AU9254 A21 USB Hub Controller Technical Reference Manual Revision 1.1 © 1997-2003 Alcor Micro Corp. All Rights Reserved Copyright Notice Copyright 1997 - 2003 Alcor Micro Corp. All Rights Reserved. Trademark Acknowledgements The company and product names mentioned in this document may be the trademarks or registered trademarks of their manufacturers. Disclaimer Alcor Micro Corp. reserves the right to change this product without notice. Alcor Micro Corp. makes no warranty for the use of its products and bears no responsibility for any errors that appear in this document. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Contact Information: Web site: Taiwan Alcor Micro Corp. 4F-1, No 200, Kang Chien Rd., Nei Hu, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. Phone: 886-2-8751-1984 Fax: 886-2-2659-7723 San Clara Office 2901 Tasman Drive, Suite 206 Santa Clara, CA 95054 Phone: (408) 845-9300 Fax: (408) 845-9086 Los Angeles Office 9400 Seventh St., Bldg. A2 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Phone: (909) 989-3060 Fax: (909) 944-0464 Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 1 1.1. Description............................................................................................................. 1 1.2. Features ................................................................................................................. 1 2.0 Application Block Diagram ............................................................................. 3 3.0 Pin Assignment................................................................................................ 5 4.0 System Architecture and Reference Design................................................. 10 4.1. AU9254 Block Diagram......................................................................................... 10 4.2. Sample Schematics11 ............................................................................................. 11 5.0 Electrical Characteristics ................................................................................ 15 5.1. Absolute Maximum Ratings................................................................................... 15 5.2. Recommended Operating Conditions .................................................................... 15 5.3. General DC Characteristics.................................................................................... 15 5.4. DC Electrical Characteristics for 5 volts operation................................................ 16 5.5. DC Electrical Characteristics for 3.3 volts operation............................................. 16 5.6. Crystal Oscillator Circuit Setup for Characterization............................................. 17 5.7. USB Transceiver Characteristics ........................................................................... 17 5.8. ESD Test Results ................................................................................................... 22 5.9. Latch-Up Test Results............................................................................................ 23 6.0 Mechanical Information................................................................................... 