ST7FLCD1 ® 8-bit MCU for LCD Monitors with 60 KBytes Flash, 2 KBytes RAM, 2 DDC Ports and Infrared Controller PRODUCT PREVIEW Key Features ■ 60 KBytes Flash Program Memory ■ In-Circuit Debugging and Programming ■ In-Application Programming ■ Data RAM: up to 2 KBytes (256 bytes stack, 2 x 256 bytes for DDCs) ■ 8 MHz, up to 9 MHz Internal Clock Frequency SO28 ORDER CODE: ST7FLCD1 ■ True Bit Manipulation ■ Run and Wait CPU Modes ■ Programmable Watchdog for System Reliability General Description ■ Protection against Illegal Opcode Execution The ST7FLCD1 is a microcontroller (MCU) from the ST7 family with dedicated peripherals for LCD monitor applications. The ST7FLCD1 is an industry standard 8-bit core that offers an enhanced instruction set. The 5V supplied processor runs with an external clock at 24 MHz (27 MHz maximum). Under software control, the MCU mode changes to Wait mode thus reducing power consumption. The enhanced instruction set and addressing modes offer real programming potential. ■ 2 DDC Bus Interfaces with: ● DDC 2B protocol implemented in hardware ● Programmable DDC CI modes ● Enhanced DDC (EDDC) address decoding ● HDCP Encryption keys ■ Fast I²C Single Master Interface ■ 8-bit Timer with Programmable Pre-scaler, Auto-reload and independent Buzzer Output ■ 8-bit Timer with External Trigger ■ 4-channel, 8-bit Analog to Digital Converter ■ 4 + 2 8-bit PWM Digital to Analog Outputs with Frequency Adjustment ■ Infrared Controller (IFR) ■ Up to 22 I/O Lines in 28-pin Package ■ 2 Lines Programmable as Interrupt Inputs ■ Master Reset and Low Voltage Detector (LVD) Reset In addition to standard 8-bit data management, the MCU features also include true bit manipulation, 8x8 unsigned multiplication and indirect addressing modes. The device gathers the on-chip oscillator, CPU, 60-Kbyte Flash, 2-KByte RAM, I/Os, two 8-bit timers, infrared preprocessor, 4-channel Analog-toDigital Converter, 2 DDCs, I²C single master, watchdog, reset and six 8-bit PWM outputs for analog DC control of external functions. ■ Complete Development Support on PCWindows ■ Full Software Package (Assembler, Linker, C-compiler and Source Level Debugger) April 2004 1/95 ST7FLCD1 Table of Contents Chapter 1 General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 1.1 Block Diagram ..................................................................................................................... 6 1.2 Abbreviations ....................................................................................................................... 6 1.3 Reference Documents ......................................................................................................... 7 1.4 Pin Description .................................................................................................................... 8 1.5 External Connections ......................................................................................................... 10 1.6 Memory Map ..................................................................................................................... 11 Chapter 2 2.1 Central Processing Unit (CPU) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Main Features .................................................................................................................... 15 2.1.1 Chapter 3 Reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 3.1 Low Voltage Detector and Watchdog Reset ...................................................................... 22 3.2 Watchdog or Illegal Opcode Access Reset ........................................................................ 23 3.3 External Reset .................................................................................................................... 23 3.4 Reset Procedure ................................................................................................................ 23 Chapter 4 Interrupts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 4.1 Software ............................................................................................................................. 24 4.2 External Interrupts (ITA, ITB) ............................................................................................. 24 4.3 Peripheral Interrupts ........................................................................................................... 24 4.4 Processing ......................................................................................................................... 24 4.5 Register Description .......................................................................................................... 26 Chapter 5 2/95 CPU Registers ...................................................................................................................................15 Flash Program Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 5.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 28 5.2 Main Features .................................................................................................................... 28 5.3 Structure ............................................................................................................................. 28 5.4 Program Memory Read-out Protection .............................................................................. 28 5.5 In-Circuit Programming (ICP) ............................................................................................. 29 5.6 In-Application Programming (IAP) ...................................................................................... 30 5.7 Register Description ........................................................................................................... 30 5.8 Flash Option Bytes ............................................................................................................. 31 ST7FLCD1 Chapter 6 6.1 6.2 Chapter 7 Clocks & Low Power Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 Clock System ..................................................................................................................... 32 6.1.1 General Description ...........................................................................................................................32 6.1.2 Crystal Oscillator Mode ......................................................................................................................32 6.1.3 External Clock Mode ..........................................................................................................................32 6.1.4 Clock Signals .....................................................................................................................................32 Power Saving Modes ......................................................................................................... 33 6.2.1 HALT Mode ........................................................................................................................................33 6.2.2 WAIT Mode ........................................................................................................................................33 6.2.3 Exit from HALT and WAIT Modes ......................................................................................................33 6.2.4 Selected Peripherals Mode ................................................................................................................34 I/O Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 7.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 35 7.2 Common Functional Description ........................................................................................ 36 7.3 Port A ................................................................................................................................. 37 7.4 Port B ................................................................................................................................. 39 7.5 Port C ................................................................................................................................. 40 7.6 Port D ................................................................................................................................. 41 7.7 Register Description ........................................................................................................... 42 Chapter 8 PWM Generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 8.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 43 8.2 Main Features .................................................................................................................... 43 8.3 Functional Description ........................................................................................................ 43 8.4 Register Description ........................................................................................................... 46 Chapter 9 8-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49 9.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 49 9.2 Main Features .................................................................................................................... 49 9.3 Functional Description ........................................................................................................ 49 9.4 Register Description ........................................................................................................... 50 Chapter 10 I²C Single-Master Bus Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52 10.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 52 10.2 Main Features .................................................................................................................... 52 10.3 General Description ........................................................................................................... 52 10.4 Functional Description (Master Mode) ............................................................................... 54 10.5 Transfer Sequencing .......................................................................................................... 54 3/95 ST7FLCD1 10.6 Chapter 11 10.5.1 Master Receiver .................................................................................................................................54 10.5.2 Master Transmitter .............................................................................................................................54 Register Description ........................................................................................................... 56 Display Data Channel Interfaces (DDC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60 11.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 60 11.2 DDC Interface Features ..................................................................................................... 60 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.2.1 Hardware DDC2B Interface Features ................................................................................................60 11.2.2 DDC/CI Factory Interface Features ...................................................................................................60 Signal Description .............................................................................................................. 62 11.3.1 Serial Data (SDA) ..............................................................................................................................62 11.3.2 Serial Clock (SCL) .............................................................................................................................62 DDC Standard .................................................................................................................... 62 11.4.1 DDC2B Interface ................................................................................................................................62 11.4.2 Mode Description ...............................................................................................................................63 DDC/CI Factory Alignment Interface .................................................................................. 66 11.5.1 11.6 Transfer Sequencing .......................................................................................................... 68 11.7 Register Description ........................................................................................................... 69 Chapter 12 Watchdog Timer (WDG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75 12.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 75 12.2 Main Features .................................................................................................................... 75 12.3 Main Watchdog Counter .................................................................................................... 75 12.4 Lock-up Counter ................................................................................................................. 76 12.5 Interrupts ............................................................................................................................ 76 12.6 Register Description ........................................................................................................... 76 Chapter 13 8-bit Timer (TIMA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77 13.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 77 13.2 Main Features .................................................................................................................... 77 13.3 Functional Description ........................................................................................................ 77 13.4 Register Description ........................................................................................................... 78 Chapter 14 4/95 I²C Modes ..........................................................................................................................................66 8-bit Timer with External Trigger (TIMB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80 14.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 80 14.2 Main Features .................................................................................................................... 80 14.3 Functional Description ........................................................................................................ 80 ST7FLCD1 Chapter 15 Infrared Preprocessor (IFR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .83 15.1 Main Features .................................................................................................................... 83 15.2 Functional Description ........................................................................................................ 83 15.3 Register Description ........................................................................................................... 84 Chapter 16 16.1 Chapter 17 Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85 Register Description ........................................................................................................... 85 Electrical Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .87 17.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings .............................................................................................. 87 17.2 Power Considerations ........................................................................................................ 87 17.3 Thermal Characteristics .................................................................................................... 88 17.4 AC/DC Electrical Characteristics ........................................................................................ 88 17.5 Power On/Off Electrical Specifications ............................................................................... 90 17.6 8-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter ....................................................................................... 91 17.7 I2C/DDC Bus Electrical Specifications .............................................................................. 91 17.8 I2C/DDC Bus Timings ....................................................................................................... 92 Chapter 18 Package Mechanical Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .93 Chapter 19 Revision History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .94 5/95 General Information ST7FLCD1 1 General Information 1.1 Block Diagram Figure 1: ST7FLCD1 Functional Diagram ST7FLCD1 5V GND 60 KByte Flash 2 KByte RAM PWM Power Management Port B VPP Control 8-bit Core ALU Watchdog ADC ADDRESS AND DATA BUS LVD RESET Port A IFR Port C ICD Port D Timer A I²C Timer B OSCIN OSCOUT DDC2B DDC/CI A OSC DDC2B DDC/CI B 1.2 Abbreviations Abbreviation 6/95 Description ADC Analog-to-Digital Converter ALU Arithmetical and Logical Unit CPU Central Processing Unit DDC Display Data Channel DMA Direct Memory Access I²C or IIC Inter-Integrated Circuit bus IAP In-Application Programming ICC In-Circuit Communication ICP In-Circuit Programming ICT In-Circuit Testing IFR Infrared Controller PA0 ... PA4 PWM0 ... PWM4 PA5 / PWM5 / BUZOUT PA6 / ITA / EXTRIG PA7 / ITB PB0 / AIN0 PB1 / AIN1 PB2 / AIN2 PB3 / AIN3 / IFR PC0 / ICC_CLK PC1 / ICC_DATA PD0 / I2C_SCL PD1 / I2C_SDA PD2 / DDCA_SCL PD3 / DDCA_SDA PD4 / DDCB_SCL PD5 / DDCB_SDA PD6 PD7 ST7FLCD1 General Information Abbreviation 1.3 Description IT Interrupt LCD Liquid Crystal Display LVD Low Voltage Detector MCU Microcontroller Unit OSC Oscillator PWM Pulse Width Modulator TIM Timer WDG Watchdog Reference Documents Book: ST7 MCU Family Manual CD: MCU on CD Many libraries, software and applications notes are available. Ask your STMicroelectronics sales office, your local support or search the company web site at 7/95 General Information 1.4 ST7FLCD1 Pin Description Figure 2: 28-pin Small Outline Package (SO28) Pinout OSCOUT 1 28 VDD OSCIN 2 27 VSS RESET 3 26 VPP PB0/AIN0 4 25 PC1/ICC_DATA PB1/AIN1 5 24 PC0/ICC_CLK PB2/AIN2 6 23 PD7 PB3/AIN3/IFR 7 22 PD6 PA0/PWM0 8 21 PD5/DDCB_SDA PA1/PWM1 9 20 PD4/DDCB_SCL PA2/PWM2 10 19 PD3/DDCA_SDA PA3/PWM3 11 18 PD2/DDCA_SCL PA4/PWM4 12 17 PD1/I2C_SDA PA5/PWM5/BUZOUT 13 16 PD0/I2C_SCL PA6/ITA/EXTRIG 14 15 PA7/ITB Table 1: 28-pin Small Outline Package (SO28) Pin Description (Sheet 1 of 2) Pin Pin Name Type Description 1 OSCOUT O Oscillator Input 2 OSCIN I Oscillator Output 3 RESET I/O Reset 4 PB0/AIN0 I/O Port B0 or ADC Analog Input 0 5 PB1/AIN1 I/O Port B1 or ADC Analog Input 1 6 PB2/AIN2 I/O Port B2 or ADC Analog Input 2 7 PB3/AIN3/IFR I/O Port B3 or ADC Analog Input 3 or IFR Input 8 PA0/PWM0 I/O Port A0 or PWM Output 0 9 PA1/PWM1 I/O Port A1 or PWM Output 1 10 PA2/PWM2 I/O Port A2 or PWM Output 2 11 PA3/PWM3 I/O Port A3 or PWM Output 3 12 PA4/PWM4 I/O Port A4 or PWM Output 4 Remark Normal use at 24 MHz 8/95 ST7FLCD1 General Information Table 1: 28-pin Small Outline Package (SO28) Pin Description (Sheet 2 of 2) Pin Pin Name Type Description Remark 13 PA5/PWM5/BUZOUT I/O Port A5 or PWM Output 5 or Buzzer Output 14 PA6/ITA/EXTRIG I/O Port A6 or Interrupt Input A or External Trigger Timer B 15 PA7/ITB I/O Port A7 or Interrupt Input B 16 PD0/I2C_SCL I/O Port D0 or I²C Serial Bus Clock 17 PD1/I2C_SDA I/O Port D1 or I²C Serial Bus Data 18 PD2/DDCA_SCL I/O Port D2 or DDC A Serial Bus Clock 19 PD3/DDCA_SDA I/O Port D3 or DDC A Serial Bus Data 20 PD4/DDCB_SCL I/O Port D4 or DDC B Serial Bus Clock 21 PD5/DDCB_SDA I/O Port D5 or DDC B Serial Bus Data 22 PD6 I/O Port D6 23 PD7 I/O Port D7 24 PC0/ICC_CLK I/O Port C0 or ICC Clock 25 PC1/ICC_DATA I/O Port C1 or ICC Data 26 VPP PS Flash Programming Supply Voltage Normal op. mode: 0 V, see Note 1 27 VSS PS Ground 0V 28 VDD PS Power Supply 5V 1. This pin must be connected to a 10K pulldown resistor (refer to Section 1.5). 