64-Bit TX System RISC TX49 Family TMPR4925 Rev. 1.0 R4000/R4400/R5000 are a trademark of MIPS Technologies, Inc. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The information contained herein is presented only as a guide for the applications of our products. No responsibility is assumed by TOSHIBA for any infringements of patents or other rights of the third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of TOSHIBA or others. The products described in this document contain components made in the United States and subject to export control of the U.S. authorities. Diversion contrary to the U.S. law is prohibited. TOSHIBA is continually working to improve the quality and reliability of its products. Nevertheless, semiconductor devices in general can malfunction or fail due to their inherent electrical sensitivity and vulnerability to physical stress. It is the responsibility of the buyer, when utilizing TOSHIBA products, to comply with the standards of safety in making a safe design for the entire system, and to avoid situations in which a malfunction or failure of such TOSHIBA products could cause loss of human life, bodily injury or damage to property. In developing your designs, please ensure that TOSHIBA products are used within specified operating ranges as set forth in the most recent TOSHIBA products specifications. Also, please keep in mind the precautions and conditions set forth in the “Handling Guide for Semiconductor Devices,” or “TOSHIBA Semiconductor Reliability Handbook” etc.. The Toshiba products listed in this document are intended for usage in general electronics applications ( computer, personal equipment, office equipment, measuring equipment, industrial robotics, domestic appliances, etc.). These Toshiba products are neither intended nor warranted for usage in equipment that requires extraordinarily high quality and/or reliability or a malfunction or failure of which may cause loss of human life or bodily injury (“Unintended Usage”). Unintended Usage include atomic energy control instruments, airplane or spaceship instruments, transportation instruments, traffic signal instruments, combustion control instruments, medical instruments, all types of safety devices, etc.. Unintended Usage of Toshiba products listed in this document shall be made at the customer’s own risk. The products described in this document may include products subject to the foreign exchange and foreign trade laws. © 2003 TOSHIBA CORPORATION All Rights Reserved Preface Thank you for new or continued patronage of TOSHIBA semiconductor products. This is the 2003 edition of the user’s manual for the TMPR4925 64-bit RISC microprocessor. This databook is written so as to be accessible to engineers who may be designing a TOSHIBA microprocessor into their products for the first time. No prior knowledge of this device is assumed. What we offer here is basic information about the microprocessor, a discussion of the application fields in which the microprocessor is utilized, and an overview of design methods. On the other hand, the more experienced designer will find complete technical specifications for this product. Toshiba continually updates its technical information. Your comments and suggestions concerning this and other Toshiba documents are sincerely appreciated and may be utilized in subsequent editions. For updating of the data in this manual, or for additional information about the product appearing in it, please contact your nearest Toshiba office or authorized Toshiba dealer. February 2003 Table of Contents Table of Contents Handling precautions TX4925 1. Features ...................................................................................................................................................................1-1 1.1 Outline ............................................................................................................................................................1-1 1.2 Features...........................................................................................................................................................1-2 1.2.1 TX49/H2 Processor Core Features ........................................................................................................1-2 1.2.2 TX4925 Peripheral Circuit Features ......................................................................................................1-3 2. Block Diagram ........................................................................................................................................................2-1 2.1 TX4925 Block Diagram .................................................................................................................................2-1 3. Signals .....................................................................................................................................................................3-1 3.1 Pin Signal Description ....................................................................................................................................3-1 3.1.1 Signals Common to SDRAM and External Bus Interfaces....................................................................3-1 3.1.2 SDRAM Interface Signals .....................................................................................................................3-2 3.1.3 External Interface Signals ......................................................................................................................3-3 3.1.4 DMA Interface Signals ..........................................................................................................................3-5 3.1.5 PCI Interface Signals .............................................................................................................................3-5 3.1.6 Serial I/O Interface Signals ....................................................................................................................3-7 3.1.7 Timer Interface Signals ..........................................................................................................................3-7 3.1.8 Parallel I/O Interface Signals .................................................................................................................3-7 3.1.9 AC-link Interface Signals.......................................................................................................................3-8 3.1.10 Interrupt Signals.....................................................................................................................................3-8 3.1.11 CHI Interface Signals.............................................................................................................................3-8 3.1.12 SPI Interface Signals..............................................................................................................................3-9 3.1.13 NAND Flash Memory Interface Signals................................................................................................3-9 3.1.14 Extended EJTAG Interface Signals........................................................................................................3-9 3.1.15 Clock Signals .......................................................................................................................................3-10 3.1.16 Initialization Signals ............................................................................................................................3-10 3.1.17 Test Signals ..........................................................................................................................................3-11 3.1.18 Power Supply Pins ...............................................................................................................................3-11 3.2 Boot Configuration .......................................................................................................................................3-12 3.3 Pin Multiplexing ...........................................................................................................................................3-16 4. Address Mapping ....................................................................................................................................................4-1 4.1 TX4925 Physical Address Map ......................................................................................................................4-1 4.2 Register Map ..................................................................................................................................................4-2 4.2.1 Addressing .............................................................................................................................................4-2 4.2.2 Ways to Access to Internal Registers .....................................................................................................4-2 4.2.3 Register Map..........................................................................................................................................4-3 5. Configuration Register ............................................................................................................................................5-1 5.1 Outline ............................................................................................................................................................5-1 5.1.1 Detecting G-Bus Timeout ......................................................................................................................5-1 5.2 Register...........................................................................................................................................................5-2 5.2.1 Chip Configuration Register (CCFG) 0xE000......................................................................................5-3 5.2.2 Chip Revision ID Register (REVID) 0xE004 ........................................................................................5-5 5.2.3 Pin Configuration Register (PCFG) 0xE008.........................................................................................5-6 5.2.4 Timeout Error Access Address Register (TOEA) 0xE00C ...................................................................5-8 5.2.5 Power Down Control Register (PDNCTR) 0xE010 .............................................................................5-9 5.2.6 GBUS Arbiter Priority Register (GARBP) 0xE018.............................................................................5-10 5.2.7 Timeout Count Register (TOCNT) 0xE020........................................................................................5-10 5.2.8 DMA Request Control Register (DRQCTR) 0xE024.........................................................................5-11 5.2.9 Clock Control Register (CLKCTR) 0xE028.......................................................................................5-12 5.2.10 GBUS Arbiter Control Register (GARBC) 0xE02C............................................................................5-14 i Table of Contents 5.2.11 Register Address Mapping Register (RAMP) 0xE030 .......................................................................5-14 6. Clocks......................................................................................................................................................................6-1 6.1 TX4925 Clock Signals....................................................................................................................................6-1 6.2 Power-Down Mode.........................................................................................................................................6-5 6.2.1 Halt Mode and Doze Mode....................................................................................................................6-5 6.2.2 Power Reduction for Peripheral Modules ..............................................................................................6-5 6.2.3 Power-Down Mode................................................................................................................................6-5 6.3 Power-On Sequence .......................................................................................................................................6-6 7. External Bus Controller...........................................................................................................................................7-1 7.1 Features...........................................................................................................................................................7-1 7.2 Block Diagram................................................................................................................................................7-2 7.3 Detailed Explanation ......................................................................................................................................7-3 7.3.1 External Bus Control Register ...............................................................................................................7-3 7.3.2 Global/Boot-up Options.........................................................................................................................7-4 7.3.3 Address Mapping ...................................................................................................................................7-5 7.3.4 External Address Output........................................................................................................................7-6 7.3.5 Data Bus Size.........................................................................................................................................7-7 7.3.6 Access Modes ........................................................................................................................................7-9 7.3.7 Access Timing......................................................................................................................................7-12 7.3.8 Clock Options ......................................................................................................................................7-18 7.3.9 PCMCIA mode ....................................................................................................................................7-19 7.4 Register.........................................................................................................................................................7-23 7.4.1 External Bus Channel Control Register (EBCCRn) 0x9000 (ch. 0), 0x9008 (ch. 1), 0x9010 (ch. 2), 0x9018 (ch. 3), 0x9020 (ch. 4), 0x9028 (ch. 5), 0x9030 (ch. 6), 0x9038 (ch. 7)........7-24 7.4.2 External Bus Base Address Register (EBBARn) 0x9000 (ch. 0), 0x9008 (ch. 1), 0x9010 (ch. 2), 0x9018 (ch. 3), 0x9020 (ch. 4), 0x9028 (ch. 5), 0x9030 (ch. 6), 0x9038 (ch. 7)........7-27 7.5 Timing Diagrams ..........................................................................................................................................7-28 7.5.1 UAE Signal ..........................................................................................................................................7-29 7.5.2 Normal Mode Access (Single, 32-bit Bus) ..........................................................................................7-31 7.5.3 Normal Mode Access (Burst, 32-bit Bus)............................................................................................7-35 7.5.4 Normal Mode Access (Single, 16-bit Bus) ..........................................................................................7-37 7.5.5 Normal Mode Access (Burst, 16-bit Bus)............................................................................................7-41 7.5.6 Normal Mode Access (Single, 8-bit Bus) ............................................................................................7-43 7.5.7 Normal Mode Access (Burst, 8-bit Bus)..............................................................................................7-46 7.5.8 Page Mode Access (Burst, 32-bit Bus) ................................................................................................7-48 7.5.9 External ACK Mode Access (32-bit Bus)............................................................................................7-50 7.5.10 READY Mode Access (32-bit Bus).....................................................................................................7-56 7.6 Flash ROM, SRAM Usage Example ............................................................................................................7-58 8. DMA Controller ......................................................................................................................................................8-1 8.1 Features...........................................................................................................................................................8-1 8.2 Block Diagram................................................................................................................................................8-2 8.3 Detailed Explanation ......................................................................................................................................8-3 8.3.1 Transfer Mode........................................................................................................................................8-3 8.3.2 On-chip Registers...................................................................................................................................8-3 8.3.3 External I/O DMA Transfer Mode.........................................................................................................8-4 8.3.4 Internal I/O DMA Transfer Mode..........................................................................................................8-7 8.3.5 Memory-Memory Copy Mode...............................................................................................................8-7 8.3.6 Memory Fill Transfer Mode...................................................................................................................8-8 8.3.7 Single Address Transfer.........................................................................................................................8-8 8.3.8 Dual Address Transfer .........................................................................................................................8-10 8.3.9 DMA Transfer......................................................................................................................................8-15 8.3.10 Chain DMA Transfer ...........................................................................................................................8-16 8.3.11 Dynamic Chain Operation ...................................................................................................................8-18 8.3.12 Interrupts..............................................................................................................................................8-18 8.3.13 Transfer Stall Detection Function ........................................................................................................8-19 8.3.14 Arbitration Among DMA Channels.....................................................................................................8-19 ii Table of Contents 8.3.15 Restrictions in Access to PCI Bus........................................................................................................8-20 8.4 DMA Controller Registers............................................................................................................................8-21 8.4.1 DMA Master Control Register (DMMCR) 0xB0A8 ...........................................................................8-22 8.4.2 DMA Channel Control Register (DMCCRn) 0xB018 (ch. 0), 0xB038 (ch. 1), 0xB058 (ch. 2), 0xB078 (ch. 3) .....................................................................................................................................8-24 8.4.3 DMA Channel Status Register (DMCSRn) 0xB01C (ch. 0), 0xB03C (ch. 1), 0xB05C (ch. 2), 0xB07C (ch. 3).....................................................................................................................................8-28 8.4.4 DMA Source Address Register (DMSARn) 0xB004 (ch. 0), 0xB024 (ch. 1), 0xB044 (ch. 2), 0xB064 (ch. 3) .....................................................................................................................................8-30 8.4.5 DMA Destination Address Register (DMDARn) 0xB008 (ch. 0), 0xB028 (ch. 1), 0xB048 (ch. 2), 0xB068 (ch. 3) .....................................................................................................................................8-31 8.4.6 DMA Chain Address Register (DMCHARn) 0xB000 (ch. 0), 0xB020 (ch. 1), 0xB040 (ch. 2), 0xB060 (ch. 3) .....................................................................................................................................8-32 8.4.7 DMA Source Address Increment Register (DMSAIRn) 0xB010 (ch. 0), 0xB030 (ch. 1), 0xB050 (ch. 2), 0xB070 (ch. 3) ...........................................................................................................8-33 8.4.8 DMA Destination Address Increment Register (DMDAIRn), 0xB014 (ch. 0), 0xB034 (ch. 1), 0xB054 (ch. 2), 0xB074 (ch. 3) ...........................................................................................................8-34 8.4.9 DMA Count Register (DMCNTRn) 0xB00C (ch. 0), 0xB02C (ch. 1), 0xB04C (ch. 2), 0xB06C (ch. 3).....................................................................................................................................8-35 8.4.10 DMA Memory Fill Data Register (DMMFDR) 0xB0A4 ....................................................................8-36 8.5 Timing Diagrams ..........................................................................................................................................8-37 8.5.1 Single Address Single Transfer from Memory to I/O (32-bit ROM)...................................................8-37 8.5.2 Single Address Single Transfer from Memory to I/O (16-bit ROM)...................................................8-38 8.5.3 Single Address Single Transfer from I/O to Memory (32-bit SRAM).................................................8-39 8.5.4 Single Address Burst Transfer from Memory to I/O (32-bit ROM) ....................................................8-40 8.5.5 Single Address Burst Transfer from I/O to Memory (32-bit SRAM) ..................................................8-41 8.5.6 Single Address Single Transfer from Memory to I/O (16-bit ROM)...................................................8-43 8.5.7 Single Address Single Transfer from I/O to Memory (16-bit SRAM).................................................8-44 8.5.8 Single Address Single Transfer from Memory to I/O (32-bit Half Speed ROM) ................................8-45 8.5.9 Single Address Single Transfer from I/O to Memory (32-bit Half Speed SRAM) ..............................8-46 8.5.10 Single Address Single Transfer from Memory to I/O (32-bit SRAM).................................................8-47 8.5.11 Single Address Single Transfer from I/O to Memory (32-bit SDRAM)..............................................8-48 8.5.12 Single Address Single Transfer from Memory to I/O of Last Cycle when DMADONE* Signal is Set to Output .........................................................................................................................8-49 8.5.13 Single Address Single Transfer from Memory to I/O (32-bit SDRAM)..............................................8-50 8.5.14 Single Address Single Transfer from I/O to Memory (32-bit SDRAM)..............................................8-51 8.5.15 External I/O Device – SRAM Dual Address Transfer .........................................................................8-52 8.5.16 External I/O Device – SDRAM Dual Address Transfer ......................................................................8-54 8.5.17 External I/O Device (Non-burst) – SDRAM Dual Address Transfer...................................................8-56 9. SDRAM Controller .................................................................................................................................................9-1 9.1 Characteristics ................................................................................................................................................9-1 9.2 Block Diagram................................................................................................................................................9-2 9.3 Detailed Explanation ......................................................................................................................................9-3 9.3.1 Supported SDRAM Configurations .......................................................................................................9-3 9.3.2 Address Mapping ...................................................................................................................................9-4 9.3.3 Initialization of SDRAM........................................................................................................................9-9 9.3.4 Low Power Consumption Function .....................................................................................................9-10 9.3.5 Bus Errors ............................................................................................................................................9-11 9.3.6 Memory Read and Memory Write .......................................................................................................9-11 9.3.7 Slow Write Burst..................................................................................................................................9-11 9.3.8 Clock Feedback....................................................................................................................................9-11 9.3.9 SyncFlash ®.........................................................................................................................................9-11 9.4 Registers .......................................................................................................................................................9-12 9.4.1 SDRAM Channel Control Register (SDCCR0) 0x8000 (ch. 0), (SDCCR1) 0x8004 (ch. 1), (SDCCR2) 0x8008 (ch. 2), (SDCCR3) 0x800C (ch. 3).......................................................................9-13 9.4.2 SDRAM Timing Register (SDCTR) 0x8020 .......................................................................................9-15 9.4.3 SDRAM Command Register (SDCCMD) 0x802C .............................................................................9-17 9.4.4 SyncFlash Command Register (SFCMD) 0x8030 ...............................................................................9-18 iii Table of Contents 9.5 Timing Diagrams ..........................................................................................................................................9-19 9.5.1 Single Read (32-bit Bus)......................................................................................................................9-19 9.5.2 Single Write (32-bit Bus) .....................................................................................................................9-21 9.5.3 Burst Read (32-bit Bus) .......................................................................................................................9-23 9.5.4 Burst Write (32-bit Bus) ......................................................................................................................9-24 9.5.5 Burst Write (32-bit Bus, Slow Write Burst) .........................................................................................9-25 9.5.6 Single Read (16-bit Bus)......................................................................................................................9-26 9.5.7 Single Write (16-bit Bus) .....................................................................................................................9-28 9.5.8 Low Power Consumption and Power Down Mode..............................................................................9-30 9.6 SDRAM Usage Example..............................................................................................................................9-34 10. PCI Controller .......................................................................................................................................................10-1 10.1 Features.........................................................................................................................................................10-1 10.1.1 Overall .................................................................................................................................................10-1 10.1.2 Initiator Function .................................................................................................................................10-1 10.1.3 Target Function ....................................................................................................................................10-1 10.1.4 PCI Arbiter...........................................................................................................................................10-2 10.1.5 PDMAC (PCI DMA Controller)..........................................................................................................10-2 10.2 Block Diagram..............................................................................................................................................10-3 10.3 Detailed Explanation ....................................................................................................................................10-4 10.3.1 Terminology Explanation.....................................................................................................................10-4 10.3.2 On-Chip Register .................................................................................................................................10-4 10.3.3 Supported PCI Bus Commands............................................................................................................10-6 10.3.4 Initiator Access (G-Bus → PCI Bus address conversion)....................................................................10-8 10.3.5 Target Access (PCI Bus → G-Bus Address Conversion)...................................................................10-10 10.3.6 Post Write Function ...........................................................................................................................10-13 10.3.7 Endian Switching Function................................................................................................................10-13 10.3.8 Power Management ...........................................................................................................................10-14 10.3.9 PDMAC (PCI DMA Controller)........................................................................................................10-15 10.3.10 Error Detection, Interrupt Reporting..................................................................................................10-18 10.3.11 PCI Bus Arbiter .................................................................................................................................10-20 10.3.12 PCI Boot ............................................................................................................................................10-22 10.3.13 Set Configuration Space ....................................................................................................................10-22 10.3.14 PCI Clock Signal................................................................................................................................10-22 10.4 PCI Controller Control Register .................................................................................................................10-23 10.4.1 ID Register (PCIID) 0xD000 .............................................................................................................10-25 10.4.2 PCI Status, Command Register (PCISTATUS) 0xD004....................................................................10-26 10.4.3 Class Code, Revision ID Register (PCICCREV) 0xD008 .................................................................10-28 10.4.4 PCI Configuration 1 Register (PCICFG1) 0xD00C...........................................................................10-29 10.4.5 P2G Memory Space 0 PCI Base Address Register (P2GM0PBASE) 0xD010..................................10-30 10.4.6 P2G Memory Space 1 PCI Base Address Register (P2GM1PBASE) 0xD014..................................10-31 10.4.7 P2G Memory Space 2 PCI Base Address Register (P2GM2PBASE) 0xD018..................................10-32 10.4.8 P2G I/O Space PCI Base Address Register (P2GIOPBASE) 0xD01C..............................................10-33 10.4.9 Subsystem ID Register (PCISID) 0xD02C ........................................................................................10-34 10.4.10 Capabilities Pointer Register (PCICAPPTR) 0xD034 .......................................................................10-35 10.4.11 PCI Configuration 2 Register (PCICFG2) 0xD03C...........................................................................10-36 10.4.12 G2P Timeout Count Register (G2PTOCNT) 0xD040 .......................................................................10-37 10.4.13 G2P Configuration Register (G2PCFG) 0xD060..............................................................................10-38 10.4.14 G2P Status Register (G2PSTATUS) 0xD064.....................................................................................10-40 10.4.15 G2P Interrupt Mask Register (G2PMASK) 0xD068 .........................................................................10-41 10.4.16 Satellite Mode PCI Status Register (PCISSTATUS) 0xD088............................................................10-42 10.4.17 PCI Status Interrupt Mask Register (PCIMASK) 0xD08C................................................................10-43 10.4.18 P2G Configuration Register (P2GCFG) 0xD090...............................................................................10-44 10.4.19 P2G Status Register (P2GSTATUS) 0xD094.....................................................................................10-45 10.4.20 P2G Interrupt Mask Register (P2GMASK) 0xD098 .........................................................................10-46 10.4.21 P2G Current Command Register (P2GCCMD) 0xD09C...................................................................10-47 10.4.22 PCI Bus Arbiter Request Port Register (PBAREQPORT) 0xD100...................................................10-48 10.4.23 PCI Bus Arbiter Configuration Register (PBACFG) 0xD104 ...........................................................10-50 10.4.24 PCI Bus Arbiter Status Register (PBASTATUS) 0xD108 .................................................................10-51 iv Table of Contents 10.4.25 10.4.26 10.4.27 10.4.28 10.4.29 10.4.30 10.4.31 10.4.32 10.4.33 10.4.34 10.4.35 10.4.36 10.4.37 10.4.38 10.4.39 10.4.40 10.4.41 10.4.42 10.4.43 10.4.44 10.4.45 10.4.46 10.4.47 10.4.48 10.4.49 10.4.50 10.4.51 10.4.52 10.4.53 10.4.54 10.4.55 10.4.56 10.4.57 10.4.58 10.4.59 10.4.60 10.4.61 10.4.62 10.4.63 10.4.64 10.4.65 10.4.66 PCI Bus Arbiter Interrupt Mask Register (PBAMASK) 0xD10C .....................................................10-52 PCI Bus Arbiter Broken Master Register (PBABM) 0xD110 ...........................................................10-53 PCI Bus Arbiter Current Request Register (PBACREQ) 0xD114.....................................................10-55 PCI Bus Arbiter Current Grant Register (PBACGNT) 0xD118 ........................................................10-56 PCI Bus Arbiter Current State Register (PBACSTATE) 0xD11C .....................................................10-57 G2P Memory Space 0 G-Bus Base Address Register (G2PM0GBASE) 0xD120.............................10-58 G2P Memory Space 1 G-Bus Base Address Register (G2PM1GBASE) 0xD128.............................10-59 G2P Memory Space 2 G-Bus Base Address Register (G2PM2GBASE) 0xD130.............................10-60 G2P I/O Space G-Bus Base Address Register (G2PIOGBASE) 0xD138 .........................................10-61 G2P Memory Space 0 Address Mask Register (G2PM0MASK) 0xD140.........................................10-62 G2P Memory Space 1 Address Mask Register (G2PM1MASK) 0xD144.........................................10-63 G2P Memory Space 2 Address Mask Register (G2PM2MASK) 0xD148.........................................10-64 G2P I/O Space Address Mask Register (G2PIOMASK) 0xD14C.....................................................10-65 G2P Memory Space 0 PCI Base Address Register (G2PM0PBASE) 0xD150..................................10-66 G2P Memory Space 1 PCI Base Address Register (G2PM1PBASE) 0xD158..................................10-67 G2P Memory Space 2 PCI Base Address Register (G2PM2PBASE) 0xD160..................................10-68 G2P I/O Space PCI Base Address Register (G2PIOPBASE) 0xD168 ..............................................10-69 PCI Controller Configuration Register (PCICCFG) 0xD170 ............................................................10-70 PCI Controller Status Register (PCICSTATUS) 0xD174 ..................................................................10-71 PCI Controller Interrupt Mask Register (PCICMASK) 0xD178 .......................................................10-72 P2G Memory Space 0 G-Bus Base Address Register (P2GM0GBASE) 0xD180.............................10-73 P2G Memory Space 0 Control Register (P2GM0CTR) 0xD184 .......................................................10-74 P2G Memory Space 1 G-Bus Base Address Register (P2GM1GBASE) 0xD188.............................10-75 P2G Memory Space 1 Control Register (P2GM1CTR) 0xD18C ......................................................10-76 P2G Memory Space 2 G-Bus Base Address Register (P2GM2GBASE) 0xD190.............................10-77 P2G Memory Space 2 Control Register (P2GM2CTR) 0xD194 .......................................................10-78 P2G I/O Space G-Bus Base Address Register (P2GIOGBASE) 0xD198 .........................................10-79 P2G I/O Space Control Register (P2GIOCTR) 0xD19C ...................................................................10-80 G2P Configuration Address Register(G2PCFGADRS) 0xD1A0 .....................................................10-81 G2P Configuration Data Register (G2PCFGDATA) 0xD1A4 ...........................................................10-82 G2P Interrupt Acknowledge Data Register (G2PINTACK) 0xD1C8................................................10-83 G2P Special Cycle Data Register (G2PSPC) 0xD1CC......................................................................10-84 Configuration Data 0 Register (PCICDATA0) 0xD1E0 ....................................................................10-85 Configuration Data 1 Register (PCICDATA1) 0xD1E4 ....................................................................10-86 Configuration Data 2 Register (PCICDATA2) 0xD1E8 ....................................................................10-87 Configuration Data 3 Register (PCICDATA3) 0xD1EC....................................................................10-88 PDMAC Chain Address Register (PDMCA) 0xD200 .......................................................................10-89 PDMAC G-Bus Address Register (PDMGA) 0xD204......................................................................10-90 PDMAC PCI Bus Address Register (PDMPA) 0xD208....................................................................10-91 PDMAC Count Register (PDMCTR) 0xD20C..................................................................................10-92 PDMAC Configuration Register (PDMCFG) 0xD210 ......................................................................10-93 PDMAC Status Register (PDMSTATUS) 0xD214 ...........................................................................10-95 10.5 PCI Configuration Space Register..............................................................................................................10-97 10.5.1 Capability ID Register (Cap_ID) 0xDC.............................................................................................10-98 10.5.2 Next Item Pointer Register (Next_Item_Ptr) 0xDD...........................................................................10-99 10.5.3 Power Management Capability Register (PMC) 0xDE ...................................................................10-100 10.5.4 Power Management Control/Status Register (PMCSR) 0xE0 .........................................................10-101 11. Serial I/O Port........................................................................................................................................................11-1 11.1 Features.........................................................................................................................................................11-1 11.2 Block Diagram..............................................................................................................................................11-2 11.3 Detailed Explanation ....................................................................................................................................11-3 11.3.1 Overview..............................................................................................................................................11-3 11.3.2 Data Format .........................................................................................................................................11-3 11.3.3 Serial Clock Generator.........................................................................................................................11-5 11.3.4 Data Reception.....................................................................................................................................11-7 11.3.5 Data Transmission................................................................................................................................11-7 11.3.6 DMA Transfer......................................................................................................................................11-7 11.3.7 Flow Control ........................................................................................................................................11-8 11.3.8 Reception Data Status ..........................................................................................................................11-8 v Table of Contents 11.3.9 11.3.10 11.3.11 11.3.12 Reception Time Out .............................................................................................................................11-9 Software Reset .....................................................................................................................................11-9 Error Detection/Interrupt Signaling ...................................................................................................11-10 Multi-Controller System ....................................................................................................................11-11 11.4 Registers .....................................................................................................................................................11-12 11.4.1 Line Control Register 0 (SILCR0) 0xF300 (Ch. 0), Line Control Register 1 (SILCR1) 0xF400 (Ch. 1) ...........................................................................11-13 11.4.2 DMA/Interrupt Control Register 0 (SIDICR0) 0xF304 (Ch. 0), DMA/Interrupt Control Register 1 (SIDICR1) 0xF404 (Ch. 1).........................................................11-14 11.4.3 DMA/Interrupt Status Register 0 (SIDISR0) 0xF308 (Ch. 0), DMA/Interrupt Status Register 1 (SIDISR1) 0xF408 (Ch. 1)............................................................11-16 11.4.4 Status Change Interrupt Status Register 0 (SISCISR0) 0xF30C (Ch. 0), Status Change Interrupt Status Register 1 (SISCISR1) 0xF40C (Ch. 1) ...........................................11-18 11.4.5 FIFO Control Register 0 (SIFCR0) 0xF310 (Ch. 0), FIFO Control Register 1 (SIFCR1) 0xF410 (Ch. 1) ..........................................................................11-19 11.4.6 Flow Control Register 0 (SIFLCR0) 0xF314 (Ch. 0, Flow Control Register 1 (SIFLCR1) 0xF414 (Ch. 1) ........................................................................11-20 11.4.7 Baud Rate Control Register 0 (SIBGR0) 0xF318 (Ch. 0), Baud Rate Control Register 1 (SIBGR1) 0xF418 (Ch. 1)..................................................................11-21 11.4.8 Transmit FIFO Register 0 (SITFIFO0) 0xF31C (Ch. 0), Transmit FIFO Register 1 (SITFIFO1) 0xF41C (Ch. 1) ....................................................................11-22 11.4.9 Receive FIFO Register 0 (SIRFIFO0) 0xF320 (Ch. 0), Receive FIFO Register 1 (SIRFIFO1) 0xF420 (Ch. 1) ......................................................................11-23 12. Timer/Counter .......................................................................................................................................................12-1 12.1 Features.........................................................................................................................................................12-1 12.2 Block Diagram..............................................................................................................................................12-2 12.3 Detailed Explanation ....................................................................................................................................12-3 12.3.1 Overview..............................................................................................................................................12-3 12.3.2 Counter Clock ......................................................................................................................................12-3 12.3.3 Counter ................................................................................................................................................12-4 12.3.4 Interval Timer Mode ............................................................................................................................12-4 12.3.5 Pulse Generator Mode..........................................................................................................................12-6 12.3.6 Watchdog Timer Mode ........................................................................................................................12-7 12.4 Registers .......................................................................................................................................................12-9 12.4.1 Timer Control Register n (TMTCRn) TMTCR0 0xF000, TMTCR1 0xF100, TMTCR2 0xF200.....12-10 12.4.2 Timer Interrupt Status Register n (TMTISRn) TMTISR0 0xF004, TMTISR1 0xF104, TMTISR2 0xF204..............................................................................................................................12-11 12.4.3 Compare Register An (TMCPRAn) TMCPRA0 0xF008, TMCPRA1 0xF108, TMCPRA2 0xF208............................................................................................................................12-12 12.4.4 Compare Register Bn (TMCPRBn) TMCPRB0 0xF00C, TMCPRB1 0xF10C ................................12-13 12.4.5 Interval Timer Mode Register n (TMITMRn) TMITMR0 0xF010, TMITMR1 0xF110, TMITMR2 0xF210 ...........................................................................................12-14 12.4.6 Divide Register n (TMCCDRn) TMCCDR0 0xF020, TMCCDR1 0xF120, TMCCDR2 0xF220 ....12-15 12.4.7 Pulse Generator Mode Register n (TMPGMRn) TMPGMR0 0xF030, TMPGMR1 0xF130 ............12-16 12.4.8 Watchdog Timer Mode Register n (TMWTMRn) TMWTMR2 0xF240 ...........................................12-17 12.4.9 Timer Read Register n (TMTRRn) 0xF0F0, TMTRR0 0xF0F0, TMTRR1 0xF1F0, TMTRR2 0xF2F0 ...............................................................................................12-18 13. Parallel I/O Port.....................................................................................................................................................13-1 13.1 Characteristics ..............................................................................................................................................13-1 13.2 Block Diagram..............................................................................................................................................13-1 13.3 Detailed Description .....................................................................................................................................13-2 13.3.1 Selecting PIO Pins ...............................................................................................................................13-2 13.3.2 General-purpose Parallel Port ..............................................................................................................13-2 13.4 Registers .......................................................................................................................................................13-2 13.4.1 PIO Output Data Register (PIODO) 0xF500 .......................................................................................13-3 13.4.2 PIO Input Data Register (PIODI) 0xF504 ...........................................................................................13-4 13.4.3 PIO Direction Control Register (PIODIR) 0xF508..............................................................................13-5 vi Table of Contents 13.4.4 PIO Open Drain Control Register (XPI00D) 0xE50C .........................................................................13-6 14. AC-link Controller ................................................................................................................................................14-1 14.1 Features.........................................................................................................................................................14-1 14.2 Configuration................................................................................................................................................14-2 14.3 Functional Description..................................................................................................................................14-3 14.3.1 CODEC Connection.............................................................................................................................14-3 14.3.2 Boot Configuration ..............................................................................................................................14-4 14.3.3 Usage Flow ..........................................................................................................................................14-5 14.3.4 AC-link Start Up ..................................................................................................................................14-7 14.3.5 CODEC Register Access .....................................................................................................................14-8 14.3.6 Sample-data Transmission and Reception ...........................................................................................14-9 14.3.7 GPIO Operation .................................................................................................................................14-14 14.3.8 Interrupt .............................................................................................................................................14-15 14.3.9 AC-link Low-power Mode ................................................................................................................14-15 14.4 Registers .....................................................................................................................................................14-16 14.4.1 ACCTLEN Register 0xF700..............................................................................................................14-17 14.4.2 ACCTLDIS Register 0xF704 ............................................................................................................14-20 14.4.3 ACREGACC Register 0xF708 ..........................................................................................................14-22 14.4.4 ACINTSTS Register 0xF710 .............................................................................................................14-23 14.4.5 ACINTMSTS Register 0xF714 .........................................................................................................14-25 14.4.6 ACINTEN Register 0xF718 ..............................................................................................................14-25 14.4.7 ACINTDIS Register 0xF71C.............................................................................................................14-25 14.4.8 ACSEMAPH Register 0xF720 ..........................................................................................................14-26 14.4.9 ACGPIDAT Register 0xF740 ............................................................................................................14-27 14.4.10 ACGPODAT Register 0xF744...........................................................................................................14-28 14.4.11 ACSLTEN Register 0xF748 ..............................................................................................................14-29 14.4.12 ACSLTDIS Register 0xF74C.............................................................................................................14-31 14.4.13 ACFIFOSTS Register 0xF750 ...........................................................................................................14-32 14.4.14 ACDMASTS Register 0xF780 ..........................................................................................................14-34 14.4.15 ACDMASEL Register 0xF784 ..........................................................................................................14-35 14.4.16 ACAUDODAT Register 0xF7A0, ACSURRDAT Register 0xF7A4.................................................14-36 14.4.17 ACCENTDAT Register 0xF7A8, ACLFEDAT Register 0xF7AC, ACMODODAT Register 0xF7B8......................................................................................................14-37 14.4.18 ACAUDIDAT Register 0xF7B0 ........................................................................................................14-38 14.4.19 ACMODIDAT Register 0xF7BC.......................................................................................................14-39 14.4.20 ACREVID Register 0xF7FC .............................................................................................................14-40 15. Interrupt Controller................................................................................................................................................15-1 15.1 Characteristics ..............................................................................................................................................15-1 15.2 Block Diagram..............................................................................................................................................15-2 15.3 Detailed Explanation ....................................................................................................................................15-4 15.3.1 Interrupt Sources..................................................................................................................................15-4 15.3.2 Interrupt Request Detection .................................................................................................................15-5 15.3.3 Interrupt Level Assigning ....................................................................................................................15-5 15.3.4 Interrupt Priority Assigning .................................................................................................................15-5 15.3.5 Interrupt Notification ...........................................................................................................................15-6 15.3.6 Clearing Interrupt Requests .................................................................................................................15-7 15.3.7 Interrupt Requests ................................................................................................................................15-7 15.4 Registers .......................................................................................................................................................15-8 15.4.1 Interrupt Detection Enable Register (IRDEN) 0xF600........................................................................15-9 15.4.2 Interrupt Detection Mode Register 0 (IRDM0) 0xF604 ....................................................................15-10 15.4.3 Interrupt Detection Mode Register 1 (IRDM1) 0xF608 ....................................................................15-12 15.4.4 Interrupt Level Register 0 (IRLVL0) 0xF610 ....................................................................................15-14 15.4.5 Interrupt Level Register 1 (IRLVL1) 0xF614 ....................................................................................15-15 15.4.6 Interrupt Level Register 2 (IRLVL2) 0xF618 ....................................................................................15-16 15.4.7 Interrupt Level Register 3 (IRLVL3) 0xF61C ...................................................................................15-17 15.4.8 Interrupt Level Register 4 (IRLVL4) 0xF620 ....................................................................................15-18 15.4.9 Interrupt Level Register 5 (IRLVL5) 0xF624 ....................................................................................15-19 vii Table of Contents 15.4.10 15.4.11 15.4.12 15.4.13 15.4.14 15.4.15 15.4.16 15.4.17 15.4.18 15.4.19 15.4.20 15.4.21 Interrupt Level Register 6 (IRLVL6) 0xF628 ....................................................................................15-20 Interrupt Level Register 7 (IRLVL7) 0xF62C ...................................................................................15-21 Interrupt Mask Level Register (IRMSK) 0xF640 ..............................................................................15-22 Interrupt Edge Detection Clear Register (IREDC) 0xF660 ...............................................................15-23 Interrupt Pending Register (IRPND) 0xF680 ....................................................................................15-24 Interrupt Current Status Register (IRCS) 0xF6A0 .............................................................................15-27 Interrupt Request Flag Register 0 (IRFLAG0) 0xF510 .....................................................................15-29 Interrupt Request Flag Register 1 (IRFLAG1) 0xF514 .....................................................................15-29 Interrupt Request Polarity Control Register (IRPOL) 0xF518 ..........................................................15-30 Interrupt Request Control Register (IRRCNT) 0xF51C ....................................................................15-30 Interrupt Request Internal Interrupt Mask Register (IRMASKINT) 0xF520 ....................................15-31 Interrupt Request External Interrupt Mask Register (IRMASKEXT) 0xF524 ..................................15-31 16. CHI Module...........................................................................................................................................................16-1 16.1 Characteristics ..............................................................................................................................................16-1 16.2 Block Diagram..............................................................................................................................................16-2 16.3 Detailed Explanation ....................................................................................................................................16-3 16.3.1 Transmitter ...........................................................................................................................................16-3 16.3.2 Receiver ...............................................................................................................................................16-4 16.3.3 Clock and Control Generation .............................................................................................................16-4 16.3.4 DMA Address Generation ...................................................................................................................16-6 16.3.5 Timing Diagram...................................................................................................................................16-8 16.3.6 Interrupts..............................................................................................................................................16-9 16.3.7 Frame Structure and Serial Timing ....................................................................................................16-10 16.3.8 Configurations ...................................................................................................................................16-16 16.4 CHI Registers .............................................................................................................................................16-17 16.4.1 CHI Control Register (CTRL) 0xA800..............................................................................................16-18 16.4.2 CHI Pointer Enable Register (PNTREN) 0xA804............................................................................16-21 16.4.3 CHI Receive Pointer A Register (RXPTRA) 0xA808 .......................................................................16-23 16.4.4 CHI Receive Pointer B Register (RXPTRB) 0xA80C.......................................................................16-24 16.4.5 CHI Transmit Pointer A Register (TXPTRA) 0xA810......................................................................16-25 16.4.6 CHI Transmit Pointer B Register (TXPTRB) 0xA814 ......................................................................16-26 16.4.7 CHI SIZE Register (CHISIZE) 0xA818 ............................................................................................16-27 16.4.8 CHI RX Start Register (RXSTRT) 0xA81C ......................................................................................16-28 16.4.9 CHI TX Start Register (TXSTRT) 0xA820 .......................................................................................16-29 16.4.10 CHI TX Holding Register (CHIHOLD) 0xA824...............................................................................16-30 16.4.11 CHI RX Holding Register (CHIHOLD) 0xA824 ..............................................................................16-31 16.4.12 CHI Clock Register (CHICLOCK) 0xA828 ......................................................................................16-32 16.4.13 HI Interrupt Enable Register (CHIINTE) 0xA82C ............................................................................16-33 16.4.14 CHI Interrupt Status Register (CHIINT) 0xA830..............................................................................16-34 17. Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)............................................................................................................................17-1 17.1 Characteristics ..............................................................................................................................................17-1 17.2 Block Diagram..............................................................................................................................................17-2 17.3 Detailed Explanation ....................................................................................................................................17-3 17.3.1 Operation mode....................................................................................................................................17-3 17.3.2 Transmitter/Receiver............................................................................................................................17-3 17.3.3 Baud Rate Generator............................................................................................................................17-4 17.3.4 Transfer Format....................................................................................................................................17-5 17.3.5 Inter Frame Space Counter ..................................................................................................................17-6 17.3.6 SPI Buffer Structure.............................................................................................................................17-7 17.3.7 SPI System Errors................................................................................................................................17-7 17.3.8 Interrupts..............................................................................................................................................17-7 17.4 Registers .......................................................................................................................................................17-8 17.4.1 SPI Master Control Register (SPMCR) 0xF800 ..................................................................................17-9 17.4.2 SPI Control Register 0 (SPCR0) 0xF804...........................................................................................17-10 17.4.3 SPI Control Register 1 (SPCR1) 0xF808...........................................................................................17-12 17.4.4 SPI Inter Frame Space Register (SPFS) 0xF80C ...............................................................................17-13 17.4.5 SPI Status Register (SPSR) 0xF814...................................................................................................17-14 viii Table of Contents 17.4.6 SPI Data Register (SPDR) 0xF818 ....................................................................................................17-16 18. NAND Flash Memory Controller..........................................................................................................................18-1 18.1 Characteristics ..............................................................................................................................................18-1 18.2 Block Diagram..............................................................................................................................................18-1 18.3 Detailed Explanation ....................................................................................................................................18-2 18.3.1 Access to NAND Flash Memory .........................................................................................................18-2 18.3.2 ECC Control ........................................................................................................................................18-4 18.4 Registers .......................................................................................................................................................18-5 18.4.1 NAND Flash Memory Data Transfer Register (NDFDTR) 0xC000 ...................................................18-5 18.4.2 NAND Flash Memory Mode Control Register (NDFMCR) 0xC004 ..................................................18-6 18.4.3 NAND Flash Memory Status Register (NDFSR) 0xC008...................................................................18-7 18.4.4 NAND Flash Memory Interrupt Status Register (NDFISR) 0xC00C..................................................18-8 18.4.5 NAND Flash Memory Interrupt Mask Register (NDFIMR) 0xC010 ..................................................18-9 18.4.6 NAND Flash Memory Strobe Pulse Width Register (NDFSPR) 0xC014 .........................................18-10 18.4.7 NAND Flash Memory Reset Register (NDFRSTR) 0xC018 ............................................................18-11 18.5 Timing Diagrams ........................................................................................................................................18-12 18.5.1 Command and Address Cycle............................................................................................................18-12 18.5.2 Data Read Cycle ................................................................................................................................18-13 18.5.3 Data Write Cycle................................................................................................................................18-15 18.6 Example of Using NAND Flash Memory ..................................................................................................18-16 19. Real Time Clock (RTC).........................................................................................................................................19-1 19.1 Features.........................................................................................................................................................19-1 19.2 Block Diagrams ............................................................................................................................................19-2 19.3 Operations.....................................................................................................................................................19-3 19.3.1 Operation .............................................................................................................................................19-3 19.3.2 Interrupt ...............................................................................................................................................19-3 19.4 Registers .......................................................................................................................................................19-3 19.4.1 RTC Register (High) (RTCHI) 0xF900................................................................................................19-4 19.4.2 RTC Register (Low) (RTCLO) 0xF904 ...............................................................................................19-4 19.4.3 Alarm Register (High) (ALARMHI) 0xF908 ......................................................................................19-5 19.4.4 Alarm Register (Low) (ALARMLO) 0xF90C .....................................................................................19-5 19.4.5 RTC Control Register (RTCCTRL) 0xF910 ........................................................................................19-6 19.4.6 RTC Interrupt Status Register (RTCINT) 0xF914 ...............................................................................19-7 20. Removed................................................................................................................................................................20-1 21. Extended EJTAG Interface....................................................................................................................................21-1 21.1 Extended EJTAG Interface ...........................................................................................................................21-1 21.2 JTAG Boundary Scan Test ...........................................................................................................................21-2 21.2.1 JTAG Controller and Register..............................................................................................................21-2 21.2.2 Instruction Register..............................................................................................................................21-3 21.2.3 Boundary Scan Register.......................................................................................................................21-3 21.2.4 Device ID Register...............................................................................................................................21-6 21.3 Initializing the Extended EJTAG Interface...................................................................................................21-7 22. Electrical Characteristics .......................................................................................................................................22-1 22.1 Absolute Maximum Rating (*1) .....................................................................................................................22-1 22.2 Recommended Operating Conditions (*3)......................................................................................................22-1 22.3 DC Characteristics........................................................................................................................................22-2 22.3.1 DC Characteristics Except for PCI Interface .......................................................................................22-2 22.3.2 DC Characteristics Except for PCI Interface .......................................................................................22-3 22.4 Power Circuit for PLL ..................................................................................................................................22-3 22.4.1 Recommended Circuit for PLL............................................................................................................22-3 22.5 AC Characteristics........................................................................................................................................22-4 22.5.1 MASTERCLK AC Characteristics ......................................................................................................22-4 22.5.2 Power On AC Characteristics ..............................................................................................................22-4 ix Table of Contents 22.5.3 22.5.4 22.5.5 22.5.6 22.5.7 22.5.8 22.5.9 22.5.10 22.5.11 22.5.12 22.5.13 22.5.14 SDRAM Interface AC Characteristics .................................................................................................22-5 External Bus Interface AC Characteristics...........................................................................................22-6 PCI Interface AC Characteristics (33 MHz) ........................................................................................22-7 DMA Interface AC Characteristics......................................................................................................22-8 Interrupt Interface AC Characteristics .................................................................................................22-9 SIO Interface AC Characteristics.........................................................................................................22-9 Timer Interface AC Characteristics....................................................................................................22-10 PIO Interface AC Characteristics.......................................................................................................22-10 AC-link Interface AC Characteristics ................................................................................................22-11 NAND Flash Memory Interface AC Characteristics .........................................................................22-12 CHI Interface AC Characteristics ......................................................................................................22-13 SPI Interface AC Characteristics .......................................................................................................22-14 23. Pin Layout, Package ..............................................................................................................................................23-1 23.1 Pin Layout ....................................................................................................................................................23-1 23.2 Package.........................................................................................................................................................23-6 Appendix A. TX49/H2 Core Supplement ..............................................................................................................A-1 A.1 Processor ID ..................................................................................................................................................A-1 A.2 Interrupts........................................................................................................................................................A-1 A.3 Bus Snoop......................................................................................................................................................A-1 A.4 Halt/Doze Mode ............................................................................................................................................A-1 A.5 Memory Access Order...................................................................................................................................A-1 x Handling Precautions 1 Using Toshiba Semiconductors Safely 1. Using Toshiba Semiconductors Safely TOSHIBA are continually working to improve the quality and the reliability of their products. Nevertheless, semiconductor devices in general can malfunction or fail due to their inherent electrical sensitivity and vulnerability to physical stress. It is the responsibility of the buyer, when utilizing TOSHIBA products, to observe standards of safety, and to avoid situations in which a malfunction or failure of a TOSHIBA product could cause loss of human life, bodily injury or damage to property. In developing your designs, please ensure that TOSHIBA products are used within specified operating ranges as set forth in the most recent products specifications. Also, please keep in mind the precautions and conditions set forth in the TOSHIBA Semiconductor Reliability Handbook. The TOSHIBA products listed in this document are intended for usage in general electronics applications (computer, personal equipment, office equipment, measuring equipment, industrial robotics, domestic appliances, etc.). These TOSHIBA products are neither intended nor warranted for usage in equipment that requires extraordinarily high quality and/or reliability or a malfunction or failure of which may cause loss of human life or bodily injury (“Unintended Usage”). Unintended Usage include atomic energy control instruments, airplane or spaceship instruments, transportation instruments, traffic signal instruments, combustion control instruments, medical instruments, all types of safety devices, etc.. Unintended Usage of TOSHIBA products listed in this document shall be made at the customer’s own risk. 1-1 1 Using Toshiba Semiconductors Safely 1-2 2 Safety Precautions 2. Safety Precautions This section lists important precautions which users of semiconductor devices (and anyone else) should observe in order to avoid injury and damage to property, and to ensure safe and correct use of devices. Please be sure that you understand the meanings of the labels and the graphic symbol described below before you move on to the detailed descriptions of the precautions. [Explanation of labels] Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which will result in death or serious injury if you do not follow instructions. Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which could result in death or serious injury if you do not follow instructions. Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which if not avoided, may result in minor injury or moderate injury. [Explanation of graphic symbol] Graphic symbol Meaning Indicates that caution is required (laser beam is dangerous to eyes). 2-1 2 Safety Precautions 2.1 General Precautions regarding Semiconductor Devices Do not use devices under conditions exceeding their absolute maximum ratings (e.g. current, voltage, power dissipation or temperature). This may cause the device to break down, degrade its performance, or cause it to catch fire or explode resulting in injury. Do not insert devices in the wrong orientation. Make sure that the positive and negative terminals of power supplies are connected correctly. Otherwise the rated maximum current or power dissipation may be exceeded and the device may break down or undergo performance degradation, causing it to catch fire or explode and resulting in injury. When power to a device is on, do not touch the device’s heat sink. Heat sinks become hot, so you may burn your hand. Do not touch the tips of device leads. Because some types of device have leads with pointed tips, you may prick your finger. When conducting any kind of evaluation, inspection or testing, be sure to connect the testing equipment’s electrodes or probes to the pins of the device under test before powering it on. Otherwise, you may receive an electric shock causing injury. Before grounding an item of measuring equipment or a soldering iron, check that there is no electrical leakage from it. Electrical leakage may cause the device which you are testing or soldering to break down, or could give you an electric shock. Always wear protective glasses when cutting the leads of a device with clippers or a similar tool. If you do not, small bits of metal flying off the cut ends may damage your eyes. 2-2 2 Safety Precautions 2.2 2.2.1 Precautions Specific to Each Product Group Optical semiconductor devices When a visible semiconductor laser is operating, do not look directly into the laser beam or look through the optical system. This is highly likely to impair vision, and in the worst case may cause blindness. If it is necessary to examine the laser apparatus, for example to inspect its optical characteristics, always wear the appropriate type of laser protective glasses as stipulated by IEC standard IEC825-1. Ensure that the current flowing in an LED device does not exceed the device’s maximum rated current. This is particularly important for resin-packaged LED devices, as excessive current may cause the package resin to blow up, scattering resin fragments and causing injury. When testing the dielectric strength of a photocoupler, use testing equipment which can shut off the supply voltage to the photocoupler. If you detect a leakage current of more than 100 µA, use the testing equipment to shut off the photocoupler’s supply voltage; otherwise a large short-circuit current will flow continuously, and the device may break down or burst into flames, resulting in fire or injury. When incorporating a visible semiconductor laser into a design, use the device’s internal photodetector or a separate photodetector to stabilize the laser’s radiant power so as to ensure that laser beams exceeding the laser’s rated radiant power cannot be emitted. If this stabilizing mechanism does not work and the rated radiant power is exceeded, the device may break down or the excessively powerful laser beams may cause injury. 2.2.2 Power devices Never touch a power device while it is powered on. Also, after turning off a power device, do not touch it until it has thoroughly discharged all remaining electrical charge. Touching a power device while it is powered on or still charged could cause a severe electric shock, resulting in death or serious injury. When conducting any kind of evaluation, inspection or testing, be sure to connect the testing equipment’s electrodes or probes to the device under test before powering it on. When you have finished, discharge any electrical charge remaining in the device. Connecting the electrodes or probes of testing equipment to a device while it is powered on may result in electric shock, causing injury. 2-3 2 Safety Precautions Do not use devices under conditions which exceed their absolute maximum ratings (current, voltage, power dissipation, temperature etc.). This may cause the device to break down, causing a large short-circuit current to flow, which may in turn cause it to catch fire or explode, resulting in fire or injury. Use a unit which can detect short-circuit currents and which will shut off the power supply if a short-circuit occurs. If the power supply is not shut off, a large short-circuit current will flow continuously, which may in turn cause the device to catch fire or explode, resulting in fire or injury. When designing a case for enclosing your system, consider how best to protect the user from shrapnel in the event of the device catching fire or exploding. Flying shrapnel can cause injury. When conducting any kind of evaluation, inspection or testing, always use protective safety tools such as a cover for the device. Otherwise you may sustain injury caused by the device catching fire or exploding. Make sure that all metal casings in your design are grounded to earth. Even in modules where a device’s electrodes and metal casing are insulated, capacitance in the module may cause the electrostatic potential in the casing to rise. Dielectric breakdown may cause a high voltage to be applied to the casing, causing electric shock and injury to anyone touching it. When designing the heat radiation and safety features of a system incorporating high-speed rectifiers, remember to take the device’s forward and reverse losses into account. The leakage current in these devices is greater than that in ordinary rectifiers; as a result, if a high-speed rectifier is used in an extreme environment (e.g. at high temperature or high voltage), its reverse loss may increase, causing thermal runaway to occur. This may in turn cause the device to explode and scatter shrapnel, resulting in injury to the user. A design should ensure that, except when the main circuit of the device is active, reverse bias is applied to the device gate while electricity is conducted to control circuits, so that the main circuit will become inactive. Malfunction of the device may cause serious accidents or injuries. When conducting any kind of evaluation, inspection or testing, either wear protective gloves or wait until the device has cooled properly before handling it. Devices become hot when they are operated. Even after the power has been turned off, the device will retain residual heat which may cause a burn to anyone touching it. 2.2.3 Bipolar ICs (for use in automobiles) If your design includes an inductive load such as a motor coil, incorporate diodes or similar devices into the design to prevent negative current from flowing in. The load current generated by powering the device on and off may cause it to function erratically or to break down, which could in turn cause injury. Ensure that the power supply to any device which incorporates protective functions is stable. If the power supply is unstable, the device may operate erratically, preventing the protective functions from working correctly. If protective functions fail, the device may break down causing injury to the user. 2-4 3 General Safety Precautions and Usage Considerations 3. General Safety Precautions and Usage Considerations This section is designed to help you gain a better understanding of semiconductor devices, so as to ensure the safety, quality and reliability of the devices which you incorporate into your designs. 3.1 3.1.1 From Incoming to Shipping Electrostatic discharge (ESD) When handling individual devices (which are not yet mounted on a printed circuit board), be sure that the environment is protected against electrostatic electricity. Operators should wear anti-static clothing, and containers and other objects which come into direct contact with devices should be made of anti-static materials and should be grounded to earth via an 0.5- to 1.0-MΩ protective resistor. Please follow the precautions described below; this is particularly important for devices which are marked “Be careful of static.”. (1) Work environment • When humidity in the working environment decreases, the human body and other insulators can easily become charged with static electricity due to friction. Maintain the recommended humidity of 40% to 60% in the work environment, while also taking into account the fact that moisture-proof-packed products may absorb moisture after unpacking. • Be sure that all equipment, jigs and tools in the working area are grounded to earth. • Place a conductive mat over the floor of the work area, or take other appropriate measures, so that the floor surface is protected against static electricity and is grounded to earth. The surface resistivity should be 104 to 108 Ω/sq and the resistance between surface and ground, 7.5 × 105 to 108 Ω • Cover the workbench surface also with a conductive mat (with a surface resistivity of 104 to 108 Ω/sq, for a resistance between surface and ground of 7.5 × 105 to 108 Ω) . The purpose of this is to disperse static electricity on the surface (through resistive components) and ground it to earth. Workbench surfaces must not be constructed of low-resistance metallic materials that allow rapid static discharge when a charged device touches them directly. • Pay attention to the following points when using automatic equipment in your workplace: (a) When picking up ICs with a vacuum unit, use a conductive rubber fitting on the end of the pick-up wand to protect against electrostatic charge. (b) Minimize friction on IC package surfaces. If some rubbing is unavoidable due to the device’s mechanical structure, minimize the friction plane or use material with a small friction coefficient and low electrical resistance. Also, consider the use of an ionizer. (c) In sections which come into contact with device lead terminals, use a material which dissipates static electricity. (d) Ensure that no statically charged bodies (such as work clothes or the human body) touch the devices. 3-1 3 General Safety Precautions and Usage Considerations (e) Make sure that sections of the tape carrier which come into contact with installation devices or other electrical machinery are made of a low-resistance material. (f) Make sure that jigs and tools used in the assembly process do not touch devices. (g) In processes in which packages may retain an electrostatic charge, use an ionizer to neutralize the ions. • Make sure that CRT displays in the working area are protected against static charge, for example by a VDT filter. As much as possible, avoid turning displays on and off. Doing so can cause electrostatic induction in devices. • Keep track of charged potential in the working area by taking periodic measurements. • Ensure that work chairs are protected by an anti-static textile cover and are grounded to the floor surface by a grounding chain. (Suggested resistance between the seat surface and grounding chain is 7.5 × 105 to 1012Ω.) • Install anti-static mats on storage shelf surfaces. (Suggested surface resistivity is 104 to 108 Ω/sq; suggested resistance between surface and ground is 7.5 × 105 to 108 Ω.) • For transport and temporary storage of devices, use containers (boxes, jigs or bags) that are made of anti-static materials or materials which dissipate electrostatic charge. • Make sure that cart surfaces which come into contact with device packaging are made of materials which will conduct static electricity, and verify that they are grounded to the floor surface via a grounding chain. • In any location where the level of static electricity is to be closely controlled, the ground resistance level should be Class 3 or above. Use different ground wires for all items of equipment which may come into physical contact with devices. (2) Operating environment • Operators must wear anti-static clothing and conductive shoes (or a leg or heel strap). • Operators must wear a wrist strap grounded to earth via a resistor of about 1 MΩ. • Soldering irons must be grounded from iron tip to earth, and must be used only at low voltages (6 V to 24 V). • If the tweezers you use are likely to touch the device terminals, use anti-static tweezers and in particular avoid metallic tweezers. If a charged device touches a low-resistance tool, rapid discharge can occur. When using vacuum tweezers, attach a conductive chucking pat to the tip, and connect it to a dedicated ground used especially for anti-static purposes (suggested resistance value: 104 to 108 Ω). • Do not place devices or their containers near sources of strong electrical fields (such as above a CRT). 3-2 3 General Safety Precautions and Usage Considerations • When storing printed circuit boards which have devices mounted on them, use a board container or bag that is protected against static charge. To avoid the occurrence of static charge or discharge due to friction, keep the boards separate from one other and do not stack them directly on top of one another. • Ensure, if possible, that any articles (such as clipboards) which are brought to any location where the level of static electricity must be closely controlled are constructed of anti-static materials. • In cases where the human body comes into direct contact with a device, be sure to wear antistatic finger covers or gloves (suggested resistance value: 108 Ω or less). • Equipment safety covers installed near devices should have resistance ratings of 109 Ω or less. • If a wrist strap cannot be used for some reason, and there is a possibility of imparting friction to devices, use an ionizer. • The transport film used in TCP products is manufactured from materials in which static charges tend to build up. When using these products, install an ionizer to prevent the film from being charged with static electricity. Also, ensure that no static electricity will be applied to the product’s copper foils by taking measures to prevent static occuring in the peripheral equipment. 3.1.2 Vibration, impact and stress Handle devices and packaging materials with care. To avoid damage to devices, do not toss or drop packages. Ensure that devices are not subjected to mechanical vibration or shock during transportation. Ceramic package devices and devices in canister-type packages which have empty space inside them are subject to damage from vibration and shock because the bonding wires are secured only at their ends. Vibration Plastic molded devices, on the other hand, have a relatively high level of resistance to vibration and mechanical shock because their bonding wires are enveloped and fixed in resin. However, when any device or package type is installed in target equipment, it is to some extent susceptible to wiring disconnections and other damage from vibration, shock and stressed solder junctions. Therefore when devices are incorporated into the design of equipment which will be subject to vibration, the structural design of the equipment must be thought out carefully. If a device is subjected to especially strong vibration, mechanical shock or stress, the package or the chip itself may crack. In products such as CCDs which incorporate window glass, this could cause surface flaws in the glass or cause the connection between the glass and the ceramic to separate. Furthermore, it is known that stress applied to a semiconductor device through the package changes the resistance characteristics of the chip because of piezoelectric effects. In analog circuit design attention must be paid to the problem of package stress as well as to the dangers of vibration and shock as described above. 3-3 3 General Safety Precautions and Usage Considerations 3.2 3.2.1 Storage General storage • Avoid storage locations where devices will be exposed to moisture or direct sunlight. • Follow the instructions printed on the device cartons regarding transportation and storage. • The storage area temperature should be kept within a Humidity: Temperature: temperature range of 5°C to 35°C, and relative humidity should be maintained at between 45% and 75%. • Do not store devices in the presence of harmful (especially corrosive) gases, or in dusty conditions. • Use storage areas where there is minimal temperature fluctuation. Rapid temperature changes can cause moisture to form on stored devices, resulting in lead oxidation or corrosion. As a result, the solderability of the leads will be degraded. • When repacking devices, use anti-static containers. • Do not allow external forces or loads to be applied to devices while they are in storage. • If devices have been stored for more than two years, their electrical characteristics should be tested and their leads should be tested for ease of soldering before they are used. 3.2.2 Moisture-proof packing Moisture-proof packing should be handled with care. The handling procedure specified for each packing type should be followed scrupulously. If the proper procedures are not followed, the quality and reliability of devices may be degraded. This section describes general precautions for handling moisture-proof packing. Since the details may differ from device to device, refer also to the relevant individual datasheets or databook. (1) General precautions Follow the instructions printed on the device cartons regarding transportation and storage. • Do not drop or toss device packing. The laminated aluminum material in it can be rendered ineffective by rough handling. • The storage area temperature should be kept within a temperature range of 5°C to 30°C, and relative humidity should be maintained at 90% (max). Use devices within 12 months of the date marked on the package seal. 3-4 3 General Safety Precautions and Usage Considerations • If the 12-month storage period has expired, or if the 30% humidity indicator shown in Figure 1 is pink when the packing is opened, it may be advisable, depending on the device and packing type, to back the devices at high temperature to remove any moisture. Please refer to the table below. After the pack has been opened, use the devices in a 5°C to 30°C. 60% RH environment and within the effective usage period listed on the moisture-proof package. If the effective usage period has expired, or if the packing has been stored in a high-humidity environment, bake the devices at high temperature. Packing Moisture removal Tray If the packing bears the “Heatproof” marking or indicates the maximum temperature which it can withstand, bake at 125°C for 20 hours. (Some devices require a different procedure.) Tube Transfer devices to trays bearing the “Heatproof” marking or indicating the temperature which they can withstand, or to aluminum tubes before baking at 125°C for 20 hours. Tape Deviced packed on tape cannot be baked and must be used within the effective usage period after unpacking, as specified on the packing. • When baking devices, protect the devices from static electricity. • Moisture indicators can detect the approximate humidity level at a standard temperature of 25°C. 6-point indicators and 3-point indicators are currently in use, but eventually all indicators will be 3-point indicators. HUMIDITY INDICATOR 60% 50% 30% 20% 10% HUMIDITY INDICATOR 40 30 DANGER IF PINK DANGER IF PINK CHANGE DESICCANT 40% 20 READ AT LAVENDER BETWEEN PINK & BLUE READ AT LAVENDER BETWEEN PINK & BLUE (a) 6-point indicator (b) 3-point indicator Figure 1 Humidity indicator 3-5 3 General Safety Precautions and Usage Considerations 3.3 Design Care must be exercised in the design of electronic equipment to achieve the desired reliability. It is important not only to adhere to specifications concerning absolute maximum ratings and recommended operating conditions, it is also important to consider the overall environment in which equipment will be used, including factors such as the ambient temperature, transient noise and voltage and current surges, as well as mounting conditions which affect device reliability. This section describes some general precautions which you should observe when designing circuits and when mounting devices on printed circuit boards. For more detailed information about each product family, refer to the relevant individual technical datasheets available from Toshiba. 3.3.1 Absolute maximum ratings Do not use devices under conditions in which their absolute maximum ratings (e.g. current, voltage, power dissipation or temperature) will be exceeded. A device may break down or its performance may be degraded, causing it to catch fire or explode resulting in injury to the user. The absolute maximum ratings are rated values which must not be exceeded during operation, even for an instant. Although absolute maximum ratings differ from product to product, they essentially concern the voltage and current at each pin, the allowable power dissipation, and the junction and storage temperatures. If the voltage or current on any pin exceeds the absolute maximum rating, the device’s internal circuitry can become degraded. In the worst case, heat generated in internal circuitry can fuse wiring or cause the semiconductor chip to break down. If storage or operating temperatures exceed rated values, the package seal can deteriorate or the wires can become disconnected due to the differences between the thermal expansion coefficients of the materials from which the device is constructed. 3.3.2 Recommended operating conditions The recommended operating conditions for each device are those necessary to guarantee that the device will operate as specified in the datasheet. If greater reliability is required, derate the device’s absolute maximum ratings for voltage, current, power and temperature before using it. 3.3.3 Derating When incorporating a device into your design, reduce its rated absolute maximum voltage, current, power dissipation and operating temperature in order to ensure high reliability. Since derating differs from application to application, refer to the technical datasheets available for the various devices used in your design. 3.3.4 Unused pins If unused pins are left open, some devices can exhibit input instability problems, resulting in malfunctions such as abrupt increase in current flow. Similarly, if the unused output pins on a device are connected to the power supply pin, the ground pin or to other output pins, the IC may malfunction or break down. Since the details regarding the handling of unused pins differ from device to device and from pin 3-6 3 General Safety Precautions and Usage Considerations to pin, please follow the instructions given in the relevant individual datasheets or databook. CMOS logic IC inputs, for example, have extremely high impedance. If an input pin is left open, it can easily pick up extraneous noise and become unstable. In this case, if the input voltage level reaches an intermediate level, it is possible that both the P-channel and N-channel transistors will be turned on, allowing unwanted supply current to flow. Therefore, ensure that the unused input pins of a device are connected to the power supply (Vcc) pin or ground (GND) pin of the same device. For details of what to do with the pins of heat sinks, refer to the relevant technical datasheet and databook. 3.3.5 Latch-up Latch-up is an abnormal condition inherent in CMOS devices, in which Vcc gets shorted to ground. This happens when a parasitic PN-PN junction (thyristor structure) internal to the CMOS chip is turned on, causing a large current of the order of several hundred mA or more to flow between Vcc and GND, eventually causing the device to break down. Latch-up occurs when the input or output voltage exceeds the rated value, causing a large current to flow in the internal chip, or when the voltage on the Vcc (Vdd) pin exceeds its rated value, forcing the internal chip into a breakdown condition. Once the chip falls into the latch-up state, even though the excess voltage may have been applied only for an instant, the large current continues to flow between Vcc (Vdd) and GND (Vss). This causes the device to heat up and, in extreme cases, to emit gas fumes as well. To avoid this problem, observe the following precautions: (1) Do not allow voltage levels on the input and output pins either to rise above Vcc (Vdd) or to fall below GND (Vss). Also, follow any prescribed power-on sequence, so that power is applied gradually or in steps rather than abruptly. (2) Do not allow any abnormal noise signals to be applied to the device. (3) Set the voltage levels of unused input pins to Vcc (Vdd) or GND (Vss). (4) Do not connect output pins to one another. 3.3.6 Input/Output protection Wired-AND configurations, in which outputs are connected together, cannot be used, since this short-circuits the outputs. Outputs should, of course, never be connected to Vcc (Vdd) or GND (Vss). Furthermore, ICs with tri-state outputs can undergo performance degradation if a shorted output current is allowed to flow for an extended period of time. Therefore, when designing circuits, make sure that tri-state outputs will not be enabled simultaneously. 3.3.7 Load capacitance Some devices display increased delay times if the load capacitance is large. Also, large charging and discharging currents will flow in the device, causing noise. Furthermore, since outputs are shorted for a relatively long time, wiring can become fused. Consult the technical information for the device being used to determine the recommended load capacitance. 