25 6.1 Normal Size Package (Body Size 209 mil)………………………………………..25 6.2 Small Size Package (Body Size 150 mil)…………………………………………27 TABLE OF CONTENTS i This Page Intentionally Left Blank TABLE OF CONTENTS i 1.0 Introduction 1.1. Description The AU9254A21 is an integrated single chip USB hub controller designed for the emerging industry-standard Universal Serial Bus (USB). The AU9254A21 supports four USB downstream ports. Each downstream port has power switch control, and over-current sensing. Single chip integration makes the AU9254A21 the most cost effective stand-alone USB hub solution available in the market. Downstream ports can be used to connect various USB peripheral devices, such as USB printers, modems, scanners, cameras, mice, or joysticks to the system without adding external glue logic. 1.2. Features • • • • • • • Fully compliant with the Universal Serial Bus Specification, version 1.1. USB hub design is compliant with Universal Serial Bus Hub Specification, revision 1.1. Single chip integrated USB hub controller with embedded proprietary processor. Supports four bus-powered/self-powered downstream ports. Built-in 3.3v voltage regulator allows single +5V operating voltage, resulting in reduced overall system cost. Runs at 12Mhz frequency. 28-pin SSOP package, both normal size (body size 209 mil) and smaller size (body size 150 mil) are available. INTRODUCTION 1 This Page Intentionally Left Blank INTRODUCTION 2 2.0 Application Block Diagram The AU9254A21 is a single chip 4-port USB hub controller. The upstream port is connected to the USB system. The downstream ports can be used for a mouse, joystick, scanner, printer or other device. USB HOST SYSTEM PRINTER SCANNER ALCOR MICRO AU9254 USB DOWNSTREAM PORTS USB DOWNSTREAM PORTS MOUSE Keyboard APPLICATION BLOCK DIAGRAM 3 This Page Intentionally Left Blank APPLICATION BLOCK DIAGRAM 4 3.0 Pin Assignment The AU9254A21 is packaged as a 28-pin shrink small outline plastic package (SSOP). The figure on the following page shows the signal names for each of the pins on the chip. Accompanying the figure is the table that describes each of the pin signals. USB2_DM 1 28 USB1_DP USB2_DP 2 27 USB1_DM USB3_DM 3 26 USB_DP USB3_DP 4 25 USB_DM USB4_DM 5 24 DP3_OVRCUR USB4_DP 6 23 DP4_OVRCUR DP4_PWRUP 7 22 DP3_PWRUP DP2_PWRUP 8 21 XTAL2 BUS_PWRED 9 20 XTAL1 VCC5O/VCC5IK 10 19 AGND/GNDO GND5O/GND5IK 11 18 NC VCC3V 12 17 DP2_OVRCUR DP1_PWRUP 13 16 SUSPEND GANGPOWER 14 15 DP1_OVRCUR ALCOR MICRO AU9254 A21 USB HUB CONTROLLER 28 - PIN SSOP APPLICATION BLOCK DIAGRAM 5 Table 3-1. Pin Descriptions of Au9254A21, 28-pin SSOP Pin No Pin Name Input/Output Description 1 USB_DM Input/Output USB D- for downstream port 2; add 15KΩ pull-down to ground. 2 USB2_DP Input/Output USB D+ for downstream port 2; add 15KΩ pulldown to ground. 3 USB3_DM Input/Output USB D- for downstream port 3; add 15KΩ pull-down to ground. 4 USB3_DP Input/Output USB D+ for downstream port 3; add 15KΩ pulldown to ground. 5 USB4_DM Input/Output USB D- for downstream port 4; add 15KΩ pull-down to ground. 6 USB4_DP Input/Output USB D+ for downstream port 4; add 15KΩ pulldown to ground. 7 DP4_PWRUP Output Downstream port 4 power switch control. Active low. 8 DP2_PWRUP Output Downstream port 2 power switch control. Active low. 9 BUS_PWRED Input Bus power. Low indicates bus-powered. 10 VCC5O/VCC5IK Power +5 V power supply. 11 GND5O/GND5IK Power Ground. 12 VCC3V Power 3.3V output for upstream D+ pull-up. 13 DP1_PWRUP Output Downstream port 1 power switch control. Active low. 14 GANGPOWER Input Ganged or individual port power selection. Add a 10k pull down for ganged power. 10k pull up for individual power. 15 DP1_OVRCUR Input Downstream port 1 over-current indicator. Active low. