Freescale Semiconductor Application Note Document Number: AN3381 Rev. 0, 11/2006 Using SMAC with the MC9S08QD4 MCU by: Juan Cazares Blanco RTAC Guadalajara 1 Introduction This application note explains how to modify any Simple Media Access Controller (SMAC) application created by the BeeKit Wireless Connectivity ToolkitTM to run the application on the MC9S08QD4 microcontrollers. While this application note is useful to import any BeeKit Wireless Connectivity Toolkit application to other microcontrollers, the target of this application note is the MC9S08QD4 device. 2 Overview The BeeKit Wireless Connectivity Toolkit is a comprehensive codebase of wireless networking libraries, application templates, and sample applications. The BeeKit Graphical User Interface (GUI), part of the BeeKit Wireless Connectivity Toolkit, allows users to create, modify, and update various wireless networking implementations. This application note describes the steps to import these applications to MC9S08QD4 microcontrollers. The BeeKit Wireless Connectivity Toolkit allows selecting demo applications from a list of pre-loaded applications that you can configure. The configure options include: select number of serial port, © Freescale Semiconductor, Inc., 2006. All rights reserved. Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Where to use Low-End Microcontrollers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Functional Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 4.1 Hardware Configuration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Requirements for CodeWarrior to use the MC9S08QD4 Microcontroller. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Create a BeeKit Wireless Connectivity Toolkit Application4 Import the BeeKit Wireless Connectivity Toolkit Application to the CodeWarrior Tool4 Create a New Project for MC9S08QD4 in the CodeWarrior tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Edit the MC9S08QD4 Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 User Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Motor Control Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 11.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Setup Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Where to use Low-End Microcontrollers number of RF channel to transmit and receive, power transmission, bootloader, etc. After the application is configured, an XML file is created by the BeeKit Wireless Connectivity Toolkit and it must be imported to the CodeWarriorTM development tool to generate the source code. This source code can be modified at any time in the CodeWarrior software. Using the BeeKit Wireless Connectivity Toolkit, a solution is created, related projects are added to the solution, and software components are defined in the projects. Then, users must export the solution from BeeKit for deployment in the CodeWarrior Integrated Development Environment (IDE). 3 Where to use Low-End Microcontrollers The MC9S08QD4 is a cost-effective, low-end microcontroller pin-to-pin compatible with MC9RS08KA2 and MC9S08QG4 microcontrollers. It is a perfect choice for networking applications where performance and speed are not critical, such as in input/output (GPIO) lighting, switching, access control, air control, etc. However, it performs perfectly with some powerful microcontrollers such as i.MX, ColdFire, and MC9S08GT60, which can be used in nodes where the expected performance is high. 4 Functional Description 4.1 Hardware Configuration The MC9S08QD4 microcontroller has six general-purpose pins. For the purpose of using SMAC, these pins communicate with the transceiver MC1319x. The transceiver has seven GPIO pins; two control the transceiver communication and the rest to sense inputs or to control some external component (LEDs, relays, etc.). Table 1 describes the necessary connections to get the transceiver in line and transmit and receive data using the MC9S08QD4 microcontroller. See Figure 1 for microcontroller and transceiver connections. Table 1. Pin Function Description Pin MCU Pin Name Type Pin Transceiver Pin Name Type 8 PTA0/KBI1P0 Digital output 19 Chip enable Digital input 7 PTA1/KBI1P1 Digital output 12 Reset Digital input 6 PTA2/KBI1P2 Digital input 18 MISO Digital output 5 PTA3/KBI1P3 Digital output 17 MOSI Digital input 2 PTA4/BKGD