3-7 3 General Safety Precautions and Usage Considerations 3.3.8 Thermal design The failure rate of semiconductor devices is greatly increased as operating temperatures increase. As shown in Figure 2, the internal thermal stress on a device is the sum of the ambient temperature and the temperature rise due to power dissipation in the device. Therefore, to achieve optimum reliability, observe the following precautions concerning thermal design: (1) Keep the ambient temperature (Ta) as low as possible. (2) If the device’s dynamic power dissipation is relatively large, select the most appropriate circuit board material, and consider the use of heat sinks or of forced air cooling. Such measures will help lower the thermal resistance of the package. (3) Derate the device’s absolute maximum ratings to minimize thermal stress from power dissipation. θja = θjc + θca θja = (Tj–Ta) / P θjc = (Tj–Tc) / P θca = (Tc–Ta) / P in which θja = thermal resistance between junction and surrounding air (°C/W) θjc = thermal resistance between junction and package surface, or internal thermal resistance (°C/W) θca = thermal resistance between package surface and surrounding air, or external thermal resistance (°C/W) Tj = junction temperature or chip temperature (°C) Tc = package surface temperature or case temperature (°C) Ta = ambient temperature (°C) P = power dissipation (W) Ta θca Tc θjc Tj Figure 2 Thermal resistance of package 3.3.9 Interfacing When connecting inputs and outputs between devices, make sure input voltage (VIL/VIH) and output voltage (VOL/VOH) levels are matched. Otherwise, the devices may malfunction. When connecting devices operating at different supply voltages, such as in a dual-power-supply system, be aware that erroneous power-on and power-off sequences can result in device breakdown. For details of how to interface particular devices, consult the relevant technical datasheets and databooks. If you have any questions or doubts about interfacing, contact your nearest Toshiba office or distributor. 3-8 3 General Safety Precautions and Usage Considerations 3.3.10 Decoupling Spike currents generated during switching can cause Vcc (Vdd) and GND (Vss) voltage levels to fluctuate, causing ringing in the output waveform or a delay in response speed. (The power supply and GND wiring impedance is normally 50 Ω to 100 Ω.) For this reason, the impedance of power supply lines with respect to high frequencies must be kept low. This can be accomplished by using thick and short wiring for the Vcc (Vdd) and GND (Vss) lines and by installing decoupling capacitors (of approximately 0.01 µF to 1 µF capacitance) as high-frequency filters between Vcc (Vdd) and GND (Vss) at strategic locations on the printed circuit board. For low-frequency filtering, it is a good idea to install a 10- to 100-µF capacitor on the printed circuit board (one capacitor will suffice). If the capacitance is excessively large, however, (e.g. several thousand µF) latch-up can be a problem. Be sure to choose an appropriate capacitance value. An important point about wiring is that, in the case of high-speed logic ICs, noise is caused mainly by reflection and crosstalk, or by the power supply impedance. Reflections cause increased signal delay, ringing, overshoot and undershoot, thereby reducing the device’s safety margins with respect to noise. To prevent reflections, reduce the wiring length by increasing the device mounting density so as to lower the inductance (L) and capacitance (C) in the wiring. Extreme care must be taken, however, when taking this corrective measure, since it tends to cause crosstalk between the wires. In practice, there must be a trade-off between these two factors. 3.3.11 External noise Printed circuit boards with long I/O or signal pattern lines are vulnerable to induced noise or surges from outside sources. Consequently, malfunctions or breakdowns can result from overcurrent or overvoltage, depending on the types of device used. To protect against noise, lower the impedance of the pattern line or insert a noise-canceling circuit. Protective measures must also be taken against surges. Input/Output Signals For details of the appropriate protective measures for a particular device, consult the relevant databook. 3.3.12 Electromagnetic interference Widespread use of electrical and electronic equipment in recent years has brought with it radio and TV reception problems due to electromagnetic interference. To use the radio spectrum effectively and to maintain radio communications quality, each country has formulated regulations limiting the amount of electromagnetic interference which can be generated by individual products. Electromagnetic interference includes conduction noise propagated through power supply and telephone lines, and noise from direct electromagnetic waves radiated by equipment. Different measurement methods and corrective measures are used to assess and counteract each specific type of noise. Difficulties in controlling electromagnetic interference derive from the fact that there is no method available which allows designers to calculate, at the design stage, the strength of the electromagnetic waves which will emanate from each component in a piece of equipment. For this reason, it is only after the prototype equipment has been completed that the designer can take measurements using a dedicated instrument to determine the strength of electromagnetic interference waves. Yet it is possible during system design to incorporate some measures for the 3-9 3 General Safety Precautions and Usage Considerations prevention of electromagnetic interference, which can facilitate taking corrective measures once the design has been completed. These include installing shields and noise filters, and increasing the thickness of the power supply wiring patterns on the printed circuit board. One effective method, for example, is to devise several shielding options during design, and then select the most suitable shielding method based on the results of measurements taken after the prototype has been completed. 3.3.13 Peripheral circuits In most cases semiconductor devices are used with peripheral circuits and components. The input and output signal voltages and currents in these circuits must be chosen to match the semiconductor device’s specifications. The following factors must be taken into account. (1) Inappropriate voltages or currents applied to a device’s input pins may cause it to operate erratically. Some devices contain pull-up or pull-down resistors. When designing your system, remember to take the effect of this on the voltage and current levels into account. (2) The output pins on a device have a predetermined external circuit drive capability. If this drive capability is greater than that required, either incorporate a compensating circuit into your design or carefully select suitable components for use in external circuits. 3.3.14 Safety standards Each country has safety standards which must be observed. These safety standards include requirements for quality assurance systems and design of device insulation. Such requirements must be fully taken into account to ensure that your design conforms to the applicable safety standards. 3.3.15 Other precautions (1) When designing a system, be sure to incorporate fail-safe and other appropriate measures according to the intended purpose of your system. Also, be sure to debug your system under actual board-mounted conditions. (2) If a plastic-package device is placed in a strong electric field, surface leakage may occur due to the charge-up phenomenon, resulting in device malfunction. In such cases take appropriate measures to prevent this problem, for example by protecting the package surface with a conductive shield. (3) With some microcomputers and MOS memory devices, caution is required when powering on or resetting the device. To ensure that your design does not violate device specifications, consult the relevant databook for each constituent device. (4) Ensure that no conductive material or object (such as a metal pin) can drop onto and short the leads of a device mounted on a printed circuit board. 3.4 3.4.1 Inspection, Testing and Evaluation Grounding Ground all measuring instruments, jigs, tools and soldering irons to earth. Electrical leakage may cause a device to break down or may result in electric shock. 3-10 3 General Safety Precautions and Usage Considerations 3.4.2 Inspection Sequence ! Do not insert devices in the wrong orientation. Make sure that the positive and negative electrodes of the power supply are correctly connected. Otherwise, the rated maximum current or maximum power dissipation may be exceeded and the device may break down or undergo performance degradation, causing it to catch fire or explode, resulting in injury to the user. " When conducting any kind of evaluation, inspection or testing using AC power with a peak voltage of 42.4 V or DC power exceeding 60 V, be sure to connect the electrodes or probes of the testing equipment to the device under test before powering it on. Connecting the electrodes or probes of testing equipment to a device while it is powered on may result in electric shock, causing injury. (1) Apply voltage to the test jig only after inserting the device securely into it. When applying or removing power, observe the relevant precautions, if any. (2) Make sure that the voltage applied to the device is off before removing the device from the test jig. Otherwise, the device may undergo performance degradation or be destroyed. (3) Make sure that no surge voltages from the measuring equipment are applied to the device. (4) The chips housed in tape carrier packages (TCPs) are bare chips and are therefore exposed. During inspection take care not to crack the chip or cause any flaws in it. Electrical contact may also cause a chip to become faulty. Therefore make sure that nothing comes into electrical contact with the chip. 3.5 Mounting There are essentially two main types of semiconductor device package: lead insertion and surface mount. During mounting on printed circuit boards, devices can become contaminated by flux or damaged by thermal stress from the soldering process. With surface-mount devices in particular, the most significant problem is thermal stress from solder reflow, when the entire package is subjected to heat. This section describes a recommended temperature profile for each mounting method, as well as general precautions which you should take when mounting devices on printed circuit boards. Note, however, that even for devices with the same package type, the appropriate mounting method varies according to the size of the chip and the size and shape of the lead frame. Therefore, please consult the relevant technical datasheet and databook. 3.5.1 Lead forming ! Always wear protective glasses when cutting the leads of a device with clippers or a similar tool. If you do not, small bits of metal flying off the cut ends may damage your eyes. " Do not touch the tips of device leads. Because some types of device have leads with pointed tips, you may prick your finger. Semiconductor devices must undergo a process in which the leads are cut and formed before the devices can be mounted on a printed circuit board. If undue stress is applied to the interior of a device during this process, mechanical breakdown or performance degradation can result. This is attributable primarily to differences between the stress on the device’s external leads and the stress on the internal leads. If the relative difference is great enough, the device’s internal leads, adhesive properties or sealant can be damaged. Observe these precautions during the leadforming process (this does not apply to surface-mount devices): 3-11 3 General Safety Precautions and Usage Considerations (1) Lead insertion hole intervals on the printed circuit board should match the lead pitch of the device precisely. (2) If lead insertion hole intervals on the printed circuit board do not precisely match the lead pitch of the device, do not attempt to forcibly insert devices by pressing on them or by pulling on their leads. (3) For the minimum clearance specification between a device and a printed circuit board, refer to the relevant device’s datasheet and databook. If necessary, achieve the required clearance by forming the device’s leads appropriately. Do not use the spacers which are used to raise devices above the surface of the printed circuit board during soldering to achieve clearance. These spacers normally continue to expand due to heat, even after the solder has begun to solidify; this applies severe stress to the device. (4) Observe the following precautions when forming the leads of a device prior to mounting. • Use a tool or jig to secure the lead at its base (where the lead meets the device package) while bending so as to avoid mechanical stress to the device. Also avoid bending or stretching device leads repeatedly. • Be careful not to damage the lead during lead forming. • Follow any other precautions described in the individual datasheets and databooks for each device and package type. 3.5.2 Socket mounting (1) When socket mounting devices on a printed circuit board, use sockets which match the inserted device’s package. (2) Use sockets whose contacts have the appropriate contact pressure. If the contact pressure is insufficient, the socket may not make a perfect contact when the device is repeatedly inserted and removed; if the pressure is excessively high, the device leads may be bent or damaged when they are inserted into or removed from the socket. (3) When soldering sockets to the printed circuit board, use sockets whose construction prevents flux from penetrating into the contacts or which allows flux to be completely cleaned off. (4) Make sure the coating agent applied to the printed circuit board for moisture-proofing purposes does not stick to the socket contacts. (5) If the device leads are severely bent by a socket as it is inserted or removed and you wish to repair the leads so as to continue using the device, make sure that this lead correction is only performed once. Do not use devices whose leads have been corrected more than once. (6) If the printed circuit board with the devices mounted on it will be subjected to vibration from external sources, use sockets which have a strong contact pressure so as to prevent the sockets and devices from vibrating relative to one another. 3.5.3 Soldering temperature profile The soldering temperature and heating time vary from device to device. Therefore, when specifying the mounting conditions, refer to the individual datasheets and databooks for the devices used. 3-12 3 General Safety Precautions and Usage Considerations (1) Using a soldering iron Complete soldering within ten seconds for lead temperatures of up to 260°C, or within three seconds for lead temperatures of up to 350°C. (2) Using medium infrared ray reflow • Heating top and bottom with long or medium infrared rays is recommended (see Figure 3). Medium infrared ray heater (reflow) Product flow Long infrared ray heater (preheating) Figure 3 Heating top and bottom with long or medium infrared rays • Complete the infrared ray reflow process within 30 seconds at a package surface temperature of between 210°C and 240°C. • Refer to Figure 4 for an example of a good temperature profile for infrared or hot air reflow. Package surface temperature (°C) 240 210 160 140 60-120 s 30-50 s Time (s) Figure 4 Sample temperature profile for infrared or hot air reflow (3) Using hot air reflow • Complete hot air reflow within 30 to 50 seconds at a package surface temperature of between 210°C and 240°C. • For an example of a recommended temperature profile, refer to Figure 4 above. (4) Using solder flow • Apply preheating for 60 to 120 seconds at a temperature of 150°C. • For lead insertion-type packages, complete solder flow within 10 seconds with the temperature at the stopper (or, if there is no stopper, at a location more than 1.5 mm from the body) which does not exceed 260°C. • For surface-mount packages, complete soldering within 5 seconds at a temperature of 250°C or 3-13 3 General Safety Precautions and Usage Considerations less in order to prevent thermal stress in the device. • Figure 5 shows an example of a recommended temperature profile for surface-mount packages using solder flow. Package surface temperature (°C) 250 160 140 60-120 s 5s or less Time (s) Figure 5 Sample temperature profile for solder flow 3.5.4 Flux cleaning and ultrasonic cleaning (1) When cleaning circuit boards to remove flux, make sure that no residual reactive ions such as Na or Cl remain. Note that organic solvents react with water to generate hydrogen chloride and other corrosive gases which can degrade device performance. (2) Washing devices with water will not cause any problems. However, make sure that no reactive ions such as sodium and chlorine are left as a residue. Also, be sure to dry devices sufficiently after washing. (3) Do not rub device markings with a brush or with your hand during cleaning or while the devices are still wet from the cleaning agent. Doing so can rub off the markings. (4) The dip cleaning, shower cleaning and steam cleaning processes all involve the chemical action of a solvent. Use only recommended solvents for these cleaning methods. When immersing devices in a solvent or steam bath, make sure that the temperature of the liquid is 50°C or below, and that the circuit board is removed from the bath within one minute. (5) Ultrasonic cleaning should not be used with hermetically-sealed ceramic packages such as a leadless chip carrier (LCC), pin grid array (PGA) or charge-coupled device (CCD), because the bonding wires can become disconnected due to resonance during the cleaning process. Even if a device package allows ultrasonic cleaning, limit the duration of ultrasonic cleaning to as short a time as possible, since long hours of ultrasonic cleaning degrade the adhesion between the mold resin and the frame material. The following ultrasonic cleaning conditions are recommended: Frequency: 27 kHz ∼ 29 kHz Ultrasonic output power: 300 W or less (0.25 W/cm2 or less) Cleaning time: 30 seconds or less Suspend the circuit board in the solvent bath during ultrasonic cleaning in such a way that the ultrasonic vibrator does not come into direct contact with the circuit board or the device. 3-14 3 General Safety Precautions and Usage Considerations 3.5.5 No cleaning If analog devices or high-speed devices are used without being cleaned, flux residues may cause minute amounts of leakage between pins. Similarly, dew condensation, which occurs in environments containing residual chlorine when power to the device is on, may cause betweenlead leakage or migration. Therefore, Toshiba recommends that these devices be cleaned. However, if the flux used contains only a small amount of halogen (0.05W% or less), the devices may be used without cleaning without any problems. 3.5.6 Mounting tape carrier packages (TCPs) (1) When tape carrier packages (TCPs) are mounted, measures must be taken to prevent electrostatic breakdown of the devices. (2) If devices are being picked up from tape, or outer lead bonding (OLB) mounting is being carried out, consult the manufacturer of the insertion machine which is being used, in order to establish the optimum mounting conditions in advance and to avoid any possible hazards. (3) The base film, which is made of polyimide, is hard and thin. Be careful not to cut or scratch your hands or any objects while handling the tape. (4) When punching tape, try not to scatter broken pieces of tape too much. (5) Treat the extra film, reels and spacers left after punching as industrial waste, taking care not to destroy or pollute the environment. (6) Chips housed in tape carrier packages (TCPs) are bare chips and therefore have their reverse side exposed. To ensure that the chip will not be cracked during mounting, ensure that no mechanical shock is applied to the reverse side of the chip. Electrical contact may also cause a chip to fail. Therefore, when mounting devices, make sure that nothing comes into electrical contact with the reverse side of the chip. If your design requires connecting the reverse side of the chip to the circuit board, please consult Toshiba or a Toshiba distributor beforehand. 3.5.7 Mounting chips Devices delivered in chip form tend to degrade or break under external forces much more easily than plastic-packaged devices. Therefore, caution is required when handling this type of device. (1) Mount devices in a properly prepared environment so that chip surfaces will not be exposed to polluted ambient air or other polluted substances. (2) When handling chips, be careful not to expose them to static electricity. In particular, measures must be taken to prevent static damage during the mounting of chips. With this in mind, Toshiba recommend mounting all peripheral parts first and then mounting chips last (after all other components have been mounted). (3) Make sure that PCBs (or any other kind of circuit board) on which chips are being mounted do not have any chemical residues on them (such as the chemicals which were used for etching the PCBs). (4) When mounting chips on a board, use the method of assembly that is most suitable for maintaining the appropriate electrical, thermal and mechanical properties of the semiconductor devices used. * For details of devices in chip form, refer to the relevant device’s individual datasheets. 3-15 3 General Safety Precautions and Usage Considerations 3.5.8 Circuit board coating When devices are to be used in equipment requiring a high degree of reliability or in extreme environments (where moisture, corrosive gas or dust is present), circuit boards may be coated for protection. However, before doing so, you must carefully consider the possible stress and contamination effects that may result and then choose the coating resin which results in the minimum level of stress to the device. 3.5.9 Heat sinks (1) When attaching a heat sink to a device, be careful not to apply excessive force to the device in the process. (2) When attaching a device to a heat sink by fixing it at two or more locations, evenly tighten all the screws in stages (i.e. do not fully tighten one screw while the rest are still only loosely tightened). Finally, fully tighten all the screws up to the specified torque. (3) Drill holes for screws in the heat sink exactly as specified. Smooth the surface by removing burrs and protrusions or indentations which might interfere with the installation of any part of the device. (4) A coating of silicone compound can be applied between the heat sink and the device to improve heat conductivity. Be sure to apply the coating thinly and evenly; do not use too much. Also, be sure to use a non-volatile compound, as volatile compounds can crack after a time, causing the heat radiation properties of the heat sink to deteriorate. (5) If the device is housed in a plastic package, use caution when selecting the type of silicone compound to be applied between the heat sink and the device. With some types, the base oil separates and penetrates the plastic package, significantly reducing the useful life of the device. Two recommended silicone compounds in which base oil separation is not a problem are YG6260 from Toshiba Silicone. (6) Heat-sink-equipped devices can become very hot during operation. Do not touch them, or you may sustain a burn. 3.5.10 Tightening torque (1) Make sure the screws are tightened with fastening torques not exceeding the torque values stipulated in individual datasheets and databooks for the devices used. (2) Do not allow a power screwdriver (electrical or air-driven) to touch devices. 3.5.11 Repeated device mounting and usage Do not remount or re-use devices which fall into the categories listed below; these devices may cause significant problems relating to performance and reliability. (1) Devices which have been removed from the board after soldering (2) Devices which have been inserted in the wrong orientation or which have had reverse current applied (3) Devices which have undergone lead forming more than once 3-16 3 General Safety Precautions and Usage Considerations 3.6 3.6.1 Protecting Devices in the Field Temperature Semiconductor devices are generally more sensitive to temperature than are other electronic components. The various electrical characteristics of a semiconductor device are dependent on the ambient temperature at which the device is used. It is therefore necessary to understand the temperature characteristics of a device and to incorporate device derating into circuit design. Note also that if a device is used above its maximum temperature rating, device deterioration is more rapid and it will reach the end of its usable life sooner than expected. 3.6.2 Humidity Resin-molded devices are sometimes improperly sealed. When these devices are used for an extended period of time in a high-humidity environment, moisture can penetrate into the device and cause chip degradation or malfunction. Furthermore, when devices are mounted on a regular printed circuit board, the impedance between wiring components can decrease under highhumidity conditions. In systems which require a high signal-source impedance, circuit board leakage or leakage between device lead pins can cause malfunctions. The application of a moisture-proof treatment to the device surface should be considered in this case. On the other hand, operation under low-humidity conditions can damage a device due to the occurrence of electrostatic discharge. Unless damp-proofing measures have been specifically taken, use devices only in environments with appropriate ambient moisture levels (i.e. within a relative humidity range of 40% to 60%). 3.6.3 Corrosive gases Corrosive gases can cause chemical reactions in devices, degrading device characteristics. For example, sulphur-bearing corrosive gases emanating from rubber placed near a device (accompanied by condensation under high-humidity conditions) can corrode a device’s leads. The resulting chemical reaction between leads forms foreign particles which can cause electrical leakage. 3.6.4 Radioactive and cosmic rays Most industrial and consumer semiconductor devices are not designed with protection against radioactive and cosmic rays. Devices used in aerospace equipment or in radioactive environments must therefore be shielded. 3.6.5 Strong electrical and magnetic fields Devices exposed to strong magnetic fields can undergo a polarization phenomenon in their plastic material, or within the chip, which gives rise to abnormal symptoms such as impedance changes or increased leakage current. Failures have been reported in LSIs mounted near malfunctioning deflection yokes in TV sets. In such cases the device’s installation location must be changed or the device must be shielded against the electrical or magnetic field. Shielding against magnetism is especially necessary for devices used in an alternating magnetic field because of the electromotive forces generated in this type of environment. 3-17 3 General Safety Precautions and Usage Considerations 3.6.6 Interference from light (ultraviolet rays, sunlight, fluorescent lamps and incandescent lamps) Light striking a semiconductor device generates electromotive force due to photoelectric effects. In some cases the device can malfunction. This is especially true for devices in which the internal chip is exposed. When designing circuits, make sure that devices are protected against incident light from external sources. This problem is not limited to optical semiconductors and EPROMs. All types of device can be affected by light. 3.6.7 Dust and oil Just like corrosive gases, dust and oil can cause chemical reactions in devices, which will adversely affect a device’s electrical characteristics. To avoid this problem, do not use devices in dusty or oily environments. This is especially important for optical devices because dust and oil can affect a device’s optical characteristics as well as its physical integrity and the electrical performance factors mentioned above. 3.6.8 Fire Semiconductor devices are combustible; they can emit smoke and catch fire if heated sufficiently. When this happens, some devices may generate poisonous gases. Devices should therefore never be used in close proximity to an open flame or a heat-generating body, or near flammable or combustible materials. 3.7 Disposal of Devices and Packing Materials When discarding unused devices and packing materials, follow all procedures specified by local regulations in order to protect the environment against contamination. 3-18 4 Precautions and Usage Considerations 4. Precautions and Usage Considerations This section describes matters specific to each product group which need to be taken into consideration when using devices. If the same item is described in Sections 3 and 4, the description in Section 4 takes precedence. 4.1 4.1.1 Microcontrollers Design (1) Using resonators which are not specifically recommended for use Resonators recommended for use with Toshiba products in microcontroller oscillator applications are listed in Toshiba databooks along with information about oscillation conditions. If you use a resonator not included in this list, please consult Toshiba or the resonator manufacturer concerning the suitability of the device for your application. (2) Undefined functions In some microcontrollers certain instruction code values do not constitute valid processor instructions. Also, it is possible that the values of bits in registers will become undefined. Take care in your applications not to use invalid instructions or to let register bit values become undefined. 4-1 4 Precautions and Usage Considerations 4-2 TMPR4925 Conventions in this Manual Conventions in this Manual Value Conventions • Hexadecimal values are expressed as in the following example. (This value is expressed as 42 in the decimal system.) • KB (kilobyte) = 1,024 Bytes, MB (megabyte) = 1,024 × 1,024 = 1,048,576 Bytes, GB (gigabyte) = 1,024 × 1,024 × 1,024 = 1,073,741,824 Bytes Data Conventions • Byte: 8 bits • Half-word: 2 consecutive Bytes (16 bits) • Word: 4 consecutive Bytes (32 bits) • Double-word: 8 consecutive Bytes (64 bits) Signal Conventions • An asterisk (“*”) is added to the end of signal names to indicate Low Active signals. (Example: RESET*) • “Assert” means to move a signal to its Active level. “Deassert” means to move a signal to its Inactive level. Register Conventions • Bit operation is expressed as follows. Set: Put a bit in the “1” position. Clear: Put a bit in the “0” position. • Properties of each bit in a register are expressed as follows. R: Read only. The software cannot change the bit value. W: Write only. The value that is read is undefined. R/W: Read/Write is possible. W1C Write 1 Clear. This corresponding bit is cleared when “1” is written to this bit. “0” is invalid if written. R/W1C: Read/Write 1 Clear. These bits can be read from and written to. The corresponding bit is cleared when “1” is written to this bit. “0” is invalid if written. R/W0C: Read/Write 0 Clear. These bits can be read from and written to. The corresponding bit is cleared when “0” is written to this bit. “1” is invalid if written. R/W1S Read/Write 1 Set. These bits can be read from and written to. The corresponding bit is set when “1” is written to this bit. “0” is invalid if written. RS/WC Read Set/Write Clear. These bits can be read from and written to. The bits is set when read, and a write of an arbitrary value to the bit clears it. R/L: Property unique to the PCI Controller. This bit can be read. The value of this bit can only be changed by the method described in “10.3.14: Set Configuration Space”. • Registers and the register bit/field name are expressed as “<register name>.<bit/field name>”. Example: CCFG.TOE The above example indicates Time Out Bus Error Enable (TOE), a bit field of bit 14 in the Chip Configuration Register (CCFG). i Conventions in this Manual Handling reserved regions Operation is undefined when a register defined in this document as a reserved region (Reserved) is accessed. If there is a bit or field that was defined as Reserved in a register, write the expressed default value or the specified value (“0” if no particular value is expressed) to these bits. Also, do not use any value read from this bit/field. Diagnostic function Any function described as a “diagnostic function” is used to facilitate operation evaluations. The operation of such functions is not guaranteed. References 64-bit TX System RISC TX49/H2 Core Architecture User’s Manual (http://www.semicon.toshiba.co.jp/eng/index.html) MIPS RISC Architecture, Gerry Kane and Joe Heinrich (ISBN 0-13-590472-2) See MIPS Run, Dominic Sweetman (ISBN 1-55860-410-3) MIPS Publications (http://www.mips.com/publications/) PCI Local Bus Specification Revision 2.2 (http://www.pcisig.com/) PCI Bus Power Management Interface Specification Revision 1.1 Audio CODEC ‘97 (AC ‘97) Revision 2.1 (http://developer.intel.com/ial/scalableplatforms/audio/) ii Chapter 1 Features 1. 1.1 Features Outline The TMPR4925XB, to be referred as TX4925 MIPS RISC micro-controller is a highly integrated ASSP solution based on Toshiba’s TX49/H2 processor core, a 64-bit MIPS I, II, III ISA Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) compatible with additional instructions. For information on the architecture of the TX49/H2 core, including the instruction set, refer to the manual 64-bit TX System RISC, TX49/H2 Core Architecture. The TX4925 is a highly integrated device with integrated peripherals such as SDRAM memory controller, NAND Flash memory controller, PCI controller, AC-Link controller, PIO, SIO, SPI, CHI, PCMCIA I/F and Timer. This class of product is targeted for applications that require a high performance and cost-effective solution such as networking internet appliance and information terminal. 1-1 Chapter 1 Features 1.2 Features • TX49/H2 core with an integrated IEEE 754-compliant FPU for single- and double-precision operations • 4-channel SDRAM Controller (32 bit/80 MHz) and support SyncFlash® memory • 6-channel External Bus Controller (including 2-slot PCMCIA Interface) • NAND Flash Controller • 32-bit PCI Controller (33 MHz) • 4-channel Direct Memory Access (DMA) Controller • 2-channel Serial I/O Port • Parallel I/O Port (up to 32-bit) • SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) • CHI (high-speed serial Concentration Highway Interface) • Interrupt Controller • 3-channel Timer/Counter and 44-bit up-counter RTC • AC-Link Controller • PCMCIA Interface (2-slot) • Supports selection between little endian and big endian modes • Low power dissipation The TX4925 operates with the 1.5 V core and the 3.3 V I/O, while supporting a low-power (Halt) mode. • CPU maximum operating frequency: 200 MHz • IEEE1149.1 (JTAG) support: Debug Support Unit (Enhanced JTAG) • 256-pin PBGA package 1.2.1 TX49/H2 Processor Core Features The TX49/H2 is a high-performance 64-bit microprocessor core developed by Toshiba. • 64-bit operation • 32-, 64-bit integer general purpose registers • 32-bit physical address space and 64-bit virtual address space • Optimized 5-stage pipeline • Instruction Set − MIPS I, II , III compatible ISA − PREF (Prefetch) and MAC (Multiply/Accumulate) instructions. • 16k Byte Instruction Cache, and 16k Byte Data Cache − 4-way set associative with lock function • MMU (Memory Management Unit): 48-entry fully associative JTLB • The on-chip FPU supports both single- and double-precision arithmetic, as specified in IEEE Std 754. • On-chip 4-deep write buffer • Enhanced JTAG debug feature − Built-in Debug Support Unit (DSU) 1-2 Chapter 1 Features 1.2.2 TX4925 Peripheral Circuit Features External Bus Controller (EBUSC) The External Bus Controller generates necessary signals to control external memory and I/O devices. • 6 channels of chip select signals, enabling control of up to six devices • Supports access to ROM ( including mask ROM, page mode ROM, EPROM and EEPROM), SRAM, flash ROM, and I/O devices • Supports 32-bit, 16-bit and 8-bit data bus sizing on a per channel basis • Supports selection among full speed (up to 80 MHz), 1/2 speed (up to 40 MHz), 1/3 speed (up to 27 MHz) and 1/4 speed (up to 20 MHz) on a per channel basis • Support specification of timing on a per channel basis • The user can specify setup and hold times for address, chip enable, write enable, and output enable signals • Supports memory sizes of 1M byte to 1G byte for devices with 32-bit data bus, 1M byte to 512M bytes for devices with 16-bit data bus, and 1M byte to 256M bytes for devices with 8bit data bus DMA Controller (DMAC) The TX4925 contains a 4-channel DMA controller that executes DMA transfer to memory and I/O devices. • 4-channel independently handling internal/external DMA requests (Usable 2 channels by external DMA requests) • Supports DMA transfer with built-in serial I/O controller and AC-link controller based on internal DMA requests • Supports signal address (fly-by DMA) and dual address transfers in external I/O DMA transfer mode using external DMA requests • Supports transfer between memory and external I/O devices having 32-/16-/8-bit data bus • Supports memory-to-memory copy mode, with no address boundary restrictions • Supports burst transfer of up to 8 words for a single read/write • Supports memory fill mode, writing word data to specified memory area • Supports chained DMA transfer 1-3 Chapter 1 Features SDRAM Controller (SDRAMC) The SDRAM Controller generates necessary control signals for the SDRAM interface. It has four channels and can handle up to 2G bytes (512 MB/channel) of memory by supporting a variety of memory configurations. • Memory clock frequency: 80 MHz (divided by 2.5) • 4 sets of independent memory channels • Supports 16M-/64M-/128M-/256M-/512M-bit SDRAM with 2/4 bank size availability • Supports Single Data Rate (SDR) SDRAM and SyncFlash memory • Supports use of Registered DIMM • Supports 32-/16-bit data bus sizing on a per channel basis • Supports specification of SDRAM timing on a per channel basis • Supports critical word first access of TX49/H2 core • Low power mode: selectable between self-refreshing and pre-charge power-down ® PCI Controller (PCIC) The TX4925 contains a PCI Controller that complies with PCI Local Bus Specification Revision 2.2. • Compliance with PCI Local Bus Specification Revision 2.2 (Partly supports power management as optional function) • 32-bit PCI interface featuring maximum PCI bus clock frequency of 33 MHz • Supports both target and initiator functions • Supports change of address mapping between internal bus and PCI bus • PCI bus arbiter enables connection of up 4 external bus masters • Supports booting of TX4925 from memory on PCI bus • 1 channel of DMA controller dedicated to PCI controller (PDMAC) Serial I/O Controller (SIO) The TX4925 contains a 2-channels asynchronous serial I/O interface (full duplex UART). • 2-channel full duplex UART • Built-in baud rate generator • FIFOs 8-bit x 8 transmitter FIFO 13-bit (8 data bits and 5 status bits) x 16 receiver FIFO • Supports DMA tranfer 1-4 Chapter 1 Features Timers/Counters Controller (TMR) The TX4925 contains 3-channel timer/counters. • 3-channel 32-bit up-counter • Supports three modes : interval timer mode, pulse generator mode, and watchdog timer mode • 2 timer output pins • 1 count clock input pin Parallel I/O Ports (PIO) The TX4925 contains 32-bit parallel I/O ports • Independent selection of direction of pins and output port type (totem-pole or open-drain outputs) on a per bit basis. AC-Link Controller (ACLC) AC-Link Controller in TX4925 can be connected to audio and/or modem CODECs described in the “Audio CODEC ’97 Revision 2.1” (AC’97) and can operate them. • AC97 2.1 compliant CODEC register access protocol • Up to two CODECs are supported • Support Audio CODEC (Recording/Playback of 16-bit PCM Left/Right channels) − Support Playback of 16-bit Surround, Center, and LFE channels − Support Variable Rate Audio recording/Playback • Support Modem CODEC (Line 1 and GPIO slots) • Support AC-link low-power mode, wake-up, and warm-reset • Support sample-data I/O via DMA transfer Interrupt Controller (IRC) Interrupt controller in TX4925 supports both internal and external interrupts to the processor core. The priority or the value of each interrupt source is programmed in interrupt level registers. It has a 16-bit flag register to generate interrupt requests to external devices or the TX49/H2 core. • Priority process of 21 internal and up to 8 external interrupt sources. − PCIC, DMAC, SIO, Timer Interrupts, RTC, NAND Flash Controller, ACLC, SPI, CHI, PIO and External Interrupts − All of external interrupt signals shares other function signals • Edge/Level selectable trigger interrupt • Support of Non Mask-able interrupt (NMI) • 16-bit read/write flag register for interrupt requests, making it possible to issue interrupt requests to external devices and to the TX49/H2 core (IRC interrupts) 1-5 Chapter 1 Features high-speed serial Concentration Highway Interface (CHI) The TX4925 has a CHI module. • Contents logic for interfacing to external full-duplex serial time-division-multiplexed (TDM) communication peripherals • Supports ISDN line interface chips and other PCM/TDM serial devices • Programmable CHI Interface (numbers of channels, frame rate, bit rate, etc.) • supports data rates up to 4.096 Mbps Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) The TX4925 has an SPI module. • full-duplex, synchronous serial data transfers (data in/out, and clock signals) • 8-bit or 16-bit data word lengths • Programmable SPI baud rate NAND Flash Controller The TX4925 has a NAND Flash memory Controller. • Controlled NAND Flash I/F by Setting Register • Supports On-chip ECC (Error Correct Circuit) calculating circuits PCMCIA Interface (PCMCIAI/F) The TX4925 has a 2 identical full PCMCIA ports. • Provide the control signals and accepts the status signals which conform to the PCMCIA version 2.1 standard • Appropriate connector keying and level-shifting buffers required for 3.3 V versus 5 V PCMCIA interface implementations Real Time Clock (RTC) The TX4925 has an RTC module. • 44-bit up-counter • Interrupts on alarm, timer, and prior to RTC roll-over • Date managed by software Power-down Mode The TX4925 contains support for implementation of power-down mode. • HALT mode (stopping CPU core clock) for TX49/H2 core block • Power-down mode (stopping input clock) for individual internal peripheral modules • RF (Reduced Frequency) Function (1/1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8) 1-6 Chapter 1 Features EJTAG Interface The TX4925 contains an Extended Enhanced Joint Test Action Group (Extended EJTAG) interface, which provides two functions: JTAG boundary scan test that complies with IEEE1149.1 and real-time debugging using a debug support unit (DSU) built into the TX49/H2 core. • IEEE 1149.1 JTAG Boundary Scan • Real-time debugging functions using special emulation probe: execution control (execution, break, step, and register/memory access) and PC trace “MIPS” is the registered trademark of MIPS Technologies, Inc. “SyncFlash®” is a registered trademark of Micron Technology, Inc. 1-7 Chapter 1 Features 1-8 Chapter 2 Block Diagram TX4925 Block Diagram TX49/H2 Core RESET PON TCK TDI / DINT* TDO / TPC[0] TPC[3:1] TMS TRST* DCLK PCST[8:0] I-Cache CPU core D-Cache FPU WBU DSU G-Bus I/F TEST* SCAN_ENB* TEST MASTERCLK PLL CG PCICLK[2:1] PCICLK_IO PCIAD [31:0] C_BE [3:0] PAR FRAME* IRDY* TRDY* STOP* ID_SEL DEVSEL* REQ [3:2] * REQ [1] */INTOUT REQ [0] * GNT[3:0] * PERR* SERR* CHIFS CHICLK CHIDOUT CHIDIN ND_ALE ND_CLE ND_CE* ND_RE* ND_WE* ND_R/B* DMAREQ[1:0] DMAACK[1:0] DMADONE* SDCLK[1:0] SDCLKIN CKE SDCS[3:0]* SADDR10 SDRAMC (4ch.) RAS* CAS* WE* DQM[3:0] PCIC PDMAC EBIF G-Bus 2.1 Block Diagram CHI EBUSC (6ch.) RP* ADDR[19:0] DATA[31:0] SYSCLK UAE ACK*/READY BUSSPRT* CE[5:0] * OE* SWE* BE[3:0]*/BWE[3:0] * CARD1CSH* CARD1CSL* CARD2CSH* CARD2CSL* CARDREG* CARDIORD* CARDIOWR* CARDDIR* CARD1WAIT* CARD2WAIT* NDFMC DMAC (4ch.) IMB AC_RESET* AC_SYNC AC_SDOUT AC_SDIN[1:0] AC_BITCLK RTC ACLC IM Bus 2. SPI CTS[1:0]* RTS[1:0]* RXD[1:0] TXD[1:0] SCLK SIO (2ch.) IRC PIO[31:0] PIO TMR (3ch.) Figure 2.1.1 TX4925 Block Diagram 2-1 C32KIN C32KOUT BC32K SPICLK SPIOUT SPIIN NMI* INT[7:0] TIMER[1:0] TCLK Chapter 2 Block Diagram Figure 2.1.1 shows a diagram of the TX4925. The each block is itemized below. (1) TX49/H2 core • It is composed of CPU, System Control Coprocessor (CP0), Instruction Cache, Data Cache, Floating-Point Unit (FPU), Write Buffer (WBU), Debug Support Unit (DSU) and G-Bus I/F. − FPU: IEEE754 compatible single and double precision FPU It is assigned as one of the coprocessor unit, CP1. − I-Cache: Instruction Cache Memory, 16Kbyte, 4-Way set associative − D-Cache: Data Cache Memory, 16Kbyte, 4-Way set associative Select write-back mode or write-through(no write allocate/write allocate) mode for cache write policy. − DSU: Debug Support Unit, It is used for on chip debugging module. (2) EBUSC • External Bus Controller, Provides 6-channels programmable Chip Selects, Supports ROMs (pagemode ROM, mask ROM, EPROM and EEPROM), SRAMs, flash ROMs and I/O devices (3) DMAC • Direct Memory Access Controller, Supports transfers to and from both memory and internal/external I/O devices (4) SDRAMC • SDRAM Controller, Supports 4-channels/80 MHz bus frequencies/16 or 32 bus width (5) PCIC • PCI-bus Controller, Compliance with PCI Local Bus Specification Revision 2.2, Supports 32-bit PCI bus interface and 33 MHz operation (6) SIO • Serial I/O, Supports 2-channels for universal asynchronous receiver/transmitters (7) TMR • Timer/Counter, Supports 3-channels (8) PIO • Parallel I/O, Supports 32-bit of shared PIO pins (9) ACLC • AC-Link Controller, Compliance with Audio CODEC ’97 Revision 2.1 (AC ’97) (10) IRC • Interrupt Controller (11) CHI • High–speed serial Concentration Highway Interface (12) SPI • Serial Peripheral Interface, Supports full-duplex synchronous serial data transfers 2-2 Chapter 2 Block Diagram (13) NDFMC • NAND Flash memory Controller, Supports ECC (Error Correction Code) function (14) RTC • Real Time Clock, 44-bit up-counter (15) EBIF • External Bus Interface, Connects between 20-bit external address bus/32-bit external data bus and SDRAMC/EBUSC (16) CG • Clock Generator, Incorporates an phase-locked loop (PLL) circuit to drive the multiplied clocks, Generates the clocks for each module (17) G-Bus • High-speed bus which is 32-bit bus width within TX4925, Direct connect to TX49/H2 core block (18) IM-Bus • Low-speed bus which is 32-bit bus width within TX4925, Connect to G-Bus via IMB (19) IMB • G-Bus and IM-Bus bridge (20) TEST • Internal diagnostic module 2-3 Chapter 2 Block Diagram 2-4 Chapter 3 Signals 3. Signals 3.1 Pin Signal Description In the following tables, asterisks at the end of signal names indicate active-low signals. In the Type column, PU indicates that the pin is equipped with an internal pull-up resister and PD indicates that the pin is equipped with an internal pull-down resister. OD indicates an open-drain pin. The Initial State column shows the state of the signal when the RESET* signal is asserted and immediately after it is deasserted. Those signals which are selected by a configuration signal upon a reset have the state selected by the configuration signal even when the reset signal is asserted. 3.1.1 Signals Common to SDRAM and External Bus Interfaces Table 3.1.1 Signals Common to SDRAM and External Bus Interfaces Signal Name Type Description Initial State Input ADDR[19:0] Input/output Address PU Address signals. For SDRAM, ADDR[19:16 , 14:5] and SADDR10 are used (refer to Sections “” and “ Address Signal Mapping”). When the external bus controller uses these pins, the meaning of each bit varies with the data bus width (refer to Section “7.3.5 Data Bus Size”). The ADDR signals are also used as boot configuration signals (input) during a reset. For details of configuration signals, refer to Section “3.2 Boot Configuration”. The ADDR signals are input signals only when the RESET* signal is asserted and become output signals after the RESET* signal is deasserted. SADDR10 Input/output PU Input Address10 for SDRAM Address signal for SDRAM (refer to Sections “” and “ Address Signal Mapping”). This signal is also used as a boot configuration input signal for testing. Because this signal is used for testing, ensure that it will not pulled Low during a reset sequence. For details of configuration signals, refer to Section “3.2 Boot Configuration”. This signal is used as an input signal while the RESET* signal is asserted. It becomes an output signal once the RESET* signal has been deasserted. DATA[31:0] Input/output PU Data 32-bit data bus. BUSSPRT Output Input High Bus Separate Controls the connection and separation of devices controlled by the external bus controller to or from a high-speed device, such as SDRAM (refer to Section “7.6 Flash ROM, SRAM Usage Example”). H: Separate devices other than SDRAM from the data bus. L: Connect devices other than SDRAM to the data bus. Separation and connection are performed using external bidirectional bus buffers (such as the 74xx245). 3-1 Chapter 3 Signals 3.1.2 SDRAM Interface Signals Table 3.1.2 SDRAM Interface Signals Signal Name Type Description SDCLK[1:0] Output SDRAM Controller Clock Clock signals used by SDRAM/SyncFlash. The clock frequency is the same as the GBus clock (GBUSCLK) frequency. When these clock signals are not used, the pins can be set to L using the SDCLK Enable field of the pin configuration register (PCFG.SDCLKEN[1:0]). SDCLKIN Input/output SDRAM Feedback Clock input Feedback clock signal for SDRAM controller input signals. Initial State All High Input CKE Output Clock Enable CKE signal for SDRAM/SyncFlash. High SDCS[3:0]* Output Synchronous Memory Device Chip Select Chip select signals for SDRAM/SyncFlash. All High RAS* Output Row Address Strobe RAS signal for SDRAM/SyncFlash. High CAS* Output Column Address Strobe CAS signal for SDRAM/SyncFlash. High WE* Output Write Enable WR signal for SDRAM/SyncFlash. High DQM[3:0] Output Data Mask During a write cycle, the DQM signals function as a data mask. During a read cycle, they control the SDRAM output buffers. The bits correspond to the following data bus signals: DQM[3]:DATA[31:24], DQM[2]:DATA[23:16] DQM[1]:DATA[15:8], DQM[0]:DATA[7:0] All High RP* Output Initialize/Power Down RP* signal for SyncFlash. Low 3-2 Chapter 3 Signals 3.1.3 External Interface Signals Table 3.1.3 External Interface Signals (1/2) Signal Name Type Description SYSCLK Output System Clock Clock for external I/O devices. Outputs a clock in full speed mode (at the same frequency as the G-Bus clock (GBUSCLK) frequency), half speed mode (at one half the GBUSCLK frequency), third speed mode (at one third the GBUSCLK frequency), or quarter speed mode (at one quarter the GBUSCLK frequency). The boot configuration signals on the ADDR[4:3] pins select which speed mode will be used. When this clock signal is not used, the pin can be set to L using the SYSCLK Enable bit of the configuration register (PCFG.SYSCLKEN). UAE Output PU Input Upper Address Enable Latch enable signal for the high-order address bits of ADDR. This is a Low active signal. This signal is also used as a boot configuration input signal for testing. Because this signal is used for testing, ensure that it will not pulled Low during a reset sequence. For details of configuration signals, refer to Section “3.2 Boot Configuration”. This signal is used as an input signal while the RESET* signal is asserted. It becomes an output signal once the RESET* signal has been deasserted. CE[5:4]* Output PU Chip Enable Chip select signals for ROM, SRAM, and I/O devices. The pins are shared with other functions (refer to Section “3.3 Pin Multiplexing”). All High CE[3:0]* Output Chip Enable Chip select signals for ROM, SRAM, and I/O devices. All High OE* Output Output Enable Output enable signal for ROM, SRAM, and I/O devices. High SWE* Output Write Enable Write enable signal for SRAM and I/O devices. High BWE[3:0]* /BE[3:0]* Output Byte Enable/Byte Write Enable BE[3:0]* indicate a valid data position on the data bus DATA[31:0] during read and write bus operation. In 16-bit bus mode, only BE[1:0]* are used. In 8-bit bus mode, only BE[0]* is used. BWE[3:0]* indicate a valid data position on the data bus DATA[31:0] during write bus operation. In 16-bit bus mode, only BWE[1:0]* are used. In 8-bit bus mode, only BWE[0]* is used. The following shows the correspondence between BE[3:0]*/BWE[3:0]* and the data bus signals. BE[3]*/BWE[3]*: DATA[31:24] BE[2]*/BWE[2]*: DATA[23:16] BE[1]*/BWE[1]*: DATA[15:8] BE[0]*/BWE[0]*: DATA[7:0] The boot configuration signal on the ADDR[11] pin and the EBCCRn.BC bit of the external bus controller determine whether the signals are used as BE[3:0]* or BWE[3:0]*. All High Data Acknowledge/Ready Flow control signal (refer to Section “7.3.6 Access Modes”). Input ACK*/ READY Input/output PU 3-3 Initial State High Chapter 3 Signals Table 3.1.3 External Interface Signals (2/2) Signal Name Type Description Initial State CARD1CSH* CARD1CSL* Output PU PCMCIA card slot 1 chip select Chip select signals for PCMCIA card slot 1. The pins are shared with other functions (refer to Section "3.3 Pin Multiplexing"). PIO input CARD2CSH* CARD2CSL* Output PU PCMCIA card slot 2 chip select Chip select signals for PCMCIA card slot 2. The pins are shared with other functions (refer to Section "3.3 Pin Multiplexing"). PIO input CARDREG* Output PU PCMCIA card register REG* signal for a PCMCIA card. The pin is shared with other functions (refer to Section "3.3 Pin Multiplexing"). PIO input CARDIORD* Output PU PCMCIA card I/O read IORD* signal for a PCMCIA card. The pin is shared with other functions (refer to Section "3.3 Pin Multiplexing"). PIO input CARDIOWR* Output PU PCMCIA card I/O write IOWR* signal for a PCMCIA card. The pin is shared with other functions (refer to Section "3.3 Pin Multiplexing"). PIO input CARDDIR* Output PU PCMCIA card directory Controls the direction of the bidirectional buffer used for a PCMCIA slot. This signal is asserted during a read transaction when any of CARD2CSH*, CARD2CSL*, CARD1CSH* and CARD1CSL* are asserted. The pin is shared with other functions (refer to Section "3.3 Pin Multiplexing"). PIO input CARD1WAIT* Input PU PCMCIA card slot 1 wait Card wait signal from PCMCIA card slot 1. The pin is shared with other functions (refer to Section "3.3 Pin Multiplexing"). PIO input CARD2WAIT* Input PU PCMCIA card slot 2 wait Card wait signal from PCMCIA card slot 2. The pin is shared with other functions (refer to Section "3.3 Pin Multiplexing"). PIO input 3-4 Chapter 3 Signals 3.1.4 DMA Interface Signals Table 3.1.4 DMA Interface Signals Signal Name Type DMAREQ[1:0] Input PU DMA Request DMA transfer request signals from an external I/O device. The pins are shared with other functions (refer to Section "3.3 Pin Multiplexing"). PIO input DMAACK[1:0] Output DMA Acknowledge DMA transfer acknowledge signals to an external I/O device. The pins are shared with other functions (refer to Section "3.3 Pin Multiplexing"). PIO input DMADONE* 3.1.5 Description Input/output DMA Done PU DMADONE* is either used as an output signal that reports the termination of DMA transfer or as an input signal that causes DMA transfer to terminate. The pin is shared with other functions (refer to Section "3.3 Pin Multiplexing"). Initial State PIO input PCI Interface Signals Table 3.1.5 PCI Interface Signals (1/2) Signal Name Type Description Initial State Output PCI Clock PCI bus clock signals. A boot configuration signal (ADDR[18]) can determine whether the clock internally generated in the TX4925 is used as PCICLK. If the TX4925 internal clock is selected, the clock signals are output from these pins. When these clock signals are not used, the pins can be set to High-Z using the PCICLK Enable field of the pin configuration register (PCFG.PCICLKEN[2:1]). Selected by ADDR[18] H: High L: L PCICLKIO Input/output PCI Feedback Clock PCI feedback clock input. A boot configuration signal (ADDR[18]) can determine whether the clock internally generated in the TX4925 is used as PCICLK. If the TX4925 internal clock is selected, the clock signals are output and simultaneously fed back to the internal PCI block. When using the PCI block, therefore, do not set the PCICLK Enable field of the pin configuration register (PCFG.PCICLKIOEN) to 0. Selected by ADDR[18] H: High L: Input PCIAD[31:0] Input/output PCI Address and Data Multiplexed address and data bus. Input C_BE[3:0] Input/output Command and Byte Enable Command and byte enable signals. Input PAR Input/output Parity Even parity signal for PCIAD[31:0] and C_BE[3:0]*. Input FRAME* Input/output Cycle Frame Indicates that bus operation is in progress. Input IRDY* Input/output Initiator Ready Indicates that the initiator is ready to complete data transfer. Input TRDY* Input/output Target Ready Indicates that the target is ready to complete data transfer. Input STOP* Input/output Stop The target sends this signal to the initiator to request termination of data transfer. Input PCICLK[2:1] ID_SEL DEVSEL* Input Initialization Device Select Chip select signal used for configuration access. Input/output Device Select The target asserts this signal in response to access from the initiator. 3-5 Input Input Chapter 3 Signals Table 3.1.5 PCI Interface Signals (2/2) Signal Name Type REQ[3:2]* Input Description Initial State Input Request Signals used by the master to request bus mastership. The boot configuration signal on the ADDR[1] pin determines whether the built-in PCI bus arbiter is used. In internal arbiter mode, REQ[3:2]* are PCI bus request input signals. In external arbiter mode, REQ[3:2]* are not used. Because the pins are still placed in the input state, they must be pulled up externally. REQ[1]* /INTOUT Input/output/ Request OD Signal used by the master to request bus mastership. The boot configuration signal on the ADDR[1] pin determines whether the built-in PCI bus arbiter is used. In internal arbiter mode, this signal is a PCI bus request input signal. In external arbiter mode, this signal is an external interrupt output signal (INTOUT). Refer to Section “15.3.7 Interrupt Requests”. Selected by ADDR[1] H: Input L: High-Z REQ[0]* Input/output Request Signal used by the master to request bus mastership. The boot configuration signal on the ADDR[1] pin determines whether the built-in PCI bus arbiter is used. In internal arbiter mode, this signal is a PCI bus request input signal. In external arbiter mode, this signal is a PCI bus request output signal. Selected by ADDR[1] H: Input L: High GNT[3:0]* Input/output Grant Indicates that bus mastership has been granted to the PCI bus master. The boot configuration signal on the ADDR[1] pin determines whether the built-in PCI bus arbiter is used. In internal arbiter mode, all of GNT[3:0]* are PCI bus grant output signals. In external arbiter mode, GNT[0]* is a PCI bus grant input signal. Because GNT[3:1]* also become input signals, they must be pulled up externally. Selected by ADDR[1] H: All High L: Input PERR* Input/output Data Parity Error Indicates a data parity error in a bus cycle other than special cycles. Input SERR* Input/OD Input System Error Indicates an address parity error, a data parity error in a special cycle, or a fatal error. In host mode, SERR* is an input signal. In satellite mode, SERR* is an open-drain output signal. The mode is determined by the boot configuration signal on the ADDR[19] pin. 3-6 Chapter 3 Signals 3.1.6 Serial I/O Interface Signals Table 3.1.6 Serial I/O Interface Signals Signal Name Type CTS [1:0]* Input PU *1 SIO Clear to Send CTS* signals. The pins are shared with other functions (refer to Section "3.3 Pin Multiplexing"). PIO input RTS [1:0]* Output PU *1 SIO Request to Send RTS* signals. The pins are shared with other functions (refer to Section "3.3 Pin Multiplexing"). PIO input RXD[1:0] Input PU *1 SIO Receive Data Serial data input signals. The pins are shared with other functions (refer to Section "3.3 Pin Multiplexing"). PIO input TXD[1:0] 3-state Output PU *1 SIO Transmit Data Serial data output signals. The pins are shared with other functions (refer to Section "3.3 Pin Multiplexing"). PIO input External Serial Clock SIO clock input signal. SIO0 and SIO1 share this signal. The pin is shared with other functions (refer to Section "3.3 Pin Multiplexing"). PIO input SCLK *1: Input PU Description Initial State These signals are pulled up for channel 0 only. No pull-up resistor is provided for channel 1. 3.1.7 Timer Interface Signals Table 3.1.7 Timer Interface Signals Signal Name Type TIMER[1:0] Output PU TCLK Input PU 3.1.8 Description Initial State Timer Output Timer output signals. The pins are shared with other functions (refer to Section "3.3 Pin Multiplexing"). PIO input External Timer Clock Timer input clock signal. TMR0, TMR1, and TMR2 share this signal. The pin is shared with other functions (refer to Section "3.3 Pin Multiplexing"). PIO input Parallel I/O Interface Signals Table 3.1.8 Parallel I/O Interface Signals Signal Name Type Description Initial State PIO[31:20] Input/output PIO Ports[31:20] PU Parallel I/O signals. The pins are shared with other functions, including PC trace (refer to Section "3.3 Pin Multiplexing"). The boot configuration signal on the TDO pin determines whether the signals are used for PC trace. Selected by TDO H: PIO input L: Output (PC trace function) PIO[19:0] Input/output PIO Ports[19:0] PU *1 Parallel I/O signals. The pins are shared with other functions (refer to Section "3.3 Pin Multiplexing"). Input *1: PIO[17:12] do not have pull-up resistors. 3-7 Chapter 3 Signals 3.1.9 AC-link Interface Signals Table 3.1.9 AC-link Interface Signals Signal Name Type ACRESET* Output AC '97 Master H/W Reset The pin is shared with other functions (refer to Section "3.3 Pin Multiplexing"). PIO input SYNC Output 48 kHz Fixed Rate Sample Sync The pin is shared with other functions (refer to Section "3.3 Pin Multiplexing"). PIO input SDOUT Output Serial, Time Division Multiplexed, AC '97 Output Stream The pin is shared with other functions (refer to Section "3.3 Pin Multiplexing"). PIO input SDIN]1] Input Serial, Time Division Multiplexed, AC ‘97 Input Stream The pin is shared with other functions (refer to Section "3.3 Pin Multiplexing"). PIO input SDIN[0] Input Serial, Time Division Multiplexed, AC '97 Input Stream The pin is shared with other functions (refer to Section "3.3 Pin Multiplexing"). PIO input BITCLK Input 12.288 MHz Serial Data Clock The pin is shared with other functions (refer to Section "3.3 Pin Multiplexing"). PIO input 3.1.10 Description Initial State Interrupt Signals Table 3.1.10 Interrupt Signals Signal Name Type NMI* Input PU Non-Maskable Interrupt Non-maskable interrupt signal. Input INT[7:0]* Input PU External Interrupt Requests External interrupt request signals. The pins are shared with other functions (refer to Section "3.3 Pin Multiplexing"). PIO input 3.1.11 Description Initial State CHI Interface Signals Table 3.1.11 CHI Interface Signals Signal Name Type Description Initial State CHIFS PIO input Input/output CHI Frame synchronization CHI frame synchronization signal. This pin can be used in either output or input mode. PU In output mode, the pin allows the TX4925 to become the master CHI synchronization source. In input mode, the pin allows the external peripheral device to become the master CHI synchronization source. In that case, the TX4925 CHI module becomes a slave for external synchronization. The pin is shared with other functions (refer to Section "3.3 Pin Multiplexing"). CHICLK Input/output CHI Clock CHI clock signal. This pin can be used in either output or input mode. In output mode, PU the pin allows the TX4925 to become the master CHI clock source. In input mode, the pin allows the external peripheral device to become the master CHI clock source. In that case, the TX4925 CHI module becomes a slave for the external clock. The pin is shared with other functions (refer to Section "3.3 Pin Multiplexing"). CHIDOUT CHIDIN PIO input Output PU CHI Data Output CHI serial data output signal. The pin is shared with other functions (refer to Section "3.3 Pin Multiplexing"). PIO input Input PU CHI Data Input CHI serial data input signal. The pin is shared with other functions (refer to Section "3.3 Pin Multiplexing"). PIO input 3-8 Chapter 3 Signals 3.1.12 SPI Interface Signals Table 3.1.12 SPI Interface Signals Signal Name Type SPICLK Output PU SPI Clock This pin is used for a data clock to or from an SPI slave device. The pin is shared with other functions (refer to Section "3.3 Pin Multiplexing"). PIO input SPIOUT Output PU SPI Data Output This signal contains data to be shifted to an SPI slave device. The pin is shared with other functions (refer to Section "3.3 Pin Multiplexing"). PIO input Input PU SPI Data Input This signal contains data to be shifted from an SPI slave device. The pin is shared with other functions (refer to Section "3.3 Pin Multiplexing"). PIO input SPIIN 3.1.13 Description Initial State NAND Flash Memory Interface Signals Table 3.1.13 NAND Flash Memory Interface Signals Signal Name Type ND_ALE Output NAND Flash Address Latch Enable ALE signal for NAND flash memory. The pin is shared with other functions (refer to Section "3.3 Pin Multiplexing"). PIO input ND_CLE Output NAND Flash Command Latch Enable CLE signal for NAND flash memory. The pin is shared with other functions (refer to Section "3.3 Pin Multiplexing"). PIO input ND_CE* Output NAND Flash Chip Enable CE signal for NAND flash memory. The pin is shared with other functions (refer to Section "3.3 Pin Multiplexing"). PIO input ND_RE* Output NAND Flash Read Enable RE signal for NAND flash memory. The pin is shared with other functions (refer to Section "3.3 Pin Multiplexing"). PIO input ND_WE* Output NAND Flash Write Enable WE signal for NAND flash memory. The pin is shared with other functions (refer to Section "3.3 Pin Multiplexing"). PIO input ND_R/B* Input NAND Flash Ready/Busy Ready/Busy signal for NAND flash memory. The pin is shared with other functions (refer to Section "3.3 Pin Multiplexing"). PIO input 3.1.14 Description Initial State Extended EJTAG Interface Signals Table 3.1.14 Extended EJTAG Interface Signals (1/2) Signal Name Type TCK Input PU JTAG Test Clock Input Clock input signal for JTAG. TCK is used to execute JTAG instructions and input/output data. TDI/DINT* Input PU Input JTAG Test Data Input/Debug Interrupt When PC trace mode is not selected, this signal is a JTAG data input signal. It is used to input serial data to JTAG data/instruction registers. When PC trace mode is selected, this signal is an interrupt input signal used to cancel PC trace mode for the debug unit. TDO/TPC[0] Output Description JTAG Test Data Output/PC Trace Output When PC trace mode is not selected, this signal is a JTAG data output signal. Data is output by means of serial scan. When PC trace mode is selected, this signal outputs the value of the noncontiguous program counter in sync with the debug clock (DCLK). 3-9 Initial State Input Input Chapter 3 Signals Table 3.1.14 Extended EJTAG Interface Signals (2/2) Signal Name TPC[3:1] Type Output Description Initial State PC Trace Output TPC[3:1] output the value of the noncontiguous program counter in sync with DCLK. The pins are shared with other functions (refer to Section "3.3 Pin Multiplexing"). Selected by TDO H: PIO input L: All High TMS Input PU JTAG Test Mode Select Input TMS mainly controls state transition in the TAP controller state machine. Input TRST* Input Test Reset Input Asynchronous reset input for the TAP controller and debug support unit (DSU). When an EJTAG probe is not connected, this pin must be fixed to low. When connecting an EJTAG probe, prevent floating, for example, by connecting a pull-up resistor. When this signal is deasserted, G-Bus timeout detection is disabled (refer to Section “5.1.1 Detecting G-Bus Timeout”). Input DCLK Output Debug Clock Clock output signal for the real-time debugging system. When PC trace mode is selected, the TPC[3:1] and PCST signals are output synchronously. This clock is the TX49/H2 core operating clock (CPUCLK) divided by 3. The pin is shared with other functions (refer to Section "3.3 Pin Multiplexing"). Selected by TDO H: PIO input L: Low PCST[8:0] Output PC Trace Status Information Outputs PC trace status and other information. The pins are shared with other functions (refer to Section "3.3 Pin Multiplexing"). Selected by TDO H: PIO input (PCST[8:1]) BC32K(PC ST[0]) L: All Low 3.1.15 Clock Signals Table 3.1.15 Clock Signals Signal Name Type Description Initial State MASTERCLK Input Master Clock Input pin for the TX4925 operating clock. A crystal resonator cannot be connected to this pin because the pin does not contain an oscillator. Input C32KIN Input 32 KHz Crystal Input Connect this pin and C32KOUT to a 32.768 kHz crystal. Input C32KOUT Output 32 KHz Crystal output Connect this pin and C32KIN to a 32.768 kHz crystal. Output BC32K Output PU Buffer output of 32 KHz Crystal Buffer output for a 32.768 kHz clock. Selected by TDO H: Output (BC32K) L: Low 3.1.16 Initialization Signals Table 3.1.16 Initialization Signals Signal Name Type Description RESET* Input SMT Reset Reset signal. Input PON* Input SMT Power On Reset Initializes the CG. For timing, refer to Section "6.3 Power-On Sequence". Input 3-10 Initial State Chapter 3 Signals 3.1.17 Test Signals Table 3.1.17 Test Signals Signal Name Type TEST* Input Test Mode Setting Test pin. This pin must be fixed to High. Input SCANENB* Input Scan Mode Test Control Test pin. This pin must be fixed to High. Input 3.1.18 Description Initial State Power Supply Pins Table 3.1.18 Power Supply Pins Signal Name Type Description Initial State PLL1VDD_A PLL Power Pins PLL analog power supply pins. PLL1VDD_A = 1.5 V PLL1VSS_A PLL Ground Pins PLL analog ground pins. PLL1VSS_A = 0 V VccInt (VDDC) Internal Power Pins Digital power supply pins for internal logic. VccInt = 1.5 V. VccIO (VDDS) I/O Power Pins Digital power supply pins for input/output pins. VccIO = 3.3 V. Vss Ground Pins Digital ground pins. Vss = 0 V. 3-11 Chapter 3 Signals 3.2 Boot Configuration The ADDR[19:0], UAE, SADDR10 and TDO signals can also function as configuration signals for initially setting various functions upon booting the system. The states of the configuration signals immediately after the RESET* or PON* signal is deasserted are read as initial values for the TX4925 internal registers. A High signal level sets a value of 1 and a Low signal level sets a value of 0. UAE, SADDR10 and ADDR[17,16,10] are used for testing. Ensure that these pins will not set to 0. All configuration signals are provided with internal pull-up resistors. To drive a signal Low, pull down the corresponding pin on the board using an approx. 4.7 kΩ resistor. Driving a signal High does not require a pull-down resistor. Any signals defined as Reserved should not be pulled down. Table 3.2.1 lists the functions that can be set using configuration signals. Table 3.2.2 and 3.2.3 describe each configuration signal. Note that the functions of some pins vary with the boot memory device used. Table 3.2.1 Functions that Can be Set Using Configuration Signals Peripheral Function Functions that Can be Set PCICLK enable PCI controller External bus controller SDRAM controller Others Configuration Signal ADDR[18] PCI controller operating mode (satellite or host) ADDR[15] PCI bus arbiter selection (internal or external) ADDR[1] PCI bus master*1 ADDR[11] Division ratio of SYSCLK to GBUSCLK ADDR[4:3] Boot device selection ADDR[8:6] BE[3:0]*/BWE[3:0]* function selection upon booting ADDR[11] Handling of the ACK signal upon booting (internal or external) ADDR[5] Data bus width for the boot device ADDR[13:12] Data bus width for the boot device*2 ADDR[13] Row address size for boot memory SyncFlash*2 BADDR[5,2] *2 Column address size for boot memory SyncFlash ADDR[11,12] Endian setting ADDR[14] Controlling built-in timer interrupts of the TX49/H2 core ADDR[0] PC trace TDO *1: Valid when the boot memory device is PCI and the PCIC operates in satellite mode. *2: Valid when the boot memory device is SyncFlash. 3-12 Chapter 3 Signals Table 3.2.2 Boot Configuration Specified with the ADDR[19:0], TDO, UAE and SADDR10 Signals (1/2) Signal Corresponding Register Bit Description Configuration Determined at ADDR[19] Reserved This signal will be set to 0 upon booting. CCFG bit [12] RESET* deassert edge ADDR[18] PCI Clock Enable Specifies whether the clock generated by the TX4925 internal clock generator is used as a PCI clock. L = Use a PCI clock input from an external device. The PCI clock is input via PCICLKIO. PCICLK[2:1] are placed in High-Z state. H = Use a clock generated by the TX4925 clock generator. The clock is output from PCICLK[2:1] and PCICLKIO. The clock output from PCICLKIO is fed back for use with the internal PCIC. PCFG. PCICLKEN PON* deassert edge ADDR[17:16] CCFG.bit[18](ADDR[ Reserved Used for testing. Because this signal is used for setting a clock 17]) CCFG.bit[27](ADDR[ frequency, ensure that the signal will not be set to 0 upon booting. 16]) ADDR[15] PCI Controller Mode Select Specifies the operating mode of the TX4925 PCI controller. L = Satellite H = Host CCFG. PCIMODE RESET* deassert edge ADDR[14] TX4925 Endian Mode Specifies the TX4925 endian mode. L = Little endian H = Big endian CCFG. ENDIAN RESET* deassert edge ADDR[13:12] Boot ROM Bus Width Specifies the data bus width when booting from a memory device connected to the external memory controller. If SyncFlash is selected as a boot memory device, refer to Table 3.2.3. LL = Reserved LH = 32 bits HL = 16 bits HH = 8 bits EBCCR0.BSZ RESET* deassert edge ADDR[11] Boot Byte Enable Type When booting from a memory device connected to the external memory controller, specifies the function of the BE[3:0]*/BWE[3:0]* pins upon booting. Be sure that this bit does not become “0” when booting from PCL. L = BE[3:0]* (Byte Enable) H = BWE[3:0]* (Byte Write Enable) When booting from SyncFlash Refer to Table 3.2.3. EBCCR0.BC RESET* deassert edge ADDR[10] Reserved Used for testing. Setting this signal to 0 disables TCK, TDI, TMS, TRST* and TDO. Ensure that the signal will not be set to 0 upon booting. CCFG.bit[31] RESET* deassert edge ADDR[9] Reserved This signal will not be set to 0 upon booting. 3-13 PON* deassert edge RESET* deassert edge Chapter 3 Signals Table 3.2.2 Boot Configuration Specified with the ADDR[19:0], TDO, UAE and SADDR10 Signals (2/2) Signal ADDR[8:6] ADDR[5] Corresponding Register Bit Description Select Boot Memory Selects boot memory. HHH = Device connected to channel 0 of the external bus controller (clock frequency division ratio: 1/1) HHL = Device connected to channel 0 of the external bus controller (clock frequency division ratio: 1/2) HLH = Device connected to channel 0 of the external bus controller (clock frequency division ratio: 1/3) HLL = Reserved LHH = PCI boot LHL = Reserved LLH = Reserved LLL = SyncFlash memory connected to SDRAMC channel 0 Boot ACK* Input Specifies the access mode for external bus controller channel 0. If SyncFlash is selected as a boot memory device, refer to Table 3.2.3. L = ACK* Input Mode Enable H = ACK* Input Mode Disable Configuration Determined at EBCCR0.ME RESET* deassert edge EBCCR0.EACK RESET* deassert edge ADDR[4:3] CCFG. SYSSP Select SYSCLK Frequency Specifies the division ratio of the SYSCLK frequency to the G-Bus clock (GBUSCLK) frequency. LL = 4 (SYSCLK frequency = GBUSCLK frequency/4) LH = 3 (SYSCLK frequency = GBUSCLK frequency/3) HL = 2 (SYSCLK frequency = GBUSCLK frequency/2) HH = 1 (SYSCLK frequency = GBUSCLK frequency) ADDR[2] Reserved This signal will not be set to 0 upon booting. If Syncflash is selected as a boot memory device, refer to Table 3.2.3. ADDR[1] PCI Arbiter Select Selects a PCI bus arbiter. H = Built-in PCI bus arbiter. L = External PCI bus arbiter. CCFG.PCIARB RESET* deassert edge ADDR[0] CCFG.TINTDIS TX49/H2 Internal Timer Interrupt Disable Specifies whether timer interrupts within the TX49/H2 core are enabled. H = Disable timer interrupts within the TX49/H2 core. L = Enable timer interrupts within the TX49/H2 core. RESET* deassert edge TDO CCFG.PCTRCE PC Trace Specifies whether PIO[31:20] and BC32K are used as PC trace signals. H = Use as PIO[31:20] and BC32K L = Use as TPC[3:1], PCST[7:0] and DCLK PON* deassert edge UAE Reserved Used for testing. Because this signal is used for setting a clock frequency, ensure that the signal will not be set to 0 upon booting. PON* deassert edge SADDR10 Reserved Used for testing. Because this signal is used for setting a clock frequency, ensure that the signal will not be set to 0 upon booting. 3-14 CCFG.bit[28] PON* deassert edge RESET*deassert edge PON* deassert edge Chapter 3 Signals Table 3.2.3 Boot Configuration When SyncFlash is Used as Boot Memory Signal Corresponding Register Bit Description Configuration Determined at ADDR[13] Boot ROM Bus Width Specifies the data bus width when booting from SyncFlash memory. L = 32 bits H = 16 bits SDCCR0.MW RESET* deassert edge ADDR[5,2] Boot SyncFlash Memory Row Size Specifies the SyncFlash memory row size when booting from SyncFlash memory. LH = Reserved LL = 13 bits HH = 12 bits HL = 11 bits SDCCR0.RS RESET* deassert edge ADDR[12:11] Boot SyncFlash Memory Column Size Specifies the SyncFlash memory column size when booting from SyncFlash memory. HH = 11 bits HL = 9 bits LH = 10 bits LL = 8 bits SDCCR0.CS RESET* deassert edge 3-15 Chapter 3 Signals 3.3 Pin Multiplexing The TX4925 has 35 multiplexed pins as shown in Table 3.3.1. Each pin is used for different functions depending on the settings of the PCFG control register or the TDO boot configuration signal. Table 3.3.2 to Table 3.3.8 show how to set the function for each pin. Table 3.3.1 Multiplexed Pins Pin No. B5 Signal Name PIO[31] Shared Functions PIO[31]/CARDDIR*/BCLK/TPC[2] D6 PIO[30] PIO[30]/CARDREG*/PCST[8] B6 PIO[29] PIO[29]/CARD2CSH*/CE5*/INT[7] *1/PCST[6] C6 PIO[28] PIO[28]/CARD2CSL*/CE4*/INT[6] *1/PCST[7] A6 PIO[27] PIO[27]/CARD2WAIT**2/CHIOUT/PCST[5] A4 PIO[26] PIO[26]/CARD1CSH*/DCLK C5 PIO[25] PIO[25]/CARD1CSL*/TPC[3] A5 PIO[24] PIO[24]/CARD1WAIT**2/TPC[1] C8 PIO[23] PIO[23]/SPICLK/PCST[2] A7 PIO[22] PIO[22]/SPIIN/PCST[3] B7 PIO[21] PIO[21]/SPIOUT/PCST[4] B9 PIO[20] PIO[20]/TIMER[0]/CHIFS/PCST[1] A8 PIO[19] PIO[19]/TIMER[1]/CHICLK B8 PIO[18] PIO[18]/TCLK *2/CHIDIN W15 PIO[17] PIO[17]/AC_SDIN[0]/ND_WE*/TXD[1] V16 PIO[16] PIO[16]/AC_SDOUT/ND_RB*/RXD[1] W16 PIO[15] PIO[15]/AC_BITCLK/ND_CLE/RTS[1]/INT[5] *1 Y16 PIO[14] PIO[14]/AC_SYNC/ND_RE*/CTS[1]/INT[4] *1 V15 PIO[13] PIO[13]/AC_SDIN[1]/ND_ALE Y15 PIO[12] PIO[12]/AC_RST*/ND_CE* Y13 PIO[11] PIO[11]/TXD[0] W13 PIO[10] PIO[10]/RXD[0] W14 PIO[9] PIO[9]/RTS[0]*/INT[3] *1 Y14 PIO[8] PIO[8]/CTS[0]*/INT[2] *1 U15 PIO[7] PIO[7]/INT[1] *1 U13 PIO[6] PIO[6]/INT[0] *1 V13 PIO[5] PIO[5]/SCLK *3 W11 PIO[4] PIO[4]/DMAACK[1] W12 PIO[3] PIO[3]/DMAREQ[1] V10 PIO[2] PIO[2]/DMAACK[0] V12 PIO[1] PIO[1]/DMAREQ[0] U10 PIO[0] PIO[0]/DMADONE Y17 BC32K V6 U6 PCST[0] BE[3]*/BWE[3]* *4 CARDIORD* *4 BE[2]*/BWE[2]* *4 CARDIOWR* *4 *1: INT[7:0] are directly input to the IRC. When these signals are not used as interrupt signals, do not enable interrupts in the IRC.[m2] *2: TCLK is directly connected to the TCLK pin of the timer module. When this signal is not used as TCLK, do not enable the external clock (TCLK) in the timer module. *3: SCLK is directly connected to the SCLK pin of the SIO module. When this signal is not used as SCLK, do not enable the external clock (SCLK) in the SIO module. *4: BE[3]*/BWE[3] functions as CARDIORD* when accessing a PCMCIA device and as BE[3]*/BWE[3] when accessing other devices. Similarly, BE[2]*/BWE[2] functions as CARDIOWR* when accessing a PCMCIA device and as BE[2]*/BWE[2] when accessing other devices. 3-16 Chapter 3 Signals Table 3.3.2 Function Selection for PIO[31:24] (1) Pin Name Function TPC[2] PIO[31] PIO[30] PIO[29] PIO[28] PIO[27] PIO[26] PIO[25] PIO[24] CARDDIR* PCFG Control Bits Boot Signal TDO SELCARD[1] SELCARD[0] SELCE[1] SELCE[0] 0 - - - - - 1 1 - - - - 1 - 1 - - - PIO[31] 1 0 0 - - - PCST[8] 0 - - - - - 1 1 - - - - 1 - 1 - - - CARDREG* PIO[30] 1 0 0 - - PCST[6] 0 - - - - - CARD2CSH* 1 1 - - - - CE[5]* 1 0 - 1 - - PIO[29] 1 0 - 0 - - PCST[7] 0 - - - - - CARD2CSL* 1 1 - - - - CE[4]* 1 0 - - 1 - PIO[28] 1 0 - - 0 PCST[5] 0 - - - - - CHIDOUT 1 - - - - 1 CARD2WAIT* 1 1 - - - 0 PIO[27] 1 0 - - - 0 DCLK 0 - - - - - CARD1CSH* 1 - 1 - - - PIO[26] 1 - 0 - - - TPC[3] 0 - - - - - CARD1CSL* 1 - 1 - - - PIO[25] 1 - 0 - - - TPC[1] 0 - - - - - CARD1WAIT* 1 - 1 - - - PIO[24] 1 - 0 - - - Table 3.3.3 Function Selection for PIO[23:21] (2) Pin Name Function Boot Signal TDO PCFG Control Bits SELSPI PIO[23] PIO[22] PIO[21] SELCHI PCST[2] 0 - SPICLK 1 1 PIO[23] 1 0 PCST[3] 0 - SPIIN 1 1 PIO[22] 1 0 PCST[4] 0 - SPIOUT 1 1 PIO[21] 1 0 3-17 Chapter 3 Signals Table 3.3.4 Function Selection for PIO[20:18] (3) Pin Name PIO[20] PIO[19] PIO[18] Function Boot Signal TDO PCFG Control Bits SELCHI SELTMR[1] SELTMR[0] PCST[1] 0 - - - PIO[20] 1 0 - 0 TIMER[0] 1 0 - 1 CHIFS 1 1 - - PIO[19] - 0 0 - TIMER[1] - 0 1 - CHICLK - 1 - - PIO[18] - 0 - - CHIDIN - 1 - - Table 3.3.5 Function Selection for PIO[17:12] (4) Pin Name PIO[17] PIO[16] PIO[15] PIO[14] PIO[13] PIO[12] Function Boot Signal TDO PIO[17] - PCFG Control Bits SELACLC SELNAND SELSIO[1] SELSIOC[1] 0 0 0 - TXD[1] - 0 0 1 - ND_WE* - 0 1 - - AC_SDIN0 - 1 - - - PIO[16] - 0 0 0 - RXD[1] - 0 0 1 - ND_RB* - 0 1 - - AC_SDOUT - 1 - - - PIO[15] - 0 0 - 0 RTS[1] - 0 0 1 1 ND_CLE - 0 1 - - AC_BITCLK - 1 - - - PIO[14] - 0 0 - 0 1 CTS[1] - 0 0 1 ND_RE* - 0 1 - - AC_SYNC - 1 - - - PIO[13] - 0 0 - - ND_ALE - 0 1 - - AC_SDIN1 - 1 - - - PIO[12] - 0 0 - - ND_CE* - 0 1 - - AC_RST* - 1 - - - 3-18 Chapter 3 Signals Table 3.3.6 Function Selection for PIO[11:8] (5) Pin Name PIO[11] PIO[10] PIO[9] PIO[8] Function Boot Signal TDO PCFG Control Bits SELSIO[0] SELSIOC[0] PIO[11] - 0 - TXD[0] - 1 - PIO[10] - 0 - RXD[0] - 1 - PIO[9] - - 0 RTS[0] - 1 1 PIO[8] - - 0 CTS[0] - 1 1 Table 3.3.7 Function Selection for PIO[7:5] (6) Pin Name PIO[7] (*1) PIO[6] PIO[5] Function Boot Signal TDO PIO[7] - INT[1] - (*1) PIO[6] - INT[0] - (*1) PIO[5] - SCLK - *1: PIO[7:5] : Refer to “*2” of “Table 3.3.1 Multiplexed Pins”. Table 3.3.8 Function Selection for PIO[4:0] and BC32K (7) Pin Name PIO[4] PIO[3] PIO[2] PIO[1] PIO[0] BC32K PCFG Control Bits Function Boot Signal TDO PIO[4] - 0 - - DMAACK[1] - 1 - - PIO[3] - 0 - - DMAREQ[1] - 1 - - PIO[2] - - 0 - DMAACK[0] - - 1 - SELDMA[1] SELDMA[0] SELDONE PIO[1] - - 0 - DMAREQ[0] - - 1 - PIO[0] - - - 0 DMADONE - - - 1 PCST[0] 0 - - - BC32K 1 - - - 3-19 Chapter 3 Signals 3-20 Chapter 4 Address Mapping 4. Address Mapping This chapter explains the physical address map of TX4925. Please refer to “64-Bit TX System RISC TX49/H2 Core Architecture” about the details of mapping to a physical address from the virtual address of TX49/H2 core. 4.1 TX4925 Physical Address Map TX4925 supports up to 4G (232) bytes of physical address. Following resources are to be allocated in the physical address of the TX4925. • TX4925 Internal registers (refer to “4.2 Register Map”) • SDRAM (refer to “9.3.2 Address Mapping”) • External Devices such as ROM, I/O Devices (refer to “7.3.3 Address Mapping”) • PCI Bus (refer to “10.3.4 Initiator Access”) Each resource is to be allocated in arbitrary physical addresses by the register setup. Refer to the explanation of each controller for the details of the mapping. At initialization, only the internal registers and the memory space which stores the TX49/H2 core reset vectors are allocated shown as Figure 4.1.1. Usually ROM connected to the external bus controller channel 0 is used for the memory device that stores the reset vectors. TX4925 also supports using the memories on PCI bus as the memory device stores the reset vectors. Refer to “10.3.12 PCI Boot Configuration” for detail about this. 0xFFFF_FFFF 0xFF1F_FFFF TX4925 Internal Register 64 K Bytes External Bus Controller Channel 0 4 M Bytes 0xFF1F_0000 0x1FFF_FFFF 0x1FC0_0000 0x0000_0000 Figure 4.1.1 Physical Address Map at Initializing System It is possible to access a resource of TX4925 as a PCI target device through PCI bus. About how to allocate resources of TX4925 to the PCI bus address space, refer to “10.3.5 Target Access”. 4-1 Chapter 4 Address Mapping 4.2 Register Map 4.2.1 Addressing TX4925 internal registers are to be accessed through 64 K bytes address space that is based on physical address 0xFF1F_0000 or pointed address by RAMP register (refer to 5.2.11). Figure 4.2.1 shows how to generate internal register address. Physical address 1 and physical address 2 shown Figure 4.2.1 access the same register. In TX49/H2 Core, the physical address form 0xFF00_0000 to 0xFF3F_FFFF are unchached mapped to the virtual address form 0xFF00_0000 to 0xFF3F_FFFF. This space includes the region form 0xFF1F_0000 allocated TX4925 internal registers at initialization. Base Address (0xFF1F_0000) + Offset Address = Physical Address 1 Base Address Register (RAMP) + Offset Address = Physical Address 2 (Initial Value = 0xFF1F_0000) Figure 4.2.1 Generating Physical Address for a Internal Register 4.2.2 Ways to Access to Internal Registers 2 ways to access to the internal registers of TX4925 are supported. First is 32-bit register access. Second is PCI configuration register access in PCI satellite mode. 32-bit register supports 32-bit size access only. Another size access without 32-bit size is undefined. When the build-in PCI controller works in the satellite mode (refer to “10.3.1 Terminology Explanation”), PCI configuration registers are to be accessed through PCI bus in configuration cycles. It is possible to access to the arbitrary size of PCI configuration register as always Little Endian space regardless the system setup. 4-2 Chapter 4 Address Mapping 4.2.3 Register Map The outline of the register map allocated built-in controllers is shown in Table 4.2.1, and the table of the internal registers is shown in Table 4.2.2, respectively. Please refer to “10.5 PCI Configuration Space Register” about PCI configuration register. Table 4.2.1 Register Map Offset Address Peripheral Controller Detail 0x0000 to 0x7FFF Reserved - 0x8000 to 0x8FFF SDRAMC Refer to 9.4 0x9000 to 0x9FFF EBUSC Refer to 7.4 0xA000 to 0xA7FF Reserved - 0xA800 to 0xAFFF CHI Refer to 16.4 0xB000 to 0xBFFF DMAC Refer to 8.4 0xC000 to 0xCFFF NDFMC Refer to 18.4 0xD000 to 0xDFFF PCIC Refer to 10.4 0xE000 to 0xEFFF CONFIG Refer to 5.2 0xF000 to 0xF0FF TMR0 Refer to 12.4 0xF100 to 0xF1FF TMR1 Refer to 12.4 0xF200 to 0xF2FF TMR2 Refer to 12.4 0xF300 to 0xF3FF SIO0 Refer to 11.4 0xF400 to 0xF4FF SIO1 Refer to 11.4 0xF500 to 0xF50F PIO Refer to 13.4 0xF510 to 0xF6FF IRC Refer to 15.4 0xF700 to 0xF7FF ACLC Refer to 14.4 0xF800 to 0xF8FF SPI Refer to 17.4 0xF900 to 0xF9FF RTC Refer to 19.4 0xFA00 to 0xFFFF Reserved - 4-3 Chapter 4 Address Mapping Table 4.2.2 Internal Registers (1/8) Offset Address Register Size (bit) Register Symbol Register Name SDRAM Controller (SDRAMC) 0x8000 32 SDCCR0 SDRAM Channel Control Register 0 0x8004 32 SDCCR1 SDRAM Channel Control Register 1 0x8008 32 SDCCR2 SDRAM Channel Control Register 2 0x800C 32 SDCCR3 SDRAM Channel Control Register 3 0x8020 32 SDCTR SDRAM Timing Register 0x802C 32 SDCCMD SDRAM Command Register 0x8030 32 SFCMD Sync Flash Command Register 0x9000 32 EBCCR0 EBUS Channel Control Register 0 0x9004 32 EBBAR0 EBUS Base Address Register 0 External Bus Controller (EBUSC) 0x9008 32 EBCCR1 EBUS Channel Control Register 1 0x900C 32 EBBAR1 EBUS Base Address Register 1 0x9010 32 EBCCR2 EBUS Channel Control Register 2 0x9014 32 EBBAR2 EBUS Base Address Register 2 0x9018 32 EBCCR3 EBUS Channel Control Register 3 0x901C 32 EBBAR3 EBUS Base Address Register 3 0x9020 32 EBCCR4 EBUS Channel Control Register 4 0x9024 32 EBBAR4 EBUS Base Address Register 4 0x9028 32 EBCCR5 EBUS Channel Control Register 5 0x902c 32 EBBAR5 EBUS Base Address Register 5 0x9030 32 EBCCR6 EBUS Channel Control Register 6 0x9034 32 EBBAR6 EBUS Base Address Register 6 0x9038 32 EBCCR7 EBUS Channel Control Register 7 0x903c 32 EBBAR7 EBUS Base Address Register 7 32 CTRL CHI Control Register CHI Module (CHI) 0xA800 0xA804 32 PNTREN CHI Pointer Enable Register 0xA808 32 RXPTRA CHI Receive Pointer A Register 0xA80C 32 RXPTRB CHI Receive Pointer B Register 0xA810 32 TXPTRA CHI Transmit Pointer A Register 0xA814 32 TXPTRB CHI Transmit Pointer B Register 0xA818 32 CHISIZE CHI Size Register 0xA81C 32 RXSTRT CHI RX Start Register 0xA820 32 TXSTRT CHI TX Start Register 0xA824 32 HOLD CHI TX/RX Hold Register 0xA828 32 CLOCK CHI Clock Register 0xA82C 32 CHIINTE CHI Interrupt Enable Register 0xA830 32 CHIINT CHI Interrupt Status Register 4-4 Chapter 4 Address Mapping Table 4.2.2 Internal Registers (2/8) DMA Controller (DMAC) 0xB000 32 DMCHAR0 DMA Chain Address Register 0 0xB004 32 DMSAR0 DMA Source Address Register 0 0xB008 32 DMDAR0 DMA Destination Address Register 0 0xB00C 32 DMCNTR0 DMA Count Register 0 0xB010 32 DMSAIR0 DMA Source Address Increment Register 0 DMA Destination Address Increment Register 0 0xB014 32 DMDAIR0 0xB018 32 DMCCR0 DMA Channel Control Register 0 0xB01C 32 DMCSR0 DMA Channel Status Register 0 0xB020 32 DMCHAR1 DMA Chain Address Register 1 0xB024 32 DMSAR1 DMA Source Address Register 1 0xB028 32 DMDAR1 DMA Destination Address Register 1 0xB02C 32 DMCNTR1 DMA Count Register 1 0xB030 32 DMSAIR1 DMA Source Address Increment Register 1 0xB034 32 DMDAIR1 DMA Destination Address Increment Register 1 0xB038 32 DMCCR1 DMA Channel Control Register 1 DMA Channel Status Register 1 0xB03C 32 DMCSR1 0xB040 32 DMCHAR2 DMA Chain Address Register 2 0xB044 32 DMSAR2 DMA Source Address Register 2 0xB048 32 DMDAR2 DMA Destination Address Register 2 0xB04C 32 DMCNTR2 DMA Count Register 2 0xB050 32 DMSAIR2 DMA Source Address Increment Register 2 DMA Destination Address Increment Register 2 0xB054 32 DMDAIR2 0xB058 32 DMCCR2 DMA Channel Control Register 2 0xB05C 32 DMCSR2 DMA Channel Status Register 2 0xB060 32 DMCHAR3 DMA Chain Address Register 3 0xB064 32 DMSAR3 DMA Source Address Register 3 0xB068 32 DMDAR3 DMA Destination Address Register 3 0xB06C 32 DMCNTR3 DMA Count Register 3 0xB070 32 DMSAIR3 DMA Source Address Increment Register 3 0xB074 32 DMDAIR3 DMA Destination Address Increment Register 3 0xB078 32 DMCCR3 DMA Channel Control Register 3 0xB07C 32 DMCSR3 DMA Channel Status Register 3 0xB0A4 32 DMMFDR DMA Memory Fill Data Register 0xB0A8 32 DMMCR DMA Master Control Register NAND Flush Memory Data Transmit Register NAND Flush Memory Controller (NDFMC) 0xC000 32 NDFDTR 0xC004 32 NDFMCR NAND Flush Memory Mode Control Register 0xC008 32 NDFSR NAND Flush Memory Status Register 0xC010 32 NDFISR NAND Flush Memory Interrupt Status Register 0xC014 32 NDFIMR NAND Flush Memory Interrupt Mask Register 0xC018 32 NDFSPR NAND Flush Memory Strobe Plus width Register 0xC024 32 NDFSTR NAND Flush Memory Reset Register 4-5 Chapter 4 Address Mapping Table 4.2.2 Internal Registers (3/8) Offset Address Register Size (bit) Register Symbol Register Name PCI Controller (PCIC) 0xD000 32 PCIID ID Register (Device ID, Vendor ID) 0xD004 32 PCISTATUS PCI Status, Command Register (Status, Command) 0xD008 32 PCICCREV Class Code, Revision ID Register (Class Code, Revision ID) 0xD00C 32 PCICFG1 PCI Configuration 1 Register (BIST, Header Type, Latency Timer, Cache Line Size) 0xD010 32 P2GM0PLBASE P2G Memory Space 0 PCI Lower Base Address Register (Base Address 0 Lower) 0xD014 32 P2GM1PLBASE P2G Memory Space 1 PCI Lower Base Address Register (Base Address 1 Lower) 0xD018 32 P2GM2PBASE P2G Memory Space 2 PCI Base Address Register (Base Address 2) 0xD01C 32 P2GIOPBASE P2G I/O Space PCI Base Address Register (Base Address 3) 0xD02C 32 PCISID Subsystem ID Register (Subsystem ID, Subsystem Vendor ID) 0xD034 32 PCICAPPTR Capabilities Pointer Register (Capabilities Pointer) 0xD03C 32 PCICFG2 PCI Configuration 2 Register (Max_Lat, Min_Gnt, Interrupt Pin, Interrupt Line) 0xD040 32 G2PTOCNT G2P Timeout Count register (Retry Timeout Value, TRDY Timeout Value) 0xD060 32 G2PCFG G2P Configuration Register 0xD064 32 G2PSTATUS G2P Status Register 0xD068 32 G2PMASK G2P Interrupt Mask Register 0xD088 32 PCISSTATUS Satellite Mode PCI Status Register (Status, PMCSR) 0xD08C 32 PCIMASK PCI Status Interrupt Mask Register 0xD090 32 P2GCFG P2G Configuration Register 0xD094 32 P2GSTATUS P2G Status Register 0xD098 32 P2GMASK P2G Interrupt Mask Register 0xD09C 32 P2GCCMD P2G Current Command Register 0xD0DC 8 Cap_ID Capabilities ID Register 0xD0DD 8 Next_Item_Ptr Next Item Pointer Register 0xD0DE 16 PMC Power Management Capabilities Register 0xD0E0 16 PMCSR Power Management Control / Status Register 0xD100 32 PBAREQPORT PCI Bus Arbiter Request Port Register 0xD104 32 PBACFG PCI Bus Arbiter Configuration Register 0xD108 32 PBASTATUS PCI Bus Arbiter Status Register 0xD10C 32 PBAMASK PCI Bus Arbiter Interrupt Mask Register 0xD110 32 PBABM PCI Bus Arbiter Broken Master Register 0xD114 32 PBACREQ PCI Bus Arbiter Current Request Register (for a diagnosis) 0xD118 32 PBACGNT PCI Bus Arbiter Current Grant Register (for a diagnosis) 0xD11C 32 PBACSTATE PCI Bus Arbiter Current Status Register (for a diagnosis) 4-6 Chapter 4 Address Mapping Table 4.2.2 Internal Registers (4/8) Offset Address Register Size (bit) Register Symbol Register Name PCI Controller (PCIC) 0xD120 32 G2PM0GBASE G2P Memory Space 0 G-Bus Base Address Register 0xD128 32 G2PM1GBASE G2P Memory Space 1 G-Bus Base Address Register 0xD130 32 G2PM2GBASE G2P Memory Space 2 G-Bus Base Address Register 0xD138 32 G2PIOGBASE G2P I/O Space G-Bus Base Address Register 0xD140 32 G2PM0MASK G2P Memory Space 0 Address Mask Register 0xD144 32 G2PM1MASK G2P Memory Space 1 Address Mask Register 0xD148 32 G2PM2MASK G2P Memory Space 2 Address Mask Register 0xD14C 32 G2PIOMASK G2P I/O Space Address Mask Register 0xD150 32 G2PM0PBASE G2P Memory Space 0 PCI Base Address Register 0xD158 32 G2PM1PBASE G2P Memory Space 1 PCI Base Address Register 0xD160 32 G2PM2PBASE G2P Memory Space 2 PCI Base Address Register 0xD168 32 G2PIOPBASE G2P I/O Space PCI Base Address Register 0xD170 32 PCICCFG PCI Controller Configuration Register 0xD174 32 PCICSTATUS PCI Controller Status Register 0xD178 32 PCICMASK PCI Controller Interrupt Mask register 0xD180 32 P2GM0GBASE P2G Memory Space 0 G-Bus Base Address Register 0xD184 32 P2GM0CTR P2G Memory Space 0 G-Bus Control Register 0xD188 32 P2GM1GBASE P2G Memory Space 1 G-Bus Base Address Register 0xD18C 32 P2GM1CTR P2G Memory Space 1 G-Bus Control Register 0xD190 32 P2GM2GBASE P2G Memory Space 2 G-Bus Base Address Register 0xD194 32 P2GM2CTR P2G Memory Space 2 G-Bus Control Register 0xD198 32 P2GIOGBASE P2G I/O Space 0 G-Bus Base Address Register 0xD19C 32 P2GIOCTR P2G I/O Space 0 G-Bus Control Register 0xD1A0 32 G2PCFGADRS G2P Configuration Address Register 0xD1A4 32 G2PCFGDATA G2P Configuration Data Register 0xD1B0 32 G2PIDADRS G2P Indirect Access Address Register 0xD1B4 32 G2PIDDATA G2P Indirect Access Data Register 0xD1B8 32 G2PIDCMD G2P Indirect Access Command / Byte Enable Register 0xD1C8 32 G2PINTACK G2P Interrupt Acknowledge Register 0xD1CC 32 G2PSPC G2P Special Cycle Data Register 0xD1E0 32 PCICDATA0 PCI Configuration Data 0 Register 0xD1E4 32 PCICDATA1 PCI Configuration Data 1 Register 0xD1E8 32 PCICDATA2 PCI Configuration Data 2 Register 0xD1EC 32 PCICDATA3 PCI Configuration Data 3 Register 0xD200 32 PDMCA PDMAC Chain Address Register 0xD204 32 PDMGA PDMAC G-Bus Address Register 0xD208 32 PDMPA PDMAC PCI Bus Address Register 0xD210 32 PDMCTR PDMAC Count Register 0xD214 32 PDMCFG PDMAC Configuration Register 0xD21C 32 PDMSTATUS PDMAC Status Register 4-7 Chapter 4 Address Mapping Table 4.2.2 Internal Registers (5/8) Offset Address Register Size (bit) Register Symbol Register Name Configuration 0xE000 32 CCFG Chip Configuration Register 0xE004 32 REVID Chip Revision ID Register 0xE008 32 PCFG Pin Configuration Register 0xE00C 32 TOEA Timeout Error Access Address Register 0xE010 32 PDNCTR 0xE014 32 0xE018 32 Power Down Control Register - - GARBC G-Bus Arbiter Control Register 0xE01C 32 0xE020 32 TOCNT - - 0xE024 32 DRQCTR DMA Request Control Register 0xE028 32 CLKCTR Clock Control Register 0xE02C 32 GARBC G-Bus Arbiter Control Register 0xE030 32 RAMP 0xE034 32 Time Out Count Register Register Address Mapping Register - - Timer (Channel 0) 0xF000 32 TMTCR0 Timer Control Register 0 Timer Interrupt Status Register 0 0xF004 32 TMTISR0 0xF008 32 TMCPRA0 Compare Address Register A 0 0xF00C 32 TMCPRB0 Compare Address Register B 0 0xF010 32 TMITMR0 Interval Timer Mode Register 0 0xF020 32 TMCCDR0 Divider Register 0 0xF030 32 TMPGMR0 Plus Generator Mode Register 0 0xF0F0 32 TMTRR0 Timer Read Register 0 0xF100 32 TMTCR1 Timer Control Register 1 0xF104 32 TMTISR1 Timer Interrupt Status Register 1 Timer (Channel 1) 0xF108 32 TMCPRA1 Compare Address Register A 1 0xF10C 32 TMCPRB1 Compare Address Register B 1 0xF110 32 TMITMR1 Interval Timer Mode Register 1 0xF120 32 TMCCDR1 Divider Register 1 0xF130 32 TMPGMR1 Plus Generator Mode Register 1 0xF1F0 32 TMTRR1 Timer Read Register 1 0xF200 32 TMTCR2 Timer Control Register 2 0xF204 32 TMTISR2 Timer Interrupt Status Register 2 0xF208 32 TMCPRA2 Compare Register A 2 0xF210 32 TMITMR2 Interval Timer Mode Register 2 0xF220 32 TMCCDR2 Divider Register 2 Timer (Channel 2) 0xF240 32 TMWTMR2 Watch Dog Timer Register 2 0xF2F0 32 TMTRR2 Timer Read Register 2 4-8 Chapter 4 Address Mapping Table 4.2.2 Internal Registers (6/8) Offset Address Register Size (bit) Register Symbol Register Name Serial I/O (Channel 0) 0xF300 32 SILCR0 0xF304 32 SIDICR0 Line Control Register 0 DMA/Interrupt Control Register 0 0xF308 32 SIDISR0 DMA/ Interrupt Status Register 0 0xF30C 32 SISCISR0 Status Change Interrupt Status Register 0 0xF310 32 SIFCR0 FIFO Control Register 0 0xF314 32 SIFLCR0 Flow Control Register 0 0xF318 32 SIBGR0 Baud Rate Control Register 0 0xF31C 32 SITFIFO0 Transmitter FIFO Register 0 0xF320 32 SIRFIFO0 Receiver FIFO Register 0 0xF400 32 SILCR1 Line Control Register 1 0xF404 32 SIDICR1 DMA/Interrupt Control Register 1 0xF408 32 SIDISR1 DMA/ Interrupt Status Register 1 0xF40C 32 SISCISR1 Status Change Interrupt Status Register 1 0xF410 32 SIFCR1 FIFO Control Register 1 0xF414 32 SIFLCR1 Flow Control Register 1 Serial I/O (Channel 1) 0xF418 32 SIBGR1 Baud Rate Control Register 1 0xF41C 32 SITFIFO1 Transmitter FIFO Register 1 0xF420 32 SIRFIFO1 Receiver FIFO Register 1 Parallel I/O (PIO) 0xF500 32 PIODO Output Data Register 0xF504 32 PIODI Input Data Register 0xF508 32 PIODIR Direction Control Register 0xF50C 32 PIOOD Open Drain Control Register 4-9 Chapter 4 Address Mapping Table 4.2.2 Internal Registers (7/8) Offset Address Register Size (bit) Register Symbol Register Name Interrupt Controller (IRC) 0xF510 32 IRFLAG0 Interrupt Request Flag 0 Register 0xF514 32 IRFLAG1 Interrupt Request Flag 1 Register 0xF518 32 IRPOL Interrupt Request Polarity Control Register 0xF51C 32 IRRCNT Interrupt Request Control Register 0xF520 32 IRMASKINT Internal Interrupt Mask Register 0xF524 32 IRMASKEXT External Interrupt Mask Register 0xF600 32 IRDEN Interrupt Detection Enable Register 0xF604 32 IRDM0 Interrupt Detection Mode Register 0 0xF608 32 IRDM1 Interrupt Detection Mode Register 1 0xF610 32 IRLVL0 Interrupt Level Register 0 0xF614 32 IRLVL1 Interrupt Level Register 1 0xF618 32 IRLVL2 Interrupt Level Register 2 0xF61C 32 IRLVL3 Interrupt Level Register 3 0xF620 32 IRLVL4 Interrupt Level Register 4 0xF624 32 IRLVL5 Interrupt Level Register 5 0xF628 32 IRLVL6 Interrupt Level Register 6 0xF62C 32 IRLVL7 Interrupt Level Register 7 0xF640 32 IRMSK Interrupt Mask Level Register 0xF660 32 IREDC Interrupt Edge Detection Clear Register 0xF680 32 IRPND Interrupt Pending Register 0xF6A0 32 IRCS Interrupt Current Status Register 4-10 Chapter 4 Address Mapping Table 4.2.2 Internal Registers (8/8) Offset Address Register Size (bit) Register Symbol Register Name AC-link Controller (ACLC) 0xF700 32 ACCTLEN 0xF704 32 ACCTLDIS ACLC Control Enable Register ACLC Control Disable Register 0xF708 32 ACREGACC ACLC CODEC Register Access Register 0xF710 32 ACINTSTS ACLC Interrupt Status Register 0xF714 32 ACINTMSTS ACLC Interrupt Masked Status Register 0xF718 32 ACINTEN ACLC Interrupt Enable Register 0xF71C 32 ACINTDIS ACLC Interrupt Disable Register 0xF720 32 ACSEMAPH ACLC Semaphore Register 0xF740 32 ACGPIDAT ACLC GPI Data Register 0xF744 32 ACGPODAT ACLC GPO Data Register 0xF748 32 ACSLTEN ACLC Slot Enable Register 0xF74C 32 ACSLTDIS ACLC Slot Disable Register 0xF750 32 ACFIFOSTS ACLC FIFO Status Register 0xF780 32 ACDMASTS ACLC DMA Request Status Register 0xF784 32 ACDMASEL ACLC DMA Channel Selection Register 0xF7A0 32 ACAUDODAT ACLC Audio PCM Output Data Register 0xF7A4 32 ACSURRDAT ACLC Surround Data Register 0xF7A8 32 ACCENTDAT ACLC Center Data register ACLC LFE Data Register 0xF7AC 32 ACLFEDAT 0xF7B0 32 ACAUDIDAT ACLC Audio PCM Input Data Register 0xF7B8 32 ACMODODAT ACLC Modem Output Data Register 0xF7BC 32 ACMODIDAT ACLC Modem Input Data Register 0xF7FC 32 ACREVID ACLC Revision ID Register 0xF800 32 SPMCR SPI Master Control Register 0xF804 32 SPCR0 SPI Control Register 0 0xF808 32 SPCR1 SPI Control Register 1 0xF80C 32 SPFS SPI Inter Frame Space Register 0xF810 32 SPI Module (SPI) - - 0xF814 32 SPSR SPI Status Register 0xF818 32 SPDR SPI Data Register 0xF81C 32 - - RTC Module (RTC) 0xF900 32 RTCHI 0xF904 32 RTCLO RTC Register (High) RTC Register (Low) 0xF908 32 ALARMHI Alarm Register (High) 0xF90C 32 ALARMLO Alarm Register (Low) 0xF910 32 RTCCTRL RTC Control Register 0xF914 32 RTCINT RTC Interrupt Status Register 4-11 Chapter 4 Address Mapping 4-12 Chapter 5 Configuration Register 5. Configuration Register 5.1 Outline The configuration registers set up and control the basic functionality of the entire TX4927. Refer to Section 5.2 for details of each configuration register. Also refer to sections mentioned in the description about each bit field. 5.1.1 Detecting G-Bus Timeout The G-Bus is an internal bus of the TX4925. Access to each address on the G-Bus is completed upon a bus response from the accessed address. If an attempt is made to access an undefined physical address or if a hardware failure occurs, no bus response is made. If a bus response does not occur, the bus access will not be completed, leading to a system halt. To solve this problem, the TX4925 is provided with a G-Bus timeout detection function. This function forcibly stops bus access if no bus response occurs within the specified time. Setting the G-Bus Timeout Error Detection bit (CCFG.TOE) of the chip configuration register enables the G-Bus timeout detection function. If a bus response does not occur within the G-Bus clock (GBUSCLK) cycle specified in the G-Bus Timeout count register (TOCNT), the G-Bus timeout detection function makes an error response to force the bus access to end. The accessed address is stored to the timeout error access address register (TOEA). If a timeout error is detected while the TX49/H2 core, as the bus master, is gaining write access to the G-Bus, the Write-Access Bus Error bit (CCFG.BEOW) is set. Enabling interrupt No. 1 in the interrupt controller makes it possible to post an interrupt to the TX49/H2 core. If a timeout error is detected while the TX49/H2 core is gaining read access to the bus, a bus error exception occurs in the TX49/H2 core. If a timeout error is detected while another G-Bus master (the PCI controller or DMA controller) is accessing the G-Bus, an error bit in that controller is set, which can be used to post an interrupt. Refer to the descriptions of each controller for details. If the TRST* signal is deasserted, it is assumed that an EJTAG probe is connected, so the G-Bus timeout detection feature is disabled. 5-1 Chapter 5 Configuration Register 5.2 Register Table 5.2.1 lists the configuration registers. Table 5.2.1 Configuration Register Map Reference Offset Address Size in Bits Mnemonic 5.2.1 0xE000 32 CCFG 5.2.2 0xE004 32 REVID Chip Revision ID Register 5.2.3 0xE008 32 PCFG Pin Configuration Register 5.2.4 0xE00C 32 TOEA Timeout Error Access Address Register 5.2.5 0xE010 32 PDNCTR 0xE014 32 5.2.6 0xE018 32 GARBP 0xE01C 32 5.2.7 0xE020 32 TOCNT 5.2.8 0xE024 32 DRQCTR DMA Request Control Register 5.2.9 0xE028 32 CLKCTR Clock Control Register 5.2.10 0xE02C 32 GARBC GBUS Arbiter Control Register 5.2.11 0xE030 32 RAMP 0xE034 32 Any address not defined in this table is reserved for future use. 5-2 Register Name Chip Configuration Register Power Down Control Register (Reserved) GBUS Arbiter Priority Register (Reserved) Timeout Count Register Register Address Mapping Register (Reserved) Chapter 5 Configuration Register 5.2.1 Chip Configuration Register (CCFG) 0xE000 For the bit fields whose initial values are set by boot configuration (refer to Section 3.2), the initial input signal level and the corresponding register value are indicated. The following bits are Reserved (Read only). An explanation of the type and default was added so the default is reflected in the Boot signal. bit 31: R ~ADDR[10], bit 28: R UAE, bit 27: R ADDR[16] bit 18: R ADDR[17], bit 12: R ADDR[19] 31 27 26 Reserved 15 WR 14 TOE PCIARB R/W 0 R/W 0 ~ADDR[1] Bits 13 24 RF R/W 0 R/W 0 12 23 21 BOOTME 20 Reserved R ADDR[4:3] Field Name 19 18 Reserved PCIMODE R R ADDR[8:6] ADDR[15] 7 6 5 4 SYSSP Reserved 8 R Mnemonic 25 Reserved R/W 11 17 16 TINTDIS BEOW R ADDR[0] 3 2 1 R/W1C : Type 0 0 PCTRCE ENDIAN WDRST UAEHOLD R ~TDO R R/W1C ADDR[14] 0 : Initial value R/W : Type 1 : Initial value Description 31:27 Reserved 26 Reserved Note: This bit is always set to “0”. (Initial value: 0, R/W) 25:24 RF Reduced Frequency Reduced Frequency (Initial value: 00, R/W) These bits select the internal bus speed. 00: full speed 01: 1/2 speed 10: 1/4 speed 11: 1/8 speed 23:21 BOOTME Boot Memory Boot Memory (Initial value: ADDR[8:6], R) Shows Boot Memory 000: SyncFlash 001: Reserved 010: Reserved 011: PCIC 100: Reserved 101: EBUSC ch0 at third speed 110: EBUSC ch0 at half speed 111: EBUSC ch0 at full speed 20 PCIMODE PCI Mode PCI Mode (Initial value: ADDR[15], R) Shows the PCI operation mode. L: Satellite mode H: Host mode 19:18 Reserved 17 TINTDIS 16 BEOW 15 WR TX49/H2 core Timer Interrupt Disable TX49/H2 core Timer Interrupt Disable (Initial value: ADDR[0], R) Shows whether TX49/H2 core Timer Interrupt is enable or disable. L: Enable H: Disable Bus Error on Write Bus Error on Write (Initial value: 0, R/W1C) Indicates that a bus error was generated by a write operation of the TX49/H2 Core. Writing a “1” clears the bit. 0: No error occur 1: Error occurs Watchdog Timer for Reset/NMI Watchdog Timer for Reset/NMI (Initial value: 0, R/W) Designates the connection of the Watchdog Timer. 