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE AND REFERENCE DESIGN 6 16 SUSPEND 17 DP2_OVRCUR 18 NC 19 Output Device is in suspended state: Active high. Input Downstream port 2 over-current indicator. Active low. AGND/GNDO Power +5 V power supply. 20 XTAL_1 Input Crystal in. 21 XTAL_2 Output Crystal out. 22 DP3_PWRUP Output Downstream port 3 power switch control. Active low. 23 DP4_OVRCUR Input Downstream port 4 over-current indicator. Active low. 24 DP3_OVRCUR Input Downstream port 3 over-current indicator. Active low. 25 USB_DM Input/Output USB D- for upstream. 26 USB_DP Input/Output USB D+ for upstream port. Need external 1.5KΩ pull-up to 3.3V. 27 USB1_DM Input/Output USB D- for downstream port 1; add 15KΩ pull-down to ground. 28 USB1_DP Input/Output USB D+ for downstream port 1; add 15KΩ pulldown to ground. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE AND REFERENCE DESIGN 7 This Page Intentionally Left Blank SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE AND REFERENCE DESIGN 8 4.0 System Architecture and Reference Design 4.1. AU9254A21 Block Diagram ROOT PORT XCVR SUSPEND, COMMAND RESUME AND PROCESSOR FRAME TIMER USB SIE DESC. ROM HUB REPEATER PORT CONTROL 3.3V 3.3V VOLTAGE REGULATOR 4X PLL 12 MHz ..... XCVR PORT 1 PORT CONTROL XCVR ..... PORT 4 SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE AND REFERENCE DESIGN 9 4.2 Sample Schematics R1 1.5K VCC C1 U1 39 39 39 39 39 39 R2 R4 R6 R8 R10 R11 DM2 DP2 DM3 DP3 DM4 DP4 VCC C3 R12 1K C4 VCC3 10UF 0.1UF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 USB2_DM USB2_DP USB3_DM USB3_DP USB4_DM USB4_DP DP4_PWRUP DP2_PWRUP BUS_PWRED VCC50/VCC5IK GND5O/GND5I VCC3V DP1_PWRUP GANGPOWER USB1_DP USB1_DM USB_DP USB_DM DP3_OVRCUR DP4_OVRCUR DP3_PWRUP XTAL2 XTAL1 AGND/GND0 Empty Pin DP2_OVRCUR SUSPEND DP1_OVRCUR 28 R3 27 R5 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 CON1 VCC3 1 2 3 4 5 6 C2 0.1UF 1UF 39 39 R7 R9 DP1 39DM1 PW DATADATA+ GND FGND1 FGND2 USB-B 39 XTAL2 XTAL1 SUSPEND R13 AU9254A21 10k VCC VCC VCC F1 VCC F2 MINSMDC110 MINSMDC110 USB_VCC1 VCC F3 F4 MINSMDC110 USB_VCC2 MINSMDC110 USB_VCC3 USB_VCC4 C6 C7 C8 C9 150UF 150UF 150UF 150UF C10 R14 39PF C11 R15 1M 39 XTAL1 Y1 12MHZ R16 39 XTAL2 Title ALCOR MICRO AU9254A21 USB 4 PORT HUB Reference Design 39PF Size A Date: Document Number Rev A ALCOR MICRO AU9254 DEMO BOARD Wednesday , December 20, 2000 Sheet 1 of 2 Disclaimer: This schematic is for reference only. Alcor Micro Corp. bears no responsibility for any error that appear in this document. Specifications are subject to change without notice. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE AND REFERENCE DESIGN 10 CON2 USB_VCC2 DM1 USB_GND2 USB_GND1 DP1 Q2 2 SUSPEND 1 15K 15K 15K 15K PWR-2USB 1 10K 1N9012 1N9012 3 3 10K Q1 DP2 2 R20 R19 DP2 DP1 DM2 DM1 USB_VCC2 USB_VCC1 DM2 R25 R26 R27 R28 R17 680 R18 680 SUSPEND DM1 DP1 DM2 DP2 Up D1 LED D2 LED Down USB_VCC1 CON3 USB_GND4 USB_GND3 DP4 USB_VCC4 DM3 DP3 DP3 D4 LED Q3 SUSPEND 1 1 10K 1N9012 3 10K Q4 PWR-2USB 1N9012 3 SUSPEND R24 DP4 R29 R30 R31 R32 15K 15K 15K 15K R22 680 2 R23 DM4 DM3 USB_VCC4 USB_VCC3 DM4 2 R21 680 DM3 DP3 DM4 DP4 Up D3 LED Down USB_VCC3 Title ALCOR MICRO AU9254A21 USB 4 PORT HUB Reference Design Size A Date: Document Number Rev A ALCOR MICRO AU9254 DEMO BOARD Wednesday, December 20, 2000 Sheet 2 of 2 Disclaimer: This schematic is for reference only. Alcor Micro Corp. bears no responsibility for any error that appear in this document. Specifications are subject to change without notice. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE AND REFERENCE DESIGN 11 VCC_UP F1 FB U1 39 39 39 39 39 39 R1 R3 R5 R8 R10 R11 DM2 DP2 DM3 DP3 DM4 DP4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1K 10 11 12 13 14 DP4_PWR DP2_PWR VCC R12 C4 0.1UF C5 0.1UF USB2_DM USB2_DP USB3_DM USB3_DP USB4_DM USB4_DP DP4_PWRUP DP2_PWRUP BUS_PWRED VCC50/VCC5IK GND5O/GND5I VCC3V DP1_PWRUP GANGPOWER USB1_DP USB1_DM USB_DP USB_DM DP3_OVRCUR DP4_OVRCUR DP3_PWRUP XTAL2 XTAL1 AGND/GND0 EMPTY PIN DP2_OVRCUR SUSPEND DP1_OVRCUR 39 39 28 R2 27 R4 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 R6 R9 DP1 39DM1 39 R7 VCC3 C3 1.5K DP3_OVRCUR DP4_OVRCUR DP3_PWR XTAL2 XTAL1 C1 C2 CON1 1 2 3 4 5 6 PW DATADATA+ GND FGND1 FGND2 47P 47P USB-B 1UF DP2_OVRCUR SUSPEND DP1_OVRCUR R13 AU9254A21 10k VCC_UP D1 1N4001 K1 D P1_PW R C7 C8 0.1UF 10UF VCC D2 RELAY SPDT C9 J1 R14 33 XTAL2 VCC3 1N4148 39PF C10 U2 1 2 EN IN OUT ADJ G 1 3 2 C13 5 R18 56K C11 C12 D5 LED 1M USB_VCC1 USB_VCC2 D4 LED D3 LED Y1 12MHZ R16 33 XTAL1 39PF 100UF 0.1UF 3 Power Jack R17 1K 4 R15 10UF R20 680 D7 LED D8 LED Q3 SUSPEND 1 1N9012 Disclaimer: This schematic is for reference only. Alcor Micro Corp. makes no warranty for the use of its products and bears no responsibility for any error that appear in this document. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Q4 R26 680 R29 SUSPEND 1 10K 3 10K 1N9012 Q5 1 10K 3 SUSPEND R28 2 R27 R25 680 2 R24 680 1N9012 2 D6 LED 1N9012 3 USB_VCC4 Q1 1 10K 3 USB_VCC3 R22 SUSPEND 1N9012 3 VCC_UP Q2 1 10K 2 R23 SUSPEND R19 680 2 R21 18K Title Alcor Micro Au9254A21 USB 4 Port Hub Reference Design Size A4 Date: Document Number Rev A Au9254A21 USB Hub Buspower and Selfpower Changed Thursday, September 13, 2001 Sheet SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE AND REFERENCE DESIGN 1 of 2 12 CON2 DM1 DP1 VCC U3 C16 0.1UF R30 1K DP1_PWR USB_VCC1 USB_VCC3 DP3_PWR R31 1K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 FLGA# ENA# OUTA GND IN_CD OUTC ENC# FLGC# FLGB# ENB# OUTB IN_AB GND1 OUTD END# FLGD# 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 DP2_PWR USB_VCC2 DM2 C14 DP2 47P C15 47P VCC DATADATA+ GND FGND1 FGND2 USB-A USB_VCC4 DP4_PWR 0.1UF R32 R33 1K 1K R34 R35 R36 R37 15K 15K 15K 15K CON3 USB_VCC2 DM2 DP2 0.1UF C19 C21 0.1UF 1 2 3 4 5 6 C17 2527 or compatible C18 0.1UF DM1 DP1 DM2 DP2 VCC USB_VCC1 DM1 DP1 0.1UF C20 C22 C23 47P 47P 1 2 3 4 5 6 VCC DATADATA+ GND FGND1 FGND2 D P1_O VR C U R D P3_O VR C U R D P4_O VR C U R D P2_O VR C U R USB-A CON4 USB_VCC3 DM3 DP3 DM3 DP3 DM3 DP3 DM4 DP4 DM4 C24 C25 47P 47P 1 2 3 4 5 6 USB-A DP4 R38 R39 R40 R41 15K 15K 15K 15K Disclaimer: This schematic is for reference only. Alcor Micro Corp. makes no warranty for the use of its products and bears no responsibility for any error that appear in this document. Specifications are subject to change without notice. VCC DATADATA+ GND FGND1 FGND2 CON5 USB_VCC4 DM4 DP4 C26 C27 47P 47P 1 2 3 4 5 6 VCC DATADATA+ GND FGND1 FGND2 USB-A USB_VCC1 USB_VCC2 USB_VCC3 USB_VCC4 C28 C29 C30 C31 120UF 120UF 120UF 120UF Title Alcor Micro Au9254A21 USB 4 Port Hub Reference Design Size A4 Date: Document Number Au9254A21 USB Hub Buspower Selfpower Changed Thursday, September 13, 2001 Sheet 2 SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE AND REFERENCE DESIGN of Rev A 2 13 This Page Intentionally Left Blank SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE AND REFERENCE DESIGN 14 5.0 Electrical Characteristics 5.1. Absolute Maximum Ratings SYMBOL VCC VIN VOUT TSTG PARAMETER Power Supply Input Voltage Output Voltage Storage Temperature RATING -0.3 to 6.0 -0.3 to VCC+0.3 -0.3 to VCC+0.3 -40 to 125 UNITS V V V ˚ C 5.2. Recommended Operating Conditions SYMBOL VCC VIN TOPR PARAMETER Power Supply Input Voltage Operating Temperature MIN 4.5 0 -5 TYP 5.0 MAX 5.5 VCC 85 UNITS V V O C 5.3. General DC Characteristics SYMBOL IIL IIH IOZ CIN COUT CBID PARAMETER Input low current Input high current Tri-state leakage current Input capacitance Output capacitance Bi-directional buffer capacitance CONDITIONS no pull-up or pull-down no pull-up or pull-down MIN -1 -1 -10 TYP MAX 1 1 10 4 4 4 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS UNITS µA µA µA ρF ρF ρF 15 5.4. DC Electrical Characteristics for 5 volts operation ( Under Recommended Operating Conditions and VCC=4.5v ~ 5.5v , Tj= -40OC to SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN VIL Input Low Voltage TTL VIL Input Low Voltage CMOS VIL Schmitt input Low Voltage TTL VIL Schmitt input Low V oltage CMOS VIH Input High Voltage TTL 2.2 VIH Input Hight Voltage CMOS 0.7*VCC VIH Schmitt input High Voltage TTL VIH Schmitt input High Voltage CMOS VOL Output low voltage IOL=2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24 mA VOH Output high voltage IOH=2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24 mA 3.5 RI Input Pull-up/down resistance Vil=0V or Vih=VCC + 85OC ) TYP MAX UNITS 0.8 V 0.3*VCC V 1.10 V 1.84 V V V 1.87 V 3.22 V 0.4 V V 50 KΩ 5.5. DC Electrical Characteristics for 3.3 volts operation ( Under Recommended Operating Conditions and VCC=3.0v ~ 3.6v , Tj = -40OC to +85OC ) SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS VIL Input Low Voltage CMOS 0.3*VCC V VIL Schmitt input Low Voltage CMOS 1.22 V VIH Input Hight Voltage CMOS 0.7*VCC V VIH Schmitt input High Voltage CMOS 2.08 V VOL Output low voltage IOL=2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24 mA 0.4 V VOH Output high voltage IOH=2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24 mA 2.3 V RI Input Pull-up/down resistance Vil=0V or Vih=VCC 75 KΩ ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 16 5.6. Crystal Oscillator Circuit Setup for Characterization The following setup was used to measure the open loop voltage gain for crystal oscillator circuits. The feedback resistor serves to bias the circuit at its quiescent operating point and the AC coupling capacitor, Cs, is much larger than C1 and C2. 5.7. USB Transceiver Characteristics RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS SYMBOL VCC VI VI/O VO TAMB PARAMETER DC supply voltage DC input voltage range DC input range for I/Os DC output voltage range Operating ambient temperature range in free air CONDITIONS See DC and AC characteristics for individual device LIMITS MIN MAX 3.0 3.6 0 5.5 0 VCC 0 VCC 0 70 UNIT V V V V ˚ C ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 17 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Notes 1 and 2) In accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System, Voltages are referenced to GND (Ground=0v) VCC IIK VI VI/O DC supply voltage DC input diode current DC input voltage DC input voltage range for I/Os Vi<0 Note 3 IOK VO DC output diode current DC output voltage Vo> Vcc or Vo<0 Note 3 IO DC output source sink current for VP/VM and