UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD UR5516 LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT 3A BUS TERMINATION REGULATOR SOP-8 DESCRIPTION The UTC UR5516 is designed to provide a regulated voltage with bi-directional output current for DDR-SDRAM termination. Current-limit work to limit the short-circuit current, on-chip thermal shutdown provides protection against any combination of overload that would create excessive junction temperature. The output voltage tracks the voltage at VREF pin. A resistor divider connected to VIN, GND and VREF pins is used to provide a half voltage of VIN to VREF pin. In addition, an external ceramic capacitor and an open-drain transistor connected to VREF pin provides soft-start and shutdown control respectively. Pulling and holding the VREF to GND shuts off the output. The output of UTC UR5516 will be high impedance after being shut down by VREF or thermal shutdown function. HSOP-8 1 TO-252-5 1 TO-263-5 *Pb-free plating product number: UR5516L FEATURES * Provide bi-direction current - Sourcing or sinking current up to 3A * 1.25V/0.9V output for DDR I/II applications * Fast transient response * High output accuracy - ±20mv over load, VOUT offset and temperature * Adjustable output voltage by external resistors * Current-limit protection * On-chip thermal shutdown * Shutdown for standby or suspend mode ORDERING INFORMATION Ordering Number Normal Lead Free Plating UR5516-S08-R UR5516L-S08-R UR5516-S08-R UR5516L-S08-R UR5516-SH2-R UR5516L-SH2-R UR5516-SH2-R UR5516L-SH2-R UR5516-TN5-R UR5516L-TN5-R UR5516-TN5-T UR5516L-TN5-T UR5516-TQ5-R UR5516L-TQ5-R UR5516-TQ5-T UR5516L-TQ5-T www.unisonic.com.tw Copyright © 2007 Unisonic Technologies Co., Ltd Package Packing SOP-8 SOP-8 HSOP-8 HSOP-8 TO-252-5 TO-252-5 TO-263-5 TO-263-5 Tape Reel Tube Tape Reel Tube Tape Reel Tube Tape Reel Tube 1 of 9 QW-R101-015,D UR5516 LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT PIN CONFIGURATION VIN 1 8 VCNTL GND 2 7 VCNTL VREF 3 6 VCNTL VOUT 4 5 VCNTL SOP-8 NC: No Connection PIN DESCRIPTION PIN NAME I/O VIN I GND O VCNTL I VREF I VOUT O DESCRIPTION Main power input pin. Connect this pin to a voltage source and an input capacitor. The UTC UR5516 sources current to VOUT pin by controlling the upper NPN pass transistor, providing a current path from VIN pin. Power and signal ground. Connect this pin to system ground plane with shortest traces. The UTC UR5516 sinks current from VOUT pin by controlling the lower NPN pass transistor, providing a current path to GND pin. This pin is also the ground path for internal control circuitry. Power input pin for internal control circuitry. Connect this pin to a voltage source, providing a bias for the internal control circuitry. A bypass capacitor is usually connected near this pin. Reference voltage input and active-low shutdown control pin. Apply a voltage to this pin as a reference voltage for the UTC UR5516. Connect this pin to a resistor divider, between VIN and GND, and a capacitor for soft-start and filtering noise purposes. Applying and holding this pin low by an open-drain transistor to shut down the output. Output pin of the regulator. Connect this pin to load. Output capacitors connected this pin improves stability and transient response. The output voltage tracks the reference voltage and is capable of sourcing or sinking current up to 3A. THERMAL DATA PARAMETER Thermal Resistance SYMBOL SOP-8 HSOP-8 TO-252-5 TO-263-5 UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD www.unisonic.com.tw θJA RATINGS 160 80 80 50 UNIT °C/W 2 of 9 QW-R101-015,D UR5516 LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT BLOCK DIAGRAM UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD www.unisonic.com.tw 3 of 9 QW-R101-015,D UR5516 LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS PARAMETER SYMBOL RATINGS UNIT VCNTL Supply Voltage, VCNTL to GND VCNTL -0.2 ~ 7 V VIN Supply Voltage, VIN to GND VIN -0.2 ~ 3.9 V Power Dissipation PD Internally Limited W Junction Temperature TJ +150 °C Storage Temperature TSTG -40 ~ +150 °C Note Absolute maximum ratings are those values beyond which the device could be permanently damaged. Absolute maximum ratings are stress ratings only and functional device operation is not implied. RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS PARAMETER SYMBOL RANGES UNIT VCNTL Supply Voltage (Note 1) VCNTL 3.1 ~ 6 V VIN Supply Voltage (Note 2) VIN 1.2 ~ 3.5 V VREF Input Voltage VREF 0.85 ~ 1.75 V VOUT Output Voltage (Note 3) VOUT VREF ± 0.02 V VOUT Output Current (Note 4,5) IOUT -3 ~ +3 A Junction Temperature TJ 0 ~ +125 °C Note: 1. Please always keep VCNTL-VOUT>1.9V for good regulation. 