Features • Dual Core System Integrating an ARM7TDMI ARM Thumb Processor Core and a mAgic DSP for Audio, Communication and Beam-forming Applications • High Performance DSP Operating at 100 MHz • • • • • – 1 GFLOPS - 1.5 Gops – 10 Arithmetic Operations per Cycle (4 Multiply, 2 Add/subtract, 1 Add, 1 Subtract Floating and Fixed Point) Allowing Single Cycle FFT Butterfly – Native Support for Complex Arithmetic and Vectorial SIMD Operations: One Complex Multiply with Dual Add/sub per Clock Cycle or Two Real Multiply and Two Add/sub or Simple Scalar Operations – 32-bit Integer and IEEE 40-bit Extended Precision Floating Point Numeric Format – Large Multi-port Data Register File: 512 Registers Organized in Two 4-input 4output 256-register Banks – Orthogonal VLIW Architecture, Code Compression for Code Size Reduction – Flexible Addressing Capability: 2 Independent Address Generation Units Operating on a 16 Registers Address Register File Supporting Programmable Stride, Circular Pointers and Bit Reversal – 1.7 Mbits of On-chip SRAM: 17 K x 40-bit Data Memory Locations 8 K x 128-bit Program Memory Location, Equivalent to 24K Instructions – DMA Access to the External Program and Data Memory – Two Main Operating Modes: Run and System Mode – Efficient Optimizing Assembler: Allows Easy Exploitation of the Available Hardware Resources Parallelism Utilizes the ARM7TDMI Processor Core with 32 K Byte of Integrated SRAM, Operating at 50 MHz – Fully-programmable External Bus Interface (EBI) Maximum External Address Space of 4 M Bytes Up to 4 Chip Selects Software-programmable 8/16-bit External Data Bus – 8-channel Peripheral Data Controller (PDC) – 8-level Priority, Individually Maskable Vectored Interrupt Controller 4 External, 20 Internal Interrupt Sources, Including a High-priority, Low-latency Interrupt Request – 28 Programmable I/O Lines – 8-channel 11-bit Programmable Clock Prescaler Feeding the Timer, Watchdog, USARTs, SPIs – 3-channel 16-bit Timer/Counter 5 Internal Clock Sources and 3 Configurable Sources (External Source or Cascaded Timer Configuration) 2 Multi-purpose Output Pins plus 1 Output Dedicated to the ADDA Interface plus 3 Outputs Dedicated to the mAgic DSP – 2 USARTs 2 Dedicated Peripheral Data Controller (PDC) Channels per USART 1 USART Supporting Full Modem Interface – 2 Master/Slave SPI Interfaces 2 Dedicated Peripheral Data Controller (PDC) Channels per SPI 8- to 16-bit Programmable Data Length 4 External Slave Chip Selects for each SPI – Programmable Watchdog Timer – ADDA (A/D and D/A Converters) Interface Supporting up to 4 Analog to Digital and 4 Digital to Analog, Stereo 24-bit Converters – IEEE 1149.1 JTAG Boundary Scan on all Active Pins Efficient ARM - DSP Interface Based on 1K x 40-bit Dual Ported Shared Memory, Memory Mapped Register Access, and Interrupt Lines 1.8 V Core Operating Voltage, 3.3 V I/O Operating Voltage On-chip PLL for 100 Mhz Operation from 25 Mhz Reference Clock 352-ball PBGA Package DIOPSIS 740 Dual Core DSP AT572D740 Summary 7001AS–DSP–03/04 Note: This is a summary document. A complete document is not available at this time. For more information, please contact your local Atmel sales office. Description DIOPSIS 740 is a Dual CPU Processor integrating a mAgic DSP and an ARM7TDMI™ RISC MCU, plus a total of 245 Kbytes SRAM. The system combines the flexibility of the ARM7TDMI RISC controller with the very high performance of the DSP. mAgic is a high performance VLIW DSP delivering 1 Giga floating-point operations per second (GFLOPS) at a clock rate of 100 MHz. It has 512 data registers, 16 address registers, 10 independent operating units and 2 independent address generation units. For instance, activating all the computing units, it can produce one complete FFT butterfly per cycle. mAgic operates on 32-bit fixed-point and IEEE 754 40-bit extended precision floating-point numeric format. It has also on-chip 17K x 40-bit data memory locations and 8K x 128-bit program memory locations. Efficient usage of the internal program memory is achieved through a code compression mechanism. An optimizing assembler frees the user from the burden of dealing with the parallelism of the processor resources and drastically simplifies the code development. The ARM7TDMI™ embedded micro controller core is a member of the Advanced RISC Machines (ARM®) family of general purpose 32-bit microprocessors, which offer high performance and very low power consumption. The ARM architecture is based on Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC) principles, and the instruction set and the related decode mechanism are much simpler than those of micro programmed Complex Instruction Set Computers. This simplicity results in a high instruction throughput and impressive real-time interrupt response. The ARM7TDMI™ supports 16-bit Thumb® subset of the most commonly used 32-bit instructions. These are expanded at run time with no degradation of system performance. This gives 16-bit code density (saving memory area and cost) coupled with 32-bit processor performance. A rich set of peripheral and a 32 Kbytes internal memory provide a highly flexible and integrated system solution. 