are Non-zero BLOCK - Copy a Rectangular Block of a Matrix CEIL_ELEMENTS - Elementwise Ceiling Function CEIL_ELEMENTS - Elementwise Ceiling Function (entire matrix operation) CHOOSE - Choose Operation CONCAT - Concatenation COPY_MATRIX - Copy a Matrix COPY_SUBMATRIX - Copy a Rectangular Block of a Matrix COVARIANCE - Matrix covariance calculation CREATE_IDENTITY_MATRIX - Create an Identity Matrix CREATE_MATRIX_FROM_TABLE - Create a Matrix from a row/column/value Table CREATE_ONES_MATRIX - Create a Matrix of Ones CREATE_RANDOM_CAUCHY_MATRIX - Create a random Matrix using Cauchy distributed random val- 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 11 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide ues CREATE_RANDOM_EXPONENT_MATRIX - Create a random matrix using Exponential distributed random values CREATE_RANDOM_GAMMA_MATRIX - Create a matrix of pseudorandom variables following the Gamma distribution CREATE_RANDOM_LAPLACE_MATRIX - Create a matrix of pseudo-random variables following the Laplace distribution CREATE_RANDOM_MATRIX - Matrix of Random, Uniformly Distributed Values CREATE_RANDOM_NORMAL_MATRIX - Create a matrix of pseudorandom variables following the normal distribution CREATE_RANDOM_POISSON_MATRIX - Create a matrix of pseudorandom variables following the Poisson distribution CREATE_RANDOM_RAYLEIGH_MATRIX - Create a Matrix of random using a Rayleigh distributed random values generator CREATE_RANDOM_UNIFORM_MATRIX - Create a matrix of pseudo-random variables following the uniform distribution CREATE_RANDOM_WEIBULL_MATRIX - Create a matrix of pseudo-random variables following the Weibull distribution CREATE_TABLE_FROM_MATRIX - Create a User-visible Table from a Matrix CREATE_TABLE_FROM_MATRIX - Create a User-visible Table from a Matrix and export only nonempty cells DEGREES_ELEMENTS - Elementwise Radians to Degrees Function DEGREES_ELEMENTS - Elementwise Radians to Degrees Function (entire matrix operation) DELETE_ALL_MATRICES - Deletes All Matrices DELETE_MATRIX - Delete Matrix DIAG - Diagonal DIVIDE_ELEMENTS - Divide Matrices Element-by-element EIGEN - Eigendecomposition EQ - Elementwise Equal EXP_ELEMENTS - Elementwise EXP Function EXP_ELEMENTS - Elementwise EXP Function (entire matrix operation) FLOOR_ELEMENTS - Elementwise Floor Function FLOOR_ELEMENTS - Elementwise Floor Function (entire matrix operation) GE - Elementwise Greater Than or Equal GEMM - General Matrix Multiplication GEMM - General Matrix Multiplication - simplified version 12 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 List of functions by category GET_NUM_COLS - Return the Number of Columns of a Matrix GET_NUM_ROWS - Return the Number of Rows of a Matrix GET_VALUE - Return the Value of a Matrix Element GT - Elementwise Greater Than INITIALIZE - Initializes nzMatrix INSERT - Insert One Matrix into Another INT_ELEMENTS - Elementwise Truncate Function INT_ELEMENTS - Elementwise Truncate Function (entire matrix operation) INVERSE - Matrix Inversion IS_INITIALIZED - Is Initialized KILL_ENGINE - Kill the Matrix Engine KRONECKER - Kronecker Product LE - Elementwise less than or equal LINEAR_COMBINATION - Linear Combination of Matrix Components LIST_MATRICES - Lists all Matrices in the Connected Database LN_ELEMENTS - Elementwise LN Function LN_ELEMENTS - Elementwise LN Function (entire matrix operation) LOC - Locate Non-zero Elements LOG_ELEMENTS - Elementwise log Function of any base LOG_ELEMENTS - Elementwise log Function of any base for the specified block of elements LOG_ELEMENTS - Elementwise log Function of base 10 LT - Elementwise Less Than MATRIX_EXISTS - Check if a Matrix Exists MATRIX_VECTOR_OPERATION - Elementwise Matrix-vector Operation MAX - Elementwise Maximum, Elementwise Logical OR MIN - Elementwise Minimum, Elementwise Logical AND MOD_ELEMENTS - Elementwise MOD Function MOD_ELEMENTS - Elementwise MOD Function (entire matrix operation) MTX_LINEAR_REGRESSION - Linear Regression MTX_LINEAR_REGRESSION_APPLY - Linear Regression Model Applier MTX_PCA - Principal Component Analysis (PCA) MTX_PCA - Principal Component Analysis (PCA) - Non-storing Individual Observations Version MTX_PCA - Principal Component Analysis (PCA) - Simplified Version MTX_PCA_APPLY - PCA Model Applier MTX_POW - nth Power of a Matrix 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 13 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide MTX_POW2 - nth Power of a Matrix MULTIPLY_ELEMENTS - Multiply Matrices Element-by-element NE - Elementwise Not Equal NORMAL - Matrix of Random, Normally Distributed Values NORMAL - Matrix of Random, Normally Distributed Values - Simplified Version POWER_ELEMENTS - Elementwise POWER Function POWER_ELEMENTS - Elementwise POWER Function (entire matrix operation) PRINT - Print a Matrix PRINT - Print a Matrix - Simplified Version RADIANS_ELEMENTS - Elementwise RADIANS Function RADIANS_ELEMENTS - Elementwise RADIANS Function (entire matrix operation) RCV2SIMPLE - Transforms a row/column/value table to a "Simple" Matrix Table RCV2SIMPLE_NUM - Transforms a row/column/value Table to a "Simple" Matrix Table RED_MAX - Maximum Value of a Matrix RED_MAX_ABS - Maximum Absolute Value of a Matrix RED_MIN - Minimum Value of a Matrix RED_MIN_ABS - Minimum Absolute Value of a Matrix RED_SSQ - Sum of Squares of Values of a Matrix RED_SUM - Sum Values of a Matrix RED_TRACE - Trace REDUCE_TO_VECT - Reduce to vector REDUCTION - Reductions MAX MIN SSQ SUM TRACE REMOVE - Remove Operation REPEAT - Matrix Repeat ROUND_ELEMENTS - Elementwise ROUND Function ROUND_ELEMENTS - Elementwise ROUND Function (entire matrix operation) SCALAR_OPERATION - Elementwise Scalar Operation SCALAR_OPERATION - Elementwise Scalar Operation (entire matrix operation) SCALE - Scale the Elements of a Matrix SET_BLOCK_SIZE - Set the Block Size for the Data Distribution SET_GRID_SIZE - Set the Process Grid Size for the Matrix Engine. SET_GRID_SIZE_WITH_REDISTRIBUTE - Set the Process Grid Size for the Matrix Engine with Redistribution SET_VALUE - Set the Value of a Matrix Element 14 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 List of functions by category SHAPE - Cyclically Fill a Matrix with Elements from a List SHAPEMTX - Cyclically Fill a Matrix with Elements from a Row Vector SIGN_REVERSE - Elementwise Sign Reversal SIGN_REVERSE - Elementwise Sign Reversal (entire matrix operation) SIMPLE2RCV - Transforms a "Simple" Matrix Table to row/column/value Representation SIMPLE2RCV_ADV - Transforms a Table to row/column/value Representation SOLVE - Solve the Matrix Equation A X = B SOLVE_LINEAR_LEAST_SQUARES - Solve Linear Least Squares Problem SQRT_ELEMENTS - Elementwise SQRT SQRT_ELEMENTS - Elementwise SQRT (entire matrix operation) SUBTRACT - Matrix Subtraction SVD - Singular Value Decomposition TRANSPOSE - Matrix Transpose UNIFORM - Matrix of Random, Uniformly Distributed Values. VEC_TO_DIAG - Create a Diagonal Matrix from a One-column Matrix VECDIAG - Diagonal of a Matrix 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 15 C H A PT E R 2 Reference Documentation: analytic utilities APPLY_SIMPLE2RCV_ADV - Transforms a Table to row/column/value Representation Based on Previous Decomposition Transforms a table to row/column/value representation with nominal attributes decomposition based on previous decomposition. For each factor of a nominal attribute creates a separate column. Usage The APPLY_SIMPLE2RCV_ADV stored procedure has the following syntax: ► APPLY_SIMPLE2RCV_ADV(NVARCHAR(ANY) paramString) ▲ Parameters ► paramString The input parameters specification. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► outtable The name of the output RCV table. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► inmeta The name of the input meta table. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► intable The name of the input table. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 id The name of the column with unique values representing the ID. 17 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ Returns INTEGER Examples CREATE TABLE SIMPLE1 (ID INTEGER, V1 DOUBLE, V2 DOUBLE, V3 DOUBLE); INSERT INTO SIMPLE1 VALUES(1, 100001, 100002, 100003); INSERT INTO SIMPLE1 VALUES(4, 200001, 200002, 200003); INSERT INTO SIMPLE1 VALUES(9, 300001, 300002, 300003); -- Use columns V1, V2, and V3 CALL NZM..SIMPLE2RCV_ADV('outtable=RCV1, outmeta=RCV_META1, intable=SIMPLE1, incolumnlist=V1;V2;V3, id=ID'); CALL NZM..APPLY_SIMPLE2RCV_ADV('outtable=RCV2, inmeta=RCV_META1, intable=SIMPLE1, id=ID'); SELECT 'SIMPLE1',* FROM SIMPLE1 ORDER BY ID; SELECT 'RCV1',* FROM RCV1 ORDER BY ROW, COL; SELECT 'RCV_META1',* FROM RCV_META1 ORDER BY COLID; SELECT 'RCV2',* FROM RCV2 ORDER BY ROW, COL; DROP TABLE SIMPLE1; DROP TABLE RCV1; DROP TABLE RCV_META1; DROP TABLE RCV2; SIMPLE2RCV_ADV ---------------3 (1 row) APPLY_SIMPLE2RCV_ADV ---------------------3 (1 row) ?COLUMN? | ID | 18 V1 | V2 | V3 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: analytic utilities ----------+----+--------+--------+-------SIMPLE1 | 1 | 100001 | 100002 | 100003 SIMPLE1 | 4 | 200001 | 200002 | 200003 SIMPLE1 | 9 | 300001 | 300002 | 300003 (3 rows) ?COLUMN? | ROW | COL | VALUE ----------+-----+-----+-------RCV1 | 1 | 1 | 100001 RCV1 | 1 | 2 | 100002 RCV1 | 1 | 3 | 100003 RCV1 | 2 | 1 | 200001 RCV1 | 2 | 2 | 200002 RCV1 | 2 | 3 | 200003 RCV1 | 3 | 1 | 300001 RCV1 | 3 | 2 | 300002 RCV1 | 3 | 3 | 300003 (9 rows) ?COLUMN? | COLID | COLNAME | COLDICT | OUTCOLBEG | OUTCOLEND -----------+-------+---------+---------+-----------+----------RCV_META1 | 1 | V1 | | 1 | 1 RCV_META1 | 2 | V2 | | 2 | 2 RCV_META1 | 3 | V3 | | 3 | 3 (3 rows) ?COLUMN? | ROW | COL | VALUE ----------+-----+-----+-------- 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 RCV2 | 1 | 1 | 100001 RCV2 | 1 | 2 | 100002 RCV2 | 1 | 3 | 100003 RCV2 | 2 | 1 | 200001 RCV2 | 2 | 2 | 200002 RCV2 | 2 | 3 | 200003 RCV2 | 3 | 1 | 300001 RCV2 | 3 | 2 | 300002 19 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide RCV2 | 3 | 3 | 300003 (9 rows) Related Functions ► 20 category analytic utilities 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 C H A PT E R 3 Reference Documentation: matrix operations ABS_ELEMENTS - Elementwise ABS This procedure implements the elementwise absolute value calculation for the specified block of elements. Usage The ABS_ELEMENTS stored procedure has the following syntax: ► ABS_ELEMENTS('matrixIn', 'matrixOut', row_start, col_start, row_stop, col_stop) ▲ Parameters ► matrixIn The name of the input matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixOut The name of the output matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► row_start The first row of the input matrix to use for the calculation. Type: INT4 ► col_start The first column of the input matrix to use for the calculation. Type: INT4 ► row_stop The last row of the input matrix to use for the calculation. Type: INT4 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 21 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide ► col_stop The last column of the input matrix to use for the calculation. Type: INT4 ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE, if successful. Examples CALL nzm..SHAPE('-1.0', 4, 4, 'A'); CALL nzm..ABS_ELEMENTS('A', 'B', 2, 2, 3, 3); CALL nzm..PRINT('A'); CALL nzm..PRINT('B'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('A' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('B' ); SHAPE ------t (1 row) ABS_ELEMENTS -------------t (1 row) PRINT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- matrix: A --1, -1, -1, -1 -1, -1, -1, -1 -1, -1, -1, -1 -1, -1, -1, -1 (1 row) PRINT ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations -- matrix: B --1, -1, -1, -1 -1, 1, 1, -1 -1, 1, 1, -1 -1, -1, -1, -1 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations ABS_ELEMENTS - Elementwise ABS (entire matrix operation) This procedure implements the elementwise absolute value calculation. Usage The ABS_ELEMENTS stored procedure has the following syntax: ► ABS_ELEMENTS('matrixIn', 'matrixOut') ▲ Parameters ► matrixIn The name of the input matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixOut The name of the output matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Returns BOOLEAN TRUE, if successful. 23 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide Examples CALL nzm..SHAPE('-1.0', 4, 4, 'A'); CALL nzm..ABS_ELEMENTS('A', 'B'); CALL nzm..PRINT('A'); CALL nzm..PRINT('B'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('A' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('B' ); SHAPE ------t (1 row) ABS_ELEMENTS -------------t (1 row) PRINT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- matrix: A --1, -1, -1, -1 -1, -1, -1, -1 -1, -1, -1, -1 -1, -1, -1, -1 (1 row) PRINT ------------------------------------------------------------- matrix: B -1, 1, 1, 1 1, 1, 1, 1 1, 1, 1, 1 24 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations 1, 1, 1, 1 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations ADD - Matrix Addition This procedure computes C = A + B, where A, B, and C are matrices. Usage The ADD stored procedure has the following syntax: ► ADD(matrixA, matrixB, matrixC); ▲ Parameters ► matrixA The name of matrix A. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixB The name of matrix B. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixC The name of matrix C. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE always. Examples CALL nzm..SHAPE('1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0', 4, 4, 'A'); 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 25 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide CALL nzm..ADD('A', 'A', 'C'); CALL nzm..PRINT('C'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('A' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('C' ); SHAPE ------t (1 row) ADD ----t (1 row) PRINT ------------------------------------------------------------- matrix: C -2, 4, 6, 8 2, 4, 6, 8 2, 4, 6, 8 2, 4, 6, 8 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► 26 category matrix operations 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations ALL_NONZERO - Test Whether all Matrix Element Values are Non-Zero This stored procedure determines if all values in a matrix are non-zero. Usage The ALL_NONZERO stored procedure has the following syntax: ► ALL_NONZERO(matrixName); ▲ Parameters ► matrixName A string representing the name of the matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ Returns DOUBLE Returns 1 if all values are non-zero; 0 otherwise. Details Note that this operation checks for exact zeros, and fails to recognize "approximated zeros." Therefore, if the input matrix is a result of some approximation operations that should produce zero, but instead deliver an approximation of zero, then the procedure returns 1, as it does not recognize all values as non-zero. Examples CALL nzm..SHAPE('6,0,9, 4,6,0',2,3,'AA'); SELECT nzm..ALL_NONZERO('AA'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('AA' ); SHAPE ------t (1 row) ALL_NONZERO ------------0 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 27 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide CALL nzm..delete_matrix('AA'); CALL nzm..SHAPE('7',2,3,'BB'); SELECT nzm..ALL_NONZERO('BB'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('BB' ); SHAPE ------t (1 row) ALL_NONZERO ------------1 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations ANY_NONZERO - Test Whether any Matrix Element Values are Non-zero This stored procedure checks if any values in a matrix are non-zero. Usage The ANY_NONZERO stored procedure has the following syntax: ► ANY_NONZERO(matrixName); ▲ Parameters ► matrixName A string representing the name of the matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) 28 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations ▲ Returns DOUBLE Returns 1 if any value is non-zero; 0 otherwise. Details Note that this operation checks for exact zeros, and fails to recognize "approximated zeros." Therefore, if the input matrix is a result of some approximation operations that should produce zero, but instead deliver an approximation of zero, then the procedure returns 1, as it recognizes some values as non-zero. Examples CALL nzm..SHAPE('6,0,9, 4,6,0',2,3,'AA'); SELECT nzm..ANY_NONZERO('AA'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('AA' ); SHAPE ------t (1 row) ANY_NONZERO ------------1 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) CALL nzm..SHAPE('0',2,3,'BB'); SELECT nzm..ANY_NONZERO('BB'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('BB' ); SHAPE ------t (1 row) ANY_NONZERO ------------0 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 29 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations BLOCK - Copy a Rectangular Block of a Matrix This procedure creates a matrix from the specified rectangular block of the input matrix. Usage The BLOCK stored procedure has the following syntax: ► BLOCK(matrixIn, matrixOut, row_start, col_start, row_stop, col_stop) ▲ Parameters ► matrixIn The name of the input matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixOut The name of the output matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► row_start The first row of the input matrix to use. Type: INT4 ► col_start The first column of the input matrix to use. Type: INT4 ► row_stop The last row of the input matrix to use. Type: INT4 ► 30 col_stop The last column of the input matrix to use. 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations Type: INT4 ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE, if successful. Examples CALL nzm..SHAPE('0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16',4,4,'A'); CALL nzm..BLOCK('A', 'B', 2, 2, 3, 3); CALL nzm..PRINT('A'); CALL nzm..PRINT('B'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('A' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('B' ); SHAPE ------t (1 row) BLOCK ------t (1 row) PRINT ------------------------------------------------------------------- matrix: A -0, 1, 2, 3 4, 5, 6, 7 8, 9, 10, 11 12, 13, 14, 15 (1 row) PRINT ----------------------------- matrix: B -5, 6 9, 10 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 31 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations CEIL_ELEMENTS - Elementwise Ceiling Function This procedure implements the elementwise ceiling function. Usage The CEIL_ELEMENTS stored procedure has the following syntax: ► CEIL_ELEMENTS('matrixIn', 'matrixOut', row_start, col_start, row_stop, col_stop) ▲ Parameters ► matrixIn The name of the input matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixOut The name of the output matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► row_start The first row of the input matrix to use. Type: INT4 ► col_start The first column of the input matrix to use. Type: INT4 ► 32 row_stop The last row of the input matrix to use. 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations Type: INT4 ► col_stop The last column of the input matrix to use. Type: INT4 ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE, if successful. Details The ceiling function outputs the smallest integer that is not less than the argument. Examples CALL nzm..SHAPE('0,1.1,2.2,3.3,4.4,5.5,6.6,7.7,8.8,9.9,10.10,11.11,12 .12,13.13,14.14,15.15,16.16',4,4,'A'); CALL nzm..CEIL_ELEMENTS('A', 'B', 2, 2, 3, 3); CALL nzm..PRINT('A'); CALL nzm..PRINT('B'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('A' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('B' ); SHAPE ------t (1 row) CEIL_ELEMENTS --------------t (1 row) PRINT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ matrix: A -0, 1.1, 2.2, 3.3 4.4, 5.5, 6.6, 7.7 8.8, 9.9, 10.1, 11.11 12.12, 13.13, 14.14, 15.15 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 33 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide (1 row) PRINT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- matrix: B -0, 1.1, 2.2, 3.3 4.4, 6, 7, 7.7 8.8, 10, 11, 11.11 12.12, 13.13, 14.14, 15.15 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations CEIL_ELEMENTS - Elementwise Ceiling Function (entire matrix operation) This procedure implements the elementwise ceiling function. Usage The CEIL_ELEMENTS stored procedure has the following syntax: ► CEIL_ELEMENTS('matrixIn', 'matrixOut') ▲ Parameters ► matrixIn The name of the input matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) 34 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations ► matrixOut The name of the output matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE, if successful. Details The ceiling function outputs the smallest integer that is not less than the argument. Examples CALL nzm..SHAPE('0,1.1,2.2,3.3,4.4,5.5,6.6,7.7,8.8,9.9,10.10,11.11,12 .12,13.13,14.14,15.15,16.16',4,4,'A'); CALL nzm..CEIL_ELEMENTS('A', 'B'); CALL nzm..PRINT('A'); CALL nzm..PRINT('B'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('A' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('B' ); SHAPE ------t (1 row) CEIL_ELEMENTS --------------t (1 row) PRINT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ matrix: A -0, 1.1, 2.2, 3.3 4.4, 5.5, 6.6, 7.7 8.8, 9.9, 10.1, 11.11 12.12, 13.13, 14.14, 15.15 (1 row) PRINT 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 35 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide -------------------------------------------------------------------- matrix: B -0, 2, 3, 4 5, 6, 7, 8 9, 10, 11, 12 13, 14, 15, 16 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations CHOOSE - Choose Operation Implements the choose operation, which chooses between elements of A or B. Usage The CHOOSE stored procedure has the following syntax: ► CHOOSE(expression, matrixAname, matrixBname, matrixCname); ▲ Parameters ► expression An expression choosing between A and B matrix elements. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► 36 matrixAname The name of input matrix A. 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixBname The name of input matrix B. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixCname The name of output matrix C. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE, if successful. Details The procedure implements the choose operation, which chooses between elements of A or B depending on the expression. Matrices A and B must be the same shape. The output matrix C is given the same shape. Each element of C is either the corresponding element of A or B depending on the value of the expression. In the expression the current element of A can be referred to as "a.value" and the current element of B referred to as "b.value" as shown in the example. The user is responsible for ensuring the expression is wellformed. Matrix C must not exist prior to the operation. Warning: Use "coalesce" in the user-supplied expression for sparse matrices to work. Examples CALL nzm..shape('1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9',3,3,'AA'); CALL nzm..shape('1,15,5,7',3,3,'BB'); CALL nzm..choose('a.value > b.value','AA','BB','CC'); CALL nzm..print('AA'); CALL nzm..print('BB'); CALL nzm..print('CC'); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('AA'); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('BB'); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('CC'); SHAPE ------t (1 row) SHAPE ------t 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 37 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide (1 row) CHOOSE -------t (1 row) PRINT ------------------------------------------- matrix: AA -1, 2, 3 4, 5, 6 7, 8, 9 (1 row) PRINT --------------------------------------------- matrix: BB -1, 15, 5 7, 1, 15 5, 7, 1 (1 row) PRINT --------------------------------------------- matrix: CC -1, 15, 5 7, 5, 15 7, 8, 9 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX 38 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) CALL nzm..shape('1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9',3,3,'AA'); CALL nzm..shape('1,15,5,7',3,3,'BB'); CALL nzm..choose('(a.value * b.value) < (a.value + b.value)', 'AA', 'BB', 'CC'); CALL nzm..print('CC'); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('AA'); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('BB'); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('CC'); SHAPE ------t (1 row) SHAPE ------t (1 row) CHOOSE -------t (1 row) PRINT --------------------------------------------- matrix: CC -1, 15, 5 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 39 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide 7, 5, 15 5, 7, 9 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) CALL nzm..shape('1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9',3,3,'AA'); CALL nzm..shape('1,15,5,7',3,3,'BB'); CALL nzm..choose('(a.value < b.value) and (a.value > (b.value - 10))', 'AA', 'BB', 'CC'); CALL nzm..print('CC'); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('AA'); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('BB'); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('CC'); SHAPE ------t (1 row) SHAPE ------t 40 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations (1 row) CHOOSE -------t (1 row) PRINT -------------------------------------------- matrix: CC -1, 15, 3 4, 1, 6 5, 7, 1 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations CONCAT - Concatenation Implements concatenation, either vertical or horizontal, of the two matrices passed in the parameters. Usage The CONCAT stored procedure has the following syntax: 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 41 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide ► CONCAT(NVARCHAR(ANY) matrixIn1, NVARCHAR(ANY) matrixIn2, NVARCHAR(ANY) matrixOut, NVARCHAR(ANY) concat_type); ▲ Parameters ► matrixIn1 The name of the first matrix to be concatenated. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixIn2 The name of the second matrix to be concatenated. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixOut The name to use for the resulting concatenated matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► concat_type The concatenation type. Valid values are 'v' and 'h'. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE, if successful. Details With vertical concatenation, the number of columns remains constant. With horizontal concatenation, the number of rows remains constant. Examples CALL nzm..shape('1',3,3,'A'); CALL nzm..shape('2',3,3,'B'); CALL nzm..CONCAT('A', 'B', 'C', 'v'); CALL nzm..print('C'); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('A'); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('B'); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('C'); SHAPE ------t (1 row) SHAPE 42 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations ------t (1 row) CONCAT -------t (1 row) PRINT ----------------------------------------------------------------- matrix: C -1, 1, 1 1, 1, 1 1, 1, 1 2, 2, 2 2, 2, 2 2, 2, 2 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 43 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide COPY_MATRIX - Copy a Matrix This procedure creates a copy of the specified matrix. Usage The COPY_MATRIX stored procedure has the following syntax: ► COPY_MATRIX(matrixIn, matrixOut) ▲ Parameters ► matrixIn The name of the input matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixOut The name of the output matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE always. Examples CALL nzm..shape('1',3,3,'A'); CALL nzm..COPY_MATRIX('A', 'B'); CALL nzm..print('B'); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('A'); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('B'); SHAPE ------t (1 row) COPY_MATRIX ------------t (1 row) PRINT 44 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations ------------------------------------------ matrix: B -1, 1, 1 1, 1, 1 1, 1, 1 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations COPY_SUBMATRIX - Copy a Rectangular Block of a Matrix This procedure creates a matrix from the specified rectangular block of the input matrix. This is an wrapper for the BLOCK stored procedure. Usage The COPY_SUBMATRIX stored procedure has the following syntax: ► COPY_SUBMATRIX(matrixIn, matrixOut, row_start, row_stop, col_start, col_stop) ▲ Parameters ► matrixIn The name of the input matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixOut The name of the output matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► row_start The first row of the input matrix to use. Type: INT4 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 45 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide ► row_stop The last row of the input matrix to use. Type: INT4 ► col_start The first column of the input matrix to use. Type: INT4 ► col_stop The last column of the input matrix to use. Type: INT4 ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE, if successful. Examples CALL nzm..SHAPE('0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16',4,4 ,'A'); CALL nzm..copy_submatrix('A', 'B', 2, 3, 1, 4); CALL nzm..print('A'); CALL nzm..print('B'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('A' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('B' ); SHAPE ------t (1 row) COPY_SUBMATRIX ---------------t (1 row) PRINT ------------------------------------------------------------------- matrix: A -0, 1, 2, 3 46 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations 4, 5, 6, 7 8, 9, 10, 11 12, 13, 14, 15 (1 row) PRINT ------------------------------------------ matrix: B -4, 5, 6, 7 8, 9, 10, 11 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations COVARIANCE - Matrix covariance calculation This procedure calculates the column covariance estimator of the specified matrix. Usage The COVARIANCE stored procedure has the following syntax: ► COVARIANCE(inputMatrix, outputMatrix); ▲ Parameters ► inputMatrix The name of the input matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 outputMatrix The name of the output matrix. 