0: Watchdog Timer Interrupt is connected to TX4925 internal NMI*. 1: Watchdog Timer Interrupt is connected to TX4925 internal Reset. Figure 5.2.1 Chip Configuration Register (CCFG) (1/2) 5-3 Chapter 5 Configuration Register Bits Mnemonic 14 TOE 13 PCIARB 12:8 7:6 SYSSP 5:4 3 Field Name Description Timeout Enable for Bus Error Timeout Enable for Bus Error (Initial value: 0, R/W) Designates the state of the Bus Error time-out function. 0: Disable time out function. 1: Enable time out function. PCI arbiter PCI arbiter. (Initial value: ADDR[1], R) Select PCI arbiter. Latched from ADDR[1] at RESET. L: 0: External arbiter H: 1: Internal arbiter Reserved SYSCLK Speed SYSCLK Speed (Initial value: ADDR[4:3], R) Shows SYSCLK frequency. LL: 00: SYSCLK speed = GBUSCLK speed/4 LH: 01: SYSCLK speed = GBUSCLK speed/3 HL: 10: SYSCLK speed = GBUSCLK speed/2 HH: 11: SYSCLK speed = GBUSCLK speed Reserved Note: These bits are always set to “11” (Initial value: 11, R/W). PCTRCE PC Trace Enable PC Trace Enable (Initial value: TD0, R) Shows whether PC Trace signals are enable or disable. 0: Disable 1: Enable 2 ENDIAN Endian Current Endian Setting (Initial value: ADDR[14], R) Shows the endian mode. L: 0: LITTLE ENDIAN H: 1: BIG ENDIAN 1 WDRST Watchdog Reset Status Watchdog Reset Status (Initial value: 0, R/W1C) Indicates that a watchdog reset was generated. 0: No watchdog reset occur 1: Watchdog reset occurs 0 UAEHOLD UAE Address Hold UAE* Address Hold (Initial value: 1, R/W) 0: Address goes away during the same clock as UAE*. 1: Address is held one clock after the rising edge of UAE*. Figure 5.2.1 Chip Configuration Register (CCFG) (2/2) 5-4 Chapter 5 Configuration Register 5.2.2 Chip Revision ID Register (REVID) 0xE004 31 16 PCODE 15 12 R 0x4925 8 7 11 : Type : Initial value 4 3 0 MJERREV MINEREV MJREV MINREV R 0x0 R 0x0 R 0x1 R 0x1 Bits Mnemonic 31:16 PCODE 15:12 Field Name Description Product Code Product Code (Initial value: 0x4925, R) This field defines the product number. MJERREV Major Extra Code Major Extra Code Implementation Revision (Initial value: 0x0, R) This field defines the major extra code. 11:8 MINEREV Minor Extra Code Minor Extra Code Implementation Revision (Initial value: 0x0, R) This field defines the minor extra code. 7:4 MJREV Major Revision Major Implementation Revision (Initial value: 0x1, R) This field defines a major revision. Contact Toshiba technical staff for an explanation of the revision value. 3:0 MINREV Minor Revision Minor Implementation Revision (Initial value: 0x1, R) This field defines a minor revision. Contact Toshiba technical staff for an explanation of the revision value. Figure 5.2.2 Chip Revision ID Register (REVID) 5-5 : Type : Initial value Chapter 5 Configuration Register 5.2.3 Pin Configuration Register (PCFG) 0xE008 For the bit fields whose initial values are set by boot configuration (refer to Section 3.2), the initial input signal level and the corresponding register value are indicated. 31 SYSCLKEN 30 29 SDRCLKEN 28 27 PCICLKEN 26 25 R/W R/W R/W R/W 1 1 1 ADDR[18] ADDR[18] 15 14 13 12 11 9 SELSIOC SELSIO ACKIN SELTMR R/W 0 R/W 0 0 R/W 0 1 R/W 0 23 Reserved PCICLKIOEN 0 22 R/W 0 8 21 20 Reserved SELSPI R/W 0 R/W 0 4 7 SELDONE 19 18 SELCARD SELCHI Reserved R/W 0 3 R/W 0 SELACLC SELNAND R/W R/W R/W 0 0 0 Field Name 17 16 SELCE Bits Mnemonic 31 SYSCLKEN SYSCLK Enable SYSCLK Enable (Initial value: 1, R/W) Specifies whether to output the SYSCLK. 1: Clock output. 0: L. 30:29 SDRCLKEN [1:0] SDRAM Clock Enable SDRAM Clock Enable (Initial value: 11, R/W) Individually specifies whether to output each of SDCLK [1:0]. 1: Clock output. 0: L. Bit 30 = SDCLK [1] Bit 29 = SDCLK [0] 28:27 PCICLKEN [2:0] PCI Clock Enable PCI Clock Enable (Initial value: ADDR[18], R/W) Individually specifies whether to output each of PCICLK [2:1]. 1: Clock output. 0: L. Bit 28 = PCICLK [2] Bit 27 = PCICLK [1] 26 PCICLKIOEN PCI Clock I/O Enable PCI Clock I/O Enable (Initial value: ADDR[18], R/W) Individually specifies whether to output each of PCICLK [2:1]. 1: Clock output. 0: Clock input. : Type 0 0 0 SELDMA : Initial value R/W : Type : Initial value 0 0 Description 25:23 Reserved 22 Reserved Note: This bit is always set to “0” (Initial value: 0, R/W). 21 SELSPL Select SPI Select SPI (Initial value: 0, R/W) Select SPI function as PIO[23:21] pin. Please refer to “3.3 Pin Multiplexing” about setting. 20 SELCHI Select CHI Select CHI (Initial value: 0, R/W) Select SPI function as PIO[27,20:18] pin. Please refer to “3.3 Pin Multiplexing” about setting. 19:18 SELCARD Select PCMCIA CARD Select PCMCIA CARD (Initial value: 00, R/W) Select PCMCIA CARD function as PIO[31:24] pin. Please refer to “3.3 Pin Multiplexing” about setting. 17:16 SELCE Select CE[5:4]* Select CE[5:4]* (Initial value: 00, R/W) Select CE[5:4]* function as PIO[29:28] pin. Please refer to “3.3 Pin Multiplexing” about setting. 15:14 SELSIOC Select SIO Control Pins Select SIO Control Pins (Initial value: 00, R/W) Select SIO ch1, 0 control signals (RTS, CTS) as PIO[15,14,9,8] pin. Please refer to “3.3 Pin Multiplexing” about setting. 13:12 SELSIO Select SIO Select SIO (Initial value: 00, R/W) Select SIO ch1, 0 signals (TXD, RXD) as PIO[17,16,11,10] pin. Please refer to “3.3 Pin Multiplexing” about setting. 11 ACKIN ACK* input ACK* input (Initial value: 1, R/W) When this bit is one, ACK* signal is input. 0 : ACK* pin changes from input to output dynamically based on EBUSC channel settings. 1 : ACK* pin is input only. Figure 5.2.3 Pin Configuration Register (PCFG) (1/2) 5-6 Chapter 5 Configuration Register Bits Mnemonic Field Name Description 10:9 SELTMR[1:0] Select TIMER Select TIMER (Initial value: 00, R/W) Select TIMER Pins as PIO[20:19] pin. Please refer to “3.3 Pin Multiplexing” about setting. 8 SELDONE Select DMADONE* Select DMADONE* (Initial value: 0, R/W) Select DMADONE* as PIO[0] pin. Please refer to “3.3 Pin Multiplexing” about setting. 7:4 3 SELACLC Select ACLC Select ACLC (Initial value: 0, R/W) Select ACLC function as PIO[17:12] pin. Please refer to “3.3 Pin Multiplexing” about setting. 2 SELNAND Select NAND Interface Select NAND Interface (Initial value: 0, R/W) Select NAND Flash Memory function as PIO[17:12] pin. Please refer to “3.3 Pin Multiplexing” about setting. 1:0 SELDMA Select DMA Select DMA (Initial value: 00, R/W) Select DMA ch1,0 signals (DMAACK, DMAREQ) function as PIO[4:1] pin. Please refer to “3.3 Pin Multiplexing” about setting. Reserved Figure 5.2.3 Pin Configuration Register (PCFG) (2/2) 5-7 Chapter 5 Configuration Register 5.2.4 Timeout Error Access Address Register (TOEA) 0xE00C 31 16 TOEA [31:16] R Undefined : Type : Initial value 15 0 TOEA [15:0] R Undefined Bits Mnemonic 31:0 TOEA Field Name Timeout Error Access Address : Type : Initial value Description Timeout Error Access Address (Initial value: Undefined, R) This register latches the address on the bus when bus error occurs. Figure 5.2.4 Timeout Error Access Address Register (TOEA) 5-8 Chapter 5 Configuration Register 5.2.5 31 Reserved Power Down Control Register (PDNCTR) 30 PDN 29 28 Reserved STPCPU R/W 0 27 26 Reserved 0xE010 25 16 PDNMSK R/W 0 R/W 0x3FF 15 : Type : Initial value 0 PUTCV R/W 0x0000 Bits Mnemonic 31 30 PDN Field Name Description Reserved Power Down Trigger : Type : Initial value Power Down Trigger (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit is a trigger for the Power Down Sequence. It is set to 0 upon reset and a 0 to 1 transition will initiate the power down sequence. This bit is not cleared to 0 automatically by wakeup from power down. Please clear to 0 before next power down. 29 28 STPCPU 27:26 25:16 PDNMSK Power Down Mask Power Down Mask (Initial value: 0x3FF, R/W) Indicates which external interrupt signals wake from power down mode. A bit is allocated to each interrupt source. Set 1 and enables wakeup. 1: Interrupt Enabled 0: Interrupt Disabled PDNMSK[9] = RTC PDNMSK[8] = NMI PDNMSK[7] = INT[7] PDNMSK[6] = INT[6] PDNMSK[5] = INT[5] PDNMSK[4] = INT[4] PDNMSK[3] = INT[3] PDNMSK[2] = INT[2] PDNMSK[1] = INT[1] PDNMSK[0] = INT[0] 15:0 PUTCV Power Up Time Counter Value Power Up Time Counter Value (Initial value: 0x0000, R/W) This field determines the number of input clocks that expire after a wakeup has been initiated from STANDBY mode. The clock signal of this counter is MSTRCLK. Reserved Stop CPU Clock Stop CPU Clock (Initial value: 0, R/W) When this bit is set to 1, the CPU clock stops after TX49/H2 core operates WAIT instruction and becomes the HALT mode. It is set to 0 upon reset. It is not cleared to 0 automatically by wakeup from power down mode. Please clear to 0 and set to 1 before next CPU clock stop. Reserved Figure 5.2.5 Power Down Control Register (PDNCTR) 5-9 Chapter 5 Configuration Register 5.2.6 GBUS Arbiter Priority Register (GARBP) 0xE018 31 16 Reserved : Type : Initial value 15 0 PRIORITY Reserved R/W 0x4688 Bits Mnemonic 31:15 14:0 PRIORITY Field Name : Type : Initial value Description Reserved Arbitration Priority Arbitration Priority (Initial value: 0x4688, R/W) This field determines the priority when GARBC.ARBMD is cleared “0” to choose the fixed priority. Bit[14:12] = Lowest Priority Bus Master Bit[11:9] = Fourth Priority Bus Master Bit[8:6] = Third Priority Bus Master Bit[5:3] = Second Priority Bus Master Bit[2:0] = Highest Priority Bus Master 000: CHI 001: Reserved 010: PDMAC 011: PCIC 100: DMAC The initial priority is the following. CHI > PDMAC > PCIC > DMAC Figure 5.2.6 GBUS Arbiter Priority Register (GARBP) 5.2.7 Timeout Count Register (TOCNT) 0xE020 31 16 Reserved : Type : Initial value 15 0 GTOCNT R/W 0x0FFF Bits Mnemonic 31:16 15:0 GTOCNT Field Name Description Reserved GBUS Timeout Count : Type : Initial value GBUS Timeout Count (Initial value: 0x0FFF, R/W) This register defined the number of GBUSCLK before a time out occurs. Figure 5.2.7 Timeout Count Register (TOCNT) 5-10 Chapter 5 Configuration Register 5.2.8 DMA Request Control Register (DRQCTR) 0xE024 31 16 Reserved : Type : Initial value 15 Bits 12 11 8 7 4 3 0 DMAREQ[3] DMAREQ[2] DMAREQ[1] DMAREQ[0] R/W 0x0 R/W 0x0 R/W 0x0 R/W 0x0 Mnemonic Field Name Description 31:16 15:12 DMAREQ[3] DMA Request 3 DMA Request 3 (Initial value: 0x0, R/W) This field selects the DMA request source of DMAREQ[3]. 0xxx: reserved 1000: SIO ch0. Receive 1001: SIO ch1 Receive 1010: SIO ch0. Transmit 1011: SIO ch1 Transmit 1100: ACLC ch0 1101: ACLC ch1 1110: ACLC ch2 1111: ACLC ch3 11:8 DMAREQ[2] DMA Request 2 DMA Request 2 (Initial value: 0x0, R/W) This field selects the DMA request source of DMAREQ[2]. 0xxx: reserved 1000: SIO ch0. Receive 1001: SIO ch1 Receive 1010: SIO ch0. Transmit 1011: SIO ch1 Transmit 1100: ACLC ch0 1101: ACLC ch1 1110: ACLC ch2 1111: ACLC ch3 7:4 DMAREQ[1] DMA Request 1 DMA Request 1 (Initial value: 0x0, R/W) This field selects the DMA request source of DMAREQ[1]. 0xxx: DMAREQ[1] (external signal) 1000: SIO ch0. Receive 1001: SIO ch1 Receive 1010: SIO ch0. Transmit 1011: SIO ch1 Transmit 1100: ACLC ch0 1101: ACLC ch1 1110: ACLC ch2 1111: ACLC ch3 3:0 DMAREQ[0] DMA Request 0 DMA Request 0 (Initial value: 0x0, R/W) This field selects the DMA request source of DMAREQ[0]. 0xxx: DMAREQ[0] (external signal) 1000: SIO ch0. Receive 1001: SIO ch1 Receive 1010: SIO ch0. Transmit 1011: SIO ch1 Transmit 1100: ACLC ch0 1101: ACLC ch1 1110: ACLC ch2 1111: ACLC ch3 Reserved Figure 5.2.8 DMA Request Control Register (DRQCTR) 5-11 : Type : Initial value Chapter 5 Configuration Register 5.2.9 Clock Control Register (CLKCTR) 0xE028 For the low-order 16 bits of the clock control register, canceling a reset requires that the corresponding reset bit be cleared by software. Before clearing them, wait at least 128 CPU clock cycles after they are set. 31 28 Reserved 15 12 Reserved Bits Mnemonic 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 PCICKE DMACKE Reserved SIO0CKE SIO1CKE TMR0CKE TMR1CKE TMR2CKE CHICKE R/W 1 11 R/W 1 10 PCIRSTI DMARSTI R/W 1 R/W 1 18 17 16 SPICKE ACLCKE PIOCKE 9 R/W 1 8 R/W 1 7 R/W 1 6 R/W 1 5 R/W 1 4 R/W 1 3 R/W 1 2 R/W 1 1 R/W : Type 1 : Initial value 0 Reserved SIO0RSTI SIO1RSTI TMR0RSTI TMR1RSTI TMR2RSTI CHIRSTI SPIRSTI ACLRSTI PIORSTI R/W 1 R/W 1 R/W 1 R/W 1 R/W 1 R/W 1 R/W 1 R/W 1 R/W : Type 1 : Initial value Field Name Description 31:28 27 PCICKE PCIC Clock Enable PCIC Clock Enable (Initial value: 1, R/W) This bit controls the PCIC clock. 0: Stop clock 1: Supply clock 26 DMACKE DMAC Clock Enable DMAC Clock Enable (Initial value: 1, R/W) This bit controls the DMAC clock. 0: Stop clock 1: Supply clock Reserved 25 24 SIO0CKE SIO0 Clock Enable SIO0 Clock Enable (Initial value: 1, R/W) This bit controls the SIO0 clock. 0: Stop clock 1: Supply clock 23 SIO1CKE SIO1 Clock Enable SIO1 Clock Enable (Initial value: 1, R/W) This bit controls the SIO1 clock. 0: Stop clock 1: Supply clock 22 TMR0CKE TMR0 Clock Enable TMR0 Clock Enable (Initial value: 1, R/W) This bit controls the TMR0 clock. 0: Stop clock 1: Supply clock 21 TMR1CKE TMR1 Clock Enable TMR1 Clock Enable (Initial value: 1, R/W) This bit controls the TMR1 clock. 0: Stop clock 1: Supply clock 20 TMR2CKE TMR2 Clock Enable TMR2 Clock Enable (Initial value: 1, R/W) This bit controls the TMR2 clock. 0: Stop clock 1: Supply clock 19 CHICKE CHI Clock Enable CHI Clock Enable (Initial value: 1, R/W) This bit controls the CHI clock. 0: Stop clock 1: Supply clock 18 SPICKE SPI Clock Enable SPI Clock Enable (Initial value: 1, R/W) This bit controls the SPI clock. 0: Stop clock 1: Supply clock 17 ACLCKE ACLC Clock Enable ACLC Clock Enable (Initial value: 1, R/W) This bit controls the ACLC clock. 0: Stop clock 1: Supply clock Reserved Figure 5.2.9 Clock Control Register (CLKCTR) (1/2) 5-12 Chapter 5 Configuration Register Bits Mnemonic Field Name Description 16 PIOCKE PIO Clock Enable 15:12 Reserved 11 PCIRSTI PCIC Reset Inactive PCIC Reset Inactive (Initial value: 1, R/W) When this bit is set to “0”, PCIC is reset. 0: Reset 1: normal t 10 DMARSTI DMAC Reset Inactive DMAC Reset Inactive (Initial value: 1, R/W) When this bit is set to “0”, DMAC is reset. 0: Reset 1: normal PIO Clock Enable (Initial value: 1, R/W) This bit controls the PIO clock. 0: Stop clock 1: Supply clock 9 8 SIO0RSTI SIO0 Reset Inactive SIO0 Reset Inactive (Initial value: 1, R/W) When this bit is set to “0”, SIO0 is reset. 0: Reset 1: normal 7 SIO1RSTI SIO1 Reset Inactive SIO1 Reset Inactive (Initial value: 1, R/W) When this bit is set to “0”, SIO1 is reset. 0: Reset 1: normal 6 TMR0RSTI TMR0 Reset Inactive TMR0 Reset Inactive (Initial value: 1, R/W) When this bit is set to “0”, TMR0 is reset. 0: Reset 1: normal 5 TMR1RSTI TMR1 Reset Inactive TMR1 Reset Inactive (Initial value: 1, R/W) When this bit is set to “0”, TMR1 is reset. 0: Reset 1: normal 4 TMR2RSTI TMR2 Reset Inactive TMR2 Reset Inactive (Initial value: 1, R/W) When this bit is set to “0”, TMR2 is reset. 0: Reset 1: normal 3 CHIRSTI CHI Reset Inactive CHI Reset Inactive (Initial value: 1, R/W) When this bit is set to “0”, CHI is reset. 0: Reset 1: normal 2 SPIRSTI SPI Reset Inactive SPI Reset Inactive (Initial value: 1, R/W) When this bit is set to “0”, SPI is reset. 0: Reset 1: normal 1 ACLRSTI ACLC Reset Inactive ACLC Reset Inactive (Initial value: 1, R/W) When this bit is set to “0”, ACLC is reset. 0: Reset 1: normal 0 PIORSTI PIO Reset Inactive PIO Reset Inactive (Initial value: 1, R/W) When this bit is set to “0”, PIO is reset. 0: Reset 1: normal Reserved Figure 5.2.9 Clock Control Register (CLKCTR) (2/2) 5-13 Chapter 5 Configuration Register 5.2.10 GBUS Arbiter Control Register (GARBC) 0xE02C 31 16 Reserved : Type : Initial value 15 13 12 Reserved Bits Mnemonic 5 4 3 0 Reserved Reserved ARBMD R/W 0x00 R/W 1 R/W 1111 Field Name : Type : Initial value Description 31:13 Reserved 12:5 Reserved Note: This bit is always set to “0” (Initial value: 0x00, R/W). 4 Reserved Note: This bit is always set to “1” (Initial value: 1, R/W). 3:0 ARBMD Arbitration Mode Arbitration Priority (Initial value: 1111, R/W) Specifies how to prioritize G-Bus arbitration. 0000: Fixed priority. The G-Bus arbitration priority conforms to the content of the PRIORITY field (bits [14:0]). 1111: Round-robin (in a round-robin fashion, CHI > PDMAC > RTC > DMAC) Others: Reserved (Don’t set these values.) Note: Before accessing the PCI by DMAC, specify round-robin as the priority mode. If fixed-priority mode is selected, a dead lock is likely to occur in PCI bus access. Figure 5.2.10 GBUS Arbiter Control Register (GARBC) 5.2.11 Register Address Mapping Register (RAMP) 0xE030 31 16 Reserved : Type : Initial value 15 0 RAMP [31:16] R/W 0xFF1F Bits Mnemonic 31:16 15:0 RAMP[31:16] Field Name Description Reserved Register Address Mapping : Type : Initial value Register Address Mapping (Initial value: 0xFF1F, R/W) This is a base address register for the TX4925 built-in registers. It holds the highorder 16 bits of a register address. The default built-in register base address is 0xFFIF_0000. Even after the content of the base address register is changed, the default value can be used to reference the built-in registers. (Refer to "4.2 Register Map".) Figure 5.2.11 Register Address Mapping Register (RAMP) 5-14 Chapter 6 Clocks 6. Clocks 6.1 TX4925 Clock Signals Figure 6.1.1 shows the configuration of TX4925 blocks and clock signals. Table 6.1.1 describes each clock signal. Table 6.1.2 shows the relationship among different clock signals when the CPU clock frequency is 200 MHz. PCICLK[2:1] 1/6 PCI PCICLK_IO CG 1/1 SYSCLK 1/2 External Device 1/3 TX49/H2 Core 1/4 EJTAG/DSU ADDR[4:3] PLL 1/1 1/2 x2.5 SDCLK[1:0] CPUCLK 1/4 DATA latch 1/8 SDRAM SDCLKIN 1/1 1/2 x4 SDRAMC GBUSCLK 1/4 Refresh Counter 1/8 1/2 CCFG.RF GBUSCLKF IMBUSCLKF 1/2 IMBUSCLK MASTERCLK OSC TCK DCLK EBUSC NDFMC CLKGATE DMAC PDNCTR.STPCPU PCIC DMACKE PCICKE CHICKE CHI CHICLK PIOCKE TMR2CKE IRC TMR1CKE CLKGATE TMR0CKE PIO SIO1CKE TMR2 SIO0CKE ACLCKE TMR1 SPICKE TMR0 CLKCTR SIO1 TCLK SCLK SIO0 C32IN C32OUT ACLC BITCLK OSC SPI RTC TX4925 BC32K Figure 6.1.1 TX4925 Block and Clock Configuration 6-1 Chapter 6 Clocks Table 6.1.1 TX4925 Clock Signals (1/2) Clock Input/ Output Related Related Registers Configuration Signals (Refer to Chapters 5 (Refer to Section 3.2) and 10.) Description MASTERCLK Input Master input clock for the TX4925. The TX4925 internal clock generator multiplies or divides MASTERCLK to generate internal clock pulses. CPUCLK Internal signal Clock supplied to the TX49/H2 core. The PLL in the TX4925 generates CPUCLK by multiplying MASTERCLK. The value of CCFG.RF can be used to dynamically change the frequency ratio of CPUCLK to MASTERCLK. CCFG.RF[1:0] LL = 10 times MASTERCLK LH = 5 times MASTERCLK HL = 2.5 times MASTERCLK HH = 1.25 times MASTERCLK CCFG.RF [1:0] GBUSCLK Internal signal Clock supplied to peripheral blocks on the G-Bus. The PLL in the TX4925 generates GBUSCLK by multiplying MASTERCLK. The value of CCFG.RF can be used to dynamically change the frequency ratio of GBUSCLK to MASTERCLK. CCFG.RF[1:0] LL = 4 times MASTERCLK LH = 2 times MASTERCLK HL = 1 times MASTERCLK HH = 1/2 times MASTERCLK CCFG.RF [1:0] GBUSCLKF Internal signal Clock supplied to peripheral blocks on the G-Bus. The PLL in the TX4925 generates GBUSCLKF by multiplying MASTERCLK by 4. The frequency of this clock does not vary with the value of CCFG.RG. It is used for SDRAMC refresh counting. IMBUSCLK Internal signal Clock supplied to peripheral modules on the IM-Bus. The frequency of IMBUSCLK is half that of GBUSCLK. In the same way as with GBUSCLK, the frequency of IMBUSCLK varies with the value of CCFG.RF. IMBUSCLKF Internal signal Clock supplied to peripheral modules on the IM Bus. The frequency of IMBUSCLKF is half that of GBUSCLKF. In the same way as with GBUSCLKF, the frequency of IMBUSCLKF does not vary with the value of CCFG.RF. It is used as a SIO baud rate clock or TMR count clock. SYSCLK Output System clock output from the TX4925. Used by the devices connected to the external bus controller (EBUSC). Boot configuration signals ADDR[4: 3] can set the frequency ratio of SYSCLK to GBUSCLK. ADDR[4:3] LL: GBUSCLK divided by 4 LH: GBUSCLK divided by 3 HL: GBUSCLK divided by 2 HH: GBUSCLK divided by 1 In the same way as with GBUSCLK, the frequency of SYSCLK varies with the value of CCFG.RF. The SYSCLKEN bit of the PCFG register can disable the output of SYSCLK. Note:To use SYSCLK to access external devices, the SYSCLK rate must match the EBUSC channel operating rate. For details, refer to Section 7.3.8. 6-2 ADDR[4: 3] CCFG.RF [1:0] CCFG.SYSSP PCFG.SYSCLKEN CCFG.RF [1:0] Chapter 6 Clocks Table 6.1.1 TX4925 Clock Signals (2/2) Clock Input/ Output Related Related Registers Configuration Signals (Refer to Chapters 5 (Refer to Section 3.2) and 10.) Description Clock supplied to SDRAM. The frequency of SDCLK[1:0] is the same as that of GBUSCLK. In the same way as with GBUSCLK, the frequency of SDCLK varies with the value of CCFG.RF. The SDCLKEN[1:0] field of the PCFG register can disable the output of SDCLK[1:0] on a per bit basis. PCFG.SDCLKEN [1:0] CCFG.RF[1:0] SDCLK[1:0] Output SDCLKIN Input/output Reference clock used to latch input data signals from SDRAM. The clock output from SDCLK should be connected to SDCLKIN via a feedback line outside the TX4925. PCICLK[2:1] Output Clock supplied to devices on the PCI bus. The PLL in the TX4925 generates PCICLK by multiplying MASTERCLK by 5/3. These clock signals are output when the ADDR[18] boot configuration signal is set to use the clock internally generated in the TX4925 as PCICLK. Otherwise, the pins are placed in High-Z state. The PCICLKEN bit of the PCFG register can also disable the output of PCICLK after the reset sequence is completed. Note:PCICLK[2:1] can supply clock pulses at 33 MHz when the MASTERCLK frequency is set to 20 MHz. ADDR[18] PCFG.PCICLKEN[2:1] PCICLKIO Input/output PCI bus clock. The built-in PCI controller of the TX4925 operates with this clock. A boot configuration signal (ADDR[18]) can determine whether the clock internally generated in the TX4925 is used as PCICLK. If the TX4925 internal clock is selected, the clock signals are output and simultaneously fed back to the internal PCI block. When using the PCI block, therefore, do not set the PCICLK Enable field of the pin configuration register (PCFG.PCICLKEN[0]) to 0. ADDR[18] PCFG.PCICLKEN[0] SCLK Input Input clock for SIO. SCLK is shared by SIO0 and SIO1. The pin is shared with the PIO[5] signal. TCLK Input Input clock for timers. TCLK is shared by TMR0, TMR1, and TMR2. The pin is shared with the PIO[18] signal. BITCLK Input Input clock for the AC-link controller. The pin is shared with the PIO[15] signal. CHICLK Input/output Clock for the CHI module. The pin is shared with the PIO[19] signal. The direction of the clock signal is set using CHICLOCK. SPICLK Output Output clock for the SPI module. The pin is shared with the PIO[23] signal. TCK Input Input clock for JTAG. DCLK Output Clock output for the real-time debugging system. 6-3 TDO CHICLOCK Chapter 6 Clocks Table 6.1.2 Relationship Among Different Clock Frequencies Input Clock Internal Clock External Clock (Output) SYSCLK (MHz) MASTERCLK (MHz) 20 RF Setting CPUCLK GBUSCLK GBUSCLKF IMBUSCLK IMBUSCLKF (MHz) (MHz) (MHz) (MHz) (MHz) SDCLK [1:0] (MHz) Boot Configuration Setting ADDR[4:3] 11 10 01 00 00 200 80 80 40 40 80 80 40 26.7 20 01 100 40 80 20 40 40 40 20 13.3 10 10 50 20 80 10 40 20 20 10 6.7 5 11 25 10 80 5 40 10 10 5 3.3 2.5 6-4 PCICLK[2:1], PCICLK_IO (MHz) 33 Chapter 6 Clocks 6.2 Power-Down Mode 6.2.1 Halt Mode and Doze Mode The WAIT instruction causes the TX49/H2 core to enter either of the two low-power modes: Halt and Doze. The TX49/H2 can exit from Halt or Doze mode upon an interrupt exception. Ensure, therefore, that the TX49/H2 does not enter Halt or Doze mode when all interrupts are masked in the interrupt controller. The HALT bit of the TX49/H2 core Config register is used to select Halt or Doze mode. As the TX4925 does not use the snoop function of the TX49/H2 core, the bit should be set to select Halt mode, which achieves greater power reduction than Doze mode. Setting PDNCTR.STPCPU to 1 and then executing the WAIT instruction can stop the clock input to the TX49/H2 core, thus further reducing power dissipation. The PDNCTR.STPCPU bit is not automatically cleared to 0 when the device exits from Halt or Doze mode. To subsequently reenter Halt or Doze mode, first clear the bit to 0 in the program. 6.2.2 Power Reduction for Peripheral Modules When the system does not use the DMA controller, PCI controller, CHI module, serial I/O controller, timers/counters, SPI module, parallel I/O controller, or AC-link controller, it can stop the input clock for that module to reduce power dissipation. The clock control register (CLKCTR) is used to control whether to turn each clock on or off. The module should be reset before its clock can be turned on or off. This reset is performed using the reset bit for the specific module, provided in the clock control register. The reset also initializes the registers of the module, thus requiring subsequent setup of necessary register values and other configurations. Refer to Section 5.2.9, “Clock Control Register” for detail of the clock control register (CLKCTR). 6.2.3 Power-Down Mode Setting the PDNCTR.PDN bit to 1 can stop all clocks output from the CG. This also stops the PLL. In this state, only the RTC operates with the 32 kHz clock. There is some delay between the time when the PDNCTR.PDN bit is set to 1 and the time when the PLL and clock outputs actually stop. To prevent a bus cycle from occurring during power-down or power-up transition, execute the program from cache. Use an external interrupt or RTC interrupt to exit from power-down mode. PDNCTR.PDNMSK specifies which interrupt will be used. Note that if the device enters power-down mode with all interrupts disabled, you can only restore device operation by resetting it. The PDNCTR.PDN bit is not automatically cleared to 0 when the device exits from power-down mode. To subsequently reenter power-down mode, first clear the bit to 0 in the program. 6-5 Chapter 6 Clocks 6.3 Power-On Sequence MASTERCLK stable time Vdd MASTERCLK // // // // // // // // // RESET* // // // // RESET* width time PON* PON* width time PLL stable time PLL output CPUCLK GBUSCLK PCICLK Figure 6.3.1 Power-On Sequence 6-6 // // // // // Chapter 7 External Bus Controller 7. 7.1 External Bus Controller Features The External Bus Controller is used for accessing ROM, SRAM memory, and I/O peripherals. The features of this bus are described below. • 8 independent channels (Channel 6 and 7 are used only PCMCIA mode.) • Supports access to ROM (mask ROM, page mode ROM, EPROM, EEPROM), SRAM, flash memory, and I/O peripherals. • Selectable data bus width of 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit for each channel • Selectable full-speed, 1/2 speed, 1/3 speed, 1/4 speed for each channel • Programmable timing for each channel. Programmable setup and hold time of address, chip enable, write enable, and output enable signals. • Supports memory sizes from 1 MB to 1 GB for devices with a 32-bit data bus. Supports memory sizes from 1 MB to 512 MB for devices with a 16-bit data bus. Supports memory sizes from 1 MB to 256 MB for devices with an 8-bit data bus. • Supports special DMAC Burst access (address decrement/fixed). • Supports critical word first access of the TX49/H2 core. • Supports page mode memory. Supports 4-, 8-, and 16-page size. • Supports the External Acknowledge Signal (ACK*) and External Ready Signal modes. • Channel 0 and 7 can be used as Boot memory. Boot settings can be made from the following selections: - Data bus width: 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit - ACK* output or ACK* input - BWE pin (byte enable or byte Write enable) - Boot channel clock frequency 7-1 Chapter 7 External Bus Controller 7.2 Block Diagram External Bus Controller (EBUSC) G-Bus G-Bus I/F Channel Control Register CE*[5:0] OE* SWE* CH0 ACEHOLD Register Address Decoder Address Decoder Boot Options Timing Control Host I/F Timing Control BWE*[3:0]/BE*[3:0] ACK*/READY UAE CARDREG* CARDDIR* CARD1CSH/L*,CARD2CSH/L* Channel Control Register CARDIORD* CARDIOWR* CARD1WAIT*,CARD2WAIT* CH7 Address Decoder EBIF Control ADDR[19:0] EBIF DATA[31:0] BUSSPRT* SYSSP CG Figure 7.2.1 Block Diagram of External Bus Controller 7-2 SYSCLK Chapter 7 External Bus Controller 7.3 Detailed Explanation 7.3.1 External Bus Control Register The External Bus Controller (EBUSC) has eight channels. This register contains one Channel Control Register (EBCCRn) for each channel, and all settings can be made independently for each channel. However channel 6 and 7 are used only PCMCIA mode because TX4925 hasn’t CE[7:6] signals. Word access is possible for a Control Register. Be sure to make any Enable settings to EBCCRn.ME last. If EBCCRn.ME is enabled before setting the base address, then unintended memory access may result. 7-3 Chapter 7 External Bus Controller 7.3.2 Global/Boot-up Options In addition to the settings made separately for each channel, the Channel Control Registers can also use global options that make settings common to all channels. External Bus Controller Channel 0 and 7 can be used as a Boot memory channel. Channel 0 and 7 is set by the external pins (Boot pins) during reset. These settings are summarized below in Table 7.3.1. (Please refer to “3.2 Boot Configuration” and “5.2.1 Chip Configuration Register” for more information.) Table 7.3.1 Global/Boot-up Options (1/2) Pin Name Set Register Explanation PCFG.ACKIN Selects the operation mode of the ACK*/READY signal. 0 = ACK*/READY Dynamic mode (Default) 1 = ACK*/READY Static mode CCFG.UAEHOLD Sets the address hold time relative to the UAE signal. 0: Address changes simultaneous to deassertion of the UAE signal. 1: Address changes 1 clock cycle after deassertion of the UAE signal. (Default) CCFG.SYSSP Specifies the division ratio of the SYSCLK output relative to the internal bus clock (GBUSCLK). 00: 1/4 speed (1/4 the GBUSCLK frequency) 01: 1/3 speed (1/3 the GBUSCLK frequency) 10: 1/2 speed (1/2 the GBUSCLK frequency) 11: Full speed (same frequency as the GBUSCLK frequency) EBCCR0.ME Specifies whether to enable or disable Channel 0. 0: Disable this channel as a Boot channel. (ADDR[8] = 0) 1: Enable this channel as a Boot channel. (ADDR[8] = 1) EBCCR0.SP Specifies the operation speed of Channel 0. 00: 1/4 Speed mode (ADDR[8:6] = 100b) 01: 1/3 Speed mode (ADDR[8:6] = 101b) 10: 1/2 Speed mode (ADDR[8:6] = 110b) 11: Full Speed mode (ADDR[8:6] = 111b) ADDR[11] EBCCR0.BC When accessing Channel 0, specifies whether to use the BWE[3:0] signal as a Byte Enable signal (BE[3:0]) or to use it as a Byte Write Enable signal (BWE[3:0]). 0: Byte Enable mode 1: Byte Write Enable mode ADDR[5] EBCCR0.EACK Specifies the Channel 0 access mode. 0: Disable ACK* Input Mode (ADDR[5] = H) 1: Enable ACK* Input Mode (ADDR[5] = L) EBCCR0.BSZ Specifies the memory bus width of Channel 0. 00: Reserved 01: 32-bit width 10: 16-bit width 11: 8-bit width ADDR[4:3] ADDR[8:6] ADDR[13:12] 7-4 Chapter 7 External Bus Controller 7.3.3 Address Mapping Each of the eight channels can use the Base Address field (EBBAR.BA[31:20]) and the Channel Size field (EBCCRn.CS[3:0]) of the External Bus Channel Control Register to map to any physical address. A channel is selected when the following equation becomes True. paddr[31:20] & !Mask[31:20] == BA[31:20] & !Mask[31:20] In the above equation, paddr represents the accessed physical address, Mask[31:20] represents the address mask value selected from Table 7.3.1 from the Channel Size, the ampersand (&) represents the AND operation, and the exclamation mark (!) represents the Logical NOT for each bit. Operation is indeterminate when either multiple channels are selected simultaneously, or a channel is selected simultaneously with the SDRAM Controller or PCI Controller. Table 7.3.2 Address Mask CS[3:0] Channel Size Address Mask[31:20] 0000 1 MB 0000_0000_0000 0001 2 MB 0000_0000_0001 0010 4 MB 0000_0000_0011 0011 8 MB 0000_0000_0111 0100 16 MB 0000_0000_1111 0101 32 MB 0000_0001_1111 0110 64 MB 0000_0011_1111 0111 128 MB 0000_0111_1111 1000 256 MB 0000_1111_1111 1001 512 MB 0001_1111_1111 1010 1 GB 0011_1111_1111 1011 Reserved Reserved 1100 Reserved Reserved 1101 Reserved Reserved 1110 Reserved Reserved 1111 Reserved Reserved 7-5 Chapter 7 External Bus Controller 7.3.4 External Address Output The maximum memory space size for each channel is 1 GB (230B). Addresses are output by dividing the 20-bit ADDR[19:0] signal into two parts: the upper address and the lower address. The address bit output to each bit of the ADDR[19:0] signal changes according to the setting of the channel data bus width. (See “7.3.5 Data Bus Size” for more information.) It is possible for an external device to latch the upper eight address bits using the UAE signal. Either the UAE signal itself can be used as a Latch Enable signal or the upper address can be latched at the rise of SYSCLK when the UAE signal is being asserted. The ADDR signal output is held for one clock cycle after the UAE signal assertion when the CCFG.UAEHOLD bit is set (default). (See Figure 7.5.1.) The ADDR signal output is not held when the CCFG.UAEHOLD bit is cleared. This hold time setting is applied globally to all channels. The UAE signal of the upper address is always asserted at the first external bus access cycle after Reset. In all subsequent external bus access cycles, the bit mapping of the upper address output to ADDR[19:12] is compared to the bit mapping of the upper address output to ADDR[19:12] previously. The upper address is output and the UAE signal is asserted only if the compared results do not match. As indicated below in Table 7.3.3, in the case of channel sizes that do not use the upper address latched by the UAE signal, with the exception of the first cycle after reset, the upper address is not output and the UAE signal is not asserted. Table 7.3.3 Relationship Between the Upper Address Output and the Channel Size (CS) CS 1 MB 2 MB 4 MB 32 bits √ 16 bits √ √ 8 bits √ √ √ Bus Width 8 MB or more √: The upper address output changes when the upper address changes. : The upper address output does not change (with the exception of the first cycle after reset.) 7-6 Chapter 7 External Bus Controller 7.3.5 Data Bus Size The External Bus Controller supports devices with a data bus width of 8 bits, 16 bits, and 32 bits. The data bus width is selected using the BSZ field of the Channel Control Register (EBCCRn). The address bits output to each bit of the ADDR[19:0] signal change according to the mode. When access of a size larger than the data bus width is performed, the dynamic bus sizing function is used to execute multiple bus access cycles in order from the lower address. 32-bit Bus Width Mode DATA[31:0] becomes valid. Bits [21:2] of the physical address are output to ADDR[19:0]. The internal address bits [29:22], which are the upper address, are multiplexed to external ADDR[19:12]. The maximum memory size is 1 GB. Table 7.3.4 Address Output Bit Correspondence in the 32-bit Mode ADDR Bit 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Upper Address 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 Lower Address 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 When a Single cycle that accesses 1-Byte/1 half-word/1-word data is executed, 32-bit access is executed only once on the external bus. 32-bit access is executed twice when performing 1double-word access. When a Burst cycle is executed, one 32-bit cycles are executed for each Burst access when the Bus cycle tries to request a byte combination other than word data. 16-bit Bus Width Mode DATA[15:0] becomes valid. Bits [20:1] of the physical address are output to ADDR[19:0]. The internal address bits [28:21], which are the upper address, are multiplexed to external ADDR[19:12]. In other words, the address is shifted up one bit relative to the 32-bit bus mode when output. As a result, the maximum memory size of the 16-bit bus mode is 512 MB. Table 7.3.5 Address Output Bit Correspondence in the 16-bit Mode ADDR Bit 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Upper Address 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 Lower Address 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 When a Single cycle that accesses 1-Byte or 1 half-word data is executed, 16-bit access is executed only once on the external bus. 16-bit access is executed twice when performing 1-word access. 16-bit access is executed four times when performing 1-double-word access. When a Burst cycle is executed, two 16-bit cycles are executed for each Burst access when the Bus cycle tries to request a byte combination other than word data. 7-7 Chapter 7 External Bus Controller 8-bit Bus Width Mode DATA[7:0] becomes valid. Bits [19:0] of the physical address are output to ADDR[19:0]. The internal address bits [27:20], which are the upper address, are multiplexed to external ADDR[19:12]. In other words, the address is shifted up two bits or more relative to the 32-bit bus mode when output. As a result, the maximum memory size of the 8-bit bus mode is 256 MB. Table 7.3.6 Address Output Bit Correspondence in the 8-bit Mode ADDR Bit 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Upper Address 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 Lower Address 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 When a Single cycle that accesses 1-Byte data is executed, 8-bit access is executed only once on the external bus. 8-bit access is executed twice when performing 1-half-word access. 8-bit access is executed four times when performing 1-word access. 8-bit access is executed eight times when performing 1-double-word access. When a Burst cycle is executed, four 8-bit cycles are executed for each Burst access when the Bus cycle tries to request a byte combination other than word data. 7-8 Chapter 7 External Bus Controller 7.3.6 Access Modes The following four modes are available as controller access modes. These modes can be set separately for each channel. • Normal mode • Page mode • External ACK mode • Ready mode Depending on the combination of modes in each channel, either of two modes in which the ACK*/Ready signal operates differently (ACK*/Ready Dynamic mode, ACK*/Ready Static mode) is selected by the ACK*/Ready Mode bit (PCFG.ACKIN) of the Chip Configuration Register. The mode selected is applied globally to all channels. (1) ACK*/READY Dynamic mode (PCFG.ACKIN = 0) This mode is selected in the initial state. The ACK*/Ready signal automatically switches to either input or output according to the setting of each channel. When in the Normal mode or the Page mode, the ACK*/Ready signal is an output signal, and the internally generated ACK* signal is output. When in the External ACK* or Ready mode, the ACK*/Ready signal becomes an input signal. The ACK*/Ready signal outputs High if there is no access to the External Bus Controller. However, this signal may output Low during access to SDRAM. Please refer to the timing diagrams (Figure 7.5.23 and Figure 7.5.24) and be careful to avoid conflicts when switching from output to input. (2) ACK*/Ready Static mode (PCFG.ACKIN = 1) The internally generated ACK* signal is not output when in either the Normal mode or Page mode. Therefore, the ACK*/Ready signal will not become an output in any channel. Access using Burst transfer by the internal bus (G-Bus) is supported when in a mode other than the Ready mode. However, the Ready mode is not supported. Table 7.3.7 Operation Mode PM 0 ACK*/Ready Dynamic Mode !0 0 ACK*/Ready Static Mode !0 RDY 0 EACK Mode ACK*/READY Pin State Access End Timing State G-Bus Burst Access 0 Normal Output Internally Generated ACK* √ 1 External ACK* Input ACK* Input √ 1 READY Input Ready Input 0 Page Output Internally Generated ACK* √ 1 Reserved Internally Generated ACK* √ 0 0 Normal Hi-Z 1 External ACK* Input ACK* Input √ 1 READY Input Ready Input 0 Page Hi-Z Internally Generated ACK* √ 1 Reserved 7-9 Chapter 7 External Bus Controller Normal Mode When in this mode, the ACK*/Ready signal becomes an ACK* output when it is in the ACK*/Ready Dynamic mode. The ACK*/Ready signal becomes High-Z when it is in the ACK*/Ready Static mode. Wait cycles are inserted according to the EBCCRn.PWT and EBCCRn.WT value at the access cycle. The Wait cycle count is 0 – 0x3f. SYSCLK CE* ADDR [19:0] OE* DATA [31:0] ACK*/READY (Output) EBCCRn.PWT:WT=3 expresses indeterminate values EBCCRn.SHWT=0 Figure 7.3.1 Normal Mode External ACK Mode When in this mode, the ACK*/READY pin becomes ACK* input, and the cycle is ended by the ACK* signal from an external device. ACK* input is internally synchronized. Refer to Section “ ACK* Input Timing” for more information regarding timing. SYSCLK CE* ADDR [19:0] OE* DATA [31:0] ACK*/READY(Input) represents indeterminate values. EBCCRn.SHWT=0 Figure 7.3.2 External ACK Mode 7-10 Chapter 7 External Bus Controller Ready Mode When in this mode, the ACK*/Ready pin becomes Ready input, and the cycle is ended by Ready input from an external device. Ready input is internally initialized. See Section “ Ready Input Timing” for more information regarding the operation timing. When the Wait cycle count specified by EBCCREBCCRn.PWT:WT elapses, a check is performed to see whether the Ready signal was asserted. The Ready mode does not support Burst access by the internal bus. SYSCLK CE* ADDR [19:0] OE* DATA [31:0] ACK*/READY (Input) EBCCRn.PWT:WT=2 EBCCRn.SHWT=0 Start Ready Check Figure 7.3.3 Ready Mode Page Mode When in this mode, the ACK*/Ready pin becomes ACK* output when it is in the Dynamic mode. When it is in the ACK*/Ready Static mode, the ACK*/Ready signal becomes High-Z. Wait cycles are inserted into the access cycle according to the values of EBCCRn.PWT and EBCCRn.WT. The Wait cycle count in the first access cycle of Single access or Burst access is determined by the EBCCRn.WT value. The Wait cycle count can be set from 0 to 15. The Wait cycle count of subsequent Burst cycles is determined by the EBCCRn.PWT value. The Wait cycle count can be set from 0 to 3. SYSCLK CE* ADDR [19:0] OE* DATA [31:0] ACK*/READY (Output) EBCCRn.WT=2 EBCCRn.PWT=1 EBCCRn.PWT=1 Figure 7.3.4 Page Mode 7-11 EBCCRn.PWT=1 Chapter 7 External Bus Controller 7.3.7 Access Timing SHWT Option The SHWT option is selected when the SHWT (Setup/Hold Wait Time) field of the Channel Control Register is a value other than “0”. This option inserts a Setup cycle and a Hold cycle between the current signal and the next signal. Setup cycle: CE* from ADDR, OE* from CE*, BWE* from CE*, SWE* from CE* Hold cycle: ADDR from CE*, CE* from OE*, CE* from BWE*, CE* from SWE* This option is used for I/O devices that are generally slow. All Setup cycles and Hold cycles will be identical, so each cycle cannot be set individually. The SHWT mode cannot be used by the Page mode. The SHWT mode can be used by all other modes, but there is one restriction: the internal bus cannot use Burst access. SYSCLK CE*/BE* ADDR [19:0] OE* SWE*/BWE* DATA [31:0] ACK*/READY (Output) EBCCRn.PWT:WT=0 EBCCRn.SHWT=0 Figure 7.3.5 SWHT Disable (Normal Mode, Single Read/Write Cycle) SYSCLK CE*/BE* ADDR [19:0] OE* SWE*/BWE* DATA [31:0] ACK*/READY (Output) EBCCRn.PWT:WT=0 EBCCRn.SHWT=1 Figure 7.3.6 SHWT 1 Wait (Normal Mode, Single Read/Write Cycle) 7-12 Chapter 7 External Bus Controller ACK*/READY Input/Output Switching Timing When in the ACK*/Ready Static mode, the ACK*/Ready signal is always an input signal. When in the ACK*/Ready Dynamic mode, the ACK*/Ready signal is an input signal when in the External ACK mode or the Ready mode, but is an output signal in all other modes. During External ACK mode or Ready mode access, the ACK* signal becomes High-Z at the cycle where the CE* signal is asserted. At the end of the access cycle, the ACK* signal is output (driven) again one clock cycle after the CE* signal is deasserted (see Figure 7.3.3). ACK* Output Timing (Normal Mode, Page Mode) When in the Normal mode and Page mode of the ACK*/Ready Dynamic mode, the ACK* signal becomes an output signal and is asserted for one clock cycle to send notification to the external device of the data Read and data Write timing. During the Read cycle, the data is latched at the rise of the next clock cycle after when the ACK* signal is asserted. (See Figure 7.3.7 ACK* Output Timing (Single Read Cycle) ). During the Write cycle, SWE*/BWE* is deasserted at the next clock cycle after when the ACK* signal is deasserted, and the data is held for one more clock cycle after that. (See Figure 7.3.8 ACK* Output Timing (Single Write Cycle) ). SYSCLK CE* ADDR [19:0] OE* DATA [31:0] ACK*/READY (Output) 1 clock Data is latched EBCCRn.PWT:WT=2 EBCCRn.SHWT=0 Figure 7.3.7 ACK* Output Timing (Single Read Cycle) SYSCLK CE* ADDR [19:0] SWE*/BWE* 1 clock DATA [31:0] 2 clocks ACK*/READY (Output) EBCCRn.PWT:WT=2 EBCCRn.SHWT=0 Figure 7.3.8 ACK* Output Timing (Single Write Cycle) 7-13 Chapter 7 External Bus Controller ACK* Input Timing (External ACK Mode) The ACK* signal becomes an input signal when in the external ACK mode. During a Read cycle, data latched timing is selectable from two cases by EBCCRn.LDEA bit. When EBCCRn.LDEA is zero, data is latched two clock cycles after assertion of the ACK* signal is acknowledged (Figure 7.3.9 ACK* Input Timing (Single Read Cycle)). When EBCCRn.LDEA is one, data is latched at the assertion of the ACK* signal is acknowledged (Figure 7.3.10 ACK* Input Timing (Single Read Cycle)). During a Write cycle, assertion of the ACK* signal is acknowledged, SWE*/BWE* is deasserted three clock cycles later, then data is held for one clock cycle after that (Figure 7.3.11 ACK* Input Timing (Single Write Cycle). The ACK* input signal is internally initialized. Due to internal State Machine restrictions, ACK* cannot be acknowledged consecutively on consecutive clock cycles. External devices can assert ACK* across multiple clock cycles under the following conditions. • During Single access, the ACK* signal can be asserted before the end of the cycle during which CE* is dasserted. • During Burst access, it is possible to assert the ACK* signal for up to three clock cycles during Reads and for up to five clock cycles during Writes. If the ACK* signal is asserted for a period longer than this, it will be acknowledged as the next valid ACK* signal. SYSCLK CE* ADDR [19:0] OE* DATA [31:0] ACK*/READY (Input) 2 clocks Acknowledge ACK* Latch Data Figure 7.3.9 ACK* Input Timing (Single Read Cycle) 7-14 EBCCRn.SHWT=0 EBCCRn.LDEA=0 Chapter 7 External Bus Controller SYSCLK CE* ADDR [19:0] OE* DATA [31:0] ACK*/READY (Input) 2 clocks Acknowledge ACK* Latch Data EBCCRn.SHWT=0 EBCCRn.LDEA=1 Figure 7.3.10 ACK* Input Timing (Single Read Cycle) SYSCLK CE* ADDR [19:0] 3 clocks SWE*/BWE* DATA [31:0] 4 clocks ACK*/READY (Input) Acknowledge ACK* Figure 7.3.11 ACK* Input Timing (Single Write Cycle) 7-15 EBCCRn.SHWT=0 Chapter 7 External Bus Controller SYSCLK CE* ADDR [19:0] OE* DATA [31:0] ACK*/READY (Input) 2 clocks Acknowledge ACK* 2 clocks Latch Data Acknowledge ACK* Latch Data EBCCRn.SHWT=0 Figure 7.3.12 ACK* Input Timing (Burst Read Cycle) SYSCLK CE* ADDR [19:0] 3 clocks 3 clocks SWE*/BWE* 4 clocks 4 clocks DATA [31:0] ACK*/READY (Input) Acknowledge ACK* Acknowledge ACK* EBCCRn.SHWT=0 Figure 7.3.13 ACK* Input Timing (Burst Write Cycle) 7-16 Chapter 7 External Bus Controller Ready Input Timing The ACK*/Ready pin is used as a Ready input when in the Ready mode. The Ready input timing is the same as the ACK* input timing explained in “ ACK* Input Timing (External ACK Mode)” with the two following exceptions. • Ready must be a High Active signal. • When in the Ready mode, the Wait cycle count specified by EBCCRn.PWT:WT must be inserted in order to delay the Ready signal check (see “ Ready Mode”). SYSCLK CE* ADDR [19:0] OE* DATA [31:0] ACK*/READY (Input) 2 clocks Latch Data Acknowledge Ready EBCCRn.PWT:WT=2 EBCCRn.SHWT=0 SYSCLK CE* ADDR [19:0] OE* DATA [31:0] ACK*/READY (Input) 2 clocks Start Ready Check Acknowledge Ready Latch Data EBCCRn.PWT:WT=2 EBCCRn.SHWT=0 Figure 7.3.14 Ready Input Timing (Read Cycle) 7-17 Chapter 7 External Bus Controller SYSCLK CE* ADDR [19:0] 3 clocks SWE*/BWE* DATA [31:0] 4 clocks ACK*/READY (Input) Acknowledge Ready EBCCRn.PWT:WT=2 EBCCRn.SHWT=0 SYSCLK CE* ADDR [19:0] 3 clocks SWE*/BWE* DATA [31:0] 4 clocks ACK*/READY (Input) Start Ready Check Acknowledge Read EBCCRn.PWT:WT=2 EBCCRn.SHWT=0 Figure 7.3.15 Ready Input Timing (Write Cycle) 7.3.8 Clock Options External devices connected to the external bus can use the SYSCLK signal as the clock. The SYSCLK signal clock frequency can be set to one of the following divisions of the internal bus clock (GBUSCLK): 1/1, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4. The ADDR[4:3] signal is used to set this frequency during reset, and the setting is reflected in the SYSCLK Division Ratio field (CCFG.SYSSP) of the Chip Configuration Register. The operation reference clock frequency can be set to one of the following divisions of the internal bus clock (GBUSCLK) for each channel independent of the SYSCLK signal clock frequency: 1/1, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4. The external signal of the External Bus Controller operates synchronous to this operation clock. The Bus Speed field (EBCCRn.SP) of the External Bus Channel Control Register sets this frequency. Please set the same value as CCFG.SYSSP to EBCCRn.SP when the external device uses the SYSCLK signal. If these two values do not match, then the channel, the operation reference clock, and the SYSCLK signal will no longer be synchronous and will not operate properly. 7-18 Chapter 7 External Bus Controller 7.3.9 PCMCIA mode The EBUSC Controller supports the following functions of the 16-Bit PC Card interface. The EBUSC Controller supports 2 PCMCIA slots. Any of the eight EBUSC Controller channels can target the 2 PCMCIA slots. The use of channels 6 and 7 first for PCMCIA is recommended, since their normal CE_ signals are not pinned out and they cannot be used for any other function. For a channel to target a PCMCIA slot, it must first be in a PCMCIA mode. This is done by programming the PCM field to a non zero value. See the PCM field description for more details. Once a channel has been programmed to a PCMCIA mode, the PCS bit determines which slot is accessed via the two pairs of Card Enable signals. Since pin multiplexing exists on the TX4925 device, the PCMCIA pin selection should be configured appropriately. Please refer to “3.3 Pin Multiplexing” for more information. It should be noted that a normal dedicated CE_ for a channel used for PCMCIA access will continue to go active when that channel is accessed. It is up to the system designer to make sure that this does not cause any conflict on the external buses. The signals BWE*/BE*, OE*, and WE* also continue to cycle regardless of the PCMCIA mode. This was done for AC timing considerations. OE* and WE* are forced inactive during IO access. CARDIORD* and CARDIOWR* are multiplexed on BWE*/BE*[3:2] pins respectively in a time multiplexed manner on the TX4925. PCMCIA Mode Selects A channel that is allocated to be used as a PCMCIA control channel can be put into one of four access modes. The first is the Attribute Memory Access mode. This mode is typically used at power on only to determine the type of PCMCIA card installed. The second is the Common Memory Access Mode, used for cards that are of the memory type. The third is IO Access mode, used for cards that support IO. A single channel can be used initially for Attribute access to determine the card types and then that channel can be reallocated for one of the cards. In the case of properties access, memory access, and I/O access is determined by differences in the signals CARDREG*, CARDIORD*, CARDIOWR*, the maximum address space, and width of the access. Consult the PCMCIA 16-Bit PC Card specification for details. PCMCIA Slot Selection Slot 1 is accessed by programming the PCS bit to 0 and the CARD1CSH*/CARD1CSL* signals are active. If the PCS bit is set to 1 then Slot 2 is accessed and the CARD2CSH*/CARD2CSL* signals are active. 7-19 Chapter 7 External Bus Controller PCMCIA Channel Programming Requirements Because of the multiple modes possible on a given EBUSC Channel the following restrictions apply when a channel is used for PCMCIA access. Page Mode is not allowed on a PCMCIA enabled Channel. Undetermined results will occur if Page Mode is active. External Ack Mode is not allowed on a PCMCIA enabled Channel. Undetermined results will occur if External Ack Mode is active. A channel that is used for PCMCIA access must be programmed to have a bus size of 16 or 8 bits. Addressing will not be correct if using a 32 bit bus size. To meet the setup and hold timing of the PCMCIA bus the SHWT mode must be used. Depending on the access speed of the card, the number of SHWT states and the speed of the channel will need to be programmed to meet the timing requirements. PWT and WT can be used to extend the OE*, WE*, CARDIORD*, and CARDIOWR* active timing. See the description of the PWT and WT fields for details. The EBUSC Controller can be used to implement the WAIT* function of the PCMCIA specification. To do so PCMCIA channel must be programmed with the RDY bit set. See RDY mode description for more details. Wait states will then be inserted externally until the WAIT* signal from the PC card goes inactive and informing the EBUSC controller that it is READY. The EBUSC controller supports a unique WAIT* signal for both slots. See device pin multiplexing for details on support. The PWT/WT counter must be used programmed to account for the delay in WAIT* valid from OE*, WE*, CARDIORD*, CARDIOWR*. Otherwise the high time of WAIT* during this delay may cause the EBUSC controller to terminate the cycle early. The delay value should take into account that the WAIT* signals are synchronized to the full speed clock regardless of the speed of the channel. PCMCIA Addressing and UAE The PCMCIA specification has a 26 bit address bus. Since the external address bus of the device is only 20 bits, the top 6 bits must be latched using the UAE signal. See the description on UAE for more details. The PCMCIA specification always uses a byte addressing scheme, where A0 is a “don’t care” for “Word” and “Odd-Byte-Only” accesses. Normally the EBUSC controller outputs an address that allows for addressing bytes, half words, or words depending on the programmed bus size. For accessing data sizes smaller than the programmed bus size the BE*/BWE* signals are used in normal operations. In the case of a channel being used for PCMCIA access the addressing will always be for bytes, regardless of the bus size being 16 or 8 bit. 7-20 Chapter 7 External Bus Controller PCMCIA IOIS16* Signal The IOIS16* signal is not supported. This means that the size of IO accesses needs to be known ahead of time and are not dynamically sized. PCMCIA Cycle Types Burst Cycles are not allowed on a PCMCIA enabled Channel. This is due to the fact that the EBUSC Controller does not toggle all signals between the individual accesses for burst accesses. The PCMCIA specification requires that all signals toggle per each access. In addition programming requirements for a channel supporting PCMCIA require SHWT mode. Burst accesses are not allowed with SHWT enabled. Table 7.3.8 Access Mapping (PCMCIA in 16-bit Channel and Little Endian Mode) Access Word(1/2) Access Address CARDnCSL* DATA[15:8] DATA[7:0] R[7:0] 16-bit LL R[15:8] 16-bit LL R[31:24] R[23:16] 01 00 16-bit LH R[15:8] - 10 16-bit LL R[31:24] R[23:16] 00 00 16-bit LL R[15:8] R[7:0] 10 16-bit HL - R[23:16] 10 16-bit LL R[15:8] R[7:0] R[7:0] Triple byte(2/2) Half-Word CARDnCSH*, 10 Triple byte(2/2) Triple byte(1/2) Port Size 00 00 Word{2/2} Triple byte(1/2) ADDR[1:0] 10 Half-Word 00 00 16-bit LL R[15:8] Byte 11 10 16-bit LH R[7:0] - Byte 10 10 16-bit HL - R[7:0] Byte 01 00 16-bit LH R[7:0] - Byte 00 00 16-bit HL - R[7:0] Note: Word access and triple byte access yield 2 separate external cycles. Table 7.3.9 Access Mapping (PCMCIA in 8-bit Channel and Little Endian Mode) Access Word(1/4) Access Address ADDR[1:0] Port Size CARDnCSH*, CARDnCSL* DATA[15:8] DATA[7:0] R[7:0] 00 8-bit HL - Word{2/4} 01 8-bit HL - R[15:8] Word(3/4) 10 8-bit HL - R[23:16] 00 Word{4/4} 11 8-bit HL - R[31:24] 01 8-bit HL - R[15:8] Triple byte(2/3) 10 8-bit HL - R[23:16] Triple byte(3/3) 11 8-bit HL - R[31:24] 00 8-bit HL - R[7:0] 01 8-bit HL - R[15:8] Triple byte(1/3) Triple byte(1/3) 01 00 Triple byte(2/3) Triple byte(3/3) 10 8-bit HL - R[23:16] 10 10 8-bit HL - R[7:0] 11 8-bit HL - R[15:8] 00 00 8-bit HL - R[7:0] 01 8-bit HL - R[15:8] Byte 11 11 8-bit HL - R[7:0] Byte 10 10 8-bit HL - R[7:0] Byte 01 01 8-bit HL - R[7:0] Byte 00 00 8-bit HL - R[7:0] Half-Word(1/2) Half-Word(2/2) Half-Word(1/2) Half-Word(2/2) Note: Word access yields 4 separate external cycles. Triple byte access yields 4 separate external cycles. Half-word access yields 4 separate external cycles. 7-21 Chapter 7 External Bus Controller Table 7.3.10 Access Mapping (PCMCIA in 16-bit Channel and Big Endian Mode) Access Address Access Word(1/2) 00 Word{2/2} Triple byte(1/2) 01 Triple byte(2/2) Triple byte(1/2) 00 Triple byte(2/2) Half-Word 10 ADDR[1:0] Port Size 00 16-bit 10 16-bit 00 CARDnCSH*, DATA[15:8] DATA[7:0] LL R[31:24] R[23:16] LL R[15:8] R[7:0] 16-bit LL R[31:24] R[23:16] 10 16-bit LH R[15:8] - 00 16-bit HL - R[23:16] 10 16-bit LL R[15:8] R[7:0] 10 16-bit LL R[15:8] R[7:0] CARDnCSL* Half-Word 00 00 16-bit LL R[15:8] R[7:0] Byte 11 10 16-bit LH - R[7:0] Byte 10 10 16-bit HL R[7:0] - Byte 01 00 16-bit LH - R[7:0] Byte 00 00 16-bit HL R[7:0] - Note: Word access and triple byte access yield 2 separate external cycles. Table 7.3.11 Access Mapping (PCMCIA in 8-bit Channel and Big Endian Mode) Access Word(1/4) Access Address 00 ADDR[1:0] Port Size 00 8-bit CARDnCSH*, CARDnCSL* HL DATA[15:8] DATA[7:0] - R[31:24] Word{2/4} 01 8-bit HL - R[23:16] Word(3/4) 10 8-bit HL - R[15:8] Word{4/4} 11 8-bit HL - R[7:0] 01 8-bit HL - R[23:16] Triple byte(2/3) 10 8-bit HL - R[15:8] Triple byte(3/3) 11 8-bit HL - R[7:0] 00 8-bit HL - R[31:24] 01 8-bit HL - R[23:16] 10 8-bit HL - R[15:8] 10 8-bit HL - R[15:8] 11 8-bit HL - R[7:0] Triple byte(1/3) Triple byte(1/3) 01 00 Triple byte(2/3) Triple byte(3/3) Half-Word(1/2) 10 Half-Word(2/2) Half-Word(1/2) 00 Half-Word(2/2) 00 8-bit HL - R[15:8] 01 8-bit HL - R[7:0] Byte 11 11 8-bit HL - R[7:0] Byte 10 10 8-bit HL - R[7:0] Byte 01 01 8-bit HL - R[7:0] Byte 00 00 8-bit HL - R[7:0] Note: Word access yields 4 separate external cycles. Triple byte access yields 4 separate external cycles. Half-word access yields 4 separate external cycles. PCMCIA INT# Support The TX4925 does not have the PCMCIA INT* signal; it is up to the system designer to implement it external to the device, if necessary. 7-22 Chapter 7 External Bus Controller 7.4 Register Table 7.4.1 External Bus Controller (EBUSC) Registers Reference Offset Address Bit Width Register Symbol Register Name 7.4.1 0x9000 32 EBCCR0 External Bus Channel Control Register 0 7.4.2 0x9004 32 EBBAR0 External Bus Base Address Register 0 7.4.1 0x9008 32 EBCCR1 External Bus Channel Control Register 1 7.4.2 0x900c 32 EBBAR1 External Bus Base Address Register 1 7.4.1 0x9010 32 EBCCR2 External Bus Channel Control Register 2 7.4.2 0x9014 32 EBBAR2 External Bus Base Address Register 2 7.4.1 0x9018 32 EBCCR3 External Bus Channel Control Register 3 7.4.2 0x901c 32 EBBAR3 External Bus Base Address Register 3 7.4.1 0x9020 32 EBCCR4 External Bus Channel Control Register 4 7.4.2 0x9024 32 EBBAR4 External Bus Base Address Register 4 7.4.1 0x9028 32 EBCCR5 External Bus Channel Control Register 5 7.4.2 0x902c 32 EBBAR5 External Bus Base Address Register 5 7.4.1 0x9030 32 EBCCR6 External Bus Channel Control Register 6 7.4.2 0x9034 32 EBBAR6 External Bus Base Address Register 6 7.4.1 0x9038 32 EBCCR7 External Bus Channel Control Register 7 7.4.2 0x903c 32 EBBAR7 External Bus Base Address Register 7 7-23 Chapter 7 External Bus Controller 7.4.1 External Bus Channel Control Register (EBCCRn) 0x9000 (ch. 0), 0x9008 (ch. 1) 0x9010 (ch. 2), 0x9018 (ch. 3) 0x9020 (ch. 4), 0x9028 (ch. 5) 0x9030 (ch. 6), 0x9038 (ch. 7) Channel 0 and 7 can be used as Boot memory. Therefore, the default is set by the Boot signal (see “7.3.2 Global/Boot-up Options”). Channels 1 - 7 have the same register configuration as Channel 0, but they have different defaults than Channel 0. 31 30 LDEA EACK 29 Reserved 27 26 25 PCM 24 R/W R/W ~A[5](ch0,7)/ ~A[5]/0 R/W 000 R/W 000(ch0-6)/001(ch7) 23 PCS Reserved 22 R/W 0 R/W R/W 1(ch0,7)/ A[13:12](ch0,7)/ 00(ch1~6) 0(ch1~6) 0(ch1~6) 15 12 11 8 WT CS R/W 1111(ch0,7)/0000(ch1~6) R/W 0010(ch0,7)/0000(ch1-6) 21 20 19 BSZ 18 PM R/W 2 5 SP 3 ME R/W R/W R/W A[4:3]/00 R/W A[8]/0 A[11] 0(ch0-6)/ (ch0,7)/ 1(ch7) 0(ch1-6) 4 R/W 0 6 RDY 16 PWT 0 7 BC 17 : Type 11(ch0,7)/00(ch1-6) : Initial value 0 SHWT R/W 000(ch0-6)/111(ch7) : Type : Initial value Only in the case of Channel 0 is fields with different defaults in the “Channel 0/Other channel” state. D[ ] represents the corresponding Data[ ] signal value when the RESET* signal is deasserted. A[ ] represents the corresponding ADDR[ ] signal value when the RESET* signal is deasserted. Bits Mnemonic Field Name Description 31 LDEA Latch Data at External ACK* Latch Data at External ACK* (Initial value: ~A[5](ch0,7)/0(ch1~6), R/W) Specifies the data latched timing in the external ACK* input mode. 0 : Data is latched for External ACK* Input mode Reads at OE* active. 1 : Data is latched for External ACK* Input mode Reads at ACK* active. 30 EACK ACK* Input Active ACK* Input Active (Initial value: ~A[5]/0, R/W) Enable ACK* Input mode. 0 : ACK* Input mode is disabled. 1 : ACK* Input mode is enabled. 29 : 27 Reserved Note: These bits are always set to “0” (Initial value: 000, R/W). Figure 7.4.1 External Bus Channel Control Register (1/3) 7-24 Chapter 7 External Bus Controller Bits Mnemonic Field Name Description 26:24 PCM PCMCIA 16-bit PC Card Mode PCMCIA 16-bit PC Card Mode (Initial value: 000(ch0-6)/001(ch7), R/W) Specifies the PCMCIA mode. 000 : PCMCIA Disabled for Channel. 001 : PCMCIA Common Memory Access Enabled for Channel. 010 : PCMCIA IO Access Enabled for Channel. 011 : PCMCIA Attribute Memory Access Enabled for Channel. 100, 101, 110, 111: Reserved 23 PCS PCMCIA Slot Selection PCMCIA Slot Selection (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit select PCMCIA slot. 0 : Channel PCMCIA access is for Slot1. 1 : Channel PCMCIA access is for Slot2. 22 Reserved Note: This bit is always set “1” (Initial value: 1(ch0,7)/0(ch1-6), R/W). The value of Boot signal ADDR[2] is set in the default value for bit 22 of Channel 0 and Channel 7. However, Boot signal ADDR[2] must be “1”. If the default value for bit 22 of Cannel 0 and Channel 7 is “0”, please confirm that Boot signal ADDR[2] is not “0”. 21:20 BSZ Bus Width External Bus Control Bus Size (Initial value: A[13:12](ch0,7)/00(ch1~6), R/W) Specifies the memory bus width. 00: Reserved 10: 16-bit width 01: 32-bit width 11: 8-bit width Note: ADDR[13:12] is set to Channel 0 and 7 as the default. 19:18 PM Page Mode Page Size External Bus Control Page Mode Page Size (Initial value: 00, R/W) Specifies the Page mode (Page mode memory support) use and page size. 00: Normal mode 01: 4-page mode 10: 8-page mode 11: 16-page mode 17:16 PWT Page Mode Wait time External Bus Control Page Mode Wait Time (Initial value: 11(ch0,7)/00(ch1-6), R/W) Specifies the wait cycle count during Burst access when in the Page mode. 00: 0 wait cycles 10: 2 wait cycles 01: 1 wait cycle 11: 3 wait cycles Specifies a wait cycle count from 0 to 63 that matches WT when in the Normal mode or Ready mode. (See the WT item.) 15:12 WT Normal Mode Wait Time External Bus Control Normal Mode Wait Time (Initial value: 1111(ch0,7)/0000(ch1~6), R/W) Specifies the wait cycle count in the first cycle of a Single Cycle or Burst access. Specifies the following wait cycle count when in the Page mode. 0000: 0 wait cycles 0100: 4 wait cycles 1000: 8 wait cycles 1100: 12 wait cycles 0001: 1 wait cycle 0101: 5 wait cycles 1001: 9 wait cycles 1101: 13 wait cycles 0010: 2 wait cycles 0110: 6 wait cycles 1010: 10 wait cycles 1110: 14 wait cycles 0011: 3 wait cycles 0111: 7 wait cycles 1011: 11 wait cycles 1111: 15 wait cycles Specifies a wait cycle count from 0 to 63 that matches PWT when in a mode other than the Page mode. PWT[1:0]: WT[3:0] 000000: 0 wait cycles 010000: 16 wait cycles 110000: 48 wait cycles 000001: 1 wait cycle 010001: 17 wait cycles 110001: 49 wait cycles : : : 001110: 14 wait cycles 011110: 30 wait cycles 111110: 62 wait cycles 001111: 15 wait cycles 011111: 31 wait cycles 111111: 63 wait cycles Note 1: Set the WT wait cycle count to a value greater than the PWT Wait cycle count when in the Page mode. Figure 7.4.1 External Bus Channel Control Register (2/3) 7-25 Chapter 7 External Bus Controller Bits Mnemonic Field Name Description 11:8 CS Channel Size External Bus Control Channel Size (Initial value: 0010(ch0,7)/0000(ch1-6), R/W) Specifies the channel memory size. 0000: 1 MB 0101: 32 MB *1010: 1 GB 0001: 2 MB 0110: 64 MB 1011-1111: Reserved 0010: 4 MB 0111: 128 MB 0011: 8 MB 1000: 256 MB 0100: 16 MB *1001: 512 MB * The channel memory size can be set up to 512 MB when the memory bus width is 16 bits, or up to 256 MB when the memory bus width is 8 bits. No size larger than this can be set. 7 BC Byte Control External Bus Byte Control (Initial value: A[11](ch0,7)/0(ch1-6), R/W) Specifies whether to use the BWE*[3:0] signal as an asserted Byte Write Enable signal (BWE*[3:0]) only during a Write cycle, or to use it as an asserted Byte Enable signal (BE*[3:0]) that is asserted during both Read and Write cycles. 0: Byte Enable (BE *[3:0]) 1: Byte Write Enable (BWE*[3:0]) Note: ADDR[11] is set to Channel 0 and 7 as the default. 6 RDY Ready Input Mode External Bus Control Ready Input Mode (Initial value: 0(ch0-6)/1(ch7), R/W) Specifies whether to use the Ready mode. 0: Disable the Ready mode. 1: Enable the Ready mode. Note: The Ready mode cannot be used when the Page mode is selected. 5:4 SP Bus Speed External Bus Control Bus Speed (Initial value: A[4:3]/00, R/W) Specifies the External Bus speed. 00: 1/4 speed (1/4 of the GBUSCLK frequency) 01: 1/3 speed (1/3 of the GBUSCLK frequency) 10: 1/2 speed (1/2 of the GBUSCLK frequency) 11: Full speed (same frequency as GBUSCLK) Note: ADDR[4:3] is set to Channel 0 as the default. 3 ME Master Enable External Bus Control Master Enable (Initial value: A[8]/0, R/W) Enables a channel. 0: Disable channel 1: Enable channel Note: EBCCR0.ME bit is set when ADDR[8:6] equal to “1xx” as the default. EBCCR7.ME bit is set when ADDR[8:6] equal to “010” as the default. The default value for the ME bit of Channel 7 is “1” when Boot signal ADDR[8:6] is 010b. The value 010b cannot be used as Boot signal ADDR[8:6]. If the default value of the ME bit for Channel 7 is “1”, please confirm that Boot signal ADDR[8:6] is not 010b. 2:0 SHWT Set Up/Hold Wait Time External Bus Control Setup/Hold Wait Time (Initial value: 000(ch0-6)/111(ch7), R/W) Specifies the wait count when switching between the Address and Chip Enable signal, or the Chip Enable Signal and Write Enable/Output Enable signal. * 000: Disable 100: 4 wait cycles 001: 1wait cycle 101: 5 wait cycles 010: 2 wait cycles 110: 6 wait cycles 011: 3 wait cycles 111: 7 wait cycles * Set this bit field to “0” when using it in the Page mode or when performing Burst access. Figure 7.4.1 External Bus Channel Control Register (3/3) 7-26 Chapter 7 External Bus Controller 7.4.2 External Bus Base Address Register (EBBARn) 0x9000 (ch. 0), 0x9008 (ch. 1) 0x9010 (ch. 2), 0x9018 (ch. 3) 0x9020 (ch. 4), 0x9028 (ch. 5) 0x9030 (ch. 6), 0x9038 (ch. 7) Channel 0 can be used as Boot memory. Therefore, the default is set by the Boot signal (see “7.3.2 Global/Boot-up Options”). Channels 1 - 7 have the same register configuration as Channel 0, but they have different defaults than Channel 0. 31 20 19 BA[31:20] 16 Reserved R/W 0x1FC(ch0,7)/0x000(ch1~6) :Type : Initial value 15 32 Reserved : Type : Initial value Only in the case of Channel 0 are fields with different defaults in the “Channel 0/Other channel” state. Bits Mnemonic 31:20 BA[31:20] 19:0 Field Name Base Address Description External Bus Control Base Address (Initial value: 0x1FC/0x000, R/W) A physical address is used to specify the base address. The upper 12 bits [31:20] of the physical address are compared to the value of this field. Reserved Figure 7.4.2 External Bus Base Address Register 7-27 Chapter 7 External Bus Controller 7.5 Timing Diagrams Please take the following points into account when referring to the timing diagrams. (1) The clock frequency of the SYSCLK signal can be set to one of the following divisions of the internal bus clock (GBUSCLK): 1/1, 1/2, 1/3, or 1/4. Also, the operating reference clock frequency can be set to one of the following divisions of the internal bus clock (GBUSCLK) for each channel: 1/1, 1/2, 1/3, or 1/4. (See 7.3.8.) The timing diagrams indicate the SYSCLK signal clock frequency and channel operating reference clock frequency as being equivalent. (2) Both the BWE* signal and BE* signal are indicated in all timing diagrams. The setting of the Channel Control Register (EBCCRn) determines whether the BWE* pin will function as BWE* or BE*. (3) All Burst cycles in the timing diagrams illustrate examples in which the address increases by increments of 1 starting from 0. However, cases where the CWF (Critical Word First) function of the TX49 core was used or the decrement burst function performed by the DMA Controller was used are exceptions. (4) The timing diagrams display each clock cycle currently being accessed using the symbols described in the following table. (n=1, 2, 3, …) SWn Normal Wait Cycles PWn Page Wait Cycles ASn Set-up Time from SHWT Address Validation to CE Fall CSn Set-up Time from SHWT CE Fall to OE/SWE Fall AHn Hold Time from SHWT CE Rise to Address Change CHn Hold Time from SHWT OE/SWE Rise to CE Rise ESn Synch Cycles of the External Input Signal UAEn Upper Address Enable Cycles Sn Other Cycles (5) Shaded areas ( ) in the diagrams are undefined values. 7-28 Chapter 7 External Bus Controller 0 f UAE2 S1 f 0 S2 S3 f UAE1 f UAE2 S1 S2 0 S3 f f UAE Signal ACK* DATA[31:0] BE* BWE* SWE* OE*/BUSSPRT* UAE ADDR[19:0] CE* SYSCLK f UAE1 7.5.1 Figure 7.5.1 UAE Signal (CCFG.ACEHOLD=1, PWT: WT=0, SHWT=0, Normal) 7-29 0 f ACK* DATA[31:0] BE* BWE* SWE* OE*/BUSSPRT* UAE ADDR[19:0] CE* SYSCLK f UAE1 S1 f 0 S2 S3 f f UAE1 S1 S2 0 S3 f f Chapter 7 External Bus Controller Figure 7.5.2 UAE Signal (CCFG.ACEHOLD=0, PWT: WT=0, SHWT=0, Normal) 7-30 Chapter 7 External Bus Controller 0 f 0 0 S2 0 S3 f S1 1 S2 0 S3 f f Normal Mode Access (Single, 32-bit Bus) ACK* DATA[31:0] BE* BWE* SWE* OE*/BUSSPRT* UAE ADDR[19:0] CE* SYSCLK f f S1 7.5.2 Figure 7.5.3 Double-word Single Write (PWT: WT=1, SHWT=0, Normal, 32-bit Bus) 7-31 Chapter 7 External Bus Controller S1 S2 S1 S2 S3 SYSCLK CE* ADDR[19:0] 0 1 UAE OE*/BUSSPRT* SWE* BWE* BE* f f 0 f 0 DATA[31:0] ACK* Figure 7.5.4 Double-word Single Read (PWT: WT=0, SHWT=0, Normal, 32-bit Bus) 7-32 f 0 ACK* DATA[31:0] BE* BWE* SWE* OE*/BUSSPRT* UAE ADDR[19:0] CE* SYSCLK f f S1 SW1 0 S2 S3 f f Chapter 7 External Bus Controller Figure 7.5.5 1-word Single Write (PWT: WT=0, SHWT=0, Normal, 32-bit Bus) 7-33 ACK* DATA[31:0] BE* BWE* SWE* OE*/BUSSPRT* UAE ADDR[19:0] CE* SYSCLK f S1 SW1 f 0 S2 S3 f Chapter 7 External Bus Controller Figure 7.5.6 1-word Single Read (PWT: WT=0, SHWT=0, Normal, 32-bit Bus) 7-34 Chapter 7 External Bus Controller 0 SW1 0 0 S2 S3 f S1 SW1 0 1 S2 S3 f S1 SW1 0 2 S2 S3 f S1 SW1 0 3 S2 S3 f f Normal Mode Access (Burst, 32-bit Bus) ACK* DATA[31:0] BE BWE* SWE* OE*/BUSSPRT* UAE ADDR[19:0] CE* SYSCLK f f S1 7.5.3 Figure 7.5.7 4-word Burst Write (PWT: WT=1, SHWT=0, Normal, 32-bit Bus) 7-35 Chapter 7 External Bus Controller S1 SW1 S2 S1 SW1 S2 S1 SW1 S2 S1 SW1 S2 S3 SYSCLK CE* ADDR[19:0] 0 1 2 3 UAE OE*/BUSSPRT* SWE* BWE* BE f 0 f DATA[31:0] ACK* Figure 7.5.8 4-word Burst Write (PWT: WT=1, SHWT=0, Normal, 32-bit Bus) 7-36 f Chapter 7 External Bus Controller c f f f c ACK* f BE* DATA [15 : 0] f BWE* SWE* OE*/BUSSPRT* UAE ADDR [19 : 0] CE* S1 c 0 S2 S3 f S1 1 c c S2 S3 f S1 c 2 c S2 S3 f S1 3 c S2 S3 f f Normal Mode Access (Single, 16-bit Bus) SYSCLK 7.5.4 Figure 7.5.9 Double-word Single Write (PWT: WT=0, SHWT=0, Normal, 16-bit Bus) 7-37 f f ACK* DATA [15:0] BE* BWE* SWE* OE*/BUSSPRT* UAE ADDR [19:0] CE* SYSCLK f S1 c 0 S2 f 1 S1 c S2 f 2 S1 c S2 f S1 3 c S2 S3 f Chapter 7 External Bus Controller Figure 7.5.10 Double-word Single Read (PWT: WT=0, SHWT=0, Normal, 16-bit Bus) 7-38 ACK* DATA[15:0] BE* BWE* SWE* OE*/BUSSPRT* UAE ADDR[19:0] CE* SYSCLK f f S1 S2 c c S3 f f Chapter 7 External Bus Controller Figure 7.5.11 Half-word Single Write (PWT: WT=0, SHWT=0, Normal, 16-bit Bus) 7-39 ACK* DATA[15:0] BE* BWE* SWE* OE*/BUSSPRT* UAE ADDR[19:0] CE* SYSCLK f S1 f S2 c S3 f Chapter 7 External Bus Controller Figure 7.5.12 Half-word Single Read (PWT: WT=0, SHWT=0, Normal, 16-bit Bus) 7-40 Chapter 7 External Bus Controller f c BWE* BE 0 S2 S1 1 S2 S1 2 S2 S1 3 S2 S1 4 S2 S1 5 S2 S1 6 S2 S1 7 S2 S3 f Normal Mode Access (Burst, 16-bit Bus) ACK* DATA[15:0] SWE* OE*/BUSSPRT* UAE ADDR[19:0] CE* SYSCLK f S1 7.5.5 Figure 7.5.13 4-word Burst Read (PWT: WT=0, SHWT=0, Normal, 16-bit Bus) 7-41 7-42 ACK* DATA [15:0] BE* BWE* SWE* OE*/BUSSPRT* UAE ADDR [19:0] CE* SYSCLK f f S1 c 0 S2 S3 f S1 c 1 S2 S3 f S1 c 2 S2 S3 f S1 c 3 S2 S3 c f S1 c 4 S2 S3 f S1 c 5 S2 S3 f S1 c 6 S2 S3 f S1 c 7 S2 S3 f f Chapter 7 External Bus Controller Figure 7.5.14 4-word Burst Write (PWT: WT=0, SHWT=0, Normal, 16-bit Bus) Chapter 7 External Bus Controller e f f f e f f f e 0 e S2 S3 f 1 S1 e e S2 S3 f 2 S1 e e S2 S3 f S1 3 e S2 S3 f f S1 e 4 e S2 S3 f 5 S1 e e S2 S3 f 6 S1 e e S2 S3 f S1 7 e S2 S3 f f Normal Mode Access (Single, 8-bit Bus) ACK* f BE* DATA [7:0] f BWE* SWE* OE*/BUSSPRT* UAE ADDR [19:0] CE* SYSCLK S1 7.5.6 Figure 7.5.15 Double-word Single Write (PWT: WT=0, SHWT=0, Normal, 8-bit Bus) 7-43 7-44 ACK* DATA [7:0] BE* BWE* SWE* OE*/BUSSPRT* UAE ADDR [19:0] CE* SYSCLK f S1 e 0 S2 f 1 S1 e S2 f e f 4 S1 e S2 f 5 S1 e S2 f e 3 S2 f S1 f S2 f 2 S1 6 S1 e S2 f S1 7 e S2 S3 f Chapter 7 External Bus Controller Figure 7.5.16 Double-word Single Read (PWT: WT=0, SHWT=0, Normal, 8-bit Bus) Chapter 7 External Bus Controller S1 SW1 S2 S3 SYSCLK CE* ADDR [19:0] UAE OE*/BUSSPRT* SWE* BWE* BE* e f f e f f DATA [7:0] ACK* Figure 7.5.17 1-byte Single Write (PWT: WT=1, SHWT=0, Normal, 8-bit Bus) S1 SW1 S2 S3 SYSCLK CE* ADDR [19:0] UAE OE*/BUSSPRT* SWE* f BWE* BE* f e DATA [7:0] ACK* Figure 7.5.18 1-byte Single Read (PWT: WT=1, SHWT=0, Normal, 8-bit Bus) 7-45 f 7-46 ACK* DATA [7:0] BE* BWE* SWE* OE*/BUSSPRT* UAE ADDR [19:0] CE* SYSCLK f f e 0 f e 1 f e 2 f e 3 e f e 4 f e 5 f e 6 f e 7 f e 8 f e 9 f e a f e b e f e c f e d f e e f e f f f 7.5.7 S1 S2 S3 S1 S2 S3 S1 S2 S3 S1 S2 S3 S1 S2 S3 S1 S2 S3 S1 S2 S3 S1 S2 S3 S1 S2 S3 S1 S2 S3 S1 S2 S3 S1 S2 S3 S1 S2 S3 S1 S2 S3 S1 S2 S3 S1 S2 S3 Chapter 7 External Bus Controller Normal Mode Access (Burst, 8-bit Bus) Figure 7.5.19 4-word Burst Write (PWT: WT=0, SHWT=0, Normal, 8-bit Bus) 7-47 3 ACK* DATA[8:0] e 2 BE 1 f 0 BWE* SWE* OE*/BUSSPRT* UAE ADDR[19:0] CE* SYSCLK 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b e f c d e f S1 S2 S1 S2 S1 S2 S1 S2 S1 S2 S1 S2 S1 S2 S1 S2 S1 S2 S1 S2 S1 S2 S1 S2 S1 S2 S1 S2 S1 S2 S1 S2 S3 f Chapter 7 External Bus Controller Figure 7.5.20 4-word Burst Read (PWT: WT=0, SHWT=0, Normal, 8-bit Bus) Chapter 7 External Bus Controller 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SW1 0 0 S2 S3 f S1 S2 1 S3 f S1 S2 2 S3 f S1 S2 3 c S3 f S1 SW1 4 S2 S3 f S1 S2 5 S3 f S1 S2 6 S3 f S1 S2 7 S3 f f Page Mode Access (Burst, 32-bit Bus) ACK* DATA [31:0] BE* BWE* SWE* OE*/BUSSPRT* UAE ADDR [19:0] CE* SYSCLK f f S1 7.5.8 Figure 7.5.21 8-word Burst Write (WT=1, PWT=0, SHWT=0, 4-page, 32-bit Bus) 7-48 f 0 BWE* BE* ACK* DATA[31:0] SWE* OE*/BUSSPRT* UAE ADDR[19:0] CE* SYSCLK f S1 0 SW1 SW2 S2 1 S1 PW1 S2 2 S1 PW1 S2 S1 PW1 3 S2 f S3 Chapter 7 External Bus Controller Figure 7.5.22 4-word Burst Read (WT=2, PWT=1, SHWT=0, 4-page, 32-bit Bus) 7-49 Chapter 7 External Bus Controller 7.5.9 External ACK Mode Access (32-bit Bus) S1 ES1 ES2 ES3 S3 S2 SYSCLK CE* ADDR[19:0] UAE OE*/BUSSPRT* SWE* BWE* f BE* 0 f f 0 f DATA[31:0] ACK* Note 1: The TX4925 sets the ACK* signal to High Impedance in the S1 State. Note 2: External devices drive the ACK* signal to Low (assert the signal) until the ES1 State. Note 3: External devices drive the ACK* signal to High (deassert the signal) in the ES2 State. If an external device is late in asserting ACK*, then the Wait State is inserted for the amount of time the external device is late. If a certain condition is met, it is okay for the ACK* signal to be driven to Low for 1 clock cycle or more. See “ ACK* Input Timing (External ACK Mode)” for more information. Figure 7.5.23 1-word Single Write (0 Wait, SHWT=0, External ACK*, 32-bit Bus) S1 ES1 ES2 S2 S3 SYSCLK CE* ADDR[19:0] UAE OE*/BUSSPRT* SWE* BWE* BE* f f 0 f DATA[31:0] ACK* Figure 7.5.24 1-word Single Read (0 Wait, SHWT=0, External ACK*, 32-bit Bus) 7-50 7-51 ACK* DATA [31:0] BE* BWE* SWE* OE*/BUSSPRT* UAE ADDR [19:0] CE* SYSCLK f f S1 ES1 ES2 0 0 ES3 S2 S3 f S1 ES1 ES2 1 0 ES3 S2 S3 0 f S1 ES1 ES2 2 0 ES3 S2 S3 f S1 ES1 ES2 3 0 ES3 S2 S3 f f Chapter 7 External Bus Controller Figure 7.5.25 4-word Burst Write (0 Wait, SHWT=0, External ACK*, 32-bit Bus) f 0 BWE* BE ACK* DATA[31:0] SWE* OE*/BUSSPRT* UAE ADDR[19:0] CE* SYSCLK f S1 ES1 0 ES2 S2 S1 ES1 1 ES2 S2 S1 ES1 2 ES2 S2 S1 ES1 3 ES2 S2 S3 f Chapter 7 External Bus Controller Figure 7.5.26 4-word Burst Read (0 Wait, SHWT=0, External ACK*, 32-bit Bus) 7-52 7-53 ACK* DATA [31:0] BE* BWE* SWE* OE*/BUSSPRT* UAE ADDR [19:0] CE* SYSCLK f AS2 CS1 CS2 SW1 ES1 0 0 0 ES2 ES3 S2 CH1 CH2 AH1 AH2 f f AS1 AS2 Note: The TX4925 drives the ACK* signal when in the AH2, AS1, or AS2 State. f AS1 CS1 CS2 SW1 ES1 0 0 1 ES2 ES3 S2 CH1 f CH2 AH1 f AH2 Chapter 7 External Bus Controller Figure 7.5.27 Double-word Single Write (1 Wait, SHWT=2, External ACK*, 32-bit Bus) 7-54 S1 ES1 0 0 ES2 S2 CH2 CH2 AH1 AH2 ACK* DATA [31:0] AS1 AS2 CS1 CS2 Note: The TX4925 drives the ACK* signal when in the AH2, AS1, or AS2 State. f f CS2 BE* CS1 f AS2 BWE* SWE* OE*/BUSSPRT* UAE ADDR [19:0] CE* SYSCLK AS1 S1 0 ES1 ES2 1 S2 CH1 CH2 AH1 f AH2 Chapter 7 External Bus Controller Figure 7.5.28 Double-word Single Read (0 Wait, SHWT=2, External ACK*, 32-bit Bus) Chapter 7 External Bus Controller AS1 AS2 CS1 CS2 SW1 ES1 ES2 ES3 S2 CH1 CH2 AH1 AH2 SYSCLK CE* ADDR[19:0] UAE OE*/BUSSPRT* SWE* BWE* BE f 0 f 0 f f DATA[31:0] ACK* Figure 7.5.29 1-word Single Write (1 Wait, SHWT=2, External ACK*, 32-bit Bus) AS1 AS2 CS1 CS2 S1 ES1 ES2 S2 CH1 CH2 AH1 AH2 SYSCLK CE* ADDR[19:0] UAE OE*/BUSSPRT* SWE* f BWE* BE 0 f f DATA[31:0] ACK* Figure 7.5.30 1-word Single Read (0 Wait, SHWT=2, External ACK*, 32-bit Bus) 7-55 Chapter 7 External Bus Controller 0 CS1 SW1 ES1 0 ES2 ES3 S2 CH1 f AH1 f READY Mode Access (32-bit Bus) ACK* DATA[31:0] BE* BWE* SWE* OE*/BUSSPRT* UAE ADDR[19:0] CE* SYSCLK f f AS1 7.5.10 Figure 7.5.31 1-word Single Write (PWT: WT=2, SHWT=1, READY, 32-bit Bus) 7-56 ACK* DATA[31:0] BE* BWE* SWE* OE*/BUSSPRT* UAE ADDR[19:0] CE* SYSCLK f AS1 CS1 S1 ES1 f 0 ES2 S2 CH1 AH1 f Chapter 7 External Bus Controller Figure 7.5.32 1-word Single Read (PWT: WT=2, SHWT=1, READY, 32-bit Bus) 7-57 Chapter 7 External Bus Controller 7.6 Flash ROM, SRAM Usage Example Figure 7.6.1 illustrates example Flash ROM connections, and Figure 7.6.2 illustrates example SRAM connections. Also, Figure 7.6.3 illustrates example connections with the SDRAM and the bus separated. Since connecting multiple memory devices such as SDRAM and ROM onto a single bus increases the load, 100 MHz class high-speed SDRAM access may not be performed normally. As a corrective measure, there is a way of reducing the bus load by connecting a device other than SDRAM via a buffer. If such a method is employed, directional control becomes necessary since the data becomes bidirectional. The TX4925 prepares the BUSSPRT* signal for performing data directional control (see Figure 7.6.3). BUSSPRT* is asserted when the External Bus Controller channel is active and a Read operation is being performed. TX4925 Flash ROM (x16 bits) ADDR[19:0] ADDR[19:0] ADDR[12] (ADDR[20]) A[19:0] A[19:0] A20 A20 CE* WE* OE* CE* WE* OE* UAE CE*[0] SWE* OE* D[15:0] D[31:16] D[15:0] D[15:0] DATA[31:0] Figure 7.6.1 Flash ROM (x16 Bits) Connection Example (32-bit Data Bus) TX4925 SRAM (x16 Bits) BWE*[3:0] BWE*[3] UB BWE*[2] LB BWE*[1] UB BWE*[0] LB ADDR[19:0] ADDR[19:0] CE*[1] SWE* OE* A[19:0] A[19:0] CS* WE* OE* CS* WE* OE* D[15:0] D[15:0] D[31:16] D[15:0] DATA[31:0] Figure 7.6.2 SRAM (x16 Bits) Connection Example (32-bit Data Bus) 7-58 Chapter 7 External Bus Controller TX4925 SDRAM (x16 Bits) DQM[3] DQM[2] DQM[1] DQM[0] DQM[7:0] ADDR[19:16] SADDR10 ADDR[14:5] UDQM LDQM UDQM LDQM A[12:0] BS0 BS1 A[12:0] BS0 BS1 SDCS[0]* RAS* CAS* WE* CS* RAS* CAS* WE* CS* RAS* CAS* WE* SDCLKIN SDCLK[0] CKE CLK CKE CLK CKE ADDR[19:16], SADDR10, ADDR[14:5] ADDR[19] ADDR[18] DQ[15:0] D[31:16] DATA[31:0] Flash ROM (x16 Bits) CE[0]* SWE* OE* CE* WE* OE* CE* WE* OE* A[19:0] A[19:0] A20 A20 BUSSPRT* ADDR[19:0] ADDR[12] (ADDR[20]) UAE D[15:0] D[31:16] D[15:0] D[15:0] Figure 7.6.3 Connection Example with SDRAM and the Bus Separated 7-59 DQ[15:0] D[15:0] Chapter 7 External Bus Controller 7-60 Chapter 8 DMA Controller 8. 8.1 DMA Controller Features The TX4925 contains a four-channel DMA Controller (DMAC) that executes DMA (Direct Memory Access) with memory and I/O devices. The DMA Controller has the following characteristics. • Has four on-chip DMA channels • Supports external I/O devices with 8-, 16-, and 32-bit Data Bus widths and transfer between memory devices. • Supports single address transfer (Fly-by DMA) and dual address transfer when in the external I/O DMA Transfer Mode that is operated by external request signals • Supports on-chip Serial I/O Controllers and AC-Link Controllers • Supports Memory-Memory Copy modes that do not have address boundary limitations. Burst transfer of up to eight words is possible for each Read or Write operation. • Supports Memory Fill mode that writes word data to the specified memory region • Supports Chained DMA Transfer • On-chip signed 24-bit address count up registers for both the source address and destination address • On-chip 26-bit Byte Count Register for each channel • One of two methods can be selected for determining access priority among multiple channels: Round Robin or Fixed Priority • Big Endian or Little Endian mode can be set separately for each channel 8-1 Chapter 8 DMA Controller Block Diagram DMMFDR G-Bus I/F FIFO (8 Words) DMA Channel Arbiter DREQ1 DMCHAR2 DMA Channel 2 DMSAR2 DMDAR2 DMCNTR2 DMSAIR2 DMDAIR2 DMCCR2 DMCSR2 DREQ2 DMCHAR3 DMA Channel 3 DMSAR3 DMDAR3 DMCNTR3 DMSAIR3 DMDAIR3 DMCCR3 DMCSR3 DREQ3 Multiplexer DMCHAR1 DMA Channel 1 DMSAR1 DMDAR1 DMCNTR1 DMSAIR1 DMDAIR1 DMCCR1 DMCSR1 DACK0 DMAACK[0] External Pins Internal I/O PCFG.DMASEL0 DMAREQ[1] DACK1 Multiplexer DMMCR DREQ0 DMAACK[1] External Pins Internal I/O PCFG.DMASEL1 DACK2 Multiplexer DMA Control Block DMAREQ[0] DMCHAR0 DMA Channel 0 DMSAR0 DMDAR0 DMCNTR0 DMSAIR0 DMDAIR0 DMCCR0 DMCSR0 Internal I/O PCFG.DMASEL2 DACK3 Multiplexer DMAC G-Bus 8.2 Internal I/O PCFG.DMASEL3 DMADONE* External Pins Figure 8.2.1 DMA Controller Block Diagram 8-2 Chapter 8 DMA Controller 8.3 Detailed Explanation 8.3.1 Transfer Mode The DMA Controller supports five transfer mode types (refer to Table 8.3.1 below). The setting of the External Request bit (DMCCRn.EXTRQ) of the DMA Channel Control Register selects whether transfer with an I/O device is a DMA transfer. • I/O DMA Transfer Mode (DMCCRn.EXTRQ = “1”) Perform DMA transfer with either an external device connected to the External Bus Controller or an on-chip I/O device (ACLC or SIO). • Memory Transfer Mode (DMCCRn.EXTRQ = “0”) Either copies data between memory devices or fills data in memory. Table 8.3.1 DMA Controller Transfer Modes Transfer Mode DMCCRn EXTREQ DRQCTR DMAREQn DMCCRn SNGAD DMSAR DMDAR Ref. External I/O (Single Address) 1 0xxxx 1 √ - 8.3.3 8.3.7 External I/O (Dual Address) 1 0xxxx 0 √ √ 8.3.3 8.3.8 Internal I/O 1 10xx (SIO) 11xx (ACLC) 0 √ √ 8.3.4 8.3.8 Memory-Memory Copy 0 - 0 √ √ 8.3.4 8.3.8 Fill Memory 0 - 1 √ - 8.3.6 8.3.7 8.3.2 On-chip Registers The DMA Controller has two shared registers that are shared by four channels. Section 8.4 explains each register in detail. • Shared Registers DMMCR: DMA Master Control Register DMMFDR: DMA Memory Fill Data Register • DMA Channel Register DMCHARn: DMA Chained Address Register DMSARn: DMA Source Address Register DMDARn: DMA Destination Address Register DMCNTRn: DMA Count Register DMSAIRn: DMA Source Address Increment Register DMDAIRn: DMA Destination Address Increment Register DMCCRn: DMA Channel Control Register DMCSRn: DMA Channel Status Register 8-3 Chapter 8 DMA Controller 8.3.3 External I/O DMA Transfer Mode The External I/O DMA Transfer Mode performs DMA transfer with external I/O devices that are connected to the External Bus Controller. External Interface External I/O devices signal DMA requests to the DMA Controller by asserting the DMA Transfer Request Signal (DMAREQ[n]). On the other hand, the DMA Controller accesses external I/O devices by asserting the DMA Transfer Acknowledge Signal (DMAACK[n]). The DMA Transfer Request signal (DMAREQ[n]) can use the Request Polarity bit (REQPOL) of the DMA Channel Control Register (DMCCRn) to select the signal polarity for each channel, and can use the Edge Request bit (EGREQ) to select either edge detection or level detection for each channel. The DMA Transfer Acknowledge signal (DMAACK[n]) can also use the Acknowledge Polarity bit (ACKPOL) to select the polarity. Please assert/deassert the DMAREQ[n] signal as follows below. • When level detection is set (DMCCRn.EGREQ = 0) The DMAREQ[n] signal must be continuously asserted until one SYSCLK cycle after the DMAACK[n] signal is asserted. Also, the DMAREQ[n] signal must be asserted before the CE*/CS* signal is deasserted. If this signal is asserted too soon, DMA transfer will not be performed. If this signal is asserted too late, unexpected DMA transfer may result. During Dual Address transfer, we recommend detecting assertion of the CE* signal for the external I/O device that is currently asserting DMAACK[n], then deasserting DMAREQ[n]. • When edge detection is set (DMCCRn.EGREQ = 1) Please set up assertion of the DMAREQ[n] signal so the DMAREQ[n] signal is asserted after the DMAACK[n] signal corresponding to a previously asserted DMAREQ[n] signal is deasserted. The DMAREQ[n] signal will not be detected even if it is asserted before DMAACK[n] is deasserted. Figure 8.3.1 is a timing diagram that shows the timing of external DMA access. In this timing diagram, both the DMAREQ[n] signal and the DMAACK[n] signal are set to Low active (DMCCRn.REQPL = 0, DMCCRn.ACKPOL = 0). The DMAACK[n] and DMADONE signals, which are DMA control signals, are synchronized to SDCLK. When these signals are used by an external I/O device that is synchronous to SYSCLK, it is necessary to take clock skew into account. The DMAACK[n] signal is asserted either at the SYSCLK cycle, the same as with assertion of the CE*/CS* signal, or before that. In addition, it is deasserted after the last ACK*/READY signal is deasserted. When the DMADONE* signal (refer to is used as an output signal, it is asserted for at least one SYSCLK cycle while the DMAACK[n] signal is asserted either during the same SYSCLK cycle that the CE*/CS* signal is deasserted or during a subsequent SYSCLK cycle. When the DMADONE* signal is used as an input signal, it must be asserted for one SYSCLK cycle while the DMAACK[n] signal is being asserted. 8-4 Chapter 8 DMA Controller SYSCLK CE* ADDR [19:0] 1c040 00040 ACE* OE*/BUSSPRT* SWE* BWE* f DATA [31:0] 00000100 ACK* 1 cycle DMAREQ[n] DMAACK[n] DMADONE* Figure 8.3.1 External I/O DMA Transfer (Single Address, Level Request) Dual Address Transfer If the Single Address bit (DMCCRn.SNGAD) has been cleared, access to external I/O devices and to external memory is each performed continuously. Each access is the same as normal access except when the DMAACK[n] signal is asserted. Please refer to “8.3.8 Dual Address Transfer” for information regarding setting the register. Single Address Transfer (Fly-by DMA) If the Single Address bit (DMCCRn.SNGAD) is set, either data reading from an external I/O device and data writing to external memory or data reading from external memory and data writing to an external I/O device is performed simultaneously. The following conditions must be met in order to perform Single Address transfer. • The data bus widths of the external I/O device and external memory match • Data can be input/output to/from the external I/O device and external memory during the same clock cycle The Transfer Direction bit (MEMIO) of the DMA Channel Control Register (DMCCRn) specifies the transfer direction. • From memory to an external I/O device (DMCCRn.MEMIO = “1”) External memory Read operation to an address specified by the DMA Source Address Register (DMSARn) is performed simultaneously to assertion of the DMAACK[n] signal. 8-5 Chapter 8 DMA Controller • Single Address transfer from memory to an external I/O device (DMCCRn.MEMIO = “0”) External memory Write operation to an address specified by the DMA Source Address Register (DMSARn) is performed simultaneously to assertion of the DMAACK[n] signal. At this time, the external I/O device drives the DATA signal instead of the TX4925. Special attention must be paid to the timing design when the bus clock frequency is high or when performing Burst transfer. Single Address transfer using Burst transfer with SDRAM is not recommended. DMADONE* Signal The DMADONE* signal operates as either the DMA stop request input signal or the DMA done signalling output signal, or may operate as both of these signals depending on the setting of the DONE Control Field (DNCTRL) of the DMA Channel Control Register (DMCCRn). The DMADONE* signal is shared by four channels. The DMADONE* channel is valid for a channel when the DMAACK[n] signal for that channel is asserted. If the DMADONE* channel is set to be used as an output signal (DMCCRn.DNCTRL = 10/11), it will operate as follows depending on the setting of the Chain End bit (CHDN) of the DMA Channel Control Register (DMCCRn). When the Chain End bit (CHDN) is set, the DMADONE* signal is only asserted when the DMAACK[n] signal for the last DMA transfer in the Link List Command Chain is asserted. When the Chain End bit (CHDN) is cleared, the DMADONE* signal is asserted when the DMAACK[n] signal for the last data transfer in a DMA transfer specified by the current DMA Channel Register is asserted. Namely, if the Link List Command chain is used, there is one assertion at the end of each data transfer specified by each Descriptor. If the DMADONE* signal is set to be used as an input signal (DMCCRn.DNCTRL = 01/11), DMA transfer can be set to end normally when the external device asserts the DMADONE* signal when the DMAACK[n] signal of channel n is asserted. DMADONE* is asserted during DMAACK[n] is not asserted, then unexpected operation occurs. When DMA transfer is terminated by the DMADONE* assertion of the external device, the External DONE Assert bit (DMCSRn.EXTDN) of the DMA Channel Status Register is set regardless of the setting of the Chain End bit (CHDN) of the DMA Channel Control Register (DMCCRn). Operation is as follows depending on the setting of the Chain End bit (CHDN). When the Chain End bit (CHDN) is set, all DMA transfer for that chain is terminated. At this time, the Normal Chain End bit (NCHNC) and the Normal Transfer End bit (NTRNFC) of the DMA Channel Status Register are both set and the Transfer Active bit (DMCCRn.XFACT) of the DMA Channel Control Register is cleared. When the Chain End bit (CHDN) is cleared, only DMA transfer specified by the current DMA Channel Register ends normally, and only the Normal Transfer End bit (NTRNFC) is set. When the Chain Enable bit (CHNEN) of the DMA Channel Control Register (DMCCRn) is set, chain transfer is executed and DMA transfer continues. When the Chain Enable bit (CHNEN) is cleared, the Transfer Active bit (DMCCRn.XFACT) is cleared and the Normal Chain End bit (NCHNC) is set. 8-6 Chapter 8 DMA Controller Three clock cycles are required from external assertion of the DMADONE* signal to disabling of new DMA access. Operation will not stop even if the bus operation in progress is a Single transfer or a Burst transfer. For example, if the DMADONE* signal is asserted during Read operation of Dual Address transfer, the corresponding Write bus operation will also be executed. If the DMADONE* pin is set to become both input and output for channel n (DMCCRn.DNCTRL = “11”), the DMADONE* signal becomes an open drain signal when the channel becomes active. When used by this mode, the DMADONE* signal must be pulled up by an external source. When in this mode, the External DONE Assert bit (DMCSRn.EXTDN) is not only set when asserted by an external device, but is also set when asserted by the TX4925. 8.3.4 Internal I/O DMA Transfer Mode Performs DMA with the on-chip Serial I/O Controller and the AC-link Controller. Set the DMA Channel Control Register (DMCCRn) as follows. • DMCCRn.EXTRQ = 1: I/O DMA Transfer mode • DMCCRn.SNGAD = 0: Dual Address Transfer Refer to “8.3.8 Dual Address Transfer” and “11.3.6 DMA transfer (Serial I/O Controller)” or “ DMA Operation (AC-link Controller)” for more information. 8.3.5 Memory-Memory Copy Mode It is possible to copy memory from any particular address to any other particular address when in the Memory-Memory Copy mode. Set the DMA Channel Control Register (DMCCRn) as follows. • DMCCRn.EXTRQ = 0: Memory Transfer mode • DMCCRn.SNGAD = 0: Dual Address mode Furthermore, when in the Memory-Memory Copy mode it is possible to set the interval for requesting ownership of each bus using the Internal Request Delay field (INTRQD) of the DMA Channel Control Register (DMCCRn). Refer to “8.3.8 Dual Address Transfer” for information regarding the setting of other registers. 8-7 Chapter 8 DMA Controller 8.3.6 Memory Fill Transfer Mode When in the Memory Fill Transfer mode, word data set in the DMA Memory Fill Data Register (DMMFDR) is written to the data region specified by the DMA Source Address Register (DMSARn). This data can be used for initializing the memory, etc. Set the DMA Channel Control Register (DMCCRn) as follows. • DMCCRn.EXTRQ = 0: Memory transfer mode • DMCCRn.SNGAD = 1: Single Address Transfer • DMCCRn.MEMIO = 0: Transfer from I/O to memory In addition, when in the Memory Fill Transfer mode, it is possible to set the interval for requesting ownership of each bus using the Internal Request Delay field (INTRQD) of the DMA Channel Control Register (DMCCRn). Refer to “8.3.7 Single Address Transfer” for information regarding the setting of other registers. 8.3.7 Single Address Transfer This section explains register settings during Single Address transfer (DMCCRn.SNGAD = 1). This applies to the following DMA Transfer modes. • External I/O (Single Address) Transfer • Memory Fill Transfer Channel Register Settings During Single Address Transfer Table 8.3.2 shows restrictions of the Channel Register settings during Single Address transfer. If these restrictions are not met, then a Configuration Error is detected, the Configuration Error bit (CFERR) of the DMA Channel Status Register (DMCSRn) is set and DMA transfer is not performed. For Burst transfer, +4, 0, or –4 can be set to the DMA Source Address Increment Register (DMSAIRn). Setting 0 is only possible during transfer from memory to external I/O. A Configuration Error will result if the value “0” is set during transfer from external I/O to memory or during Memory Fill transfer. If the setting of the DMA Source Address Increment Register (DMSAIRn) is negative and the transfer setting size is 2 bytes or larger, then a value will be set in the DMA Source Address Register (DMSARn) is as follows below. • Transfer setting size: 2bytes, (DMSARn) that reflects the lower 1 bits. • Transfer setting size: 4bytes, (DMSARn) that reflects the lower 2 bits. 8-8 Chapter 8 DMA Controller During Single Address transfer, the DMA Destination Address Register (DMDARn) and DMA Destination Address Increment Register (DMDAIRn) settings are ignored. Table 8.3.2 Channel Register Setting Restrictions During Single Address Transfer Transfer Setting Size (DMCCRn.XFSZ) DMSARn[1:0] DMSAIRn is “0” or greater DMSAIRn setting is a negative value DMSAIRn[1:0] DMCNTRn[1:0] 1 Byte ** ** ** ** 2 Bytes *0 *1 *0 *0 4 Bytes 00 11 00 00 00 11 4/0/-4 00 4 Words 8 Words 16 Words 32 Words Burst Transfer During Single Address Transfer According to the SDRAM Controller and External Bus Controller specifications, the DMA Controller cannot perform Burst transfer that spans across 32 word boundaries. Consequently, if the address that starts DMA transfer is not a multiple of the transfer setting size (DMCCRn.XFSZ) (is not aligned), transfer cannot be performed by any of the transfer sizes that were specified by a Burst transfer. Therefore, the DMA Controller executes multiple Burst transactions of a transfer size smaller than the specified transfer size. This division method changes according to the seting of the Transfer Size Mode bit (DMCCRn.USEXFSZ) of the DMA Channel Control Register. Figure 8.3.2 shows the Single Address Burst transfer status when the lower 7 bits of the Transfer Start address are 0x54 and the transfer setting size (DMCCRn.XFSZ) is set to 4 words. Panel (a) of this figure shows the situation when the Transfer Size Mode bit (DMCCRn.USEXFSZ) is “0”. In this case, first a three word transfer is performed up to the address aligned to the transfer setting size. Then, four word transfer specified by the transfer setting size is repeated. This setting is normally used. On the other hand, panel (b) shows when the Transfer Size Mode bit (DMCCRn.USEXFSWZ) is “1”. in this case, transfer is repeated according to the transfer setting size. Three word transfer and one word transfer is only performed consecutively without releasing bus ownership when transfer spans across a 32 word boundary. 8-9 Chapter 8 DMA Controller 32 0 50 54 58 5c 60 64 68 6c 70 74 78 7c 00 04 08 0c 10 14 18 32 3 Words 4 Words 4 Words 32 Word Boundary 4 Words 4 Words 1c 20 24 28 2c 30 4 Words DMCCRn.XFSZ = 0x4 50 54 58 5c 60 64 68 6c 70 74 78 7c 00 04 08 0c 10 14 18 1c 20 24 28 2c 30 0 4 Words 4 Words (3 + 1) Words 4 Words 4 Words 4 Words DMCCRn. XFSZ = 0x4 (a) DMCCRn.USEXFSZ = “0” (b) DMCCRn.USEXFSZ = “1” Figure 8.3.2 Non-aligned Single Address Burst Transfer 8.3.8 Dual Address Transfer This section explains the register settings for Dual Address transfer (DMCCRn.SNGAD = 0). This applies to the following DMA transfer modes. • External I/O (Dual Address) transfer • Internal I/O DMA transfer • Memory-Memory Copy transfer Channel Register Settings During Dual Address Transfer Table 8.3.3 shows restrictions of the Channel Register settings during Dual Address transfer. If these restrictions are not met, then a Configuration Error is detected, the Configuration Error bit (CFERR) of the DMA Channel Status Register (DMCSRn) is set, and DMA transfer is not performed. If the setting of the DMA Source Address Increment Register (DMSAIRn) is negative and the transfer setting size is 4 bytes or larger, then a value will be set in the DMA Source Address Register (DMSARn) that reflects the lower 2 bits. Similarly, if the setting of the DMA Destination Address Increment Register (DMDAIRn) is negative and the transfer setting size is 4 bytes or larger, then a value will be set in the DMA Destination Address Register (DMDARn) that reflects the lower 2 bits. 8-10 Chapter 8 DMA Controller Example: When the transfer address is 0x0001_0000, the DMA Source Address Register (DMSARn) is as follows below. • DMSAIRn setting is “0” or greater: 0x0001_0000 • DMSAIRn setting is a negative value: 0x0001_0003 Table 8.3.3 Channel Register Setting Restrictions During Dual Address Transfer DMSARn[1:0] DMDARn[1:0] Transfer Setting DMSAIRn DMDAIRn DMCNTRn DMCCRn. DMSAIRn DMDAIRn Size setting is a setting is a DMSAIRn DMDAIRn [1:0] REVBYTE setting is 0 setting is 0 (DMCCRn.XFSZ) negative negative or greater or greater value value 1 Byte ** ** ** ** ** ** ** 0 2 Bytes *0 *1 *0 *1 *0 *0 *0 0 4 Bytes 00 11 00 11 00 00 00 0/1 4 / 8 Wods (DMMCR.FIFUM[n]=0) 00 11 00 11 00 00 00 0/1 00 11 00 11 4/0/-4 4/-4 ‡ 00 0/1 ** - ** - 4 4 - ** - ** -4 -4 4 / 8 Words (DMMCR.FIFUM[n]=1) 16 Words Cannot be set (Configuration Error) 32 Words Cannot be set (Configuration Error) ** 0 0 †: 4, 0 or -4 can be specified when Source Burst Inhibit bit (DMCCRn, SBINH) is set. ‡: 4, 0 or -4 can be specified when DestinationBurst Inhibit bit (DMCCRn.DBINH) is set. Burst Transfer During Dual Address Transfer The DMA Controller has a 32-bit 8-stage FIFO on-chip that is connected to the internal bus (GBus) for Burst transfer during Dual Address transfer. Since this FIFO employs a shifter, it is possible to perform transfer of any address or data size. Burst transfer is only performed when 4 Words or 8 Words is set by the Transfer Setting Size field (DMCCRn.XFSZ) and the FIFO Use Enable bit (DMMCRn.FIFUM[n]) of the DMA Master Control Register is set. According to the SDRAM Controller and External Bus Controller specifications, the DMA Controller cannot perform Burst transfer that spans across 32 word boundaries. Consequently, if the address that starts DMA transfer is not a multiple of the transfer setting size (DMCCRn.XFSZ) (is not aligned), transfer cannot be performed by any of the transfer sizes that were specified by a Burst transfer. Therefore, it is necessary to divide the transfer into multiple Burst transactions of a transfer size smaller than the specified transfer size. This division method changes according to the seting of the Transfer Size Mode bit (DMCCRn.USEXFSZ) of the DMA Channel Control Register and whether or not the address offset relative to the Transfer Setting size (DMCCRn.XFSZ) is equivalent to the source address and destination address combined. Figure 8.3.3 shows Dual Address Burst transfer when the Transfer Size Mode bit (DMCCRn.USEXFSZ) is set to “1”, the lower 7 bits of the Transfer Start address for the transfer source are set to 0x54, the lower 7 bits of the Transfer Start address for the transfer destination are set to 0x1C, and the Transfer Setting Size (DMCCRn.XFSZ) is set to 8 Words. Transfer repeats according to the transfer setting size, regardless of the different address offsets. However, transfers that span across 32 word boundaries are divided. Since data remains in the onchip FIFO when in this mode, it becomes possible to share the on-chip FIFO among multiple DMA channels. 8-11 Chapter 8 DMA Controller Source Address 32 FIFO (8 Words) Destination Address 0 32 50 54 58 5c 60 64 68 6c 70 10 14 18 1c 20 74 78 7c 00 04 08 34 38 3c 40 44 48 0c 10 14 18 1c 4c 50 54 58 5c 0 24 28 2c 30 Figure 8.3.3 Dual Address Burst Transfer (DMCCRn.USEXFSZ = 1) Figure 8.3.4 shows Dual Address Burst transfer when the Transfer Size Mode bit (DMCCRn.USEXFSZ) is set to “0”, the lower 7 bits of the Transfer Start address for the transfer source are set to 0x54, the lower 7 bits of the Transfer Start address for the transfer destination are set to (a) 0x14/(b) 0x18, and the Transfer Setting Size (DMCCRn.XFSZ) is set to 8 words. Panel (a) of this figure shows when the address offset is equivalent. In this case, first transfer of three words is performed up to the address that is aligned with the transfer setting size. Then, transfer of eight words that is specified by the transfer setting size is repeated. On the other hand, panel (b) show when the address offset is not equivalent. In this case, first only data up to the address that is aligned with the transfer setting size is read to the on-chip FIFO. Then, data is written up to the address that is aligned with the transfer setting size as long as data remains in the on-chip FIFO. Efficiency decreases since the transfer size is divided. Also, since data may remain in the on-chip FIFO, Burst transfer of a Dual Address that uses the on-chip FIFO simultaneously with another channel cannot be performed. Using the Burst Inhibit bit makes it possible to mix Burst transfer with 8-Word Single transfer. This in turn makes it possible to perform Burst access only for memory access during DMA transfer with external I/O devices that cannot perform Burst transfer. When the Source Burst Inhibit bit (DMCCRn.SBINH) is set, data read from the Source Address to the on-chip FIFO is divided into multiple 4-byte Single Read transfers, then transfer is executed. When the Destination Burst Inhibit bit (DMCCRn.DBINH) is set, data written from the FIFO to the Destination Address is divided into multiple 4-byte Single Write transfers, then transfer is executed. 8-12 Chapter 8 DMA Controller Only 4, 0 and 4 can be set on Burst Inhibit bit during Burst transfer. When the Burst Inhibit bit is set, an any multiples of 4 can be set. (Refer to Table 8.3.3) Double Word Byte Swapping When the Reverse Byte bit (REVBYTE) of the DMA Channel Configuration Register (DMCCRn) is set, read word data is written after byte swapping is performed. For example, if the read data is “0x0123_4567”, then the data “0x6745_2301” is written. The Reverse Byte bit can only be set when the REVBYTE column of Table 8.3.3 is set so “0/1” is indicated. 