2 AT572D740 7001AS–DPS–03/04 AT572D740 Pin Configuration Table 1. D740 Ball Assignment (243 I/O) Name Ball Name Ball Name Ball Name Ball ADDA_BRCK C21 ARM_D[6] W25 PIO[8] AD23 SPI0_NSS[1] A17 ADDA0_IN B21 ARM_D[7] Y24 PIO[9] AE24 SPI0_NSS[2] D17 ADDA1_IN A22 ARM_D[8] Y26 PIO[10] AD22 SPI0_NSS[3] B16 ADDA2_IN C22 ARM_D[9] Y25 PIO[11] AC22 SPI0_SCK D18 ADDA3_IN D22 ARM_D[10] AA26 PIO[12] AE23 SPI1_MISO B19 ADDA0_OUT B22 ARM_D[11] AA24 PIO[13] AD21 SPI1_MOSI A20 ADDA1_OUT A23 ARM_D[12] Y23 PIO[14] AF22 SPI1_NSS C18 ADDA2_OUT C23 ARM_D[13] AA25 PIO[15] AE22 SPI1_NSS [1] C19 ADDA3_OUT B23 ARM_D[14] AB26 PIO[16] AD20 SPI1_NSS [2] A18 ADDA_TOPLL A24 ARM_D[15] AB24 PIO[17] AF21 SPI1_NSS [3] B17 ADDA_WCK B24 ARM_NCS0 H25 PIO[18] AC20 SPI1_SCK A19 ARM_A[0] A25 ARM_NCS1 J26 PIO[19] AE21 TEST_CLK (dnc) M25 ARM_A[1] D24 ARM_NCS2 K24 PIO[20] AD19 USART0_RXD AE17 ARM_A[2] C25 ARM_NCS3 J25 PIO[21] AF20 USART0_SCK AF17 ARM_A[3] E24 ARM_NRD K23 PIO[22] AC19 USART0_TXD AE18 ARM_A[4] D26 ARM_NWEB0 K26 PIO[23] AE20 USART1_CTS AD12 ARM_A[5] D25 ARM_NWEB1 L24 PIO[24] AD18 USART1_DCD AE14 ARM_A[6] F24 BIST_RES (dnc) H1 PIO[25] AE19 USART1_DSR AC14 ARM_A[7] E26 BIST_RUN (dnc) H3 PIO[26] AF18 USART1_DTR AF14 ARM_A[8] E25 FPU_EXC AD15 PIO[27] AD17 USART1_RI AF15 ARM_A[9] G24 FPU_HALT AD13 PLL_CLKIN N24 USART1_RTS AF16 ARM_A[10] F26 FPU_MODE AE15 PLL_CLKOUT N25 USART1_RXD AC15 ARM_A[11] G23 ICE_NTRST K25 PLL_DIV (dnc) P24 USART1_SCK AD16 ARM_A[12] F25 ICE_TCK M23 PLL_DN (dnc) T25 USART1_TXD AC17 ARM_A[13] H24 ICE_TDI L26 PLL_EN L25 XM_A[0] AC12 ARM_A[14] G26 ICE_TDO N23 PLL_LFT T24 XM_A[1] AE13 ARM_A[15] H23 ICE_TMS M24 PLL_LOCK R24 XM_A[2] AD11 ARM_A[16] G25 JCFG M26 PLL_TST (dnc) N26 XM_A[3] AD10 ARM_A[17] J24 PIO[0] AB23 PLL_UP (dnc) U23 XM_A[4] AE11 ARM_A[18] H26 PIO[1] AB25 RESET AD14 XM_A[5] AC10 ARM_D[0] V24 PIO[2] AC26 SCAN_EN (dnc) G2 XM_A[6] AD9 ARM_D[1] U25 PIO[3] AC24 SCAN_TEST (dnc) F1 XM_A[7] AE10 ARM_D[2] V26 PIO[4] AC25 SINGLE AE16 XM_A[8] AF9 ARM_D[3] V25 Notes: AD26 SPI0_MISO C20 XM_A[9] AE9 1. PIO[5] 3 7001AS–DPS–03/04 Table 1. D740 Ball Assignment (243 I/O) (Continued) Name Ball Name Ball Name Ball Name Ball ARM_D[4] W24 PIO[6] AD25 SPI0_MOSI B20 XM_A[10] AD8 ARM_D[5] V23 PIO[7] AE26 SPI0_NSS C17 XM_A[11] AF8 XM_A[12] AC9 XM_D[14] U3 XM_D[39] C14 XM_CLKOUT[0] J4 XM_A[13] AE8 XM_D[15] V2 XM_D[40] U4 XM_CLKOUT[1] H2 XM_A[14] AD7 XM_D[16] L1 XM_D[41] U1 XM_CLKOUT[2] G1 XM_A[15] AF7 XM_D[17] K3 XM_D[42] T3 XM_D[0] AD2 XM_A[16] AE7 XM_D[18] L2 XM_D[43] U2 XM_D[64] B7 XM_A[17] AF6 XM_D[19] K4 XM_D[44] R4 XM_D[65] C9 XM_A[18] AC7 XM_D[20] K1 XM_D[45] R3 XM_D[66] A8 XM_A[19] AE6 XM_D[21] K2 XM_D[46] T2 XM_D[67] A9 XM_A[20] AF5 XM_D[22] J1 XM_D[47] R1 XM_D[68] C10 XM_A[21] AD5 XM_D[23] J2 XM_D[48] P3 XM_D[69] B9 XM_A[22] AC5 XM_D[24] E3 XM_D[49] R2 XM_D[70] D10 XM_A[23] AE5 XM_D[25] E4 XM_D[50] N3 XM_D[71] A10 XM_D[1] AB3 XM_D[26] E2 XM_D[51] P1 XM_D[72] A13 XM_D[2] AC1 XM_D[27] D1 XM_D[52] N1 XM_D[73] B13 XM_D[3] AA3 XM_D[28] D3 XM_D[53] M4 XM_D[74] A14 XM_D[4] AB1 XM_D[29] D2 XM_D[54] N2 XM_D[75] D15 XM_D[5] AB2 XM_D[30] C1 XM_D[55] M2 XM_D[76] B14 XM_D[6] AA1 XM_D[31] D5 XM_D[56] C6 XM_D[77] A15 XM_D[7] Y4 XM_D[32] C11 XM_D[57] A5 XM_D[78] B15 XM_D[8] AA2 XM_D[33] D12 XM_D[58] C7 XM_D[79] A16 XM_D[9] Y1 XM_D[34] A11 XM_D[59] A6 XM_GNT F2 XM_D[10] W4 XM_D[35] C12 XM_D[60] D7 XM_NCS E1 XM_D[11] Y2 XM_D[36] B11 XM_D[61] C8 XM_NWE F3 XM_D[12] W1 XM_D[37] A12 XM_D[62] A7 XM_REQ G4 XM_D[13] V1 XM_D[38] C13 XM_D[63] D8 Note: dnc = do not connect pins. These pins are reserved for test use only and are not described in Table 6. Table 2. D740 Ball Assignment (VDD = 3.3V) D6 F4 L4 AC6 D11 F23 T4 D21 AC16 AA23 T23 AC21 4 L23 AC11 D16 AA4 AT572D740 7001AS–DPS–03/04 AT572D740 Table 3. D740 Ball Assignment (VDDI = 1.8V) B18 B12 B6 T1 W3 AD6 AF11 AF19 AF23 W26 E23 Table 4. D740 Ball Assignment (VDDPLL = 1.8V) P25 R26 Table 5. D740 Ball Assignment (GND) A1 C3 D23 W23 AD3 AF25 A2 C24 AC4 AD24 H4 AF26 A26 D4 AC8 J23 AE1 B2 D9 N4 AC13 AE2 B25 AE25 AC18 P23 D14 B26 AF1 AC23 D19 V4 All balls not comprised in Tables 1 to 5 are “not connected”. Pin name conventions Pin names are built using the following structure: (functional block name) _ (activity level) (line name) (bus index) where: – functional block name = name of the functional block to which the pin belongs – activity level = “n” for low active lines; blank for high active lines – line name = name of the function of the pin line – bus index = number (in [ ]) corresponding to the index when the pin line is an element of a bus 5 7001AS–DPS–03/04 Pin Description Table 6. D740 Pin Description Active Level Module Name Function Type ADDA ADDA_BRCK ADDA Bit rate clock