2. Please supply enough voltage to VIN for sourcing desired maximum output current. Please refer to the VIN Dropout Voltage vs. Output Current in the Typical Characteristics. 3. The VOUT is regulated to the VREF with additional voltage offset and load regulation except over-load conditions. 4. The symbol “+” means the VOUT sources current to load; the symbol “-“ means the VOUT sinks current to GND. 5. The max. IOUT varies with the TJ and the voltages of VIN-VOUT and VOUT. Please refer to the Typical Characteristics. UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD www.unisonic.com.tw 4 of 9 QW-R101-015,D UR5516 LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(TJ=25°C,VCNTL=3.3V,VIN=2.5V/1.8V,VREF=0.5VIN,unless otherwise specified) PARAMETER Output Voltage System Accuracy Offset Voltage (VOUT–VREF) Load Regulation Current Limit Thermal Shutdown Temperature Thermal Shutdown Hysteresis VCNTL Supply Current VREF Bias Current (The current flows out of VREF) Shutdown Threshold Voltage SYMBOL TEST CONDITIONS MIN VOUT IOUT=0A Over temperature, VOUT offset, and load -20 regulation IOUT=+10mA -20 VO(OFF) IOUT=-10mA IOUT=+10mA ~ +3A ∆VOUT IOUT= -10mA ~ -3A TJ=25°C +3 Sourcing Current (VIN=2.5V) TJ=125°C TJ=25°C -3 Sinking Current (VIN=2.5V) TJ=125°C ILIMIT TJ=25°C +2.9 Sourcing Current (VIN=1.8V) TJ=125°C TJ=25°C -2.9 Sinking Current (VIN=1.8V) TJ=125°C TSHDN Rising TJ THYS IOUT=0A 1 ICNTL IOUT=±3A (Normal Operation) VREF=GND (Shutdown) VREF=1.25V/0.9V (Normal Operation) IBIAS VREF=GND (Shutdown) VSHDN 0.2 UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD www.unisonic.com.tw TYP VREF MAX UNIT V 20 20 2 2 +3.6 +3.1 -3.6 -3.1 +3.2 +2.6 -3.2 -2.6 183 42 2 50 2.0 200 20 0.35 mV mV % A °C °C 3 110 mA 500 40 0.65 nA µA V 5 of 9 QW-R101-015,D UR5516 LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT APPLICATIONS CIRCUIT 1. General Application 2. For VOUT=1.25V/0.9V 3. For VOUT=1.4V UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD www.unisonic.com.tw 6 of 9 QW-R101-015,D UR5516 LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT OPERATING WAVEFORMS 1. Load Transient Response: IOUT = +10mA -> +3A -> +10mA - VIN = 2.5V, VCNTL = 3.3V - VREF is 1.250V supplied by a regulator - COUT = 470µF/10V, ESR = 30mΩ - IOUT slew rate = ±3A/µS 2. Load Transient Response: IOUT = -10mA -> -3A -> -10mA - VIN = 2.5V, VCNTL = 3.3V - VREF is 1.250V supplied by a regulator - COUT = 470µF/10V, ESR = 30mΩ - IOUT slew rate = ±3A/µS IOUT = -10mA -> -3A -> -10mA Load Regulation = +6.5mV VOUT IC AT +10mA IOUT -3A Ch1 : VOUT, 20mV/Div, DC, Offset = 1.250V Ax1 : IOUT, 1A/Div Time : 20μS/Div UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD www.unisonic.com.tw 7 of 9 QW-R101-015,D UR5516 LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT OPERATNG WAVEFORMS(Cont.) 3. Load Transient Response: IOUT = +3A -> -3A -> +3A - VIN = 2.5V, VCNTL = 3.3V - VREF is 1.250V supplied by a regulator - COUT = 470µF/10V, ESR = 30mΩ - IOUT slew rate = ±3A/µS 4. Short-Circuit Test - VIN = 2.5V, VCNTL = 3.3V VOUT is Shorted to GND VOUT is Shorted to VIN (2.5V) IOUT VOUT IOUT AT AT VOUT IOUT VOUT IC IC Ch1 : VOUT, 500mV/Div, DC, Offset = 1.250V Ax1 : IOUT, 2A/Div Time : 5mS/Div UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD www.unisonic.com.tw Ch1 : VOUT, 500mV/Div, DC, Offset = 1.250V Ax1 : IOUT, 2A/Div Time : 5mS/Div 8 of 9 QW-R101-015,D UR5516 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS Dropout Voltage (V) VREF Bias Current, IBIAS (μA) LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT VIN Dropout Voltage vs. Output Current 1.2 1.0 VREF=0.9V VCNTL=5.0V TJ = 25°C 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Output Current (A) UTC assumes no responsibility for equipment failures that result from using products at values that exceed, even momentarily, rated values (such as maximum ratings, operating condition ranges, or other parameters) listed in products specifications of any and all UTC products described or contained herein. UTC products are not designed for use in life support appliances, devices or systems where malfunction of these products can be reasonably expected to result in personal injury. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. The information presented in this document does not form part of any quotation or contract, is believed to be accurate and reliable and may be changed without notice. UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD www.unisonic.com.tw 9 of 9 QW-R101-015,D