9/95 General Information 1.5 ST7FLCD1 External Connections Figure 3 shows the recommended external connections for the device. The VPP pin is only used for programming or erasing the Flash memory array, and must be tied to a 10 K pulldown resistor for normal operation. The 10 nF and 0.1 µF decoupling capacitors on the power supply lines are a suggested EMC performance/cost tradeoff. The external RC reset network (including the mandatory 1K serial resistor) is intended to protect the device against parasitic resets, especially in noisy environments. Unused I/Os should be tied high to avoid any unnecessary power consumption on floating lines. An alternative solution is to program the unused ports as inputs with pull-up. Figure 3: Recommended External Connections VPP 10K VDD 10nF VDD + 0.1µF VSS VDD 4.7K 0.1µF RESET EXTERNAL RESET CIRCUIT 1K 0.1µF See Clocks Section OSCIN OSCOUT Or configure unused I/O ports by software as input with pull-up VDD 10/95 10K Unused I/O ST7FLCD1 1.6 General Information Memory Map Figure 4: Program Memory Map 0000h HW Registers (See Note 1) Short Addressing RAM (zero page) 0100h Stack 01FFh 0200h 0600h EDIDA 16-bit Addressing 2 Kbytes RAM 003Fh 0040h RAM EDIDB 52 K SECTOR 2 4K E000h SECTOR 1 F000h 4K 60 Kbytes FLASH 083Fh 0840h 0FFFh 1000h SECTOR 0 FFE0h FF00h FFDFh (See Note 2) Interrupt & Reset Vectors FFFFh (See Note 3) Note:1. Refer to Table 2: Hardware Register Memory Map. 2. Area FF00h to FFDFh is reserved in the event of ICD use. (For more information, refer to Application Note 1581.) 3. Refer to Table 3: Interrupt Vector Map. Table 2: Hardware Register Memory Map (Sheet 1 of 3) Address Block Register Register Name Reset Status Remarks 0000h NAME NAMER Circuit Name Register 00h Read 0001h MISC MISCR Miscellaneous Register 00h R/W 0002h Port A PADR Port A Data Register 00h R/W PADDR Port A Data Direction Register 00h R/W PBDR Port B Data Register 00h R/W PBDDR Port B Data Direction Register 00h R/W PCDR Port C Data Register 00h R/W PCDDR Port C Data Direction Register 00h R/W 0003h 0004h Port B 0005h 0006h 0007h Port C 11/95 General Information ST7FLCD1 Table 2: Hardware Register Memory Map (Sheet 2 of 3) Address 0008h Block Port D 0009h 000Ah ADC 000Bh Register Register Name Reset Status Remarks PDDR Port D Data Register 00h R/W PDDDR Port D Data Direction Register 00h R/W ADCDR ADC Data Register 00h R ADCCSR ADC Control Status Register 00h R/W 000Ch INTERRUPT ITRFRE External Interrupt Register 00h R/W 000Dh TIMA TIMCSRA Timer Control Status Register 00h R/W TIMCPRA Timer Counter Preload Register 00h R/W PWMDCR0 8-bit PWM0 Duty Cycle Register 00h R/W 0010h PWMDCR1 8-bit PWM1 Duty Cycle Register 00h R/W 0011h PWMDCR2 8-bit PWM2 Duty Cycle Register 00h R/W 0012h PWMDCR3 8-bit PWM3 Duty Cycle Register 00h R/W 0013h PWMCRA PWM[0...3] Control Register 00h R/W 0014h PWMARRA PWM[0...3] Auto Reload Register FFh R/W 0015h PWMDCR4 8-bit PWM4 Duty Cycle Register 00h R/W 0016h PWMDCR5 8-bit PWM5 Duty Cycle Register 00h R/W 0017h PWMCRB PWM[4...5] Control Register 00h R/W 0018h PWMARRB PWM[4...5] Auto Reload Register FFh R/W FCSR Flash Control/Status Register 00h R/W 000Eh 000Fh PWM 0019h FLASH 001Ah Reserved 001Bh WDG WDGCR Watchdog Control Register 7Fh R/W 001Ch I²C I2CCR I²C Control Register 00h R/W 001Dh I2CSR I²C Status Register 00h R 001Eh I2CCCR I²C Clock Control Register 00h R/W 001Fh I2CDR I²C Data Register 00h R/W DDCCRA DDC A Control Register 00h R/W 0021h DDCSR1A DDC A Status 1 Register 00h R 0022h DDCSR2A DDC A Status 2 Register 00h R 0023h DDCOAR1A DDC (7-bit) A Slave address 1 Register 00h R/W 0024h DDCOAR2A DDC (7-bit) A Slave address 2 Register 00h R/W 0025h DDCDRA DDC A Data Register 00h R/W 0026h RESERVED 0027h DDCDCRA DDC2B A Control Register 00h R/W 0020h 12/95 DDC A ST7FLCD1 General Information Table 2: Hardware Register Memory Map (Sheet 3 of 3) Address 0028h Block Register Name Reset Status Remarks DDCCRB DDC B Control Register 00h R/W 0029h DDCSR1B DDC B Status 1 Register 00h R 002Ah DDCSR2B DDC B Status 2 Register 00h R 002Bh DDCOAR1B DDC (7-bit) B Slave address 1 Register 00h R/W 002Ch DDCOAR2B DDC (7-bit) B Slave address 2 Register 00h R/W 002Dh DDCDRB DDC B Data Register 00h R/W 002Eh RESERVED 002Fh DDCDCRB DDC2B B Control Register 00h R/W DMCR Debug Control Register 00h R/W 0031h DMSR Debug Status Register 10h R 0032h DMBK1H Debug Breakpoint 1 MSB Register FFh R/W 0033h DMBK1L Debug Breakpoint 1 LSB Register FFh R/W 0034h DMBK2H Debug Breakpoint 2 MSB Register FFh R/W 0035h DMBK2L Debug Breakpoint 2 LSB Register FFh R/W IFRDR Counter Data Register 00h R/W IFRCR Control Register 00h R/W TIMCSRB Timer Control Status Register 00h R/W TIMCPRB Timer Counter Preload Register 01h R/W 0030h 0036h DDC B Register DM IFR 0037h 0038h TIMB 0039h 003Ah RESERVED Table 3: Interrupt Vector Map Vector Address Description Remarks FFE0 to FFE1h Not Used FFE2 to FFE3h Timer A Overflow Interrupt Vector Internal Interrupt FFE4 to FFE5h Timer B Overflow Interrupt Vector Internal Interrupt FFE6 to FFE7h Not Used FFE8 to FFE9h I²C Interrupt Vector Internal Interrupt FFEA to FFEBh ITB Interrupt Vector External Interrupt FFEC to FFEDh ITA Interrupt Vector External Interrupt FFEE to FFEFh IFR Interrupt Vector Internal Interrupt FFF0 to FFF1h Not Used FFF2 to FFF3h DDC2B B Interrupt Vector Internal Interrupt FFF4 to FFF5h DDC/CI B Interrupt Vector Internal Interrupt FFF6 to FFF7h DDC2B A Interrupt Vector Internal Interrupt FFF8 to FFF9h DDC/CI A Interrupt Vector Internal Interrupt FFFA to FFFBh Not Used 13/95 General Information ST7FLCD1 Table 3: Interrupt Vector Map Vector Address 14/95 Description FFFC to FFFDh Trap (Software) Interrupt Vector FFFE to FFFFh Reset Vector Remarks CPU Interrupt ST7FLCD1 2 Central Processing Unit (CPU) Central Processing Unit (CPU) This CPU has a full 8-bit architecture and contains six internal registers allowing efficient 8-bit data manipulation. 2.1 2.1.1 Main Features ● Enable executing 63 basic instructions ● Fast 8-bit by 8-bit multiply ● 17 main addressing modes (with indirect addressing mode) ● Two 8-bit index registers ● 16-bit stack pointer ● 8 MHz CPU internal frequency (9 MHz maximum) ● Wait and Halt Low Power modes ● Maskable hardware interrupts ● Non-maskable software interrupt CPU Registers The 6 CPU registers shown in Figure 5 are not present in the memory mapping and are accessed by specific instructions. Accumulator (A) The Accumulator is an 8-bit general purpose register that holds operands and results of arithmetic and logic calculations. It also manipulates data. Index Registers (X and Y) In indexed addressing modes, these 8-bit registers are used to create either effective addresses or temporary storage areas for data manipulation. (The Cross-Assembler generates a previous instruction (PRE) to indicate that next instruction refers to the Y register.) The Y register is not affected by interrupt automatic procedures (not pushed to and popped from the stack). Program Counter (PC) The program counter is a 16-bit register containing the address of next instruction the CPU executes. The program counter consists of two 8-bit registers: PCL (Program Counter Low which is the LSB) PCH (Program Counter High which is the MSB). 15/95 Central Processing Unit (CPU) ST7FLCD1 Figure 5: CPU Registers 7 0 Accumulator Reset Value = XXh 7 0 X Index Register Reset Value = XXh 7 0 Y Index Register Reset Value = XXh PCH 15 8 PCL 7 0 Program Counter Reset Value = Reset Vector @ FFFEh-FFFFh 7 0 1 1 1 H I Reset Value = 15 8 Condition Code Register N Z C 1 1 1 X 1 X X X 7 0 Stack Pointer Reset Value = Stack Higher Address X = Undefined Value CONDITION CODE REGISTER (CC) Read/Write Reset Value: 111x1XXX 7 1 0 1 1 H I N Z C The 8-bit Condition Code register contains the interrupt mask and four flags resulting from the instruction just executed. This register can also be handled by the PUSH and POP instructions. These bits can be individually tested and/or controlled by specific instructions. Bit 4 = H Half carry. This bit is set by hardware when a carry occurs between bits 3 and 4 of the ALU during an ADD or ADC instruction. It is reset by hardware during the same instructions. 0: 1: No half carry has occurred. A half carry has occurred. This bit is tested using the JRH or JRNH instruction. The H bit is useful in BCD arithmetic subroutines. Note: 16/95 Instruction Groups are defined in Table 5. ST7FLCD1 Central Processing Unit (CPU) Bit 3 = I Interrupt mask. This bit is set by hardware by an interrupt or by software that disables all interrupts except the TRAP software interrupt. This bit is cleared by software. 0: Interrupts are enabled. 1: Interrupts are disabled. This bit is controlled by the RIM, SIM and IRET instructions and is tested by the JRM and JRNM instructions. Interrupts requested when the I bit is set are latched and processed when the I bit is cleared. By default an interrupt routine is not interruptible as the I bit is set by hardware when you enter it and reset by the IRET instruction at the end of interrupt routine. In case the I bit is cleared by software during the interrupt routine, pending interrupts are serviced regardless of the priority level of the current interrupt routine. Bit 2 = N Negative. This bit is set and cleared by hardware. It is representative of the result sign of the last arithmetic, logical or data manipulation. It is a copy of the 7th bit of the result. 0: The last operation result is positive or null. 1: The last operation result is negative (i.e. the most significant bit is a logic 1). This bit is accessed by the JRMI and JRPL instructions. Bit 1 = Z Zero. This bit is set and cleared by hardware. This bit indicates that the result of the last arithmetic, logical or data manipulation is zero. 0: The result of the last operation is different from zero. 1: The result of the last operation is zero. This bit is accessed by the JREQ and JRNE test instructions. Bit 0 = C Carry/borrow. This bit is set and cleared by hardware and software. Informs if an overflow or underflow occurred during the last arithmetic operation. 0: No overflow or underflow has occurred. 1: An overflow or underflow has occurred. This bit is driven by the SCF and RCF instructions and tested by the JRC and JRNC instructions. It is also affected by the “bit test and branch”, shift and rotate instructions. STACK POINTER (SP) Read/Write Reset Value: 01 FFh 15 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 SP7 1 0 SP6 SP5 SP4 SP3 SP2 SP1 SP0 17/95 Central Processing Unit (CPU) ST7FLCD1 The Stack Pointer is a 16-bit register always pointing to the next free location in the stack. The pointer value increments when data is taken from the stack, it decrements once data is transferred into the stack (see Figure 6). Since the stack is 256 bytes deep, the most significant byte is forced by hardware. Following an MCU Reset, or after a Reset Stack Pointer instruction (RSP), the Stack Pointer contains its reset value (the SP7 to SP0 bits are set) which is the stack highest address. The least significant byte of the Stack Pointer (called S) can be directly accessed by a LD instruction. Note: When the lower limit is exceeded, the Stack Pointer wraps around the stack upper limit, without indicating a stack overflow. The previously stored information is then overwritten and therefore lost. The stack also wraps in case of an underflow. The stack is used to save the return address during a subroutine call and the CPU context during an interrupt. You can directly manipulate the stack using PUSH and POP instructions. In case of interrupt, the PCL is stored at the first location pointed to by the SP. Other registers are then stored in the next locations as shown in Figure 6. When interrupt is received, the SP value decrements and the context is pushed to the stack. On return from interrupt, the SP value increments and the context is popped from the stack. A subroutine call and interrupt occupy two and five locations in the stack area respectively. Figure 6: Stack Manipulation Example Subroutine Call Interrupt Event PUSH Y POP Y IRET RET or RSP h SP Y CC A X PCH PCL PCH PCL SP h PCH PCL CC A X PCH PCL PCH PCL SP CC A X PCH PCL PCH PCL SP PCH PCL SP Stack Higher Address = 01FFh Stack Lower Address = 0100h Table 4: Instruction Set (Sheet 1 of 2) Bit 7 Bit 6 LD CLR PUSH POP Increment/Decrement INC DEC Compare and Tests CP TNZ BCP Logical operations AND OR XOR Load and Transfer Stack operation 18/95 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 CPL NEG RSP Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 ST7FLCD1 Central Processing Unit (CPU) Table 4: Instruction Set (Sheet 2 of 2) Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit Operation BSET BRES Conditional Bit Test and Branch BTJT BTJF Arithmetic operations ADC Shift and Rotates Unconditional Jump or Call ADD SUB SBC MUL SLL SRL SRA RLC JRA JRT JRF JP Conditional Branch JRXX Interruption management TRAP WFI HALT IRET SIM RIM SCF RCF Code Condition Flag modification Bit 2 Bit 1 RRC SWAP SLA CALL CALLR NOP Bit 0 RET Table 5: Instruction Groups (Sheet 1 of 3) Mnemo Description Function/Example DST SRC H I N Z C ADC Add with Carry A=A+M+C A M H N Z C ADD Addition A=A+M A M H N Z C AND Logical And A=AxM A M N Z BCP Bit compare A, Memory tst (A x M) A M N Z BRES Bit Reset bres Byte, #3 M BSET Bit Set bset Byte, #3 M BTJF Jump if bit is false (0) btjf Byte, #3, Jmp1 M C BTJT Jump if bit is true (1) btjt Byte, #3, Jmp1 M C CALL Call subroutine CALLR CLR Call subroutine relative Clear reg, M 1 N Z C 1 CP Arithmetic Compare tst(Reg - M) reg CPL One Complement A = FFH-A reg, M N Z DEC Decrement dec Y reg, M N Z HALT Halt reset when WDG active IRET Interrupt routine return Pop CC, A, X, PC N Z INC Increment inc X N Z JP Absolute Jump jp [TBL.w] JRA Jump relative always JRT Jump relative JRF Never jump JRIH Jump if ext. interrupt = 1 JRIL Jump if ext. interrupt = 0 JRH Jump if H = 1 M 0 0 H reg, M I C jrf * H = 1? 19/95 Central Processing Unit (CPU) ST7FLCD1 Table 5: Instruction Groups (Sheet 2 of 3) Mnemo Description Function/Example DST SRC JRNH Jump if H = 0 H = 0? JRM Jump if I = 1 I = 1? JRNM Jump if I = 0 I = 0? JRMI Jump if N = 1 (minus) N = 1? JRPL Jump if N = 0 (plus) N = 0? JREQ Jump if Z = 1 (equal) Z = 1? JRNE Jump if Z = 0 (not equal) Z = 0? JRC Jump if C = 1 C = 1? JRNC Jump if C = 0 C = 0? JRULT Jump if C = 1 Unsigned < JRUGE Jump if C = 0 Jump if unsigned > = JRUGT Jump if (C + Z = 0) Unsigned > JRULE Jump if (C + Z = 1) Unsigned < = Load DST < = SRC reg, M M, reg MUL Multiply X,A = X * A A, X, Y X, Y, A NEG Negate (2's compl) neg $10 reg, M NOP No Operation OR OR operation A = A+M Pop from the Stack LD H I N Z N Z 0 C 0 N Z N Z N Z C A M Pop reg reg M Pop CC CC M Push onto the Stack Push Y M reg, CC RCF Reset carry flag C = 0 RET Subroutine Return RIM Enable Interrupts I = 0 RLC Rotate left true C C < = DST < = C reg, M N Z C RRC Rotate right true C C = > DST = > C reg, M N Z C RSP Reset Stack Pointer S = Max allowed SBC Subtract with Carry A = A-M-C N Z C SCF Set carry flag C = 1 SIM Disable Interrupts I = 1 SLA Shift left Arithmetic C < = DST < = 0 reg, M N Z C SLL Shift left Logic C < = DST < = 0 reg, M N Z C SRL Shift right Logic 0 = > DST = > C reg, M 0 Z C SRA Shift right Arithmetic DST7 = > DST = > C reg, M N Z C SUB Subtraction A = A-M N Z C POP PUSH 20/95 H I C 0 0 A M 1 1 A M ST7FLCD1 Central Processing Unit (CPU) Table 5: Instruction Groups (Sheet 3 of 3) Mnemo SWAP TNZ TRAP Description Function/Example SWAP nibbles DST[7..4] < = > DST[3..0] Test for Neg & Zero TNZ LBL1 Software trap Software interrupt WFI Wait for Interrupt XOR Exclusive OR DST SRC H I reg, M N Z N Z N Z N Z C 1 0 A = A XOR M A M 21/95 Reset 3 ST7FLCD1 Reset The Reset procedure provides an orderly software start-up or is used to exit Low Power modes. Three reset modes are provided: 1. Low Voltage Detector reset, 2. Watchdog or Illegal Opcode Access reset, 3. External Reset using the RESET pin. At reset, the reset vector is fetched from addresses FFFEh and FFFFh and loaded into the PC (the program is executed starting at this point). Internal circuitry provides a 4096 CPU clock cycle delay as soon as the oscillator becomes active. 3.1 Low Voltage Detector and Watchdog Reset The Low Voltage Detector generates a reset when: ● VDD is above VTRM, ● VDD is below VTRH when VDD is rising, ● VDD is below VTRL when VDD is falling (Figure 7) Figure 7: Low Voltage Detector VDD VTRH VTRL VTRM RESET Note: Typical hysteresis (VTRH-VTRL) of 50 mV. This circuitry is active only when VDD is higher than VTRM. During the Low Voltage Detector reset, the RESET pin is held low, permitting the MCU to reset other devices. During a Watchdog reset, the RESET pin is pulled low permitting the MCU to reset other devices as during a Low Voltage reset (Figure 8). The reset cycle is pulled low for 500 ns (typical). 22/95 ST7FLCD1 Reset Figure 8: Reset Generation Diagram RESLVD VDD Low Voltage Detector Reset RESET Watchdog Illegal Opcode Access External Reset 3.2 Watchdog or Illegal Opcode Access Reset For more information about the Watchdog, please refer to Section 12: Watchdog Timer (WDG) An Illegal Opcode reset occurs if the MCU attempts to execute a code that does not match a valid ST7 instruction. 3.3 External Reset The external reset is an active low input signal applied to the RESET pin of the MCU. As shown in Figure 9, the RESET signal must remain low for a minimum of 1 µs. An internal Schmitt trigger and filter provided at the RESET pin improve noise immunity. 