8-13 Chapter 8 DMA Controller Source Address 32 0 Destination Address 32 0 FIFO (8 Double Words) 50 54 58 5c 60 64 68 6c 70 10 14 18 1c 20 74 78 7c 00 04 08 34 38 3c 40 44 48 0c 10 14 18 1c 4c 50 54 58 5c 24 28 2c 30 (a) Address offset is equivalent 32 0 32 50 54 58 5c 60 64 68 6c 70 10 14 18 1c 20 74 78 7c 00 04 08 34 38 3c 40 44 48 1c 10 14 18 1c 20 24 28 2c 30 4c 50 54 58 5c 60 64 68 6c 70 24 28 2c 30 (b) Address offset differs Figure 8.3.4 Dual Address Burst Transfer (DMCCRn.USEXFSZ = 0) 8-14 0 Chapter 8 DMA Controller 8.3.9 DMA Transfer The sequence of DMA transfer that uses only the DMA Channel Register is as follows below. (1) Select DMA request signal To perform external I/O or internal I/O DMA, set the DMA Request Select field of the DMA Request Control Register (DRQCTR. DMAREQ). For external I/O DMA, also program the function of the shared pin through the DMA Select field of the Pin Configuration Register (PCFG.SELDMA). (2) Set the Master Enable bit Set the Master Enable bit (DMMCR.MSTEN) of the DMA Master Control Register. (3) Set the Address Register and Count Register Set the five following register values. • DMA Source Address Register (DMSARn) • DMA Destination Address Register (DMDARn) • DMA Count Register (DMCNTRn) • DMA Source Address Increment Register (DMSAIRn) • DMA Destination Address Increment Register (DMDAIRn) (4) Set Chain Address Register Set “0” to the DMA Chain Address Register (DMCHARn). (5) Clear the DMA Channel Status Register (DMCSRn) Clear when status from the previous DMA transfer remains. (6) Set the DMA Channel Control Register (DMCCRn) (7) Initiate DMA transfer DMA transfer is started by setting the Transfer Active bit (XFACT) of the DMA Channel Control Register. (8) Signal completion When DMA data transfer ends normally, set the Normal Transfer Complete bit (NTRNFC) of the DMA Channel Status Register (DMCSRn). An interrupt is signalled if the Transfer Complete Interrupt Enable bit (INTENT) of the DMA Channel Control Register (DMCCRn) is set. If an error is detected during DMA transfer, the error cause is recorded in the lower four bits of the DMA Channel Status Register and the transfer is interrupted. If the Error Interrupt Enable bit (INTENE) of the DMA Channel Control Register is set, then the interrupt is signaled. 8-15 Chapter 8 DMA Controller 8.3.10 Chain DMA Transfer Table 8.3.4 shows the data structure in memory that the DMA Command Descriptor has. When the Simple Chain bit (SMPCHN) of the DMA Channel Control Register (DMCCRn) is set, only the initial four words are used. DMSAIRn, DMDAIR, DMCCRn, and DMCSRn use the settings from when DMA started. In addition, all eight words are used when the Simple Chain bit (SMPCHN) is cleared. Saving the start memory address of another DMA Command Descriptor in the Offset 0 Chain Address field makes it possible to construct a chain list of DMA Command Descriptors (Figure 8.3.5). Set “0” in the Chain Address field of the DMA Command Descriptor at the end of the chain list. When DMA transfer that is specified by one DMA Command Descriptor ends, the DMA Controller automatically reads the next DMA Command Descriptor indicated by the Chain Address Register (Chain transfer), then continues DMA transfer. Continuous DMA transfer that uses multiple Descriptors connected into such a chain-like structure is called Chain DMA transfer. Since the DMA Channel Status Register is also overwritten during Chain transfer when the DMA Simple Chain bit (SMPCHN) is cleared, be sure not to unnecessarily clear necessary bits. Placing DMA Command Descriptors at addresses that do not span across 32 word boundaries in memory is efficient since they are read by one G-Bus Burst Read operation. Table 8.3.4 DMA Command Descriptors Offset Address Field Name Transfer Destination Register 0x00 Chain Address 0x04 Source Address DMA Chain Address Register (DMCHARn) DMA Source Address Register (DMSARn) 0x08 Destination Address DMA Destination Address Register (DMDARn) 0x0c Count DMA Count Register (DMCNTRn) 0x10 Source Address Increment DMA Source Address Increment Register (DMSAIRn) 0x14 Destination Address Increment DMA Destination Address Increment Register (DMDAIRn) 0x18 Channel Control DMA Channel Control Register (DMCCRn) 0x1c Channel Status DMA Channel Status Register (DMCSRn) “A” +04 +08 +0c +10 +14 +18 +1c “D” +04 +08 +0c +10 +14 +18 +1c “B” +04 +08 +0c +10 +14 +18 +1c “E” +04 +08 +0c +10 +14 +18 +1c “C” +04 +08 +0c +10 +14 +18 +1c Figure 8.3.5 DMA Command Descriptor Chain 8-16 Chapter 8 DMA Controller The sequence of Chain DMA transfer is as follows below. (1) Select DMA request signal To perform external I/O or internal I/O DMA, set the DMA Request Select field of the DMA Request Control Register (DRQCTR. DMAREQ). For external I/O DMA, also program the function of the shared pin through the DMA Select field of the Pin Configuration Register (PCFG.SELDMA). (2) Set the Master Enable bit Set the Master Enable bit (DMMCR.MSTEN) of the DMA Master Control Register. (3) Structure of the DMA command Descriptor chain Construct the DMA Command Descriptor Chain in memory. (4) Set the Count Register Set “0” to the DMA Count Register (DMCNTRn) . Sets the DMA Source Address Increment Register (DMSAIRn) and DMA destination Address Increment Register (MMDAIRn). Never set 0 or less than 0 for the increment value. (5) Clear the DMA Channel Status Register (DMCSRn) Clear the status of the previous DMA transfer. (6) Set the DMA Channel Control Register (DMCCRn). (7) Initiate DMA transfer Setting the address of the DMA Command Descriptor at the beginning of the chain list in the DMA Chain Address Register (DMCHARn) automatically initiates DMA transfer. First, the value stored in each field of the DMA Command descriptor at the beginning of the Chain List is read to each corresponding DMA Channel register (Chain transfer), then DMA transfer is performed according to the read value. When a value other than “0” is stored in the DMA Chain Address Register (DMCHARn), data of the size stored in the DMA Count Register (DMCNTRn) is completely transferred, then the DMA Command Descriptor value of the memory address specified by the DMA Chain Address Register is read. In addition, if the Chain Address field value read the Descriptor 0, the DMA Chain Address Register value is not updated. All previous values (Data Command Descriptor Addresses with the value “0” in the Chain Address field when the values were read) are held. (8) Signal completion Set the Normal Chain End bit (NCHNC) of the DMA Channel Status Register (DMCSRn) when DMA data transfer of all Descriptor Chains is complete. An interrupt is signalled if the Chain End Interrupt Enable bit (INTENC) of the DMA Channel Control Register (DMCCRn) is set at this time. In addition, the Normal Transfer End bit (NTRNFC) of the DMA Channel Status Register (DMCSRn) is set each time DMA data transfer specified by each DMA Command Descriptor ends normally. An interrupt is signalled if the Transfer End Interrupt Enable bit (INTENT) of the DMA Channel Control Register (DMCCRn) is set at this time. 8-17 Chapter 8 DMA Controller If an error is detected during DMA transfer, the error cause is recorded in the lower four bits of the DMA Channel Status register and transfer is interrupted. An interrupt is signalled if the Error Interrupt Enable bit (INTENE) of the DMA Channel Control Register is set. 8.3.11 Dynamic Chain Operation It is possible to add DMA Command Descriptor chains to the DMA Command Descriptor chain while Chain DMA transfer is in progress. This is performed according to the following procedure. This procedure is available only when the value of the last descriptor DMSAIRn/DMDAIRn in the last command descriptor chain is one or more than one byte. (1) Construct the DMA Command Descriptor chain Construct the DMA Command Descriptor chain to be added to memory. (2) Add a DMA Command Descriptor chain Substitute the address of the Command Descriptor at the beginning of the Descriptor Chain to be added into the Chain Address field of the Descriptor at the end of the DMA Command Descriptor chain that is currently performing DMA transfer. (3) Check the Chain Enable bit Read the value of the Chain Enable bit (CHNEN) of the DMA Channel Control Register (DMCCRn). If that value is “0”, then write the Chain Address field value of the DMA Command Descriptor that is indicated by the address stored in the DMA Chain Address Register (DMCHARn). 8.3.12 Interrupts An interrupt number (10 – 13) of the Interrupt Controller is mapped to each channel. In addition, there are completion interrupts for when transfer ends normally and error interrupts for when transfer ends abnormally for each channel. When an interrupt occurs, then the bit that corresponds to either the Normal Interrupt Status field (DIS[3:0]) or the Error Interrupt Status field (EIS[3:0]) of the DMA Master Control Register (DMMCR) is set. Figure 8.3.6 shows the relationship between the Status bit and Interrupt Enable bit for each interrupt cause. Refer to the explanation for each Status bit for more information regarding each information cause. DMCCRn.INTENC DMCSRn.NCHNC DMMCR.DIS[n] Interrupt Controller (Interrupt No. 10 – 13) DMCCRn.INTENT DMCSRn.NTRNFC DMCCRn.INTENE DMCSRn.STLXFER DMMCR.EIS[n] DMCSRn.CFERR DMCSRn.CHERR DMCSRn.DESERR DMCSRn.SORERR DMCSRn.ABCHC Figure 8.3.6 DMA Controller Interrupt Signal 8-18 Chapter 8 DMA Controller 8.3.13 Transfer Stall Detection Function If the period from when a certain channel last performs internal bus access to when the next internal bus access is performed exceeds the Transfer Stall Detection Interval field (STLTIME) of the DMA Channel Control Register (DMCCRn), the Transfer Stall Detection bit (STLXFER) of the DMA Channel Status Register (DMCSRn) is set. An error interrupt is signalled if the Error Interrupt Enable bit (DMCCRn.INTENE) is set. In contrast to other error interrupts, DMA transfer is not stopped. Normal DMA transfer is executed if bus ownership can be obtained. Furthermore, clearing the Transfer Stall Detection (STLXFER) resumes transfer stall detection as well. Setting the Transfer Stall Detection Interval field (STLTIME) to “000” disables the Transfer Stall Detection function. 8.3.14 Arbitration Among DMA Channels The DMA Controller has an on-chip DMA Channel Arbiter that arbitrates bus ownership among four DMA channels that use the internal bus (G-Bus). There are two methods for determining priority: the round robin method and the fixed priority method. (See Figure 8.3.7.) The Round Robin Priority bit (RRPT) of the DMA Master Control Register (DMMCR) selects the priority method. • Fixed priority (DMMCR.RRPT = 0) As shown below, Channel 0 has the highest priority and Channel 3 has the lowest priority. CH0 > CH1 > CH2 > CH3 • Round Robin method (DMMCR.RRPT = 1) The last channel to perform DMA transfer has the lowest priority. • After CH0 DMA transfer execution: CH1 > CH2 > CH3 > CH0 • After CH1 DMA transfer execution: CH2 > CH3 > CH0 > CH1 • After CH2 DMA transfer execution: CH3 > CH0 > CH1 > CH2 • After CH3 DMA transfer execution: CH0 > CH1 > CH2 > CH3 Channel 0 Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 3 a) Fixed Priority is selected Channel 0 Channel 3 Channel 1 Channel 2 b) Round Robin Priority is selected Figure 8.3.7 DMA Channel Arbitration 8-19 Chapter 8 DMA Controller 8.3.15 Restrictions in Access to PCI Bus The PCI Controller detects a bus error if the DMA Controller performs one of the following accesses to the PCI Bus. • Burst transfer exceeding 8 words (PCICSTATUS.TLB) • Address Increment value –4 Burst transfer (PCICSTATUS.NIB) • Address Increment Value 0 Burst transfer (PCICSTATUS.ZIB) • Dual Address Burst transfer when the setting for DMSARn, DMDARn, or DMCNTRn is not a word boundary (PCICSTATUS.IAA) In addition, Single Address transfers between an external I/O device and the PCI Bus are not supported. Data transfer is not performed, but no error is detected. 8-20 Chapter 8 DMA Controller 8.4 Registers Table 8.4.1 DMA Controller Registers Reference Offset Address Bit Width Mnemonic Register Name 8.4.6 0xB000 32 DMCHAR0 DMA Chain Address Register 0 8.4.4 0xB004 32 DMSAR0 DMA Source Address Register 0 8.4.5 0xB008 32 DMDAR0 DMA Destination Address Register 0 8.4.9 0xB00C 32 DMCNTR0 DMA Count Register 0 8.4.7 0xB010 32 DMSAIR0 DMA Source Address Increment Register 0 8.4.8 0xB014 32 DMDAIR0 DMA Destination Address Increment Register 0 8.4.2 0xB018 32 DMCCR0 DMA Channel Control Register 0 8.4.3 0xB01C 32 DMCSR0 DMA Channel Status Register 0 8.4.6 0xB020 32 DMCHAR1 DMA Chain Address Register 1 8.4.4 0xB024 32 DMSAR1 DMA Source Address Register 1 8.4.5 0xB028 32 DMDAR1 DMA Destination Address Register 1 8.4.9 0xB02C 32 DMCNTR1 DMA Count Register 1 8.4.7 0xB030 32 DMSAIR1 DMA Source Address Increment Register 1 8.4.8 0xB034 32 DMDAIR1 DMA Destination Address Increment Register 1 8.4.2 0xB038 32 DMCCR1 DMA Channel Control Register 1 8.4.3 0xB03C 32 DMCSR1 DMA Channel Status Register 1 8.4.6 0xB040 32 DMCHAR2 DMA Chain Address Register 2 8.4.4 0xB044 32 DMSAR2 DMA Source Address Register 2 8.4.5 0xB048 32 DMDAR2 DMA Destination Address Register 2 8.4.9 0xB04C 32 DMCNTR2 DMA Count Register 2 8.4.7 0xB050 32 DMSAIR2 DMA Source Address Increment Register 2 8.4.8 0xB054 32 DMDAIR2 DMA Destination Address Increment Register 2 8.4.2 0xB058 32 DMCCR2 DMA Channel Control Register 2 8.4.3 0xB05C 32 DMCSR2 DMA Channel Status Register 2 8.4.6 0xB060 32 DMCHAR3 DMA Chain Address Register 3 8.4.4 0xB064 32 DMSAR3 DMA Source Address Register 3 8.4.5 0xB068 32 DMDAR3 DMA Destination Address Register 3 8.4.9 0xB06C 32 DMCNTR3 DMA Count Register 3 8.4.7 0xB070 32 DMSAIR3 DMA Source Address Increment Register 3 8.4.8 0xB074 32 DMDAIR3 DMA Destination Address Increment Register 3 8.4.2 0xB078 32 DMCCR3 DMA Channel Control Register 3 DMA Channel Status Register 3 8.4.3 0xB07C 32 DMCSR3 8.4.10 0xB0A4 32 DMMFDR DMA Memory Fill Data Register 8.4.1 0xB0A8 32 DMMCR DMA Master Control Register 8-21 Chapter 8 DMA Controller 8.4.1 DMA Master Control Register (DMMCR) 0xB0A8 This register controls the entire DMA Controller. 31 28 27 24 EIS[3:0] DIS[3:0] R 0000 R 0000 15 14 FIFVC 13 11 10 23 20 19 Reserved 16 FIFOVC R 000000 8 7 6 3 FIFWP FIFRP RSFIF FIFUM[3:0] R 000 R 000 R/W 0 R/W 0000 Field Name 2 1 Reserved RRPT R/W 0 : Type : Initial value 0 MSTEN R/W : Type 0 : Initial value Bits Mnemonic 31:28 EIS[3:0] Error Interrupt Status Error Interrupt Status [3:0] (Initial value: 0x0, R) These four bits indicate the error interrupt status of each channel. EIS[n] corresponds to channel n. 1: There is an error interrupt in the corresponding channel. 0: There is no error interrupt in the corresponding channel. Description 27:24 DIS[3:0] Normal Completion Interrupt Status Done Interrupt Status [3:0] (Initial value: 0x0, R) These four bits indicate the transfer completion (transfer complete or chain ended) interrupt status of each channel. DIS[n] corresponds to channel n. 1: There is a transfer completion interrupt in the corresponding channel. 0: There is no transfer completion interrupt in the corresponding channel. 23:20 19:14 FIFVC FIFO Valid Entry Count FIFO Valid Entry Count (Initial value: 000000, R) These read only bits indicate the byte count of data that were written to FIFO but not read out from the FIFO. 13:11 FIFWP FIFO Write Pointer FIFO Write Pointer (Initial value: 000, R) These read only bits indicate the next write position in FIFO. This is a diagnostic function. 10:8 FIFRP FIFO Read Pointer FIFO Read Pointer (Initial value: 000, R) These read only bits indicate the next read position in FIFO. This is a diagnostic function. 7 RSFIF Reset FIFO Reset FIFO (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit is used for resetting FIFO. When this bit is set to “1”, the FIFO read pointer, FIFO write pointer and FIFO valid entry count are initialized to “0”. If an error occurs during DMA transfer, use this bit when data remains in the FIFO (when the FIFO Valid entry Count Field is not “0”) to initialize the FIFO. Reserved Figure 8.4.1 DMA Master Control Register (1/2) 8-22 Chapter 8 DMA Controller Bit Mnemonic Field Name 6:3 FIFUM[3:0] FIFO Use Enable [3:0] 2 1 RRPT 0 MSTEN Description FIFO Use Enable [3:0] (Initial value: 0x0, R/W) Each channel specifies whether to use 8 -word FIFO in Dual Address transfer. FIFUM[n] corresponds to channel n. Refer to “ Burst Transfer During Dual Address Transfer” for more information. Reserved Round Robin Priority Round Robin Priority (Initial value: 0, R/W) Specifies the method for determining priority among channels. 1: Round Robin method. Priority of the last channel used is the lowest, and the next previous channel has the next lowest priority. Round robin is in the order Channel 0 > Channel 1 > Channel > Channel 3. 0: Fixed Priority. Priority is fixed in the order Channel 0 > Channel 1 > Channel 2 > Channel 3. Master Enable Master Enable (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit enables the DMA Controller. 1: Enable 0: Disable Note: If the entire DMA Controller is disabled, then all internal logic including the Bus Interface Logic and State Machine are reset. Figure 8.4.1 DMA Master Control Register (2/2) 8-23 Chapter 8 DMA Controller 8.4.2 DMA Channel Control Register (DMCCRn) 31 30 Reserved 29 R/W 0 15 13 STLTIME/INTRQD R/W 000 Bit 28 27 LE IMMCHN USEXFSZ Mnemonic 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 DBINH SBINH CHRST RVBYTE ACKPOL REQPL EGREQ CHDN R/W 0 R/W - R/W 0 R/W 0 R/W 1 12 11 10 9 8 INTENE INTENC INTENT CHNEN XFACT R/W 0 0xB018 (ch. 0) 0xB058 (ch. 2) R/W 0 R/W 0 R 0 R/W 0 R/W 0 R/W 0 R/W 0 5 4 SMPCHN XFSZ R/W 00 R/W 0 R/W 000 Field Name 18 17 DNCTL R/W 0 7 6 Reserved R/W 0 0xB038 (ch. 1) 0xB078 (ch. 3) R/W 00 2 16 EXTRQ R/W : Type 0 : Initial value 1 0 MEMIO SNGAD R/W 0 R/W : Type 0 : Initial value Description 31:30 29 IMMCHN Immediate Chain Immediate Chain (Initial value: 0, R/W) Selects the control method of bus ownership during chain transfer. 1: When the DMA transfer completes due to the current DMA Channel Register and DMCCRn.CHNEN=1, DMA Command Descriptor of the address set in DMCHARn is loaded to DMA channel Register without bus ownership release. (Chain Transfer) 0: When the DMA transfer completes due to the current DMA Channel Register and DMCCRn.CHNEN=1, DMA controller once releases the bus ownership. After that it gets bus ownership again and starts Chain Transfer. Note: It is not concerned with the setup of this bit but DMA controller releases bus ownership after the Chain Transfer ends. 28 USEXFSZ Transfer Set Size Mode Use Transfer Set Size (Initial value: 0, R/W) Selects the DMA channel operation mode during Burst DMA transfer. Refer to “ Burst Transfer During Single Address Transfer” and “ Burst Transfer During Dual Address Transfer” for more information. 1: The DMA Controller always transfers the amount of data set in DMCCRn.XFSZ for each bus operation. Since alignment to the boundary of the DMCCRn.XFSZ in the address is not forced when in this mode, transfers that exceed 32 -word boundaries are divided into two operations. 0: The DMA Controller calculates the transfer size so the address set in DMSARn and DMDARn (only during Dual Address transfer) can be aligned to the boundary of the size set in DMCCRn.XFSZ, then transfers data according to that size. 27 LE Little Endian Little Endian (Default: value that is the opposite of the G-Bus Endian (CCFG.ENDIAN)) This bit sets the Endian of the channel. 1: Channel operates in the Little Endian mode 0: Channel operates in the Big Endian mode Reserved Figure 8.4.2 DMA Channel Control Register (1/4) 8-24 Chapter 8 DMA Controller Bits Mnemonic Field Name Description 26 DBINH Destination Burst Inhibit Destination Burst Inhibit (Initial value: 0, R/W) During Dual Address transfer, this bit sets whether to perform Burst transfer or Single transfer on a Write cycle to the address set from FIFO to DMDARn when Burst transfer is set by DMCCRn.XFSZ. Refer to “ Burst Transfer During Dual Address Transfer” for more information. 1: Multiple Single transfers are executed. 0: Burst transfer is executed. 25 SBINH Source Burst Inhibit Source Burst Inhibit (Initial value: 0, R/W) During Dual Address transfer, this bit sets whether to perform Burst transfer or Single transfer on a Read cycle to the FIFO from the address set to DMSARn when Burst transfer is set by DMCCRn.XFSZ. Refer to “ Burst Transfer During Dual Address Transfer” for more information. The settings of this bit have no effect during Single Address transfers. 1: Multiple Single transfers are executed. 0: Burst transfer is executed. 24 CHRST Channel Reset Channel Reset (Initial value: 1, R/W) This bit is used for initializing channels. The DMCCRn.XFACT, DMCCRn.CHNEN, and DMCSRn bits are all cleared. In addition, all channel logic and interrupts from channels are cleared and bus ownership requests to the DMA Channel Arbiter are also reset. The software must clear this bit before operating a channel. 1: Reset channel 0: Enable channel 23 REVBYTE Reverse Byte Reverse Bytes (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit specifies whether to reverse the byte order during a Dual Address transfer when the Transfer Setting Size field (DMCCRn.XFSZ) setting is 4 bytes or more. Refer to “0 Double Word Byte Swapping” for more information. 1: Reverses the byte order. 0: Does not reverse the byte order. 22 ACKPOL Acknowledge Polarity Acknowledge Polarity (Initial value: 0, R/W) Specifies the polarity of the DMAACK[n] signal. 1: Asserts when the DMAACK[n] signal is High 0: Asserts when the DMAACK[n] signal is Low 21 REQPL Request Polarity Request Polarity (Initial value: 0, R/W) Specifies the polarity of the DMAREQ[n] signal. 1: Asserts when the DMAREQ[n] signal is High. 0: Asserts when the DMAREQ[n] signal is Low. 20 EGREQ Edge Request Edge Request (Initial value: 0, R/W) Specifies the method for detecting DMA requests by the DMAREQ[n] signal. 1: DMAREQ[n] signal is Edge Detect. 0: DMAREQ[n] signal is Level Detect. 19 CHDN Chain Complete Chain Done (Initial value: 0, R/W) Selects control by the DMADONE* signal. See “ DMA Controller” for more information. 1: Assertion of the DMADONE* signal controls the overall Chain DMA transfer. 0: Assertion of the DMADONE* signal controls DMA transfer according to the DMA Channel Register setting at that time. 18:17 DNCTL DONE Control Done Control (Initial value: 00, R/W) Specifies the input/output mode of the DMADONE* signal. Refer to “ DMADONE* Signal” for more information. 00: DMADONE* signal becomes the input signal, but input is ignored. 01: DMADONE* signal becomes the input signal. 10: DMADONE* signal becomes the output signal. 11: DMADONE* signal becomes the open drain input/output signal. Figure 8.4.2 DMA Channel Control Register (2/4) 8-25 Chapter 8 DMA Controller Bits Mnemonic Field Name Description 16 EXTRQ External Request External Request (Initial value: 0, R/W) Sets the Request Transfer mode. 1: I/O DMA transfer mode This bit is used by the External I/O DMA Transfer mode and the Internal I/O DMA Transfer mode. A channel requests internal bus ownership when the I/O device asserts the DMA request signal. 0: Memory Transfer mode This bit is used by the Memory-Memory Copy Transfer mode and the Memory Fill Transfer mode. A channel requests internal bus ownership when the value of DMCSRn.WAITC becomes “0”. 15:13 STLTIME / INTRQD Transfer Stall Detection Interval/Internal Request Delay • When in the I/O DMA Transfer mode (DMCCRn.EXTRQ is “1”) Stalled Transfer Detect Time (Initial value: 000, R/W) Sets the detection interval for a lack of bus ownership. If this channel n releases bus ownership then the interval it does not have ownership exceeds the clock count set by this field, then DMCSRn.STLXFER is set to “1”. Refer to “8.3.13 Transfer Stall Detection Function” for more information. 000: Does not detect stalled transfers. 001: Sets 960 (15 × 64) clocks as the detection interval 010: Sets 4032 (63 × 64) clocks as the detection interval 011: Sets 16320 (255 × 64) clocks as the detection interval 100: Sets 65472 (1023 × 64) clocks as the detection interval 101: Sets 262080 (4095 × 64) clocks as the detection interval 110: Sets 1048512 (16383 × 64) clocks as the detection interval 111: Sets 4194240 (65535 × 64) clocks as the detection interval • When in the Memory Transfer mode (DMCCRn.EXTRQ is “0”) Internal Request Delay (Initial value: 000, R/W) Sets the delay time from when bus ownership is released to the next bus ownership request. Bus ownership is released, the set delay time elapses, then a bus ownership request is generated from the channel. 000: Always requests bus ownership when this channel is active. (Bus ownership is released after bus operation ends) 001: Set 16 clocks as the delay time 010: Set 32 clocks as the delay time 011: Set 64 clocks as the delay time 100: Set 128 clocks as the delay time 101: Set 256 clocks as the delay time 110: Set 512 clocks as the delay time 111: Set 1024 clocks as the delay time 12 INTENE Error Interrupt Enable Interrupt Enable on Error (Initial value: 0, R/W) Enables interrupts when the Error End bit (DMCSRn.ABCHC) or the Transfer Stall Detection bit (DMCSRn.STLXFER) is set. 1: Generates interrupts. 0: Does not generate interrupts. 11 INTENC Chain End Interrupt Enable Interrupt Enable on Chain Done (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit enables interrupts when the Chain End bit (DMCSRn.NCHNC) is set. 1: Generate interrupts. 0: Do not generate interrupts. 10 INTENT Transfer End Interrupt Enable Interrupt Enable on Transfer Done (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit enables interrupts when the Transfer End bit (DMCSRn.NTRNFC) is set. 1: Generate interrupts. 0: Do not generate interrupts. Figure 8.4.2 DMA Channel Control Register (3/4) 8-26 Chapter 8 DMA Controller Bits Mnemonic 9 CHNEN Chain Enable Chain Enable (Initial value: 0, R) This bit indicates whether Chain operation is being performed. Read Only. This bit is cleared when either the Master Enable bit (DMMCR.MSTEN) is cleared or the Channel Reset bit (DMCCRn.CHRST) is set. This bit is set if a value other than “0” is set when the CPU writes to the DMA Chain Address Register (DMCHARn) or when a Chain transfer writes DMA Command Descriptor. This bit is then cleared when “0” is set to the DMA Chain Address Register (DMCHARn). 1: If transfer completes due to the current DMA Channel Register setting, a DMA Command Descriptor is loaded in the DMA Channel Register from the specified DMA Chain Address Register (DMCHARn) address, then DMA transfer continues. 0: Further transfer does not start even if transfer completes due to the current DMA Channel Register setting. 8 XFACT Transfer Active Transfer Active (Initial value: 0, R/W) DMA transfer is performed according to the DMA Channel Register setting when this bit is set. This bit is automatically set when a value other than “0” is set in the DMA Chain Address Register (DMCHARn). DMA transfer is then initiated. This bit is automatically cleared either when DMA transfer ends normally it is stopped due to an error. 1: Perform DMA transfer. 0: Do not perform DMA transfer. 7:6 5 SMPCHN 4:2 XFSZ 1 0 Field Name Description Reserved Please write “00” (Initial value: 00, R/W). Simple Chain Simple Chain (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit selects the DMA Channel Register that loads data from DMA Command Descriptors during Chain DMA transfer. 1: Data is only loaded to the four following DMA Channel Registers: the Chain Address Register (DMCHARn), the Source Address Register (DMSARn), the Destination Address Register (DMDARn), and the Count Register (DMCNTRn). 0: Data is loaded to all eight DMA Channel Registers. Transfer Set Size Transfer Set Size (Initial value: 000, R/W) These bits set the transfer data size of each bus operation in the internal bus. When the transfer set size is set to four words or greater, the data size actually transferred during a single bus operation does not always match the transfer set size. Refer to “ Burst Transfer During Single Address Transfer” and “ Burst Transfer During Dual Address Transfer” for more information. 000: 1 byte 001: 2 bytes 010: 4 bytes 011: (Reserved) 100: 4 words 101: 8 words 110: 16 words (Single Address transfer only) 111: 32 words (Single Address transfer only) MEMIO Memory to I/O Memory to I/O (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit specifies the transfer direction during Single Address transfer (DMCCRn.SNGAD = 1). Clear this bit when in the Memory Fill Transfer mode. The setting of this bit is ignored when Dual Address transfer is set (DMCCRn.SNGAD = 0). 1: From memory to I/O 0: From I/O to memory SNGAD Single Address Single Address (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit specifies whether the transfer method is Single Address transfer or Dual Address transfer. 1: Single Address transfer 0: Dual Address transfer Figure 8.4.2 DMA Channel Control Register (4/4) 8-27 Chapter 8 DMA Controller 8.4.3 DMA Channel Status Register (DMCSRn) 0xB01C (ch. 0) 0xB05C (ch. 2) 0xB03C (ch. 1) 0xB07C (ch. 3) 31 16 WAITC : Type : Initial value R 0x0000 15 11 Reserved Bits Mnemonic 31:16 WAITC 10 9 CHNEN STLXFER R 0 R/W1C 0 8 7 R 0 R 0 Field Name Wait Counter 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 XFACT ABCHC NCHNC NTRNFC EXTDN CFERR CHERR DESERR SORERR R/W1C R/W1C R/W1C R/W1C R/W1C R/W1C R/W1C : Type 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : Initial value Description Wait Counter (Initial value: 0x0000, R) This is a diagnostic function. I/O DMA transfer mode (DMCCRn.EXTRQ = “1”) This counter is decremented by 1 at each 64 G-Bus cycles. After channel n releases bus ownership, this counter sets the default (the value that is the detection interval clock cycle count set by the Transfer Stall Detection Interval field (DMCCRn.STLTIME) divided by 64). The Transfer Stall Detect bit (DMCSRn.STLXFER) is set when the interval during which bus ownership is not held reaches the set clock cycle. The counter is reset to the default and stops counting. Clearing the Transfer Stall Detect bit (DMCSRn.STLXFER) resumes the count and starts stall detection. Memory transfer mode (DMCCRn.EXTRQ = “0”) This counter is decremented by 1 at each G-Bus cycle. After bus ownership is released, the counter is set to the delay clock cycle count set by the Internal Request Delay field (DMCCRn.INTRQD). When the counter reaches “0” the count stops and channel n requests bus ownership. 15:11 10 CHNEN Chain Enable Chain Enable (Initial value: 0, R) This value is a copy of the Chain Enable bit (CHNEN) of the DMA Channel Control Register (DMCCRn). 9 STLXFER Transfer Stall Detect Stalled Transfer Detect (Initial value: 0, R/W1C) This bit indicates whether the interval during which bus ownership is not held exceeds the value set by the Transfer Stall Detect Interval field (DMCCRn.STLTIME) after bus ownership is released when in the I/O DMA transfer mode. 1: Indicates that the interval during which bus ownership was not held exceeds the DMCCRn.STLTIME setting. 0: The interval during which bus ownership was not held did not exceed the setting since this bit was last cleared. Reserved Figure 8.4.3 DMA Channel Status Register (1/2) 8-28 Chapter 8 DMA Controller Bits Mnemonic Field Name Description 8 XFACT Transfer Active Transfer Active (Initial value: 0, R) This value is a copy of the Transfer Active bit (XFACT) of the DMA Channel Control Register (DMCCRn). 7 ABCHC Error Complete Error Completion (Initial value: 0, R) This bit indicates whether an error occurred during DMA transfer. This bit indicates the logical sum of the four error bits (CFERR, CHERR, DESERR, SORERR) in DMCSRn[3:0]. 1: DMA transfer ends due to an error. 0: No error occurred since this bit was last cleared. 6 NCHNC Chain Complete Normal Chain Completion (Initial value: 0, R/W1C) When performing chain DMA transfer, This bit indicates whether all DMA data transfers in the DMA Descriptor chain are complete. 1: All DMA data transfers in the DMA Descriptor chain ended normally. Or, DMA transfer that did not use a DMA Descriptor chain ended normally. 0: DMA transfer has not ended normally since this bit was last cleared. 5 NTRNFC Transfer Complete Normal Transfer Completion (Initial value: 0, R/W1C) This bit indicates whether DMA transfer ended according to the current DMA Channel Register setting. 1: DMA transfer ended normally. 0: DMA transfer has not ended since this bit was last cleared. 4 EXTDN External DONE Asserted External Done Asserted (Initial value: 0, R/W1C) This bit indicates whether an external I/O device asserted the DMADONE* signal. When the DMADONE* signal is set to bidirectional, this bit is also set when the TX4925 asserts the DMADONE* signal. 1: DMADONE* signal was asserted. 0: DMADONE* signal was not asserted. 3 CFERR Configuration Error Configuration Error (Initial value: 0, R/W1C) Indicates whether an illegal register setting was made. 1: There was a configuration error. 0: There was no configuration error. 2 CHERR Chain Bus Error Chain Bus Error (Initial value: 0, R/W1C) This bit indicates whether a bus error occurred while reading a DMA Command Descriptor. 1: Bus error occurred. 0: No bus error occurred. 1 DESERR Destination Error Destination Bus Error (Initial value: 0, R/W1C) This bit indicates whether a bus error occurred during a destination bus Write operation (a Write to a set DMDARn address). 1: Bus error occurred. 0: No bus error occurred. 0 SORERR Source Bus Error Source Bus Error (Initial value: 0, R/W1C) This bit indicates whether a bus error occurred during either a source bus Read or Write operation (A Read or Write to a set DMSARn address). 1: Bus error occurred. 0: No bus error occurred. Figure 8.4.3 DMA Channel Status Register (2/2) 8-29 Chapter 8 DMA Controller 8.4.4 DMA Source Address Register (DMSARn) 0xB004 (ch. 0) 0xB044 (ch. 2) 0xB024 (ch. 1) 0xB064 (ch. 3) 31 16 SADDR[31:16] R/W - : Type : Initial value 15 0 SADDR[15:0] : Type : Initial value R/W - Bits Mnemonic 31:0 SADDR Field Name Source Address Description Source Address (Initial value: undefined, R/W) This field sets the physical address of the transfer source during Dual Address transfer. This field sets the physical address of memory access during Single Address transfer. This field is used for either Memory-to-I/O or I/O-to-Memory transfers. Refer to “ Channel Register Settings During Single Address Transfer” and “ Channel Register Settings During Dual Address Transfer” for more information. During Burst transfer, the value changes once for each bus operation only by the size that was transferred. During Single transfer, the value only changes by the value specified by the DMA Source Address Increment Register (DMSAIRn). Figure 8.4.4 DMA Source Address Register 8-30 Chapter 8 DMA Controller 8.4.5 DMA Destination Address Register (DMDARn) 0xB008 (ch. 0) 0xB048 (ch. 2) 31 0xB028 (ch. 1) 0xB068 (ch. 3) 16 DADDR[31:16] R/W - : Type : Initial value 15 0 DADDR[15:0] R/W - Bits Mnemonic 31:0 DADDR Field Name Destination Address : Type : Initial value Description Destination Address (Initial value: undefined, R/W) This register sets the physical address of the transfer destination during Dual Address transfer. This register is ignored during Single Address transfer. Refer to “ Channel Register Settings During Dual Address Transfer” for more information. During Burst transfer, the value changes only by the size of data transferred during each single bus operation. During Single transfer, the value only changes by the value specified by the DMA Destination Address Increment Register (DMDAIRn). Figure 8.4.5 DMA Destination Address Register 8-31 Chapter 8 DMA Controller 8.4.6 DMA Chain Address Register (DMCHARn) 0xB000 (ch. 0) 0xB040 (ch. 2) 0xB020 (ch. 1) 0xB060 (ch. 3) 31 16 CHADDR[31:16] R/W - : Type : Initial value 15 2 CHADDR[15:3] R/W - Bits Mnemonic 31:2 CHADDR 2:0 : Type : Initial value Field Name Chain Address 1 0 Reserved Description Chain Address (Initial value: undefined, R/W) When Chain DMA transfer is executed, this register sets the physical address of the next DMA Command Descriptor to be read. If DMA transfer according to the current Channel Register setting ends and the Chain Enable bit (DMCCRn.CHNEN) is set, then the DMA Command Descriptor is loaded in the Channel Register starting from the address indicated by this register. When a value other than “0” is set in this register, the Chain Enable bit (DMCCRn.CHNEN) and the Transfer Active bit (DMCCRn.XFACT) are set. When “0” is set in this register, only the Chain Enable bit (DMCCRn.CHNEN) is cleared. When the Chain Address field value reads a DMA Command Descriptor of 0, the value of this register is not updated and the value before that one (address of the Data Command Descriptor when the value of the Chain Address field being read was “0”) is held. Reserved Figure 8.4.6 DMA Chain Address Register 8-32 Chapter 8 DMA Controller 8.4.7 DMA Source Address Increment Register (DMSAIRn) 0xB010 (ch. 0) 0xB030 (ch. 1) 0xB050 (ch. 2) 0xB070 (ch. 3) 31 24 23 Reserved 16 SADINC[23:16] R/W - 15 : Type : Initial value 0 SADINC[15:0] R/W - Bits Mnemonic 31:24 23:0 SADINC Field Name Description Reserved Source Address Increment : Type : Initial value Source Address Increment (Initial value: undefined, R/W) This field sets the increase/decrease value of the DMA Source Address Register (DMSARn). This value is a 24-bit two’s complement and indicates a byte count. Refer to “ Channel Register Settings During Single Address Transfer” and “ Channel Register Settings During Dual Address Transfer” for more information. Figure 8.4.7 DMA Source Address Increment Register 8-33 Chapter 8 DMA Controller 8.4.8 DMA Destination Address Increment Register (DMDAIRn) 0xB014 (ch. 0) 0xB054 (ch. 2) 31 24 23 Reserved 0xB034 (ch. 1) 0xB074 (ch. 3) 16 DADINC[23:16] R/W - 15 : Type : Initial value 0 DADINC[15:0] R/W - Bits Mnemonic 31:24 23:0 DADINC Field Name Description Reserved Destination Address Increment : Type : Initial value Destination Address Increment (Initial value: undefined, R/W) This field sets the increase/decrease value of the DMA Destination Address Register (DMDARn). This value is a 24-bit two’s complement and indicates a byte count. Refer to “ Channel Register Settings During Dual Address Transfer” for more information. Figure 8.4.8 DMA Destination Address Increment Register 8-34 Chapter 8 DMA Controller 8.4.9 DMA Count Register (DMCNTRn) 31 26 0xB00C (ch. 0) 0xB04C (ch. 2) 25 0xB02C (ch. 1) 0xB06C (ch. 3) 16 Reserved DMCNTR[25:16] R/W - 15 : Type : Initial value 0 DMCNTR[15:0] R/W - Bits Mnemonic 31:26 25:0 DMCNTR Field Name : Type : Initial value Description Reserved Count Count Register (Initial value: undefined, R/W) This register sets the byte count that is transferred by the DMA Channel Register setting. The value is a 26-bit unsigned data that is decremented only by the size of the data transferred during a single bus operation. Refer to “ Channel Register Settings During Single Address Transfer” and “ Channel Register Settings During Dual Address Transfer” for more information. Figure 8.4.9 DMA Count Register 8-35 Chapter 8 DMA Controller 8.4.10 DMA Memory Fill Data Register (DMMFDR) 0xB0A4 31 16 MFD R/W - : Type : Initial value 15 0 MFD R/W - Bits Mnemonic Field Name 31:0 MFD Memory Fill Data : Type : Initial value Description Memory Fill Data (Initial value: undefined, R/W) This register, which stores word data written to memory when in the Memory Fill Transfer mode, is shared between all channels. Figure 8.4.10 DMA Memory Fill Data Register 8-36 Chapter 8 DMA Controller 8.5 Timing Diagrams This section contains timing diagrams for the external I/O DMA transfer mode. The DMAREQ[n] signals and DMAACK[n] signals in the timing diagrams are set to Low Active. 8.5.1 Single Address Single Transfer from Memory to I/O (32-bit ROM) SYSCLK CE* ADDR [19:0] 1c040 00040 ACE* OE*/BUSSPRT* SWE* BWE* f DATA [31:0] 00000100 ACK* DMAREQ[n] DMAACK[n] DMADONE* Figure 8.5.1 Single Address Single Transfer from Memory to I/O (Single Read of 32-bit Data from 32-bit ROM) 8-37 Chapter 8 DMA Controller DMADONE* DMAACK[n] DMAREQ[n] ACK* DATA [15:0] BWE* SWE* OE*/BUSSPRT* ACE* ADDR [19:0] CE* 38080 00080 0000 f 00081 0100 Single Address Single Transfer from Memory to I/O (16-bit ROM) SYSCLK 8.5.2 Figure 8.5.2 Single Address Single Transfer from Memory to I/O (Single Read of 32-bit Data from 16-bit ROM) 8-38 Chapter 8 DMA Controller 8.5.3 Single Address Single Transfer from I/O to Memory (32-bit SRAM) SYSCLK CE* ADDR [19:0] 1c040 00140 ACE* OE*/BUSSPRT* SWE* BWE* DATA [31:0] f 0 00000100 ACK* DMAREQ[n] DMAACK[n] DMADONE* Figure 8.5.3 Single Address Single Transfer from I/O to Memory (Single Write of 32-bit Data to 32-bit SRAM) 8-39 f Chapter 8 DMA Controller DMADONE* DMAACK[n] DMAREQ[n] ACK* DATA [31:0] BWE* SWE* OE*/BUSSPRT* ACE* ADDR [19:0] CE* 1c040 00040 00000100 00041 fffffeff f 00042 00000108 00043 fffffef7 Single Address Burst Transfer from Memory to I/O (32-bit ROM) SYSCLK 8.5.4 Figure 8.5.4 Single Address Burst Transfer from Memory to I/O (Burst Read of 4-word Data from 32-bit ROM) 8-40 Chapter 8 DMA Controller fffffef7 0 0 00000108 f 00143 00142 f Single Address Burst Transfer from I/O to Memory (32-bit SRAM) fffffeff DMADONE* DMAACK[n] DMAREQ[n] ACK* DATA [31:0] BWE* SWE* OE*/BUSSPRT* ACE* ADDR [19:0] CE* f 00000100 0 00140 f 0 00141 f f SYSCLK 8.5.5 Figure 8.5.5 Single Address Burst Transfer from I/O to Memory (Burst Write of 4-word Data from 32-bit SRAM) 8-41 8-42 (Burst Write of 8-word Data to 32-bit SRAM) DMADONE* DMAACK[n] DMAREQ[n] ACK* DATA [31:0] BWE* SWE* OE*/BUSSPRT* ACE* ADDR [19:0] CE* SYSCLK f 00000900 38080 0 00680 f fffff6ff 0 00681 f 00000908 0 00682 f fffff6f7 0 00683 f 00000910 0 00684 f fffff6ef 0 00685 f 00000918 0 00686 f fffff6e7 0 00687 f Chapter 8 DMA Controller Figure 8.5.6 Single Address Burst Transfer from I/O to Memory Chapter 8 DMA Controller 8.5.6 Single Address Single Transfer from Memory to I/O (16-bit ROM) SYSCLK CE* ADDR [19:0] 38080 00080 ACE* OE*/BUSSPRT* SWE* BWE* f DATA [15:0] 0000 ACK* DMAREQ[n] DMAACK[n] DMADONE* Figure 8.5.7 Single Address Single Transfer from Memory to I/O (Single Read from 16-bit ROM to 16-bit Data) 8-43 Chapter 8 DMA Controller DMADONE* DMAACK[n] DMAREQ[n] ACK* DATA [15:0] BWE* SWE* OE*/BUSSPRT* ACE* ADDR [19:0] CE* f 0000 c 00280 f Single Address Single Transfer from I/O to Memory (16-bit SRAM) SYSCLK 8.5.7 Figure 8.5.8 Single Address Single Transfer from I/O to Memory (Single Write of 16-bit Data to 16-bit SRAM) 8-44 Chapter 8 DMA Controller Figure 8.5.9 Single Address Single Transfer from Memory to I/O (Single Read of 32-bit Data from 32-bit Half Speed ROM) 8-45 DMADONE* DMAACK[n] DMAREQ[n] ACK* DATA [31:0] BWE* SWE* OE*/BUSSPRT* ACE* ADDR [19:0] CE* SYSCLK 1c041 f fffffeff 00041 Single Address Single Transfer from Memory to I/O (32-bit Half Speed ROM) SDCLK 8.5.8 Chapter 8 DMA Controller Figure 8.5.10 Single Address Single Transfer from I/O to Memory (Single Write of 32-bit Data to 32-bit Half Speed SRAM) 8-46 DMADONE* DMAACK[n] DMAREQ[n] ACK* DATA [31:0] BWE* SWE* OE*/BUSSPRT* ACE* ADDR [19:0] CE* SYSCLK 1c041 f 00000100 0 00140 f Single Address Single Transfer from I/O to Memory (32-bit Half Speed SRAM) SDCLK 8.5.9 Chapter 8 DMA Controller 8.5.10 Single Address Single Transfer from Memory to I/O (32-bit SRAM) SDCLK CS* ADDR [19:5] 0000 0040 RAS* CAS* WE* CKE* OE* DQM [3:0] ff 0 DATA [31:0] ACK* DMAREQ[n] DMAACK[n] DMADONE* Figure 8.5.11 Single Address Single Transfer from Memory to I/O (Single Read of 32-bit Data from 32-bit SDRAM) 8-47 ff Chapter 8 DMA Controller 8.5.11 Single Address Single Transfer from I/O to Memory (32-bit SDRAM) SDCLK CS* ADDR [19:5] 0001 0040 RAS* CAS* WE* CKE* OE* DQM [3:0] ff 0 DATA [31:0] ACK* DMAREQ[n] DMAACK[n] DMADONE* Figure 8.5.12 Single Address Single Transfer from I/O to Memory (Single Write of 32-bit Data to 32-bit SDRAM) 8-48 ff Chapter 8 DMA Controller 8.5.12 Single Address Single Transfer from Memory to I/O of Last Cycle when DMADONE* Signal is Set to Output SDCLK CS* ADDR [19:5] 0000 0041 RAS* CAS* WE* CKE* OE*/BUSSPRT* DQM [7:0] ff 00 DATA [63:0] ACK* DMAREQ[n] DMAACK[n] DMADONE* Figure 8.5.13 Single Address Single Transfer from Memory to I/O (Single Read of 64-bit Data from 64-bit SDRAM) 8-49 ff Chapter 8 DMA Controller Figure 8.5.14 Single Address Single Transfer from Memory to I/O (Single Read of 32-bit Data from 32-bit SDRAM) 8-50 DMADONE* DMAACK[n] DMAREQ[n] ACK* DATA [31:0] DQM [7:0] OE*/BUSSPRT* CKE* WE* CAS* RAS* ADDR [19:5] CS* ff 0000 0080 f0 0081 00000100 fffffeef ff Single Address Single Transfer from Memory to I/O (32-bit SDRAM) SDCLK 8.5.13 Chapter 8 DMA Controller 8.5.14 Single Address Single Transfer from I/O to Memory (32-bit SDRAM) SDCLK CS* ADDR [19:5] 0002 0080 0081 RAS* CAS* WE* CKE* OE* DQM [7:0] DATA [31:0] ff f0 ff 00000100 ACK* DMAREQ[n] DMAACK[n] DMADONE* Figure 8.5.15 Single Address Single Transfer from I/O to Memory (Single Write of 32-bit Data to 32-bit SDRAM) 8-51 ff Chapter 8 DMA Controller 8.5.15 External I/O Device – SRAM Dual Address Transfer SYSCLK CE* (SRAM) CE* (I/O device) ADDR [19:0] ACE* OE*/BUSSPRT* SWE* BWE* DATA [31:0] f f V XV XV X V XV XV X V XV f f f f f Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid ACK* DMAREQ[n] DMAACK[n] DMADONE* Figure 8.5.16 Dual Address Transfer from External I/O Device to SRAM (8-word Burst Transfer to 32-bit Bus SRAM) 8-52 f f Chapter 8 DMA Controller SYSCLK CE* (SRAM) CE* (I/O device) ADDR [19:0] ACE* OE*/BUSSPRT* SWE* BWE* DATA [31:0] 0 f V V V V Valid f 0 Valid f 0 Valid ACK* DMAREQ[n] DMAACK[n] DMADONE* Figure 8.5.17 Dual Address Transfer from SRAM to External I/O Device (4-word Burst Transfer from 32-bit Bus SRAM) 8-53 f 0 Valid f Chapter 8 DMA Controller 8.5.16 External I/O Device – SDRAM Dual Address Transfer SDCLK/SYSCLK CS* CE* ADDR [19:0] RAS* CAS* WE* CKE OE*/BUSSPRT* DQM[7:0] DATA [31:0] ff V X V X V f0 X V Valid V ACK* ACE* SWE* BWE* f DMAREQ[n] DMAACK[n] DMADONE* Figure 8.5.18 Dual Address Transfer from External I/O Device to SDRAM (4-word Burst Transfer to 32-bit SDRAM) 8-54 ff V V Chapter 8 DMA Controller SDCLK/SYSCLK CS* CE* ADDR [19:0] V RAS* CAS* WE* CKE OE*/BUSSPRT* DQM[7:0] ff f0 ff DATA [31:0] Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid ACK* ACE* SWE* BWE* f f f f f f f DMAREQ[n] DMAACK[n] DMADONE* Figure 8.5.19 Dual Address Transfer from SDRAM to External I/O Device (8-word Burst Transfer from 32-bit SDRAM) 8-55 f f Chapter 8 DMA Controller 8.5.17 External I/O Device (Non-burst) – SDRAM Dual Address Transfer SDCLK/SYSCLK CS* CE* ADDR[19:0] RAS* CAS* WE* CKE OE*/ BUSSPRT* DQM[7:0] DATA[31:0] f0 ff V V V V Valid V V V ACK* ACE* SWE* f BWE* DMAREQ[n] DMAACK[n] DMADONE* Figure 8.5.20 Dual Address Transfer from External I/O Device (Non-Burst) to SDRAM (4-word Burst Transfer to 32-bit SDRAM: Set DMCCRn.SBINH to “1”) 8-56 ff Chapter 8 DMA Controller SDCLK/SYSCLK CS* CE* ADDR[19:0] RAS* CAS* WE* CKE OE*/BUSSPRT* DQM[7:0] DATA[31:0] ff f0 ff V V V V Valid Valid Valid Valid ACK* ACE* SWE* BWE* f 0 f 0 f 0 DMAREQ[n] DMAACK[n] DMADONE* Figure 8.5.21 Dual Address Transfer from SDRAM to External I/O Device (4-word Burst Transfer from 32-bit SDRAM: Set DMCCRn.DBINH to “1”) 8-57 f 0 f Chapter 8 DMA Controller 8-58 Chapter 9 SDRAM Controller 9. 9.1 SDRAM Controller Characteristics The SDRAM Controller (SDRAMC) generates the control signals required to interface with the SDRAM. There are a total of four channels, which can each be operated independently. The SDRAM Controller supports various bus configurations and a memory size of up to 2 GB. The SDRAM has the following characteristics. • Clock frequency: 80 MHz • Four independent memory channels • Support SDRAM and SyncFlash® memory • Can use registered DIMM • Selectable data bus width for each channel: 32-bit/16-bit • Supports critical word first access of the TX49/H2 core • Supports DMAC special Burst access (address decrement/fix) • Programmable SDRAM timing latency Can set timing to match the clock frequency used and the memory speed. Can realize a system with optimized memory performance. • Can write to any byte during Single or Burst Write operation. This feature is controlled by the DQM signal. • Can set the refresh cycle to be programmable. • SDRAM refresh mode: both auto refresh and self refresh are possible. • Low power consumption mode: can select between self refresh or pre-charge power down • SDRAM Burst length: fixed to "2" • SDRAM addressing mode: Fixed to the Sequential mode • Supports systems with high fan-out Supports two selectable data read-back buses and supports the Slow Write Burst Mode in order to handle data buses with large load. In order to maintain timing consistency during Read operation, it is possible to select whether to use the feedback clock to latch data or to by-pass this latch path. Two clock cycles are used for each Write operation when in the Slow Write Burst Mode. “SyncFlash®” is a registered trademark of Micron Technology, Inc. 9-1 Chapter 9 SDRAM Controller 9.2 Block Diagram SDRAMC SDCS [3:0]* G-Bus I/F Signal G-Bus Interface Control Channel 0 – 3 Control Register Control Circuit CKE WE* RAS* Timing Register CAS* DQM [3:0] Command/Load Register RP* Refresh Counter EBIF Control Signal ADDR [19:16], SADDR10, ADDR[14:5] G-Bus I/FSignal EBIF DATA [31:0] G-Bus CG Note: SDCLK[1:0] Address signals for SDRAM are ADDR[19:16], SADDR10, and ADDR[14:5]. Don’t use ADDR[15] for SDRAM. Figure 9.2.1 Block Diagram of SDRAMC 9-2 Chapter 9 SDRAM Controller 9.3 Detailed Explanation 9.3.1 Supported SDRAM Configurations This controller supports the SDRAM Configurations listed below in Table 9.3.1. The MW field of the SDRAM Channel Control Register (SDCCRn) can be used to separately set the data bus width for each channel to either 32 bits or 16 bits. DATA[15:0] and DQM[1:0] are used when using a 16-bit data bus. DQM[3:2] output High. DATA[31:16] output an undefined value when DATA[15:0] become the output, but enter the High-Z state when DATA[15:0] are the input. When in the Big Endian Mode, first external access of the upper half word (bits 31:16) of the internal data bus is performed, then external access of the lower half word (bits 15:0) is performed. When in the Little Endian Mode, first external access of the lower half word (bits 15:0) is performed, then external access of the upper half word (bits 31:16) is performed. When using a 16-bit data bus, two external access will always be performed even when accessing less than 16 bits of data. The maximum memory capacity per channel when a 32-bit data bus is configured is 512 MBytes when using 8 512-Mbit SDRAMs with a 4-bit data bus. The total maximum memory capacity is 2 GBytes when totaling up the four channels. Table 9.3.1 Supported SDRAM Configurations SDRAM Configuration 16 Mbit 2-bank 2-bank 64 Mbit 4-bank 128 Mbit 256 Mbit 512 Mbit 4-bank 4-bank 4-bank Row Address (bit) Column Address (bit) 1 M × 16 11 8 2M×8 11 9 4M×4 11 10 2 M × 32 11 9 2 M × 32 12 8 4 M × 16 11 10 4 M × 16 13 8 8M×8 13 9 16 M × 4 13 10 2 M × 32 11 8 4 M × 16 12 8 8M×8 12 9 16 M × 4 12 10 4 M × 32 12 8 8 M × 16 12 9 16 M × 8 12 10 32 M × 4 12 11 8 M × 32 13 8 16 M × 16 13 9 32 M × 8 13 10 64 M × 4 13 11 32 M × 16 13 10 64 M × 8 13 11 128 M × 4 13 12 Remarks See Note See Note See Note See Note See Note See Note Note1: The SDRAM Controller logic-wise does support these configurations, but please design carefully since the memory bus load will be large. Note2: With this composition, since the memory size of one channel is 512 Mbyte, if the memory area is mapped from physical address 0, it will overlap with the address area which is used for ROM area of boot vector. 9-3 Chapter 9 SDRAM Controller 9.3.2 Address Mapping Physical Address Mapping It is possible to map each of the four channels to an arbitrary physical address using the Base Address field (SDCCRn.BA[31:21]) of the SDRAM Channel Control Register and the Address Mask Field (SDCCRn.AM[31:21]). The channel that becomes True in the following equation is selected. paddr[31:21] & !AM[31:21] = BA[31:21] & !AM[31:21] In the above equation, “paddr” represents the accessed physical address, “&” represents the AND of each bit, and “!” represents the logical NOT of each bit. Operation is undefined when multiple channels are simultaneously selected, or when external bus controllers or PCI controllers are simultaneously selected. 9-4 Chapter 9 SDRAM Controller Address Signal Mapping (32-bit Data Bus) Table 9.3.2 shows the address signal mapping when using a 32-bit data bus. B0 is used in the bank selection in memory with a two-bank configuration. [B1:B0] are used in the bank selection in memory with a four-bank configuration. Bits with the description “L/H” output High when performing auto-precharging, or output Low when not performing auto-precharging. Table 9.3.2 Address Signal Mapping (32-bit Data Bus) (1/2) Row address width = 11 Column address width = 8 Address Bit ADDR [19:5] 19 (B0) 18 (B1) 17 16 SAD DR10 (AP) 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 Column Address 21 22 22 21 L/H 22 21 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Row Address 21 22 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 17 16 SAD DR10 (AP) 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 Row Address Width = 11 Column Address Width = 9 Address Bit ADDR [19:5] 19 (B0) 18 (B1) Column Address 22 22 22 21 L/H 22 21 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Row Address 22 22 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 Row Address Width = 11 Column Address Width = 10 Address Bit ADDR [19:5] 19 (B0) 18 (B1) 17 16 SAD DR10 (AP) 14 13 Column Address 23 22 22 21 L/H 22 21 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Row Address 23 22 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 17 16 SAD DR10 (AP) 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 Row Address Width = 12 Column Address Width = 8 Address Bit ADDR [19:5] 19 (B0) 18 (B1) Column Address 22 23 22 21 L/H 23 22 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Row Address 22 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 Row Address Width = 12 Column Address Width = 9 19 (B0) 18 (B1) 17 16 SAD DR10 (AP) 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 Column Address 23 24 22 21 L/H 23 22 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Row Address 23 24 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 Address Bit ADDR [19:5] Row Address Width = 12 Column Address Width = 10 Address Bit ADDR [19:5] 19 (B0) 18 (B1) 17 16 SAD DR10 (AP) 14 13 Column Address 24 25 22 21 L/H 23 22 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Row Address 24 25 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9-5 Chapter 9 SDRAM Controller Table 9.3.2 Address Signal Mapping (32-bit Data Bus) (2/2) Row Address Width = 12 Column Address Width = 11 19 (B0) 18 (B1) 17 16 SAD DR10 (AP) 14 13 Column Address 25 26 22 24 L/H 23 22 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Row Address 25 26 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 17 16 SAD DR10 (AP) 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 Address Bit ADDR [19:5] 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 Row Address Width = 13 Column Address Width = 8 Address Bit ADDR [19:5] 19 (B0) 18 (B1) Column Address 23 24 22 21 L/H 24 23 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Row Address 23 24 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 18 (B1) 17 16 SAD DR10 (AP) 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 Row Address = 13 Column Address Width = 9 Address Bit ADDR [19:5] 19 (B0) Column Address 24 25 22 21 L/H 24 23 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Row Address 24 25 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 Row Address Width = 13 Column Address Width = 10 Address Bit ADDR [19:5] 19 (B0) 18 (B1) 17 16 SAD DR10 (AP) 14 13 Column Address 25 26 22 21 L/H 24 23 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Row Address 25 26 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 Row Address Width = 13 Column Address Width = 11 Address Bit ADDR [19:5] 19 (B0) 18 (B1) 17 16 SAD DR10 (AP) 14 13 Column Address 26 27 22 25 L/H 24 23 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Row Address 26 27 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 Row Address Width = 13 Column Address Width = 12 Address Bit ADDR [19:5] 19 (B0) 18 (B1) 17 16 SAD DR10 (AP) 14 13 Column Address 27 28 26 25 L/H 24 23 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Row Address 27 28 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9-6 Chapter 9 SDRAM Controller Address Signal Mapping (16-bit Data Bus) Table 9.3.3 shows the address signal mapping when using a 16-bit data bus. B0 is used in the bank selection in memory with a two-bank configuration. [B1:B0] are used in the bank selection in memory with a four-bank configuration. Bits with the description “L/H” output High when performing auto-precharging, or output Low when not performing auto-precharging. Table 9.3.3 Address Signal Mapping (16-bit Data Bus) (1/2) Row Address Width = 11 Column Address Width = 8 Address Bit ADDR [19:5] 19 (B0) 18 (B1) 17 16 SAD DR10 (AP) 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 Column Address 20 21 21 20 L/H 21 20 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Row Address 20 21 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 17 16 SAD DR10 (AP) 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 Row Address Width = 11 Column Address Width = 9 Address Bit ADDR [19:5] 19 (B0) 18 (B1) Column Address 21 21 21 20 L/H 21 20 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Row Address 21 21 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 Row Address Width = 11 Column Address Width = 10 19 (B0) 18 (B1) 17 16 SAD DR10 (AP) 14 13 Column Address 22 21 21 20 L/H 21 20 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Row Address 22 21 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 17 16 SAD DR10 (AP) 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 Address Bit ADDR [19:5] Row Address Width = 12 Column Address Width = 8 Address Bit ADDR [19:5] 19 (B0) 18 (B1) Column Address 21 22 21 20 L/H 22 21 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Row Address 21 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 17 16 SAD DR10 (AP) 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 Row Address Width = 12 Column Address Width = 9 Address Bit ADDR [19:5] 19 (B0) 18 (B1) Column Address 22 23 21 20 L/H 22 21 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Row Address 22 23 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 Row Address Width = 12 Column Address Width = 10 Address Bit ADDR [19:5] 19 (B0) 18 (B1) 17 16 SAD DR10 (AP) 14 13 Column Address 23 24 21 20 L/H 22 21 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Row Address 23 24 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 9-7 Chapter 9 SDRAM Controller Table 9.3.3 Address Signal Mapping (16-bit Data Bus) (2/2) Row Address Width = 12 Column Address Width = 11 19 (B0) 18 (B1) 17 16 SAD DR10 (AP) 14 13 Column Address 24 25 21 23 L/H 22 21 8 7 6 5 4 Row Address 24 25 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 17 16 SAD DR10 (AP) 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 Address Bit ADDR [19:5] 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 3 2 1 11 10 9 6 5 Row Address Width = 13 Column Address Width = 8 Address Bit ADDR [19:5] 19 (B0) 18 (B1) Column Address 22 23 21 20 L/H 23 22 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Row Address 22 23 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 18 (B1) 17 16 SAD DR10 (AP) 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 Row Address Width = 13 Column Address Width = 9 Address Bit ADDR [19:5] 19 (B0) Column Address 23 24 21 20 L/H 23 22 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Row Address 23 24 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 Row Address Width = 13 Column Address Width = 10 Address Bit ADDR [19:5] 19 (B0) 18 (B1) 17 16 SAD DR10 (AP) 14 13 Column Address 24 25 21 20 L/H 23 22 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Row Address 24 25 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 Row Address Width = 13 Column Address Width = 11 Address Bit ADDR [19:5] 19 (B0) 18 (B1) 17 16 SAD DR10 (AP) 14 13 Column Address 25 26 21 24 L/H 23 22 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Row Address 25 26 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 Row Address Width = 13 Column Address Width = 12 Address Bit ADDR [19:5] 19 (B0) 18 (B1) 17 16 SAD DR10 (AP) 14 13 Column Address 26 27 25 24 L/H 23 22 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Row Address 26 27 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 9-8 Chapter 9 SDRAM Controller 9.3.3 Initialization of SDRAM The TX4925 Command Register has functions for generating the cycles required for initializing SDRAM and SyncFlash. Using software to set each register makes it possible to execute initial settings at a particular timing. However the Set Mode Register command should be applied separately to the SDRAM and SyncFlash channels. (1) Set the SDRAM Channel Control Register (SDCCRn). (2) Set the SDRAM Timing Register (SDCTR). This timing setting is applied to all channels, so please set it to the slowest memory device. (3) Use the SDRAM Command Register (SDCCMD) to issue the Pre-charge All command. (4) Issue the Set Mode Register command in the same manner. (5) Set the refresh count required to initialize SDRAM to the refresh counter (SDCTR.RC)1 and set the refresh cycle (SDCTR.RP).2 3 (6) Wait until the refresh counter returns to “0.” (7) Set the refresh cycle (SDCTR.RP) to the proper value. 1 2 3 The number of refresh operations can be counted using the refresh counter. With this function, it is no longer necessary to assemble special timing groups in the software when counting refresh operations. Setting the refresh cycle to a small value makes it possible to expedite completion of the refresh cycle required for SDRAM initialization. As described above, please set normal values after the required number of refresh cycles have been generated. Refresh requests have priority over all other SDRAM Controller access requests. Please do not set the memory refresh cycle to an unnecessarily short value. 9-9 Chapter 9 SDRAM Controller 9.3.4 Low Power Consumption Function Power Down Mode, Self-Refresh Mode, Deep Power Down Mode SDRAM has two low power consumption modes called the Power Down mode and the SelfRefresh mode. Memory data is lost in the case of the Power Down mode since Memory Refresh is not performed, but the amount of power consumed is reduced the most. Memory data is not lost in the case of the Self-Refresh mode. SDRAM is set to the Power Down mode by using the SDRAM Command Register (SDCCMD) to issue the Power Down Mode command. Similarly, SDRAM is set to the Self-Refresh mode by issuing the Self-Refresh Mode command. The SDRAMC terminates internal refresh circuit operation after one of these commands has been issued. Issuing the Normal Mode command returns operation to normal. When the Power Down Auto Entry bit (SDCTR.PDAE) of the SDRAM Timing Register is set, SDRAM is automatically set to the Power Down mode when memory access is not being performed. The SDRAMC internal refresh circuit will continue operating, so there will be no loss of memory data. If either the Memory Access, Memory Refresh, or Memory command is executed while SDRAM is set to the Power Down mode or the Self-Refresh mode, then the Power Down mode and Self-Refresh mode will automatically terminate, and memory access will be performed. After returning from a low power consumption mode that was set by either the Power Down Mode command or the Self-Refresh Mode command, the next memory access starts after 10 SDCLK cycles pass. This latency sufficiently follows the stipulated time from Power Down to first access of the SDRAM. If setting the Power Down Auto Entry bit automatically causes memory access to be requested when set in the Power Down mode, then add 1 SDCLK cycle more of access latency than when not in the Power Down mode. SyncFlash has two low power consumption modes called the Power Down mode and the Deep Power Down mode. Memory data is not lost in both mode. SyncFlash need the device power-up initialize sequence in the case of the Deep Power Down mode, but the amount of power consumed is reduced the most. Advanced CKE Advanced CKE is a function that speeds up the CKE assertion and deassertion timing by 1 clock cycle. This function is set using the Address CKE bit (SDCTR.ACE) of the SDRAM Timing Register. Advanced CKE assumes that it will be used in a system where SDRAM data is saved even when the power to the TX4925 itself is cut. Since CKE On/Off becomes 1 cycle faster, it is possible to delay CKE by 1 clock cycle using external power consumption control logic. Please set the SDRAM to the Self-Refresh mode before using this function. When combining advanced CKE functionality with Power Down Auto Entry functionality and memory access is requested while in the Power Down mode, two more SDCLK cycles of latency are added than would be the case when not in the Power Down mode. 9-10 Chapter 9 SDRAM Controller 9.3.5 Bus Errors The SDRAMC detects bus errors in the following situations: • Bus time-out occurs during Read or Write operation to the SDRAMC If a bus error occurs when accessing the SDRAMC, then the SDRAMC will immediately abort current operation. Then, the current SDRAM cycle will end, remaining SDRAMC operations will be aborted, a Pre-charge All command will be issued to SDRAM, then the SDRAMC will return to the Idle state. 9.3.6 Memory Read and Memory Write The RAS* signal, CAS* signal, WE*, signal, ADDR[19:16], SADDR10, and ADDR[14:5] signal are set up 1 cycle before the SDCS* signal is asserted in the case of the Read command, Write command, Pre-charge command, or Mode Register Set command. The same set up time is observed even for active commands if the Active Command Ready bit (SDCTR.DA) of the SDRAM Timing Register is set. Figure 9.5.1 is a timing diagram of Single Read operation when the SDCTR.DA bit is cleared. Figure 9.5.2 is a timing diagram of Single Read operation when the SDCTR.DA bit is set. Burst or Single Read operation is terminated by the Pre-charge Active Bank command. Burst or Single Write operation is terminated by the Auto Pre-charge Command. 9.3.7 Slow Write Burst When the Slow Write Burst bit (SDCTR.SWB) of the SDRAM Timing Register is cleared, the data changes at each cycle during Burst Write operation (Figure 9.5.6). When the Slow Write Burst bit is set, the data will change every other cycle (Figure 9.5.7). When Slow Write Burst bit is set, it always operates as tRCD = 3tCK against all write access in no relation with the value of RAS-CAS Delay bit (SDCTR.RCD) of SDRAM Timing Register. When slow write burst is invalid, the value of RAS-CAS Delay bit is valid. During read access the value of RASCAS Delay bit is valid in no relation with Slow Write Burst bit setup. 9.3.8 Clock Feedback When performing Read access at fast rates like 80 MHz, there may be insufficient set up time if an attempt to directly latch Read data with the internal clock is made. With the TX4925, it is possible to latch data using SDRAM clock SDCLKIN that is input from outside the chip. Please connect SDCLKIN to one of the SDCLK[1:0] pins and the external source. 9.3.9 SyncFlash ® SDRAMC supports SyncFlash Memory. This memory is drop-in compatible with SDRAM for reads and require a special command sequence for writes and other control operations. The Low power consumption function is some different from SDRAM. Please refer 9.3.4 in detail. A write to SFCMD register performs a Load Command Register (LCR) Cycle that is the first cycle of SyncFlash memory command sequences to the SyncFlash device. The SyncFlash are fully supported in 16-bit mode for reads and writes (programming) with one exception. In order to read the “Device ID” or “Device protect bit” using the Read Device Configuration LCR operation, the Memory Width field for SyncFlash channel should be briefly set to 32-bit mode (SDCCRn.MW = 0). The relevant data will be on the lower data bus, Data[15:0]. This allows the SDRAMC to correctly generate the odd address necessary to read these SyncFlash configuration registers. All other LCR commands and reads and 9-11 Chapter 9 SDRAM Controller writes function normally in 16-bit mode. This is caused by two external accesses always being performed for each data access of 16 bits or less when the bus width is 16 bits. These two bus cycles do not output odd addresses in order to execute Burst transfer. Therefore, device IDs with an odd address and Device Protect bits cannot be accessed. 9.4 Registers Table 9.4.1 SDRAM Control Register Reference Offset Address Bit Width Register Symbol 9.4.1 0x8000 32 SDCCR0 SDRAM Channel Control Register 0 9.4.1 0x8004 32 SDCCR1 SDRAM Channel Control Register 1 9.4.1 0x8008 32 SDCCR2 SDRAM Channel Control Register 2 9.4.1 0x800C 32 SDCCR3 SDRAM Channel Control Register 3 9.4.2 0x8020 32 SDCTR 9.4.3 0x802C 32 SDCCMD 9.4.4 0x8030 32 SFCMD 9-12 Register Name SDRAM Timing Register SDRAM Command Register SyncFlash Command Register Chapter 9 SDRAM Controller 9.4.1 SDRAM Channel Control Register (SDCCR0) (SDCCR1) (SDCCR2) (SDCCR3) 31 0x8000 (ch. 0) 0x8004 (ch. 1) 0x8008 (ch. 2) 0x800C (ch. 3) 21 20 16 BA AM[31:27] R/W 0x1FC/0x000 R/W 0x0 15 AM[26:21] 10 9 CE 8 MT 7 RD Reserved R/W 0x00 R/W 0 R/W 0 R/W 0 R/W 0 Field Name 6 5 4 3 0 0 RS R/W 0 2 CS R/W 0 : Type : Initial value 1 0 0 MW R/W : Type : Initial 0 value Bits Mnemonic Description 31:21 BA[31:21] Base Address Base Address (Initial value: (0x1FC & (ADDR[8:6]==000)/0x000, R/W) Specifies the base address. The upper 11 bits [31:21] of the physical address are compared to the value of this field. (Note) When ADDR[8:6] is 000b: 0x1FC (select SyncFlash as the Boot memory) For all other ADDR[8:6] values: 0x000 20:10 AM[31:21] Address Mask Address Mask (Initial value: 0x000, R/W) Sets the valid bits for address comparison according to the base address. 0: Bits of the corresponding BA field are compared. 1: Bits of the corresponding BA field are not compared. 9 CE Channel Enable Enable (Initial value: (ADDR[8:6]==000)/0, R/W) Specifies whether to enable a channel. If ADDR[8:6] are 000 during the boot sequence to select SyncFlash as the boot memory, the value in channel 0 become 1. 0: Disable 1: Enable 8 MT Memory Type Memory Type (Initial value: (ADDR[8:6]==000)/0, R/W) Specifies whether SDRAM or SynvFlash. If ADDR[8:6] are 000 during the boot sequence to select SyncFlash as the boot memory, the value in channel 0 become 1. 0: SDRAM 1: SyncFlash 7 RD Registered DIMM Registered DIMM (Initial value: 0, R/W) Specifies whether the SDRAM connected to the channel is Registered memory. 0: Disable Registered memory 1: Enable Registered memory 6 Reserved Note: this bit is always set to “0” (Initial value: 0, R/W) 5:4 RS Row Size Row Size (Initial value: ((-ADDR[5], ADDR[2]) & (ADDR[8:6]==000))/00, R/W) Specifies the row size. If ADDR[8:6] are 000 during the boot sequence to select SyncFlash as the boot memory, the value of ADDR[5,2] during the boot sequence are set in these bits. 00: 2048 Rows (11 bits) 01: 4096 Rows (12 bits) 10: 8192 Rows (13 bits) 11: Reserved (Note) When ADDR[8:6] is 000b: Up to ADDR[5], ADDR[2] (select SyncFlash as the Boot memory) For all other ADDR[8:6] values: 00 Figure 9.4.1 SDRAM Channel Control Register (1/2) 9-13 Chapter 9 SDRAM Controller Bits Mnemonic Field Name Description 3:1 CS Column Size Column Size (Initial value: {0,(ADDR[11,12] & (ADDR[8:6]==000))}/000, R/W) Specifies the column size. If ADDR[8:6] are 000 during the boot sequence to select SyncFlash as the boot memory, the value of ADDR[11,12] during the boot sequence are set in CS[1:0]. CS[2] is zero. 000: 256 words (8 bits) 001: 512 words (9 bits) 010: 1024 words (10 bits) 011: 2048 words (11 bits) 100: 4096 words (12 bits) 101 – 111: Reserved 0 MW Memory Width Memory Width (Initial value: (ADDR[13] & (ADDR[8:6]==000))/0, R/W) Specifies the bus width. If ADDR[8:6] are 000 during the boot sequence to select SyncFlash as the boot memory, the value of ADDR[13] during the boot sequence is set in this bit. 0: 32 bits 1: 16 bits Figure 9.4.1 SDRAM Channel Control Register (2/2) 9-14 Chapter 9 SDRAM Controller 9.4.2 SDRAM Timing Register (SDCTR) 31 29 BC ACP 26 PT 25 RCD 24 ACE 23 PDAE R/W 101 R/W 11 R/W 1 R/W 1 R/W 0 R/W 0 15 DA 14 SWB R/W 1 R/W 1 28 13 12 27 0x8020 22 RC 18 17 CASL R/W 00000 R/W 1 11 16 DRB R/W : Type : Initial 0 value 0 DIA RP R/W 11 R/W 0x270 : Type : Initial value Bits Mnemonic Field Name Description 31:29 BC Bank Cycle Time Bank Cycle Time (tRC) (Initial value: 101, R/W) Specifies the bank cycle time.(*2) 000: 5 tCK(*1) 100: 9 tCK 001: 6 tCK 101: 10 tCK 010: 7 tCK 110: Reserved 011: 8 tCK 111: Reserved 28:27 ACP Active Command Time Active Command Period (tRAS) (Initial value: 11, R/W) Specifies the active command time. 00: 3 tCK 01: 4 tCK 10: 5 tCK 11: 6 tCK 26 PT Precharge Time Precharge Time (tRP) (Initial value: 1, R/W) Specifies the precharge time. 0: 2 tCK 1: 3 tCK 25 RCD RAS-CAS Delay RAS to CAS Delay (tRCD) (Initial value: 1, R/W) Specifies the RAS - CAS delay. 0: 2 tCK 1: 3 tCK 24 ACE Advanced CKE Advanced CKE enable (Initial value: 0, R/W) Enabling this function makes the timing at which CKE changes one cycle earlier. 0: Disable 1: Enable 23 PDAE Power Down Auto Entry Power Down Auto Entry Enable (Initial value: 0, R/W) Enabling this function makes CKE become “L” while the SDRAMC is in the Idle state. When refresh, memory access, or command execution is performed, CKE automatically becomes “H”, the requested operation is performed, then CKE returns to “L” when the operation is complete. 0: Disable 1: Enable Figure 9.4.2 SDRAM Timing Register (1/2) 9-15 Chapter 9 SDRAM Controller Bits Mnemonic Field Name Description 22:18 RC Refresh Counter Refresh Counter (Initial value: 00000, R/W) This counter is decremented at each refresh. If the refresh circuit is activated and a value other than “0” is loaded, this field becomes a down counter that stops at “0”. A value other than “0” must be reloaded to start the countdown again. This is used during memory initialization. 17 CASL CAS Latency CAS Latency (tCASL) (Initial value: 1, R/W) Specifies the CAS latency. 0: 2 tCK 1: 3 tCK 16 DRB Data Read Bypass Data Read Bypass (Initial value: 0, R/W) Selects the Data Read path used. 0: Data Read latches to the register using the feedback clock. 1: Data Read bypasses the feedback clock latch. 15 DA Active Command Delay Delay Activate (tDA) (Initial value: 1, R/W) Specifies the delay from the row address to the bank active command. Setting this bit to “1” sets up the row address two cycles before the active command is executed. 0: 0 tCK 1: 1 tCK 14 SWB Slow Write Burst Slow Write Burst (tSWB) (Initial value: 1, R/W) Specifies whether to perform Slow Write Burst. 0: Burst Write occurs at each 1 tCK 1: Burst Write occurs at each 2 tCK 13:12 DIA Write Active Period Data In to Active(tDAL) (Initial value: 11, R/W) Specifies the period from the last Write data to the Active command. 00: Reserved 01: 4 tCK 10: 5 tCK 11: 6 tCK 11:0 RP Refresh Period Refresh Period (Initial value: 0x270, R/W) Specifies the clock cycle count that generates the refresh cycle. Refresh is only enabled when at least one SDRAM channel is enabled. Please program the Timing Register before an arbitrary channel is enabled. Default is 0x270. A refresh cycle occurs for each 7.8 µs@80 MHz in this situation. The Refresh Cycle count clock is GBUSCLKF. The CCFG.RF value does not change the frequency of GBUSCLKF. Therefore, it is not necessary to change this register value even when CCFG.RF lowers the chip operation clock frequency. Figure 9.4.2 SDRAM Timing Register (2/2) *1: tCK = Clock cycle *2: tRC is used during (i) refresh cycle time, (ii) single Read, (iii) two transfer burst Reads. The bank cycle time is tRAS + tRP + 1tCK if tRAS + tRP < tRC in the case of (ii) (iii). 9-16 Chapter 9 SDRAM Controller 9.4.3 SDRAM Command Register (SDCCMD) 31 24 0x802C 23 16 MDLNO VERNO R 0x21 R 0x10 15 8 7 Reserved Field Name 4 : Type : Initial value 3 0 CCE CMD R/W 0x0 R/W 0x0 : Type : Initial value Bits Mnemonic Description 31:24 MDLNO Model Number Model Number (Initial value: 0x21, R) Indicates the model number. The default value is 0x30 for the TX4925. This field is Read Only. 23:16 VERNO Version Number Version Number (Initial value: 0x10, R) Indicates the version number. The default value is 0x10 for the TX4925. This field is Read Only. 15:8 7:4 CCE Command Channel Enable Command Channel Enable (Initial value: 0x0, R/W) Setting one of these bits to “1” enables the command of the corresponding channel. This command is simultaneously executed on all channels that are enabled. Bit 7: Channel 3 Bit 6: Channel 2 Bit 5: Channel 1 Bit 4: Channel 0 3:0 CMD Command Command (Initial value: 0x0, R/W) Specifies a command that is performed on memory. 0x0: NOP command 0x1: Set Mode Register command Set SDRAM Mode Register from SDCTR value 0x2: Reserved 0x3: Precharge All command Precharge All SDRAM Banks 0x4: Self-Refresh Mode command Sets SDRAM to the Self-Refresh Mode 0x5: Power Down Mode Command Set SDRAM/SyncFlash to the Power Down Mode 0x6: Normal Mode Command Cancel Self-Refresh/Power Down Mode 0x7: Reserved 0x8: Deep Power Down Mode command for SyncFlash Sets SyncFlash to the Deep Power Down Mode 0x9: Exit Deep Power Down Mode command for SyncFlash Cancel Deep Power Down Mode command for SyncFlash 0xa-0xf: Reserved Reserved Figure 9.4.3 SDRAM Command Register 9-17 Chapter 9 SDRAM Controller 9.4.4 SyncFlash Command Register (SFCMD) 0x8030 31 16 Reserved : Type : Initial value 15 12 CCE 11 10 Reserved R/W 0x0 Bits Mnemonic 31:16 15:12 CCE 9 8 7 0 BA CC R/W 00 R/W 0x00 Field Name :Type : Initial value Description Reserved Command Channel Enable Command Channel Enable (Initial value: 0x0, R/W) Setting one of these bits to “1” enables the command of the corresponding channel. This command is simultaneously executed on all channels that are enabled. Bit 15: Channel 3 Bit 14: Channel 2 Bit 13: Channel 1 Bit 12: Channel 0 11:10 Reserved 9:8 BA Bank Address Bank Address (Initial value: 00, R/W) The value is used as Bank Address in the LCR cycle of the SyncFlash command sequence. The value in this field is outputs to ADDR[19:18] 7:0 CMD Command Command (Initial value: 0x00, R/W) The value is used as command in the LCR cycle of the SyncFlash command sequence. The value in this field is outputs to ADDR[12:5] Figure 9.4.4 SyncFlash Command Register 9-18 Chapter 9 SDRAM Controller 9.5 Timing Diagrams Please note the following when referring to the timing diagrams in this section: the shaded area each diagram expresses values that have yet to be determined. 9.5.1 Single Read (32-bit Bus) SDCLK SDCS* ADDR [19:16] SADDR10 ADDR[14:5] 7fff 0000 RAS* CAS* WE* CKE DQM [3:0] f 0 DATA [31:0] ACK*/READY* Figure 9.5.1 Single Read (tRCD = 2, tCASL = 2, tDA = 0, 32-bit Bus) 9-19 f in Chapter 9 SDRAM Controller SDCLK SDCS* ADDR [19:16] SADDR10 ADDR[14:5] 7fff 0000 RAS* CAS* WE* CKE DQM [3:0] f 0 DATA [31:0] ACK*/READY* Figure 9.5.2 Single Read (tRCD = 3, tCASL = 3, tDA = 1, 32-bit Bus) 9-20 f Chapter 9 SDRAM Controller 9.5.2 Single Write (32-bit Bus) SDCLK SDCS* ADDR [19:16] SADDR10 ADDR[14:5] 0000 0400 RAS* CAS* WE* CKE DQM [3:0] f 0 f DATA [31:0] ACK*/READY* Figure 9.5.3 One-Word Single Write (tRCD = 2, tDA = 0, 32-bit Bus) 9-21 Chapter 9 SDRAM Controller SDCLK SDCS* ADDR [19:16] SADDR10 ADDR[14:5] 0000 0400 RAS* CAS* WE* CKE DQM [3:0] f c DATA [31:0] ACK*/READY* Figure 9.5.4 Half-Word Single Write (tRCD = 3, tDA = 1, 32-bit Bus) 9-22 f Chapter 9 SDRAM Controller 9.5.3 Burst Read (32-bit Bus) SDCLK SDCS* ADDR [19:16] SADDR10 ADDR[14:5] 0001 0000 0005 0002 0007 0004 RAS* CAS* WE* CKE DQM [3:0] f 0 DATA [31:0] ACK*/READY* Figure 9.5.5 Four-Word Burst Read (tRCD = 2, tCASL = 2, tDA = 0, 32-bit Bus) 9-23 f Chapter 9 SDRAM Controller 9.5.4 Burst Write (32-bit Bus) SDCLK SDCS* ADDR [19:16] SADDR10 ADDR[14:5] 0000 0000 0402 RAS* CAS* WE* CKE DQM [3:0] f 0 DATA [31:0] ACK*/READY* Figure 9.5.6 Four-Word Burst Write (tRCD = 2, tDA = 0, 32-bit Bus) 9-24 f Chapter 9 SDRAM Controller ACK*/READY* DATA [31:0] DQM [3:0] CKE WE* CAS* RAS* ADDR [19:16] SADDR10 ADDR[14:5] SDCS* f 0000 0 00c0 f 00c1 0 f 00c2 0 f 0 04c3 0 f Burst Write (32-bit Bus, Slow Write Burst) SDCLK 9.5.5 Figure 9.5.7 Four-Word Burst Write (tRCD = 2, tDA = 0, 32-bit Bus, Slow Write Burst) 9-25 Chapter 9 SDRAM Controller 9.5.6 Single Read (16-bit Bus) SDCLK SDCS* ADDR [19:16] SADDR10 ADDR[14:5] 7fff 0000 RAS* CAS* WE* CKE DQM [3:0] f 0 DATA [15:0] ACK*/READY* Figure 9.5.8 One Word Single Read (tRCD = 2, tCASL = 2, tDA = 0, 16-bit Bus) 9-26 f Chapter 9 SDRAM Controller SDCLK SDCS* ADDR [19:16] SADDR10 ADDR[14:5] 7fff 0000 RAS* CAS* WE* CKE DQM [3:0] f c DATA [15:0] ACK*/READY* Figure 9.5.9 Half-Word Single Read (tRCD = 2, tCASL = 3, tDA = 0, 16-bit Bus) 9-27 f Chapter 9 SDRAM Controller 9.5.7 Single Write (16-bit Bus) SDCLK SDCS* ADDR [19:16] SADDR10 ADDR[14:5] 0000 0400 RAS* CAS* WE* CKE DQM [3:0] f c DATA [15:0] ACK*/READY* Figure 9.5.10 One-Word Single Write (tRCD = 2, tDA = 0, 16-bit Bus) 9-28 f Chapter 9 SDRAM Controller SDCLK SDCS* ADDR [19:16] SADDR10 ADDR[14:5] 0000 0400 RAS* CAS* WE* CKE DQM [3:0] f c DATA [15:0] ACK*/READY* Figure 9.5.11 Half-Word Single Write (tRCD = 3, tDA = 0, 16-bit Bus) 9-29 f Chapter 9 SDRAM Controller 9.5.8 Low Power Consumption and Power Down Mode SDCLK SDCS* ADDR [19:16] SADDR10 ADDR[14:5] RAS* CAS* WE* CKE DQM [3:0] f DATA [31:0] ACK*/READY* Figure 9.5.12 Transition to Low Power Consumption Mode (SDCTR.ACE = 0) 9-30 Chapter 9 SDRAM Controller SDCLK SDCS* ADDR [19:16] SADDR10 ADDR[14:5] RAS* CAS* WE* CKE DQM [3:0] f DATA [31:0] ACK*/READY* Figure 9.5.13 Transition to Power Down Mode 9-31 ACK*/READY* DATA [31:0] DQM [3:0] CKE WE* CAS* RAS* ADDR [19:16] SADDR10 ADDR[14:5] SDCS* SDCLK f 0000 0006 0 f Chapter 9 SDRAM Controller Figure 9.5.14 Return From Low Power Consumption/Power Down Mode (SDCTR.PDAE=0, SDCTR.ACE=0) 9-32 Chapter 9 SDRAM Controller SDCLK SDCS* ADDR [19:16] SADDR10 ADDR[14:5] 0000 0400 RAS* CAS* WE* CKE DQM [3:0] f 0 f DATA [31:0] ACK*/READY* Figure 9.5.15 Power Down Auto Entry (SDCTR.PDAE=1, SDCTR.ACE=0) 9-33 Chapter 9 SDRAM Controller 9.6 SDRAM Usage Example Figure 9.6.1 illustrates an example SDRAM connection. TX4925 DQM [3:0] ADDR [19:16] SADDR10 ADDR[14:5] SDCS*[0] RAS* CAS* WE* SDCLKIN SDCLK [0] CKE SDRAM (×16 bits) DQM [3] DQM [2] DQM [1] DQM [0] ADDR [17:16] SADDR10 UDQM LDQM ADDR[14:5] A [12:0] ADDR [19] BS0 ADDR [18] BS1 UDQM LDQM A [12:0] BS0 BS1 CS* RAS* CAS* WE* CS* RAS* CAS* WE* CLK CKE DQ [15:0] CLK CKE DQ [15:0] D [31:16] D [15:0] DATA [31:0] Figure 9.6.1 SDRAM (×16 bits) Connection Example 9-34 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10. PCI Controller 10.1 Features The TX4925 PCI Controller functions as a bus bridge between the TX4925 External PCI and the internal bus (G-Bus). 10.1.1 10.1.2 10.1.3 Overall • Compliant to “PCI Local Bus Specification Revision 2.2” • PCI Bus: 32-bit data bus; Internal Bus: 32-bit data bus • Maximum PCI bus clock operating frequency: 33 MHz • Supports both the Initiator and Target functions • Supports power management functions that are compliant to PCI Bus Power Management Interface Specifications Version 1.1 (Partially unsupported). • On-chip PCI Bus Arbiter, can connect to a maximum of four external bus masters • 1-channel on-chip DMA Controller (PDMAC) dedicated to the PCI Controller • Supports PCI clock input mode/output mode • The Internal Bus clock and PCI Bus clock are asynchronous and can be set independently • Includes function for booting the TX4925 from memory on the PCI Bus • Can set configuration data by software at the initialize routine • Mounted a retry function on the Internal Bus side also in order to avoid deadlock on the PCI Bus. Initiator Function • Single and Burst transfer from the Internal Bus to the PCI Bus • Initiator function Supports memory, I/O, configuration, special cycle, and interrupt acknowledge transactions. • Address mapping between the Internal Bus and the PCI Bus can be modified • Mounted 8-stage 32-bit data one FIFO each for Read and Write • Indirect Read and Write function enables quick termination of single transactions by the G-Bus without waiting for completion on the PCI Bus. • Endian switching function Target Function • Single and Burst transfer from the PCI Bus to the Internal Bus • Supports memory, I/O, and configuration cycles • Supports high-speed back-to-back transactions on the PCI Bus • Address mapping between the PCI Bus and the Internal bus can be modified • Mounted 32-stage 32-bit data FIFO on each PCI Channel for Read • Mounted 16-stage 32-bit data FIFO for Write • Post Write function enables quick termination of a maximum of eight Write transactions by the PCI Bus without waiting for completion on the G-Bus. • Read Burst length (pre-fetch data size) on the Internal Bus when reading a pre-fetchable space can be made programmable • Endian switching function 10-1 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.1.4 10.1.5 PCI Arbiter • Supports four external PCI bus masters • Uses the Programmable Fairness algorithm (two levels with different priorities for four roundrobin request/grant pairs) • Supports bus parking • Bus master uses the Most Recently Used algorithm • Unused slots and broken masters can be automatically disabled after Power On reset • On-chip arbitration function can be disabled and external arbiter can be used PDMAC (PCI DMA Controller) • Direct Memory Access (DMA) Controller dedicated to 1-channel PCI • Is possible to transfer data using minimal G-Bus bandwidth • Data can be transferred bidirectionally between the G-Bus and the PCI Bus • Specifying a physical address on the PCI Bus and an address on the G-Bus makes it possible to automatically transfer data between the PCI Bus and the G-Bus • Supports the Chain DMA mode, in which a Descriptor containing chain-shaped addresses and a transfer size is automatically read from memory while DMA transfer continuous • On-chip 16-stage 32-bit data buffer 10-2 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.2 Block Diagram TX49/H2 Core Memory Controller DMA Controller Arbiter G-Bus PCI Controller Retry G-Bus I/F Targ. cont. (PCI→G-Bus) 32-bits × 16 Target Write 32-bits × 8 32-bits × 32 x 3 ch Target Read 32-bits × 8 Mast. cont. (G-Bus→PCI) PDMAC (32-bit × 16) 32-bits × 8 Master Write 32-bits × 8 Req. ×4 Master Read 32-bits × 8 Config EBUSC Arb. PCI Arbiter PCI Core TX4925 PCI Bus PCI Device PCI Device Figure 10.2.1 PCI Controller Block Diagram 10-3 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.3 Detailed Explanation 10.3.1 Terminology Explanation The following terms are used in this chapter. • Initiator Means the bus Master of the PCI Bus. The TX4925 operates as the initiator when it obtains the PCI Bus and issues PCI access. • Target Means the bus Slave of the PCI Bus. The TX4925 operates as the target when an external PCI device on the PCI Bus executes PCI access to the TX4925. • Host mode One PCI Host device exists for one PCI Bus. The PCI Host device uses a PCI configuration space to perform PCI configuration on other PCI devices on the PCI Bus. The TX4925 is set to the Host mode if the ADDR[15] signal is High when the RESET* signal is being deasserted. • Satellite mode A PCI device other than the PCI Host device accepts configuration from the PCI Host device. This state is referred to as the Satellite mode. The TX4925 is set to the Satellite mode if the ADDR[15] signal is Low when the RESET* signal is being deasserted. • DWORD, QWORD DWORD expresses 32-bit words, and QWORD expresses 64-bit words. According to conventions observed regarding MIPS architecture, this manual uses the following expressions: Byte: 8-bit Half-word: 16-bit Word: 32-bit Double-word: 64-bit 10.3.2 On-Chip Register The PCI Controller on-chip register contains the PCI Configuration Space Register and the PCI Controller Control Register. The registers that can be accessed vary according to whether the current mode is the Host mode or the Satellite mode. An external PCI Host device only accesses the PCI Configuration Space Register when in the Satellite mode. This register is defined in the PCI Bus Specifications. A PCI configuration cycle is used to access this register. This register cannot be accessed when in the Host mode. Section 10.5 “PCI Configuration Space Register” explains each register in detail. The PCI Controller Control Register is only accessed by the TX49 core and cannot be accessed from the PCI Bus. 10-4 Chapter 10 PCI Controller Registers in the PCI Controller Control Register that include an offset address in the range from 0xD000 to 0xD07F can only be accessed when in the Host mode and cannot be accessed when in the Satellite mode. These registers correspond to PCI Configuration Space Registers that an external PCI Host device accesses when in the Satellite mode. Section 10.4 “PCI Controller Control Register” explains each register in detail. Figure 10.3.1illustrates the register map when in the Host mode. Figure 10.3.2 illustrates the register map when in the Satellite mode. 0xDFFF Reserved 0xD270 PCI Controller Control Register 0xFF 0x80 Reserved 0x00 0xD000 G-Bus Address Space PCI Bus Configuration Space Figure 10.3.1 Register Map in the Host Mode 0xDFFF Reserved 0xD270 PCI Controller Control Register 0xD100 0xD0d0 0xFF 0xd0 0xD060 0x60 Reserved Reserved PCI Configuration Space Register 0x00 0xD000 G-Bus Address Space PCI Bus Configuration Space Figure 10.3.2 Register Map in the Satellite Mode 10-5 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.3.3 Supported PCI Bus Commands Table 10.3.1 shows the PCI Bus commands that the PCI Controller supports. Table 10.3.1 Supported PCI Bus Commands √ † ‡ — • C/BE Value PCI Command As Initiator As Target 0000 Interrupt Acknowledge † 0001 Special Cycle † 0010 I/O Read √ √ 0011 I/O Write √ √ 0100 (Reserved) 0101 (Reserved) 0110 Memory Read √ √ 0111 Memory Write √ √ 1000 (Reserved) 1001 (Reserved) 1010 Configuration Read √ ‡ 1011 Configuration Write √ ‡ 1100 Memory Read Multiple √ √ 1101 Dual Address Cycle 1110 Memory Read Line √ √ 1111 Memory Write and Invalidate √ √ : Supported when in both the Host mode and the Satellite mode : Supported only when in the Host mode : Supported only when in the Satellite mode : Not supported I/O Read, I/O Write, Memory Read, Memory Write This command executes Read/Write access to the address mapped on the G-Bus and PCI Bus. • Memory Read Multiple, Memory Read Line The Memory Read Multiple command is issued if all of the following conditions are met when the Initiator function is operating and Burst Read access is issued from the G-Bus to the PCI Bus. (1) A value other than “0” is set to the Cache Line Size Field (PCICFG1.CLS) of the PCI Configuration 1 Register. (2) The Read data word count is larger than the value set in the Cache Line Size Field. Also, the Read Memory Line command is issued when all of the following conditions are met. (1) A value other than “0” is set to the Cache Line Size Field (PCICFG1.CLS) of the PCI Configuration 1 Register. (2) The Read data word count is larger than the value set in the Cache Line Size Field. The Memory Read command is issued if these conditions are not met, namely, if “0” is set to the Cache Line Size field (PCICFG1.CLS) of the PCI Configuration 1 Register. In the case of the target, a normal G-Bus cycle is issued to the address mapped from the PCI Bus to the G-Bus. 10-6 Chapter 10 PCI Controller • Memory Write and Invalidate When the TX4925 operates as the initiator, the PCI Controller issue the Memory Write and Invalidate command if all of the following conditions are met when write access from the G-Bus to the PCI Bus occurs. (1) The Memory Write and Invalidate Enable bit (PCISTATUS.MWIEN) of the PCI Status Command Register is set. (2) A value other than “0” was set to the Cache Line Size field (PCICFG1.CLS) of the PCI Configuration 1 Register. (3) The word count of the Write data is larger than the value set in the Cache Line Size field. The Memory Write command is issued in these conditions are not met. When the TX4925 operates as the target, the Memory Write and Invalidate command is converted into G-Bus Write access. Note that the TX4925 does not support the cache memory Snoop function. • Configuration Read, Configuration Write The corresponding configuration cycles are issued on the PCI Bus. This is done by either reading or writing from/to the G2P Configuration Data Register (G2PCFGDATA) after writing the configuration space address to the G2P Configuration Address Register. The TX4925 supports both “Type 0” and “Type 1” configuration transactions. On systems that have PCI card slots, the PCI Host device checks each PCI card slot during system initialization to see if PCI device exist, then sets the Configuration Space Register of the devices that do exist. If a PCI Configuration Read operation is performed for devices that do not exist, then by default a Bus Error exception will be generated since there is no PCI Bus response. Clearing the Bus Error Response During Initiator Read bit (G2PCFG.IRBER) of the PCI Controller Configuration Register makes it possible to execute a Read transaction without causing a Bus Error. All bits of the data read at this time will be set to “1”. Configuration cycles will be accepted as the target only when in the Satellite mode. After reset, Retry response to PCI Configuration access will continue until the software sets the Target Configuration Access Ready Bit (PCICFG.TCAR) of the PCI Controller Configuration Register. Please use the software to set this bit after the software initialization process ends and the software is ready to accept PCI configuration. • Interrupt Acknowledge This command issues interrupt acknowledge cycles as an initiator only when in the Host mode. Interrupt acknowledge cycles are executed on the PCI Bus when the G2P Interrupt Acknowledge Data Register (G2PINTACK) is read. The value returned by this Read becomes the interrupt acknowledge cycle data. The TX4925 does not support interrupt acknowledge cycles as the target. 10-7 Chapter 10 PCI Controller • Special Cycle This command issues specially cycles as the initiator only when in the Host mode. This command issues special cycles on the PCI Bus when writing to the G2P Special Cycle Data Register (G2PSPC). The written value is output as the special cycle data. The TX4925 does not support special cycles as the target. 10.3.4 Initiator Access (G-Bus → PCI Bus address conversion) During PCI initiator access, the G-Bus address of the Burst transaction issued by the G-Bus that was converted into the PCI Bus address is used to issue a Burst transaction on the PCI Bus. 32-bit physical address (G-Bus addresses) are used on the G-Bus. Also, 32-bit PCI Bus addresses are used on the PCI Bus. Three memory access windows and one I/O access window can be set in the G-Bus space (Figure 10.3.3). The size of each window is variable from 256 bytes to 512 Mbytes. When Burst transactions are issued to these access windows on the G-Bus, then that G-Bus address is converted into a PCI Bus address that is used to issue a Burst transaction to the PCI Bus as the initiator. PCI memory access is issued when the access window is the memory access window. PCI I/O access is issued when the access window is the I/O access window. 0xFFFF_FFFF 0xFFFF_FFFF 0xFFFF_FFFF 0x0000_0000 0x0000_0000 PCI I/O Space 0x00_0000_0000 G-Bus Space Memory Access Window I/O Access Window Figure 10.3.3 Initiator Access Memory Window 10-8 PCI Memory Space Chapter 10 PCI Controller When expressed as a formula, conversion of a G-Bus address (GBusAddr[31:0]) into a PCI Bus Address (PCIAddr[31:0]) is as follows below. GBASE[31:8], PBASE[31:8], and AM[28:8] each represent the setting register of the corresponding access window indicated below in Table 10.3.2. The “&” symbol indicates a logical AND for each bit, “||” indicates a logical OR for each bit, “!” indicates logical NOT, and “|” indicates bit linking. If ((GBusAddr[31:29] | (GBusAddr[28:8] & ! AM[28:8] == GBASE[31:29] | (GBASE[28:8] & ! AM[28:8]) then PCIAddr[31:0] = PBASE[31:29] | ((PBASE[28:8] & ! AM[28:8]) || (GBusAddr[28:8] & AM[28:8])) | GBusAddr[7:0]; Table 10.3.2 Initiator Access Space Address Mapping Register G-Bus Base Address GBASE[31:8] PCI Bus Base Address PBASE[31:8] Address Mask AM[28:8] Memory Space 0 G2PM0GBASE.BA[31:8] G2PM0PBASE.BA[31:8] G2PM0MASK.AM[28:8] Memory Space 1 G2PM1GBASE.BA[31:8] G2PM1PBASE.BA[31:8] G2PM1MASK.AM[28:8] Memory Space 2 G2PM2GBASE.BA[31:8] G2PM2PBASE.BA[31:8] G2PM2MASK.AM[28:8] I/O Space G2PIOGBASE.BA[31:8] G2PIOPBASE.BA[31:8] G2PIOMASK.AM[28:8] Figure 10.3.4 illustrates this address conversion. 31 0 GBusAddr Compare 8 31 7 GBASE 0x00 31 29 28 AM 0 000 8 7 000 - - - - - - - - - - - 0 0 1 1 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 31 8 PBASE 0 0x00 7 0 0x00 31 0 PCIAddr Figure 10.3.4 Address Conversion For Initiator (G-Bus → PCI Bus Address Conversion) It is possible to set each space to valid/invalid or to perform Word Swap (see “10.3.7 Endian Switching Function”). Table 10.3.3 shows the settings registers for these properties. Also, operation is not guaranteed if resources in the PCI space were made cacheable and were then accessed when the Critical Word First function of the TX49/H2 core was enabled. 10-9 Chapter 10 PCI Controller Table 10.3.3 Initiator Access Space Properties Register Enable Word Swap Memory Space 0 BusMasterEnable & G2PCFG.G2PM0EN G2PCFG.BSWAPM0 Memory Space 1 BusMasterEnable & G2PCFG.G2PM1EN G2PCFG.BSWAPM1 Memory Space 2 BusMasterEnable & G2PCFG.G2PM2EN G2PCFG.BSWAPM2 I/O Space BusMasterEnable & G2PCFG.G2PIOEN G2PCFG.BSWAPIO BusMasterEnable: Host mode: PCI State Command Register Bus Master Bit (PCISTATUS.BM) Satellite mode: Command Register Bus Master bit 10.3.5 Target Access (PCI Bus → G-Bus Address Conversion) During PCI target access, the PCI Bus address of the Bus transaction issued by the PCI Bus is converted into a G-Bus address and is used to issue a Bus transaction on the G-Bus. 32-bit PCI Bus addresses are used on the PCI Bus. Also, 32-bit physical addresses are used on the G-Bus. Three memory access windows and one I/O access window can be set in the PCI bus space (Figure 10.3.5). The size of each memory window is variable from 1 MByte to 512 MBytes. The size of the I/O windo is variable from 256 Bytes to 64 Kbytes. When Bus transactions to these access windows is issued on the PCI Bus, these Bus transactions are accepted as PCI target devices. The PCI Bus Address is converted into G-Bus addresses, then Bus transactions are issued to the G-Bus. The memory space window responds to the PCI memory space access command. The I/O space window responds to the PCI I/O space access command. 0xFFFF_FFFF 0xFFFF_FFFF 0xFFFF_FFFF 0x00_0000_0000 0x0000_0000 PCI I/O Space 0x00_0000_0000 G-Bus Space Memory Access Window I/O Access Window Figure 10.3.5 Target Access Memory Window 10-10 PCI Memory Space Chapter 10 PCI Controller When expressed as a formula, conversion of a PCI Bus Address (PCIAddr[31:0]) into a G-Bus address (GBusAddr[31:0]) is as follows below. GBASE[31:8], PBASE[31:8], and AM[28:20]/AM[15:8] each represent the setting register of the corresponding access window indicated below in Table 10.3.4. The “&” symbol indicates a logical AND for each bit, and “|” indicates bit linking. Memory space 0 If (PCIAddr[31:29] | ( PCIAddr[28:20] & !AM[28:20] ) == PBASE[31:29] | ( PBASE[28:20] & !AM[28:20])) then GBusAddr[31:0] = GBASE[31:29] | ((GBASE[28:20] & !AM[28:20]) || (PCIAddr[28:20] & AM[28:20])) | PCIAddr[19:0]; Memory space 1 If (PCIAddr[31:29] | ( PCIAddr[28:20] & !AM[28:20] ) == PBASE[31:29] | ( PBASE[28:20] & !AM[28:20])) then GBusAddr[31:0] = GBASE[31:29] | ((GBASE[28:20] & !AM[28:20]) || (PCIAddr[28:20] & AM[28:20])) | PCIAddr[19:0]; Memory space 2 If (PCIAddr[31:29] | ( PCIAddr[28:20] & !AM[28:20] ) == PBASE[31:29] | ( PBASE[28:20] & !AM[28:20])) then GBusAddr[31:0] = GBASE[31:29] | ((GBASE[28:20] & !AM[28:20]) || (PCIAddr[28:20] & AM[28:20])) | PCIAddr[19:0]; I/O space If (PCIAddr[31:8] == P2GIOPBASE.BA[31:8]) then GBusAddr[31:0] = P2GIOGBASE[31:8] | PCIAddr[7:0]; Table 10.3.4 Target Access Space Address Mapping Register PCI Bus Base Address PBASE G-Bus Base Address GBASE Address Mask AM Memory Space 0 P2GM0PLBASE.BA[31:20] P2GM0GBASE.BA[31:20] P2GM0CTR.AM[28:20] Memory Space 1 P2GM1PLBASE.BA[31:20] P2GM1GBASE.BA[31:20] P2GM1CTR.AM[28:20] Memory Space 2 P2GM2PBASE.BA[31:20] P2GM2GBASE.BA[31:20] P2GM2CTR.AM[28:20] I/O Space P2GIOPBASE.BA[31:8] P2GIOGBASE.BA[31:8] P2GIOCTR.AM[15:8] 10-11 Chapter 10 PCI Controller Figure 10.3.6 and Figure 10.3.7 illustrate this address conversion. 31 0 PCIAddr Compare 31 20 19 0 0x00000 PBASE 31 AM 20 19 29 28 000 0 00---011---1 31 0x00000 20 19 0 0x00000 GBASE 31 0 GBusAddr Figure 10.3.6 Memory Address Conversion for Target (PCI Bus → G-Bus Address Conversion) 31 0 PCIAddr Compare 31 8 7 PBASE 0 0x00 16 15 31 AM 8 7 00 ---011---1 0x0000 31 8 GBASE 0 0x00 7 0 0x00 31 0 GBusAddr Figure 10.3.7 I/O Address Conversion for Target (PCI Bus → G-Bus Address Conversion) 10-12 Chapter 10 PCI Controller It is possible to set each space to valid/invalid, pre-fetch Read to valid/invalid, or to perform Word Swap (see 10.3.7). Table 10.3.5 shows the settings registers for these properties. When pre-fetch Reads are set to valid, data transfer is performed on the G-Bus according to the size set by the Target Pre-fetch Read Burst Length Field (P2GMnCTR.TPRBL) of the P2G Memory Space n Control Register during a PCI target Read transaction. This is performed using accesses to resources that will not be affected even if a pre-read such as memory is performed. Also, PCI Burst Reads to memory spaces that were set to I/O space and pre-fetch disable are not supported. Table 10.3.5 Target Access Space Properties Register Enable Pre-fetch (Initial State) Word Swap Memory Space 0 PCICCFG.TCAR & MemEnable & P2GM0CTR.P2GM0EN P2GM0CTR.MEM0PD (valid) P2GM0CTR.BSWAP Memory Space 1 PCICCFG.TCAR & MemEnable & P2GM1CTR.P2GM1EN P2GM1CTR.MEM1PD (valid) P2GM1CTR.BSWAP Memory Space 2 PCICCFG.TCAR & MemEnable & P2GM2CTR.P2GM2EN P2GM2CTR.MEM2PD (invalid) P2GM2CTR.BSWAP I/O Space PCICCFG.TCAR & IOEnable & P2GIOCTR.P2GIOEN Always invalid P2GIOCTR.BSWAP MemEnable: Host mode: PCI State Command Register Memory Space bit (PCISTATUS.MEMSP) Satellite mode: Command Register Memory Space bit IOEnable: Host mode: PCI State Command Register I/O Space bit (PCISTATUS.IOSP) Satellite mode: Command Register I/O Space bit 10.3.6 Post Write Function The Post Write function improves system performance by completing the original bus Write transaction without waiting for the other bus to complete its transaction when the first bus issues a Write transaction. Initiator Write can Post Write a maximum of four Write transactions, and Target Write can Post Write a maximum of nine Write transactions. Due to compatibility issues with old PC software in the PCI specifications, performing Post Writes with Initiator Configuration Write and Target I/O Write is not recognized. However, the TX4925 PCI Controller can even perform Post Writes to these functions. In order to guarantee that these Writes are completed by the target device, please execute Reads to the device that performed the Write, then either refer to the read value (so the TX49/H2 core can support non-blocking load) or execute the SYNC instruction. 10.3.7 Endian Switching Function The TX4925 supports both the Little Endian mode and the Bit Endian mode. On the other hand, the PCI Bus is only defined in Little Endian logic. Therefore, when the TX4925 is in the Big Endian mode, either the software or the hardware must perform some kind of conversion when exchanging data larger than 2 B in size with the PCI Bus. The PCI Controller can specify the endian switching function that reverses the byte arrangement of the DWORD (32-bit) data for each access window. 10-13 Chapter 10 PCI Controller Initial state operation matches the correspondence between the address and byte data regardless of the endian mode (operation is address consistent). For example, if WORD (16-bit) data is written to address 0 of the PCI Bus when the TX4925 is in the Big Endian mode, the upper byte (address 0 in Big Endian) is written to PCI Bus address 0 and the lower byte (address 1 in Big Endian) is written to address 1 of the PCI Bus. For Little Endian PCI devices, this means that the byte order is reversed. When in the Big Endian mode and a particular access window Endian switching mechanism is validated, data is transferred so the byte order does not change in DWORD (32-bit) access to that access window. Endian switching during initiator access is specified by the Byte Swap bit (BSWAPMn, BSWAPIO) of the G2P Configuration Register (G2PCFG) of the access window for each initiator access (see Table 10.3.3). Ending switching during target access is specified by the Byte Swap bit (BSWAP) of the G2P Memory Space n Control Register (P2GMnCTR) or G2P I/O Space Control Register (P2GIOCTR) of the access window for each target access. 10.3.8 Power Management The TX4925 PCI Controller supports power management functions that are compliant to PCI Bus Power Management Interface Specifications Version 1.1 (Partially unsupported). The PCI Host device controls the system status by reporting the power management state to the PCI Satellite device. Power Management State In the case of the PCI Bus Power Management Interface Specifications, four power management states are defined from State D0 to State D3. The TX4925 supports states D0 through D3. Figure 10.3.8 illustrates the power management state transition. After Power On Reset, or when transitioning from the D3HOT state to the D0 state, the power management state becomes uninitialized D0. If initialized by the system software at this point, the state transitions to D0 Active. If an external PCI Host device writes 11b (D3HOT) to the PowerState field of the Power Management Control Status Register (PMCSR) of the Configuration space when in the Satellite mode, then the Power Management State Change bit (P2GSTATUS.PMSC) of the P2G Status Register is set and transitions to the D3HOT state. It then becomes possible to report Power State Change interrupts. The PowerState field value can be read from the PowerState field (PCISSTATUS.PS) of the Satellite Mode PCI Status Register. The TX4925 uses software to change the system status after a status change is detected. 10-14 Chapter 10 PCI Controller Power On Reset (RESET* *) D0 Uninitialized PCI RST* * (RESET* *) Initialization by the System Software D3cold D0 Active Software Reset VCC Cut-off Change PMCSR PowerState D3hot Figure 10.3.8 Transition of the Power Management States 10.3.9 PDMAC (PCI DMA Controller) The PCI DMA Controller (PDMAC) is a one-channel PCI Director Memory Access (DMA) controller. Data can be transferred bidirectionally between the G-Bus and the PCI Bus. DMA Transfer The following DMA transfer procedure does not use the Chain DMA mode. (1) Address Register and Count Register Setting Sets values for the three following registers. • PDMAC G-Bus Address Register (PDMGA) • PDMAC PCI Bus Address Register (PDMPA) • PDMAC Count Register (PDMCTR) (2) Chain Address Register Setting Sets “0” to the PDMAC Chain Address Register (PDMCA). (3) PDMAC Status Register (PDMSTATUS) Clearing Clears any remaining status from a previous DMA transfer. (4) PDMAC Control register (PDMCFG) Setting Clears the Channel Reset bit (CHRST), and makes settings such as the data transfer direction (XFRDIRC), and the burst mode (BRSTMD). (5) DMA Transfer Initiation Setting the Transfer Active bit (XFRACT) of the PDMAC Control Register initiates DMA transfer. 