Digital output 16 SPI clock Digital clock input 1 PTA5/RST/IRQ Digital input 20 IRQ Digital output Using SMAC with the MC9S08QD4 MCU, Rev. 0 2 Freescale Semiconductor Functional Description Two more signals needed for the transceiver to work properly are RXTXEN and ANTCTL. RXTXEN switches the mode of operation (reception, transmit, doze, hibernate or IDLE). ANTCTL manages an antenna switch device. Designs that have the same antenna to transmit and receive use the antenna switch. If the design has a dual antenna, one to transmit and the other to receive, the ANTCTL signal is not needed. Because all the pins on the microcontroller manage other signals, GPIO1 and GPIO2 pins provided by the transceiver manage RXTXEN and ANTCTL signals, respectively. Table 2 and Table 3 describe the connections needed to control RXTXEN and ANTCTL. Table 2. RXTXEN Connection Pin Transceiver Pin Name Type Pin Transceiver Pin Name Type 11 GPIO1 Digital output 13 RXTXEN Digital input Table 3. ANTCTL Connection Pin Transceiver Pin Name Type Pin Antenna Switch Pin Name Type 10 GPIO2 Digital output 4 VCONT Digital input Figure 1 shows the microcontroller-transceiver connections described in Table 1, Table 2, and Table 3. Using SMAC with the MC9S08QD4 MCU, Rev. 0 Freescale Semiconductor 3 Functional Description Figure 1. Microcontroller and Transceiver Connections Using SMAC with the MC9S08QD4 MCU, Rev. 0 4 Freescale Semiconductor Requirements for CodeWarrior to use the MC9S08QD4 Microcontroller 5 Requirements for CodeWarrior to use the MC9S08QD4 Microcontroller Before starting a new project, the following software must be installed: • CodeWarrior development tool for HC08 version 5.1 or later • Update and patch for the MC9S08QD4, which can be found in by typing CW08 V5.1 QD4 Service Pack in the search engine labeled Enter Keyword NOTE Download the CodeWarrior software updates and patches from Go to Products, select CodeWarrior Development Tools, select Downloads from the left navigation bar, and go to Updates and Patches. 6 Create a BeeKit Wireless Connectivity Toolkit Application The MC9S08QD4 microcontroller does not have an SPI peripheral. Therefore, the following considerations must be taken to use the MC9S08QD4 with BeeKit Wireless Connectivity Toolkit: • Selected platform must always be MC1319XSARD. • LCD option must always be disabled. • Security option must always be disabled. • OTAP option must always be disabled. • Embedded bootloader option must always be disabled. See the BeeKit Wireless Connectivity ToolKit User's Guide (BKWCTKUG) for more details. 7 Import a BeeKit .XML Solution File to the CodeWarrior Tool After BeeKit successfully creates and exports a solution, there are different ways to use individual projects. You can, as defined in Beekit, compile and download to the user-selected platform. Also, you can use the BeeKit imported project as a template for more complex software development specific to user requirements within the CodeWarrior IDE. The solutions are output as XML files. 8 Create a New Project for MC9S08QD4 in the CodeWarrior tool All SMAC projects have the same format: one folder for all SMAC files and the other for user applications. This format is recognized by the new CodeWarrior project. A new project must be created using the CodeWarrior tool’s project wizard option and the derivative chosen must be MC9S08QD4. After the project is created, the folders inside it must be modified to add the SMAC files. Using SMAC with the MC9S08QD4 MCU, Rev. 0 Freescale Semiconductor 5 Edit the MC9S08QD4 Project 9 Edit the MC9S08QD4 Project Perform the following steps to integrate the SMAC files into the project created for the MC9S08QD4. 