3.4 Reset Procedure At power-up, the MCU follows the sequence described in Figure 9. Figure 9: Reset Timing Diagram tDDR VDD OSCIN tOXOV fCPU PC RESET FFFE FFFF 4096 CPU Clock Cycle Delay Watchdog Reset Note: Refer to Electrical Characteristics for values of tDDR, tOXOV, VTRH, VTRL and VTRM. 23/95 Interrupts 4 ST7FLCD1 Interrupts There are two different methods to interrupt the ST7: 1. a maskable hardware interrupt as listed in Table 7 2. a non-maskable software interrupt (TRAP). The Interrupt Processing flowchart is shown in Figure 10. Only enabled maskable interrupts are serviced. However, disabled interrupts are latched and processed. For an interrupt to be serviced, the PC, X, A and CC registers are saved onto the stack, the interrupt mask (bit I of the Condition Code Register) is set to prevent additional interrupts. The Y register is not automatically saved. The PC is then loaded with the interrupt vector and the interrupt service routine runs (refer to Table 7 for vector addresses) and ends with the IRET instruction. At the IRET instruction, the contents of the registers are recovered from the stack and normal processing resumes. Note that the I bit is then cleared if the corresponding bit stored in the stack is zero. Though many interrupts can be run simultaneously, an order of priority is defined (see Table 7). The RESET pin has the highest priority. If the I bit is set, only the TRAP interrupt is enabled. All interrupts allow the processor to exit the WAIT Low Power mode. 4.1 Software The software interrupt is the executable TRAP instruction. The interrupt is recognized when the TRAP instruction is executed, regardless of the state of the I bit. When an interrupt is recognized, it is serviced according to flowchart described in Figure 10. Note: During ICC communication, the TRAP interrupt is reserved. 4.2 External Interrupts (ITA, ITB) The ITA (PA6), ITB (PA7) pins generate an interrupt when a falling or rising edge occurs on these pins. These interrupts are enabled by the ITAITE and ITBITE bits (respectively) in the ITRFRE register, provided that the I bit from the CC register is reset. Each external interrupt has its own interrupt vector. 4.3 Peripheral Interrupts The various peripheral devices with interrupts include both Display Data Channels (DDC A and DDC B), the Infrared Controller (IFR), two 8-bit timers (Timer A and Timer B) and the I²C interface. Different peripheral interrupt flags fetch an interrupt if the I bit from the CC register is reset and the corresponding Enable bit is set. If any of these conditions is not fulfilled, the interrupt is latched but not serviced, thus remaining pending. 4.4 Processing Interrupt flags are located in the status register. The Enable bits are in the control register. When an enabled interrupt occurs, normal processing is suspended at the end of the current instruction execution. It is then serviced according to the flowchart shown in Figure 10. 24/95 ST7FLCD1 Interrupts The general sequence for clearing an interrupt is an access to the status register when the flag is set followed by a read or write of the associated register. Note that the clearing sequence resets the internal latch. A pending interrupt (i.e. waiting to be enabled) will therefore be lost if the Clear sequence is executed. Figure 10: Interrupt Processing Flowchart From Reset Y TRAP? N N I Bit set? Y N Fetch Next Instruction Interrupt? Y N Execute Instruction IRET? Y Stack PC, X, A, CC Set I Bit Load PC from Interrupt Vector Restore PC, X, A, CC from Stack This clears I bit by default 25/95 Interrupts 4.5 ST7FLCD1 Register Description Table 6: External Interrupt Register Map Address Reset 000Ch 00h Register bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 ITRFRE 0 0 ITB EDGE R/W bit 4 bit 3 ITBLAT ITBITE bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 ITA EDGE ITALAT ITAITE EXTERNAL INTERRUPT REGISTER (ITRFRE) Read/Write Reset value:00h 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 ITBEDGE ITBLAT ITBITE ITAEDGE ITALAT ITAITE Bits [7:6] = Reserved. Forced by hardware to 0. Bit 5 = ITBEDGE Interrupt B Edge Selection. This bit is set and cleared by software. 0 Falling edge selected on ITB (default) 1 Rising edge selected on ITB Bit 4 = ITBLAT Falling or Rising Edge Detector Latch. This bit is set by hardware, when a falling or rising edge, depending on the sensitivity, occurs on the ITB/PA7 pin. An interrupt is generated if ITBITE = 1. It must be cleared by software. 0 No edge detected on ITB (default) 1 Edge detected on ITB Bit 3 = ITBITE ITB Interrupt Enable. This bit is set and cleared by software. 0 ITB interrupt disabled (default) 1 ITB interrupt enabled Bit 2 = ITAEDGE Interrupt A Edge Selection. This bit is set and cleared by software. 0 Falling edge selected on ITA (default) 1 Rising edge selected on ITA Bit 1 = ITALAT Falling or Rising Edge Detector Latch. This bit is set by hardware when a falling or a rising edge, depending on the sensitivity, occurs on the ITA/PA6 pin. An interrupt is generated if ITAITE = 1. It must be cleared by software. 0 No edge detected on ITA (default) 1 Edge detected on ITA Bit 0 = ITAITE ITA Interrupt Enable. This bit is set and cleared by software. 26/95 0 ITA interrupt disabled (default) 1 ITA interrupt enabled ST7FLCD1 Interrupts Table 7: Interrupt Mapping Source Block Description Register Flag Maskable Vector Address RESET Reset N/A N/A No FFFEh to FFFFh TRAP Software N/A N/A No FFFCh to FFFDh Not used Priority Order Highest Priority FFFAh to FFFBh DDC/CI A DDC Interrupt DDCSR1A DDCSR2A ** Yes FFF8h to FFF9h DDC2B A End of communication Interrupt DDCDCRA ENDCF Yes FFF6h to FFF7h EDF Yes FFF6h to FFF7h End of download Interrupt DDC/CI B DDC Interrupt DDCSR1B DDCSR2B ** Yes FFF4h to FFF5h DDC2B B End of communication Interrupt DDCDCRB ENDCF Yes FFF2h to FFF3h EDF Yes FFF2h to FFF3h End of download Interrupt Not used FFF0h to FFF1h IFR IFR Interrupt IFRCR Yes FFEEh to FFEFh Port A bit 6 External Interrupt ITA ITRFRE ITALAT Port A bit 7 External Interrupt ITB ITRFRE ITBLAT Yes FFEAh to FFEBh I²C I²C Peripheral Interrupts I2CSR1 ** Yes FFE8h to FFE9h FFECh to FFEDh Lowest Priority I2CSR2 Not used FFE6h to FFE7h TIMB Timer B overflow TIMCSRB TOF Yes FFE4h to FFE5h TIMA Timer A overflow TIMCSRA TOF Yes FFE2h to FFE3h Not used FFE0h to FFE1h ** Many flags can cause an interrupt, see peripheral interrupt status register description. 27/95 Flash Program Memory 5 Flash Program Memory 5.1 Introduction ST7FLCD1 The ST7 dual voltage High Density Flash (HDFlash) is a non-volatile memory that can be electrically erased as a single block or by individual sectors and programmed on a byte-by-byte basis using an external Vpp supply. HDFlash devices can be programmed and erased off-board (plugged in a programming tool) or onboard using In-Circuit Programming (ICP) and In-Application Programming (IAP). The array matrix organization allows each sector to be erased and reprogrammed without affecting other sectors. 5.2 Main Features ● Three Flash programming modes: - Insertion in a programming tool. In this mode, all sectors including option bytes can be programmed or erased. - ICP (In-Circuit Programming). In this mode, all sectors including option bytes can be programmed or erased without removing the device from the application board. - IAP (In-Application programming). In this mode, all sectors except Sector 0 can be programmed or erased without removing the device from the application board and when the application is running. 5.3 ● ICT (In-Circuit Testing) for downloading and executing user application test patterns in RAM ● Read-out protection against piracy ● Register Access Security System (RASS) to prevent accidental programming or erasing. Structure The Flash memory is organized in sectors and can be used for both code and data storage. Depending on the overall size of the Flash memory in the microcontroller device, three user sectors are available. Each sector is independently erasable. Thus, having to completely erase the entire Flash memory is not necessary when only partial erasing is required. The first two sectors have a fixed size of 4 Kbytes (see Figure 11). They are mapped in the upper part of the ST7 addressing space. The reset and interrupt vectors are located in Sector 0 (F000h to FFFFh). 5.4 Program Memory Read-out Protection The read-out protection is enabled through an option bit. When this option is selected, the programs and data stored in the program memory (Flash or ROM) are protected against read-out piracy (including a re-write protection). In Flash devices, when this protection is removed by reprogramming the Option Byte, the entire program memory is first automatically erased. Refer to the Section 5.8 for more details. 28/95 ST7FLCD1 Flash Program Memory Figure 11: Memory Map and Sector Address 60 KBytes DV Flash Memory Size 1000h Sector 2 DFFFh EFFFh FFFFh 5.5 52 KBytes Sector 1 Sector 0 In-Circuit Programming (ICP) To perform In-Circuit Programming (ICP), the microcontroller must be switched to ICC (In-Circuit Communication) mode by an external controller or programming tool. Depending on the ICP code downloaded in RAM, Flash memory programming can be fully customized (number of bytes to program, program locations or selection of serial communication interface for downloading). When using a STMicroelectronics or third-party programming tool that supports ICP and the specific microcontroller device, the user only needs to implement the ICP hardware interface on the application board (see Figure 12). For more details on the pin locations, refer to the device pin description. ICP needs between 4 and 6 pins to be connected to the programming tool. Depending on the desired type of programming, these pins are: ● RESET: device reset ● VSS: device power supply ground ● ICC_CLK: ICC output serial clock pin ● ICC_DATA: ICC input serial data pin ● VPP: programming voltage ● VDD: application board power supply CAUTION: 1. If the ICC_CLK or ICC_DATA pins are only used as outputs in the application, no signal isolation is necessary. As soon as the programming tool is plugged to the board, even if an ICC session is not in progress, the ICC_CLK and ICC_DATA pins are not available for the application. If they are used as inputs by the application, an isolation such as a serial resistor has to be implemented in case another device forces the signal. Refer to the Programming Tool documentation for recommended resistor values. 2. During the ICC session, the programming tool must control the RESET pin. This can lead to conflicts between the programming tool and the application reset circuit if it drives more than 5 mA at high level (push-pull output or pull-up resistor (< 1 kW)). A Schottky diode can be used to isolate the application RESET circuit in this case. When using a classical RC network with a resistor (> 1 kW) or a reset management IC with open-drain output and pull-up resistor 29/95 Flash Program Memory ST7FLCD1 (> 1 kW), no additional components are needed. In any case, the user must ensure that an external reset is not generated by the application during the ICC session. 3. The use of Pin 7 of the ICC connector depends on the Programming Tool architecture. This pin must be connected when using most ST programming tools (it is used to monitor the application power supply). Please refer to the Programming Tool manual. Figure 12: Typical ICP Interface Programming Tool ICC Connector ICC Cable Application Board ICC Connector HE10 Male-type Connector Optional (See Note 3) 9 7 5 3 1 10 8 6 4 2 Application Reset Source See Note 2 10kW Application Power Supply CL2 CL1 See Note 1 5.6 Application I/O ICCDATA ICCCLK RESET ST7 VPP VSS OSCIN VDD OSCOUT See Note 1 In-Application Programming (IAP) This mode uses a Boot Loader program previously stored in Sector 0 by the user (in ICP mode or by plugging the device in a programming tool). This mode is fully-controlled by user software. This allows it to be adapted to the user application, (user-defined strategy for entering programming mode, choice of communications protocol used to fetch the data to be stored, etc.). For example, it is possible to download code from either DDC interface and program it in the Flash memory. IAP mode can be used to program any of the Flash sectors except Sector 0, which is write/erase protected to allow recovery in case errors occur during the programming operation. 5.7 Register Description FLASH CONTROL/STATUS REGISTER (FCSR) Read/Write Reset Value: 0000 0000 (00h) 30/95 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ST7FLCD1 Flash Program Memory This register is reserved for use by Programming Tool software. It controls the Flash programming and erasing operations. For details on customizing Flash programming methods and In-Circuit Testing, refer to the ST7 Flash Programming Reference Manual and relevant Application Notes. 5.8 Flash Option Bytes Each device is available for production in user programmable versions (Flash) as well as in factory coded versions (ROM). Flash devices are shipped to customers with a default content (FFh), while ROM factory coded parts contain the code supplied by the customer. This implies that Flash devices have to be configured by the customer using the Option Bytes while the ROM devices are factory-configured. The option bytes are used to select the hardware configuration of the microcontroller. They have no address in the memory map and can be accessed only in programming mode (for example, using a standard ST7 programming tool). The default content of the Flash is fixed to FFh. To program directly the Flash devices using ICP, Flash devices are shipped to customers with the internal RC clock source enabled. In masked ROM devices, the option bytes are fixed in hardware by the ROM code. Static Option Byte 1 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 FMP_R Default 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 OPT0 = FMP_R Flash memory read-out protection This option indicates if the user Flash memory is protected against read-out piracy. This protection is based on a read and write protection of the memory in Test and ICP modes. Erasing the option bytes when the FMP_R option is selected causes the entire user memory to be erased first. 0 Read-out protection enabled 1 Read-out protection disabled Static Option Byte 2 Default 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 31/95 Clocks & Low Power Modes ST7FLCD1 6 Clocks & Low Power Modes 6.1 Clock System 6.1.1 General Description The device requires a certain number of clock signals in order to operate. All clock signals are derived from the root clock signal CkXT provided at the output of the "OSC" circuit (refer to Figure 13). If a quartz crystal is applied on pins OSCIN and OSCOUT, the OSC operates in a crystal-controlled oscillator mode. An external clock signal can also be applied on OSCIN pin, putting the OSC in external clock mode operation. The block diagram in Figure 13 shows the basic configuration of the clock system. Crystal Oscillator Mode 6.1.2 External Clock OSCOUT OSC OSCIN OSC VSS CkXT OSCOUT CkXT OSCIN VSS Figure 13: Main Clock Generation External Clock Mode Crystal Oscillator Mode In this mode, the root clock is generated by the on-chip oscillator controlled by an external parallel fundamental-mode quartz crystal. General design precautions must be followed to ensure maximum stability. Foot capacitors CL1 and CL2 must be adapted to match the crystal oscillator. A 100-kW resistor is internally connected between pins OSCIN and OSCOUT. 6.1.3 External Clock Mode In this mode, an external clock is provided on pin OSCIN, while pin OSCOUT is left open. The signal is internally buffered before feeding the subsequent stages. There is the same emphasis on stability of the external clock as in Crystal Oscillator mode. 6.1.4 Clock Signals The root clock is divided by a factor of 3 to obtain the CPU clock (fCPU). 32/95 ST7FLCD1 Clocks & Low Power Modes OSCOUT OSCIN Figure 14: Clock System Diagram 6.2 OSC :3 fCPU and other peripherals Power Saving Modes The MCU offers the possibility to decrease power consumption at any time by software operation. 6.2.1 HALT Mode HALT mode is the MCU lowest power consumption mode. Also, HALT mode also stops the oscillator stage completely which is the most critical condition (the MCU cannot recover by itself). For this reason, HALT mode is not compatible with the watchdog protection. Table 8: Watchdog Compatibility Watchdog 6.2.2 Executing HALT Instruction Enabled Generates an immediate reset Disabled Puts the MCU in HALT mode WAIT Mode This is a low power consumption mode. The WFI instruction sets the MCU in WAIT mode. The internal clock remains active but all CPU processing is stopped. However, all other peripherals still run. Note: In WAIT mode, DMA (DDC A and DDC B) accesses are possible. 6.2.3 Exit from HALT and WAIT Modes The MCU can exit HALT mode upon reception of an external interrupt on pins ITA or ITB. The oscillator is then turned back on and a stabilizing time is necessary before releasing CPU operation (4096 CPU clock cycles). After this delay, the CPU continues operation according to the cause of its release, either by servicing an interrupt or by fetching the reset vector in case of reset. During WAIT mode, the I bit from the Condition Code register is cleared, enabling all interrupts. This leads the MCU to exit WAIT mode, the corresponding interrupt vector tois fetched, the interrupt routine is executed and normal processing resumes. A reset causes the program counter to fetch the reset vector. Processing starts as with a normal reset. 33/95 Clocks & Low Power Modes ST7FLCD1 Figure 15: WAIT Flow Chart MCU WFI instruction Oscillator: ON Periph. clock: ON CPU clock: ON I bit: Cleared N Reset N Y Interrupt Y Oscillator: ON Periph. clock: ON CPU clock: ON I bit: Set Note: Before servicing an interrupt, the CC register is pushed on the stack. The I bit is set during the interrupt routine and cleared when the CC register is popped. If reset 4096 CPU Clock Cycles Delay Fetch Reset, Vector or Service Interrupt MDP Run Mode 6.2.4 Selected Peripherals Mode Certain peripherals have an “On/Off “bit to disconnect the block (or part of it) and decrease MCU power consumption. Table 9: Peripheral Modes 34/95 Bits Register PORTs PxDDi PxDDR ADC ADON ADCSR PWMi OEi PWMCRx DDC PE, DDC2BPE DDCCR, DDCDCR WDG WGDA WDGCR I2C PE I2CCR Comment Default at Reset Cut the output function pad (input mode) OFF Cut analog consumption and clock OFF Cut the pad consumption OFF Cut the output reset OFF OFF OFF ST7FLCD1 I/O Ports 7 I/O Ports 7.1 Introduction I/O ports are used to transfer data through digital inputs and outputs. For specific pins, I/O ports allow the input of analog signals or the Input/Output of alternate signals for on-chip peripherals (DDC, Timer, etc.). Each pin can be independently programmed as digital input or output. Each pin can be an analog input when an analog switch is connected to the Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC). Figure 16: I/O Pin Critical Circuit Alternate enable Alternate 1 output VDD 0 Data Bus Common Analog Rail DR Latch P-Buffer (if required) Alternate enable DDR Latch PAD Analog Enable (ADC) Analog Switch (if required) DDR SEL N-Buffer DR SEL 1 0 Alternate Enable VSS Digital Enable Alternate Input Note:1. This is a typical I/O pin configuration. Each port is customized with a specific configuration in order to handle certain functions. 