47 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE always. Details The procedure calculates the column covariance estimator of the specified matrix, by centering each column and performing X^T X multiplication, divided by (n-1), where n is the number of rows of the provided matrix. Examples CALL nzm..create_ones_matrix('A', 5, 5); CALL nzm..set_value('A', 1, 2, 2); CALL nzm..set_value('A', 1, 3, 3); CALL nzm..covariance('A', 'ACOVARIANCE'); CALL nzm..PRINT('A'); CALL nzm..PRINT('ACOVARIANCE'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('A' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('ACOVARIANCE'); CREATE_ONES_MATRIX -------------------t (1 row) SET_VALUE ----------t (1 row) SET_VALUE ----------t (1 row) COVARIANCE -----------t 48 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations (1 row) PRINT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- matrix: A -1, 2, 3, 1, 1 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 (1 row) PRINT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- matrix: ACOVARIANCE -0, 0, 0, 0, 0 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0, 0 0, 0.4, 0.8, 0, 0 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 49 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide CREATE_IDENTITY_MATRIX - Create an Identity Matrix The procedure creates an identity matrix of the size specified. Usage The CREATE_IDENTITY_MATRIX stored procedure has the following syntax: ► CREATE_IDENTITY_MATRIX(matrixOut, size) ▲ Parameters ► matrixOut The name of the matrix to be generated. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► size The number of rows and columns in the matrix. Type: INT4 ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE, if successful. Details An identity matrix is a square matrix with values of one (1) along the main diagonal and values of zero (0) elsewhere. Examples CALL nzm..CREATE_IDENTITY_MATRIX('A', 5); CALL nzm..PRINT('A'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('A' ); CREATE_IDENTITY_MATRIX -----------------------t (1 row) PRINT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- matrix: A -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 50 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations CREATE_MATRIX_FROM_TABLE - Create a Matrix from a row/column/value Table The procedure creates a matrix from a row/column/value table. Usage The CREATE_MATRIX_FROM_TABLE stored procedure has the following syntax: ► CREATE_MATRIX_FROM_TABLE(source_table, mat_name, numRows, numCols); ▲ Parameters ► source_table The name of the input table. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► mat_name The name of matrix to be created. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► numRows The number of matrix rows. Type: INT4 ► numCols The number of matrix columns. Type: INT4 ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE, if successful. Details WARNING: THIS PROCEDURE SILENTLY CREATES AN INVALID MATRIX IF FED AN INVALID INPUT. UNLESS YOU 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 51 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide ARE CERTAIN YOUR INPUT IS VALID (NO DUPLICATE ROW, COLUMN ENTRIES, ETC.), FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS BELOW FOR CALLING NZM.._TEST_DENSE_VALID(). Creates a matrix from a table having the following schema: (row INTEGER, col INTEGER, value DOUBLE PRECISION). The row indices should range from 1 to numRows, inclusive and the column indices should range from 1 to numCols, inclusive. Any (row, col) pairs outside these ranges are ignored. Each (row, col) pair may appear at most once. Null values are converted to zeros. If the number of values is greater than numRows * numCols, an exception is generated. In case of input data sparse form missing cells will be added and filled with zeros. You can use the procedure nzm.._test_dense_valid(mat_name) to verify that a created matrix has the proper number of values and that the (row, column) index pairs are unique. Examples create table mytable (row INT4, col INT4, value DOUBLE); insert into mytable values (1, 1, 11); insert into mytable values (1, 2, 12); insert into mytable values (2, 1, 21); insert into mytable values (2, 2, 22); call nzm..create_matrix_from_table('mytable', 'A', 2, 2); call nzm..print('A'); drop table mytable; CALL nzm..delete_matrix('A' ); CREATE_MATRIX_FROM_TABLE -------------------------t (1 row) PRINT -------------------------------- matrix: A -11, 12 21, 22 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t 52 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations CREATE_ONES_MATRIX - Create a Matrix of Ones This procedure creates a matrix with all elements equal to 1.0. Usage The CREATE_ONES_MATRIX stored procedure has the following syntax: ► CREATE_ONES_MATRIX(mat_name, numRows, numCols); ▲ Parameters ► mat_name The matrix name. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► numRows The number of matrix rows. Type: INT4 ► numCols The number of matrix columns. Type: INT4 ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE always. Examples call nzm..create_ones_matrix('A', 3, 3); call nzm..print('A'); call nzm..delete_matrix('A' ); CREATE_ONES_MATRIX -------------------t (1 row) PRINT ----------------------------------------- 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 53 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide -- matrix: A -1, 1, 1 1, 1, 1 1, 1, 1 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations CREATE_RANDOM_CAUCHY_MATRIX - Create a random Matrix using Cauchy distributed random values This procedure creates a new matrix filled with Cauchy distributed random values using the parameters: Beta and shift. The formula is as follows: x = Beta tan (u) + shift. The u is a successive random number of a uniform distribution over the interval (-Pi/2, Pi/2). Usage The CREATE_RANDOM_CAUCHY_MATRIX stored procedure has the following syntax: ► CREATE_RANDOM_CAUCHY_MATRIX(matrixOut, numberOfRows, numberOfColums, shift, beta) ▲ Parameters ► matrixOut The name of the matrix to be generated. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► numberOfRows The number of matrix rows. Type: INT4 ► numberOfColumns The number of matrix columns. Type: INT4 ► 54 shift 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations The value to be used for shift. Type: DOUBLE ► beta The value to be used for Beta. Type: DOUBLE ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE if successful. Details This procedure uses the MKL library. Examples CALL nzm..CREATE_RANDOM_CAUCHY_MATRIX ('A', 3,5, 1.0, 0.1); CALL nzm..GET_NUM_COLS('A'); CALL nzm..GET_NUM_ROWS('A'); CALL nzm..ANY_NONZERO('A'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX ('A' ); CREATE_RANDOM_CAUCHY_MATRIX ----------------------------t (1 row) GET_NUM_COLS -------------5 (1 row) GET_NUM_ROWS -------------3 (1 row) ANY_NONZERO ------------1 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------- 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 55 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations CREATE_RANDOM_EXPONENT_MATRIX - Create a random matrix using Exponential distributed random values This procedure creates a new matrix filled with Exponential distributed random values using the parameters: Beta and shift. The formula is as follows: x = -Beta ln(u) + shift. The u is a successive random number of a uniform distribution over the interval (0, 1). Usage The CREATE_RANDOM_EXPONENT_MATRIX stored procedure has the following syntax: ► CREATE_RANDOM_EXPONENT_MATRIX(matrixOut, numberOfRows, numberOfColums, shift, beta) ▲ Parameters ► matrixOut The name of the matrix to be generated. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► numberOfRows The number of matrix rows. Type: INT4 ► numberOfColumns The number of matrix columns. Type: INT4 ► shift The value to be used for shift. Type: DOUBLE ► beta The value to be used for Beta. Type: DOUBLE ▲ 56 Returns BOOLEAN TRUE if successful. 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations Details This procedure uses the MKL library. Examples CALL nzm..CREATE_RANDOM_EXPONENT_MATRIX('A', 5, 10, 1.0, 0.1); CALL nzm..GET_NUM_COLS('A'); CALL nzm..GET_NUM_ROWS('A'); CALL nzm..ANY_NONZERO('A'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX ('A' ); CREATE_RANDOM_EXPONENT_MATRIX ------------------------------t (1 row) GET_NUM_COLS -------------10 (1 row) GET_NUM_ROWS -------------5 (1 row) ANY_NONZERO ------------1 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 57 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide CREATE_RANDOM_GAMMA_MATRIX - Create a matrix of pseudorandom variables following the Gamma distribution This procedure creates a new matrix filled with pseudo-random variables following the Gamma distribution the specified parameters Alpha (shape), shift (offset) and Beta (scalefactor). The Generation technique depends on the values of the parameters and may involve pseudo-random variable transformation or the acceptance/rejection method. Usage The CREATE_RANDOM_GAMMA_MATRIX stored procedure has the following syntax: ► CREATE_RANDOM_GAMMA_MATRIX(matrixOut, numberOfRows, numberOfCols, alpha, shift, beta) ▲ Parameters ► matrixOut The name of the matrix to be generated. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► numberOfRows The number of matrix rows. Type: INT4 ► numberOfColumns The number of matrix columns. Type: INT4 ► alpha The value used for Alpha. Type: DOUBLE ► shift The value used for shift. Type: DOUBLE ► beta The value used for Beta. Type: DOUBLE ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE if successful. Details This procedure uses the MKL library. 58 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations Examples CALL nzm..CREATE_RANDOM_GAMMA_MATRIX('A', 5, 10, 0.5, 1.0, 0.1); CALL nzm..GET_NUM_COLS('A'); CALL nzm..GET_NUM_ROWS('A'); CALL nzm..ANY_NONZERO('A'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX ('A' ); CREATE_RANDOM_GAMMA_MATRIX ---------------------------t (1 row) GET_NUM_COLS -------------10 (1 row) GET_NUM_ROWS -------------5 (1 row) ANY_NONZERO ------------1 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 59 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide CREATE_RANDOM_LAPLACE_MATRIX - Create a matrix of pseudo-random variables following the Laplace distribution This procedure creates a new matrix filled with Laplace distributed pseudo-random variables using the parameters shift and Beta. The formula is as follows: x = -Beta*ln(u1) + shift, u2 <= 1/2 Beta*ln(u1) + shift, u2 > 1/2 Where u1, u2 is a pair of successive random numbers of a uniform distribution over the interval (0, 1). Usage The CREATE_RANDOM_LAPLACE_MATRIX stored procedure has the following syntax: ► CREATE_RANDOM_LAPLACE_MATRIX(matrixOut, numberOfRows, numberOfCols, shift, beta) ▲ Parameters ► matrixOut The name of the matrix to be generated. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► numberOfRows The number of matrix rows. Type: INT4 ► numberOfColumns The number of matrix columns. Type: INT4 ► shift The value to be used for shift. Type: DOUBLE ► beta The value to be used for Beta. Type: DOUBLE ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE if successful. Details This procedure uses the MKL library. Examples CALL nzm..CREATE_RANDOM_LAPLACE_MATRIX('A', 5, 10, 1.0, 0.1); CALL nzm..GET_NUM_COLS('A'); 60 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations CALL nzm..GET_NUM_ROWS('A'); CALL nzm..ANY_NONZERO('A'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX ('A' ); CREATE_RANDOM_LAPLACE_MATRIX -----------------------------t (1 row) GET_NUM_COLS -------------10 (1 row) GET_NUM_ROWS -------------5 (1 row) ANY_NONZERO ------------1 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations CREATE_RANDOM_MATRIX - Matrix of Random, Uniformly Distributed Values This procedure creates a new matrix filled with uniformly distributed random values greater than or equal to zero and less than 1. Usage The CREATE_RANDOM_MATRIX stored procedure has the following syntax: 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 61 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide ► CREATE_RANDOM_MATRIX(matrixOut, numberOfRows, numberOfColumns) ▲ Parameters ► matrixOut The name of the matrix to be generated. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► numberOfRows The number of matrix rows. Type: INT4 ► numberOfColumns The number of matrix columns. Type: INT4 ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE, if successful. Details This procedure uses drand48_r. Examples CALL nzm..CREATE_RANDOM_MATRIX('A', 5, 15); CALL nzm..GET_NUM_COLS('A'); CALL nzm..GET_NUM_ROWS('A'); CALL nzm..ANY_NONZERO('A'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX ('A' ); CREATE_RANDOM_MATRIX ---------------------t (1 row) GET_NUM_COLS -------------15 (1 row) GET_NUM_ROWS -------------- 62 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations 5 (1 row) ANY_NONZERO ------------1 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations CREATE_RANDOM_NORMAL_MATRIX - Create a matrix of pseudorandom variables following the normal distribution This procedure creates a matrix of pseudorandom variables following the normal distribution using the parameters shift and sigma. The generation technique is based on the CDF inversion according to the following equation: x = sigma * SQRT(2) * Erf^{-1} (u) + shift. Usage The CREATE_RANDOM_NORMAL_MATRIX stored procedure has the following syntax: ► CREATE_RANDOM_NORMAL_MATRIX(matrixOut, numberOfRows, numberOfColumns, shift, sigma) ▲ Parameters ► matrixOut The name of the matrix to be generated. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► numberOfRows The number of matrix rows. Type: INT4 ► numberOfColumns The number of matrix columns. Type: INT4 ► 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 shift The value to be used for shift. 63 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide Type: DOUBLE ► sigma The value to be used for sigma. Type: DOUBLE ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE if successful. Details This procedure uses the MKL library. Examples CALL nzm..CREATE_RANDOM_NORMAL_MATRIX('A', 5, 10, 1.0, 0.1); CALL nzm..GET_NUM_COLS('A'); CALL nzm..GET_NUM_ROWS('A'); CALL nzm..ANY_NONZERO('A'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX ('A' ); CREATE_RANDOM_NORMAL_MATRIX ----------------------------t (1 row) GET_NUM_COLS -------------10 (1 row) GET_NUM_ROWS -------------5 (1 row) ANY_NONZERO ------------1 (1 row) 64 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations CREATE_RANDOM_POISSON_MATRIX - Create a matrix of pseudorandom variables following the Poisson distribution This procedure creates a new matrix filled with pseudorandom variables following Poisson distribution using the parameters Lambda and mean 1/Lambda. Usage The CREATE_RANDOM_POISSON_MATRIX stored procedure has the following syntax: ► CREATE_RANDOM_POISSON_MATRIX(matrixOut, numberOfRows, numberOfColumns, lambda) ▲ Parameters ► matrixOut The name of the matrix to be generated. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► numberOfRows The number of matrix rows. Type: INT4 ► numberOfColumns The number of matrix columns. Type: INT4 ► lambda The value to be used for lambda. Type: DOUBLE ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE if successful. Details This procedure uses the MKL library. Examples CALL nzm..CREATE_RANDOM_POISSON_MATRIX('A', 5, 10, 1.2345); 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 65 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide CALL nzm..GET_NUM_COLS('A'); CALL nzm..GET_NUM_ROWS('A'); CALL nzm..ANY_NONZERO('A'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX ('A' ); CREATE_RANDOM_POISSON_MATRIX -----------------------------t (1 row) GET_NUM_COLS -------------10 (1 row) GET_NUM_ROWS -------------5 (1 row) ANY_NONZERO ------------1 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations CREATE_RANDOM_RAYLEIGH_MATRIX - Create a Matrix of random using a Rayleigh distributed random values generator 66 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations This procedure creates a new matrix filled with Rayleigh distributed random values using the parameters Beta and shift. The formula is as follows: x = Beta * SQRT(-ln(u)) + shift. The u is a successive random number of a uniform distribution over the interval (0, 1). Usage The CREATE_RANDOM_RAYLEIGH_MATRIX stored procedure has the following syntax: ► CREATE_RANDOM_RAYLEIGH_MATRIX(matrixOut, numberOfRows, numberOfCols, shift, beta) ▲ Parameters ► matrixOut The name of the matrix to be generated. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► numberOfRows The number of matrix rows. Type: INT4 ► numberOfColumns The number of matrix columns. Type: INT4 ► shift The value to be used for shift. Type: DOUBLE ► beta The value to be used for Beta. Type: DOUBLE ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE if successful. Details This procedure uses the MKL library. Examples CALL nzm..CREATE_RANDOM_RAYLEIGH_MATRIX('A', 5, 10, 1.0, 0.1); CALL nzm..GET_NUM_COLS('A'); CALL nzm..GET_NUM_ROWS('A'); CALL nzm..ANY_NONZERO('A'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX ('A' ); CREATE_RANDOM_RAYLEIGH_MATRIX ------------------------------- 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 67 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide t (1 row) GET_NUM_COLS -------------10 (1 row) GET_NUM_ROWS -------------5 (1 row) ANY_NONZERO ------------1 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations CREATE_RANDOM_UNIFORM_MATRIX - Create a matrix of pseudo-random variables following the uniform distribution This procedure creates a new matrix of pseudo-random variables following the uniform distribution over the real interval [a,b]. Usage The CREATE_RANDOM_UNIFORM_MATRIX stored procedure has the following syntax: ► 68 CREATE_RANDOM_UNIFORM_MATRIX(matrixOut, numberOfRows, numberOfColumns, minVal, maxVal) ▲ Parameters 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations ► matrixOut The name of the matrix to be generated. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► numberOfRows The number of matrix rows. Type: INT4 ► numberOfColumns The number of matrix columns. Type: INT4 ► minVal The minimum value. Type: DOUBLE ► maxValue The maximum value. Type: DOUBLE ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE if successful. Details This procedure uses the MKL library. Examples CALL nzm..CREATE_RANDOM_UNIFORM_MATRIX('A', 5, 10, -9.98765, 9.98765); CALL nzm..GET_NUM_COLS('A'); CALL nzm..GET_NUM_ROWS('A'); CALL nzm..ANY_NONZERO('A'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX ('A' ); CREATE_RANDOM_UNIFORM_MATRIX -----------------------------t (1 row) GET_NUM_COLS -------------10 (1 row) 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 69 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide GET_NUM_ROWS -------------5 (1 row) ANY_NONZERO ------------1 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations CREATE_RANDOM_WEIBULL_MATRIX - Create a matrix of pseudo-random variables following the Weibull distribution This procedure creates a new matrix filled with pseudo-random variables following Weibull distribution using the specified parameters Alpha, Beta and shift. The Generation technique is based on the CDF inversion according to following equation: x = Beta * POWER( (-ln(u)), (1/Alfa)) + shift where u is a pseudo-random variable uniformly distributed over the interval (0, 1). Usage The CREATE_RANDOM_WEIBULL_MATRIX stored procedure has the following syntax: ► CREATE_RANDOM_WEIBULL_MATRIX(matrixOut, numberOfRows, numberOfCols, alpha, shift, beta) ▲ Parameters ► matrixOut The name of the matrix to be generated. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► numberOfRows The number of matrix rows. Type: INT4 70 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations ► numberOfColumns The number of matrix columns. Type: INT4 ► alpha The value to be used as Alpha. Type: DOUBLE ► shift The value to be used as shift. Type: DOUBLE ► beta The value to be used as Beta. Type: DOUBLE ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE if successful. Details This procedure uses the MKL library. Examples CALL nzm..CREATE_RANDOM_WEIBULL_MATRIX('A', 5, 10, 0.5, 1.0, 0.1); CALL nzm..GET_NUM_COLS('A'); CALL nzm..GET_NUM_ROWS('A'); CALL nzm..ANY_NONZERO('A'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX ('A' ); CREATE_RANDOM_WEIBULL_MATRIX -----------------------------t (1 row) GET_NUM_COLS -------------10 (1 row) GET_NUM_ROWS -------------5 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 71 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide (1 row) ANY_NONZERO ------------1 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations CREATE_TABLE_FROM_MATRIX - Create a User-visible Table from a Matrix This procedure creates a user-visible table from a matrix. Usage The CREATE_TABLE_FROM_MATRIX stored procedure has the following syntax: ► CREATE_TABLE_FROM_MATRIX(mat_name, destination_table); ▲ Parameters ► mat_name The name of the matrix to be copied. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► destination_table The name of the table to be generated. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE, if successful. Details This procedure creates a table, owned by the caller, having the following schema: (row INTEGER, col INTEGER, value DOUBLE PRECISION). The created table contains the matrix data in a row/column/value representation. This hides the implementation details of NZMatrix and provides data to the user via a table representation. This procedure exports all cells of the matrix. 72 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations Examples CALL nzm..shape('1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9',3,3,'A'); call nzm..create_table_from_matrix('A', 'B'); select * from B order by row,col; call nzm..delete_matrix('A' ); drop table B; SHAPE ------t (1 row) CREATE_TABLE_FROM_MATRIX -------------------------t (1 row) ROW | COL | VALUE -----+-----+------1 | 1 | 1 1 | 2 | 2 1 | 3 | 3 2 | 1 | 4 2 | 2 | 5 2 | 3 | 6 3 | 1 | 7 3 | 2 | 8 3 | 3 | 9 (9 rows) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 73 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide Related Functions ► category matrix operations CREATE_TABLE_FROM_MATRIX - Create a User-visible Table from a Matrix and export only non-empty cells This procedure creates a user-visible table from a matrix and allows it to export only non-empty cells, that is, cell with non-zero values. Usage The CREATE_TABLE_FROM_MATRIX stored procedure has the following syntax: ► CREATE_TABLE_FROM_MATRIX(mat_name, destination_table, sparse_only); ▲ Parameters ► mat_name The name of the matrix to be copied. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► destination_table The name of the table to be generated. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► sparse_only If TRUE, only non empty (non zero) values are exported. Type: BOOLEAN ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE, if successful. Details Creates a table, owned by the caller, having the following schema: (row INTEGER, col INTEGER, value DOUBLE PRECISION). The created table contains the matrix data in a row/column/value representation. This hides the implementation details of NZMatrix and provides data to the user via a table representation. This procedure can export only nonempty cells, that is, cells with a non-zero value. Examples call nzm..shape('0,1,2,0,0,0,0,0,33',3,3,'A'); call nzm..create_table_from_matrix('A', 'my_rcv_dense',false); call nzm..create_table_from_matrix('A', 'my_rcv_sparse',true); 74 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations select * from my_rcv_dense order by row,col; select * from my_rcv_sparse order by row,col; drop table my_rcv_dense; drop table my_rcv_sparse ; call nzm..delete_matrix('A' ); SHAPE ------t (1 row) CREATE_TABLE_FROM_MATRIX -------------------------t (1 row) CREATE_TABLE_FROM_MATRIX -------------------------t (1 row) ROW | COL | VALUE -----+-----+------1 | 1 | 0 1 | 2 | 1 1 | 3 | 2 2 | 1 | 0 2 | 2 | 0 2 | 3 | 0 3 | 1 | 0 3 | 2 | 0 3 | 3 | 33 (9 rows) ROW | COL | VALUE -----+-----+------1 | 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 2 | 1 75 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide 1 | 3 | 2 3 | 3 | 33 (3 rows) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations DEGREES_ELEMENTS - Elementwise Radians to Degrees Function This procedure implements an elementwise radians to degrees conversion. Usage The DEGREES_ELEMENTS stored procedure has the following syntax: ► DEGREES_ELEMENTS('matrixIn', 'matrixOut', row_start, col_start, row_stop, col_stop) ▲ Parameters ► matrixIn The name of the input matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixOut The name of the output matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► row_start The first row of the input matrix to use. Type: INT4 ► col_start The first column of the input matrix to use. Type: INT4 ► row_stop The last row of the input matrix to use. Type: INT4 ► 76 col_stop 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations The last column of the input matrix to use. Type: INT4 ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE, if successful. Details The last four arguments may be omitted, in which case the procedure applies to the entire input matrix. Examples CALL nzm..SHAPE('0, 0.78539816339745, 1.5707963267949, 3.1415926535898, 4.7123889803847, 6.2831853071796',2,3,'A'); CALL nzm..DEGREES_ELEMENTS('A', 'B',2,1,2,3); CALL nzm..PRINT ('B'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('A' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('B' ); SHAPE ------t (1 row) DEGREES_ELEMENTS -----------------t (1 row) PRINT -------------------------------------------------------------------- matrix: B -0, 0.78539816339745, 1.5707963267949 180, 270, 360 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 77 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations DEGREES_ELEMENTS - Elementwise Radians to Degrees Function (entire matrix operation) This procedure implements an elementwise radians to degrees conversion. Usage The DEGREES_ELEMENTS stored procedure has the following syntax: ► DEGREES_ELEMENTS('matrixIn', 'matrixOut') ▲ Parameters ► matrixIn The name of the input matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixOut The name of the output matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE, if successful. Examples CALL nzm..SHAPE('0, 0.78539816339745, 1.5707963267949, 3.1415926535898, 4.7123889803847, 6.2831853071796',2,3,'A'); CALL nzm..DEGREES_ELEMENTS('A', 'B'); CALL nzm..PRINT ('B'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('A' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('B' ); SHAPE 78 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations ------t (1 row) DEGREES_ELEMENTS -----------------t (1 row) PRINT ------------------------------------------ matrix: B -0, 45, 90 180, 270, 360 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations DELETE_ALL_MATRICES - Deletes All Matrices The procedure deletes all matrices in the current database. Usage The DELETE_ALL_MATRICES stored procedure has the following syntax: ► DELETE_ALL_MATRICES(); ▲ Returns 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 79 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide BOOLEAN TRUE always. Examples CALL nzm..SHAPE('0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9',3,3,'A'); CALL nzm..DELETE_ALL_MATRICES(); CALL nzm..LIST_MATRICES(); SHAPE ------t (1 row) DELETE_ALL_MATRICES --------------------t (1 row) LIST_MATRICES --------------(1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations DELETE_MATRIX - Delete Matrix Deletes a matrix. Usage The DELETE_MATRIX stored procedure has the following syntax: ► DELETE_MATRIX(mat_name); ▲ Parameters ► mat_name The name of the matrix to be deleted. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) 80 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE always. Details This procedure throws an exception if the specified matrix does not exist. Examples CALL nzm..SHAPE('0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9',3,3,'A'); CALL nzm..SHAPE('0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9',3,3,'B'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('A'); CALL nzm..LIST_MATRICES(); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('B'); CALL nzm..LIST_MATRICES(); SHAPE ------t (1 row) SHAPE ------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) LIST_MATRICES --------------B (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) LIST_MATRICES 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 81 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide --------------(1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations DIAG - Diagonal This procedure creates a diagonal matrix from the diagonal elements of the input matrix. Usage The DIAG stored procedure has the following syntax: ► DIAG(NVARCHAR(ANY) matrixIn, NVARCHAR(ANY) matrixOut); ▲ Parameters ► matrixIn The name of the input matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixOut The name of the output matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE, if successful. Examples CALL nzm..SHAPE('0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16',4,4 ,'A'); CALL nzm..DIAG('A', 'B'); CALL nzm..PRINT('A'); CALL nzm..PRINT('B'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('A' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('B' ); SHAPE ------- 82 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations t (1 row) DIAG -----t (1 row) PRINT ------------------------------------------------------------------- matrix: A -0, 1, 2, 3 4, 5, 6, 7 8, 9, 10, 11 12, 13, 14, 15 (1 row) PRINT ---------------------------------------------------------------- matrix: B -0, 0, 0, 0 0, 5, 0, 0 0, 0, 10, 0 0, 0, 0, 15 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 83 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide Related Functions ► category matrix operations DIVIDE_ELEMENTS - Divide Matrices Element-by-element The procedure computes matrix C using element-by-element division of matrix A by matrix B: Cij = Aij / Bij. Usage The DIVIDE_ELEMENTS stored procedure has the following syntax: ► DIVIDE_ELEMENTS(NVARCHAR(ANY) matrixA, NVARCHAR(ANY) matrixB, NVARCHAR(ANY) matrixC); ▲ Parameters ► matrixA The name of input matrix A. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixB The name of input matrix B. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixC The name of output matrix C. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE always. Examples CALL nzm..SHAPE('1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81',3,3,'A'); CALL nzm..SHAPE('1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9',3,3,'B'); CALL nzm..DIVIDE_ELEMENTS('A', 'B', 'C'); CALL nzm..PRINT('C'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('A' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('B' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('C' ); SHAPE ------- 84 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations t (1 row) SHAPE ------t (1 row) DIVIDE_ELEMENTS ----------------t (1 row) PRINT ------------------------------------------ matrix: C -1, 2, 3 4, 5, 6 7, 8, 9 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 85 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide EIGEN - Eigendecomposition This procedure computes the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a symmetric matrix. Usage The EIGEN stored procedure has the following syntax: ► EIGEN(matrixA, matrixW, matrixZ); ▲ Parameters ► matrixA The name of the matrix to be decomposed, referred to as matrix A. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixW The name of the matrix to hold the eigenvalues, referred to as matrix W. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixZ The name of the matrix to hold the eigenvalues, referred to as matrix Z. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE always. Examples CALL nzm..create_random_matrix('A0', 500, 500); CALL nzm..create_ones_matrix('A1', 500, 500); CALL nzm..add('A0', 'A1', 'A2'); CALL nzm..transpose('A2','A3'); CALL nzm..add('A2','A3','A'); CALL nzm..eigen('A', 'W', 'Z'); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('A0' ); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('A1' ); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('A2' ); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('A3' ); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('A' ); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('W' ); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('Z' ); 86 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations CREATE_RANDOM_MATRIX ---------------------t (1 row) CREATE_ONES_MATRIX -------------------t (1 row) ADD ----t (1 row) TRANSPOSE ----------t (1 row) ADD ----t (1 row) EIGEN ------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 87 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations EQ - Elementwise Equal This procedure implements an elementwise computation of the C := A == B comparison, where A, B, and C are matrices. Usage The EQ stored procedure has the following syntax: ► 88 EQ(matrixAname,matrixBname,matrixCname); ▲ Parameters ► matrixAname 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations The name of input matrix A. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixBname The name of input matrix B. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixCname The name of output matrix C. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE, if successful. Details Matrices A and B must have the same number of dimensions, that is, the same number of rows and columns. The output matrix C is given the same shape. Matrix C must not exist prior to the operation. Matrix C contains only zeros and ones, corresponding to FALSE and TRUE at respective positions. Examples CALL nzm..SHAPE('1,2,3,4,5,0,6,7,8', 3, 3, 'A'); CALL nzm..SHAPE('1,15,5,7', 3, 3, 'B'); CALL nzm..EQ('A', 'B', 'C'); CALL nzm..PRINT('C'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('A' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('B' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('C' ); SHAPE ------t (1 row) SHAPE ------t (1 row) EQ ---t 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 89 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide (1 row) PRINT ------------------------------------------ matrix: C -1, 0, 0 0, 0, 0 0, 1, 0 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations EXP_ELEMENTS - Elementwise EXP Function This procedure implements the elementwise exponential value calculation for the specified block of elements. Usage The EXP_ELEMENTS stored procedure has the following syntax: ► 90 EXP_ELEMENTS('matrixIn', 'matrixOut', row_start, col_start, row_stop, col_stop) ▲ Parameters 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations ► matrixIn The name of the input matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixOut The name of the output matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► row_start The first row of the input matrix to use. Type: INT4 ► col_start The first column of the input matrix to use. Type: INT4 ► row_stop The last row of the input matrix to use. Type: INT4 ► col_stop The last column of the input matrix to use. Type: INT4 ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE, if successful. Details The last four arguments may be omitted, in which case the procedure applies to the entire input matrix. Examples CALL nzm..SHAPE('1,2,3,4,5,0,6,7,8', 3, 3, 'A'); CALL nzm..EXP_ELEMENTS('A', 'B', 2, 2, 2, 2); CALL nzm..PRINT('B'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('A' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('B' ); SHAPE ------t (1 row) EXP_ELEMENTS -------------- 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 91 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide t (1 row) PRINT -------------------------------------------------------- matrix: B -1, 2, 3 4, 148.41315910258, 0 6, 7, 8 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations EXP_ELEMENTS - Elementwise EXP Function (entire matrix operation) This procedure implements the elementwise exponential value calculation for the specified block of elements. Usage The EXP_ELEMENTS stored procedure has the following syntax: ► EXP_ELEMENTS('matrixIn', 'matrixOut') ▲ Parameters ► matrixIn The name of the input matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) 92 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations ► matrixOut The name of the output matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE, if successful. Details This procedure applies to the entire input matrix. Examples CALL nzm..SHAPE('1,2,3,4,5,0,6,7,8', 3, 3, 'A'); CALL nzm..EXP_ELEMENTS('A', 'B'); CALL nzm..PRINT('B'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('A' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('B' ); SHAPE ------t (1 row) EXP_ELEMENTS -------------t (1 row) PRINT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- matrix: B -2.718281828459, 7.3890560989307, 20.085536923188 54.598150033144, 148.41315910258, 1 403.42879349274, 1096.6331584285, 2980.9579870417 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------- 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 93 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations FLOOR_ELEMENTS - Elementwise Floor Function This procedure implements an elementwise rounding to the next smallest integer. Usage The FLOOR_ELEMENTS stored procedure has the following syntax: ► FLOOR_ELEMENTS('matrixIn', 'matrixOut', row_start, col_start, row_stop, col_stop) ▲ Parameters ► matrixIn The name of the input matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixOut The name of the output matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► row_start The first row of the input matrix to use. Type: INT4 ► col_start The first column of the input matrix to use. Type: INT4 ► row_stop The last row of the input matrix to use. Type: INT4 ► 94 col_stop The last column of the input matrix to use. 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations Type: INT4 ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE, if successful. Examples CALL nzm..SHAPE('0,1.1,2.2,3.3,4.4,5.5,6.6,7.7,8.8,9.9,10.10,11.11,12 .12,13.13,14.14,15.15,16.16',4,4,'A'); CALL nzm..FLOOR_ELEMENTS('A', 'B', 2, 2, 3, 3); CALL nzm..PRINT('A'); CALL nzm..PRINT('B'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('A' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('B' ); SHAPE ------t (1 row) FLOOR_ELEMENTS ---------------t (1 row) PRINT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ matrix: A -0, 1.1, 2.2, 3.3 4.4, 5.5, 6.6, 7.7 8.8, 9.9, 10.1, 11.11 12.12, 13.13, 14.14, 15.15 (1 row) PRINT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- matrix: B -- 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 95 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide 0, 1.1, 2.2, 3.3 4.4, 5, 6, 7.7 8.8, 9, 10, 11.11 12.12, 13.13, 14.14, 15.15 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations FLOOR_ELEMENTS - Elementwise Floor Function (entire matrix operation) This procedure implements elementwise rounding to the next smallest integer. Usage The FLOOR_ELEMENTS stored procedure has the following syntax: ► FLOOR_ELEMENTS('matrixIn', 'matrixOut') ▲ Parameters ► matrixIn The name of the input matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixOut The name of the output matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ 96 Returns BOOLEAN TRUE, if successful. 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations Examples CALL nzm..SHAPE('0,1.1,2.2,3.3,4.4,5.5,6.6,7.7,8.8,9.9,10.10,11.11,12 .12,13.13,14.14,15.15,16.16',4,4,'A'); CALL nzm..FLOOR_ELEMENTS('A', 'B'); CALL nzm..PRINT('A'); CALL nzm..PRINT('B'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('A' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('B' ); SHAPE ------t (1 row) FLOOR_ELEMENTS ---------------t (1 row) PRINT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ matrix: A -0, 1.1, 2.2, 3.3 4.4, 5.5, 6.6, 7.7 8.8, 9.9, 10.1, 11.11 12.12, 13.13, 14.14, 15.15 (1 row) PRINT ------------------------------------------------------------------- matrix: B -0, 1, 2, 3 4, 5, 6, 7 8, 9, 10, 11 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 97 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide 12, 13, 14, 15 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations GE - Elementwise Greater Than or Equal This procedure implements an elementwise computation of thee C := A >= B comparison, where A, B, and C are matrices. Usage The GE stored procedure has the following syntax: ► GE(matrixAname, matrixBname, matrixCname); ▲ Parameters ► matrixAname The name of input matrix A. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixBname The name of input matrix B. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixCname The name of output matrix C. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ 98 Returns BOOLEAN TRUE, if successful. 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations Details Matrices A and B must have the same number of dimensions, that is the same number of rows and columns. The output matrix C is given the same shape. Matrix C must not exist prior to the operation. C is a matrix containing only zeros and ones, corresponding to FALSE and TRUE at respective positions. Examples CALL nzm..SHAPE('1,2,3,4,5,0,6,7,8', 3, 3, 'A'); CALL nzm..SHAPE('1,15,5,7', 3, 3, 'B'); CALL nzm..GE('A', 'B', 'C'); CALL nzm..PRINT('C'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('A' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('B' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('C' ); SHAPE ------t (1 row) SHAPE ------t (1 row) GE ---t (1 row) PRINT ------------------------------------------ matrix: C -1, 0, 0 0, 1, 0 1, 1, 1 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 99 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations GEMM - General Matrix Multiplication This procedure computes the general matrix multiplication C = A B, where A, B, and C are matrices. Usage The GEMM stored procedure has the following syntax: ► GEMM(NVARCHAR(ANY) matrixA, BOOLEAN transposeA, NVARCHAR(ANY) matrixB, BOOLEAN transposeB, NVARCHAR(ANY) matrixC); ▲ Parameters ► matrixA The name of the input matrix A. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► transposeA Specifies whether matrix A should be transposed for multiplication. Type: BOOLEAN ► matrixB The name of the input matrix B. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► 100 transposeB Specifies whether matrix A should be transposed for multiplication. 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations Type: BOOLEAN ► matrixC The name of the output matrix C. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE always. Examples CALL nzm..shape('1,2,3,4,5,0,6,7,8', 3, 3, 'A'); CALL nzm..shape('2,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4', 3, 3, 'B'); CALL nzm..gemm('A', FALSE,'B', TRUE,'C'); CALL nzm..print('C'); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('A' ); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('B' ); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('C' ); SHAPE ------t (1 row) SHAPE ------t (1 row) GEMM -----t (1 row) PRINT --------------------------------------------------- matrix: C -12, 18, 24 18, 27, 36 42, 63, 84 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 101 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations GEMM - General Matrix Multiplication - simplified version This procedure computes the general matrix multiplication C = A B, where A, B, and C are matrices. Usage The GEMM stored procedure has the following syntax: ► GEMM(NVARCHAR(ANY) matrixA, NVARCHAR(ANY) matrixB, NVARCHAR(ANY) matrixC); ▲ Parameters ► matrixA The name of the input matrix A. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixB The name of the input matrix B. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixC The name of the output matrix C. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) 102 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE always. Details This procedure directly calls the BOOLEAN = nzm..GEMM(NVARCHAR(ANY) matrixA, BOOLEAN transposeA, NVARCHAR(ANY) matrixB, BOOLEAN transposeB, NVARCHAR(ANY) matrixC) GEMM variant with input parameters set to: transposeA = FALSE, transposeB = FALSE Examples CALL nzm..shape('1,2,3,4,5,0,6,7,8', 3, 3, 'A'); CALL nzm..shape('2,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4', 3, 3, 'B'); CALL nzm..gemm('A', 'B', 'C'); CALL nzm..print('C'); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('A' ); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('B' ); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('C' ); SHAPE ------t (1 row) SHAPE ------t (1 row) GEMM -----t (1 row) PRINT --------------------------------------------------- matrix: C -20, 20, 20 23, 23, 23 65, 65, 65 (1 row) 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 103 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations GET_NUM_COLS - Return the Number of Columns of a Matrix This procedure returns the number of columns in the specified matrix. Usage The GET_NUM_COLS stored procedure has the following syntax: ► GET_NUM_COLS(NVARCHAR(ANY) mat_name); ▲ Parameters ► mat_name The name of the matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ Returns INT4 the number of columns in the matrix Examples CALL nzm..shape('1,2,3,4,5,0,6,7,8', 3, 3, 'A'); CALL nzm..get_num_cols('A'); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('A' ); 104 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations SHAPE ------t (1 row) GET_NUM_COLS -------------3 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations GET_NUM_ROWS - Return the Number of Rows of a Matrix This procedure returns the number of rows in the specified matrix. Usage The GET_NUM_ROWS stored procedure has the following syntax: ► GET_NUM_ROWS(NVARCHAR(ANY) mat_name); ▲ Parameters ► mat_name The name of the matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ Returns INT4 The number of rows in the matrix. Examples CALL nzm..shape('1,2,3,4,5,0,6,7,8', 3, 3, 'A'); CALL nzm..get_num_rows('A'); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('A' ); 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 105 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide SHAPE ------t (1 row) GET_NUM_ROWS -------------3 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations GET_VALUE - Return the Value of a Matrix Element This procedure returns the value of the specified matrix element. Usage The GET_VALUE stored procedure has the following syntax: ► GET_VALUE(NVARCHAR(ANY) mat_name, INT4 inrow, INT4 incol); ▲ Parameters ► mat_name The name of the matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► inrow The row index of the element. Type: INT4 ► incol The column index of the element. Type: INT4 ▲ 106 Returns 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations DOUBLE The value of the matrix element. Details This procedure is intended for use with small numbers of values. For retrieving large numbers of values, use alternate approaches that process data in bulk. Examples CALL nzm..shape('1,2,3,4,5,0,6,7,8', 3, 3, 'A'); CALL nzm..get_value('A', 2, 3); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('A' ); SHAPE ------t (1 row) GET_VALUE ----------0 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations GT - Elementwise Greater Than This procedure implements an elementwise computation of the C := A > B comparison, where A, B, and C are matrices. Usage The GT stored procedure has the following syntax: ► GT(matrixAname, matrixBname, matrixCname); 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 107 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide ▲ Parameters ► matrixAname The name of input matrix A. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixBname The name of input matrix B. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixCname The name of output matrix C. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE, if successful. Details Matrices A and B must have the same number of dimensions, that is the same number of rows and columns. The output matrix C is given the same shape. Matrix C must not exist prior to the operation. C is a matrix containing only zeros and ones, corresponding to FALSE and TRUE at respective positions. Examples CALL nzm..SHAPE('1,2,3,4,5,0,6,7,8', 3, 3, 'A'); CALL nzm..SHAPE('1,15,5,7', 3, 3, 'B'); CALL nzm..GT('A', 'B', 'C'); CALL nzm..PRINT('C'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('A' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('B' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('C' ); SHAPE ------t (1 row) SHAPE ------t (1 row) 108 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations GT ---t (1 row) PRINT ------------------------------------------ matrix: C -0, 0, 0 0, 1, 0 1, 0, 1 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations INITIALIZE - Initializes nzMatrix This procedure initializes or re-initializes nzMatrix. Usage The INITIALIZE stored procedure has the following syntax: ► INITIALIZE(); 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 109 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE always. Details This procedure creates or re-creates the shared nzMatrix metadata table in the current database. Examples CALL nzm..INITIALIZE(); INITIALIZE -----------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations INSERT - Insert One Matrix into Another This procedure inserts one matrix into another. Usage The INSERT stored procedure has the following syntax: ► INSERT(matrixIn1, matrixIn2, row_start, col_start) ▲ Parameters ► matrixIn1 The name of the matrix being inserted into. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixIn2 The name of the matrix to be inserted. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► row_start The row index where insertion should begin. Type: INT4 ► 110 col_start The column index where insertion should begin. 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations Type: INT4 ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE, if successful. Details The procedure works in place, modifying matrixIn1. Examples CALL nzm..SHAPE('0', 4, 4, 'A'); CALL nzm..SHAPE('1,2,3,4,5,0,6,7,8', 3, 3, 'B'); CALL nzm..INSERT('A', 'B', 2, 2); CALL nzm..PRINT('A'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('A' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('B' ); SHAPE ------t (1 row) SHAPE ------t (1 row) INSERT -------t (1 row) PRINT -------------------------------------------------------------- matrix: A -0, 0, 0, 0 0, 1, 2, 3 0, 4, 5, 0 0, 6, 7, 8 (1 row) 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 111 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations INT_ELEMENTS - Elementwise Truncate Function This procedure implements an elementwise truncating of values for the specified block of elements. Usage The INT_ELEMENTS stored procedure has the following syntax: ► INT_ELEMENTS('matrixIn', 'matrixOut', row_start, col_start, row_stop, col_stop) ▲ Parameters ► matrixIn The name of the input matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixOut The name of the output matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► row_start The first row of the input matrix to use. Type: INT4 ► col_start The first column of the input matrix to use. Type: INT4 ► 112 row_stop The last row of the input matrix to use. 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations Type: INT4 ► col_stop The last column of the input matrix to use. Type: INT4 ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE, if successful. Details The procedure truncates values toward zero. The last four arguments may be omitted, in which case the procedure applies to the entire input matrix. Examples CALL nzm..SHAPE('0,1.1,2.2,3.3,4.4,5.5,6.6,7.7,8.8,9.9,10.10,11.11,12 .12,13.13,14.14,15.15,16.16',4,4,'A'); CALL nzm..INT_ELEMENTS('A', 'B', 1, 1, 3, 3); CALL nzm..PRINT('B'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('A' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('B' ); SHAPE ------t (1 row) INT_ELEMENTS -------------t (1 row) PRINT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- matrix: B -0, 1, 2, 3.3 4, 5, 6, 7.7 8, 9, 10, 11.11 12.12, 13.13, 14.14, 15.15 (1 row) 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 113 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations INT_ELEMENTS - Elementwise Truncate Function (entire matrix operation) This procedure implements an elementwise truncating of values. Usage The INT_ELEMENTS stored procedure has the following syntax: ► INT_ELEMENTS('matrixIn', 'matrixOut') ▲ Parameters ► matrixIn The name of the input matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixOut The name of the output matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE, if successful. Details The procedure truncates values toward zero. The procedure applies to the entire input matrix. Examples CALL nzm..SHAPE('0,1.1,2.2,3.3,4.4,5.5,6.6,7.7,8.8,9.9,10.10,1 114 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations 1.11,12.12,13.13,14.14,15.15,16.16',4,4,'A'); CALL nzm..INT_ELEMENTS('A', 'B'); CALL nzm..PRINT('B'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('A' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('B' ); SHAPE ------t (1 row) INT_ELEMENTS -------------t (1 row) PRINT ------------------------------------------------------------------- matrix: B -0, 1, 2, 3 4, 5, 6, 7 8, 9, 10, 11 12, 13, 14, 15 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 115 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide Related Functions ► category matrix operations INVERSE - Matrix Inversion This procedure computes C = inverse(A), where A and C are matrices. Usage The INVERSE stored procedure has the following syntax: ► INVERSE(matrixA, matrixC); ▲ Parameters ► matrixA The name of imput matrix A. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixC The name of output matrix C. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE always. Examples CALL nzm..CREATE_RANDOM_MATRIX('A6K', 6000, 6000); CALL nzm..GEMM_LARGE('A6K', FALSE,'A6K', TRUE,'L6K'); CALL nzm..INVERSE('L6K', 'I6K'); CALL nzm..INVERSE_SMALL('L6K', 'S6K'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('A6K' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('L6K' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('I6K' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('S6K' ); CALL nzm..CREATE_RANDOM_MATRIX('A5K', 5000, 5000); CALL nzm..GEMM_LARGE('A5K', FALSE,'A5K', TRUE,'L5K'); CALL nzm..INVERSE('L5K', 'I5K'); CALL nzm..INVERSE_SMALL('L5K', 'S5K'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('A5K' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('L5K' ); 116 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('I5K' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('S5K' ); CALL nzm..CREATE_RANDOM_MATRIX('A4K', 4000, 4000); CALL nzm..GEMM_LARGE('A4K', FALSE,'A4K', TRUE,'L4K'); CALL nzm..INVERSE('L4K', 'I4K'); CALL nzm..INVERSE_SMALL('L4K', 'S4K'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('A4K' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('L4K' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('I4K' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('S4K' ); CALL nzm..CREATE_RANDOM_MATRIX('A3K', 3000, 3000); CALL nzm..GEMM_LARGE('A3K', FALSE,'A3K', TRUE,'L3K'); CALL nzm..INVERSE('L3K', 'I3K'); CALL nzm..INVERSE_SMALL('L3K', 'S3K'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('A2K' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('L2K' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('I2K' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('S2K' ); CALL nzm..CREATE_RANDOM_MATRIX('A2K', 2000, 2000); CALL nzm..GEMM_LARGE('A2K', FALSE,'A2K', TRUE,'L2K'); CALL nzm..INVERSE('L2K', 'I2K'); CALL nzm..INVERSE_SMALL('L2K', 'S2K'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('A2K' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('L2K' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('I2K' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('S2K' ); CALL nzm..CREATE_RANDOM_MATRIX('A15K', 1500, 1500); CALL nzm..GEMM_LARGE('A15K', FALSE,'A15K', TRUE,'L15K'); CALL nzm..INVERSE('L15K', 'I15K'); CALL nzm..INVERSE_SMALL('L15K', 'S15K'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('A15K' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('L15K' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('I15K' ); 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 117 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('S15K' ); CALL nzm..CREATE_RANDOM_MATRIX('A1K', 1000, 1000); CALL nzm..GEMM_LARGE('A1K', FALSE,'A1K', TRUE,'L1K'); CALL nzm..INVERSE('L1K', 'I1K'); CALL nzm..INVERSE_SMALL('L1K', 'S1K'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('A1K' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('L1K' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('I1K' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('S1K' ); CALL nzm..CREATE_RANDOM_MATRIX('A05K', 500, 500); CALL nzm..GEMM_LARGE('A05K', FALSE,'A05K', TRUE,'L05K'); CALL nzm..INVERSE('L05K', 'I05K'); CALL nzm..INVERSE_SMALL('L05K', 'S05K'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('A05K' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('L05K' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('I05K' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('S05K' ); CALL nzm..CREATE_RANDOM_MATRIX('A25K', 250, 250); CALL nzm..GEMM_LARGE('A25K', FALSE,'A25K', TRUE,'L25K'); CALL nzm..INVERSE('L25K', 'I25K'); CALL nzm..INVERSE_SMALL('L25K', 'S25K'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('A25K' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('L25K' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('I25K' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('S25K' ); CALL nzm..CREATE_RANDOM_MATRIX('A10K', 100, 100); CALL nzm..GEMM_LARGE('A10K', FALSE,'A10K', TRUE,'L10K'); CALL nzm..INVERSE('L10K', 'I10K'); CALL nzm..INVERSE_SMALL('L10K', 'S10K'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('A10K' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('L10K' ); 118 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('I10K' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('S10K' ); CALL nzm..CREATE_RANDOM_MATRIX('A10K', 10, 10); CALL nzm..GEMM_LARGE('A10K', FALSE,'A10K', TRUE,'L10K'); CALL nzm..INVERSE('L10K', 'I10K'); CALL nzm..INVERSE_SMALL('L10K', 'S10K'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('A10K' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('L10K' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('I10K' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('S10K' ); CREATE_ONES_MATRIX -------------------t (1 row) INVERSE --------t (1 row) PRINT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- matrix: B -0.11111111111111, 0.11111111111111, 0.11111111111111 0.11111111111111, 0.11111111111111, 0.11111111111111 0.11111111111111, 0.11111111111111, 0.11111111111111 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 119 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations IS_INITIALIZED - Is Initialized This procedure checks if the matrix enviroment is initialized. Usage The IS_INITIALIZED stored procedure has the following syntax: ► IS_INITIALIZED(); ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE if the matrix environment is initialized; FALSE otherwise. Examples CALL nzm..IS_INITIALIZED(); IS_INITIALIZED ---------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations KILL_ENGINE - Kill the Matrix Engine This procedure kills the Matrix Engine. Usage The KILL_ENGINE stored procedure has the following syntax: 120 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations ► KILL_ENGINE(engineID); ▲ Parameters ► engineID The ID of the engine to be killed. Type: INT8 ▲ Returns INT Returns 0 on success. Details This procedure is used to kill the Matrix Engine. It can be used to abort a long-running computation, to clean up processes after an error has occurred, or to remove failed jobs from the queue. Examples CALL nzm..KILL_ENGINE(123456789); KILL_ENGINE ------------0 (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations KRONECKER - Kronecker Product This procedure computes the Kronecker product of two matrices. Usage The KRONECKER stored procedure has the following syntax: ► KRONECKER(matrixAname, matrixBname, matrixCname); ▲ Parameters ► matrixAname The name of input matrix A. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixBname The name of input matrix B. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 121 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide ► matrixCname The name of output matrix C. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE, if successful. Details Matrices A and B DO NOT need to have the same dimensions, that is, number of rows and columns. The resulting matrix C has dimensions corresponding to the products of the respective dimensions of A and B. Matrix C must not exist prior to the operation. If A is an m by n matrix and B is a k by l matrix, then the Kronecker product m * k by n * l matrix such that C_{i * k + r, j * l + s} = A_{i, j} * B_{r, s}. Examples CALL nzm..SHAPE('1,10,1000,10000', 2, 2, 'A'); CALL nzm..SHAPE('2,5,7,19', 2, 2, 'B'); CALL nzm..KRONECKER('A', 'B', 'C'); CALL nzm..PRINT('C'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('A' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('B' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('C' ); SHAPE ------t (1 row) SHAPE ------t (1 row) KRONECKER ----------t (1 row) PRINT 122 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- matrix: C -2, 5, 20, 50 7, 19, 70, 190 2000, 5000, 20000, 50000 7000, 19000, 70000, 190000 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations LE - Elementwise less than or equal This procedure implements an elementwise computation of the C := A <= B comparison, where A, B, and C are matrices. Usage The LE stored procedure has the following syntax: ► LE(matrixAname, matrixBname, matrixCname); ▲ Parameters ► matrixAname The name of input matrix A. 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 123 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixBname The name of input matrix B. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixCname The name of output matrix C. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE, if successful. Details Matrices A and B must have the same number of dimensions, that is, the same number of rows and columns. The output matrix C is given the same shape. Matrix C must not exist prior to the operation. C is a matrix containing only zeros and ones, corresponding to FALSE and TRUE at respective positions. Examples CALL nzm..SHAPE('1,2,3,4,5,0,6,7,8', 3, 3, 'A'); CALL nzm..SHAPE('1,15,5,7', 3, 3, 'B'); CALL nzm..LE('A', 'B', 'C'); CALL nzm..PRINT('C'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('A' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('B' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('C' ); SHAPE ------t (1 row) SHAPE ------t (1 row) LE ---- 124 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations t (1 row) PRINT ------------------------------------------ matrix: C -1, 1, 1 1, 0, 1 0, 1, 0 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations LINEAR_COMBINATION - Linear Combination of Matrix Components This procedure implements linear combination of matrix components, computing matC:=aVal*matA^transposeA + bVal*matB^transposeB + cVal, where: matA,matB - input matrices matC - output matrix aVal, bVal, cVal - coefficients transposeA, transposeB - boolean parameters indicating whether matA and matB should be transposed dur- 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 125 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide ing the operation. Usage The LINEAR_COMBINATION stored procedure has the following syntax: ► LINEAR_COMBINATION(matrixA, transposeA, aValue, matrixB, transposeB, bValue, cValue, matrixC); ▲ Parameters ► matrixA The name of the input matrix A. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► transposeA Specifies whether matrix A must be transposed. Type: BOOLEAN ► aValue The value of the factor a. Type: DOUBLE ► matrixB The name of the input matrix A. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► transposeB Specifies whether matrix A must be transposed. Type: BOOLEAN ► bValue The value of the factor b. Type: DOUBLE ► cValue The value of the factor c. Type: DOUBLE ► matrixC The name of the output matrix C. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE always. Examples CALL nzm..create_ones_matrix('A', 4, 4); CALL nzm..set_value('A', 1, 2, 2); 126 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations CALL nzm..set_value('A', 1, 3, 3); CALL nzm..set_value('A', 1, 4, 4); CALL nzm..create_identity_matrix('B', 4); CALL nzm..set_value('B', 4, 1, 10); CALL nzm..linear_combination('A', FALSE, 1.5, 'B', FALSE, 1, 1, 'AB'); CALL nzm..linear_combination('A', TRUE, 1.5, 'B', FALSE, 1, 1, 'AtB'); CALL nzm..linear_combination('A', FALSE, 1.5, 'B', TRUE, 1, 1, 'ABt'); CALL nzm..linear_combination('A', TRUE, 1.5, 'B', TRUE, 1, 1, 'AtBt'); CALL nzm..print('A'); CALL nzm..print('B'); CALL nzm..print('AB'); CALL nzm..print('AtB'); CALL nzm..print('ABt'); CALL nzm..print('AtBt'); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('A'); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('B'); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('AB'); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('AtB'); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('ABt'); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('AtBt'); CREATE_ONES_MATRIX -------------------t (1 row) SET_VALUE ----------t (1 row) SET_VALUE ----------- 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 127 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide t (1 row) SET_VALUE ----------t (1 row) CREATE_IDENTITY_MATRIX -----------------------t (1 row) SET_VALUE ----------t (1 row) LINEAR_COMBINATION -------------------t (1 row) LINEAR_COMBINATION -------------------t (1 row) LINEAR_COMBINATION -------------------t (1 row) LINEAR_COMBINATION -------------------t (1 row) PRINT 128 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations -------------------------------------------------------------- matrix: A -1, 2, 3, 4 1, 1, 1, 1 1, 1, 1, 1 1, 1, 1, 1 (1 row) PRINT --------------------------------------------------------------- matrix: B -1, 0, 0, 0 0, 1, 0, 0 0, 0, 1, 0 10, 0, 0, 1 (1 row) PRINT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- matrix: AB -3.5, 4, 5.5, 7 2.5, 3.5, 2.5, 2.5 2.5, 2.5, 3.5, 2.5 12.5, 2.5, 2.5, 3.5 (1 row) PRINT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- matrix: AtB -3.5, 2.5, 2.5, 2.5 4, 3.5, 2.5, 2.5 5.5, 2.5, 3.5, 2.5 17, 2.5, 2.5, 3.5 (1 row) PRINT 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 129 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- matrix: ABt -3.5, 4, 5.5, 17 2.5, 3.5, 2.5, 2.5 2.5, 2.5, 3.5, 2.5 2.5, 2.5, 2.5, 3.5 (1 row) PRINT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- matrix: AtBt -3.5, 2.5, 2.5, 12.5 4, 3.5, 2.5, 2.5 5.5, 2.5, 3.5, 2.5 7, 2.5, 2.5, 3.5 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t 130 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations LIST_MATRICES - Lists all Matrices in the Connected Database This procedure lists all matrices in the connected database. Usage The LIST_MATRICES stored procedure has the following syntax: ► LIST_MATRICES(); ▲ Returns NVARCHAR(ANY) A linefeed-separated (and terminated) string of matrix names. Details This procedure returns a linefeed-separated string of matrix names. Examples CALL nzm..SHAPE('0', 3, 3, 'A'); CALL nzm..SHAPE('1', 3, 3, 'B'); CALL nzm..LIST_MATRICES(); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('A' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('B' ); SHAPE ------t (1 row) 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 131 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide SHAPE ------t (1 row) LIST_MATRICES --------------A B (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations LN_ELEMENTS - Elementwise LN Function This procedure implements an elementwise natural log calculation for the specified block of elements. Usage The LN_ELEMENTS stored procedure has the following syntax: ► LN_ELEMENTS('matrixIn', 'matrixOut', row_start, col_start, row_stop, col_stop) ▲ Parameters ► matrixIn The name of the input matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) 132 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations ► matrixOut The name of the output matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► row_start The first row of the input matrix to use. Type: INT4 ► col_start The first column of the input matrix to use. Type: INT4 ► row_stop The last row of the input matrix to use. Type: INT4 ► col_stop The last column of the input matrix to use. Type: INT4 ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE, if successful. Examples CALL nzm..SHAPE('1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16',4,4,'A'); CALL nzm..LN_ELEMENTS('A', 'B', 2, 2, 3, 3); CALL nzm..PRINT('B'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('A' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('B' ); SHAPE ------t (1 row) LN_ELEMENTS ------------t (1 row) PRINT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 133 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide -- matrix: B -1, 2, 3, 4 5, 1.7917594692281, 1.9459101490553, 8 9, 2.302585092994, 2.3978952727984, 12 13, 14, 15, 16 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations LN_ELEMENTS - Elementwise LN Function (entire matrix operation) This procedure implements an elementwise natural log calculation. Usage The LN_ELEMENTS stored procedure has the following syntax: ► LN_ELEMENTS('matrixIn', 'matrixOut') ▲ Parameters ► matrixIn The name of the input matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixOut The name of the output matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ 134 Returns BOOLEAN TRUE, if successful. 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations Examples CALL nzm..SHAPE('1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16',4,4,'A'); CALL nzm..LN_ELEMENTS('A', 'B'); CALL nzm..PRINT('B'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('A' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('B' ); SHAPE ------t (1 row) LN_ELEMENTS ------------t (1 row) PRINT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- matrix: B -0, 0.69314718055995, 1.0986122886681, 1.3862943611199 1.6094379124341, 1.7917594692281, 1.9459101490553, 2.0794415416798 2.1972245773362, 2.302585092994, 2.3978952727984, 2.484906649788 2.5649493574615, 2.6390573296153, 2.7080502011022, 2.7725887222398 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 135 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations LOC - Locate Non-zero Elements This procedure locates the vector of positions of non-zero elements. Usage The LOC stored procedure has the following syntax: ► LOC(NVARCHAR(ANY) matrixIn, NVARCHAR(ANY) matrixOut); ▲ Parameters ► matrixIn The name of the input matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixOut The name of the output matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE, if successful. Details The procedure returns a row vector of indices positioning the non-zero elements of the input matrix. Index values are in row-major order, and the indices must be in the range from 1 to the number of elements in the first argument. If all elements are zero, the result is a NULL, as a matrix with zero rows and zero columns cannot be created, and an error occurs. The statement loc('AA','CC'); for a one row matrix AA={25,0,71,18} returns a row vector {1,3,4}. The output matrix must not exist prior to the operation. Examples CALL nzm..SHAPE('0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,0,0,0,0,3,4,5',4,4,'A'); CALL nzm..LOC('A', 'B'); 136 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations CALL nzm..PRINT('B'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('A' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('B' ); SHAPE ------t (1 row) LOC ----t (1 row) PRINT ----------------------------------------------------- matrix: B -2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 14, 15, 16 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations LOG_ELEMENTS - Elementwise log Function of any base This procedure implements the elementwise log operation of any base. 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 137 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide Usage The LOG_ELEMENTS stored procedure has the following syntax: ► LOG_ELEMENTS('matrixIn', 'matrixOut', log_base) ▲ Parameters ► matrixIn The name of the input matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixOut The name of the output matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► log_base The base to use for the log operation. Type: INT4 ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE, if successful. Examples CALL nzm..SHAPE('1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16',4,4,' A'); CALL nzm..LOG_ELEMENTS('A', 'B', 3); CALL nzm..PRINT('B'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('A' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('B' ); SHAPE ------t (1 row) LOG_ELEMENTS -------------t (1 row) 138 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations PRINT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- matrix: B -0, 0.63092975357146, 1, 1.2618595071429 1.4649735207179, 1.6309297535715, 1.7712437491614, 1.8927892607144 2, 2.0959032742894, 2.1826583386441, 2.2618595071429 2.3347175194728, 2.4021735027329, 2.4649735207179, 2.5237190142858 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations LOG_ELEMENTS - Elementwise log Function of any base for the specified block of elements This procedure implements the elementwise log operation of any base for the specified block of elements. Usage The LOG_ELEMENTS stored procedure has the following syntax: ► LOG_ELEMENTS('matrixIn', 'matrixOut', log_base, row_start, col_start, row_stop, col_stop) ▲ Parameters ► matrixIn The name of the input matrix. 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 139 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixOut The name of the output matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► log_base The base to use for the log operation. Type: INT4 ► row_start The first row of the input matrix to use. Type: INT4 ► col_start The first column of the input matrix to use. Type: INT4 ► row_stop The last row of the input matrix to use. Type: INT4 ► col_stop The last column of the input matrix to use. Type: INT4 ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE, if successful. Examples CALL nzm..SHAPE('1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16',4,4,' A'); CALL nzm..LOG_ELEMENTS('A', 'B', 3 , 2, 2, 3, 3); CALL nzm..PRINT('B'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('A' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('B' ); SHAPE ------t (1 row) LOG_ELEMENTS 140 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations -------------t (1 row) PRINT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- matrix: B -1, 2, 3, 4 5, 1.6309297535715, 1.7712437491614, 8 9, 2.0959032742894, 2.1826583386441, 12 13, 14, 15, 16 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations LOG_ELEMENTS - Elementwise log Function of base 10 This procedure implements the elementwise log operation of base 10. Usage The LOG_ELEMENTS stored procedure has the following syntax: ► LOG_ELEMENTS('matrixIn', 'matrixOut') ▲ Parameters ► matrixIn The name of the input matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 141 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide ► matrixOut The name of the output matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE, if successful. Examples CALL nzm..SHAPE('1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16',4,4,' A'); CALL nzm..LOG_ELEMENTS('A', 'B'); CALL nzm..PRINT('B'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('A' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('B' ); SHAPE ------t (1 row) LOG_ELEMENTS -------------t (1 row) PRINT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- matrix: B -0, 0.30102999566398, 0.47712125471966, 0.60205999132796 0.69897000433602, 0.77815125038364, 0.84509804001426, 0.90308998699194 0.95424250943932, 1, 1.0413926851582, 1.0791812460476 1.1139433523068, 1.1461280356782, 1.1760912590557, 142 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations 1.2041199826559 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations LT - Elementwise Less Than This procedure implements elementwise computation of the C := A < B comparison, where A, B, and C are matrices. Usage The LT stored procedure has the following syntax: ► LT(matrixAname,matrixBname,matrixCname); ▲ Parameters ► matrixAname The name of input matrix A. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixBname The name of input matrix B. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixCname The name of output matrix C. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE, if successful. Details Matrices A and B must have the same number of dimensions, that is, the same number of rows and 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 143 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide columns. The output matrix C is given the same shape. Matrix C must not exist prior to the operation. C is a matrix containing only zeros and ones, corresponding to FALSE and TRUE at respective positions. Examples CALL nzm..SHAPE('1,2,3,4,5,0,6,7,8', 3, 3, 'A'); CALL nzm..SHAPE('1,15,5,7', 3, 3, 'B'); CALL nzm..LT('A', 'B', 'C'); CALL nzm..PRINT('C'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('A' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('B' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('C' ); SHAPE ------t (1 row) SHAPE ------t (1 row) LT ---t (1 row) PRINT ------------------------------------------ matrix: C -0, 1, 1 1, 0, 1 0, 0, 0 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX 144 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations MATRIX_EXISTS - Check if a Matrix Exists This procedure checks if a matrix with the specified name exists. Usage The MATRIX_EXISTS stored procedure has the following syntax: ► MATRIX_EXISTS(NVARCHAR(ANY) mat_name); ▲ Parameters ► mat_name The matrix name. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE, if the matrix exists. Examples CALL nzm..SHAPE('1,2,3,4,5,0,6,7,8', 3, 3, 'A'); CALL nzm..MATRIX_EXISTS('A'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('A' ); SHAPE ------t 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 145 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide (1 row) MATRIX_EXISTS --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations MATRIX_VECTOR_OPERATION - Elementwise Matrix-vector Operation This procedure implements elementwise matrix-vector operations. Usage The MATRIX_VECTOR_OPERATION stored procedure has the following syntax: ► MATRIX_VECTOR_OPERATION('matrixIn', 'matrixOut', 'vector', 'operator', 'orientation') ▲ Parameters ► Input The name of the input matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► Output The name of the output matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► Vector The name of the vector matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► operator The operator to use. Must be one of the following: + - * / % ^ & | Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► 146 Orientation The orientation of the operation, that is, whether it should be applied to 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations 'r' - rows: [Input matrix][i,j] -> [Input matrix][i,j] [operator] [vector][j] 'c' - columns 'd' - diagonal. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE, if successful. Details The procedure implements elementwise matrix-vector operations. Depending on the specified orientation, each row, column or the diagonal X is transformed in the form X_new:=X [operator] 'vector'. Examples CALL nzm..SHAPE('1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9', 3, 3, 'A'); CALL nzm..REDUCE_TO_VECT('A','V','AVG',null,'r'); CALL nzm..MATRIX_VECTOR_OPERATION('A', 'B', 'V', '-','r'); CALL nzm..PRINT('A'); CALL nzm..PRINT('V'); CALL nzm..PRINT('B'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('A' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('B' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('V' ); SHAPE ------t (1 row) REDUCE_TO_VECT ---------------t (1 row) MATRIX_VECTOR_OPERATION ------------------------t (1 row) PRINT 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 147 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide ------------------------------------------ matrix: A -1, 2, 3 4, 5, 6 7, 8, 9 (1 row) PRINT -------------------------- matrix: V -4, 5, 6 (1 row) PRINT --------------------------------------------- matrix: B --3, -3, -3 0, 0, 0 3, 3, 3 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) 148 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations Related Functions ► category matrix operations MAX - Elementwise Maximum, Elementwise Logical OR This procedure implements an elementwise computation of C := max(A, B), where A, B, and C are matrices. Usage The MAX stored procedure has the following syntax: ► MAX(matrixAname, matrixBname, matrixCname); ▲ Parameters ► matrixAname The name of input matrix A. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixBname The name of input matrix B. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixCname The name of output matrix C. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE, if successful. Details If matrices A and B are logical matrices consisting of zeros (0) as FALSE and ones (1) as TRUE, then C := A | B (elementwise "OR"). Matrices A and B must have the same dimensions, that is, the same number of rows and columns. Matrix C is given the same shape. Matrix C must not exist prior to the operation Examples CALL nzm..SHAPE('1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9', 3, 3, 'A'); CALL nzm..SHAPE('9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1', 3, 3, 'B'); CALL nzm..MAX('A','B','C'); CALL nzm..PRINT('C'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('A' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('B' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('C' ); SHAPE ------- 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 149 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide t (1 row) SHAPE ------t (1 row) MAX ----t (1 row) PRINT ------------------------------------------ matrix: C -9, 8, 7 6, 5, 6 7, 8, 9 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) 150 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations Related Functions ► category matrix operations MIN - Elementwise Minimum, Elementwise Logical AND This procedure implements an elementwise computation of C := min(A, B), where A, B, and C are matrices. Usage The MIN stored procedure has the following syntax: ► MIN(matrixAname, matrixBname, matrixCname); ▲ Parameters ► matrixAname The name of input matrix A. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixBname The name of input matrix B. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixCname The name of output matrix C. