AN36179 PSoC® 1 Programmable Bipolar Analog Current Source Author: Dave Van Ess, Rajiv Vasanth Badiger Associated Part Family: CY8C24x23, CY8C24x94, CY8C27x43, CY8C28xxx, CY8C29x66 Related Application Notes: AN2041 To get the latest version of this application note, or the associated project file, please visit The unique configuration of PSoC® 1 switched capacitor blocks enables construction of a programmable bipolar current source. This application note explains how to build a programmable current source using a couple of basic PSoC User Modules. Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Introduction ...............................................................1 PSoC Resources ......................................................2 2.1 PSoC Designer ................................................2 2.2 Code Examples ...............................................3 2.3 Technical Support ............................................4 Current Source .........................................................5 Working with In-Amps and MIPS ..............................6 PSoC Implementation...............................................6 Supply Rails..............................................................7 Application Example .................................................9 8 Solutions for Port 2 ................................................. 10 9 Summary ................................................................ 11 Document History............................................................ 12 Worldwide Sales and Design Support ............................. 13 Products .......................................................................... 13 PSoC® Solutions ............................................................. 13 Cypress Developer Community....................................... 13 Technical Support ........................................................... 13 Introduction Many applications need an accurate and controllable current source. The unique PSoC MCU architecture enables programmable current sources that source and sink 40 mA. This application note provides: A brief explanation of instrumentation amplifier based (In-Amp) current sources. Examples of analog current sources implemented with PSoC analog blocks. Document No. 001-36179 Rev. *E 1 PSoC® 1 Programmable Bipolar Analog Current Source 2 PSoC Resources Cypress provides a wealth of data at to help you to select the right PSoC device for your design, and quickly and effectively integrate the device into your design. In this document, PSoC refers to the PSoC 1 family of devices. To learn more about PSoC 1, refer to the application note AN75320 - Getting Started with PSoC 1. The following is an abbreviated list for PSoC 1: 2.1 Overview: PSoC Portfolio, PSoC Roadmap Datasheets: Describe and provide electrical specifications for the PSoC 1 device family. Application Notes and Code Examples: Cover a broad range of topics, from basic to advanced level. Many of the application notes include code examples. Technical Reference Manuals (TRM): Provide detailed descriptions of the internal architecture of the PSoC 1 devices. Product Selectors: PSoC 1, PSoC 3, PSoC 4, or PSoC 5LP. In addition, PSoC Designer includes a device selection tool. Development Kits: CY3215A-DK In-Circuit Emulation Lite Development Kit includes an in-circuit emulator (ICE). While the ICE-Cube is primarily used to debug PSoC 1 devices, it can also program PSoC 1 devices using ISSP. CY3210-PSOCEVAL1 Kit enables you to evaluate and experiment Cypress's PSoC 1 programmable system-on-chip design methodology and architecture. CY8CKIT-001 is a common development platform for all PSoC family devices. The MiniProg1 and MiniProg3 devices provide an interface for flash programming. PSoC Designer PSoC Designer is a free Windows-based Integrated Design Environment (IDE). Develop your applications using a library of pre-characterized analog and digital peripherals in a drag-and-drop design environment. Then, customize your design leveraging the dynamically generated API libraries of code. Figure 1 shows PSoC Designer windows. Note: This is not the default view. 1. Global Resources – all device hardware settings. 2. Parameters – the parameters of the currently selected User Modules. 3. Pinout – information related to device pins. 4. Chip-Level Editor – a diagram of the resources available on the selected chip. 5. Datasheet – the datasheet for the currently selected UM 6. User Modules – all available User Modules for the selected device. 7. Device Resource Meter – device resource usage for the current project configuration. 8. Workspace – a tree level diagram of files associated with the project. 