35/95 I/O Ports ST7FLCD1 Table 10: I/O Pin Function 7.2 DDR Mode 0 Input 1 Output Common Functional Description Each port pin of the I/O Ports can be individually configured as either an input or an output, under software control. Each bit of Data Direction Register (DDR) corresponds to an I/O pin of the associated port. This corresponding bit must be set to configure its associated pin as an output and must be cleared to configure its associated pin as an input (see Note 1 on page 35). The Data Direction Registers can be read and written. A typical I/O circuit is shown in Figure 16. Any write to an I/O port updates the port data register even when configured as an input. Any read of an I/O port returns either the data latched in the port data register (pins configured as output) or the value of the I/O pins (pins configured as an input). Remark: When there is no I/O pin inside an I/O port, the returned value is logic 0 (pin configured as an input). At reset, all DDR registers are cleared, configuring all I/O ports as inputs. Data Registers (DR) are also cleared at reset. Input mode When DDR = 0, the corresponding I/O is configured in Input mode. In this case, the output buffer is switched off and the state of the I/O is readable through the Data Register address, coming directly from the TTL Schmitt Trigger output and not from the Data Register output. Output mode When DDR = 1, the corresponding I/O is configured in Output mode. In this case, the output buffer is activated according to the Data Register content. A read operation is directly performed from the Data Register output. Analog input Each I/O can be used as an analog input by adding an analog switch driven by the ADC. The I/O must be configured as an input before using it as analog input. When the analog channel is selected by the ADC, the analog value is directly driven to the ADC through an analog switch. Alternate mode A signal coming from an on-chip peripheral is output on the I/O which is then automatically configured in output mode. The signal coming from the peripheral enables the alternate signal to be output. A signal coming from an I/O can be input to an on-chip peripheral. 36/95 ST7FLCD1 I/O Ports An alternate Input must first be configured in Input mode (DDR = 0). Alternate and I/O Input configurations are identical without pull-up. The signal to be input in the peripheral is taken after the TTL Schmitt trigger when available. The I/O state is readable as in Input mode by addressing the corresponding I/O Data Register. 7.3 Port A Each Port A bit can be defined as an Input line or as a Push-Pull. It can be also be used to output the PWM outputs. Table 11: Port A Description I/O Alternate Function Port A Input1 Output Signal Condition PA0 with Weak Pull-up Push-pull PWM0 OE0 = 1 (PWM) PA1 with Weak Pull-up Push-pull PWM1 OE1 = 1 (PWM) PA2 with Weak Pull-up Push-pull PWM2 OE2 = 1 (PWM) PA3 with Weak Pull-up Push-pull PWM3 OE3 = 1 (PWM) PA4 with Weak Pull-up Push-pull PWM4 OE4 = 1 (PWM) PWM5 OE5 = 1 (PWM) BUZOUT BUZEN = 1 (Timer A)2 see External Interrupt Register Description with Weak Pull-up PA5 Push-pull with Weak Pull-up PA6 with Weak Pull-up Push-pull External Interrupt ITA PA7 with Weak Pull-up Push-pull External Interrupt ITB 1. Reset state. 2. If both PWM5 and BUZOUT are enabled, BUZOUT has priority over PWM5. Outputs PA4 and PA5 may also be configured as high current (8 mA) push-pull outputs by means of the MISCR register. MISCELLANEOUS REGISTER (MISCR) Read/Write Reset value:00h 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 PA5OVD PA4OVD 0 Bits [7:3] = Reserved. Forced by hardware to 0. Bit 2 = PA5OVD Port A Bit 5 Overdrive This bit is set and cleared by software. It is used only if Port A Bit 5 is set as an output (PADDR, PWM5 or BUZOUT). It has no effect if set as an input. 0 2 mA Push-pull Output 1 8 mA Push-pull Output 37/95 I/O Ports ST7FLCD1 Bit 1 = PA4OVD Port A Bit 4 Overdrive This bit is set and cleared by software. It is used only if Port A Bit 4 is set as an output (PADDR or PWM4). It has no effect if set as an input. 0 2 mA Push-pull Output 1 8 mA Push-pull Output Bit 0 = Reserved. Must be cleared by software. Figure 17: Port A [5:0] Alternate Output Enable 1 Alternate Output Enable Alternate Output VDD 0 Data Bus DR latch DDR latch DDR SEL 1 DR SEL PAD 0 TTL Schmitt Trigger Figure 18: Port A [7:6] Alternate Output Enable 1 Alternate Output Enable Alternate Output VDD 0 Data Bus DR latch DDR latch DDR SEL DR SEL 1 0 alternate input 38/95 PAD TTL Schmitt Trigger ST7FLCD1 7.4 I/O Ports Port B Each Port B bit can be used as the Analog source to the Analog-to-Digital Converter. Only one I/O line at a time must be configured as an analog input. Pins levels are all limited to 5V. All unused I/O lines should be tied to an appropriate logic level (either VDD or VSS). Since ADC and microprocessor are on the same chip and if high precision is required, the user should not switch heavily loaded signals during conversion. Such switching will affect the supply voltages used as analog references. The conversion accuracy depends on the quality of power supplies (VDD and VSS). The user must take special care to ensure that a well regulated reference voltage is present on pins VDD and VSS (power supply variations must be less than 3.3 V/ms). This implies, in particular, that a suitable decoupling capacitor is used at pin VDD. Table 12: Port B Description I/O Alternate Function PORT B Input1 Output Signal Condition PB0 with Weak Pull-up when Digital Input Push-pull Analog Input (ADC):AIN0 ADON = 1 & CH[1:0] = 00 (ADCCSR) PB1 with Weak Pull-up when Digital Input Push-pull Analog Input (ADC) AIN1 ADON = 1 & CH[1:0] = 01 (ADCCSR) PB2 with Weak Pull-up when Digital Input Push-pull Analog Input (ADC) AIN2 ADON = 1 & CH[1:0] = 10 (ADCCSR) PB3 with Weak Pull-up when Digital Input Push-pull Analog Input (ADC) AIN3/ IFR ADON = 1 & CH[1:0] = 11 (ADCCSR) for analog input. In this case, IFR is disabled. 1. Reset state. Common Analog Rail DATA BUS Figure 19: Port B [2:0] Analog enable (ADC) VDD DR latch DDR latch Analog enable (ADC) Analog switch DDR SEL DR SEL 1 0 TTL Schmitt Trigger PAD 39/95 I/O Ports ST7FLCD1 Figure 20: Port B [3] Common Analog Rail DATA BUS Analog enable ( ADC) VDD DR Latch DR Latch Analog enable (ADC) Analog switch DDR SEL DR SEL 1 0 TTL Schmitt Trigger PAD Alternate Input 7.5 Port C The available port pins of port C may be used as general purpose I/Os. Table 13: Port C Description I/O Alternate Function PORT C Input1 Output PC0 Without Pull-up Open-drain PC1 Without Pull-up Open-drain Signal Condition 1. Reset state. For more information, refer to the relevant Application Notes. Note: 40/95 These 2 pins are reserved for ICC use during ICC communication. If ICC is not used at all, they can be used as general purpose I/Os. ST7FLCD1 I/O Ports Figure 21: Port C DR Latch DATA BUS DDR Latch DDR SEL DR SEL 1 0 VSS TTL Schmitt Trigger VDD 7.6 Port D The alternate functions are: ● the I/O pins of the on-chip I²C SCLI & SDAI for PD[1:0], ● the I/O pins of the on-chip DDC A SCLD & SDAD for PD[3:2], ● the I/O pins of the on-chip DDC B SCLD & SDAD for PD[5:4] ● input and output on PD[7:6]. Table 14: Port D Description I/O Alternate Function PORT D Input1 Output PD0 Without Pull-up Open-drain SCLI (input with TTL Schmitt trigger or Open-drain output) I²C enable PD1 Without Pull-up Open-drain SDAI (input with TTL Schmitt trigger or Open-drain output) I²C enable PD2 Without Pull-up Open-drain SCLD A (input with TTL Schmitt trigger or Open-drain output) DDC A enable PD3 Without Pull-up Open-drain SDAD A (input with TTL Schmitt trigger or Open-drain output) DDC A enable PD4 Without Pull-up Open-drain SCLD B (input with TTL Schmitt trigger or Open-drain output) DDC B enable PD5 Without Pull-up Open-drain SDAD B (input with TTL Schmitt trigger or Open-drain output) DDC B enable PD6 Without Pull-up Open-drain PD7 Without Pull-up Open-drain Signal Condition 1. Reset state. 41/95 I/O Ports ST7FLCD1 Figure 22: Port D Alternate Output Enable DR Latch Alternate output 1 0 Alternate Output Enable DATA BUS DDR Latch DDR SEL 1 DR SEL 0 VSS TTL Schmitt Trigger Alternate Input 7.7 Register Description DATA REGISTERS (PXDR) DATA DIRECTION REGISTERS (PXDDR) (‘x’ corresponds to the I/O pin of the associated port. In Input mode, the value is 00h by default).I Table 15: I/O Port Register Map 42/95 Address Reset Register Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 0002h 00h R/W PADR PADR[7:0] 0003h 00h R/W PADDR PADDR[7:0] 0004h 00h R/W PBDR PBDR[7:0] 0005h 00h R/W PBDDR PBDDR[7:0] 0006h 00h R/W PCDR PCDR[7:0] 0007h 00h R/W PCDDR PCDDR[7:0] 0008h 00h R/W PDDR PDDR[7:0] 0009h 00h R/W PDDDR PDDDR[7:0] ST7FLCD1 PWM Generator 8 PWM Generator 8.1 Introduction This PWM on-chip peripheral consists of two blocks, each one with its own 8-bit auto-reload counter. The first block (Block A) outputs up to 4 separate PWM signals at the same frequency. The second block (Block B) outputs up to 2 separate PWM signals at another frequency. Each PWM output may be enabled or disabled independently of the other. The polarity of each PWM output may also be independently set. 8.2 8.3 Main Features ● 2 distinct programmable frequencies between 31.250 kHz and 8 MHz. ● Resolution: tCPU Functional Description The free-running 8-bit counter is fed by the CPU clock and increments on every rising edge of the clock signal. When a counter overflow occurs, the counter is automatically reloaded with the contents of the ARR register. Each PWMx output signal can be enabled independently using the corresponding OEx bit in the PWM control register (PWMCR). When this bit is set, the corresponding I/O is configured as an output push-pull alternate function. PWM[3:0] all have the same frequency which is controlled by counter period A and the ARRA register value. fPWMA = fCOUNTERA / (256-ARRA) PWM[5:4] all have the same frequency which is controlled by counter period B and the ARRB register value. fPWMB = fCOUNTERB / (256-ARRB) When a counter overflow occurs, the PWMx pin level is toggled depending on the corresponding OPx (output polarity) bit in the PWMCR register. When the counter reaches the value contained in one of the Duty Cycle registers (DCRIx), the corresponding PWMx pin level is restored. This DCRIx register can not be accessed directly, it is loaded from the Duty Cycle register (DCRx) at each overflow of the counter. This double buffering method prevents glitch generation when changing the duty cycle on the fly. Note that the reload values will also affect the value and the resolution of the duty cycle of the PWM output signal. To obtain a signal on a PWMx pin, the contents of the DCRx register must be greater than or equal to the contents of the ARR register. The maximum available resolution for duty cycle is 1/(256-ARR). 43/95 PWM Generator ST7FLCD1 Figure 23: PWM Block Diagram PWMCR OEx OPx DCRIx Register 8 DCRx Register LOAD Port Alternate Function PWMx Polarity Control COMPARE 8 8 ARR Register 8-bit Counter fCPU Figure 24: PWM Generation Counter 255 Overflow Overflow Overflow DCR ARR t PWM Output t tCPU x(256 - ARR) Figure 25: PWM Generation Counter FC FD FE FF FC FD FE FF ... ... ... ... ... ... ... FC FD FE fCPU ARR DCR PWM Output 44/95 FC FD FC FF FC FD ST7FLCD1 PWM Generator Equations: Table 16: Pulse WIdth in tCPU Pulse WIdth in tCPU DCR ³ ARR DCR - ARR + 1 DCR = ARR 1 DCR < ARR 0 (Output will not toggle) DCR + 1 256 - ARR Duty Cycle = This Pulse Width modulated signal must be filtered, using an external RC network placed as close as possible to the associated pin. This provides an analog voltage proportional to the average charge through the external capacitor. Thus for a higher mark/space ratio (High time much greater than Low time) the average output voltage is higher. The external components of the RC network should be selected for the filtering level required for control of the system variable. Table 17: 8-bit PWM Ripple after Filtering CEXT VRIPPLE 470 nF 60 mV 1 µF 27 mV 4.7 µF 6 mV VRIPPLE = (1 - e 1/(2 x CEXT x REXT x fPWM))2 |1 - e x VDD | 1/(CEXT x REXT x fPWM) With: REXT = 1 kW fPWM = fCPU / (256 - ARR) fCPU = 8 MHz VDD = 5 V Worst case, PWM Duty Cycle 50% 45/95 PWM Generator ST7FLCD1 Figure 26: PWM Simplified Voltage Output after Filtering V DD PWMOUT 0V VRIPPLE (mV) V DD Output Voltage VOUTAVG 0V “Charge” V “Discharge” “Charge” “Discharge” DD PWMOUT 0V V DD V RIPPLE (mV) Output Voltage 0V V OUTAVG “Charge” 8.4 “Discharge” “Charge” “Discharge” Register Description Each PWM is associated with two control bits (OEx and OPx) and a control register (DCRx). Table 18: PWM Register Map 46/95 Address Reset Register Bit 7 000Fh 00h R/W PWMDCR0 DCR0[7:0] 0010h 00h R/W PWMDCR1 DCR1[7:0] 0011h 00h R/W PWMDCR2 DCR2[7:0] 0012h 00h R/W PWMDCR3 DCR3[7:0] 0013h 00h R/W PWMCRA 0014h FFh R/W PWMARRA ARRA[7:0] 0015h 00h R/W PWMDCR4 DCR4[7:0] 0016h 00h R/W PWMDCR5 DCR5[7:0] 0017h 00h R/W PWMCRB 0018h FFh R/W PWMARRB OE3 0 Bit 6 OE2 0 Bit 5 OE1 OE5 Bit 4 OE0 OE4 Bit 3 OP3 0 ARRB[7:0] Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 OP2 OP1 OP0 0 OP5 OP4 ST7FLCD1 PWM Generator DUTY CYCLE REGISTERS (PWMDCRx) Read/Write Reset Value 0000 0000 (00h) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 DC7 DC6 DC5 DC4 DC3 DC2 DC1 DC0 Bits [7:0] = DC[7:0] Duty Cycle Data These bits are set and cleared by software. A DCRx register is associated with the DCRix register of each PWM channel to determine the second edge location of the PWM signal (the first edge location is common to all 4 channels and given by the ARR register). These DCR registers allow the duty cycle to be set independently for each PWM channel. CONTROL REGISTER A (PWMCRA) Read/Write Reset Value: 0000 0000 (00h) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 OE3 OE2 OE1 OE0 OP3 OP2 OP1 OP0 Bits [7:4] = OE [3:0] PWM Output Enable. These bits are set and cleared by software. They enable or disable the PWM output channels independently acting on the corresponding I/O pin. 0 the PWM pin is a general I/O. 1 the PWM pin is driven by the PWM peripheral. Bits [3:0] = OP[3:0] PWM Output Polarity. These bits are set and cleared by software. They independently select the polarity of the 4 PWM output signals. Note: 0 positive polarity. 1 negative polarity. When an OPx bit is modified, the PWMx output signal is immediately updated. AUTO-RELOAD REGISTER A (PWMARRA) Read/Write Reset Value: 1111 1111(FFh) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 AR73 AR6 AR5 AR4 AR3 AR2 AR1 AR0 Bits [7:0] = AR[7:0] Counter Auto-Reload Data. These bits are set and cleared by software. They are used to hold the auto-reload value which is automatically loaded in the counter when an overflow occurs. Writing in this register reload the PWM counter to ARR A value. At the same time, the PWM output levels are changed according to the corresponding OPx bit in the PWMCR register. 47/95 PWM Generator ST7FLCD1 This register adjusts the PWM frequency (setting the PWM duty cycle resolution) for outputs PWM[3:0]. CONTROL REGISTER B (PWMCRB) Read/Write Reset Value: 0000 0000 (00h) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 OE5 OE4 0 0 OP5 OP4 Bits [7:6] = Reserved. Forced by hardware to 0. Bits [5:4] = OE[5:4] PWM Output Enable. These bits are set and cleared by software. They enable or disable the PWM output channels independently acting on the corresponding I/O pin. 0 the PWM pin is a general I/O. 1 the PWM pin is driven by the PWM peripheral. Bits [3:2] = Reserved. Forced by hardware to 0. Bit [1:0] = OP[5:4] PWM Output Polarity. These bits are set and cleared by software. They independently select the polarity of the 4 PWM output signals. Note: 0 positive polarity. 1 negative polarity. When an OPx bit is modified, the PWMx output signal is immediately reversed. AUTO-RELOAD REGISTER B (PWMARRB) Read/Write Reset Value: 1111 1111 (FFh) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 AR73 AR6 AR5 AR4 AR3 AR2 AR1 AR0 Bits [7:0] = AR [7:0] Counter Auto-Reload Data. These bits are set and cleared by software. They are used to hold the auto-reload value which is automatically loaded in the counter when an overflow occurs. Writing in this register reload the PWM counter to ARR B value. At the same time, the PWM output levels are changed according to the corresponding OPx bit in the PWMCR register. This register adjusts the PWM frequency (by setting the PWM duty cycle resolution) for outputs PWM[5:4]. 48/95 ST7FLCD1 8-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) 9 8-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) 9.1 Introduction The on-chip Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) peripheral is a 8-bit, successive approximation converter with internal Sample and Hold circuitry. This peripheral has up to 4 multiplexed analog input channels (refer to device pin out description) that allows the peripheral to convert the analog voltage levels from up to 4 different sources. The result of the conversion is stored in a 8-bit Data Register. The A/D converter is controlled through a Control/Status Register. Figure 27: ADC Block Diagram COCO - ADON - - - CH1 CH0 (Control Status Register) CSR AIN0 AIN1 AIN2 AIN3 Analog Mux Sample & Hold fCPU / 4 Analog to Digital Converter AD7 AD6 AD5 AD4 AD3 AD2 AD1 AD0 (Data Register) DR 9.2 9.3 Main Features ● 8-bit conversion ● Up to 4 channels with multiplexed input ● Linear successive approximation ● Data register (DR) which contains the results ● Conversion complete status flag ● On/Off bit (to reduce power consumption) Functional Description The high and low level reference voltages are VDD and VSS, respectively. Consequently, conversion accuracy is degraded by voltage drops and noise in the event of heavily loaded or badly decoupled power supply lines. 