in digital serial audio stream bit rate clock (64 x F sampling) ADDA ADDA0_IN ADDA 0 input channel in 24 bit Left + 24 bit right digital serial stereo audio stream ADDA ADDA1_IN ADDA 1 input channel in 24 bit Left + 24 bit right digital serial audio stream ADDA ADDA2_IN ADDA 2 input channel in 24 bit Left + 24 bit right digital serial audio stream ADDA ADDA3_IN ADDA 3 input channel in 24 bit Left + 24 bit right digital serial audio stream ADDA ADDA0_OUT ADDA 0 output channel in 24 bit Left + 24 bit right digital serial stereo audio stream ADDA ADDA1_OUT ADDA 1 output channel in 24 bit Left + 24 bit right digital serial audio stream ADDA ADDA2_ OUT ADDA 2 output channel in 24 bit Left + 24 bit right digital serial audio stream ADDA ADDA3_ OUT ADDA 3 output channel out-02 24 bit Left + 24 bit right digital serial audio stream ADDA ADDA_TOPLL ADDA clock generator Strobe out-02 F Sampling toward an external PLL for ADCs/DACs synchronism generation ADDA ADDA_WCK ADDA Word clock out-03 F Sampling clock toward ADCs/DACs ARM ARM_A[18:0] ARM external memory address bus out-02 ARM ARM_D[15:0] ARM external memory data bus bi-02 ARM ARM_NCS0 ARM external memory Chip select command 0 out-02 low ARM ARM_NCS1 ARM external memory Chip select command 1 out-02 low ARM ARM_NCS2 ARM external memory Chip select command 2 out-02 low ARM ARM_NCS3 ARM external memory Chip select command 3 out-02 low ARM ARM_NRD ARM external Memory Read enable bi-02 low ARM ARM_NWEB0 ARM external memory Low Byte Write enable bi-03 low data byte d[7:0] ARM ARM_NWEB1 ARM external memory High Byte Write enable bi-03 low data byte d[15:8] mAgic FPU_HALT ARM Fast IRQ from mAgic “halt” out-02 high To be used for monitoring 6 Notes (internal Pull-Down) AT572D740 7001AS–DPS–03/04 AT572D740 Table 6. D740 Pin Description (Continued) Module Name Function Type Active Level Notes mAgic FPU_EXC ARM IRQ15 from mAgic “exception” out-02 high To be used for monitoring mAgic FPU_MODE ARM IRQ25 from mAgic “mode” out-02 JTAG ICE_NTRST JTAG Test reset in JTAG ICE_TCK JTAG Test clock in JTAG ICE_TDI JTAG Test data input in JTAG ICE_TDO JTAG Test data output out-02 JTAG ICE_TMS JTAG Test mode in D740 JCFG ARM JTAG / D740 Boundary Scan selection in 0à D740 Boundary Scan 1à ARM JTAG PIO PIO[27:0] Parallel Input/Output bi-02 general purpose programmable I/Os or ARM peripheral I/Os PLL PLL_CLKIN Reference clock in 25MHz (max) if PLL_EN =1 100MHz (max) if PLL_EN =0 PLL PLL_CLKOUT PLL Clock output out-02 100MHz (max) if PLL_EN =1 fixed low if PLL_EN = 0 PLL PLL_EN Pll enable (PLL_CLKIN x4 multiply) in PLL PLL_LFT PLL lowpass filter input in PLL PLL_LOCK PLL lock condition D740 RESET mAgic To be used for monitoring 0 = mAgic in system mode 1 = mAgic in run mode low (internal Pull-Up) (internal Pull-Up) low (internal Pull-Up) high 1 à system clock = PLL_CLKIN x 4 0 à system clock = PLL_CLKIN out-02 high To be used for monitoring System reset in low asynchronous SINGLE Single user on mAgic external memory in high (internal Pull-Up) 0 à Not default user of shared XM 1 à Single user of not shared XM or default user of shared XM SPI SPI0_MOSI SPI 0 Master Out/Slave In data bi-02 SPI SLV à data input SPI MST à data output SPI SPI0_MISO SPI 0 Master In/Slave Out data bi-02 SPI SLV à data output SPI MST à data input SPI SPI0_NSS SPI 0 Input/Output Chip select bi-02 SPI SLV à CS Input SPI MST à CS 0 Output SPI SPI0_NSS[3:1] SPI 0 Output Chip Selects out-02 SPI SLV à n.a. SPI MST à CS 3, 2, 1 Outputs SPI SPI0_SCK SPI 0 Serial clock bi-03 SPI SLV à clock input SPI MST à clock output SPI SPI1_MOSI SPI 1 Master Out/Slave In data bi-02 SPI SLV à data input SPI MST à data output 7 7001AS–DPS–03/04 Table 6. D740 Pin Description (Continued) Active Level Module Name Function Type SPI SPI1_MISO SPI 1 Master In/Slave Out data bi-02 SPI SLV à data output SPI MST à data input SPI SPI1_NSS SPI 1 Input/Output Chip select bi-02 SPI SLV à CS Input SPI MST à CS 0 Output SPI SPI1_NSS[3:1] SPI 1 Output Chip Selects out-02 SPI SLV à n.a. SPI MST à CS 3, 2, 1 Outputs SPI SPI1_SCK SPI 1 Serial clock bi-03 SPI SLV à clock input SPI MST à clock output USART USART0_RXD USART 0 Data in in (internal Pull-Down) USART USART0_SCK USART 0 Serial clock bi-03 for synchronous mode only USART USART0_TXD USART 0 Data out bi-02 used as output USART USART1_CTS USART 1 Clear to send in USART USART1_DCD USART 1 Data carriage detect in USART USART1_DSR USART 1 Data set ready in USART USART1_DTR USART 1 Data terminal ready out-02 USART USART1_RI USART 1 Ring indicator in USART USART1_RTS USART 1 Request to send out-02 USART USART1_RXD USART 1 Data in in (internal Pull-Down) USART USART1_SCK USART 1 Serial clock bi-03 for synchronous mode only USART USART1_TXD USART 1 Data out bi-02 used as output mAgic XM_A[23:0] mAgic external Memory address bus out-03 mAgic XM_CLKOUT[ 2:0] mAgic external Memory clocks out-03 100MHz (max) One line for up to three