RCV pins DC output source or sink current for D+/D- pins DC Vcc or GND current Storage temperature range Power dissipation per package Vo=0 to Vcc LIMITS MIN MAX -0.5 +6.5 -50 -0.5 +5.5 -0.5 Vcc +0.5 +/-50 -0.5 Vcc +0.5 +/-15 Vo= 0 to Vcc +/-50 mA +/-100 +150 mA C mW SYMBOL IO ICC, IGND TSTO PTOT PARAMETER CONDITIONS -60 UNIT V mA V V mA V mA ˚ NOTES: 1. Stresses beyond those listed may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under "Recommended Operating Conditions" is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. 2. The performance capability of a high performance integrated circuit in conjunction with its thermal environment can create junction temperatures which are detrimental to reliability. The maximum junction temperature of this integrated circuit should not exceed 150˚C. 3. The input and output voltage ratings may be exceeded if the input and output clamp current ratings are observed. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 18 DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Over recommended operating conditions. Voltages are referenced to GND (Ground=0V). SYMBOL PARAMETER VHYS VIH VIL RoH Hysteresis on inputs HIGH level input LOW level input Output impedance (HIGH state) Output impedance (LOW state) HIGH level output (Note 3) RoL VOH VOL LOW level output (Note 3) IQ Quiescent supply current Isup Supply current in suspend IFS Active supply current (Full Speed) Active supply current (Low Speed) Imput leakage current ILS ILeak IOFF Vcc=3.0V to 3.6V (Note 3) Vcc=3.0V to 3.6V (Note 3) Vcc=3.0V to 3.6V (Note 3) Note 2 LIMITS -400˚C to +850˚C MIN TYP MAX 0.3 0.4 0.5 1.5 2.0 0.8 1.1 28 34 43 V V V ohm Note 2 28 35 ohm Vcc=3.0V Io=6mA Vcc=3.0V Io=4mA Vcc=3.0V Io=100µA Vcc=3.0V Io=6mA Vcc=3.0V Io=4mA Vcc=3.0V Io=100µA Vcc=3.6V VI=Vcc or GND Io=0 Vcc=3.6V VI=Vcc or GND Io=0 Vcc=3.3V 2.2 2.4 2.8 2.7 TEST CONDITIONS 3-state output OFF-state current 0.3 330 9 Vcc=3.3V 2 Vcc=3.6V VI=5.5V or GND, not for I/O Pins Vi=Vih or ViL; Vo=Vcc or GND +/0.1 43 UNIT V 0.7 0.4 0.2 600 V µA 70 µA 14 mA mA +/0.5 +/-10 µA µA NOTES: 1. All typical values are at Vcc=3.3V and Tamb=25˚C. 2. This value includes an external resistor of 24 ohm +/-1%. See "Load D+ and D-" diagram for testing details. 3. All signals except D+ and D-. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE AND REFERENCE DESIGN 19 AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS GND=0V, tR = tF =3.0 ns; CL =50 pF; RL=500 Ohms SYMBOL PARAMETER tpLH tpHL trise tfall tRFM VMO/VPO to D+/DFull Speed Rise and Fall Times Full Speed Rise and Fall Time Matching Full Speed VMO/VPO to D+/DLow Speed Rise and Fall Times Low Speed Rise and Fall Time Matching Low Speed D+/D- to RCV 1 D+/D- to VP/VM 1 OE# to D+/D- RL = 500ohm 4 Setup for SPEED Crossover point1 5 3 tpLH tpHL trise tfall tRFM tpLH tpHL tpLH tpHL tpHZ tpZH tpLZ tpZL tsu Vcr LIMITS (TAMB) WAVEFORM 2 0˚ MIN 0 0 4 4 90 1 2 0˚ 0 C to +25 C TYP 9 9 120 120 75 75 70 3 9 9 4 4 0 1.3 MAX 12 12 20 20 110 300 300 300 200 130 0˚ MIN 0 0 4 4 90 MAX 14 14 20 20 110 75 75 70 300 300 300 200 130 16 16 8 8 12 12 10 10 2.0 0˚ 0 C to +70 C 16 16 8 8 12 12 10 10 1.3 2.0 UNIT ns ns % ns ns % ns ns ns ns V NOTES: 1. The crossover point is in the range of 1.3V to 2.5V for the low speed mode with a 50 pF capacitance. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE AND REFERENCE DESIGN 20 SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE AND REFERENCE DESIGN 21 5.8. ESD Test Results Test Description: ESD Testing was performed on a Zapmaster system using the HumanBody-Model (HBM) and Machine-Model (MM), according to MIL-STD 883 and EIAJ IC121 respectively. • Human-Body-Model stresses devices by sudden application of a high voltage supplied by a 100pF capacitor through 1.5k-ohm resistance. • Machine-Model stresses devices by sudden application of a high voltage supplied by a 200pF capacitor through very low (0 ohm) resistance. Test Circuit & Condition - Zap Interval: 1 second - Number of Zaps: 3 positive and 3 negative at room temperature - Criteria: I-V Curve Tracing ESD Data Model HBM MM Mode Vdd, Vss, I/C Vdd, Vss, I/C S/S 15 15 Target 6000V 200V Results PASS PASS ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 22 5.9. Latch-Up Test Results Test Description: Latch-Up testing was performed at room ambient using an IMCS-4600 system which applies a stepped voltage to one pin per device with all other pins open except Vdd and Vss which were biased to 5Volts and ground respectively. Testing was started at 5.0V (Positive) or 0V (Negative), and the DUT was biased for 0.5 seconds. If neither the PUT current supply nor the device current supply reached the predefined limit (DUT=00mA, Icc=100mA), then the voltage was increased by 0.1Volts and the pin was tested again. This procedure was recommended by the JEDEC JC-40.2 CMOS Logic standardization committee. Notes: 1. DUT: The device under test. 2. PUT: The pin under test. Test Circuit: Positive Input/Output Overvoltage/Overcurrent ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 23 Test Circuit: Negative Input/Output Overvoltage/Overcurrent Supply Overvoltage Test Latch-Up Data Mode Voltage Current Vdd - Vxx Voltage (V)/CUITENT(ma) + + - 11.0 11.0 200 200 9.0 S/S 5 5 5 5 5 Results Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 25 6.0 Mechanical Information 6.1. Normal Size Package (Body Size 209 mil) Following diagrams show the dimensions of the normal size 28-pin SSOP package. Measurements are in inches. Dimensions do not include mold flash and dambar protrusion; allowable mold flash is 0.010 inch. MECHANICAL INFORMATION 25 SYMBOL COMMON DIMENSION COMMON DIMENSION MILLIMETERS INCH MIN. A A1 A2 b b1 c c1 D E E1 e L L1 R1 θ 0.05 1.65 0.22 0.22 0.09 0.09 9.9 7.40 5.00 0.55 0.09 00 NOM. MAX. 2.00 1.75 1.85 0.38 0.33 0.25 0.21 10.5 8.20 5.60 0.002 0.065 0.009 0.009 0.004 0.004 0.390 0.291 0.197 0.95 0.021 80 0.004 00 0.30 0.15 10.2 7.80 5.30 0.65 BSC 0.75 0.25 REF. 40 MIN. NOM. MAX. 0.079 0.069 0.073 0.015 0.013 0.010 0.008 0.413 0.323 0.220 0.012 0.006 0.402 0.307 0.209 0.0256 BSC 0.030 0.050 REF. 40 0.037 80 MECHANICAL INFORMATION 26 6.2. Small Size Package (Body Size 150 mil) Following diagrams show the dimensions of the small size 28-pin SSOP package. Measurements are in inches. Dimensions do not include mold flash and dambar protrusion; allowable mold flash is 0.010 inch. MECHANICAL INFORMATION 27 SYMBOL A A1 A2 b b1 c D E E1 e L L1 R1 θ COMMON DIMENSION COMMON DIMENSION MILLIMETERS INCH MIN. 1.35 0.10 0.20 0.20 0.18 9.8 5.79 3.81 0.41 0.20 00 NOM. 1.63 0.15 0.25 9.91 5.99 3.91 0.635 BSC 0.635 0.838 REF. MAX. 1.75 0.25 1.50 0.30 0.27 0.25 10.01 6.20 3.99 MIN. 0.053 0.004 0.008 0.008 0.007 0.386 0.0228 0.150 1.27 0.016 80 0.008 00 NOM. 0.064 0.006 0.010 0.390 0.236 0.154 0.025 BSC 0.025 0.033 REF. MAX. 0.069 0.010 0.059 0.012 0.011 0.010 0.394 0.244 0.157 0.050 80 MECHANICAL INFORMATION 28