49/95 8-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) ST7FLCD1 Characteristics The conversion is monotonic, the result never decreases or increases if the analog input does not also drecrease or increase. If the input voltage is greater than or equal to VDD (voltage reference high), the results are equal to FFh (full scale) without overflow indication. If the input voltage is less than or equal to VSS (voltage reference low), the results are equal to 00h. The A/D converter is linear, the digital result of the conversion is given by the formula: Digital result = 255 x Input Voltage Supply Voltage The conversion accuracy is described in Section 17: Electrical Characteristics. When the A/D converter is continuously “ON”, the conversion time is 16 ADC clock cycles which corresponds to 64 CPU clock cycles. The internal circuitry is in auto-calibration during the conversion cycle. This process prevents offset drifts. Still, calibration cycles are required at start-up or after any A/D converter re-start. Procedure Refer to the CSR and SR registers in Section 9.4: Register Description for the bit definitions. At start-up, the A/D converter is OFF (ADON bit equal to ‘0’). Prior to using the A/D converter, the analog input ports must be configured as inputs. Refer to Section 7: I/O Ports. Using these pins as analog inputs does not affect the ability to read the port as a logic input. Then, the ADON bit must be set to 1. As internal AD circuitry starts calibration, it is mandatory to respect the stabilizing time (several tens of milliseconds) prior to using A/D results. In the CSR register, bits CH1 to CH0 select the analog channel to be converted (see Table 19). These bits are set and cleared by software. The A/D converter performs a continuous conversion of the selected channel. When a conversion is complete, the COCO bit is set by hardware, but no interrupt is generated. The result is written in the DR register. Reading the DR result register resets the COCO bit. Writing to the CSR register aborts the current conversion, the COCO bit is reset and a new conversion is started. Note: Resetting the ADON bit disables the A/D converter. Thus, power consumption is reduced when no conversions are needed. The A/D converter is not affected by WAIT mode. 9.4 Register Description Table 19: ADC Register Map 50/95 Address Reset Register 000Ah 00h R ADCDR 000Bh 00h R/W ADCCSR Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 AD[7:0] COCO 0 ADON 0 0 0 CH[1:0] ST7FLCD1 8-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) CONTROL/STATUS REGISTER (ADCCSR) Read/Write Reset Value: (00h) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 COCO 0 ADON 0 0 0 CH1 CH0 Bit 7 = COCO Conversion Complete This bit is set by hardware. It is cleared by software by reading the result in the DR register or writing to the CSR register. 0 Conversion is not complete (default) 1 Conversion can be read from the DR register. Bit 6 = Reserved. This bit must be cleared by software. Bit 5 = ADON A/D converter On This bit is set and cleared by software. Note: 0 A/D converter is switched off (default) 1 A/D converter is switched on Remember that the ADC needs time to stabilize after the ADON bit is set. Bits [4:2] = Reserved. Forced to 0 by hardware. Bits [1:0] = CH[1:0] Channel Selection. These bits are set and cleared by software. They select the analog input to be converted. Table 20: Channel Selection Pin CH1 CH0 AIN0 (Default) 0 0 AIN1 0 1 AIN2 1 0 AIN3 1 1 DATA REGISTER (ADCDR) Read Only Reset Value: (00h) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 AD7 AD6 AD5 AD4 AD3 AD2 AD1 AD0 Bits [7:0] = AD[7:0] Analog Converted Value. This register contains the converted analog value in the range 00h to FFh. Reading this register resets the COCO flag. 51/95 I²C Single-Master Bus Interface 10 I²C Single-Master Bus Interface 10.1 Introduction ST7FLCD1 The I²C Bus Interface serves as an interface between the microcontroller and the serial I²C bus. It provides single-master functions, and controls all I²C bus-specific sequencing, protocol and timing. It supports Fast I²C mode (400 kHz) and up to 800 kHz for certain applications. 10.2 Main Features ● Parallel / I²C bus protocol converter ● Interrupt generation ● Standard I²C mode/Fast I²C mode (up to 800 kHz for certain applications) ● 7-bit Addressing I²C Single Master Mode 10.3 ● End of byte transmission flag ● Transmitter /Receiver flag ● Clock generation General Description In addition to receiving and transmitting data, this interface converts data from serial to parallel format and vice versa, using either an interrupt or a polled handshake. The interrupts are enabled or disabled by software. The interface is connected to the I²C bus by a data pin (SDAI) and by a clock pin (SCLI). It can be connected both with a standard I²C bus and a Fast I²C bus. This selection is made by software. Mode Selection The interface can operate in the two following modes: 1. Master transmitter/receiver, 2. Idle (default). The interface automatically switches from Idle to Master mode after it generates a START condition and from Master to Idle mode after it generates a STOP condition. Communication Flow The interface initiates a data transfer and generates the clock signal. A serial data transfer always begins with a start condition and ends with a stop condition. Both start and stop conditions are generated by software. Data and addresses are transferred as 8-bit bytes, MSB first. The first byte following the start condition is the address byte. A 9th clock pulse follows the 8 clock cycles of a byte transfer, during which the receiver must send an acknowledge bit to the transmitter. Refer to Figure 28. Acknowledge is enabled and disabled by software. The speed of the I²C interface is selected as Standard (0 to 100 kHz) and Fast I²C (100 to 400 kHz) and up to 800 kHz for certain applications. 52/95 ST7FLCD1 I²C Single-Master Bus Interface Figure 28: I²C Bus Protocol SDA ACK MSB SCL 1 2 8 9 Start Condition Stop Condition SDA/SCL Line Control Transmitter mode: The interface holds the clock line low before transmission to wait for the microcontroller to write the byte in the Data Register. Receiver mode: The interface holds the clock line low after reception to wait for the microcontroller to read the byte in the Data Register. The SCL frequency (fSCL) is controlled by a programmable clock divider which depends on the I²C bus mode. When the I²C cell is enabled, the SDA and SCL ports must be configured as a floating open-drain output or a floating input. In this case, the value of the external pull-up resistor used depends on the application. When the I²C cell is disabled, the SDA and SCL ports revert to being standard I/O port pins. Figure 29: I²C Interface Block Diagram Data Register (DR) SDAI Data Control SDA Data Shift Register SCLI SCL Clock Control Clock Control Register (CCR) Control Register (CR) Control Logic Interrupt Status Register (SR) 53/95 I²C Single-Master Bus Interface 10.4 ST7FLCD1 Functional Description (Master Mode) By default, the I²C interface operates in Idle mode (M/IDL bit is cleared) except when it initiates a transmit or receive sequence. To switch from default Idle mode to Master mode a Start condition must be generated. Setting the START bit causes the interface to switch to Master mode (M/IDL bit set) and generates a Start condition. Once the Start condition is sent, the EVF and SB bits are set by hardware and an interrupt is generated if the ITE bit is set. Then the master waits for a read of the SR register followed by a write in the DR register with the Slave address byte, holding the SCL line low (EV1). Then the slave address byte is sent to the SDA line via the internal shift register. After completion of this transfer (and the reception of an acknowledge from the slave if the ACK bit is set), the EVF bit is set by hardware and an interrupt is generated if the ITE bit is set. Then the master waits for a read of the SR register followed by a write in the CR register (for example set PE bit), holding the SCL line low (EV2). Next the master must enter Receiver or Transmitter mode. 10.5 Transfer Sequencing 10.5.1 Master Receiver Following the address transmission and after SR and CR registers have been accessed, the master receives bytes from the SDA line into the DR register via the internal shift register. After each byte the interface generates in sequence: ● an Acknowledge pulse if the ACK bit is set ● EVF and BTF bits are set by hardware with an interrupt if the ITE bit is set. Then the interface waits for a read of the SR register followed by a read of the DR register, holding the SCL line low (EV3). To close the communication, before reading the last byte from the DR register, set the STOP bit to generate the Stop condition. The interface automatically returns to Idle mode (M/IDL bit cleared). Note: In order to generate the non-acknowledge pulse after the last received data byte, the ACK bit must be cleared just before reading the second last data byte. 10.5.2 Master Transmitter Following the address transmission and after SR register has been read, the master sends bytes from the DR register to the SDA line via the internal shift register. The master waits for a read of the SR register followed by a write in the DR register, holding the SCL line low (EV4). When the acknowledge bit is received, the interface sets the EVF and BTF bits with an interrupt if the ITE bit is set. To close the communication, after writing the last byte to the DR register, set the STOP bit to generate the Stop condition. The interface automatically returns to Idle mode (M/IDL bit cleared). 54/95 ST7FLCD1 I²C Single-Master Bus Interface Error Case: AF: Detection of a non-acknowledge bit. In this case, the EVF and AF bits are set by hardware with an interrupt if the ITE bit is set. To resume, set the START or STOP bit. Note: The SCL line is not held low if AF = 1. Figure 30: Transfer Sequencing Master Receiver: S Address A Data1 A Data2 A Data N-1 A Data N NA P ..... EV1 EV2 EV3 EV3 EV3-1 EV3-2 Master Transmitter: S Address A Data1 A Data2 A DataN A P ..... EV1 EV2 EV4 EV4 EV4 EV4 Slave Not Responding: S Address EV1 NA Legend: S = Start, P = Stop, A = Acknowledge, NA = Non-acknowledge EVx = Event (with interrupt if ITE = 1) P EV2-1 EV1: EVF = 1, SB = 1, cleared by reading the SR register followed by writing to the DR register. EV2: EVF = 1, cleared by reading the SR register followed by writing to the CR register (for example PE = 1). EV2-1: EVF = 1, AF = 1, cleared by reading the SR register followed by writing STOP = 1 in the CR register. EV3: EVF = 1, BTF = 1, cleared by reading the SR register followed by reading the DR register. EV3-1: Same as EV3, but ACK bit in CR register must be cleared before reading the DR register in order to send a NAK pulse after the “Data N” byte. EV3-2: Same as EV3, but STOP = 1 must be written in the CR register. EV4: EVF = 1, BTF = 1, cleared by reading the SR register followed by writing to the DR register. Figure 31: Event Flags and Interrupt Generation BTF SB AF ITE Interrupt EVF * * EVF can also be set by EV6 or an error from the SR2 register. 55/95 I²C Single-Master Bus Interface 10.6 ST7FLCD1 Register Description Table 21: I²C Register Map Addr. Reset (Hex.) R/W Register 001Ch 00h R/W I2CCR 001Dh 00h Read only I2CSR EVF AF 001Eh 00h R/W I2CCCR FM/SM FILTOFF 001Fh 00h R/W I2CDR Bit 7 Bit 6 00 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 PE 0 START ACK STOP ITE TRA 0 BTF 0 M/IDL SB CC[5:0] DR7[:0] I²C CONTROL REGISTER (I2CCR) Read / Write Reset Value: 0000 0000 (00h) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 PE 0 START ACK STOP ITE Bits [7:6] = Reserved. Forced to 0 by hardware. Bit 5 = PE Peripheral enable. This bit is set and cleared by software. Note: 0 Peripheral disabled 1 Master capability When PE = 0, all the bits of the CR register and the SR register except the Stop bit are reset. All outputs are released when PE = 0. When PE = 1, the corresponding I/O pins are selected by hardware as alternate functions. To enable the I²C interface, write the CR register TWICE with PE = 1 as the first write only activates the interface (only PE is set). Bit 4 = Reserved. Forced to 0 by hardware Bit 3 = START Generation of a Start condition. This bit is set and cleared by software. It is also cleared by hardware when the interface is disabled (PE = 0) or when the Start condition is sent (with interrupt generation if ITE = 1). In Master mode: 0 No start generation 1 Repeated start generation In Idle mode: 0 No start generation 1 Start generation when the bus is free Bit 2 = ACK Acknowledge enable. This bit is set and cleared by software. Cleared by hardware when the interface is disabled (PE = 0). 56/95 0 No acknowledge returned 1 Acknowledge returned after an address byte or a data byte is received ST7FLCD1 I²C Single-Master Bus Interface Bit 1 = STOP Generation of a Stop condition. This bit is set and cleared by software. It is also cleared by hardware when the interface is disabled (PE = 0) or when the Stop condition is sent. In Master mode only: 0 No stop generation 1 Stop generation after the current byte transfer or after the current Start condition is sent. Bit 0 = ITE Interrupt enable. This bit is set and cleared by software and cleared by hardware when the interface is disabled (PE = 0). 0 Interrupt disabled 1 Interrupt enabled I²C STATUS REGISTER (I2CSR) Read Only Reset Value: 0000 0000 (00h) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 EVF AF TRA 0 BTF 0 M/IDL SB Bit 7 = EVF Event flag. This bit is set by hardware as soon as an event occurs. It is cleared by software by reading the SR register in case of error event or as described in Section 10.5: Transfer Sequencing. It is also cleared by hardware when the interface is disabled (PE = 0). 0 No event 1 One of the following events has occurred: BTF = 1 (Byte received or transmitted) SB = 1 (Start condition generated) AF = 1 (No acknowledge received after byte transmission if ACK = 1) Address byte successfully transmitted. Bit 6 = AF Acknowledge Failure. This bit is set by hardware when no acknowledge is returned. An interrupt is generated if ITE = 1. It is cleared by software by reading the SR register or by hardware when the interface is disabled (PE = 0). The SCL line is not held low when AF = 1. 0 No acknowledge failure 1 Acknowledge failure Bit 5 = TRA Transmitter/Receiver. When BTF is set, TRA = 1 if a data byte has been transmitted. It is cleared automatically when BTF is cleared. It is also cleared by hardware when the interface is disabled (PE = 0). 0 Data byte received (if BTF = 1) 1 Data byte transmitted Bit 4 = Reserved. Forced to 0 by hardware. Bit 3 = BTF Byte transfer finished. This bit is set by hardware as soon as a byte is correctly received or transmitted with interrupt 57/95 I²C Single-Master Bus Interface ST7FLCD1 generation if ITE = 1. It is cleared by software by reading the SR register followed by a read or write of DR register. It is also cleared by hardware when the interface is disabled (PE = 0). Following a byte transmission, this bit is set after reception of the acknowledge clock pulse. In case an address byte is sent, this bit is set only after the EV2 event (See Section 10.5: Transfer Sequencing). BTF is cleared by reading SR register followed by writing the next byte in DR register. Following a byte reception, this bit is set after transmission of the acknowledge clock pulse if ACK = 1. BTF is cleared by reading SR register followed by reading the byte from DR register. The SCL line is held low when BTF = 1. 0 Byte transfer not done 1 Byte transfer succeeded Bit 2 = Reserved. Forced to 0 by hardware. Bit 1 = M/IDL Master/Idle. This bit is set by hardware when the interface is in Master mode (writing START = 1). It is cleared by hardware after a Stop condition on the bus. It is also cleared by hardware when the interface is disabled (PE = 0). 0 Idle mode 1 Master mode Bit 0 = SB Start bit. This bit is set by hardware when a Start condition is generated (following a write START = 1). An interrupt is generated if ITE = 1. It is cleared by software by reading the SR register followed by writing the address byte in DR register. It is also cleared by hardware when the interface is disabled (PE = 0). 0 No Start condition 1 Start condition generated I²C CLOCK CONTROL REGISTER (I2CCCR) Read / Write Reset Value: 0000 0000 (00h) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 FM/SM FILTOFF CC5 CC4 CC3 CC2 CC1 CC0 Bit 7 = FM/SM Fast/Standard I²C mode. This bit is set and cleared by software. It is not cleared when the interface is disabled (PE = 0). 0 Fast I²C mode 1 Standard I²C mode Bit 6 = FILTOFF Filter Off. This bit is set and cleared by software, it is not taken into account in the EMU version and is considered as always set to 1 (inactive filter). When set, it disables the filter of the I²C pads in order to achieve speeds of over 400 kHz on a shortlength I²C bus (at the user’s responsibility). Such high frequencies are computed with the Fast mode formula given below. 58/95 ST7FLCD1 I²C Single-Master Bus Interface Bits [5:0] = CC[5:0] 6-bit clock divider. These bits select the speed of the bus (fSCL) depending on the I²C mode. They are not cleared when the interface is disabled (PE = 0). The value of the 6-bit clock divider, CC[5:0] ³ 03h Fast mode (FM/SM = 0): fSCL > 100 kHz fSCL = fCPU/([2x([CC5...CC0]+3)]+1) Standard mode (FM/SM = 1): fSCL £ 100 kHz fSCL = fCPU/(3x([CC5...CC0]+3)) Note: The programmed fSCL speed assumes that there is no load on the SCL and SDA lines. I²C DATA REGISTER (I2CDR) Read / Write Reset Value: 0000 0000 (00h) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Bits [7:0] = D[7:0] 8-bit Data Register. These bits contain the byte to be received or transmitted on the bus. Transmitter mode: Bytes are automatically transmitted when the software writes to the DR register. Receiver mode: The first data byte is automatically received in the DR register using the least significant bit of the address. Then, the subsequent data bytes are received one-by-one after reading the DR register. 