mAgic XM chip. mAgic XM_D[39:0] mAgic external Memory data bus bi-03 Right bank (internal Pull-Down) mAgic XM_D[79:40] mAgic external Memory data bus bi-03 Left bank (internal Pull-Down) mAgic XM_GNT mAgic shared external memory bus grant out-02 high mAgic XM_NCS mAgic external Memory Chip select out-03 low mAgic XM_NWE mAgic external Memory Write enable out-03 low Power VDD IO power supply Power 3.3 nominal Supply Power VDDI Core power supply Power 1.8 nominal Supply Power VDDPLL PLL power supply Power 1.8 nominal Supply Ground GND D740 ground reference Ground common to all Supplies 8 Notes AT572D740 7001AS–DPS–03/04 AT572D740 Block Diagram Figure 1. D740 Architecture 32K ARM Memory Arm7TDMI ASB / APB Bridge EB I SPI0 Amba ASB SPI1 USART0 MAAR USART1 Program Bus Mux / Demux Shared Memory Data Bus Mux / Demux TIMER Watchdog 8Kx128 bit Program Memory mAgic DSP core Data Memory (6k+6k) x 40 bit Double Bank Double Port PIO PDC ADDA Data Buffer 2k + 2k word Double Bank Double Port Data / Program Bus Mux Clock Gen IRQ Ctrl Run Mode data paths System Mode data paths ARM exclusive data paths 9 7001AS–DPS–03/04 Architectural Overview DIOPSIS 740 (also named D740) is a high performance dual-core processing platform for audio, communication and beam-forming applications, integrating a floating-point DSP (mAgic DSP) and an ARM7TDMI™ Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC). The D740 is optimally suited for floating point applications with a significant need for complex domain computations like FFT and frequency domain phase-shift algorithms, requiring high dynamic range and maximum numerical precision. The D740 combines the flexibility of the ARM7 RISC controller with the very high performance of the DSP oriented VLIW architecture of mAgic. System management The availability of a standard RISC on-chip lowers software development effort for non critical and control segments of the application. ARM7TDMI supports the usage of light RTOS and has efficient interrupt management, leaving mAgic fully available for the numerically intensive part of the application. The synchronization between the two processors can be either based on software polling on semaphores or on interrupts. The ARM is the D740 master processor. The bootstrap sequence of the D740 starts from the bootstrap of the ARM from its external non-volatile memory. The ARM then boots mAgic from a non-volatile memory. After bootstrap the D740 can start its normal operations. The DSP side of many applications can be implemented on the D740 using only the internal memory. In fact the program memory size of 8K by 128-bit coupled with the availability of the code compression, gives an equivalent on-chip program memory size of about 24K instructions (typical). The ARM standard In-Circuit Emulation debug interface is supported via the ICE port. mAgic DSP Processor The mAgic DSP is the VLIW numeric processor of the D740. It operates on IEEE 754 40-bit extended precision floating-point and 32-bit integer numeric format. The main components of the DSP subsystem are the core processor, the on-chip memories and the interfaces to and from the ARM subsystem. The operators block, the register file, the address generation unit and the program decoding and sequencing unit compose the core processor. A short description of each block is given in the following paragraphs. Core processor mAgic is a VLIW engine, but from an user point of view, it works like a RISC machine by implementing triadic computing operations on data coming from the register file, and data move operations between the local memories and the register file. The operators are pipelined for maximum performance. The pipeline depth depends on the operator used. The operations scheduling and parallelism are automatically defined and managed at compile time by the assembler-optimizer, allowing efficient code execution. In order to give the best support to the RISC-like programming model, mAgic is equipped with a complex 256-entry register file. It can be used as a complex register file (real + imaginary part), or as a dual register file for vectorial operations. When performing single instructions the register file can be used as an ordinary 512 register file. Both the left and right side of the register file are 8-ported, making a total of 16 I/O port available for the data move to and from the operator block and the memory. The total data bandwidth between the register file and the operator block is 70 bytes per clock cycle, avoiding bottlenecks in the data flow between the two units. 