9. Output – output from project build and debug operations. Note: For detailed information on PSoC Designer, go to PSoC® Designer > Help > Documentation > Designer Specific Documents > IDE User Guide. Document No. 001-36179 Rev. *E 2 PSoC® 1 Programmable Bipolar Analog Current Source Figure 1. PSoC Designer Layout 2.2 Code Examples The following webpage lists the PSoC Designer based Code Examples. These Code Examples can speed up your design process by starting you off with a complete design, instead of a blank page and also show how PSoC Designer User modules can be used for various applications. For more information on PSoC 1 code examples, visit Examples. To access the Code Examples integrated with PSoC Designer, follow the path Start Page > Design Catalog > Launch Example Browser as shown in Figure 2. Figure 2. Code Examples in PSoC Designer Document No. 001-36179 Rev. *E 3 PSoC® 1 Programmable Bipolar Analog Current Source In the Example Projects Browser shown in Figure 3, you have the following options: Keyword search to filter the projects. Create a new project (and a new workspace if needed) based on the selection. This can speed up your design process by starting you off with a complete, basic design. You can then adapt that design to your application. Listing the projects based on Category. Review the datasheet for the selection (on the Description tab). Review the code example for the selection. You can copy and paste code from this window to your project, which can help speed up code development, or Figure 3. Code Example Projects, with Sample Codes 2.3 Technical Support If you have any questions, our technical support team is happy to assist you. You can create a support request on the Cypress Technical Support page. You can also use the following support resources if you need quick assistance. Self-help Local Sales Office Locations Document No. 001-36179 Rev. *E 4 PSoC® 1 Programmable Bipolar Analog Current Source 3 Current Source Figure 4 shows a classic design of a current source built with an In-Amp. Figure 4. Instrumentation Amplifier Based Current Source 1 vset vout iset vload Rset Rload Equation 1 shows the value of iset given Vout and Vload. iset Equation 1 Vout Vload Rset If the gain of the In-Amp is set to one, the Equation 2 holds true. Equation 2 Vout Vload Vset Combining these two equations results in Equation 3. i set Equation 3 Vset Rset Independent of the load resistance, the voltage across R set is always equal to –Vset. Equation 3 defines current. This is independent of load resistance, considering the voltage across the resistor as constant. Equation 3 is true only when Equation 2 holds true. The amplifier attempts to make the output, the difference of the inputs. Vout and Vload cannot exceed the legitimate operating range for the specific In-Amp. For example, you cannot drive a finite current into an infinite load. Therefore, it is possible to build a programmable current source with an InAmp, a resistor, and a reference voltage. Document No. 001-36179 Rev. *E 5 PSoC® 1 Programmable Bipolar Analog Current Source 4 Working with In-Amps and MIPS There are several good In-Amps (Analog Devices AD620 and Burr Brown INA128). The PSoC INSAMP User Module is not capable of operating with only a gain of one. However, it is possible to build a unity gain difference amplifier (DiffAmp) using a Switched Capacitor Block User Module (SCBLOCK). Although the DiffAmp is not as robust as the In-Amp, you can include the following for the same price: Figure 5. PSoC Current Source Implementation PSoC Vset DAC6_1 DiffAmp Vload P2.1 -B Buf0 P0.3 Vout A A DAC to set the reference voltage Rset A 4 MIPS CPU iset = -Vset / Rset Rload 4K to 32 Kbytes of Flash 256 bytes to 2K RAM VloadRef 4 to 16 digital blocks 4 to 12 analog blocks These are the prerequisites for building a complete application. 5 PSoC Implementation Figure 5 shows the PSoC implementation of a current source built with a DAC, DiffAmp, and an external current setting resistor. PSoC Designer project is provided for this implementation. Figure 6. Current Source User Module Placement DAC6_1 controls Vset. It feeds the negative input of DiffAmp. The amplifier’s output is buffered (Buf0) and brought out on Port 0[3]. The input is brought in on Port 2[1] and connects to the positive input of DiffAmp. When the input is connected to the output via Rset, a current is sourced into Rload. Figure 6 shows the user module placement for the example. The DiffAmp is the SCBLOCK User Module configured to be a differential unity gain amplifier. Figure 7 shows the parameter selection. Figure 7. Parameter Selection for DiffAmp Note For background information on switch capacitor design, refer to the application note AN2041 – Understanding PSoC 1 Switched Capacitor Analog Blocks. Note For DAC6 input between –28 and –31, the DAC column clock must be limited to 250 kHz. For a DAC6 input greater than –28, the column clock must be limited to a frequency not greater than 2 MHz. Document No. 001-36179 Rev. *E 6 PSoC® 1 Programmable Bipolar Analog Current Source 6 Supply