10-15 Chapter 10 PCI Controller (6) Termination Report When the DMA data transfer terminates normally, the Normal Data Transfer Complete bit (NTCMP) of the PDMAC Status Register (PDMSTATUS) is set. An interrupt is then reported if the Normal Data Transfer Complete Interrupt Enable bit (NDCMPIE) of the PDMAC Control Register is set. If an error is detected during DMA transfer, the error cause is recorded in the lower 5 bits of the PDMAC Status Register and the transfer is aborted. An interrupt is then reported if the Error Detection Interrupt Enable bit (ERRIE) of the PDMAC Control register is set. Chain DMA DMA Command Descriptors are 4 DWORD (16-Byte) data structures indicated in Table 10.3.6 that are placed in memory. Storing the starting memory address of another DMA Command Descriptor in the Offset 0 Chain Address Field makes it possible to configure a chain list for the DMA command Descriptor. Set “0” in the Chain Address field of the DMA Command Descriptor at the end of the chain list. When the DMA transfer specified by one DMA Command Descriptor ends, the PDMAC reads the next DMA Command Descriptor that the Chain Address field automatically points to, then continues the DMA transfer. Such continuous DMA transfer that uses multiple descriptors in a chain format is referred to as the Chain DMA mode. When a DMA Command Descriptor is placed to an address that does not extend across a 32 DWORD boundary in memory, this transfer method is more efficient since data can be read by a single G-Bus Burst Read transaction. Table 10.3.6 DMA Command Descriptors Offset Address Field Name 0x00 Chain Address PDMAC Chain Address Register (PDMCA) Transfer Destination Register 0x04 G-Bus Address PDMAC G-Bus Address Register (PDMGA) 0x08 PCI Bus Address 0x0c Count PDMAC PCI Bus Address Register (PDMPA) PDMAC Count Register (PDMCTR) The DMA transfer procedure is as follows when in the Chain DMA mode. (1) Count Register Setting Sets “0” to the PDMAC Count Register (PMDCTR). (2) DMA Command Descriptor Chain Construction Constructs the DMA Command Descriptor Chain in memory. (3) PDMAC Status Register (PDMSTATUS) Clearing Clears any remaining status from a previous DMA transfer. (4) PDMAC Control Register (PDMCFG) Setting Clears the Channel Reset bit (CHRST) and makes settings such as the data transfer direction (XFRDIRC) and the burst mode (BRSTMD). 10-16 Chapter 10 PCI Controller (5) DMA Transfer Initiation Setting the address of the DMA Command descriptor that is at the beginning of the Chain List in the PDMAC Chain Address Register (PDMCA) automatically initiates DMA transfer. First, the values stored in each field of the DMA Command Descriptor that is at the beginning of the Chain List are read to each corresponding PDMAC Register, then DMA transfer is performed according to the read values. If a value other than “0” is stored in the PDMAC Chain Address Register (PDMCA), data transfer of the size stored in the PDMAC Count Register is complete, then the DMA Command Descriptor value for the memory address specified by the PDMAC Chain Address Register is read. When the Chain Address field value reads a descriptor of “0”, the PDMAC Chain Address Register value is not updated and the previous value (address of the Data Command Descriptor at which the Chain Address field value is “0” when read) is held. (6) Termination Report When DMA data transfer of all descriptor chains terminates normally, the Normal Chain Complete bit (NCCMP) of the PDMAC Status Register is set. An interrupt is reported if the Chain Termination Interrupt Enable bit (MCCMPIE) of the PDMAC Control register (PDMCFG) is set. Also, the Normal Data Transfer Complete bit (NTCMP) of the DPMAC Status Register is set each time the DMA data transfer specified by a DMA Command Descriptor terminates normally. An interrupt is reported if the Normal Data Transfer Complete Interrupt Enable bit (NTCMPIE) of the PDMAC Control Register (PDMCFG) is set. If an error is detected during DMA transfer, the error cause is recorded in the lower 5 bits of the PDMAC Status Register and the transfer is aborted. An interrupt is then reported if the Error Detection Interrupt Enable bit (ERRIE) of the PDMAC Control register is set. Dynamic Chain Operation It is possible to dynamically add other DMA Command Descriptor Chains to a DMA Command Descriptor Chain that is currently being processed when executing DMA data transfer. This is done according to the following procedure. (1) DMA Command Descriptor Chain Construction Constructs a DMA Command Descriptor Chain in memory. (2) Addition of DMA Command Descriptor Chains Substitutes the address of the command descriptor that is at the beginning of the descriptor chain to be added into the Descriptor Chain Address field at the end of the DMA Command Descriptor Chain that is currently performing DMA transfer. (3) Chain Enable bit checking Reads the value of the Chain Enable bit (CHNEN) in the PDMAC Control Register (PDMCFG). If the read value is “0”, then the Chain Address field value of the DMA Command Descriptor indicated by the address stored in the PDMAC Chain Address Register (PDMCA) is written to the PDMAC Chain Address Register (PDMCA). 10-17 Chapter 10 PCI Controller Data Transfer Mode The Transfer Mode field in the PDMAC Configuration register (PDMCFG.XFRMODE) selects a data transfer mode for a DMA transaction over the G-Bus. Transfer data size and when a transfer is started differ mode by mode. Table 10.3.7 shows the available data transfer modes. Mode 00 performs a single-beat transfer; Mode 01 performs a burst transfer. In either mode, the PDMAC reads data from the source address, and after the read cycles are complete, writes the data to the destination address. Source read and destination write cycles do not overlap. Table 10.3.7 Data Transfer Modes G-Bus to the PCI bus PDMCFG.X FRMODE Free FIFO Space Required for G-Bus Read Accesses (DWORDs) Number of DWORDs Read from the G-Bus 00 1 1 01 16 16 (Burst) Number of Number of DWORDs required DWORDs Written to the PCI Bus in FIFO for PCI Bus Write Accesses Overlaps of PCI Bus and G-Bus Cycles 1 1 None 16 16 (Burst) None Number of DWORDs Required in FIFO for PCI Bus Read Accesses Number of DWORDs Read from the PCI Bus Overlaps of PCI Bus and G-Bus Cycles *1 PCI Bus to the G-Bus PDMCFG.X FRMODE Free FIFO Space Required for G-Bus Write Accesses (DWORDs) Number of DWORDs Written to the G-Bus 00 1 1 1 1 None 01 16 16 (Burst) *1 16 16 (Burst) None *1: The last DMA transfer consists of less than 16 DWORDs if the data to be transferred is not a multiple of 16 DWORDs. Note: The amount of data transferred varies, depending on the number of DWORDs present in the FIFO. 10.3.10 Error Detection, Interrupt Reporting The PCI Controller reports the four following types of interrupts to the Interrupt Controller (IRC). • Normal Operation Interrupt (Interrupt Number: 20, PCIC) • PDMAC Interrupt (Interrupt Number: 19, PDMAC) • Power Management Interrupt (Interrupt Number: 30, PCIPME) • Error Detection Interrupt (Interrupt Number: 29, PCIERR) When each cause is detected, an interrupt is reported if the corresponding Status bit is set, and the corresponding Interrupt Enable Bit is set. The following tables list the name of each interrupt cause, the Status bit, and the Interrupt Enable bit. Please refer to the explanation of each Status bit for more information regarding each interrupt cause. 10-18 Chapter 10 PCI Controller Normal Operation Interrupt Name Status Bit Interrupt Enable Bit Master Abort Reception PCISTATUS RMA Target Abort Reception / RTA Target Abort Signal PCISSTATUS STA RMAIE PCIMASK RTAIE STAIE PDMAC Interrupts Name Status Bit Interrupt Enable Bit Normal Chain Completion NCCMP NCCMPIE Normal Data Transfer Completion NTCMP NTCMPIE PCI Parity Error PCIPERR PCI System Error PDMSTATUS PCI Fatal Error PCISERR PDMCFG ERRIE PCIERR G-Bus Chain Error CHNERR G-Bus Data Error DATAERR Power Management Interrupts Name PM Status Change Detection Status Bit P2GSTATUS Interrupt Enable Bit PMSC P2GMASK PMSCIE Error Detection Interrupts Name Bus Error Detection System Error Signal Master Data Parity Error Status Bit PCISTATUS / PCISSTATUS Interrupt Enable Bit DPE SSE DPEIE PCIMASK MDPE SSEIE MDPEIE Master Direct Fatal Error MDFE MDFEIE Master Direct Parity Error MPRE MPREIE TRDY Timeout Error G2PSTATUS Retry Timeout Error Broken Master Detection Target PERR* Detection Target G-bus Error Detection SERR* Detection IDTTOE G2PMASK IDRTOE PBASTATUS P2GSTATUUS PCICSTATUS 10-19 BMD PERR GBE SERR IDTTOEIE IDRTOEIE PBAMASK P2GMASK PCICMASK BMDIE PERRIE GBEIE SERRIE Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.3.11 PCI Bus Arbiter Configuration settings (ADDR[1] signal = “1”) during boot up selects whether to use the on-chip PCI Bus arbiter (Internal PCI Bus Arbiter mode) or to use the External PCI Bus arbiter (External PCI Bus Arbiter mode). When in the Internal PCI Bus Abiter mode, setting the PCI Bus Arbiter Enable bit (PBACFG.PBAEN) of the PCI Bus Arbiter Configuration Register starts operation. The on-chip PCI Bus arbiter can arbitrate eight sets of PCI Bus usage requests from the Bus Master. Five ports are used: one for the PCI Controller bus master and four for External Bus masters. The three remaining ports are reserved for future expanded features. Request Signal, Grant Signal The four external Bus Masters are connected to the REQ[3:0] signal and the GNT[3:0]* signal. Also, when in the External PCI Bus Arbiter mode (Satellite Mode), the REQ[0]* signal becomes the PCI Bus Request Output signal and the GNT[0]* signal becomes the Bus Usage Permission Input Signal. Furthermore, the REQ[1]* signal can be used as an interrupt output signal to the external devices (see 14.3.7 for more information). Priority Control As illustrated below in Figure 10.3.9, a combination of two round-robin sequences is used as the arbitration algorithm that determines the priority of Internal PCI Bus arbiter bus requests. The round-robin with the lower priority (Level 2) consists of Masters W - Z, and the round-robin with the high priority (Level 1), consists of Master A - D and Level 2 Masters. The PCI Bus Arbiter Request Port Register (PBAREQPORT) specifies whether to allocate the PCI Controller and the four External Bus Masters to Masters A-D or W - Z. Level 1 (Prirority: High) Master B Master C Master A Master D Level 2 Level 2 (Priority: Low) Master W Master Z Master X Master Y Figure 10.3.9 PCI Bus Arbitration Priority The Bus Master priority is determined based on the Level 1 round-robin sequence. However, when Level 2 is used inside Level 1, the Level 2 Bus Master priority is determined based on the Level 2 round-robin sequence. 10-20 Chapter 10 PCI Controller All 8 Bus Masters cannot be used on the TX4925. However, the Bus Master priority would be as follows if we assume there is a hypothetical device that can use all 8 Bus Masters and all 8 Bus Masters (Masters A – D, W – Z) simultaneously requested the bus. A→B→C→D→W →A→B→C→D→X →A→B→C→D→Y →A→B→C→D→Z → A (returns to the beginning) Since the priority can only transition in the order indicated by the above arrows (or the arrows in Figure 10.3.9, if we assume that the three Bus Masters A, B, and W exist, then Master B will obtain the bus first. If A and W then simultaneously request the bus, then PCI Bus ownership will transition in the order B → W → A. Bus Parking The On-chip PCI Bus Arbiter supports bus parking. The last PCI Bus Master is made the Park Master when the Fix Park Master bit (FIXPM) of the PCI Bus Arbiter Configuration Register (PBACFG) is cleared (in the default state). When this bit is set, the Internal PCI Bus Arbiter Request A Port (Master A) becomes the Park Master. Broken Master Detect The TX4925 On-chip PCI Bus Arbiter has a function for automatically detecting broken masters. If the PCI Bus Master requests and is granted the bus when the PCI Bus is in the Idle state, this master must assert the FRAME* signal within 16 PCI Clock cycles and start a transaction. The PCI Bus Arbiter recognizes any device that breaks this rule as a broken bus master and removes that device from the bus arbitration sequence. This detection function is enabled when the Broken Master Check Enable bit (BMCEN) of the PCI Bus Arbiter Configuration Register (PBACFG) is set. When a broken master is detected, the Broken Master Detection bit (PBSTATUS.BMD) of the PCI Bus Arbiter Status Register is set and the bit in the PCI Bus Arbiter Broken Master Register (PBABM) that corresponds to that master is set. Then it also becomes possible to report an interrupt. 10-21 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.3.12 PCI Boot Setting the configuration during boot up (ADDR[8:6] = 0x011) makes it possible to set the reset exception vector address of the TX49/H2 core to PCI Bus address 0xBFC0_0000. Two windows of the memory space from the G-Bus to the PCI Bus space are used when in the PCI Boot mode. The defaults of several registers are changed as indicated below. • G-Bus base address (G2GBASE): 0x1FC0_0000 • Space size (G2PM2MASK): 4 MB • PCI Bus base address (G2PM2PBASE): 0xBFC0_0000 • Initiator Memory Space 2 Enable (PCICCFG.G2PM2EN): 1 • Bus Master bit (PCISTATUS.BM) [Only when in the Host mode] 1 • Target Configuration Access Ready (PCICSTAUTS.TCAR) [Only when in the Satellite mode] 1 Also, the on-chip PCI Bus Arbiter cannot be used when the PCI Boot mode is being used while in the Satellite mode. 10.3.13 Set Configuration Space In Table 10.5.1, the values for the registers inside the PCI Configuration Space Register that have a gray background can be rewritten using one of the following method. Set the Configuration Space Using Software Reset By using the following procedure, it is possible to use the software to set the configuration space. (1) Set the value to be loaded in the Configuration Data 0 Register (PCICDATA0), the Configuration Data 1 Register (PCICDATA1), the Configuration Data 2 Register (PCICDATA2), and the Configuration Data 3 Register (PCICDATA3). (2) Clear the Load Configuration Data Register bit (LCFG) of the PCI Controller Configuration Register (PCICCFG). After these processes are complete, please set the Target Configuration Access Ready bit (PCICCFG.TCAR) of the PCI Controller Configuration Register to be able to accept access to the PCI Configuration space. 10.3.14 PCI Clock Signal The configuration setting via ADDR[18] during boot-up determines whether or not the clock from the on-chip PLL is driven out from the PCI Clock outputs, PCICLK[2:1] and PCICLKIO. When ADDR[18] is High, PCICLK[2:1] and PCICLKIO are configured as outputs. When ADDR[18] is Low, PCICLK[2:1] are forced to the High-Z state and PCICLKIO is configured as an input. When PCICLK[2:1] and PCICLKIO are configured as outputs, the PCFG.PCICLKIOEN bit must not be cleared. When configured as an output, the PCIC internally feeds back PCICLKIO as a PCI bus clock to adjust the phase of the clock. However, if the PCFG.PCICLKEN[2:1] and PCFG.PCICLKIOEN bits are cleared, PCICLK[2:1] and PCICLKIO are held Low respectively. (see Figure 6.1.1). 10-22 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4 PCI Controller Control Register Table 10.4.1 lists the registers contained in the PCI Controller Control Register. Parentheses in the register names indicate the corresponding PCI Configuration Space Register. Table 10.4.1 PCI Controller Control Register (1/2) Section Address Bit Width Mnemonic Register Name 10.4.1 0xD000 32 PCIID ID Register (Device ID, Vendor ID) 10.4.2 0xD004 32 PCISTATUS PCI Status, Command Register (Status, Command) 10.4.3 0xD008 32 PCICCREV Class Code, Revision ID Register (Class Code, Revision ID) 10.4.4 0xD00C 32 PCICFG1 PCI Configuration 1 Register (BIST, Header Type, Latency Timer, Cache Line Size) 10.4.5 0xD010 32 P2GM0PBASE P2G Memory Space 0 PCI Base Address Register (Memory Space 0 Base Address) 10.4.6 0xD014 32 P2GM1PBASE P2G Memory Space 1 PCI Base Address Register (Memory Space 1 Base Address) 10.4.7 0xD018 32 P2GM2PBASE P2G Memory Space 2 PCI Base Address Register (Memory Space 2 Base Address) 10.4.8 0xD01C 32 P2GIOPBASE P2G I/O Space PCI Base Address Register (I/O Space Base Address) 10.4.9 0xD02C 32 PCISID Subsystem ID Register (Subsystem ID, Subsystem Vendor ID) 10.4.10 0xD034 32 PCICAPPTR Capabilities Pointer Register (Capabilities Pointer) 10.4.11 0xD03C 32 PCICFG2 PCI Configuration 2 Register (Max_Lat, Min_Gnt, Interrupt Pin, Interrupt Line) 10.4.12 0xD040 32 G2PTOCNT G2P Timeout Count Register (Retry Timeout Value, TRDY Timeout Value) 10.4.13 0xD060 32 G2PCFG G2P Configuration Register 10.4.14 0xD064 32 G2PSTATUS G2P Status Register 10.4.15 0xD068 32 G2PMASK G2P Interrupt Mask Register 0xD06C (Reserved) 10.4.16 0xD088 32 PCISSTATUS Satellite Mode PCI Status Register (Status, PMCSR) 10.4.17 0xD08C 32 PCIMASK PCI Status Interrupt Mask Register 10.4.18 0xD090 32 P2GCFG P2G Configuration Register 10.4.19 0xD094 32 P2GSTATUS P2G Status Register 10.4.20 0xD098 32 P2GMASK P2G Interrupt Mask Register 10.4.21 0xD09C 32 P2GCCMD P2G Current Command Register 10.5.1 0xD0DC 8 Cap_ID Capability ID Register 10.5.2 0xD0DD 8 Next_Item_Ptr Next Item Pointer Register 10.5.3 0xD0DE 16 PMC Power Management Capability Register 10.5.4 0xD0E0 16 PMCSR Power Management Control/Status Register 10.4.22 0xD100 32 PBAREQPORT PCI Bus Arbiter Request Port Register 10.4.23 0xD104 32 PBACFG PCI Bus Arbiter Configuration Register 10.4.24 0xD108 32 PBASTATUS PCI Bus Arbiter Status Register 10.4.25 0xD10C 32 PBAMASK PCI Bus Arbiter Interrupt Mask Register 10.4.26 0xD110 32 PBABM PCI Bus Arbiter Broken Master Register 10.4.27 0xD114 32 PBACREQ PCI Bus Arbiter Current Request Register (for diagnostics) 10.4.28 0xD118 32 PBACGNT PCI Bus Arbiter Current Grant Register (for diagnostics) 10.4.29 0xD11C 32 PBACSTATE PCI Bus Arbiter Current State Register (for diagnostics) 10.4.30 0xD120 32 G2PM0GBASE G2P Memory Space 0 G-Bus Base Address Register 10.4.31 0xD128 32 G2PM1GBASE G2P Memory Space 1 G-Bus Base Address Register 10.4.32 0xD130 32 G2PM2GBASE G2P Memory Space 2 G-Bus Base Address Register 10.4.33 0xD138 32 G2PIOGBASE G2P I/O Space G-Bus Base Address Register 10.4.34 0xD140 32 G2PM0MASK G2P Memory Space 0 Address Mask Register 10.4.35 0xD144 32 G2PM1MASK G2P Memory Space 1 Address Mask Register 10.4.36 0xD148 32 G2PM2MASK G2P Memory Space 2 Address Mask Register 10.4.37 0xD14C 32 G2PIOMASK G2P I/O Space Address Mask Register 10.4.38 0xD150 32 G2PM0PBASE G2P Memory Space 0 PCI Base Address Register 10.4.39 0xD158 32 G2PM1PBASE G2P Memory Space 1 PCI Base Address Register 10-23 Chapter 10 PCI Controller Table 10.4.1 PCI Controller Control Register (2/2) Section Address Bit Width Mnemonic 10.4.40 10.4.41 10.4.42 Register Name 0xD160 32 G2PM2PBASE 0xD168 32 G2PIOPBASE G2P I/O Space PCI Base Address Register 0xD170 32 PCICCFG PCI Controller Configuration Register G2P Memory Space 2 PCI Base Address Register 10.4.43 0xD174 32 PCICSTATUS PCI Controller Status Register 10.4.44 0xD178 32 PCICMASK PCI Controller Interrupt Mask Register 10.4.45 0xD180 32 P2GM0GBASE P2G Memory Space 0 G-Bus Base Address Register 10.4.46 0xD184 32 P2GM0CTR P2G Memory Space 0 Control Register 10.4.47 0xD188 32 P2GM1GBASE P2G Memory Space 1 G-Bus Base Address Register 10.4.48 0xD18C 32 P2GM1CTR P2G Memory Space 1 Control Register 10.4.49 0xD190 32 P2GM2GBASE P2G Memory Space 2 G-Bus Base Address Register 10.4.50 0xD194 32 P2GM2CTR P2G Memory Space 2 Control Register 10.4.51 0xD198 32 P2GIOGBASE P2G I/O Space G-Bus Base Address Register 10.4.52 0xD19C 32 P2GIOCTR P2G IO Space Control Register 10.4.53 0xD1A0 32 G2PCFGADRS G2P Configuration Address Register 10.4.54 0xD1A4 32 G2PCFGDATA G2P Configuration Data Register 0xD1B0 (Reserved) 0xD1B8 (Reserved) 0xD1C0 (Reserved) 10.4.55 0xD1C8 32 G2PINTACK G2P Interrupt Acknowledge Data Register 10.4.56 0xD1CC 32 G2PSPC G2P Special Cycle Data Register 10.4.57 0xD1E0 32 PCICDATA0 Configuration Data 0 Register 10.4.58 0xD1E4 32 PCICDATA1 Configuration Data 1 Register 10.4.59 0xD1E8 32 PCICDATA2 Configuration Data 2 Register 10.4.60 0xD1EC 32 PCICDATA3 Configuration Data 3 Register 10.4.61 0xD200 32 PDMCA PDMAC Chain Address Register 10.4.62 0xD204 32 PDMGA PDMAC G-Bus Address Register 10.4.63 0xD208 32 PDMPA PDMAC PCI Bus Address Register 10.4.64 0xD20C 32 PDMCTR PDMAC Count Register 10.4.65 0xD210 32 PDMCFG PDMAC Control Register 10.4.66 0xD214 32 PDMSTATUS PDMAC Status Register 10-24 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.1 ID Register (PCIID) 0xD000 The Device ID field corresponds to the Device ID Register in the PCI Configuration Space, and the Vendor ID field corresponds to the Vendor ID register of the PCI Configuration Space. These two fields can be modified by software only when PCICCFG.ConfigBusy=1 after Reset. A write to Register PCICDATA0 when PCICCFG.ConfigBusy=1 will modify the contents of this register. Otherwise this register is Read Only. This register cannot be accessed when in the Satellite mode. 31 16 DID R/L 0x0181 : Type : Initial value 15 0 VID R/L 0x102f Field Name : Type : Initial value Bits Mnemonic Description 31:16 DID Device ID Device ID (Initial value: 0x0181, R/L) This register indicates the ID that is allocated to a device. The ID can be changed. 15:0 VID Vendor ID Vendor ID (Initial value: 0x102f, R/L) This register indicates the device product that is allocated by PCI SIG. The product allocation can be changed. Figure 10.4.1 ID Registers 10-25 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.2 PCI Status, Command Register (PCISTATUS) 0xD004 The upper 16 bits correspond to the Status Register in the PCI Configuration Space, and the lower 16 bits correspond to the Command Register in the PCI Configuration Space. This register cannot be accessed when in the Satellite mode. However, it is possible to read some values of the upper 16 bits from the Satellite Mode PCI Status Register (PCISSTATUS). 31 DPE 30 SSE 29 RMA 28 RTA 27 STA 26 DT 25 24 23 22 21 MDPE FBBCP Reserved 66MCP 20 CL R 01 R/W1C 0 R 1 R/W1C R/W1C R/W1C R/W1C R/W1C 0 0 0 0 0 15 10 Reserved R 1 R 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 FBBEN SEREN STPC PEREN VPS MWIEN R/W 0 R/W 0 R 0 Field Name R/W 0 R 0 R/W 0 19 16 Reserved : Type : Initial value 3 SC 2 BM R 0 R/W 0/1 1 0 MEMSP IOSP R/W 0 R/W : Type 0 : Default Bits Mnemonic Explanation 31 DPE Detected Parity Error Detected Parity Error (Initial value: 0, R/W1C) Indicates that a parity error was detected. A parity error is detected in the three following situations: • Detected a data parity error as the Read command PCI initiator. • Detected a data parity error as the Write command PCI target. • Detected an address parity error. This bit is set regardless of the setting of the Parity Error Response bit (PCISTATUS.PEREN) of the PCI Status, Command Register. 1: Detected a parity error. 0: Did not detect a parity error. 30 SSE Signaled System Error Signaled System Error (Initial value: 0, R/W1C) Detects either an address parity error or a special cycle data parity error. This bit is set when the SERR* signal is asserted. 1: Asserted the SERR* signal 0: Did not assert the SERR* signal. 29 RMA Received Master Abort Received Master Abort (Initial value: 0, R/W1C) This bit is set when a Master Abort aborts a PCI Bus Transaction when the PCI Controller operates as the PCI initiator (except for special cycles). 1: Transaction was aborted by a Master Abort. 0: Transaction was not aborted by a Master Abort. 28 RTA Received Target Abort Received Target Abort (Initial value: 0, R/W1C) This bit is set when a Target Abort aborts a PCI Bus Transaction when the PCI Controller operates as the PCI initiator. 1: Transaction was aborted by a Target Abort. 0: Transaction was not aborted by a Target Abort. 27 STA Signaled Target Abort Signaled Target Abort (Initial value: 0, R/W1C) This bit is set when a Target Abort aborts a PCI Bus Transaction when the PCI Controller operates as the PCI target. 1: Bus transaction was aborted by a Target Abort. 0: Bus transaction was not aborted by a Target Abort. 26:25 DT DEVSEL Timing DEVSEL Timing (Fixed value: 01, R) Three DEVSEL assert timings are defined in the PCI 2.2 Specifications: 00b = Fast; 01b = Medium; 10b = Slow; 11b = Reserved). With the exception of Read Configuration and Write Configuration, when the PCI Controller is the PCI target, the DEVSEL signal is asserted to a certain bus command and indicates the slowest speed for responding to the PCI Bus Master. Figure 10.4.2 PCI Status, Command Register (1/2) 10-26 Chapter 10 PCI Controller Bits Mnemonic Field Name Explanation 24 MDPE Master Data Parity Error Master Data Parity Error (Initial value: 0, R/W1C) Indicates the a parity error occurred when the PCI Controller is the PCI initiator. This bit is not set when the PCI Controller is the target. This bit is set when all of the three following conditions are met. • It has been detected that the PERR* signal was set either directly or indirectly. • The PCI Controller is the Bus Master for a PCI Bus transaction during which an error occurred. • The Parity Error Response bit of the PCI Status Command Register (PCISTATUS.PEREN) has been set. 23 FBBCP Fast Back-toBack Capable Fast Back-to-Back Capable (Fixed value: 1, R) Indicates whether target access of a fast back-to-back transaction can be accepted. Is fixed to “1”. 22 21 66MCP 66 MHz Capable 66 MHz Capable (Fixed value: 0, R) Indicates the 66 MHz operation is impossible. Is fixed to “0”. 20 CL Capabilities List Capabilities List (Fixed value: 1, R) Indicates that the capabilities list is being implemented. Is fixed to “1”. Reserved 19:10 9 FBBEN Fast Back-toBack Enable Fast Back-to-Back Enable (Initial value: 0, R/W) Indicates that issuing of fast back-to-back transactions has been enabled. 1: Enable 0: Disable 8 SEREN SERR* Enable SERR* Enable (Initial value: 0, R/W) Enables/Disables the SERR* signal. The SERR* signal reports that either a PCI Bus address parity error or a special cycle data parity error was detected. The SERR* signal is only asserted when the Parity Error Response bit is set and this bit is set. 1: Enable 0: Disable 7 STPC Stepping Control Stepping Control (Fixed value: 0, R) Indicates that stepping control is not being supported. 6 PEREN Parity Error Response Parity Error Response (Initial value: 0, R/W) Sets operation when a PCI address/data parity error is detected. A parity error response (either when the Parity Error Response bit (PCISTATUS.PEREN) of the PERR* Signal Assert or PCI Status, Command Register is set, or the SERR* signal is asserted) is performed only when this bit is set. When this bit is cleared, the PCI Controller ignores all parity errors and continues the transaction process as if the parity of that transaction was correct. 1: Parity error response is performed. 0: Parity error response is not performed. 5 VPS VGA Palette Snoop VGA Palette Snoop (Fixed value: 0, R) Indicates that the VGA palette snoop function is not supported. 4 MWIEN Memory Write and Invalidate Enable Memory Write and Invalidate Enable (Initial value: 0, R/W) Controls whether to use the Memory Write and Invalidate command instead of the Memory Write command when the PCI Controller is the initiator. 3 SC Special Cycles Special Cycles (Fixed value: 0, R) Indicates that special cycles will not be accepted as PCI targets. 2 BM Bus Master Bus Master (Initial value: 0/1, R/W) The default is only “1” when in the PCI Boot mode and in the Host mode. 1: Operates as the Bus Master. 0: Does not operate as the Bus Master. 1 MEMSP Memory Space Memory Space (Initial value: 0, R/W) 1: Respond to PCI memory access. 0: Do not respond to PCI memory access. 0 IOSP I/O Space I/O Space (Initial value: 0, R/W) 1: Respond to PCI I/O access. 0: Do not respond to PCI I/O access. Reserved Figure 10.4.2 PCI Status, Command Register (2/2) 10-27 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.3 Class Code, Revision ID Register (PCICCREV) 0xD008 The Class Code field corresponds to the Class Code Register of the PCI Configuration Space, and the Revision ID field corresponds to the Revision ID Register of the PCI Configuration Space. These two fields can be modified by software only when PCICCFG.ConfigBusy=1 after Reset. A write to Register PCICDATA1 when PCICCFG.ConfigBusy=1 will modify the contents of this register. Otherwise this register is Read Only. This register cannot be accessed when in the Satellite mode. 31 16 CC R/L 0x0600 15 8 : Type : Initial value 7 0 CC RID R/L 0x00 R/L Field Name : Type : Initial value Bits Mnemonic Explanation 31:8 CC Class Code Class Code (Initial value: 0x060000, R/L) Classifies the device types. The default is 060000h, which defines the PCI Controller as a Host bridge device. It is possible to change the device type by software. 7:0 RID Revision ID Revision ID (Initial value: *****, R/L) Indicates the device revision ID. Please contact our Engineering Department for the exact value. It is possible to change the revision IDsoftware. Figure 10.4.3 Class Code, Revision ID Register 10-28 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.4 PCI Configuration 1 Register (PCICFG1) 0xD00C The following fields correspond to the following registers. BIST field → BIST Register of the PCI Configuration Space Header Type field → Header Type Register in the PCI Configuration Space Latency Timer field → Latency Timer Register of the PCI Configuration Space Cache Line Size field → Cache Line Size Register of the PCI Configuration Space. This register cannot be accessed when the PCI Controller is in the Satellite mode. 31 BISTC 30 24 Reserved R 0 23 MFUNS 22 16 HT R 0 15 8 Bits Mnemonic 31 BISTC R/L 0x00 7 0 LT CLS R/W 0x00 R/W 0x00 Field Name BIST Capable : Type : Initial value : Type : Initial value Description BIST Capable (Fixed value: 0, R) Indicates that the BIST function is not being supported. 30:24 23 MFUNS Multi-Function Multi-Function (Fixed value: 0, R) 0: Indicates that the device is a single-function device. 22:16 HT Header Type Header Type (Initial value: 0x00, R/L) Indicates the Header type. 0000000: Header Type 0 It is possible to change to the value that was written to the PCICDATA3 Register when PCICCFG.LCFG is “1”. 15:8 LT Latency Timer Latency Timer (Initial value: 0x00, R/W) Sets the latency timer value. Specifies the PCI Bus clock count during which to abort access when the GNT* signal is deasserted during PCI access. Since the lower two bits are fixed to “0”, cycle counts can only be specified in multiples of 4. 7:0 CLS Cache Line Size Cache Line Size (Initial value: 0x00, R/W) Is used to select the PCI Bus command during a Burst Read transaction. See “10.3.3 Supported PCI Bus Commands)” for more information. Reserved Figure 10.4.4 PCI Configuration 1 Register 10-29 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.5 P2G Memory Space 0 PCI Base Address Register (P2GM0PBASE) 0xD010 This register corresponds to the Memory Space 0 Base Address Register at offset address 0x10 of the PCI Configuration Space. This register cannot be accessed when the PCI Controller is in the Satellite mode. 31 20 19 BA[31:20] 16 Reserved R/W 0x000 : Type : Initial value 15 4 Reserved 3 PF 2 TYPE 1 0 MSI R 00 R 0 R 1 Bits Mnemonic 31:20 BA[31:20] Field Name Base Address : Type : Initial value Description Base Address (Initial value: 0x000, R/W) Sets the PCI base address in Target Access Memory Space 0. The size of Memory Space 0 is selected from 1MB to 512MB using TC0[28:20]. 19:4 Reserved 3 PF Prefetchable Prefetchable (Fixed value: 1, R) 1: Indicates that memory is prefetchable. 2:1 TYPE Type Type (Initial value: 00, R) 10: Indicates that an address is within a 64-bit address region. 0 MSI Memory Space Memory Space Indicator (Fixed value: 0, R) 0: Indicates that this Base Address Register is for use by the PCI Memory Space. Figure 10.4.5 P2G Memory Space 0 PCI Base Address Register 10-30 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.6 P2G Memory Space 1 PCI Base Address Register (P2GM1PBASE) 0xD014 This register corresponds to the Memory Space 1 Base Address Register at offset address 0x14 of the PCI Configuration Space. This register cannot be accessed when the PCI Controller is in the Satellite mode. 31 20 19 BA[31:20] 16 Reserved R/W 0x000 : Type : Initial value 15 4 Reserved 3 PF 2 R 1 Bits Mnemonic 31:20 BA[31:20] Field Name Base Address TYPE 1 0 MSI R 00 R 0 : Type : Initial value Description Base Address (Initial value: 0x000, R/W) Sets the PCI base address in Target Access Memory Space 0. The size of Memory Space 0 is selected from 1MB to 512MB using TC0[28:20]. 19:4 Reserved 3 PF Prefetchable Prefetchable (Fixed value: 1, R) 1: Indicates that memory is prefetchable. 2:1 TYPE Type Memory Type (Fixed value: 00, R) 00: Indicates that an address is within a 32-bit address region. 0 MSI Memory Space Memory Space Indicator (Fixed value: 0, R) 0: Indicates that this Base Address Register is for use by the PCI Memory Space. Figure 10.4.6 P2G Memory Space 1 PCI Base Address Register 10-31 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.7 P2G Memory Space 2 PCI Base Address Register (P2GM2PBASE) 0xD018 This register corresponds to the Memory Space 2 Base Address Register at offset address 0x18 of the PCI Configuration Space. This register cannot be accessed when the PCI Controller is in the Satellite mode. 31 20 19 BA[31:20] 16 Reserved R/W 0x000 : Type : Initial value 15 4 Reserved 3 PF 2 TYPE 1 0 MSI R 00 R 0 R 0 Bits Mnemonic 31:20 BA[31:20] Field Name Base Address : Type : Initial value Description Base Address (Initial value: 0x000, R/W) Sets the PCI base address in Target Access Memory Space 0. The size of Memory Space 0 is selected from 1MB to 512MB using TC0[28:20]. 19:4 Reserved 3 PF Prefetchable Prefetchable (Fixed value: 0, R) 1: Indicates that memory is prefetchable. 2:1 TYPE Type Memory Type (Fixed value: 00, R) 00: Indicates that an address is within a 32-bit address region. 0 MSI Memory Space Memory Space Indicator (Fixed value: 0, R) 0: Indicates that this Base Address Register is for use by the PCI Memory Space. Figure 10.4.7 P2G Memory Space 2 PCI Base Address Register 10-32 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.8 P2G I/O Space PCI Base Address Register (P2GIOPBASE) 0xD01C This register corresponds to the I/O Space Base Address at offset address 0x1C of the PCI Configuration Space. This register cannot be accessed when the PCI Controller is in the Satellite mode. 31 16 BA[31:16] R/W 0x0000 15 8 : Type : Initial value 7 BA[15:8] 1 Reserved R/W 0x00 Bits Mnemonic 31:8 BA[31:8] R 1 Field Name Base Address 7:1 Reserved 0 IOSI I/O Space 0 IOSI : Type : Initial value Description Base Address (Initial value: 0x00, R/W) Sets the PCI base address of the Target Access I/O Space. The size of this I/O space is fixed at 256 Bytes selected from 256B to 32KB using TC3[15:8]. I/O Space Indicator (Fixed value: 1, R) 1: Indicates that this Base Address Register is for use by the PCI I/O Space. Figure 10.4.8 P2G I/O Space PCI Base Address Register 10-33 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.9 Subsystem ID Register (PCISID) 0xD02C The Subsystem ID field corresponds to the Subsystem ID Register of the PCI Configuration Space, and the Subsystem Vendor ID field corresponds to the Subsystem Vendor ID Register of the PCI Configuration Space. These two fields can be modified by software only when PCICCFG.LCFG=1 after Reset. A write to Register PCICDATA2 when PCICCFG.LCFG=1 will modify the contents of this register. Otherwise this register is Read Only. This register cannot be accessed when the PCI Controller is in the Satellite mode. 31 16 SSID R/L 0x0000 15 8 : Type : Initial value 7 0 R/L 0x0000 Bits Mnemonic 31:16 SSID 15:0 SSVID Field Name : Type : Initial value Description Subsystem ID Subsystem ID (Initial value: 0x0000, R/L) This register is used to acknowledge either a subsystem that has a PCI device or an add-in board. It is possible to change the Subsystem ID bysoftware. Subsystem Vendor ID Subsystem Vendor ID (Initial value: 0x0000, R/L) This register is used to acknowledge either a subsystem that has a PCI device or an add-in board. It is possible to change the Subsystem ID bysoftware. Figure 10.4.9 Subsystem ID Register 10-34 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.10 Capabilities Pointer Register (PCICAPPTR) 0xD034 The Capabilities Pointer field corresponds to the Capabilities Pointer Register of the PCI Configuration Space. This register cannot be accessed when the PCI Controller is in the Satellite mode. 31 16 Reserved : Type : Initial value 15 8 7 Reserved 0 CAPPTR R 0xdc Bits Mnemonic 31:8 7:0 CAPPTR Field Name : Type : Initial value Description Reserved Capabilities Pointer Capabilities Pointer (Fixed value: 0xdc, R) Indicates as an offset value the starting address of the capabilities list that indicates extended functions. Figure 10.4.10 Capabilities Pointer Register 10-35 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.11 PCI Configuration 2 Register (PCICFG2) 0xD03C The following fields correspond to the following registers: Max. Latency field → Max_Lat Register of the PCI Configuration Space Min. Grant field → Min_Gnt Register of the PCI Configuration Space Interrupt Pin field → Interrupt Pin Register of the PCI Configuration Space Interrupt Line field → Interrupt Line Register of the PCI Configuration Space. A write to Register PCICDATA3 when PCICCFG.LCFG=1 will modify the contents of this register. Otherwise this register is Read Only. This register cannot be accessed when the PCI Controller is in the Satellite mode. 31 24 23 16 ML MG R/L 0x00 R/L 0x00 15 8 7 0 IP IL R/L 0x00 R/W 0x00 Field Name : Type : Initial value : Type : Initial value Bits Mnemonic Description 31:24 ML Maximum Latency Max_Lat (Maximum Latency) (Initial value: 0x00, R/L) 00h: Does not use this register to determine PCI Bus priority. 01h-FFh: Specifies the time interval for requesting bus ownership. In units of 250 ns, assuming the PCICLK is 33 MHz. It is possible to change the maximum latency by software. 23:16 MG Minimum Grant Min_Gnt (Minimum Grant) (Initial value: 0x00, R/L) 00h: Is not used to calculate the latency timer value. 01h-FFh: Sets the time required for Burst transfer. In units of 250 ns, assuming the PCICLK is 33 MHz. It is possible to change this valuesoftware. 15:8 IP Interrupt Pin Interrupt Pin (Initial value: 0x00, R/L) Valid values: 00 - 04h 00h: Do not use interrupt signals. 01h: Use Interrupt signal INTA* 02h: Use Interrupt signal INTB* 03h: Use Interrupt signal INTC* 04h: Use Interrupt signal INTD* 05h - FFh: Reserved It is possible to change this value by software. When using either the REQ[2]* signal or the PIO signal to report an interrupt to an external device as the PCI device, please use EEPROM to set the connection with that device. 7:0 IL Interrupt Line Interrupt Line (Initial value: 0x00, R/L) This is a readable/writable 8-bit register. The software uses this register to indicate information such as the interrupt signal connection information. Operation of the TX4925 is not affected. Figure 10.4.11 PCI Configuration 2 Register 10-36 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.12 G2P Timeout Count Register (G2PTOCNT) 0xD040 The Retry Timeout field corresponds to the Retry Timeout Value Register of the PCI Configuration Space, and the TRDY Timeout field corresponds to the TRDY Timeout Value Register of the PCI Configuration Space. This register cannot be accessed when the PCI Controller is in the Satellite mode. 31 16 Reserved : Type : Initial value 15 Bits 8 Mnemonic 7 0 RETRYTO TRDYTO R/W 0x80 R/W 0x80 Field Name : Type : Initial value Description 31:16 15:8 RETRYTO Retry Timeout Retry Time Out (Initial value: 0x80, R/W) Sets the maximum number of retries to accept when operating as the initiator on the PCI Bus. Ends with an error when receiving more retry terminations than the set maximum number. Setting a “0” disables this timeout function. 7:0 TRDYTO TRDY Timeout TRDY Time Out (Initial value: 0x80, R/W) Sets the maximum value of the time to wait for assertion of the TRDY* signal when operating as the initiator on the PCI Bus. Setting a “0” disables this timeout function. Reserved Figure 10.4.12 G2P Timeout Count Register 10-37 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.13 G2P Configuration Register (G2PCFG) 0xD060 31 16 Reserved : Type : Initial value 15 12 Reserved 11 10 R/W 0/1 Bits Mnemonic 9 8 7 6 5 BSWAPM0 BSWAPM1 BSWAPM2 BSWAPIO IMEM0EN IMEM1EN IMEM2EN R/W 0/1 R/W 0/1 R/W 0/1 R/W 0 Field Name R/W 0 R/W 0 4 3 IIOEN IRBER R/W 0 R/W 1 2 1 0 Reserved BSWAPI ASERR R/W R/W1C : Type 0/1 0 : Initial value Description 31:12 11 BSWAPM0 Byte Swap for Memory Space 0 Byte Swap Disable for Memory Space 0 (Initial value: Little Endian Mode: 0; Big Endian Mode: 1, R/W) Sets the byte swapping of Memory Space 0. 0: Do not perform byte swapping. 1: Perform byte swapping. Please use the default state in most situations. If this bit is changed to “0” when in the Big Endian Mode, the byte order of transfer to Memory Space 0 through DWORD (32bit) access will not change. 10 BSWAPM1 Byte Swap for Memory Space 1 Byte Swap Disable for Memory Space 1 (Initial value: Little Endian Mode: 0; Big Endian Mode: 1, R/W) Sets the byte swapping of Memory Space 1. 0: Do not perform byte swapping. 1: Perform byte swapping. Please use the default state in most situations. If this bit is changed to "0” when in the Big Endian Mode, the byte order of transfer to Memory Space 1 through DWORD (32bit) access will not change. 9 BSWAPM2 Byte Swap for Memory Space 2 Byte Swap Disable for Memory Space 2 (Initial value: Little Endian Mode: 0; Big Endian Mode: 1, R/W) Sets the byte swapping of Memory Space 2. 0: Do not perform byte swapping. 1: Perform byte swapping. Please use the default state in most situations. If this bit is changed to “0” when in the Big Endian Mode, the byte order of transfer to Memory Space 2 through DWORD (32bit) access will not change. 8 BSWAPIO Byte Swap for I/O Space Byte Swap Disable for I/O Space (Initial value: Little Endian Mode: 0; Big Endian Mode: 1, R/W) Sets the byte swapping of I/O Space. 0: Do not perform byte swapping. 1: Perform byte swapping. Please use the default state in most situations. If this bit is changed to “0” when in the Big Endian Mode, the byte order of transfer to I/O Space through DWORD (32-bit) access will not change. 7 G2PM0EN Initiator Memory Space 0 Enable Initiator Memory Space 0 Enable (Initial value: 0, R/W) Controls PCI initiator access to Memory Space 0. 1: Memory Space 0 is valid. 0: Memory Space 0 is invalid. 6 G2PM1EN Initiator Memory Space 1 Enable Initiator Memory Space 1 Enable (Initial value: 0, R/W) Controls PCI initiator access to Memory Space 1. 1: Memory Space 1 is valid. 0: Memory Space 1 is invalid. Reserved Figure 10.4.13 G2P Configuration Register (1/2) 10-38 Chapter 10 PCI Controller Bits Mnemonic Field Name 5 G2PM2EN Initiator Memory Space 2 Enable 4 G2PIOEN Initiator I/O Space Initiator I/O Space Enable (Initial value: 0, R/W) Enable Controls PCI initiator access to the I/O Space.. 1: I/O Space is valid. 0: I/O Space is invalid. 3 IRBER Bus Error Response Setting During Initiator Access Description Initiator Memory Space 2 Enable (Initial value: Normal Mode: 0; PCI Boot Mode: 1, R/W) Controls PCI initiator access to Memory Space 2. 1: Memory Space 2 is valid. 0: Memory Space 2 is invalid. Initiator Access Bus Error Response (Initial value: 1, R/W) Bus error responses on the G-Bus are controlled when the following phenomena indicated by the PCI Status, Command Register (PICSTATUS) and the G2P Status Register (G2PSTATUS) occur during initiator Read access. Detected Fatal Error (G2PSTATUS.MDFE) Detected Parity Error (G2PSTATUS.MDPE) Received Master Abort (PCISTATUS.RMA) Received Target Abort (PCISTATUS.RTA) Initiator Detected TRDY Time Out Error (G2PSTATUS.IDTTOE) Initiator Detected Retry Time Out Error (G2PSTATUS.IDRTOE) 1: Responds with a Bus error on the G-Bus. 0: Does not respond with a Bus error on the G-Bus. (Normally terminates the transaction on the G-Bus. Read data is invalid.) 2 1 BSWAPI Byte Swap for Indirect, Config, IACK, and Special cycle Byte Swap for Indirect, Config, IACK, and Special cycle (Initial value: Little Endian Mode: 0; Big Endian Mode: 1, R/W) Sets the byte swapping of Indirect, Config, IACK, and Special cycle. 0: Do not perform byte swapping. 1: Perform byte swapping. Please use the default state in most situations. If this bit is changed to “0” when in the Big Endian Mode, the byte order of transfer to Memory Space 0 through DWORD (32bit) access will not change. 0 ASERR Assert SERR Assert SERR (Initial value: 0, R/W1C) A write of 1 will assert SERR for 1 PCI clock. Always read 0. Reserved Figure 10.4.13 G2P Configuration Register (2/2) 10-39 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.14 G2P Status Register (G2PSTATUS) 0xD064 31 16 Reserved : Type : Initial value 15 9 Reserved 8 7 6 5 IOBFE IIBFE MDFE MDPE R 1 Bits Mnemonic R 1 Field Name 4 2 Reserved R/W1C R/W1C 0 0 1 0 IDTTOE IDRTOE R/W1C R/W1C : Type 0 0 : Initial value Description 31:9 8 IOBFE Initiator OutBound FIFO Empty Initiator Out-Bound FIFO Empty (Initial value: 1, R) 1: Indicates that the Initiator Out-Bound FIFO is empty. 0: Indicates that the Initiator Out-Bound FIFO is not empty. This is a diagnostic function. 7 IIBFE Initiator In-Bound FIFO Empty Initiator In-Bound FIFO Empty (Initial value: 1, R) 1: Indicates that the Initiator In-Bound FIFO is empty. 0: Indicates that the Initiator In-Bound FIFO is not empty. This is a diagnostic function. 6 MDFE Master Direct Fatal Error Master Direct Fatal Error (Initial value: 0, R/W1C) This bit is set when the initiator detects a fatal error in master direct cycle. A fatal error is an event such as one of the following: • Master abort • Target abort • Trdy timeout • Retry timeout The G2PSTATUS.MDFE bit is set if one of the above events occurs. 5 MDPE Master Direct Parity Error Master Direct Parity Error (Initial value: 0, R/W1C) This bit is set when the initiator detects a parity error in master direct cycle. Reserved 4:2 1 IDTTOE TRDY Timeout Error Initiator Detected TRDY Time Out Error (Initial value: 0, R/W1C) This bit is set when the initiator detects a TRDY timeout. 0 IDRTOE Retry Timeout Error Initiator Detected Retry Time Out Error (Initial value: 0, R/W1C) This bit is set when the initiator detects a Retry timeout. Reserved Figure 10.4.14 G2P Status Register 10-40 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.15 G2P Interrupt Mask Register (G2PMASK) 0xD068 31 16 Reserved : Type : Initial value 15 6 Reserved R/W 0 Bits Mnemonic 5 4 Field Name 2 Reserved MDFEIE MDPEIE R/W 0 1 0 IDTTOEIE IDRTOEIE R/W 0 R/W : Type 0 : Initial value Description 31:7 6 MDFEIE Master Direct Fatal Error Interrupt Enable Master Direct Fatal Error Interrupt Enable (Initial value: 0, R/W) The initiator generates an interrupt when it detects a fatal error in a direct cycle. 1: Generates an interrupt. 0: Does not generate an interrupt. 5 MDPEIE Master Direct Parity Error Interrupt Enable Master Direct Parity Error Interrupt Enable (Initial value: 0, R/W) The initiator generates an interrupt when it detects a parity error in a direct cycle. 1: Generates an interrupt. 0: Does not generate an interrupt. Reserved 4:2 Reserved Please write “0”. 1 IDTTOEIE TRDY Timeout Error Interrupt Enable Initiator Detected TRDY Time Out Interrupt Enable (Initial value: 0, R/W) The initiator generates an interrupt when it detects a TRDY timeout. 1: Generates an interrupt. 0: Does not generate an interrupt. 0 IDRTOEIE Retry Timeout Error Interrupt Enable Initiator Detected Retry Time Out Interrupt Enable (Initial value: 0x0, R/W) The initiator generates an interrupt when it detects a Retry timeout. 1: Generates an interrupt. 0: Does not generate an interrupt. Figure 10.4.15 G2P Interrupt Mask Register 10-41 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.16 Satellite Mode PCI Status Register (PCISSTATUS) 0xD088 The PCI Status, Command Register (PCISTATUS) or the PMCSR Register of the Configuration Space cannot be accessed when the PCI Controller is in the Satellite mode. It is possible however to read values from either of these registers. 31 26 25 Reserved 24 23 PS 16 Reserved R 00 15 DPE 14 SSE 13 RMA 12 RTA 11 STA R 0 R 0 R 0 R 0 R 0 Bits Mnemonic 10 9 : Type : Initial value DT 8 MDPE R 01 R 0 7 0 Reserved : Type : Initial value Field Name Description 31:26 Reserved 25:24 PS Power State 23:16 Reserved 15 DPE Detected Parity Error Detected Parity Error (Initial value: 0, R) This is a shadow register of the PCISTATUS.DPE bit. 14 SSE Signaled System Error Signaled System Error (Initial value: 0, R) This is a shadow register of the PCISTATUS.SSE bit. 13 RMA Received Master Abort Received Master Abort (Initial value: 0, R) This is a shadow register of the PCISTATUS.RMA bit. 12 RTA Received Target Abort Received Target Abort (Initial value: 0, R) This is a shadow register of the PCISTATUS.RTA bit. 11 STA Signaled Target Abort Signaled Target Abort (Initial value: 0, R) This is a shadow register of the PCISTATUS.STA bit. 10:9 DT Set DEVSEL Timing DEVSEL Timing (Fixed value: 01, R) This is a shadow register of the PCISTATUS.DT field. 8 MDPE Data Parity Detected Master Data Parity Error Detected (Initial value: 0, R) This is a shadow register of the PCISTATUS.MDPE bit. 7:0 PowerState (Initial value: 00, R) This is a shadow register of the PowerState field in the PMCSR Register. Reserved Figure 10.4.16 Satellite Mode PCI Status Register 10-42 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.17 PCI Status Interrupt Mask Register (PCIMASK) 0xD08C 31 16 Reserved : Type : Initial value 15 14 13 12 11 DPEIE SSEIE RMAIE RTAIE STAIE R/W 0 Bits R/W 0 R/W 0 R/W 0 Mnemonic 10 9 Reserved R/W 0 8 7 0 Reserved MDPEIE R/W 0 : Type : Initial value Field Name Description 31:16 15 DPEIE Detected Parity Error Interrupt Enable Detected Parity Error Interrupt Enable (Initial value: 0, R/W) Generates an interrupt when a parity error is detected. Usually, this interrupt is masked and a Master Data Parity error signals the error to the system. 1: Generates an interrupt. 0: Does not generate an interrupt. 14 SSEIE Signaled System Error Interrupt Enable Signaled System Error Interrupt Enable (Initial value: 0, R/W) Generates an interrupt when a system error is signaled. 1: Generates an interrupt. 0: Does not generate an interrupt. 13 RMAIE Received Master Abort Interrupt Enable Received Master Abort Interrupt Enable (Initial value: 0, R/W) Generates an interrupt when a Master Abort is received. 1: Generates an interrupt. 0: Does not generate an interrupt. 12 RTAIE Received Target Abort Interrupt Enable Received Target Abort Interrupt Enable (Initial value: 0, R/W) Generates an interrupt when a Target Abort is received. 1: Generates an interrupt. 0: Does not generate an interrupt. 11 STAIE Signaled Target Abort Interrupt Enable Signaled Target Abort Interrupt Enable (Initial value: 0, R/W) Generates an interrupt when a Target Abort is signaled. 1: Generates an interrupt. 0: Does not generate an interrupt. 10:9 8 MDPEIE 7:0 Reserved Reserved Master Data Parity Detected Interrupt Enable Master Data Parity Detected Interrupt Enable (Initial value: 0, R/W) Generates an interrupt when data parity is detected. 1: Generates an interrupt. 0: Does not generate an interrupt. Reserved Figure 10.4.17 PCI Status Interrupt Mask Register 10-43 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.18 P2G Configuration Register (P2GCFG) 0xD090 31 16 Reserved : Type : Initial value 15 5 Reserved Field Name Reserved 4 3 FTRD R/W 0 R/W 0 2 1 0 FTA TOBFR TIBFR R/W 0 R/W 0 R/W : Type 0 : Initial value Bits Mnemonic Description 31:5 Reserved 4 Reserved Don’t write one in this bit (Initial value: 0, R/W). 3 FTRD Force Target Retry/Disconnect Force Target Retry/Disconnect (Initial value: 0, R/W) The PCI Controller executes Retry Termination on a PCI Read access transaction if this bit is set to “1”. This is a diagnostic function. 2 FTA Force Target Abort Force Target Abort (Initial value: 0, R/W) The PCI Controller executes a Target Abort on a PCI Read access transaction if this bit is set to “1”. This is a diagnostic function. 1 TOBFR Target read FIFO Reset Target read FIFO Reset (Initial value: 0, R/W) The PCI Controller flushes the CORE internal Target Out-Bound FIFO when “1” is written to this bit. This bit always reads out “0” when it is read. This is a diagnostic function. 0 TIBFR Target write FIFO Reset Target write FIFO Reset (Initial value: 0, R/W) The PCI Controller flushes the CORE internal Target In-Bound FIFO when “1” is written to this bit. This bit always read out “0” when it is read. This is a diagnostic function. Figure 10.4.18 P2G Configuration Register 10-44 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.19 P2G Status Register (P2GSTATUS) 0xD094 31 16 Reserved : Type : Initial value 15 5 Reserved 4 3 2 1 TOBFE TIBFE PMSC PERR R 1 Bits Mnemonic Field Name R 1 0 GBE R/W1C R/W1C R/W1C : Type 0 0 0 : Initial value Description 31:5 4 TOBFE Target Out-Bound Target Out-Bound FIFO Empty (Initial value: 1, R) FIFO Empty 1: Indicates that the Target Out-Bound FIFO is empty. 0: Indicates that the Target Out-Bound FIFO is not empty. This is a diagnostic function. 3 TIBFE Target In-Bound FIFO Empty 2 PMSC PM State Change Power Management State Change (Initial value: 0, R/W1C) Detected “1” is set to this bit when the PowerState field of the Power Management Register (PMCSR) is rewritten. This bit is cleared to “0” when a “1” is written to it. This bit is only valid when the PCI Controller is in the Satellite mode. 1 PERR PERR* Detected PERR* Occurred (Initial value: 0, R/W1C) Indicates that a Parity error occurred during Target access. 1: Indicates that a Parity error occurred. 0: Indicates that no Parity error has occurred.. 0 TGBE Target G-Bus Error Detect Target G-Bus Error Detect (Initial value: 0, R/W1C) Indicates that a G-Bus Error occurred when the G-Bus was Target of the PCI cycle. This error is indicated when a timeout occurs on the G-Bus. This bit is only set during PCI Target cycle Bus Errors. 1: Indicates that a G-Bus Error was detected. 0: Indicates that no G-Bus Error was detected. Reserved Target In-Bound FIFO Empty (Initial value: 1, R) 1: Indicates that the Target In-Bound FIFO is empty. 0: Indicates that the Target In-Bound FIFO is not empty. This is a diagnostic function. Figure 10.4.19 P2G Status Register 10-45 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.20 P2G Interrupt Mask Register (P2GMASK) 0xD098 31 16 Reserved : Type : Initial value 15 3 Reserved 2 R/W 0 Bits Mnemonic 1 0 PMSCIE PERRIE GBEIE Field Name R/W 0 R/W : Type 0 : Initial value Description 31:3 2 PMSCIE Power Management State Change Interrupt Enable Power Management State Change Interrupt Enable (Initial value: 0, R/W) Generates an interrupt when the PowerState field of the Power Management Register (PMCSR) is rewritten. 1: Generates an interrupt. 0: Does not generate an interrupt. 1 PERRIE PERR* Detect Interrupt Enable PERR* Interrupt Enable (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit generates an interrupt when the Parity Error signal (PERR*) is asserted. 1: Generates an interrupt. 0: Does not generate an interrupt. 0 GBEIE G-Bus Bus Error Detect Interrupt Enable G-Bus Bus Error Interrupt Enable (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit generates an interrupt when a Bus Error is asserted while the PCI Controller is the G-Bus Master. (Target cycle to G-Bus) 1: Generates an interrupt. 0: Does not generate an interrupt. Reserved Figure 10.4.20 P2G Interrupt Mask Register 10-46 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.21 P2G Current Command Register (P2GCCMD) 0xD09C 31 16 Reserved : Type : Initial value 15 4 Reserved 3 0 TCCMD R 0x0 Bits Mnemonic 31:4 3:0 TCCMD Field Name Description Reserved Target Current Command Register Target Current Command (Initial value: 0x0, R) Indicates the PCI command within the target access process that is currently in progress. This is a diagnostic function. Figure 10.4.21 P2G Current Command Register 10-47 : Type : Initial value Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.22 PCI Bus Arbiter Request Port Register (PBAREQPORT) 0xD100 This register sets the correlation between each PCI Bus request source (PCI Controller and REQ[3:0]) and each Internal PCI Bus Arbiter Request port (Master A - D, W - Z) (see Figure 10.3.9). When changing these settings, each of the eight field values must always be set to different values. After changing this register, the Broken Master Register (BM) value becomes invalid since the bit mapping changes. This register is only valid when using the on-chip PCI Bus Arbiter. 31 30 28 ReqAP Reserved 27 26 R/W 111 15 Reserved 14 11 10 Reserved R/W 011 Bits Mnemonic 31 30:28 ReqAP 27 26:24 ReqBP 23 22:20 ReqCP 19 23 22 7 Reserved R/W 010 4 ReqYP 3 Reserved 2 : Type : Initial value 0 ReqZP R/W 000 : Type : Initial value Request A Port (Initial value: 111, R/W) Sets the PCI Bus Master that connects to the Internal PCI Bus Arbiter Request A Port (Master A). 111: Makes the PCI Controller Master A. 110: Reserved 101: Reserved 100: Reserved 011: Makes REQ*[3] Master A. 010: Makes REQ*[2] Master A. 001: Makes REQ*[1] Master A. 000: Makes REQ*[0] Master A. Reserved Request B Port (Initial value: 110, R/W) Sets the PCI Bus Master that connects to the Internal PCI Bus Arbiter Request B Port (Master B). 111: Makes the PCI Controller Master B. 110: Reserved 101: Reserved 100: Reserved 011: Makes REQ*[3] Master B. 010: Makes REQ*[2] Master B. 001: Makes REQ*[1] Master B. 000: Makes REQ*[0] Master B. Reserved Request C Port 6 16 ReqDP Description Reserved Request B Port 18 R/W 100 R/W 001 Field Name Request A Port 19 Reserved R/W 101 8 ReqXP 20 ReqCP Reserved R/W 110 12 ReqWP 24 ReqBP Reserved Request C Port (Initial value: 101, R/W) Sets the PCI Bus Master that connects to the Internal PCI Bus Arbiter Request C Port (Master C). 111: Makes the PCI Controller Master C. 110: Reserved 101: Reserved 100: Reserved 011: Makes REQ*[3] Master C. 010: Makes REQ*[2] Master C. 001: Makes REQ*[1] Master C. 000: Makes REQ*[0] Master C. Reserved Figure 10.4.22 PCI Bus Arbiter Request Port Register (1/2) 10-48 Chapter 10 PCI Controller Bits Mnemonic 18:16 ReqDP 15 14:12 ReqWP 11 10:8 ReqXP 7 6:4 ReqYP 3 2:0 ReqZP Field Name Request D Port Description Request D Port (Initial value: 100, R/W) Sets the PCI Bus Master that connects to the Internal PCI Bus Arbiter Request D Port (Master D). 111: Makes the PCI Controller Master D. 110: Reserved 101: Reserved 100: Reserved 011: Makes REQ*[3] Master D. 010: Makes REQ*[2] Master D. 001: Makes REQ*[1] Master D. 000: Makes REQ*[0] Master D. Reserved Request W Port Request W Port (Initial value: 011, R/W) Sets the PCI Bus Master that connects to the Internal PCI Bus Arbiter Request W Port (Master W). 111: Makes the PCI Controller Master W. 110: Reserved 101: Reserved 100: Reserved 011: Makes REQ*[3] Master W. 010: Makes REQ*[2] Master W. 001: Makes REQ*[1] Master W. 000: Makes REQ*[0] Master W. Reserved Request X Port Request X Port (Initial value: 010, R/W) Sets the PCI Bus Master that connects to the Internal PCI Bus Arbiter Request X Port (Port X). 111: Makes the PCI Controller Master X. 110: Reserved 101: Reserved 100: Reserved 011: Makes REQ*[3] Master X. 010: Makes REQ*[2] Master X. 001: Makes REQ*[1] Master X. 000: Makes REQ*[0] Master X. Reserved Request Y Port Request Y Port (Initial value: 001, R/W) Sets the PCI Bus Master that connects to the Internal PCI Bus Arbiter Request Y Port (Port Y). 111: Makes the PCI Controller Master Y. 110: Reserved 101: Reserved 100: Reserved 011: Makes REQ*[3] Master Y. 010: Makes REQ*[2] Master Y. 001: Makes REQ*[1] Master Y. 000: Makes REQ*[0] Master Y. Reserved Request Z Port Request Z Port (Initial value: 000, R/W) Sets the PCI Bus Master that connects to the Internal PCI Bus Arbiter Request Z Port (Port Z). 111: Makes the PCI Controller Master Z. 110: Reserved 101: Reserved 100: Reserved 011: Makes REQ*[3] Master Z. 010: Makes REQ*[2] Master Z. 001: Makes REQ*[1] Master Z. 000: Makes REQ*[0] Master Z. Figure 10.4.22 PCI Bus Arbiter Request Port Register (2/2) 10-49 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.23 PCI Bus Arbiter Configuration Register (PBACFG) 0xD104 This register is only valid when using the on-chip PCI Bus Arbiter. 31 16 Reserved : Type : Initial value 15 4 Reserved 3 2 1 0 FIXPA RPBA PBAEN BMCEN R/W 0 Bits Mnemonic Field Name R/W 0 R/W 0 R/W : Type 0 : Initial value Description 31:4 Reserved 3 FIXPA Fixed Park Master Fixed Park Master (Initial value: 0, R/W) Selects the method for determining the Park Master. 0: The last Bus Master becomes the Park Master. 1: Internal PCI Bus Arbiter Request Port A is the Park Master. 2 RPBA Reset PCI Bus Arbiter Reset PCI Bus Arbiter (Initial value: 0, R/W) Resets the PCI Bus Arbiter. However, the PCI Bus Arbiter Register settings are saved. Please use the software to clear this bit. 1: The PCI Bus Arbiter is currently being reset. 0: The PCI Bus Arbiter is not currently being reset. 1 PBAEN PCI Bus Arbiter Enable PCI Bus Arbiter Enable (Initial value: 0, R/W) This is the Bus Arbiter Enable bit. After Reset, External PCI Bus requests to the PCI Arbiter cannot be accepted until this bit is set to “1”. The PCI Controller is the default Parking Master after Reset. 1: Enables the PCI Bus Arbiter. 0: Disables the PCI Bus Arbiter. 0 BMCEN Broken Master Check Enable Broken Master Check Enable (Initial value: 0, R/W) Controls Broken Master detection. 1: Enables the Broken PCI Bus Master check. 0: Disables the Broken PCI Bus Master check. Figure 10.4.23 PCI Bus Arbiter Configuration Register 10-50 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.24 PCI Bus Arbiter Status Register (PBASTATUS) 0xD108 This register is only valid when using the on-chip PCI Bus Arbiter. 31 16 Reserved : Type : Initial value 15 1 Reserved 0 BM R/W1C : Type 0 : Initial value Bits Mnemonic Field Name 31:1 Reserved 0 BM Broken Master Detected Description Broken Master Detected (Initial value: 0, R/W1C) This bit indicates that a Broken Master was detected. This bit is set to “1” if even one of the bits in the PCI Bus Arbiter Broken Master Register (PBABM) is “1”. 1: Indicates that a Broken Master was detected. 0: Indicates that no Broken Master has been detected. Figure 10.4.24 PCI Bus Arbiter Status Register 10-51 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.25 PCI Bus Arbiter Interrupt Mask Register (PBAMASK) 0xD10C This register is only valid when using the on-chip PCI Bus Arbiter. 31 16 Reserved : Type : Initial value 15 1 Reserved 0 BMIE R/W : Type 0 : Initial value Bits Mnemonic 31:1 0 BMIE Field Name Description Reserved Broken Master Broken Master Detected Interrupt Enable (Initial value: 0, R/W) Detected Interrupt Generates an interrupt when a Broken Master is detected. Enable 1: Generates an interrupt. 0: Does not generate an interrupt. Figure 10.4.25 PCI Bus Arbiter Interrupt Mask Register 10-52 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.26 PCI Bus Arbiter Broken Master Register (PBABM) 0xD110 This register indicates the acknowledged Broken Master. This register sets the bit that corresponds to the PCI Master device that was acknowledged as the Broken Master when the Broken Master Check Enable bit (BMCEN) in the PCI Bus Arbiter Configuration Register (PBACFG) is set. Regardless of the value of the Broken Master Check Enable bit, a PCI Master device is removed from the arbitration scheme when “1” is written to the corresponding BM bit. This register must be cleared to “0” since bit mapping changes, making this register value invalid when the PCI Bus Arbiter Request Port Register (PBAREQPORT) is changed. This register is only valid when using the on-chip PCI Bus Arbiter. 31 16 Reserved : Type : Initial value 15 8 Reserved 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 BM_A BM_B BM_C BM_D BM_W BM_X BM_Y BM_Z R/W 0x00 Bits Mnemonic Field Name Description 31:8 7 BM_A Broken Master Broken Master A (Initial value: 0, R/W) Indicates whether PCI Bus Master A is a Broken Master. 1: PCI Bus Master A was acknowledged as a Broken Master. 0: PCI Bus Master A was not acknowledged as a Broken Master. 6 BM_B Broken Master Broken Master B (Initial value: 0, R/W) Indicates whether PCI Bus Master B is a Broken Master. 1: PCI Bus Master B was acknowledged as a Broken Master. 0: PCI Bus Master B was not acknowledged as a Broken Master. 5 BM_C Broken Master Broken Master C (Initial value: 0, R/W) Indicates whether PCI Bus Master C is a Broken Master. 1: PCI Bus Master C was acknowledged as a Broken Master. 0: PCI Bus Master C was not acknowledged as a Broken Master. 4 BM_D Broken Master Broken Master D (Initial value: 0, R/W) Indicates whether PCI Bus Master D is a Broken Master. 1: PCI Bus Master D was acknowledged as a Broken Master. 0: PCI Bus Master D was not acknowledged as a Broken Master. 3 BM_W Broken Master Broken Master W (Initial value: 0, R/W) Indicates whether PCI Bus Master W is a Broken Master. 1: PCI Bus Master W was acknowledged as a Broken Master. 0: PCI Bus Master W was not acknowledged as a Broken Master. 2 BM_X Broken Master Broken Master X (Initial value: 0, R/W) Indicates whether PCI Bus Master X is a Broken Master. 1: PCI Bus Master X was acknowledged as a Broken Master. 0: PCI Bus Master X was not acknowledged as a Broken Master. Reserved Figure 10.4.26 PCI Bus Arbiter Broken Master Register (1/2) 10-53 : Type : Initial value Chapter 10 PCI Controller Bits Mnemonic Field Name Description 1 BM_Y Broken Master Broken Master Y (Initial value: 0, R/W) Indicates whether PCI Bus Master Y is a Broken Master. 1: PCI Bus Master Y was acknowledged as a Broken Master. 0: PCI Bus Master Y was not acknowledged as a Broken Master. 0 BM_Z Broken Master Broken Master Z (Initial value: 0, R/W) Indicates whether PCI Bus Master Z is a Broken Master. 1: PCI Bus Master Z was acknowledged as a Broken Master. 0: PCI Bus Master Z was not acknowledged as a Broken Master. Figure 10.4.26 PCI Bus Arbiter Broken Master Register (2/2) 10-54 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.27 PCI Bus Arbiter Current Request Register (PBACREQ) 0xD114 This register is a diagnostic register that is only valid when using the on-chip PCI Bus Arbiter. 31 16 Reserved : Type : Initial value 15 8 7 Reserved 0 CPCIBRS R 0x00 Bits Mnemonic 31:8 7:0 CPCIBRS Field Name Description Reserved Current PCI Bus Request Status : Type : Initial value Current PCI Bus Request Status (Initial value: 0x00, R) This register indicates the status of the current PCI Bus Request Input Signal (PCI Controller and REQ*[3:0]). CPCIBRS[7] corresponds to the PCI Controller and CPCIBRS[3:0] correspond to REQ*[3:0]. Figure 10.4.27 PCI Bus Arbiter Current Request Register 10-55 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.28 PCI Bus Arbiter Current Grant Register (PBACGNT) 0xD118 This is a diagnostic register that is only valid when using the on-chip PCI Bus Arbiter. 31 16 Reserved : Type : Initial value 15 8 7 Reserved 0 CPCIBRS R/W 0x80 Bits Mnemonic 31:8 7:0 CPCIBGS Field Name Description Reserved Current PCI Grant Status : Type : Initial value Current PCI Bus Grant Status (Initial value: 0x80, R/W) This register indicates the current PCI Bus Grant output signal (PCI Controller and GNT*[3:0]). CPCIBGS[7] corresponds to the PCI Controller, and CPCIBGS[3:0] correspond to GNT*[3:0]. Figure 10.4.28 PCI Bus Arbiter Current Grant Register 10-56 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.29 PCI Bus Arbiter Current State Register (PBACSTATE) 0xD11C This is a diagnostic register that is only valid when using the on-chip PCI Bus Arbiter. 31 16 Reserved : Type : Initial value 15 13 12 0 Reserved CPAS R 0x0000 Bits Mnemonic 31:13 12:0 CPAS Field Name Description Reserved Current PCI bus Arbiter State : Type : Initial value Current State of the Arbiter State machine (Initial value: 0x0000, R) Indicates the statemachine of PCI Bus Arbiter. This register is used for debug. Figure 10.4.29 PCI Bus Arbiter Current State Register 10-57 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.30 G2P Memory Space 0 G-Bus Base Address Register (G2PM0GBASE) 0xD120 31 16 BA[31:16] R/W 0x0000 15 8 : Type : Initial value 7 BA[15:8] 0 Reserved R/W 0x00 Bits Mnemonic 31:8 BA[31:8] 7:0 : Type : Initial value Field Name Base Address Description Base Address (Initial value: 0x0000_00, R/W) Sets the G-Bus base bus address of Memory Space 0 for initiator access. Can set the base address in 256-byte units. Reserved Figure 10.4.30 G2P Memory Space 0 G-Bus Base Address Register 10-58 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.31 G2P Memory Space 1 G-Bus Base Address Register (G2PM1GBASE) 0xD128 31 16 BA[31:16] R/W 0x0000 15 8 : Type : Initial value 7 BA[15:8] 0 Reserved R/W 0x00 Bits Mnemonic 31:8 BA[31:8] 7:0 : Type : Initial value Field Name Memory Space Base Address 1 Description Base Address (Initial value: 0x0000_00, R/W) Sets the G-Bus base bus address of Memory Space 1 for initiator access. Can set the base address in 256-byte units. Reserved Figure 10.4.31 G2P Memory Space 1 G-Bus Base Address Register 10-59 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.32 G2P Memory Space 2 G-Bus Base Address Register (G2PM2GBASE) 31 0xD130 16 BA[31:16] R/W 0x0000/0x1FC0 15 8 : Type : Initial value 7 BA[15:8] 0 Reserved R/W 0x00 Bits Mnemonic 31:8 BA[31:8] 7:0 : Type : Initial value Field Name Base Address Description Base Address (Initial value: Normal Mode: 0x0000_00; PCI Boot Mode: 0x1FC0_00, R/W) Sets the G-Bus base bus address of Memory Space 2 for initiator access. Can set the base address in 256-byte units. Reserved Figure 10.4.32 G2P Memory Space 2 G-Bus Base Address Register 10-60 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.33 G2P I/O Space G-Bus Base Address Register (G2PIOGBASE) 31 0xD138 16 BA[31:16] R/W 0x0000 15 8 : Type : Initial value 7 BA[15:8] 0 Reserved R/W 0x00 Bits Mnemonic 31:8 BA[31:8] 7:0 : Type : Initial value Field Name Base Address Description Base Address (Initial value: 0x0000_00, R/W) Sets the G-Bus base bus address of the I/O Memory Space for initiator access. Can set the base address in 256-byte units. Reserved Figure 10.4.33 G2P I/O Space G-Bus Address Register 10-61 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.34 G2P Memory Space 0 Address Mask Register (G2PM0MASK) 31 29 28 0xD140 16 Reserved AM[28:16] R/W 0x0000 15 8 : Type : Initial value 7 AM[15:8] 0 Reserved R/W 0x00 Bits Mnemonic 31:29 28:8 AM[28:8] 7:0 : Type : Initial value Field Name Description Reserved Address Mask G-Bus to PCI-Bus Address Mask (Initial value: 0x0000_00, R/W) Sets the bits to be subject to address comparison. See 10.3.4 for more information. When setting a memory space size of 256 MB (0x1000_0000) for example, the value becomes 0x0FFF_FF00. Reserved Figure 10.4.34 G2P Memory Space 0 Address Mask Register 10-62 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.35 G2P Memory Space 1 Address Mask Register (G2PM1MASK) 31 29 28 0xD144 16 Reserved AM[28:16] R/W 0x0000 15 8 : Type : Initial value 7 AM[15:8] 0 Reserved R/W 0x00 Bits Mnemonic 31:29 28:8 AM[31:8] 7:0 : Type : Initial value Field Name Description Reserved Address Mask G-Bus to PCI-Bus Address Mask (Initial value: 0x0000_00, R/W) Sets the bits to be subject to address comparison. See 10.3.4 for more information. When setting a memory space size of 256 MB (0x1000_0000) for example, the value becomes 0x0FFF_FF00. Reserved Figure 10.4.35 G2P Memory Space 1 Address Mask Register 10-63 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.36 G2P Memory Space 2 Address Mask Register (G2PM2MASK) 31 29 28 0xD148 16 Reserved AM[28:16] R/W 0x0000/0x003f 15 8 : Type : Initial value 7 AM[15:8] 0 Reserved R/W 0x00/0xFF Bits Mnemonic 31:29 28:8 AM[31:8] 7:0 : Type : Initial value Field Name Description Reserved Address Mask G-Bus to PCI-Bus Address Mask (Initial value: 0x0000_00, R/W) (Initial value: Normal Mode: 0x0000_00; PCI Boot Mode: 0x003F_FF, R/W) Sets the bits to be subject to address comparison. See 10.3.4 for more information. When setting a memory space size of 256 MB (0x1000_0000) for example, the value becomes 0x0FFF_FF00. Reserved Figure 10.4.36 G2P Memory Space 2 Address Mask Register 10-64 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.37 G2P I/O Space Address Mask Register (G2PIOMASK) 31 29 0xD14C 28 16 Reserved AM[28:16] R/W 0x0000 15 8 : Type : Initial value 7 AM[15:8] 0 Reserved R/W 0x00 Bits Mnemonic 31:29 28:8 AM[28:8] 7:0 : Type : Initial value Field Name Description Reserved Address Mask G-Bus to PCI-Bus Address Mask (Initial value: 0x0000_00, R/W) Sets the bits to be subject to address comparison. See 10.3.4 for more information. When setting a memory space size of 256 B (0x0000_0100) for example, the value becomes 0x0000_0000. Reserved Figure 10.4.37 G2P I/O Space Address Mask Register 10-65 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.38 G2P Memory Space 0 PCI Base Address Register (G2PM0PBASE) 31 0xD150 16 BA[31:16] R/W 0x0000 15 8 : Type : Initial value 7 BA[15:8] 0 Reserved R/W 0x00 Bits Mnemonic 31:8 BA[31:8] 7:0 : Type : Initial value Field Name Base Address Description Base Address (Initial value: 0x0000_00, R/W) Sets the PCI Base address of Memory Space 0 for initiator access. Can set the base address in 256-Byte units. Reserved Figure 10.4.38 G2P Memory Space 0 PCI Base Address Register 10-66 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.39 G2P Memory Space 1 PCI Base Address Register (G2PM1PBASE) 31 0xD158 16 BA[31:16] R/W 0x0000 15 8 : Type : Initial value 7 BA[15:8] 0 Reserved R/W 0x00 Bits Mnemonic 31:8 BA[31:8] 7:0 : Type : Initial value Field Name Base Address Description Base Address (Initial value: 0x0000_00, R/W) Sets the PCI Base address of Memory Space 1 for initiator access. Can set the base address in 256-Byte units. Reserved Figure 10.4.39 G2P Memory Space 1 PCI Base Address Register 10-67 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.40 G2P Memory Space 2 PCI Base Address Register (G2PM2PBASE) 31 0xD160 16 BA[31:16] R/W 0x0000/0xBFC0 15 8 : Type : Initial value 7 BA[15:8] 0 Reserved R/W 0x00 Bits Mnemonic 31:8 BA[31:8] 7:0 : Type : Initial value Field Name Base Address Description Base Address (Initial value: 0x0000_00/0xBFC0_00(if PCI boot), R/W) Sets the PCI Base address of Memory Space 2 for initiator access. Can set the base address in 256-Byte units. Reserved Figure 10.4.40 G2P Memory Space 2 PCI Base Address Register 10-68 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.41 G2P I/O Space PCI Base Address Register (G2PIOPBASE) 0xD168 31 16 BA[31:16] R/W 0x0000 15 8 : Type : Initial value 7 BA[15:8] 0 Reserved R/W 0x00 Bits Mnemonic 31:8 BA[31:8] 7:0 : Type : Initial value Field Name Base Address Description Base Address (Initial value: 0x0000_00, R/W) Sets the PCI Base address of the I/O Space for initiator access. Can set the base address in 256-Byte units. Reserved Figure 10.4.41 G2P I/O Space PCI Base Address Register 10-69 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.42 PCI Controller Configuration Register (PCICCFG) 31 0xD170 20 19 Reserved 16 GBWC[19:16] R/W 0xf 15 8 GBWC[7:0] 7 5 Reserved R/W 0xff Bits Mnemonic 4 Reserved R/W 1 Field Name : Type : Initial value 3 2 1 0 HRST SRST TCAR LCFG R/W 0 R/W 0 R/W 0 R/W : Type 1 : Initial value Description 31:20 19:8 GBWC 7:5 Reserved 4 Reserved Note: This bit is always set to “1”. (Initial value: 1, R/W) 3 HRST Hardware Reset Hard Reset (Initial value: 0, R/W) Performs PCI Controller hardware reset control. This bit is automatically cleared when Reset ends. This is a diagnostic function. The PCI Controller cannot be accessed for 32 G-Bus clock cycles after this bit is set. 1: Perform a hardware reset on the PCI Controller. 0: Do not perform a hardware reset on the PCI Controller. 2 SRST Software Reset Soft Reset (Initial value: 0, R/W) Performs PCI Controller software reset control. Also, please use the software to clear this bit at least four PCI Bus Clock cycles after Reset. Other registers of the PCI Controller cannot be accessed while this bit is set. This bit differs from the Hardware Reset bit (HRST) in that the G-Bus Ack State Machine is not affected. Should be able to R/W any registers. G2P Status Register 1 TCAR Target Configuration Access Ready Target Configuration Access Ready (Initial value: 0/1, R/W) Specifies whether to accept PCI access as a target. During PCI boot, configuration access can be received from the PCI Bus after all initialization has completed. This bit becomes “1” only when in the PCI Boot Mode and the Satellite Mode. Operation when this bit is set to “1” then reset to “0” is not defined. 1: Responds to PCI target access. 0: Performs a Retry response to PCI target access. 0 LCFG Load Configuration Data Register Load PCI Configuration Data Register (Initial value: 1, R/W) This bit is set to 1 after reset including Hard or Soft reset in PCIC. It can be cleared only by software. When this bit is “1”, the value written to the Configuration Data 0/1/2/3 Register is also written to the Configuration Space Register. This bit must be cleared by software after load because no PCI config cycles will be possible until it is cleared. 1: Load from the Configuration Data 0/1/2/3 Register. 0: No Load. Reserved G-Bus Wait Counter Setting G Bus Wait Counter (Initial value: 0xfff, R/W) Sets the Retry response counter at the G-Bus during a PCI initiator Read transaction. When the initiator Read access cycle exceeds the setting of this counter, a Retry response is sent to the G-Bus and the G-Bus is released. PCI Read operation continues. This counter uses the G-Bus clock (GBUSCLK) when operating. When 0x000 is set, a Retry response is not sent to the G-Bus by a long response cycle count. Figure 10.4.42 PCI Controller Configuration Register 10-70 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.43 PCI Controller Status Register (PCICSTATUS) 0xD174 31 16 Reserved : Type : Initial value 15 1 Reserved 0 SERR R/W1C : Type 0 : Initial value Bits Mnemonic 31:1 0 SERR Field Name Description Reserved SERR* Detected SERR* Occurred (Initial value: 0, R/W1C) Indicates that the System Error signal (SERR*) was asserted. This bit is a monitor status bit that records assertion of the SERR* signal even if the TX4925 is not accessing PCI. 1: Indicates that the SERR* signal was asserted. 0: Indicates that the SERR* signal was not asserted. Figure 10.4.43 PCI Controller Status Register 10-71 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.44 PCI Controller Interrupt Mask Register (PCICMASK) 0xD178 31 16 Reserved : Type : Initial value 15 1 Reserved 0 SERRIE R/W : Type 0 : Initial value Bits Mnemonic 31:1 0 SERRIE Field Name Description Reserved SERR* Detect Interrupt Enable SERR* Interrupt Enable (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit generates an interrupt when the System Error signal (SERR*) is asserted. 1: Generates an interrupt. 0: Does not generate an interrupt. Figure 10.4.44 PCI Controller Interrupt Mask Register 10-72 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.45 P2G Memory Space 0 G-Bus Base Address Register (P2GM0GBASE) 31 20 19 BA[31:20] 0xD180 16 Reserved R/W 0x000 : Type : Initial value 15 0 Reserved : Type : Initial value Bits Mnemonic 31:20 BA[31:20] 19:0 Field Name Base Address Description Base Address 0 (Initial value: 0x000, R/W) Sets the G-Bus base bus address of Memory Space 0 for target access. Can set the base address from 1MB to 512-MB. Reserved Figure 10.4.45 P2G Memory Space 0 G-Bus Base Address Register 10-73 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.46 P2G Memory Space 0 Control Register (P2GM0CTR) 31 29 28 20 Reserved 0xD184 19 AM[28:20] 16 Reserved R/W 0x03F 15 11 10 Reserved 8 TPRBL : Type : Initial value 7 5 Reserved R/W 010 Bits Mnemonic 31:29 28:20 AM[28:20] 19:11 10:8 TPRBL 7:5 4 TMCC R/W 0 Field Name 1 R/W 1 R/W 1 R/W 0 0 BSWAP R/W : Type 0/1 : Initial value Target Prefetch Read Burst Length (Initial value: 0x3, R/W) These bits set the G-Bus Burst Size (in DWORDS, (32-bit words)) to be read into the data FIFO during a target memory Read operation. 0x000: Access and transfer 1DWORD (NO BURST) 0x001: Access and transfer 4 DWORDs of data to the target read FIFO. 0x010: Access and transfer 8 DWORDs of data to the target read FIFO. 0x011: Access and transfer 16 DWORDs of data to the target read FIFO. 0x1xx: Access and transfer 32 DWORDs of data to the target read FIFO. Reserved Target Memory space 0 Cache Clear 2 PCI-Bus to G-Bus Address Mask (Initial value: 0x03F, R/W) Sets the bits to be subject to address comparison. See 10.3.4 for more information. When setting a memory space size of 256 MB (0x1000_0000) for example, the value becomes 0x0FFF. Reserved Target Prefetch Read Burst Length 3 Reserved MEMOPD P2GM0EN Description Reserved Address Mask 4 TMCC Target Memory space 0 Cache Clear (Initial value: 0, R/W) A write of 1 will flush the Target Memory Cache 0. This bit is cleared automatically. 1: Cache Clear 0: Don’t care 3 Reserved Note: This bit is always set to “0”. (Initial value: 1, R/W) 2 MEM0PE Memory 0 Window Prefetch Enable Memory 0 Window Prefetch Enable (Initial value: 1, R/W) If this bit is set, Prefetching of G-Bus data will occur on Target Memory Reads. If this bit is cleared, 1 Burst of length TPRBL will be done on the G-Bus. Even if the setting of this bit is changed, prefetchable bits in the Base Address Register of the PCI Configuration Space will not reflect this change. We recommend using the default setting when the PCI Controller is in the Satellite mode. 1 P2GM0EN Memory Space 0 Enable Target Memory Space 0 Enable (Initial value: 0, R/W) Controls whether Memory Space 0 for target access is valid or invalid. When this bit is set to invalid, Writes to the Memory Space 0 Base Address Register of the PCI Configuration Register become invalid. Also, “0” is returned to Reads as a response. 1: Validates Memory Space 0 for target access. 0: Invalidates Memory Space 0 for target access. 0 BSWAP Byte Swap Byte Swap Enable (Initial value: Little Endian Mode: 0; Big Endian Mode: 1, R/W) Sets the byte swapping of Memory Space 0 for target access.. 0: Do not perform byte swapping. 1: Perform byte swapping. Please use the default state in most situations. If this bit is changed to “0” when in the Big Endian Mode, the byte order of transfer to Memory Space 0 through DWORD (32bit) access will not change. Figure 10.4.46 P2G Memory Space 0 Control Register 10-74 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.47 P2G Memory Space 1 G-Bus Base Address Register (P2GM1GBASE) 31 29 28 20 0xD188 19 BM[31:20] 16 Reserved R/W 0x000 15 11 10 : Type : Initial value 8 7 Reserved 5 4 3 2 1 0 : Type : Initial value Bits Mnemonic 31:20 BA[31:20] 19:0 Field Name Memory Space Base Address 1 Description Base Address 0 (Initial value: 0x000, R/W) Sets the G-Bus base bus address of Memory Space 1 for target access. Can set the base address from 1 MB to 512 MB. Reserved Figure 10.4.47 P2G Memory Space 1 G-Bus Base Address Register 10-75 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.48 P2G Memory Space 1 Control Register (P2GM1CTR) 31 29 28 20 Reserved 0xD18C 19 AM[28:20] 16 Reserved R/W 0x03F 15 11 10 Reserved 8 TPRBL : Type : Initial value 7 5 Reserved R/W 010 Bits Mnemonic 31:29 28:20 AM[28:20] 19:11 10:8 TPRBL 7:5 4 TMCC R/W 0 Field Name 1 0 R/W 1 R/W 1 R/W 0 R/W : Type 0/1 : Initial value Target Prefetch Read Burst Length (Initial value: 0x3, R/W) These bits set the G-Bus Burst Size (in DWORDS, (32-bit words)) to be read into the data FIFO during a target memory Read operation. 0x000: Access and transfer 1DWORD (NO BURST) 0x001: Access and transfer 4 DWORDs of data to the target read FIFO. 0x010: Access and transfer 8 DWORDs of data to the target read FIFO. 0x011: Access and transfer 16 DWORDs of data to the target read FIFO. 0x1xx: Access and transfer 32 DWORDs of data to the target read FIFO. Reserved Target Memory space 1 Cache Clear 2 PCI-Bus to G-Bus Address Mask (Initial value: 0x03F, R/W) Sets the bits to be subject to address comparison. See 10.3.4 for more information. When setting a memory space size of 256 MB (0x1000_0000) for example, the value becomes 0x0FFF. Reserved Target Prefetch Read Burst Length 3 Reserved MEM1PE P2GM1EN BSWAP Description Reserved Address Mask 4 TMCC Target Memory space 1 Cache Clear (Initial value: 0, R/W) A write of 1 will flush the Target Memory Cache 1. This bit is cleared automatically. 1: Cache Clear 0: Don’t care 3 Reserved Note: This bit is always set to “0”. (Initial value: 1, R/W) 2 MEM1PE Memory 1 Window Prefetch Enable Memory 1 Window Prefetch Enable (Initial value: 1, R/W) If this bit is set, Prefetching of G-Bus data will occur on Target Memory Reads. If this bit is cleared, 1 Burst of length TPRBL will be done on the G-Bus. Even if the setting of this bit is changed, prefetchable bits in the Base Address Register of the PCI Configuration Space will not reflect this change. We recommend using the default setting when the PCI Controller is in the Satellite mode. 1 P2GM1EN Memory Space 1 Enable Target Memory Space 1 Enable (Initial value: 0, R/W) Controls whether Memory Space 1 for target access is valid or invalid. When this bit is set to invalid, Writes to the Memory Space 1 Lower Base Address Register or the Memory Space 1 Upper Base Address Register of the PCI Configuration Register become invalid. Also, “1” is returned to Reads as a response. 1: Validates Memory Space 1 for target access. 0: Invalidates Memory Space 1 for target access. 0 BSWAP Byte Swap Byte Swap Disable (Initial value: Little Endian Mode: 0; Big Endian Mode: 1, R/W) Sets the byte swapping of Memory Space 1 for target access. 0: Do not perform byte swapping. 1: Perform byte swapping. Please use the default state in most situations. If this bit is changed to “0” when in the Big Endian Mode, the byte order of transfer to Memory Space 0 through DWORD (32bit) access will not change. Figure 10.4.48 P2G Memory Space 1 Control Register 10-76 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.49 P2G Memory Space 2 G-Bus Base Address Register (P2GM2GBASE) 31 20 19 BA[31:20] 0xD190 16 Reserved R/W 0x000 : Type : Initial value 15 0 Reserved : Type : Initial value Bits Mnemonic 31:20 BA[31:20] 19:0 Field Name Memory Space Base Address 2 Description Base Address 2 (Initial value: 0x000, R/W) Sets the G-Bus base bus address of Memory Space 2 for target access. Can set the base address from 1 MB to 512 MB. Reserved Figure 10.4.49 P2G Memory Space 2 G-Bus Base Address Register 10-77 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.50 P2G Memory Space 2 Control Register (P2GM2CTR) 31 29 28 20 Reserved 0xD194 19 AM[28:20] 16 Reserved R/W 0x000 15 11 10 Reserved 8 TPRBL : Type : Initial value 7 5 Reserved R/W 010 Bits Mnemonic 31:29 28:20 AM[28:20] 19:11 10:8 TPRBL 7:5 4 TMCC R/W 0 Field Name 1 0 R/W 0 R/W 0 R/W 0 R/W : Type 0/1 : Initial value Target Prefetch Read Burst Length (Initial value: 0x3, R/W) These bits set the G-Bus Burst Size (in DWORDS, (32-bit words)) to be read into the data FIFO during a target memory Read operation. 0x000: Access and transfer 1DWORD (NO BURST) 0x001: Access and transfer 4 DWORDs of data to the target read FIFO. 0x010: Access and transfer 8 DWORDs of data to the target read FIFO. 0x011: Access and transfer 16 DWORDs of data to the target read FIFO. 0x1xx: Access and transfer 32 DWORDs of data to the target read FIFO. Reserved Target Memory space 2 Cache Clear 2 PCI-Bus to G-Bus Address Mask (Initial value: 0x000, R) Sets the bits to be subject to address comparison. See 10.3.4 for more information. When setting a memory space size of 256 MB (0x1000_0000) for example, the value becomes 0x0FFF. Reserved Target Prefetch Read Burst Length 3 Reserved MEM1PE P2GM1EN BSWAP Description Reserved Address Mask 4 TMCC Target Memory space 1 Cache Clear (Initial value: 0, R/W) A write of 1 will flush the Target Memory Cache 2. This bit is cleared automatically. 1: Cache Clear 0: Don’t care 3 Reserved Note: This bit is always set to “0”. (Initial value: 0, R/W) 2 MEM2PE Memory 2 Window Space Prefetch Enable Memory 2 Window Prefetch Enable (Initial value: 0, R/W) If this bit is set, Prefetching of G-Bus data will occur on Target Memory Reads. If this bit is cleared, 1 Burst of length TPRBL will be done on the G-Bus. Even if the setting of this bit is changed, prefetchable bits in the Base Address Register of the PCI Configuration Space will not reflect this change. We recommend using the default setting when the PCI Controller is in the Satellite mode. 1 P2GM1EN Memory Space 2 Enable Target Memory Space 2 Enable (Initial value: 0, R/W) Controls whether Memory Space 2 for target access is valid or invalid. When this bit is set to invalid, Writes to the Memory Space 2 Lower Base Address Register or the Memory Space 2 Upper Base Address Register of the PCI Configuration Register become invalid. Also, “0” is returned to Reads as a response. 1: Validates Memory Space 2 for target access. 0: Invalidates Memory Space 2 for target access. 0 BSWAP Byte Swap Byte Swap Disable (Initial value: Little Endian Mode: 0; Big Endian Mode: 1, R/W) Sets the byte swapping of Memory Space 2 for target access. 0: Do not perform byte swapping. 1: Perform byte swapping. Please use the default state in most situations. If this bit is changed to “0” when in the Big Endian Mode, the byte order of transfer to Memory Space 2 through DWORD (32bit) access will not change. Figure 10.4.50 P2G Memory Space 2 Control Register 10-78 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.51 P2G I/O Space G-Bus Base Address Register (P2GIOGBASE) 31 0xD198 16 BA[31:16] R/W 0x0000 15 8 : Type : Initial value 7 BA[15:8] 0 Reserved R/W 0x00 Bits Mnemonic 31:8 BA[31:8] 7:0 : Type : Initial value Field Name Memory Space Base Address 2 Description Base Address 2 (Initial value: 0x0000_00, R/W) Sets the G-Bus base bus address of the I/O Space for target access. Can set the base address from 256 B to 64 KB. Reserved Figure 10.4.51 P2G I/O Space G-Bus Base Address Register 10-79 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.52 P2G I/O Space Control Register (P2GIOCTR) 0xD19C 31 16 Reserved : Type : Initial value 15 8 7 AM[15:8] 2 Reserved R/W 0x00 Bits Mnemonic 31:16 15:8 AM[15:8] 7:2 1 P2GIOEN 0 BSWAP 1 R/W 0 Field Name R/W : Type 0/1 : Initial value Description Reserved Address Mask 0 P2GIOEN BSWAP PCI-Bus to G-Bus Address Mask (Initial value: 0x00, R/W) Sets the bits to be subject to address comparison. See 10.3.5 for more information. When setting a I/O space size of 256 B (0x0000_0100) for example, the value becomes 0x00. Reserved I/O Space Enable Target I/O Space Enable (Initial value: 0, R/W) Controls whether the I/O Space for target access is valid or invalid. When this bit is set to invalid, Writes to the I/O Space Base Address Register of the PCI Configuration Register become invalid. Also, “0” is returned to Reads as a response. 1: Validates I/O Space for target access. 0: Invalidates I/O Space for target access. Byte Swap Byte Swap Disable (Initial value: Little Endian Mode: 0; Big Endian Mode: 1, R/W) Sets the byte swapping of the I/O Space for target access. 0: Do not perform byte swapping. 1: Perform byte swapping. Please use the default state in most situations. If this bit is changed to “0” when in the Big Endian Mode, the byte order of transfer to the I/O Space through DWORD (32-bit) access will not change. Figure 10.4.52 P2G I/O Space Control Register 10-80 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.53 G2P Configuration Address Register(G2PCFGADRS) 31 24 0xD1A0[m3] 23 16 Reserved BUSNUM R/W 0x00 15 Bits 11 10 8 7 : Type : Initial value 2 1 0 DEVNUM FNNUM REGNUM TYPE R/W 0x00 R/W 000 R/W 0x00 R/W 00 Mnemonic Field Name : Type : Initial value Description 31:24 23:16 BUSNUM Bus Number Bus Number (Initial value: 0x00, R/W) Indicates the target PCI Bus Number (one of 256). 15:11 DEVNUM Device Number Device Number (Initial value: 0x00, R/W) This field is used to identify the target physical device number. (This is one number out of 32 devices. 21 of these 32 devices are used.) When in the address phase of Type 0 configuration access, AD[31:11] of the upper 21 address lines are used as the IDSEL signal. 0x00: Use AD [11] as IDSEL. 0x01: Use AD [12] as IDSEL. 0x02: Use AD [13] as IDSEL. : : 0x13: Use AD [30] as IDSEL. 0x14: Use AD [31] as IDSEL. 0x15 - 0x1F: Reserved 10:8 FNNUM Function Number Function Number (Initial value: 000, R/W) This field is used to identify the target logic function number (one out of 8). 7:2 REGNUM Register Number Register Number (Initial value: 0x00, R/W) This field is used to identify the DWORD (one out of 64) inside the Configuration Space of the target function 1:0 TYPE Type Type (Initial value: 00, R/W) This field is used to identify the address type in the address phase of the target function configuration cycle. 0x0: Type 0 configuration (Use the AD[31:11] signal as the IDSEL signal.) 0x1: Type 1 configuration (Output all bits unchanged as the address to the AD[ ] signal.) Reserved Figure 10.4.53 G2P Configuration Address Register 10-81 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.54 G2P Configuration Data Register (G2PCFGDATA) 0xD1A4 This is the only register that supports Byte access and 16-bit Word access. The upper address bit of the PCI Configuration Space is specified by the G2P Configuration Address Register (G2PCFGADRS). The lower two bits of the address are specified by the lower two bits of the offset address in this register as shown in Table 10.4.2. The TX4925 also has the ability to swap Byte Enables for Configuration Cycles by setting G2PCFG.BSWAPI. Table 10.4.2 PCI Configuration Space Access Address Offset Address Access Size Configuration Space Address [1:0] Little Endian Mode Big Endian Mode 32-bit 00 0xD1A4 0xD1A4 00 0xD1A4 0xD1A6 16-bit 8-bit 10 0xD1A6 0xD1A4 00 0xD1A4 0xD1A7 01 0xD1A5 0xD1A6 10 0xD1A6 0xD1A5 11 0xD1A7 0xD1A4 31 16 ICD R/W : Type : Initial value 15 0 ICD R/W Bits Mnemonic 31:0 ICD Field Name Initiator Configuration Data : Type : Initial value Description Initiator Configuration Data Register (Initial value: R/W) This is a data port that is used when performing initiator PCI configuration access. PCI configuration Read or Write transactions are issued when this register is read to or written from. Figure 10.4.54 G2P Configuration Data Register 10-82 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.55 G2P Interrupt Acknowledge Data Register (G2PINTACK) 31 0xD1C8 16 IIACKD R : Type : Initial value 15 0 IIACKD R Bits Mnemonic 31:0 IIACKD Field Name Initiator Interrupt Acknowledge Address Port : Type : Initial value Description Initiator Interrupt Acknowledge Address Port (Initial value: –, R) An Interrupt Acknowledge cycle is generated on the PCI Bus when this register is read. The data that is returned by this Read transaction becomes the Interrupt Acknowledge data. Figure 10.4.55 G2P Interrupt Acknowledge Data Register 10-83 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.56 G2P Special Cycle Data Register (G2PSPC) 0xD1CC 31 16 ISCD W : Type : Initial value 15 0 ISCD W Bits Mnemonic 31:0 ISCD Field Name Initiator Special Cycle Data Port : Type : Initial value Description Initiator Special Cycle Data Port (Initial value: –, W) When this register is written to, Special Cycles are generated on the PCI Bus depending on the data that is written. Figure 10.4.56 G2P Special Cycle Data Register 10-84 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.57 Configuration Data 0 Register (PCICDATA0) 0xD1E0 If PCICCFG.LCFG is set, a write to PCICDATA0, 1, 2 & 3 will modify the contents of the associated Configuration registers in the PCI Core. 31 16 DID R/W 0x0181 : Type : Initial value 15 0 VID R/W 0x102F Field Name : Type : Initial value Bits Mnemonic 31:16 DID Device ID Device ID (Initial value: 0x0181, R/W) This is the data loaded in the Device ID Register of the PCI Configuration Space. Description 15:0 VID Vendor ID Vendor ID (Initial value: 0x102F, R/W) This is the data loaded in the Vendor ID Register of the PCI Configuration Space. Figure 10.4.57 Configuration Data 0 Register 10-85 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.58 Configuration Data 1 Register (PCICDATA1) 0xD1E4 31 16 CC R/W 0x0600 15 8 : Type : Initial value 7 0 CC RID R/W 0x00 R/W - Field Name : Type : Initial value Bits Mnemonic Description 31:8 CC Class Code Class Code (Initial value: 0x0600_00, R/W) This is the data loaded in the Class Code Register of the PCI Configuration Space. 7:0 RID Revision ID Revision ID (Initial value: –, R/W) This is the data loaded in the Revision ID Register of the PCI Configuration Space. Figure 10.4.58 Configuration Data 1 Register 10-86 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.59 Configuration Data 2 Register (PCICDATA2) 0xD1E8 31 16 SSID R/W 0x0000 : Type : Initial value 15 0 SSVID R/W 0x0000 Bits Mnemonic 31:16 SSID 15:0 SSVID Field Name : Type : Initial value Description Sub System ID Subsystem ID (Initial value: 0x0000, R/W) This is the data loaded in the Sub System ID Register of the PCI Configuration space. Sub System Vendor ID Subsystem Vendor ID (Initial value: 0x0000, R/W) This is the data loaded in the Sub System Vendor ID Register of the PCI Configuration space. Figure 10.4.59 Configuration Data 2 Register 10-87 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.60 Configuration Data 3 Register (PCICDATA3) 31 24 0xD1EC 23 16 ML MG R/W 0x00 R/W 0x00 15 8 7 0 IP HT R/W 0x00 R/W 0x00 Field Name : Type : Initial value : Type : Initial value Bits Mnemonic Description 31:24 ML Maximum Latency Max_Lat (Maximum Latency) (Initial value: 0x00, R/W) This is the data loaded in the Max_Lat Register of the PCI Configuration Space. 23:16 MG Minimum Grant Min_Gnt (Minimum Grant) (Initial value: 0x00, R/W) This is the data loaded in the Min_Gnt Register of the PCI Configuration Space. 15:8 IP Interrupt Pin Interrupt Pin (Initial value: 0x00, R/W) This is the data loaded in the Interrupt Pin Register of the PCI Configuration Space. 7:0 HT Header Type Header Type (Initial value: 0x00, R/W) This is the data loaded in the Header Type Register of the PCI Configuration Space. Figure 10.4.60 Configuration Data 3 Register 10-88 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.61 PDMAC Chain Address Register (PDMCA) 0xD200 31 16 PDMCA[31:16] R/W Undefined : Type : Initial value 15 2 PDMCA[15:2] R/W Undefined Bits Mnemonic 31:2 PDMCA 1:0 : Type : Initial value Field Name Chain Address 1 0 Reserved Description PDMAC Chain Address (Initial value: undefined, R/W) The address of the next PDMAC Data Command Descriptor to be read is specified by a G-Bus physical address on a 32-bit address boundary. This register value is held without being affected by a Reset. DMA transfer is automatically initiated if a non-zero value is written to this register. Reserved Figure 10.4.61 PDMAC Chain Address Register 10-89 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.62 PDMAC G-Bus Address Register (PDMGA) 0xD204 31 16 PDMGA[31:16] R/W Undefined : Type : Initial value 15 2 PDMCA[15:2] R/W Undefined Bits Mnemonic 31:2 PDMGA 1:0 : Type : Initial value Field Name G-Bus Address 1 0 Reserved Description PDMAC G-Bus Address (Initial value: undefined, R/W) The G-Bus DMA transfer address is specified by a G-Bus physical address on a 32-bit address boundary. This register value is used for G-Bus Read access during DMA transfer from the G-Bus to the PCI Bus, or it is used for G-Bus Write access during DMA transfer from the PCI Bus to the G-Bus. This register value is held without being affected by a Reset. Reserved Figure 10.4.62 PDMAC G-Bus Address Register 10-90 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.63 PDMAC PCI Bus Address Register (PDMPA) 0xD208 31 16 PDMPA[31:16] R/W Undefined : Type : Initial value 15 2 PDMCA[15:2] R/W Undefined 1 0 Reserved : Type : Initial value Bits Mnemonic Field Name Description 31:2 PDMPA PCI Bus Address PDMAC PCI-Bus Address (Initial value: undefined, R/W) The PCI Bus DMA transfer address is specified by a PCI Bus physical address on a 32-bit address boundary. This register value is held without being affected by a Reset. Note: This register value is used for PCI Bus Write access during DMA transfer from the G-Bus to the PCI Bus, or it is used for PCI Bus Read access during DMA transfer from the PCI Bus to the G-Bus. 1:0 Reserved Figure 10.4.63 PDMAC PCI Bus Address Register 10-91 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.64 PDMAC Count Register (PDMCTR) 31 24 0xD20C 23 Reserved 16 PDMCTR[23:16] R/W Undefined 15 2 PDMCTR[15:2] R/W Undefined Bits : Type : Initial value Mnemonic 31:24 23:2 PDMCTR 1:0 : Type : Initial value Field Name Description Reserved Transfer Byte Count 1 0 Reserved PDMAC Transfer Count (Initial value: undefined, R/W) Sets an uncoded 24-bit transfer byte count in 32-bit word units. Also, the setting of this register must always be a multiple of the transfer size specified inside the PDMAC Control Register. No data transfer is performed if a count of “0” is set. This byte count value is calculated from the transferred byte size as the PDMAC performs a DMA transfer. This register value is held without being affected by a Reset. Reserved Figure 10.4.64 PDMAC Count Register 10-92 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.65 PDMAC Configuration Register (PDMCFG) 31 22 Reserved 15 14 Reserved Bits 13 REQDLY 11 10 ERRIE R/W 000 R/W 0 Mnemonic 31:22 21 RSTFIFO 20 9 8 NCCMPIE NTCMPIE R/W 0 R/W 0 7 6 CHNEN XFRACT R 0 Field Name 0xD210 21 20 19 RSTFIFO BSWAP GBRSTI R/W 0 R/W 0 R/W 0 5 4 Reserved 18 16 Reserved : Type : Initial value 3 2 XFRMODE XFRDIRC R/W 00 R/W 0 R/W 0 1 0 CHRST R/W : Type 1 : Initial value Description Reserved Reset FIFO Reset FIFO (Initial value: 0, R/W) Initializes the Read pointer and Write pointer to the FIFO in the PDMAC, and sets the FIFO hold count to “0”. Please use the software to clear this bit when it is set. 1: Performs FIFO reset. 0: Does not perform FIFO reset. BSWAP Byte Swap Within DWORD Swap Bytes in DWORD (Initial value: 0, R/W) Specifies whether to perform 32-bit data byte swapping. Please leave this bit at “0” for normal usage. Setting this bit when in the Big Endian mode executes data transfer so the byte order of the 32-bit data on the PCI Bus (which is Little Endian) does not change. 1: Transfer without swapping the byte order of each 32-bit DWORD data. 0: Swap the byte order of each 32-bit DWORD data, then transfer. 19 GBRSTI G-Bus Burst Inhibit G-Bus Burst Inhibit (Initial value: 0, R/W) 1: Do not use burst operations on G-Bus even if the burst mode field specifies burst. This allows devices that can’t burst to transfer data using bursts on the PCI bus. This bit applies only to G-Bus data transfers; it has no affect on chain operations. 0: The MDA will use burst operations for G-Bus data transfers when programmed to do so and if alignment, count, etc. permit. 18:14 13:11 REQDLY Request Delay Time Request Delay (Initial value: 0x0, R/W) G-Bus transactions for DMA transfer must be performed separated at least by the interval this field specifies. 000: Continuously try to perform G-Bus transfer. 001: 16 G-Bus clocks 010: 32 G-Bus clocks 011: 64 G-Bus clocks 100: 128 G-Bus clocks 101: 256 G-Bus clocks 110: 512 G-Bus clocks 111: 1024 G-Bus clocks 10 ERRIE Error Detect Interrupt Enable Interrupt Enable on Error (Initial value: 0, R/W) 1: PDMAC generates an error during error detection. 0: PDMAC does not generate an error during error detection. 9 NCCMPIE Normal Chain Complete Interrupt Enable Interrupt Enable on Chain Done (Initial value: 0, R/W) 1: PDMAC generates an interrupt when the current chain is complete. 0: PDMAC does not generate an interrupt when the current chain is complete. 8 NTCMPIE Normal Data Transfer Complete Interrupt Enable Interrupt Enable on Transfer Done (Initial value: 0, R/W) 1: PDMAC generates an interrupt when the current data transfer is complete. 0: PDMAC does not generate an interrupt when the current data transfer is complete. Reserved Figure 10.4.65 PDMAC Configuration Register (1/2) 10-93 Chapter 10 PCI Controller Bits Mnemonic Field Name Description 7 CHNEN Chain Enable Chain Enable (Initial value: 0) (Read Only) When the current data transfer is complete, this field reads the next data command Descriptor from the address indicated by the PDMAC Chain Address Register then indicates whether to continue the transfer or not. This bit is only set to “1” when either a CPU Write process or a Descriptor Read process sets a value other than “0” in the PDMAC Chain Address Register. This bit is cleared to “0” if either the Channel Reset bit is set, or “0” is set in the PDMAC Chain Address Register by a CPU Write or a Descriptor Read process. 1: Reads the next data command Descriptor. 0: Does not read the next data command Descriptor. 6 XFRACT Transfer Active Transfer Active (Initial value: 0, R/W) Specifies whether to perform DMA transfer or not. Setting this bit after setting the appropriate value in the register group initiates DMA data transfer. This bit is not set if the PDMAC Count Register value is “0” and the Chain Enable bit is cleared when “1” is written to this bit. Even when a value other than “0” is written to the Chain Address Register, “1” is set to this bit and DMA transfer automatically starts. Data transfer will be stopped after a short delay if this bit is cleared while the data transfer is in progress. This bit is automatically cleared to “0” either when data transfer ends normally or is stopped by an error. 1: Perform data transfer. 0: Do not perform data transfer. 5:4 3:2 XFRMODE Transfer Mode 1 XFRDIRC Transfer Direction Transfer Direction (Initial value: 0, R/W) Specifies the DMA data transfer direction. 