10 AT572D740 7001AS–DPS–03/04 AT572D740 Figure 2. mAgic DSP Block Diagram mAgic – ARM I/F VLIW Program Memory Local Controller and VLIW Decoder Instruction Decoder Condition Generation Data Register File Status Register Program Counter Multiple Address Generation Unit PARM Memory Left 512x40 PARM Memory Right 512x40 Data Memory Left 6Kx40 Data Memory Right 6Kx40 Buffer Data Memory Left 2Kx40 Buffer Data Memory Right 2Kx40 Address Register File Operator Block DMA Controller External Memory I/F The operators block, the register file, the address generation unit and the programsequencing unit compose the core processor. The Operators Block contains the hardware that performs arithmetical operations. It works on 32-bit integers and IEEE 754 extended precision 40-bit floating-point data. The Operators Block is composed of four integer/floating point multipliers, an adder, a subtractor and two add-subtract integer/floating point units; moreover, it has two shift/logic units, a Min/Max operator and two seed generators for efficient division and inverse square root computation. The operators block is arranged in order to natively support complex arithmetic (single cycle complex multiply or multiply and add), fast FFT (single cycle butterfly computation) and vectorial computations. The peak performance of mAgic is achieved during single cycle FFT butterfly execution, when mAgic delivers 10 floating-point operations per clock cycle. mAgic is equipped with two independent address generation units. It is able to generate up to two pairs of addresses, one to access the left and the right memory for reading and one to access the left and the right memory for writing. It is also used in the loop control to test if the end of a loop is reached. The Multiple Address Generation Unit (MAGU) supports linear addressing with stride, circular addressing and bit reversed addressing. The address generation unit has 16 registers. The Program Address Generation Unit is devoted to control the correct Program Counter generation according to the program flow. It generates addresses for linear code execution as well as for non-sequential program flow. The Condition Generation Unit combines the flags generated by the operators to produce complex conditions flags used to control the program execution. Predicated instruction execution is supported for different groups of instructions: arithmetical instructions, memory write, immediate load, or all of them. The Program Address Generation Unit also allows to perform conditioned and unconditioned branch instructions, loops, call to subroutines and return from subroutines. 11 7001AS–DPS–03/04 Internal memories, External memories and DMA mAgic has four on-chip memory blocks: the Program Memory, the Data Memory, the Data Buffer, and the dual ported memory shared with the ARM processor. An External Memory Interface multiplexes the Data accesses and the Program accesses to and from the External Memory. The Program Memory stores the VLIW program to be executed by mAgic. It is 8K words by 128-bit single port memory. When mAgic is in System Mode the ARM can modify the content of the mAgic Program Memory in two different ways. The ARM can directly write a Program Memory location by accessing the memory address space assigned to the mAgic Program Memory in the ARM memory map. In this access mode the ARM writes four 32-bit words to four consecutive addresses at correct address boundaries, in order to properly complete a single VLIW word write cycle. The ARM can also modify the content of the mAgic Program Memory by initiating a DMA transfer from the External Memory to the mAgic Program Memory. In this access mode a single VLIW word is transferred from the mAgic External Memory to the mAgic Program Memory 64bit per cycle, that is a complete word every two clock cycles. Due to the program compression scheme used, which allows an average program compression between 2 and 3, the code accessing capability of mAgic from its External Memory is greater than an instruction per clock cycle. When mAgic is in Run Mode, the ARM cannot get access to the mAgic Program Memory. When in Run Mode mAgic can initiate a DMA transfer from the External Memory to the mAgic Program Memory to load a new code segment. The mAgic internal Data Memory is made of three memory pages, 2K words by 40-bit for the left data memory and 2K words by 40-bit for the right data memory, giving a total of 6K words for the left and for the right memory banks (a total of 12K words ). Each Data Memory bank is a dual port memory that allows four simultaneous accesses, two read and two write. The core can access vectorial and single data stored in the Data Memory. Accessing complex data is equivalent to accessing vectorial data. During simultaneous read and write memory accesses, the MAGU generates two independent read and write addresses common to both the left and the right memory banks. The total available bandwidth between the Register File and the Data Memory is 20 bytes per clock cycle, allowing full speed implementation of numerically intensive algorithms (e.g. complex FFT and FIR). The Buffer Memory is 2K words by 40-bit for both the left and the right memory. The Buffer Memory is a dual port memory. A port is