59/95 Display Data Channel Interfaces (DDC) 11 Display Data Channel Interfaces (DDC) 11.1 Introduction ST7FLCD1 The DDC (Display Data Channel) bus interfaces are mainly used by the monitor to identify itself to the video controller, by the monitor manufacturer to perform factory alignment, and by the user to adjust the monitor’s parameters. Both DDC interfaces consist of: ● ● A fully hardware-implemented interface, supporting DDC2B (VESA specification 3.0 compliant). It accesses the ST7 on-chip memory directly through a built-in DMA engine. A second interface, supporting the slave I²C functions for handling DDC/CI mode (DDC2Bi), factory alignment, HDCP, Enhanced DDC (EDDC) or other addresses by software. Each DDC interface has its own dedicated DMA area in RAM. In the event of concurrent DMA accesses, the DDC A cell has priority over the DDC B cell. 11.2 DDC Interface Features 11.2.1 Hardware DDC2B Interface Features ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Full hardware support for DDC2B communications (VESA specification version 3) Hardware detection of DDC2B addresses A0h/A1h Separate mapping of EDID version 1: Base (128 bytes) and Extended (128 bytes) Support for error recovery mechanism Detection of misplaced Start and Stop conditions Random and Sequential I²C byte read modes DMA transfer from any memory location and to RAM Automatic memory address increment End of data downloading flag, end of communication flag and interrupt capability 11.2.2 DDC/CI Factory Interface Features General I²C Features ● ● ● ● Parallel bus /I²C protocol converter Interrupt generation Standard I²C mode 7-bit Addressing I²C Slave Features ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 60/95 I²C bus busy flag Start bit detection flag Detection of misplaced Start or Stop condition Transfer problem detection Address Matched detection 2 Programmable Address detection and/or Hardware detection of DDC/CI addresses (6Eh/ 6Fh) End of byte transmission flag Transmitter/Receiver flag Stop condition Detection ST7FLCD1 Display Data Channel Interfaces (DDC) Figure 32: DDC Interface Overview SDA I²C Slave Interface SDAD (DDC/CI - Factory Alignment) SCL SCLD Hardware DDC2B Interface Figure 33: DDC Interface Block Diagram DDC2B Control Register (DCR) DMA Controller Address Low Address High Address/Data Control Logic SDAD Data Control Data Shift Register SCLD DDC2B Control Logic DDC2B Interrupt DDC2B (for Monitor Identification) Data Register (DR) Data Control Data Shift Register Comparator Own Address Register 1 (OAR1) Hardware Address Own Address Register 2 (OAR2) DDC/CI Factory Control Register (CR) Status Register 1 (SR1) Control Logic DDC/CI Interrupt Status Register 2 (SR2) DDC/CI (for Monitor Adjustment and Control) 61/95 Display Data Channel Interfaces (DDC) 11.3 ST7FLCD1 Signal Description 11.3.1 Serial Data (SDA) The SDA bidirectional pin is used to transfer data in and out of the device. An external pull-up resistor must be connected to the SDA line. Its value depends on the load of the line and the transfer rate. 11.3.2 Serial Clock (SCL) The SCL input pin is used to synchronize all data in and out of the device when in I²C bidirectional mode. An external pull-up resistor must be connected to the SCL line. Its value depends on the load of the line and the transfer rate. Note: When the DDC2B and DDC/CI Factory Interfaces are disabled (HWPE bit = 0 in the DCR register and PE bit = 0 in the CR register), the SDA and SCL pins revert to being standard I/O pins. 11.4 DDC Standard The DDC standard is divided into several data transfer protocols: DDC2B, DDC/CI and other slave communication standards (HDCP, E-DDC, etc.). For DDC2B, refer to the “VESA DDC Standard v3.0” specification. For DDC/CI refer to the “VESA DDC Commands Interface v1.0” DDC2B is a unidirectional channel from display to host. The host computer uses base-level I²C commands to read the EDID data from the display which is always in Slave mode. DDC/CI is a bidirectional channel between the host computer and the display. The DDC/CI offers a display control interface based on I²C bus. Only the DDC2Bi interface is supported (and not the DDC2B+ or DDC2AB interfaces). 11.4.1 DDC2B Interface The DDC2B Interface acts as an I/O interface between a DDC bus and the MCU memory. In addition to receiving and transmitting serial data, this interface directly transfers parallel data to and from memory using a DMA engine, only halting CPU activity for 2 clock cycles during each byte transfer. The interface supports the following by hardware: ● DDC2B communication protocol ● write operations into RAM ● read operations from RAM In DDC2B mode, it operates in I²C Slave mode. Device addresses A0h/A1h are recognized. EDID version 1 is used. The Write and Read operations allow the EDID data to be downloaded during factory alignment (for example). Writing to the memory by the DMA engine is inhibited by the WP bit in the DCR register. A write of the last data structure byte sets a flag and may be programmed to generate an interrupt request. The Data address (sub-address) is either the second byte of write transfers or is pointed to by the internal address counter which automatically increments after each byte transfer. The physical address mapping of the data structure is fixed by hardware in a dedicated RAM area (see Table 24: 62/95 ST7FLCD1 Display Data Channel Interfaces (DDC) EDID DMA Pointer Configuration). 11.4.2 Mode Description DDC2B Mode: The DDC2B Interface enters DDC2B mode from the initial state if the software sets the HWPE bit. Once in DDC2B mode, the Interface always acts as a slave following the protocol described in Figure 34. The DDC2B Interface continuously monitors the SDA and SCL lines for a START condition and will not respond (no acknowledge) until one is found. A STOP condition at the end of a Read command (after a NACK) forces the stand-by state. A STOP condition at the end of a Write command triggers the internal DMA write cycle. The Interface samples the SDA line on the rising edge of the SCL signal and outputs data on the falling edge of the SCL signal. In any case, the SDA line can only change when the SCL line is low. Figure 34: DDC2B Protocol Example SDA SCL Ack Start A0h Device Slave Address Legend: Ack Ack Ack Data1 DataN Stop Start A1h 00h Data Address Device Slave 128 / 256 bytes EDID Address Nack Stop Bold = data / control signal from host Italics = data / control signal from display Figure 35: DDC1/2B Operation Flowchart Wait for HWPE = 1 HWPE bit = 0 DMA Low Pointer Address = 0 Y Send Acknowledge N DDC2B Mode Received valid Device Address? Respond to Command EDID Data structure mapping: An internal address pointer defines the memory location being addressed. 63/95 Display Data Channel Interfaces (DDC) ST7FLCD1 It defines the 256-byte block within the RAM address space containing the data structure. The LSB is loaded with the data address sent by the master after a write Device Address. It defines the byte within the data structure currently addressed. It is reset upon entry into the DDC2B mode. Figure 36: Mapping of DDC2B Data Structure Basic EDID v1 Extended EDID v1 (if present) FFFFh 128-byte Data Structure LSB : 00h -> 7Fh 0000h 256 bytes 256 bytes FFFFh 128-byte Data Structure LSB : 80h -> FFh 15 Addr Pointer in RAM 0000h A0h/A1h 87 MSB 0 LSB Note: Refer to Table 23 for RAM address mapping. A0h/A1h Write Operation Once the DDC2B Interface has acknowledged a write transfer request, i.e. a Device Address with RW = 0, it waits for a data address. When the latter is received, it is acknowledged and loaded into the LSB. Then, the master may send any number of data bytes that are all acknowledged by the DDC2B Interface. The data bytes are written in RAM if the WP bit = 0 in the DCR register, otherwise the RAM location is not modified. Write operations are always performed in RAM and therefore do not delay DDC transfers. Meanwhile, concurrent software execution is halted for 2 clock cycles. Figure 37: Write Sequence Addr. Pointer XXXXh ADDR ADDR + 1 ADDR + n -1 ADDR + n Data IN 1 Data IN 2 Data IN n ACK STOP ACK R/W ACK Start Data Address ACK SDA ACK DEV ADDR Read Operations All read operations consist of retrieving the data pointed to by an internal address counter which is initialized by a dummy write and which increments with any read. The DDC2B Interface always waits for an acknowledge during the 9th bit-time. If the master does not pull the SDA line low during this bit-time, the DDC2B Interface ends the transfer and switches to a stand-by state. Current address read: After generating a START condition the master sends a read device address (RW = 1). The DDC2B Interface acknowledges this and outputs the data byte pointed to by the internal address pointer which subsequently increments. The master must NOT acknowledge this byte and must terminate the transfer with a STOP condition. 64/95 ST7FLCD1 Display Data Channel Interfaces (DDC) Random address read: The master performs a dummy write to load the data address into the pointer LSB. Then the master sends a RESTART condition followed by a read Device Address (RW = 1). Sequential address read: This mode is similar to the current and random address reads, except that the master DOES acknowledge the data byte for the DDC2B Interface to output the next byte in sequence. To terminate the read operation the master must NOT acknowledge the last data byte and must generate a STOP condition. The data output are issued from consecutive memory addresses. End of communication: Upon a detection of NACK or STOP conditions at the end of a read transfer, the bit ENDCF is set and an interrupt is generated if ENDCE is set. Figure 38: Read Sequences Current Address Read Addr. Pointer ADDR ADDR + 1 DEV ADDR SDA STOP NO ACK R/W ACK START DATA OUT or ENDCF flag is set Random Address Read XXXXh DEV ADDR DEV ADDR DATA OUT R/W ACK ACK RESTART R/W ACK START DATA ADDR. STOP SDA ADDR + 1 ADDR NO ACK Addr. Pointer or ENDCF flag is set Sequential Address Read Addr. Pointer ADDR ADDR + 1 ADDR + n ADDR + n -1 DEV ADDR STOP ACK R/W ACK START DATA OUT n NO ACK DATA OUT 2 DATA OUT 1 ACK SDA or ENDCF flag is set 65/95 Display Data Channel Interfaces (DDC) ST7FLCD1 Read and Write Operations After each byte transfer, the internal address counter automatically increments. If the counter is pointing to the top of the structure, it rolls over to the bottom since the increment is performed only on the 7 or 8 LSBs of the pointer depending on the selected data structure size. It rolls over from 7Fh to 00h or from FFh to 80h depending on the MSB of the last data address received. Then after that last byte has been effectively written or read in RAM at LSB address 7Fh or FFh, the EDF flag is set and an interrupt is generated if EDE is set. The transfer is terminated by the master generating a STOP condition. 11.5 DDC/CI Factory Alignment Interface Refer to the CR, SR1 and SR2 registers in Section 11.7: Register Description for the bit definitions. The DDC/CI interface works as an I/O interface between the microcontroller and the DDC2Bi, HDCP, E-DDC or Factory alignment protocols. It receives and transmits data in Slave I²C mode using an interrupt or polled handshaking. The interface is connected to the I²C bus through a data pin (SDAD) and a clock pin (SCLD) configured as an open-drain output. The DDC/CI interface has five internal register locations. Two of them are used to initialize the interface: 1. 2 Own Address Registers OAR1 and OAR2 2. Control register CR The following four registers are used during data transmission/reception: 1. Data Register DR 2. Control Register CR 3. Status Register 1 SR1 4. Status Register 2 SR2 The interface decodes an I²C or DDC2Bi address stored by software in either OAR register and/or the DDC/CI address (6Eh/6Fh) as its default hardware address. After a reset, the interface is disabled. 11.5.1 I²C Modes The interface operates in Slave Transmitter/Receiver modes. The master generates both Start and Stop conditions. The I²C clock (SCL) is always received by the interface from a master, but the interface is able to stretch the clock line. The interface can recognize its two programmable addresses (7-bit) and its default hardware address (DDC/CI address: 6Eh/6Fh). The DDC/CI address detection may be enabled or disabled by software. It never recognizes the Start byte (01h) whatever its own address is. Slave mode As soon as a start condition is detected, the address is received from the SDA line and sent to the shift register where it is compared to the programmable addresses or to the DDC/CI address (if selected by software). Address not matched: the interface ignores it and waits for another Start condition. Address matched: the following events occur in sequence: 66/95 ST7FLCD1 Display Data Channel Interfaces (DDC) ● Acknowledge pulse is generated if the ACK bit is set. ● EVF and ADSL bits are set. ● An interrupt is generated if the ITE bit is set. Then the interface waits for a read of the SR1 register, holding the SCL line low (see EV1 in Section 11.6: Transfer Sequencing). Next, the DR register must be read to determine from the least significant bit if the slave must enter Receiver or Transmitter mode. Slave Receiver Following the address reception and after SR1 register has been read, the slave receives bytes from the SDA line into the DR register via the internal shift register. After each byte, the following events occur in sequence: ● an Acknowledge pulse is generated if the ACK bit is set. ● the EVF and BTF bits are set. ● an interrupt is generated if the ITE bit is set. Then the interface waits for a read of the SR1 register followed by a read of the DR register, holding the SCL line low (see EV2 in Section 11.6: Transfer Sequencing). Slave Transmitter Following the address reception and after SR1 register has been read, the slave sends bytes from the DR register to the SDA line via the internal shift register. The slave waits for a read of the SR1 register followed by a write in the DR register, holding the SCL line low (see EV3 in Section 11.6: Transfer Sequencing). When the acknowledge pulse is received: ● the EVF and BTF bits are set. ● an interrupt is generated if the ITE bit is set. Closing Slave Communication After the last data byte is transferred, a Stop Condition is generated by the master. The interface detects this condition and in this case: ● the EVF and STOPF bits are set. ● an interrupt is generated if the ITE bit is set. Then the interface waits for a read of the SR2 register (see EV4 in Section 11.6: Transfer Sequencing). Error Cases BERR: Detection of a Stop or a Start condition during a byte transfer. In this case, the EVF and the BERR bits are set and an interrupt is generated if the ITE bit is set. If it is a Stop condition, then the interface discards the data, releases the lines and waits for another Start condition. If it is a Start condition, then the interface discards the data and waits for the next slave address on the bus. AF: Detection of a non-acknowledge bit. In this case, the EVF and AF bits are set and an interrupt is generated if the ITE bit is set. Note: In both cases, the SCL line is not held low. However, the SDA line can remain low due to possible ‘0’ bits transmitted last. It is then necessary to release both lines by software. 67/95 Display Data Channel Interfaces (DDC) ST7FLCD1 How to Release the SDA / SCL Lines Set and subsequently clear the STOP bit when BTF is set. The SDA/SCL lines are released after the transfer of the current byte. Other Events ADSL: Detection of a Start condition after an acknowledge time-slot. The state machine is reset and starts a new process. The ADSL bit is set and an interrupt is generated if the ITE bit is set. The SCL line is stretched low. STOPF: Detection of a Stop condition after an acknowledge time-slot. The state machine is reset. Then the STOPF flag is set and an interrupt is generated if the ITE bit is set. 11.6 Transfer Sequencing Slave Receiver S Address A Data1 A Data2 A DataN A P ..... EV1 EV2 EV2 EV2 EV4 Slave Transmitter S Address A Data1 A Data2 A DataN NA P ..... EV1 EV3 EV3 EV3 EV3-1 EV4 Legend: S = Start, P = Stop, A = Acknowledge, NA = Non-acknowledge and EVx = Event (with interrupt if ITE = 1) EV1: EVF = 1, ADSL = 1, cleared by reading register SR1. EV2: EVF = 1, BTF = 1, cleared by reading register SR1 followed by reading DR register. EV3: EVF = 1, BTF = 1, cleared by reading register SR1 followed by writing DR register. EV3-1: EVF = 1, AF = 1 and BTF = 1, AF is cleared by reading register SR2, BTF is cleared by releasing the lines (write STOP = 1, STOP = 0 in register CR) or by writing to register DR (DR = FFh). Note: If the lines are released by STOP = 1, STOP = 0, the subsequent EV4 is not seen. EV4: EVF = 1, STOPF = 1, cleared by reading register SR2. Figure 39: Event Flags and Interrupt Generation ITE BTF ADSL AF STOPF BERR 68/95 Interrupt EVF ST7FLCD1 11.7 Display Data Channel Interfaces (DDC) Register Description Table 22: DDCA Register Map Address Reset Register Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 0020h 00h R/W DDCCRA 0 0 PE DDCCIEN 0 ACK STOP ITE 0021h 00h R DDCSR1A EVF 0 TRA BUSY BTF ADSL 0 0 0022h 00h R DDCSR2A 0 0 0 AF STOPF 0 BERR DDCIF 0023h 00h R/W DDCOAR1A ADD[7:1] 0 0024h 00h R/W DDCOAR2A ADD[7:1] 0 0025h 00h R/W 0026h 00h R/W 0027h 00h R/W DDCDCRA DDCDRA DR[7:0] Reserved 0 0 ENDCF ENDCE EDF EDE WP DDC2BPE Table 23: DDCB Register Map Address Reset Register Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 0028h 00h R/W DDCCRB 0 0 PE DDCCIEN 0 ACK STOP ITE 0029h 00h R DDCSR1B EVF 0 TRA BUSY BTF ADSL 0 0 002Ah 00h R DDCSR2B 0 0 0 AF STOPF 0 BERR DDCIF 002Bh 00h R/W DDCOAR1B ADD[7:1] 0 002Ch 00h R/W DDCOAR2B ADD[7:1] 0 002Dh 00h R/W 002Eh 00h R/W 002Fh 00h R/W DDCDRB DR[7:0] Reserved DDCDCRB 0 0 ENDCF ENDCE EDF EDE WP DDC2BPE Table 24: EDID DMA Pointer Configuration Cell Basic EDID Extended EDID DDCA 600h to 67Fh 680h to 6FFh DDCB 700h to 77Fh 780h to 7FFh DDC CONTROL REGISTER (DDCCR) Read / Write Reset Value: 0000 0000 (00h) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 PE DDCCIEN 0 ACK STOP ITE Bits [7:6] = Reserved. Forced to 0 by hardware. 69/95 Display Data Channel Interfaces (DDC) ST7FLCD1 Bit 5 = PE DDC/CI Peripheral enable. This bit is set and cleared by software. Note: 0 Peripheral disabled 1 Peripheral enabled When PE = 0, all the bits of the CR, SR1 and SR2 registers are reset. All outputs are released when PE = 0 When PE = 1, the corresponding I/O pins are selected by hardware as alternate functions. To enable the I²C interface, write the CR register TWICE with PE = 1 as the first write only activates the interface (only PE is set). Bit 4 = DDCCIEN DDC/CI address detection enabled. This bit is set and cleared by software. It is also cleared by hardware when the interface is disabled (PE = 0). The 6Eh/6Fh DDC/CI address is acknowledged. 0 DDC/CI address detection disabled 1 DDC/CI address detection enabled Bit 3 = Reserved. Forced to 0 by hardware. Bit 2 = ACK Acknowledge enable. This bit is set and cleared by software. It is also cleared by hardware when the interface is disabled (PE = 0). 0 No acknowledge returned 1 Acknowledge returned after an address byte or a data byte is received Bit 1 = STOP Release I²C bus. This bit is set and cleared by software or when the interface is disabled (PE = 0). Slave Mode: 0 Nothing 1 Release the SCL and SDA lines after the current byte transfer (BTF = 1). The STOP bit has to be cleared by software. Bit 0 = ITE Interrupt enable. This bit is set and cleared by software and cleared by hardware when the interface is disabled (PE = 0). 