Rails The circuit shown in Figure 5 is capable of driving a current into an increasing resistive load until V out reaches infinity or at least attempts to exceed the Vdd one that comes first. As mentioned in the Working with In-Amps and MIPS section, the amplifier attempts to make the output the difference of the inputs. It does so if all the voltages are kept in the linear ranges. There are four unique voltage nodes for this circuit. They are: VloadRef This is the return path of the load resistor. It is a value you choose. It is V ss (gnd), Vdd, or AGND. You can have any other voltage outside the supplies’ rails as long as the other three voltages are in their linear range. Vset This voltage sets the current level. It is an input into a switched capacitor block and accepts inputs up to, and including, the supply rails as show in Equation 4. Equation 4 Vss Vset AGND Vdd DAC6 generates Vset value in the range of AGND ± Vref. It is important that this voltage does not exceed the limits set in Equation 4. Vload Figure 5 shows this signal as an input into a switched capacitor block and accepts inputs up to, and including, the supply rails. Equation 5 defines this. Equation 5 Vss Vlaad Vdd Equation 6 shows that Vload is dependent on VloadRef, Rload, and Iset. Equation 6 Vload Vload Re f iset Rload It is not possible to source a current into Rload, if VloadRef is set to Vdd or to sink a current from Rload if VloadRef is set to Vss. Vout Figure 5 shows this signal as an output of an analog output buffer. Equation 7 shows it as dependent on iset, Rload, and Rset. Equation 7 Vout VloadRef iset ( Rload Rset ) The limitation of this buffer’s range is a function of the current it supplies. Each has its own limits which affects the correct linear operation. Figure 8 shows the typical range of an analog output buffer as a function of load impedance. Document No. 001-36179 Rev. *E 7 PSoC® 1 Programmable Bipolar Analog Current Source Figure 8. Buffer Range Vs Load Resistance, Vdd = 5 V Figure 9 shows the range of an analog output buffer as a function of sourced load current. Figure 9. Buffer Range Vs Load Current, Vdd = 5 V Of course, “typical” is defined as the results from measuring one at the bench. Vout falls in the allowable ranges for Figure 8 and Figure 9. Document No. 001-36179 Rev. *E 8 PSoC® 1 Programmable Bipolar Analog Current Source 7 Application Example Figure 10 shows a typical transducer that converts some arbitrary physical parameter to a resistance. It is ground-referenced and varies from 0 to 300 ohms. The manufacturer recommends a 4-mA stimulus to generate 0-V to 1.2-V response. This response is then digitized. This requires: Figure 10. Typical Transducer Requirements Vresponse 0 - 300 ohms 0 - 1.2 V Typical Transducer istimulus 4 mA Rload Generating a 4 mA current. Shifting response to a valid PSoC ADC range. Vdd of PSoC is set to 5.0 V. VloadRef is set to Vss (gnd). AGND is set to ½Vdd or 2.5 V. The DAC6 sets Vset to 1.25 V. This meets the requirements set in Equation 4. Setting Rset to 316 ohms and using Equation 2, the current is set to 4 mA. Vload has a range from 0 to 1.2 V meeting the requirements set in Equation 5. Figure 9 shows that for a sourced current of 4 mA, Vout has a range of 0.1 to 4.75 V. Vout is 1.25V larger than Vload or 1.25V to 2.45 V, falling within the range margins. Figure 11. PSoC Implementation PSoC Vset = 1.25 V DAC6_1 DiffAmp Vload -B P2.1 Buf0 P0.3 Vout A AGND = 1/2Vcc Rset = 316 ohms iset = -Vset / Rset = 4mA Rload = 0 to 300 ohms VloadRef = Vss = gnd Document No. 001-36179 Rev. *E 9 PSoC® 1 Programmable Bipolar Analog Current Source 8 Solutions for Port 2 The previous solution has Vload coming in on one of the port 2 switched-capacitor inputs. This enables a range that includes the supply rails. However, not all PSoC 1 devices have port 2. An alternate design is presented in Figure 12. Figure 12 looks identical to the implementation in Figure 5 except that Vload now feeds a Programmable Gain Amplifier (PGA) configured as a unity gain Buffer that has its input on P0[1] and output feeding DiffAmp2. Figure 12. PSoC Current Source, Sans Port 2 Figure 13. PSoC Implementation, Sans Port 2 PSoC V set = 1.25 V Buffer Vload DAC6_1 DiffAmp -B P0.1 Buf0 P0.3 Vout A AGND= 1 /2 Vdd Rset = 316 ohms iset = -V set / Rset = 4mA Rload = 0 to 300 ohms VloadRef = Vss = gnd The primary difference is the acceptable voltage range for V load. This signal is now an input to the continuous time analog block. Equation 8 defines the allowable range for Vload taken from the specifications in the device datasheet. Equation 8 (Vss + 0.5) ≤ Vload ≤ (Vdd – 1) The voltage across Rload ranges from 0 to 1.2 V. This violates the conditions of Equation 8. A simple solution is to add a 130 ohm resister in series with the transducer load to boost V load by 0.52 V. This ensures: Vload of span of 0.52 to 1.72 V Vout of span of 