1: Transfers data from the G-Bus to the PCI Bus. 0: Transfers data from the PCI Bus to the G-Bus. 0 CHRST Reserved Channel Reset Transfer Size (Initial value: 0, R/W) Specifies the transfer type (see detailed description in 00: 1 DWORD (32-bit) with no overlap of G-Bus and PCI operation. 01: up to 16 DWORDs with no overlap of G-Bus and PCI operation. 10: Reserved 11: Reserved Channel Reset (Initial value: 1, R/W) Resets the DMA channel. This bit must be cleared by the software in advance so the channel can start the data transfer. 1: All logic and State Machines are reset. 0: The channel becomes valid. Figure 10.4.65 PDMAC Configuration Register (2/2) 10-94 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.4.66 PDMAC Status Register (PDMSTATUS) 31 29 28 24 Reserved 15 14 13 12 23 Bits R 0 Mnemonic R 0 20 19 16 FIFOCNT FIFOWP FIFORP R 00000 R 0x0 R 0x0 11 10 9 8 7 Reserved PCIACT ERRINT DONEINT CHNEN XFRACT ACCMP NCCMP NTCMP R 0 0xD214 R 0 R 0 R 0 R/W1C R/W1C 0 0 Field Name 6 5 Reserved 4 3 2 : Type : Initial value 1 0 PCIPERR PCISERR PCIERR CHNERR DATAERR R/W1C R/W1C R/W1C R/W1C R/W1C : Type 0 0 0 0 0 : Initial value Description 31:29 28:24 FIFOCNT FIFO Hold Count FIFO Valid Entry Count (Initial value: 00000, R) This field indicates the number of DWORDs written to the FIFO but not yet read. This is a diagnostic function. 23:20 FIFOWP FIFO Write Pointer FIFO Write Pointer (Initial value: 0x0, R) This field indicates the next Write position in the FIFO. This is a diagnostic function. 19:16 FIFORP FIFO Read Pointer FIFO Read Pointer (Initial value: 0x0, R) This field indicates the next Read position in the FIFO. This is a dianostic function. Reserved 15 Reserved 14 PCIACT PCI Active PCI Active (Initial value: 0, R) 1: The PDMAC is requesting to transfer data to or from the PCI bus of it is currently transferring data. 0: There is no active request or transfer from the PDMAC for the PCI bus. 13 ERRINT Error Interrupt Status Error Interrupt Status (Initial value: 0, R) Indicates whether to signal an error interrupt. 1: An error interrupt request exists. 0: No error interrupt request exists. 12 DONEINT Normal Transfer Complete Interrupt Status Normal Transfer Complete Interrupt Status (Initial value: 0, R) Indicates whether a Normal Transfer Complete Interrupt is signaled. This bit becomes “1” when either the Normal Chain Complete bit (NCCMP) is set and the Normal Chain Complete Interrupt Enable bit (NCCMPIE) is set, or when the Normal Transfer Complete bit (NCCMP) is set and the Normal Transfer Complete Interrupt Enable bit (NDCMPIE) is set. 1: A Normal Transfer Complete Interrupt request exists. 0: No Normal Transfer Complete Interrupt request exists. 11 CHNEN Chain Enable Chain Enable (Initial value: 0, R) This bit is a copy of the Chain Enable bit in the PDMAC Control Register. 10 XFRACT Transfer Active Transfer Active (Initial value: 0, R) This bit is a copy of the Transfer Active bit in the PDMAC Control Register. 9 ACCMP Abnormal Chain Completion Abnormal Chain Complete (Initial value: 0, R) 1: Indicates that the Chain transfer ended in an error state. In other words, this reflects an OR operation of the PDMAC Status Register bits [4:0]. 0: Indicates that no error has occurred in the Chain transfer since the previous error bit was cleared. Note: Bits [4:0] of the PDMAC Status Register must be cleared in order to clear this bit. 8 NCCMP Normal Chain Completion Normal Chain Complete (Initial value: 0, R/W1C) 1: Indicates that the Chain transfer ended in the Normal state. 0: Indicates that Chain transfer has not ended since this bit was previously cleared. 7 NTCMP Normal Data Transfer Complete Normal Data Transfer Complete (Initial value: 0, R/W1C) 1: Indicates that the data transfer specified by the PDMAC Register ended in the Normal state. 0: Indicates that data transfer has not ended since this bit was previously cleared. Figure 10.4.66 PDMAC Status Register (1/2) 10-95 Chapter 10 PCI Controller Bits Mnemonic Field Name Description 6:5 4 PCIPERR PCI Parity Error PCI Parity Error (Initial value: 0, R/W1C) 1: Indicates that there was a parity error on a PCI transaction performed on behalf of the PDMAC. 0: Indicates that no parity error has been detected on PDMAC PCI transfer since this bit was cleared. 3 PCISERR PCI System Error PCI System Error (Initial value: 0, R/W1C) 1: Indicates that a PCI bus module asserted SERR* during a PCI operation initiated by the PDMAC. 0: Indicates that SERR* has not been asserted during a PDMAC-initiated PCI cycle since this bit was last cleared. 2 PCIERR PCI Fatal Error PCI Fatal Error (Initial value: 0, R/W1C) 1: Indicates that an error was signaled on the PCI Bus during a PCI operation initiated by the PDMAC. 0: Indicates that no error has been signaled on the PCI Bus since this bit was previously cleared. 1 CHNERR G-Bus Chain Error G-Bus Chain Bus Error (Initial value: 0, R/W1C) 1: Indicates that a G-Bus error occurred during the Chain process. DMA transfer stops. 0: Indicates that no G-Bus error has occurred during the Chain process since this bit was cleared. 0 DATAERR G-Bus Data Error G-Bus Data Bus Error (Initial value: 0, R/W1C) 1: Indicates that a G-Bus error occurred during the data transfer process. DMA transfer stops. 0: Indicates that no G-Bus error has occurred during the data transfer process since this bit was cleared. Reserved Figure 10.4.66 PDMAC Status Register (2/2) NCCMPIE NCCMP DONEINT Interrupt Controller (Interrupt No. 15) NTCMPIE NTCMP PCIPE ERRIE ERRINT ACCMP PCISE PCIERR CHNERR DATAERR Figure 10.4.67 PDMAC Interrupt Signaling 10-96 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.5 PCI Configuration Space Register The PCI Configuration Space Register is accessed using PCI Configuration cycles by way of an external PCI host device only when in the Satellite mode. Table 10.5.1 lists registers contained within the PCI Configuration Space Register. The registers in the table with a shaded background are those whose values can be rewritten by software. (See 10.3.13.) Registers at addresses 0x00 through 0x41 can use the corresponding PCI Controller Control Register to access from the TX49/H2 core when in the Host mode. Please refer to the explanation of the corresponding PCI Controller Control registers for more information about these registers. This section only describes the registers that are accessed from the PCI Configuration Space. Also, it is possible to read some of the fields in the Status Register and PMCSR register from the Satellite Mode PCI Status Register. Please refer to the PCI Bus Specifications for more information on the PCI Configuration Register. Table 10.5.1 PCI Configuration Space Register Address 31 16 15 0 Corresponding Register 00h Device ID Vendor ID PCIID 04h Status Command PCISTATUS 08h 0Ch Class Code BIST Revision ID Header Type Latency Timer Cache Line Size PCICCREV PCICFG1 10h Memory Space 0 Base Address P2GM0PBASE 14h Memory Space 1 Base Address P2GM1PBASE 18h Memory Space 2 Base Address P2GM2PBASE 1Ch I/O Space Base Address P2GIOPBASE 20h Reserved 24h Reserved 28h Reserved 2Ch Subsystem ID 30h 34h 40h Min_Gnt Reserved 44h-DBh DCh E0h E4h-FFh Capabilities Pointer (Cap_Ptr) Interrupt Pin Interrupt Line PCICFG2 Retry Timeout Value TRDY Timeout Value G2PTOCNT Reserved Power Management Capabilities (PMC) Reserved Reserved Next Item Ptr (Next_Item_Ptr) Capability ID (Cap_ID) Power Management Control/Status Register (PMCSR) Reserved 10-97 PCICAPPTR Reserved Max_Lat PCISID Reserved 38h 3Ch Subsystem Vendor ID Reserved Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.5.1 Capability ID Register (Cap_ID) 15 8 0xDC 7 0 Reserved CID R 0x01 Bits Mnemonic 15:8 7:0 CID Field Name Description Reserved Capability ID Capability ID (Initial value: 0x01, R) Indicates that a list is the link list of the Power Management Register. Figure 10.5.1 Capability ID Register 10-98 : Type : Initial value Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.5.2 Next Item Pointer Register (Next_Item_Ptr) 15 8 0xDD 7 0 Reserved NIP R 0x00 Bits Mnemonic 15:8 7:0 NIP Field Name Description Reserved Next Item Pointer Next Item Pointer (Initial value: 0x00, R) This is the Next Item pointer. Indicates the end of a list. Figure 10.5.2 Next Item Pointer Register 10-99 : Type : Initial value Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.5.3 Power Management Capability Register (PMC) 15 11 PMESPT 10 9 D2SPT D1SPT R 0x00 R 0 8 6 Reserved R 0 0xDE 5 DSI 4 R 0 Field Name R 0 Bits Mnemonic 15:11 PMESPT PME Output Support PME_ Support (Fixed value: 0x00, R) On TX4925 the function is not supported. 10 D2SPT D2 Support D2_Support (Fixed value: 0, R) 0: Indicates that the D2 state is not supported. 9 D1SPT D1 Support D1_Support (Fixed value: 0, R) 0: Indicates that the D1 state is not supported. 8:6 5 DSI 2 0 PMVER R 0x2 Description Reserved DSI 3 Reserved PMECLK DSI (Fixed value: 0, R) 1: Indicates that Device Specific Initialization is required. 4 3 PMECLK PME Clock PME Clock (Fixed value: 0, R) 0: Indicates that the PCI Clock is not required to assert the PME* signal. 2:0 PMVER Power Management I/F Version Version (Fixed value: 0x2, R) 2: Indicates compliance with “PCI Power Management Interface Specification” Version 1.1. Reserved Figure 10.5.3 Power Management Capability Register 10-100 : Type : Initial value Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10.5.4 Power Management Control/Status Register (PMCSR) 15 9 Reserved PMESTA R 0 8 0xE0 7 PMEEN 2 Reserved R 0 Bits Mnemonic 15 PMESTA R 00 Field Name PME Status 14:9 8 PMEEN 7:2 Reserved 1:0 PS Power State : Type : Initial value Description PME_Status (Initial value: 0, R) On TX4925 the function is not supported. Reserved PME Enable 0 PS PME_En (Initial value: 0, R) On TX4925 the function is not supported. PowerState (Initial value: 00, R) Sets the Power Management state. The Power Management State Change bit (P2GSTATUS.PMSC) of the P2G Status Register is set when the value of this field is changed. It also becomes possible to generate a Power State Change Interrupt at this time. The TX4925 can read the value of this field from the PowerState field (PCISSTATUS.PS) of the Satellite Mode PCI Status Register. 00b: D0 (no change) 01b: D1 :Reserved 10b: D2 :Reserved 11b: D3hot Figure 10.5.4 Power Management Control/Status Register 10-101 Chapter 10 PCI Controller 10-102 Chapter 11 Serial I/O Port 11. Serial I/O Port 11.1 Features The TX4925 asynchronous Serial I/O (SIO) interface has two full duplex UART channels (SIO0 and SIO1). SIO has the following features. • Full duplex transmission (simultaneous transmission and reception) • On-chip baud rate generator • Modem flow control (CTS/RTS) • FIFO - Transmit FIFO: 8 bits × 8 stages - Reception FIFO: 13 bits × 16 stages (data: 8 bits, status: 5 bits) • Supports DMA transfer • Supports multi-controller systems - Supports Master/Slave operation 11-1 Chapter 11 Serial I/O Port 11.2 Block Diagram SCLK SIOCLK Baud Rate IMBUSCLK Baud Rate Control Register IM Bus Receiver Receive Data Register Receive Data FIFO Read Buffer RTS* Receiver Shift Register RXD DMA/INT Control Register Interrupt I/F Read /Write DMA/INT Status Register FIFO Control Register Line Control Register Status Change Interrupt Status Register Reset* Request Control Transmitter Transmit Data Register Transmit Data FIFO TEMP Buffer CTS* Transmitter Shift Register TX4925 Figure 11.2.1 SIO Internal Block Diagram 11-2 TXD Chapter 11 Serial I/O Port 11.3 Detailed Explanation 11.3.1 Overview During reception, serial data that are input as an RXD signal from an external source are converted into parallel data, then are stored in the Receive FIFO buffer. Parallel data stored in the FIFO buffer are fetched by either CPU or DMA transfer. During transmission, parallel data written to the Transmit FIFO buffer by CPU or DMA transfer are converted into serial data, then are output as a TXD signal. 11.3.2 Data Format The TX4925 SIO can use the following data formats. Data Length : 8/7 bits Stop Bit : 1/2 bits Parity Bit : Yes/No Parity Format : Even/Odd Start Bit : Fixed to 1 bit Figure 11.3.1 illustrates the data frame when making each setting. 11-3 Chapter 11 Serial I/O Port 8-bit Data Transfer Direction 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 bit0 bit1 bit2 bit3 bit4 bit5 bit6 bit7 Parity stop stop bit0 bit1 bit2 bit3 bit4 bit5 bit6 bit7 Parity stop bit0 bit1 bit2 bit3 bit4 bit5 bit6 bit7 stop stop Start bit0 bit1 bit2 bit3 bit4 bit5 bit6 bit7 stop 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 bit0 bit1 bit2 bit3 bit4 bit5 bit6 Parity stop stop bit0 bit1 bit2 bit3 bit4 bit5 bit6 Parity stop bit0 bit1 bit2 bit3 bit4 bit5 bit6 stop stop bit0 bit1 bit2 bit3 bit4 bit5 bit6 stop stop bit2, parity Start stop bit1, parity Start stop bit2 Start stop bit1 7-bit Data 12 stop bit2, parity Start stop bit1, parity Start stop bit2 Start stop bit1 Start WUB = Wake Up bit 1: Address (ID) Frame 0: Data Frame 8-bit Data Multi-Control System 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 bit0 bit1 bit2 bit3 bit4 bit5 bit6 bit7 WUB stop stop bit0 bit1 bit2 bit3 bit4 bit5 bit6 bit7 WUB stop 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 bit0 bit1 bit2 bit3 bit4 bit5 bit6 WUB stop stop bit0 bit1 bit2 bit3 bit4 bit5 bit6 WUB stop stop bit2 Start stop bit1 Start 7-bit Data Multi-Control System 1 stop bit2 Start stop bit1 Start Figure 11.3.1 Data Frame Configuration 11-4 12 Chapter 11 Serial I/O Port 11.3.3 Serial Clock Generator Generates the Serial Clock (SIOCLK). SIOCLK determines the serial transfer rate and has a frequency that is 16× the baud rate. One of the following can be selected as the source for the Serial Clock (SIOCLK). • Internal System Clock (IMBUSCLKF) • External Clock Input (SCLK) • Baud rate generator circuit output The IMBUSCLKF frequency can be selected from frequencies that are 1/5 the frequency of the CPU clock. The maximum frequency tolerance of the external clock input (SCLK) is 45% the frequency of IMBUSCLKF. For example, if IMBUSCLKF = 40 MHz, then set SCLK to 18 MHz or less. The baud rate generator is a circuit that divides these clock signals according to the following formula. Baud Rate = fc Prescalar × Divisor ×16 • fc: Clock frequency of IMBUSCLKF or an external clock input (SCLK) • Prescalar Value: 2, 8, 32, 128 • Divide Value: 1, 2, 3,…255 Table 11.3.1 shows example settings of divide values relative to representative baud rates. 1/2 T0 T2 1/8 IMBUSCLKFF fc 1/32 1/1 − 1/255 T4 SIOCLK T6 SCLK 1/128 Prescalar Selector Divider Select CLK SIBGR. BCLK Baud Rate Divide value SIBGR. BRD Selector Selector Select SIOCLK SILCR. SCS [1] Baud Rate Generator Select SIOCLK SILCR. SCS [0] Figure 11.3.2 Baud Rate Generator and SIOCLK Generator It is possible to correctly receive data if the error of the baud rate set by this controller is within 3.12 % of the target baud rate (communication baud rate). 11-5 Chapter 11 Serial I/O Port Table 11.3.1 Example Divide Value Settings (and error [%] from target baud rate value) fc [MHz] IMBUS CLKF kbps 40 Prescalar Value (SIBGR.BLCK) and Divide Value (SIBGR.BRD) 2 8 32 0.11 178 (−0.25 %) 0.15 130 (−0.16 %) 0.30 65 (0.16 %) 0.60 1.20 2.40 14.40 87 (−0.22 %) 22 (−1.36 %) 19.20 65 (0.16 %) 16 (1.73 %) 28.80 43 (0.94 %) 11 (−1.36 %) 38.40 33 (−1.36 %) 57.60 22 (−1.36 %) 16 (1.73 %) 0.11 164 (−0.22%) 0.15 120 (0.00%) 0.30 60 (0.00%) 0.60 1.20 2.40 4.80 SCLK 7.3728 16 (1.73 %) 16 (1.73 %) 33 (−1.36 %) 11 (−1.36 %) 65 (0.16 %) 65 (0.16 %) 130 (0.16 %) 115.20 33 (−1.36 %) 33 (−1.36 %) 9.60 76.80 130 (0.16 %) 130 (−0.16 %) 4.80 36.864 128 120 (0.00%) 30 (0.00%) 60 (0.00%) 15 (0.00%) 120 (0.00%) 30 (0.00%) 80 (0.00%) 15 (0.00%) 9.60 120 (0.00%) 60 (0.00%) 14.40 80 (0.00%) 40 (0.00%) 19.20 60 (0.00%) 30 (0.00%) 28.80 40 (0.00%) 20 (0.00%) 38.40 30 (0.00%) 57.60 20 (0.00%) 76.80 15 (0.00%) 115.20 10 (0.00%) 5 (0.00%) 5 (0.00%) 0.11 131 (−0.07 %) 33 (−0.83 %) 0.15 96 (0.00 %) 24 (0.00 %) 0.30 48 (0.00 %) 12 (0.00 %) 0.60 96 (0.00 %) 24 (0.00 %) 6 (0.00 %) 1.20 48 (0.00 %) 12 (0.00 %) 3 (0.00 %) 2.40 96 (0.00 %) 24 (0.00 %) 6 (0.00 %) 4.80 48 (0.00 %) 12 (0.00 %) 3 (0.00 %) 9.60 24 (0.00 %) 6 (0.00 %) 14.40 16 (0.00 %) 4 (0.00 %) 19.20 12 (0.00 %) 3 (0.00 %) 28.80 8 (0.00 %) 2 (0.00 %) 38.40 6 (0.00 %) 57.60 4 (0.00 %) 76.80 3 (0.00 %) 115.20 2 (0.00 %) 1 (0.00 %) 11-6 1 (0.00 %) Chapter 11 Serial I/O Port 11.3.4 Data Reception When the Serial Data Reception Disable bit (RSDE) of the Flow Control Register (SIFLCRn) is set to “0”, reception operation starts after the RXD signal start bit is detected. Start bits are detected when the RXD signal transitions from the High state to the Low state. Therefore, the RXD signal is not interpreted as a start bit if it is Low when the Serial Data Reception Disable bit is set to “0”. The received data are stored in the Receive FIFO. The Reception Data Full bit (RDIS) of the DMA/Interrupt Status Register (SIDISRn) is set if the byte count of the stored reception data exceeds the value set by the Receive FIFO Request Trigger Level field (RDIL) of the FIFO Control Register (SIFCRn). An interrupt is signaled when the Reception Data Interrupt Enable bit (RIE) of the DMA/Interrupt Control Register (SIDICRn) is set. The received data can be read from the Receive FIFO Data Register (SIRFIFOn). In addition, DMA transfer is initiated when the Reception Data DMA Enable bit (RDE) of the DMA/Interrupt Control Register (SIDICRn) is set. 11.3.5 Data Transmission Data stored in the Transmission Data FIFO are transmitted when the Serial Data Transmission Disable bit (TSDE) of the Flow Control Register (SIFLCRn) is set to “0”. If the available space in the Transmit FIFO is greater than the byte count set by the Transmit FIFO Request Trigger Level (TDIL) of the Control Register (SIFCRn), the transmission data empty bit (TDIS) of the DMA/Interrupt Status Register (SIDISRn) is set. An interrupt is signaled when the Transmission Data Interrupt Enable bit (TIE) of the DMA/Interrupt Control Register (SIDICRn) is set. In addition, DMA transfer is initiated when the Transmission Data DMA Enable bit (TDE) of the DMA/Interrupt Control Register (SIDICRn) is set. 11.3.6 DMA Transfer The DMA Request Control Register (DRQCTR)of the DMA Request Select field (DMAREQ[3:0]) can be used to allocate DMA channels for each reception and transmission channel in the following manner. SIO Channel 1 Reception SIO Channel 1 Transmission SIO Channel 0 Reception SIO Channel 0 Transmission DMA Channel 0 DMA Channel 1 DMA Channel 2 DMA Channel 3 Set the DMA Channel Control Register of the DMA Controller as described below. DMA Request Polarity DMA Acknowledge Polarity Request Detection Transfer Size Transfer Address Mode Low Active Low Active Level Detection 1 Byte Dual 11-7 DMCCRn.ACKPOL = 0 DMCCRn.REQPOL = 0 DMCCRn.EGREQ = 0 DMCCRn.XFSZ = 000b DMCCRn.SNGAD = 0 Chapter 11 Serial I/O Port In the case of transmission channels, the address of the Transmit FIFO Register (SITFIFOn) is set in the DMAC Destination Address Register (DMDARn). In the case of reception channels, the address of the Receive FIFO Register (SIRFIFOn) is set in the DMAC Source Address Register (DMSARn). Please set the addresses specified in “11.4.8 Transmit FIFO Register” and “11.4.9 Receive FIFO Register” since the set address differs depending on the Endian mode. 11.3.7 Flow Control SIO supports hardware flow control that uses the RTS*/CTS* signal. The CTS* (Clear to Send) input signal indicates that data can be received from the reception side when it is Low. Setting the Transmission Enable Select bit (TES) of the Flow Control Register (SIFLCRn) makes transmission flow control that uses the CTS* signal more effective. It is also possible to generate status change interrupts by changing the state of the CTS* signal. The conditions in which interrupts are generated can be selected by the CTSS Active Condition field of the DMA/Interrupt Control Register (SIDICRn). Setting the RTS* (Request to Send) output signal to High requests the transmission side to pause transmission. Transmission resumes when the reception side becomes ready and the RTS* signal is set to Low. Setting the Reception Enable Select bit (RCS) of the flow Control Register (SIFLCRn) makes reception flow control that uses the RTS* signal more effective. The RTS* signal pin status becomes High when data of the byte count set by the RTS Active Trigger Level field (RTSTL) of the Flow Control Register (SIFLCRn) accumulates in the Receive FIFO. The RTS* signal can also be made High by setting the RTS Software Control bit (RTSSC) of the Flow Control Register (SIFLCRn). Setting this bit requests the transmission side to pause transmission. 11.3.8 Reception Data Status Status data such as the following is also stored in the Receive FIFO. • Overrun error An overrun error is generated if all 16-stage Receive FIFO buffers become full and more data is transferred to the Reception Read buffer. When this occurs, the Overrun Status bit is set by the last stage of the Receive FIFO. • Parity error A parity error is generated when a parity error is detected in the reception data. • Framing error A framing error is generated when “0” is detected at the first stop bit of the reception data. • Break reception A break is detected when a framing error occurs in the reception data and all data in a single frame are “0”. When this occurs, 2 frames (2 Bytes) of 0x00 data are stored in the Receive FIFO. 11-8 Chapter 11 Serial I/O Port The Reception Error Interrupt bit (SIDISR.ERI) of the DMA/Interrupt Status Register (SIDISRn) is set when one of the following errors is detected: an overrun error, a parity error, or a framing error. An interrupt is signaled if the Reception Error Interrupt Enable bit of the DMA/Interrupt Control Register (SIDICRn) is set. The Receive Break bit (RBRKD) and the Receiving Break bit (RBRKD) of the Status Change Interrupt Status Register (SISCISR) is set when a break is detected. The Receive Break bit (RBRKD) remains set until it is cleared by the software. The Receiving Break bit (RBRKD) is automatically cleared when a frame is received that is not a break. The status of the next reception data to be read is set to the Overrun Error bit (UOER), Parity Error bit (UPER), Framing Error bit (UFER), and the Receive Break bit (RBRKD). Each of these statuses is updated when reception data is read from the Receive FIFO Register (SIRFIFOn). During DMA transfer, an error is signaled and DMA transfer stops with error data remaining in the Receive FIFO if either an error (Framing Error, Parity Error, or Overrun Error) or a Reception time out (TOUT) is detected. If a Reception Error occurs during DMA transfer, use the Receive FIFO Reset bit (RFRST) of the FIFO Control Register (SIFCRn) to clear the Receive FIFO. However, a software reset will be required if a reception overrun error has occurred. Refer to “11.3.10 Software Reset” for more information. 11.3.9 Reception Time Out A Reception time out is detected and the Reception Time Out bit (TOUT) of the DMA/Interrupt Status Register (SIDISR) is set under the following conditions. • Non-DMA transfer mode (SIDICRn.RDE = 0): When at least 1 Byte of reception data exists in the Receive FIFO and the data reception time for the 2 frames (2 Bytes) after the last reception has elapsed • DMA transfer mode (SIDICRn.RDE = 1): When the data reception time for the 2 frames (2 Bytes) after the last reception has elapsed regardless of whether reception data exists in the Receive FIFO 11.3.10 Software Reset It is necessary to reset the FIFO and perform a software reset in the following situations. (1) After transmission data is set in FIFO, etc., transmission started but stopped before its completion (2) An overrun occurred during data reception Software reset is performed by setting the Software Reset bit (SWRST) of the FIFO Control Register (SIFCR). This bit automatically returns to “0” after initialization is complete. This bit must be set again since all SIO registers are initialized by software resets. 11-9 Chapter 11 Serial I/O Port 11.3.11 Error Detection/Interrupt Signaling An interrupt is signaled if an error or an interrupt cause is detected, the corresponding status bit is set and the corresponding Interrupt Enable bit is set. Figure 11.3.3 shows the relationship between the status bit for each interrupt cause and each interrupt enable bit. Please refer to the explanation for each status bit for more information about each interrupt cause. Transmission DMA Acknowledge DMAC “0” Write R Transmission DMA Request SIDICR.TDE Transmission Data Empty SIDSR.TDIS SIDICR.TIE SISCISR.OERS SIDICR.STIE[5] Overrun Error R “0” Write SISCISR.CTSS SIDICR.STIE[4] CTS Pin CTS Status S SIDICR.CTSAC SISCISR.RBRKD SIDISR.STIS During Break Reception SIDICR.STIE[3] SISCISR.TRDY SIDICR.STIE[2] R “0” Write Transmission Data Empty SISCISR.TXALS SIDICR.STIE[1] Transmission Complete SISCISR.UBRKD Break Detected SIDICR.STIE[0] R “0” Write Frame Error SIDISR.ERI Parity Error To IRC SIDICR.SPIE R “0” Write SIDISR.TOUT Reception Time Out R “0” Write SIDICR.RIE SIDISR.RDIS Reception DMA Acknowledge DMAC Transmission DMA Acknowledge Reception Data Full SIDICR.RDE “0” Write R Figure 11.3.3 Relationship Between Interrupt Status Bits and Interrupt Signals 11-10 Chapter 11 Serial I/O Port 11.3.12 Multi-Controller System The Multi-Controller System consists of one Master Controller, and multiple Slave Controllers as shown below in Figure 11.3.4. In the case of the Multi-Controller System, the Master Controller transmits an address (ID) frame to all Slave Controllers, then transmits and receives data with the selected Slave Controller. Slave Controllers that were not selected will ignore this data. Data frames whose data frame Wake Up bits (WUB) are “1” are handled as address (ID) frames. Data frames whose Wake Up bit (WUB) is “0” are handled as data frames. Master TXD RXD RXD TXD Slave #1 RXD TXD Slave #2 RXD TXD Slave #3 Figure 11.3.4 Example Configuration of Multi-Controller System The data transfer procedure for the Multi-Controller System is as follows. (1) The Master and Slave Controllers set the Mode field (UMODE) of the Line Control Register (SILCR) to “10” or “11” to set the Multi-Controller System mode. Also, the Slave Controller sets the open drain enable bit (UODE) of the Line Control Register (SILCR), setting the TXD output signal to open drain output. (2) The Slave Controller sets the Reception Wake Up bit (RWUB) of the Line Control Register (SILCR), making it possible to receive address (ID) frames from the Master Controller. (3) The Master Controller sets the Transmission Wake Up bit (TWUB) of the Line Control Register (SILCR), and transmits the address (ID) of the selected Slave Controller. This causes the address (ID) frame to be transmitted. The Reception after Address Transmission Wake Up bit (RWUB) is cleared, enabling reception of data frames. (4) Since the Reception Wake Up bit (RWUB) is set, the Slave Controller generates an interrupt to the CPU by receiving an address (ID) frame. The CPU compares its own address (ID) and the received data together. If they match, the Reception Wake Up bit (RWUB) is cleared, making data frame reception possible. (5) The Master Controller and the selected Slave Controller clear the Transmission Wake Up bit (TWUB) of the Line Control Register (SILCR), then set the mode that transmits data frames. (6) Transmit/Receive data between the Master Controller and the selected Slave Controller. Then, Slave Controllers that were not selected ignore data frames since the Reception Wake Up bit (RWUB) is still set. 11-11 Chapter 11 Serial I/O Port 11.4 Registers With the exception of DMA access to the Transmit FIFO Register or the Receive FIFO Register, please use Word access when accessing register in the Serial I/O Port. Table 11.4.1 SIO Registers Reference Offset Address Mnemonic Register Name SIO0 (Channel 0) 11.4.1 0xF300 SILCR0 Line Control Register 0 11.4.2 0xF304 SIDICR0 DMA/Interrupt Control Register 0 11.4.3 0xF308 SIDISR0 DMA/Interrupt Status Register 0 11.4.4 0xF30C SISCISR0 Status Change Interrupt Status Register 0 11.4.5 0xF310 SIFCR0 FIFO Control Register 0 11.4.6 0xF314 SIFLCR0 Flow Control Register 0 11.4.7 0xF318 SIBGR0 Baud Rate Control Register 0 11.4.8 0xF31C SITFIFO0 Transmit FIFO Register 0 11.4.9 0xF320 SIRFIFO0 Receive FIFO Register 0 11.4.1 0xF400 SILCR1 Line Control Register 1 11.4.2 0xF404 SIDICR1 DMA/Interrupt Control Register 1 11.4.3 0xF408 SIDISR1 DMA/Interrupt Status Register 1 11.4.4 0xF40C SISCISR1 Status Change Interrupt Status Register 1 11.4.5 0xF410 SIFCR1 FIFO Control Register 1 11.4.6 0xF414 SIFLCR1 Flow Control Register 1 11.4.7 0xF418 SIBGR1 Baud Rate Control Register 1 11.4.8 0xF41C SITFIFO1 Transmit FIFO Register 1 11.4.9 0xF420 SIRFIFO1 Receive FIFO Register 1 SIO1 (Channel 1) 11-12 Chapter 11 Serial I/O Port 11.4.1 Line Control Register 0 (SILCR0) Line Control Register 1 (SILCR1) 0xF300 (Ch. 0) 0xF400 (Ch. 1) These registers specify the format of asynchronous transmission/reception data. 31 16 0 : Type : Initial value 15 14 13 RWUB TWUB UODE R/W 0 Bits R/W 1 12 7 0 5 4 3 2 UEPS UPEN USBL SCS R/W 0 Mnemonic 6 R/W 10 Field Name R/W 0 R/W 0 R/W 0 1 0 UMODE R/W 00 : Type : Initial value Description 31:16 15 RWUB Receive Wake Up Bit Wake Up Bit for Receive (Initial value: 0, R/W) When in the Multi-Controller System mode, this field selects whether to receive address (ID) frames whose Wake Up bits (WUB) are “1” or to receive data frames whose Wake Up bits (WUB) are “0”. This value is undefined when not in the MultiController System mode. 0: Receive data frames. 1: Receive address (ID) frames. 14 TWUB Transmit Wake Up Bit Wake Up Bit for Transmit (Initial value: 1, R/W) When in the Multi-Controller System mode, this field specifies the Wake Up bit (WUB). This value is undefined when not in the Multi-Controller System mode. 0: Data frame transfer (WUB = 0) 1: Address (ID) frame transfer (WUB = 1) 13 UODE Open Drain Enable TXD Open Drain Enable (Initial value: 0, R/W) This field selects the output mode of the TXD signal. When in the Multi-Controller System mode, the Slave Controller must set the TXD signal to Open Drain. 0: Totem pole output 1: Open drain output Reserved 12:7 6:5 SCS Clock Select SIO Clock Select (Initial value: 10, R/W) This field selects the serial transfer clock. The clock frequency that is the serial transfer clock divided by 16 becomes the baud rate (bps). 00: Internal clock (IMBUSCLKF) 01: Baud rate generator output that divided IMBUSCLKF 10: External clock (SCLK) 11: Baud rate generator output that divided SCLK 4 UEPS Even Parity Select UART Even Parity Select (Initial value: 0, R/W) This field selects the parity mode. 0: Odd parity 1: Even parity 3 UPEN Parity Check Enable UART Parity Enable (Initial value: 0, R/W) This field selects whether to perform the parity check. 0: Disable the parity check 1: Enable the parity check 2 USBL Stop Bit Length UART Stop Bit Length (Initial value: 0, R/W) This field specifies the stop bit length. 0: 1 bit 1: 2 bits 1:0 UMODE Mode UART Mode (Initial value: 00, R/W) This field sets the data frame mode. 00: 8-bit data length 01: 7-bit data length 10: Multi-Controller 8-bit data length 11: Multi-Controller 7-bit data length Reserved Figure 11.4.1 Line Control Register 11-13 Chapter 11 Serial I/O Port 11.4.2 DMA/Interrupt Control Register 0 (SIDICR0) DMA/Interrupt Control Register 1 (SIDICR1) 0xF304 (Ch. 0) 0xF404 (Ch. 1) These registers use either DMA or interrupts to execute the Host Interface. 31 16 0 : Type : Initial value 15 TDE 14 RDE 13 TIE 12 RIE 11 SPIE 10 9 CTSAC R/W 0 R/W 0 R/W 0 R/W 0 R/W 0 R/W 00 8 6 5 0 0 STIE R/W 000000 Field Name : Type : Initial value Bits Mnemonic 31:16 Description 15 TDE Transmit DMA Transfer Enable Transmit DMA Enable (Initial value: 0, R/W) This field sets whether to use DMA in the method for writing transmission data to the Transmit FIFO. 0: Do not use DMA. 1: Use DMA. 14 RDE Receive DMA Transfer Enable Receive DMA Enable (Initial value: 0, R/W) This field sets whether to use DMA in the method for reading reception data from the Receive FIFO. 0: Do not use DMA. 1: Use DMA. 13 TIE Transmit Data Empty Interrupt Enable Transmit Data Empty Interrupt Enable (Initial value: 0, R/W) When there is open space in the Transmit FIFO, this field sets whether to signal an interrupt. Set “0” when in the DMA Transmit mode (TDE = 1). 0: Do not signal an interrupt when there is open space in the Transmit FIFO. 1: Signal an interrupt when there is open space in the Transmit FIFO. 12 RIE Reception Data Full Interrupt Enable Receive Data Full Interrupt Enable (Initial value: 0, R/W) This field sets whether to signal interrupts when reception data is full (SIDISRn.RDIS = 1) or a reception time out (SIDISRn.TOUT = 1) occurs. Set to “0” when in the DMA Receive mode (RDE = 1). 0: Do not signal interrupts when reception data is full/reception time out occurred. 1: Signal interrupts when reception data is full/reception time out occurred. 11 SPIE Reception Error Interrupt Enable Receive Data Error Interrupt Enable (Initial value: 0, R/W) This field sets whether to signal interrupts when a reception error (Frame Error, Parity Error, Overrun Error) occurs (SIDISR.ERI = 1). 0: Do not signal reception error interrupts. 1: Signal reception error interrupts. 10:9 CTSAC CTSS Active Condition CTSS Active Condition (Initial value: 00, R/W) This field specifies status change interrupt request conditions using the CTS Status (CTSS) of the Status Change Interrupt Status Register. 00: Do not detect CTS signal changes. 01: Rising edge of the CTS pin 10: Falling edge of the CTS pin 11: Both edges of the CTS pin 8:6 Reserved Reserved Figure 11.4.2 DMA/Interrupt Control Register (1/2) 11-14 Chapter 11 Serial I/O Port Bits Mnemonic 5:0 STIE Field Name Status Change Interrupt Enable Description Status Change Interrupt Enable (Initial value: 000000, R/W) This field sets the set conditions of the Status Change bit (STIS) of the DMA/Interrupt Status Register (SIDISR). The condition is selected depending on which bit of the Status Change Interrupt Status Register (SISCISR) is set. (Multiple selections are possible.) An SIO interrupt is asserted when STIC is “1”. 000000: Do not detect status changes. 1*****: Set “1” to STIS when the Overrun bit (OERS) is “1”. *1****: Set “1” to STIS when a change occurs in a condition set by the CTSS Active Condition field (CTSAC) in the CTS Status bit (CTSS). **1***: Set “1” to STIS when the Break bit (RBRKD) becomes “1”. ***1**: Set “1” to STIS when the Transmit Data Empty bit (TRDY) becomes “1”. ****1*: Set “1” to STIS when the Transmission Complete bit (TXALS) becomes “1”. *****1: Set “1” to STIS when the Break Detection bit (UBRKD) becomes “1”. Figure 11.4.2 DMA/Interrupt Control Register (2/2) 11-15 Chapter 11 Serial I/O Port 11.4.3 DMA/Interrupt Status Register 0 (SIDISR0) DMA/Interrupt Status Register 1 (SIDISR1) 0xF308 (Ch. 0) 0xF408 (Ch. 1) These registers indicate the DMA or interrupt status information. 31 16 0 : Type : Initial value 15 14 13 12 11 UBRK UVALID UFER UPER UOER R 0 R 1 R 0 Bits Mnemonic 31:16 15 UBRK 14 UVALID 13 R 0 R 0 10 ERI 9 TOUT 8 TDIS 7 RDIS 6 STIS 5 0 4 R 00000 R/W0C R/W0C R/W0C R/W0C R/W0C 0 0 1 0 Field Name 0 RFDN 0 : Type : Initial value Description Reserved Receive Break UART Break (Initial value: 0, R) This field indicates the break reception status of the next data in the Receive FIFO to be read. Reading the Receive FIFO Register (SIRFIFO) updates the status. 0: No breaks 1: Detect breaks Receive FIFO Available Status UART Available Data (Initial value: 1, R) This field indicates whether or not data exists in the Receive FIFO (SIRFIFO). 0: Data exists in the Receive FIFO. 1: No data exists in the Receive FIFO. UFER Frame Error UART Frame Error (Initial value: 0, R) This field indicates the frame error status of the next data in the Receive FIFO to be read. Reading the Receive FIFO Register (SIRFIFO) updates the status. 0: There are no frame errors. 1: There are frame errors. 12 UPER Parity Error UART Parity Error (Initial value: 0, R) This field indicates the parity error status of the next data in the Receive FIFO to be read. Reading the Receive FIFO Register (SIRFIFO) updates the status. 0: There are no parity errors. 1: There are parity errors. 11 UOER Overrun Error UART Overrun Error (Initial value: 0, R) This register indicates the overrun status of the next data in the Receive FIFO to be read. Reading the Receive FIFO Register (SIRFIFO) updates the status. 0: There are no overrun errors. 1: There are overrun errors. 10 ERI Reception Error Interrupt Receive Data Error Interrupt (Initial value: 0, R/W0C) This bit is immediately set to “1” when a reception error (Frame Error, Parity Error, or Overrun Error) is detected. 9 TOUT Reception Time Out Time Out (Initial value: 0, R/W0C) This bit is set to “1” when a reception time out occurs. 8 TDIS Transmission Data Empty Transmit DMA/Interrupt Status (Initial value: 1, R/W0C) This bit is set when available space of the amount set by the Transmit FIFO Request Trigger Level (TDIL) of the FIFO Control Register (SIFCR) exists in the Transmit FIFO. 7 RDIS Reception Data Full Receive DMA/Interrupt Status (Initial value: 0, R/W0C) This bit is set when valid data of the amount set by the Receive FIFO Request Trigger Level (RDIL) of the FIFO Control register (SIFCR) is stored in the Receive FIFO. Figure 11.4.3 DMA/Interrupt Status Register (1/2) 11-16 Chapter 11 Serial I/O Port Bits Mnemonic 6 STIS 5 4:0 RFDN Field Name Status Change Description Status Change Interrupt Status (Initial value: 0, R/W0C) This bit is set when at least one of the interrupt statuses selected by the Status Change Interrupt Condition field (STIE) of the DMA/Interrupt Control Register (SIDICR) becomes “1”. Reserved Reception Data Stage Status Receive FIFO Data Number (Initial value: 00000, R) This field indicates how many stages of reception data remain in the Receive FIFO (0 – 16 stages). Figure 11.4.3 DMA/Interrupt Status Register (2/2) 11-17 Chapter 11 Serial I/O Port 11.4.4 Status Change Interrupt Status Register 0 (SISCISR0) Status Change Interrupt Status Register 1 (SISCISR1) 0xF30C (Ch. 0) 0xF40C (Ch. 1) 31 16 0 : Type : Initial value 15 6 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 OERS CTSS RBRKD TRDY TXALS UBRKD R/W0C 0 Bits Mnemonic Field Name R 0 R 0 R 1 R 1 RW0C : Type 0 : Initial value Description 31:6 5 OERS Overrun Error Overrun Error Status (Initial value: 0, R/W0C) This bit is immediately set to “1” when an overrun error is detected. This bit is cleared when a “0” is written. 4 CTSS CTS Status CTS Terminal Status (Initial value: 0, R) This field indicates the status of the CTS signal. 1: The CTS signal is High. 0: The CTS signal is Low. 3 RBRKD Receiving Break Receive Break (Initial value: 0, R) This bit is set when a break is detected. This bit is automatically cleared when a frame that is not a break is received. 1: Current status is Break. 0: Current status is not Break. 2 TRDY Transmission Data Empty Transmit Ready (Initial value: 1, R) This bit is set to “1” if at least one stage in the Transmit FIFO is free. 1 TXALS Transmission Complete Transmit All Sent (Initial value: 1, R) This bit is set to “1” if the Transmit FIFO and all transmission shift registers are empty. 0 UBRKD Break Detected UART Break Detect (Initial value: 0, R/W0C) This bit is set when a break is detected. Once set, this bit remains set until cleared by writing a “0” to it. Reserved Figure 11.4.4 Status Change Interrupt Status Register 11-18 Chapter 11 Serial I/O Port 11.4.5 FIFO Control Register 0 (SIFCR0) FIFO Control Register 1 (SIFCR1) 0xF310 (Ch. 0) 0xF410 (Ch. 1) These registers set control of the Transmit/Receive FIFO buffer. 31 16 0 : Type : Initial value 15 14 9 0 SWRST 7 RDIL R/W 0 Bits 8 6 5 4 0 R/W 00 Mnemonic 31:16 15 SWRST 14:9 8:7 RDIL 6:5 4:3 TDIL 2 Field Name 3 TDIL R/W 00 2 1 0 TFRST RFRST FRSTE R/W 0 R/W 0 R/W : Type 0 : Initial value Description Reserved Software Reset Software Reset (Initial value: 0, R/W) This field performs SIO resets except for the FIFOs. Setting this bit to “1” initiates the reset. Set registers are also initialized. This bit returns to “0” when initialization is complete. 0: Normal operation 1: SIO software reset Reserved Receive FIFO Request Trigger Level Receive FIFO DMA/Interrupt Trigger Level (Initial value: 00, R/W) This register sets the level for reception data transfer from the Receive FIFO. 00: 1 Byte 01: 4 Bytes 10: 8 Bytes 11: 12 Bytes Reserved Transmit FIFO Request Trigger Level Transmit FIFO DMA/Interrupt Trigger Level (Initial value: 00, R/W) This register sets the level for transmission data transfer to the Transmit FIFO. 00: 1 Byte 01: 4 Bytes 10: 8 Bytes 11: Setting disabled TFRST Transmit FIFO Reset Transmit FIFO Reset (Initial value: 0, R/W) The Transmit FIFO buffer is reset when this bit is set. This bit is valid when the FIFO Reset Enable bit (FRSTE) is set. Cancel reset by using the software to clear this bit. 0: During operation 1: Reset Transmit FIFO 1 RFRST Receive FIFO Reset Receive FIFO Reset (Initial value: 0, R/W) The Receive FIFO buffer is reset when this bit is set. This bit is valid when the FIFO Reset Enable bit (FRSTE) is set. Cancel reset by using the software to clear this bit. 0: During operation 1: Reset Receive FIFO 0 FRSTE FIFO Reset Enable FIFO Reset Enable (Initial value: 0, R/W) This field is the Reset Enable for the Transmit/Receive FIFO buffer. The FIFO is reset by combining the Transmit FIFO Reset bit (TFRST) and Receive FIFO Reset bit (RRST). 0: During operation 1: Reset Enable Figure 11.4.5 FIFO Control Register 11-19 Chapter 11 Serial I/O Port 11.4.6 Flow Control Register 0 (SIFLCR0) Flow Control Register 1 (SIFLCR1) 0xF314 (Ch. 0) 0xF414 (Ch. 1) 31 16 0 : Type : Initial value 15 13 0 Bits 12 RCS 11 TES R/W 0 R/W 0 Mnemonic 10 0 9 8 7 RTSSC RSDE TSDE R/W 0 R/W 1 6 5 4 0 R/W 1 Field Name 1 RTSTL R/W 0001 0 TBRK R/W : Type 0 : Initial value Description 31:13 12 RCS RTS Signal Control Select RTS Control Select (Initial value: 0, R/W) This field sets the reception flow control using RTS output signals. 0: Disable flow control using RTS signals. 1: Enable flow control using RTS signals. 11 TES CTS Signal Control Select CTS Control Select (Initial value: 0, R/W) This field sets the transmission flow control using CTS input signals. 0: Disable flow control using CTS signals. 1: Enable flow control using CTS signals. 10 9 RTSSC 8 7 Reserved Reserved RTS Software Control RTS Software Control (Initial value: 0, R/W) This register is used for software control of RTS output signals. 0: Set the RTS signal to Low (can receive data). 1: Sets the RTS signal to High (transmission pause request) RSDE Serial Data Reception Enable Receive Serial Data Enable (Initial value: 1, R/W) This is the Serial Data Enable bit. When this bit is cleared, data reception starts after the start bit is detected. The RTS signal will not become High even if this bit is cleared. 0: Enable (can receive data) 1: Disable (halt reception) TSDE Serial Data Transmit Enable Transmit Serial Data Enable (Initial value: 1, R/W) This is the Serial Data Transmission Enable bit. When this bit is cleared, data transmission starts. When set, transmission stops after completing transmission of the current frame. 0: Enable (can transmit data) 1: Disable (halt transmission) 6:5 4:1 RTSTL RTS Active Trigger Level RTS Trigger Level (Initial value: 0001, R/W) The RTS hardware control assert level is set by the reception data stage count of the Receive FIFO. 0000: Disable setting 0001: 1 : 1111: 15 0 TBRK Break Transmission Break Transmit (Initial value: 0, R/W) Transmits a break. The TXD signal is Low while TBRK is set to “1”. 0: Disable (clear break) 1: Enable (transmit break) Reserved Figure 11.4.6 Flow Control Register 11-20 Chapter 11 Serial I/O Port 11.4.7 Baud Rate Control Register 0 (SIBGR0) Baud Rate Control Register 1 (SIBGR1) 0xF318 (Ch. 0) 0xF418 (Ch. 1) These registers select the clock that is provided to the baud rate generator and set the divide value. 31 16 0 : Type : Initial value 15 10 0 Bits Mnemonic 9 8 7 0 BCLK BRD R/W 11 R/W 0xFF Field Name : Type : Initial value Description 31:10 9:8 BCLK Baud Rate Generator Clock Baud Rate Generator Clock (Initial value: 11, R/W) This field sets the input clock for the baud rate generator. 00: Select prescalar output T0 (IMBUSCLKF/2) 01: Select prescalar output T2 (IMBUSCLKF/8) 10: Select prescalar output T4 (IMBUSCLKF/32) 11: Select prescalar output T6 (IMBUSCLKF/128) 7:0 BRD Baud Rate Divide Value Baud Rate Divide Value (Initial value: 0xFF, R/W) This field set divide value BRG of the baud rate generator. This value is expressed as a binary value. Reserved Figure 11.4.7 Baud Rate Control Register 11-21 Chapter 11 Serial I/O Port 11.4.8 Transmit FIFO Register 0 (SITFIFO0) 0xF31C (Ch. 0) Transmit FIFO Register 1 (SITFIFO1) 0xF41C (Ch. 1) When using the DMA Controller to perform DMA transmission, set the following addresses in the Destination Address Register (DMDARn) of the DMA Controller according to the Endian Mode bit (DMCCRn.LE) setting of the DMA Controller. • Little Endian: 0xF31C (Ch.0), 0xF41C (Ch.1) • Big Endian: 0xF31F (Ch.0), 0xF41F (Ch.1) 31 16 0 : Type : Initial value 15 8 7 0 0 TxD W Bits Mnemonic 31:8 7:0 TxD Field Name Description Reserved Transmission Data Transmit Data (Initial value: –, W) Data written to this register are written to the Transmit FIFO. Figure 11.4.8 Transmit FIFO Register 11-22 : Type : Initial value Chapter 11 Serial I/O Port 11.4.9 Receive FIFO Register 0 (SIRFIFO0) 0xF320 (Ch. 0) Receive FIFO Register 1 (SIRFIFO1) 0xF420 (Ch. 1) When using the DMA Controller to perform DMA transmission, set the following addresses in the Destination Address Register (DMDARn) of the DMA Controller according to the Endian Mode bit (DMCCRn.LE) setting of the DMA Controller. • Little Endian: 0xF320 (Ch.0), 0xF420 (Ch.1) • Big Endian: 0xF323 (Ch.0), 0xF423 (Ch.1) 31 16 0 : Type : Initial value 15 8 7 0 0 RxD R Undefined Bits Mnemonic 31:8 7:0 RxD Field Name Description Reserved Reception Data Receive Data (Initial value: undefined, R) This field reads reception data from the Receive FIFO. Reading this register updates the Reception Data Status. Figure 11.4.9 Receive FIFO Register 11-23 : Type : Initial value Chapter 11 Serial I/O Port 11-24 Chapter 12 Timer/Counter 12. Timer/Counter 12.1 Features The TX4925 has an on-chip 3-channel timer/counter. • 32-bit Up Counter: 3 Channels • Interval Timer Mode (Channel 0, 1, 2) • Pulse Generator Mode (Channel 0, 1) • Watchdog Timer Mode (Channel 2) • Timer Output Signal (TIMER[1:0]) × 2 • Counter Input Signal (TCLK): × 1 12-1 Chapter 12 Timer/Counter 12.2 Block Diagram TX4925 IM-Bus I/F Signal TIMER[0] Timer-0 Interval Timer Mode Counter Input Clock Timer Interrupt 0 IM-Bus I/F Signal Counter Input Clock Timer Interrupt 1 Timer-1 Pulse Generator Mode Interval Timer Mode IM-Bus I/F Signal Counter Input Clock Timer Interrupt 2 Timer-2 Interval Timer Mode Watchdog Timer Mode TIMER[1] TCLK Selector NMI* Internal Reset Chip Configuration Register (CCFG.WR) Figure 12.2.1 Connecting Timer Module Inside the TX4925 IM-Bus Timer Register R/W Control Logic Reset Signal Clock Signal Clock Divider x1/21/256 Timer Read Register 32-bit Counter Clock Select Compare Register A Interval Mode Reg. Pulse Gen. Mode Reg. Watchdog Mode Reg. Clear Compare Register B Comparator (=) TIMER[1:0] Timer Control Register Interrupt Control Logic Interrupt Control Register Timer Interrupt Request Signal (Internal Signal) Watchdog Request Signal (Internal Signal) Figure 12.2.2 Timer Internal Block Diagram 12-2 Chapter 12 Timer/Counter 12.3 Detailed Explanation 12.3.1 Overview The TX4925 has an on-chip 3-channel 32-bit timer/counter. Each channel supports the following modes. (1) Interval Timer Mode (Timer 0, 1, 2) This mode periodically generates interrupts. (2) Pulse Generator Mode (Timer 0, 1) This is the pulse signal output mode. (3) Watchdog Timer Mode (Timer 2) This mode is used to monitor system abnormalities. 12.3.2 Counter Clock The clock used for counting can be set to a frequency that is 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32, 1/64, 1/128, or 1/256 of the internal clock (IMBUSCLK) frequency, or can be selected from nine counter input signal (TCLK) types. Divide Register n (TMCCDRn) and the Counter Clock Select bit (TMTCRn.CCS) are used to select the counter clock. In this situation, IMBUSCLK is the internal clock signal which is the G-Bus clock divided by 2. See “Chapter 6 Clocks” for more information. The counter input signal (TCLK) is used by three channels. Using TCLK makes it possible to count external events. The External Clock Edge bit (TMTCRn.ECES) can be used to select the clock rising/falling count. Set the TCLK clock frequency to 45% or less of IMBUSCLK (TCLK = 18 MHz or less when IMBUSCLK = 40 MHz). The following table shows example count times when using 40 MHz IMBUSCLK. Table 12.3.1 Divide Value and Count (IMBUSCLK = 40 MHz) Divide Rate TMCCDRn. CCD 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 Counter Clock Frequency (Hz) Resolution (ns) 50.00 100.00 200.00 400.00 800.00 1600.00 3200.00 6400.00 20.0 M 10.0 M 5.0 M 2.5 M 1.25 M 625.0 K 312.5 K 156.25 K 12-3 Max. Set Time TMCPRAn Value (sec.) for 1 sec. 214.75 429.50 858.99 1717.99 3435.97 6871.95 13743.90 27487.79 20000000 10000000 5000000 2500000 1250000 625000 312500 156250 Chapter 12 Timer/Counter 12.3.3 Counter Each channel has an independent 32-bit counter. Set the Timer Count Enable bit (TMTCRn.TCE) and the 32-bit counter will start counting. Clear the Timer Count Enable bit to stop the counter. If the Counter Reset Enable bit (TMTCRn.CRE) is set, then the counter will be cleared also. The Watchdog Timer Disable bit (TMWTRM2.WDIS) must be set in order to stop and clear this counter when in the Watch Dog Timer mode. Also, reading the Timer Read Register (TMTRR) makes it possible to fetch the counter value. 12.3.4 Interval Timer Mode The Interval Timer mode is used to periodically generate interrupts. Setting the Timer Mode field (TMTCRn.TMODE) of the Timer Control Register to “00” sets the timer to the Interval Timer mode. This mode can be used by all timers. When the count value matches the value of Compare Register A (TMCPRAn), the Interval Timer TMCPRA Status bit (TMTISRn.TIIS) of the Timer Interrupt Status Register is set. When the Interval Timer Interrupt Enable bit (TMITMRn.TIIE) of the Interval Timer Mode Register is set, timer interrupts occur. When a “0” is written to the Interval Timer TMCPRA Status bit (TMTISRn.TIIS), TIIS is cleared and timer interrupts stop. If the Timer Zero Clear Enable bit (TMITMRn.TZCE) is set, the counter is cleared to 0 if the count value matches the Compare Register A (TMCPRAn) value. Count operation stops when the Timer Zero Clear Enable bit (TMITMRn.TZCE) is cleared. The level of the TIMER[1:0] output signal stays in the High level in this mode. Figure 12.3.1 shows an outline of the count operation and generation of interrupts when in the Interval Timer mode and Figure 12.3.2 shows the operation when using an external input clock. 12-4 Chapter 12 Timer/Counter Count Value TMCPRA Reg. Compare Value 0x000000 Time TCE = 0 TCE = 1 TCE = 0 TCE = 1 TCE = 0 TCE = 1 CRE = 1 CRE = 0 CRE = 0 TZCE = 1 TZCE = 0 TZCE = 1 TIIE = 1 TIIE = 0 TIIE = 1 Timer Interrupt* TIIS = 0 TIIS = 0 TIIS = 0 TIIS = 0 TMODE = 00 (Interval Timer Mode), CCS = 0 (Internal Clock) Figure 12.3.1 Operation Example of Interval Timer (Using Internal Clock) Count Value TMCPRA Reg. Compare Value 0x000000 TCE = 1 TIIE = 1 Time TCE = 0 TCE = 1 TIIE = 0 TCLK Interrupt* TIIS = 1 TMODE = 00 (Interval Timer Mode), CCS = 0 (External Clock), ECES = 0 (Falling Edge) CRE = 0 (Counter Reset Disable), TZCE = 1 (Zero Clear Enable) Figure 12.3.2 Operation Example of the Interval Timer (External Input Clock: Rising Edge Operation) 12-5 Chapter 12 Timer/Counter 12.3.5 Pulse Generator Mode When in the Pulse Generator mode, use Compare Register A (TMCPRAn) and Compare Register B (TMCPRBn) to output a particular period and particular duty square wave to the TIMER[n] signal. Setting the Timer Mode field (TMTCRn.TMODE) of the Timer Control Register to “01” sets the timer to the Pulse Generator mode. Timer 0 and Timer 1 can be used, but Timer 2 cannot. The initial state of the TIMER[n] signal can be set by the Flip Flop Default bit (TMPGMRn.FFI) of the Pulse Generator Mode Register. The TIMER[n] output signal reverses when the counter value matches the value set in Compare Register A (TMCPRAn). The TIMER[n] output signal reverse again, clearing the counter when the counter continues counting and the value set in Compare Register B (TMCPRBn) and the counter value match. Consequently, a value greater than that in Compare Register A (TMCPRAn) must not be set in Compare Register B (TMCPRBn). Interrupts can be generated in the Pulse Generator mode as well. However, this is not standard practice. The Pulse Generator TMCPRA Status bit (TMTISRn.TPIAS) of the Timer Interrupt Status Register is set when the count value matches the value of Compare Register A (TMCPRAn). Timer interrupts are generated when the TMCPRA Interrupt Enable bit (TMPGMRn.TPIAE) of the Pulse Generator Mode Register is set. Similarly, the Pulse Generator TMCPRB Status bit (TMTISRn.TPIBS) of the Timer Interrupt Status Register is set when the count value matches the value of Compare Register B (TMCPRBn). Timer interrupts are generated when the TMCPRB Interrupt Enable bit (TMPGMRn.TPIBE) of the Pulse Generator Mode Register is set. Count Value TMCPRBn Compare Value TMCPRAn Compare Value 0x000000 Time TCE = 1 TCE = 0 TCE = 1 TIMER[n] TMODE1 = 01 (Pulse Generator Mode), CCS= 0 (Internal Clock) FFI = 1 (Initial High), CRE = 0 (Counter Reset Disable) Figure 12.3.3 Operation Example of the Pulse Generator Mode 12-6 Chapter 12 Timer/Counter 12.3.6 Watchdog Timer Mode The Watchdog Timer mode is used to monitor system anomalies. The software periodically clears the counter and judges an anomaly to exist if the counter is not cleared within a specified period of time. Then, either the TX4925 is internally reset or an NMI is signaled to the TX49/H2 core. Set the Timer mode field (TMTCR2.TMODE) of the Timer Control Register to “10” to set the timer to the Watchdog Timer mode. This mode can only be used by Timer 2. Use the Watchdog Reset bit (WR) of the Chip Configuration Register (CCFG) to select whether to perform an internal reset or signal an NMI. Set this bit to “1” to select Watchdog Reset, or set it to “0” to select NMI Signaling. When the timer count reaches the value programmed in Compare Register A (TMCPRA2), the Watchdog Timer TMCPRA Match Status bit in the Timer Interrupt Status Register (TMTISR2.TWIS) is set. Either the watchdog timer reset or NMI is issued if the Timer Watchdog Enable bit in the Watchdog Timer Mode Register (TMWTMR2.TWIE) is set. When the watchdog timer reset is selected, the Watchdog Reset Status bit in the Chip Configuration Register (CCFG.WDRST) is set. If the Watchdog Reset External Output bit in the Chip Configuration Register (CCFG.WDREXEN) is cleared, the entire TX4927 is initialized but the configuration registers. If the CCFG.WDREXEN bit is set, the WDRST* signal is asserted and remains asserted until the RESET* signal is asserted. There are three ways of stopping NMI signaling from being performed. (1) Clear the Watchdog Timer Interrupt Status bit (TMTISR2.TWIS) of the timer Interrupt Status Register. (2) Clear the counter by writing “1” to the Watchdog Timer Clear bit (TMWTMR2.TWC) of the Watchdog Timer Mode Register. (3) Clear the Watchdog Timer Interrupt Enable bit (TMWTMR2.TWIE) while the Watchdog Timer Disable bit (TMWTMR2.WDIS) is still set. It is possible to stop the counter when in the Watchdog Timer mode by clearing the Timer Counter Enable bit (TMTCR2.TCE) of the Timer Control Register while the Watchdog Timer Disable bit (TMWTMR2.WDIS) of the Watchdog Timer Mode Register is set to “1”. It is also possible to stop the counter by clearing the Counter Clock Divide Cycle Enable bit (TMTCR2.CCDE) of the Timer Control Register when the internal clock is being used as the counter clock. It is not possible to directly write “0” to the Watchdog Timer Disable bit (TMWTMR2.WDIS). There are two ways to clear this bit. (1) Clear the Watchdog Timer Interrupt Enable bit (TMWTMR2.WDIS) (2) Clear the Timer Counter Enable bit (TMTCR2.TCE) of the Timer Control Register 12-7 Chapter 12 Timer/Counter The level of the TIMER[1:0] output signal when in this mode remains in the default state (Low). Output is undefined when the mode is changed from the Pulse Generator mode to this mode. Count Value TMCPRA2 Compare Value 0x000000 Time TCE = 1 TCE = 0 TCE = 1 TWC = 1 TWC = 1 TWC = 1 TWIE = 0 TWIE = 0 TWIE = 1 TWIE = 1 TWIS = 1 TWIS = 1 TWIS = 0 TWIS = 1 RESET* or NMI WDIS = 1 WDIS = 1 WDIS TMODE = 10 (Watch Dog Timer Mode), CRE = 0 (Counter Reset Disable) Figure 12.3.4 Operation Example of the Watchdog Timer Mode 12-8 Chapter 12 Timer/Counter 12.4 Registers Table 12.4.1 Timer Register List Reference Offset Address Bit Width Register Symbol Register Name Time 0 (TMR0) 12.4.1 0xF000 32 TMTCR0 Timer Control Register 0 12.4.2 0xF004 32 TMTISR0 Timer Interrupt Status Register 0 12.4.3 0xF008 32 TMCPRA0 Compare Register A 0 12.4.4 0xF00C 32 TMCPRB0 Compare Register B 0 12.4.5 0xF010 32 TMITMR0 Interval Timer Mode Register 0 12.4.6 0xF020 32 TMCCDR0 Divide Cycle Register 0 12.4.7 0xF030 32 TMPGMR0 Pulse Generator Mode Register 0 12.4.8 0xF040 32 TMWTMR0 (Reserved) 12.4.9 0xF0F0 32 TMTRR0 Timer Read Register 0 Timer 1 (TMR1) 12.4.1 0xF100 32 TMTCR1 Timer Control Register 1 12.4.2 0xF104 32 TMTISR1 Timer Interrupt Status Register 1 12.4.3 0xF108 32 TMCPRA1 Compare Register A 1 12.4.4 0xF10C 32 TMCPRB1 Compare Register B 1 Interval Timer Mode Register 1 12.4.5 0xF110 32 TMITMR1 12.4.6 0xF120 32 TMCCDR1 Divide Cycle Register 1 12.4.7 0xF130 32 TMPGMR1 Pulse Generator Mode Register 1 12.4.8 0xF140 32 TMWTMR1 (Reserved) 12.4.9 0xF1F0 32 TMTRR1 Timer Read Register 1 Timer 2 (TMR2) 12.4.1 0xF200 32 TMTCR2 Timer Control Register 2 12.4.2 0xF204 32 TMTISR2 Timer Interrupt Status Register 2 12.4.3 0xF208 32 TMCPRA2 Compare Register A 2 12.4.4 0xF20C 32 TMCPRB2 (Reserved) 12.4.5 0xF210 32 TMITMR2 Interval Timer Mode Register 2 12.4.6 0xF220 32 TMCCDR2 Divide Cycle Register 2 12.4.7 0xF230 32 TMPGMR2 (Reserved) 12.4.8 0xF240 32 TMWTMR2 Watchdog Timer Mode Register 2 12.4.9 0xF2F0 32 TMTRR2 Timer Read Register 2 12-9 Chapter 12 Timer/Counter 12.4.1 Timer Control Register n (TMTCRn) TMTCR0 TMTCR1 TMTCR2 0xF000 0xF100 0xF200 31 16 0 : Type : Initial value 15 8 0 Bits Mnemonic 7 TCE 6 CCDE 5 CRE R/W 0 R/W 0 R/W 0 Field Name 4 0 3 ECES 2 CCS 1 0 TMODE R/W 0 R/W 0 R/W 00 : Type : Initial value Description 31:8 7 TCE Timer Counter Enable Timer Count Enable (Initial value: 0, R/W) This field controls whether the counter runs or stops. When in the Watchdog mode, counter operation only stops when the Watchdog Timer Disable bit (TMWTMR2.WDIS) of the Watchdog Timer Mode Register is set. When the Watchdog Timer Disable bit is cleared, the value of this Timer Count Enable bit becomes “0”, but the count continues. 0: Stop counter (the counter is also cleared to “0” when CRE = 1) 1: Counter operation 6 CCDE Counter Clock Divider Enable Counter Clock Divide Enable (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit enables the divide operation of the internal clock (IMBUSCLK). The counter stops if this bit is set to “0” when the internal bus clock is in use. 0: Disable 1: Enable 5 CRE Counter Reset Enable Counter Reset Enable (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit controls the counter reset when the TCE bit was used to stop the counter. 1: Stop and reset the counter to “0” when the TCE bit is cleared to “0”. 0: Only stop the counter when the TCE bit is cleared to “0”. Reserved 4 3 ECES External Clock Edge Select External Clock Edge Select (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit specifies the counter operation edge when using the counter input signal (TCLK). 0: Falling edge of the counter input signal (TCLK) 1: Rising edge of the counter input signal (TCLK) 2 CCS Counter Clock Select Counter Clock Select (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit specifies the timer clock. 0: Internal clock (IMBUSCLK) 1: External input clock (TCLK) 1:0 TMODE Timer Mode Timer Mode (Initial value: 00, R/W) This bit specifies the timer operation mode. 11: Reserved 10: Watchdog Timer mode (Timer 2), Reserved (Timer 0, 1) 01: Pulse Generator mode (Timer 0, 1), Reserved (Timer 2) 00: Interval Timer mode Reserved Figure 12.4.1 Timer Control Register 12-10 Chapter 12 Timer/Counter 12.4.2 Timer Interrupt Status Register n (TMTISRn) TMTISR0 TMTISR1 TMTISR2 0xF004 0xF104 0xF204 31 16 0 : Type : Initial value 15 4 0 3 2 1 TWIS TPIBS TPIAS 0 TIIS R/W0C R/W0C R/W0C R/W0C : Type 0 0 0 0 : Initial value Bits Mnemonic Field Name Description 31:4 3 TWIS Watchdog Timer Status Watchdog Timer TMCPRA Match Status (Initial value: 0, R/W0C) (This bit is Reserved in the case of the TMTISR0 Register and the TMTISR1 Register.) When in the Watchdog Timer mode, this bit is set when the counter value matches Compare Register 2 (TMCPRA2). This bit is cleared by writing a “0” to it. During Read 0: Did not match the Compare Register 1: Matched the Compare Register During Write 0: Negate interrupt 1: Invalid 2 TPIBS Pulse Generator TMCPRB Status Pulse Generator TMCPRB Match Status (Initial value: 0, R/W0C) (This bit is Reserved in the case of the TMTISR2 Register.) When in the Pulse Generator mode, this bit is set when the counter value matches Compare Register Bn (TMCPRBn). This bit is cleared by writing a “0” to it. During Read 0: Did not match the Compare Register 1: Matched the Compare Register During Write 0: Clear 1: Invalid 1 TPIAS Pulse Generator TMCPRA Status Pulse Generator TMCPRA Match Status (Initial value: 0, R/W0C) (This bit is Reserved in the case of the TMTISR2 Register.) When in the Pulse Generator mode, this bit is set when the counter value matches Compare Register A n (TMCPRAn). This bit is cleared by writing a “0” to it. During Read 0: Did not match the Compare Register 1: Matched the Compare Register During Write 0: Clear 1: Invalid 0 TIIS Interval Timer TMCPRA Status Interval Timer TMCPRA Match Status (Initial value: 0, R/W0C) When in the Interval Timer mode, this bit is set when the counter value matches Compare Register A n (TMCPRAn). This bit is cleared by writing a “0” to it. During Read 0: Did not match the Compare Register 1: Matched the Compare Register During Write 0: Clear 1: Invalid Reserved Figure 12.4.2 Timer Interrupt Status Register 12-11 Chapter 12 Timer/Counter 12.4.3 Compare Register An (TMCPRAn) TMCPRA0 TMCPRA1 TMCPRA2 0xF008 0xF108 0xF208 31 16 TCVA R/W 0xFFFF : Type : Initial value 15 0 TCVA R/W 0xFFFF Bits Mnemonic 31:0 TCVA Field Name Timer Compare Register A : Type : Initial value Description Timer Compare Value A (Initial value: 0xFFFF_FFFF, R/W) Sets the timer compare value as a 32-bit value. This register can be used in all modes. Figure 12.4.3 Compare Register A 12-12 Chapter 12 Timer/Counter 12.4.4 Compare Register Bn (TMCPRBn) TMCPRB0 TMCPRB1 0xF00C 0xF10C 31 16 TCVB R/W 0xFFFF : Type : Initial value 15 0 TCVB R/W 0xFFFF Bits Mnemonic 31:0 TCVB Field Name Timer Compare Value B : Type : Initial value Description Timer Compare Value B (Initial value: 0xFFFF_FFFF, R/W) Sets the timer compare value as a 32-bit value. This register can only be used when in the Pulse Generator mode. Please set a value greater than that in Compare Register A. Figure 12.4.4 Compare Register B 12-13 Chapter 12 Timer/Counter 12.4.5 Interval Timer Mode Register n (TMITMRn) TMITMR0 TMITMR1 TMITMR2 0xF010 0xF110 0xF210 31 16 0 : Type : Initial value 15 TIIE 14 1 0 R/W 0 Bits 0 TZCE R/W 0 Mnemonic 31:16 15 TIIE 14:1 0 TZCE Field Name Description Reserved Interval Timer Interrupt Enable Timer Interval Interrupt Enable (Initial value: 0, R/W) Sets Interval Timer TMCPRA Interrupt Enable/Disable. 0: Disable (mask) 1: Enable Reserved Interval Timer Clear Enable Interval Timer Zero Clear Enable (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit specifies whether or not to clear the counter to “0” after the count value matches Compare Register A. Count stops at this value if it is not cleared. 0: Do not clear 1: Clear Figure 12.4.5 Interval Timer Mode Register 12-14 : Type : Initial value Chapter 12 Timer/Counter 12.4.6 Divide Register n (TMCCDRn) TMCCDR0 TMCCDR1 TMCCDR2 0xF020 0xF120 0xF220 31 16 0 : Type : Initial value 15 3 0 2 0 CCD R/W 000 Bits Mnemonic 31:3 2:0 CCD Field Name Description Reserved Counter Clock Divide Value : Type : Initial value Counter Clock Divide (Initial value: 000, R/W) These bits specify the divide value when using the internal clock (IMBUSCLK) as the counter input clock source. The binary value n is divided by 2n+1. 000: Divide by 21 (f/2) 001: Divide by 22 (f/4) 010: Divide by 23 (f/8) 011: Divide by 24 (f/16) 100: Divide by 25 (f/32) 101: Divide by 26 (f/64) 110: Divide by 27 (f/128) 111: Divide by 28 (f/256) Figure 12.4.6 Divide Register 12-15 Chapter 12 Timer/Counter 12.4.7 Pulse Generator Mode Register n (TMPGMRn) TMPGMR0 TMPGMR1 0xF030 0xF130 31 16 0 : Type : Initial value 15 14 TPIBE TPIAE R/W 0 Bits 13 1 0 R/W 0 0 FFI R/W 0 Mnemonic Field Name : Type : Initial value Description 31:16 15 TPIBE TMCPRB Interrupt Enable Timer Pulse Generator Interrupt by TMCPRB Enable (Initial value: 0, R/W) When in the Pulse Generator mode, this bit sets Interrupt Enable/Disable for when TMCPRB and the counter value match. 0: Mask 1: Do not mask 14 TPIAE TMCPRA Interrupt Enable Timer Pulse Generator Interrupt by TMCPRA Enable (Initial value: 0, R/W) When in the Pulse Generator mode, this bit sets Interrupt Enable/Disable for when TMCPRA and the counter value match. 0: Mask 1: Do not mask 13:1 Reserved 0 FFI Flip Flop Default Reserved Initial TIMER Output Level (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit specifies the TIMER[n] signal default when in the Pulse Generator mode. 0: Low 1: High Figure 12.4.7 Pulse Generator Mode Register 12-16 Chapter 12 Timer/Counter 12.4.8 Watchdog Timer Mode Register n (TMWTMRn) TMWTMR2 0xF240 31 16 0 : Type : Initial value 15 TWIE 14 8 0 R/W 0 Bits 7 WDIS 6 1 0 R/W1S 0 Mnemonic 31:16 15 TWIE 14:8 7 WDIS 6:1 0 TWC Field Name 0 TWC R/W1C : Type 0 : Initial value Description Reserved Watchdog Timer Signaling Enable Timer Watchdog Enable (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit sets NMI signaling enable/disable either when in the Watchdog Timer mode or during a reset. This bit cannot be cleared when the Watchdog Timer Disable bit (WDIS) is “0”. 0: Disable (mask) 1: Enable Reserved Watchdog Timer Disable Watchdog Timer Disable (Initial value: 0, R/W1S) Only when this bit is set can the counter be stopped by clearing the Watchdog Timer Signaling Enable bit (TWIE) or by clearing the Timer Counter Enable bit (TMTCR2.TCE) of the Timer Control Register. Writing “0” to this bit is not valid. This bit can be cleared in either of the following ways. Clear the Watchdog Timer Interrupt Enable bit (TMWTMR2.TWIE). Clear the Timer Counter Enable bit (TMTCR2.TCE) of the Timer Control Register. Reserved Watchdog Timer Clear Watchdog Timer Clear (Initial value: 0, R/W1C) Setting this bit to “1” clears the counter. Writing “0” to this bit is not valid. This bit is always read as “0”. Figure 12.4.8 Watchdog Timer Mode Register 12-17 Chapter 12 Timer/Counter 12.4.9 Timer Read Register n (TMTRRn) 0xF0F0 TMTRR0 TMTRR1 TMTRR2 31 0xF0F0 0xF1F0 0xF2F0 16 TCNT R 0x0000 : Type : Initial value 15 0 TCNT R 0x0000 Bits Mnemonic 31:0 TCNT Field Name Timer Counter : Type : Initial value Description Timer Counter (Initial value: 0x0000_0000, R) This Read Only register is a 32-bit counter. Operation when this register is written to is undefined. Figure 12.4.9 Timer Read Register 0 12-18 Chapter 13 Parallel I/O Port 13. Parallel I/O Port 13.1 Characteristics The TX4925 on-chip Parallel I/O port (PIO) is a 16-bit general-purpose parallel port. The input/output direction and the port type during output (totem pole output/open drain output) can be set for each bit. 13.2 Block Diagram 32 PIO[31:0] Other Function From PCFG IM-Bus PIO Input Data Register 32 32 Output Data Register Direction Control Register OD Control Register Figure 13.2.1 Parallel I/O Block Diagram 13-1 Chapter 13 Parallel I/O Port 13.3 Detailed Description 13.3.1 Selecting PIO Pins All of the 32-bit PIO signals are shared with other functions. The boot configuration signal (TDO) and pin configuration register (PCFG) determine which functions will be used. See Sections “3.2 Boot Configuration”, “3.3 Pin Multiplexing” and “5.2.3 Pin Configuration Register” for more information. 13.3.2 General-purpose Parallel Port The four following registers are used to control the PIO port. • PIO Output Data Register (PIODO) • PIO Input Data Register (PIODI) • PIO Direction Control Register (PIODIR) • PIO Open Drain Control Register (PIOOD) PIO signals can be selected by the PIO Direction Control Register (PIODIR) for each bit as either input or output. Signals selected as output signals output the values written into the PIO Data Output Register (PIODO). The PIO Open Drain Control Register (PIOOD) can select whether each bit is either an open drain output or a totem pole output. PIO signal status is indicated by the PIO Data Input Register. This register can be read out at any time regardless of the pin direction settings. 13.4 Registers Table 13.4.1 PIO Register Map Reference Offset Address Bit Width Mnemonic Register Name 13.4.1 0xF500 32 PIODO PIO Output Data Register 13.4.2 0xF504 32 PIODI PIO Input Data Register 13.4.3 0xF508 32 PIODIR PIO Direction Control Register 13.4.4 0xF50C 32 PIOOD PIO Open Drain Control Register 13-2 Chapter 13 Parallel I/O Port 13.4.1 PIO Output Data Register (PIODO) 0xF500 31 16 PDO R/W 0x0000 : Type : Initial value 15 0 PDO R/W 0x0000 Bits Mnemonic Field Name 31:0 PDO [31:0] Data Out : Type : Initial value Description Port Data Output [31:0] (Initial value: 0x0000_0000, R/W) Data that is output to the PIO pin (PIO [31:0]). Figure 13.4.1 PIO Output Data Register 13.4.2 PIO Input Data Register (PIODI) 0xF504 31 16 PDI R Undefined : Type : Initial value 15 0 PDI R Undefined Bits Mnemonic Field Name 31:0 PDI [31:0] Data In : Type : Initial value Description Port Data Input [31:0] (Initial value: undefined, R) Data that is input to the PIO pin (PIO [31:0]). Figure 13.4.2 PIO Input Data Register 13-3 Chapter 13 Parallel I/O Port 13.4.3 PIO Direction Control Register (PIODIR) 0xF508 31 16 PDIR R/W 0x0000 : Type : Initial value 15 0 PDIR R/W 0x0000 Bits Mnemonic Field Name 31 :0 PDIR [31:0] Direction Control : Type : Initial value Description Port Direction Control [31:0] (Initial value: 0x0000_0000, R/W) Sets the I/O direction of the PIO pin (PIO [31:0]). 0: Input (Reset) 1: Output Figure 13.4.3 PIO Direction Control Register 13.4.4 PIO Open Drain Control Register (PIOOD) 0xF50C 31 16 POD R/W 0x0000 : Type : Initial value 15 0 POD R/W 0x0000 Bits Mnemonic Field Name 31 :0 POD [31:0] Open Drain Control : Type : Initial value Description Port Open Drain Control [31:0] (Initial value: 0x0000_0000, R/W) Sets whether to use the PIO pin (PIO [31:0]) as an open drain. 0: Open drain (Reset) 1: Totem pole Figure 13.4.4 PIO Open Drain Control Register 13-4 Chapter 14 AC-link Controller 14. AC-link Controller 14.1 Features ACLC, AC-link controller module can be connected to audio and/or modem CODECs described in the “Audio CODEC ’97 Revision 2.1” (AC’97) defined by Intel and can operate them. Refer to the following Web site for more information regarding the AC’97 specification. http://developer.intel.com/ial/scalableplatforms/audio/ Its features are summarized as follows. • Up to two CODECs are supported. • AC’97 compliant CODEC register access protocol is supported. • CODEC register access completion is recognized by polling or interrupt. • Recording and playback of 16-bit PCM Left&Right channels are supported. • Recording can be selected from PCM L&R or Mic. • Playback of 16-bit Surround, Center, and LFE channels is supported. • Variable Rate Audio recording is supported. • Variable Rate Audio playback is supported. • Line 1 and GPIO slots for Modem CODEC are supported. • AC-link low-power mode, wake-up, and warm-reset are supported • Sample-data I/O via DMA transfer is supported. 14-1 Chapter 14 AC-link Controller 14.2 Configuration Figure 14.2.1 illustrates the ACLC configuration. DMAC IM-bus aclcimbif Bus I/F System-side (imclk/imreset* ) ACLC Data I/O Master Slave Register Wakeup Control Asynchronous Handshake Slot-data Transfer Slot Valid/Req & Register Access Bitstream Receive & Transmit AC-link Figure 14.2.1 ACLC Module Configuration 14-2 Link-side (BITCLK/ACRESET* ) Chapter 14 AC-link Controller 14.3 Functional Description ACLC provides four mechanisms to operate AC’97-compliant CODEC(s): • AC-link status control (start-up and low-power mode) • CODEC register access • Sample-data transmission and reception • GPIO operation This section first describes the CODEC connection, chip configuration, and overall usage-flow. Then AClink start-up sequence and the other mechanisms will be described. Using low-power mode comes last. 14.3.1 CODEC Connection The ACLC module has two SDIN (named as SDATA_IN in the AC’97 specification) signals and supports up to two CODECs to be connected. This section shows some system configuration diagrams for typical usages. Note that the diagrams shown here is intended to provide conceptual understanding and some components may be necessary on the actual circuit board to ensure proper electrical signals. The diagrams assume CODECs compliant with the CODEC ID strapping recommendation described in the section D.5.2 of the AC’97 revision 2.1 specification. Stereo Audio and Optional Modem Connection ACLC SYNC Audio CODEC (CODEC ID=‘00’) SYNC CID1 BITCLK BIT_CLK CID0 SDOUT SDATA_OUT ACRESET* SDIN0 RESET# SDATA_IN SDIN1 SYNC CID1 BIT_CLK CID0 SDATA_OUT GND RESET# SDATA_IN Optional Modem CODEC (CODEC ID=’01’) Figure 14.3.1 Stereo Audio and Optional Modem Connection Diagram 14-3 Chapter 14 AC-link Controller 5.1 Channel Audio Connection This sample assumes one CODEC with four DACs mapped to stereo front (3&4) and stereo rear (7&8) slots, and another CODEC with two DACs mapped to center (6) and LFE (9) slots. ACLC 4 Channel Audio CODEC (CODEC ID=’0’) SYNC CID1 BITCLK BIT_CLK CID0 SDOUT SDATA_OUT SYNC RESET# ACRESET* SDIN0 SDATA_IN SDIN1 SYNC CID1 BIT_CLK CID0 SDATA_OUT GND RESET# SDATA_IN 2 Channel Audio CODEC (CODEC ID=‘3’) Figure 14.3.2 5.1 Channel Audio Connection Diagram 14.3.2 Pin Configuration To utilize ACLC, the Select ACLC (SELACLC) bit in Pin Configuration Register (PCFG) must be set to 1. Refer to the Sections 3.3 and 5.2.3 for the detail of the pin configuration. 14-4 Chapter 14 AC-link Controller 14.3.3 Usage Flow This section outlines a process flow when using the AC’97 connected to ACLC. Refer to the subsequent sections for the details of each operation performed in this process flow. The diagrams below describe the audio playback and recording processes. The modem transmission and reception can be done in a similar way. System Software ACLC and DMAC AC’97 Enable ENLINK Deassert ACRESET* Start BITCLK Set CODEC Ready CODECRDY Interrupt Check AC’97 status DAC Ready response Start up AC-link Register setting such as Volume (*) Set volume, etc. Setup DMA buffer Configure DMAC Start DMA Channel and enable transmit-data DMA Start transmit-data DMA Start sending data to slot Start audio playback Write to DMA buffer and update DMA descriptor (repeatedly) DMAC generates Transfer Completion interrupt (repeatedly) Stop updating DMA descriptor DMAC channel goes inactive DMA underrun error occurs Check completion status Stop transmit-data DMA Disable transmit-data DMA Stop sending data to slot Stop audio playback Dummy write to data register to clear pending DMA request if any Stop AC-link Disable ENLINK Assert ACRESET* Stop BITCLK (*) Register settings such as volume can be made during data playback. Figure 14.3.3 Audio Playback Process Flow 14-5 Chapter 14 AC-link Controller System Software ACLC and DMAC Enable ENLINK Deassert ACRESET* AC’97 Start BITCLK Set CODEC Ready CODECRDY Interrupt Check AC’97 status Start recording audio ADC Ready response Start up AC-link Register setting such as gain (*) Set gain, etc. Clear DMA buffer Configure DMAC Start DMA Channel and enable receive-data DMA Start receiving data from slot Start receive-data DMA Read from DMA buffer and update DMA descriptor (repeatedly) DMAC generates Transfer Completion interrupt (repeatedly) Send sample data Stop updating DMA descriptor DMAC channel goes inactive DMA overrun error occurs Check completion status Receive-data DMA halts Disable receive-data DMA Dummy read from data register to clear pending DMA request if any Stop AC-link Disable ENLINK Assert ACRESET * Stop BITCLK (*) Register settings such as gain can be made during data recording Figure 14.3.4 Audio Recording Process Flow 14-6 Chapter 14 AC-link Controller 14.3.4 AC-link Start Up Figure 14.3.5 shows the conceptual sequence of AC-link start-up. The ACLC Control Enable Register’s Enable AC-link bit is used to deassert/assert the ACRESET* signal to the link side (including AC-link). This bit defaults to ‘0’, so the CPU asserts the ACRESET* signal when it boots up. The AC’97 specification requires that the reset assertion period is 1µs or longer. The software is responsible for controlling the length of this period. The AC’97 specification also requires that the primary CODEC stops the AC-link clock (BITCLK) signal during the period from ACRESET* signal assertion to 162.8ns after ACRESET* signal deassertion. ACLC assumes the primary CODEC meet this requirement. Deasserting the link-side reset makes the primary CODEC start driving the BITCLK signal. When the BITCLK signal is provided, ACLC starts the SYNC signal output, which indicates the start of the AC-link frame, and starts the frame-length counting. When a CODEC becomes ready to receive access to its own register, the CODEC sets the “CODEC Ready” bit of the Tag slot. When ACLC detects that this bit has been set, the ACLC Interrupt Status Register (ACINTSTS)’s CODEC[1:0] Ready (CODEC[1:0]RDY) bit is set. The system software is able to recognize the readiness of the CODEC(s) by detecting this event by way of either polling or interrupt. In case of 5.1 channel audio connection example (Figure 14.3.2), because the secondary CODEC is connected to the SDIN1 signal of ACLC, the software must watch ACINTSTS.CODEC1RDY bit to determine the CODEC’s readiness for the register access. ACRESET* BITCLK SYNC SDIN ENLINK CODECRDY Boot up Software sets ENLINK bit ACLC internal clock becomes active CODEC becomes ready to accept register access Note: The number of BITCLK cycles relative to other signals is not to scale. Figure 14.3.5 Cold Reset and CODEC Ready Recognition 14-7 Chapter 14 AC-link Controller 14.3.5 CODEC Register Access By accessing registers in the CODEC, the system software is able to detect or control the CODEC state. This section describes how to read and write CODEC registers via ACLC. For details about AC’97 register set and proper sequence to operate CODEC, refer to the AC’97 specification and target CODEC datasheet. It takes several frame periods for a read or write access to complete. Taking this into account, ACLC is equipped with a function for reporting CODEC register access completion as status-change or interrupt. In order to read an AC’97 register, write the access destination CODEC ID and register address in ACLC CODEC Register Access Register (ACREGACC) with its CODECRD bit set to “1”. After the ACLC Interrupt Status Register (ACINTSTS)’s REGACC Ready (REGACCRDY) bit is set, the software is able to get the data returned from the AC’97 by reading the ACREGACC register and issue another access. In order to write to an AC’97 register, write the access destination CODEC ID, register address, and the data in ACLC’s ACREGACC register with ACREGACC.CODECRD bit set to “0”. After the ACINTSTS.REGACCRDY bit has been set, the software is able to issue another access. In case of 5.1 channel audio connection example (Figure 14.3.2), because the secondary CODEC has CODEC ID of ‘3’, the software must write ‘3’ into ACREGACC.CODECID field when it issues secondary CODEC register access. 14-8 Chapter 14 AC-link Controller 14.3.6 Sample-data Transmission and Reception This section describes the mechanism for transmission and reception of PCM audio and modem wave-data. An overview is described first. The DMA (Direct Memory Access) operation, error detection and recovery procedure follow. A special case using slot activation control is described last. Overview Figure 14.3.6 and Figure 14.3.7 show conceptual views of the sample-data transmission and reception mechanisms. ACLC Memory REQ Latch DMAC ACCTLEN FIFO ACSLTEN Linkside Slot Req DMAREQ DMA Buffer Read Write Data Data AC-link Strobe Valid Flag Slot Valid, Slot Data Data Underrun Error Figure 14.3.6 Sample-data Transmission Mechanism ACLC Memory REQ Latch DMAC ACCTLEN FIFO ACSLTEN DMAREQ DMA Buffer Write Read Data Data Linkside AC-link Slot Valid, Slot Data Strobe Data Overrun Error Figure 14.3.7 Sample-data Reception Mechanism The CODEC requests ACLC to transmit and receive sample-data via ‘slot-request’ and ‘slotvalid’ bit-fields on the SDIN signal of AC-link. For transmission, ACLC transmits the data with ‘slot-valid’ tag set. For reception, ACLC captures the slot-data. Transmission or reception through each stream can be independently activated or deactivated under control of ACLC Slot Enable Register (ACSLTEN). ACLC is equipped with a separate FIFO for each data-stream. The data to transmit is prefetched from memory to FIFO through DMA. The received data is buffered on FIFO and then stored to memory through DMA. In this stage, each DMA is independently activated or deactivated under control of ACLC Control Enable Register (ACCTLEN). 14-9 Chapter 14 AC-link Controller DMA Channel Mapping ACLC uses four DMA request channels. These DMA channels are allocated to four out of seven data-streams, or slots, on the AC-link frame, according to ACLC DMA Channel Selection Register (ACDMASEL) setting as shown in Table 14.3.1. The pin configuration register allocates these DMA channels of ACLC to the DMAC (DMA controller) channels according to DMA Request Control Register (DRQCTR)’s DMA Request Selection (DMAREQ0-3) bits as described in section 5.2.8. Table 14.3.1 DMA Channel Mapping Modes ACDMASEL AC-link Slot Number PCM L&R out (3&4) 0 ACLC ch0 Surround L&R out (7&8) 1 2 3 ACLC ch0 ACLC ch0 ACLC ch0 ACLC ch1 ACLC ch1 ACLC ch1 Center out (6) ACLC ch2 LFE out (9) ACLC ch3 PCM L&R in (3&4) or Mic in (6) ACLC ch1 Modem Line1 out (5) ACLC ch2 ACLC ch2 Modem Line 1 in (5) ACLC ch3 ACLC ch3 ACLC ch3 ACLC ch2 Sample-data Format ACLC transmits/receives 16 bits per sample for each data slot shown in Table 14.3.1. The data resides on the first 16 bits of the 20 bits assigned to each slot on AC-link. Each sample-data register allows access by word (32-bit) unit only. Therefore the DMA count must be a multiple of word. Note that the transmit-data DMA count also must be the FIFO depth (refer to Table 14.3.8) or more for a reason described later. For audio PCM front and surround streams, every data-word is loaded with a couple of left and right samples. For audio MIC stream, valid data is loaded in the same field as the left sample while the other field is filled with ‘0’. For audio center, LFE, and modem line 1 streams, two consecutive samples are packed into every word. The data format at the sample-data register is arranged so that the data format on the DMA buffer follows the rules below. • Each sample data is put in the byte order in which the CPU operates (big- or little-endian). • Samples are put in the time-sequential order at increasing addresses on memory. • For a DMA channel which couples left and right samples, each left sample precedes the corresponding right sample. Refer to the sections 14.4.16 and later for the register format. 14-10 Chapter 14 AC-link Controller Figures below show the format of DMA buffer for each type of DMA channel. #0, #1, … means the sample’s sequential number for the AC-link slot. Subscript ‘L’ means lower 8-bit of each sample and subscript ‘H’ means upper 8-bit. Table 14.3.2 Front and Surround DMA Buffer Format in Little-endian Mode Address offset +0 +1 +2 +3 +0 Left#0L Left#0H Right#0L Right#0H +4 Left#1L Left#1H Right#1L Right#1H +8 Left#2L Left#2H Right#2L Right#2H : : : : : Table 14.3.3 Center, LFE, and Modem DMA Buffer Format in Little-endian Mode Address offset +0 +1 +2 +3 +0 #0L #0H #1L #1H +4 #2L #2H #3L #3H +8 #4L #4H #5L #5H : : : : : Table 14.3.4 Mic DMA Buffer Format in Little-endian Mode Address offset +0 +1 +2 +3 +0 #0L #0H 0 0 +4 #1L #1H 0 0 +8 #2L #2H 0 0 : : : : : Table 14.3.5 Front and Surround DMA Buffer Format in Big-endian Mode Address offset +0 +1 +2 +3 +0 Left#0H Left#0L Right#0H Right#0L +4 Left#1H Left#1L Right#1H Right#1L +8 Left#2H Left#2L Right#2H Right#2L : : : : : Table 14.3.6 Center, LFE, and Modem DMA Buffer Format in Big-endian Mode Address offset +0 +1 +2 +3 +0 #0H #0L #1H #1L +4 #2H #2L #3H #3L +8 #4H #4L #5H #5L : : : : : Table 14.3.7 Mic DMA Buffer Format in Big-endian Mode Address offset +0 +1 +2 +3 z #0H #0L 0 0 +4 #1H #1L 0 0 +8 #2H #2L 0 0 : : : : : 14-11 Chapter 14 AC-link Controller DMA Operation When ACLC’s REQ latch (refer to Figure 14.3.6 and Figure 14.3.7) needs to read or write sample-data, it issues a DMA request. When DMAC acknowledges the request by performing write- or read-access to the ACLC sample-data register, ACLC deasserts the request. Therefore, the software must properly set up DMAC so that the source or destination points to the corresponding sample-data register for the DMA channel. Setup the DMA Channel Control Registers (DMCCRn) in DMAC as follows. Immediate chain DMA request polarity DMA acknowledge polarity Request sense Simple chain Transfer size Transfer address mode Enable Low-active Low-active Level-sensitive Enable 1 word Dual DMCCRn.IMMCHN = 1 [Note] DMCCRn.REQPOL = 0 DMCCRn.ACKPOL = 0 DMCCRn.EGREQ = 0 DMCCRn.SMPCHN = 1 DMCCRn.XFSZ = 010b DMCCRn.SNGAD = 0 Note: Use this setting when DMA chain operation is utilized For a transmission channel, assign the address of ACLC Audio PCM Output/Surround/Center/LFE/Modem Output Register (ACAUDO/SURR/CENT/LFE/MODODAT) to the DMAC destination address register (DMDARn). For a reception channel, assign the address of ACLC Audio input/Modem Input Register (ACAUDI/MODIDAT) to the DMAC source address register (DMSARn). When any DMA request is pending, the REQ latch will not deasserted the request until the corresponding sample-data register is accessed. Just unsetting ACLC Control Enable Register (ACCTLEN)’s DMA Enable (xxxxDMA) bit corresponding to the DMA will not clear the REQ latch. The procedure to continuously push or pull the sample-data stream through the chain DMA operation follows the DMAC specification. Refer to section 8.3.10 for this respect. 14-12 Chapter 14 AC-link Controller Sample-data FIFO For a transmission stream, as long as ACLC Control Enable Register (ACCTLEN) allows that transmission and the FIFO has any room to fill data in, the FIFO issues a request via the REQ latch. On the other side, when a transmission FIFO receives a data-request from the link-side, it provides data with valid-flag set if it has any valid data. If it has no valid data, it responds with valid-flag unset and an underrun error bit is set. At the transmit-data DMA start-up, until the FIFO becomes full, it responds to the link-side with valid-flag unset, in order to maximize the buffering effect. Therefore, the DMA size must be the FIFO depth or more. Table 14.3.8 Transmission FIFO Depth Data-stream FIFO Depth (Word) PCM L&R out 3 Surround L&R out 3 Center out 2 LFE out 2 Modem Line 1 out 1 The link-side drives the slot-valid bit and slot-data on AC-link. When underrun occurs, these bits are driven to all ‘0’. For a reception stream, as long as the FIFO has any valid data, the FIFO issues a request via the REQ latch. On the other side, when ACCTLEN allows that reception and the link-side issues a data strobe, the FIFO stores the valid data. If the FIFO is full when it receives a data strobe, the data is discarded and an overrun error bit is set. Error Detection and Recovery In most usages, since the CODEC continuously requests sample-data transmission and reception, after DMA is finished, underrun and overrun will occur. The procedure described below allows the software to determine whether an error has occurred during DMA operation. The software sets ACLC Control Enable Register (ACCTLEN)’s Error Halt Enable (xxxxEHLT) bit before it starts a DMA channel. After it starts the DMA channel, it waits until ACLC Interrupt Status Register (ACINTSTS)’s Underrun or Overrun Error (xxxxERR) bit is set. When the event is detected, the software checks DMA Channel Control Register (DMCCRn)’s Transfer Active (XFACT) bit and ACLC DMA Request Status Register (ACDMASTS)’s Request (xxxxDMA) bit and determines the DMA completion status as follows. Table 14.3.9 DMA Completion Status Determination DMCCRn.XFACT ACDMASTS.xxxxDMA Completion Status Inactive Pending No Error during DMA Inactive Not Pending Underrun or Overrun Active * Underrun or Overrun To recover from error, disable and enable the stream via ACCTLEN, and restart the DMA. 14-13 Chapter 14 AC-link Controller Slot Activation Control In case ACLC is required to begin transmission or reception of multiple streams at the same time, slot activation control will be useful. To use this feature, the software must deactivate the relevant streams first, enable ACLC Control Enable Register (ACCTLEN), make sure the transmission FIFO becomes full by checking ACLC FIFO Status Register (ACFIFOSTS)’s Full (xxxxFULL) bit, and finally enable ACLC Slot Enable Register (ACSLTEN). This procedure assures that all the reception streams are activated at a frame and all the transmission streams begin to respond to the slot-request bits of that frame. Note that access to ACSLTEN and ACLC Slot Disable Register (ACSLTDIS) needs special care to synchronize with the link-side. Refer to the register description for detail. Since operating ACCTLEN register and DMAC without touching ACSLTEN is sufficient for most usages, the initial ACSLTEN value enables all the transmission and reception through the slots by default. Variable Rate Limitation To improve compatibility with existing AC’97 CODECs and controllers on the market, ACLC combines sample-data for the slots 3 and 4 into one DMA channel, and similarly for the slots 7 and 8. This feature effectively considers that the slot request bit from the CODEC for slot 4 shall be always same (in tandem) as for slot 3 for each frame, and similarly for the slots 7 and 8. ACLC also considers that the slot valid bit from the CODEC for slot 4 shall be always same (in tandem) as for slot 3 for each frame. 14.3.7 GPIO Operation ACLC supports the slot 12 for the MC’97 (Modem Codec) GPIO. The slot 12 is shadowed in the ACLC GPI Data Register (ACGPIDAT) and ACLC GPO Data Register (ACGPODAT) in the following way: • ACLC copies the slot 12 input data into the ACGPIDAT register, if the slot 12 input is marked by the CODEC as valid in the AC-link frame period. • ACLC generates the slot 12 output data from the ACGPODAT register and mark it as valid, if the slot 12 is required from the CODEC in the previous AC-link frame. This shadowing function is enabled as long as ACSLTEN allows. The bit 0 of the slot 12 is defined as ‘GPIO_INT’ and can cause ACLC to request an interrupt. 14-14 Chapter 14 AC-link Controller 14.3.8 Interrupt ACLC generate two kinds of interrupt to the interrupt controller as below. • ACLC Interrupt Logical OR of all the valid bits of ACLC Interrupt Masked Status Register (ACINTMSTS) is connected. Refer to section 14.4.5. • ACLCPME Interrupt This interrupt shows the wake-up from CODEC in AC-link low-power mode. Refer to the description for ACLC Control Enable Register (ACCTLEN)’s Wake-up Enable (WAKEUP) bit in section 14.4.1. 14.3.9 AC-link Low-power Mode The AC’97 specification makes provision for saving power during system suspension by poweringdown both the controller and CODEC except the minimum circuit to detect modem RING/Caller-ID event and wake up the system. AC’97 CODEC is required to go into the low-power mode when they receive a special register-write access. In this mode, the AC-link controller must drive all output signals to low level to allow the CODEC digital I/O power cut. ACLC provides ‘AC-link low-power mode’ setting. When this mode is enabled by ACLC Control Enable Register (ACCTLEN)’s Enable AC-link Low-power Mode (LOWPWR) bit, all the output signals except the ACRESET* signal to the AC-link are forced to low level. The AC-link will be reactivated out of the low-power mode when the SYNC signal is driven high for 1 µs or longer by the AC-link controller while the BITCLK signal is inactive. The software is responsible for controlling the length of this period. ACLC also provides the ‘wake-up’ function. While this function is enabled by ACCTLEN Register’s Enable Wake-up (WAKEUP) bit, high-level input at any SDIN[x] signal will force ACLCPME interrupt assertion. When ACLCPME interrupt is recognized, the software must disable the low-power mode and assert warm reset to the AC-link via ACCTLEN Register’s Enable Warm Reset (WRESET) bit. After the warm reset is deasserted, the CODEC will start providing the BITCLK signal, and then ACLC will generate the SYNC signal for usual AC-link frames. Refer to section B.5.1 of AC’97 specification revision 2.1 for the power-down and wake-up sequence in AC-link power-down mode. 14-15 Chapter 14 AC-link Controller 14.4 Registers The base address for the ACLC registers is described in section 5.1.7. Only word (32-bit) accesses are allowed. These registers return to their initial values when the module gets reset by power-on or configuration-register operation. The ‘Disable AC-link’ operation initializes the ACREGACC, ACGPIDAT, ACGPODAT, and ACSLTEN registers while keeping the other registers. Do not access any location which is not mentioned in this section. All the register bits marked as ‘Reserved’ are reserved. The value of the reserved bit when read is undefined. When any register is written, write to the reserved bit(s) the same value as the previous value read. Table 14.4.1 ACLC Registers Reference Offset Address 14.4.1 0xF700 Bit Width 32 Mnemonic ACCTLEN Register Name ACLC Control Enable Register 14.4.2 0xF704 32 ACCTLDIS ACLC Control Disable Register 14.4.3 0xF708 32 ACREGACC ACLC CODEC Register Access Register 14.4.4 0xF710 32 ACINTSTS ACLC Interrupt Status Register 14.4.5 0xF714 32 ACINTMSTS ACLC Interrupt Masked Status Register 14.4.6 0xF718 32 ACINTEN ACLC Interrupt Enable Register 14.4.7 0xF71C 32 ACINTDIS ACLC Interrupt Disable Register 14.4.8 0xF720 32 ACSEMAPH ACLC Semaphore Register 14.4.9 0xF740 32 ACGPIDAT ACLC GPI Data Register ACLC GPO Data Register 14.4.10 0xF744 32 ACGPODAT 14.4.11 0xF748 32 ACSLTEN ACLC Slot Enable Register 14.4.12 0xF74C 32 ACSLTDIS ACLC Slot Disable Register 14.4.13 0xF750 32 ACFIFOSTS ACLC FIFO Status Register 14.4.14 0xF780 32 ACDMASTS ACLC DMA Request Status Register 14.4.15 0xF784 32 ACDMASEL ACLC DMA Channel Selection Register 14.4.16 0xF7A0 32 ACAUDODAT ACLC Audio PCM Output Data Register 14.4.16 0xF7A4 32 ACSURRDAT ACLC Surround Data Register 14.4.17 0xF7A8 32 ACCENTDAT ACLC Center Data Register 14.4.17 0xF7AC 32 ACLFEDAT ACLC LFE Data Register 14.4.18 0xF7B0 32 ACAUDIDAT ACLC Audio PCM Input Data Register 14.4.17 0xF7B8 32 ACMODODAT ACLC Modem Output Data Register 14.4.19 0xF7BC 32 ACMODIDAT ACLC Modem Input Data Register 14.4.20 0xF7FC 32 ACREVID ACLC Revision ID Register 14-16 Chapter 14 AC-link Controller 14.4.1 ACLC Control Enable Register (ACCTLEN) 0xF700 This register is used to check the setting of various ACLC features and to enable them. 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 Reserved 14 13 12 11 10 9 MODID MODO AUDID LFEDM CENTD SURR MA DMA Reserved MA A MA DMA R/W1S R/W1S 0 Bits 0 Mnemonic 0 23 MODIEHLT 22 MODOEHLT Enable Modem Transmit-data DMA Error Halt 0 20 AUDIEHLT 7 6 Reserved 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 4 3 2 1 0 LOW RDYCLR MICSEL WRESET WAKEUP PWR W1C : Initial value ENLINK R/W1S R/W1S R/W1S R/W1S R/W1S : Type 0 0 0 0 0 : Initial value Enable Modem Receive-data DMA Error Halt. (Initial value: 0, R/W1S) R 0: Indicates that MODIDMA error halt is disabled. 1: Indicates that MODIDMA error halt is enabled. W1S 0: No effect 1: Enables MODIDMA error halt. When MODIDMA overrun occurs, subsequent DMA will not be issued. Enable Modem Transmit-data DMA Error Halt. (Initial value: 0, R/W1S) R 0: Indicates that MODODMA error halt is disabled. 1: Indicates that MODODMA error halt is enabled. 0: No effect 1: Enables MODODMA error halt. When MODODMA underrun occurs, subsequent DMA will not be issued. Reserved Enable Audio Receive-data DMA Error Halt 16 Reserved Enable Modem Receive-data DMA Error Halt 17 Description W1S 0 Field Name 31:24 21 8 AUDO DMA 0 R/W1S R/W1S R/W1S R/W1S R/W1S 0 18 R/W1S R/W1S R/W1S R/W1S R/W1S : Type R/W1S R/W1S 15 19 AUDIE LFEEH CENTE SURRE AUDO MODIE MODOE Reserved HLT HLT LT HLT HLT EHLT HLT Enable Audio Receive-data DMA Error Halt. (Initial value: 0, R/W1S) R W1S 0: Indicates that AUDIDMA error halt is disabled. 1: Indicates that AUDIDMA error halt is enabled. 0: No effect 1: Enables AUDIDMA error halt. When AUDIDMA overrun occurs, subsequent DMA request will not be issued. 19 LFEEHLT Enable Audio LFE Transmit-data DMA Error Halt Enable Audio LFE Transmit-data DMA Error Halt. (Initial value: 0, R/W1S) R 0: Indicates that LFEDMA error halt is disabled. 1: Indicates that LFEDMA error halt is enabled. W1S 0: No effect 1: Enables LFEDMA error halt. When LFEDMA underrun occurs, subsequent DMA request will not be issued. 18 CENTEHLT Enable Audio Center Transmit-data DMA Error Halt Enable Audio Center Transmit-data DMA Error Halt. (Initial value: 0, R/W1S) R W1S 0: Indicates that CENTDMA error halt is disabled. 1: Indicates that CENTDMA error halt is enabled. 0: No effect 1: Enables CENTDMA error halt. When CENTDMA underrun occurs, subsequent DMA request will not be issued. Figure 14.4.1 ACCTLEN Register (1/3) 14-17 Chapter 14 AC-link Controller Bits Mnemonic Field Name Description 17 SURREHLT Enable Audio Surround L&R Transmit-data DMA Error Halt Enable Audio Surround L&R Transmit-data DMA Error Halt. (Initial value: 0, R/W1S) R 0: Indicates that SURRDMA error halt is disabled. 1: Indicates that SURRDMA error halt is enabled. W1S 0: No effect 1: Enables SURRDMA error halt. When SURRDMA underrun occurs, subsequent DMA request will not be issued. 16 AUDOEHLT Enable Audio PCM L&R Transmit-data DMA Error Halt Enable Audio PCM L&R Transmit-data DMA Error Halt. (Initial value: 0, R/W1S) R 0: Indicates that AUDODMA error halt is disabled. 1: Indicates that AUDODMA error halt is enabled. W1S 0: No effect 1: Enables AUDODMA error halt. When AUDODMA underrun occurs, subsequent DMA request will not be issued. 15 MODIDMA Enable Modem Receive-data DMA Enable Modem Receive-data DMA. (Initial value: 0, R/W1S) R 0: Indicates that modem receive-data DMA is disabled. 1: Indicates that modem receive-data DMA is enabled. W1S 0: No effect 1: Enables modem receive-data DMA. 14 MODODMA Enable Modem Transmit-data DMA Enable Modem Transmit-data DMA. (Initial value: 0, R/W1S) R 0: Indicates that modem transmit-data DMA is disabled. 1: Indicates that modem transmit-data DMA is enabled. W1S 0: No effect 1: Enables modem transmit-data DMA. [Note: DMA size must be internal FIFO depth or more.] 13 12 AUDIDMA Reserved Enable Audio Receive-data DMA Enable Audio Receive-data DMA. (Initial value: 0, R/W1S) R W1S 0: Indicates that audio receive-data DMA is disabled. 1: Indicates that audio receive-data DMA is enabled. 0: No effect 1: Enables audio receive-data DMA. 11 LFEDMA Enable Audio LFE Transmit-data DMA Enable Audio LFE Transmit-data DMA. (Initial value: 0, R/W1S) R 0: Indicates that audio LFE transmit-data DMA is disabled. 1: Indicates that audio LFE transmit-data DMA is enabled. W1S 0: No effect 1: Enables audio LFE transmit-data DMA. [Note: DMA size must be internal FIFO depth or more.] 10 CENTDMA Enable Audio Center Transmit- data DMA Enable Audio Center Transmit-data DMA. (Initial value: 0, R/W1S) R 0: Indicates that audio Center transmit-data DMA is disabled. 1: Indicates that audio Center transmit-data DMA is enabled. W1S 0: No effect 1: Enables audio Center transmit-data DMA. [Note: DMA size must be internal FIFO depth or more.] 9 SURRDMA Enable Audio Surround L&R Transmit-data DMA Enable Audio Surround L&R Transmit-data DMA. (Initial value: 0, R/W1S) R 0: Indicates that audio Surround L&R transmit-data DMA is disabled. 1: Indicates that audio Surround L&R transmit-data DMA is enabled. W1S 0: No effect 1: Enables audio Surround L&R transmit-data DMA. [Note: DMA size must be internal FIFO depth or more.] 8 AUDODMA Enable Audio PCM L&R Transmit-data DMA Enable Audio PCM L&R Transmit-data DMA. (Initial value: 0, R/W1S) R W1S 0: Indicates that audio PCM L&R transmit-data DMA is disabled. 1: Indicates that audio PCM L&R transmit-data DMA is enabled. 0: No effect 1: Enables audio PCM L&R transmit-data DMA. [Note: DMA size must be internal FIFO depth or more.] Figure 14.4.1 ACCTLEN Register (2/3) 14-18 Chapter 14 AC-link Controller Bits Mnemonic Field Name Description 7:6 5 RDYCLR Clear CODEC Ready Bit Clear CODEC Ready Bit (Initial value: 0, W1S) W1C 0: No effect 1: Clear CODEC[1:0] ready bits Note: This bit should only be written to reevaluate the CODEC ready status after powerdown command is sent to CODEC. 4 MICSEL MIC Selection MIC Selection. (Initial value: 0, R/W1S) Reserved R W1S 0: Indicates that PCM L&R (Slot 3&4) is selected for audio reception. 1: Indicates that MIC (Slot 6) is selected for audio reception. 0: No effect 1: Selects MIC (Slot 6) for audio reception. 3 WRESET Assert Warm Reset 2 WAKEUP Enable Wake-up Enable Wake-up. (Initial value: 0, R/W1S) R 0: Indicates that wake-up from low-power mode is disabled. 1: Indicates that wake-up from low-power mode is enabled. While any SDIN signal is driven high, ACLC asserts ACLCPME interrupt request to the interrupt controller. W1S 0: No effect 1: Enables wake-up from low-power mode. Note: Do not enable wake-up during normal operation. 1 LOWPWR Enable AC-link Low-power Mode. (Initial value: 0, R/W1S) Enable AC-link low-power mode R 0: SYNC and SDOUT signals are not forced to low. 1: SYNC and SDOUT signals are forced to low. W1S 0: No effect 1: Forces SYNC and SDOUT signals low. Note: Do not enable AC-link low-power mode during normal operation. 0 ENLINK Enable AC-link Assert Warm Reset. (Initial value: 0, R/W1S) R 0: Indicates that warm reset is not asserted. 1: Indicates that warm reset is asserted. W1S 0: No effect 1: Asserts warm reset. Note 1: Do not assert warm reset during normal operation. Note 2: The software must guarantee the warm reset assertion time meets the AC’97 specification (1.0 µs or more). Enable AC-link. (Initial value: 0, R/W1S) R 0: Indicates that the ACRESET* signal to AC-link is asserted. 1: Indicates that the ACRESET* signal to AC-link is not asserted. W1S 0: No effect 1: Deasserts the ACRESET* signal to AC-link Note: The software must guarantee the ACRESET* signal assertion time meets the AC’97 specification (1.0 µs or more). Figure 14.4.1 ACCTLEN Register (3/3) 14-19 Chapter 14 AC-link Controller 14.4.2 ACLC Control Disable Register (ACCTLDIS) 0xF704 This register is used to disable various ACLC features. 31 24 23 Reserved W1C 15 14 13 12 MODID MODO AUDID MA DMA Reserved MA W1C Bits W1C W1C Mnemonic 31:24 — 23 MODIEHLT 22 15 14 18 11 10 9 8 LFED CENTD SURR MA MA DMA AUDO DMA W1C W1C W1C W1C W1C W1C LFEEHLT CENTEHLT SURREHLT 17 7 Field Name 5 4 MIC SEL Reserved W1C W1C W1C W1C 3 2 1 W1C : Type : Initial value 0 ENLINK W1C W1C : Type : Initial value W1C W1C Description Reserved W1C W1C 0: No effect 1: Disables MODIDMA error halt. MODIDMA request(s) will continue to be issued even after MODIDMA overrun occurs. 0: No effect 1: Disables MODODMA error halt. MODODMA request(s) will continue to be issued even after MODODMA underrun occurs. Reserved Disable Audio Receive-data DMA Error Halt Disable Audio Receive-data DMA Error Halt. (Initial value: –, W1C) Disable Audio LFE Transmit-data DMA Error Halt Disable Audio LFE Transmit-data DMA Error Halt. (Initial value: –, W1C) Disable Audio Center Transmit-data DMA Error Halt Disable Audio Center Transmit-data DMA Error Halt. (Initial value: –, W1C) Disable Audio Surround L&R Transmit-data DMA Error Halt Disable Audio Surround L&R Transmit-data DMA Error Halt. (Initial value: –, W1C) W1C W1C W1C W1C 0: No effect 1: Disables AUDIDMA error halt. AUDIDMA request(s) will continue to be issued even after AUDIDMA overrun occurs. 0: No effect 1: Disables LFEDMA error halt. LFEDMA request(s) will continue to be issued even after LFEDMA underrun occurs. 0: No effect 1: Disables CENTDMA error halt. CENTDMA request(s) will continue to be issued even after CENTDMA underrun occurs. 0: No effect 1: Disables SURRDMA error halt. SURRDMA request(s) will continue to be issued even after SURRDMA underrun occurs. AUDOEHLT Disable Audio PCM L&R Transmit-data DMA Error Halt Disable Audio PCM L&R Transmit-data DMA Error Halt. (Initial value: –, W1C) MODIDMA Disable Modem Receive-data DMA Disable Modem Receive-data DMA. (Initial value: –, W1C) Disable Modem Transmit-data DMA Disable Modem Transmit-data DMA. (Initial value: –, W1C) MODODMA 16 WRE LOW SET WAKEUP PWR Disable Modem Transmit-data DMA Error Halt. (Initial value: –, W1C) 16 19 MODOEHLT Disable Modem Transmit-data DMA Error Halt AUDIEHLT 17 20 Disable Modem Receive-data DMA Error Halt. (Initial value: –, W1C) 20 18 21 Disable Modem Receive-data DMA Error Halt 21 19 W1C 22 MODIE MODO AUDIE LFEEH CENTE SURRE AUDO HLT EHLT Reserved HLT LT HLT HLT EHLT W1C W1C W1C 0: No effect 1: Disables AUDODMA error halt. AUDODMA request(s) will continue to be issued even after AUDODMA underrun occurs. 