1. Add three new folders to the project by creating groups. To create groups, right click on the project window and pick Create Group. Folders names must be: shared, drivers, and SMAC. See Figure 2. Figure 2. Creating Groups 2. Move the drivers and SMAC folders into the folder called shared. See Figure 3. Figure 3. New Folders Tree Using SMAC with the MC9S08QD4 MCU, Rev. 0 6 Freescale Semiconductor Edit the MC9S08QD4 Project 3. Go to the path where the MC9S08QD4 project is stored and create the same three folders. See Figure 4. Figure 4. MC9S08QD4 Project Structure 4. The following files must be copied from the drivers folder inside the BeeKit Wireless Connectivity Toolkit imported project to the drivers folder inside the new MC9S08QD4 project: – APP_SMAC_API.h – Board_config.h – Freescale_radio_hardware.h 5. The next files must also be copied from the SMAC folder inside the BeeKit Wireless Connectivity Toolkit project to the SMAC folder inside the new MC9S08QD4 project: – app_config.h – MC13192_hw_config.c – MC13192_hw_config.h – MC13192_regs.h – mcu_hw_config.h – pub_def.h – simple_mac.h – simple_phy.c – simple_phy.h 6. Because the MC1319x transceiver uses an SPI bus to transfer information to the microcontroller, this peripheral is necessary for all SMAC applications. Therefore, the SPI driver and other useful files are found under the same application number in the documentation site. All files modified to use SMAC with the MC9S08QD4 microcontroller are listed and explained below: – drivers.c: the timeout management in the IRQ interrupt service routine was modified. The SPI initialization was changed to use an SPI developed by firmware. SPIDvrWrite, SPIDvrRead, SPIDvrRead2, RAMDvrWriteTx, and RAMDvrReadRx functions were modified in order to use the SPI developed by firmware. VSPIRxMsg function was added. – drivers.h: the function prototype for VSPIRxMsg function was added. Using SMAC with the MC9S08QD4 MCU, Rev. 0 Freescale Semiconductor 7 Edit the MC9S08QD4 Project – mcu_hw_config.c: deassert and assert RXTXEN macro was modified because this signal is now managed by the transceiver’s GPIO1 pin. UseExternalClock and UseMcuClock functions were modified because the MC9S08QD4 microcontroller has only an internal source clock; consequently there is no external pin to connect an external source clock such as crystals or oscillators. The watchdog timer and the timer routine were modified into MCUInit function. – simple_mac.c: MLMERXEnableRequest and MLMERXDisableRequest functions were modified to use the transceiver’s timer1 without halting the transceiver’s timer counter. – MC1319XSARD.c: the configuration of GPIO1 pin of the transceiver as output was added at the radio initialization. – MC1319XSARD.h: all macros to control input and output pins were re-defined to use the MC9S08QD4 microcontroller. The reason for this is pin assignments and the number of pins between MC9S08GT60 and the MC9S08QD4 microcontrollers are very different. – vectortable.c: the complete pseudo-vector table was changed because the interrupt vectors for MC9S08GT60 and MC9S08QD4 are mapped at different addresses. 7. A template project for MC9S08QD4 and all the files explained in the last step can be downloaded from under the application note number (AN3381SW). Copy the next downloaded files into MC9S08QD4 project as follows: – MC1319XSARD.c and MC1319XSARD.h files must be stored into the drivers folder. – drivers.c, drivers.h, mcu_hw_config.c, and simple_mac.c files must be stored into the SMAC folder. – vectortable.c and main.c file must be stored into the Sources folder. 8. After the files are copied in the specified path, all files stored in the different folders must be added to the project in the CodeWarrior software. Follow the instructions below. – Right click on the drivers folder and choose the Add Files… option. On the pop-up window, find the drivers folder path into MC9S08QD4 project and choose all files inside, then click on open button. Repeat the same instructions for the SMAC folder. – Right click on the Sources folder and choose the Add Files… option. On the pop-up window, find the Sources folder path into MC9S08QD4 project and choose only vectortable.c and main.c files, then click on the open button. Using SMAC with the MC9S08QD4 MCU, Rev. 0 8 Freescale Semiconductor Edit the MC9S08QD4 Project Figure 5. File and Folder Placement in the MC9S08QD4 Project 9. To ensure the correct code performance, all files added to the project must be linked in a specific order. The main application file must always be linked last. Figure 6 shows the link order to follow. The main.c file is at the end of the list. This means the main.c file is the last file linked. Using SMAC with the MC9S08QD4 MCU, Rev. 0 Freescale Semiconductor 9 User Guide Figure 6. Shows the link order to follow 10. Now the project is complete and ready to work, just press click on the Make button and load the code in the MC9S08QD4 microcontroller. 