1.77 to 2.97 V Both meet the range requirements set in Equation 8 and Equation 7. Of course, subtract the contributions of Rshift from your result. Document No. 001-36179 Rev. *E 10 PSoC® 1 Programmable Bipolar Analog Current Source 9 Summary Understanding instrumentation amplifiers permits the construction of bipolar current sources. The PSoC MCU architecture further enables you to build a complete programmable current source with only one external resistor. About the Author Name: Rajiv Vasanth Badiger Title: Applications Engineer Staff Document No. 001-36179 Rev. *E 11 PSoC® 1 Programmable Bipolar Analog Current Source Document History Document Title: AN36179 - PSoC® 1 Programmable Bipolar Analog Current Source Document Number: 001-36179 Revision ECN Orig. of Change Submission Date Description of Change ** 1406903 SFV 03/30/2010 New application note. *A 2552494 DWV 08/14/2008 Updated Section on DAC Clock Frequency. *B 2901738 YARA 04/01/2010 Added reference to AN2089 in Document Properties. AN2089 is an older version of this application note. *C 3739205 RJVB 09/10/2012 Updated in new template. *D 4664928 ASRI 02/18/2015 Updated the project to PSoC Designer 5.4. Updated document template and reorganized the content. Added PSoC Resources. *E 4835488 ASRI 07/24/2015 Updated the project to PSoC Designer 5.4 SP1. Updated the document title. Updated Supply Rails and Solutions for Port 2. Document No. 001-36179 Rev. *E 12 PSoC® 1 Programmable Bipolar Analog Current Source Worldwide Sales and Design Support Cypress maintains a worldwide network of offices, solution centers, manufacturer’s representatives, and distributors. To find the office closest to you, visit us at Cypress Locations. PSoC® Solutions Products Automotive Clocks & Buffers PSoC 1 | PSoC 3 | PSoC 4 | PSoC 5LP Interface Cypress Developer Community Lighting & Power Control Memory PSoC Touch Sensing USB Controllers Wireless/RF Community | Forums | Blogs | Video | Training Technical Support PSoC is a registered trademark and PSoC Creator is a trademark of Cypress Semiconductor Corp. All other trademarks or registered trademarks referenced herein are the property of their respective owners. Cypress Semiconductor 198 Champion Court San Jose, CA 95134-1709 Phone Fax Website : 408-943-2600 : 408-943-4730 : © Cypress Semiconductor Corporation, 2010-2015. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. Cypress Semiconductor Corporation assumes no responsibility for the use of any circuitry other than circuitry embodied in a Cypress product. Nor does it convey or imply any license under patent or other rights. Cypress products are not warranted nor intended to be used for medical, life support, life saving, critical control or safety applications, unless pursuant to an express written agreement with Cypress. Furthermore, Cypress does not authorize its products for use as critical components in life-support systems where a malfunction or failure may reasonably be expected to result in significant injury to the user. The inclusion of Cypress products in life-support systems application implies that the manufacturer assumes all risk of such use and in doing so indemnifies Cypress against all charges. This Source Code (software and/or firmware) is owned by Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (Cypress) and is protected by and subject to worldwide patent protection (United States and foreign), United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions. Cypress hereby grants to licensee a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to copy, use, modify, create derivative works of, and compile the Cypress Source Code and derivative works for the sole purpose of creating custom software and or firmware in support of licensee product to be used only in conjunction with a Cypress integrated circuit as specified in the applicable agreement. Any reproduction, modification, translation, compilation, or representation of this Source Code except as specified above is prohibited without the express written permission of Cypress. Disclaimer: CYPRESS MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH REGARD TO THIS MATERIAL, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Cypress reserves the right to make changes without further notice to the materials described herein. Cypress does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit described herein. Cypress does not authorize its products for use as critical components in life-support systems where a malfunction or failure may reasonably be expected to result in significant injury to the user. The inclusion of Cypress’ product in a life-support systems application implies that the manufacturer assumes all risk of such use and in doing so indemnifies Cypress against all charges. Use may be limited by and subject to the applicable Cypress software license agreement. Document No. 001-36179 Rev. *E 13