0: No effect 1: Disables modem receive-data DMA. 0: No effect 1: Disables modem transmit-data DMA. Figure 14.4.2 ACCTLDIS Register (1/2) 14-20 Chapter 14 AC-link Controller Bits Mnemonic 13 12 AUDIDMA 11 10 9 8 LFEDMA CENTDMA SURRDMA AUDODMA 7:5 4 MICSEL Field Name Description Reserved Disable Audio Receive-data DMA Disable Audio Receive-data DMA. (Initial value: –, W1C) Disable Audio LFE Transmitdata DMA Disable Audio LFE Transmit-data DMA. (Initial value: –, W1C) Disable Audio Center Transmit-data DMA Disable Audio Center Transmit-data DMA. (Initial value: –, W1C) Disable Audio Surround L&R Transmit-data DMA Disable Audio Surround L&R Transmit-data DMA. (Initial value: –, W1C) Disable Audio PCM L&R Transmit-data DMA Disable Audio PCM L&R Transmit-data DMA. (Initial value: –, W1C) W1C W1C W1C W1C W1C WRESET 0: No effect 1: Disables audio LFE transmit-data DMA. 0: No effect 1: Disables audio Center transmit-data DMA. 0: No effect 1: Disables audio Surround L&R transmit-data DMA. 0: No effect 1: Disables audio PCM L&R transmit-data DMA. Reserved MIC Selection MIC Selection (Initial value: –, W1C) W1C 3 0: No effect 1: Disables audio receive-data DMA. Deassert Warm Reset 0: No effect 1: Selects PCM L&R (Slot 3&4) for audio reception Deassert Warm Reset. (Initial value: –, W1C) W1C 0: No effect 1: Deasserts warm reset. Note: The software must guarantee the warm reset assertion time meets the AC’97 specification (1.0 µs or more). 2 1 0 WAKEUP LOWPWR ENLINK Disable Wakeup. Disable Wake-up. (Initial value: –, W1C) Disable AC-link Low-power Mode. Disable AC-link Low-power Mode. (Initial value: –, W1C) Disable AC-link Disable AC-link. (Initial value: –, W1C) W1C 0: No effect 1: Asserts the ACRESET* signal to AC-link. Note: The software must guarantee the ACRESET* signal assertion time meets the AC’97 specification (1.0 µs or more). W1C W1C 0: No effect 1: Disables wake-up from low-power mode. 0: No effect 1: Releases SYNC and SDOUT signals from low. Figure 14.4.2 ACCTLDIS Register (2/2) Clear xxxxDMA bits in ACCTLEN to “0” by using this register to disable transmit/receive-data DMA and to stop transmission/reception by the AC-link. Note that if these bits are cleared while output-slot data is flowing in the FIFO, ACLC may output a wrong data as the last sample. This behavior will not occur if the software waits for data-flow completion by detecting underrun before it disables the corresponding slot. 14-21 Chapter 14 AC-link Controller 14.4.3 ACLC CODEC Register Access Register (ACREGACC) 0xF708 CODEC registers can be accessed through this register. 31 CODE CRD 30 26 Reserved 25 24 CODECID W 23 22 16 REGADR Reserved W R/W 0x00 15 : Type : Initial value 0 REGDAT R/W 0x0000 Bits Mnemonic 31 CODECRD 30:26 — 25:24 CODECID Field Name AC’97 register read access : Type : Initial value Description AC’97 register read access (Initial value: –, W) W 0: Indicates a write access. 1: Indicates a read access. Reserved AC’97 CODEC ID AC’97 CODEC ID (Initial value: –, W) W Specifies the CODEC ID of the read/write access destination. The values “0” through “3” can be specified as the CODEC ID, but the number of CODECs actually supported depends on the configuration. 23 — 22:16 REGADR AC’97 register address Reserved AC’97 register address (Initial value: 0x00, R/W) R Read address. Valid address can be read after read access is complete. W Specifies the read/write access destination address. 15:0 REGDAT AC’97 register data AC’97 register data (Initial value: 0x0000, R/W) R W Read data. Valid data can be read after read access is complete. Write data. Figure 14.4.3 ACREGACC This register must not be read from or written to until access completion is reported through the ACINTSTS register. 14-22 Chapter 14 AC-link Controller 14.4.4 ACLC Interrupt Status Register (ACINTSTS) 0xF710 This register shows various kinds of AC-link and ACLC status. 31 16 Reserved : Type : Initial value 15 14 MODIE MODOE RR RR 13 Reserved R/W1C R/W1C 0 0 Bits Mnemonic 31:16 — 15 MODIERR 14 MODOERR 13 12 AUDIERR 11 10 9 8 12 LFEERR CENTERR SURRERR AUDOERR 7:6 5 GPIOINT AUDIE RR 11 10 LFEERR 9 CENTE SURRE RR RR 8 AUDOE RR 7 6 5 Reserved GPIOINT R/W1C R/W1C R/W1C R/W1C R/W1C 0 0 0 0 CRDY 3 2 Reserved R/W1C R/W1C 0 Field Name 4 REGAC 0 1 1 0 CODEC CODEC 1RDY 0RDY R R 0 0 Description Reserved — Modem Receive-data DMA Overrun Modem Receive-data DMA Overrun (Initial value: 0, R/W1C) Modem Transmit-data DMA Underrun Modem Transmit-data DMA Underrun (Initial value: 0, R/W1C) R W1C R W1C 1: Indicates that the modem receive-data DMA overran. This bit is cleared when “1” is written to it. 1: Indicates that the modem transmit-data DMA underran. This bit is cleared when “1” is written to it. Reserved — Audio Receive-data DMA Overrun Audio Receive-data DMA Overrun (Initial value: 0, R/W1C) Audio LFE Transmit-data DMA Underrun Audio LFE Transmit-data DMA Underrun (Initial value: 0, R/W1C) Audio Center Transmit-data DMA Underrun Audio Center Transmit-data DMA Underrun (Initial value: 0, R/W1C) Audio Surround L&R Transmit-data DMA Underrun Audio Surround L&R Transmit-data DMA Underrun (Initial value: 0, R/W1C) R W1C R W1C R W1C R W1C 1: Indicates that the audio receive-data DMA overran. This bit is cleared when “1” is written to it. 1: Indicates that the audio LFE transmit-data DMA underran. This bit is cleared when “1” is written to it. 1: Indicates that the audio center transmit-data DMA underran. This bit is cleared when “1” is written to it. 1: Indicates that the audio surround L&R transmit-data DMA underran. This bit is cleared when “1” is written to it. Audio PCM L&R Audio PCM L&R Transmit-data DMA Underrun (Initial value: 0, R/W1C) Transmit-data R 1: Indicates that the audio PCM L&R transmit-data DMA underran. DMA Underrun W1C This bit is cleared when “1” is written to it. Reserved GPIO Interrupt — GPIO Interrupt (Initial value: 0, R/W1C) R W1C 1: Indicates that the incoming slot 12 bit[0] is ‘1’ (the modem CODEC GPIO interrupt). This bit is cleared if “1” is written to it while the incoming slot 12 bit[0] is ‘0’. Figure 14.4.4 ACINTSTS Register (1/2) 14-23 : Type : Initial value Chapter 14 AC-link Controller Bits 4 Mnemonic Field Name REGACCRDY ACREGACC Ready Description ACREGACC Ready (Initial value: 1, R/W1C) R W1C 3:2 1: Indicates that the ACREGACC register is ready to get the value (in case the previous operation was a read access) and to initiate another R/W access to an AC’97 register. The result of reading or writing to the ACREGACC register before the completion notification is undefined. This bit is cleared if “1” is written to it. This bit automatically becomes ‘0’ when the ACREGACC register is written. Reserved — 1 CODEC1RDY CODEC1 Ready CODEC1 Ready (Initial value: 0, R) 0 CODEC0RDY CODEC0 Ready CODEC0 Ready (Initial value: 0, R) R R 1: Indicates that the CODEC Ready bit of SDIN1 Slot0 is set. 1: Indicates that the CODEC Ready bit of SDIN0 Slot0 is set. Figure 14.4.4 ACINTSTS Register (2/2) 14-24 Chapter 14 AC-link Controller 14.4.5 ACLC Interrupt Masked Status Register (ACINTMSTS) 0xF714 Every bit in this register is configured as follows: ACINTMSTS = ACINTSTS & ACINTEN Bit placement is the same as for the ACINTSTS register. The logical OR of all bits in this register is used as ACLC interrupt request to the interrupt controller. 14.4.6 ACLC Interrupt Enable Register (ACINTEN) 0xF718 Interrupt request enable (R/W1S). Bit placement is the same as for the ACINTSTS register. Its initial value is all ‘0’. When a value is written to this register, the bit in the position where “1” was written is set to “1.” 14.4.7 ACLC Interrupt Disable Register (ACINTDIS) 0xF71C Interrupt request enable clear (W1C). Bit placement is the same as for the ACINTSTS register. When a value is written to this register, the ACINTEN register bit in the position where a “1” was written is cleared to “0.” 14-25 Chapter 14 AC-link Controller 14.4.8 ACLC Semaphore Register (ACSEMAPH) 0xF720 This register is used for mutual exclusion control for resource. 31 16 SEMAPH RS/WC 0x0000 : Type : Initial value 15 0 SEMAPH RS/WC 0x0000 Bits Mnemonic Field Name 31:0 SEMAPH Semaphore flag : Type : Initial value Description Semaphore flag. (Initial value: 0x0000_0000, RS/WC) RS WC 0: Indicates that the semaphore is unlocked. The read operation to this register will atomically set the bit[0] to lock the semaphore. 1: Indicates that the semaphore is locked. x: Writing any value to this register clears the bit[0] to release the semaphore. Figure 14.4.5 ACSEMAPH Register This register is provided primarily for the mutual exclusion between the audio and modem drivers to share the common resources of ACLC, such as the ACREGACC register and the link-control bits in the ACCTLEN/DIS register. 14-26 Chapter 14 AC-link Controller 14.4.9 ACLC GPI Data Register (ACGPIDAT) 0xF740 This register shows GPIO (slot 12) input data. 31 20 Reserved 19 16 GPIDAT R 0x00000 15 1 GPIDAT R 0x00000 R 0 Bits Mnemonic Field Name Description 19:1 GPIDAT GPIO-In data GPIO-In data (Initial value: 0x0_0000, R) 0 GPIOINT GPIO Interrupt Indication GPIO Interrupt Indication (Initial value: 0, R) Reserved R 0 GPIO INT 31:20 R : Type : Initial value Read data. The incoming slot 12 bits[19:1] are shadowed here. GPIO Interrupt. The incoming slot 12 bit[0] is shadowed here. Figure 14.4.6 ACGPIDAT Register 14-27 : Type : Initial value Chapter 14 AC-link Controller 14.4.10 ACLC GPO Data Register (ACGPODAT) 0xF744 This register specifies GPIO (slot 12) output data. 31 21 20 Reserved 19 16 WRPEND GPODAT R 0 R/W 0x00000 15 1 : Type : Initial value 0 GPODAT R/W 0x00000 Bits Mnemonic 31:20 20 WRPEND Field Name Write Pending (Initial value: 0, R) R 19:1 0 GPODAT GPIO-Out data : Type : Initial value Description Reserved Write Pending R 0 0: Indicates that the previous write operation is complete and the ACGPODAT register is ready to be written. 1: Indicates that the previous write operation is not complete and the ACGPODAT register is not yet ready to be written. GPIO-Out data (Initial value: 0x0_0000, R/W) R W Reads back the value previously written to this field. Writes data to the outgoing slot 12 bits[19:1]. R Reads always ‘0’. Figure 14.4.7 ACGPODAT Register Writing a value into this register needs several BITCLK cycles to take effect. The software must guarantee that no write access be executed until the previous write access takes effect (completes), by reading the ACGPODAT.WRPEND bit prior to writing this register. If it is set for a long time, the BITCLK signal on the AC-link is probably inactive for whatever reason. 14-28 Chapter 14 AC-link Controller 14.4.11 ACLC Slot Enable Register (ACSLTEN) 0xF748 This register enables independently the AC-link slot data streams. 31 17 Reserved 16 WRPEND R 0 15 10 Reserved 9 8 7 GPISLT GPOSLT MODISLT 6 MODO SLT 5 4 Reserved AUDISLT LFESLT Bits Mnemonic 31:17 16 WRPEND 9 GPISLT Field Name Write Pending GPOSLT Enable GPO Slot transmission MODISLT Enable Modem slot reception MODOSLT Enable Modem slot transmission 1 1 SLT SLT 1 1 1 : Initial value 0: Indicates that the previous write operation is complete and the ACSLTEN and ACSLTDIS registers are ready to be accessed. 1: Indicates that the previous write operation is not complete and the ACSLTEN and ACSLTEDIS registers are not yet ready to be accessed. — R 0: Indicates that GPI slot reception is disabled. 1: Indicates that GPI slot reception is enabled. 0: No effect 1: Enables GPI slot reception. Enable GPO Slot transmission. (Initial value: 1 R/W1S) R 0: Indicates that GPO slot transmission is disabled. 1: Indicates that GPO slot transmission is enabled. 0: No effect 1: Enables GPO slot transmission. Enable Modem slot reception. (Initial value: 1 R/W1S) R 0: Indicates that modem slot reception is disabled. 1: Indicates that modem slot reception is enabled. 0: No effect 1: Enables modem slot reception. Enable Modem slot transmission. (Initial value: 1 R/W1S) R W1S 5 1 Enable GPI slot reception. (Initial value: 1 R/W1S) W1S 6 SLT Write Pending (Initial value: 0, R) W1S 7 0 AUDO — Reserved Enable GPI slot reception 1 SURR Description W1S 8 1 Reserved R 15:10 1 2 CENT R/W1S R/W1S R/W1S R/W1S R/W1S : Type R/W1S R/W1S R/W1S R/W1S 1 3 : Type : Initial value 0: Indicates that modem slot transmission is disabled. 1: Indicates that modem slot transmission is enabled. 0: No effect 1: Enables modem slot transmission. Reserved — Figure 14.4.8 ACSLTEN Register (1/2) 14-29 Chapter 14 AC-link Controller Bits Mnemonic 4 AUDISLT Field Name Enable Audio slot reception Description Enable Audio slot reception. (Initial value: 1, R/W1S) R W1S 3 LFESLT Enable Audio LFE slot transmission Enable Audio LFE slot transmission. (Initial value: 1, R/W1S) R W1S 2 CENTSLT Enable Audio Center slot transmission SURRSLT Enable Audio Surround L&R slot transmission R AUDOSLT Enable Audio PCM L&R slot transmission 0: Indicates that audio Center slot transmission is disabled. 1: Indicates that audio Center slot transmission is enabled. 0: No effect 1: Enables audio Center slot transmission. Enable Audio Surround L&R slot transmission. (Initial value: 1, R/W1S) R W1S 0 0: Indicates that audio LFE slot transmission is disabled. 1: Indicates that audio LFE slot transmission is enabled. 0: No effect 1: Enables audio LFE slot transmission. Enable Audio Center slot transmission. (Initial value: 1, R/W1S) W1S 1 0: Indicates that audio slot reception is disabled. 1: Indicates that audio slot reception is enabled. 0: No effect 1: Enables audio slot reception. 0: Indicates that audio Surround L&R slot transmission is disabled. 1: Indicates that audio Surround L&R slot transmission is enabled. 0: No effect 1: Enables audio Surround L&R slot transmission. Enable Audio PCM L&R slot transmission. (Initial value: 1, R/W1S) R W1S 0: Indicates that audio PCM L&R Slot transmission is disabled. 1: Indicates that audio PCM L&R Slot transmission is enabled. 0: No effect 1: Enables audio PCM L&R slot transmission. Figure 14.4.8 ACSLTEN Register (2/2) Writing a value into this register needs several BITCLK cycles to take effect. The software must guarantee that no write access be executed until the previous write access takes effect (completes), by reading the ACSLTEN.WRPEND bit prior to writing this register. If it is set for a long time, the BITCLK signal on the AC-link is probably inactive for whatever reason. 14-30 Chapter 14 AC-link Controller 14.4.12 ACLC Slot Disable Register (ACSLTDIS) 0xF74C This register disables independently the AC-link slot data streams. 31 16 Reserved : Type : Initial value 15 10 Reserved 9 GPISLT GPOSLT W1C Bits Mnemonic 31:10 9 GPISLT 8 7 6 GPOSLT MODISLT MODOSLT 5 4 AUDISLT 3 2 1 0 LFESLT CENTSLT SURRSLT AUDOSLT 8 W1C 7 6 MODI MODO SLT SLT W1C W1C Field Name 5 4 Reserved AUDI SLT W1C 3 LFESLT W1C 2 1 0 CENT SURR AUDO SLT SLT SLT W1C W1C W1C : Type : Initial value Description Reserved — Disable GPI slot reception Disable GPI slot reception. (Initial value: –, W1C) Disable GPO Slot transmission Disable GPO Slot transmission. (Initial value: –, W1C) Disable Modem slot reception Disable Modem slot reception. (Initial value: –, W1C) Disable Modem slot transmission Disable Modem slot transmission. (Initial value: –, W1C) W1C W1C W1C W1C 0: No effect 1: Disables GPI slot reception. 0: No effect 1: Disables GPO slot transmission. 0: No effect 1: Disables modem slot reception. 0: No effect 1: Disables modem slot transmission. Reserved — Disable Audio slot reception Disable Audio slot reception. (Initial value: –, W1C) Disable Audio LFE slot transmission Disable Audio LFE slot transmission. (Initial value: –, W1C) Disable Audio Center slot transmission Disable Audio Center slot transmission. (Initial value: –, W1C) Disable Audio Surround L&R slot transmission Disable Audio Surround L&R slot transmission. (Initial value: –, W1C) Disable Audio PCM L&R slot transmission Disable Audio PCM L&R slot transmission. (Initial value: –, W1C) W1C W1C W1C W1C W1C 0: No effect 1: Disables audio slot reception. 0: No effect 1: Disables audio LFE slot transmission. 0: No effect 1: Disables audio Center slot transmission. 0: No effect 1: Disables audio Surround L&R slot transmission. 0: No effect 1: Disables audio PCM L&R slot transmission. Figure 14.4.9 ACSLTDIS Register Writing a value into this register needs several BITCLK cycles to take effect. The software must guarantee that no write access be executed until the previous write access takes effect (completes), by reading the ACSLTEN.WRPEND bit prior to writing this register. If it is set for a long time, the BITCLK signal on the AC-link is probably inactive for whatever reason. 14-31 Chapter 14 AC-link Controller 14.4.13 ACLC FIFO Status Register (ACFIFOSTS) 0xF750 This register indicates the AC-link slot data FIFO status. 31 16 Reserved : Type : Initial value 15 14 Reserved MODO FULL 13 12 Reserved 11 10 9 8 7 6 LFE CENT SURR AUDO MODI MODO FULL FULL FULL FULL FILL FILL R 0 R 0 R 0 R 0 R 0 R 0 R 0 Bits Mnemonic 31:15 14 Field Name 5 4 Reserved AUDI FILL 3 LFEFILL R 0 R 0 R Reserved LFEFULL Audio LFE Transmit-data Full Audio LFE Transmit-data Full. (Initial value: 0, R) Audio Center Transmit-data Full Audio Center Transmit-data Full. (Initial value: 0, R) Audio Surround L&R Transmit-data Full Audio Surround L&R Transmit-data Full. (Initial value: 0, R) 8 AUDOFULL 7 MODIFILL 6 MODOFILL 5 4 AUDIFILL 3 LFEFILL FILL FILL R 0 R 0 R 0 0: Indicates modem transmit-data FIFO is not full. 1: Indicates modem transmit-data FIFO is full. Reserved SURRFULL FILL Modem Transmit-data Full. (Initial value: 0, R) 11 9 0 AUDO — MODOFULL Modem Transmit-data Full CENTFULL 1 SURR Description Reserved 13:12 10 2 CENT — R R R 0: Indicates audio LFE transmit-data FIFO is not full. 1: Indicates audio LFE transmit-data FIFO is full. 0: Indicates audio Center transmit-data FIFO is not full 1: Indicates audio Center transmit-data FIFO is full. 0: Indicates audio Surround L&R transmit-data FIFO is not full. 1: Indicates audio Surround L&R transmit-data FIFO is full. Audio PCM L&R Audio PCM L&R Transmit-data Full. (Initial value: 0, R) Transmit-data R 0: Indicates audio PCM L&R transmit-data FIFO is not full. Full 1: Indicates audio PCM L&R transmit-data FIFO is full. Modem Receive-data Filled Modem Receive-data Filled. (Initial value: 0, R) Modem Transmit-data Filled Modem Transmit-data Filled. (Initial value: 0, R) R R 0: Indicates modem receive-data FIFO is empty. 1: Indicates modem receive-data FIFO is not empty. 0: Indicates modem transmit-data FIFO is empty. 1: Indicates modem transmit-data FIFO is not empty. Reserved — Audio Receive-data Filled Audio Receive-data Filled. (Initial value: 0, R) Audio LFE Transmit-data Filled Audio LFE Transmit-data Filled. (Initial value: 0, R) R R 0: Indicates audio receive-data FIFO is empty. 1: Indicates audio receive-data FIFO is not empty. 0: Indicates audio LFE transmit-data FIFO is empty. 1: Indicates audio LFE transmit-data FIFO is not empty. Figure 14.4.10 ACFIFOSTS Register (1/2) 14-32 : Type : Initial value Chapter 14 AC-link Controller Bits Mnemonic 2 CENTFILL 1 0 SURRFILL AUDOFILL Field Name Description Audio Center Transmit-data Filled Audio Center Transmit-data Filled. (Initial value: 0, R) Audio Surround L&R Transmit-data Filled Audio Surround L&R Transmit-data Filled. (Initial value: 0, R) R R 0: Indicates audio Center transmit-data FIFO is empty. 1: Indicates audio Center transmit-data FIFO is not empty. 0: Indicates audio Surround L&R transmit-data FIFO is empty. 1: Indicates audio Surround L&R transmit-data FIFO is not empty. Audio PCM L&R Audio PCM L&R Transmit-data Filled. (Initial value: 0, R) Transmit-data R 0: Indicates audio PCM L&R transmit-data FIFO is empty. Filled 1: Indicates audio PCM L&R transmit-data FIFO is not empty Figure 14.4.10 ACFIFOSTS Register (2/2) 14-33 Chapter 14 AC-link Controller 14.4.14 ACLC DMA Request Status Register (ACDMASTS) 0xF780 This register indicates the AC-link slot data DMA request status. 31 16 Reserved : Type : Initial value 15 8 Reserved Bits Mnemonic 31:8 7 MODIREQ 6 MODOREQ 5 4 AUDIREQ 3 2 1 0 LFEREQ CENTREQ SURRREQ AUDOREQ 7 6 MODI MODO REQ REQ R 0 R 0 Field Name 5 4 Reserved AUDI REQ R 0 3 LFEREQ R 0 2 1 0 CENT SURR AUDO REQ REQ REQ R 0 R 0 R 0 : Type : Initial value Description Reserved — Modem Data Reception Request Modem Data Reception Request (Initial value: 0, R) Modem Data Transmission Request Modem Data Transmission Request (Initial value: 0, R) R R 0: No request is pending. 1: Request is pending. 0: No request is pending. 1: Request is pending. Reserved — Audio Data Reception Request Audio Data Reception Request (Initial value: 0, R) Audio LFE Data Transmission Request Audio LFE Data Transmission Request (Initial value: 0, R) Audio Center Data Transmission Request Audio Center Data Transmission Request (Initial value: 0, R) Audio Surround L&R Data Transmission Request Audio Surround L&R Data Transmission Request (Initial value: 0, R) R R R R 0: No request is pending. 1: Request is pending. 0: No request is pending. 1: Request is pending. 0: No request is pending. 1: Request is pending. 0: No request is pending. 1: Request is pending. Audio PCM L&R Audio PCM L&R Data Transmission Request (Initial value: 0, R) Data R 0: No request is pending. Transmission 1: Request is pending. Request Figure 14.4.11 ACDMASTS Register This read-only register shows if any DMA request is pending for each data I/O channel. A DMA request can be pending after the software deactivates the DMAC channel or disables DMA by ACCTLDIS register bit to complete DMA operation. In this case, write or read the sample data register (ACAUDODAT and others) to clear the DMA request. 14-34 Chapter 14 AC-link Controller 14.4.15 ACLC DMA Channel Selection Register (ACDMASEL) 0xF784 This register is used to select and check the channel allocation for AC-link slot data DMA. 31 16 Reserved : Type : Initial value 15 2 Reserved 1 0 ACDMASEL R/W 0 Bits 31:2 1:0 Mnemonic Field Name Description Reserved ACDMASEL DMA Channel Selection : Type : Initial value — DMA Channel Selection (Initial value: 0, R/W) W ACDMASEL: DMA Channel Selection 0: PCM L&R out, Audio in, and Modem out&in. 1: PCM L&R out, Surround L&R out, and Modem out&in. 2: PCM L&R out, Surround L&R out, Center out, and LFE out. 3: PCM L&R out, Surround L&R out, Center out, and Audio in. Figure 14.4.12 ACDMASEL Register This register selects DMA channel mapping mode. The software is recommended to make sure no DMA request is pending before changing this register value. 14-35 Chapter 14 AC-link Controller 14.4.16 ACLC Surround Data Register (ACAUDODAT) ACLC Audio PCM Output Data Register (ACSURRDAT) 0xF7A0 0xF7A4 These registers are used to write audio PCM L&R and surround L&R output data. 31 16 DAT1: Sample Right (Little-endian mode) / DAT0: Sample Left (Big-endian mode) W : Type : Initial value 15 0 DAT0: Sample Left (Little-endian mode) / DAT1: Sample Right (Big-endian mode) W : Type : Initial value Bits Mnemonic Field Name Description 31:16 — — W DAT1: Sample Right DAT0: Sample Left 15:0 — — W DAT0: Sample Left Left DAT1: Sample Right Figure 14.4.13 ACAUDODAT/ACSURRDAT Register 14-36 Chapter 14 AC-link Controller 14.4.17 ACLC Center Data Register (ACCENTDAT) ACLC LFE Data Register (ACLFEDAT) ACLC Audio PCM Input Data Register (ACMODODAT) 0xF7A8 0xF7AC 0xF7B8 This registers are used to write audio center, LFE, and modem output data. 31 16 DAT1: Sample data 1 (Little-endian mode) / DAT0: Sample data 0 (Big-endian mode) W : Type : Initial value 15 0 DAT0: Sample data 0 (Little-endian mode) / DAT1: Sample data 1 (Big-endian mode) W : Type : Initial value Bits Mnemonic Field Name 31:16 — — W DAT1: Sample data 1 Description DAT0: Sample data 0 15:0 — — W DAT0: Sample data 0 DAT1: Sample data 1 Figure 14.4.14 ACCENDAT/ACLFEDAT/ACMODODAT Register 14-37 Chapter 14 AC-link Controller 14.4.18 ACLC Modem Output Data Register (ACAUDIDAT) 0xF7B0 This register is used to read audio PCM L&R input data. 31 16 DAT1: Sample Right or ‘0’ (Little-endian mode) / DAT0: Sample Left or MIC (Big-endian mode) R Undefined : Type : Initial value 15 0 DAT0: Sample Left or MIC (Little-endian mode) / DAT1: Sample Right or ‘0’ (Big-endian mode) R Undefined : Type : Initial value Bits Mnemonic Field Name Description 31:16 — — R DAT1: Sample Right or ‘0’ DAT0: Sample Left or MIC 15:0 — — R DAT0: Sample Left or MIC DAT1: Sample Right or ‘0’ Figure 14.4.15 ACAUDIDAT Register 14-38 Chapter 14 AC-link Controller 14.4.19 ACLC Modem Input Data Register (ACMODIDAT) 0xF7BC This register is used to read modem input data. 31 16 DAT1: Sample data 1 (Little-endian mode) / DAT0: Sample data 0 (Big-endian mode) R Undefined : Type : Initial value 15 0 DAT0: Sample data 0 (Little-endian mode) / DAT1: Sample data 1 (Big-endian mode) R Undefined Field Name : Type : Initial value Bits Mnemonic Description 31:16 — — R DAT1: Sample data 1 DAT0: Sample data 0 15:0 — — R DAT0: Sample data 0 DAT1: Sample data 1 Figure 14.4.16 ACMODIDAT Register 14-39 Chapter 14 AC-link Controller 14.4.20 ACLC Revision ID Register (ACREVID) 0xF7FC This register is used to read ACLC module’s revision ID. 31 16 Reserved : Type : Initial value 15 8 7 0 Major Revision R 0 Bits R 0 Mnemonic R 0 R 0 R 0 Minor Revision R 0 R 1 R 1 R 0 Field Name R 0 R 0 R 0 R 0 R 0 R 1 R 0 : Type : Initial value Description 31:16 Reserved 15:8 R Major Revision Contact Toshiba technical staff for an explanation of the revision value. 7:0 R Minor Revision Contact Toshiba technical staff for an explanation of the revision value. Figure 14.4.17 ACREVID Register This read-only register shows the revision of ACLC module. Note that this number is not related to the AC’97 specification revision. 14-40 Chapter 15 Interrupt Controller 15. Interrupt Controller 15.1 Characteristics The TX4925 on-chip Interrupt Controller (IRC) receives interrupt requests from the TX4925 on-chip peripheral circuitry as well as external interrupt requests then generates interrupt requests to the TX49/H2 processor core. Also, the Interrupt Controller has a 32-bit flag register that generates interrupt requests to either external devices or to the TX49/H2 core. The Interrupt Controller has the following characteristics. • Supports interrupts from 21 types of on-chip peripheral circuits and a maximum of 8 external interrupt signal inputs • Sets 8 priority interrupt levels for each interrupt input • Can select either edge detection or level detection for each external interrupt when in the interrupt detection mode • As a flag register used for interrupt requests, the Interrupt Controller contains a 32-bit readable/writeable register and can issue interrupt requests to external devices as well as to the TX49/H2 core (IRC interrupt). 15-1 Chapter 15 Interrupt Controller 15.2 Block Diagram TX49/H2 Core Interrupt Controller Internal Timer Interrupt Request Interrupt Request (IP[7:2]) External Interrupt Signal (INT[7:0]) 1 0 Detection Circuit [7] 1 8 [7:2] [6:2] Set Interrupt Level TX49 Write Time Out Error 1 NAND Flash Controller 2 SIO[1:0] 4 DMA[3:0] 1 Non-maskable Interrupt Request 1 Process Priority Internal Interrupt Signal PDMAC Set Interrupt Mask PCIC 3 TMR[2:0] 1 SPI TINTDIS 1 RTC 1 ACLC 1 ACLCPME 1 CHI 1 PCIERR 1 PCIPME 1 Internal Interrupt Request Non-maskable Interrupt Signal (NMI*) TMR2 Watchdog Timer Interrupt External Interrupt Request Flag Register Polarity Register PCIC Mask Register Interrupt Control Register Figure 15.2.1 Interrupt Controller Outline 15-2 REQ[1]* Chapter 15 Interrupt Controller Interrupt Detection Interrupt Level IRLVL0-7 Mode IRDM0-1 Interrupt Detection Enable IRDEN.IDE Interrupt Mask Level IRMSK Detection Circuit Low Level Interrupt Source High Level Edge Detector Edge Detector 1 Negative Edge Encoder 3 Interrupt Prioritization Interrupt Pending IRPND Positive Edge 1 IP[7] Interrupt IRCS.FL 5 IP[6:2] Interrupt Cause IRCS.CAUSE 3 3 Figure 15.2.2 Internal Block Diagram of Interrupt Controller 15-3 3 Interrupt Level IRCS.LVL Chapter 15 Interrupt Controller 15.3 Detailed Explanation 15.3.1 Interrupt Sources The TX4925 has as interrupt sources interrupts from 21 types of on-chip peripheral circuits and 8 external interrupt signals. Table 15.3.1 lists the interrupt sources. Signals with the lower interrupt number have the higher priority. Refer to section “15.3.4 Interrupt Priority Assigning” for the priorities. Table 15.3.1 Interrupt Sources and Priorities Priority Interrupt Number High 0 (Reserved) 1 TX49 Write Timeout Error (Internal) 2 INT[0] (External) 3 INT[1] (External) 4 INT[2] (External) 5 INT[3] (External) 6 INT[4] (External) 7 INT[5] (External) 8 INT[6] (External) Low Interrupt Source 9 INT[7] (External) 10 (Reserved) 11 NAND Flash Controller (internal) 12 SIO0 (Internal) 13 SIO1 (Internal) 14 DMA0 (Internal) 15 DMA1 (Internal) 16 DMA2 (Internal) 17 DMA3 (Internal) 18 IRC (Internal) 19 PDMAC (Internal) 20 PCIC (Internal) 21 TMR0 (Internal) 22 TMR1 (Internal) 23 TMR2 (Internal) 24 SPI (Internal) 25 RTC (Internal) 26 ACLC (Internal) 27 ACLCPME (Internal) 28 CHI (Internal) 29 PCIERR (Internal) 30 PCIPME (Internal) 31 (Reserved) In addition to the above, the TX49/H2 core has a TX49/H2 core internal timer interrupt and two software interrupts, but these interrupts are directly reported to the TX49/H2 core independently of this Interrupt Controller. Please refer to the “64-Bit TX System RISC TX49/H2 Core Architecture” for more information. 15-4 Chapter 15 Interrupt Controller 15.3.2 Interrupt Request Detection In order to perform interrupt detection, each register of the Interrupt Controller is initialized, then the IDE bit of the Interrupt Detection Enable Register (IRDEN) is set to “1.” All interrupts detected by the Interrupt Controller are masked when this bit is cleared. It is possible to set each interrupt factor detection mode using Interrupt Detection Mode Register 0 (IRDM0) and Interrupt Detection Mode Register 1 (IRDM1). There are four detection modes: Low level, High level, falling edge, and rising edge. The detected interrupt factors can be read out from the Interrupt Pending Register (IRPND). 15.3.3 Interrupt Level Assigning Interrupt levels from 0 to 7 are assigned to each detected interrupt using the Interrupt Level Register (IRLVL0-7). Interrupt level 7 is the highest priority and interrupt level1 is the lowest priority. Level 0 interrupts will be masked. (Table 15.3.2). The priorities set by these interrupt levels will be given higher priority than the priorities provided for each interrupt source indicated in Table 15.3.1. Table 15.3.2 Interrupt Levels Priority Interrupt Level (IRLVLn.ILm) High 111 110 101 100 011 010 15.3.4 Low 001 Mask 000 Interrupt Priority Assigning When multiple interrupt requests exist, the Interrupt Controller selects the interrupt with the highest priority according to the priority level and interrupt number. Interrupt factors with an interrupt level lower than the interrupt level specified by the Interrupt Mask Level Register (IRMSK) will be excluded (masked). When the interrupt with the highest priority is selected, then the interrupt number of that interrupt is set in the interrupt factor field (CAUSE) of the Interrupt Current Status Register (IRCS), the interrupt level is set in the Interrupt Level field (LVL), and the Interrupt Flag bit (IF) is set. 15-5 Chapter 15 Interrupt Controller Priorities are assigned as follows. • When interrupt levels differ, the interrupt with the higher interrupt level has priority (Table 15.3.2) • When multiple interrupts with the same interrupt level are simultaneously detected, the interrupt with the smaller interrupt number has priority (Table 15.3.1). In addition, the interrupt priority assignments are reevaluated under the following conditions. At this time, the interrupt with the highest priority is selected and the Interrupt Factor field (CAUSE) and Interrupt Level field (LVL) of the Interrupt Current Status Register (IRCS) are set again. 15.3.5 • When an interrupt request with a higher interrupt level than that of the currently selected interrupt is detected. However, when the interrupt levels are equal, the Interrupt Level field (LVL) does not change even if the interrupt number is small. • When the interrupt level (IRLVLn.ILm) of the currently selected interrupt changes to a value smaller than the current setting. • When the currently selected interrupt is cleared (refer to “15.3.6 Clearing Interrupt Requests”). Interrupt Notification When the interrupt with the highest priority is selected, then the interrupt factor is reported to the Interrupt Current Status Register (IRCS) and an interrupt is reported to the TX49/H2 core. The TX49/H2 core distinguishes interrupt factors using the IP field (IP[7:2]) of the Cause Register. The interrupt notification from the Interrupt Controller is reflected in the IP[2] bit. The Interrupt Handler uses the IP[2] bit to judge whether or not there are interrupts from this Interrupt Controller and uses the Interrupt Current Status Register (IRCS) to determine the interrupt cause. The Interrupt Factor field (IRCS.CAUSE) value is reflected in the remaining bits of the IP field. Since bit IP[7] is also being used for notification of TX49/H2 CPU core internal timer interrupts, the contents specified by IP[7] differ according to whether internal timer interrupts are set to valid (TINTDIS=0) or invalid (TINTDIS=1), as indicated Table 15.3.3. The Interrupt Factor field (IRCS.CAUSE) value is reflected in the remaining bits of the IP field. TINTDIS is the value that is set from ADDR[0] at the timing when the RESET* signal is deasserted. See the explanation “3.3 Pin Multiplexing” for more information. Table 15.3.3 Interrupt Notification to IP[7:2] of the CP0 Cause Register TINTDIS IP[7] IP[6:3] IP[2] 0 (Internal Timer Interrupts: Valid) Internal Timer Interrupt Notification IRCS.CAUSE[3:0] IRCS.IF 1 (Internal Timer Interrupts: Invalid) IRCS.CAUSE[4:0] 15-6 IRCS.IF Chapter 15 Interrupt Controller 15.3.6 Clearing Interrupt Requests Interrupt requests are cleared according to the following process. 15.3.7 • When the detection mode is set to the High level or Low level: Operation is performed to deassert the request of a source that is asserting an interrupt request. • When the detection mode is set to Rising edge or Falling edge Edge detection requests are cleared by first specifying the interrupt source of the interrupt request to be cleared in the Edge Detection Clear Source field (EDCS0 or EDCS1) of the Interrupt Edge Detection Clear Register (IREDC) then writing the resulting value when the corresponding Edge Detection Clear Enable bit (EDCE0 or EDCE1) is set to “1.” Interrupt Requests It is possible to make interrupt requests to external devices and interrupt requests (IRC interrupts) to the TX49/H2 core by using a 32-bit interrupt request flag register. REQ[1]* signals are used as interrupt output signals. Consequently, external interrupt requests can only be used when in the PCI External Arbiter mode. Also, internal interrupt requests are assigned to interrupt number 13 of the Interrupt Controller (IRC). The following six registers set the interrupts. • Interrupt Request Flag Register (IRFLAG0, IRFLAG1) • Interrupt Request Polarity Control Register (IRPOL) • Interrupt Request Mask Register (IRMASKINT, IRMASKEXT) • Interrupt Request Control Register (IRRCNT) The following formulas derive the interrupt generation conditions: Internal interrupt request = (|((IRFLAG[31:0] ^ IRPOL[31:0]) & IRMASKINT[31:0]))^ IRRCNT.INTPOL External interrupt request = (|((IRFLAG[31:0] ^ IRPOL[31:0] ) & IRMASKEXT[31:0]))^ IRRCNT.EXTPOL In the above formulas, “^” indicates Exclusive OR operations and “|” indicates reduction operators that perform an OR operation on all bits. Also, the External Interrupt OD Control bit (IRRCNT.OD) of the Interrupt Request Control Register can select whether the external interrupt supply signal is open drain output or totem pole output. 15-7 Chapter 15 Interrupt Controller IRRCNT.INTPOL IRFLAG[31] Internal Interrupt Request (0: Request present) IRPOL[31] IRMASK[31] External Interrupt Request IRRCNT.EXTPOL Figure 15.3.1 External Interrupt Request Logic There are two flag registers: Flag Register 0 (IRFLAG0), and Flag Register 1 (IRFLAG1). These registers have two different Write methods. Accordingly, Writes to one register are reflects in the other. Either “0” or “1” can be written to Flag Register 0 In the case of Flag Register 1 however, “1” can be written from the TX49/H2 core, but “0” cannot be written. On the other hand, bits that wrote “1” are cleared to “0” in the case of access from a device other than the TX49/H2 core (access from an external PCI device for example). The bit value at this time will not change even if “0” is written. This register sends interrupt notification from the TX49/H2 core to external devices. External devices can be used in applications that clear these interrupt notifications. 15.4 Registers Table 15.4.1 Interrupt Control Registers Reference Address Bit Width Register Register Name 15.4.1 0xF600 32 IRDEN Interrupt Detection Enable Register 15.4.2 0xF604 32 IRDM0 Interrupt Detection Mode Register 0 15.4.3 0xF608 32 IRDM1 Interrupt Detection Mode Register 1 15.4.4 0xF610 32 IRLVL0 Interrupt Level Register 0 15.4.5 0xF614 32 IRLVL1 Interrupt Level Register 1 15.4.6 0xF618 32 IRLVL2 Interrupt Level Register 2 15.4.7 0xF61C 32 IRLVL3 Interrupt Level Register 3 15.4.8 0xF620 32 IRLVL4 Interrupt Level Register 4 15.4.9 0xF624 32 IRLVL5 Interrupt Level Register 5 15.4.10 0xF628 32 IRLVL6 Interrupt Level Register 6 15.4.11 0xF62C 32 IRLVL7 Interrupt Level Register 7 15.4.12 0xF640 32 IRMSK Interrupt Mask Register 15.4.13 0xF660 32 IREDC Interrupt Edge Detection Clear Register 15.4.14 0xF680 32 IRPND Interrupt Pending Register 15.4.15 0xF6A0 32 IRCS Interrupt Current Status Register 15.4.16 0xF510 32 IRFLAG0 Interrupt Request Flag Register 0 15.4.17 0xF514 32 IRFLAG1 Interrupt Request Flag Register 1 15.4.18 0xF518 32 IRPOL Interrupt Request Polarity Control Register 15.4.19 0xF51C 32 IRRCNT Interrupt Request Control Register 15.4.20 0xF520 32 IRMASKINT Interrupt Request Internal Interrupt Mask Register 15.4.21 0xF524 32 IRMASKEXT Interrupt Request External Interrupt Mask Register 15-8 Chapter 15 Interrupt Controller 15.4.1 Interrupt Detection Enable Register (IRDEN) 0xF600 31 16 Reserved : Type : Initial value 15 1 Reserved 0 IDE R/W 0 Bits Mnemonic 31:1 0 IDE Field Name Explanation Reserved Interrupt Detection Enable Interrupt Detection Enable (Initial value: 0, R/W) Enables interrupt detection. 0: Stop interrupt detection. 1: Start interrupt detection Figure 15.4.1 Interrupt Detection Enable Register 15-9 : Type : Initial value Chapter 15 Interrupt Controller 15.4.2 31 Interrupt Detection Mode Register 0 (IRDM0) 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 0xF604 21 20 19 18 17 16 IC23 IC22 IC21 IC20 IC19 IC18 IC17 IC16 R/W 00 R/W 00 R/W 00 R/W 00 R/W 00 R/W 00 R/W 00 R/W 00 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 IC7 IC6 IC5 IC4 IC3 IC2 IC1 R/W 00 R/W 00 R/W 00 R/W 00 R/W 00 R/W 00 R/W 00 Bits Mnemonic Field Name Explanation 31:30 IC23 Interrupt Source Control 23 Interrupt Source Control 23 (Initial value: 00, R/W) These bits specify the active state of TMR[2] interrupts. 00: Low level active 01: Disable 10: Disable 11: Disable 29:28 IC22 Interrupt Source Control 22 Interrupt Source Control 22 (Initial value: 00, R/W) These bits specify the active state of TMR[1] interrupts. 00: Low level active 01: Disable 10: Disable 11: Disable 27:26 IC21 Interrupt Source Control 21 Interrupt Source Control 21 (Initial value: 00, R/W) These bits specify the active state of TMR[0] interrupts. 00: Low level active 01: Disable 10: Disable 11: Disable 25:24 IC20 Interrupt Source Control 20 Interrupt Source Control 20 (Initial value: 00, R/W) These bits specify the active state of PCIC interrupts. 00: Low level active 01: Disable 10: Disable 11: Disable 23:22 IC19 Interrupt Source Control 19 Interrupt Source Control 19 (Initial value: 00, R/W) These bits specify the active state of PDMAC interrupts. 00: Low level active 01: Disable 10: Disable 11: Disable 21:20 IC18 Interrupt Source Control 18 Interrupt Source Control 18 (Initial value: 00, R/W) These bits specify the active state of IRC interrupts. 00: Low level active 01: Disable 10: Disable 11: Disable 19:18 IC17 Interrupt Source Control 17 Interrupt Source Control 17 (Initial value: 00, R/W) These bits specify the active state of DMA[3] interrupts. 00: Low level active 01: Disable 10: Disable 11: Disable Figure 15.4.2 Interrupt Detection Mode Register 0 (1/2) 15-10 : Type : Initial value 1 0 Reserved : Type : Initial value Chapter 15 Interrupt Controller Bits Mnemonic Field Name Explanation 17:16 IC16 Interrupt Source Control 16 Interrupt Source Control 16 (Initial value: 00, R/W) These bits specify the active state of DMA[2] interrupts. 00: Low level active 01: Disable 10: Disable 11: Disable 15:14 IC7 Interrupt Source Control 7 Interrupt Source Control 7 (Initial value: 00, R/W) These bits specify the active state of external INT[5] interrupts. 00: Low level active 01: High level active 10: Falling edge active 11: Rising edge active 13:12 IC6 Interrupt Source Control 6 Interrupt Source Control 6 (Initial value: 00, R/W) These bits specify the active state of external INT[4] interrupts. 00: Low level active 01: High level active 10: Falling edge active 11: Rising edge active 11:10 IC5 Interrupt Source Control 5 Interrupt Source Control 5 (Initial value: 00, R/W) These bits specify the active state of external INT[3] interrupts. 00: Low level active 01: High level active 10: Falling edge active 11: Rising edge active 9:8 IC4 Interrupt Source Control 4 Interrupt Source Control 4 (Initial value: 00, R/W) These bits specify the active state of external INT[2] interrupts. 00: Low level active 01: High level active 10: Falling edge active 11: Rising edge active 7:6 IC3 Interrupt Source Control 3 Interrupt Source Control 3 (Initial value: 00, R/W) These bits specify the active state of external INT[1] interrupts. 00: Low level active 01: High level active 10: Falling edge active 11: Rising edge active 5:4 IC2 Interrupt Source Control 2 Interrupt Source Control 2 (Initial value: 00, R/W) These bits specify the active state of external INT[0] interrupts. 00: Low level active 01: High level active 10: Falling edge active 11: Rising edge active 3:2 IC1 Interrupt Source Control 1 Interrupt Source Control 1 (Initial value: 00, R/W) These bits specify the active state of TX49 Write Timeout Error interrupts. 00: Low level active 01: Disable 10: Disable 11: Disable 1:0 Reserved Figure 15.4.2 Interrupt Detection Mode Register 0 (2/2) 15-11 Chapter 15 Interrupt Controller 15.4.3 Interrupt Detection Mode Register 1 (IRDM1) 31 30 Reserved 15 Bits 29 14 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 0xF608 21 20 19 18 17 16 IC30 IC29 IC28 IC27 IC26 IC25 IC24 R/W 00 R/W 00 R/W 00 R/W 00 R/W 00 R/W 00 R/W 00 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 IC15 IC14 IC13 IC12 IC11 R/W 00 R/W 00 R/W 00 R/W 00 R/W 00 Mnemonic Field Name 5 4 Reserved 3 2 IC8 R/W 00 R/W 00 31:30 29:28 IC30 Interrupt Source Control 30 Interrupt Source Control 30 (Initial value: 00, R/W) These bits specify the active state of PCIPME interrupts. 00: Low level active 01: Disable 10: Disable 11: Disable 27:26 IC29 Interrupt Source Control 29 Interrupt Source Control 29 (Initial value: 00, R/W) These bits specify the active state of PCIERR interrupts. 00: Low level active 01: Disable 10: Disable 11: Disable 25:24 IC28 Interrupt Source Control 28 Interrupt Source Control 28 (Initial value: 00, R/W) These bits specify the active state of CHI interrupts. 00: Low level active 01: Disable 10: Disable 11: Disable 23:22 IC27 Interrupt Source Control 27 Interrupt Source Control 27 (Initial value: 00, R/W) These bits specify the active state of ACLCPME interrupts. 00: Low level active 01: Disable 10: Disable 11: Disable 21:20 IC26 Interrupt Source Control 26 Interrupt Source Control 26 (Initial value: 00, R/W) These bits specify the active state of ACLC interrupts. 00: Low level active 01: Disable 10: Disable 11: Disable 19:18 IC25 Interrupt Source Control 25 Interrupt Source Control 25 (Initial value: 00, R/W) These bits specify the active state of RTC interrupts. 00: Low level active 01: Disable 10: Disable 11: Disable 17:16 IC24 Interrupt Source Control 24 Interrupt Source Control 26 (Initial value: 00, R/W) These bits specify the active state of SPI interrupts. 00: Low level active 01: Disable 10: Disable 11: Disable Figure 15.4.3 Interrupt Detection Mode Register 1 (1/2) 15-12 0 IC9 Explanation Reserved 1 : Type : Initial value : Type : Initial value Chapter 15 Interrupt Controller Bits Mnemonic Field Name Explanation 15:14 IC15 Interrupt Source Control 15 Interrupt Source Control 15 (Initial value: 00, R/W) These bits specify the active state of DMA[1] interrupts. 00: Low level active 01: Disable 10: Disable 11: Disable 13:12 IC14 Interrupt Source Control 14 Interrupt Source Control 14 (Initial value: 00, R/W) These bits specify the active state of DMA[0] interrupts. 00: Low level active 01: Disable 10: Disable 11: Disable 11:10 IC13 Interrupt Source Control 13 Interrupt Source Control 13 (Initial value: 00, R/W) These bits specify the active state of SIO[1] interrupts. 00: Low level active 01: Disable 10: Disable 11: Disable 9:8 IC12 Interrupt Source Control 12 Interrupt Source Control 12 (Initial value: 00, R/W) These bits specify the active state of SIO[0] interrupts. 00: Low level active 01: Disable 10: Disable 11: Disable 7:6 IC11 Interrupt Source Control 11 Interrupt Source Control 11 (Initial value: 00, R/W) These bits specify the active state of NAND Flash Controller interrupts. 00: Low level active 01: Disable 10: Disable 11: Disable 5:4 Reserved 3:2 IC9 Interrupt Source Control 9 Interrupt Source Control 9 (Initial value: 00, R/W) These bits specify the active state of external INT[7] interrupts. 00: Low level active 01: High level active 10: Falling edge active 11: Rising edge active 1:0 IC8 Interrupt Source Control 8 Interrupt Source Control 8 (Initial value: 00, R/W) These bits specify the active state of external INT[6] interrupts. 00: Low level active 01: High level active 10: Falling edge active 11: Rising edge active Figure 15.4.3 Interrupt Detection Mode Register 1 (2/2) 15-13 Chapter 15 Interrupt Controller 15.4.4 Interrupt Level Register 0 (IRLVL0) 31 27 26 Reserved 24 0xF610 23 IL17 19 18 Reserved R/W 000 15 11 10 Reserved 16 IL16 R/W 000 8 7 IL1 : Type : Initial value 0 Reserved R/W 000 Bits Mnemonic 31:27 26:24 IL17 23:19 18:16 IL16 : Type : Initial value Field Name Explanation Reserved Interrupt Level 17 Interrupt Level of INT[17] (Initial value: 000, R/W) These bits specify the interrupt level of DMA[3] interrupts. 000: Interrupt level 0 (Interrupt disabled) 001: Interrupt level 1 010: Interrupt level 2 011: Interrupt level 3 100: Interrupt level 4 101: Interrupt level 5 110: Interrupt level 6 111: Interrupt level 7 Reserved Interrupt Level 16 15:11 Reserved 10:8 IL1 Interrupt Level 1 7:0 Reserved Interrupt Level of INT[16] (Initial value: 000, R/W) These bits specify the interrupt level of DMA[2] interrupts. 000: Interrupt level 0 (Interrupt disable) 001: Interrupt level 1 010: Interrupt level 2 011: Interrupt level 3 100: Interrupt level 4 101: Interrupt level 5 110: Interrupt level 6 111: Interrupt level 7 Interrupt Level of INT[1] (Initial value: 000, R/W) These bits specify the interrupt level for TX49 Write Timeout Error interrupts. 000: Interrupt level 0 (Interrupt disable) 001: Interrupt level 1 010: Interrupt level 2 011: Interrupt level 3 100: Interrupt level 4 101: Interrupt level 5 110: Interrupt level 6 111: Interrupt level 7 Figure 15.4.4 Interrupt Level Register 0 15-14 Chapter 15 Interrupt Controller 15.4.5 Interrupt Level Register 1 (IRLVL1) 31 27 26 Reserved 24 0xF614 23 IL19 19 18 Reserved R/W 000 15 11 10 Reserved R/W 000 8 7 IL3 3 2 Reserved Mnemonic 31:27 26:24 IL19 23:19 18:16 IL18 Explanation Reserved Interrupt Level 19 Interrupt Level of INT[19] (Initial value: 000, R/W) These bits specify the interrupt level of PDMAC interrupts. 000: Interrupt level 0 (Interrupt disabled) 001: Interrupt level 1 010: Interrupt level 2 011: Interrupt level 3 100: Interrupt level 4 101: Interrupt level 5 110: Interrupt level 6 111: Interrupt level 7 Reserved Interrupt Level 18 15:11 Reserved 10:8 IL3 Interrupt Level 3 7:3 Reserved 2:0 IL2 Interrupt Level 2 0 R/W 000 Field Name Interrupt Level of INT[18] (Initial value: 000, R/W) These bits specify the interrupt level of IRC interrupts. 000: Interrupt level 0 (Interrupt disabled) 001: Interrupt level 1 010: Interrupt level 2 011: Interrupt level 3 100: Interrupt level 4 101: Interrupt level 5 110: Interrupt level 6 111: Interrupt level 7 Interrupt Level of INT[3] (Initial value: 000, R/W) These bits specify the interrupt level of external INT[1]. 000: Interrupt level 0 (Interrupt disable) 001: Interrupt level 1 010: Interrupt level 2 011: Interrupt level 3 100: Interrupt level 4 101: Interrupt level 5 110: Interrupt level 6 111: Interrupt level 7 Interrupt Level of INT[2] (Initial value: 000, R/W) These bits specify the interrupt level of external INT[0]. 000: Interrupt level 0 (Interrupt disable) 001: Interrupt level 1 010: Interrupt level 2 011: Interrupt level 3 100: Interrupt level 4 101: Interrupt level 5 110: Interrupt level 6 111: Interrupt level 7 Figure 15.4.5 Interrupt Level Register 1 15-15 : Type : Initial value IL2 R/W 000 Bits 16 IL18 : Type : Initial value Chapter 15 Interrupt Controller 15.4.6 Interrupt Level Register 2 (IRLVL2) 0xF618 31 16 Reserved IL21 Reserved IL20 R/W 000 15 11 10 Reserved R/W 000 8 7 IL5 3 Reserved Mnemonic 31:11 26:24 IL21 23:19 18:16 IL20 R/W 000 Field Name Explanation Reserved Interrupt Level 21 Interrupt Level of INT[21] (Initial value: 000, R/W) These bits specify the interrupt level of TMR[0]. 000: Interrupt Level 0 (Interrupt disable) 001: Interrupt level 1 010: Interrupt level 2 011: Interrupt level 3 100: Interrupt level 4 101: Interrupt level 5 110: Interrupt level 6 111: Interrupt level 7 Reserved Interrupt Level 20 15:11 Reserved 10:8 IL5 Interrupt Level 5 Interrupt Level of INT[20] (Initial value: 000, R/W) These bits specify the interrupt level of PCIC interrupts. 000: Interrupt level 0 (Interrupt disable) 001: Interrupt level 1 010: Interrupt level 2 011: Interrupt level 3 100: Interrupt level 4 101: Interrupt level 5 110: Interrupt level 6 111: Interrupt level 7 7:3 Reserved 2:0 IL4 Interrupt Level 4 0 IL4 R/W 000 Bits 2 Interrupt Level of INT[5] (Initial value: 000, R/W) These bits specify the interrupt level of external INT[3]. 000: Interrupt level 0 (Interrupt disable) 001: Interrupt level 1 010: Interrupt level 2 011: Interrupt level 3 100: Interrupt level 4 101: Interrupt level 5 110: Interrupt level 6 111: Interrupt level 7 Interrupt Level of INT[4] (Initial value: 000, R/W) These bits specify the interrupt level of external INT[2]. 000: Interrupt level 0 (Interrupt disable) 001: Interrupt level 1 010: Interrupt level 2 011: Interrupt level 3 100: Interrupt level 4 101: Interrupt level 5 110: Interrupt level 6 111: Interrupt level 7 Figure 15.4.6 Interrupt Level Register 2 15-16 : Type : Initial value : Type : Initial value Chapter 15 Interrupt Controller 15.4.7 Interrupt Level Register 3 (IRLVL3) 31 27 26 Reserved 24 0xF61C 23 IL23 19 18 Reserved R/W 000 15 11 10 Reserved R/W 000 8 7 IL7 3 Reserved Mnemonic 31:27 26:24 IL23 23:19 18:16 IL22 2 0 R/W 000 Field Name Explanation Reserved Interrupt Level 23 Interrupt Level of INT[23] (Initial value: 000, R/W) These bits specify the interrupt level of TMR[2]. 000: Interrupt level 0 (Interrupt disable) 001: Interrupt level 1 010: Interrupt level 2 011: Interrupt level 3 100: Interrupt level 4 101: Interrupt level 5 110: Interrupt level 6 111: Interrupt level 7 Reserved Interrupt Level 22 15:11 Reserved 10:8 IL7 Interrupt level 7 Interrupt Level of INT[22] (Initial value: 000, R/W) These bits specify the interrupt level of TMR[1]. 000: Interrupt level 0 (Interrupt disable) 001: Interrupt level 1 010: Interrupt level 2 011: Interrupt level 3 100: Interrupt level 4 101: Interrupt level 5 110: Interrupt level 6 111: Interrupt level 7 7:3 Reserved 2:0 IL6 Interrupt level 6 Interrupt Level of INT[7] (Initial value: 000, R/W) These bits specify the interrupt level of external INT[5] interrupts. 000: Interrupt level 0 (Interrupt disabled) 001: Interrupt level 1 010: Interrupt level 2 011: Interrupt level 3 100: Interrupt level 4 101: Interrupt level 5 110: Interrupt level 6 111: Interrupt level 7 Interrupt Level of INT[6] (Initial value: 000, R/W) These bits specify the interrupt level of external INT[4] interrupts. 000: Interrupt level 0 (Interrupt disabled) 001: Interrupt level 1 010: Interrupt level 2 011: Interrupt level 3 100: Interrupt level 4 101: Interrupt level 5 110: Interrupt level 6 111: Interrupt level 7 Figure 15.4.7 Interrupt Level Register 3 15-17 : Type : Initial value IL6 R/W 000 Bits 16 IL22 : Type : Initial value Chapter 15 Interrupt Controller 15.4.8 Interrupt Level Register 4 (IRLVL4) 31 27 26 Reserved 24 0xF620 23 IL25 19 18 Reserved R/W 000 15 11 10 Reserved R/W 000 8 7 IL9 3 Reserved Mnemonic 31:27 26:24 IL25 23:19 18:16 IL24 2 0 R/W 000 Field Name Explanation Reserved Interrupt level 25 Interrupt Level of INT[25] (Initial value: 000, R/W) These bits specify the interrupt level of RTC interrupts. 000: Interrupt level 0 (Interrupt disabled) 001: Interrupt level 1 010: Interrupt level 2 011: Interrupt level 3 100: Interrupt level 4 101: Interrupt level 5 110: Interrupt level 6 111: Interrupt level 7 Reserved Interrupt level 24 15:11 Reserved 10:8 IL9 Interrupt level 9 Interrupt Level of INT[24] (Initial value: 000, R/W) These bits specify the interrupt level of SPI interrupts. 000: Interrupt level 0 (Interrupt disabled) 001: Interrupt level 1 010: Interrupt level 2 011: Interrupt level 3 100: Interrupt level 4 101: Interrupt level 5 110: Interrupt level 6 111: Interrupt level 7 7:3 Reserved 2:0 IL8 Interrupt level 8 Interrupt Level of INT[9] (Initial value: 000, R/W) These bits specify the interrupt level of external INT[7] interrupts. 000: Interrupt level 0 (Interrupt disabled) 001: Interrupt level 1 010: Interrupt level 2 011: Interrupt level 3 100: Interrupt level 4 101: Interrupt level 5 110: Interrupt level 6 111: Interrupt level 7 Interrupt Level of INT[8] (Initial value: 000, R/W) These bits specify the interrupt level of external INT[6] interrupts. 000: Interrupt level 0 (Interrupt disabled) 001: Interrupt level 1 010: Interrupt level 2 011: Interrupt level 3 100: Interrupt level 4 101: Interrupt level 5 110: Interrupt level 6 111: Interrupt level 7 Figure 15.4.8 Interrupt Level Register 4 15-18 : Type : Initial value IL8 R/W 000 Bits 16 IL24 : Type : Initial value Chapter 15 Interrupt Controller 15.4.9 Interrupt Level Register 5 (IRLVL5) 31 27 26 Reserved 24 0xF624 23 IL27 19 18 Reserved R/W 000 15 11 10 Reserved 16 IL26 R/W 000 8 7 IL11 : Type : Initial value 0 Reserved R/W 000 Bits Mnemonic 31:27 26:24 IL27 23:19 18:16 IL26 15:11 10:8 IL11 7:0 : Type : Initial value Field Name Explanation Reserved Interrupt Level 27 Interrupt Level of INT[27] (Initial value: 000, R/W) These bits specify the interrupt level of ACLCPME interrupts. 000: Interrupt level 0 (Interrupt disabled) 001: Interrupt level 1 010: Interrupt level 2 011: Interrupt level 3 100: Interrupt level 4 101: Interrupt level 5 110: Interrupt level 6 111: Interrupt level 7 Reserved Interrupt Level 26 Interrupt Level of INT[26] (Initial value: 000, R/W) These bits specify the interrupt level of ACLC interrupts. 000: Interrupt level 0 (Interrupt disabled) 001: Interrupt level 1 010: Interrupt level 2 011: Interrupt level 3 100: Interrupt level 4 101: Interrupt level 5 110: Interrupt level 6 111: Interrupt level 7 Reserved Interrupt level 11 Interrupt Level of INT[11] (Initial value: 000, R/W) These bits specify the interrupt level of NAND Flash Controller interrupts. 000: Interrupt level 0 (Interrupt disabled) 001: Interrupt level 1 010: Interrupt level 2 011: Interrupt level 3 100: Interrupt level 4 101: Interrupt level 5 110: Interrupt level 6 111: Interrupt level 7 Reserved Figure 15.4.9 Interrupt Level Register 5 15-19 Chapter 15 Interrupt Controller 15.4.10 Interrupt Level Register 6 (IRLVL6) 31 27 26 Reserved 24 0xF628 23 IL29 19 18 Reserved R/W 000 15 11 10 Reserved R/W 000 8 7 IL13 3 2 Reserved Mnemonic 31:27 26:24 IL29 23:19 18:16 IL28 15:11 10:8 IL13 7:3 2:0 IL12 Explanation Reserved Interrupt Level 29 Interrupt Level of INT[29] (Initial value: 000, R/W) These bits specify the interrupt level of PCIERR interrupts. 000: Interrupt level 0 (Interrupt disabled) 001: Interrupt level 1 010: Interrupt level 2 011: Interrupt level 3 100: Interrupt level 4 101: Interrupt level 5 110: Interrupt level 6 111: Interrupt level 7 Reserved Interrupt Level 28 Interrupt Level of INT[28] (Initial value: 000, R/W) These bits specify the interrupt level of CHI interrupts. 000: Interrupt level 0 (Interrupt disabled) 001: Interrupt level 1 010: Interrupt level 2 011: Interrupt level 3 100: Interrupt level 4 101: Interrupt level 5 110: Interrupt level 6 111: Interrupt level 7 Reserved Interrupt level 13 Interrupt Level of INT[13] (Initial value: 000, R/W) These bits specify the interrupt level of SIO[1] interrupts. 000: Interrupt level 0 (Interrupt disabled) 001: Interrupt level 1 010: Interrupt level 2 011: Interrupt level 3 100: Interrupt level 4 101: Interrupt level 5 110: Interrupt level 6 111: Interrupt level 7 Reserved Interrupt level 12 0 R/W 000 Field Name Interrupt Level of INT[12] (Initial value: 000, R/W) These bits specify the interrupt level of SIO[0] interrupts. 000: Interrupt level 0 (Interrupt disabled) 001: Interrupt level 1 010: Interrupt level 2 011: Interrupt level 3 100: Interrupt level 4 101: Interrupt level 5 110: Interrupt level 6 111: Interrupt level 7 Figure 15.4.10 Interrupt Level Register 6 15-20 : Type : Initial value IL12 R/W 000 Bits 16 IL28 : Type : Initial value Chapter 15 Interrupt Controller 15.4.11 Interrupt Level Register 7 (IRLVL7) 0xF62C 31 19 18 Reserved 16 IL30 R/W 000 15 11 10 Reserved 8 7 IL15 3 2 Reserved R/W 000 Bits Mnemonic 31:19 18:16 IL30 15:11 10:8 IL15 7:3 2:0 IL14 Field Name Explanation Interrupt Level 30 Interrupt Level of INT[30] (Initial value: 000, R/W) These bits specify the interrupt level of PCIPME interrupts. 000: Interrupt level 0 (Interrupt disabled) 001: Interrupt level 1 010: Interrupt level 2 011: Interrupt level 3 100: Interrupt level 4 101: Interrupt level 5 110: Interrupt level 6 111: Interrupt level 7 Reserved Interrupt level 15 Interrupt Level of INT[15] (Initial value: 000, R/W) These bits specify the interrupt level of DMA[1] interrupts. 000: Interrupt level 0 (Interrupt disabled) 001: Interrupt level 1 010: Interrupt level 2 011: Interrupt level 3 100: Interrupt level 4 101: Interrupt level 5 110: Interrupt level 6 111: Interrupt level 7 Reserved Interrupt Level 14 0 IL14 R/W 000 Reserved Interrupt Level of INT[14] (Initial value: 000, R/W) These bits specify the interrupt level of DMA[0] interrupts. 000: Interrupt level 0 (Interrupt disabled) 001: Interrupt level 1 010: Interrupt level 2 011: Interrupt level 3 100: Interrupt level 4 101: Interrupt level 5 110: Interrupt level 6 111: Interrupt level 7 Figure 15.4.11 Interrupt Level Register 7 15-21 : Type : Initial value : Type : Initial value Chapter 15 Interrupt Controller 15.4.12 Interrupt Mask Level Register (IRMSK) 0xF640 31 16 Reserved : Type : Initial value 15 3 Reserved 2 0 IML R/W 000 Bits Mnemonic 31:3 2:0 IML Field Name : Type : Initial value Explanation Reserved Interrupt Mask Level Interrupt Mask Level (Initial value: 000, R/W) These bits specify the interrupt mask level. Masks interrupts with a mask level lower than the set mask level. 000: Interrupt mask level 0 (No interrupts masked) 001: Interrupt mask level 1 (Levels 2-7 enabled) 010: Interrupt mask level 2 (Levels 3-7 enabled) 011: Interrupt mask level 3 (Levels 4-7 enabled) 100: Interrupt mask level 4 (Levels 5-7 enabled) 101: Interrupt mask level 5 (Levels 6-7 enabled) 110: Interrupt mask level 6 (Level 7 enabled) 111: Interrupt mask level 7 (Interrupts disabled) Figure 15.4.12 Interrupt Mask Register 15-22 Chapter 15 Interrupt Controller 15.4.13 Interrupt Edge Detection Clear Register (IREDC) 31 25 0xF660 24 23 Reserved 20 19 16 : Type : Initial value 15 9 Reserved 8 7 EDCE0 4 Reserved 3 0 EDCS0 R/W1C 0 Bits Mnemonic 31:9 8 EDCE0 7:4 3:0 EDCS0 Field Name Explanation Reserved Edge Detection Clear Enable 0 Edge Detection Clear Enable 0 (Initial value: 0, R/W1C) Clears edge detection of interrupts specified by the EDCS0 field. 0: Does not clear. 1: Clears. Value always becomes “0” when this bit is read. Reserved Edge Detection Clear Source 0 R/W 0000 Edge Detection Clear Source 0 (Initial value: 0x0, R/W1C) These bits specify the interrupt source to be cleared. 1111: (Reserved) 1110: (Reserved) 1101: (Reserved) 1100: (Reserved) 1011: (Reserved) 1010: (Reserved) 1001: External INT[7] interrupt 1000: External INT[6] interrupt 0111: External INT[5] interrupt 0110: External INT[4] interrupt 0101: External INT[3] interrupt 0100: External INT[2] interrupt 0011: External INT[1] interrupt 0010: External INT[0] interrupt 0001: (Reserved) 0000: (Reserved) Figure 15.4.13 Interrupt Status Control Register 15-23 : Type : Initial value Chapter 15 Interrupt Controller 15.4.14 Interrupt Pending Register (IRPND) 0xF680 Indicates the status of each interrupt request regardless of the IRLVL 7-0 and IRMSK value. 31 30 IS30 29 IS29 28 IS28 27 IS27 26 IS26 25 IS25 24 IS24 23 IS23 22 IS22 21 IS21 20 IS20 19 IS19 18 IS18 17 IS17 16 IS16 R 0 R 0 R 0 R 0 R 0 R 0 R 0 R 0 R 0 R 0 R 0 R 0 R 0 R 0 R 0 15 IS15 14 IS14 13 IS13 12 IS12 11 IS11 10 Reserved 9 IS9 8 IS8 7 IS7 6 IS6 5 IS5 4 IS4 3 IS3 2 IS2 1 IS1 Reserved R 0 R 0 R 0 R 0 R 0 R 0 R 0 R 0 R 0 R 0 R 0 R 0 R 0 R 0 Reserved Bits Mnemonic Field Name Explanation 31 30 IS30 Interrupt Status 30 IRINTREQ[30] status (Initial value: 0, R) This bit indicates the PCIPME interrupt status. 1: Interrupt requests 0: No interrupt requests 29 IS29 Interrupt Status 29 IRINTREQ[29] status (Initial value: 0, R) This bit indicates the PCIERR error status. 1: Interrupt requests 0: No interrupt requests 28 IS28 Interrupt Status 28 IRINTREQ[28] status (Initial value: 0, R) This bit indicates the CHI interrupt status. 1: Interrupt requests 0: No interrupt requests 27 IS27 Interrupt Status 27 IRINTREQ[27] status (Initial value: 0, R) This bit indicates the ACLCPME error status. 1: Interrupt requests 0: No interrupt requests 26 IS26 Interrupt Status 26 IRINTREQ[26] status (Initial value: 0, R) This bit indicates the ACLC error status. 1: Interrupt requests 0: No interrupt requests 25 IS25 Interrupt Status 25 IRINTREQ[27] status (Initial value: 0, R) This bit indicates the RTC error status. 1: Interrupt requests 0: No interrupt requests 24 IS24 Interrupt Status 24 IRINTREQ[26] status (Initial value: 0, R) This bit indicates the SPI error status. 1: Interrupt requests 0: No interrupt requests 23 IS23 Interrupt Status 23 IRINTREQ[23] status (Initial value: 0, R) This bit indicates the TMR[2] interrupt status. 1: Interrupt requests 0: No interrupt requests 22 IS22 Interrupt Status 22 IRINTREQ[22] status (Initial value: 0, R) This bit indicates the TMR[1] interrupt status. 1: Interrupt requests 0: No interrupt requests 21 IS21 Interrupt Status 21 IRINTREQ[21] status (Initial value: 0, R) This bit indicates the TMR[0] interrupt status. 1: Interrupt requests 0: No interrupt requests Reserved Figure 15.4.14 Interrupt Pending Status Register (1/3) 15-24 : Type : Initial value 0 : Type : Initial value Chapter 15 Interrupt Controller Bits Mnemonic Field Name Explanation 20 IS20 Interrupt Status 20 IRINTREQ[20] status (Initial value: 0, R) This bit indicates the PCIC interrupt status. 1: Interrupt requests 0: No interrupt requests 19 IS19 Interrupt Status 19 IRINTREQ[19] status (Initial value: 0, R) This bit indicates the PDMAC interrupt status. 1: Interrupt requests 0: No interrupt requests 18 IS18 Interrupt Status 18 IRINTREQ[18] status (Initial value: 0, R) This bit indicates the IRC interrupt status. 1: Interrupt requests 0: No interrupt requests 17 IS17 Interrupt Status 17 IRINTREQ[17] status (Initial value: 0, R) This bit indicates the DMA[3] interrupt status. 1: Interrupt requests 0: No interrupt requests 16 IS16 Interrupt Status 16 IRINTREQ[16] status (Initial value: 0, R) This bit indicates the status of DMA[2] interrupts. 1: Interrupt requests 0: No interrupt requests 15 IS15 Interrupt Status 15 IRINTREQ[15] status (Initial value: 0, R) This bit indicates the status of DMA[1] interrupts. 1: Interrupt requests 0: No interrupts requests 14 IS14 Interrupt Status 14 IRINTREQ[14] status (Initial value: 0, R) This bit indicates the status of DMA[0] interrupts. 1: Interrupt requests 0: No interrupt requests 13 IS13 Interrupt Status 13 IRINTREQ[13] status (Initial value: 0, R) This bit indicates the status of SIO[1] interrupts. 1: Interrupt requests 0: No interrupt requests 12 IS12 Interrupt Status 12 IRINTREQ[12] status (Initial value: 0, R) This bit indicates the status of SIO[0] interrupts. 1: Interrupt requests 0: No interrupt requests 11 IS11 Interrupt Status 11 IRINTREQ[11] status (Initial value: 0, R) This bit indicates the status of NAND Flash Controller interrupts. 1: Interrupt requests 0: No interrupts requests 10 Reserved 9 IS9 Interrupt Status 9 IRINTREQ[9] status (Initial value: 0, R) This bit indicates the status of external INT[7] interrupts. 1: Interrupt requests 0: No interrupt requests 8 IS8 Interrupt Status 8 IRINTREQ[8] status (Initial value: 0, R) This bit indicates the status of external INT[6] interrupts. 1: Interrupt requests 0: No interrupt requests 7 IS7 Interrupt Status 7 IRINTREQ[7] status (Initial value: 0, R) This bit indicates the status of external INT[5] interrupts. 1: Interrupt requests 0: No interrupt requests 6 IS6 Interrupt Status 6 IRINTREQ[6] status (Initial value: 0, R) This bit indicates the status of external INT[4] interrupts. 1: Interrupt requests 0: No interrupt requests Figure 15.4.14 Interrupt Pending Status Register (2/3) 15-25 Chapter 15 Interrupt Controller Bits Mnemonic Field Name Explanation 5 IS5 Interrupt Status 5 IRINTREQ[5] status (Initial value: 0, R) This bit indicates the status of external INT[3] interrupts. 1: Interrupt requests 0: No interrupt requests 4 IS4 Interrupt Status 4 IRINTREQ[4] status (Initial value: 0, R) This bit indicates the status of external INT[2] interrupts. 1: Interrupt requests 0: No interrupt requests 3 IS3 Interrupt Status 3 IRINTREQ[3] status (Initial value: 0, R) This bit indicates the status of external INT[1] interrupts. 1: Interrupt requests 0: No interrupt requests 2 IS2 Interrupt Status 2 IRINTREQ[2] status (Initial value: 0, R) This bit indicates the status of external INT[0] interrupts. 1: Interrupt requests 0: No interrupt requests 1 IS1 Interrupt Status 1 IRINTREQ[1] status (Initial value: 0, R) This bit indicates the status of TX49 Write Timeout Error interrupts. 1: Interrupt requests 0: No interrupt requests 0 Reserved Figure 15.4.14 Interrupt Pending Status Register (3/3) 15-26 Chapter 15 Interrupt Controller 15.4.15 Interrupt Current Status Register (IRCS) 0xF6A0 31 17 Reserved 16 IF R 1 15 11 10 Reserved 8 7 LVL 5 4 Reserved Mnemonic 31:17 Reserved 16 IF Interrupt Flag 15:11 Reserved 10:8 LVL 7:5 R 11111 Field Name Interrupt Level 0 CAUSE R 000 Bits : Type : Initial value : Type : Initial value Explanation Interrupt Flag (Initial value: 1, R) This bit indicates the interrupt generation status. 0: Interrupt requests have been generated. 1: Interrupt requests have not been generated Interrupt Level (Initial value: 000, R) These bits specify the level of the interrupt request that was reported to the TX49/H2 core. The values of these bits are undefined when there is no interrupt request. 000: Interrupt level 0 001: Interrupt level 1 : : 111: Interrupt level 7 Reserved Figure 15.4.15 Interrupt Current Status Register (1/2) 15-27 Chapter 15 Interrupt Controller Bits Mnemonic 4:0 CAUSE Field Name Interrupt Cause Explanation Interrupt Cause (Initial value: 0x1F, R) These bits specify the interrupt cause that was reported to the TX49/H2 core. The values of these bits are undefined when there is no interrupt request. 00000: (Reserved) 00001: TX49 Write Timeout Error 00010: External INT[0] interrupt 00011: External INT[1] interrupt 00100: External INT[2] interrupt 00101: External INT[3] interrupt 00110: External INT[4] interrupt 00111: External INT[5] interrupt 01000: External INT[6] interrupt 01001: External INT[7] interrupt 01010: (Reserved) 01011: NAND Flash Controller interrupt 01100: SIO[0] interrupt 01101: SIO[1] interrupt 01110: DMA[0] interrupt 01111: DMA[1] interrupt 10000: DMA[2] interrupt 10001: DMA[3] interrupt 10010: IRC interrupt 10011: PDMAC interrupt 10100: PCIC interrupt 10101: TMR[0] interrupt 10110: TMR[1] interrupt 10111: TMR[2] interrupt 11000: SPI interrupt 11001: RTC interrupt 11010: ACLC interrupt 11011: ACLCPME interrupt 11100: CHI interrupt 11101: PCIERR interrupt 11110: PCIPME interrupt 11111: (Reserved) Figure 15.4.15 Interrupt Current Status Register (2/2) 15-28 Chapter 15 Interrupt Controller 15.4.16 Interrupt Request Flag Register 0 (IRFLAG0) 31 PF0 [31] 15 PF0 [15] PF0 [30] 14 PF0 [14] PF0 [29] 13 PF0 [13] Bits Mnemonic 31:0 PF0[31:0] PF0 [28] 12 PF0 [12] PF0 [27] 11 PF0 [11] PF0 [26] 10 PF0 [10] PF0 [25] 9 PF0 [9] PF0 PF0 [24] [23] R/W 0x0000 8 7 PF0 PF0 [8] [7] R/W 0x0000 PF0 [22] PF0 [21] PF0 [20] PF0 [19] PF0 [18] PF0 [17] 16 PF0 [16] : Type : Initial value 6 PF0 [6] 5 PF0 [5] 4 PF0 [4] 3 PF0 [3] 2 PF0 [2] 1 PF0 [1] 0 PF0 [0] : Type : Initial value Field Name Flag 0 0xF510 Explanation Interrupt Request Flag 0[31:0] (Initial value: 0x0000_0000, R/W) Changes made to this register are reflected in Flag Register 1 also since they are the same registers. Both “0” and “1” can be written to Flag Register 0. Figure 15.4.16 Interrupt Request Flag Register 0 15.4.17 Interrupt Request Flag Register 1 (IRFLAG1) 31 PF1 [31] 15 PF1 [15] PF1 [30] 14 PF1 [14] PF1 [29] 13 PF1 [13] Bits Mnemonic 31:0 PF1[31:0] PF1 [28] 12 PF1 [12] PF1 [27] 11 PF1 [11] PF1 [26] 10 PF1 [10] PF1 [25] 9 PF1 [9] PF1 PF1 [24] [23] R/W 0x0000 8 7 PF1 PF1 [8] [7] R/W 0x0000 Field Name Flag 1 PF1 [22] 0xF514 PF1 [21] PF1 [20] PF1 [19] PF1 [18] PF1 [17] 16 PF1 [16] : Type : Initial value 6 PF1 [6] 5 PF1 [5] 4 PF1 [4] 3 PF1 [3] 2 PF1 [2] 1 PF1 [1] 0 PF1 [0] : Type : Initial value Explanation Interrupt Request Flag 1[31:0] (Initial value: 0x0000_0000, R/W) Changes made to this register are reflected in Flag Register 0 also since they are the same registers. Writes to Flag Register 1 operate as follows: Write Write from the TX49/H2 core 1: Set the flag bit 0: No change Write from other devices (DMAC, PCIC) 1: Clear the flag bit 0: No change Read: Read the flag bit Figure 15.4.17 Interrupt Request Flag Register 1 15-29 Chapter 15 Interrupt Controller 15.4.18 Interrupt Request Polarity Control Register (IRPOL) 31 FPC [31] 15 FPC [15] FPC [30] 14 FPC [14] FPC [29] 13 FPC [13] Bits Mnemonic 31:0 FPC[31:0] FPC [28] 12 FPC [12] FPC [27] 11 FPC [11] FPC [26] 10 FPC [10] FPC [25] 9 FPC [9] FPC FPC [24] [23] R/W 0x0000 8 7 FPC FPC [8] [7] R/W 0x0000 FPC [22] FPC [20] FPC [19] FPC [18] FPC [17] 16 FPC [16] : Type : Initial value 6 FPC [6] Field Name Flag Polarity Control FPC [21] 0xF518 5 FPC [5] 4 FPC [4] 3 FPC [3] 2 FPC [2] 1 FPC [1] 0 FPC [0] : Type : Initial value Explanation Flag Polarity Control[31:0] (Initial value: 0x0000_0000, R/W) These bits specify the polarity of the flag bit that generated the interrupt. An interrupt request is generated when the XOR of the FPC bit and the flag bit is “1.” Flag bit (PF) FPC bit Interrupt request 0 0 No 0 1 Yes 1 0 Yes 1 1 No Figure 15.4.18 Interrupt Request Polarity Control Register 15.4.19 Interrupt Request Control Register (IRRCNT) 0xF51C 31 16 Reserved : Type : Initial value 15 3 2 Reserved OD R/W 0 Bits Mnemonic Field Name 1 0 EXTPOL INTPOL R/W 1 R/W : Type 1 : Initial value Explanation 31:3 Reserved 2 OD External Interrupt OD Control External Interrupt Open Drain Control (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit specifies whether to make the external interrupt signal (IRC[2]*) an open drain pin or not. 0: Open drain (reset) 1: Totem pole 1 EXTPOL External Interrupt Request Polarity Control External Interrupt Polarity Control (Initial value: 1, R/W) This bit specifies the polarity of external interrupt requests. 0: Do not reverse polarity of interrupt requests. 1: Reverse polarity of interrupt requests 0 INTPOL Internal Interrupt Request Polarity Control Internal Interrupt Polarity Control (Initial value: 1, R/W) This bit specifies the polarity of internal interrupt requests. 0: Do not reverse polarity of interrupt requests. 1: Reverse polarity of interrupt requests Figure 15.4.19 Interrupt Request Control Register 15-30 Chapter 15 Interrupt Controller 15.4.20 Interrupt Request Internal Interrupt Mask Register (IRMASKINT) 0xF520 31 16 MINT MINT MINT MINT MINT MINT MINT MINT MINT MINT MINT MINT MINT MINT MINT MINT [31] [30] [29] [28] [27] [26] [25] [24] [23] [22] [21] [20] [19] [18] [17] [16] R/W : Type 0x0000 : Initial value 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MINT MINT MINT MINT MINT MINT MINT MINT MINT MINT MINT MINT MINT MINT MINT MINT [15] [14] [13] [12] [11] [10] [9] [8] [7] [6] [5] [4] [3] [2] [1] [0] R/W : Type 0x0000 : Initial value Bits Mnemonic Field Name Explanation 31:0 MINT[31:0] Internal Request Mask Internal Interrupt Mask (Initial value: 0x0000_0000, R/W) These bits specify whether to use the corresponding flag bit as an internal interrupt cause. Interrupt causes are masked when this bit is “0.” 0: Mask (Reset) 1: Do not mask Figure 15.4.20 Interrupt Request Internal Interrupt Mask Register 15.4.21 Interrupt Request External Interrupt Mask Register (IRMASKEXT) 0xF524 31 16 MEXT MEXT MEXT MEXT MEXT MEXT MEXT MEXT MEXT MEXT MEXT MEXT MEXT MEXT MEXT MEXT [31] [30] [29] [28] [27] [26] [25] [24] [23] [22] [21] [20] [19] [18] [17] [16] R/W : Type 0x0000 : Initial value 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MEXT MEXT MEXT MEXT MEXT MEXT MEXT MEXT MEXT MEXT MEXT MEXT MEXT MEXT MEXT MEXT [15] [14] [13] [12] [11] [10] [9] [8] [7] [6] [5] [4] [3] [2] [1] [0] R/W : Type 0x0000 : Initial value Bits Mnemonic Field Name Explanation 31:0 MEXT[31:0] External Request Mask External Interrupt Mask (Initial value: 0x0000_0000, R/W) These bits specify whether to use the corresponding flag bit as an external interrupt cause. Interrupt causes are masked when this bit is “0.” 0: Mask (reset) 1: Do not mask Figure 15.4.21 Interrupt Request External Interrupt Mask Register 15-31 Chapter 15 Interrupt Controller 15-32 Chapter 16 CHI Module 16. CHI Module 16.1 Characteristics The CHI Module within the TX4925 contains holding registers, shift registers, DMA support, and other logic to support interfacing to external full-duplex serial TDM communication peripherals, including ISDN communication devices and PCM/TDM serial highways. The TX4925 implementation of the CHI Module is based on the Concentration Highway Interface standard specified by Intel and AT&T, which is intended to allow glueless interface to various TDM highways used by numerous commercial products. The TX4925 CHI Module can also be used to support an intra-system high-speed serial DMA channel within a PDA system. The TX4925 CHI Module utilizes a 4-signal interface consisting of clock, sync, transmit serial data, and receive serial data. The data is organized as a TDM format, with up to 64 timeslots (nominally 8 bits each) per frame, with a nominal frame rate of 8 kHz (8 bits × 8 kHz = 64 kbps nominal data rate per channel). Up to four input timeslots and up to four output timeslots can be independently selected in each half-frame. The CHI Module does not handle the timeslots which are not selected for input or output. The number of timeslots and the data rate (up to 4.096 Mbps) and frame rate (up to 64 kHz, depending on the system configuration) are programmable, providing flexibility for supporting various TDM communication peripherals. These timeslots are commonly used to carry voice, data, or control and status information. The CHI Module provides full-duplex DMA support for receive and transmit (two DMA channels). The DMA buffers can be configured in a continuous (circular) buffer mode or a one-time (empty or fill, then stop) buffer mode. Half-buffer and end-of-buffer DMA address counter interrupts are available, allowing the CPU to minimize overhead and efficiently empty or fill half of the DMA buffer in a ping-pong fashion. The DMA buffer size is programmable (from a minimum of 16 bytes up to a maximum of 16 Kbytes) and the receive and transmit buffers can be configured to either reside in different memory spaces or share the same memory space (overlapping buffers for loopback purposes or for optimum memory allocation). Also available is a direct CPU read/write mode for bypassing the DMA, allowing the CPU to read or write the CHI data on a sample by sample basis, if so desired. 16-1 Chapter 16 CHI Module 16.2 Block Diagram See Figure 16.2.1 for a block diagram of the CHI Module. The CHI Module consists of holding registers (both transmit and receive), shift registers (both transmit and receive), DMA support, and other logic to support interfacing to various types of TDM highways. Data from DMA or CPU 32 Control From CPU 32B TX Hold REG-A 32B TX Hold REG-B 8 TX TDM Switch CTRL REG MSB VS LSB First TXOE TX Shift Load CMP 8 OUT REG 8B TX Shift REG CHIDOUT CLK PRGM Divider TX CH CNT CHICLK CHI CTRL and STAT REG Clock and Control Logic SYNCH PRGM Divider CHIFS SYNCH RX CH CNT RX TDM SWITCH CTRL REG CMP RX Hold Load 8B RX Shift REG SYNCH 8 MSB VS LSB First 8 32B RX Hold REG-A 32B RX Hold REG-B 32 Data to DMA or CPU Figure 16.2.1 CHI Module Block Diagram 16-2 CHIDIN Chapter 16 CHI Module 16.3 Detailed Explanation 16.3.1 Transmitter For the CHI transmit direction, Buffer-A and Buffer-B transmit holding registers are written either from the DMA circuit or directly from the CPU. Each of these 2 holding registers are 32-bits wide, and CHI control logic determines which byte from which holding register gets loaded at a given time into the 8-bit transmit shift register. In addition, the byte data loaded from the holding register to the shift register can be MSB-first or LSB-first. The reason for having Buffer-A and Buffer-B holding registers is that the CHI Module operates in a ping-pong fashion. Each frame of data is partitioned into 2 buffers (A and B); for example, with 64 timeslots total, the data is partitioned into 32 timeslots per buffer. The ping-pong operation allows one buffer to be updated (via the DMA or CPU) while the other buffer is being loaded into the shift register a byte at a time, depending on which timeslots are active. The pingpong operation is transparent to the CPU or DMA interface, since the CHI Module automatically points to the correct A or B buffer at a given time and the CPU or DMA always accesses the same 32-bit holding register for all transactions. The transmit TDM switch control register is used to select ANY 4 channels per buffer to be loaded from the holding register to the shift register. For example, if the CHI Module is configured for 32 timeslots per buffer (64 total timeslots), any 4 channels per buffer (8 total) can be selected out of the 32 available channels. The CHIDOUT signal is tri-stated during any of the non-selected channels. Each of the 8 selected channels also has an individual control bit for enabling/disabling the timeslot. Figure 16.3.1 shows how the transmit TDM switch works, for example, with 16 total timeslots. Please refer to “16.4 Registers”. TX Holding Register A byte3 byte2 byte1 TX Holding Register B byte0 byte3 Bit31…………………….Bit0 Bit0……………….Bit31 CHIDOUT ch0 ch1 ch2 ch3 Bit Hi-Z byte2 byte1 byte0 Bit31…………………….Bit0 Hi-Z Hi-Z Hi-Z Hi-Z 16…13 ch9 Hi-Z 0x07 0 0xFFxx_0000 0x0302_0100 0x0501_0306 Figure 16.3.1 Transmit TDM Switch Example 16-3 24…31 0…7 ch11 Hi-Z ch13 ch14 Hi-Z CHIFS CHINCHAN[4:0] TXMSBFIRST CHI Pointer Enable CHI Transmit Pointer A CHI Transmit Pointer B 8…15 Chapter 16 CHI Module 16.3.2 Receiver For the CHI receive direction, Buffer-A and Buffer-B receive holding registers are read either by the DMA circuit or directly by the CPU. Each of these 2 holding registers are 32 bits wide, and CHI control logic determines which byte to which holding register gets loaded at a given time from the 8-bit receive shift register. In addition, the byte data loaded from the shift register to the holding register can be MSB-first or LSB-first. Similar to the transmit direction, the receive section also operates in a pingpong fashion, allowing one buffer to be read (via the DMA or CPU) while the other buffer is being loaded from the shift register a byte at a time, depending on which timeslots are active. The receive TDM switch control register (independent from the transmit TDM switch control register) is used to select ANY 4 channels per buffer to be loaded from the shift register to the holding register. Each of the 8 selected channels also has an individual control bit for enabling/disabling the timeslot. An interrupt is available whenever a valid 32 bit word is available from the receive data holding register A. This also means a valid CHI output sample can be written to the transmit data holding register A. Similarly, an interrupt is also available whenever a valid 32 bit word is available from the receive data holding register B. This also means a valid CHI output sample can be written to the transmit data holding register B. 16.3.3 Clock and Control Generation The CHI Module contains several programmable counters which are used to generate the various CHI internal and external control signals and clocks. See Figure 16.3.3 for a block diagram of the CHI clock and control generation circuit. As mentioned previously, CHICLK can be configured as either an output (master mode) or input (slave mode). As an output, CHICLK is derived by dividing down from IMBUSCLKF. In this mode, all CHI clocks are then synchronously locked to the main TX4925 system clock. As an input, CHICLK is generated from an external clock source, which is asynchronous with respect to IMBUSCLKF. The TX4925 CHI Module utilizes a digital-PLL circuit to stay “locked” to the external source, while still operating internally using IMBUSCLKF CHIDIN and CHIDOUT are also synchronized between IMBUSCLKF and the externally-supplied CHICLK. CHIFS can also be configured as either an output (master mode) or input (slave mode). As an output, CHIFS is derived by dividing down from CHICLK. For this mode, the CHIFS pulse width and polarity is also programmable. As an input, CHIFS is generated from an external sync source. The TX4925 CHI Module utilizes a digital-PLL circuit to stay “locked” to the external sync source, while still operating internally using IMBUSCLKF. The programmable receive and transmit sync delay counters shown in See Figure 16.3.2 are used to implement the bit offset feature described earlier. The bit offset control bits determine the number of clock cycles between the start of timeslot 0 and CHIFS. The receive and transmit sync delay counters are independent from each other, such that the receive and transmit serial data streams can have different bit offsets. The programmable receive channel counter output is constantly compared with the receive TDM switch control register values, and whenever a match occurs, the byte of data is loaded from the receive shift register into the correct field within the receive holding register. Similarly, the programmable transmit channel counter output is constantly compared with the transmit TDM switch control register values, and whenever a match occurs, the byte of data is loaded from the correct field within the transmit holding register into the receive shift register. 16-4 Chapter 16 CHI Module All control registers, including the TDM switch control registers, must be unchanged while the CHI Module is enabled. If any register is changed during the CHI operation, the result is undefined. IMBUSCLK PRGM CHICLK Divider CHICLK SYNCH Digital PLL PRGM CHIFS Divider CHIFS SYNCH Digital PLL PRGM RX FS Delay CNT ÷ 8/16 RX Bit CNT PRGM RX CHAN CNT Decode RX Start/Stop Control RX Shift REG Control RX Holding REG Control RX DMA REQ Control Sample Interrupt CMP RX TDM Switch CNTL PRGM TX FS Delay CNT ÷ 8/16 TX Bit CNT PRGM TX CHAN CNT Decode TX Start/Stop Control TX Shift REG Control TX Holding REG Control TX DMA REQ Control Sample Interrupt TX CHIDOUT Enable CMP TX TDM Switch CNTL Control from CPU Figure 16.3.2 CHI Clock and Control Generation 16-5 Chapter 16 CHI Module 16.3.4 DMA Address Generation The CHI Module provides support for 2 full-duplex DMA channels: receive and transmit. The circuit used to generate the DMA address, as well as half-buffer and end-of-buffer interrupts is shown in Figure 16.3.3. DMA RD/WR mode RX Start ADDR 30 2:1 TX Start ADDR DMA CNTL REG CNT Load Logic One-time VS. Circular mode 12 DMA ADDR CNT CLK 12 Buffer Size 12 ÷2 30 DMA ADDR CMP End-of-buffer Interrupt CMP Half-buffer Interrupt Control from CPU Figure 16.3.3 CHI DMA Address Generation The DMA buffer size is programmable (from a minimum of 16bytes up to a maximum of 16 Kbytes) and the receive and transmit buffer start addresses are also programmable (anywhere over the full 32-bit address space). Because there are separate start addresses, the receive and transmit buffers can be configured to either reside in different memory spaces or share the same memory space. But in the loopback mode, it can only share the same memory space and this ordering allows a receive-to-transmit immediate via the DMA buffer. Thus, received samples are written to the DMA buffer location immediately after transmit samples were read from that same location (which then became immediately available). This ordering allows a single circular DMA buffer to be used for both transmit and receive samples. The DMA buffers can be configured in a circular buffer mode or a one-time buffer mode. For the circular mode, the DMA address is continuously incremented (each time a DMA acknowledge is received from the TX4925’s central DMA controller) and rolls over back to the start address after the end-of-buffer is reached and will continue operating in a continuous and circular manner. For the onetime mode, the DMA logic will stop executing whenever the end-of-buffer is reached. Because the CHI Module reads and writes a byte at a time between the shift registers and the 32 bit holding registers, the software must pack and unpack these bytes to and from the 32 bit words in memory in order to multiplex and demultiplex each channel for processing. Table 16.3.1 shows the format and organization of the CHI channels within memory for DMA mode. Consecutive byte samples for a given channel reside in memory every 8th byte. 16-6 Chapter 16 CHI Module Note that the byte lanes are swapped between the little- and big-endian modes. In the little-endian mode, bits 31:24 of a word on the DMA buffer correspond to the byte lane with the address offset ‘+3’ and therefore to the ‘byte0’ in the CHI TX/RX holding register. On the contrary, in the big-endian mode, bits 31:24 of a word on the DMA buffer correspond to the byte lane with the address offset ‘+0’ and therefore to the ‘byte3’ in the CHI TX/RX holding register. Table 16.3.1 CHI DMA Memory Organization (Relative) Memory Address +0 +1 +2 +3 +0x0 buffA, byte3 sample 0 buffA, byte2 sample 0 buffA, byte1 sample 0 buffA, byte0 sample 0 +0x4 buffB, byte3 sample 0 buffB, byte2 sample 0 buffB, byte1 sample 0 buffB, byte0 sample 0 +0x8 buffA, byte3 sample 1 buffA, byte2 sample 1 buffA, byte1 sample 1 buffA, byte0 sample 1 +0xC buffB, byte3 buffB, byte2 buffB, byte1 buffB, byte0 sample 1 sample 1 sample 1 sample 1 buffA, byte3 sample 2 buffA, byte2 sample 2 buffA, byte1 sample 2 buffA, byte0 sample 2 +0x10 etc. For a given channel, the minimum input-to-output latency for the CHI data path is (4 cycles) × (62.5 µs) = 250 µs, assuming an 8 kHz frame rate. These required 4 cycles are as follows: • 1 cycle to load receive shift register into receive holding register • 1 cycle for DMA of receive holding register data into receive memory space (insert here any application-specific time required for processing of received data and moving result to transmit memory space) • 1 cycle for DMA of data in transmit memory space to transmit holding register • 1 cycle to load transmit holding register data into transmit shift register Half-buffer and end-of-buffer DMA address counter interrupts are available, allowing the CPU to minimize overhead and utilize the DMA buffer in a ping-pong fashion. For transmit mode, the CPU can use these interrupts to fill or write one half of the buffer while the other half is being emptied by the DMA controller for transmitting out the CHI. Similarly, for receive mode, the CPU can use these interrupts to empty or read one half of the buffer while the other half is being filled by the DMA controller from received CHI input samples. Also available is a direct CPU read/write mode for bypassing the DMA, allowing the CPU to read or write the CHI data on a sample by sample basis, if so desired. Separate DMA enables for receive and transmit allow DMA to be setup for receive only (transmit via CPU), transmit only (receive via CPU), receive and transmit, or none (receive and transmit via CPU). The DMA circuit also provides an interrupt each time the DMA buffer pointer is incremented, which occurs whenever a new sample is read from and/or written to the DMA buffer. This interrupt may be useful for triggering a read of the DMA pointer status value, which is the actual 12-bit DMA address counter output. This value indicates exactly where the current address is pointing to in the overall DMA buffer. 16-7 Chapter 16 CHI Module 16.3.5 Timing Diagram Figure 16.3.4 shows timing diagram for DMA transfer. ENCHI (*) CHIFS Hi-Z Ch.A TX Data#1 Ch.B TX Data#1 Ch.A TX Data#2 Ch.B TX Data#2 Ch.A TX Data#3 Ch.B TX Data#3 Discarded Data Ch.A RX Data#1 Ch.B RX Data#1 Ch.A RX Data#2 Ch.B RX Data#2 Ch.A RX Data#3 Ch.B RX Data#3 CHIDOUT CHIDIN TXCNTB (*) RXCNTB (*) CHIREQ (*) CHIWR (*) CHIACK (*) DMADIN (*) Ch.A TX Data#1 00000000 Ch.B TX Data#1 00000000 Ch.A TX Data#2 00000000 Ch.B TX Data#2 00000000 Ch.A TX Data#3 00000000 Ch.B TX Data#3 00000000 Ch.A TX Data#4 00000000 CHIDMADOUT (*) TXADRCNT (*) +0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 CHITXREQ (*) CHITXADR (*) +0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 CHITXACK (*) CHITXDIN (*) Latch (*) RXADRCNT (*) CHIRXDOUT (*) Ch.A TX Data#1 +0 Ch.B TX Data#1 Ch.A TX Data#2 +1 00000000 Ch.B TX Data#2 +2 Ch.A RX Data#1 Ch.A TX Data#3 +3 Ch.B TX Data#3 +4 Ch.A TX Data#4 +5 Ch.B RX Data#1 Ch.A RX Data#2 Ch.B RX Data#2 +3 +4 +5 Ch.B TX Data#4 +6 CHIRXREQA (*) CHIRXADR (*) +0 CHIRXACKA (*) (*): Internal signal Figure 16.3.4 Timing Diagram for DMA Transfer. 16-8 +6 Chapter 16 CHI Module 16.3.6 Interrupts The CHI module has eight types interrupt sources. OR signal of them connects to the internal Interrupt Controller (IRC). Please check CHI Interrupt Status Register (CHIINT) to know which type of interrupt occurred. Type Status Bits Mask-able Bit CHIBUSERROR BUSI BUSIE CHI0_5 05I 05IE CHI1_0 10I 10IE CHIDMACNT DCI DCIE CHIININTA INAI INAIE CHIININTB INBI INBIE CHIACT ACTI ACTIE CHIERR ERRI ERRIE CHIBUSERRORINT: Issues an interrupt whenever the CHI DMA has bus error. CHI0_5INT: Issues an interrupt whenever the CHI DMA buffer pointer has reached the halfway point. CHI1_0INT: Issues an interrupt whenever the CHI DMA buffer pointer has reached the end-of-buffer point. CHIDMACNTINT: Issues an interrupt each time the CHI DMA buffer pointer is incremented, which occurs whenever a new CHI sample is read from and/or written to the CHI DMA buffer. CHIININTA: Issues an interrupt whenever a valid CHI input sample is available from CHI RX Holding Register A; this also means a valid CHI output sample can be written to CHI TX Holding Register A. CHIININTB: Issues an interrupt whenever a valid CHI input sample is available from CHI RX Holding Register B; this also means a valid CHI output sample can be written to CHI TX Holding Register B. CHIACTINT: Issues an interrupt whenever CHICLK is active. This is used for CHI wakeup purposes. CHIERRINT: Issues an interrupt whenever a CHI error is received. This interrupt is triggered if CPU or DMA reading of the CHI RX Holding Registers does not keep up with the hardware filling of the CHI RX Holding Registers or if CPU or DMA writing of the CHI TX Holding Registers does not keep up with the hardware emptying of the CHI TX Holding Registers. 16-9 Chapter 16 CHI Module 16.3.7 Frame Structure and Serial Timing Each CHI frame (nominally 8 kHz rate) is time-division-multiplexed into several timeslots or channels. The total number of timeslots per frame is programmable, with a maximum of 64 timeslots allowed, and the number of timeslots is also restricted to an even number. Each timeslot is 8 bits, although 16-bit or 32-bit channels can be supported by accessing adjacent timeslots. The TX4925 CHI Module supports a master or slave mode for both the clock (CHICLK) and sync (CHIFS). For the master mode, the TX4925 contains programmable dividers for generating the clock and/or sync signal, synchronously dividing down from the main core clock (CLK). For the slave mode, TX4925 accepts external clock and/or sync signals and utilizes “digital-PLL” type circuitry to stayed “locked” to the external source. The CHI Module supports the following programmable features which allow support for various clock and sync timing formats: 1x versus 2x clock modes for CHICLK (2x clock mode uses two CHICLK periods per data bit) MSB-first versus LSB-first serial formats for transmit and receive rising versus falling edge (polarity) used for frame sync triggering CHIFS signal can be sampled on either rising or falling edge of CHICLK CHIDIN receive data can be sampled on either rising or falling edge of CHICLK CHIDOUT transmit data can be pushed on either rising or falling edge of CHICLK CHIDIN receive data can have programmable bit offset (timeslot 0 offset from CHIFS) CHIDOUT transmit data can have programmable bit offset (timeslot 0 offset from CHIFS) CHIDOUT transmit data (tri-state) output buffer enable is dynamically asserted for only active timeslots; for sleep mode CHIDOUT is always tri-stated for CHIFS master mode, the CHIFS pulse width and polarity is programmable The TX4925 CHI Module allows for a programmable bit offset for both CHIDIN and CHIDOUT, which is related to the number of clock cycles between the start of timeslot 0 and CHIFS. This flexibility allows the TX4925 CHI Module to support a wide variety of interface clock and sync timing formats. The control bits for controlling the CHIDIN bit offset are CHIRXBOFF[3:0], while the control bits for controlling the CHIDOUT bit offset are CHITXBOFF[3:0]. 16-10 Chapter 16 CHI Module Table 16.3.2 and Table 16.3.3 shows a summary matrix for the values of CERX and CETX for all possible settings of CHIRXBOFF and CHITXBOFF, respectively. These values are shown for various configurations of CHICLK mode (1x versus 2x), CHIFSEDGE, CHIRXEDGE, and CHITXEDGE. The CHIFSEDGE settings determine whether to use the rising edge (CHIFSEDGE = 1) or falling edge (CHIFSEDGE = 0) of CHICLK to sample CHIFS. The CHIRXEDGE settings determine whether to use the rising edge (CHIRXEDGE = 1) or falling edge (CHIRXEDGE = 0) of CHICLK to sample the CHIDIN input. The CHITXEDGE settings determine whether to use the rising edge (CHITXEDGE = 1) or falling edge (CHITXEDGE = 0) of CHICLK to push the CHIDOUT output. CERX is defined as the number of CHICLK clock edges (rising and falling) between the edge where CHIFS is sampled and the edge where CHIDIN is sampled. CETX is defined as the number of CHICLK clock edges (rising and falling) between the edge where CHIFS is sampled and the edge where CHIDOUT is pushed. The CHI frame structure and bit offsets are shown in Figure 16.3.5 to 16.3.11 for various clock and sync configurations. Table 16.3.2 CERX Values for CHIRXBOFF Versus Clock and Edge Configurations CHICLK CHIFS- CHIRXMode Edge Edge CHIRXBOFF 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1x 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 1x 1 1 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 1x 0 1 −1 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 1x 1 0 −1 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 2x 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 2x 1 1 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 2x 0 1 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 2x 1 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 Table 16.3.3 CETX Values for CHITXBOFF Versus Clock and Edge Configurations CHICLK CHIFS- CHIRXMode Edge Edge CHITXBOFF 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1x 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 1x 1 1 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 1x 0 1 −1 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 1x 1 0 −1 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 2x 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 2x 1 1 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 2x 0 1 −1 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 2x 1 0 −1 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 When the CHI frame consists of only two time slots, not all the BOFF values are supported. The offsets must be within the half-frame. 16-11 Chapter 16 CHI Module channel 1 Start Frame start channel 0 channel 63 channel 1 CHICLK CHIFS CHIDIN 0 1 2 6 7 CHIDOUT 0 1 2 6 7 Figure 16.3.5 CHI Frame Structure Example CHICLK 1X mode CHIFS sampled on falling edge CHIDIN sampled on falling edge; RXBOFF = 0; CERX = 0 CHIDOUT pushed on rising edge; TXBOFF = 0; CETX = 1 channel 1 Start Frame start channel 0 channel 63 channel 1 CHICLK CHIFS CHIDIN 0 CHIDOUT 1 0 2 1 6 2 7 6 7 Figure 16.3.6 CHI Frame Structure Example CHICLK 1X mode CHIFS sampled on rising edge CHIDIN sampled on falling edge; RXBOFF = 1; CERX = 1 CHIDOUT pushed on falling edge; TXBOFF = 1; CETX = 1 16-12 Chapter 16 CHI Module channel 1 Start Frame start channel 0 channel 63 channel 1 CHICLK CHIFS CHIDIN CHIDOUT 0 0 1 2 1 2 6 6 7 7 Figure 16.3.7 CHI Frame Structure Example CHICLK 1X mode CHIFS sampled on falling edge CHIDIN sampled on rising edge; RXBOFF = 2; CERX = 3 CHIDOUT pushed on falling edge; TXBOFF = 0; CETX = 0 channel 1 Start Frame start channel 0 channel 63 channel 1 CHICLK CHIFS CHIDIN 0 1 2 6 7 CHIDOUT 0 1 2 6 7 Figure 16.3.8 CHI Frame Structure Example CHICLK 2X mode CHIFS sampled on falling edge CHIDIN sampled on rising edge; RXBOFF = 0; CERX = 1 CHIDOUT pushed on rising edge; TXBOFF = 0; CETX = 1 16-13 Chapter 16 CHI Module channel 1 Start Frame start channel 1 channel 0 channel 63 CHICLK CHIFS CHIDIN 0 1 2 6 7 CHIDOUT 0 1 2 6 7 Figure 16.3.9 CHI Frame Structure Example CHICLK 2X mode CHIFS sampled on falling edge CHIDIN sampled on rising edge; RXBOFF = 2; CERX = 5 CHIDOUT pushed on rising edge; TXBOFF = 2; CETX = 3 channel 1 Start Frame start channel 0 channel 63 channel 1 CHICLK CHIFS CHIDIN 0 1 2 6 7 CHIDOUT 0 1 2 6 7 Figure 16.3.10 CHI Frame Structure Example CHICLK 2X mode CHIFS sampled on rising edge CHIDIN sampled on rising edge; RXBOFF = 0; CERX = 2 CHIDOUT pushed on rising edge; TXBOFF = 0; CETX = 0 16-14 Chapter 16 CHI Module channel 1 Start Frame start channel 0 channel 63 channel 1 CHICLK CHIFS CHIDIN 0 1 2 6 7 CHIDOUT 0 1 2 6 7 Figure 16.3.11 CHI Frame Structure Example CHICLK 2X mode CHIFS sampled on falling edge CHIRXFSPOL = 1 (negative polarity) CHIDIN sampled on rising edge; RXBOFF = 1; CERX = 3 CHIDOUT pushed on rising edge; TXBOFF = 1; CETX = 1 16-15 Chapter 16 CHI Module 16.3.8 Configurations The programmability of the clock, sync, bit offsets, and number of timeslots allows the CHI Module to support a wide range of configurations. Several of these configurations are commonly utilized as communication interfaces by numerous commercial products, some of which are briefly discussed below. Other configurations are available for application-specific usage. The K2 Interface is an AT&T standard used as a serial inter-chip digital interface between U-interface transmission circuits and various system-wide interface circuits. The K2 Interface utilizes four pins (clock, sync, data in, and data out) and consists of eight 8-bit timeslots, with a frame rate of 8 kHz and a clock rate of 512 kHz. The SLD Interface utilizes 3 pins (clock, sync, data), with the transmit and receive pins tied together, such that the data is sent bi-directionally in a ping-pong fashion. The SLD Interface consists of eight 8bit timeslots, with 4 timeslots reserved for transmit and 4 timeslots reserved for receive. The frame rate is 8 kHz and the clock rate is 512 kHz. The GCI Interface is a 4-pin variable-speed TDM highway utilizing anywhere from 4 to 48 timeslots. The frame rate is 8 kHz and the clock rate is 2x the data rate and varies from 512-kHz to 6.144 MHz. The IOM-2 Interface is commonly used to interface to 4-pin ISDN line interface drivers. Each frame consists of twelve 8-bit timeslots, with a frame rate of 8 kHz and a (2x) clock rate of 1.536-MHz. The CEPT Level-1 PCM Format is a common communications standard used for digital transmission of voice and data. Each frame consists of 32 8-bit timeslots, with a frame rate of 8-kHz and a (1x) clock rate of 2.048 MHz. Table 16.3.4 shows a summary matrix of several example CHI configurations and their associated parameters. Table 16.3.4 Example CHI Configurations (Table Values Based on IMBUSCLKF = 32.256 MHz) CHICLK Divide Time Slots CHICLK Mode fs CHICLK Rate Data Rate Comments 4 64 2x 8 kHz 8.064 MHz 4.032 Mbps 6 48 2x 8 kHz 5.376 MHz 2.688 Mbps slave mode only GCI format 8 64 1x 8 kHz 4.032 MHz 4.032 Mbps CHI format hi-speed mode 8 8 1x 64 kHz 4.032 MHz 4.032 Mbps 9 64 1x 7.2 kHz 3.584 MHz 3.584 Mbps 11 24 2x 8 kHz 2.932 MHz 1.466 Mbps 11 48 1x 8 kHz 2.932 MHz 2.932 Mbps 16 32 1x 8 kHz 2.016 MHz 2.016 Mbps 21 12 2x 8 kHz 1.536 MHz 768 kbps IOM-2 format 63 8 1x 8 kHz 512 kHz 512 kbps K2, SLD formats CEPT PCM format Note that the maximum achievable frame rate depends on the system configuration. If devices with long access time and/or 16 bit-wide data bus are used, the frame rate of 64 kHz may be unachievable because of the reduced bus band width. Using other interfaces in parallel with CHI and/or reducing the CPU clock frequencies will also reduce the band width available for CHI. 16-16 Chapter 16 CHI Module 16.4 Registers All registers should be accessed only as full word (32-bit) accesses. Any other type of access produces an undefined result. Please write “0” to the undefined bit. Table 16.4.1 CHI Module Registers Reference Offset Address Bit Width Register Symbol Register Name 16.4.1 0xA800 32 bit CTRL CHI Control Register 16.4.2 0xA804 32 bit PNTREN CHI Pointer Enable Register 16.4.3 0xA808 32 bit RXPTRA CHI Receive Pointer A Register 16.4.4 0xA80C 32 bit RXPTRB CHI Receive Pointer B Register 16.4.5 0xA810 32 bit TXPTRA CHI Transmit Pointer A Register 16.4.6 0xA814 32 bit TXPTRB CHI Transmit Pointer B Register 16.4.7 0xA818 32 bit CHISIZE CHI SIZE Register 16.4.8 0xA81C 32 bit RXSTRT CHI RX Start Register 16.4.9 0xA820 32 bit TXSTRT CHI TX Start Register 16.4.10 0xA824 32 bit HOLD CHI TX Hold Register (write only) 16.4.10 0xA824 32 bit HOLD CHI RX Hold Register (read only) 16.4.12 0xA828 32 bit CLOCK CHI Clock Register 16.4.13 0xA82C 32 bit CHIINTE CHI Interrupt Enable Register. 16.4.14 0xA830 32 bit CHIINT CHI Interrupt Status Register 16-17 Chapter 16 CHI Module 16.4.1 CHI Control Register (CTRL) 31 30 Reserved 29 28 27 LOOP TEST FDIR R/W 0 15 RBOF R/W 0000 R/W 0 12 26 25 FWID 0xA800 24 20 R/W 0 R/W 0 R/W 0 R/W 0 Field Name R/W 0 16 TBOF R/W R/W R/W 0 00 00000 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 TMSB RMSB RFPL TFPL REDG TEDG FEDG TFED R/W 0 19 CHAN R/W 0 R/W 0 R/W 0000 : Type : Initial value 3 C2X 2 REN 1 TEN 0 CEN R/W 0 R/W 0 R/W 0 R/W : Type 0 : Initial value Bits Mnemonic 31:30 Reserved Description 29 LOOP CHILOOP CHILOOP bit (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit is used for IC testing and should not be set. Setting this bit to a logic “1” will cause the CHI serial transmitted data to be internally looped back to the CHI serial receive data path. The data is inverted when this mode is selected. Clearing this bit to a logic “0” selects the normal CHIDIN pin as the CHI serial receive data source. 28 TEST CHIENTEST CHIENTEST bit (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit is used for IC testing and should not be set. 27 FDIR CHIFSDIR CHIFSDIR bit (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit controls the direction of the CHIFS pin. 0: CHIFS to be an input.(CHI sync slave mode) Note* 1: CHIFS to be an output.(CHI sync master mode) Note that CHIRXFSPOL and CHIFSEDGE bits must be set to proper values even when CHIFSDIR is set to a logic “1” (CHI sync master mode). 26:25 FWID[1:0] CHIFSWIDTH CHIFSWIDTH bits (Initial value: 00, R/W) These bits are used to select pulse width for the CHIFS signal, relevant whenever the CHI Module is configured as master mode. The pulse width is counted by data bit width. (In clk2x mode, two CHICLKs correspond to one data bit.) The available CHIFS pulse widths are as follows 00: 1 bit wide 01: 2 bits wides 10: 1 byte wide 11: half-frame wide 24:20 CHAN[4:0] CHINCHAN CHINCHAN bits (Initial value: 00000, R/W) These bits are used to program the number of 8-bit channel timeslots per halfframe, up to 32 total per half-frame. The value loaded for CHINCHAN is the desired number of channels-1. 19:16 TBOF[3:0] CHTXBOFF CHITXBOFF bits (Initial value: 0000, R/W) These bits select the transmit data programmable bit offset, which is related to the number of clocks from the start of timeslot 0 (1st timeslot) transmit data to the CHIFS edge used to trigger the start of each CHI frame. The value loaded for CHITXBOFF must be chosen from Table 16.3.3 according to the configuration. 15:12 RBOF[3:0] CHIRXBOFF CHIRXBOFF bits (Initial value: 0000, R/W) These bits select the receive data programmable bit offset, which is related to the number of clocks from the start of timeslot 0 (1st timeslot) receive data to the CHIFS edge used to trigger the start of each CHI frame. The value loaded for CHIRXBOFF must be chosen from Table 16.3.2 according to the configuration. 