connected to the core processor. The MAGU generates the Buffer Memory addresses for transferring data to and from the core. The second port of the Buffer Memory is connected to the External Memory Interface. The Buffer Memory does not support dual read and write accesses neither from the core nor from the External Memory Interface. The available bandwidth between the core processor and the Buffer Memory is equal to the available bandwidth between the External Memory Interface and the Buffer Memory: 10 bytes per clock cycle. The maximum External Memory size of mAgic is 16 Mword Left and Right (equivalent to 32 Mword or 160 Mbytes; 24-bit address bus). A DMA controller manages the data transfer between the External Memory and the Buffer Memory. The DMA controller can generate accesses with stride for the External Memory. The DMA transfers to and from the Buffer Memory can be executed in parallel with the full speed core instructions execution with zero-overhead and without the intervention of the core processor, except for initiating it. The last memory block in the address space of the mAgic DSP is the memory shared (PARM) between mAgic and the ARM processor. It is a dual port memory 512 words by 40- bit for both the left and the right bank (total 1K by 40-bit). This memory can be used to efficiently transfer data between the two processors. The available bandwidth between the core processor and the shared memory is 10 bytes per clock cycle. On the 12 AT572D740 7001AS–DPS–03/04 AT572D740 ARM side the available bandwidth is limited by the bus size of the ARM processor (32 bits) giving a bandwidth of 4 bytes per ARM clock cycle. ARM interface (mAAr) The D740 master is the ARM7 RISC processor. mAgic behaves as a standard AMBA ASB slave device, allowing access to different resources depending on the operating mode (Run or System). In System Mode, mAgic halts its execution and the ARM takes control of it. When mAgic is in System mode the ARM can access many mAgic internal devices. The ability of the ARM to access internal mAgic resources in System Mode can be used for initialization and debugging purposes. By accessing the Command Register, the ARM can change the operating status of the DSP (Run/System Mode), initiate DMA transactions, force single or multiple step execution, or simply read the DSP operating status. In Run Mode, mAgic works under direct control of its own VLIW program and the ARM has access only to the 1K x 40-bit dual ported shared memory (PARM) and to the mAgic Command Register. In order to allow a tight coupling between the operations of mAgic and the ARM at run time, they can exchange synchronization signals, based on interrupts. ARM System: ARM7TDMI The ARM7TDMI is a 32-bit RISC microprocessor; it is a member of the Advanced RISC Machines (ARM) family of general-purpose 32-bit microprocessors, offering high perforProcessor and mance and very low power consumption. Peripherals The ARM architecture is based on Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC) principles, and the instruction set and related decode mechanism are much simpler than those of microprogrammed Complex Instruction Set Computers. This simplicity results in a high instruction throughput and a real-time interrupt response. Pipelining is employed so that all parts of the processing and memory systems can operate continuously. The typical operating scheme of the ARM7TDMI is the sequence fetch-decode-execute. The ARM7TDMI processor employs the architectural strategy known as THUMB. THUMB instructions operate with the standard ARM register configuration, allowing excellent interoperability between ARM and THUMB states. Each 16-bit THUMB instruction has a corresponding 32-bit ARM instruction with the same effect on the processor model. The 16-bit instructions are expanded at run time with no degradation of the system performance. This provides far better performance than a 16-bit architecture, with better code density than a 32-bit architecture. The ARM7TDMI processor is built around a bank of 37 32-bit registers and six status registers. The ARM7TDMI supports seven operation modes: 1. User (usr): The normal ARM program execution state 2. FIQ (fiq): Fast Interrupt reQuest; it is connected to the mAgic Halt signal 3. IRQ (irq): Used for general-purpose interrupt handling 4. Supervisor (svc): Protected mode for the operating system 5. Abort mode (abt): Entered after data or instruction prefetch abort 6. System (sys): A privileged user mode for the operating system 7. Undefined (und):Entered when an undefined instruction is executed Mode changes can be made under software control or can be brought about by external interrupts or exception processing. Most application programs execute in User mode. The non-user modes - known as privileged modes – are entered in order to service interrupts or exceptions, or to access protected resources. Each operating