0 Interrupt disabled 1 Interrupt enabled Refer to Figure 39 for the relationship between the events and the interrupt. SCL is held low when the BTF or ADSL is detected. DDC STATUS REGISTER 1 (DDCSR1) Read Only Reset Value: 0000 0000 (00h) 70/95 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 EVF 0 TRA BUSY BTF ADSL 0 0 ST7FLCD1 Display Data Channel Interfaces (DDC) Bit 7 = EVF Event flag. This bit is set by hardware as soon as an event occurs. It is cleared by software by reading the SR2 register in case of an error event or as described in Figure 39. It is also cleared by hardware when the interface is disabled (PE = 0). 0 No event 1 One of the following events has occurred: BTF = 1 (Byte received or transmitted) ADSL = 1 (Either address matched in Slave mode when ACK = 1) AF = 1 (No acknowledge received after byte transmission if ACK = 1) STOPF = 1 (Stop condition detected in Slave mode) BERR = 1 (Bus error, misplaced Start or Stop condition detected) Bit 6 = Reserved. Forced to 0 by hardware. Bit 5 = TRA Transmitter/Receiver. When BTF is set, TRA = 1 if a data byte has been transmitted. It is cleared automatically when BTF is cleared. It is also cleared by hardware after a Stop condition (STOPF = 1) is detected or when the interface is disabled (PE = 0). 0 Data byte received (if BTF = 1) 1 Data byte transmitted Bit 4 = BUSY Bus busy. This bit is set by hardware on detection of a Start condition and cleared by hardware when a Stop condition is detected. It indicates that a communication is in progress on the bus. This information is still updated when the interface is disabled (PE = 0). 0 No communication on the bus 1 Communication ongoing on the bus Bit 3 = BTF Byte transfer finished. This bit is set by hardware as soon as a byte is correctly received or transmitted with interrupt generation if ITE = 1. It is cleared by software by reading the SR1 register followed by a read or a write to the DR register. It is also cleared by hardware when the interface is disabled (PE = 0). Following a byte transmission, this bit is set after reception of the acknowledge clock pulse BTF is cleared by reading the SR1 register followed by writing the next byte in the DR register. Following a byte reception, this bit is set after transmission of the acknowledge clock pulse if ACK = 1. BTF is cleared by reading SR1 register followed by reading the byte from DR register. The SCL line is held low when BTF = 1. 0 Byte transfer not completed 1 Byte transfer succeeded Bit 2 = ADSL Address matched (Slave mode). This bit is set by hardware as soon as the received slave address matched with the OARx registers content or the DDC/CI address is recognized. An interrupt is generated if ITE = 1. It is cleared by software by reading the SR1 register or by hardware when the interface is disabled (PE = 0). The SCL line is held low when ADSL = 1. 0 Address mismatched or not received 1 Received address matched Bits [1:0] = Reserved. Forced to 0 by hardware. 71/95 Display Data Channel Interfaces (DDC) ST7FLCD1 DDC STATUS REGISTER 2 (DDCSR2) Read Only Reset Value: 0000 0000 (00h) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 AF STOPF 0 BERR DDCIF Bits [7:5] = Reserved. Forced to 0 by hardware. Bit 4 = AF Acknowledge failure. This bit is set by hardware when no acknowledge is returned. An interrupt is generated if ITE = 1. It is cleared by software by reading the SR2 register or by hardware when the interface is disabled (PE = 0). The SCL line is not held low when AF = 1. 0 No acknowledge failure 1 Acknowledge failure Bit 3 = STOPF Stop detection. This bit is set by hardware when a Stop condition is detected on the bus after an acknowledge (if ACK = 1). An interrupt is generated if ITE = 1. It is cleared by software by reading the SR2 register or by hardware when the interface is disabled (PE = 0). The SCL line is not held low when STOPF = 1. 0 No Stop condition detected 1 Stop condition detected Bit 2 = Reserved. Forced to 0 by hardware. Bit 1 = BERR Bus error. This bit is set by hardware when the interface detects a misplaced Start or Stop condition. An interrupt is generated if ITE = 1. It is cleared by software by reading the SR2 register or by hardware when the interface is disabled (PE = 0). The SCL line is not held low when BERR = 1. 0 No misplaced Start or Stop condition 1 Misplaced Start or Stop condition Bit 0 = DDCIF DDC/CI address detected. This bit is set by hardware when the DDC/CI address (6Eh/6Fh) is detected on the bus when DDCIEN = 1. It is cleared by hardware when a Stop condition (STOPF = 1) is detected, or when the interface is disabled (PE = 0). 0 No DDC/CI address detected on bus 1 DDC/CI address detected on bus DDC DATA REGISTER (DDCDR) Read / Write Reset Value: 0000 0000 (00h) 72/95 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 ST7FLCD1 Display Data Channel Interfaces (DDC) Bits [7:0] = D[7:0] 8-bit Data Register. These bits contain the byte to be received or transmitted on the bus. Transmitter mode: Bytes are automatically transmitted when the software writes to the DR register. Receiver mode: The first data byte is automatically received in the DR register using the least significant bit of the address. Then, the next data bytes are received one by one after reading the DR register. DDC OWN ADDRESS REGISTER 1 (DDCOAR1) Read / Write Reset Value: 0000 0000 (00h) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ADD7 ADD6 ADD5 ADD4 ADD3 ADD2 ADD1 0 Bits [7:1] = ADD[7:1] Interface address. These bits define the I²C bus programmable address of the interface. They are not cleared when the interface is disabled (PE = 0). Bit 0 = Reserved. Forced to 0 by hardware. DDC OWN ADDRESS REGISTER 2 (DDCOAR2) Read / Write Reset Value: 0000 0000 (00h) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ADD7 ADD6 ADD5 ADD4 ADD3 ADD2 ADD1 0 Bits [7:1] = ADD[7:1] Interface address. These bits define the I²C bus programmable address of the interface. They are not cleared when the interface is disabled (PE = 0). Bit 0 = Reserved. Forced to 0 by hardware. DDC2B CONTROL REGISTER (DDCDCR) Read / Write Reset Value: 0000 0000 (00h) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 ENDCF ENDCE EDF EDE WP DDC2BPE Bits [7:6] = Reserved. Forced by hardware to 0. Bit 5 = ENDCF End of Communication interrupt Flag. This bit is set by hardware. An interrupt is generated if ENDCE = 1. It must be cleared by software. 0 NACK or STOP condition not met in Read mode. 73/95 Display Data Channel Interfaces (DDC) 1 ST7FLCD1 NACK or STOP condition met in Read mode. Bit 4 = ENDCE End of Communication interrupt Enable. This bit is set and cleared by software. 0 End of Communication interrupt disabled. 1 End of Communication interrupt enabled. Bit 3 = EDF End of Download interrupt Flag. This bit is set by hardware. An interrupt is generated if EDE = 1. It must be cleared by software. 0 Download not started or not completed yet. 1 Download completed. Last byte of data structure (relative address 7Fh or FFh) has been stored or read in RAM. In Read Mode: EDF is set upon reading the next byte after the internal address counter has rolled over from 7Fh to 00h, or FFh to 80h. In Write Mode: EDF is set when the last byte of data structure has been stored in RAM, and only if writing to the RAM is enabled (bit WP = 0). if writing occurs but WP=1, EDF is not set. Bit 2 = EDE End of Download interrupt Enable. This bit is set and cleared by software. 0 End of Download interrupt disabled. 1 End of Download interrupt enabled. Bit 1 = WP Write Protect. This bit is set and cleared by software. 0 Enable writes to the RAM. 1 Disable DMA write transfers and protect the RAM content. CPU writes to the RAM are not affected. Bit 0 = DDC2BPE DDC2B Peripheral Enable. This bit is set and cleared by software. Note: 74/95 0 Release the SDA port pin and ignore SCL port pin. The other bits of the DCR are left unchanged. 1 Enable the DDC Interface and respond to the DDC2B protocol. When DDC2BPE = 1, all the bits of the DCR register are locked and cannot be changed. The desired configuration therefore must be written in the DCR register with DDC2BPE = 0 and then set the DDC2BPE bit in a second step. ST7FLCD1 Watchdog Timer (WDG) 12 Watchdog Timer (WDG) 12.1 Introduction The Watchdog Timer is used to detect the occurrence of a software fault, usually generated by external interference or by unforeseen logical conditions, which causes the application program to abandon its normal sequence. The Watchdog circuit generates an MCU reset when the programmed time period expires, unless the program refreshes the counter’s contents before the T6 bit is cleared. In addition, a second counter prevents the Watchdog register from being updated at intervals that are too close. 12.2 Main Features ● Programmable timer (64 increments of 50000 CPU cycles) ● Programmable reset ● Reset (if watchdog enabled) when the T6 bit reaches zero ● Reset (if watchdog enabled) on HALT instruction ● Lock-up Counter for preventing short time refreshes Figure 40: Watchdog Block Diagram Reset Watchdog Control Register (CR) WDGA T6 T5 T4 T3 T2 T1 T0 Lock-up Counter (256 fCPU) Write Access 7-bit Downcounter Clock Divider ¸50000 fCPU 12.3 Main Watchdog Counter The counter value stored in the CR register (bits T[6:0]), is decremented every 50000 clock cycles, and the length of the time out period can be programmed by the user in 64 increments. If the watchdog is enabled (bit WDGA is set) and when the 7-bit timer (bits T[6:0]) rolls over from 40h to 3Fh (T6 is cleared), it initiates a reset cycle pulling low the reset pin for typically 500 ns: ● The WDGA bit is set (watchdog enabled) ● Bit T6 is set to prevent generating an immediate reset ● Bits T[5:0] contain the number of increments which represents the time delay before the watchdog produces a reset. Following a reset, the watchdog is disabled. Once activated it cannot be disabled, except by a reset. 75/95 Watchdog Timer (WDG) ST7FLCD1 The T6 bit can be used to generate a software reset (the WDGA bit is set and the T6 bit is cleared). The application program must write in the CR register at regular intervals during normal operation to prevent an MCU reset. The value to be stored in the CR register must be between FFh and C0h (see Table 25). 12.4 Lock-up Counter An 8-bit counter starts after a reset or by writing to the CR register. It disables the writing of the CR register during the next 256 cycles of CPU clock (typical value of 32 µs at 8 MHz). If a writing order takes place during this time, this 8-bit counter is reset but not the main watchdog downcounter (no writing to the CR register occurs). Thus after several too close writings of the CR register, the main downcounter reaches the reset value and a reset occurs. If the CR register is normally refreshed every 32 µs or more, write commands are always enabled. Table 25: Watchdog Timing (fCPU = 8 MHz) CR Register Initial Value WDG Timeout (ms) Maximum FFh 400 Minimum C0h 6.250 12.5 Lock-up Timeout (µs) 32 Interrupts None. 12.6 Register Description Table 26: Watchdog Register Map Address Reset 001Bh 7F R/W Register Bit 7 WDGCR WDGA Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 T[6:0] WDG CONTROL REGISTER (WDGCR) Read/Write Reset Value: 2 1111 (7Fh) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 WDGA T6 T5 T4 T3 T2 T1 T0 Bit 7 = WDGA Activation bit. This bit is set by software and only cleared by hardware after a reset. When WDGA = 1, the watchdog can generate a reset. 0 Watchdog disabled 1 Watchdog enabled Bits [6:0] = T[6:0] 7-bit Timer (MSB to LSB). These bits contain the decremented value. A reset is produced when it rolls over from 40h to 3Fh (T6 is cleared). 76/95 ST7FLCD1 8-bit Timer (TIMA) 13 8-bit Timer (TIMA) 13.1 Introduction Timer A is an 8-bit programmable free-running downcounter driven by a programmable prescaler. This block also has a buzzer. The block diagram is shown in Figure 41. 13.2 Main Features ● Programmable Prescaler: fCPU divided by 1, 8 or 64. ● Overflow status flag and maskable interrupt ● Reduced power mode ● Independent buzzer output with 4 programmable tones Figure 41: Timer A (TIMA) Block Diagram fCPU Fixed Prescaler % 2048 fTIMER Prescaler 1 / 8 / 64 8-bit downcounter 8 TIMCPRA Preload Register OVF Interrupt Request TIMCSRA TB1 TB0 OVF OVFE TAR BUZ1 BUZ0 Buzzer Prescaler 13.3 Interrupt BUZE Buzzer Output BUZOUT Pin Functional Description Timer A is a 8-bit downcounter and its associated 8-bit register is loaded as start value of the downcounter each time it has reached the 00h value. A flag indicates that the downcounter rolled over the 00h value. The buzzer has 4 distinct tones. Before the downcounter prescaler block, the frequency is divided by 2048. fTIMER = fCPU/2048 Note: In One-shot mode, the counter stops at 00h (low power state). 77/95 8-bit Timer (TIMA) 13.4 ST7FLCD1 Register Description Table 27: Timer Controller Register Map Address Reset 000Dh 00h 000Eh 00h Register Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 R/W TIMCSRA TB1 TB0 OVF OVFE TAR BUZ1 BUZ0 BUZE R/W TIMCPRA PR7 PR6 PR5 PR4 PR3 PR2 PR1 PR0 TIMER A CONTROL STATUS REGISTER (TIMCSRA) Read/Write Reset Value: (00h) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 TB1 TB0 OVF OVFE TAR BUZ1 BUZ0 BUZE Bits [7:6] = TB[1:0] Time Base period selection These bits are set and cleared by software. 00 Time base period = tTIMER (256 µs @ 8 MHz) 01 Time base period = tTIMER x 8 (2048 µs @ 8 MHz) 10 Time base period = tTIMER x 64 (16384 µs @ 8 MHz) 11 Reserved Bit 5 = OVF Timer Overflow Flag. This bit is set by hardware. An interrupt is generated if OVFE = 1. It must be cleared by reading the TIMCSRA register. 0 No timer overflow. 1 The free-running downcounter reached 00h. Bit 4 = OVFE Timer Overflow Interrupt Enable. This bit is set and cleared by software. 0 Interrupt disabled 1 Interrupt enabled Bit 3 = TAR Timer Auto-Reload This bit is set and cleared by software. 0 One-shot mode. The counter restarts after a write in the TIMCPRA register. 1 Auto-Reload mode. The counter is reloaded automatically by the TIMCPRA register after the downcounter reaches 00h. Bits [2:1] = BUZ[1:0] Buzzer tone selection These bits are set and cleared by software. 00 Time base frequency = fTIMER/16 (244 Hz @ 8 MHz) 01 Time base frequency = fTIMER/8 (488 Hz @ 8 MHz) 10 Time base frequency = fTIMER/4 (976 Hz@ 8 MHz) 11 Time base frequency = fTIMER/2 (1.95 kHz @ 8 MHz) 78/95 ST7FLCD1 8-bit Timer (TIMA) Bit 0 = BUZE Buzzer enable This bit is set and cleared by software. 0 Buzzer disabled 1 Buzzer enabled. It has priority over any other alternate function mapped onto the same pin (PWM). TIMER A COUNTER PRELOAD REGISTER (TIMCPRA) Read/Write Reset Value: (00h) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PR7 PR6 PR5 PR4 PR3 PR2 PR1 PR0 Bits [7:0] = PR[7:0] Counter Preload Data These bits are set and cleared by software. They are used to hold the reload value which is immediately loaded in the counter. Note: The N number loaded in TIMCPRA register corresponds to a time of (N + 1) x Period timer. The "00" value is prohobited. 79/95 8-bit Timer with External Trigger (TIMB) ST7FLCD1 14 8-bit Timer with External Trigger (TIMB) 14.1 Introduction Timer B is an 8 bit-programmable free-running downcounter, driven by a programmable prescaler. An external signal can also trigger the countdown. The Timer B block diagram is shown in Figure 42. 14.2 Main Features ● Programmable Prescaler: fCPU divided by 1, 8 or 16 ● Overflow status flag and maskable interrupt ● Auto reload capability ● An external signal with programmable polarity can trigger the count-down Figure 42: External Timer Block Diagram Preload register EDG EXT EEF TIMCPRB 8 EXTRIG Auto reload Control Logic fCPU Fixed Prescaler % 128 fTIMER Prescaler 8-bit downcounter 1 / 8 / 16 OVF interrupt request TIMCSRB 14.3 TB1 TB0 OVF OVFE TAR EXT EDG Interrupt EEF Functional Description The 8 bit-downcounter timer counts from a start value down to 00h. The start value is preloaded from the associated 8-bit TIMCPRB register every time it is written, or when the counter has reached the 00h value (Auto Reload feature) if the TAR bit is set. The OVF flag is set when the downcounter reaches 00h. An interrupt is generated if the OVFE bit is set. When the EXT bit is set, an external signal edge triggers the countdown start. The EDG bit controls the rising or falling signal edge. Once detected, the selected edge sets the EEF flag, preloads the downcounter with the start value and starts the countdown as usual. During the countdown, the downcounter cannot be retriggered and subsequent pulses occurring after the countdown has started are ignored until the counter reaches 00h. 80/95 ST7FLCD1 8-bit Timer with External Trigger (TIMB) The four possible operating modes are described in Table 28. Table 28: Timer Operating Mode TAR EXT Timer mode 0 0 One-shot after the TIMCPRB register write (no auto reload) 0 1 One-shot after the external signal detection (no auto reload). Only the very first external pulse triggers the countdown (Note 2) 1 0 Downcounter auto-reload when 00h reached Downcounter reloaded with TIMCPRB register value, count-down restarts 1 1 One-shot for each external signal detection. Downcounter preloaded with TIMCPRB when 00h reached. Countdown restarts after the next external signal detection. Note:1. The downcounter value cannot be read. 2. Change the EXT value to exit the External One-shot mode. Table 29: Timer Controller Register Map Address Reset R/W Register Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 0038h 00h R/W TIMCSRB TB1 TB0 OVF OVFE TAR EXT EDG EEF 0039h 01h R/W TIMCPRB PR7 PR6 PR5 PR4 PR3 PR2 PR1 PR0 TIMER B CONTROL STATUS REGISTER (TIMCSRB) Read/Write Reset value: (00h) 7 TB1 0 TB0 OVF OVFE TAR EXT EDG EEF Bits [7:6] = TB[1:0] Time Base period selection These bits are set and cleared by software. 00 Time base period = tTIMER (16 µs @ 8 MHz) 01 Time base period = tTIMER x 8 (128 µs @ 8 MHz) 10 Time base period = tTIMER x 16 (256 µs @ 8 MHz) 11 Reserved Bit 5 = OVF Timer Overflow Flag This bit is set by hardware. An interrupt is generated if OVFE = 1. It must be cleared by reading the TIMCSRB register. 0 No timer overflow 1 The free running downcounter rolled over from 00h 81/95 8-bit Timer with External Trigger (TIMB) ST7FLCD1 Bit 4 = OVFE Timer Overflow Interrupt Enable This bit is set and cleared by software. 0 Interrupt disabled 1 Interrupt enabled Bit 3 = TAR Timer Auto Reload This bit is set and cleared by software. 0 One-shot mode. The counter restarts after writing to the TIMCPRB register. 1 Auto reload mode. The counter is reloaded automatically from the TIMCPRB register when 00h is reached. Bit 2 = EXT External Trigger This bit is set and cleared by software. 