10 User Guide Up to now, this document explained only how to connect the transceiver and the microcontroller and how to import code for the MC9S08QD4 device. The section below will explain an example created for the MC9S08QD4 device called MotorControl and provided as software for this application note. 11 Motor Control Application 11.1 Overview This application is a step motor controller where each motor coil is managed with one GPIO provided by the transceiver. As was said in a previous section, the transceiver has seven GPIOS. Two of them control the transceiver. This means the application can use the five other transceiver’s GPIOs. The application Using SMAC with the MC9S08QD4 MCU, Rev. 0 10 Freescale Semiconductor Motor Control Application manages a step motor that has four coils. Table 4 describes which general purpose pins of the transceiver control the step motor coils. Table 4. Step Motor Connections Pin Transceiver Pin Name Type Power interface 25 GPIO7 Digital Output Coil1 24 GPIO6 Digital Output Coil2 23 GPIO5 Digital Output Coil3 8 GPIO4 Digital Output Coil4 Each coil must be energized in the correct sequence to move the motor in the desired direction. If the sequence is inverted, the motor direction is changed. Table 5 shows the coils sequence to move the motor clockwise and counterclockwise. Table 5. Coils Sequence Sequence GPIO7 GPIO6 GPIO5 GPIO4 Coils 1 0 0 0 1 Only Coil4 energized 2 0 0 1 0 Only Coil3 energized 3 0 1 0 0 Only Coil2 energized 4 1 0 0 0 Only Coil1 energized As Table 5 shows, if the sequence order is 1 – 4, the motor moves clockwise. If the sequence order changes to 4 – 1, the motor moves counterclockwise. The SMAC protocol receives information from any other SMAC compliant wireless device. The motor control application has a set of commands where each one executes a different action to control the step motor. The commands to control the step motor are listed in Table 6. Table 6. Commands Command Character received Description A command A Stop motor B command B Low speed C command C Medium speed D command D High speed E command E Counterclockwise direction F command F Clockwise direction Using SMAC with the MC9S08QD4 MCU, Rev. 0 Freescale Semiconductor 11 Setup Procedure 12 Setup Procedure 1. To test the motor control application, use the wireless UART application loaded on THE SRB, NCB, SARD, or EVB board. Make sure the wireless UART application uses channel 7 to transmit and receive. 2. Connect the board to the serial port. 3. Open HyperTerminal. Port settings must be: — Bits per second: 38400 — Data bits: 8 — Parity: None — Stop bits: 1 — Flow control: None 4. Turn on the wireless UART application. Wireless Typematic Demo is displayed in the HyperTerminal. 5. Turn on motor control application. The message MOTOR1 is displayed in the HyperTerminal. 6. Try any command described in the Table 6. To do so, type any uppercase letter between A and F in the hyperterminal window. For example, type B and the GPIO pins start to generate the sequence described in Table 5. Figure 7. Device MOTOR1 Detected on the Wireless Network NOTE All characters typed must be uppercase. No command displays information on the HyperTerminal. Using SMAC with the MC9S08QD4 MCU, Rev. 0 12 Freescale Semiconductor Conclusion 13 Conclusion This application note shows any SMAC application can be used with almost any 8-bit Freescale microcontrollers from low-end to the high-end. This document did not discuss the BeeKit Wireless Connectivity Toolkit software in detail, but does demonstrate that BeeKit Wireless Connectivity Toolkit is and easy and fast way to develop SMAC applications. Sometimes, developers do not use low-end microcontrollers because these microcontrollers have hardware limitations such as communication peripherals or number of pins. See the BeeKit Wireless Connectivity ToolKit User's Guide (BKWCTKUG) for more details. However, as this application note shows, you can find the way to solve any kind of limitation. Here the unique limitation is your imagination. Think big. Using SMAC with the MC9S08QD4 MCU, Rev. 0 Freescale Semiconductor 13 How to Reach Us: Home Page: E-mail: USA/Europe or Locations Not Listed: Freescale Semiconductor Technical Information Center, CH370 1300 N. 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