mode has dedicated banked registers for fast exception handling. The FIQ mode has five addi- 13 7001AS–DPS–03/04 tional banked working registers, r8_fiq to r12_fiq, to enhance interrupt processing speed. The ARM7TDMI processor operates in little-endian mode. To speed-up critical routine execution or critical data segment access, the ARM7 is equipped with 32 Kbyte of zero wait states on-chip memory. The ARM system has two buses. The main bus is the ASB (ARM System Bus). The APB (ARM Peripheral Bus) is designed for accesses to on-chip peripherals. The AMBA Bridge provides an interface between the ASB and the APB. The D740 is equipped with a set of peripherals controlled by the ARM. An on-chip Peripheral Data Controller (PDC) transfers data between the on-chip USARTs/SPI and the on- and off-chip memories in the DMA without the intervention of the processor. Most importantly, the PDC removes the processor interrupt handling overhead and significantly reduces the number of clock cycles required for data transfer. Each peripheral has a 16K-byte address space allocated in the upper 3M bytes of the 4Gbyte address space. The peripheral register set is composed of control, mode, data, status, and interrupt registers. To maximize the efficiency of bit manipulation, frequently written registers are mapped into three memory locations. A short description of the available peripherals is given in the following. 14 • EBI (External Bus Interface): the EBI generates the signals that control the access to the External Memory or peripheral devices. • ADDA (Analog to Digital and Digital to Analog interface): the ADDA provides 4 channel serial interface toward stereo audio 24-bit ADC and DAC. • PDC (Peripheral Data Controller): The PDC provides 8 communication channels dedicated to the two USARTs and to the two SPIs. One PDC channel is connected to the receiving channel and the one to the transmitting channel of each peripheral. • USART (Universal Synchronous / Asynchronous Receiver / Transmitter): two, fullduplex, universal synchronous/asynchronous receiver/transmitters provide a simple standard communication way managed by the Peripheral Data Controller. • SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface): two four-wire serial interfaces provide a simple industry-standard communication way managed by the Peripheral Data Controller. • AIC (Advanced Interrupt Controller): the AIC is an 8-level priority, individuallymaskable, vectored interrupt controller. The interrupt controller is connected to the NFIQ (fast interrupt request) and the NIRQ (standard interrupt request) inputs of the ARM7TDMI processor. • PIO (Parallel I/O Controller): The PIO features 32 programmable I/O lines, 28 PIO lines are available on D740 pads, while the remaining 4 are only internal. • TC (Timer Counter): the TC contains three identical 16-bit timer/counter channels. • WD (Watchdog Timer): the WD can be used to guard against system lock-up if the software becomes trapped in a deadlock. If an overflow occurs, the watchdog timer generates processor interrupts via the Advanced Interrupt Controller (AIC) and an external low pulse through the PIO. • CLKGEN (Clock Generator): The clock generator provides divided clocks for several peripherals: the Timer Counter, the Watchdog, the USARTs and the SPIs. AT572D740 7001AS–DPS–03/04 AT572D740 Figure 3. Armsystem Architecture 15 7001AS–DPS–03/04 Development Tools D740 is supported with a complete set of software and hardware development tools. MADE The D740 is supported by a set of development tools integrated into a visual development environment called MADE (Multicore Application Development Environment). MADE provides the user with an integrated environment for producing applications for both the D740 cores, the ARM7TDMI and the mAgic DSP, by means of a common project management and support for the MARMOS Minimal Bios. Code generation tools for the ARM include the GNU Code Development Chain for ARM7 (C-C++ compiler, assembler, linker and utilities) and the ARM SDT Code Development Chain (C-C++ compiler, assembler, linker and utilities). Code generation tools for mAgic include C compiler (GNU gcc based, ANSI compliant), VLIW assembler-optimizer, code compressor, linker and utilities. MADE supports the MARMOS Minimal Bios, a set of helper functions for the ARMmAgic intercommunication and the D740 peripherals management. MARMOS gives the user the basic APIs for building an integrated ARM-mAgic application. MADE provides the user with a simulation engine and an emulation kernel: the CycleAccurate simulator and the D740 emulator board support. JTAG-ICE The ARM Standard In-Circuit-Emulation debug interface is supported via the JTAG-ICE port of the D740. When the ARM ICE configuration is selected, the usual debug capabilities for the ARM System are supported, while the support for the mAgic core is limited to memory and status registers