0 Internal. The downcounter restarts after writing to the TIMCPRB register or after an auto-reload if the TAR bit is set 1 External. The downcounter is preloaded with the TIMCPRB register but the countdown starts only when the external signal is detected, not by writng to the TIMCPRB register. Bit 1 = EDG External Signal Edge This bit is set and cleared by software. 0 A rising edge signal starts the count-down. 1 A falling edge signal starts the count-down Bit 0 = EEF External Event Flag This bit is set and cleared by hardware when an external event occurs. This bit is cleared when the counter reaches “00h” in External mode or when the value of the EXT bit is changed by software. In Internal mode, this bit is set when the selected edge is detected (the EDG bit) but it is never cleared by itself. It may then be used as a simple edge detector. TIMER B COUNTER PRELOAD REGISTER (TIMCPRB) Read/Write Reset value: (01h) 7 PR7 0 PR6 PR5 PR4 PR3 PR2 PR1 PR0 Bits [7:0] = PR[7:0] Counter Preload Data This bit is set and cleared by software. Bits hold the reload value which is loaded in the counter either immediately (EXT = 0) or when the external signal is detected (EXT = 1). Note: The N number loaded in TIMCPRB register corresponds to a time of (N + 1) x Period timer. The "00" value is prohibited. 82/95 ST7FLCD1 15 Infrared Preprocessor (IFR) Infrared Preprocessor (IFR) The Infrared Preprocessor measures the intervals between 2 adjacent edges of a serial input. 15.1 15.2 Main Features ● Interval measurement between 2 edges (Time Base = 12.5 kHz) @ fCPU = 8 MHz ● Choice of active edge ● Glitch filter ● Overflow detection (20.4 ms = 255/12.5 kHz) ● Maskable interrupt Functional Description The IR Preprocessor measures the interval between two adjacent edges of the IFR input signal. The POSED and NEGED bits determine if the intervals of interest involve: ● consecutive positive edges, ● negative edges, ● or any pair of edges as described in Table 30. Figure 43: IFR Block Diagram fCPU Filter Pulse IFR IFRCR Clock Generation 12.5 kHz 8-bit Counter Edge Detection 8-bit Latch ITE FLSEL POSED NEGED IFRDR Interrupt The measurement is a count resulting from a 12.5 kHz clock. Therefore, any pulse width that is less than 80 µs cannot be detected. Whenever an edge of the specified polarity is detected, the count accumulated since the previously detected edge is latched into the IFRDR register, an interrupt is generated and the counter is reset. If an edge is not detected within 20.4 ms (fCPU = 8 MHz) and the count reaches its maximum value of 255, it is latched immediately. The internal interrupt flag and also an internal overflow flag are set. The latch content remains unchanged as long as the overflow flag is set. The count stored in the latch register is overwritten in case the microcontroller fails to execute the read before the next edge. Writing to the IFRDR register clears the interrupt and internal overflow flag. 83/95 Infrared Preprocessor (IFR) ST7FLCD1 The IFR input signal is preprocessed by a spike filter. This filter removes all pulses with a positive level that lasts less than 2 µs or 160 µs, depending on the FLSEL bit. The negative level can be of any duration and is never filtered out. Note: If the interrupt is enabled but no signal is detected, an interrupt occurs every 20.4 ms. 15.3 Register Description INFRA RED DATA REGISTER (IFRDR) Read/Write Reset Value: (00h) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 IR7 IR6 IR5 IR4 IR3 IR2 IR1 IR0 Bits [7:0] = IR[7:0] Infra red pulse width The 8-bit counter value is transferred in this register when an expected edge occurs on the IFR pin or when the counter overflows. A write to this register resets the internal overflow flag. INFRA RED CONTROL REGISTER (IFRCR) Read/Write Reset Value: (00h) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 ITE FLSEL POSED NEGED 0 Bits [7:5] = Reserved. Forced by hardware to 0. Bit 4 = ITE Interrupt enable 0 Interrupt disabled 1 Interrupt enabled. It is generated when an edge (falling and/or rising depending on bits POSED and NEGED) occurs or after a counter overflow. Bit 3 = FLSEL Spike filter pulse width selection 0 Filter positive pulses narrower than 2 µs 1 Filter positive pulses narrower than 160 µs Bits [2:1] = POSED, NEGED Edge selection for the duration measurement Table 30: Duration Measurement POSED NEGED Count latch at... 0 0 When count reaches 255 0 1 Negative transition of IFR or when count reaches 255 1 0 Positive transition of IFR or when count reaches 255 1 1 Positive or negative transition of IFR or when count reached 255 Bit 0 = Reserved. Forced by hardware to 0. 84/95 ST7FLCD1 Registers 16 Registers 16.1 Register Description NAME REGISTER (NAMER) Read only Reset value: 00h 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 N[7:0] Bits [7:0] = N[7:0]Circuit Name This register indicates the version number of the circuit. The current value is 01h. Table 31: ST7FLCD1 Register Summary (Sheet 1 of 2) Address Reset Register Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 0000h 00h R NAMER 0001h 00h R/W MISCR 0002h 00h R/W PADR PADR[7:0] 0003h 00h R/W PADDR PADDR[7:0] 0004h 00h R/W PBDR PBDR[7:0] 0005h 00h R/W PBDDR PBDDR[7:0] 0006h 00h R/W PCDR PCDR[7:0] 0007h 00h R/W PCDDR PCDDR[7:0] 0008h 00h R/W PDDR PDDR[7:0] 0009h 00h R/W PDDDR PDDDR[7:0] 000Ah 00h R ADCDR AD[7:0] 000Bh 00h R/W ADCCSR COCO 0 ADON 0 0 0 000Ch 00h R/W ITRFRE 0 0 ITB EDGE ITBLAT ITBITE ITA EDGE ITALAT ITAITE 000Dh 00h R/W TIMCSRA TB1 TB0 OVF OVFE TAR BUZ1 BUZ0 BUZE 000Eh 00h R/W TIMCPRA PR7 PR6 PR5 PR4 PR3 PR2 PR1 PR0 000Fh 00h R/W PWMDCR0 DCR0[7:0] 0010h 00h R/W PWMDCR1 DCR1[7:0] 0011h 00h R/W PWMDCR2 DCR2[7:0] 0012h 00h R/W PWMDCR3 DCR3[7:0] 0013h 00h R/W PWMCRA OP2 OP1 OP0 0014h FFh R/W PWMARRA ARRA[7:0] 0015h 00h R/W PWMDCR4 DCR4[7:0] 0016h 00h R/W PWMDCR5 DCR5[7:0] 0017h 00h R/W PWMCRB 0 OP5 OP4 0018h FFh R/W PWMARRB 0019h 00h R/W FCSR OE3 0 OE2 0 OE1 OE5 OE0 OP3 OE4 0 PA5OVD PA4OVD 0 CH[1:0] ARRB[7:0] 85/95 Registers ST7FLCD1 Table 31: ST7FLCD1 Register Summary (Sheet 2 of 2) Address Reset Register 001Ah Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Reserved 001Bh 7F R/W WDGCR WDGA T[6:0] 001Ch 00h R/W I2CCR 001Dh 00h R I2CSR EVF AF 001Eh 00h R/W I2CCCR FM/SM Filteroff 001Fh 00h R/W I2CDR 0020h 00h R/W DDCCRA 0 0 PE DDCCIEN 0021h 00h R DDCSR1A EVF 0 TRA 0022h 00h R DDCSR2A 0 0 0 0023h 00h R/W DDCOAR1A ADD[7:1] 0 0024h 00h R/W DDCOAR2A ADD[7:1] 0 0025h 00h R/W DDCDRA 00 PE 0 START ACK STOP ITE TRA 0 BTF 0 M/IDL SB 0 ACK STOP ITE BUSY BTF ADSL 0 0 AF STOPF 0 BERR DDCCIF CC[5:0] DR[7:0] DR[7:0] 0026h Reserved 0027h 00h R/W DDCDCRA 0 0 ENDCF ENDCE EDF EDE WP DDC2BP E 0028h 00h R/W DDCCRB 0 0 PE DDCCIEN 0 ACK STOP ITE 0029h 00h R DDCSR1B EVF 0 TRA BUSY BTF ADSL 0 0 002Ah 00h R DDCSR2B 0 0 0 AF STOPF 0 BERR DDCCIF 002Bh 00h R/W DDCOAR1B ADD[7:1] 0 002Ch 00h R/W DDCOAR2B ADD[7:1] 0 002Dh 00h R/W DDCDRB DR[7:0] 002Eh Reserved 002Fh 00h R/W DDCDCRB 0 0 ENDCF ENDCE EDF EDE WP DDC2BP E 0030h 00h R/W DMCR WDGOFF MTR BC2 BC1 BC0 BIR BIW AIE 0031h 10h R DMSR WP STE STF RST BRW BK2F BK1F AF 0032h FFh R/W DMBK1H BK1H7 BK1H6 BK1H5 BK1H4 BK1H3 BK1H2 BK1H1 BK1H0 0033h FFh R/W DMBK1L BK1L7 BK1L6 BK1L5 BK1L4 BK1L3 BK1L2 BK1L1 BK1L0 0034h FFh R/W DMBK2H BK2H7 BK2H6 BK2H5 BK2H4 BK2H3 BK2H2 BK2H1 BK2H0 0035h FFh R/W DMBK2L BK2L7 BK2L6 BK2L5 BK2L4 BK2L3 BK22L BK2L1 BK2L0 0036h 00h R/W IFRDR IR7 IR6 IR5 IR4 IR3 IR2 IR1 IR0 0037h 00h R/W IFRCR 0 0 0 ITE FLSEL POSED NEGED 0 0038h 00h R/W TIMCSRB TB1 TB0 OVF OVFE TAR EXT EDG EEF 0039h 01h R/W TIMCPRB PR7 PR6 PR5 PR4 PR3 PR2 PR1 PR0 003Ah 86/95 Reserved ST7FLCD1 17 Electrical Characteristics Electrical Characteristics The ST7FLCD1 device contains circuitry to protect the inputs against damage due to high static voltage or electric field. Nevertheless it is advised to take normal precautions and to avoid applying to this high impedance voltage circuit any voltage higher than the maximum rated voltages. It is recommended for proper operation that VIN and VOUT be constrained to the range: VSS £ (VIN or VOUT) £ VDD To enhance reliability of operation, it is recommended to connect unused inputs to an appropriate logic voltage level such as VSS or VDD. All the voltages in the following table, are referenced to VSS. 17.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings Table 32: Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Ratings Unit -0.3 to +6.0 V VDD Recommended Supply Voltage VIN Input Voltage VSS -0.3 to VDD + 0.3 V VAIN Analog Input Voltage (A/D Converter) VSS -0.3 to VDD + 0.3 V VOUT Output Voltage VSS -0.3 to VDD + 0.3 V Input Current -10 to +10 mA IOUT Output Current -10 to +10 mA IINJ Accumulated injected current of all I/O pins (VDD, VSS) 40 mA TA Operating Temperature Range 0 to +70 °C -65 to +150 °C IIN TSTG 17.2 Value Storage Temperature Range TJ Junction Temperature 150 °C PD Power Dissipation TBD mW ESD ESD susceptibility 2000 V Power Considerations The average chip-junction temperature, TJ, in degrees Celsius, may be calculated using the following equation: TJ = TA + (PD x qJA) (1) Where: ● TA is the Ambient Temperature in °C, ● qJA is the Package Junction-to-Ambient Thermal Resistance, in °C/W, ● PD is the sum of PINT and PI/O, ● PINT is the product of IDD and VDD, expressed in Watts. This is the Chip Internal Power ● PI/O represents the Power Dissipation on Input and Output Pins; User Determined. 87/95 Electrical Characteristics ST7FLCD1 For most applications PI/O <PINT and may be neglected. PI/O may be significant if the device is configured to drive Darlington bases or sink LED Loads. An approximate relationship between PD and TJ (if PI/O is neglected) is given by: PD = K¸ (TJ + 273°C) (2) Therefore: K = PD x (TA + 273°C) + qJA x PD2 (3) Where: ● 17.3 K is a constant for the particular part, which may be determined from equation (3) by measuring PD (at equilibrium) for a known TA. Using this value of K, the values of PD and TJ ay be obtained by solving equations (1) and (2) iteratively for any value of TA. Thermal Characteristics Table 33: Thermal Characteristics Symbol qJA 17.4 Package 28-pin Small Outline Packqge (SO28) Value Unit 69 °C/W AC/DC Electrical Characteristics All voltages are referred to VSS and TA = 0 to +70°C (unless otherwise specified) Symbol Parameter Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit 4.5 5 5.5 V General Operating Supply Voltage VDD Operating Voltage for FLASH access CPU RUN mode IDD CPU WAIT mode CPU HALT mode READ 3.8 WRITE/ERASE 4.5 I/O in input mode VDD = 5V fCPU = 8 MHz, TA = 20° C V 5.5 V 14 18 mA 12 18 mA 1 10 uA Control Timing fOSC External frequency 24 27 MHz fCPU Internal frequency 8 9 MHz tBU Startup Time Built-Up Time 8 20 ms tRL Crystal Resonator External RESET Input pulse Width 1000 ns tPORL Internal Power Reset Duration 4096 tCPU tPOWL Watchdog RESET Output Pulse Width 500 ns tDOG Watchdog Time-out 88/95 fCPU = 8 MHz 50000 6.25 3200000 400 tCPU ms ST7FLCD1 Electrical Characteristics Symbol tILIL Parameter Conditions Min. Interrupt Pulse Period tOXOV Crystal Oscillator Start-up Time tDDR Power-up rise time Typ. Max. tCPU See Note 1 VDD min. 1 Unit 50 ms 100 ms Standard I/O Port Pins VOL Output Low Level Voltage Port A[7:6,3:0], Port B[3:0], Push Pull IOL = 2 mA and VDD = 5 V 0.4 V VOL Output Low Level Voltage Port C[1:0] Open Drain IOL = 4 mA and VDD = 5 V 0.4 V VOL Output Low Level Voltage Port A[5:4] (See Note 2) IOL = 8 mA and VDD = 5 V IOL = 2 mA and VDD = 5 V 0.4 V VOL Output Low Level Voltage Port D[7:0] Open Drain IOL = 4 mA and VDD = 5 V 0.4 V VOH Output High Level Voltage Port A[7:6,3:0], Port B[3:0], Push Pull IOH = 2 mA VDD-0.8 V IOH = 2 mA IOH = 8 mA VDD-0.8 V VOH Output High Level Voltage Port A[5:4] VOH Output High Level Voltage Port C[1:0], Port D (See Note 3) VIH Input High Level Voltage Port A [7:0], Port B [3:0], Port C [1:0], Port D[7:0], RESET Leading Edge Input Low Level Voltage Port A [7:0], Port B [3:0], Port C [1:0], Port D[7:0], RESET Trailing Edge VIL IIL VDD V 0.7 * VDD VDD V VSS 0.2 * VDD V 10 µA 12 8 pF 100 µA I/O Ports Hi-Z Leakage Current Port A[7:0], Port B[3:0], Port C[1:0], Port D[7:0], RESET COUT CIN IRPU Capacitance: Ports (as Input or Output), RESET Pull-up resistor current VDD = 5V VIN = VSS T = 25°C 30 60 Note:1. The minimum period tILIL should not be less than the number of cycle times it takes to execute the interrupt service routine plus 21 cycles. 2. For the case of IOL = 8 mA, 8 mA output current if corresponding overdrive bit = 1 in MISCR register. 3. Output high level by means of external pull-up resistor. 89/95 Electrical Characteristics 17.5 Power On/Off Electrical Specifications Symbol VTRH VTRL VTRM 90/95 ST7FLCD1 Parameter Power ON/OFF Reset Trigger VDD rising edge Power ON/OFF Reset Trigger VDD falling edge VDD minimum for Power ON/OFF Reset active Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit VDD Variation 50mV/mS 3.8 4 4.2 V VDD Variation 50mV/mS 3.75 4 4.2 V VDD Variation 50mV/mS TBD V ST7FLCD1 17.6 Electrical Characteristics 8-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter Symbol Parameter Conditions fADC Analog control frequency VDD = 5 V |TUE| Total unadjusted error fCPU = 8 MHz, fADC = 2MHz VDD = 5 V Min. Typ. Max. Unit 2 MHz LSB 0 1 2 -2 1 2 OE Offset error GE Gain error -2 1 2 |DLE| Differential linearity error 0 0.5 1 |ILE| Integral linearity error 0 1 2 VAIN Conversion range voltage IADC A/D conversion supply current tSTAB Stabilization time after enable ADC tLOAD Sample capacitor loading time 1 4 µs 1/fADC tCONV Conversion time 2 8 µs 1/fADC RAIN External input resistor RADC Internal input resistor CSAMPLE 17.7 VSS VDD 1 fCPU = 8 MHz, fADC = 2MHz VDD = 5 V V mA 1 15 µs kW 1.5 kW 6 pF Sample capacitor I2C/DDC Bus Electrical Specifications Standard mode Symbol Fast mode Parameter Unit Min. Max. Min. Max. Fixed input levels na na 0.2 VDD-related input levels na na 0.05 VDD na na 0 ns 50 ns 250 20+0.1Cb 250 na na 20+0.1Cb 250 - 10 10 -10 10 mA 10 pF Hysteresis of Schmitt trigger inputs VHYS TSP Pulse width of spikes which must be suppressed by the input filter V ns Output fall time from VIH min to VIL max with a bus capacitance from 10 pF to 400 pF TOF with up to 3 mA sink current at VOL1 with up to 6 mA sink current at VOL2 I Input current each I/O pin with an input voltage between 0.4V and 0.9 VDD max C Capacitance for each I/O pin Note: 10 ns na = not applicable Cb = capacitance of one bus in pF 91/95 Electrical Characteristics 17.8 ST7FLCD1 I2C/DDC Bus Timings Standard I2C Symbol Fast I2C Parameter Unit Min. Max. Min. Max. Bus free time between a STOP and START condition 4.7 1.3 ms Hold time START condition. After this period, the first clock pulse is generated 4.0 0.6 ms tLOW LOW period of the SCL clock 4.7 1.3 ms tHIGH HIGH period of the SCL clock 4.0 0.6 ms tSU:STA Set-up time for a repeated START condition 4.7 0.6 ms tHD:DAT Data hold time 0 (1) 0 (1) tSU:DAT Data set-up time 250 100 tBUF tHD:STA 0.9(2) ns ns tR Rise time of both SDA and SCL signals 1000 20+0.1Cb 300 ns tF Fall time of both SDA and SCL signals 300 20+0.1Cb 300 ns tSU:STO Set-up time for STOP condition Cb Capacitive load for each bus line 4.0 0.6 400 ns 400 pF Note:1. The device must internally provide a hold time of at least 300 ns for the SDA signal in order to bridge the undefined region of the falling edge of SCL. 2. The maximum hold time of the START condition has only to be met if the interface does not stretch the low period of SCL signal. 3. Cb = total capacitance of one bus line in pF. 4. I²C parameters compliant with I²C Bus Specification for speeds up to 400 kHz only. Faster speeds are at user responsibility. Figure 44: I²C Bus Timing SDA t BUF t LOW t SU,DAT SCL t HD,STA SDA 92/95 tR t SU,STA t HD,DAT t HIGH tF t SU,STO ST7FLCD1 Package Mechanical Data L C c1 e S e3 b1 b a1 A E D 28 15 1 14 F 18 Package Mechanical Data Mm Inch Dimensions Min. Typ. A Max. Min. Typ. 2.65 Max. 0.104 a1 0.1 0.3 0.004 0.012 b 0.35 0.49 0.014 0.019 b1 0.23 0.32 0.009 0.013 c 0.5 0.020 c1 45° (typ.) D 17.7 18.1 0.697 0.713 E 10 10.65 0.394 0.419 e 1.27 0.050 e3 16.51 0.65 F 7.4 7.6 0.291 0.299 L 0.4 1.27 0.016 0.050 S 8° (max.) 93/95 Revision History 19 ST7FLCD1 Revision History Table 34: Summary of Modifications Date Version May 2002 2.1 19 August 2002 2.2 24 September 2002 14 October 2002 4 December 2002 2.3 2.4 2.5 6 February 2003 2.6 11 February 2003 2.7 2 September 2003 2.8 13 April 2004 2.9 94/95 Description Addition of Section 5.5: In-Circuit Programming (ICP) and Section 5.6: In-Application Programming (IAP). Update of Chapter numbering system. Update of Figure 2: 28-pin Small Outline Package (SO28) Pinout, Figure 12: Typical ICP Interface, Pin 14 becomes PA6/ITA/EXTRIG. Addition of MISCR register (0001h) and update of DDC2B Control Register data. Lock-up Counter info added in Section 12: Watchdog Timer (WDG). Buzzer output info added in Section 13: 8-bit Timer (TIMA). Modification of oscillator frequency from 24 MHz to maximum of 27 MHz, Fast I²C mode up to 800 kHz (for certain applications), Section 8: PWM Generator, Section 10.5: Transfer Sequencing and Section 11.6: Transfer Sequencing. Addition of Section 17: Electrical Characteristics and Section 19: Revision History. Modification of Figure 4: Program Memory Map. Modification of Figure 4: Program Memory Map and Table 34: Summary of Modifications. Modification of I²C Clock Control register. Change of VTRH and VTRL values in Section 17.4: AC/DC Electrical Characteristics. Addition of Section 1.5: External Connections. Update of DDC2B Control Register (Bit 3) information in Section 11.7: Register Description. Change of VDD values in Section 17.4: AC/DC Electrical Characteristics. Modification of values in Section 17.4: AC/DC Electrical Characteristics, Section 17.5: Power On/Off Electrical Specifications and Section 17.6: 8-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter. Addition of VOH row in Standard I/O Port Pins on page 89. Addition of Note 1 on page 9. ST7FLCD1 Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, STMicroelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of STMicroelectronics. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. STMicroelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of STMicroelectronics. The ST logo is a registered trademark of STMicroelectronics All other names are the property of their respective owners © 2004 STMicroelectronics - All rights reserved STMicroelectronics GROUP OF COMPANIES Australia - Belgium - Brazil - Canada - China - Czech Republic - Finland - France - Germany - Hong Kong - India - Israel - Italy - Japan - Malaysia - Malta - Morocco - Singapore - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - United Kingdom - United States 95/95