DSP56300 Power-Up Sequencing Guidelines

Freescale Semiconductor
Engineering Bulletin
Rev. 4, 10/2005
DSP56300 Power-Up Sequencing
This document provides guidelines for applying power and
signals to certain DSP56300 family devices using split power
supplies with different core/PLL and I/O voltage requirements,
that is, the DSP56307, DSP56L307, and DSP56311. For
specification details, refer to the device Technical Data sheet.
© Freescale Semiconductor, Inc., 2002, 2005. All rights reserved.
Device Initialization Steps ......................................2
Board Design Recommendations ............................2
Other Considerations ...............................................3
Reference Documentation .......................................3
Device Initialization Steps
Device Initialization Steps
To ensure proper operation of the device and minimize power consumption during start-up:
Power-up Sequence. Ensure that the I/O voltage source is always higher than or equal to the core/PLL
voltage source.
Input Signal Requirements.
a. RESET and TRST must be asserted during power-up and held low (asserted) until the proper
conditions are met.
b. The input clock must be applied and stabilized before RESET is deasserted (pulled high).
c. Ensure that the PLL Initial pin (PINIT) is pulled up or down, as appropriate, to determine whether
PLL is enabled or disabled before deasserting RESET.
d. Ensure that the mode pins (MOD[A–D]) are pulled up or down, as appropriate, to select the desired
boot mode before deasserting RESET.
e. All inputs must be terminated (that is, not allowed to float) by CMOS levels except for the five
pins with internal pull-up resistors (TMS, TDI, TCK, TRST and DE).
The duration of the required RESET assertion depends on the clock source:
For an external clock generator, the minimum RESET duration is measured while RESET is asserted, VCC is
valid, and the EXTAL input is active and valid.
For an internal oscillator, the minimum RESET duration is measured while RESET is asserted and VCC is
valid. Specified timing reflects the crystal oscillator stabilization time after power-up. Both the crystal
specifications and those for other components connected to the oscillator affect this number, and it reflects
worst case conditions.
When the VCC is valid, but the other “required RESET duration” conditions (as specified above) are not yet
met, the device circuitry is in an uninitialized state that can result in significant power consumption and
heat-up. Designs should minimize this state to the shortest possible duration.
g. Deassert TRST with or after RESET.
Board Design Recommendations
Provide a low-impedance path from the board power supply to each VCC pin on the DSP and from the
board ground to each GND pin.
Use at least a four-layer PCB with two inner layers for VCC and GND.
Use at least six 0.01–0.1 µF bypass capacitors for I/O VCC and four 0.01–0.1 µF capacitors for core
VCC, positioned as closely as possible to the four sides of the package to connect the VCC power sources
to GND.
Ensure that capacitor leads and associated printed circuit traces that connect to the chip VCC and GND
pins are less than 0.5 inch per capacitor lead.
Maximum PCB trace lengths on the order of 4 inches are recommended to the address and data buses
as well as the IRQA, IRQB, IRQC, IRQD, TA, and BG pins.
If multiple DSP devices are on the same board, check for cross-talk or excessive spikes on the supplies
due to synchronous operation of the devices.
DSP56300 Power-Up Sequencing Guidelines, Rev. 4
Freescale Semiconductor
Other Considerations
Other Considerations
Consider all device loads as well as parasitic capacitance due to PCB traces when you calculate
capacitance. This is especially critical in systems with higher capacitive loads that could create higher
transient currents in the VCC and GND circuits.
The Port A data bus (D[0–23]), HI08, ESSI0, ESSI1, SCI, and timers all use internal keepers to
maintain the last output value even when the internal signal is tri-stated. Typically, no pull-up or pulldown resistors should be used with these signal lines. However, if the DSP is connected to a device
that requires pull-up resistors (such as an MPC8260), the recommended resistor value is 10 KΩ or less.
If more than one DSP must be connected in parallel to the other device, the pull-up resistor value
requirement changes as follows:
— 2 DSPs = 7 KΩ or less
— 3 DSPs = 4 KΩ or less
— 4 DSPs = 3 KΩ or less
— 5 DSPs = 2 KΩ or less
— 6 DSPs = 1.5 KΩ or less
Reference Documentation
DSP56307 Technical Data sheet (DSP56307)
DSP56L307 Technical Data sheet (DSP56L307)
DSP56311 Technical Data sheet (DSP56311)
DSP56300 Power-Up Sequencing Guidelines, Rev. 4
Freescale Semiconductor
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Document Order No.: EB392
Rev. 4
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