i.MX27L Multimedia Applications Processor Overview The i.MX Family In response to the needs of design engineers Freescale’s i.MX family of applications tasked with pushing the performance processors delivers power to the people who envelope, packing in a lot of connectivity GHPDQGLWGHVLJQHUVDQGXVHUVDOLNHZKRZDQW options, providing robust security in mobile exceptional performance and long battery life device designs and doing it all at a lower cost. from their mobile devices. Design engineers Freescale presents the i.MX27L multimedia capitalize on the amazing performance i.MX applications processor. Derived from the processors achieve at lower clock speeds popular i.MX21 processor and based on the and the high degree of integration to quickly ARM926EJ-S™ core, the i.MX27L processor deliver innovative mobile devices to market. adds an Ethernet 10/100 MAC, security, &RQVXPHUVORYHWKHOLIHOLNHYLGHRDQG' External Memory Interface (EMI) plug-and-play connectivity and more power graphics reproduction, quick response and long management features. This rich feature set play time for hours of work and entertainment makes it an excellent choice for voice-over- use. Freescale gives design engineers the IP cordless and mobile phones, intelligent power of choice with various i.MX processors, Ř Ř Ř Ř remote controls, point-of-sale terminals and from the i.MXS for price sensitive applications, Security Control many other mobile applications. and i.MXL, i.MX1 and i.MX21S for mid-range Ř Ř Ř Ř The i.MX27L multimedia applications processor is architected with Freescale’s Smart Speed™ technology. The result is a processor that GHYLFHVWRL0;L0;L0;/L0;/ DQGL0;IRUKLJKSHUIRUPDQFHPRELOH multimedia devices. Features CPU Complex Ř Ř Ř Ř Ř $50(-60+]FRUH .%/,&DFKHDQG'&DFKH FKDQQHO'0$ (70UHDOWLPHGHEXJ 6PDUW6SHHGVZLWFK Multimedia Ř +LJKVSHHG&026VHQVRULQWHUIDFH 6'5$0ELW0+] ''5ELW0+] 1$1'ƃDVKELW 365$0VXSSRUW &U\SWRDFFHOHUDWRU (OHFWURQLFDOO\EORZQIXVHER[ +LJKDVVXUDQFHERRW 6HFXULW\FRQWUROOHUZLWKHQFU\SWHG RAM storage Ř 5HDOWLPH266:LQWHJULW\FKHFNHU performs like a much higher MHz device, but The i.MX family supports a range of platforms conserves power for long, long battery life. such as those based on the Microsoft® Advanced Power Management :LQGRZV CE and Linux operating systems Ř Dynamic process temperature compensation (DPTC) Ř $FWLYHZHOOELDV ® ® DVZHOODVDQXPEHURIOHDGLQJ5726V Connectivity i.MX27L Connectivity Internal 10/100 Ethernet System Control CPU COMPLEX ARM926EJ-S™ Smart Speed™ Switch (MAX) 2 x 1 2C I-Cache D-Cache 008 Audio Mux Internal Control %XV&RQWURO Memory Control 2 x I2S/SSI [&63, External SCC SAHARA2 IIM RTIC 51*$ 2 x HS 86%27*+RVW :LUH Expansion MEMORY INTERFACE %RRWVWUDS Clock Management Standard System I/O Security Control [8$57 -7$*,&(0 6 x Timer 3:0 :'7LPHU Secure RTC DMA Human Interface 1$1')ODVK LCD Control Smart LCD 9V\QF)ODVK PCMCIA/CF EIM [.H\SDG Multimedia Interface Inherited from i.MX21 1HZRU(QKDQFHGIURPL0; DQG0ESV(WKHUQHW,(((®0$& 86%27*KLJKVSHHGKRVW[ [00&6' 3&0&,$&) $XGLR08; ,U'$NH\SDGZLUH &RQƂJXUDEOH63,[66,,26[8$57[ Performance Ř &38FRPSOH[0+]DW9 0+]DW9 Ř 6\VWHP0+] *3,2 DDR SDRAM [00&6' Ř Ř Ř Ř Ř Ř Ř Camera Interface Technology Ř QP&026 Ř 3DFNDJHEDOOVPPSLWFK 0$3%*$PP[PPSDFNDJH Power Management Smart Speed Switch 7KH[6PDUW6SHHGFURVVEDUVZLWFKLQL0;/HQDEOHVGHVLJQHUVWRDFKLHYHWUXH parallelism resulting in more effective data transactions per clock cycle. The switch allows up to three simultaneous transactions; this virtually eliminates wait states and can provide the HIIHFWLYHWKURXJKSXWRID0+]EXV7KLVDOORZVHQULFKHGPXOWLPHGLDH[SHULHQFHVVXFKDV voice-over-IP at low power for hours and hours on a single battery charge. The i.MX27L is built using Freescale’s Smart Speed technology with some powerful LQQRYDWLRQV2XUG\QDPLFSURFHVVWHPSHUDture compensation (DPTC) mechanism measures reference circuits’ delays dependent on the process speed The i.MX27L offers an abundance of different power saving modes, giving the system developer the ability to make trade-offs between power consumption in stand-by and recovery times. and temperature. The DPTC then lowers the voltage to the minimum level needed to 7KHVHPRGHVLQFOXGHUXQZDLWGR]HVWDWHUHWHQWLRQGHHSVOHHSDQGKLEHUQDWH support the current operating frequency. Security Features Connectivity The i.MX27L incorporates Freescale’s platform independent security architecture, a i.MX27L supports connectivity to a wide range combination of security features that provides a high level of confidence for carriers, content providers and consumers. The i.MX27L security architecture is a blended hardware/software VROXWLRQ6HFXULW\IHDWXUHVLQFOXGH of external devices—cameras, displays and more. The i.MX27L also supports 10 and 0ESV(WKHUQHWQHWZRUNVWKXV introducing Ethernet connectivity to the Ř 0HPRU\PDQDJHPHQWXQLW008 i.MX family. Ř Security controller (SCC), including secure RAM and security monitor Ř 5DQGRPQXPEHUJHQHUDWRUDFFHOHUDWRU51*$ USB On-the-Go (USB-OTG) Ř 8QLYHUVDOXQLTXHLGHQWLILFDWLRQ The i.MX27L integrates one High-Speed Ř Run-time tntegrity checker (RTIC) 86%27*SRUWIRUFRQQHFWLRQWRD3&RU3& Ř Crypto accelerator peripherals without PC involvement, plus one Ř IC identification module (IIM) with e-fuses +LJK6SHHG86%+RVWDQGRQH)XOO6SHHG Ř +LJKDVVXUDQFHERRW+$% 86%+RVWIRULQWHUIDFLQJZLWKSHULSKHUDOVVXFK DV:L)L®%OXHWRRWK® and cellular baseband. Ř Tamper detection For carriers, the security architecture provides protection features to help guard against For more information, visit malicious service attacks, theft of services, configuration protection and concerns with www.freescale.com/imx27L. cloning. For content providers, it helps block illegal access to licensed content, thereby protecting against unauthorized use and distribution. And for consumers, private data is designed to be inaccessible, helping protect against identify theft. Learn More: Freescale and the Freescale logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. LQWKH86DQGRWKHUFRXQWULHV$OORWKHUSURGXFWRUVHUYLFHQDPHVDUHWKHSURSHUW\RIWKHLUUHVSHFWLYHRZQHUV k)UHHVFDOH6HPLFRQGXFWRU,QF 'RFXPHQW1XPEHU,0;/)6 5(9 For current information about Freescale products and documentation, please visit www.freescale.com.