11 TMSB TXMSBFIRST TXMSBFIRST bit (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit selects between MSB-first and LSB-first serial data formats for each byte of the CHI transmit data. 0: LSB-first 1: MSB-first Figure 16.4.1 Control Register (CTRLREG) (1/3) 16-18 Chapter 16 CHI Module Bits Mnemonic Field Name Description 10 RMSB RXMSBFIRST 9 RFPL CHIRXFSPOL CHIRXFSPOL bit (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit selects between positive (active high) or negative (active low) polarity for the received CHIFS signal pulse. This bit must be properly set in CHI sync master mode, as well as in CHI sync slave mode; In CHI sync master mode, CHIRXFSPOL must be equal to CHITXFSPOL. 0: positive polarity for the CHIFS pulse. (the rising edge of the CHIFS pulse is used to trigger the start of the CHI frame period.) 1: negative polarity for the CHIFS pulse. ( the falling edge of the CHIFS pulse is used to trigger the start of the CHI frame period.) 8 TFPL CHITXFSPOL CHITXFSPOL bit (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit selects between positive (active high) or negative (active low) polarity for the transmitted CHIFS signal pulse, relevant whenever the CHI Module is configured as master mode. 0: positive polarity for the CHIFS pulse 1: negative polarity for the CHIFS pulse 7 REDG CHIRXEDGE CHIRXEDGE bit (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit selects whether to use either the rising edge or falling edge of CHICLK to sample the receive data CHIDIN. CHIDIN must be stable before and after the specified CHICLK edge. 0: falling edge 1: rising edge 6 TEDG CHITXEDGE CHITXEDGE bit (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit selects whether to use either the rising edge or falling edge of CHICLK to clock out the transmit data CHIDOUT. 0: falling edge 1: rising edge 5 FEDG CHIFSEDGE CHIFSEDGE bit (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit selects whether to use either the rising edge or falling edge of CHICLK to sample the receive frame sync CHIFS. This bit must be properly set in CHI sync master mode, as well as in CHI sync slave mode. CHIFS must be stable before and after the specified CHICLK edge; In CHI sync master mode, CHIFSEDGE must be equal to inverted CHITXFSEDGE. 0: falling edge 1: rising edge 4 TFED CHITXFSEDGE CHITXFSEDGE (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit selects whether to use either the rising edge or falling edge of CHICLK to clock out the transmit frame sync CHIFS, relevant whenever the CHI Module is configured as master mode. 0: falling edge 1: rising edge 3 C2X CHICLK2XMODE CHICLK2XMODE bit (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit selects between 1x and 2x clock modes. 0: 1x clock mode (CHICLK frequency equals the serial data bit rate) 1: 2x clock mode (CHICLK frequency equals twice the serial data bit rate) 2 REN CHIRXEN CHIRXEN bit (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit is used to enable/disable CHI receive processing in the direct CPU read/write mode, where the CPU reads the received data through the CHI RX holding register. This bit has no effect when RX DMA is enabled. 0: Disable (all received data to not be processed by the CHI module) 1: Enable RXMSBFIRST bit (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit selects between MSB-first and LSB-first serial data formats for each byte of the CHI receive data. 0: LSB-first 1: MSB-first Figure 16.4.1 Control Register (CTRLREG) (2/3) 16-19 Chapter 16 CHI Module Bits Mnemonic Field Name Description 1 TEN CHITXEN CHITXEN bit (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit is used to enable/disable CHI transmit processing in the direct CPU read/write mode, where the CPU writes the data to be transmitted through the CHI TX holding register. This bit has no effect when TX DMA is enabled. 0: Disable (the CHI serial transmitted data to be tri-stated) 1: Enable 0 CEN ENCHI ENCHI bit (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit is used to enable/disable the CHI module. Setting this bit to a logic “1” enables the CHI module. Clearing this bit to a logic “0” disables the CHI Module and keeps the module in a reset state but gives no effect on the CHI Control Register. 0: Disable (CHI Module and keeps the module in a reset state but gives no effect on the CHI Control Register) 1: Enable To begin the CHI operation, follow the procedure below. (1) Set up all the configuration registers except CHIRXEN, CHITXEN, ENDMARXCHI, ENDMATXCHI, and ENCHI bits. (2) Set either CHIRXEN or ENDMARXCHI, and/or, either CHITXEN or ENDMATXCHI, to a logic “1”. (3) Set ENCHI to a logic “1”. To finish the CHI operation. (1) Clear ENCHI to a logic “0”. (2) Clear ENDMARXCHI and/or ENDMATXCHI to a logic “0”, if they were previously set. Figure 16.4.1 Control Register (CTRLREG) (3/3) 16-20 Chapter 16 CHI Module 16.4.2 CHI Pointer Enable Register (PNTREN) 0xA804 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 TB3E TB2E TB1E TB0E TA3E TA2E TA1E TA0E RB3E RB2E RB1E RB0E RA3E RA2E RA1E RA0E R/W 0 15 R/W 0 R/W 0 R/W 0 R/W 0 R/W 0 R/W 0 R/W 0 R/W 0 R/W 0 R/W 0 R/W 0 R/W 0 R/W 0 R/W 0 R/W : Type 0 : Initial value 0 Reserved : Type : Initial value Bits Mnemonic Field Name Description 31 TB3E CHITXPTRB3EN CHITXPTRB3EN bit (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit is used to enable/disable the timeslot for the transmit channel pointed to by the TDM switch pointer CHITXPTRB3. 0: Disable 1: Enable 30 TB2E CHITXPTRB2EN CHITXPTRB2EN bit (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit is used to enable/disable the timeslot for the transmit channel pointed to by the TDM switch pointer CHITXPTRB2. 0: Disable 1: Enable 29 TB1E CHITXPTRB1EN CHITXPTRB1EN bit (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit is used to enable/disable the timeslot for the transmit channel pointed to by the TDM switch pointer CHITXPTRB1. 0: Disable 1: Enable 28 TB0E CHITXPTRB0EN CHITXPTRB0EN bit (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit is used to enable/disable the timeslot for the transmit channel pointed to by the TDM switch pointer CHITXPTRB0. 0: Disable 1: Enable 27 TA3E CHITXPTRA3EN CHITXPTRA3EN bit (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit is used to enable/disable the timeslot for the transmit channel pointed to by the TDM switch pointer CHITXPTRA3. 0: Disable 1: Enable 26 TA2E CHITXPTRA2EN CHITXPTRA2EN bit (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit is used to enable/disable the timeslot for the transmit channel pointed to by the TDM switch pointer CHITXPTRA2. 0: Disable 1: Enable 25 TA1E CHITXPTRA1EN CHITXPTRA1EN bit (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit is used to enable/disable the timeslot for the transmit channel pointed to by the TDM switch pointer CHITXPTRA1. 0: Disable 1: Enable 24 TA0E CHITXPTRA0EN CHITXPTRA0EN bit (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit is used to enable/disable the timeslot for the transmit channel pointed to by the TDM switch pointer CHITXPTAB0. 0: Disable 1: Enable Figure 16.4.2 CHI Pointer Enable Register (PNTREN) (1/2) 16-21 Chapter 16 CHI Module Bits Mnemonic Field Name Description 23 RB3E CHIRXPTRB3EN CHIRXPTRB3EN bit (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit is used to enable/disable the timeslot for the receive channel pointed to by the TDM switch pointer CHIRXPTRB3 0: Disable 1: Enable 22 RB2E CHIRXPTRB2EN CHIRXPTRB2EN bit (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit is used to enable/disable the timeslot for the receive channel pointed to by the TDM switch pointer CHIRXPTRB2 0: Disable 1: Enable 21 RB1E CHIRXPTRB1EN CHIRXPTRB1EN bit (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit is used to enable/disable the timeslot for the receive channel pointed to by the TDM switch pointer CHIRXPTRB1 0: Disable 1: Enable 20 RB0E CHIRXPTRB0EN CHIRXPTRB0EN bit (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit is used to enable/disable the timeslot for the receive channel pointed to by the TDM switch pointer CHIRXPTRB0 0: Disable 1: Enable 19 RA3E CHIRXPTRA3EN CHIRXPTRA3EN bit (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit is used to enable/disable the timeslot for the receive channel pointed to by the TDM switch pointer CHIRXPTRA3 0: Disable 1: Enable 18 RA2E CHIRXPTRA2EN CHIRXPTRA2EN bit (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit is used to enable/disable the timeslot for the receive channel pointed to by the TDM switch pointer CHIRXPTRA2 0: Disable 1: Enable 17 RA1E CHIRXPTRA1EN CHIRXPTRA1EN bit (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit is used to enable/disable the timeslot for the receive channel pointed to by the TDM switch pointer CHIRXPTRA1 0: Disable 1: Enable 16 RA0E CHIRXPTRA0EN CHIRXPTRA0EN bit (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit is used to enable/disable the timeslot for the receive channel pointed to by the TDM switch pointer CHIRXPTRA0 0: Disable 1: Enable 15:0 Reserved Figure 16.4.2 CHI Pointer Enable Register (PNTREN) (2/2) 16-22 Chapter 16 CHI Module 16.4.3 CHI Receive Pointer A Register (RXPTRA) 31 29 28 Reserved 24 23 RXPTRA3 0xA808 21 20 Reserved W 00000 15 13 W 00000 12 Reserved 8 7 RXPTRA1 5 4 Reserved Bits Mnemonic 28:24 RXPTRA3[4:0] 23:21 20:16 RXPTRA2[4:0] 15:13 12:8 RXPTRA1[4:0] 7:5 4:0 RXPTRA0[4:0] CHIRXPTRA3 bits (Initial value: 00000, R/W) These bits represent the TDM switch pointer which defines the receive channel timeslot for byte 3 of the CHI receive holding register A; register A handles all timeslots from channel 0 to channel CHINCHAN. Reserved CHIRXPTRA2 CHIRXPTRA2 bits (Initial value: 00000, R/W) These bits represent the TDM switch pointer which defines the receive channel timeslot for byte 2 of the CHI receive holding register A; register A handles all timeslots from channel 0 to channel CHINCHAN. Reserved CHIRXPTRA1 CHIRXPTRA1 bits (Initial value: 00000, R/W) These bits represent the TDM switch pointer which defines the receive channel timeslot for byte 1 of the CHI receive holding register A; register A handles all timeslots from channel 0 to channel CHINCHAN. Reserved CHIRXPTRA0 : Type : Initial value Description Reserved CHIRXPTRA3 0 W 00000 Field Name : Type : Initial value RXPTRA0 W 00000 31:29 16 RXPTRA2 CHIRXPTRA0 bits (Initial value: 00000, R/W) These bits represent the TDM switch pointer which defines the receive channel timeslot for byte 0 of the CHI receive holding register A; register A handles all timeslots from channel 0 to channel CHINCHAN. Figure 16.4.3 CHI Receive Pointer A Register (RXPTRA) 16-23 Chapter 16 CHI Module 16.4.4 CHI Receive Pointer B Register (RXPTRB) 31 29 28 Reserved 24 23 RXPTRB3 0xA80C 21 20 Reserved W 00000 15 13 W 00000 12 Reserved 8 7 RXPTRB1 5 4 Reserved Bits Mnemonic 28:24 RXPTRB3[4:0] 23:21 20:16 RXPTRB2[4:0] 15:13 12:8 RXPTRB1[4:0] 7:5 4:0 RXPTRB0[4:0] CHIRXPTRB3 bits (Initial value: 00000, W) These bits represent the TDM switch pointer which defines the receive channel timeslot for byte 3 of the CHI receive holding register B; register B handles all timeslots from channel (CHINCHAN + 1) to channel (CHINCHAN × 2 + 1). The value loaded for this TDM switch pointer is the desired timeslot number minus (CHINCHAN + 1). Reserved CHIRXPTRB2 CHIRXPTRB2 bits (Initial value: 00000, W) These bits represent the TDM switch pointer which defines the receive channel timeslot for byte 2 of the CHI receive holding register B; register B handles all timeslots from channel (CHINCHAN + 1) to channel (CHINCHAN × 2 + 1). The value loaded for this TDM switch pointer is the desired timeslot number minus (CHINCHAN + 1). Reserved CHIRXPTRB1 CHIRXPTRB1 bits (Initial value: 00000, W) These bits represent the TDM switch pointer which defines the receive channel timeslot for byte 1 of the CHI receive holding register B; register B handles all timeslots from channel (CHINCHAN + 1) to channel (CHINCHAN × 2 + 1). The value loaded for this TDM switch pointer is the desired timeslot number minus (CHINCHAN + 1). Reserved CHIRXPTRB0 : Type : Initial value Description Reserved CHIRXPTRB3 0 W 00000 Field Name : Type : Initial value RXPTRB0 W 00000 31:29 16 RXPTRB2 CHIRXPTRB0 bits (Initial value: 00000, W) These bits represent the TDM switch pointer which defines the receive channel timeslot for byte 0 of the CHI receive holding register B; register B handles all timeslots from channel (CHINCHAN + 1) to channel (CHINCHAN × 2 + 1). The value loaded for this TDM switch pointer is the desired timeslot number minus (CHINCHAN + 1). Figure 16.4.4 CHI Receive Pointer B Register (RXPTRB) 16-24 Chapter 16 CHI Module 16.4.5 CHI Transmit Pointer A Register (TXPTRA) 31 29 28 Reserved 24 23 TXPTRA3 0xA810 21 20 Reserved W 00000 15 13 W 00000 12 Reserved 8 7 TXPTRA1 5 4 Reserved Bits Mnemonic 28:24 TXPTRA3[4:0] 23:21 20:16 TXPTRA2[4:0] 15:13 12:8 TXPTRA1[4:0] 7:5 4:0 TXPTRA0[4:0] CHITXPTRA3 bits (Initial value: 00000, W) These bits represent the TDM switch pointer which defines the transmit channel timeslot for byte 3 of the CHI transmit holding register A; register A handles all timeslots from channel 0 to channel CHINCHAN. Reserved CHITXPTRA2 CHITXPTRA2 bits (Initial value: 00000, W) These bits represent the TDM switch pointer which defines the transmit channel timeslot for byte 2 of the CHI transmit holding register A; register A handles all timeslots from channel 0 to channel CHINCHAN. Reserved CHITXPTRA1 CHITXPTRA1 bits (Initial value: 00000, W) These bits represent the TDM switch pointer which defines the transmit channel timeslot for byte 1 of the CHI transmit holding register A; register A handles all timeslots from channel 0 to channel CHINCHAN. Reserved CHITXPTRA0 : Type : Initial value Description Reserved CHITXPTRA3 0 W 00000 Field Name : Type : Initial value TXPTRA0 W 00000 31:29 16 TXPTRA2 CHITXPTRA0 bits (Initial value: 00000, W) These bits represent the TDM switch pointer which defines the transmit channel timeslot for byte 0 of the CHI transmit holding register A; register A handles all timeslots from channel 0 to channel CHINCHAN. Figure 16.4.5 CHI Transmit Pointer A Register (TXPTRA) 16-25 Chapter 16 CHI Module 16.4.6 CHI Transmit Pointer B Register (TXPTRB) 31 29 28 Reserved 24 23 TXPTRB3 0xA814 21 20 Reserved W 00000 15 13 W 00000 12 Reserved 8 7 TXPTRB1 5 4 Reserved Bits Mnemonic 28:24 TXPTRB3[4:0] 23:21 20:16 TXPTRB2[4:0] 15:13 12:8 TXPTRB1[4:0] 7:5 4:0 TXPTRB0[4:0] CHITXPTRB3 bits (Initial value: 00000, W) These bits represent the TDM switch pointer which defines the transmit channel timeslot for byte 3 of the CHI transmit holding register B; register B handles all timeslots from channel (CHINCHAN + 1) to channel (CHINCHAN × 2 + 1). The value loaded for this TDM switch pointer is the desired timeslot number minus (CHINCHAN + 1). Reserved CHITXPTRB2 CHITXPTRB2 bits (Initial value: 00000, W) These bits represent the TDM switch pointer which defines the transmit channel timeslot for byte 2 of the CHI transmit holding register B; register B handles all timeslots from channel (CHINCHAN + 1) to channel (CHINCHAN × 2 + 1). The value loaded for this TDM switch pointer is the desired timeslot number minus (CHINCHAN + 1). Reserved CHITXPTRB1 CHITXPTRB1 bits (Initial value: 00000, W) These bits represent the TDM switch pointer which defines the transmit channel timeslot for byte 1 of the CHI transmit holding register B; register B handles all timeslots from channel (CHINCHAN + 1) to channel (CHINCHAN × 2 + 1). The value loaded for this TDM switch pointer is the desired timeslot number minus (CHINCHAN + 1). Reserved CHITXPTRB0 : Type : Initial value Description Reserved CHITXPTRB3 0 W 00000 Field Name : Type : Initial value TXPTRB0 W 00000 31:29 16 TXPTRB2 CHITXPTRB0 bits (Initial value: 00000, W) These bits represent the TDM switch pointer which defines the transmit channel timeslot for byte 0 of the CHI transmit holding register B; register B handles all timeslots from channel (CHINCHAN + 1) to channel (CHINCHAN × 2 + 1). The value loaded for this TDM switch pointer is the desired timeslot number minus (CHINCHAN + 1). Figure 16.4.6 CHI Transmit Pointer B Register (TXPTRB) 16-26 Chapter 16 CHI Module 16.4.7 CHI SIZE Register (CHISIZE) 31 30 Reserved 0xA818 29 18 DCNT 17 16 Reserved R 000000000000 15 14 B1TM DLOP : Type : Initial value 13 2 SIZE 1 0 RDEN TDEN R/W R/W W R/W 0 0 000000000000 0 Bits Mnemonic 31:30 29:18 DCNT[13:2] Field Name 0 : Initial value Description Reserved CHIDMACNT R/W : Type CHIDMACNT bits (Initial value: 0000_0000_0000, R) These bits provide the status of the CHI DMA counter. 17:16 15 B1TM CHIBUF1TIME CHIBUF1TIME bit (Initial value: 0, R/W) The CHI DMA controller supports two buffer addressing modes depending on the state of this bit. 0: the CHI DMA controller will loop back to the start of the DMA buffer when the end of the DMA buffer is reached and will continue operating in a continuous and circular manner. 1: the CHI DMA controller will stop executing when it reaches the end of the DMA buffer. 14 DLOP CHIDMALOOP CHIDMALOOP bit (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit selects loopback modes depending on the state of this bit. 0: not loopback mode. 1: loopback mode(This ordering allows an RX-to-TX immediate loopback via the DMA buffer. Please refer to the chapter of 16.3.4 13:2 SIZE[13:2] CHISIZE CHISIZE bits (Initial value: 0000_0000_0000, W) These bits define the size of the CHI DMA buffers (16 bytes minimum/16 Kbytes maximum). Both the CHI RX buffer and the CHI TX buffer are the same size. The last address in the CHI RX DMA buffer is given by CHIRXSTART[31:2] · CHISIZE[13:2]. The last address in the CHI TX DMA buffer is given by CHITXSTART[31:2] · CHISIZE[13:2]. The value loaded into CHISIZE should be equal to the desired buffer length-1. 1 RDEN CHIRXDMAEN CHIRXDMAEN bit (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit enables the CHI DMA receive function. This bit should not be set until the CHIRXSTART, CHITXSTART, and CHISIZE registers are setup. To enable CHI DMA receive function, this bit must be set before the CHI Module is enabled (ENCHI asserted). Either CHIRXDMAEN or CHITXDMAEN or both can be set at a time since the CHI DMA controller can support full duplex operation. 0: Disable 1: Enable 0 TDEN CHITXDMAEN CHITXDMAEN bit (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit enables the CHI DMA transmit function. This bit should not be set until the CHIRXSTART, CHITXSTART, and CHISIZE registers are setup. To enable CHI DMA transmit function, this bit must be set before the CHI Module is enabled (ENCHI asserted). Either CHIRXDMAEN or CHITXDMAEN or both can be set at a time since the CHI DMA controller can support full duplex operation. 0: Disable 1: Enable Reserved Figure 16.4.7 CHI SIZE Register (CHISIZE) 16-27 Chapter 16 CHI Module 16.4.8 CHI RX Start Register (RXSTRT) 0xA81C 31 16 CHIRXSTART W 0000000000000000 : Type : Initial value 15 2 CHIRXSTART W 00000000000000 Bits Mnemonic 31:2 RxStrt[31:2] 1:0 Field Name CHIRXSTART 1 0 Reserved : Type : Initial value Description CHIRXSTART bits (Initial value: 30’b0, W) These bits define the start address for the CHI RX DMA buffer. The CHI RX buffer and CHI TX buffer can be configured to either reside in different memory spaces or share the same memory space (overlapping buffers for loopback purposes or for optimum memory allocation). Reserved Figure 16.4.8 CHI RX Start Register (RXSTRT) 16-28 Chapter 16 CHI Module 16.4.9 CHI TX Start Register (TXSTRT) 0xA820 31 16 CHITXSTART W 0000000000000000 : Type : Initial value 15 2 CHITXSTART W 00000000000000 Bits Mnemonic 31:2 TxStrt[31:2] 1:0 Field Name CHITXSTART 1 0 Reserved : Type : Initial value Description CHITXSTART bits (Initial value: 30’b0, W) These bits define the start address for the CHI TX DMA buffer. The CHI RX buffer and CHI TX buffer can be configured to either reside in different memory spaces or share the same memory space (overlapping buffers for loopback purposes or for optimum memory allocation). Reserved Figure 16.4.9 CHI TX Start Register (TXSTRT) 16-29 Chapter 16 CHI Module 16.4.10 CHI TX Holding Register (CHIHOLD) 0xA824 31 16 CHITXHOLD W 0000000000000000 : Type : Initial value 15 0 CHITXHOLD W 0000000000000000 Bits Mnemonic 31:0 CHIHOLD[31:0] Field Name CHITXHOLD : Type : Initial value Description CHITXHOLD bits (Initial value: 32’b0, W) These bits represent the CHI data to be transmitted. CHI data can be either written directly to this register by the CPU or transparently read from the CHI TX DMA buffer to this register. This register should only be loaded by the CPU after the CHIININTA or CHIININTB interrupt is asserted. The write immediately after CHIININTA updates the internal TX holding register A and the write immediately after CHIININTB updates the internal TX holding register B. Transmit data for bytes 3, 2, 1, and 0 are loaded into the 32-bit CHITXHOLD at locations [31:24], [23:16], [15:8], and [7:0], respectively. These data bytes correspond to the CHI timeslots as defined by the values in the TXPTRA and TXPTRB TDM switch registers. Figure 16.4.10 CHI TX Holding Register (CHIHOLD) 16-30 Chapter 16 CHI Module 16.4.11 CHI RX Holding Register (CHIHOLD) 0xA824 31 16 CHIRXHOLD R 0000000000000000 : Type : Initial value 15 0 CHIRXHOLD R 0000000000000000 Bits Mnemonic 31:0 CHIHOLD[31:0] Field Name CHIRXHOLD : Type : Initial value Description CHIRXHOLD bits (Initial value: 32’b0, R) These bits represent the CHI data to be received. CHI data can be either read directly from this register by the CPU or transparently written to the CHI RX DMA buffer from this register. This register should only be read by the CPU after the CHIININTA or CHIININTB interrupt is asserted. The read immediately after CHIININTA sees the internal RX holding register A and the read immediately after CHIININTB sees the internal RX holding register B. Receive data for bytes 3, 2, 1, and 0 are stored into the 32-bit CHIRXHOLD at locations [31:24], [23:16], [15:8], and [7:0], respectively. These data bytes correspond to the CHI timeslots as defined by the values in the RXPTRA and RXPTRB TDM switch registers. Figure 16.4.11 CHI RX Holding Register (CHIHOLD) 16-31 Chapter 16 CHI Module 16.4.12 CHI Clock Register (CHICLOCK) 0xA828 31 16 Reserved : Type : Initial value 15 10 Reserved 9 8 CDIR MCLK R/W 0 7 0 CDIV R/W 1 Field Name R/W 00000000 : Type : Initial value Bits Mnemonic 31:10 Description 9 CDIR CHICLKDIR CHICLKDIR bit (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit controls the direction of the CHICLK pin. 0: input (CHI slave mode) 1: output (CHI master mode) Note: Please set the same value CHICLKDIR and CHIFSDIR. Each set the difference value (CHIFSDIR = 1, CHICLKDIR = 0 or CHIFSDIR = 0, CHICLKDIR = 1) can’t recommend 8 MCLK CHIMCLKEN CHIMCLKEN bit (Initial value: 1, R/W) This bit is used to enable or disable the CHICLK counter and CHICLK clock generation. This bit controls the direction of the CHICLK pin. 0: disable (halting the clock to the CHI Module in order to reduce power consumption) 1: enable 7:0 CDIV[7:0] CHICLKDIV CHICLKDIV bit (Initial value: 0000_0000, R/W) These bits define the divide-modulus for the programmable divider used to generate CHICLK. The divide-modulus is equal to (CHICLKDIV + 2). (See the following Table 16.4.2.) Note: CLKDIV less than 1 can’t recommend Reserved Figure 16.4.12 CHI Clock Register (CHICLOCK) Table 16.4.2 CHI Clock Divide CHICLKDIV[7:0] Divide-modulus 2 : N : 253 254 4 : N+2 : 255 256 16-32 Chapter 16 CHI Module 16.4.13 HI Interrupt Enable Register (CHIINTE) 0xA82C 31 16 Reserved : Type : Initial value 15 8 Reserved 7 6 BUSIE 05IE 5 10IE 4 3 2 1 0 DCIE INAIE INBIE ACTIE ERRIE R/W 00000000 Bits Mnemonic 31:8 Field Name Description 7 BUSIE CHIBUSERROR Interrupt Enable CHIBUSERROR Interrupt Enable bits (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit is used to enable or disable the CHIBUSERROR Interrupt. 0: Disable 1: Enable 6 05IE CHI0_5 Interrupt Enable CHI0_5 Interrupt Enable bits (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit is used to enable or disable the CHI0_5 Interrupt. 0: Disable 1: Enable 5 10IE CHI1_0 Interrupt Enable CHI1_0 Interrupt Enable bits (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit is used to enable or disable the CHI1_0 Interrupt. 0: Disable 1: Enable 4 DCIE CHIDMACNT Interrupt Enable CHIDMACNT Interrupt Enable bits (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit is used to enable or disable the CHIDMACNT Interrupt. 0: Disable 1: Enable 3 INAIE CHIININTA Interrupt Enable CHIININTA Interrupt Enable bits (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit is used to enable or disable the CHIININTA Interrupt. 0: Disable 1: Enable 2 INBIE CHIININTB Interrupt Enable CHIININTB Interrupt Enable bits (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit is used to enable or disable the CHIININTB Interrupt. 0: Disable 1: Enable 1 ACTIE CHIACTINT Interrupt Enable CHIACTINT Interrupt Enable bits (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit is used to enable or disable the CHIACTINT Interrupt. 0: Disable 1: Enable 0 ERRIE CHIERRINT Interrupt Enable CHIERRINT Interrupt Enable bits (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit is used to enable or disable the CHIERRINT Interrupt. 0: Disable 1: Enable Reserved Figure 16.4.13 CHI Interrupt Enable Register (CHIINTE) 16-33 : Type : Initial value Chapter 16 CHI Module 16.4.14 CHI Interrupt Status Register (CHIINT) 0xA830 31 16 Reserved : Type : Initial value 15 8 Reserved 7 BUSI 6 05I 5 10I 4 DCI 3 INAI 2 INBI 1 ACTI 0 ERRI R/W 00000000 Field Name : Type : Initial value Bits Mnemonic 31:8 Description 7 BUSI CHIBUSERROR Interrupt Status CHIBUSERROR Interrupt status bit (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit shows the CHIBUSERROR Interrupt Status. This bit is cleared by written “0”. 0: No interrupt 1: Interrupt occurs 6 05I CHI0_5 Interrupt Status CHI0_5 Interrupt Status bit (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit shows the CHI0_5 Interrupt Status. This bit is cleared by written “0”. 0: No interrupt 1: Interrupt occurs 5 10I CHI1_0 Interrupt Status CHI1_0 Interrupt Status bit (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit shows the CHI1_0 Interrupt Status. This bit is cleared by written “0” 0: No interrupt 1: Interrupt occurs 4 DCI CHIDMACNT Interrupt Status CHIDMACNT Interrupt Status bit (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit shows the CHIDMACNT Interrupt Status. This bit is cleared by written “0” 0: No interrupt 1: Interrupt occurs 3 INAI CHIININTA Interrupt Status CHIININTA Interrupt Status bit (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit shows the CHIININTA Interrupt Status. This bit is cleared by written “0” 0: No interrupt 1: Interrupt occurs 2 INBI CHIININTB Interrupt Status CHIININTB Interrupt Status bit (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit shows the CHIININTB Interrupt Status. This bit is cleared by written “0” 0: No interrupt 1: Interrupt occurs 1 ACTI CHIACTINT Interrupt Status CHIACTINT Interrupt Status bit (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit shows the CHIACTINT Interrupt Status. This bit is cleared by written “0” 0: No interrupt 1: Interrupt occurs 0 ERRI CHIERRINT Interrupt Status CHIERRINT Interrupt Status bit (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit shows the CHIERRINT Interrupt Status. This bit is cleared by written “0” 0: No interrupt 1: Interrupt occurs Reserved Figure 16.4.14 CHI Interrupt Status Register (CHIINT) 16-34 Chapter 17 Serial Peripheral Interface 17. Serial Peripheral Interface 17.1 Characteristics The SPI is a serial interface consisting of clock, data out, and data in. The SPI is used to interface to devices such as serial power supplies, serial A/D converters, and other devices that contain simple serial clock and data interface. The TX4925 only supports the master mode and generates the SPI clock to the slaves. Multiple slave devices can share the SPI by using a unique chip select for each slave device. The chip select can be generated using one of the general purpose I/O ports on TX4925, or using some other output port available in the system. When a device is selected by asserting it’s chip select, the device will shift data in using the SPICLK and SPIOUT signals and the device will shift data out using the SPIIN signal. When a device is not selected then the data output connected to SPIIN must be tri-stated so other devices can share the SPIIN signal. The SPI module contains registers which provide programmability for SPICLK rate, MSB first versus LSB first, clock polarity, data phase polarity, and byte mode versus word mode operation. The SPI has the following characteristics. • Phase and Polarity Selection • Transfer size of 8 or 16 bits • 4 frame transmit, 4 frame receive buffers • Master operation • Inter Frame Space Delay Feature • MSB/LSB first transfer 17-1 Chapter 17 Serial Peripheral Interface 17.2 Block Diagram The SPI Module primarily consists of a 16-bit SPI Data Register (SPDR), a 16-bit Shift Register, a 16-bit Transmitter Buffer, a 16-bit Receiver Buffer, a Baud Rate Generator, an Inter Frame Time Counter, and Interrupt Logic. A block diagram of the SPI Module is shown in Figure 17.2.1. IM-Bus Bus I/F Baud Rate Generator Inter Frame Space Timer SPDR Interrupt Logic Read Write Receive Buffer (FIFO ) Transmit Buffer (FIFO ) Shift Register SPIIN Figure 17.2.1 SPI Block Diagram 17-2 SPICLK SPIOUT Chapter 17 Serial Peripheral Interface 17.3 Detailed Explanation 17.3.1 Operation mode There are 2 operation modes possible: • Configuration mode (OPMODE = ‘01’) : Only in this mode it is possible to change the setting of the low byte (bit 7 to 0) in the SPI Control Register 0 (SPCR0) and all bits in the SPI Control Register 1 (SPCR1). In this mode the SPSTP bit and also the receive and transmit FIFO will be cleared. The SPI module will be kept in reset. Running transfer are immediately aborted, even within the current frame. • Active mode (OPMODE = ‘10’) : This is the normal operation mode. A transfer occurs in this mode. 17.3.2 Transmitter/Receiver The SPI module is kept in a reset state in the Configuration mode. Before setting the Active mode in OPMODE bits, the low byte (bit 7 to 0) in the SPI Control Register 0 (SPCR0) and all bits in the SPI Control Register 1 (SPCR1) should be set to the desired value. Once the OPMODE bits is set to the Active mode, the SPI module can run a transfer. The SPI logic will then wait until the software writes to the SPI Data Register (SPDR). Once the software writes to the SPI Data Register (SPDR) then the contents will be transferred to the Shift Register and shifted out to the slave device. While data is shifting out to the slave device using the SPIOUT signal, data will shift in using the SPIIN signal. Once the data has finished shifting, the contents of the Shift Register will be loaded into the Receive Buffer and the SRRDY bit in SPI Status Register (SPSR) will be asserted to indicate that there is valid receive data in the Receive Buffer. The RBSI bit in the SPI Status Register (SPSR) is set and the interrupt occurs when the Receive Buffer level selected RXIFL bits in the SPI Control Register 0 (SPCR0) is filled. Once the contents of the Transmit Buffer are transferred to the Shift Register, the STRDY bit in SPI Status Register (SPSR) will be asserted to indicate that the Transmit Buffer is once again ready to receive new data. The TBSI bit in the SPI Status Register (SPSR) is set and the interrupt occurs when the Transmit Buffer level selected TXIFL bits in the SPI Control Register 0 (SPCR0) is filled. Therefore the software is supposed to do the following procedure every time it attempts to write data into the Transmit Buffer. (1) Check if STRDY or TBSI is a logic “1”. If not, do nothing. (2) Write data into the SPI Data Register (SPDR). Thus, as long as the software can keep the Transmit Buffer serviced before the data shifts out of the Shift Register, the SPI can maintain seamless data transfer. If the software fails to keep up with the transfer rate, then the SPI will simply wait until the next data is written to the SPI Data Register (SPDR). 17-3 Chapter 17 Serial Peripheral Interface At the end of every series of transmission the software is supposed to negate the chip select signal for the target device by the following procedure. (1) Check if SRRDY or RBSI is a logic “1”. If not, do nothing. (2) Check if SIDLE is a logic “1”. If not, do nothing. (3) Negate the chip select signal. The SPI supports either 8-bit per character or 16-bit per character operation, as defined by the SSZ bits in the SPI Control Register 1 (SPCR1). The software can also select whether the MSB or LSB should shift first using the SBOS bit in the SPI Control Register 0 (SPCR0). Another set of SPHA and SPOL bits bit in the SPI Control Register 0 (SPCR0) select the transfer format. Please see to “17.3.4 Transfer Format”. 17.3.3 Baud Rate Generator The rate of the SPICLK signal is determined by the value of the SER[7:0] bits in the SPI Control Register 1 (SPCR1). The SER[7:0] bits are used by the Baud Rate Generator to devide the SPI master clock generated by the Clock Generator (CG). The frequency of the SPI master clock is 40 MHz when MASTERCLK input is 80 MHz. The SPICLK rate is shown in the table below in this time. Table 17.3.1 SPICLK Rate when MASTERCLK is 80 MHz SER[7:0] SPI Clock Rate 00000001b 10 MHz 00000010b 6.667 MHz 00000011b 5 MHz 00000100b 4 MHz 00000101b 3.33 MHz … 00001001b 2 MHz … 00010011b 1 MHz … 11111111b 78.125 KHz 17-4 Chapter 17 Serial Peripheral Interface 17.3.4 Transfer Format During a SPI transfer, data is simultaneously transmitted (shifted out serially) and received serially (shifted in serially). The serial clock synchronizes shifting and sampling of the information on the two serial data lines. The transfer format depends on the setting of the SPHA and SPOL bits in the SPI Control Register 0 (SPCR0). SPHA switches between two fundamentally different protocols, which are described below. SPHA Equals 0 Format Figure 17.3.1 shows the transfer format for a SPHA=0 transfer. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SPICLK (SPOL=0) SPICLK (SPOL=1) SPIIN MSB B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 LSB SPIOUT MSB B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 LSB Sample Point Figure 17.3.1 Transfer format when SPHA is “0”. In this transfer format, the bit value is captured on the first clock edge. This will be on a rising edge when SPOL bit equals zero and on a falling edge when SPOL equals one. The value on the SPIIN and SPIOUT signals changes with the second clock edge on SPICLK. This clock edge will be a falling edge when SPOL equals zero and a rising edge, when SPOL equals one. With SPOL equal to zero, the shift clock will be idle low. With SPOL equals 1 it will idle high. 17-5 Chapter 17 Serial Peripheral Interface SPHA Equals 1 Format Figure 17.3.2 shows the transfer format for a SPHA=1 transfer. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SPICLK (SPOL=0) SPICLK (SPOL=1) SPIIN MSB B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 LSB SPIOUT MSB B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 LSB Sample Point Figure 17.3.2 Transfer format when SPHA is “1”. In this transfer format, the value on the SPIIN and SPIOUT signals changes with the second clock edge on SPICLK. This clock edge will be a rising edge when SPOL equals zero and a falling edge, when SPOL equals one. The bit value is shifted in on the second clock edge. This will be on a falling edge when SPOL bit equals zero and on a rising edge when SPOL equals one. With SPOL equal to zero, the shift clock will be idle low. With SPOL equals 1 it will idle high. 17.3.5 Inter Frame Space Counter Sometimes it is desirable to guarantee a minimum time between groups of data. The Inter Frame Space Counter is used to provide delay between groups of data. If 16-bit data size is selected in the SPI Control Register 1 (SPCR1), delay will be inserted after 16 bits of data are shifted. If 8-bit data size is selected, delay will be inserted after 8 bits of data are shifted, as shown in Figure 17.4.3. Inter Frame delay is added by setting the IFS[7:0] bits to a value other than 0. The number stored in these bits will directly correspond to the number of the four times of SPI Master clock of delay that will be inserted between frames. A zero value for these bits will imply seamless operation and the SPI will shift data and provide clocks continuously as long as the software keeps up with the transmitter rate. 17-6 Chapter 17 Serial Peripheral Interface 17.3.6 SPI Buffer Structure The SPI has both transmit and receive buffer. The buffers are implemented as FIFO and are able to store four frames each. When a new SPI transfer is started by writing the data register, the transfer value is first stored in SPI’s transmit buffer. From there the value will be fetched by the shift register immediately, if the module is idle or after the currently running transfer has completed. A receive value from the shift register is stored in the receive buffer every time a transfer completes. The SPI is able to generate interrupts depending on the fill-level of these buffers. Therefore, it is possible to refill the buffers with several values within one interrupt service routine, if desired. 17.3.7 SPI System Errors SPI is able to detect the following system error during the transfer. Overrun Error (SPOE) An Overrun Error will be generated, when the transmit buffer is completely filled, while a new value has been written on the SPI Transmit FIFO. In this case the already written data in the transmit buffer is not changed and the new value is abandoned. Then the SPOE flag in the SPSR register is set. 17.3.8 Interrupts The SPI has three types interrupt sources. OR signal of them connects to the internal Interrupt Controller (IRC). Please check SPI Status Register (SPSR) to know which type interrupt occurred. Type Status Bits Mask-able Bit SPOE, SIDLE SPOIE, SILIE Receive Buffer Fill RBSI RBFIE Transmit Buffer Fill TBSI TBFIE System error or idle The System error or idle interrupt is used for error detection purpose and idle state interrupt. The receive buffer fill interrupt and the transmit buffer fill interrupt are used to fetch and setup new data in an interrupt service routine. 17-7 Chapter 17 Serial Peripheral Interface 17.4 Registers All registers in the SPI Module should be accessed only as full word (32-bit) accesses. Any other type of access produces an undefined result. Please write “0” to the undefined bit. Table 17.4.1 SPI Module Registers Reference Address Bit Width Register Register Name 17.4.1 0xF800 32 SPMCR SPI Master Control Register 17.4.2 0xF804 32 SPCR0 SPI Control Register 0 17.4.3 0xF808 32 SPCR1 SPI Control Register 1 17.4.4 0xF80C 32 SPFS SPI Inter Frame Space Register 17.4.5 0xF810 32 17.4.5 0xF814 32 SPSR SPI Status Register 0xF818 32 SPDR SPI Data Register 0xF81C 32 17.4.6 17-8 (Reserved) (Reserved) Chapter 17 Serial Peripheral Interface 17.4.1 SPI Master Control Register (SPMCR) 0xF800 31 16 Reserved : Type : Initial value 15 8 Reserved 7 6 OPMODE 5 3 Reserved R/W 01 Bits Mnemonic 31 : 8 7:6 OPMODE 5:3 2 1 SPSTP 0 BCLR Field Name 2 1 Reserved SPSTP R/W 0 R/W 0 0 BCLR R/C 0 : Type : Initial value Explanation Reserved Operation Mode Operation Mode (Initial value: 01, R/W) Set operation mode 00: Don’t care. Writing this value to the OPMODE bits doesn’t change any thing. 01: Configuration mode 10: Active mode (normal operation mode) 11: Reserved Reserved This bit is reserved. Don’t write “1” to this bit (Initial value: 0, R/W). SPI Stop SPI Stop (Initial value: 0, R/W) If this flag is asserted, the module will stop the transferring after the current frame has been completed. This bit could be set only when the SPI is in active mode. Setting the SPI in configuration mode will clear this bit. 0: Normal operation 1: Stop after completion of the current transfer SPI Buffer Clear SPI Buffer Clear (Initial value: 0, R/C) This flag is used to clear the receive and transmit FIFO. The FIFO logic can be reset by writing a “1” value to this bit. Please wait until the SPI module is idle (SIDLE = 1) before activating the BCLR bit. This register will always be read as “0”. Write: 0: Don’t care 1: FIFO clear Figure 17.4.1 SPI Master Control Register 17-9 Chapter 17 Serial Peripheral Interface 17.4.2 SPI Control Register 0 (SPCR0) 0xF804 31 16 Reserved : Type : Initial value 15 14 TXIFL 13 12 RXIFL R/W 0 R/W 0 Bits Mnemonic 11 10 9 8 SILIE SOEIE RBFIE TBFIE R/W 0 R/W 0 R/W 0 7 R/W 0 Field Name 5 Reserved 4 3 2 1 0 IFSPSE Reserved SBOS SPHA SPOL R/W 0 R/W 0 R/W 0 R/W : Type 0 : Initial value Explanation 31:16 Reserved 15:14 TXIFL Transmit Interrupt Fill Level Transmit Interrupt Fill Level (Initial value: 00, R/W) Select the interrupt fill level of the transmit FIFO. 00: Interrupt, if one or more Tx values can be stored 01: Interrupt, if two or more Tx values can be stored 10: Interrupt, if three or more Tx values can be stored 11: Interrupt, if four Tx values can be stored 13:12 RXIFL Receive Interrupt Fill Level Receive Interrupt Fill Level (Initial value: 00, R/W) Select the interrupt fill level of the receive FIFO. 00: Interrupt, if one or more Rx values are stored 01: Interrupt, if two or more Rx values are stored 10: Interrupt, if three or more Rx values are stored 11: Interrupt, if four Rx values are stored 11 SILIE SPI IDLE Interrupt Enable SPI IDLE Interrupt Enable (Initial value: 0, R/W) Enable the SPI IDLE Interrupt to the interrupt controller of TX4925. 0: Disable 1: Enable 10 SOEIE SPI Overrun Interrupt Enable SPI IDLE Overrun Enable (Initial value: 0, R/W) Enable the SPI Overrun Interrupt to the interrupt controller of TX4925. 0: Disable 1: Enable 9 RBSIE Receive Buffer Fill Interrupt Enable Receive Buffer Fill Interrupt Enable (Initial value: 0, R/W) Enable the Receive Buffer Fill Interrupt to the interrupt controller of TX4925. 0: Disable 1: Enable 8 TBSIE Transmit Buffer Fill Interrupt Enable Transmit Buffer Fill Interrupt Enable (Initial value: 0, R/W) Enable the Transmit Buffer Fill Interrupt to the interrupt controller of TX4925. 0: Disable 1: Enable 7:5 Reserved Note 1: Bit 5 to Bit 0 could only be written, when the SPI module is in configuration mode. Note 2: SPOL and SPHA bits determine the idle phase of SPICLK and the valid clock edge for sampling data. Refer to “17.3.4 Transfer Format”. Figure 17.4.2 SPI Control Register 0 (SPCR0) (1/2) 17-10 Chapter 17 Serial Peripheral Interface Bits Mnemonic Field Name 4 IFSPSE 3 2 SBOS SPI Bit Order Select SPI Bit Order Select (Initial value: 0, R/W) Select bit order of transfer data. 0: LSB first operation, the least significant bit is shifted first. 1: MSB first operation, the most significant bit is shifted first. 1 SPOL SPI Polarity SPI clock Polarity (Initial value: 0, R/W) Select the SPICLK polarity. 0: Active High Clocks selected; SPICLK idles low 1: Active Low Clocks selected; SPICLK idles high 0 SPHA SPI Phase SPI clock Phase (Initial value: 0, R/W) Selects one of two fundamentally different transfer format. 0: Sampling on the first edge, Shift on the second edge. 1: Shift on the first edge, Sampling on the second edge. Inter Frame Space prescaler enable Explanation Inter Frame Space prescaler Enable (Initial value: 0, R/W) Enable the Inter Frame Space prescaler. 0: Disable 1: Enable Reserved Note 1: Bit 5 to Bit 0 could only be written, when the SPI module is in configuration mode. Note 2: SPOL and SPHA bits determine the idle phase of SPICLK and the valid clock edge for sampling data. Refer to “17.3.4 Transfer Format”. Figure 17.4.2 SPI Control Register 0 (SPCR0) (2/2) 17-11 Chapter 17 Serial Peripheral Interface 17.4.3 SPI Control Register 1 (SPCR1) 0xF808 31 16 Reserved : Type : Initial value 15 8 7 SER 5 4 Reserved R/W 0x00 Bits Mnemonic 31:16 15:8 SER 0 SSZ R/W 00000 Field Name Explanation Reserved SPI Data Rate SPI Data Rate (Initial value: 0x00, R/W) Control the bit-rate for the transmission. The clock-rate on the SPI bus can be calculated using the following formula: fBR = fSPI/2 (n + 1) But n = 0 is not available. Refer to Note 2. 7:5 4:0 SSZ Reserved SPI Transfer Size SPI Transfer size (Initial value: 00000b, R/W) Select the number of bits to shift. 0x08: 8 bits 0x10: 16 bits others: Reserved. Don’t set these values. Note 1: This register could only be written, when the SPI module is in configuration mode. Note 2: The SPICLK rate is shown in the table below in this time when MASTERCLK input is 40 MHz. SER[7:0] SPI Clock Rate 00000001b 10 MHz 00000010b 6.667 MHz 00000011b 5 MHz 00000100b 4 MHz 00000101b 3.33 MHz … 00001001b 2 MHz … 00010011b 1 MHz … 11111111b 78.125 KHz Figure 17.4.3 SPI Control Register 1 (SPCR1) 17-12 : Type : Initial value Chapter 17 Serial Peripheral Interface 17.4.4 SPI Inter Frame Space Register (SPFS) 0xF80C 31 16 Reserved : Type : Initial value 15 10 9 0 Reserved IFS R/W 0000000000 Bits Mnemonic Field Name 31:10 Reserved 9:0 IFS Inter Frame Space : Type : Initial value Explanation Inter Frame Space (Initial value: 0000000000b, R/W) Configure the amount of time, which is inserted between two consecutive frames. When setting this register to 0, two consecutive transfers will be send using only minimum amount of time required to load the buffers between consecutive frames. This minimum amount of time is not zero. When the prescaler is not used (IFSPSE bit in SPCR0 register is “0”), the inter frame space can be calculated using the following formula: fIFS = n/fSEI (range is 25 ns up to 25.6 µs when MASTERCLK frequency is 80 MHz.) When using the prescaler (IFSPSE bit in SPCR0 register is “1”), the inter frame space can be calculated using the following formula: fIFS = 32 × n/fSEI (range is 800 ns up to 819.2 µs when MASTERCLK frequency is 80 MHz.) Please write to this register when SIDLE bit is “0”. Figure 17.4.4 SPI Inter Frame Space Register (SPFS) 17-13 Chapter 17 Serial Peripheral Interface 17.4.5 SPI Status Register (SPSR) 0xF814 31 16 Reserved : Type : Initial value 15 TBSI 14 RBSI R 1 R 0 Bits 13 Mnemonic TBS 11 10 RBS 8 7 SPOE R 000 R 000 R/C 0 Field Name 6 4 Reserved 3 2 1 0 IFSD SIDLE STRDY SRRDY R 0 R 1 R 1 R 0 : Type : Initial value Explanation 31:16 15 TBSI Transmit Buffer Status Indicator Transmit Buffer Status Indicator (Initial value: 1, R) This bit indicates a transmit fill level interrupt. 0: Interrupt have been generated 1: Interrupt have not been generated 14 RBSI Receive Buffer Status Indicator Receive Buffer Status Indicator (Initial value: 0, R) This bit indicates a receive fill level interrupt. 0: Interrupt have been generated 1: Interrupt have not been generated 13:11 TBS Transmit Buffer Status Transmit Buffer Status (Initial value: 000, R) The field shows the status of the transmit buffer. 000: Transmit Buffer Empty 001: 1 transfer stored 010: 2 transfers stored 011: 3 transfers stored 100: 4 transfers stored, Buffer full 101 – 111: Not Available 10:8 RBS Receive Buffer Status Receive Buffer Status (Initial value: 000, R) The field shows the status of the receive buffer. 000: Receive Buffer Empty 001: 1 transfer stored 010: 2 transfers stored 011: 3 transfers stored 100: 4 transfers stored, Buffer full 101 – 111: Not Available 7 SPOE SPI Overrun Error SPI Overrun Error (Initial value: 0, R/C) This flag indicates that a value in the transmit buffer has been overwritten, before it could be sent. It can be cleared by writing a “1” value to it. This flag will be cleared by setting the module in configuration mode. Read: 0: no error 1: Overrun error occurred Write: 0: Don’t care 1: Clear 6:4 Reserved Reserved Figure 17.4.5 SPI Status Register (SPSR) (1/2) 17-14 Chapter 17 Serial Peripheral Interface Bits Mnemonic Field Name Explanation 3 IFSD SPI Inter Frame Space Delay Indicator SPI Inter Frame Space Delay Indicator (Initial value: 0, R) This flag is asserted during the time, where one frame has been processed and the next frame is being delayed by the inter-frame-space timer. 0: no inter frame cycle 1: inter frame cycle 2 SIDLE SPI Idle Indicator SPI Idle Indicator (Initial value: 0, R) This flag is asserted, if no transfer is in progress and if the transmit buffer is empty or the stop mode (SESTP = 1) is activated. 0: run 1: Idle 1 STRDY SPI Transmit Ready SPI Transmit Ready (Initial value: 0, R) This flag indicates, that the transmit buffer is ready to receive new data. The flag is cleared, if the transmit buffer is full. 0: transmit buffer full 1: one or more space in transmit buffer 0 SRRDY SPI Receive Ready SPI Receive Ready (Initial value: 0, R) This flag indicates, that there is valid data stored in the receive buffer. This flag is cleared by reading the SPDR or SPRS register until the receive buffer is empty. 0: Receive buffer empty 1: one or more data in receive buffer Figure 17.4.5 SPI Status Register (SPSR) (2/2) 17-15 Chapter 17 Serial Peripheral Interface 17.4.6 SPI Data Register (SPDR) 0xF818 31 16 Reserved : Type : Initial value 15 11 10 8 7 3 2 0 DR R/W 0x00 Bits Mnemonic Field Name 31:16 Reserved 15:0 DR SPI Data Register : Type : Initial value Explanation SPI Data Register (Initial value: 0x00, R/W) A write to the SPDR register writes the value to the transmit buffer. From there, the data will be transferred to the shift register as soon as SPI module is ready for the next transfer. Reading the SPDR register delivers the current value from the receive FIFO and increments the receive FIFO pointer, if there are other values stored in the FIFO. For eight bit transfers, only the lower eight bits of the SPDR register are used. The upper byte, bit 15 to 8, are read “0x0” for eight bit transfers. For 16 bit transfers all 16 bits of SPDR are used. Figure 17.4.6 SPI Data Register (SPDR) 17-16 Chapter 18 NAND Flash Memory Controller 18. NAND Flash Memory Controller 18.1 Characteristics The TX4925 on-chip NAND Flash Memory Controller (NDFMC) generates the control signals required to interface with the NAND Flash Memory. It has also the ECC calculating circuits. The NAND Flash Memory Controller has the following characteristics. • Controlled NAND Flash memory interface by setting Registers. • On-chip ECC calculating circuits 18.2 Block Diagram G-Bus NAND Flash Controller (NDFMC) G-Bus I/F Registers ND_CLE Register Address Decoder NAND Flash Memory I/F Timing Control Host I/F timing Control ND_ALE ND_CE* ND_RE* ND_WE* ND_RB* EBIF Control EBIF DATA[7:0] BUSSPRT* Figure 18.2.1 NAND Flash Memory Controller Block Diagram 18-1 Chapter 18 NAND Flash Memory Controller 18.3 Detailed Explanation 18.3.1 Access to NAND Flash Memory The TX4925 NDFMC supports the interface between the NAND Flash Memory using register indirect sequence. It has the ECC calculating circuits. Please see 18.3.2 in detail of the ECC. This section describes the procedure to access to NAND Flash Memory. Basically, set the command in NDFMCR at first and then read or write in NDFDTR. The read cycle for NDFDTR is finished after the external read cycle for the NAND Flash Memory is finished. Equally, the write cycle for NDFDTR is finished after the external write cycle for the NAND Flash Memory is finished. Initialize The initialize sequence is below. (1) NDFSPR (0xC014): Set the Low pulse width. (2) NDFIMR (0xC010): Set 0x81 if need enable interrupt. Write The write sequence is below. (1) NDFMCR (0xC004): Set 0x70 to reset ECC data. (2) NDFMC hasn’t WP* signal. It must be high using other logic for example PIO. (3) Write 512 bytes • NDFMCR (0xC004): Set 0x91 to assert ND_CLE* signal and do the command mode. • NDFDTR (0xC000): Set 0x80 to write the Serial Data Input command. • NDFMCR (0xC004): Set 0x92 to assert ND_ALE* signal and do the address mode. • NDFDTR (0xC000): Set A[7:0], A[16:9], and A[24:17]. If need, set A[25]. • NDFMCR (0xC004): Set 0xb0 to do the data mode. • NDFDTR (0xC000): Write 512 bytes data. (4) Read ECC data • NDFMCR (0xC004): Set 0xd0 to do the ECC data read mode. • NDFDTR (0xC000): Read 6 bytes ECC data. First data: LPR[7:0] Second data: LPR[15:8] Third data: CPR[5:0], 2’b11 Fourth data: LPR[23:16] Fifth data: LPR[31:24] Sixth data: CPR[11:6], 2’b11 18-2 Chapter 18 NAND Flash Memory Controller (5) Write 16 bytes redundant data • NDFMCR (0xC004): Set 0x90 to do the data mode without ECC. • NDFDTR (0xC000): Write 16 bytes redundant data. D520: LPR[23:16] D521: LPR[31:24] D522: CPR[11:6], 2’b11 D525: LPR[7:0] D526: LPR[15:8] D527: CPR[5:0], 2’b11 (6) Run Page Program • NDFMCR (0xC004): Set 0x91 to assert ND_CLE* signal and do the command mode. • NDFDTR (0xC000): Set 0x10 to write the Page Program command. • NDFMCR (0xC004): Set 0x10 to deassert ND_ALE* signal. • NDFSR (0xC008): Check BUSY flag. If it’s zero, go to the next. If it’s one, wait till it will become zero. (7) Read Status • NDFMCR (0xC004): Set 0x11 to assert ND_CLE* signal and do the command mode. • NDFDTR (0xC000): Set 0x70 to write the Read Status command. • NDFMCR (0xC004): Set 0x10 to deassert ND_CLE* signal. • NDFDTR (0xC000): Read the Status data from the NAND Flash memory. (8) Continue from (1) to (7) for all other pages if need. Read The read sequence is below. (1) NDFMCR (0xC004): Set 0x70 to reset ECC data. (2) Read 512 bytes • NDFMCR (0xC004): Set 0x11 to assert ND_CLE* signal and do the command mode. (2-1) • NDFDTR (0xC000): Set 0x00 to write the Read command. (2-2) • NDFMCR (0xC004): Set 0x12 to assert ND_ALE* signal and do the address mode. (2-3) • NDFDTR (0xC000): Set A[7:0], A[16:9], and A[24:17]. If need, set A[25]. (2-4) • NDFMCR (0xC004): Set 0x10 to deassert ND_ALE* signal. (2-5) • NDFSR (0xC008): • NDFMCR (0xC004): Set 0x30 to do the data mode with ECC calculation. (2-7) • NDFDTR (0xC000): Read 512 bytes data. (2-8) • NDFMCR (0xC004): Set 0x10 to do the data mode without ECC calculation. (2-9) • NDFDTR (0xC000): Read 16 bytes redundant data. (2-10) Check BUSY flag. If it’s zero, go to the next. If it’s one, wait till it will become zero. (2-6) 18-3 Chapter 18 NAND Flash Memory Controller (3) Read ECC data • NDFMCR (0xC004): Set 0x50 to do the ECC data read mode. • NDFDTR (0xC000): Read 6 bytes ECC data. First data: LPR[7:0] Second data: LPR[15:8] Third data: CPR[5:0], 2’b11 Fourth data: LPR[23:16] Fifth data: LPR[31:24] Sixth data: CPR[11:6], 2’b11 (4) Compare ECC data and run the error routine if error occurs by Software. (5) Read other pages • NDFMCR (0xC004): Set 0x10. • NDFSR (0xC008): • Continue from (1) to (4) but (2-1) to (2-5) can be skipped when Sequential Read. Check BUSY flag. If it’s zero, go to the next. If it’s one, wait till it will become zero. ID Read The ID read sequence is below. (1) NDFMCR (0xC004): Set 0x11 to assert ND_CLE* signal and do the command mode. (2) NDFDTR (0xC000): Set 0x90 to write the ID Read command. (3) NDFMCR (0xC004): Set 0x12 to assert ND_ALE* signal and do the address mode. (4) NDFDTR (0xC000): Set 0x00. (5) NDFMCR (0xC004): Set 0x10 to do the data mode without ECC calculation. (6) NDFDTR (0xC000): Read Maker Code. (7) NDFDTR (0xC000): Read Device Code. 18.3.2 ECC Control NDFMC has the ECC calculating circuits. The circuits are controlled by NDFMCR. The Software compares the ECC data and checks if error or not. The calculated ECC data can be read from NDFDTR register when NDFMCR is 0xD0 (Write mode) or 0x50 (Read mode). It is six bytes and six read operations for NDFDTR are needed. The order of the data is following as. First data: LPR[7:0] Second data: LPR[15:8] Third data: CPR[5:0], 2’b11 Fourth data: LPR[23:16] Fifth data: LPR[31:24] Sixth data: CPR[11:6], 2’b11 18-4 Chapter 18 NAND Flash Memory Controller 18.4 Registers Table 18.4.1 NAND Flash Memory Control Registers Reference Address Bit Width Register Register Name 18.4.1 0xC000 32 NDFDTR NAND Flash memory Data transfer Register 18.4.2 0xC004 32 NDFMCR NAND Flash memory Mode Control Register 18.4.3 0xC008 32 NDFSR NAND Flash memory Status Register 18.4.4 0xC00C 32 NDFISR NAND Flash memory Interrupt Status Register 18.4.5 0xC010 32 NDFIMR NAND Flash memory Interrupt Mask Register 18.4.6 0xC014 32 NDFSPR NAND Flash memory Strobe pulse width Register 18.4.7 0xC018 32 NDFRSTR NAND Flash memory Reset Register 18.4.1 NAND Flash Memory Data Transfer Register (NDFDTR) 0xC000 31 16 Reserved : Type : Initial value 15 8 7 Reserved 0 DATA R/W Bits Mnemonic 31:8 7:0 DATA Field Name Description Reserved DATA : Type : Initial value Interrupt Detection Enable (Initial value: undefined, R/W) NAND Flash memory data. Read: The data is read from the NAND Flash memory. Note: Be able to read the data that was read from the NAND Flash memory at the previous read cycle for the NAND Flash memory. At the same time the NANDFC runs the next read cycle and stores the data in the buffer. Please take care to read the first byte data and the last byte data. Write: The data is written to the NAND Flash memory. Figure 18.4.1 NAND Flash Memory Data Transfer Register (NDFDTR) 18-5 Chapter 18 NAND Flash Memory Controller 18.4.2 NAND Flash Memory Mode Control Register (NDFMCR) 0xC004 31 16 Reserved : Type : Initial value 15 8 Reserved Bits Mnemonic 7 WE 6 R/W 0 R/W 0 Field Name 5 ECC R/W 0 4 CE 3 2 Reserved BSPRT R/W 0 R/W 0 1 ALE 0 CLE R/W 0 R/W : Type 0 : Initial value Description 31:8 7 WE Write Enable Write Enable (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit enables the data write operation. When you write the data in the NAND flash memory, this bit must be set one. 0: Inhibit write operation 1: Enable write operation 6:5 ECC ECC Control ECC Control 19 (Initial value: 00, R/W) These bits control the ECC calculating circuits. ECC 11: Reset ECC circuits. 00: ECC circuits is disable. 01: ECC circuits is enable. 10: Read ECC data calculated by NDFMC. 4 CE Chip Enable Chip Enable (Initial value: 0, R/W) Enable NAND Flash access. This bit must be set one when access to the NAND Flash memory. 0: Disable (ND_CE* is high.) 1: Enable (ND_CE* is low.) 3 Reserved 2 BSPRT Bus Separate Bus Separate (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit enables the BUSSPRT* signal during NAND Flash memory access. 0: Disable 1: Enable 1 ALE Address Latch Enable Address Latch Enable (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit specifies the value of ND_ALE signal. 0: Low 1: High 0 CLE Command Latch Enable Command Latch Enable (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit specifies the value of ND_CLE signal. 0: Low 1: High Reserved Figure 18.4.2 NAND Flash Memory Mode Control Register (NDFMCR) 18-6 Chapter 18 NAND Flash Memory Controller 18.4.3 NAND Flash Memory Status Register (NDFSR) 0xC008 31 16 Reserved : Type : Initial value 15 8 Reserved 7 BUSY 6 0 Reserved R Bits Mnemonic 31:8 7 BUSY 6:0 Field Name Description Reserved BUSY : Type : Initial value BUSY (Initial value: undefined, R) This bit shows the status of NAND flash memory. 0: Ready 1: Busy Reserved Figure 18.4.3 NAND Flash Memory Status Register (NDFSR) 18-7 Chapter 18 NAND Flash Memory Controller 18.4.4 NAND Flash Memory Interrupt Status Register (NDFISR) 0xC00C 31 16 Reserved : Type : Initial value 15 1 Reserved 0 RDY : Type : Initial value Bits Mnemonic 31:1 0 RDY Field Name Description Reserved Ready Ready (Initial value: 0) This bit is set when ND_RB* signal changes from Low to High if MRDY in NDFIMR is one. Writing “0” clears this bit to zero. Read: 0: None 1: Change ND_RB* signal from Busy to Ready. Write: 0: No change 1: Clear to zero Figure 18.4.4 NAND Flash Memory Interrupt Status Register (NDFISR) 18-8 Chapter 18 NAND Flash Memory Controller 18.4.5 NAND Flash Memory Interrupt Mask Register (NDFIMR) 0xC010 31 16 Reserved : Type : Initial value 15 8 Reserved 7 INTEN 6 1 Reserved R/W 0 Bits Mnemonic 31:8 7 INTEN Field Name 6:1 Reserved 0 MRDY Mask RDY interrupt R/W : Type 0 : Initial value Description Reserved Interrupt Enable 0 MRDY Interrupt Enable (Initial value: 0, R/W) Enable Interrupt. When this bit and MRDY bit in this register are set one and RDY bit in NDFISR becomes one, the interrupt occurs. 0: Disable 1: Enable Mask Ready Interrupt (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit masks the RDY bit in NDFISR. If this bit one, RDY in NDFISR set when ND_RB* signal changes from Low to High. 0: Disable RDY in NDFISR 1: Enable RDY in NDFISR Figure 18.4.5 NAND Flash Memory Interrupt Mask Register (NDFIMR) 18-9 Chapter 18 NAND Flash Memory Controller 18.4.6 NAND Flash Memory Strobe Pulse Width Register (NDFSPR) 0xC014 31 16 Reserved : Type : Initial value 15 8 7 Reserved Bits Mnemonic Field Name 4 3 0 HOLD SPW R/W 0000 R/W 0000 : Type : Initial value Description 31:8 Reserved 7:4 HOLD Hold Time Hold Time (Initial value: 0000, R/W) These bits specify the Hold time from the rising edge of the ND_RE* and ND_WE* signals to the end of the bus cycle. The BUSSPRT* signal is deasserted after this hold timing if the NDFMCR.BSPRT is one. 0000: Zero 0001: One GBUSCLK 0010: Two GBUSCLKs 0011: Three GBUSCLKs 0100: Four GBUSCLKs 0101: Five GBUSCLKs 0110: Six GBUSCLKs 0111: Seven GBUSCLKs 1000: Eight GBUSCLKs 1001: Nine GBUSCLKs 1010: Ten GBUSCLKs 1011: Eleven GBUSCLKs 1100: Twelve GBUSCLKs 1101: Thirteen GBUSCLKs 1110: Fourteen GBUSCLKs 1111: Fifteen GBUSCLKs 3:0 SPW Strobe Pulse Width Strobe Pulse Width (Initial value: 0000, R/W) These bits specify the Low pulse width of the ND_RE* and ND_WE* signals. The low pulse width is the value of this field plus one. 0000: One GBUSCLK 0001: Two GBUSCLKs 0010: Three GBUSCLKs 0011: Four GBUSCLKs 0100: Five GBUSCLKs 0101: Six GBUSCLKs 0110: Seven GBUSCLKs 0111: Eight GBUSCLKs 1000: Nine GBUSCLKs 1001: Ten GBUSCLKs 1010: Eleven GBUSCLKs 1011: Twelve GBUSCLKs 1100: Thirteen GBUSCLKs 1101: Fourteen GBUSCLKs 1110: Fifteen GBUSCLKs 1111: Sixteen GBUSCLKs Figure 18.4.6 NAND Flash Memory Strobe Pulse Width Register (NDFSPR) 18-10 Chapter 18 NAND Flash Memory Controller 18.4.7 NAND Flash Memory Reset Register (NDFRSTR) 0xC018 31 16 Reserved : Type : Initial value 15 1 Reserved 0 RST R/W 0 Bits Mnemonic 31:1 0 RST Field Name Description Reserved Reset : Type : Initial value Reset (Initial value: 0, R/W) Setting this bit reset the NANDFC. After reset, this bit is cleared automatically. 0: Don’t care 1: Reset Figure 18.4.7 NAND Flash Memory Reset Register (NDFRSTR) 18-11 Chapter 18 NAND Flash Memory Controller 18.5 Timing Diagrams Command and Address Cycle NDFMCR.ALE = 0 NDFMCR.CLE = 0 NDFMCR.ALE = 1 NDFMCR.CLE = 1 DATA[7:0] BUSSPRT* ND_RB* ND_WE* ND_RE* ND_CE* ND_ALE NDFMCR.CE = 1 ND_CLE 18.5.1 Figure 18.5.1 Command and Address Cycle (NDFMCR.BSPRT = 0) 18-12 Chapter 18 NAND Flash Memory Controller DATA[7:0] BUSSPRT* ND_RB* ND_WE* ND_RE* ND_CE* ND_ALE ND_CLE Data Read Cycle GBUSCLK 18.5.2 Figure 18.5.2 Data Read Cycle (NDFMCR.BSPRT = 0, NDFSPR = 0x34) 18-13 DATA[7:0] BUSSPRT* ND_RB* ND_WE* ND_RE* ND_CE* ND_ALE ND_CLE GBUSCLK Chapter 18 NAND Flash Memory Controller Figure 18.5.3 Data Read Cycle (NDFMCR.BSPRT = 1, NDFSPR = 0x34) 18-14 Chapter 18 NAND Flash Memory Controller DATA[7:0] BUSSPRT* ND_RB* ND_WE* ND_RE* ND_CE* ND_ALE ND_CLE Data Write Cycle GBUSCLK 18.5.3 Figure 18.5.4 Data Write Cycle (NDFMCR.BSPRT = 0, NDFSPR = 0x34 or Use 74xx245 type, NDFMCR.BSPRT = 1, NDFSPR = 0x34) 18-15 Chapter 18 NAND Flash Memory Controller 18.6 Example of Using NAND Flash Memory TX4925 NAND Flash Memory ND_CLE ND_ALE ND_CE* ND_RE* ND_WE* ND_RB* CLE ALE CE* RE* WE* R/B* I/O[7:0] DATA[7:0] Figure 18.6.1 Example of Using NAND Flash Memory 18-16 Chapter 19 Real Time Clock (RTC) 19. Real Time Clock (RTC) 19.1 Features Real Time Clock (RTC) is a 44-bit counter that uses a 32.768 kHz clock. The counter will provide a maximum count of 6213 days. Also includes is a 44-bit alarm register for the RTC that allows the software to set an alarm at any desired count of the RTC counter. The RTC will generate two interrupts for the CPU. The first is the ALARMINT that will generate an interrupt whenever the RTC reaches the value set by the alarm. The second is the RTCINT that will generate an interrupt whenever the RTC counter “rolls over” after reaching a count of 6213 days. 19-1 Chapter 19 Real Time Clock (RTC) 19.2 Block Diagrams Figure 19.2.1 shows the RTC Block Diagram. ALARM[43:0] TC5 4 Bit Ripple Counter TC4 TC 8 Bit Ripple Counter TC3 TC 8 Bit Ripple Counter ALARMINT = TC2 TC 8 Bit Ripple Counter TC1 TC 8 Bit Ripple Counter TC0 TC C32K 8 Bit Ripple Counter TC5 TC4 TC3 TC2 TC1 TC0 RTCINT Figure 19.2.1 RTC Block Diagram 19-2 Chapter 19 Real Time Clock (RTC) 19.3 Operations 19.3.1 Operation The RTC contains five 8-bit ripple counters connected in series. The first counter counts on each C32K clock, while each successive counter only counts when the previous count stage has reached a count of “0xFF”. Once the counters reach a count of “0xFFFFFFFFFFF”, the RTCINT interrupt will assert to indicate that the counter is “rolling over”. Given a 44-bit counter for the RTC and an input clock C32K of 32.768 kHz, the time until RTCINT interrupt will assert is 6213 days. The software can generate an alarm interrupt(ALARMINT) by setting the ALARM[43:0] bits in the Alarm Register. Whenever the RTC becomes equal to the value set in the Alarm Register, the ALARMINT will be triggered. The value of the RTC counter can be read via the RTC Register. 19.3.2 Interrupt The RTC has two types interrupt sources. OR signal of them connects to the internal Interrupt Controller (IRC). Please check RTC Interrupt Status Register (RTCINT) to know which type of interrupt occurred. Type Status Bits Mask-able Bit RTCINT ALARMINT RTCINT in RTCINT ALARMINT in RTCINT DSRTCINT in RTCCTRL DSALINT in RTCCTRL RTCINT: This interrupt is set 44 bits of the RTC counter reach a value of “0xFFFFFFFFFFF” to alert the software that the counter is “rolling over”. ALARMINT: This interrupt is set whenever the RTC counter reaches a count that is equal to the value of the ALARM[43:0] bits set in the ALAMHI and ALARMLO Registers. 19.4 Registers All registers should be accessed only as full word (32-bit) accesses. Any other type of access produces an undefined result. Please write “0” to the undefined bit. Table 19.4.1 RTC Module Registers Reference Address Bit Width Register Symbol 19.4.1 0xF900 32-bit RTCHI RTC Register (High) 19.4.2 0xF904 32-bit RTCLO RTC Register (Low) 19.4.3 0xF908 32-bit ALARMHI Alarm Register (High) 19.4.4 0xF90C 32-bit ALARMLO Alarm Register (Low) 19.4.5 0xF910 32-bit RTCCTRL RTC Control Register 19.4.6 0xF914 32-bit RTCINT RTC Interrupt Status Register 19-3 Register Name Chapter 19 Real Time Clock (RTC) 19.4.1 RTC Register (High) (RTCHI) 0xF900 31 16 Reserved : Type : Initial value 15 12 11 0 Reserved RTCHI R Bits Mnemonic 31:12 11:0 RTCHI Field Name : Type : Initial value Explanation Reserved RTC Register (High) RTC Register (High) (Initial value: undefined, R) These bits provide the status of the bit 43 to 32 of RTC counter. The software must read these bits twice and compare the values to ensure that the counter is not read while the counter is counting since the CPU clock is not synchronous with the RTC counter clock. If the two reads do not compare, the software must read the register again to read the correct counter value. Figure 19.4.1 RTC Register (High) (RTCHI) 19.4.2 RTC Register (Low) (RTCLO) 0xF904 31 16 RTCLO R : Type : Initial value 15 0 RTCLO R Bits Mnemonic 31:0 RTCLO Field Name RTC Register (Low) : Type : Initial value Explanation RTC Register (Low) (Initial value: undefined, R) These bits provide the status of the bit 31 to 0 of RTC counter. The software must read these bits twice and compare the values to ensure that the counter is not read while the counter is counting since the CPU clock is not synchronous with the RTC counter clock. If the two reads do not compare, the software must read the register again to read the correct counter value. Figure 19.4.2 RTC Register (Low) (RTCLO) 19-4 Chapter 19 Real Time Clock (RTC) 19.4.3 Alarm Register (High) (ALARMHI) 0xF908 31 16 Reserved : Type : Initial value 15 12 11 0 Reserved ALARMHI R/W 0x000 Bits Mnemonic 31:12 11:0 ALARMHI Field Name Explanation Reserved Alarm Register (High) : Type : Initial value Alarm Register (High) (Initial value: 0x000, R/W) These bits provide the status of the bit 43 to 32 of Alarm counter. Whenever the RTC counter reaches a count that is equal to the value of join to these bits to Alarm Register (Low), the ALARMINT interrupt will be set. Figure 19.4.3 Alarm Register (High) (ALARMHI) 19.4.4 Alarm Register (Low) (ALARMLO) 0xF90C 31 16 ALARMLO R/W 0x0000 : Type : Initial value 15 0 ALARMLO R/W 0x0000 Bits Mnemonic 31:0 ALARMLO Field Name Alarm Register (Low) : Type : Initial value Explanation Alarm Register (Low) (Initial value: 0x0000_0000, R/W) These bits provide the status of the bit 31 to 0 of Alarm counter. Whenever the RTC counter reaches a count that is equal to the value of join to Alarm Register (High) to these bits, the ALARMINT interrupt will be set. Figure 19.4.4 Alarm Register (Low) (ALARMLO) 19-5 Chapter 19 Real Time Clock (RTC) 19.4.5 RTC Control Register (RTCCTRL) 0xF910 31 16 Reserved : Type : Initial value 15 8 Reserved 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 DISRTINT DISALINT FRZPRE FRZRTC RTCCLR Reserved TSTCLK RTCTST R/W 1 Field Name R/W 1 R/W 0 R/W 0 R/W 0 R/W 0 R/W : Type 0 : Initial value Bits Mnemonic 31:8 Explanation 7 DISRTINT Disable RTC Interrupt Disable RTC Interrupt (Initial value: 1, R/W) Disable RTC Interrupt. If clear, the interrupt occurs when RTC counter reaches a value of “0xffffffffff”. 1: Disable 0: Enable 6 DISALINT Disable Alarm Interrupt Disable Alarm Interrupt (Initial value: 1, R/W) Disable Alarm Interrupt. If clear, the interrupt occurs when RTC counter reaches a value that is equal to the value of Alarm count. 1: Disable 0: Enable 5 FRZPRE Freeze Prescaler Freeze Prescaler (Initial value: 0, R/W) Setting this bit will cause the lower 8 bits of the RTC counter to freeze. This bit is a test bit and customers can’t use it. 1: Freeze 0: Run 4 FRZRTC Freeze RTC Freeze RTC (Initial value: 0, R/W) Setting this bit will cause the upper 36 bits of the RTC counter to freeze. This bit is a test bit and customers can’t use it. 1: Freeze 0: Run 3 RTCCLR RTC Clear RTC Clear (Initial value: 0, R/W) Setting this bit to a logic “1” will cause all 44 bits of the RTC counter to initialize to “0x0000000_0000”. The RTC counter will stay cleared and the counter will not start counting until this bit is cleared back to a logic “0”. 1: Stop 0: Run 2 Reserved 1 TSTCLK Enable Test Clock Enable Test Clock (Initial value: 0, R/W) Setting this bit will cause the 32 kHz input clock for the RTC counter to be driven by the IMBUSCLK instead of the 32 kHz input pin. This bit is a test bit and customers can’t use it. 0: 32 KHz input 1: IMBUSCLK 0 RTCTST Enable RTC Test Enable RTC Test (Initial value: 0, R/W) Setting this bit will cause all five of the 8-bit counters and the 4-bit counter that comprise the RTC counter to count together. This bit is a test bit and customers can’t use it. 0: Normal run 1: Test run Reserved Figure 19.4.5 RTC Control Register (RTCCTRL) 19-6 Chapter 19 Real Time Clock (RTC) 19.4.6 RTC Interrupt Status Register (RTCINT) 0xF914 31 16 Reserved : Type : Initial value 15 2 Reserved 1 R/W 0 Field Name 0 RTCINT ALARMINT R/W : Type 0 : Initial value Bits Mnemonic 31:2 Explanation 1 RTCINT RTC Interrupt Status RTC Interrupt Status (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit shows the RTC Interrupt Status. This bit is cleared by written “0”. 0: No interrupt 1: Interrupt occurs 0 ALARMINT Alarm Interrupt Status Alarm Interrupt Status (Initial value: 0, R/W) This bit shows the Alarm Interrupt Status. This bit is cleared by written “0”. 0: No interrupt 1: Interrupt occurs Reserved Figure 19.4.6 RTC Interrupt Status Register (RTCINT) 19-7 Chapter 19 Real Time Clock (RTC) 19-8 Chapter 20 Removed 20. Removed 20-1 Chapter 20 Removed 20-2 Chapter 21 Extended EJTAG Interface 21. Extended EJTAG Interface 21.1 Extended EJTAG Interface The TX4925 Extended EJTAG (Enhanced Joint Test Action Group) Interface provides two real-time debugging functions. One is the IEEE1149.1 standard compliant JTAG Boundary Scan Test, and the other is the Debugging Support Unit (DSU) that is built into the TX49/H2 core. JTAG Boundary Scan Test • IEEE1149.1 compatible TAP Controller • Supports the following five instructions: EXTEST, SAMPLE/PRELOAD, IDCODE, BYPASS, HIGHZ Real-time Debugging • Real-time debugging using an emulation probe (made by Corelis or YDC) • Execution control (run, break, step, register/memory access) • Real-time PC tracing Please contact your local Toshiba Sales representative for more information regarding how to connect the emulation probe. The two functions of the Extended EJTAG Interface operate in one of two modes. PC Trace Mode • Execution control (fun, pause, access single steps, access internal register/system memory) • JTAG Boundary Scan Test Real-time Mode • Real-time PC tracing Refer to Section 3.1.14 for more information regarding signals used with the Extended EJTAG Interface. Table 21.1.1 EJTAG Interface Function and Operation Code PC Tracing Mode Off JTAG Boundary Scan Boundary Scan Test Real-time Debugging Execution Control Real-time PC Tracing 21-1 On Chapter 21 Extended EJTAG Interface 21.2 JTAG Boundary Scan Test 21.2.1 JTAG Controller and Register The Extended EJTAG Interface contains a JTAG Controller (TAP Controller) and a Control Register. This section explains only those portions that are unique to the TX4925. Please refer to the TX49/H2 Core Architecture Manual for all other portion not covered here. Please contact your local Toshiba Sales representative for more information regarding the required BSDL files when performing the JTAG Boundary Scan Test. • Instruction Register (Refer to 21.2.2) • Data Register • • Boundary Scan Register (Refer to 21.2.3) • Bypass Register • Device ID Register (Refer to 21.2.4) • JTAG Address Register • JTAG Data Register • JTAG Control Register • EJTAG Mount Register Test Access Port Controller (TAP Controller) (Refer to 21.3) 21-2 Chapter 21 Extended EJTAG Interface 21.2.2 Instruction Register The JTAG Instruction Register consists of an 8-bit shift register. This register is used for selecting either one or both of the test to be performed and the Test Data Register to be accessed. The Data Register is selected according to the instruction code in Table 21.2.1. Refer to the “64-Bit TX System RISC TX49/H2 Core Architecture” for more information regarding each instruction. Table 21.2.1 Bit Configuration of JTAG Instruction Register Instruction Code MSB → LSB Instruction Selected Data Register 00000000 (0x00) EXTEST Boundary Scan Register 00000001 (0x01) SAMPLE/PRELOAD Boundary Scan Register 00000010 (0x02) Reserved Reserved 00000011 (0x03) IDCODE Device ID Register 00000100 - 00001111 Reserved Reserved HIGHZ Bypass Register Reserved Reserved 00010000 (0x10) 00010001 - 01111111 10000000 - 11111110 Refer to the TX49/H2 Core Architecture Manual 11111111 (0xFF) BYPASS Bypass Register Figure 21.2.1 shows the format of the Instruction Register. 7 MSB 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 LSB Figure 21.2.1 Instruction Register The instruction code is shifted to the Instruction Register starting from the Least Significant Bit. MSB LSB TDI TDO Figure 21.2.2 Shift Direction of the Instruction Register 21.2.3 Boundary Scan Register The Boundary Scan Register contains a single 178-bit shift register to which all TX4925 I/O signals except for power supply, TDI, TCK, TDO, TMS, TRST* are connected. TEST* and SCANENB* cannot be tested, but it is possible for the Shift Register to sample the input. Figure 21.2.3. shows the bits of the Boundary Scan Register. 255 0 Refer to Table 21.2.2. Figure 21.2.3 Boundary Scan Register Table 21.2.2 shows the scan sequence of 178 signals starting from TDI and ending with TDO. TDI input is fetched to the Least Significant Bit (LSB) of the Boundary Scan Register and the Most Significant Bit (MSB) of the Boundary Scan Register is sent from the TDO output. Table 21.2.2 shows the boundary scan sequence relative to the processor signals. 21-3 Chapter 21 Extended EJTAG Interface Table 21.2.2 TX4925 Processor JTAG Scan Sequence (1/2) JTAG Scan Sequence Signal Name JTAG Scan Sequence Signal Name JTAG Scan Sequence Signal Name TDI 43 PCIAD[14] 86 PIO[8] 1 GNT[0]* 44 PCIAD[9] 87 PIO[9] 2 PCICLKIO 45 PCIAD[10] 88 PIO[12] 3 PCICLK[1] 46 PCIAD[11] 89 PIO[17] 4 PCICLK[2] 47 C_BE[0] 90 PIO[13] 5 REQ[0]* 48 PCIAD[8] 91 PIO[7] 6 GNT[1]* 49 PCIAD[4] 92 PIO[14] 7 REQ[1]* 50 PCIAD[0] 93 PIO[15] 8 GNT[2]* 51 PCIAD[5] 94 PIO[16] 9 REQ[2]* 52 PCIAD[1] 95 BC32K 10 GNT[3]* 53 PCIAD[6] 96 NMI* 11 REQ[3]* 54 PCIAD[2] 97 TEST* 12 PCIAD[31] 55 PCIAD[7] 98 MASTERCLK 13 PCIAD[30] 56 PCIAD[3] 99 DATA[0] 14 PCIAD[29] 57 BWE[0]* 100 DATA[16] 15 PCIAD[28] 58 BWE[1]* 101 DATA[1] 16 PCIAD[27] 59 SYSCLK 102 DATA[17] 17 PCIAD[26] 60 BWE[2]* 103 DATA[2] 18 PCIAD[25] 61 BWE[3]* 104 DATA[18] 19 PCIAD[24] 62 UAE 105 DATA[3] 20 C_BE[3] 63 SWE* 106 DATA[19] 21 ID_SEL 64 ADDR[0] 107 DATA[4] 22 PCIAD[23] 65 ADDR[1] 108 DATA[20] 23 PCIAD[22] 66 ADDR[2] 109 DATA[5] 24 PCIAD[21] 67 ADDR[3] 110 DATA[21] 25 PCIAD[20] 68 ADDR[4] 111 DATA[6] 26 PCIAD[19] 69 CE[3]* 112 DATA[22] 27 PCIAD[17] 70 CE[2]* 113 DATA[23] 28 PCIAD[18] 71 ADDR[15] 114 DATA[8] 29 FRAME* 72 OE* 115 DATA[7] 30 C_BE[2] 73 PIO[0] 116 DATA[24] 31 PCIAD[16] 74 PIO[2] 117 DATA[9] 32 STOP* 75 CE[1]* 118 DATA[25] 33 DEVSEL* 76 CE[0]* 119 DATA[26] 34 TRDY* 77 BUSSPRT 120 DATA[10] 35 IRDY* 78 PIO[4] 121 DATA[27] 36 SERR* 79 ACK* 122 DATA[11] 37 PERR* 80 PIO[3] 123 DATA[28] 38 PCIAD[15] 81 PIO[1] 124 DATA[12] 39 C_BE[1] 82 PIO[11] 125 DATA[29] 40 PAR 83 PIO[10] 126 DATA[13] 41 PCIAD[12] 84 PIO[5] 127 DATA[15] 42 PCIAD[13] 85 PIO[6] 128 DATA[30] 21-4 Chapter 21 Extended EJTAG Interface Table 21.2.2 TX4925 Processor JTAG Scan Sequence (2/2) JTAG Scan Sequence Signal Name JTAG Scan Sequence Signal Name JTAG Scan Sequence Signal Name 129 DATA[14] 146 ADDR[10] 163 130 RP* 147 ADDR[11] 164 SDCLKIN PIO[20] 131 DATA[31] 148 ADDR[12] 165 PON* 132 DQM[0] 149 ADDR[13] 166 PIO[19] 133 CAS* 150 ADDR[14] 167 PIO[18] 134 WE* 151 SADDR10 168 PIO[23] 135 DQM[1] 152 ADDR[16] 169 PIO[22] 136 SDCS[0]* 153 ADDR[19] 170 PIO[21] 137 DQM[2] 154 ADDR[18] 171 PIO[27] 138 DQM[3] 155 ADDR[17] 172 PIO[29] 139 ADDR[5] 156 CKE 173 PIO[28] 140 RAS* 157 SDCS[2]* 174 PIO[30] 141 SDCS[1]* 158 SCANENB* 175 PIO[24] 142 ADDR[6] 159 SDCS[3]* 176 PIO[31] 143 ADDR[7] 160 SDCLK[0] 177 PIO[25] 178 144 ADDR[8] 161 SDCLK[1] 145 ADDR[9] 162 RESET* 21-5 PIO[26] TDO Chapter 21 Extended EJTAG Interface 21.2.4 Device ID Register The Device ID Register is a 32-bit shift register. This register is used for reading the ID code that expresses the IC manufacturer, part number, and version from the IC and sending it to a serial device. The following figure shows the configuration of the Device ID Register. 31 28 27 Version 0 0 1 0 0 0 4 bits 12 0 0 0 Product Number 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 bits 1 1 1 1 0 11 0 1 0 Manufacturer ID Code 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 11 bits 0 0 0 1 1 Figure 21.2.4 Device ID Register The device ID code for the TX4925 is 0x0001_E031. However, the four top bits of the Version field may be changed. The device ID code is shifted out from the Least Significant Bit. MSB LSB …… TDO Figure 21.2.5 Shift Direction of the Device ID Register 21-6 Chapter 21 Extended EJTAG Interface 21.3 Initializing the Extended EJTAG Interface The Extended EJTAG Interface is not reset by asserting the RESET* signal. Operation of the TX49/H2 core is not guaranteed if the Extended EJTAG Interface is not reset. This interface is initialized by either of the following methods. • Assert the TRST* signal. • After clearing the processor reset, set the TMS input to High for five consecutive rising edges of the TCK input. The reset state is maintained if TMS is able to maintain the High state. The above methods must be performed while the MASTERCLK signal is being input. Also, externally fix the TRST* signal to GND when not using an emulation probe. The G-Bus Time Out Detection function is disabled when the TRST* signal is deasserted. (Refer to Section 5.1.1.) 21-7 Chapter 21 Extended EJTAG Interface 21-8 Chapter 22 Electrical Characteristics 22. Electrical Characteristics 22.1 Absolute Maximum Rating Parameter (*1) Symbol Rating Unit Supply voltage (for I/O) VCCIOMax −0.3 ~ 3.9 V Supply voltage (for internal) VCCIntMax −0.3 ~ 3.0 V −0.3 ~ VCCIO + 0.3 V −40 ~ +125 °C Input voltage (*2) VIN Storage Temperature TSTG *1: If LSI is used above the maximum ratings, permanent destruction of LSI can result. In addition, it is desirable to use LSI for normal operation under the recommended condition. If these conditions are exceeded, reliability of LSI may be adversely affected. *2: The maximum rated VCCIOMax voltage must not be exceeded even at VCCIO + 0.3 volts. 22.2 Recommended Operating Conditions Parameter Supply voltage Symbol Condition Min. Max. Unit V I/O VCCIO 3.0 3.6 Internal VCCINT 1.4 1.6 V TC 0 70 °C Operating Case Temperature *3: (*3) Functional operation should be restricted to the recommended operating conditions. Those are the limits under which proper device operation is guaranteed. Therefore, the end product must be designed within the recommended voltage and temperature ranges indicated. 22-1 Chapter 22 Electrical Characteristics 22.3 DC Characteristics 22.3.1 DC Characteristics Except for PCI Interface (Tc = 0 ~ 70°C, VCCIO = 3.3 V ± 0.3 V, VCCInt = 1.5 V ± 0.1 V, VSS = 0 V) Parameter SYM Conditions Min. Max. Unit V Low-level input voltage VIL1 (1) -0.3 0.8 High-level input voltage VIH1 (1) 2.0 VCCIO + 0.3 V Low-level output current IOL1 IOL2 (2)VOL = 0.4 V (3)VOL = 0.4 V 16 8 mA mA High-level output current IOH1 IOH2 (2)VOH = 2.4 V (3)VOH = 2.4 V −16 −8 mA mA Low-level input Leakage current IIL1 IIL2 (4)VIN=VSS (5)VIN=VSS -10 -200 10 10 µA µA High-level input Leakage current IIH1 (6)VIN=VCCIO -10 10 µA Input 200 MHz, GBUSCLK 2.5 RF 600 150 mA mA Operating current IDDDInt IDDDIO (1): All input and input-mode bidirectional pins except PCI interface signals. (2): PIO[4,2,0], SYSCLK, BUSSPRT*, RP*, DQM[3:0], CAS*, WE*, SDCS[3:0], RAS*, CKE, SDCLK[1:0], ACK*, DATA[31:0], ADDR[19:16,14,5], SADDR10 (3): PIO[31:5,3,1], BWE[3:0]*, SWE*, CE[3:0]*, OE*, SDCLKIN, UAE, ADDR[15,4:0], BC32K, TDO (4): PIO[17:12], TRST*, SDCLKIN, RESET*, PON*, TEST*, MASTERCLK, SCANENB* (5): PIO[31:18,11:0], ACK*, DATA[31:0], ADDR[19:0], SADDR10, TCK, TDI, TMS, NMI* (6): (4), (5) Signals 22-2 Chapter 22 Electrical Characteristics 22.3.2 DC Characteristics Except for PCI Interface (Tc = 0 ~ 70°C, VCCIO = 3.3 V ± 0.3 V, VCCInt = 1.5 V ± 0.1 V, VSS = 0 V) Min. Max. Unit Low-level input voltage Parameter VILPCI SYM (1) -0.5 0.9 V High-level input voltage VIHPCI (1) 1.8 VCCIO + 0.3 V High-level output voltage VOHPCI (2) IOUT = −500 µA VCCIO × 0.9 V Low-level output voltage VOLPCI (2) IOUT = 1500 µA VCCIO × 0.1 V IIHPCI IILPCI (1) 0 < VIN < VCCIO -10 -10 10 10 µA µA Input leakage current Conditions (1): PCICLKIO, PCIAD[31:0], C_BE[3:0], PAR, FRAME*, IRDY*, TRDY*, STOP*, ID_SEL, DEVSEL*, REQ[3:0]*, GNT[3:0]*, PERR*, SERR (2): All PCI interface except ID SEL. 22.4 Power Circuit for PLL 22.4.1 Recommended Circuit for PLL C1, C2, C3, R, and L should be placed as closed to the processor as possible. TX4925 VddInt R L PLL1Vdd_A C1 C2 C3 PLL1Vss A R L Vss Parameter Symbol AS a Reference Value Unit Resistor R 5.6 Ω Inductance L 2.2 µH C1 C2 C3 1 82 10 nF nF µF 1.5 ± 0.1 V Capacitor VddInt / VddPLL Note: Reference Figure 22.4.1 Power Circuit for PLL 22-3 Chapter 22 Electrical Characteristics 22.5 AC Characteristics 22.5.1 MASTERCLK AC Characteristics (Tc = 0 ~ 70°C, VCCIO = 3.3 V ± 0.3 V, VCCInt = 1.5 V ± 0.1 V, VSS = 0 V) Parameter SYM Condition Min. Max. Unit MASTERCLK Period tMCP 50 ns MASTERCLK Frequency (*1) fMCK 20 MHz MASTERCLK High tMCH 3 ns MASTERCLK Low tMCL 3 ns Internal Operating Frequency fCPU 25 200 MHz MASTERCLK Rise Time tMCR 2 ns MASTERCLK Fall Time tMCF 2 ns Proper circuit operation of the TX4925 is guaranteed only when power supply to it is stable and the on-chip PLL is enabled. *1: tMCP tMCL tMCH MASTERCLK 0.8 VCC 0.2 VCC tMCR tMCF Figure 22.5.1 Timing Diagrams: MASTERCLK 22.5.2 Power On AC Characteristics (Tc = 0 ~ 70°C, VCCIO = 3.3 V ± 0.3 V, VCCInt = 1.5 V ± 0.1 V, VSS = 0 V) Parameter SYM Condition Min. Max. Unit ms PON* width time tMCO_PLL 1 PLL stable time tMCP_PLL 10 ms RESET* width time tMCH_PLL 1 ms MASTERCLK Stable time Vdd MASTERCLK // // // // // // // // // // // // // tMCH_PLL RESET* PON* tMCO_PLL tMCP_PLL PLL Output CPUCLK GBUSCLK PCICLK Figure 22.5.2 Timing Diagrams: POWER ON RESET 22-4 // // // // // Chapter 22 Electrical Characteristics 22.5.3 SDRAM Interface AC Characteristics (Tc = 0 ~ 70°C, VCCIO = 3.3 V ± 0.3 V, VCCInt = 1.5 V ± 0.1 V, VSS = 0 V, CL = 50 pF) Min. Max. Unit SDCLK[3:0] Cycle Time Parameter tCYC_SDCLK Symbol Rating 12.5 ns SDCLK[3:0] High Time tHIGH_SDCLK 3 ns SDCLK[3:0] Low Time tLOW_SDCLK 3 ns SDCLKIN Skew tBP Non bypass mode 0 4.0 ns ADDR[19:16,14:5],SADDR10 Output delay tVAL_ADDR1 (*1) 1.5 7.5 ns SDCS[3:0]* Output delay tVAL_SDCS 1.5 7.5 ns RAS* Output delay tVAL_RAS (*1) 1.5 7.5 ns CAS* Output delay tVAL_CAS (*3) 1.5 7.5 ns WE* Output delay tVAL_WE (*3) 1.5 7.5 ns CKE Output delay tVAL_CKE 1.5 7.5 ns DQM[3:0] Output delay tVAL_DQM (*2) 1.5 7.5 ns DATA[31:0] Output delay (H->L, L->H) tVAL_DATA1 (*2) 1.5 7.5 ns DATA[31:0] Output delay (High-Z->Valid) tVAL_DATA1ZV (*2) 1.5 7.5 ns DATA[31:0] Output delay (Valid->High-Z) tVAL_DATA1VZ (*2) 1.5 7.5 ns DATA[31:0] Input set-up time tSU_DATA1B Bypass mode 6.0 ns DATA[31:0] input hold time tHO_DATA1B Bypass mode 0.5 ns DATA[31:0] Input set-up time tSU_DATA1NB Non bypass mode 1.0 ns DATA[31:0] input hold time tHO_DATA1NB Non bypass mode 2.0 ns *1: An SDRAM bus transaction can complete in no more than two clock cycles when the SDCTR.DA is set to 1. *2: An SDRAM bus transaction can complete in no more than two clock cycles when the SDCTR.SWB is set to 1. *3: 2 cycle signals. SDCLK[n] tVAL_* OUTPUT outputs valid tSU_* tHO_* inputs valid INPUT Figure 22.5.3 Timing Diagrams: Output Signals and When Bypass Mode Input Signals (SDCLK Basis) SDCLK[n] tBP SDCLKIN tSU_* INPUT tHO_* inputs valid Figure 22.5.4 Timing Diagrams: When Non Bypass Mode Input Signals (SDCLK Basis) 22-5 Chapter 22 Electrical Characteristics 22.5.4 External Bus Interface AC Characteristics (Tc = 0 ~ 70°C, VCCIO = 3.3 V ± 0.3 V, VCCInt = 1.5 V ± 0.1 V, VSS = 0 V) Min. Max. Unit SYSCLK Cycle Time Parameter tCYC_SYSCLK Symbol Rating 12.5 ns SYSCLK HighTime tHIGH_SYSCLK 4 ns SYSCLK LowTime tLOW_SYSCLK 4 ns ADDR[19:5] Output delay tVAL_ADDR2 1.5 9.5 ns CE[5:0]* Output delay tVAL_CE 1.5 9.0 ns OE* Output delay tVAL_OE 1.5 9.0 ns SWE* Output delay tVAL_SWE 1.5 9.0 ns BWE[3:0]* Output delay tVAL_BWE 1.5 9.0 ns UAE Output delay tVAL_UAE 1.5 9.0 ns BUSSPRT* Output delay tVAL_DQM 1.5 9.0 ns DATA[31:0] Output delay (H->L, L->H) tVAL_BUS 1.5 9.0 ns DATA[31:0] Output delay (High-Z->Valid) tVAL_DATA2ZV 1.5 9.0 ns DATA[31:0] Output delay (Valid->High-Z) tVAL_DATA2VZ 1.5 9.0 ns DATA[31:0] Input set-up time tSU_DATA2 6.0 ns DATA[31:0] Input set-up time tHO_DATA2 1.0 ns ACK* Output delay (H->L, L->H) tVAL_ACK 1.5 9.0 ns ACK* Output delay (High-Z->Valid) tVAL_ACKZV 1.5 9.0 ns ACK* Output delay (Valid->High-Z) tVAL_ACKVZ 1.5 9.0 ns ACK* Input set-up time tSU_ACK 6.0 ns ACK* Input hold time tHO_ACK 0.5 ns tCYC_SYSCLK tHIGH_SYSCLK tLOW_SYSCLK SYSCLK tVAL_* outputs valid OUTPUT tSU_* INPUT tHO_* inputs valid Figure 22.5.5 Timing Diagrams: External Bus Interface 22-6 Chapter 22 Electrical Characteristics 22.5.5 PCI Interface AC Characteristics (33 MHz) (Tc = 0 ~ 70°C, VCCIO = 3.3 V ± 0.3 V, VCCInt = 1.5 V ± 0.1 V, VSS = 0 V) Parameter Min. Max. Unit tCYC33 Symbol 30 40 ns PCICLKIO High time (33 MHz) tHIGH33 11 ns PCICLKIO Low time (33 MHz) tLOW33 11 ns PCICLKIO Through rate (33 MHz) tSLEW33 1 4 V/ns PCICLK[2:1],PCICLKIO Cycle time (33 MHz) tCYC33 CL=70 pF 30 40 ns PCICLK[2:1],PCICLKIO High time (33 MHz) tHIGH33 CL=70 pF 11 ns PCICLK[2:1],PCICLKIO Low time (33 MHz) tLOW33 CL=70 pF 11 ns PCICLK[2:1],PCICLKIO Skew (33 MHz) tSKEW CL=70 pF, point to point connection 0 T.B.D ns PCI output signal (*1) Output delay tVAL33 CL=70 pF 2 11 ns PCI input signal (*2) Input set-up time tSU33 8 ns PCI input signal (*2) Input set-up time tHO33 0.5 ns ID_SEL, REQ[0]*, GNT[3:0]* Output delay tVALPP33 CL=70 pF, point to point connection 2 12 ns ID_SEL, REQ[3:0]*, GNT[0]* Input set-up time tSUPP33 point to point connection 10 ns ID_SEL, REQ[3:0]*, GNT[0]* Input hold time tHOPP33 point to point connection 0 ns PCICLKIO Cycle time (33 MHz) Rating *1: PCIAD[31:0],C_BE[3:0],PAR,FRAME*,IRDY*,TRDY*,STOP*,DEVSEL*,PERR*,SERR*, *2: PCIAD[31:0],C_BE[3:0],PAR,FRAME*,IRDY*,TRDY*,STOP*,DEVSEL*,PERR*,SERR*,ID_SEL tC Y C 33 t H IG H 3 3 tL O W 3 3 tS LE W 33 0 .6 V cc 0 .5 V cc 0 .4 V cc 0 .4 V c c p -to -p (m in im u m ) 0 .3 V cc 0 .2 V c c P C IC L K IO (V c c = 3 .3 V ) tsu 3 3 / tS U P P 3 3 tH O 3 3 / tH O P P 3 3 IN P U T in p u ts v a lid t VA L 3 3 / t VA L P P 3 3 OU TPUT o u tp u ts v a lid Figure 22.5.6 Timing Diagrams: PCI Interface (3.3V) 22-7 Chapter 22 Electrical Characteristics tCYCO33 tHIGHO33 tLOWO33 PCICLK[n] tSKEW PCICLK[except for n] n=1∼2 Figure 22.5.7 Timing Diagrams: PCI Clock Skew 22.5.6 DMA Interface AC Characteristics (Tc = 0 ~ 70°C, VCCIO = 3.3 V ± 0.3 V, VCCInt = 1.5 V ± 0.1 V, VSS = 0 V) Parameter Symbol Rating Min. Max. Unit DMADONE* Delay tVAL_DONE CL=50 pF SYSCLK (CL=50 pF) Standard 5.5 ns DMADONE* Input pulse width time tPW_DONE 1/4 × tMCP × 1.1 ns tPW_DONE DMADONE* SYSCLK tVAL_DONE DMADONE* Figure 22.5.8 Timing Diagrams: DMA Interface 22-8 Chapter 22 Electrical Characteristics 22.5.7 Interrupt Interface AC Characteristics (Tc = 0 ~ 70°C, VCCIO = 3.3 V ± 0.3 V, VCCInt = 1.5 V ± 0.1 V, VSS = 0 V) Min. Max. Unit INT Input pulse width time Parameter tPW_INT Symbol Rating 1/2 × tMCP × 1.1 ns NMI Input pulse width time tPW_NMI 1/2 × tMCP × 1.1 ns tPW_INT/tPW_NMI Figure 22.5.9 Timing Diagrams: INT/NMI Interface 22.5.8 SIO Interface AC Characteristics (Tc = 0 ~ 70°C, VCCIO = 3.3 V ± 0.3 V, VCCInt = 1.5 V ± 0.1 V, VSS = 0 V) Parameter Symbol Rating Min. Max. Unit tMCP × 1.1 ns 2 × fMCK × 0.45 MHz 1/2 × tMCP × 1.1 ns ns SCLK Cycle time fCYC_SCLK SCLK Frequency fSCLK SCLK High time tHIGH_SCLK SCLK Low time tLOW_SCLK 1/2 × tMCP × 1.1 tHIGH_SCLK tLOW_SCLK SCLK tCYC_SCLK/fSCLK Figure 22.5.10 Timing Diagrams: SIO Interface 22-9 Chapter 22 Electrical Characteristics 22.5.9 Timer Interface AC Characteristics (Tc = 0 ~ 70°C, VCCIO = 3.3 V ± 0.3 V, VCCInt = 1.5 V ± 0.1 V, VSS = 0 V) Parameter Symbol TCLK Cycle time Rating fCYC_TCLK Min. Max. Unit tMCP × 1.1 ns TCLK Frequency fTCLK 2 × fMCK × 0.45 MHz TCLK High time tHIGH_TCLK 1/2 × tMCP × 1.1 ns TCLK Low time tLOW_TCLK 1/2 × tMCP × 1.1 ns tHIGH_TCLK tLOW_TCLK TCLK tCYC_TCLK/fTCLK Figure 22.5.11 Timing Diagrams: Timer Interface 22.5.10 PIO Interface AC Characteristics (Tc = 0 ~ 70°C, VCCIO = 3.3 V ± 0.3 V, VCCInt = 1.5 V ± 0.1 V, VSS = 0 V) Parameter Symbol Rating Min. Max. Unit PIO[31:0] Output Delay time tVAL_PIO IMBUSCLK Standard (CL=50 pF) 9.5 ns PIO[31:0] Input Setup time tSU_PIO IMBUSCLK Standard 8.5 ns PIO[31:0] Input Hold time tHO_PIO IMBUSCLK Standard 0 ns Note: The IMBUSCLK is an internal signal. For details, please refer to “Chapter 6 Clocks” in the TMPR4925 Data book. MASTERCLK IMBUSCLK (output) tVAL_PIO (input) tSU_PIO tHO_PIO Figure 22.5.12 Timing Diagrams: PIO Interface 22-10 Chapter 22 Electrical Characteristics 22.5.11 AC-link Interface AC Characteristics (Tc = 0 ~ 70°C, VCCIO = 3.3 V ± 0.3 V, VCCInt = 1.5 V ± 0.1 V, VSS = 0 V) Min. Max. Unit BITCLK High time Parameter tHIGH_BCLK Symbol Rating 36 45 ns BITCLK Low time tLOW_BCLK 36 45 ns SYNC Output Delay time tVAL_SYNC BITCLK Standard, CL=55 pF 15 ns SDOUT Output Delay time tVAL_SDOUT BITCLK Standard, CL=55 pF 15 ns SDIN[1:0] Input Setup time tSU_SDIN BITCLK Standard 10 ns SDIN[1:0] Input Hold time tHO_SDIN BITCLK Standard 10 ns BITCLK tHIGH_BCLK tLOW_BCLK SYNC tVAL_SYNC tVAL_SYNC SDOUT tVAL_SDOUT SDIN tSU_SDIN tHO_SDIN Figure 22.5.13 Timing Diagrams: AC-link Interface 22-11 Chapter 22 Electrical Characteristics 22.5.12 NAND Flash Memory Interface AC Characteristics (Tc = 0 ~ 70°C, VCCIO = 3.3 V ± 0.3 V, VCCInt = 1.5 V ± 0.1 V, VSS = 0 V) Min. Max. Unit ND_ALE Output Delay time Parameter tVAL_NDALE Symbol Rating 9.5 ns ND_CLE Output Delay time tVAL_NDCLE 9.5 ns ND_CE* Output Delay time tVAL_NDCE 9.5 ns ND_RE* Output Delay time tVAL_NDRE 9.5 ns ND_WE* Output Delay time tVAL_NDWE 9.5 ns DATA[7:0] Read Setup time tSU_RDATA 8.5 ns DATA[7:0] Read Hold time tHO_RDATA 1.0 ns DATA[7:0] Write Delay time tVAL_WDATA 9.5 ns DATA[7:0] Write Hold time tHO_WDATA 1.0 ns GBUSCLK tVAL_ND* ND_ALE, ND_CLE ND_CE*, ND_RE* ND_WE* ND_RE* tSU_RDATA DATA[7:0] tHO_RDATA inputs valid ND_WE* tHO_WDATA tVAL_WDATA DATA[7:0] outputs valid Figure 22.5.14 Timing Diagrams: NAND Flash Memory Interface 22-12 Chapter 22 Electrical Characteristics 22.5.13 CHI Interface AC Characteristics (Tc = 0 ~ 70°C, VCCIO = 3.3 V ± 0.3 V, VCCInt = 1.5 V ± 0.1 V, VSS = 0 V) Min. Max. Unit CHICLK Cycle time Parameter fCYC_CHICLK Symbol Rating 225 ns CHICLK High time tHIGH_CHICLK 100 ns CHICLK Low time tLOW_CHICLK 100 ns tHIGH_CHICLK tLOW_CHICLK CHICLK tCYC_CHICLK Figure 22.5.15 Timing Diagrams: CHI Interface 22-13 Chapter 22 Electrical Characteristics 22.5.14 SPI Interface AC Characteristics (Tc = 0 ~ 70°C, VCCIO = 3.3 V ± 0.3 V, VCCInt = 1.5 V ± 0.1 V, VSS = 0 V) Parameter Symbol Rating Min. Max. Unit 2× tMCP ns 1/2 x fMCK MHz tMCP × 0.9 ns SPICLK Cycle time fCYC_SPICLK SPICLK Frequency fSPICLK SPICLK High time tHIGH_SPICLK SPICLK Low time tLOW_SPICLK tMCP × 0.9 ns SPIOUT Output Delay time tVAL_SPIOUT 9.5 ns SPIIN Input Setup time tSU_SPIIN 8.5 ns SPIIN Input Hold time tHO_SPIIN 1.0 ns tHIGH_SPICLK tLOW_SPICLK SPICLK tCYC_SPICLK/fSPICLK SPICLK SPIOUT (SPOL = 0) tVAL_SPIOUT SPIIN (SPOL = 0) tSU_SPIIN tHO_SPIIN SPICLK SPIOUT (SPOL = 1) tVAL_SPIOUT SPIIN (SPOL = 1) tSU_SPIIN tHO_SPIIN Figure 22.5.16 Timing Diagrams: SPI Interface 22-14 Chapter 23 Pin Layout, Package 23. Pin Layout, Package 23.1 Pin Layout Table 23.1.1 shows pin layout, Table 23.1.2 shows pin designations (Coordinates), Table 23.1.3 shows pin designations (Signal name). 23-1 Chapter 23 Pin Layout, Package A B C D E F G H J K 20 RAS* SDCS[0]* DQM[1] DQM[0] RP* DATA[15] DATA[29] DATA[28] DATA[27] DATA[26] 19 SDCS[1]* DQM[3] DQM[2] CAS* DATA[31] DATA[30] DATA[13] DATA[12] DATA[11] DATA[10] 18 ADDR[6] ADDR[5] VDDS WE* VDDS DATA[14] VDDC VDDS VDDC VDDC 17 ADDR[8] ADDR[7] Vss Vss Vss Vss Vss Vss Vss Vss 16 ADDR[10] ADDR[9] VDDC VDDS 15 ADDR[13] ADDR[12] ADDR[11] Vss 14 SADDR10 ADDR[14] VDDC Vss 13 ADDR[18] ADDR[19] ADDR[16] VDDS 12 SDCS[2]* CKE ADDR[17] Vss 11 SDCLK[0] SDCS[3]* SCANENB* VDDS 10 SDCLK[1] RESET* VDDC Vss 9 SDCLKIN PIO[20] TRST* PON* 8 PIO[19] PIO[18] PIO[23] VDDS 7 PIO[22] PIO[21] VDDC Vss 6 PIO[27] PIO[29] PIO[28] PIO[30] 5 PIO[24] PIO[31] PIO[25] VDDC TOP View 4 PIO[26] TDO VDDC Vss REQ[2]* VDDS Vss VDDS Vss VDDS 3 TDI TCK VDDS GNT[1]* GNT[3]* PCIAD[30] VDDC 2 TMS GNT[0]* REQ[0]* REQ[1]* REQ[3]* PCIAD[29] PCIAD[27] PCIAD[24] PCIAD[23] PCIAD[20] 1 PCICLKIO PCICLK[1] PCICLK[2] GNT[2]* PCIAD[25] ID_SEL PCIAD[31] PCIAD[28] PCIAD[26] C_BE[3] Table 23.1.1 Pin layout (1/2) 23-2 PCIAD[21] PCIAD[22] PCIAD[19] Chapter 23 Pin Layout, Package L M N P R T U V W Y DATA[25] DATA[8] DATA[22] DATA[21] DATA[20] DATA[3] DATA[17] Vss MASTERCLK Vss 20 DATA[9] DATA[23] DATA[6] DATA[5] DATA[4] DATA[18] DATA[1] DATA[0] PLLVDD PLLVSS 19 DATA[24] DATA[7] VDDS VDDC DATA[19] DATA[2] DATA[16] VDDS C32KOUT C32KIN 18 VDDS Vss Vss Vss Vss VDDS Vss TEST* NMI* BC32K 17 Vss PIO[16] PIO[15] PIO[14] 16 PIO[7] PIO[13] PIO[17] PIO[12] 15 Vss VDDC PIO[9] PIO[8] 14 PIO[6] PIO[5] PIO[10] PIO[11] 13 VDDS PIO[1] PIO[3] ACK* 12 Vss VDDC PIO[4] BUSSPRT 11 PIO[0] PIO[2] CE[1]* CE[0]* 10 CE[3]* CE[2]* ADDR[15] OE* 9 VDDS ADDR[2] ADDR[3] ADDR[4] 8 Vss VDDC ADDR[0] ADDR[1] 7 BWE [2]* BWE [3]* UAE SWE* 6 BWE [0]* BWE [1]* SYSCLK 5 TOP View VDDS Vss VDDS IRDY* VDDC PCIAD[16] TRDY* Vss VDDC VDDS Vss VDDC PCIAD[7] PCIAD[3] 4 VDDC PAR PCIAD[14] PCIAD[11] VDDS PCIAD[6] PCIAD[2] 3 PCIAD[13] PCIAD[10] PCIAD[8] PCIAD[5] PCIAD[1] 2 PCIAD[4] PCIAD[0] 1 PCIAD[18] C_BE[2] DEVSEL* PERR* C_BE[1] PCIAD[17] FRAME* STOP* SERR* PCIAD[15] PCIAD[12] PCIAD[9] Table 23.1.1 Pin layout (2/2) 23-3 C_BE[0] Chapter 23 Pin Layout, Package Table 23.1.2 Pin Designations (Coordinates) A1 PCICLKIO C13 ADDR[16] H1 C_BE[3] P17 Vss V13 PIO[5] A2 TMS C14 VDDC H2 PCIAD[24] P18 VDDC V14 VDDC A3 TDI C15 ADDR[11] H3 PCIAD[25] P19 DATA[5] V15 PIO[13] A4 PIO[26] C16 VDDC H4 VDDS P20 DATA[21] V16 PIO[16] A5 PIO[24] C17 Vss H17 Vss R1 PCIAD[15] V17 TEST* A6 PIO[27] C18 VDDS H18 VDDS R2 C_BE[1] V18 VDDS A7 PIO[22] C19 DQM[2] H19 DATA[12] R3 PAR V19 DATA[0] A8 PIO[19] C20 DQM[1] H20 DATA[28] R4 VDDC V20 Vss A9 SDCLKIN D1 GNT[2]* J1 PCIAD[22] R17 Vss W1 PCIAD[4] A10 SDCLK[1] D2 REQ[1]* J2 PCIAD[23] R18 DATA[19] W2 PCIAD[5] A11 SDCLK[0] D3 GNT[1]* J3 ID_SEL R19 DATA[4] W3 PCIAD[6] A12 SDCS[2]* D4 Vss J4 Vss R20 DATA[20] W4 PCIAD[7] A13 ADDR[18] D5 VDDC J17 Vss T1 PCIAD[12] W5 BWE[1]* A14 SADDR10 D6 PIO[30] J18 VDDC T2 PCIAD[13] W6 UAE A15 ADDR[13] D7 Vss J19 DATA[11] T3 PCIAD[14] W7 ADDR[0] A16 ADDR[10] D8 VDDS J20 DATA[27] T4 VDDS W8 ADDR[3] A17 ADDR[8] D9 PON* K1 PCIAD[19] T17 VDDS W9 ADDR[15] A18 ADDR[6] D10 Vss K2 PCIAD[20] T18 DATA[2] W10 CE[1]* A19 SDCS[1]* D11 VDDS K3 PCIAD[21] T19 DATA[18] W11 PIO[4] A20 RAS* D12 Vss K4 VDDS T20 DATA[3] W12 PIO[3] B1 PCICLK[1] D13 VDDS K17 Vss U1 PCIAD[9] W13 PIO[10] B2 GNT[0]* D14 Vss K18 VDDC U2 PCIAD[10] W14 PIO[9] B3 TCK D15 Vss K19 DATA[10] U3 PCIAD[11] W15 PIO[17] B4 TDO D16 VDDS K20 DATA[26] U4 Vss W16 PIO[15] B5 PIO[31] D17 Vss L1 PCIAD[17] U5 VDDS W17 NMI* B6 PIO[29] D18 WE* L2 PCIAD[18] U6 BWE[2]* W18 C32KOUT B7 PIO[21] D19 CAS* L3 VDDC U7 Vss W19 PLLVDD B8 PIO[18] D20 DQM[0] L4 Vss U8 VDDS W20 MASTERCLK B9 PIO[20] E1 PCIAD[31] L17 VDDS U9 CE[3]* Y1 PCIAD[0] B10 RESET* E2 REQ[3]* L18 DATA[24] U10 PIO[0] Y2 PCIAD[1] PCIAD[2] B11 SDCS[3]* E3 GNT[3]* L19 DATA[9] U11 Vss Y3 B12 CKE E4 REQ[2]* L20 DATA[25] U12 VDDS Y4 PCIAD[3] B13 ADDR[19] E17 Vss M1 FRAME* U13 PIO[6] Y5 SYSCLK B14 ADDR[14] E18 VDDS M2 C_BE[2] U14 Vss Y6 SWE* B15 ADDR[12] E19 DATA[31] M3 PCIAD[16] U15 PIO[7] Y7 ADDR[1] B16 ADDR[9] E20 RP* M4 VDDS U16 Vss Y8 ADDR[4] B17 ADDR[7] F1 PCIAD[28] M17 Vss U17 Vss Y9 OE* B18 ADDR[5] F2 PCIAD[29] M18 DATA[7] U18 DATA[16] Y10 CE[0]* B19 DQM[3] F3 PCIAD[30] M19 DATA[23] U19 DATA[1] Y11 BUSSPRT B20 SDCS[0]* F4 VDDS M20 DATA[8] U20 DATA[17] Y12 ACK* C1 PCICLK[2] F17 Vss N1 STOP* V1 C_BE[0] Y13 PIO[11] C2 REQ[0]* F18 DATA[14] N2 DEVSEL* V2 PCIAD[8] Y14 PIO[8] C3 VDDS F19 DATA[30] N3 TRDY* V3 VDDS Y15 PIO[12] C4 VDDC F20 DATA[15] N4 IRDY* V4 VDDC Y16 PIO[14] C5 PIO[25] G1 PCIAD[26] N17 Vss V5 BWE[0]* Y17 BC32K C6 PIO[28] G2 PCIAD[27] N18 VDDS V6 BWE[3]* Y18 C32KIN C7 VDDC G3 VDDC N19 DATA[6] V7 VDDC Y19 PLLVSS C8 PIO[23] G4 Vss N20 DATA[22] V8 ADDR[2] Y20 Vss C9 TRST* G17 Vss P1 SERR* V9 CE[2]* C10 VDDC G18 VDDC P2 PERR* V10 PIO[2] C11 SCANENB* G19 DATA[13] P3 VDDC V11 VDDC C12 ADDR [17] G20 DATA[29] P4 Vss V12 PIO[1] 23-4 Chapter 23 Pin Layout, Package Table 23.1.3 Pin Designations (Signal name) Y12 ACK* G19 DATA[13] L1 PCIAD[17] Y19 PLLVSS D13 VDDS W7 ADDR[0] F18 DATA[14] L2 PCIAD[18] D9 PON* D16 VDDS Y7 ADDR[1] F20 DATA[15] K1 PCIAD[19] A20 RAS* E18 VDDS V8 ADDR[2] U18 DATA[16] K2 PCIAD[20] C2 REQ[0]* F4 VDDS W8 ADDR[3] U20 DATA[17] K3 PCIAD[21] D2 REQ[1]* H4 VDDS VDDS Y8 ADDR[4] T19 DATA[18] J1 PCIAD[22] E4 REQ[2]* H18 B18 ADDR[5] R18 DATA[19] J2 PCIAD[23] E2 REQ[3]* K4 VDDS A18 ADDR[6] R20 DATA[20] H2 PCIAD[24] B10 RESET* L17 VDDS B17 ADDR[7] P20 DATA[21] H3 PCIAD[25] E20 RP* M4 VDDS A17 ADDR[8] N20 DATA[22] G1 PCIAD[26] A14 SADDR10 N18 VDDS B16 ADDR[9] M19 DATA[23] G2 PCIAD[27] C11 SCANENB* T4 VDDS A16 ADDR[10] L18 DATA[24] F1 PCIAD[28] A11 SDCLK[0] T17 VDDS C15 ADDR[11] L20 DATA[25] F2 PCIAD[29] A10 SDCLK[1] U5 VDDS B15 ADDR[12] K20 DATA[26] F3 PCIAD[30] A9 SDCLKIN U8 VDDS A15 ADDR[13] J20 DATA[27] E1 PCIAD[31] B20 SDCS[0]* U12 VDDS B14 ADDR[14] H20 DATA[28] B1 PCICLK[1] A19 SDCS[1]* V3 VDDS W9 ADDR[15] G20 DATA[29] C1 PCICLK[2] A12 SDCS[2]* V18 VDDS C13 ADDR[16] F19 DATA[30] A1 PCICLKIO B11 SDCS[3]* C17 Vss C12 ADDR[17] E19 DATA[31] P2 PERR* P1 SERR* D4 Vss A13 ADDR[18] N2 DEVSEL* U10 PIO[0] N1 STOP* D7 Vss B13 ADDR[19] D20 DQM[0] V12 PIO[1] Y6 SWE* D10 Vss Y17 BC32K C20 DQM[1] V10 PIO[2] Y5 SYSCLK D12 Vss Y11 BUSSPRT C19 DQM[2] W12 PIO[3] B3 TCK D14 Vss V5 BWE[0]* B19 DQM[3] W11 PIO[4] A3 TDI D15 Vss W5 BWE[1]* M1 FRAME* V13 PIO[5] B4 TDO D17 Vss U6 BWE[2]* B2 GNT[0]* U13 PIO[6] V17 TEST* E17 Vss Vss V6 BWE[3]* D3 GNT[1]* U15 PIO[7] A2 TMS F17 D19 CAS* D1 GNT[2]* Y14 PIO[8] N3 TRDY* G4 Vss Y10 CE[0]* E3 GNT[3]* W14 PIO[9] C9 TRST* G17 Vss W10 CE[1]* J3 ID_SEL W13 PIO[10] W6 UAE H17 Vss V9 CE[2]* N4 IRDY* Y13 PIO[11] C4 VDDC J4 Vss Vss U9 CE[3]* W20 MASTERCLK Y15 PIO[12] C7 VDDC J17 B12 CKE W17 NMI* V15 PIO[13] C10 VDDC K17 Vss Y18 C32KIN Y9 OE* Y16 PIO[14] C14 VDDC L4 Vss W18 C32KOUT R3 PAR W16 PIO[15] C16 VDDC M17 Vss V1 C_BE[0] Y1 PCIAD[0] V16 PIO[16] D5 VDDC N17 Vss Vss R2 C_BE[1] Y2 PCIAD[1] W15 PIO[17] G3 VDDC P4 M2 C_BE[2] Y3 PCIAD[2] B8 PIO[18] G18 VDDC P17 Vss H1 C_BE[3] Y4 PCIAD[3] A8 PIO[19] J18 VDDC R17 Vss V19 DATA[0] W1 PCIAD[4] B9 PIO[20] K18 VDDC U4 Vss U19 DATA[1] W2 PCIAD[5] B7 PIO[21] L3 VDDC U7 Vss T18 DATA[2] W3 PCIAD[6] A7 PIO[22] P3 VDDC U11 Vss T20 DATA[3] W4 PCIAD[7] C8 PIO[23] P18 VDDC U14 Vss R19 DATA[4] V2 PCIAD[8] A5 PIO[24] R4 VDDC U16 Vss P19 DATA[5] U1 PCIAD[9] C5 PIO[25] V4 VDDC U17 Vss N19 DATA[6] U2 PCIAD[10] A4 PIO[26] V7 VDDC V20 Vss M18 DATA[7] U3 PCIAD[11] A6 PIO[27] V11 VDDC Y20 Vss M20 DATA[8] T1 PCIAD[12] C6 PIO[28] V14 VDDC D18 Vss L19 DATA[9] T2 PCIAD[13] B6 PIO[29] C3 VDDS K19 DATA[10] T3 PCIAD[14] D6 PIO[30] C18 VDDS J19 DATA[11] R1 PCIAD[15] B5 PIO[31] D8 VDDS H19 DATA[12] M3 PCIAD[16] W19 PLLVDD D11 VDDS 23-5 Chapter 23 Pin Layout, Package 23.2 Package Package Type (Package Code) : 256-pin PBGA / PBGA[4L] (P-BGA256-2727-1.27A4) 23-6 Chapter 24 Usage Notes 24. Usage Notes 24.1 Limitation on DMA Data Chaining • Overview The DMA Controller works incorrectly if the DMCCRn.IMMCHN bit is cleared and the address increment value (DMSAIRn/DMDAIRn) is negative. The DMA Controller might also work incorrectly regardless of the setting of the DMCCRn.IMMCHN bit if a dynamic or typical DMA chaining is performed after completion of a transfer with a negative address increment. • Symptom The DMA Controller might read wrong data or write data to wrong addresses. • Workaround Measure Keep the DMCCRn.IMMCHN bit set. Make sure the DMSAIRn and DMDAIRn values for the last descriptor are equal to or greater than 0 before adding the next command descriptor chain for dynamic DMA chaining. For DMA data chaining with a negative address increment, write 0 or a positive number once, then the desired negative increment value to the DMSAIRn/DMDAIRn. 24.2 Limitation on a Register Read After an SIO Software Reset • Overview Immediately reading a register after a software reset (seting “1” to bit 15 of the SIFCRx Register) results in the SIO not responding and the bus locking up. • Symptom After a software reset (setting “1” to bit 15 of the SIFCRx Register), IMBUSCLK resets SIO for four clock cycles. During this reset, the SIO does not recognize that it has been accessed even when it has been accessed. The bus locks up since the device that accesses the SIO waits for a response from the SIO. A bus error will then be issued if timeout errors have been enabled. • Workaround Measure After the software reset, perform a dummy read operation to the register of a different module on the IM-Bus, then access the SIO register. Performing the dummy access on the IM-Bus requires eight IMBUSCLK cycles to complete, making it possible to avoid the problem since this is longer than the amount of time the SIO reset requires. 24.3 Other Precautions • Always set bit 4 in the G-Bus Arbiter Control register (GARBC) to 1. Clearing this bit might cause arbitration deadlocks. • There are restrictions for address increment values regarding DMA burst transfers. For a detailed description, see Section 8.3.7, “Single Address Transfer,” and Section 8.3.8, “Dual Address Transfer.” • The four target address spaces (MEM0, MEM1, MEM2 and IO) of the PCI Controller may not overlap. See Section 10.3.5, “Target Access.” • It is recommended to set the G2P Timeout register (GPTOCNT) to 0. See Section 10.4.12, “G2P Timeout Count Register.” 24-1 Chapter 24 Usage Notes 24-2 Appendix A TX49/H2 Core Supplement Appendix A. TX49/H2 Core Supplement This section explains items that are unique to the TX4925 of the TX49/H2 Core. Please refer to the “64-bit TX System RISC TX49/H2 Core Architecture” for more information regarding the TX49/H2 Core. A.1 Processor ID PRId Register values of the TX4925 TX49/H2 Core are as follows. Processor Revision Identifier Register: 0x0000_2D23 FPU Implementation/Revision Register (FCR0): 0x0000_2D21 These values may be changed at a later date. Please contact the Toshiba Engineering Department for the most recent information. A.2 Interrupts Interrupt signalling of the on-chip interrupt controller is reflected in bit IP[2] of the Cause Register in the TX49/H2 Core. In addition, interrupt causes are reflected in other bits of the IP field. Please refer to Section “15.3.5 Interrupt Notification” for more information. A.3 Bus Snoop The Bus Snoop function is not used with the TX4925 due to restrictions of the Bus Snoop specification. A.4 Halt/Doze Mode The Doze mode is not necessary when the Bus Snoop function is not used. Please use the Halt mode, which further reduces power consumption. Clearing the HALT bit of the Config Register makes it possible to shift to the Halt mode by executing the WAIT instruction. A.5 Memory Access Order The TX49/H2 Core has a 4-stage Write buffer, the PCI Bus Bridge (PCI Controller) has 4 stages for initiator access, and has a 2-stage Post Write buffer (Write buffer) for target access. When data enters the Write buffer of the TX49/H2 Core, Cache Refill Read operations that do not match the address of that data after the Write is issued may be issued to the internal bus (G-Bus) before the Write. Other accesses are issued in order. Executing the SYNC instruction guarantees that bus access invoked by a load/store instruction previously executed will be complete on the internal bus. The PCI Bus Bridge is issued by the issue destination bus in the order all bus accesses are issued on the issue source bus. Please refer to “10.3.6 Post Write Function” for more information regarding methods for guaranteeing the completion of Write transactions of the Post Write Buffer. A-1 Appendix A TX49/H2 Core Supplement A-2