inspection. The 5 jtag pins are shared between ARM7TDMI ICE functionality and the DIOPSIS 740 chip Boundary Scan Logic. The “JCFG” pin acts as ARM jtag / D740 BSL selector. When “JCFG” pin is high the ARM ICE is selected, while DIOPSIS 740 BSL is selected when “JCFG” is low. JTST JTST is a low cost general-purpose module that provides the appropriate resources in order to test DIOPSIS 740. JTST provides the following resources to DIOPSIS 740: 16 – mAgic SSRAM, ARM FLASH and SRAM – 4 Stereo Audio 20 bit CODECs – 1 USB 2.0 Full (12 Mbps) – 2 RS232/LVTTL a/synchronous serial I/O lines – 2 SPI serial I/O lines – Reset Logic (Power ON, Push Button, WDG) – IO connectors (USART, SPI, USB, PIO, AUDIO) – PLL-Clock Logic (25 MHz oscillator + CLK connector) – DIP SWITCH & Status 7-segment Display – Voltage Regulators 5V/3.3V & 5V/1.8V – M-ICE JTAG AT572D740 7001AS–DPS–03/04 AT572D740 Mechanical Drawing 17 7001AS–DPS–03/04 Table 7. D740 Dimensions (mm) Symbol Min Nom Max A1 0.50 0.60 0.70 ∅b 0.60 0.75 0.90 aaa 0.30 bbb 0.25 ccc 0.35 ddd 0.30 eee 0.15 A 2.12 2.33 2.56 Dim “B” 0.44 0.52 0.60 e REF D/E 18 1.27 34.8 35.0 35.2 D1/E1 30.0 30.7 f REF 11.0 J/L REF 1.62 AT572D740 7001AS–DPS–03/04 AT572D740 Power Dissipation The D740 has three kinds of power supply pins: • VDDCORE pins, which power the chip core (1.8V) • VDDIO pins, which power the I/O lines (3.3V) • VDDPLL pins, which power the oscillator and PLL cells (1.8V) The total power dissipation is the sum of two basic contributions: PD = PIO + PCORE PIO represents the contribute due to the IO pads current and the output load current. PCORE represents the contribute due to the internal activity current. The following table defines the current consumption on different conditions: Table 8. Power Dissipation Parameters typical conditions worst conditions Idd IO (3.3V) mA Idd CORE (1.8V) mA Idd IO (3.3V) mA Idd CORE (1.8V) mA Idd peak 330 460 425 600 Idd high 120 400 155 520 Idd no ext 25 390 35 500 Idd sys mode 25 100 35 135 Idd rst 10 160 15 205 • Idd peak = mAgic FFT; both mAgic and ARM ext mem written 100% with continuous toggling data • Idd high = mAgic FFT; both mAgic and ARM ext mem read and written alternatively 100% with 50% toggling data • Idd no ext = mAgic FFT; ARM FLASH access 100%; no mAgic ext mem access • Idd sys mode = mAgic in system mode; ARM FLASH accesses 100%; • Idd rst = D740 under reset • typical condition = typical process; Tj = 25°; Vdd = nom • worst condition = worst process; Tj = 100°; Vdd = nom + 10% To estimate power consumption for a specific application use the following equation where % is the amount of time your program spends in that state and each “Idd” contribute corresponds to “IO” or “CORE” columns: PCORE = ((%peak × Idd peak) + (%high × Idd high) + (%no ext × Idd no ext) + (%sys mode × Idd sys mode) + (%rst × Idd rst)) x 1.8 PIO = ((%peak × Idd peak) + (%high × Idd mode) + (%rst × Idd rst)) x 3.3 Note: high) + (%no ext × Idd no ext) + (%sys mode × Idd sys Idd peak represents worst-case processor operation (for Idd IO particularly) and it is not considerable for also for hard applications where all data bits do not toggle every cycle. 19 7001AS–DPS–03/04 Reliability Data The following table summarizes some basic data that can be used in reliability calculations. Table 9. Silicon Block Size Parameters Data Unit Data Unit Logic Gates 585 Kgates 10.5 mm2 Memories 12 M transistors 18 mm2 Register File 0.3 M transistors 5.1 mm2 45 mm2 total Device Die Size (pad excluded) 20 AT572D740 7001AS–DPS–03/04 AT572D740 Ordering Guide Table 10. Ordering Information Part Number Temperature Range Working Frequency Operating Supplies Package AT572D740 0°C - 70°C 100 MHz 3.3V (I/O) & 1.8V (core) 352PBGA 21 7001AS–DPS–03/04 Atmel Corporation 2325 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95131, USA Tel: 1(408) 441-0311 Fax: 1(408) 487-2600 Regional Headquarters Europe Atmel Sarl Route des Arsenaux 41 Case Postale 80 CH-1705 Fribourg Switzerland Tel: (41) 26-426-5555 Fax: (41) 26-426-5500 Asia Room 1219 Chinachem Golden Plaza 77 Mody Road Tsimshatsui East Kowloon Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2721-9778 Fax: (852) 2722-1369 Japan 9F, Tonetsu Shinkawa Bldg. 1-24-8 Shinkawa Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0033 Japan Tel: (81) 3-3523-3551 Fax: (81) 3-3523-7581 Atmel Operations Memory 2325 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95131, USA Tel: 1(408) 441-0311 Fax: 1(408) 436-4314 Microcontrollers 2325 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95131, USA Tel: 1(408) 441-0311 Fax: 1(408) 436-4314 La Chantrerie BP 70602 44306 Nantes Cedex 3, France Tel: (33) 2-40-18-18-18 Fax: (33) 2-40-18-19-60 ASIC/ASSP/Smart Cards RF/Automotive Theresienstrasse 2 Postfach 3535 74025 Heilbronn, Germany Tel: (49) 71-31-67-0 Fax: (49) 71-31-67-2340 1150 East Cheyenne Mtn. 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