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE, if successful. Details If matrices A and B are logical matrices consisting of zeros (0) as FALSE and ones (1) as TRUE, then C := A | B (elementwise "AND"). Matrices A and B must have the same dimensions, that is, the same number of rows and columns. Matrix C is given the same shape. Matrix C must not exist prior to the operation Examples CALL nzm..SHAPE('1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9', 3, 3, 'A'); CALL nzm..SHAPE('9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1', 3, 3, 'B'); CALL nzm..MIN('A','B','C'); CALL nzm..PRINT('C'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('A' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('B' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('C' ); SHAPE ------- 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 151 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide t (1 row) SHAPE ------t (1 row) MIN ----t (1 row) PRINT ------------------------------------------ matrix: C -1, 2, 3 4, 5, 4 3, 2, 1 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) 152 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations Related Functions ► category matrix operations MOD_ELEMENTS - Elementwise MOD Function This function implements the elementwise modulo operation for the specified block of elements. Usage The MOD_ELEMENTS stored procedure has the following syntax: ► MOD_ELEMENTS('matrixIn','matrixOut',divisor, row_start, col_start, row_stop, col_stop) ▲ Parameters ► matrixIn The name of the input matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixOut The name of the output matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► divisor The divisor. Type: DOUBLE ► row_start The first row of the input matrix to use. Type: INT4 ► col_start The first column of the input matrix to use. Type: INT4 ► row_stop The last row of the input matrix to use. Type: INT4 ► col_stop The last column of the input matrix to use. Type: INT4 ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE, if successful. Examples CALL nzm..SHAPE('1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9', 3, 3, 'A'); CALL nzm..MOD_ELEMENTS('A', 'B', 3 , 2, 2, 2, 2); 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 153 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide CALL nzm..PRINT('B'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('A' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('B' ); SHAPE ------t (1 row) MOD_ELEMENTS -------------t (1 row) PRINT ------------------------------------------ matrix: B -1, 2, 3 4, 2, 6 7, 8, 9 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► 154 category matrix operations 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations MOD_ELEMENTS - Elementwise MOD Function (entire matrix operation) This procedure implements an elementwise modulo operation. Usage The MOD_ELEMENTS stored procedure has the following syntax: ► MOD_ELEMENTS('matrixIn','matrixOut',divisor) ▲ Parameters ► matrixIn The name of the input matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixOut The name of the output matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► divisor The divisor to use. Type: DOUBLE ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE, if successful. Examples CALL nzm..SHAPE('1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9', 3, 3, 'A'); CALL nzm..MOD_ELEMENTS('A', 'B', 3 ); CALL nzm..PRINT('B'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('A' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('B' ); SHAPE ------t (1 row) MOD_ELEMENTS -------------t (1 row) PRINT 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 155 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide ------------------------------------------ matrix: B -1, 2, 0 1, 2, 0 1, 2, 0 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations MTX_LINEAR_REGRESSION - Linear Regression This procedure creates the linear regression model using data stored in a matrix. Usage The MTX_LINEAR_REGRESSION stored procedure has the following syntax: ► MTX_LINEAR_REGRESSION(NVARCHAR(ANY) modelName, NVARCHAR(ANY) predictorsMatrixName, NVARCHAR(ANY) predictedMatrixName, BOOLEAN includeIntercept, BOOLEAN calculateDiagnostics, BOOLEAN useSVDSolver); ▲ Parameters ► modelName The name of the created model. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► predictorsMatrixName The name of the matrix containing the predictors. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) 156 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations ► predictedMatrixName The name of the matrix containing predicted values. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► includeIntercept Specified whether the intercept term should be included in the model. Type: BOOLEAN ► calculateDiagnostics Specified whether diagnostics information should be provided. Type: BOOLEAN ► useSVDSolver Specifies whether Singular Value Decomposition and matrix multiplication should be used for solving the matrix equation. Type: BOOLEAN ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE only if the diagnostical information has been generated, for example, in the case of calculateDiagnostics=TRUE and number of model parameters larger than number of observations. Details This procedure builds the linear regression model using the QR solver of a non-singular model matrix, or the Moore-Penrose pseudoinversion in the case of a near-singular or exactly singular model matrix. Input data should be provided as Database Matrix Objects with observations provided in rows, and predictors in columns. The matrix of predicted values may contain multiple columns, that is, multiple predicted values. The diagnostic information, if requested, is saved as a set of matrices of names starting with modelName_linearmodel prefix. The set consists of following matrices: modelName_linearmodel_R2 - row vector containing R^2 (being a fraction of variance explained by the model) of models created for each output attribute (when calculateDiagnostics is TRUE) modelName_linearmodel_RSS - row vector containing Residual Sum of Squares of models created for each output attribute (when calculateDiagnostics is TRUE) modelName_linearmodel_SDEV - the matrix of standard deviations of model coefficients (when calculateDiagnostics is TRUE, diagnostics is possible and model is overdetermined) modelName_linearmodel_TVAL - the matrix of the test statistics for the models' coefficients (when calculateDiagnostics is TRUE, diagnostics is possible and model is overdetermined) modelName_linearmodel_PVAL - the matrix of the two--sided p-values for the models' coefficients (when calculateDiagnostics is TRUE, diagnostics is possible and model is overdetermined) modelName_linearmodel_Y_VAR_EST - the row vector containing the estimators of a variance of error term for each predicted variable (when calculateDiagnostics is TRUE, diagnostics is possible and model is overdetermined) Model coefficients are saved as the matrix named modelName_linearmodel. The constructed model can be applied to the data using the MTX_LINEAR_REGRESSION_APPLY procedure. Note that use of the Singular Value Decomposition and matrix multiplication is slower than the standard calculation, but is more stable in the case of an ill-posed, that is, near colinear, regression model. 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 157 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide Examples call nzm..shape('1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9', 100, 10, 'LR_EXAMPLE'); call nzm..shape('9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1', 10, 1, 'LR_EXAMPLE_TRUE_COEFFS'); call nzm..gemm('LR_EXAMPLE', 'LR_EXAMPLE_TRUE_COEFFS', 'LR_EXAMPLE_PREDICTED'); call nzm..mtx_linear_regression('LR_EXAMPLE_MODEL','LR_EXAMPLE ', 'LR_EXAMPLE_PREDICTED', FALSE, FALSE, FALSE); --- result verification call nzm..copy_submatrix('LR_EXAMPLE_MODEL_linearmodel', 'LR_EXAMPLE_MODEL_linearmodel_eff', 1, 10, 1, 1); call nzm..subtract('LR_EXAMPLE_TRUE_COEFFS', 'LR_EXAMPLE_MODEL_linearmodel_eff', 'LR_EXAMPLE_MODEL_verif1'); call nzm..red_max_abs('LR_EXAMPLE_MODEL_verif1'); call nzm..delete_all_matrices(); SHAPE ------t (1 row) SHAPE ------t (1 row) GEMM -----t (1 row) MTX_LINEAR_REGRESSION ----------------------f (1 row) 158 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations COPY_SUBMATRIX ---------------t (1 row) SUBTRACT ---------t (1 row) RED_MAX_ABS ----------------8.3857463735873 (1 row) DELETE_ALL_MATRICES --------------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations MTX_LINEAR_REGRESSION_APPLY - Linear Regression Model Applier This procedure applies a linear regression matrix model to data stored in a matrix. Usage The MTX_LINEAR_REGRESSION_APPLY stored procedure has the following syntax: ► MTX_LINEAR_REGRESSION_APPLY(NVARCHAR(ANY) modelName, NVARCHAR(ANY) predictorsMatrixName, NVARCHAR(ANY) predictedMatrixName); ▲ Parameters ► modelName The name of the created model. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 predictorsMatrixName The name of the matrix containing the predictors. 159 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► predictedMatrixName The name of the matrix containing predicted values. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE always. Details This procedure applies the linear regression model built with the MTX_LINEAR_REGRESSION procedure to the provided data. Input data should be provided as Database Matrix Objects with observations provided in rows, and predictors in columns. The matrix of predicted values may contain multiple columns, that is, multiple predicted values. Examples call nzm..shape('1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9', 100, 10, 'LR_EXAMPLE'); call nzm..shape('9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1', 10, 1, 'LR_EXAMPLE_TRUE_COEFFS'); call nzm..gemm('LR_EXAMPLE', 'LR_EXAMPLE_TRUE_COEFFS', 'LR_EXAMPLE_TRUEVAL'); call nzm..mtx_linear_regression('LR_EXAMPLE_MODEL', 'LR_EXAMPLE', 'LR_EXAMPLE_TRUEVAL', FALSE, FALSE, FALSE); call nzm..mtx_linear_regression_apply('LR_EXAMPLE_MODEL', 'LR_EXAMPLE', 'LR_EXAMPLE_PREDICTED'); call nzm..subtract('LR_EXAMPLE_PREDICTED', 'LR_EXAMPLE_TRUEVAL', 'LR_EXAMPLE_MODEL_verif'); call nzm..red_max_abs('LR_EXAMPLE_MODEL_verif'); call nzm..delete_all_matrices(); SHAPE ------t (1 row) SHAPE ------t (1 row) GEMM 160 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations -----t (1 row) MTX_LINEAR_REGRESSION ----------------------f (1 row) MTX_LINEAR_REGRESSION_APPLY ----------------------------(1 row) SUBTRACT ---------t (1 row) RED_MAX_ABS --------------------1.1368683772162e-13 (1 row) DELETE_ALL_MATRICES --------------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations MTX_PCA - Principal Component Analysis (PCA) This procedure performs a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) using data stored in a matrix. Usage The MTX_PCA stored procedure has the following syntax: 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 161 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide ► MTX_PCA(NVARCHAR(ANY) modelName, NVARCHAR(ANY) dataMatrixName, BOOLEAN forceSufficientStats, BOOLEAN centerData, BOOLEAN scaleData, BOOLEAN saveScores); ▲ Parameters ► modelName The name of the created model. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► dataMatrixName The name of the matrix containing the data. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► forceSufficientStats Specifies whether the PCA should be based on a covariance matrix even if SVD can be performed. Type: BOOLEAN Default: FALSE ► centerData Specifies whether the model should include data centering, that is, subtraction of the mean estimator. Type: BOOLEAN Default: TRUE ► scaleData Specifies whether the model should include data scaling, which is division by a nonzero standard deviation estimator. When data scaling is performed the resulting PCA model is equivalent to a model based on the correlation matrix Type: BOOLEAN Default: TRUE ► saveScores Specifies whether the PCA scores of individual observations are to be saved. Type: BOOLEAN Default: FALSE ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE always. Details This procedure constructs a PCA model of the data and provides a corresponding transformation into principal components, which can then be applied using MTX_PCA_APPLY. Input data should be provided as Database Matrix Objects, with observations provided in rows, and attributes in columns. The PCA can be constructed using two strategies: SVD decomposition, which is more accurate but 162 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations at the expense of speed and memory, or by finding the eigenvectors of the unbiased covariance matrix estimator. If the parameter forceSufficientStats is not TRUE, the best strategy, that is, the one providing the most accurate solution based on data size and memory availability, is used. Based on the specified parameters, the data matrix can be centered and scaled. In that case the corresponding parameters, the mean and variance estimators are calculated and become part of the model. When included in the model, centering and scaling is also performed during the application step. Data centering (assuring that mean of each attribute is equal to 0) is an assumption of PCA method - failing to meet it usually causes serious model degradation. Data scaling (assuring that the variance of each attribute is equal to 1) usually provides better approximation of the data in case of the presence of attributes that differ in orders of magnitude. It is equivalent to perform the PCA using the correlation instead of covariance matrix. In order to express the model being created, the procedure creates a set of matrices, using the modelName parameter as the prefix for given matrix name. The set consists of following matrices: {prefix}_PCA_ATTMEAN - row vector containing mean values of the attributes (when centerData is TRUE) {prefix}_PCA_ATTSD - row vector containing standard deviations of the attributes (when scaleData is TRUE) {prefix}_PCA_ATTSD_DIV - row vector containing reciprocals of non-zero standard deviations of the attributes or value 1 (when scaleData is TRUE) {prefix}_PCA_SDEV - row vector containing standard deviations of the principal components {prefix}_PCA - the matrix of loadings (a matrix whose columns contain the eigenvectors of the covariance matrix) {prefix}_PCA_SCORES - the matrix of scores containing projections of individual obervations to principal components (when saveScores is TRUE) Examples call nzm..shape('1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9', 1, 3, 'PCA_TEST'); call nzm..shape('9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1', 10, 1, 'PCA_TEST_SOURCE_PRE'); --- expected value is 0.0 call nzm..SCALAR_OPERATION('PCA_TEST_SOURCE_PRE','PCA_TEST_SOURCE', '-', 0.5); call nzm..gemm('PCA_TEST_SOURCE', 'PCA_TEST', 'PCA_TEST_VALS'); call nzm..mtx_pca('PCA_TEST_MOD', 'PCA_TEST_VALS', FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE); call nzm..list_matrices(); --- std dev in each direction (in this example real value of all components other than the first one should be 0) call nzm..print('PCA_TEST_MOD_PCA_SDEV'); call nzm..print('PCA_TEST_MOD_PCA_SCORES'); --- projecting on the original value (first column) 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 163 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide call nzm..gemm_large('PCA_TEST_VALS', FALSE, 'PCA_TEST_MOD_PCA', FALSE, 'PCA_TEST_PROJ'); --- resulting value (first column of PCA_TEST_PROJ) is proportional to original one (PCA_TEST_VALS): PCA_TEST_PROJ[1,] ~~PCA_TEST_SOURCE * sqrt(nzm..red_ssq('PCA_TEST')) call nzm..delete_matrix_like('PCA\_TEST%'); SHAPE ------t (1 row) SHAPE ------t (1 row) SCALAR_OPERATION -----------------t (1 row) GEMM -----t (1 row) MTX_PCA --------t (1 row) LI ST_MATRICES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PCA_TEST PCA_TEST_MOD_PCA 164 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations PCA_TEST_MOD_PCA_SCORES PCA_TEST_MOD_PCA_SDEV PCA_TEST_SOURCE PCA_TEST_SOURCE_PRE PCA_TEST_VALS (1 row) PRINT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- matrix: PCA_TEST_MOD_PCA_SDEV -22.118368434905 2.4603199788269e-16 9.9446202776076e-17 (1 row) PRINT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- matrix: PCA_TEST_MOD_PCA_SCORES --31.804087787578, -1.4567015001103e-16, 1.2617124776816e-16 -28.062430400805, -4.1645192033268e-17, -2.6226789760277e-16 -24.320773014031, -3.6092499762165e-17, 3.1261282628732e-17 -20.579115627257, -3.0539807491063e-17, 2.6451854532004e-17 -16.837458240483, -2.4987115219961e-17, 2.1642426435276e-17 -13.095800853709, 7.1866157069922e-16, 1.6832998338548e-17 -9.3541434669349, -1.3881730677756e-17, 1.202357024182e-17 -5.6124860801609, -8.3290384066535e-18, 7.2141421450919e-18 -1.870828693387, -2.7763461355512e-18, 2.404714048364e-18 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 165 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide -31.804087787578, -4.719788430437e-17, 4.0880138822188e17 (1 row) GEMM_LARGE -----------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX_LIKE -------------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations MTX_PCA - Principal Component Analysis (PCA) - Non-storing Individual Observations Version This procedure performs a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) using data stored in a matrix. Usage The MTX_PCA stored procedure has the following syntax: ► MTX_PCA(NVARCHAR(ANY) modelName, NVARCHAR(ANY) dataMatrixName, BOOLEAN forceSufficientStats, BOOLEAN centerData, BOOLEAN scaleData); ▲ Parameters ► modelName The name of the created model. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► dataMatrixName The name of the matrix containing the data. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► 166 forceSufficientStats Specifies whether the PCA should be based on a covariance matrix even if SVD can be performed. 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations Type: BOOLEAN Default: FALSE ► centerData Specifies whether the model should include data centering, that is, subtraction of the mean estimator. Type: BOOLEAN Default: TRUE ► scaleData Specifies whether the model should include data scaling, which is division by a non-zero standard deviation estimator. When data scaling is performed the resulting PCA model is equivalent to a model based on the correlation matrix. Type: BOOLEAN Default: TRUE ▲ Returns BOOLEAN Always returns TRUE. Details This procedure directly calls the BOOLEAN = nzm..mtx_PCA(NVARCHAR(ANY) modelName, NVARCHAR(ANY) dataMatrixName, BOOLEAN forceSufficientStats, BOOLEAN centerData, BOOLEAN scaleData, BOOLEAN saveScores) PCA variant with the saveScores input parameter set to FALSE. Examples call nzm..shape('1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9', 1, 3, 'PCA_TEST'); call nzm..shape('9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1', 10, 1, 'PCA_TEST_SOURCE_PRE'); --- expected value is 0.0 call nzm..SCALAR_OPERATION('PCA_TEST_SOURCE_PRE','PCA_TEST_SOURCE', '-', 0.5); call nzm..gemm('PCA_TEST_SOURCE', 'PCA_TEST', 'PCA_TEST_VALS'); call nzm..mtx_pca('PCA_TEST_MOD', 'PCA_TEST_VALS', FALSE, FALSE, FALSE); call nzm..list_matrices(); --- std dev in each direction (in this example real value of all components other than the first one should be 0) call nzm..print('PCA_TEST_MOD_PCA_SDEV'); --- projecting on the original value (first column) call nzm..gemm_large('PCA_TEST_VALS', FALSE, 'PCA_TEST_MOD_PCA', FALSE, 'PCA_TEST_PROJ'); 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 167 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide --- resulting value (first column of PCA_TEST_PROJ) is proportional to original one (PCA_TEST_VALS): PCA_TEST_PROJ[1,] ~~PCA_TEST_SOURCE * sqrt(nzm..red_ssq('PCA_TEST')) call nzm..delete_all_matrices(); SHAPE ------t (1 row) SHAPE ------t (1 row) SCALAR_OPERATION -----------------t (1 row) GEMM -----t (1 row) MTX_PCA --------t (1 row) LIST_MATRICES --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PCA_TEST PCA_TEST_MOD_PCA PCA_TEST_MOD_PCA_SDEV PCA_TEST_SOURCE PCA_TEST_SOURCE_PRE 168 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations PCA_TEST_VALS (1 row) PRINT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- matrix: PCA_TEST_MOD_PCA_SDEV -22.118368434905 1.4823621419932e-15 4.2901584776278e-16 (1 row) GEMM_LARGE -----------t (1 row) DELETE_ALL_MATRICES --------------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations MTX_PCA - Principal Component Analysis (PCA) - Simplified Version This procedure performs a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) using data stored in a matrix. Usage The MTX_PCA stored procedure has the following syntax: ► MTX_PCA(NVARCHAR(ANY) modelName, NVARCHAR(ANY) dataMatrixName); ▲ Parameters ► modelName The name of the created model. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 dataMatrixName The name of the matrix containing the data. 169 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ Returns BOOLEAN Always returns TRUE. Details This procedure directly calls the BOOLEAN = nzm..mtx_PCA(NVARCHAR(ANY) modelName, NVARCHAR(ANY) dataMatrixName, BOOLEAN forceSufficientStats, BOOLEAN centerData, BOOLEAN scaleData, BOOLEAN saveScores) PCA variant with input parameters set to: forceSufficientStats = FALSE, centerData = TRUE, scaleData = TRUE, saveScores = FALSE. Examples call nzm..shape('1,10', 1, 3, 'PCA_TEST'); call nzm..shape('10,20', 10, 1, 'PCA_TEST_SOURCE_PRE'); --- expected value is 0.0 call nzm..SCALAR_OPERATION('PCA_TEST_SOURCE_PRE','PCA_TEST_SOU RCE', '-', 0.5); call nzm..gemm('PCA_TEST_SOURCE', 'PCA_TEST', 'PCA_TEST_VALS'); call nzm..mtx_pca('PCA_TEST_MOD', 'PCA_TEST_VALS'); --- std dev in each direction (in this example real value of all components other than the first one should be 0) call nzm..print('PCA_TEST_MOD_PCA_SDEV'); --- projecting on the original value (first column) call nzm..gemm_large('PCA_TEST_VALS', FALSE, 'PCA_TEST_MOD_PCA', FALSE, 'PCA_TEST_PROJ'); --- resulting value (first column of PCA_TEST_PROJ) is proportional to original one (PCA_TEST_VALS): PCA_TEST_PROJ[1,] ~~PCA_TEST_SOURCE * sqrt(nzm..red_ssq('PCA_TEST')) call nzm..delete_all_matrices(); SHAPE ------t (1 row) SHAPE ------- 170 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations t (1 row) SCALAR_OPERATION -----------------t (1 row) GEMM -----t (1 row) MTX_PCA --------t (1 row) PRINT --------------------------------------------------------------------------- matrix: PCA_TEST_MOD_PCA_SDEV -1.7320508075689 3.6259732146947e-16 0 (1 row) GEMM_LARGE -----------t (1 row) DELETE_ALL_MATRICES --------------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 171 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide MTX_PCA_APPLY - PCA Model Applier This procedure applies a PCA matrix model to data stored in a matrix. Usage The MTX_PCA_APPLY stored procedure has the following syntax: ► MTX_PCA_APPLY(NVARCHAR(ANY) modelName, NVARCHAR(ANY) matrixToProject, NVARCHAR(ANY) outputMatrix, INT4 numberOfVectors); ▲ Parameters ► modelName The name of the created model. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixToProject The name of the matrix to be projected using the PCA model. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► outputMatrix The name of the matrix in which to store the result. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► numberOfVectors The number of principal components used in projection. Type: INT4 ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE always. Details This procedure applies a PCA transformation constructed using PCA to the provided Database Matrix Object. Each row of the provided matrix is projected on the number of principal components, specified by the numberOfVectors parameter. If an applied model was constructed with centering and scaling operations, the corresponding operations are performed on the provided data using model coefficients based on the original set. Examples call nzm..shape('1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9', 1, 4, 'PCA_TEST'); call nzm..shape('9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1', 100, 1, 'PCA_TEST_SOURCE'); call nzm..gemm('PCA_TEST_SOURCE', 'PCA_TEST', 'PCA_TEST_VALS'); 172 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations call nzm..mtx_pca('PCA_TEST_MOD', 'PCA_TEST_VALS', TRUE); FALSE, TRUE, --- std dev in each direction (in this example real value of all components other than the first one should be 0) call nzm..print('PCA_TEST_MOD_PCA_SDEV'); --- projecting on the original value (first column) call nzm..mtx_pca_apply('PCA_TEST_MOD', 'PCA_TEST_VALS', 'PCA_TEST_PROJ', 1); call nzm..delete_all_matrices(); SHAPE ------t (1 row) SHAPE ------t (1 row) GEMM -----t (1 row) MTX_PCA --------t (1 row) PRINT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- matrix: PCA_TEST_MOD_PCA_SDEV -2 2.0237717020326e-16 8.1474073981796e-17 7.9324562134617e-33 (1 row) 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 173 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide MTX_PCA_APPLY --------------t (1 row) DELETE_ALL_MATRICES --------------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations MTX_POW - nth Power of a Matrix This procedure multiplies a matrix n times. Usage The MTX_POW stored procedure has the following syntax: ► MTX_POW ▲ Parameters ► matrixAname The name of input matrix A. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► n The power used to raise the matrix. Type: INT4 ► matrixCname The name of output matrix C. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE, if successful. Details Implements the operation C := A ** n, where n is a natural number and A and C are matrices. Matrix A must be a square matrix. Matrix C must not exist prior to the operation. 174 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations NOTE: For larger exponents use the mtx_pow2 procedure, which is optimized for quicker calculation. Examples CALL nzm..shape('1,2,3,4,5,0,6,7,8',3,3,'A'); CALL nzm..mtx_pow('A',6,'B'); CALL nzm..print('B'); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('A'); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('B'); SHAPE ------t (1 row) MTX_POW --------t (1 row) PRINT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- matrix: B -488907, 624285, 431775 306552, 391737, 269148 1491562, 1904635, 1316950 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 175 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide Related Functions ► category matrix operations MTX_POW2 - nth Power of a Matrix This procedure, optimized for larger exponent values, multiplies a matrix n times. Usage The MTX_POW2 stored procedure has the following syntax: ► MTX_POW2(matrixAname,n,matrixCname); ▲ Parameters ► matrixAname The name of input matrix A. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► n The power used to raise the matrix. Type: INT4 ► matrixCname The name of output matrix C. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE, if successful. Details This procedure, like MTX_POW, implements the operation C := A ** n, where n is a natural number and A and C are matrices. However, this procedure is optimized for larger exponents. Matrix A must be a square matrix. Matrix C must not exist prior to the operation. Examples CALL nzm..shape('1,2,3,4,5,0,6,7,8',3,3,'A'); CALL nzm..mtx_pow2('A',6,'B'); CALL nzm..print('B'); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('A'); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('B'); SHAPE 176 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations ------t (1 row) MTX_POW2 ---------t (1 row) PRINT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- matrix: B -488907, 624285, 431775 306552, 391737, 269148 1491562, 1904635, 1316950 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations MULTIPLY_ELEMENTS - Multiply Matrices Element-by-element This procedure computes C, the element-by-element multiplication of A times B: Cij = Aij * Bij. Usage The MULTIPLY_ELEMENTS stored procedure has the following syntax: ► MULTIPLY_ELEMENTS(NVARCHAR(ANY) matrixA, NVARCHAR(ANY) matrixB, NVARCHAR(ANY) mat- 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 177 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide rixC); ▲ Parameters ► matrixA The name of input matrix A. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixB The name of input matrix B. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixC The name of output matrix C. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE always. Examples CALL nzm..SHAPE('1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16',4,4,' A'); CALL nzm..SHAPE('1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16',4,4,' B'); CALL nzm..MULTIPLY_ELEMENTS('A', 'B', 'C'); CALL nzm..PRINT('B'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('A' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('B' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('C' ); SHAPE ------t (1 row) SHAPE ------t (1 row) MULTIPLY_ELEMENTS ------------------- 178 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations t (1 row) PRINT -------------------------------------------------------------------- matrix: B -1, 2, 3, 4 5, 6, 7, 8 9, 10, 11, 12 13, 14, 15, 16 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations NE - Elementwise Not Equal This procedure implements an elementwise computation of the C := A <> B comparison, where A, B, and C are matrices. Usage The NE stored procedure has the following syntax: 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 179 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide ► NE(matrixAname,matrixBname,matrixCname); ▲ Parameters ► matrixAname The name of input matrix A. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixBname The name of input matrix B. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixCname The name of output matrix C. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE, if successful. Details Matrices A and B must have the same dimensions, that is, the same number of rows and columns. Matrix C is given the same shape. Matrix C must not exist prior to the operation. Matrix C contains only 0 and 1, corresponding to FALSE and TRUE at respective positions. Examples CALL nzm..shape('1,2,3,4,5,0,6,7,8',3,3,'A'); CALL nzm..shape('1,15,5,7',3,3,'B'); CALL'A','B','C'); CALL nzm..print('A'); CALL nzm..print('B'); CALL nzm..print('C'); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('A'); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('B'); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('C'); SHAPE ------t (1 row) SHAPE ------- 180 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations t (1 row) NE ---t (1 row) PRINT ------------------------------------------ matrix: A -1, 2, 3 4, 5, 0 6, 7, 8 (1 row) PRINT -------------------------------------------- matrix: B -1, 15, 5 7, 1, 15 5, 7, 1 (1 row) PRINT ------------------------------------------ matrix: C -0, 1, 1 1, 1, 1 1, 0, 1 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------- 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 181 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations NORMAL - Matrix of Random, Normally Distributed Values This procedure creates a new matrix filled with normally distributed random values using drand48_r. Usage The NORMAL stored procedure has the following syntax: ► NORMAL(matrixOut, numberOfRows, numberOfColumns , mean, stddev) ▲ Parameters ► matrixOut The name of the matrix to be generated. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► numberOfRows The number of rows to be included in the created matrix. Type: INT4 ► numberOfColumns The number of columns to be included in the created matrix. Type: INT4 ► mean The mean; default value is 0. Type: DOUBLE ► stddev The standard deviation; default value is 1. Type: DOUBLE ▲ 182 Returns 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations BOOLEAN TRUE, if successful. Details This procedure uses drand48_r. Examples CALL nzm..normal('A', 10, 10, 35.5, 48.7); CALL nzm..list_matrices(); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('A'); NORMAL -------t (1 row) LIST_MATRICES --------------A (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations NORMAL - Matrix of Random, Normally Distributed Values - Simplified Version This procedure creates a new matrix filled with normally distributed random values using drand48_r. Usage The NORMAL stored procedure has the following syntax: ► NORMAL(matrixOut, numberOfRows, numberOfColumns) ▲ Parameters ► matrixOut The name of the matrix to be generated. 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 183 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► numberOfRows The number of rows to be included in the created matrix. Type: INT4 ► numberOfColumns The number of columns to be included in the created matrix. Type: INT4 ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE, if successful. Details This procedure uses drand48_r. Examples CALL nzm..normal('A', 10, 10); CALL nzm..list_matrices(); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('A'); NORMAL -------t (1 row) LIST_MATRICES --------------A (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► 184 category matrix operations 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations POWER_ELEMENTS - Elementwise POWER Function This procedure implements an elementwise raising of the specified block of elements to a power. Usage The POWER_ELEMENTS stored procedure has the following syntax: ► POWER_ELEMENTS('matrixIn','matrixOut',power, row_start, col_start, row_stop, col_stop) ▲ Parameters ► matrixIn The name of the input matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixOut The name of the output matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► power The power to use. Type: DOUBLE ► row_start The first row of the input matrix to use. Type: INT4 ► col_start The first column of the input matrix to use. Type: INT4 ► row_stop The last row of the input matrix to use. Type: INT4 ► col_stop The last column of the input matrix to use. Type: INT4 ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE, if successful. Examples CALL nzm..shape('1,2,3,4,5,0,6,7,8',3,3,'A'); CALL nzm..power_elements('A', 'B', 3 , 2, 2, 3, 3); CALL nzm..print('A'); CALL nzm..print('B'); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('A'); 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 185 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide CALL nzm..delete_matrix('B'); SHAPE ------t (1 row) POWER_ELEMENTS ---------------t (1 row) PRINT ------------------------------------------ matrix: A -1, 2, 3 4, 5, 0 6, 7, 8 (1 row) PRINT ------------------------------------------------ matrix: B -1, 2, 3 4, 125, 0 6, 343, 512 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t 186 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations POWER_ELEMENTS - Elementwise POWER Function (entire matrix operation) This procedure implements an elementwise raising of elements to a power. Usage The POWER_ELEMENTS stored procedure has the following syntax: ► POWER_ELEMENTS('matrixIn','matrixOut',power) ▲ Parameters ► matrixIn The name of the input matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixOut The name of the output matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► power The power to use. Type: DOUBLE ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE, if successful. Examples CALL nzm..shape('1,2,3,4,5,0,6,7,8',3,3,'A'); CALL nzm..power_elements('A', 'B', 3); CALL nzm..print('A'); CALL nzm..print('B'); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('A'); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('B'); SHAPE ------t 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 187 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide (1 row) POWER_ELEMENTS ---------------t (1 row) PRINT ------------------------------------------ matrix: A -1, 2, 3 4, 5, 0 6, 7, 8 (1 row) PRINT ---------------------------------------------------- matrix: B -1, 8, 27 64, 125, 0 216, 343, 512 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► 188 category matrix operations 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations PRINT - Print a Matrix This procedure generates formatted print of a given matrix. Usage The PRINT stored procedure has the following syntax: ► PRINT('matrixIn',r_style) ▲ Parameters ► matrixIn The name of the input matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► r_style A Boolean TRUE/FALSE value. Type: boolean ▲ Returns NVARCHAR(16000) The matrix as a string Examples CALL nzm..CREATE_IDENTITY_MATRIX('A',4); CALL nzm..PRINT('A', false); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('A'); CREATE_IDENTITY_MATRIX -----------------------t (1 row) PRINT -------------------------------------------------------------- matrix: A -1, 0, 0, 0 0, 1, 0, 0 0, 0, 1, 0 0, 0, 0, 1 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------- 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 189 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide t (1 row) CALL nzm..CREATE_IDENTITY_MATRIX('A',4); CALL nzm..PRINT('A', true); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('A'); CREATE_IDENTITY_MATRIX -----------------------t (1 row) PRINT -------------------------------------------------------------------- matrix: A -A<- matrix(c(1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1),4,4) (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations PRINT - Print a Matrix - Simplified Version This procedure generates formatted print of a given matrix. Usage The PRINT stored procedure has the following syntax: ► 190 PRINT('matrixIn') ▲ Parameters 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations ► matrixIn The name of the input matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ Returns NVARCHAR(16000) The matrix as a string Examples CALL nzm..CREATE_IDENTITY_MATRIX('A',4); CALL nzm..PRINT('A'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('A'); CREATE_IDENTITY_MATRIX -----------------------t (1 row) PRINT -------------------------------------------------------------- matrix: A -1, 0, 0, 0 0, 1, 0, 0 0, 0, 1, 0 0, 0, 0, 1 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations RADIANS_ELEMENTS - Elementwise RADIANS Function This procedure implements an elementwise degrees to radians conversion. 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 191 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide Usage The RADIANS_ELEMENTS stored procedure has the following syntax: ► RADIANS_ELEMENTS('matrixIn', 'matrixOut', row_start, col_start, row_stop, col_stop) ▲ Parameters ► matrixIn The name of the input matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixOut The name of the output matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► row_start The first row of the input matrix to use. Type: INT4 ► col_start The first column of the input matrix to use. Type: INT4 ► row_stop The last row of the input matrix to use. Type: INT4 ► col_stop The last column of the input matrix to use. Type: INT4 ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE, if successful. Examples CALL nzm..shape('0,45,90,180,270,360',4,4,'A'); CALL nzm..radians_elements('A', 'B', 2, 2, 4, 4); CALL nzm..print('A'); CALL nzm..print('B'); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('A'); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('B'); SHAPE ------- 192 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations t (1 row) RADIANS_ELEMENTS -----------------t (1 row) PRINT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- matrix: A -0, 45, 90, 180 270, 360, 0, 45 90, 180, 270, 360 0, 45, 90, 180 (1 row) PRINT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- matrix: B -0, 45, 90, 180 270, 6.2831853071796, 0, 0.78539816339745 90, 3.1415926535898, 4.7123889803847, 6.2831853071796 0, 0.78539816339745, 1.5707963267949, 3.1415926535898 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 193 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide Related Functions ► category matrix operations RADIANS_ELEMENTS - Elementwise RADIANS Function (entire matrix operation) This procedure implements an elementwise degrees to radians degrees conversion. Usage The RADIANS_ELEMENTS stored procedure has the following syntax: ► RADIANS_ELEMENTS('matrixIn', 'matrixOut') ▲ Parameters ► matrixIn The name of the input matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixOut The name of the output matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE, if successful. Examples CALL nzm..shape('0,45,90,180,270,360',4,4,'A'); CALL nzm..radians_elements('A', 'B'); CALL nzm..print('A'); CALL nzm..print('B'); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('A'); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('B'); SHAPE ------t (1 row) RADIANS_ELEMENTS 194 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations -----------------t (1 row) PRINT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- matrix: A -0, 45, 90, 180 270, 360, 0, 45 90, 180, 270, 360 0, 45, 90, 180 (1 row) PRINT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- matrix: B -0, 0.78539816339745, 1.5707963267949, 3.1415926535898 4.7123889803847, 6.2831853071796, 0, 0.78539816339745 1.5707963267949, 3.1415926535898, 4.7123889803847, 6.2831853071796 0, 0.78539816339745, 1.5707963267949, 3.1415926535898 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 195 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide Related Functions ► category matrix operations RCV2SIMPLE - Transforms a row/column/value table to a "Simple" Matrix Table This procedure transforms a table in Row/Column/Value format to the "simple" matrix table. Input can be in the form of a table or a matrix. Usage The RCV2SIMPLE stored procedure has the following syntax: ► RCV2SIMPLE ▲ Parameters ► paramString The input parameters specification. Type: TEXT ► intable This parameter is used when the input is in table form. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► inmatrix This parameter is used when the input is in matrix form. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► inmeta The name of the input metadata table created by SIMPLE2RCV_ADV. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► outtable The name of the output data table in simple format. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ Returns INTEGER The number of rows in the output table. Details A "simple" matrix table is a database table where each table row contains a row index value and the matrix element values of the corresponding matrix row. This procedure supports nominal attribute value composition, transforming 0/1 dummy variables back to the original values recorded in the dictionary tables listed in the metadata table. The number of matrix columns must be less than 1600. Input can be in the form of a table or a matrix. 196 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations Examples CREATE TABLE SIMPLE1 (ID INTEGER, V1 DOUBLE, V2 DOUBLE, V3 DOUBLE); INSERT INTO SIMPLE1 VALUES(1, 100001, 100002, 100003); INSERT INTO SIMPLE1 VALUES(4, 200001, 200002, 200003); INSERT INTO SIMPLE1 VALUES(9, 300001, 300002, 300003); CALL NZM..SIMPLE2RCV_ADV('outtable=RCV1, outmeta=RCV_META1, intable=SIMPLE1, incolumnlist=., id=ID'); CALL NZM..RCV2SIMPLE('intable=RCV1, outtable=SIMPLE2'); inmeta=RCV_META1, SELECT * FROM SIMPLE2; SELECT * FROM RCV1; SELECT * FROM RCV_META1; DROP TABLE SIMPLE1; DROP TABLE SIMPLE2; DROP TABLE RCV1; DROP TABLE RCV_META1; SIMPLE2RCV_ADV ---------------3 (1 row) RCV2SIMPLE -----------3 (1 row) ID | V1 | V2 | V3 ----+--------+--------+-------2 | 200001 | 200002 | 200003 1 | 100001 | 100002 | 100003 3 | 300001 | 300002 | 300003 (3 rows) ROW | COL | VALUE -----+-----+-------- 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 197 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide 1 | 1 | 100001 1 | 2 | 100002 1 | 3 | 100003 3 | 1 | 300001 3 | 2 | 300002 3 | 3 | 300003 2 | 1 | 200001 2 | 2 | 200002 2 | 3 | 200003 (9 rows) COLID | COLNAME | COLDICT | OUTCOLBEG | OUTCOLEND -------+---------+---------+-----------+----------2 | V2 | | 2 | 2 1 | V1 | | 1 | 1 3 | V3 | | 3 | 3 (3 rows) CREATE TABLE SIMPLE1 (ID INTEGER, V1 DOUBLE, V2 DOUBLE, V3 DOUBLE); INSERT INTO SIMPLE1 VALUES(1, 100001, 100002, 100003); INSERT INTO SIMPLE1 VALUES(4, 200001, 200002, 200003); INSERT INTO SIMPLE1 VALUES(9, 300001, 300002, 300003); CALL NZM..SIMPLE2RCV_ADV('outtable=RCV1, outmeta=RCV_META1, intable=SIMPLE1, incolumnlist=., id=ID'); CALL NZM..CREATE_MATRIX_FROM_TABLE('RCV1', 'MATRIX1', 3, 3); -- Input the matrix name, rather than the table name CALL NZM..RCV2SIMPLE('inmatrix=MATRIX1, inmeta=RCV_META1, outtable=SIMPLE2'); SELECT * FROM SIMPLE2; SELECT * FROM RCV1; SELECT * FROM RCV_META1; 198 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations DROP TABLE SIMPLE1; DROP TABLE SIMPLE2; DROP TABLE RCV1; DROP TABLE RCV_META1; CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('MATRIX1'); SIMPLE2RCV_ADV ---------------3 (1 row) CREATE_MATRIX_FROM_TABLE -------------------------t (1 row) RCV2SIMPLE -----------3 (1 row) ID | V1 | V2 | V3 ----+--------+--------+-------2 | 200001 | 200002 | 200003 3 | 300001 | 300002 | 300003 1 | 100001 | 100002 | 100003 (3 rows) ROW | COL | VALUE -----+-----+-------- 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 2 | 1 | 200001 2 | 2 | 200002 2 | 3 | 200003 1 | 1 | 100001 1 | 2 | 100002 1 | 3 | 100003 3 | 1 | 300001 199 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide 3 | 2 | 300002 3 | 3 | 300003 (9 rows) COLID | COLNAME | COLDICT | OUTCOLBEG | OUTCOLEND -------+---------+---------+-----------+----------1 | V1 | | 1 | 1 3 | V3 | | 3 | 3 2 | V2 | | 2 | 2 (3 rows) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) CREATE TABLE SIMPLE1 (ID INTEGER, V1 DOUBLE, V2 DOUBLE, V3 DOUBLE); INSERT INTO SIMPLE1 VALUES(1, 100001, 100002, 100003); INSERT INTO SIMPLE1 VALUES(4, 200001, 200002, 200003); INSERT INTO SIMPLE1 VALUES(9, 300001, 300002, 300003); -- Treat V1 and V3 as nominal attributes CALL NZM..SIMPLE2RCV_ADV('outtable=RCV1, outmeta=RCV_META1, intable=SIMPLE1, incolumnlist=., nomcolumnlist=V1;V3, id=ID'); CALL NZM..RCV2SIMPLE('intable=RCV1, outtable=SIMPLE2'); inmeta=RCV_META1, SELECT * FROM SIMPLE2; SELECT * FROM RCV1; SELECT COLID, COLNAME, OUTCOLBEG, OUTCOLEND FROM RCV_META1; DROP TABLE SIMPLE1; DROP TABLE SIMPLE2; DROP TABLE RCV1; DROP TABLE RCV_META1; 200 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations SIMPLE2RCV_ADV ---------------3 (1 row) RCV2SIMPLE -----------3 (1 row) ID | V1 | V2 | V3 ----+--------+--------+-------1 | 100001 | 100002 | 100003 3 | 300001 | 300002 | 300003 2 | 200001 | 200002 | 200003 (3 rows) ROW | COL | VALUE -----+-----+-------- 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 1 | 1 | 1 1 | 2 | 0 1 | 3 | 0 1 | 4 | 100002 1 | 5 | 1 1 | 6 | 0 1 | 7 | 0 2 | 1 | 0 2 | 2 | 1 2 | 3 | 0 2 | 4 | 200002 2 | 5 | 0 2 | 6 | 1 2 | 7 | 0 3 | 1 | 0 3 | 2 | 0 201 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide 3 | 3 | 1 3 | 4 | 300002 3 | 5 | 0 3 | 6 | 0 3 | 7 | 1 (21 rows) COLID | COLNAME | OUTCOLBEG | OUTCOLEND -------+---------+-----------+----------2 | V2 | 4 | 4 1 | V1 | 1 | 3 3 | V3 | 5 | 7 (3 rows) Related Functions ► category matrix operations RCV2SIMPLE_NUM - Transforms a row/column/value Table to a "Simple" Matrix Table Transforms a row/column/value table to a "simple" matrix table. Input can be in the form of a table or a matrix. Usage The RCV2SIMPLE_NUM stored procedure has the following syntax: ► RCV2SIMPLE_NUM ▲ Parameters ► paramString The input parameters specification. Type: TEXT ► intable This parameter is used when the input is in table form. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► 202 colprefix The prefix of the column names for the new table. 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► inmatrix This parameter is used when the input is in matrix form. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► outtable The name of the output data table in simple format. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ Returns INTEGER The number of rows in the output table. Details A "simple" matrix table is a database table where each table row contains a row index value and the matrix element values of the corresponding matrix row. This procedure supports nominal attribute value composition, transforming 0/1 dummy variables back to the original values recorded in the dictionary tables listed in the metadata table. The number of matrix columns must be less than 1600. Input can be in the form of a table or a matrix. Examples CREATE TABLE SIMPLE1 (ID INTEGER, V1 DOUBLE, V2 DOUBLE, V3 DOUBLE); INSERT INTO SIMPLE1 VALUES(1, 100001, 100002, 100003); INSERT INTO SIMPLE1 VALUES(4, 200001, 200002, 200003); INSERT INTO SIMPLE1 VALUES(9, 300001, 300002, 300003); CALL NZM..SIMPLE2RCV_ADV('outtable=RCV1, outmeta=RCV_META1, intable=SIMPLE1, incolumnlist=., id=ID'); CALL NZM..RCV2SIMPLE_NUM('intable=RCV1, outtable=SIMPLE2'); SELECT * FROM SIMPLE2; SELECT * FROM RCV1; SELECT * FROM RCV_META1; DROP TABLE SIMPLE1; DROP TABLE SIMPLE2; DROP TABLE RCV1; DROP TABLE RCV_META1; SIMPLE2RCV_ADV ---------------3 (1 row) 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 203 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide RCV2SIMPLE_NUM ---------------3 (1 row) ID | COL1 | COL2 | COL3 ----+--------+--------+-------2 | 200001 | 200002 | 200003 3 | 300001 | 300002 | 300003 1 | 100001 | 100002 | 100003 (3 rows) ROW | COL | VALUE -----+-----+-------1 | 1 | 100001 1 | 2 | 100002 1 | 3 | 100003 2 | 1 | 200001 2 | 2 | 200002 2 | 3 | 200003 3 | 1 | 300001 3 | 2 | 300002 3 | 3 | 300003 (9 rows) COLID | COLNAME | COLDICT | OUTCOLBEG | OUTCOLEND -------+---------+---------+-----------+----------2 | V2 | | 2 | 2 1 | V1 | | 1 | 1 3 | V3 | | 3 | 3 (3 rows) CREATE TABLE SIMPLE1 (ID INTEGER, V1 DOUBLE, V2 DOUBLE, V3 DOUBLE); INSERT INTO SIMPLE1 VALUES(1, 100001, 100002, 100003); 204 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations INSERT INTO SIMPLE1 VALUES(4, 200001, 200002, 200003); INSERT INTO SIMPLE1 VALUES(9, 300001, 300002, 300003); CALL NZM..SIMPLE2RCV_ADV('outtable=RCV1, outmeta=RCV_META1, intable=SIMPLE1, incolumnlist=., id=ID'); CALL NZM..RCV2SIMPLE_NUM('intable=RCV1, colprefix=column'); outtable=SIMPLE3, SELECT * FROM SIMPLE3; SELECT * FROM RCV1; SELECT * FROM RCV_META1; DROP TABLE SIMPLE1; DROP TABLE SIMPLE3; DROP TABLE RCV1; DROP TABLE RCV_META1; SIMPLE2RCV_ADV ---------------3 (1 row) RCV2SIMPLE_NUM ---------------3 (1 row) ID | COLUMN1 | COLUMN2 | COLUMN3 ----+---------+---------+--------2 | 200001 | 200002 | 200003 3 | 300001 | 300002 | 300003 1 | 100001 | 100002 | 100003 (3 rows) ROW | COL | VALUE -----+-----+-------- 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 1 | 1 | 100001 1 | 2 | 100002 1 | 3 | 100003 2 | 1 | 200001 205 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide 2 | 2 | 200002 2 | 3 | 200003 3 | 1 | 300001 3 | 2 | 300002 3 | 3 | 300003 (9 rows) COLID | COLNAME | COLDICT | OUTCOLBEG | OUTCOLEND -------+---------+---------+-----------+----------1 | V1 | | 1 | 1 2 | V2 | | 2 | 2 3 | V3 | | 3 | 3 (3 rows) Related Functions ► category matrix operations RED_MAX - Maximum Value of a Matrix This procedure implements computation of the maximum value from a matrix reduction. Usage The RED_MAX stored procedure has the following syntax: ► RED_MAX(matrixName); ▲ Parameters ► matrixName The name of the matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ Returns DOUBLE The maximum value in the matrix. Examples CALL nzm..shape('6,-2,9, 4,1,6',2,3,'A'); SELECT nzm..red_max('A'); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('A'); 206 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations SHAPE ------t (1 row) RED_MAX --------9 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations RED_MAX_ABS - Maximum Absolute Value of a Matrix This procedure implements computation of the maximum absolute value from a matrix reduction. Usage The RED_MAX_ABS stored procedure has the following syntax: ► RED_MAX_ABS(matrixName); ▲ Parameters ► matrixName The name of the matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ Returns DOUBLE The maximum absolute value in the matrix. Examples CALL nzm..shape('6,-2,9, 4,1,6',2,3,'A'); SELECT nzm..red_max_abs('A'); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('A'); 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 207 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide SHAPE ------t (1 row) RED_MAX_ABS ------------9 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations RED_MIN - Minimum Value of a Matrix This procedure implements computation of the minimum value from a matrix reduction. Usage The RED_MIN stored procedure has the following syntax: ► RED_MIN(matrixName); ▲ Parameters ► matrixName The name of the matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ Returns DOUBLE The minimum value in the matrix. Examples CALL nzm..shape('6,-2,9, 4,1,6',2,3,'A'); SELECT nzm..red_min('A'); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('A'); 208 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations SHAPE ------t (1 row) RED_MIN ---------2 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations RED_MIN_ABS - Minimum Absolute Value of a Matrix This procedure implements computation of the minimum absolute value from a matrix reduction. Usage The RED_MIN_ABS stored procedure has the following syntax: ► RED_MIN_ABS(matrixName); ▲ Parameters ► matrixName The name of the matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ Returns DOUBLE The minimum absolute value in the matrix. Examples CALL nzm..shape('6,-2,9, 4,1,6',2,3,'A'); SELECT nzm..red_min_abs('A'); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('A'); SHAPE 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 209 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide ------t (1 row) RED_MIN_ABS ------------1 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations RED_SSQ - Sum of Squares of Values of a Matrix This procedure implements computation of the sum of squares of all values from a matrix reduction. Usage The RED_SSQ stored procedure has the following syntax: ► RED_SSQ(matrixName); ▲ Parameters ► matrixName The name of the matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ Returns DOUBLE The sum of squares of values in the matrix. Examples CALL nzm..shape('6,-2,9, 4,1,6',2,3,'A'); SELECT nzm..red_ssq('A'); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('A'); 210 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations SHAPE ------t (1 row) RED_SSQ --------174 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations RED_SUM - Sum Values of a Matrix This procedure implements computation of the sum of all values from a matrix reduction. Usage The RED_SUM stored procedure has the following syntax: ► RED_SUM(matrixName); ▲ Parameters ► matrixName The name of the matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ Returns DOUBLE The sum of values in the matrix. Examples CALL nzm..shape('6,-2,9, 4,1,6',2,3,'A'); SELECT nzm..red_sum('A'); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('A'); 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 211 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide SHAPE ------t (1 row) RED_SUM --------24 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations RED_TRACE - Trace This procedure implements calculation of a trace of the matrix. Usage The RED_TRACE stored procedure has the following syntax: ► RED_TRACE('matrixIn') ▲ Parameters ► matrixIn The name of the input matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ Returns DOUBLE The value of the trace. Examples CALL nzm..CREATE_IDENTITY_MATRIX('A',4); CALL nzm..RED_TRACE('A'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('A'); 212 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations CREATE_IDENTITY_MATRIX -----------------------t (1 row) RED_TRACE ----------4 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations REDUCE_TO_VECT - Reduce to vector This stored procedure reduces specified database matrix objects to a vector object. Usage The REDUCE_TO_VECT function has the following syntax: ► REDUCE_TO_VECT(NVARCHAR(ANY) inputMatrix, NVARCHAR(ANY) outputVector, NVARCHAR(ANY) expressionPrefix, NVARCHAR(ANY) expressionPostfix, NVARCHAR(ANY) orientation) ▲ Parameters ► inputMatrix The name of the input matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► outputVector The name of the resulting matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► expressionPrefix The prefix of the aggregate expression that is used for the reduction. Typically, the prefix is the name of an aggregate function. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 213 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide ► expressionPostfix The postfix of the aggregate expression that is used for the reduction. Typically, the postfix consists of parameters of an aggregate function. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► orientation The orientation of the resulting vector object and the reduction operation. Values are 'r' for row and 'c' for column. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ Returns BOOLEAN true on success Details This stored procedure reduces specified database matrix objects to a vector object by using the specified aggregate expression. A vector object is a database matrix object with a single row or column. The following values of the orientation parameters determine the orientation of the vector object: - 'c' means that the aggregation is executed on rows of the input matrix and results in columns. - 'r' means that the aggregation is executed on columns of the input matrix and results in rows. The specified aggregate expression uses the following concatenation for the expressionPrefix argument and the expressionPostfix argument: expressionPrefix || "(" || matrix cell value || expressionPostfix || ")" For example, consider the pairs 'AVG','' or 'SQRT(VARIANCE', ')'. Examples call nzm..create_random_matrix('REDUCTION_TEST', 1000, 1000); call nzm..reduce_to_vect('REDUCTION_TEST','REDUCTION_TEST_c',' avg','','c'); call nzm..reduce_to_vect('REDUCTION_TEST','REDUCTION_TEST_r',' SQRT(VARIANCE',')','r'); Related Functions ► category matrix operations REDUCTION - Reductions MAX MIN SSQ SUM TRACE This procedure implements ssq, min, max, and sum on all elements of the matrix. Usage The REDUCTION stored procedure has the following syntax: 214 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations ► REDUCTION('matrixIn','reduction_type') ▲ Parameters ► matrixIn The name of the input matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► reduction_type The reduction type. Must be one of the following: MAX MIN SSQ SUM TRACE. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ Returns DOUBLE The value of the calculation. Examples CALL nzm..CREATE_IDENTITY_MATRIX('A',4); CALL nzm..REDUCTION('A', 'SUM'); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('A'); CREATE_IDENTITY_MATRIX -----------------------t (1 row) REDUCTION ----------4 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations REMOVE - Remove Operation This procedure implements the remove operation. 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 215 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide Usage The REMOVE stored procedure has the following syntax: ► REMOVE(NVARCHAR(ANY) matrixAname, NVARCHAR(ANY) matrixBname, NVARCHAR(ANY) matrixCname); ▲ Parameters ► matrixAname The name of input matrix A. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixBname The name of input matrix B, containing the indexes of elements to be removed from Matrix A. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixCname The name of output matrix C, a row vector of matrix A with removed elements. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE, if successful. Details If Matrix A and B, specified by the parameters, are considered row vectors, the second matrix indicates which elements of the first matrix are to be removed. The output is a row vector. Matrix C must not exist prior to the operation. Examples CALL nzm..shape('21,32,13,34,55,56,27,68,79',3,3,'A'); CALL nzm..shape('1,15,5,7',2,2,'B'); CALL nzm..remove('A','B','C'); CALL nzm..print('A'); CALL nzm..print('B'); CALL nzm..print('C'); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('A'); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('B'); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('C'); SHAPE ------- 216 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations t (1 row) SHAPE ------t (1 row) REMOVE -------t (1 row) PRINT --------------------------------------------------- matrix: A -21, 32, 13 34, 55, 56 27, 68, 79 (1 row) PRINT ----------------------------- matrix: B -1, 15 5, 7 (1 row) PRINT ----------------------------------------- matrix: C -32, 13, 34, 56, 68, 79 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 217 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations REPEAT - Matrix Repeat This procedure creates a new matrix of repeated values. Usage The REPEAT stored procedure has the following syntax: ► REPEAT('matrixIn','matrixOut',nrow,ncol) ▲ Parameters ► matrixIn The name of the input matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixOut The name of the output matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► nrow The row multiplier. Type: INT4 ► ncol The column multiplier. Type: INT4 ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE, if successful. Details The new matrix is of size: nrow*matrixIn.rows x ncol*matrixIn.cols. 218 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations Examples CALL nzm..SHAPE('1,2,3,4,5,0,6,7,8',3,3,'A'); CALL nzm..REPEAT('A', 'B', 2, 2); CALL nzm..PRINT('A' ); CALL nzm..PRINT('B' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('A' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('B' ); SHAPE ------t (1 row) REPEAT -------t (1 row) PRINT ------------------------------------------ matrix: A -1, 2, 3 4, 5, 0 6, 7, 8 (1 row) PRINT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- matrix: B -1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3 4, 5, 0, 4, 5, 0 6, 7, 8, 6, 7, 8 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3 4, 5, 0, 4, 5, 0 6, 7, 8, 6, 7, 8 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 219 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations ROUND_ELEMENTS - Elementwise ROUND Function This procedure implements An elementwise modulo operation for the specified block of elements Usage The ROUND_ELEMENTS stored procedure has the following syntax: ► ROUND_ELEMENTS('matrixIn','matrixOut',precision, row_start, col_start, row_stop, col_stop) ▲ Parameters ► matrixIn The name of the input matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixOut The name of the output matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► precision The desired decimal precision. Type: INT4 ► row_start The first row of the input matrix to use. Type: INT4 ► 220 col_start 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations The first column of the input matrix to use. Type: INT4 ► row_stop The last row of the input matrix to use. Type: INT4 ► col_stop The last column of the input matrix to use. Type: INT4 ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE, if successful. Examples CALL nzm..SHAPE('1.1111,2.222,3.3333,4.4444,5.5555,6.6666,7.7777,8.88 88,9.9999',3,3,'A'); CALL nzm..ROUND_ELEMENTS('A', 'B', 3 , 2, 2, 3, 3); CALL nzm..PRINT('A' ); CALL nzm..PRINT('B' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('A' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('B' ); SHAPE ------t (1 row) ROUND_ELEMENTS ---------------t (1 row) PRINT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- matrix: A -1.1111, 2.222, 3.3333 4.4444, 5.5555, 6.6666 7.7777, 8.8888, 9.9999 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 221 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide (1 row) PRINT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ matrix: B -1.1111, 2.222, 3.3333 4.4444, 5.556, 6.667 7.7777, 8.889, 10 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations ROUND_ELEMENTS - Elementwise ROUND Function (entire matrix operation) This procedure implements an elementwise modulo operation for the specified block of elements Usage The ROUND_ELEMENTS stored procedure has the following syntax: ► ROUND_ELEMENTS('matrixIn','matrixOut',precision) ▲ Parameters ► matrixIn The name of the input matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) 222 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations ► matrixOut The name of the output matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► precision The desired decimal precision. Type: INT4 ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE, if successful. Examples CALL nzm..SHAPE('1.1111,2.222,3.3333,4.4444,5.5555,6.6666,7.7777,8.88 88,9.9999',3,3,'A'); CALL nzm..ROUND_ELEMENTS('A', 'B', 3 ); CALL nzm..PRINT('A' ); CALL nzm..PRINT('B' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('A' ); CALL nzm..DELETE_MATRIX('B' ); SHAPE ------t (1 row) ROUND_ELEMENTS ---------------t (1 row) PRINT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- matrix: A -1.1111, 2.222, 3.3333 4.4444, 5.5555, 6.6666 7.7777, 8.8888, 9.9999 (1 row) PRINT 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 223 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide -------------------------------------------------------------------------- matrix: B -1.111, 2.222, 3.333 4.444, 5.556, 6.667 7.778, 8.889, 10 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations SCALAR_OPERATION - Elementwise Scalar Operation This procedure implements elementwise scalar operations on a specified block of elements. Usage The SCALAR_OPERATION stored procedure has the following syntax: ► SCALAR_OPERATION('matrixIn','matrixOut','operator',value, row_start, col_start, row_stop, col_stop) ▲ Parameters ► matrixIn The name of the input matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixOut The name of the output matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) 224 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations ► operator The operator to use. Must be one of the following: + - * / % ^ & | Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► value The value. Type: DOUBLE ► row_start The first row of the input matrix to use. Type: INT4 ► col_start The first column of the input matrix to use. Type: INT4 ► row_stop The last row of the input matrix to use. Type: INT4 ► col_stop The last column of the input matrix to use. Type: INT4 ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE, if successful. Examples CALL nzm..shape('1,2,3,4,5,0,6,7,8',3,3,'A'); CALL nzm..scalar_operation('A', 'B', '+', 4, 2,2,3,3); CALL nzm..print('A'); CALL nzm..print('B'); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('A'); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('B'); SHAPE ------t (1 row) SCALAR_OPERATION -----------------t 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 225 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide (1 row) PRINT ------------------------------------------ matrix: A -1, 2, 3 4, 5, 0 6, 7, 8 (1 row) PRINT -------------------------------------------- matrix: B -1, 2, 3 4, 9, 4 6, 11, 12 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations SCALAR_OPERATION - Elementwise Scalar Operation (entire matrix operation) This procedure implements elementwise scalar operations. 226 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations Usage The SCALAR_OPERATION stored procedure has the following syntax: ► SCALAR_OPERATION('matrixIn','matrixOut','operator',value) ▲ Parameters ► matrixIn The name of the input matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixOut The name of the output matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► operator The operator to use. Must be one of the following: + - * / % ^ & | Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► value The value. Type: DOUBLE ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE, if successful. Examples CALL nzm..shape('1,2,3,4,5,0,6,7,8',3,3,'A'); CALL nzm..scalar_operation('A', 'B', '*', 2.2); CALL nzm..print('A'); CALL nzm..print('B'); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('A'); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('B'); SHAPE ------t (1 row) SCALAR_OPERATION -----------------t (1 row) 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 227 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide PRINT ------------------------------------------ matrix: A -1, 2, 3 4, 5, 0 6, 7, 8 (1 row) PRINT ----------------------------------------------------------- matrix: B -2.2, 4.4, 6.6 8.8, 11, 0 13.2, 15.4, 17.6 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations SCALE - Scale the Elements of a Matrix This procedure computes C = A f, where A and C are matrices and f is a real number. Usage The SCALE stored procedure has the following syntax: 228 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations ► SCALE(NVARCHAR(ANY) matrixA, DOUBLE factor, NVARCHAR(ANY) matrixC); ▲ Parameters ► matrixA The name of input matrix A. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► factor The multiplication factor. Type: DOUBLE ► matrixC The name of matrix C. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE always. Examples call nzm..shape('1,2,3,4,5,0,6,7,8',3,3,'A'); call nzm..scale('A', '5', 'B'); call nzm..print('A'); call nzm..print('B'); call nzm..delete_matrix('A'); call nzm..delete_matrix('B'); SHAPE ------t (1 row) SCALE ------t (1 row) PRINT ------------------------------------------ matrix: A -1, 2, 3 4, 5, 0 6, 7, 8 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 229 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide (1 row) PRINT ------------------------------------------------- matrix: B -5, 10, 15 20, 25, 0 30, 35, 40 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations SET_BLOCK_SIZE - Set the Block Size for the Data Distribution This procedure sets the block size for the 2-D block-cyclic data distribution. Usage The SET_BLOCK_SIZE stored procedure has the following syntax: ► SET_BLOCK_SIZE(INT4 blockSizeRow, INT4 blockSizeCol); ▲ Parameters ► blockSizeRow The row block size. Type: INT4 ► 230 blockSizeCol The column block size. 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations Type: INT4 ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE always. Details This procedure is rarely needed, since nzm..initialize() typically sets the block size to a reasonable default value. Examples call nzm..set_block_size(2,2); SET_BLOCK_SIZE ---------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations SET_GRID_SIZE - Set the Process Grid Size for the Matrix Engine. This procedure sets the process grid size for the parallel matrix engine. Usage The SET_GRID_SIZE stored procedure has the following syntax: ► SET_GRID_SIZE(INT4 gridSizeRow, INT4 gridSizeCol); ▲ Parameters ► gridSizeRow The number of rows in the process grid. Type: INT4 ► gridSizeCol The number of columns in the process grid. Type: INT4 ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE always. Details This procedure is rarely needed, since nzm..initialize() typically sets the process grid size to a reasonable default value. To resize the process grid with a redistribution of currently-existing matrices use the nzm..SET_GRID_SIZE_WITH_REDISTRIBUTE procedure. 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 231 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide Examples call nzm..set_grid_size(2,2); SET_GRID_SIZE --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations SET_GRID_SIZE_WITH_REDISTRIBUTE - Set the Process Grid Size for the Matrix Engine with Redistribution This procedure sets the process grid size for the parallel matrix engine with redistribution of all currently existing matrices. Usage The SET_GRID_SIZE_WITH_REDISTRIBUTE stored procedure has the following syntax: ► SET_GRID_SIZE_WITH_REDISTRIBUTE(INT4 gridSizeRow, INT4 gridSizeCol); ▲ Parameters ► gridSizeRow The number of rows in the process grid. Type: INT4 ► gridSizeCol The number of columns in the process grid. Type: INT4 ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE always. Details This procedure is rarely needed, since nzm..initialize() typically sets the process grid size to a reasonable default value. Related Functions ► 232 category matrix operations 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations SET_VALUE - Set the Value of a Matrix Element This procedure sets the value of the specified matrix element. Usage The SET_VALUE stored procedure has the following syntax: ► SET_VALUE(NVARCHAR(ANY) mat_name, INT4 inrow, INT4 incol); ▲ Parameters ► mat_name The name of the matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► inrow The row index of the element. Type: INT4 ► incol The column index of the element. Type: INT4 ► inval The value for the matrix element. Type: DOUBLE ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE always. Details This procedure is more efficient when the number of values is relatively small. For setting large numbers of values, use alternate approaches that process data in bulk. Examples call nzm..shape('1,2,3,4,5,0,6,7,8',3,3,'A'); call nzm..set_value('A', 1, 1, 878); call nzm..print('A'); call nzm..delete_matrix('A'); SHAPE ------t (1 row) SET_VALUE ----------- 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 233 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide t (1 row) PRINT -------------------------------------------- matrix: A -878, 2, 3 4, 5, 0 6, 7, 8 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations SHAPE - Cyclically Fill a Matrix with Elements from a List This procedure creates a matrix filled cyclically with elements from a list. Usage The SHAPE stored procedure has the following syntax: ► SHAPE(valuelist, rows, cols, matrixCname); ▲ Parameters ► valuelist A comma-separated list of doubles. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► rows The number of rows. Type: INT4 ► cols The number of columns. Type: INT4 234 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations ► matrixCname The name of output matrix C. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE, if successful. Details This procedure creates a matrix that is filled cyclically based on the values in the valuelist parameter. For example, if a matrix of size 3 x 3 is created with a list of "2,3,5,7" the result is 2 3 5 | 7 2 3 | 5 7 2. Note that the well-formedness of the list is not tested. Examples call nzm..shape('2,3,5,7',3,3,'A'); call nzm..print('A'); call nzm..delete_matrix('A'); SHAPE ------t (1 row) PRINT ------------------------------------------ matrix: A -2, 3, 5 7, 2, 3 5, 7, 2 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 235 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide SHAPEMTX - Cyclically Fill a Matrix with Elements from a Row Vector This procedure creates a matrix cyclically filled with elements from a row vector. Usage The SHAPEMTX stored procedure has the following syntax: ► SHAPEMTX(matrixAname, rows, cols, matrixCname); ▲ Parameters ► matrixAname The name of a one-row matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► rows The number of rows. Type: INT4 ► cols The number of columns. Type: INT4 ► matrixCname The name of output matrix C. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE, if successful. Details The row vector is in the form of a one-row matrix. For numerical values passed as a string, see SHAPE. Examples call nzm..shape('1,2,3,4',1,4,'A'); call nzm..shapeMtx('A', 3, 2, 'B'); call nzm..print('A'); call nzm..print('B'); call nzm..delete_matrix('A'); call nzm..delete_matrix('B'); SHAPE 236 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations ------t (1 row) SHAPEMTX ---------t (1 row) PRINT ----------------------------- matrix: A -1, 2, 3, 4 (1 row) PRINT --------------------------------- matrix: B -1, 2 3, 4 1, 2 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations SIGN_REVERSE - Elementwise Sign Reversal This procedure implements a sign reversal on the specified block of elements. 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 237 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide Usage The SIGN_REVERSE stored procedure has the following syntax: ► SIGN_REVERSE('matrixIn', 'matrixOut', row_start, col_start, row_stop, col_stop) ▲ Parameters ► matrixIn The name of the input matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixOut The name of the output matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► row_start The first row of the input matrix to use. Type: INT4 ► col_start The first column of the input matrix to use. Type: INT4 ► row_stop The last row of the input matrix to use. Type: INT4 ► col_stop The last column of the input matrix to use. Type: INT4 ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE, if successful. Examples call nzm..shape('1,2,3,4,5,0,6,7,8,9',4,4,'A'); call nzm..sign_reverse('A', 'B', 2, 2, 3, 3); call nzm..print('A'); call nzm..print('B'); call nzm..delete_matrix('A'); call nzm..delete_matrix('B'); SHAPE ------- 238 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations t (1 row) SIGN_REVERSE -------------t (1 row) PRINT -------------------------------------------------------------- matrix: A -1, 2, 3, 4 5, 0, 6, 7 8, 9, 1, 2 3, 4, 5, 0 (1 row) PRINT ----------------------------------------------------------------- matrix: B -1, 2, 3, 4 5, -0, -6, 7 8, -9, -1, 2 3, 4, 5, 0 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 239 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide Related Functions ► category matrix operations SIGN_REVERSE - Elementwise Sign Reversal (entire matrix operation) This procedure implements a sign reversal on the specified block of elements. Usage The SIGN_REVERSE stored procedure has the following syntax: ► SIGN_REVERSE('matrixIn', 'matrixOut') ▲ Parameters ► matrixIn The name of the input matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixOut The name of the output matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE, if successful. Examples call nzm..shape('1,2,3,4,5,0,6,7,8,9',4,4,'A'); call nzm..sign_reverse('A', 'B'); call nzm..print('A'); call nzm..print('B'); call nzm..delete_matrix('A'); call nzm..delete_matrix('B'); SHAPE ------t (1 row) SIGN_REVERSE -------------t (1 row) 240 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations PRINT -------------------------------------------------------------- matrix: A -1, 2, 3, 4 5, 0, 6, 7 8, 9, 1, 2 3, 4, 5, 0 (1 row) PRINT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- matrix: B --1, -2, -3, -4 -5, -0, -6, -7 -8, -9, -1, -2 -3, -4, -5, -0 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations SIMPLE2RCV - Transforms a "Simple" Matrix Table to row/column/value Representation This procedure transforms a "simple" matrix table to a row/column/value representation. 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 241 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide Usage The SIMPLE2RCV stored procedure has the following syntax: ► SIMPLE2RCV('inTable', 'idColumn', 'colPropertiesTable','outTable','byValue') ▲ Parameters ► inTable The name of the input table. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► idColumn The name of the column containing the row index values. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► colPropertiesTable the input table where column properties for the input table columns are stored. The format of this table is the output format of stored procedure nza..COLUMN_PROPERTIES(). If the parameter is undefined, the input table column properties will be detected automatically. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► outTable The name of the output table. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► byValue The name of column which will be used to distribute data. In the result table it is called as id_task. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ Returns INTEGER The number of matrix columns found in the input table. Details The input table must have a column containing the row indices. The remaining columns, named "v1", "v2", and so on, contain the matrix element values. The number of matrix columns must be less than 1600. To add a consecutive ROW index column to a table containing a non-consecutive unique ID column, a query such as: CREATE TABLE SIMPLE3 AS SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY ID) AS ROW FROM SIMPLE2; can be used. The nzm..CREATE_MATRIX_FROM_TABLE procedure can be used to create an nzMatrix from the row/column/value table produced by this procedure. Related Functions ► 242 category matrix operations 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations SIMPLE2RCV_ADV - Transforms a Table to row/column/value Representation This procedure transforms a table to row/column/value representation. Usage The SIMPLE2RCV_ADV stored procedure has the following syntax: ► SIMPLE2RCV_ADV(NVARCHAR(ANY) paramString) ▲ Parameters ► paramString The input parameters specification. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► outtable The name of the output row/column/value table. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► outmeta The name of the output metadata table. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► intable The name of the input table. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► id The name of the column containing unique ID values. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► incolumnlist The list of names of the input columns. Column names are separated by semicolons. A dot matches all columns. A dash followed by a column name excludes the named column. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► nomcolumnlist The list of names of the input columns representing nominal attributes to be decomposed. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► colPropertiesTable the name of the table where the column properties definitions are stored Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) Default: '' ▲ Returns INTEGER The number of input table attribute columns used. Details A metadata table is produced to record the mapping of input columns to output columns. Nominal attrib- 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 243 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide utes are supported. Dictionary tables referenced in the metadata table list the unique values for each nominal attribute. Decomposition of nominal factor values into separate columns is also supported. Examples CREATE TABLE SIMPLE1 (ID INTEGER, V1 DOUBLE, V2 DOUBLE, V3 DOUBLE); INSERT INTO SIMPLE1 VALUES(1, 100001, 100002, 100003); INSERT INTO SIMPLE1 VALUES(4, 200001, 200002, 200003); INSERT INTO SIMPLE1 VALUES(9, 300001, 300002, 300003); -- Use columns V1, V2, and V3 CALL NZM..SIMPLE2RCV_ADV('outtable=RCV1, outmeta=RCV_META1, intable=SIMPLE1, incolumnlist=V1;V2;V3, id=ID'); SELECT 'SIMPLE1',* FROM SIMPLE1 ORDER BY 1,2,3; SELECT 'RCV_META1',* FROM SELECT 'RCV1',* FROM RCV_META1 ORDER BY 1,2,3; RCV1 ORDER BY 1,2,3; DROP TABLE SIMPLE1; DROP TABLE RCV1; DROP TABLE RCV_META1; SIMPLE2RCV_ADV ---------------3 (1 row) ?COLUMN? | ID | V1 | V2 | V3 ----------+----+--------+--------+-------SIMPLE1 | 1 | 100001 | 100002 | 100003 SIMPLE1 | 4 | 200001 | 200002 | 200003 SIMPLE1 | 9 | 300001 | 300002 | 300003 (3 rows) ?COLUMN? OUTCOLEND | COLID | COLNAME | COLDICT | OUTCOLBEG | -----------+-------+---------+---------+----------- 244 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations +----------RCV_META1 | 1 | V1 | | 1 | 1 RCV_META1 | 2 | V2 | | 2 | 2 RCV_META1 | 3 | V3 | | 3 | 3 (3 rows) ?COLUMN? | ROW | COL | VALUE ----------+-----+-----+-------RCV1 | 1 | 1 | 100001 RCV1 | 1 | 2 | 100002 RCV1 | 1 | 3 | 100003 RCV1 | 2 | 1 | 200001 RCV1 | 2 | 2 | 200002 RCV1 | 2 | 3 | 200003 RCV1 | 3 | 1 | 300001 RCV1 | 3 | 2 | 300002 RCV1 | 3 | 3 | 300003 (9 rows) CREATE TABLE SIMPLE1 (ID INTEGER, V1 DOUBLE, V2 DOUBLE, V3 DOUBLE); INSERT INTO SIMPLE1 VALUES(1, 100001, 100002, 100003); INSERT INTO SIMPLE1 VALUES(4, 200001, 200002, 200003); INSERT INTO SIMPLE1 VALUES(9, 300001, 300002, 300003); -- Use all columns except V2 CALL NZM..SIMPLE2RCV_ADV('outtable=RCV1, outmeta=RCV_META1, intable=SIMPLE1, incolumnlist=.;-V2, id=ID'); SELECT 'SIMPLE1',* FROM SELECT 'RCV_META1',* FROM SIMPLE1 ORDER BY 1,2,3; SELECT 'RCV1',* FROM RCV_META1 ORDER BY 1,2,3; RCV1 ORDER BY 1,2,3; DROP TABLE SIMPLE1; DROP TABLE RCV1; DROP TABLE RCV_META1; SIMPLE2RCV_ADV ---------------- 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 245 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide 2 (1 row) ?COLUMN? | ID | V1 | V2 | V3 ----------+----+--------+--------+-------SIMPLE1 | 1 | 100001 | 100002 | 100003 SIMPLE1 | 4 | 200001 | 200002 | 200003 SIMPLE1 | 9 | 300001 | 300002 | 300003 (3 rows) ?COLUMN? OUTCOLEND | COLID | COLNAME | COLDICT | OUTCOLBEG | -----------+-------+---------+---------+----------+----------RCV_META1 | 1 | V1 | | 1 | RCV_META1 | 2 | V3 | | 2 | 1 2 (2 rows) ?COLUMN? | ROW | COL | VALUE ----------+-----+-----+-------RCV1 | 1 | 1 | 100001 RCV1 | 1 | 2 | 100003 RCV1 | 2 | 1 | 200001 RCV1 | 2 | 2 | 200003 RCV1 | 3 | 1 | 300001 RCV1 | 3 | 2 | 300003 (6 rows) CREATE TABLE SIMPLE1 (ID INTEGER, V1 DOUBLE, V2 DOUBLE, V3 DOUBLE, N1 VARCHAR(5), N2 NVARCHAR(5)); INSERT INTO SIMPLE1 VALUES(1, 100001, 100002, 100003, 'one','jeden'); INSERT INTO SIMPLE1 VALUES(4, 200001, 200002, 200003, 'two','dwa'); INSERT INTO SIMPLE1 VALUES(9, 300001, 300002, 300003, 246 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations 'three','trzy'); -- Treat N1 and N2 as nominal attributes CALL NZM..SIMPLE2RCV_ADV('outtable=RCV1, outmeta=RCV_META1, intable=SIMPLE1, incolumnlist=., nomcolumnlist=N1;N2, id=ID'); SELECT 'SIMPLE1',* FROM SIMPLE1 ORDER BY 1,2,3; SELECT 'RCV_META1', COLID, COLNAME, OUTCOLBEG, OUTCOLEND RCV_META1 ORDER BY 1,2,3; SELECT 'RCV1',* FROM RCV1 ORDER BY 1,2,3; FROM DROP TABLE SIMPLE1; DROP TABLE RCV1; DROP TABLE RCV_META1; SIMPLE2RCV_ADV ---------------5 (1 row) ?COLUMN? | ID | V1 | V2 | V3 | N1 | N2 ----------+----+--------+--------+--------+-------+------SIMPLE1 | 1 | 100001 | 100002 | 100003 | one | jeden SIMPLE1 | 4 | 200001 | 200002 | 200003 | two | dwa SIMPLE1 | 9 | 300001 | 300002 | 300003 | three | trzy (3 rows) ?COLUMN? | COLID | COLNAME | OUTCOLBEG | OUTCOLEND -----------+-------+---------+-----------+----------RCV_META1 | 1 | V1 | 1 | 1 RCV_META1 | 2 | V2 | 2 | 2 RCV_META1 | 3 | V3 | 3 | 3 RCV_META1 | 4 | N1 | 4 | 6 RCV_META1 | 5 | N2 | 7 | 9 (5 rows) ?COLUMN? | ROW | COL | VALUE ----------+-----+-----+-------- 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 RCV1 | 1 | 1 | 100001 RCV1 | 1 | 2 | 100002 RCV1 | 1 | 3 | 100003 247 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide RCV1 | 1 | 4 | 1 RCV1 | 1 | 5 | 0 RCV1 | 1 | 6 | 0 RCV1 | 1 | 7 | 0 RCV1 | 1 | 8 | 1 RCV1 | 1 | 9 | 0 RCV1 | 2 | 1 | 200001 RCV1 | 2 | 2 | 200002 RCV1 | 2 | 3 | 200003 RCV1 | 2 | 4 | 0 RCV1 | 2 | 5 | 0 RCV1 | 2 | 6 | 1 RCV1 | 2 | 7 | 1 RCV1 | 2 | 8 | 0 RCV1 | 2 | 9 | 0 RCV1 | 3 | 1 | 300001 RCV1 | 3 | 2 | 300002 RCV1 | 3 | 3 | 300003 RCV1 | 3 | 4 | 0 RCV1 | 3 | 5 | 1 RCV1 | 3 | 6 | 0 RCV1 | 3 | 7 | 0 RCV1 | 3 | 8 | 0 RCV1 | 3 | 9 | 1 (27 rows) CREATE TABLE SIMPLE1 (ID INTEGER, V1 DOUBLE, V2 DOUBLE, V3 DOUBLE, N1 VARCHAR(5), N2 NVARCHAR(5)); INSERT INTO SIMPLE1 VALUES(1, 100001, 100002, 100003, 'one','jeden'); INSERT INTO SIMPLE1 VALUES(4, 200001, 200002, 200003, 'two','dwa'); 248 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations INSERT INTO SIMPLE1 VALUES(9, 300001, 300002, 300003, 'three','trzy'); CALL nza..COLUMN_PROPERTIES('intable=SIMPLE1,outtable=CPT1'); CALL nza..SET_COLUMN_PROPERTIES('intable=SIMPLE1 ,colPropertiesTable=CPT1,incolumn=ID:id'); -- Treat N1 and N2 as nominal attributes CALL NZM..SIMPLE2RCV_ADV('outtable=RCV1, outmeta=RCV_META1, intable=SIMPLE1,colPropertiesTable=CPT1'); SELECT 'SIMPLE1',* FROM SIMPLE1 ORDER BY 1,2,3; SELECT 'RCV_META1', COLID, COLNAME, OUTCOLBEG, OUTCOLEND RCV_META1 ORDER BY 1,2,3; SELECT 'CPT1',* FROM CPT1 ORDER BY 1,2,3; SELECT 'RCV1',* FROM RCV1 ORDER BY 1,2,3; DROP TABLE SIMPLE1; FROM DROP TABLE RCV1; DROP TABLE RCV_META1; DROP TABLE CPT1; COLUMN_PROPERTIES ------------------6 (1 row) SET_COLUMN_PROPERTIES ----------------------t (1 row) SIMPLE2RCV_ADV ---------------5 (1 row) ?COLUMN? | ID | V1 | V2 | V3 | N1 | N2 ----------+----+--------+--------+--------+-------+------- 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 SIMPLE1 | 1 | 100001 | 100002 | 100003 | one | jeden SIMPLE1 | 4 | 200001 | 200002 | 200003 | two | dwa SIMPLE1 | 9 | 300001 | 300002 | 300003 | three | trzy 249 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide (3 rows) ?COLUMN? | COLID | COLNAME | OUTCOLBEG | OUTCOLEND -----------+-------+---------+-----------+----------RCV_META1 | 1 | V1 | 1 | 1 RCV_META1 | 2 | V2 | 2 | 2 RCV_META1 | 3 | V3 | 3 | 3 RCV_META1 | 4 | N1 | 4 | 6 RCV_META1 | 5 | N2 | 7 | 9 (5 rows) ?COLUMN? | IDCOL | COLNAME | | COLTYPE | COLROLE | COLWEIGHT COLDATATYPE ----------+-------+--------+-------------------------------+---------+--------+----------CPT1 | cont | | id 1 | ID | | INTEGER 1 CPT1 | cont | 2 | V1 | input | | DOUBLE PRECISION 1 CPT1 | cont | 3 | V2 | input | | DOUBLE PRECISION 1 CPT1 | cont | 4 | V3 | input | | DOUBLE PRECISION 1 CPT1 | nom | 5 | N1 | input | | CHARACTER VARYING(5) 1 CPT1 | 6 | N2 | NATIONAL CHARACTER VARYING(5) | nom | input | 1 (6 rows) ?COLUMN? | ROW | COL | VALUE ----------+-----+-----+-------- 250 RCV1 | 1 | 1 | 100001 RCV1 | 1 | 2 | 100002 RCV1 | 1 | 3 | 100003 RCV1 | 1 | 4 | 1 RCV1 | 1 | 5 | 0 RCV1 | 1 | 6 | 0 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations RCV1 | 1 | 7 | 0 RCV1 | 1 | 8 | 1 RCV1 | 1 | 9 | 0 RCV1 | 2 | 1 | 200001 RCV1 | 2 | 2 | 200002 RCV1 | 2 | 3 | 200003 RCV1 | 2 | 4 | 0 RCV1 | 2 | 5 | 0 RCV1 | 2 | 6 | 1 RCV1 | 2 | 7 | 1 RCV1 | 2 | 8 | 0 RCV1 | 2 | 9 | 0 RCV1 | 3 | 1 | 300001 RCV1 | 3 | 2 | 300002 RCV1 | 3 | 3 | 300003 RCV1 | 3 | 4 | 0 RCV1 | 3 | 5 | 1 RCV1 | 3 | 6 | 0 RCV1 | 3 | 7 | 0 RCV1 | 3 | 8 | 0 RCV1 | 3 | 9 | 1 (27 rows) Related Functions ► category matrix operations SOLVE - Solve the Matrix Equation A X = B This procedure solves the equation A X = B for X, where A, B, and X are matrices. Usage The SOLVE stored procedure has the following syntax: ► SOLVE(NVARCHAR(ANY) matrixA, NVARCHAR(ANY) matrixB, NVARCHAR(ANY) matrixX); 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 251 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide ▲ Parameters ► matrixA The name of input matrix A. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixB The name of input matrix B. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixX The name of output matrix X. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE always. Details This procedure assumes that matrix A has full rank. Examples CALL nzm..shape('1,2,3,4,5,0,6,7,8',3,3,'A'); CALL nzm..shape('10,500,10,-900',3,3,'B'); CALL nzm..solve('A', 'B', 'X'); CALL nzm..gemm('A', 'X', 'B1'); CALL nzm..subtract('B', 'B1', 'B0'); CALL nzm..print('B0'); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('A'); CALL nzm..delete_matrix ('B'); CALL nzm..delete_matrix ('B0'); CALL nzm..delete_matrix ('B1'); CALL nzm..delete_matrix ('X'); SHAPE ------t (1 row) SHAPE ------- 252 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations t (1 row) SOLVE ------t (1 row) GEMM -----t (1 row) SUBTRACT ---------t (1 row) PRINT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- matrix: B0 --1.1368683772162e-13, 2.2737367544323e-13, 2.8421709430404e-14 -2.2737367544323e-13, 9.0949470177293e-13, 1.7053025658242e-13 0, 0, 0 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------- 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 253 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations SOLVE_LINEAR_LEAST_SQUARES - Solve Linear Least Squares Problem This procedure finds the linear least squares solution X to the matrix equation A X = B. Usage The SOLVE_LINEAR_LEAST_SQUARES stored procedure has the following syntax: ► SOLVE_LINEAR_LEAST_SQUARES(NVARCHAR(ANY) matrixA, NVARCHAR(ANY) matrixB, NVARCHAR(ANY) matrixX); ▲ Parameters ► matrixA The name of input matrix A. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixB The name of input matrix B. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixX The name of output matrix X. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ 254 Returns BOOLEAN TRUE always. 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations Details This procedure assumes that matrix A has full rank. Examples CALL nzm..shape('1,2,3,4,5,0,6,7,8',3,3,'A'); CALL nzm..shape('10,500,10,-900',3,3,'B'); CALL nzm..solve_linear_least_squares('A', 'B', 'X'); CALL nzm..print('X'); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('A'); CALL nzm..delete_matrix ('B'); CALL nzm..delete_matrix ('X'); SHAPE ------t (1 row) SHAPE ------t (1 row) SOLVE_LINEAR_LEAST_SQUARES ---------------------------t (1 row) PRINT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- matrix: X -141.66666666667, -1118.3333333333, -91.666666666666 -293.33333333333, 896.66666666667, 173.33333333333 151.66666666667, -58.333333333333, -81.666666666667 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 255 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations SQRT_ELEMENTS - Elementwise SQRT This procedure implements an elementwise square root calculation for the specified block of elements. Usage The SQRT_ELEMENTS stored procedure has the following syntax: ► SQRT_ELEMENTS('matrixIn', 'matrixOut', row_start, col_start, row_stop, col_stop) ▲ Parameters ► matrixIn The name of the input matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixOut The name of the output matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► row_start The first row of the input matrix to use. Type: INT4 ► 256 The first column of the input matrix to use. 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations Type: INT4 ► row_stop The last row of the input matrix to use. Type: INT4 ► col_stop The last column of the input matrix to use. Type: INT4 ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE, if successful. Examples CALL nzm..shape('2,9,49,64,81',3,3,'A'); CALL nzm..SQRT_ELEMENTS('A', 'B', 2, 2, 3, 3); CALL nzm..print('B'); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('A'); CALL nzm..delete_matrix ('B'); SHAPE ------t (1 row) SQRT_ELEMENTS --------------t (1 row) PRINT ---------------------------------------------------------- matrix: B -2, 9, 49 64, 9, 1.4142135623731 9, 7, 8 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 257 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations SQRT_ELEMENTS - Elementwise SQRT (entire matrix operation) This procedure implements elementwise square root calculation Usage The SQRT_ELEMENTS stored procedure has the following syntax: ► SQRT_ELEMENTS('matrixIn', 'matrixOut') ▲ Parameters ► matrixIn The name of the input matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixOut The name of the output matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE, if successful. Examples CALL nzm..shape('2,9,49,64,81',3,3,'A'); CALL nzm..SQRT_ELEMENTS('A', 'B'); CALL nzm..print('B'); CALL nzm..delete_matrix('A'); CALL nzm..delete_matrix ('B'); SHAPE ------t 258 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations (1 row) SQRT_ELEMENTS --------------t (1 row) PRINT --------------------------------------------------------------------- matrix: B -1.4142135623731, 3, 7 8, 9, 1.4142135623731 3, 7, 8 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations SUBTRACT - Matrix Subtraction This procedure computes C = A - B, where A, B, and C are matrices. Usage The SUBTRACT stored procedure has the following syntax: ► SUBTRACT(NVARCHAR(ANY) matrixA, NVARCHAR(ANY) matrixB, NVARCHAR(ANY) matrixC); ▲ Parameters ► matrixA 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 259 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide The name of input matrix A. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixB The name of input matrix B. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixC The name of output matrix C. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE always. Examples call nzm..shape('1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0',3,3,'A'); call nzm..shape('0,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1',3,3,'B'); call nzm..subtract('A','B','C'); call nzm..print('C'); call nzm..delete_matrix('A'); call nzm..delete_matrix ('B'); call nzm..delete_matrix ('C'); SHAPE ------t (1 row) SHAPE ------t (1 row) SUBTRACT ---------t (1 row) PRINT --------------------------------------------- 260 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations -- matrix: C -1, -7, -5 -3, -1, 1 3, 5, 7 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations SVD - Singular Value Decomposition This procedure computes the Singular Value Decomposition A = U * SIGMA * transpose(V) of a matrix. Usage The SVD stored procedure has the following syntax: ► SVD(NVARCHAR(ANY) matrixA, NVARCHAR(ANY) matrixU, NVARCHAR(ANY) matrixS, NVARCHAR(ANY) matrixVT); ▲ Parameters ► matrixA The name of input matrix A. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 matrixU The name of output matrix U. 261 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixS The name of the one-column output matrix S. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixVT The name of output matrix transpose(V). Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE always. Details Use "call nzm..vec_to_diag('S','SIGMA');" to create the diagonal matrix SIGMA from the onecolumn matrix S. Examples call nzm..shape('1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0',3,3,'A'); call nzm..svd('A', 'U', 'S', 'VT'); call nzm..vec_to_diag('S','SIGMA'); call nzm..gemm('U', 'SIGMA', 'USIGMA'); call nzm..gemm('USIGMA', 'VT', 'A1'); call nzm..subtract('A', 'A1', 'A0'); call nzm..print('A0'); call nzm..delete_matrix('A'); call nzm..delete_matrix ('U'); call nzm..delete_matrix ('S'); call nzm..delete_matrix ('VT'); call nzm..delete_matrix ('SIGMA'); call nzm..delete_matrix ('USIGMA'); call nzm..delete_matrix ('A0'); call nzm..delete_matrix ('A1'); SHAPE ------t 262 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations (1 row) SVD ----t (1 row) VEC_TO_DIAG ------------t (1 row) GEMM -----t (1 row) GEMM -----t (1 row) SUBTRACT ---------t (1 row) PRINT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- matrix: A0 --1.7763568394003e-15, -6.2172489379009e-15, -3.1086244689504e15 -1.7763568394003e-15, -1.7763568394003e-15, -4.4408920985006e15 -2.6645352591004e-15, -7.105427357601e-15, -7.105427357601e-15 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 263 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) 264 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations Related Functions ► category matrix operations TRANSPOSE - Matrix Transpose This procedure computes the transposed matrix C from matrix A. Usage The TRANSPOSE stored procedure has the following syntax: ► TRANSPOSE(NVARCHAR(ANY) matrixA, NVARCHAR(ANY) matrixC); ▲ Parameters ► matrixA The name of input matrix A. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixC The name of output matrix C. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE always. Examples call nzm..shape('1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0',2,4,'A'); call nzm..transpose('A', 'B'); call nzm..print('A'); call nzm..print('B'); call nzm..delete_matrix('A'); call nzm..delete_matrix('B'); SHAPE ------t (1 row) TRANSPOSE ----------t (1 row) 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 265 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide PRINT ---------------------------------------- matrix: A -1, 2, 3, 4 5, 6, 7, 8 (1 row) PRINT -------------------------------------- matrix: B -1, 5 2, 6 3, 7 4, 8 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations UNIFORM - Matrix of Random, Uniformly Distributed Values. This procedure creates a new matrix filled with uniformly distributed random values greater than or equal to zero and less than 1. Usage The UNIFORM stored procedure has the following syntax: 266 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations ► UNIFORM(matrixOut, numberOfRows, numberOfColumns) ▲ Parameters ► matrixOut The name of the output matrix. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► numberOfRows The number of rows to include in the new matrix. Type: INT4 ► numberOfColumns The number of columns to include in the new matrix. Type: INT4 ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE if successful. Details This procedure uses drand48_r. Examples call nzm..uniform('A', 50,50); call nzm..list_matrices(); call nzm..delete_matrix('A'); UNIFORM --------t (1 row) LIST_MATRICES --------------A (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 267 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide Related Functions ► category matrix operations VEC_TO_DIAG - Create a Diagonal Matrix from a One-column Matrix This procedure creates the diagonal matrix C using the values stored in the one-column matrix A. Usage The VEC_TO_DIAG stored procedure has the following syntax: ► VEC_TO_DIAG(NVARCHAR(ANY) matrixA, NVARCHAR(ANY) matrixC); ▲ Parameters ► matrixA The name of the one-column input matrix A. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixC The name of the output matrix C. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE always. Examples call nzm..shape('1,2,3,4',4,1,'A'); call nzm..vec_to_diag('A', 'B'); call nzm..print('A'); call nzm..print('B'); call nzm..delete_matrix('A'); call nzm..delete_matrix('B'); SHAPE ------t (1 row) VEC_TO_DIAG ------------t (1 row) 268 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations PRINT -------------------------- matrix: A -1 2 3 4 (1 row) PRINT -------------------------------------------------------------- matrix: B -1, 0, 0, 0 0, 2, 0, 0 0, 0, 3, 0 0, 0, 0, 4 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations VECDIAG - Diagonal of a Matrix This procedure extracts the diagonal of a matrix. Usage The VECDIAG stored procedure has the following syntax: 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 269 Netezza Matrix Engine Reference Guide ► VECDIAG(matrixAname, matrixCname); ▲ Parameters ► matrixAname The name of input matrix A. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ► matrixCname The name of output matrix C. Type: NVARCHAR(ANY) ▲ Returns BOOLEAN TRUE always. Details This procedure extracts the diagonal of a matrix using C := diag(A), where A and C are matrices. Matrix A is a square matrix and matrix C is a one column matrix. Matrix C must not exist prior to the operation. Examples call nzm..shape('1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16',4,4,' A'); call nzm..VECDIAG('A','B'); call nzm..print('A'); call nzm..print('B'); call nzm..delete_matrix('A'); call nzm..delete_matrix('B'); SHAPE ------t (1 row) VECDIAG --------t (1 row) PRINT 270 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 Reference Documentation: matrix operations -------------------------------------------------------------------- matrix: A -1, 2, 3, 4 5, 6, 7, 8 9, 10, 11, 12 13, 14, 15, 16 (1 row) PRINT ---------------------------- matrix: B -1 6 11 16 (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) DELETE_MATRIX --------------t (1 row) Related Functions ► category matrix operations 00J2222-03 Rev. 2 271 Notices and Trademarks Notices This information was developed for products and services offered in the U.S.A. IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this document in other countries. Consult your local IBM representative for information on the products and services currently available in your area. Any reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that IBM product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any IBM intellectual property right may be used instead. However, it is the user's responsibility to evaluate and verify the operation of any non-IBM product, program, or service. IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter described in this document. The furnishing of this document does not grant you any license to these patents. You can send license inquiries, in writing, to: IBM Director of Licensing IBM Corporation North Castle Drive Armonk, NY 10504-1785 U.S.A. For license inquiries regarding double-byte character set (DBCS) information, contact the IBM Intellectual Property Department in your country or send inquiries, in writing, to: Intellectual Property Licensing Legal and Intellectual Property Law IBM Japan Ltd. 1623-14, Shimotsuruma, Yamato-shi Kanagawa 242-8502 Japan The following paragraph does not apply to the United Kingdom or any other country where such provisions are inconsistent with local law: INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION PROVIDES THIS PUBLICATION "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some states do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions, therefore, this statement may not apply to you. This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication. IBM may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this publication at any time without notice. Any references in this information to non-IBM Web sites are provided for convenience only and do not in any manner serve as an endorsement of those Web sites. The materials at those Web sites are not part of the materials for this IBM product and use of those Web sites is at your own risk. IBM may use or distribute any of the information you supply in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you. Licensees of this program who wish to have information about it for the purpose of enabling: (i) the exchange of information between independently created programs and other programs (including this one) and (ii) the mutual use of the information which has been exchanged, should contact: IBM Corporation 26 Forest Street Marlborough, MA 01752 U.S.A. Such information may be available, subject to appropriate terms and conditions, including in some cases, payment of a fee. The licensed program described in this document and all licensed material available for it are provided by IBM under terms of the IBM Customer Agreement, IBM International Program License Agreement or any equivalent agreement between us. Any performance data contained herein was determined in a controlled environment. Therefore, the results obtained in other operating environments may vary significantly. Some measurements may have been made on development-level systems and there is no guarantee that these measurements will be the same on generally available systems. Furthermore, some measurements may have been estimated through extrapolation. Actual results may vary. Users of this document should verify the applicable data for their specific environment. Information concerning non-IBM products was obtained from the suppliers of those products, their published announcements or other publicly available sources. IBM has not tested those products and cannot confirm the accuracy of performance, compatibility or any other claims related to non-IBM products. Questions on the capabilities of non-IBM products should be addressed to the suppliers of those products. All statements regarding IBM's future direction or intent are subject to change or withdrawal without notice, and represent goals and objectives only. This information is for planning purposes only. The information herein is subject to change before the products described become available. This information contains examples of data and reports used in daily business operations. To illustrate them as completely as possible, the examples include the names of individuals, companies, brands, and products. All of these names are fictitious and any similarity to the names and addresses used by an actual business enterprise is entirely coincidental. COPYRIGHT LICENSE: This information contains sample application programs in source language, which illustrate programming techniques on various operating platforms. You may copy, modify, and distribute these sample programs in any form without payment to IBM, for the purposes of developing, using, marketing or distributing application programs conforming to the application programming interface for the operating platform for which the sample programs are written. These examples have not been thoroughly tested under all conditions. IBM, therefore, cannot guarantee or imply reliability, serviceability, or function of these programs. The sample programs are provided "AS IS", without warranty of any kind. IBM shall not be liable for any damages arising out of your use of the sample programs. Each copy or any portion of these sample programs or any derivative work, must include a copyright notice as follows: © (your company name) (year). Portions of this code are derived from IBM Corp. Sample Programs. © Copyright IBM Corp. (enter the year or years). All rights reserved. Trademarks IBM, the IBM logo, and Netezza are trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. If these and other IBM trademarked terms are marked on their first occurrence in this information with a trademark symbol (® or ™),these symbols indicate U.S. registered or common law trademarks owned by IBM at the time this information was published. Such trademarks may also be registered or common law trademarks in other countries. A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the Web at "Copyright and trademark information" at The following terms are trademarks or registered trademarks of other companies: Adobe is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States, and/or other countries. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States, other countries, or both. Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, and the Windows logo are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. NEC is a registered trademark of NEC Corporation. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other countries. Java and all Java-based trademarks are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States, other countries, or both. Red Hat is a trademark or registered trademark of Red Hat, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. D-CC, D-C++, Diab+, FastJ, pSOS+, SingleStep, Tornado, VxWorks, Wind River, and the Wind River logo are trademarks, registered trademarks, or service marks of Wind River Systems, Inc. Tornado patent pending. APC and the APC logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of American Power Conversion Corporation. Other company, product or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. Regulatory and Compliance Regulatory Notices Install the NPS system in a restricted-access location. Ensure that only those trained to operate or service the equipment have physical access to it. Install each AC power outlet near the NPS rack that plugs into it, and keep it freely accessible. Provide approved 30A circuit breakers on all power sources. Product may be powered by redundant power sources. Disconnect ALL power sources before servicing. High leakage current. Earth connection essential before connecting supply. Courant de fuite élevé. Raccordement à la terre indispensable avant le raccordement au réseau. Homologation Statement Attention: This product is not intended to be connected directly or indirectly by any means whatsoever to interfaces of public telecommunications networks, neither to be used in a Public Services Network. FCC - Industry Canada Statement This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio-frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference, in which case users will be required to correct the interference at their own expense. This Class A digital apparatus meets all requirements of the Canadian Interference-Causing Equipment Regulations. Cet appareil numérique de la classe A respecte toutes les exigences du Règlement sur le matériel brouilleur du Canada. WEEE Netezza Corporation is committed to meeting the requirements of the European Union (EU) Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive. This Directive requires producers of electrical and electronic equipment to finance the takeback, for reuse or recycling, of their products placed on the EU market after August 13, 2005. CE Statement (Europe) This product complies with the European Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC and EMC Directive 89/336/EEC as amended by European Directive 93/68/EEC. Warning: This is a class A product. In a domestic environment this product may cause radio interference in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures. VCCI Statement Index Index A ABS_ELEMENTS,21 ADD,25 ALL_NONZERO,27 ANY_NONZERO,28 APPLY_SIMPLE2RCV_ADV,17 B BLOCK,30 C CEIL_ELEMENTS,32 CHOOSE,36 CONCAT,42 COPY_MATRIX,44 COPY_SUBMATRIX,45 COVARIANCE,47 CREATE_IDENTITY_MATRIX,50 CREATE_MATRIX_FROM_TABLE,51 CREATE_ONES_MATRIX,53 CREATE_RANDOM_CAUCHY_MATRIX,54 CREATE_RANDOM_EXPONENT_MATRIX,56 CREATE_RANDOM_GAMMA_MATRIX,58 CREATE_RANDOM_LAPLACE_MATRIX,60 CREATE_RANDOM_MATRIX,62 CREATE_RANDOM_NORMAL_MATRIX,63 CREATE_RANDOM_POISSON_MATRIX,65 CREATE_RANDOM_RAYLEIGH_MATRIX,67 CREATE_RANDOM_UNIFORM_MATRIX,68 CREATE_RANDOM_WEIBULL_MATRIX,70 CREATE_TABLE_FROM_MATRIX,72 D DEGREES_ELEMENTS,76 DELETE_ALL_MATRICES,79 DELETE_MATRIX,80 DIAG,82 DIVIDE_ELEMENTS,84 E EIGEN,86 EQ,88 EXP_ELEMENTS,90 F FLOOR_ELEMENTS,94 G GE,98 GEMM,100 GET_NUM_COLS,104 GET_NUM_ROWS,105 GET_VALUE,106 GT,107 I INITIALIZE,109 INSERT,110 INT_ELEMENTS,112 INVERSE,116 IS_INITIALIZED,120 K KILL_ENGINE,121 KRONECKER,121 L LE,123 LINEAR_COMBINATION,126 LIST_MATRICES,131 LN_ELEMENTS,132 LOC,136 LOG_ELEMENTS,138 LT,143 M MATRIX_EXISTS,145 MATRIX_VECTOR_OPERATION,146 MAX,149 277 Index MIN,151 MOD_ELEMENTS,153 MTX_LINEAR_REGRESSION,156 MTX_LINEAR_REGRESSION_APPLY,159 MTX_PCA,162 MTX_PCA_APPLY,172 MTX_POW,174 MTX_POW2,176 MULTIPLY_ELEMENTS,178 N NE,180 NORMAL,182 SHAPE,234 SHAPEMTX,236 SIGN_REVERSE,238 SIMPLE2RCV,242 SIMPLE2RCV_ADV,243 SOLVE,251 SOLVE_LINEAR_LEAST_SQUARES,254 SQRT_ELEMENTS,256 SUBTRACT,259 SVD,261 T TRANSPOSE,265 P U POWER_ELEMENTS,185 PRINT,189 UNIFORM,267 R RADIANS_ELEMENTS,192 RCV2SIMPLE,196 RCV2SIMPLE_NUM,202 RED_MAX,206 RED_MAX_ABS,207 RED_MIN,208 RED_MIN_ABS,209 RED_SSQ,210 RED_SUM,211 RED_TRACE,212 REDUCE_TO_VECT,213 REDUCTION,215 REMOVE,216 REPEAT,218 ROUND_ELEMENTS,220 S SCALAR_OPERATION,224 SCALE,229 SET_BLOCK_SIZE,230 SET_GRID_SIZE,231 SET_GRID_SIZE_WITH_REDISTRIBUTE,232 SET_VALUE,233 278 V VEC_TO_DIAG,268 VECDIAG,270